Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 26, 1886, Page 4, Image 4
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAYAUGUST 1886. THE DAILY BEE , PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING. OF Dnlly f > , ' Kdltlon ) Including Sumlny IlKB , ( Inn Ycnr . $10 0) rorSIx Months . 6(0 ( ForThronMontln . 2 M The Onmlin Smiilny HIM : , mallod to nuy a < Idio s , Uno V'ciir. . . . , . 200 omrr : , No. PI l ASH Oil STIIKKT. NKMT Vouit cn'HrB , ItiioM CM. TimirM'E liriuii.Mi. WAKIII.MITUX Ut HICK , Nil. All PuUllTEKNTII STIILKT. . . All communlditKins rHiitlnt ? to news mvl cdl- torlttl innttnr lmuld be ruUIiussud to tliu 1U > 1- ton UP Tilt : IIKI * . All tin * lno R Ii'ltort nnil runilttnnorn t iiottld 1m ft'MreMod ID I'm : lliu : I'riii.ixniNii OIMI-VNV , i DM AIM. Draft' ) , oliocki mill prxlnlllro orilrrt tobciimdopayublotoilinnrdcrof tliucomimny. IHE BEE puBLisHmTcipm. . PROPRIETOR K. KOSKU'ATKIi. Kntfoit. TJII-J IAII < V UK 13. Sworn StntctiKMit orClrctilntlon. Ktntc of Nebraska , i . . s s- Countvnf ( < - 15. T7.sHiiickscrr ( > tiryol ( tlic line Pub- llslunu compniiVi ( lees solemnly swear ( lint thn ndtml circiilntlop. of Ilio D.illv itro for tlic week cmllni ; Aug. UOtli , 1SSC , was as follows : Saturday. 14tli . 12,000 Niuiilay , IMh . Hw 0 Miiiulny , lOlli . iiO.V : ) TiH-Mlny. Kill . 12W : ) Wi'iliipwlny , IMh . l'JM Tliiuxlay. luth . 18M.- : . I'jltlny , aotli . .1MOO ! Average . W.801 ( iKo , II. TzPCHl'Ch. Subscribed and sworn to iefoi-o tno this 21M < by of August , Itei. N. 1' . KF.II. , | fcUAT. . | Nolarv Public. Cico. 1J. TzscliucU , lieliiKfiisttliily poses nnd snyH Hint ho Is si'crotary of tlio lleo Piilillshliic company. that tlio netual avcriwe daily circulation of tlm Dally lleo for the month of Jnmtary , l sC , was 10iT8 , : roplus ; lor February , 1SSO , H.V.r ) copies ; for March , UfcC. 11.KJ7"copies : for April , ISbO , liui : ! copies ; lor May , Jt&C , 1B.4.7Jcoiii's ) ; for Juno , 18SO , 12,2W ! copies ; for July , issn , 12.814 copies. I5io. : 1) ) . T/sc'Ut'CK. Subscribed and sworn to before me , this 2d liny of August , A. D. 18SO. 18SO.N. N. l . Knir. , fBiAi : , . | Notary Public. IT begins to look as if Omulm would li.ive a uublo liuu in operation before the snow flies. Tun board of public works hns adver tised for bids for the city hall basement. There should be a full and freu comne- , tlon , for this important , work. Ar.KXANnr.u of Hulguriais missing , and is reported as a prisoner in a half a dozen Kussian fortresses. Is Alexander to bo the I'liarloy Hews of European politics ? Jilt. CUVKI.AN : continues fishing for trout in the north , while -his friends are baiting the political hooks in Albany and New York for a bigger lish , which they liopo to hind two years from date. Cni'itoii HOWK pretends to have made the discovery that General Van \Vyck tlocs not control the editorial policy of the HKK. Church will bo announcing ' .uo.xt . that the moon is not made of green cheese. AND now the squealers are attempting to show that Senator Van Wyclc's trump card was pulled from his sleeve. It 'lay ' fairly and squarely in the pack und the constitutional shuille was opcii to all. OMAHA patronage is too largo a matter for any railroad to ignore. The lines which discriminates against this city will find that they are fooling with an awk ward and heavy boomerang of large di mensions , ST. PAUL is making n loud call for natural gas. Jn view of the frequent ex plosions of wind from tlio neighborhood of the Minneapolis exposition it would seem as if further search for the article might safely bo suspended. OMAHA'S wholesale trade will show a startling increase when the figures of the year are in. The great growth of the job bing business in this city only rolleets the remarkable growth of the state of which Omaha is the peerless commercial gem. TUB attempt of certain citizens of Omaha to overido the action of Inspector O'AIalley in refusing to accent certain paving material , was unwise and ill- timed. Inspectors do too litl.In genuine inspecting , and deserve all the support they can secure when interposing their authority on behalf of the tax payers. THAT "walkaway" which Church Ilowu was predicting so confidently will not materialize. Nearly a month remains before the convention. During that time the BKE will have frequent occasion to consult its pigeon holes which contain n largo supply of reserve ammunition. In case of tlio nomination of the trickster from Memaha a still larger reserve re- niuins to bo drawn on. Wb repeat as a prophecy for the benefit of republicans * > t the First district that Church Howe willnnver be elected to the seat which IIIIH not been disgraced by Congressman Weaver , WHB H THE accidental omission of the nama ' of Cincinnati in the telegraphic reports of the last week's ' clearings , is made the subject of a bogus interview with a bogus banker in n little sheet published in Omaha. This paper is charged with in- lontionul inaccuracy for the purpose of booming Omaha. Picking up typograph ical ) a small business lor any Omaha paper. When the facilities of journalism in this city are as full as those in Now York , wo may expect to find the issues of Omaha newspapers as free i-from accidents which happen occasion , ally , even in the best regulated newspaper fa iwlies. WOIIK has been begun on the extension of the North Omaha main sower. No public works m which this city has been engaged of late years has been of greater importance than that done on the sewerage - ago systems. Tor many years the heavi- oil death rate in Omaha was in tlio wards traversed by the creeks whoso open beds were used to carry oil' the drainage of I ho oily. The engineering problem of how to utiliw'tlii ! creeks or portions of their beds for main sewerage drains has buen successfully solved aud the result lias fully justified the expenditure. Pliy- sioinns notu this year a steady decrease in typos of malarial disease and especially so in those section ! through which the creeks formerly run , The sewer bonds voted at thn last election will go far towards advancing these 'two arteries of our soworngo system and towards ex Irmdinjj their Crunches in sections wjiero Ihay form the natural outlets for surface j > r drainage. Tito Vote Will UP Tolled. The latot reason for objection to General - oral Van U'yok's appeal that is urged by the railroad tircss is the fear that a popu lar vote would injure the senator's chances. Wo are told that , as matters now arc , Van W.vck can go before the legislature- claim the popular scnti- nil-lit , while if a light vote was polled on Ids manifesto or if tlio vote was not a clear nnd overwhelming majority of till tins votes polled for state ollicers the sen ator's chances would bu materially dam aged. The solicitude- the railroad press for Senaior Van Wyck's Interests is very npthclic , Tlio senator and his friends , the people , arc quite able to look after the can vass without such assistance. So far as the slxo of the vote is concerned there need bo no fears. The voters of Nebraska pro pose to exwoiso their privilege under the law and to show their preference as they have a right to do. The returns from oaeh county will leave rcMU'osontativci no excuse for disregarding the expressed wishes of their constituents. They will show tliu total viHu , and the vole on the senatorial question. No representative need be for a moment in doubt as to what is the real sentiment of his district on the issue. In addition the republicans of Nebraska who have been hoodwinked so often by the politicians propose to see that members are olootcd to the legislature who will voieo the will of the people in the senatorial election , Tlie stool pigeon and corporation cappers will be bliown a back seat and honest and fearless ru pub licans chosen to take their places. The abuse and ridicule which the mo nopoly hirelings nro heaping on Senator Van Yi'yck's appeal is intended to oll'set , if po. siblu , its force and to prevent the voters from complying with tlio constitu tional proviso. Nothing would so quickly knock the underpinning from other sena torial candidates as a heavy popular vote for Van Wyck , with the cold figures icg- istercd in every district where east , a pop ular mandate which representatives would not dare to disobey. The Ciimpnlmi in Maine. The campaign of tlic Maine republicans was formally opened at Lake Sebago on Tuesday with u carefully prepared speech by the lion. James ( . ! . Hlaino. Political circles throughout the country have awaited this utterance of the distinguished republican leader in tlio "Pino Tree State" with somewhat more than ordi nary interest , anticipating that it would sound the Ikoynoto of the party generally for the ensuing fall contest. It has been known for several weeks that Mr. IJlaiuo was pieparing tiiis speech , and news paper statements had credited him with the intention of making it an effort of surpassing vigor , both as a presentation of republican policy and an arraignment of democratic mistakes and inollicionoy. The high expectation induced by this promise will , we arc free to say , bo in a measure disappointed. The impression left by the speech is one of imulcquacy. One completes its perusal with a sense that something is wanting , and that the author had held himself in check and kept something in reserve. It lacks tlm energetic vigor and the aggres sive virility which [ are looked for in the public eflbrts of Mr. lilainc qualities quite as characteristic nnd essential as their generally strong array of facts and incisive login. This is not to bo ex plained on tlio assumption that Mr. lilainc depreciated the extent of tlio arena in which for the moment he was the com manding figure. Doubtless no ono un derstood better than he that the republi can party of the nation was his audience. Nor is it likely that ho failed to appre hend the present importance of n thorough discussion of principles and policies when the two great parties arc actively preparing to confront cacli other in a contest for the next house of repre sentatives. The more probable explana tion is in u feeling , suggested in tlio open ing paragraph of Mr. IMainc's speech , that it is not yet time to boldly challenge in condemnation of the democracy "tho American instinct of fair play , which de mands that the party freshly installed may have free opportunity and full time to lay out its ground and mature its mea sures. " It is to be said of this that it is at least a remarkable concession for Mr. lilaino to make , though it may be en tirely wise and prudent. Mr. lilainc gives precedence to the tarifl' question , respecting which his views are of course unchanged. Ho be lieves fully in the cllicacy of the protec tive policy , and like other advocates of this form of taxation of the many for the benefit of the few , is able to present a largo array of specious and sophistical facts and arguments in sup port of- his position. In the present in stance Mr. lilaino confines his appeal ohiotly to the workingmcu , whom ho SOUKS to specially impress with the ad vantages of protection by a comparison of the savings of labor in nine states of this country and in Great Britain during u given period. It must bo grunted that the showing is very much to the advant age of the slates , but it cannot bo logic ally hold to prove that the policy of protection should be interminable , or because it swells the savings bank ac counts of a few hundred thousand labor ers in Now Kngland it is right and itist regardless of the fact that it robs millions of farmers in every section of the country. Regarding the labor question Mr. lilaino has very little to offer from which workingmun can derive any enlightenment - lightenment or encouragement for ad vancing their interests , He confesses that he has "no now nostrums to oiler for the euro of the labor troubles , " Keduced to its simplest form the counsel of Mr. lUaino is : "Maintain the protective tarifl' , " The one salient point of value in this portion of the speech is the atten tion directed to the competing labor of the colored population of the south , which is being gradually utilized in all departments of industry. and the necessity there is for elevating this labor so that it may become self-protecting , and not grow into a power morn danger ous oven to the white labor of the country than is the so-culleU pauper labor of Europe. This Is unquestionably a matter of very grave importance , which may well command lliu serious attention of the labor Interests. Regarding the fishery question Mr. Hlaino is in full sympathy with tlio sentiment of Now Kngland , which is undoubtedly shared to , a largo degree by the country , at least 10 the oitent of desiring that thn nationa rights and interests hlinll be adequately protected mid the national dignity prop erly maintained. The mistakes and \ shortcoming * of the mi ministration in dealing with' this issue arc pointed out with rather more moderation than had boon expected , but with ampin detail , nnd it must bo said that Mr. lilalno has let olVMr. liayard with n very mild cas- tigalion. The course pursued toward Mexico is pharncteri/cd ns "an un dignified display of insolence anil brav ado , " with which view a great many people will disagree , while at the sumo time acknowledging that the hasty action of the government , without being sure ns to the facts , was a mistako. Mr. Hlaino concluded his speech with a very proper denunciation of tliu third party prohibi tion movement in Maine which appears not to have a single motive , or aim to commend it. It will bo seen that this speech of Mr. Itlamo , of whii-li somucli was expected , refers to only a few , nnd not all of tho. o the most important , of the issues that maxo a demand upon the attention of tlio country and are proper subjects of pres ent consideration. If the omissions may properly bo attributed to a wise circumspection , tlio speech must be com mended for what it does not say rather than for wiiat it contains. Tlm Jiiilarinii | Revolution , The political kaleidoscope in the Halkans has made another turn within the last twenty-four hours. The agents of Russian intrigue have been overturned by tin outraged people and an indignant soldiery. The ministers at Sofia arc in prison. Witldin , the next largest city of United Bulgaria , is in arms to demand the return of their prince. For the moment Alexander's friends seem to have carried the day and the prince has been sent for to resume his rule. A few more hours may change tlio complexion of affairs. Alexander's career 1ms naturally and properly endeared him to his subjects. He found them disorganized , disunited ; their principality the scene of alternate Russian and Turkish intrigues ; their mountains the pathway by which the c/.ar hoped to enter Constantinople and the Balkans the firebrand of contention among tlio warring European diplomats. By brilliant statesmanship he lifted Bul garia to n position of independence which she had never before possessed , added Eastern Roumelia to the territory and secured the consent of Turkey and the great powers to the union. Ho faced invasion troiu Sorvia anil by his personal bravery drove back with his army the invaders from the frontier in ignominious rout. Bulgarian arms placed the seal on the statesmanship of Bulgaria's leader. The popularity and force of character of Alexander were responsible for his fall. Russia could not brook a prince holding the Key to the Balkans who de clined to bo a tool lo the ministers of the czar. Muscovite agents in Sofia wore scut to work to aceomnllfh what M. do Giers found himself tumble to do through ordinary diplomatic methods. The secret seizure and forced abdication of the prince , followed by his disappear ance from the country , was repre sented to lliu people as the voluntary act of their ruler. Garbled dispatches Hashed the same news to the civilized world. Now the populace hav ing discovered the plot have seized tlie plotters and loudly demand the return of Alexander to his people anil his army. Whether ho will bo permitted to return is the agitating question. Russia > YiH cer tainly leave no stone unjuraed to pre vent it. anil Silvnr. Silver is still falling. The market value of the metal in a silver dollar is now only sovcntyono : cents. Congress at its last session did nothing to arrest the decline. Coinage still continues , but even free coinage lias not checked the Xlownward tendency. All schools of financiers admit that the point will soon bo reached when cheap money will begin to seriously iill'ect the material interests of the coun try , and particularly tlio classes who earn their bread by honest labor. Any movement , therefore , which looics to bridging over the discrepancy be tween the gold and the silver dollar will ho hailed with satisfaction. The news that the Salisbury ministry has agreed to appoint a commission to discuss tlio pro priety of rcmonotizing silver gives hope that the United States will not bo com pelled much longer to attempt single handed to maintain the credit of silver. The return of England to a double stand ard would mean another large outlet for tlio world's silver production , a corresponding spending increase in the purchasing power of the silver dollar and a decrease in tlio paramount , value of gold. AH a matter of fact gold has ap preciated as much us silver lias depreciated during the last two de cades. Whatever tends to throw the world of commerce upon its inadequate supply of gold as the only material for coinage must helpto force up the vuluo of gold as compared with commodities generally. The United States has been the only monetary power so far which has set itself lo counteract this tendency. Our failure has been duo to the fact that wo have fought alone. With nn in ternational agreement for the romonetiza- tion of silver the tldo would quickly turn and silver would take its place side by side with gold as the money of the world. England's movement will bo watched with interest. MEXICO claims the right , nnd exercises it , to punish an American citizen for an oll'ensG against her laws committed on American soil. According to u Wash ington dispatch , however , thereis a special treaty clause which warrants Mexico in rctusing to surrender ono ot her citizens for trial in the United States , even though he may have murdered an American citizen , as was tlio case with Aresures , n few weeks ago extradited by a Texas judge , carried into Mexico , and shot down iu cold blood on the pretense that ho was trying to escape. At first glauco it would seem that this is a de cidedly one-sided arrangement. THE fact is noted that the present summer has been marked by exceptional freedom , the world over , from dreaded diseases. Not only is our own country free from the visitation of any epidemic , but the whole world is thus far exempt from pestilence of any sort. True , there is some cholera In Italy and Japan , but It is not ot startling viniloneoand doubt less there is the usual mortality along thp line of the Panama canal , which , not to be classed as epidemic , Ono of the m'ost fearful records of sum mer mortality ig furnbscd annually by Now York city , tntiflotfp largely oi the death of children , btit , u recent state ment , bringing the rqtofl ! { tip to the last of July , shows a cousiduf-ihlo reduction as compared with tliOTeeords of several previous years. On thi wiiolo tlio human family has reason to lo grateful for the present enjoyment of unusual freedom from disease , and PVCMUI a few diplo matic controversies which will doubtless bo amicably settled , u general reign of peace. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Tin : severe disasters sutl'orcil by the cotton mill interests oi'Xi-w England dur ing the past three injiitlis , from the heavy defalcations of financial managers , have had an nwnkuninginlluenco iipon the stockholders and director : ) of the.- cor porations which cannot fail to be greatly to their advantango. Mueh that lias been said regard ing general loose and careless supervision on tliu part of ehk-f officials , whieh rendered such peculations as these of Gray and Siu-lling easy of accomplish ment , appears not to have been well founded , the fact being that these de faulters were an exception among treas urers in the extent of the privileges and authority accorded to them. But it is evident that the checks and safeguards generally observed have not buen so thorough as Is de.sinibli ! , and it is not de nied by those mo-it anxious to find an apology for the existing state of things that there is largo room forimprovcmont. The recent startling developments will not be an unmixed evil if they shall have tlio effect of securing sueh additions lethe the preventives of roguery as will reduce its opportunities to the minimum. IT is rather amusing to read the lec tures upon the ueceucios of journalism lo which its readers are MMm-occiisiotmlly treated by the democratic organ in this city. No paper in Omaha has more con sistently violated all "the decencies of journalism ' tlinn tlm Omaha Iferalil. Us responsible editor possis es a vocabulary of epithets and adjectives which he has never hesitated to retail when occasion required , and which were lurid enough to suit the most exacting ot " pot-house politicians.1 The HEK has never declined to call a spade a spade. It proposes to dose so in the future. It may lese in Addi- sonian elegance in so doing , but it will express its ideas more clearly to people who wish to get at tlie meat of the matter iiiuler discussion. Finally , when it wan to instruction in tlio art of printing a suc cessful and inlluuntial paper it will steer very wide ot llic editorial sanctum of the Iferald. BIAINIC is thoroughly aroused over the fisheries question. CD Ultl'JXT ' TOPIC9. ; Advices from Corea' ' sliiAv that cholera swept oil' twenty tlienshiiilpersons ' / In one province. . A magnificent diimond- weighing ISO carats , of the watur , and free from all llnwsand Inipi-iTt-ctionsj Iiast just been cut in liiiRland. It is owned liy rt syndicate , and is sidd to surpass In weight and quality all tlio ul.storiual dinmomlM on record. Some idea of. Its value may bo gottjMi from the fact that a little piece sliced olt t\\o \ \ end to Improve Its shape produced a brilliant of'nlncteeu ' caiiils and was hold for ' S-iO.OUU' , a iljnmoj'.tl mer chant . - , j : Theie arc fortv-niP.S dul ) ? In Sprlngfiolit. Mass. , organised for the puip"oso of furnish ing liqi-.tirs to members. It has been decided to alter the plans of the Carlii'ld monument at ClovtUuul , and niiikn U 150 feet in height Instead ot 225 as originally designed , The cost of the proposed tunnel between Ireland and Scotland is estimated nt S25.000COO , with 85,000,003 , additional for land approaches. P. J. Fallon. of Ilolyoko , Mnss. , became in sane from overstudy while qualifying for the priesthood and ran about the country miked , and was with difficulty captured. General tioulangor , French minister of war , lias prohibited the publication of the pamph let civing his biography and referring to a scamlal with which his name was connected. The report is confirmed that Krupp has secured a contracl to supply 1,500 tons u steel rails for the construction of railroads to bo used in the development of mining In dustries In China. The gift of § 100,000 to the Wesleyan uni versity by George I. Seucy , which was so long delayed by the fiir.inclal embarrassment ot tno donor , has at length been made good. Mr. Seney's conscience Is once again clear while the treasury of a most useful educa tional institution Is enriched to a degree cor responding with Its promises of future good. Jir , Seney's beneficence has not been mis placed , although his Intentions may huvo been miscarried at the outset. A law passed by the Xe\v i'ork legislature In 18S5 provides that tlic state shall collect a tax of ft per cent upon all public bequests. According to the provisions of this law the state would receive a tax of 8200,000 out of tlioTlldou estate , provided tlio public be- qwsts amount to § 4,000,000 , as estimated. Out of this sum the county treasurer would receive a fee of 5 per cent for collecting tliu tax , which would make tlio fees 510.000. Thus § 210,000 must bo collected out of the Tlldon estate before the several charltnble bequests can bn carried out. Invention. AVc congratulate Chicago upon her symme trical and beautiful buzz-saw Invention for anarchy. AVIiy They .St. Mud There Is nothing peculiar ) n the fact that so many Dakota postmasters h'.ivo ' recently re- sigupd when It Is reiujnuberndthatoxpt-it harvest hands are now winti , | S3 u day , while the average Dakota po tglHeo luudly pays ' that lunch in a week , ( Jlow to Avoid Kcw Vc Jefferson Davis , In addtQMlng a conven tion at Mississippi City tlju oilier day , opened his speech with "Brethren nnd lollow-Mls- slsslpplans. " aud lammituil ttio fact that he could not say "fellow-citizens. " It was a rather awkwaid positioned Julferson might have avoided the cinbarritssiiibnt by not mak ing a speech. J Cora in Chicago niul'Neljrnslcn. CuluHil/ii * Democrat. Corn Is worth about ! cents In Columbus. In Chicago it is worth -13 cents , a difference of 21 cents pnr bushel. The fault does not Ho with the dealers. Their profit I * legitimate. The fact that it costs about as much to haul a bushel ot corn from this place to Chicago , a distance of 000 miles , as It " 'DOS ' to raise It , shell It and haul it to market , Is what hurts. It Will bo a Good Tlilii ! : for the lie- publican Party. Columbia Dcmociatn. The candidacy of Church Howe for a seat In congress from tlio First district , has caused the HKK to bring forth its uuns and level them at Ids crrliii head. Should the efforUof the BKK succeed In preventing his nomination , It will be goad thing for tlio republican party. Should la-tw tlio nominee. , Ids defeat is curtain , and the democracy wil elect n man worthy to represent Ilio people of that district ! u concii-ss. Mnrlt Txvnlnlu the Hull Dullness. St. JMt * Miri-DlittMMi. It is stated that Mark Twain Is barking the llaitfoul base tmll club with monny , This Is good presumptive evidence tlmt tliero Is profit Hi the bnso ball business. When MarU casts his bread upon the water It is generally tied to the shore with a. very stout string. An liitcrc < 4tiri .Sight. reiJi Time * . Any N'cbrnska printer who visits Omnlu will mUs the greatest Mulit In the city to him If he falls to visit Hie Bui : olllce. In cnm- pany with 1. . I ) . Woodruff , of the Democrat , we called there while In tlju metropolis , and had nn t-vi'llenl opportunity of seolug tlio stereotyping done , nn Inleiestlng piocess which wo had never witnessed bofoiu Wo alsosaw the gieat press shove out Its paners , ( Hinted on both sides , cut , patod , folded and counted , nt the late of 15,000 per hour. A Cooler. Kntnci vllle Jinivttnl , lie wet n ercat lilp cabbage leaf , And put It In Ids hat. He wore the thinnest seer.suekors , \Yhlto \ necktie ami nil tlmt. lie bought a live-cent palm-leaf fun , And iiM < d It all tin : time ; And where tliey sod those cooling dilnks lie blew In many a dime. lie lived on sherbet and Ice-cream , And on acr.lie of Ice Ho slept , at night , but did not llnd It much like I'uindlsc , In short , ho did most everything , This poor , deluded fool , And racked Ids brain tor novel schemes Still , he could not keep cool , Hut one dav on Ilio street he met A gill ho d novel1 seen ; Her face was angel-fair , hut proud And haughty wns her mien. 1'liPii In Ids simple , Now Voik way , He muimured : "Ain't it hot ? " Tlie Boston timid just looked at him And froze him on tliu spot , S TAT JO AXI > THHUITOUY. MobrnHkn . Passenger trains are now run to Ord. The Mikailo is running loose in Hast ings. Ilartiujrton has declared for water works. In those days of torrid heat there arc n few grains of comfort in running the the thermometer into an ice box. A Wilbur tough drove Ids horse into a saloon , took a drink and was lined ? 15 for violating tlio sidewalk ordinance. David Aluinniiiw , a prominent Adams county farmer , has developed svmplonls of dangerous insanity and lias been sent to the asylum. Tin ) llftli annual fair of Saline county \yill bo hold at Friend September 0 to ti. Senaior Van Wyck will deliver an ad dress on the 8lh. A Nebraska City family imbibed too freely of buttermilk and subsequently wrestled with a muscular case of crumps , An emetic routed the rutclu The Hasting Uejis tire booked for a mntcli game for $200 with the Hurling , la. , team to-day , at Ilarlan. The Heds have a weakness for soft snaps. The fourteen th annual fair of the Web ster county agricultural society will be held at lied Cloud , October 12 to IB. Purses and premiums amount to $2,500. A lively chase took place in buggies between an ox-husband and his late wife a few evenings since on one of tlio roads leading into "Nebraska Cily. The ex- lltKiuand , having the fastest team , man aged to escape. The woman had u shooting iron. Tlio St. Joseph & Grand Island rail road has finally got a move on itself , and will throw out a leeder or two from Hast ings. The company has asked for the right of way on South street and Denver aveuuo. The people in adjoining coun ties have offered liberal inducements to the road. The reference to "Banker Patterson , " in a late letter from Pliittsmouth pub lished in the BKK , as a ring republican and an opponent of Senator Van Wyck , was a mistake of the types or the cor respondent , and us neither will confess n double luneral will bo the result. Parmolco was tlio man aimed at. Mr. Patterson is a tight laced democrat , and takes no part in the light of "his friends , the enemy. " lowu Items. Liquid restaurants are running iu Ly ons. ons.The The Jlis.ssjipi ; | ) threatens to shako Bur lington by cutting into Illinois soil. The ice crop at Paeilic Junction is ex hausted aud the webfoots are broiling on the patched bottoms. Mr. Mienli French , a soldier of the war of 181'J-l-l , and who is ninety-four years of airo , is among tlie veterans who have gathered in reunion at Crestou. . The Milburn.'Stoildnrd &Molinu com pany , manufacturers and dealers in agri cultural implements , will build a branch warehouse in DCS IMoincs. Their head quarters will bo in Omaha. A gang of hoodlums make life hardly worth the living in Webster City. There is a strong probability that the state re form school will receive sevci ul recruits in the near future. The Non-Swearing Knights is a now order recently formed by the employes of the Chicago , Hock Island & Paeilic rail road. The order has many good features , among which is an obligation to abstain from the use of profanity. A stage-struck girl from Missouri re cently took up quarters in Keokuk and endeavored to "make a date" with some theatrical troupe , llor uncle arrived upon tlio scene before she received a suit able offer to "star" the country , and slip was taken back to her home near Ilauni- bal , Mo. Dakota. Deadwood is to liavo sampling works which will cost in the neighborhood of $00,000 , Tlm machinery for sinking an artesian well at Brooking * has arrived on the grounds , and operations will begin at once , By a vote of 303 for , to ono against , Ab erdeen decided to bond tlio city for ! * 5 ( , - 000 to aid two now railroads , divided equally between the Duluth and Hock Island roads. Bernard Brennan , son of Shoriif Bron- nan , of Yankton , was run over by a heavy wagon while playing in the road near his homo. It is thought that he vvill bo crippled for life. Louis Werthoimor and Miss Williams , of llapid City , were in a coach when the team took fright and ran away , pnssinir down a narrow delilu a hundred yards erse so , when the coach ( ) and both parlies were severely injured internally. The Homo Irrigating company , capital $ ' , ' 5,000. , has been incorporated in Clioy- en no , The bodies of three Butte prospectors have been found south of tlio i'ellow- slono National park. Thai the men wei o murdered was shown by tliu mutilation of the bodies , The head of one was cut oil' , that of the second was also cut oil' , smashed und tied in a grain sack , and tlio third showed a fatal bruise nmir thu temple , The names of the victims are T. II. Liggenuan , Henry Walter und Gus Kollenborger. The murderer , John Lonnar , was found working in a ranch in the neighborhood , and arrc.stad. iio confessed tno crime , was taken to Kaglo Hock and turned over to the authorities , The fluent liar of Lauder has been hoard from again , Ho has his lee OH the boulders of n region loaded to the imiMlo with gold , copper , oil nnil coal , nnd grows floridly enthusiastic ns ho paints the .new Khlorado. Ihn re gion , says the t * . 1. . . is a e\n\v \ \ of the Snake Mountains proper , and IioS bo- Iwecn the waters of the upupr bunko river and these towering peaks called on the map the ( { rand Totons. Kverv- where over these rough table lands breaks forth oil , in both springs and lakes. The latter , apparently , sines from the soil , and lillsdepressions.niid spreads ovur Hut stirfnccs. 'J'lio sni ings are of almost every variety. They bubble , spout , well und How stomlily and regu larly. The ohiiniotorlsties of the oil fields are plienonienal. Kvory lake and ovorv sprlnghas an outlet , and those out lets How for various distances and are then suddenly swallowed up by the earth. 'J'lio gold of the reirlon comprises both qtmrt/ and placer deposits. J'ho rough tablelands are seamed with huge rocky ledgt s p roll He of free milling < jnart7. . At Hie ba.-cs of tlieso lodges , ami In tlio re cesses jutting their sides are pockets of IOOMI earth , in which are found in abund ance small nuggets nnd shot and llowor gold. The steep sides of tlieso gorges and canons in nearly every instance are com posed of walls of pure coal. Not infre quently the dark gleam ot the coul is mingled with the bright glitter of these so voted quart/ lodges , or tlic duller glow of the copper vein. Every Mi-cam llowiug fiom these plateaus 1ms banks literally full of line gold , nnd every stream is thus a rich placer from Its head lo its mouth. From hero comes the Hue gold dug out of the bars of the Snake river , far below , it being washed n hundred miles by the swift mountain waters. Montana , The Montana Tin company , near Dillon , finds that its ere Is 11 per cent tin. tin.The The Crow squaws on the Crow reserva tion carry umbrellas to preserve their complexion. During lust week 7,080 pounds of bul lion , valued at ! fll5y80 ! , , wore shipped from Unite. The wolves are gotlingvery bold in the ranges , and .scores of calves are nightly oaten by them. The calllo on the northern ranges are said to be. in excellent conitillon. The beeves will bo Hrst-class. The water is so low in the various trout streams in Hoavorhoad comity that it is now almost impossible to oatcli any lish in them. The sports of Hullo are nothing If not lavish. Seventy thousand dollars wore invesled In the pools ol the six days'races recently hold tliero. 1. M. Jlilburn , superinloudcnl of Wil liam Ulm's sheep ranch in the Flat Hol low country , Mas robbed Ins employer of § 1,000 ami skipped. Tlio Ilouldar Valley it Hullo railway company ha1 * lileil articles of iuconiora- tiou , with Governor Itausor at tlio fioad. Capital stook , t-)00,000. ? Cattlemen find the country so burnt over that it is a work of great dillioulty to drive cattle to the Puoiliu from the ranges. 1'axlou & Co. , of Omaha , have con tracts for furnishing sill the Indian agencies .south or Miles City , The contracts require H'i.OOl ) head ot"cattle. . Mr. Eastman , of Great Falls , found an old kiufo which is believed to have boon left by Lewis and Clarke in a cache in ltOI-5 in the locality where the knife was found. Tommy Cruse , the Drum Lummon mil lionaire , traded stock in tlio mine lor a sheep herd last spring. The wool clip ho traded brought its owner nearly a million dollars. A Indy on one of the Northern Pacific trains the other day with her family at tracted considerable attention. She was the mother of sixteen children -two pairs of triplets , three pairs of twins and four single * . She was on her way to Washington territory. Thn family will bo a decided acquisition to any com munity. The coal department of the Northern Paeilic has utterly faileu in its attempts to crush the Knights of Labor employed in the mines at Lumbcrlinc. The men went on u strike against frivolous dis charges on the Oth ot' July and have been out over since. The company has made every cfl'orl to secure non-union men , but the climate is not congenial for that class , and the mines arc still idle and the strikers lirm. lirm.Thn Thn Pacific Coast. Oakland figured out a population of 4-1.27.1. Sixty white girls now fill the nlaces of the Chinese at the Oregon City woolen mills. During July the branch mint coined $ _ 10OW ; ! ? ) in halt eagles and and $700,0(0 , ( n eagles. Seventeen hundred men are at work on the railroad fifteen miles north of San Miguel. The feiteral government has expended $1,515,513 in Washington territory since its organization. The movement of wool from Oregon and Idaho wjll probably exceed 10,000- 000 pounds this year. At the Carson land ollioo 40,000 acres of land were disposed of last mouth , realiz ing $50,000 , for the school fund. San Diego is to have a hotel in the heart of the city to bo called the Palace , which will have a frontage of 400 feet. A hotel is in course of construction at Cottonwooi'l , Churchill county , Nov , in anticipation of lively times tliero when the nickel and cobalt mines are started- up. up.Men Men passing on their way through Piocho from Arizona all rupert times dull there and work hard to obtain. The ter ritory is overrun with idle people. The California Kntlt union has fionl 175 car loads of fruit lo the cant so tar this season , by special passenger and freight trains , The wool clip this year of Kureka and White. Pini ! counties Nevada , amounts to about 125 tons , but litllo of which has yet been Fold. Holders are waiting for high er prices. EJJA dopoil of coal has been found in Unk run in Blmnta county , Citl. . twelve miles from the railroad at Nodding , which is being tested with good results in a blacksmith p thoro. G'A'BQTTL&'Op * - - The rirnt , tlic Orlelnnl nnil Only tUrrh Hint l l > nlii | > liy men who hnto ft prnrtlcnl hno ldUu f llm Innndrv | > riifp lnn. It requires no cooking , kcemtliolrou from itlcklin ) n4 linen from WIMctltu while Ironing , ninl elves Mililt , cuftg nml collars tint fllflncjs and traullful iwllih they tme wlirn new , which , everybody know * , keeps tljcm clean tu ! < < > s lon . Itcw ro of Imttiillun * . Se th t thenunioJ. O. IIUIIIS'IJKU & lillOS. , New lUvto , Couu. , U ou ctcry vncVafO. Soltl l > y all ( Iroccn , _ n'SMw-morr WEAK , NERVOUS PEOPLE And other * aufTerlnfr norTOUt delilllty , tMi.tuilliu * clirmilo ulflfAAtiii , t > niAtur of lounit or old MX ljr Mil-lit liy lr. ) lorno'f fftrnoui I'.lrrlro- . . . licit ThuuMiuln In * rorr AXfllMo In the union liAvet oemi cuui , Klrclrli'l "Aw'IJ ' ( " "iMitljf felt l-nti-iUnl nlul mid 10 > pnm Wliuift fnmllr can writr lAino licit F.ltctrU w Itli male bcltx Arold w rlhl < < I nnd bnfftii ronipnnlpti. Klrttrlc TrtiMr * lot . 70(1 ( ciirrdln'85. Hond Hump for r niilil | St R.W. J. HORNE. INVFNTOR. 101 WASASH AV. . 017 HI.ClmrlodNl. , Kl. Lonla.Mo. lTreot TRr liui or Ivo U.JIcilTolliix. hnfcetn 1onj r cnjtnueil In tfteRpeelaltrtKlment of I'Haunic. Niirovi. Bmin nd Hunt ) DIIIIIM thsn > ny olh M'lijileUn InSt. Louis , ti ell7 faprrl uliow n.l all oldrtilJ.ntf\neir Nervous Prostration , Debility , Mental and Physical Weakness ; Mercurial and other AfleC' tlans ol Throat. Skin or Done ) , Blood Poisoning , Old Sores and Ulcers , > re trcttril will , nnpurtlUlrf aeecu , ua Intel ! itlrntlfle prln elplf t. KlTtlr , rrlvtlely. Diseases Arising from Indiscretion , Excel * , Exposure or Indulgence , nliteh rroJnta mma or th , following tTcet ! < i uerr uiue l , drbllllr , dlmnMt or tight nail d r ctlr tnemorr , plraplea on the fu , phTilefttdeeir , rrrilon totbe mcUljof friualM , eonfuiloi of Idtki , eU. , rendering Marrlaio Improper or unhappy , 'o prmauctitljr ciirctl. rampbtei(3Ai ) Knoa ) iboibori , teat iatrftlpd cnrlop ? , rreeto nay n4ilr i. Conftulmtloanlot. Etc or h ; mull fife. Invite , ! ndit-leUj e.nfldtnlUl. A Positive Written Guarantee jitm inerirrei. rtble cue. lledlelDQ atnt cter/ where uj mall 01 eipreas. MARRIAGE GUIDE , aoO PAGES , FINE PLATES , otetml elolh tnd lilt Madltfc.iotled ! tor BOo. Ini'oilnfeor eurrauej. Orer fitlr wonderful penpleturpt , lru lollfei trlleleion the follo ! o | Ituijcctii vho inaf mtrrr , wholiot , why t mtvhooil , womtn * hood , | > hyilekldo Hir , etl.ttt ofeellbtkej an < loieeiathe phja. lology ofrrproiluetlen , and m&Df more. Tho.c tnitrrled 01 cnntenipuiln * BUrtla ( KhouM rthd IU r-rPltr edition rurte. r ivp r uoTer. 33o. Addren bo 0 p . WMtlicr" BTlioso VITAI.ITV In foillnir , Hratn lilt A1NRI > Mid liXIIAUNTKU rower ' ' * ' ? or I'JtUll'4' t'JiEuV WAST ! III ! m y fliul arfect | rn.1 r > iulitt euro In tlio ' FRENCH .S SPiTAL HEM DES' | Drlol-i. , , , ryy-prof. JKAN OIVlAl.V.of I'urlt , t'r nc < \ Adopted by nil I'renirli rhy ! 'jl n nnil In-lni roplilly nd Buoccufully Inlroaured lu > rf . All v oalionfncr louu and diilns promptly cnerknd. TIUIA'i'Jur glvlnjt tiow par rnndin < tdlclonilor emrnt , rt < < . . , trjtl.K. Uonnnltai. Lion ( offlefl or liv mall ) with nil eminent cluctnrs Fit KU. GIVIflLE Ji' Ho. 174 Fulton Street. Nan York. 21,829,850 Tansill's ' Punch Cigars were shipped durliiB thn past two yonra , without n , druui- nirr In our oniplnr. No otlior ho HBO In the vorhl can truth * fully uiukaHiioh a BhovrhiK. Olio OKout ( dealer ouly ) wanted in ouch town. SOLD DY UADIHQ DRUCCISTS. 4\ \ R.W.TANSILL&CO.,55SlalcSI.Chlcago. 1S03 F. .IE lSr.A.rtv * ! SI1. Prnctico linitteil to Diseases of tlio EAR NOSE AND EYE , , THROAT. Glasses flttoil for all forma of defective Vision. Artilicial Eyes lusortoiL WOQDBRIDGE BRO'S ' , State Agents FOIl THE Omaha , Neb. J.HN C. GREEN SCHOOL OF SCIENCE , OK NI'\V .M'JKSICV , FKINC'KTOX , KKW .lUKSIJY. HOKUlnr finr.T ( < 'iircniirfns. n' follown : I. For thou u Kn'i ) uf llacholnr ot Nelonco , 11 fgoncral CuurHo ; UIMJ ulcctlvo couraus In ( JlioinUiry. lllolnvy , lSvu\ngy \ , Aliitlipnintlmanit I'll J Rica. II. KorthoiluKrcuot Clru Kntrlnocr. tnrlmllnv. Iw li1u3 Ilin uiiiiiil prulu/ialonul / Kindlon. uiiillcailiiiin | ( if Klcctrlclty tn tlio Arts , rose KruUimteliitilnictlim In Hlulii-T.MullieniiulriUiniplilcj. Annlytlcnl nun ApplloJ Clicinlatry und Asrtaylni ; , lllolofty , I'lijrvlL'A. unil Antroriomjr. Kntriinco uxiiinin. alloin Sept. lltli anil 15th. 1SSH. Kur npoclnl ruurnoi iindottiorlnturmutlouauulf tolho ColluL-eTrcusuior OMAHA ' 13lh St , Cor. CapUolVvcnuo. roll THE THKATJ1IINT Or AM , Chronic & Surgical Diseases. DR. McWIENAMY. Proprietor. Sitlirn jCIICH' Ilntiilinl nnil 1'riralu riacliin Wulmvo tlio/ncllltlci' / , iiimnitii | | * nnil irmcdlrt fo'Ilio : t'lirci'Mtdil trrxlini-nt of every form of Uu- ca < o ii quiring cltlicr incdk-nl or rnrulral tre..tmcul , ami liuUuoll tocninound | iiYetlgiitufortliomti-lvr4 or corrc iioiid Illi ns. I.nug tispcrlcww hi trrr.t. In''cusr's liy k'Kcr oinlilca ua to trcut many cu t eclcntlllrulfy without ncclm ; tlicin WlttTH I'OK riUCUI/Alt on DfformitlM nnrt nmrw , Clnh 1'ci-t , C'lirvaturcfl of th Hplim Ii8iiKS : of Wo x , 1'ilen , Tim r < i , Cnnccr , Cnliinh , Uninrliili" . Inlip.l.'iildii , Kicctrlclty , i'ariil' y ij , Kiilloiifiy , Klitnny , Kyo , J.'ar , Hkln , Wood aud IIUcrlc : , liihiilc'rx , llranm , Trimsrfl , snd all liliidi bf Mrdlrnl mill iiiirrlcul .Aiiiillonct * . uiau. ufartiircd and fornnln The only reliable inedlcal Institute mating Private , SpecialJt Nervous Diseases ALT , CONTAfilOl'S AND m.OOJ ) filSISASKS jrun rtliiilcvfrfinia'iiroiliiceil.BUcccufullytrfalfil , \ \ i' can roiuovu Hyijlillitlo iigUou fromlhukViUm Hilliout inorcnry. Call < m4 consult n * or send iinmo anil post-or.lco ftiUIri-M plainly written -oncloso * Uui , aud wo will ton ! yon , In plain wrapper , our PRIVATE CIRCULAR TO MEM vi-ot I-iiirATi , Si-Ki-ui. AJ.U txWout nliilVM biuiNi , WEAKNKM. tfrziuuTonitiiu. ! , lurorxxt cr , bvi'iiii.13 , OoHurmiwu , ULEKT , vimcocKi.E. fcriiiOTune , AND ALL IUHIASM or TUB OENITO ! " "fir "aAJI8' ' or " " ' 1 bu' ' wy of your CBW for rericni unaiilc toUlt u may be treated at their home. , by uorrf-poudence. Jlc'diclnrfiind J ill ru ! menu lent by mull cr cipre SIICUHKLY I'ATK El ) FKOM OBaiUlVATIO.xlSi aVk , Jlidie. ' . conlen a or sender. Ono pmuiul lulprvlni nro. SniMilfMJVu'nlfinS fil * I00nl ' the a S X X modatlon of imtlcnti. Hoard and nltendtnce at rcaionible price * . Adilrei * all UUcri to Omaba Medical and Surgical Instltnle Cor. UlhSt. nt Cwllel * * OMAHA. NEB. %