Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 26, 1886, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE OMA&A DAILY BEE : THURSDAY. AVGffiT 20 , 1880.
Immediate Need of a Straight-Eyed Butler
to Let in tbo Light-
Preliminary IlrnHng In tlie Kiclmrn
fltnrilrr Caic A Iilgntitl < it In
Trouble Cupltol Ilinyloyra
In tlio Nursery UIISIIOB | < .
IntOM TUP. Tir.r. s t.isrot.v niniK tK.l
There has been another death out al
HIP hospital for the insane thai is a pic-
tuic for civilization to contemplate , and
which , thank ( Ted , is not buiied beyond
view in the castle secrets of ono of the
worst managed institutions in thn land
Every wrong ami neglect and crime In
any prison cannot be kept from the light
nnd the old adage thai murder will find
out is a truism that is constantly illu
strated. The people have heard a great
deal about the Stale Insnnc hospital nnd
its management , but the truth will neiior
bo fullj known , and the system of court
secrets is worked so line at that instilu
tion that it Is easier to draw truth from
the bottom of a well than to got It from
the asylum.
On the SOth day of August. Friday
lait , Wm. Dome1 * died , was nailed in a
box and shipped to Harvard , Clay county.
He was ayoungmnn , insane , helpless and
harmless , but he Mas hitman , a mother
liad berne him in pain , and Ihose near
lo him forgot tl'o cloud upon his brain
nnd remembered him only as ho was before
fore he became an unfortunate. Ho had
just as immortal a foul as the superin-
cnt of this hospital of the insane , and the
grcal stale of Nebraska had richly pi o-
vidcd that in his darkness ho .should have
all the cure and kindness and medical
hKill thnt could bo provided. The report
of this death , to whieh was allixcd the
signature of the superintendent , said that
the patient came to the hospital the ? d of
August ; that lie was in good health ; tliut
Iho 10th lie was putintlui straight jacket ;
that shortly after he was taken sick ; on
the 17th was losing strength , and that on
the 20tlx the pnticnt died of cxhtnistiou.
Mark well the cause ascribed to the
death , exhaustion , for in that word am
in tlio apparent simple htutiunun
of Ihe case truth is cnishei
into the earth. Tlio man who wnlkec
with lantern In hand through the wards
of the hospital on the night before this
patient died has made a statement , ami
ids statement r . , *
* "
to this fraudulent report of the man'fa
death , and his trca'rnunt and the eaiisf
of h's death. The HEB is not alone in
possession of this statement , for it is in
other nnd good hands as well , and it
Khali , ns nearly as this niticlo can
place it , bo put in tlio possession of every
leader of the IIK $ : for their individual
contemplation. Tlio governor of the
state is cordially invited to withdraw
from his primary work down in Saline
county nnd look upon the system and
care that his asylum put.s extend to the
unfortunates , The board of lands nnd
buildings have hoped for a change and
worked for a change , four of them of
ono mind in the matter ,
but the governor lias illus
trated how very great and
stubborn a very small man can be , there
fore let him look upon the inside of the
Demi" ? case with the rest and view the
conduct of alVairs at the nsvlnm. The
gentleman who makes the statement of
the care and treatment that the dead man
received , was the night watch at the
asylum up to the death of the man , when
ho resigned. On the night before the
man died , last Thursday night , he wont
on watch at 8 o'clock in the evening. His
Htatemcnt says "that nil the night through
until 0 in the morning I was the only
person going through the building. The
assistant physician told mo that Ueines
was very sick and to look at him through
the night. No attendant was loft to look
after him and no physician looked after
I him. 1 had a standing order to give
\ patients who wore sick nnd restless a
dose of chloral. My orders
wore to administer a tablospoonftil
for a dose and to give the sick all the
water they wanted. I wus night watch ,
night plij.sician and attendant all in one ,
and in making the rounds I only was in
each ward about once in a half hour. 1
gave this man water up to 11 o'clock
every half hour and then I gave him a
and ho slopl. The noxlday Dr. Matthew-
son told ono of the attendants their 1 had
killed Doines by giving him chloral and
that he could not live. 1 went direct to
the mipcrindunt and ho told mo the same
thing and that I had orders from the as
sistant physician not to givohim chloral
that night. I then called the assistant
physician and ho admitted that ho had
not ordered mo to discontinue swing the
chloral lo Demos , although ho said ho
meant to do so , I resigned my place
on the * > pot nnd left' the hospital
that night and at seven o'clock
tlio sick man was dead. The night watch
further , stated that the doctors said that
ho litid'ought to have known bettor than
to give thn man chloral when ho was so
low , but ho said ho was only ouoying in
structions , that ho had no orders to even
eall : t physician if n patient died. That
liewua fnrnisliob every night a fresh
bottle of chloral , that the chloral and
water was tlio medicine of the night , and
that often there were four or live patients
that had to ho made to sleep in thnt way.
For ono patient in the epileptic ward they
had a stronger dote than chloral to nu-
mini.-Uor to him , as the physician told the
night watch that a pint ot chloral would
not diiiet him This man further slates
IhaVin the nearly six woks that ho was
on night watch that in all the sickness of
the time not an attendant sat up with
the sick ( o minister to tiioni , and not
a nhyslcinn looked nt them after night ,
with ono exception nnd that was the man
who died that tlio masonic fratoritv
cared for , who cnmo from Dodge count } ,
und was so near dead in thn afternoon
that n man staid up until the time that ho
died at midnight. It is a good point in
this statement to * top and think a minute
about this
There are a seed m-inv pcoulo in this
state who have husbands , wives nnd
children in t'.is ' asylum , nnd what must
bo their thoughts when st.xtoments like
tlioso come to light. A atntomofft that
tolls the fact that nt 8 o'clock at night ,
sick or well , the helpless patients aic
looked In their rooms unattended
through the long night , invo by a nighl
watchman , who , in his rounds througl
the building , can once in a half .som
stop and adminislur water or oIiolor-,1
no uurto or attendant or physician bu
a night watchman , with n raduatinj :
glass and a Loitio of cholor.t
to make the resiles , and the sick Bleep
nnd such n health giving sleep as it inns
no , Irupressctd with thn magnitude o
the dosu proscribed a nblcspoonful-
the HBI : man called nt a drug store in tin
reel of the oveiimn and requested tin
prcscr.ocrs of drugs to Inform him tin
host wiy to take : i tnblespoonful o
chloral , a d with a calm survey of ( hi
questioner tha dr-ijj man propounded th' '
questnvi , do yon want lo kill voi-rsclf
nnd emphasized his question with hp
ivmu.l ; ( lint if ono such do'-o wore tacei I !
Ihoro would be. no oall Int another. Tht
th ireforr. seems to bo the medicina
H riU'ilitki of "iicli a dos % which loads to
th" co.icliision Ui.t : the asylum he
si'bsiniR" nutter must Lo weakened so
that if " mr.u in the nijjfci should by acci
tlont give an over dose ileilh would tiot
result instnntnnctHis. Urcal , therefore ,
as the question is in the case of the dead
man IMnc * , Whether , as the night watch
man's statt-niPiil says he died as the
superintendent charged from the admin
istration of chloral , the greater question
is whether
is not In danger of being chlorated to
death by the system of treatment that is
in vogue in no other institution of the
kind in tinland. . The gentleman who
htm furnished this statement of aflairs
said that he believed the man was dying
all tlii % nignt. Medical nn-n can Mate for
themselves what kiudof ticatmcnt it was
for a dying man to have , who , as the of
ficial report of his do.itli states , had
cea ed to oat several days before , and
who died , a the olllclal'further states ,
from exl auction ? The night watch In his
statement s-\vs that after the dose was ud-
ministered be looked in upon thd man
several times and he < .lcpl Little wonder
that he slept. The doctor's olllcial state
ment fin tlier stated that the last Week
of Iho man's lifo his circulation
was weak , nnd yet he was fed
chloral in such monstrous quantities
to make him sleep. There is food for
reflection on the part of people who have
relatives nnd triemls in tins den , in tlfiT
knowledge of the treatment this man
lying dead received. Thure is food for
reduction on the imrt of every taxpayer
in the stnto who contributes generously
for the care of the state's unfortunate" ' ,
in the fact that the care of the Hick and
the dying In the hospital It , abandoned
from night until morning , except the
treatment that a night watchman can
render with water and chloral And
from the voliiminoiti statement made
that is being supplemented by other state
ments from tlio nine employes who left
the Institution in tlio last two weeks ,
there remains much more to follow
whieh tlio people shall have civen them
all in due time. Meanwhile those who
have heard this statement from tlio
lormer asylum employe by word of
mouth , feel free to say that they have
heard the story of wrong from a man
who--e words and acts speak his indi
vidual sincerity and tiuthftilncss.
Tlio trial of Maul for the murder of
Eieiiorn has been in progress the last two
days or rather the preliminary hearmir ,
and it has attracted a l.irge audience de
spite the heat and crowded court room.
The case was still in progress last even
ing , but it was expected that conclusions
would be reached before final adjourn
ment. The case is bavin ? a practical
tiiul in this preliminary hearing , and the
young man's attorneys from Illinois are
making a hard light for their client.
Tlio young man , and not so young ,
cither named August Stone , and not
named that cither , but who goes by that
jyiuic. bus bad his n li'.iilRRtv htiu-iu < r.
7his is the party mentioned by tlio BKtt a
few days ago as being charged with
higamy , and the preliminary developed
the fact that he has three wives alive ,
well and honrty , and that his great pro
tections of innocence wore the -wildest
kmd of assertions. The _ road iside
open for him to the penitentiary.
At the auditor's olllco yesterday the
following school bonds were registered
DNtrict No. II , Phelps county , $7,000 ;
district No. 71 , Holt county , $150 ; district
No. 0 , Kno\ county , S1.10. These ate all
7 per cent bonds to run ten years.
Deputy Auditor Uonton was absent
from duty yesterday , called by tlio at-
tiactions of a girl baby at his homo.
The employes in the different offices of
thosttitc house have thus far this year
contributed nine births to the census
rolls and tlio returns are not all in yet.
John M Tlmr > ton and 1'arke Goodwin
are Omaha lawyers at tiic state capital.
J. M. Barker , president of the state
lioard of agriculture , was in tlio city of
Lincoln yesterday on state fair business.
Ceo. K. Pritchett. of Omaha , was in
Lincoln yesterday conferring with prac
tical friends and viewing prospects.
J. W. McGaw , Wilsonvillo ; H. C.
Worthman , Pawnee City. M. Miller ,
David City ; E. Stengcr , Columbus ; C. N.
Maml , \ \ coping Water ; wore Nebraskans -
kans at Lincoln yesterday.
The Appi-niichlnjj Kcllpse.
Pittsburg Commercial Gazette : An
eclipse ot tlio sun takes place on the 2'Jth
instant that will not bo much of an affair
Hero , as it is not total , and takes place
shortly after daybreak , when the sun is
just above the horizon. Armed with the
usual bit of tinted or smoked glass , the
spectator can , however , sec a considera
ble section of tlio sun scooped out , but the
eclipse , as seen from any part of this
country , is of small account for astrono
mical observations.
One of the peculiarities ot the eclipse is
tlio small area of accessible land from
which it is visible in its totality. The
point at which tlio sun rises eclipsed lies
slightly westward of the Windward
islands , the line of totality passing over
two of the islands Grenada and Carria-
con. The line of totality thence passes
across the Atlantic until it again readies
land near Bungucla , in South Africa.
The only points , therefore , from which
observations can bo taken are the two
Windward islands or Beiiguola , and
neither locality is a good ono. It is the
rainy season in the tropics , and so far as
liongncln is concerned , the chance of a
peep at a clear sky is too small to be
wortli considering. At Grenada , how
ever , It is reported that the sky is rarely
totally obscured. Big cumuli drift over
the island and drop their torrents upon
it. but between the cloud masses are
patches of clear , blue sky By scattering
themselves over the island , therefore , the
observers may hope that some of them
will bo able to dodge the clouds and got
a clear view of the eclipso. Hero comes
in another difliculty. however. Grenada
is a little mountainous ioland , traversed
in all directions by rapid streams during
the rainy season ami so densely wooded
that there are no roiulB beyond bridle-
tracks. Just how seven or eight tons of
astronomical insmunents can be trans
ported about the interior is n tough
problem with which the astronomers pro
pose to grapple. An expedition sent out
by the Btitish government is proity
nearly duo there now , und there can done
no doubt that the sciontillo enthusiasms
will in some way or other struggle into
posts of observation.
Twenty-five years ago three brothers
named Dwyer wore separated. They met
the other day in a shipyard in Bulb , Mo , ,
where two of them had been working
some time without jniowing of tlio rela
tionship. The third , n sailor , canio to
the yard , and the kinship was accident
ally discovered.
The injunction suit of Dr. Morccr vs.
tin ) Butt Line will Qbo hoard to-day in
the district court.
Prop rcd with strict rcpsrd to Purity. Strength and
IlC'tllUfnln ( > 'j. Dr. I'nce'a Uaklne IMiracrcoiiUlns
o Ammnnla. I.lreocr Alum. Ur. Trice' * Kiincu ,
Vkii'llu ' , l u.un. , flitror iiclicluuslj- .
- fSlCC SAMS fOnsflt CO. , Ulcaya cu > i St. louH.
Senator Yan Wyck's ' Opponents Wisely Ka-
fuse to be Sacrificed.
A. Manly Appeal Prom KliiK Caucus
to tlie Tribunal of tlio People
oftheStntP Press
on tlic Senatorial
A Prospective Picnic ,
Papillion Times Jim Laird's fool
friends are urging him lo accept Van
Wyck's challenge for n joint debalo.
Such an arrangement would bo a picnic
for old Van.
It Would Make Tlilnas Mvcly.
rremont TribunoWo hope none of
Nebraska's aspiring statesmen will be
backward about accepting .Senator Van
Wyck's challenge tor a debating tour
through the state. It would make tilings
Tlie Gauntlet Thrown Down.
Davvhon Co.Hoiald Senator Van Wyck
tluows down the gauntlet to his oppo
nents in a card to voters , which appears
in another column. Head the card , ex-
ammo the general's record , calmly con
sider his services and give your judgment
at the polls next November.
Will I < alnl Take tlie FlpUl ?
rremont Tribune : The Lincoln Jour
nal thinks it can arrange with Congress
man Laird for a joint discussion with
Senator \ an Wj'ck. Wo hope it can.
The amusement created by those fierce
debaters would bo worth ti life time to
soo. But how long Mr. Laird would
survive cannot be definitely stated. ] $ y
running a fny he might live to light an
other day.
How lie Slooil nt Home.
Fremont Tribune : Will the Omaha
IJepubliean. Lincoln Journal and Hast
ings Gazetto-Journal have tlio fairness to
reprint tlio article upon Senator Van
Wyck , published a short time since by
the Middlotown ( N. Y. ) Prcs ? Tins
paper is printed at the -senator's old
home in New York , from whence lie was
sent lo congress four term * . Perhaps
the readers of those papers will bo inter
ested in knowing how he stood at his old
homo. Publish the record' . * - -
Senator Van Wyck's Appeal.
Croighton Pioneer : Senator Van U yck
makes n very manly appeal lo tlie people
of Nebraska for support , whieh is pub
lished elsewhere. If tlio senator would
make as manly a bland in opposition to
the fool friends whom ho recogni/.es as
leaders , and of whom he has during the
past year been fully warned against , ho
would do honor to himself and his cause.
It is hoped ho will take off the stigma
that surrounds him.
A Challenge to All.
Wood Uivor Gazette : Senator Van
\ \ yck challenges any senatorial aspirant
to meet him in debate before tlic people
on any living question of tlio day. Now
let those who are opposing the senator by
pronouncing him a demagogue , ! } mounte
bank , and a traitor to the republican
party , have the manly courage to .step
out before tlio people and prove their
vaunting true. The gauntlet ha ? been
thrown down , who will pick it up ? The
voters of this state would be pleased to
hear tlio vital issues of tlic day discussed
by the men who desire to represent them
at the capitol.
A Staunch Friend of Toilers.
Ponca Advocate : Senator Van Wyck
goes before the next legislature as a can
didate of the people , as an avowed ene
my of monopoly , and as a staunch friend
of the poorer classes whose cause he has
championed for six years past , and who
need his services as they have never
needed them before for the next siv years
to come. Farmers , if you are opposed
to monopoly you nro on the right track.
Lot not dissension outer , and watch with
cunning eye he who advocates to you
ideas diverging widely from the policy
you are pursuing. In other words if you
are for Van Wyck and against the op
pression of monopoly elect a representa
tive who is first , last and all the time in
favor of his re-election , and will work to
accomplish it.
The Jim Crow
Conrtland Journal : While reading the
attacks of the little Jim Crow News
papers in Nebraska , on Van Wyck , we
are reminded of a time when I5cn Uutler
was arguing a case before the law court
back in Maine , and Gould , of Thomas-
ton , was his opponent. During Utitlor's
argument , Gqtiid would frequently inter
rupt him , until one of the jmlges said to
Gould , "Don't interrupt Mr. Htitler. ho
did not interrupt you when you were
sneaking. " Hardly had thqjuiltrc uttered
tneso words when Ihitlor , a'ddressing the
court , said : "U , never mind the gentle
man unless ho is annoying to the court. "
So it will bo with Van Wyck , when ho
goes before the people and they complain
of these attacks , the old man may well
sav , "O never mind these little tellows
unless they annnoy you , they do not
bother mo in the least. "
A Cordtnl Invitation.
Fremont Tribune : Senator Van Wyok ,
in his appeal for a vote upon the > > en-
atoriul succession , incidentally extended
to his competitors for the high honor a
cordial invitation to come forth and dis
cus with him the questions of the day.
Tlia Tribune would like very much to
have them do BO. Suoh a programme
would prove a r.tro diversion from the
ordinary channel of Nebraska politics.
The people ought to' know the views
upon all questions of the men who pro
pose to ask for u political endorsement
at their hands. There is a buspieion
abroad in the state that the "old man"
will find no takers. It is generally con
sidered , oven by a tough politician , that
there are unpleasant sensations in con
nection with being chewed up ,
A Fair , Open Hnttle.
Plattsmouth Herald : General Van Wyck
has reason to feel proud of the support
that is accorded him from the yeomanry
of our stato. Whether elected or de
feated ho will never have cause to grieve
over the rullcctions of a campaign in
which his cause was championed by
farmers , and the laboring class in gen
eral. The customary method of politi
cians is for thorn to drop into the towns ,
closet themselves with the political
wings , make some kind of a trade and
then leave without meeting or caring to
moot the men whoso ballots will determ
ine the election. Politicians confine
their labors to the leaders , while Van
W.\ok is out in thoiiold making the no-
quaintancu ot the men whoso sullVagcs
ho solicits.
Straightforward and 'Manly.
Columbus Journal : The HUE of Mon
day contained an address to the electors
of Nebraska by Senator Van Wyek
which wo reproduce in to-day's Journal
It is straightforward and manly. Aside
from any political friendship for Senator
Vim Wyck. on general principles , am
bacauso it is the luw of the srttto and hns
been for years , the Journal has been .am
is in favor of the electors expressing
their preference for United States son
ator. The main objection to an atteiup
to cayry out the law in that senators am
representatives tire not obligated to vote
as the preference of their constituency
should indicate , the answer to which is
that neither arc our presidential electors
obliged to vole tor the candidates nnmod
on their ticket for president and vice
president. Imt they do so vote , and wo
c'nnnot doubt that tlio iuno would bo tlio
ease here.
\O Olio
Sehuyler Quill. Senator Van } \vck
challenges any candidate for the United
States -.euatorillip to meet him In public
of tlio living ami vital ques
tions of the day. No one has accepted
yet , and no one will. The senator is too
popular 1 with the masses of poonle , and
is ' too well po tcil on the need * of the
public for any one of his opponents to
enounter in the arena of debate Noth
ing i ould plea e u * belter than to have
Minn . ? able man aeeipt tills challenge.
thus giving us a second Lincoln-Douglas
campaign. Hut we eanuot hope for it as
the two faction * are working in different
ways the Van W\ck men being out
spoken and the anti-Van Wyck men hav
ing nothing much to say , yet nro workinc
e\eiy ( way possible to gain their point
and defeat the re-election of the senator
The Or nn S Cracked.
( Jrand Island Independent The "re
publican" railroad organ of Omaha , HIP
so-called " ' " much
- "Ut'liublican , is just as
exercised about Van Wyck's appeal to
tlie people , as the Lincoln "Journal , "and
all the small fry ot tlio subsidized press.
The "Republican" declares that a vote
by the people is a "nonsensical" thing ,
and an "utterly worthless and impotent"
attempt to ruin the railroad tricksters1
lucrative business of swindling , fixing
and bribing the legislature into the elec
tion of an obedient railroad sotvimt.
They have actualh " enjoyed the exclusive
privilege nf this "business In the same
way ns tiio railroad bosses have had the
pleasure of taking unjustly thousands of
millions of dollars out of the people's
pocket , and it is of course provoking to
them , that now suddenly the people
should assert their right to interfere with
the swindle and take tlio election into
their own honest hands , afar as the law
will allow. That of course must appear
revolutionary and "nonsensical" to the
well iraiucd mind of a regular railroad
capper. _
The Only Issue.
Waco Loader. Unwise and nonsensical
as it seems to us , it is , nevertheless ) , a fact
thai Ihe i.ssuc upon which Iho war
will be waged in iho fall campaign is
Van Wvck or anti-Van Wyck. It were
much bettor had tlio tight not come to be
thus personal , but thntit should bo fought
upon principles ami the merits and de
merits of men rather than personalities.
IHit the agitation of this question has
made it necessary for every paper , state
n-1.ti local to declare cither Tor or against
an YTycK. and it now becomes evident
hat candidates for tlio legislature will bo
elected in the inturcits of Van Wyck or
igainsl him. The Leader will support
candidates for the legislature who are
avorablc to Van Wyck because it is in
lymnathy with the policy which ho ailvo-
ates in relation to railroad legislation ,
rather than because thee candidates are
limply "Van Wvck men. " We believe
hat by sending such men to
he state legislature , the larmcia and
) reducers will 'secure beneficial legis-
ation. Tlic people of thiscounly should ,
liereforc , send no delegates to the
county convention whoso position upon
his question is doubtful. They should
send no man to the legislature who islet
lot known to bo a champion of the issues
vlilch they deem most important , and
ibout who-o adherence to the principles
of his constituents there can bo no
shadow of n doubt.
Opposed to the Challenge.
North Piattol'clegraph : The prompt-
less with which the Omaha Republican
and Lincoln Journal the dial-
onge of Senator Van Wyck , shows how
jrcatl v the tricksters fear the honest vote
of Ihe people. The Republican Is funny
ibout it and says : "Under no circum
stances would the republican candidates
'or senator consent to have their names
used in connection with so ludicrous a
proceeding , " to submit their names
it the poll : ) for choice of
senator , ns our state constitution
and laws require shall be done. The
Journal is as usual on its dignity , and
talks about the "cheek to go out on the
stump without a nomination and demand
the votes of the electors of the stato. "
Lincoln and Douglas wont out on the
stump in a senatorial canvass ! The pro
vision of our state constitution raid state
law providing for an expression of choice
for senator by the voters at the polls _ has
been made null through the failure of
our governors lo mention it in their
proclamations. Every mention of fol
lowing the law in this matter lias
been mot by the most strenuous
opposition from those who sometime
were hit on the nose by a Juno bug and
therefore imagined themselves good sen
atorial timber. They don't ' want the
choice of the people. They want the
chance to manipulate tilings themselves ,
and are ready to defeat the will of the
people to advance their own chances for
success. Senator Van Wyck'.s card is a
manly appeal. Lot -ill road it , nnd see if
harm' can by any possibility come from
following its suggestions ; see if it is not
true that the choice of all the people is
the one who should represent them.
Notice to
Grand Island , Nub. , Aug. 17 , ' 80. f
All uniformed bands will receive free
transportation to and from the reunion.
Those that belong to the State Hand
Association will bo furnished with * cer
tificates signed by the comnmndor of
the caini ) , and L. C. Hawlpy , Secretary
of the State liiuul Association , which
certiticato , when presented to the ngonls
of railroads whore the bands are loca
ted , will entitle them to free transporta
tion to nnd Irorn reunion at Grand
Island. All uniformed bands not mem
bers of the State Association must bo
furnished with certificates from Po
Commanders where the bands am loca
ted. setting forth that they are regularly
organized and uniformed hands which
certificates , upon presentation to the
ngonts of the railroads , will onlillo then
to free transportation.
Commander , of Reunion Camp.
Didn't Ijiko to 'JXntnrl ) the Harmony
San Francisco Chronicle : The stories
of tlto drinking of ofit are something we
cannot equal now. In th old days the
judges in Scotland never thought of go
ing to bod. On Ihe-vlrcuit they drank all
night , or as long as'ihoy ' could sit up , and
then they fell under 'the ' table. Yet they
gave wfso decision , and mnny of these
same men have laid down the law in ab
struse cases that holds to-day beyond
dispute. I think , it-Is Doan Ramsey who
tolls the story of a big drinking party nt
n Inch it was nptlcud that one man was
very quiet. "Julicudden ! " called
out the presiding genius ; "Kil-
scaddcn ' drinkin' . "
, you're * no
ihoro was no answer , but the man on
the right of him looked up and said
quietly ! "It's nao use ca'in Kilscaddou.
lie's dead llu passed uwa' about twa
oors sin , but I didna like tao distuib the
harmony o1 the occasion. "
AVliyIs It
That the sale of Hood's ' Sarsaparilla con
tinues at such a rupidly increasing rule ?
1st , Because of the positive curative
value of Hood's Sarsaparilla itself
2d , HceausG of the conclusive evidence
of remarkable cures effected by it , nusur-
pasaetl and seldom equalled by unj other
medicine. Send to C. 1. Hood & Co. ,
Lowell , Mass. , for book containing many
statements of cures. _
For Rent Nicely furnished front
room. 822 cor. luth and Harney.
District of Pint \Vnrtl.
Anderson. ! P Lea\cuwotth bet 7th aud Mil
Alexander S cor Jones and llth
Ahniiinson , laeob L 03 ? Jackson
Adnlr Win t < tli and .lonos
Anderson.I M 705s 10th
Allei A I' 12th anil Jackson
Andor on Peter 510 s toili
A\erj 11 J llowaid eor 12
Anderson N 7tli and Jones
Anderson S 7th anil JOIKM
A ro Win W TSOMarrv
Anthony 11 K Slavin house
Ackenhiui cr Time litli : and Howard
Anderson Jnn Jono * bet 10th aiul lltli
Andrews I ) 11 Wlmlsoi hotel
Anioii Jno toift i loin
Allen ( 'has L iiu i nth st
Andei-on Charles Scandinavian holel
Alums Alt 'JlOJackson
Amleixui J Scandiumian hotel
liiebei Kiltzflth bi't Leiuenwotth atlil
Htmlim : Jus Motbiewery
Haloid Flank Commercial holel
Hrenneii Thos Commercial liottil
Iion on < lnn Commercial hotel
llauor Chas T01 s isth
HirU'ttCliasP iblT Mason
Ham Mlclmel 1203 Howard
lliielilei Michael lllli Jackson
Hraiult JlloO GIHslOth
Hohme MiL'ttst isth and Jackson
Hhketto tot" Mason
Heiiy Michael'01 " s Till
HellHCSW.s 10th
Itiiimlels Waltoi 2s \ lOlh
Ileumei I ) H Slh niulllow.ud
HrcedloveJ 1UKS ) Pacltic.
HrcedUno 1) KWS Pai-llie
HuidM A IHIinml Jackson
Huchner Chiulcs 010 s 10th
Holilo\er Jacob Oth and Leaven woith
Uiieigcr Louis OOjs 10th
Hohlmaii Wus4UJ Jones
Btilder FritM7 s I''th
Hun K I'-th nnd Howard
Hurrhais Theo 1010 Mason
Haldwin J 11 MO Lc.ucnwotlli
Hleiling Jolm lith and LouciHsorth :
Heln AIbi'i t .WJ lea\eiiwortli
Hi'lisonOleTOTs ISth
Booth DO 10121'ncilic
Hciisnn H J Sl l llo\Mud
HiniidtJohn K.'iUls 10th
HrlLhtV \ It 01-J s 1'Jth
Hcnisteln J 71 ! ! s l.'tth
Heithold llenrj ntli and Jackson
HeoinisU I" lUtliaiid Howard
Hock Jon sl5 Li'.iMMiwoitli
Hoyden John A H'it Howard
Ho > erCliarlesOr sOth
Haiter Jacob 811 s sth
JlcrrisOV4th and .lones
Haldnuf 0 ( i 01S Jaokson
HaldwinV \ U bOI ! s 10th
Blum Aniliow Cth nnil l.cavonworth
Hunch Hcniy 01 ! ) Jnokson
Hill ns Jno 1010 slOth
Bradtey S T he-ivunwoitn bet Tth aim bth
Casev Thos tits Lea\cnwoith
Callahan r.ihvard 1110 Jackson
Clitliird A ' .U'J ' Jackson
f'reelev David cor ] h mulJonc *
Con uerai * i ) 0 003 Marcy
Connurs Jno 110 $ Jackson
Conncrs J A lios. Jackson
Connors Jns 110s Jackson
Can lean .Michal OU s 10th
Ciillnhaii J HOl'j sllth
Clark M M WJ Jones
'oopei K C 5th ami Mason
'ro\\l Jarob 1117 Howard
Jarlson N7th bet Maicy anil Mason
Clinton 1'etei UUJacKson
Jampboll S S cor tilth and Uowaid
'onibe I'has 003 s 10th
Collins T J 804 sflth
ClatkT \ H Otli nnd Mason
Carnston G A SOS I'.initic
'alhoon Jas ( itli and M.ison
Canoll I'at Sla\en lieu e
'olllnT W M b Cth
Collins Jno Coiniueicial hotel
'lirlstensen M Denmark hotel
) vbbro L COth ami Leavenwortli
) bno\en K E Otli anil Lea\unworth
) iiinpuit Valentine Metz bie\\cry
lemnoy M F 10th ami Leavenwotth
) onaahuo M P Oth bet Lcavonwoilh and
Da\is W GOOO Jaekson
Jeitlincor Chas llth und How.tid
Davitt 1'at 1014s Gth
: ) a\isJHi05i.lOlh
Dhlam Jno&KslOth
Dietzen Henry 003s 13th
Dennis SOlitslOth
Doll Kouis bOs I'aclllc
Davis Abraham foot of JacUson
Dehick Nick SouUiem hotel
Dee Mlohael oat Jackson
lo/ior 1C B 60t : t , 10th
Dewier J D Mj i > 10th
Desmond Pat car 12th and Jones
Dajley Jno 1010 s 10th
Doii'-'herty P flth and Paclllc
Ullis Pcny ll'J4 Jackson
lidwattls.M G Ol.i Jackson
Kills 1 , A cor 13th and Howard
Klsas-ur Win 70U Lea\en oith
BiM-Ie II 1211 Jackson
lau : Pat Jackson bet llth ami 12th
Kills Jos Windsor hotel 1010 sloth
Kbcnhnrk Jno 10th and Leavenworth alley
Kgunr \ H Atlantic hotel
Ko.Inn 1017 LeAvenwoith
Koley Michael Oil slUti
Kaiilncr < ; eoiso 7th und Leaen worth
Fumlaii Jno 7th and Leaxeiiwoith
t'liedinan Joseph 010s tUh
Fiick Andrew' Le.ivenworili bet Oth and lOtli
Ford Jno 7th ami Maicy
FalkFOSouthrrn Hotel
Klalinery Peter 1010 s lOtli
Frcdrlckson M. Jones bet 7th mil Sth
Ford Chas U 010 d mil
Fonart > Jno 1111 Jackson
Frondcl August 320 s llth
Fair Jas H isth near Mason
Fair G C 12th near Maon >
Fauoll Michael ( UOs-lOlll
Fentoti J J 101-J P.icltlc
Fliiniiran Michael lltli and Leavenworth
( "iiincnkiriiu D UOJ s 10th
Fiitz FiankOth anil Jone- >
Fielder Anguat Jackson Otli
Green A Oth and Jones
Griiibe August Met/ brewery
Grace Martin 12tli and Jones
( irossmun Julius 010 s llth
Gallliraii J J Oil R llth
( Isirvoy JnoOKis ith : !
Glenn It T bth and Leavenwoith
Getshniiiil A F M 514 s Otli
Gctshnittii Pi : 11514 sllth
Glllmoro Harry 1010 s llth
Grlebo Christ Metbruweiy
Crowinun Fred 1017 B 10th
Glebe And fil sl'Jth
Gross H 12thand Jackson
Glllen J Oii8l2th :
( iartlaml Fiancles S12 s 7th
Galllgan Win .HI Leaven worth
Gcnsler 10th and Leavonworth
Grosser Max 51 Is 10th
Giml Thoinns 10th and Pacltie
( ilUoMio Jack 10th and Mason
Gnldifer Fred Oth and Leavouworlh
Gay lor Jas Olils 12th
( iradley Gee T 100(1 ( Lcavunwoith
Gaines W A 007 Maiccy
( raber And 910 JacUson
Hanson Jno Jones bet Otli unit 7th
Haiihon Jacob Commoiclal hotel
Hanseii A P Scnnd hotel
Hanrahan Michael lotii anrt Jaccson
Hlns i'eterl-iltll'acilic
Hansph Jloinnan Commercial hotel
Louis bllsSth
Haeurty The < > Cominuieial hotel
Hacksfll Jno 1017s lOtli st
llomellns C K 700 Leaen worth.
Hllbert 0 W 013s 12th st
llaaso Ancnst 1012 Paclllc
Ilerrman Win 812 Leavfiinvorth
lierrman J L H12 Leavonwo.tli
Hopan Jno 009 Leavenworth
Heltman Jacob 1020 Lcavenwoith
Hockstrosscr Jno 509 s 10th
llnprcn ! Hnnry 1103 Jackson
Hansen Henry I'lW s 10th
Ilaubens Henry so eor I3th and Jackson
Hanloy Chas lois Pacific
Hei70K ( ieoruoUth and Jackson
HenricUson H7Jts'Jth
HatisCn And 7th and -Maicy
llonack Jno Oth and Jones
Harrington Thos 1 7 JacUson
Haarnmn Fied 12oi ) .lonui
Haarman Chas 1200 Jouus
llenn Chas 810s nth
Holler JnnblTsMh
llonuck Q B Oth and Jones
lloneck A Oth and Joiu'-s
Horst Chas 1014 Mason
Houan Pit i S Murcy
llaitman Win Oth ami Jackson
llenrtfkson Huns Oth and Jackson
Hall Charles E 1211 Jarkson
Hanson Jorien 7th and Jones
ll.MtiiJolin Jones hot Oth and 7th
Jlerrman Albeit S12 Lea\enworth
Hnlpon Tim 5th and Jones
Harm Chaile.TWIs 13th
llenncr K cor llth nnd Howard
HawissWll 714 fa 10th
Hnai moon John 12 > l Jones
HavwoodGeo K 1011 sllth
llnrm Louis 5a iioth
Hiiite W Ttitti Lu.i\cnworth
lliiinblln Maitm 1)12 ) H Wth
Hauicman 11 W.Vttj , Wth
HnahcsCNOJs lOtli
Uoran Thomas 1015 Leaven worth
Hans P Scandinavian hotel
Haugerty Tliomai Commeieial hotel
llantini ! Win 12H acluc
llfinnon John lOiTslOlh
Holme Not * C 7th and June *
Jetftiries H H cor Jackson and 10th
Johnson GuMa9th nnd Matey
Jncobson b P llth bet Jones ami Leaven
Jensen G It Oth bet Jneksnn and J Mies
Johnson Frank Marcv bet Cth and 7tli
JoMen Amos oos s ir.tli
.lenken otto Dili aml.lnckson
Jeiudati Louis llo > Jones
Johnson J A onr 7th and Jones
Jones Harry ftth and Jones
Joliansen tta < mu 7th bet Jones and Jackson
Johnson Chas Bth and Leavenworlh
Joliansen Iiiismus 7th bet Jones and Jackson
Knot ! F.d Mason bet I'th ' and 10th
Knimes J > otii Marcy
Kopnld Leon 022s 10th
Kirk CHllfl sOth
Knemmel Tied 107 Leavenwoith
Kloirner ilco J sth and Maicy
Knapp Jas N M | | aml Leavenworth
Kinpp Israel M 7th and'y
Kemlisli Jncoti 711 s l"lh
KaM F J lOIOMa-on
Knstot II \ 1017 Howard
Kls ano iSleli 1112 JncKsnn
Kent nox Frank 7th and Jones
Kiatrt Fred t'th ' and Jack mi
Ktcbst Krncst Junes bet ' .nil and lOlh
Koppos Mlcliarl I Uli and Mitroy
Kllkeny John Win llnwanl
Klcnke Fied 017 s 12th
Kern Petei s.3 Howard
Kiikland Fiank Jones hot 7th and Sth
Kinder II Oils 12th
Kastncr 'I'lios 5th and Lcaxcnworth
Kcogan John 74" Jones
Keeuati Pat No 1 747 Jones
Keeuan Pat No 3 717 Join's
Km IH Fred Oth and Leaxciiworth
Kearno > M J Jackson bet ( Uli and 10th
Kraetchmaii lieu SM s llth
Klley John 1010s 10th
Lutsh ItlchanKUh and Lea\eiixvorth
Leliman Henry 10SO Paclllc
Lari'V J 11 WO'.i Jackson
Lalblc.tohn 014s llth
l.lo.Ml Chas Howard bet llth and Wth
Lave Henry Jones bet Oth and 7th
LIulK'iu Frank J 0155th
Limlhohu Lais 7th ami Jones
Lar.son Ulu Jones but Oth and 7th
Little Chas will ami llowaid
l.avin Michael llth and Jackson
Lai.son Hans 7th nnd Maicy
Lynch John 1201 Howard
Larson Paul N > a Lca\enwortli
Lummo Chas fila Maicy
Luhlsliei Peter 002 s lOtli
LimlhP Jackson ne.ii Will
l.o\elace Gcorpe 1020 Leuenwoith
Lconaid ThosSlavon house
Latowsky Wm ( HI Jackson
Lanktiec J "III and Pacihc
Kindlylas to ! s 10th
i.aison J Jones bet Oth and 7th
Laurlt/.en Nels POO'slUll
Larson W Oil s 10th
Mnrcn James Commercial hotel
Mattson August Denmaik hotel
Mason I ) Denmark lintel
Me.Closky Hem v L Otli and Pacific
lo.uauusK Commercial hotel
IcManus H Commercial hotel
IcCattliy Tim 12th and Leavenworth
lomooJ W U.'OJackjon
let/ Chas 515 s 10th
let/ Fred fi 515slOth
Iiilvchill J P btli and Leavenwortli
ladden Win 7tli and Marcey
lies Chas OOis 10th
ilettkon Jno PObs 12th
ilaitln F C Gth and Leaven worth
itiller Henry C 009 s 10th
.lillur . Albert 005 Maicov
Mattensll C 10U Howard
Metcalt J Nbl2s8th
Moon W UNI ) sMh
Moiri-ey i' J flth bet Howaul and Jackson
Marten Jno Met ? biewciy
Maekln Jno Jackson but llth and 12th
Mills Jns 711s 12th
ilencen L Jackson bet 12th and Kith
iiiinhy Pat fill Marcy
dyers Win 002 s lOtli
Miilvi'hm Jeiry .laofcSon bet 12tli and IStli
M.ein Hichaid 5iii nml Maicy
't A F Oth and Leavcnwoi th
Ceo 1017 s 10th
Tlieoll Scandinavian hotel
Mc(5arvey ( lluch 015 s 10th
McAidlc Pnt sth and Jackbon
Mclliiili Wm 1020 s 10th
McGnnii Michael Scandinavian hotel
MoXamara Flank Slavin house
Nelson IVtei 012 Marcy
Nelson C H Atlantic hotel
Nachtlgal Louis Mason bet llth and 12th
kelson Swan 7th and Leavenwoith
Nelson PeterS605 sOth
Nelson S K 7th and Leavenwortli
Kelson N C7th and Leavcnwoith
Net7iier ,1007s 10th
Nations JV 70s Maicy
Noi man John 1100 Pacific
S'ilson J W Jones bet 7th and Sth
Nikoialson LiisXo 2 Gtli bet Jackson and
N'obie Jas Denmaik hotel
N'elson Mairnus Jones7th and 8th
Nlkolalson Lars No I Oth and Jones
Nlckcrson Fiankllth near Jones
I'esteiieicher Kd 12th and Jones
Plddaker GeotgeV 12th bet Jackson atiU
Oliorran Jno 1018 Pacific
Olsen MaitinG07hl3th
Ornisbv J C Leaxenwoith bet Oth nnd 10th
Olson Peter Oth bet Jackson ami Jones
O'Connor Jas C 10th nnd Leavcnwoith
uii Jno llth and Jones
Pinch Chas 002 s 10th
Powers Walter 7th and Jones
Powers Peter 7th and Jones
Poitor W W 390 Jones
r > inui John F Leavenwoith bet 7th and Sth
PiiesmanVm512slOth \
Pospeshol Charles 4th and Leavenworth
Pliilllpps C W 1010 Mason
Peasner Gns 13tb ana Howard
Peterson Peter 7th bet Marcy & Leavenworth
Paulson And Oth and Luavcnwoitli
Peterson Sam C. K IHth and Howard
Ponnishol Josuph 4tli and Leavonworth
Paler Win J 12th ami Howard
PoteiBOii Gcor o hotel
Peterson M bJl s 7th
Paulseil Nils S05 s Oth
PlesnerG WWtlinmt Howard
Pieicell A.W2B7th
Paulson Ami C toot of Jones
Peteison Eiick 710 Lea veil woith
Poteison S OUMaioy
Peterson Peter024 sllth
I'eclclmm Win .V.H ) Jackson
( hilnland Pat cor 12th and Jones
Ittibln Isaac.MSand 530s 10th
Itnhln Louis am and r < 20s 10th
HobllngOn Leavenworlh
lUvencroft William 1120 Loavenworth Aaron C1120 Jackson
Kassmuson Fied .Scandinavian hotel
Ko ers.Samuel K 10-20 H Oth
Itoblnson Henry Jones bet 12tliand I3th
Ulof GeoiKO''th ' tict Jiickbon and Jones
KillipGotttl led 517s 12th
Rowis John O UttJ Jackson
KouJ T7ttiMiil Leavenworth
Kowiui A ( jtX > s 10th
Uobburts GCOIKC U 1124 Jackson
Itomiliard C St James hotel
Helne flr Josenli llO l Howard
ItiiHsul Jno 12th nnd Jackson
Kodgerrt ( JV b7 ! Leavonworth
Kiil > | ) Clms.r < Ol H lOih
Itmives Win Commercial hotel
Kyiin Uichard P.u-iliu but 10th and llth
KeinoldsHM 700s 10th
Htono M MM .s 10th
.Slaxen Owcu'JtSslith
Schmidt Fred W Leaen woith and Oth
SJchwGar Lewis Leavi nworih but Uli and nth
Sclielt AudOWHlOth
dmltn T W 1033 s 10th
.Schinker Henry WM Leavenworth
Schmidt Thos J 710 Leavenwoith
Stannls K U Commercial hotel
Spltko A P 514 s Oth
Schmidt Wm .VMs llth
SteillbeiR KM 514s lOlh
htruht Krnst tan a llth
Snydci AdtiMifllObUth
Slnvln F Sliivln house
.Snowden Wm P 1121 Jackson
Schmidt Geomo 512 .s Otli
.Schmidt I'-RH ! r,12 H Dili
.SchnellJ lFllthuii.8 ) Jonw
Spctman F A 513sllth
Schmidt I W BOJ R lOtli
Schmidt Abialmm Oi > S s lOlh
Schmidt AtiKiist 1017 Leaxenwdrtb
bchmldt Henry ( rtl Jone.s
Schmidt Jacob Leau-tiwoith but 10th and
Smith G U cor 12th raid Mu.wn
Shannalmn Dennis 1115 Jackson
.Snowden Gee 1124 Jacksun
SaumlersI HiXMslOth
Schneidei C Fcoi 7th nnd Lc.ivonth
ShoDard H cor 12th und Leaven worth
Sunberc Jno P lUli nud Maiuy
Schmidt llcmy 5lh but JaukHoii und Jonog
Scow Hans 7th and Lciueuwoitti
Satidek J Oils 12th
Schoemm ; Jno 010 s 10th
Stonfcymtcr A LdlSs 12th
hlu'ner D 12th and Howard
SlKwaidG N 1100 Howard
.Stein Louis 01 ! ) JnckM > n
.Steiilieiibon W II 0 717 H 13lh
.Stolt ( ieorL-er.iuiuh
Stiles JnolflSt , 10th
Schneider F W 701 Leavenworth
Stiles Isaac 515 Matey
StaiiRer Manlu MoU bmwcry
Hhnuithruti Pat .Mli and Mason
Sullhan Y llth bt-t LoavotnvortU and Joucs
Schinker Jug Wi Leavcuworlh
Sweeney J J l th nnrt
SaiuiMIko 1011 Jackson
MriDo D O si * s loth
Shorninn O J 1V.M Jarkson
Steward Amos lli Jackson
Shea M ( JMOPnrlib
Miaotot lli'irman Jnok on bft llth and 12th
Srhindler P Ute Paclilo
Sitlllum V H n e c nth and Pacific
Smith Will M nth and I.eivenworth
hwansen Paid Jones dot Tth nud SHU
Smith Chns eor 10th mm Jackson
Stoft Jnool'.ioth
Simla Win H cor Ma on and Marcy
Shlpp Win M llth and Jones
Sildalik AdolphfiUs lOlh
Tinano C C Commercial hotel
Tlirane L C Comtnerilal hotel
Thellnaid llnlis OU s 10th
Tledeman Jno Commercial hotel
'Ihotnas Michael OtTJ.s 10th
Thornton W W se cor and Howaul
Tallliian Louis fXMs Will
Ttosh GnsSt James hotel
Thomas F L 12th bet Lea enworth and Jack
Vaijtle Cli 9th and Jackson
VI ? | HTSOII Fied 12th bet Jones and Le.ivon
Vottler A IMWs 10th
Vanllvuliij ; \ \ in loth bet Jones and Lea\cn-
u 01 tn
WecKci Win 003 s 10th
Wlhox W P M I ) 1107 llowaid
Walker Isaac B OiM Matey
AVattcrMin LTlX.Hsl2th
Wollanp Petei I.e.nonworlli near Oth
Wall.iceC K1020S llth
Wllcta Wenrel sth ml Liuen worth
Wacnoi Fued sii : ssth
Warwick I ! W 1D14 Mason
Wlsuiati Fiod Hill bu't Ma on and i'aclfic
Wnirnor G F ith bet Lc.iveiiwortli and
Waronilei Win fith and Jones
Whltlne W ,1 si is nth
Wells II J sth and llowaid
Wells W W stimiid Ilownrtl
Wilson N I ) 9in LenM'invoith
Wells Flit/ Jones lift 12th and l5th !
Whltshle Bon 81' . s 9th
Wllcnx Goo lt"0l " Mason
WajliilKht Adam 12th tjetJaclisoiiaud JCIIM
Welch Tlios nin .lacl.son
Weiman Jno Dennis house
Whlttenmyin Jos lllh nr Leavonworth
Yoiinc Daniel iith and Li'awMiworth
Vonni ? Jacob Oth and\i'li\\orlh
Xautfroltlleh ( ! 007 h 10th
Ximmcimnnn ( iottlieh nth nr Jones
1 hoiebv ccilifv that the above names ate a
true and conect'coiij of qualified voters tn
bald teglatratiun dbtilet.
ISAAC IttMii.v ,
ItcRistiar First dhtiict , Plrst ward.
Omaha August'-'I , 1KS'1. '
A predisposition to Khoumalism should
be roiiquered in its incipieney. before it
lias lixed a morn tenacious hold upon the
system , besides bcinir ] ) : iinful , it is dan
Serous nnd is likely , ut any.nipjuoiil lo
alttick tlio liearl. As a romoily IHO Dr J.
H. McLean's Liver and Kidney Halm.
$1.00 per bottlo.
It is related that an Oil City dog , who
wouldn't ' , or couldn't. g t out out of the
way of an inconnnjr freight train , calmly
hij' down between two tio. , liiiKKinK the
earth as closely as possible , until the train
had passed on over him , whim hn Rot up
and scampered away , wiigihi his tail in
a knowing manner.
St. Jacobs Oil cured rheumatism from
which I siilleredfor yiyjiij. J. Proohlich ,
lf' ttays ago tlia wife of I21i Taylor ,
eoloied , was ruling tliroitgli the woods
near East river , near Apalachirolu , Fin. ,
when slio saw a voung bear. Slic pro
cured a lonji polo , and , gelling near his
bearship , belabored him so soundly that
lie was soon dispatched. Ho weighed
about eighty pounds.
Red Star Cough euro has domostratcd i's '
value in cases of bronchitis. No depres
A Mount Pleasant , Mich. , lawyer sent a
telegram lo Sucinaw a few days ago ,
whjch read : "bend bond by morning
train. " When the telegram reached.
Saginaw It read : "Send bird by morn
ing train " The Saginaw recipient was
obliged to go lo Mount Pleasant to see
what kind of a biid was wanted.
Rupture radically cured , also pile tn
mor.s and iistuhu. Pamphlet of particu
lars 10 cents in stamps. World's Dis
pensary Medical Association , Ijullalo , N.
A barrister on fire and a sanitarian
blown up bv tlic ( explosion of a bottle of
lemon sherbet are sights not often wit
nessed. Nevertheless , according to the
St. James Gn/otto , Hitch n lire actually oc
curred in n London court not long since.
Arooffn In tint mast vrrotclidil dtnttt of
liclnir , rcnllr tun sick to mirk , but no situa
ted that tlioy cannot nlTortl to lei i tlm time
It rciiiilr.'n to luku niuitlrlno und K < H veil ,
l.otnol time manna UMQ of mmtoy. Modl-
Mno li nooiloil to InMKurntc , roitulnl e u lid
tone tlio Ayfltom Hut urmy modlclnc *
umko Uilf-ilck people wholly nick , ami
llmu nnil inonay uru lost In Kelllntf well
nlior tnkln/thcm
-llio I.lTL-rlstlioc-nuso of nearly all bodi
ly million ! * , turn n *
I > 3 siii' | sliit'onsllptf m , Ileudnclto
Sour Slniiuiflillilloiihiici | )
CollfIow SpiritKidney AlleetPH
Ami 11 meJlPlno llko HlmmOnt Dlvi'r HPK-
ulHiur , thnt nlll rcmoTu nndurn Iho'o dis
orders vrlihunt I'uiHln'lnM nf tlina.nmi
MronKllicnnnil buildup Mie IT irn-ont body
rvon wlilla the [ lormin lint work li ccrtalu-
ly u boun to working people O WIMIKII. PrlncTtnii.N .1 Barn"t mul
m.UUiitf lielin no niucli to koppmp In worklnic condi
tion as.ilinmoiu I.IvorlU-vullitor. '
Tha only perfect autxtltute for Mother * *
rnllk. iDvaiuabla ia Cholera Infantum
nnd Teothlnp. A pru-dlKeatmlrocxi for DS *
paptlcti Consumptives , Corwrlcsccnto.
i'urfoci nutrient la all Wasting Dlsenee * .
Roqulras no cooking Our Hook , Too Onto
and Foedlrm of InfantH , moiled freo.
DOLIDKIl. OOODALB 61 CO. , Boston , MMB ,
llcicnlly Unlit. Newly I'uriiMlio.l
The Tremont ,
J , 0. 1 < TI7.UHUAU & i > ON , I'loprletors.
Cor. Uli ami IBID , Lincoln , Not.
Hairrifl.&Q par d y. blroot cars ( roiu liuino to any
ran of tlio cltr-
J. H.W. 11ANKIN8 ,
Architect ,
Oniccs 31. 31 uml 12 , IlloliiinU lllocU , Lincoln ,
Nub , Kluruturuiilllll Miuol.
llreoilnrnl llri'txlor of
Live Stock Auctioneer
iniuJn lu nit imm nf llio U H. nt fair
raids. HoomU , BUilo Itlook , Lincoln , Nobvi .
Uulloiray und Short Hum liulU lor al ) .
If n.UoiTLuTNlT ,
Farm Loans and Insurance ,
ixjrrrs ! > onilon < t > ! n reirurl to loauj sollfltoJ.
Ilooin t , Iticliunl * lllock , Lincoln , Xot ) .
_ _
Riverside Short Horns
Of birltlly puii ) llutt'Ki'ml H.iua Tu | > i > tJirvUu. !
lunnliiTi about M hcud.
lcM ii-pri'ft'iitoJ. I'llbarta , C'insca ,
. Iti-nlcU. Ito .00 : ' MUUOIIH , .Mo s ,
KniKlitl > DuchrMps , Klat I'rooloun ; Mm ) ' i
1 liylllM'IxiuuiH mul'liuo I.UVCM- .
llnlis for said 1 I'uic llittc * I'llbort , i Z'uio
UiiU g t'r.ttrire , I Itosoof Bluuon , I Voini M. r .
1 1'iuo Crulck Miiink mid nthoi * lomouiil
Inspwt Hip lu-rl. AudrcM , CIIA . M lilt \V
fc ! > N. Lincoln. Xeb.
When HI Lincoln stop nt
National Hotel ,
Ami ; vt a KOOI ! uliuur fur -x.