1 6 THEi OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY , AUGUST 2(5 ( , 1886. THE DAILY BEE , COUNCIL"B'LUFFS , THf KSIUY MOKNING , AUGUST 20. OFFICE , NO. 12 , PEARL STREET. Delhi ml by cnrrifr In nnypnrtof tlio city fit tw nity cents pur week. 11.V. . TII..TON , .Manager. TKIri'llONiS : rrsiNrspOincKi No. IX NK.IIT r.niToii No.- ) . MINOIl .MENTION' . New York Plumbing Co. Now fall goods : it Holler's. The city council moots to-morrow ovon- nu The very bust cubmets at J do/.cn nt One do/.en ualilnets : uul n largo nanol for ? 2..Vi nl Schmidt's jxallury- Frank Peterson , arrested for fighting , was yesterday discharged. Permit tovoil has been given Herman Wittland iind Sophia Fmike , both of this city.A . A number more of fast Myers Imvo ar med at ( hi ! driving park , ready for the com ing races. The Northwestern pay car rolled inhere hero yesterday morninc. ami was of eotirso greeted with delight. It appears that ihi ! Into Wes. Johnson was a soldier in tliu late war , ho havinir been a niembur of the l)7th ! ) Jllinois vol- imlcerH. Young Menson has been released , his friends payinir buck the $5 which it was claimed the boy took from the vo.st of an employe ot the oil yards. A Sac City subscriber yesterday sends in with his renewal the note "li ( ( ! in the shade hero to-day. " He .should come to Lake Manawu and get cooled off. All who would be cool , go to (51(1 ( ( Bluff hired this Thursday evening , where iee cream and cake will bo set veil for 15 cents by the ladies of the Baptist church. Frank Chase , who was hurt attliesamo time that Johnson was killed , is. still quito low , and suffering from serious injuries , but hopes are entertained of his recov ery. ery.Tho BKK was mistaken yesterday in giving Miss Barstow as principal of the Ctirtin street school , : is no assignment has buen made to that position , the mis take having occurred by Miss Barslow being a tcnohor in that school. The oiremtcourt yesterday caught up with its work , so that it adjourned early In the afternoon until tills morning. The chief and a number of the uoliecmen made a sunrise search over the bottoms yesterday morn ing , in the hope of fit d- ingsomo tramps , but although box cars were visited and otlmr favorite resorts looked into , the men came back without n capture. The Methodist conference meets hereon on the 7th of September , and will be an important and interesting gathering. The proceedings are to bo given day by day in a little conference daily to ho pub lished by Jov. { C. L. Nye and Kev. Dr. MeCreary. An initial number will be put out this week , which wilj sei'Te as a sam ple of what the paper will be. In the hands of the gentlemen named it is per fectly safe to assure the public that the conference daily will be of MIOI ! interest , to those of this denomination , and to many others , that it will bo in great de mand , and will bo an advertising medium which can bo prolitably used by merch ants. Hard and soft coal , wood , lime , cement , cto. Council UluIVs Fuel Co. No. 53 ! ) Uroailwa.y. Telephone No. ISO. Mrs. F. II. Stewart , of Chicago , having purchased the Parisian millinery htorc , will continue business there. Persons knowing themselves indebted will please call anil fictile. Personal I' John L. Temploton has gone to Fre mont , Neb. J M. Kclley , cashier of the Macedonia bank , is in the city. Dr. E. S. Patterson , of Odell. Nob. , was ut the Ogrten yesterday. A. W. Coin-son , the Cincinnati buggy man. was here yesterday. W. 1) ) . Cuppy , of Avoca , graced Coun cil Bluffs with his presence yesterday. A. Harris , of Avoea , as halo and hearty s ever , was in the Bluffs yesterday. Major Woods , the sharp-eyed special of the "Q. " was hero yesterday on some still hunt. J , C. Cristy , Silver City's uflirjioni post master , is in the city to attend the con vention. Jerome McClintock , of the Chicago & Itock Island , returned yesterday from n Chicago trip. Judge James left last evening for DCS Moines to attend a , meeting of tlio demo cratic state central committee. A. P. Cramer was among the promin ent Avocans who attended the demo cratic galhcrim : hero yesterday. E. A. Tucker has been appointed ticket ngont of the Chicago & Bock Island , to Jill the vacancy caused by the resigna tion of Mr. Uifcnheriok , who is to take a position with the Union Pacific. 13 Cabinet Photographs ยง 3. Quality the finu&t. SliL'rraden , ! . ! ! ? Broadway. Trains. Another experiment is to bo made on Saturday next in regard to running special trains Irom Omaha to Lake Man- nwa. The arrangements are for the Union Pacific to sell round trip tickets for one dollar , ( lie tickets to have coupons i t that any express driver or boatman choosing to accept tins coupons and get them cashed at the Union Pacific ticket ofllco , nt Broadway , can do so , This will enable the excursionist. * to take passage on any boat or witgon. and thus do away with somu of the dillicultics heretofore experienced. The one dollar pays to the railway cents , to the wagons ! ! ( ) cents , uml to the boats 23 cents. If this suc ceeds in working satisfactorily , special trains will bo thus run nvcry Wednesday and Saturday evening. A special return train will leave hero ot 10W ; ! o'clock in the evening , _ _ Electric door bolls , burglar alarms , and every form of domestic electrical ujipli- unccs at the Now York Plumbing Co. A'I Km ofGooil Feollnt ; . This evening a banquet will bo ten dered by the'citi/.ons'coinmittcc of Coun cil Bluffs to O. II. Dorranco , superinten dent of the Nebraska division of the Union Pacific road , and other prominent officials of the great transcontinental thoroughfare , at tliu Ogden house. in this city. The affair will bo elegant but quite select , and will tend to inerousn the cordial - dial good fooling between tliu citizens of this place and the ollieiah ) . * Blr. Johnson's ' I-'micrnl. The funeral of John Wcsloy Johnson will bo held this nftwnoon at 2:30 : o'clock from the family residence , No , 1028 Sev enth avenue , The friends of tlui family nro invited to attend without further notice , _ _ See that your books are mndo by More- house & Co. , room I , Everett block. A Itlc lllooincr. Mrs. Aimer Graves , of Dow City , has a largo night blooming cereus , which came out in full beauty Tuesday evening , there being niuo blossoms-opening at one lime. mil IT T\IM w i ' . 'PTniMtAnn t TO DlU ) DElEUlED DEMOCRATS They Meet in Two Conventions in this Oitj To-day , STILL BATES' CONFESSION. Special Tintns Vor the I < alcc A iticl | To-MRlit A Variety of Spicy News In tlio Illtinfc , Choosing The democrats held their county con vention in the opera house yesterday to select delegates to the congressional and judicial conventions which meet hero to- dav. The convention was a quiet alVair , not because Ihore was n lock of demo cratic enthusiasm , but because there was no particular contests , and nothing tti bo iloni ! but the preliminary work of pre paring for another and more important convention. The cohvc'iilion was called to order by J. J. Shea , who named for temporary chairman , It. W. Briggs of Carson. On taking the chair Mr. Hrlirgs relieved his mind of a brief sneeeh , and at its close I'lvmont Hcnjamin , a recent convert , was made tempoary secretary. A committee on credentials was ap pointed consisting of L. Konnehuu , ( Joorire Jackson , ol the city ; II. Soiferl. of Valley ; J. J. Hipsloy , of Knox , and John Dye , of Macedonia. As committee on permanent orirani/a tlun J. J. Frainey , A. C. Graham , W. L. 1'atton was eho < en. Adjournment was then taken until 1 o'clock. On reassembling the convention was organized by the report of the commit tees. The temporary organisation was made permanent with the addition of A. Kink as assistant secretary. A committee of ono from each precinct and township was chosen to select the thirteen delegates , this committee , as named being the real convention. Kane 1. ( ! II. Jackson. 3. S. 1) . Hohrer. It. P. Lacey. I. J. J. Slica. Hoomer I. M. Sigler. Bolknap J. L. Fetter. Carson John Grillioth. Crchcont O. 11. Detrow. Garner Lewis Smith. llnrdin James Wild. Hazel Dell-J. K. Huff. James 15. Collison. Keg Creek J. L. McNay. Knox G , Dcidrich. Lincoln David Drown. Macedonia J. M. Kollcy. Minden J. Looby. Neola K. Reiehart. Norwalk J. P. Maxfield. Kockford-M. 11. French. Silver Creek M. McKen/.ie. Valley Henry Seiflbrt. Washington II. C. McCabc. York Henry Hishton. During the absence of the committee Mr. Hriggs delivered another address , in which he denounced Hie prohibilory law. W. 11. M. Pusey was called out and re sponded in a brief speech , cndorsinir the democratic administration of national all'airs , and predicting all sorts ! of glo rious days in the future. The convention then returned and re ported the follo\ying as the delegates to the two conventions to bo held to-day : Congressional delegation W. II. M. Pusoy , John Currio , A. Harris , G. Diet rich , J. J. Shea , S. D. Kohrer , L. Kinno- hun , E. Uoichnrt , A. 15. Perkins , II. Ilish- ton , L. I. Pope , P. Lacy and M. II. French. Judicial delegation K. W. Hnggs , John Warner , It. Kirk wood , Fremont Benjamin , T. W. Van Sccivor , J. M. Coons , I. M. Sigler , G. A. Holmes. W. II. Ware , J. IJ. Matthews , G. II Jackson , A. C. Graham and II. 15. Parish. The congressional convention meets at 10 o'clock this morning , and the judicial at 2 o'clock this afternoon. Doth conven tions will bu held in the opera house. H ighcst prices paid for county , town city and school bonds. Odell Bros. & ' Co' . , No. 103 Pearl street , Council Bluffs , Iowa. _ _ Still lint OH' Confession. The special telegram published in yes terday's BKK , giving the confession of Still Bates , who is to be hung in Indiana to-day , caused no little talk ami stir here yesterday. The chief interest centered about the statement that Bates confessed to Huvmir hit a man with a sand bag in Council Hlull's , and throwing him under a sidewalk , whore he was afterwards found dead , and supposed to have frozen to death while drunk. No name was given of who this victim was , and there was much conjecturing yesterday. The most commonly accepted theory seemed to bo thatthc victim was probably Mr , Nicola baker , and well Known citizen , who was found fro/.on to death March 18 , 1885. Mr. Nicol left the house the night before , and in the morning his body was found , ho lying on his face in a ditch in which there was a little water. Ills death was never satisfactorily explained , and his friends have never been able to content themselves with the theory that ho had drank too freely and wandered oil' . Ho was a man who drank .some , but there were no salisfaclory evidences that ho came to his death in any such way. Hence the idea that ho was tlio one whom Bates slugged was rmilo generally ac cepted on reading the BEB'S dispatch yes terday. There was no money found on Nicol's boity , and his shoes were oil' . No trace of them was found. There were no special marks of violence found upon him , except some slight bruises , which could easily be accounted for in other ways. At the time ot his death it was learned that Mo had been neon in com pany with several others , but nothing definite could bo learned. The supposi tion that Nicol was slugged by Bates bo- cimo so general yeatenlay that telegrams wore sent by the chief of police and by others , to learn further details , Dates' published confession not giving any names. The answer to these telegrams were being watched for with mtieh in terest. So common had become the report some than ago that Mr. Nicol met with death by his own carelessness , that the Odd Fellows insurance company in wliiuh he hold a policy , declined for. come time to pay the policy. A few days ago , however , the company paid the amount , $1,0 < K ) , to the family. As to tlui confession of Dates Ihat ho was a member of a wing of the Jesse James gang , the statement revives the recollection of statements made by him to persons hero. To ono he said ho be longed to such a gang , and to another ho admitted that , ho stood in \ \ ith a party of horse thieves , who belonged in Missouri and who were running hor.-es into Ne braska. These statements being made when ho was under the influence of drink worn considered us mere talk , and little attention paid to them. His brother , William Date ? , has gone to Indiana to claim the body , in case he is hung to-day , and will have it brought back to this city for interment , that being thr request ot the doomed man. . Tin ; Old KelllcrH. The people of Macedonia are making arrangements for an Old Settlers' ' meet ing and Harvest Home reunion , to bo held in Tompklns' grove , near town , on Sep tember 31 , 1886 , for Mills and Potrawat- tamio counties , The design is to Ijavn the old settlers and pioneers of two coun ties meet and renew former acquaint ances and talk over olden tim/vs , and also ' cfTcct a Permanent organization should they so desire1. lion. W. H. M. Pusey will bo the prin cipal speaker of the occasion , but not the only one , ns there nro many speakers among the old settlers , and wo propose having them hero. There will be no barbecue or roasted ox , but there will bo a basket dinner in the grove and ample provision will be made to accommodate all coming from a diKtancc. The generosity of the people of this section has never noen fully tested but none will need go hungry. Due notice of an extra train from Coun cil Blull's will bo given hereafter. A great interest is being taken by old seniors thus far , and we liavc ovcry rea son to expect a grand gathering. Lay aside everything and pome , for you know not that you will ever have another chanto to meet so many of those who have so long borne the heat anil burden of the day. .1. M. KKI.I.KV , Secretary. B. F. UI.AYTON , President. Substantial abstracts of titles and real estate loans. J. W. & K. L. Squire. No. 101 Pearl street , Council Blull's. A ( Jiicicr Still. The case of Hornkel vs. Pratt and Walker came to a close in the circuit court yesterday. The suit was a peculiar one. Hornkeil claims that he lent Pratt : fWO : on the strength of Walker stoning the note with Pratt. Pratt not being able to [ iay he commenced suit to force Walker to stand good for tlfo endorse ment. Walker claimed that he never .signed the note and that it was a forgery. Pratt claimed Ihat Walker did , and a number of expert witnesses testified that in their judgment the signature on the note was that of \ \ alkrr. The jury was out several hours and finally decided that they could not agree , and were dis charged. It is said that otoht were in favor of returning a verdict in Walker's favor , and four against him. The court instructed the jury lo bring in a verdict against Pratt , in any event , as he ad mitted his liability , but the twelve men tried and true feared Ihat if they brought in a verdict as against Pratt simply it would let Walker out entirely , and to this the four objected. The disagree ment was therefore , made to cover the whole transaction , and Pratt , who ad mitted owing the amount gets on" without any judgment being entered against him even on his own confession , . Xo-day'H Conventions. There seems little doubt but that Colonel John II. Kcatloy will bo made the democratic nominee for congress at the convention to be held to-day. No other name is _ talked of to any extent , and the nomination will doubtless be given him without a dissenting vote. There arc a number of candidaths named for the judicial convention. There ' are three to b'o nominated. Amonjr the aspirants are : L. L. Delano , of Cas.sP. ; P Kelley , of Mills ; J. M. Hammond , of Fremont ; G. W. Cullison. of Shelby ; E. E. Aylesworth , of Pottawattamie ; 11. U. Funk , of Audubon. A SINKING STAR. The Probable Fatal Illness of Tom Kccnc , tlio Talented Tragedian. New York Journal : Everything points to the fact that Mr. Tom Kcone , the tra gedian , will never go on the stage again. It would be amiracloth.it would permit him to return. For some time past Manager Haydcn has been dubious about the chances of his star regaining his health , and though the stories wore all rosy that were told about his condition in the early portion of the season , they have gradually become como more and more uncertain , until Mr. Haydcn freely confesses that the actor who was unqncstionaoly the very best exponent of the brain and muscle school of the American stage will be seen no more. It will be" remembered that about nine months ago Mr. Kecno was suddenly stricken with paralysis in St. JosephMo. He was brought back hero by easy stages and went to reside at his old home in Drooklyn. To a great extent his power of speech was gone. He stuttered while speakinir , and his tongue seemed to stick on certain words and be unable to pronounce ( hem. Still , ho appeared in public more or less , was seen tit some of the theatres , and when the summer season came on he went down to his place at Sea Bright. There he secmcil to recover much of his old vitality and his speaking got clearer. Manager Hayden was over joyed at the new prospects and told everybody confidently that his coming season would be all right. All at once there was a chance. Mr. Keene grow worse , the return of the diffi culty of speech was most apparent , and the paralysis of one side of the bodv ap peared to increase. For a few days Man ager Haydcn hoped that it would change for t'ne better , but he soon had to give this up , for it was apparent that Air. Keene not alone would not act , but in all probability would sink rapidly and die before long. It is now believed , es pecially bv those who know Mr. Kecnc's condition best , that ho will not Jive more tliitn ninety days. With him will pass away , probably , taken altogether , the best actor in America. He has been eminent in every brunch of theatric art , in his younger days even singing in opera. He has been a leading man in tragedy , comedy and drama , a burlesque actor , low comedian and a tragedian. His Richard III was unquestionably the best to bo seen in the'world. Ho had a largo fund of ani malism , which ho constantly' drew upon to exert himself to the utmost In his act ing. It was undoubtedly this constant over exertion that brought on the pa ralysis that will undoubtedly prove fatal , The office of the secretary of the navy has recently been decorated with a beau tiful model of the Japanese twin screw cruiser Naniwa-Kan , which is to bo du plicated for the American navy. It is in porh'ot working order , and everything about it is according to scale. It is a per fect sliij ) in miniature. Kirk's German I'llo Ointment. Sum euro for titiiiii , blceitlii ! ; , and Itching Piles. Ono box has cared tliu worst casus of ten years stamlimr. No one need suiter ten minutes niter using this wonderful Kirk's ( Icrimm I'llo Ointment. It absorbs tumors , allfiys tlio itnhiiiK at onco. nets as a. poultice , elves Instntid relief. Kirk's Curman Pile Ointment Is prepared only for Piles and itching ot the private parts , and nothing else , liverv bex Is warranted by our agents. ' Sold by druggists ; stint by mall on recelytof price , f 0c uur box. DK. C. O. UK.NTON , Pnop , Cleveland , O , Sold C. K. Gonoilman and Kulm & Co. , 15tti mid Umurlus Jfctli und Cuinlng A woman in Albany attainted sui cide tlio other day because her hus band was out of work and she thought she. added to bus burdens. She was sent to the Ilousi ! of Shelter , and wti'jn her husband returned with employment ho found her glatl to bo alive , BEST LAUNDRY WORK In tliocliy can uciob'talntU by puUonl/.lui ; Uio 201 llrou Juuy GEQ , W. KCUINDELK , Prop , None * bill cxporloiK'Oil liumls.ejuployod , Out of town orders by mull or express solicited , aud tljwork. wirrautud. HO , 401 BROADWAY , , Icu Arc ojionlnp now mul Iionutiful in Moqncttc , Bo d if Ji t ' twite lst Velvet , SPapestt'jlirttssels , 3Pl Hay Carpets. Efc. For ofllcoH , hotels , lotliro VOOIIIH , Cull for jirircs at Hiirkiicsd Uros , ' , 4'Jl Itroiitlway S GOOD Arc now arriving ami in stock. Tri cots. Flannels , Cashmeres , etc. K\- ccllent for traveling anil fall service. Black Silks and in the new colors. Quality the best and iirices the lowest for good goods. Ladles \visliiuir relia ble goods will call on IIarknes4 Bros. ' , No.101 Broadway. Council Bluffs. Hosiery. A few more of those Lisle Thread Hose left at 2i > e. . , in blank and in colors , at llarknesH Bros. , No.Wi Broadway. OIL CLOTHS In many new patterns and a larpo stock to select from. Door Mats , Iliifjs , Curtains , Curtain Poles , etc. , at IJirK- : ness Brothers , No. 401 Broadway , Council Bin Us. MONEY TO LOAN-At lowest rates , Real estate handled , In surance written and all kinds of i bonds bought by F , J , Day No , 39 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs , Established 1881 , City Steam -Laundry ! No. 3-1 N. Mnin Strcet , , , . Council Bluffs. Finest ivoi'Je ittl l''Imvent prices for line ivorlc. All collftrs nitl cuffs re turned In collar mul cuff boxes iwtliojtt extra cfiarf/e , which guar antees work in same dontlitlon as it leaves us. Out of town orders re ceive same attention and at same rates as city worlc , "COUNCIL BLUFFS Fall Meeting. FOUR DAYS' ' RACING. Trolling , Paving and Itiiiming Tuesday , Aug. 31st , Wednesday , Sept , 1st , Thursday , Sept , 2d , * and Friday , Sept 3rd , Including special attractions by Prof. A , E. Walker's world famous Racing Dogs daily and Balloon Ascensions by ProfjA. S. Parker daily , in front of the grandstand. Other attractions in the way of speed consisting of celebrated horses from Kentucky , Ohio. Jllinois , Indiana and Wisconsin. Reduced rates on all railroads. Conm everybody and have a good tlnio. .For particulars , address PRANK STUBBS , Secretary OialiaDeialAssociatioii Or HAUGHOTUT , , Manager , Nos. 1010'15')1 Douglas fit , Omaha and No 231 Broadway , Council Bltills. Dcntl'try. Xn liumbunl flm , VilulUi-d Air , Kllierunil Chorufcrni , with lliflmlckriiliiic vtrvt't iirokli'il tiy tlioinnut wonderful uniicftlietlc , purlly- Ine the t > li > o4uml bul dn'ii ! | > tliutUtuei. Omaha Dental Association , Solo Prop'rs. ( iolil CruKni , ( iolil I'lul ) und Conllnuou * Cum Teolli , u nicrlalty. llfH ivvlb W | former rrlco 115 . per net. JACOB SIMS , ATTORNEY AT LAW , OOXJlSTOILi BIjXTF'IPS Practices in thu Statu and Fcdural courts Kooins 7 and ti SliM ari Block. BOSTON TEA COMPANY , Wholesale and Retail Grocers , No. 18 Main and 15 Pearl Street , Council Bluffs. irAXTKD 100,000 MOUH CUSTOMERS. Arcadian Waukcslia Ginger Ale , The U' < irl P rnvi HU > , thai took thr < SOS.O . HKO.VS. over all Foreign anil l > i nie > > llo ( dilnuer Ales at tliu Xcw Orlvanx Imposition. A most tlollarlitfiil beverage in cither hot or cohl weather , llnttlcd iliri't't nt tliu Hpriiiirs in WaukoHlui ! . , anil m title of the finest freshly imported .Ininaicu ( Jiiiffcr Hoot , the juices of tropical fruits , Arnuliiui Mineral Sprinp Water ami Loaf Snijar. Eminent mi.'ilic.ul nuthority has iironouiic-'cd it "tho most perfect example of an aromatic Xoii-Akohollc Htumii'li stimulant , while as a bevcrapTC it is simply delicious. " For sale by H. T. I'almer , A. M. lU-urdsloy , .loo Driossbaoli , Kit. Daniul.i , H. A. Hstiril , ,1. W. Kk-cb , C. Dwtkcii , Taylor & Calcf , . ' ) . (1. ( Alorpnn & Co. , S. T. iMeAtuo , Louie A ; MeUKor , Tibblts iV : Ward. F. W. Spoimau , John Short & Son. $2.50 Per Doz. or 25c Per Bottle. WHOLES ALE AGENTS : WIRT & DUQUETTEL KIRSCHT ij CO- COUNCIL BLUFFS. HOUSE MOVER AMD RAISER Brick "buildings of any kind raised or moved and satisfaction guaranteed. Frame uuimings : xOYQd on Little Giant trucks , best in the world. 808 Eighth Avenue and Eighth Street.Connil Bluffs. T"TTT" * * T T T * D * * T YT"4 " * * THE HIGHES Price paid in cash for all kinds of second hand STOVES , Furniture , etc. M. DROHLIOH , 608 Broadway. 226 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Farming lands in Iowa , Minnesota. Texas , Kansas and Arkansas , ranging from ? 1.25 to f2 ! per acre. School and state lands in Minnesota on 'JO years time 5 per cent interest. Land buyers fare free. Information , etc. , given by P. P. Lanstrui ) , No. 035 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. OFFICER & PTJSEY , BANKERS COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA , Establish eal857 N. SCHURZ , Justice of the Peace OIlio or Atnorlo press Coin imny. R. L. 1H N. Main St. , Council BlnfTH , la. , and 20'J S. inth St. , Honni 10 , Omaha , Neb. MRiiufnctiiror's AKunt Tor the CALIGRAPH TYPE WRITER and SUPPLIES Tents , AwningH , Roofing Slate , Man tels , Plate and Window Glass , Show- Cascst Elevator ( hand and hy- dranlie , ) &c. Horses and Mules For nil purports , lio-igtit and sold , lit roliill ni ! In lot * . I.urtru ciiuntlttcs ] to sclpcl fiom imlrrfof llnoOrlvors , fclntrlnur doublu. MASON WISE , Cuuniill Blull's. Star Sale Stables and Mule Yards , BUGAlWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , Opposite Dummy Depot. caw w S" ep i * O T S _ 3 " r * _ K Horsi-u end Mules kept ciinstnnlly on tiuml for eulo nt retail or In our louds. Orders promdtly nllod by contria-t ou li rt notice Block sola on commission. 81ILUTEU & J10LUY. 1'roprlctort OTAUI.K8. vv. uud itu street. County and IttinU Work ol'iill Kinds a.Spvc- fally. Prompt Attention to Mail Orders MOREHOUSE & CO. Room 1 Kvorul Block , Council Blufls. Standard Papers Used. All styles of bind ing in Mugazitics and . BLANK BOOKS. U. II. National Iliuik , M. K. Smith .V Co. , CIII/uiiK' Iliinl.- . JciTi ) , Wi'lls Ar Co. , li-.st Nulloniil D.'inV , C. II. ln"in-iuico CD. , Alu or .V I'u cy.lliiriliciD.C. 1) ) . livings Hunk. R. HICE , M. D. , PrtnrnncHl' . other Tumors rutnnvcil wltlm'i l > anct.rs tllo kntfoonlnnrlnjf ol bloo I. Chronic /7/SCffSes0 mil kinds n upoclnlty Over ttilrtv voara' prnotlenl oorionce. | . No. II I'unrlHt. . Counuil Illuffd. C'onsultntlon frco. Reduction in Prices , IN China , Glassware , Etc , , At W. S. llcmer & Cn's , No. S3 Main fit. Council Bhill's , Creston House , TIIU only botvl In Council Illuirs Imvlnc And nil niorlern In iJ16 , ill unJ lil'J Main ft. UAX. MOU.N' , Prop. F. W. SPETMAN & BR 0 NO. 500 < k , .11 .11.41.X ST. Daily receipts of new } ; ood.s , Hals Caps , Clothing , nnd a full llnu of Dry ( JoodB.all of tlio latest btjlus. Call i nd I WHOLESALE AND JOBBING HOXTSEJS OF : V COUNCIL BLUFFS. AHitn i-t.ri-iiM , /f.wk\vTA / WKLLS : * CO. , Agricultural Implements , _ _ Cnrrliwrs. I'.ti * . 1'U1. Council lllulT , town. KUYSTON'H MANUFACTlWINCi" Jinko the Urljrinnl nml Complolo Hay Loader , also Rakes , Cider Mill A Press , COUN SIIKI.MSHS AND THRU rPTTKItS. No > . ifOI , 1WI , l.W ) nn.l . inn . innlli Mnln Street , _ _ routipll HiUIT , Innn. _ ' IAY1I > UHADI.KY it'm , Mmmf'rs un 1 .lobhnM of Agricultural Implements , Wagons , Buggies , C ril ( fr . ntnl nil Mti'l ' of Kurin Mnclilnorr. 1100 tn 1113 South Mnin Htrcot , Council nuiif * .tXf. IIAMH.HX. ) ' . < > . UlKnN. . T. II. Dot-in , w , HBII.P. I'rc'.A.Tri'n * . V.-l'ro &M tn. SIK.VCoiitiaol. . Council BluTs Handle Factory , ( Inrttrpnrntpil. ) J Mniuirnetttrcrs ort1n , IMck , Slo.lco nnd Sratll _ Iliuiillcs , of cvrry Ui' i Hptlon. COUNCIL Hl.UITS CAIU'F.T CO. , Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades , Oil Cloths , Cilrtnln rixturc1" , I'phoNtiM-y UooJj , Etc. No. 405 llroiutwnr Council Illuirs , lO'Vll. CHM/fS / , VfiH.irro , K7c. 1'KUKGOY * MOOKF. , Wholesale ,1nbuur. In the Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes Nog. SSMixIn iinU XT I'ourl Sts. Council lllulls , town. COMMISSION. SNYDKK & LF.A.MAN , Wlnic | : ilo Fruit and Produce Commission Merchants. No Kl'cnrl St , Council lllulN. DHL'tHilS IV. HAULK , HAAS & CO. , Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass , Druggists' Sundries , lite. No. 22 Mnln St , mul No. ai 1'ciirl St. , Council MlnlfR. Fill / / ' . . O. W. BUTTS , Wholesale California Fruit ? a Specialty Oonornl Commission. No. 51) Ilmulway , Council Hlnffs. _ . . , . WlIl'F & DUQUETTE , Wholesale Frnits , Confectionery & Fancy Groceries , Nos. Ifi and 13 Pcnrl St. , Council IlltilTn. amicKinux. L. KIKSCHT & CO. , Jobbers of Staple and Fancy Groceries. Also Wholesale Liquor Donlors. No. 4IG llroiul- way , Council IllulT- ) . HX7l.VB.SS , KTC. HKOKMAN & CO. , Mnnu'ncturcra of and V.'holc < ale Dealers In Leather Harness Etc. , , Saddlery , . Ko. KK Main St. . Council IJlu'Ja , lown. HATS , CdlVS. KTC. MKTCALF 1WOTIIKKS , Jobbers in Hats , Caps and Gloves. Nos. 342 nnd UK nronilw.iy. Council THuiri. KEELIXK & FELT , Wholivmlo Iron Steel Nails Hardware , , , Heavy , And Wood ? tock. Council ItlulTi , Iowa. n WHS .i.vo U. H. McDANKLl ) & CO. , Commission Merchants for Sale of Hides , Tullow.Wool , X'cltB. ( ii-cnfo ami 1'uw Council lown. OU. & COUNCIL BLUFFS OIL CO. , Wlioli-siilo Donli'i-s In Illuminating & Lubricating Oils Ganllu E3TO. , E3TO. B.Thcortoro , A ent , Council lilulffl. Iowa. LUMHKll , I'lLlXG , KTC. A. OVKKTON & CO. , Hard Wood , Southern Lumber , Piling , * .nd HrlOjfO Miiturlul Speelnltli > s.Wliolrsulo Lum ber ol all Kliuls. ouico No. | : Main St. , Council lllunu. lown. n'ltCES AXD LIQUOHS. JOHN LINDEU , \Vhole. \ nlo Imported and Domestic Wines & Liquors. AI. IH for St. fiottlmrn'H Hcrli llltti'M. No. 1J Main St. Council Illiiirj. scnxKinicK & BKCK , Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors , XliClfJ Mltlll fit. . CilUHCll iKltfft. HOTfortkLARE The Steamer OLLIE MAY Ncnly I ) 11 rd up , iiml u ruler tlm i > liur > rn nf n FKlllflll OIWIIICLT Illlll pilot. iS HOW IIIIIKill | lllill- urotripHon LAKE MANAWA. Wo will jrlvo i > liarli'r t" piirllcs lor 0110 hour : rnny luiiuili nt Hunt tUiairi'il. HiitoH of ithurlur ( ilTcn arnl iinltT-i ( nliPii at ollk'i.'O. : ! . ) ; .M.iins t. , botwuoil lloilrn iOlol a. m. U DA IJII .V IO. Fpm'Inl ndvcrtlPonii'ntB , such ns I.irt. I'oun J'o Ixiiin , Tor Pale , To Kent , \\unlH \ , llnurillnir , cto. , will bolnsorloil In tins coluinu lit tliu loir rntcorrUN CIJNTri I'KIt I.INi : fortho llrst lusor ; lon and 1'lvo Cents rurliino for onvli KUlisuiiicnt | iiikurtlon. I.ciivo uU\uril > uiii'iit at our ulllcu So. I" 1'cul htroL't , near liioadwi'.y , Council llhilfs. \VAK18. Clou KHNT Now loji ruom honeo , nil mod- JL1 urn iiiiirovonionts. | Ninth nvuimd llluir ft. M. H. Tlnloy , No. 1(117 ( Main Ht. \\rANTKD An nsslstant cook at the Tf llllUfU. T7HJU HA Mi Old piipora. In iinintltlo ) H teL -L at llepolllcu Nu. U I'oarl slroet. _ ST. FRA8CIS ACADEMY COVXCIL K LUFFS , JOU'A. An excellent n < 1u ratio mil Inttllutlon , furiileli d with nil the inodorn ImptovbincntB , < < > : u pt by the 31 STMItS OK CHAHITr.ll. V. M l''ortcrm of I'.TC iiomli3 , S75. . / Terms bcffln first JlonJay In Prptcml.ornn-1 / " ' first Moji'Jii.v in J'VUruary. Kor cntulot'ius ! dress FISTI'll ai'l'lIUIOIl I'rancUAtadcujy.Couui'illiluUi ,