wr THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY , AUGVST 20 , 188U , PRICES BOOM IS CHICAGO , The War News Helps Wheat to Rise Higher With Active Trading. CORN EVINCES SOMESYMPATHY. 1'rov Minis Klrm U | ) Under the Now and .Mnny Dentn Mnilc Till * flcurH Homcvvlint Uattlcit 1 lie Cut * tic Market. CiilfAOO , August 2.5. [ Special Telegiam luiho Bun. I Tin1 war news liul ; little effect on etiibpilces nnil little excitement was ob tained Iroin any 'ouree. Cables eame In steady niul tuiehanued for both cash and fn- tuio delivery. The open boaul call started the October option In wheat at Hl8e ) , which \v as about 1 K'c below the official close on the regular bonid last night. Tiadlng on call was Unlit and lacked simp and Intctcst. The rail closed with October about < , e under the olllelal tegular boaid closing ( ( Dotation. The tap of tlio bell on the blgbmrd at ! i-'W : showed a start In wheat of see for October , and In the tlrst ftnvmlmiteslt Had sold 'sQ o lower. t'orn opened linn nnd about 'jc higher , at iij : < c lur October , The opening hading was light , but a few large traders hunt ; on the out er cdjjc of tliu pit , evidently feeling the tone of the maiket. Inside the lirst hour the Mtuation in wheat showed n decided change. Jt was known that several foielgn houses liad btijing oideis fiom the other side , which were n very slight fiactlon under tlie limits. When the e parlies Mumed themselves In tlui pit nnd began to buy , values ran up with BUI pi Kin ; , ' alacrity. The October option , which Hum the opening of bOe had stumped oil to Tli e , immediately bounded back to fcO' ' < c , or He o\er the starting point. At this lipuieit became more steady. In the coin pit thcio was little pi essiite from eitliei side , nnd values lield steadj near 4J ! ! < c lor October , which was the opening Hume. The sympathy with wheat made the October option touch 4lu , and tlie market looked substantial at the price. PioviMons opened weak nnd lower on laico receipts , mid a weaker feeling : it the yard * . When Iho boom in wheat came all the pro duct aimed up in sjmpalhy. When tlie verv extensive bin Inn of tlie tteddi's-Wnrrcn-Sniitli faction was supple mented later by bl her cables nnd n lurthcr drop In consols , the bears thought there might be something In the war news after nil. Iloom tiaders Immediately turned buy- eis and some ot the shoits ran to cover and bellied along the ndvnnco. ' 1 ho llrst smirt. which occuired about 11 o'clock , sent October from 80' e up to MJc. ) Tlie natural reaction which nearly always follows an advance sagged prices back to SO CftbO' e , but the Infection again captured the crowd shortly nfterwaid. and can led prices to MJj' ) @ ' > 0' < c. These figures failed to liolil , and In the half hour following 12 o'clock values held at about tO-f@Mi ; > Xc for October. Lester picked up consideiabie October 15,000 and occasionally "oin ill lu.CCC1 25,000 bushel lots , b"t the selling by any one. party was not noticeable. Piouably rUouo bushels of this came from Hulchlnsoit , but the balance came in scatteiinir lots from .ill ovei the pit. Prices tended upward nnd October scoied an advance of ; ' < , e tor tlie day. The hulk of trade in provisions were Changes Irom one option to another. Ar mour bought Septemhei ribs rather freely and Cudahy sold October pork and bought September. The market mpatliiicd btiong- ly with wheat. Cuitn , 2:15 p. m. Wheat was r.ither stronger this atternoon , and was quoted at bOVftiNi&e. bid ; puts , bOVe. ; calls , M''c. October corn , -H trfU c ; puts , 44ft44iiJe ; calls , CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. CHICAGO , August 25. [ Special Telegiam to the BIK. | CATH.K To-day the mnrkct for fat cattle was slow in all branches. Even the supciior grades of beef cattle , which did not sell much lower , sold slowly because theie was nlibeial assortment for buyers to bclcct lioin. Common to fair kinds of nntivo cattle weie extiemely hard to sell. 1'iices were lOc lower and there were many rough nnd lean cattle which could not be sold within 15@ Ue of yesterday's rates. Pi Ices to-day were lOc lower on Texans. Some .New Mexico cattle sold 2 > e lower. Tiio maiket In n general way was lower In sympathy with the maiket for common native cattle. Tlie finality ot the offerings today was gen- ciallj common to medium. The pens wen1 fairly well cleared. Texans ? 'J.K5i.l5 ( ; ! : northern rangeis : 2S5 W } oming , 1177 Ibs. SH.OO ; ! 5S1 Wyoming , 1157 Ihs , Si.0 : ; 78 Wyoming , 113:1 : Ibs , SS..Vi ; Gi : Ncw Mexico halt-bieeds , 10 4 Ibs , SIU5 ; 01 New Mexico Texans , 950 Ibs , $11.10. lloos There was a sharp down turn of Mrong lOc on about all classes , the maiket closing dull with a large number left unsold. ] { ough and common , including gr.issers , sold nt 54.40 ® l.CO ; fair to good mixed , 4.70M.b5 < , nnd best heavy. S4. ' . 0 ( < 7'5.00. Ujrnt sorts were almost unsalable. Hough nnd common light , Including makers , V4.00 ( < 24.2.5 ; l.ilr to good , 8410(3)1.00 ( ) , and tniicv ussoited , Including Binglng pigs , SI.75'I.'JO. FINANCIAL New Yorfc. August 25. HONEY On call loaned from 'J to 8 per cent , closing at 3 pur cent asked. I'uiMK MKUCANTSLE PAPKH Unchanged at 4ii5 ( per ient. JSrcnu.sn ExniAjfon Quiet ; S4.S1 for sixty day bills and S .KlJi for demand. ( jovuKNitKXrs Governments were dull but steady. STOCKH The stock market In London Is winking harder , and In icspoiiso to tlie situa tion theiotlie New Yoik stock imuket was weak fiom thuopcningandiicompaiativcly model.itu business by noon values woiedown fiom , ' 4 to 1 per tent. Trices continued heavy until the last hour , when theio was n slight rally , the market dually closing steady At prices , which are little better than the lowest of the day. BTOOKS ON WAI.I. STItBBT. Sip cent bonds. . 100'f , C. At N. W , LT. W.4k's 110X1 preteued. 140 New 4 < i. 120 > N. V. C Pacific OS of 'Do. 123's ' Oieiron 'I'ran. , Central Paclllc. . 42 i Pacific Mall. . . O.As A 141'tfP. D. &E . , preferred. . . . 155 IP. P. 0 1H4 „ C. B.A-0 ini'illtock Island 125 J ) . UJfVf 128' ' , , St. L. AiS. F. . . . 275f D. & U. 0 2UU prefened. . . fiSjJ Erie . SIJi C. , M , itSt. P. . . Ul > < preferred . . . profeired. , . 120y. Illinois Central. St. P. it 0 45i > 4' ] . , H. AW . piefcrrcd. . . lOU'/ ' Kansas iVrTexus. Texas Pacllle. . . 14 Lake Shoru. . , , . ss Union Pacific. . . 54V W. , St. L. P. . 1SK Mich. Central. . . preferred . . . Six Mo. I'.icille . . . .Western Union. 05 % A'oitliern i'ac. . . 27 O. , It. AN 104 pi ef cried . . , PUOOUC12 MAItKKT. Chlongo , Aiufiist 2.5. Flour Steady and unchanged ; winter whe.it Hour , 84.05(44,10Miuthein ( : , 8i..Hrt74 : ) 00 ; Wisconsin. J4.oOii4.10jMlclilgan ( soft spilmrwheatSii/iOC'i 4.10 ; Minnesota baker * , SU.50 < f4.10 ; patents , 84.ioa4.CO : : low glades , Sl,75f tf > .75 ; i\o \ Hour , quiet at si.25.jj,50 : ( : In batiels , and' S3.00M 8.20 in sarks. Wheat Opened weaker and closed about „ ( ! above yestt-iday : cash , 77 ic ; Septemoer , 7bX ; Oetobei , toO-Hk ! . Corn Fairly active nnd closed -Vc above jesterduy'hclosing ; cash , 41 ( 1 : Scptem- liei 42) ) e ; Octobei , 4i } { ? . . Oath Flinicr and a sliado higher all Biound : cash , 4'i5-10ej Septembei. J'i ; October - tober , 14 'fcf. H > ljulot at 60e. Harley-Qulet at fiOc. Timotliy Pi line , \VliNky-S1.15. Pot k Opened moderately active ; ad > vance < l iSl o , lecedeil V 'M.V. nnil elo-eil quiet : rnih and September , VJ.57K ; Octo ber , 8 .ai.rt ( .073f Laid Advanced 2f < 3Ce , but \\paleneil ; near futures dropped 5c , lout ; ( inlet and Him ; cash , S7.A ! ) : Soulumber , ST.'iWciii.i K : Oo- tolier. SO.Jif , Hulls .Meats Slimildeis , 55.7555.67 , : eleai , 50 00 < a < Xfi.5 ; short libs , tO.uk . llutter Fancy crcameiy , firm at 17323Jc ; Clieeso Better deiiinnil ; full cream cbed- dart , , si4iS ( > iuj Hats , b cjjyc ; Youn > ; IXS'J V- -12l JlidPS ( Jrpen salted , fullj < MircdSe , : llcht , " C-'je ; damaged , 7c ; bull hide * . .Vfc : drv < alte < l llr lSc : dry Hint. lj(14c ( ; c. lf Skln . SalO'e ' ; tleaconi , OOcfach. Tnllow No. l country , Ji ( < % e ; cake , 3 fc ; Xo. 2 , 3c. Jlecnlnt * . Shipments. Flour.bb'i ' . iootx > 0.101 Wheat , bu . MI.UOJ 1W.OOO Corn , mi . < : tt.ox ) : % .ooo Onts.bii . il'.i.OiK ) 105.000 Kje.bti . 10,000 None. Unriey.ou . siooo I'.two New York. AiumtM. Whtnt Uerclpts , 251.000 j t Miorls.iSOOO | : ; spot , ' 4@Wc belter ; ohtloiis oiieiied a simile lower , later advanced ? , " < 'vc , piosiint near best li nre * . t'nir.iled ( ted. Mfdli.'e ; Nn. U red , Mi O V ; In uli'\a- tor. U'tiiofiiiloal ) ' ! ; September closliiK at Wi'4'o. ' Com Spot. UiJl' e and options opened ' „ & % lilulier , elo-ed iiriu. Iteeeipts. Sii.iwii bij ; ex- potts. lsood hu ; iinifnided , fiHmVV ; No. 2 , r/'sSMi4c : ' ) delivered ; September cltMlng 'it . Oats-K"'Ve hluher ; receipts 124,000 ; mixed vvesleui , aitilc : ; white westein , ! 5X.M''c. ( Petroleum Stonily at Olo. KuRs-sti-ady ; vveitein , W Poik Steadj' . Laid Western ' .learn , ' - | > otS7.4.a(7.50. ( ( llntter Fair reiiiest. | ClieeM' Ouict and liriii. Mllvvniikoc , Auirust 25 Wlieat-cash , 7n\o ; Sonteiiiber , 7 1sc. Coin No. 2 , 4U'le. Oats-No. S.ttO < 4c , KV.CNo. . l,5'l ae. Hailcj No. 2. .vie. Pork-Seitumber ) , i M. Cincinnati. Augusta1 * . Wheat Firmer ; No. a led. Tussle. Corn N'o. - misedt.l'fc. . Oats-No. 5 ! mixed , 'JS Kve No 2. .5lc. PorkIO.21. . Ianl-S7.f > .5. Minneapolis , Ancii'.t 25. - Wheat- Unsettled. No. 1 haul , cash , 7be ; Seilem- | ber , 7sife. No. 1 nortliein , cash , 75 > < c ; No. 2 not hern , cash , ftV. Klour- Patents , J4.40 ? 4.50 ; bskers , SWO ® S.50. lteoelpts-Whe.it , O.,000 ! bu-slliils ; Hour , 12.5 bnnels. blilpmcnts-Wlieat , ! 5,030 bushels ; Hour , 21,000 bairels. St. IionlH. AtlL'llst 2.5. Wheat Closed hlRlier ; No. a red , cash , lOJfOTSi c ; Sep tember , 70 'Hc. Coin -Finn and higher ; cash , Sflc ; ber , % ( ' . Oats-Dull nnd weak ; cash , SO. Seitember. | 20\c. Kve-Qnletat.V.'e. Pork-Quiet at S10.1,5@ 10.2.5. l.ard-Dull at frfi.twif. Uiittc-r Steady ; dairy , lOJJISc ; Cieamery , lb@J.'c ; New Orleans , August 2.5. Corn In tail-demand but lower : In sacks , mixed , 51u ( > 52c : white , ri2@53c ; jellovv , K54c. Oats-ljnlet. Cornmeal Kasler at 32.20@2.'ir . Jloc Pioducts Dull and ( Hooping. Poik-S10.l7 ! > ] .nrd Lower ; rolincd } lcrce.S7.007.12 > . Unlk .Meats bhotildcrs , S6.20 ; lonij clear and clear ribs , 50.55. Iilvcrpool , Anzust 25. Wheat OITered sparingly ; new No. 2 winter , Os ted ; sprint ; , linn , Os 10d ; Hour , dull but linn , olferea mod erately , s 7d. Corn Film , offered sparingly ; spot , 4s fld ; August , -Is 4) ) (1 ( ; September , 485(1. 'Toici'o , Augiiijt 25. Wheat Cash , b\'c. b'c.Corn Corn Cash , 4'H/c. Oats-Cash , 27Ke. liIVB STOCK. Chlcnco , August 2,5. The Drovei's Jour nal renoits as follows : Cattle Receipts. 10,500 ; slow nnd lOc lower ; shippinc steers. St. : 70 ( .5. 15 : stockurs and feeder- , S'2.00@.CO ! : covv , bulls nnd ml.\ed , 81.70 .5.00 ; bulk. 82.25Ctta.70 ; thiou'li ( Texas eattlo , S2.r > 0 ( ( .t.CO ; western tansieis , weak ; natives and half breeds , g..10d ! ( ! .00 ; cows S'J.75i3.00 ; winteied Texans , S3.10 ( 4,00. 4,00.Hoss Receipts , 15,500 ; slow , lOc lower ; rough and mixed , S3.W4.G5 ) ; packing , and shipping , RTOiSo.iG ; light , 3.705)4.00 ) ; ski s , S2.0Xgi.W. ! : ( Sheep Receipts. 4.400 ; weak and a shade lower ; natives , F2.00@1.20 ; Texans , S'.oa ® 4.UO ; lambs S4.004.0.5 per 100 Ibs. St. Louis. Amriist 2.5. Cattle Receipts , 2,000 ; shipments , ! KX ) ; good natives stronger ; common to choice sliipping , Si.7ri : ( ( 4.N ) ; butcher steers , S.50lg4.15 : ! ; cows and belters , S2.50Q3.li5. Hogn Receipts , S,000 ; shipments , 000 ; active and 5e lower ; butcliers' and best heavy , Sl.b-5@5.00mixed ; packing , S4.40 ( < * 4.M ) ; light , S4.25.J4.75. ( Kiinsnn City. August 25. Cattle Re ceipts , : ! ,000 ; shipments , none ; common to choice , S4.00@l.'Ju ; stockeis and feeders , S'2.r,0i3.4 ( ) ; cow 9 , S1.60@2.75. Hogs Receipts. 7,000 ; shipments , 400 ; weak and irregular ; gooil assoited , S4.GO ( < g 4.b5 ; common to medium , S4.30g4.55 ( ; skills and pigs , S'J.G5 OJVIAHA IjIVH STOCK. Wednesday Kvening , August 2,5. CATTI.H The leclpts were jery light to day. There was one small string of range cattle and a few loads of butclieis' stock. Theie are. no new features in the market , and values lemain about steady. lions The recipts to-day wcto in ex'ce > .s of jesteiday's. T'ie ' market was about lOe lower , but OIKS load of e.xtia choice butcher pics sold early in this day at S3.75. Nearly evcijthlng otlered on the maiket was sold. The great majority ot the hogs sold were sorted un moio or less , on'y ' n very few loads being sold without any tin own out. Shcep Theie is no market. Cattle 200 1MO Hogs HILT | Prevailing I'riocs. Sliowlng the prevailing prices paid for live stock on tills maiket. Choice steers , U550 to 1500 Ibs 84.20 ® 1.3.5 Choice steeis , 1100 to 1KOO Ibs r..75&(4.15 Medium steeis , 12.50 to 1S59 Ibs. . . .nOiM.)0 ( ( ) Fat little steers , IO.VJ to 1150 Ibs . . . . : ui5 ( : t.8J Coed feeders , SHK ) to 1000 Ibs H.00u5) ( ) . : ( iood to choice coin-fed cows 2..Hj&ii.2.5 : Falrto medium glass cows 2.00 K . , ' .0.5 XJood to choice bulls 1.5'JS2.50 ( j.lght and mddinm nogs 4i5rf-l.40 : ( Good to choice heavy hogs 4.50W4.00 Good to choice mixed boss 4.40 < YM.r > o Fair to good kiioin sheep U.OUW3.55 Itcprcscntittlvo Sales , cows. f 1'rloos. Showlngthohlglicstand lowest prices pild for mixed loads of hogs on thiy market dnr- Ingtlio pai > t soveu days , with coiiiparatlvo values : July. August. Wednesday. ISth. 4,40 ( frl.soj Tllllsdav.Htll ) , . 4.fi2iC ! 4 70 4.)5 ! ) C't4. Friday , ioth. . . . 1.50 ( itt.n 4 , : ( VM. Satllldav. 21st. 4.30 ( iH.ru 4.15 M.57 | Momta > ,2.d. : . . 4.40 @I.I5 4.40 t4,05 TueMla > .2Hli . J.I5 fil.CO ' 4.55 fuM.75 Wednexlai'/JStli 4.40 ( gl.75 August 25th , lbS5 , S'i.bOv'M.10. Ijivn Sti.uk Sales. Showing the numbei of eattle. ho''s and slieep puicli.tsed by the leading buyeu on to-day's mai ket. CATTI.U. ( i. 11. Hammond &Co . 1JG Ihurb ic Fisher . 15 'lotal . Kit HOGS. ll.-uilsiVFlsher . M Claik Jlro > . 141 ( ! . II , Hammond & Co . . . . . 0.12 Others . , . 01 Total Shipments. Slnwlng the number of cats of livestock shipped out of the yaids during tlie day : CATl IX. No. Cars. lit. Dcst. 1 . N.V . . . .ClilrBgo nous. No. Cars. JU , Dost 7. , . , . k . N. W . * . 3 N. W Boston C. . H. ife < j.t Boston All sales ot stock in this mirket nro made pcrcwt , live weight unless otherwise stated. Head hoes jell aLVe per lb for all weights. "SKIns , " or hogs weUblna less than 103 Ibs no value. Pregnant sows are dackeJ 10 Ibs nnd t'nss W Ibs. Notes. Cattle steady. Hogs lOc lower. Veri few eattlo In , The receipts of hogs nn the Increase. There Is veiy little demand here for sheep. Mr. ( Jallup , Kmerson , \\.isavlbltornt the jauK W. S. Cool ; , Wnkelield , was In with two loads of ho s. Kmelej Bios , Wlsiier , had n load of cattle on the maiket. llcnklemaii & Davis , Shoslianc , had six eat sol eattle on the maikct. ,1. Jackson , Coilland. sold n Imd of 2s.-lb ho's , VNhlch topicd | the maiket to-du.v. K. Uauow , a heavy shipper ( if Duubai , Neb. , paid Ins Hist visit to the Omaha v uls to-day. John Satsbciy , of Lnrmon ACo. . , commis sion meieliaiits of Kansas City , visited the vaids to-da ) . Ilcsuvs that the Omaha marI - I > et Is tar ahead of what Kansas City was at the same a e. Not as many innge cattle arc being shipped as usual at this time ol the veai. Tlie iliouth ( lining the siimmei diled ii | > the lauiru and theeattle were not in as good condition as tisual. The late tains have slatted the grass again , which has sottened theeattle. On tin1 mat ket with IIOKS : Revnulds P. > t C. , Raymond ; . ! . W. Uhl. Stormsburir : i : . I ) . Welkei.hl. Kdwinds ; Fuller V P.iton. Full- eiton ; F. Ktopf , Schuvlei ; Morst1 , Itogers Ac Iloiinbaum , Waco ; Fisher As Waisner , Yoik ; K. W. lllaek , I'latlsmmith ; ( J. H. Warnei it Co. , ( Jraltou ; 11. B. .Jones Council Bluffs OMAHA W HOMOS YliU MAUKIM'S Ooncral Produce. Wctliie--il.iv Kvenlng , August 25. Tlicfoltnwlmi iirtrcv nrcor roiimf lots nf jinnfurc , UKMiltl HII the nuuliU to-ilnit. 'Flic iliwtiitlnnion JnittH rcjirrvciit thciiik-cv at H'lilfli OII/M'C / ( ( ii/oi.s ) ( / iirc nllul. Kdfis The market Is slow at h'/Slie. Hi i ir.it Stilctly sweet , solid and mil- loim color , packed in new clean tubs , commituls lo to ICc. or even more. In the mai ket , but there is little or none coming In that can be giaded as Mich. Fancy bultei in stone crocks Is bringing even better prices. Fall to good couutiy buttei Is selling at lOyil-J' e. Poor at .5itbc. and slow. Cieametv butter , not tlie vei > best , sold this week at I8i < 420c. Poi i/i itv Old fowls per doA , S2.50 ; spring chickens , large , S2.00 ; spring chick ens , medium , Sl.Vfnl.7,5 ) ) ; spilng chickens , small , not wanted ; ducks , S2.vi.Xu2.fiO ; tur keys , not wanted. Ciun.sK Fancy full cieam Cheddars , O'jo ' ; fancy full cream liats , two in box , lOo ; lancy full cream Young AmericastonrinboXflOi c ; fancy Swiss , 14c : brick , 1'J'sc ; hlmbunr , 12c. Niw : POT AT oi:1 : * There aie no potatoes of any consequence In the commission houses and local gaideners are mostly supplving the demand. It is most too eaily to form any exact conclusion of what the potatoe ciop will be , but leports gathered from .some ot the most Important points in low a nnd Nebiaska would seem to indicate a light ciop on account of drv weather. The pota toes aie small and only a few in a bill. With out doubt choice varieties of assoited stock , Cooci si , , vi : ! ce'i'maiid ' good prices this fall. It is too early yel to te 'in suippiiiir in car lots , as dealers aie not icaily to put in a large .stock until theie Is less ilanerr of theii not keeping well. A few potatoes In small lots have sold above the follow ing quotations : Homo grown , ner 1m. . 50 ( f > 0e. ONIONS Southern , perbbl , S50. : ! CKI.IKY : There i.snot ically enough eom- Ing in to supply the demand , but It will not be bandied vciy extensively until next month. Celeiy , like ojsteis , .soils thebe.stln Uiu "Jl" inonths. Shipping stock , per do/ . , 40@.50c' . Ovnrnits There are no oyst'ors of any consequence in the maiket jet. The season heic does not open as a iide until about the 1st of September The mat ket will probably open at liom 35 to COe. , according to the grade. .LIIMONS The maiket Is about steady here , The waim weather ot the past few days has biouirht in a good many oideis liom the country. Jlesslna , S'.7.5@10.0o. ' JJANANAS There arc not many In the market at present. As the weatliet becomes cooler , so that dealers can handle them with patety , theie will be a better supply on the market. Bananas , yellow , per bunch , § 2.00@ 3.00 3.00CAT.ironxiA CAT.ironxiA PEAIIS The Baitletts aie be coming scaice and theie are very lew on the market. There is a liberal supply of other raiietlcs. Bartletts , fc..50 ! ; other varieties , S'J.50S3.00. ( CAi.iroiixiAPi.UMs The receipts otulums have been very liberal nnd they have been coming in very lair shape , llungaiian pi nn us will be In the market in n short time and will bo woith about S2.00. Shipping i-tock , larve fancy , 81.75 ; shlpplnc stock , smaller vaiietles , 1.25@1.50. CAI.IKOIINI v Pioins : : The peaches com ing in are torthe most patt very good stock , but they are only received in limited quanti ties. Peaches , S2.0002.25. HoMi-ClOWN : ! ! liHAI'KS SifSflC. CAi.ii'onxiA ( SitAi'KS The iccolpts are not heavy and home-giown are beirlnning to compete with them. .Muscats , 81.50 ( 1.75 ; Jfuscats , choice and fancy , 52.000 2.25 ; To- Uajs. $2.00fti'J.25. Mnr.oNS Muscntlno watermelons , 820.00 ; Interior and smaller si/es. S15.00@tS.00 ; musk melons , per do * . . Sl.OOCJl.'j.1 } . , SWEHT PoTATor.s Iowa home grown are in tue maikct and selling atic : per ID. BIANS : Hardlv any coming in now. De mand tair at 81.25@1.50 per biibhcl , for clean stock. COCOA NUTS Cocoantits , perlOO , S5.00 ; less than hundred , ner 100 , S5.M. iloxnr California , ir e ; California , strained , lOc ; Nebraska , choice , 12@l3e ; Ne- biaskn , dailc , 10lie. AtAi-u : Svut'i1 Bulk , 14 to 17 gallon Kegs , per gal , S1.09 ; ual cans , per gal , 81.05 ; half gal cans per gal , S1.10. CHHII : New lork , per bbl , S7.UO ; do. Half bbl , S4.00 ; Ciab , perdiuqts , S2.75 ; Michigan rclincd. ner bbl , 50.00. ViNr.oAn White wine , 18@i7c ; cider. 13 @ 17c ; single strength , ! 3u ; triple strength , ri 0c. Fios AND DATHS Figs , layer , 4 lb boxes , pcrlb. lOe , Dates , fancy faid , 12 lb boxes , I4e ; dates , Persian. 50 | i > boxes , per lb , lOc , N IMS- Pecans , huge polished , lie ; pecans , medium , 'Jo ; Kngllsh walnuts , I4e ; almonds , Tarrairona. 20c ; almonds , Iiaiigucdoc , 17e : Brazils , 12c ; lilbeits. 14c ; peanuts , hand picked , fancy Virginia , 8 } c ; peanuts , hand picked choice Yiiglnlal7 cpo.iuuts ; , toasted , 2e extra perlb , MAri.i : StmAu Bricks , strictly pure , 50 ID boxes , perlb , I5e ; io-lb tin nails , strictly pure , per lb , 14c ; 5-lb bricks , 24-lb boxes , per lb , 12-'c. ! PIGS' FKKT. TIIIPE , Kra Pigs' feet , per y bbl , 84.00 ; do , } bbl. 82.00 ; no , per kit , UOc. Lambs' tongues , per Jrf bbl. Sii.25 ; do , per kit , 82.50 ; do , quart jars , per Aot , S5.25 ; do , pint jais , per case , 2 do/en. 0.75 , Tilpe , perltf bbl , S4.00 ; do , per H obi , 52.00 ; do , per kit , HOe. PROVISIONS Ham , sugar cured , 14c ; boneless bam , 50-lb boxes , 12 } < e ; picnic ham , ll } c ; breakfast bacon , sugar cured , "vl < c ; shouideif1 , be ; clear hide bacon , EC ; dry halt bides , 7' ' jC ; dried .beef-hams I5@10o ; dried beef , tegular , Vic ; laid. 40-lb cans ( Fair banks ) , 7 > ; c ; 10 , 5 andlb palls , no , 7 @ b)4 ) < i , UnAi.v Corn , 25c ; OKI oats,23c ; now oats , JWe. ; i ye. Vu40e ; wheat.fiOc. Fi.ot'u AND Mu.i.siUKKS Winter wheat flour.best u uallty patcnt.S2.bO ; second nuality , 5'J.40Ct2.f * : best duality spring wheat Hour , patent , 83.75 ; bran , 50c i > er cwt ; chopped feed , 60c per cwt ; white corn meal , * 5a ; jel lovv coin meal , 05c per cwt ; sciecning , ( Xe ) per cwt : hominy , Si.fco per cwt ; shorts , 5c per cwt ; uiaham , 81.75 ; hay. In bales , SO.MV < ) 7.00 per ton. Ooncral Markets , WOOL Medium. 17@20a per lb ; line heavy , 12 ( < il5o ; light. 14y17e ; coarse , 12@l5c ; burry wool , 2Cn5o olf. LiKATHBii Prime slaughter sole leather , 8Jc ; pimo oak solo leather , iftXjtXx : . Upper leather , per foot. 2o < g2.V5 : hem. kip , 7VaWic ; oak kip , ( vXi'J5 ( ! ; French kip , Sl.OOy * l.'JO ; hem. call , Sl.oorai.io ; oak calf , .5-1.00 ® 1.25 ; Fieuch call , 81.2.X < $ l.b.5 ; Morocco boot leg , CG'i2o ; Morocco oil pebble , 2S < ft 2c ; toi > - plnL-8 and linings , 3 < ) .00jlo.OO ( ! per dor > UKAVV ilAKUWAiiK iron , rate , 52.25 ; low st nl special cast , 4e ; cruclb lesteci , Co ; cast tools do , ! 2 < $ lSo ; wasort spokes * per sot. tl.iacuXOU ; liubs , per set. Si.25 ; felloes , sawed dry , 81.40 ; tongues , eacn , 75c ; avies. eiich. 75c : square nuts , uer lb. 7Cuc ; cell clmin.per lb , CtTclSc ; malleable. OGbc ; Iron wedges , Oc : crowbars , Co ; harrow teeth , 4e : spring steel , 7ftv'c ' : Burden's liorbcsnoes , 4.40 ; Burden'g mule shoes. S5.4a Barbed wire , in car lotb. Si.oo per 100 Ibs.pronl Nails , rates , 10 to U ) , Si.50 ; steel nalU , S'J.tiS ; Sliot-Sl.rA ; buckshot. Sl.s : oriental powder , Veits ' y. .f < o do , half kegs. S3.1X ) ; do , otiartcrkoi : < i. { j.iO ; blaMlng. kegs , Si.V5 : ; fu e. per 10 feeU Me. Lead Bar. Slit. PAINTS us OILmceati. . Omaha , P. P , Ue : white lead. St. Lc ils. j ) tire , 87.75 ; Mar- rilles grren. 1 to.5lii o.vis. 2c French lne iMcen eal , l"o ; i'rench 7lnc red seal , lie ; French zluc , in vurniMi n st , We ; French zine , 7.V ; vermllllon. American , IS.- : Indian red , l ( > c : rose pi nk , He ; Venetian red , Conk- son'ic : Vetiiitbni led , American. l'e ( ; ted lead , 7'nc ' ; chrome jellovv , genuine. ! , ' ( k < ; chioiiiejollow , K. I2c ; oehre. roehe le , 'V- ; nchre , rrencli , 2' , ( ' ; ochre.1 American , l e ; Wlntei's mineral.J , e : l.ehlch blown , 2V ; panlsb blown. 2' ' c : Prince's mlneial. ' e. DIIV PAIK'.S- \\hlte lead , S l-renc n/i nc 'Je ; Paris whiting. iV ; whitinir , irlldeis' , ? f e ; vvhltlnc. eoiu'l. l' < o. lampblaek , Cii-r- manstown. V-V : lampbliick , ordinary. N1 ; Prussian blue , \5c : ultramarine , lyv ; andyke , brown , se : umbel , biir.ul , 4c ; umber , raw , 4e ; sienna , burnt. 4f sienna , n w , 4c ; Paris cieen. genuine. ! iv ; j'ans ureen. eommoiu 22 , " ; ehiome green , > , Y. , 20c ; chrome green , K , I2c ; vermlllioii , Knglisli. In oil 70c ; raw and bin nt umber. 1 lb cans. I2e ; raw and burnt sienna , l-.V ; vaudjko , blown , Kc ! : 10- llned lampblnek. I2e ; coach black and ivory black. lOe : drop black. lOc ; Prussian blue , 40e ; ultramarini'bhie , I8c ; ehrome green , I. . , M. A : I ) . , lf : blind and slmlter eieen. L. , M. A IX , lOo ; Pails uieen. Is- ; Indian ted , lae : Venetian red , SV ; Tuscan. 22e ; Ameilean vermilllon. 1 . A ; 1) ) , , 20c ; jellovv ochie , ik1 ; L. M. V : O. 1) . , IN ; : good oelire , lOo ; patent drver , be ; gialulng color , llcht oak , daikoak , vvlanut , clie-ilnul and ash , 12u DiiKisAM > I - JI.MICi.s Add. catholic , " 2c : acid , tarlnrle .V.'e ; balsatu eonaiha , tier Bi,45e : bark , sassafras , per Hi. lOe : ealomel , perlbVJe ; chitieliotiiiiia. per o4oo ; ebloio- lorm , per tli , 4c ( ) ; Dover's powders , per Us S1.23 ; epsoin salts , per lt > , ! t c ; glycerine , puie , per lt > . t e : lead , acetnte , per tl > . 20i- ; oil , castoi , Xo. I , per gal. , St.50 : oil , castor , No. 2 , per gal. , SI.-10 ; oil , olive.per gal.S1.40 ; Poiorlgaiiniim. 50c : opium , St. : 0 ; quinine , I .Ac U. and It. \ S. , per o70o ; potassium Iodide , per Hi , SS.OO ; sallein , pero40c ; HU ! phnte morphine , JX.M o/ . S2..50 ; sulphur , per lti.4c : stiveliniiu' , cero1.25. . v AHXISIII : ' Bairels , per gallon : Futnl- lure , extia , SI. 10 ; fuinltute , Xo , 1 , 81.00 ; coach o\tia , S1.40 ; ooach , No. 1 , 81.20 ; Da- mar , c\tia , SI. 75 ; Japan , 70c ; asphaltum. extra , 5Sc ; shellac , 53.50 ; hard oil llnlsn , Cologne spirits. 1SS proof , 81.14 ; do 101 proot , Sl.1.5 ; splilts , second ouallty. 101 proot , if.ldo \ \ : IVs jiroot. ? l.ll. Aleo- hol. isspioof , 52.0-1 jier wine gallon. Hedis- tilled whiskies , S1.00 fll.ftO. Gin , blended , domestic. 81. 0@ 1.00. ( ! ins , imported , S-i ( uii.OO ; domestic' , ' 1.2.VaH.OO. Champagnes , imported , tier ease. S'JS.OO@4.00 : ! ; American , per case , 810.00@ 10.00. Grocers' Iilst. PICKI.KS Medium , in bols , S5.W ) ; do in half bbls , 83.25 ; small , In bbls , S0..5U ; do in halt bbls , Si.75 : ; gherkins , In bbls , 87.50 ; do In halt bbls. 84.2.5. avuuv No. to , 4-gaiion kegs , 51.10 ; New Oilcans , RSOIWC per gallon ; Maple Sj-iup. J ban el , strictly pine , 7t/c p r gallon ; l gallon cans , 8'.25 ) per do . ; X gallon cans , 85.25 per do/ : quart cans , SII.OO. FuuirsNolquaitcr apples , 4 4c ; in evaporated boxes , U } < @ 'Jjieblaekber- ; ri 1 1 , boxes , © ; peaches , eastern , 4 ? ® 5'se peaches , evaporated , 15i G l7c ; Salt Lak ( ! none In market : raspbeines , new , 19 W20c ; currants , 7 > { ( $7Kc ; mimes , new , 41 . UANNID uoons Oysters , standard , per 05.50 ; 1 lb maeLGTel. pei do51.20 ; 1 lb Jal- nion jier doz , 51,55 51.00 ; 2 lb goosebenes , per case , S1.7.5,2 ; lb siting beans , per ease , 81.702 ; lb linut becus pet case. 51.00 ; 2 lb maiiowfal peas' , per ease. 52502 ; lb eaily June peas , per .case. 52.75 ; 3 lb tomatoes , per case. P2.fi@2 ; 54i21bcoin , per case- , Sl..K ) ( (12.10:2 : lb coi iPheer. perdo ? , Sl.70fiOO. ( jJori : Ji incli ' , ii'/c ; 36 inch , lOj.j'c ; } i Inch , ins r * * . . s i'ov dci-e'd ' , V i ? : cut loaf , : . . . , . . . granulated. fts : uonlectioneis' A. 0'i.c ' ; btandaul extia'C , 5JC ; ( < tfic ; extra C , 5g5 ( c ; medium yellow. ' ftljff < 5JXe. CA nv Mixed , ourgi2c ? ; stick , 8W ( ? < | C. CnAO iK3 : Warniun'8 Mida , butter and picnic , r.T7 ' ( ! < eie ms , < ) SKc ; ginger snaps , 8 ; < c ; eltv soda.7'ic. STAitcit-lSlirror gloss , 1 lb , We : Mirror gloss , 3 lb , ' lijfc ; Mirror gic s , 0 lb , o > fc ; Uraves'coin , 1 lb. 6c ; Kingfefoid's corp , l lb , 7c ; Kingsfoid's gloss , 1 lb. 7c ; Klnjcs- lord's gloss , 0 lit , 7l < ; c ; Kingsfoid's pure , 31b. r.c ; Kingsford's bulk , 4c. ernmcnt Java , 20cg20c ; interior Java. 10 > f@ 20c ; Jlocha , IHO'ilc : Ai buckle's roastcii , 14Mc ; McUuslilln's XXXX roasted , MKc : Dllworth's. 14 c ; Hed Cioss. 14Mc. S Kirk's Savon imperial. 5".70 ; Kirk's satinet. SIMX ) ; Kirk's standard. J-ur. : : Kirk's white Hiissian. S4.00 ; Kirk's White Cap. S0.5U : Dome , S3.8T. ; Washboard. S3.10. r.s t'er e.uidle , 'JSc ; round , per , 81.00 j square casus , S1.70 ; mule w GAxni.ns Uoxcs. 40 lb Gs , OJfc ; 8s. 92'e ; boxes , 40 lb , 10 07 , Os lOc ; halt box UO lb , Dry LiuiuDor. AMI TIMIIKIIO. ' 12 ft'n ' ft'i ' ft is rt'so ' rt's ' ! rA'i ft No. 1 , 4 & 0 inch , 1'J and 14 ft. , rough. . . S17.00 No. 2 , 4 A ; Cinch , 1'Jand 14 ft. roimli. . . 14.25 No. 2 , 4iteGliit > li , Kilt. . roiiKli . 15.50 .s , I.ATII. XX clear . S3.10 K\traA * . a.'JO * A * Stanilunl . 3.70 0-iiich elear . 1.70 No. i . : . : Lath . U.45 MIIINO. 1st com. , IS. 14 nnd 10 H . S21.W ) 3U " " " . lft.HO Fence " " . 11.00 I.IMI : , inc. Oulncjhlto Hum ( best . 50.60 Cement ( Aki on ) . l.bO Hair . . . 0.5 ! ! 1'Iaster . U.T5 Tarred felt , jiercwt . 2.05 Stiawbo.ird . 1.05 PI.OOUI.VG , A Cinch , white iiino . S i.OO JJOincli , " " . iH.OO C Olnch , " " . UK.oo DO Inch , " " . ! Wi.r.o K cinch , " " . I7.rx ) RTOCK IIOAHDS. A 12 Inch , s. 1 s. IS , 14 and 10 It . 843.BO O 13 inch , " " " . iio.50 No. 1 Com. 12 In. , s. 1 s. 12 , 14 anil 10 tt 17.75 No. 2 " " 12. 14 nnil 10 fi. . 15.75 F1MMIING. 1st nnd ea , clear , lf ) inch , s. 2s . S51.00 ad , clear , 1J4 inch , h.'J . S4'j.oo A select , 1 jf . ii ami 2 inch , b. 2 s . S4S.OO 1 ! select. 1'A l > f niulS incli , s. 2 s . SSd.OO 1st and Sd. clean 1 Inch , s. Us . S.IO.uo 3d , clear , 1 Inch , s. 2ft . 845.00 A select , 1 Inch 's. 2'tr . S .00 U seleoN l Inch , a. 2H . S-f.oo , iin.Mtns. No. I Com. s. 1. s. 18 , and 1(1 ( ft . S17.2.1 No. 2 " " 12 , 14 and 10 ft . 14.75 No. 3 " " l1. 14 and 10 It . 13.U5 No. * " " 19 ; H and 10 ft . 11.03 Kllll' I.Al' . No. 1. iilftln.Saml iDjinch . S 18.00 No. 2 , iiLnn.b and 10 Inch. . 810,00 ' ' IH-igr llhls 1'1 KlS MDIV HSII. llH'H'H'f W ) 50 40 U ID Hun'a S't.No i iu ro a 2.1 2 07 1 07 1 < o ta I/gl ) ( illi'd Tiuu ! ) 6 00 U 002 75 1 Ml 31) ) 50 45 L'K ira hii'ru FV > ,5 , ooa oj 76 _ i at _ _ au | DO 45 1MIMIIUKII ribll. _ _ "rlsllf Ilbl8,0'rllbl9 , I'allsor ICiti wrw . FISH OUQ | 100 Wj w 10 | w 10 00 1 10 LAKE FISH. rici , l'lr ' ULllB.yr . lltlls l''l | Kt8 . nsii. , OT w w 10 ,2 ,0 , No , \VhIto Flgli. ' 0 W 5 403 30 - > 70. ttJ 'JO Family Wblto Kigh. 3 00 , y 70 1 7U 1 W 60 'JOM No. I Tl out I 4 00 3 C0.2 60 1 HO 08 GO No. 1 1'lckciel. . , .3 DO'S ' 701 W 1 Ml 60 RVI.MON. llllT 1001 90 I M 40 12 10 CtU.Sulaiou. . 13 CU 7 oo.a ) ailrS | s ww \ "w O AIiaJOIB-iS'DIRtGTORY Artists' Material , A. JfOSI'K. , TIJ. . Artists' Mnterlals , Pianos nnd Orpnns 1M.1 lloiisldg Street , Omnlin Agricultural Implements. ClIl'ltClllLI , r AltlfKIt , \VholCMlo l > e ler In Aerienltiirnl liniikMiieiits. Wagons , CarrliiKcs mul llut'cl . June * Mtoet , betnccii Vth niul Ililli.Oninlin N < b LlXlXGKIt ( P MKTCAl.r CO. , Airricnltnral Intiileinents \Vneon .rnrrln i' . Iliiculp * . Ktc. . WhnlvMlo , OnihR ' ' \ \ ln'Iu ' Aprlcultiirnl Iiinili'inonls , nml lliiccle . wll 'ttl , ' .W nml'U , , Jnno < ft Butter and Eggs. AX'13 it1 NCirilOKllij Ituyers of Htttter and KRJTS. HefrlBcrntnr mid I'mklns lUuiso , Idli mul l.onven- worlliSl.l I * 11. It. 'Iraik.iinmliu. Butchers' Tools. LOl'IN 1IKLLKK , HntchcrB' Too nnd S Cnpltiiti ( nil klniU Mlwaysln rtoik. 1215 lone ft ( inmhii Builders' Hardware and Scales. TAYLOK , nnildora'llnrilwnre&Sc ilo lSi'i | ir Simp Mochunlo' TouU niul llitrTulo Sc.di-J. 14QJ DoiiKlni t. , ( ) iiinhn , Nel * LEE , jwriw .t1 co. , Jobbers of Hardware and N Tinwiiro , Sheet Irnn. Kir. Accntu for Itnwu Senior , mul .Mlnnil INinilon n Omnhn .Ni'h UECTOlt , P n'lLHKLMY CO. , Wholesale Hardware. \VptPrn ntcnt ( > for .leflrriMin SIOP ! Nnlli , Aut > lln 1'owderlo , Ililrtmnk * ' tmiilnnl Scnlce. Corner 10th tinil llnrnof , Omnhn Building Material. OM.UIA LUMBElt C'O.7 Dualcrln All Kinds of nuililiiifif Mtttci'iiil \Vlioh-salo. . 13lh Street mul Union 1'iicltlu Truck , Oinilm. Boots and Shoes. CA x jr. t yn su WED SHOE cojirAyr , Munufnclitrcri nnil WlioleMilc Dctlcrs In Jiootg and Shoes , Complete rtock of Uiibbor Goods always on Imnrt MM B. 13tfr 5 VO ! l'4 ! ) StAJ.'i " . " . Ancnt. jr. ir. MOIINE < c co. Jobbers of Hoots and Shoes. 1411 Farnnm t , OninlmVb. . Mniuifactoiy , Hummer ptreet , llorlon. Beer. M. KEATING , Apt. for Anhenser-Hush Brewing Ass'n Special lUundp. Fmtat , liudwclfcrnnd Kr STOKX 0 ILEIt , Laper JJeer lirowcrs , 1521 North 1Mb ' trcet. On-ilin , Neb. Coffee , Spices . Etc. CLARKE BROS. ,0 CO. , Omaha Codec nnd Sptco Mill" . Te8sOoirpoiSplec . Ilnklnc I'oiviler , 11 lyorlnuEz- tracte , Lnunilnr Illue , InU , iic. : liu ibllurnoy btruotOmnlin , obVy GATES COLE < ( MILES , Homo ColT'ce mul Sjiice Mills M'f'fif Co. CnflVc Iton-lotB anil Mitcc ( Irlnilcrx. Manufaetiiiern ( if lliiklriK I'nwiler , Kl'ixorlni ; ivtrarl . lUuInt' . Ktr. Tr nncciiii * iifuur 1-lt. | > ai k iixcllomultlunil Ho. leil Ciiffce. 1IWI llo yiml ct. , Ora itri , Ni'l ) . Cornice. EAGLE COJtXJCE If'OKKS , John Epeneter , 1'rop. Manufncturor of Gitlvnnlzed Iron mul Comlcc. 23 Dodge and 1IM mid 105N,10th ft. , Oninlm , Neb. C JiOLTE , Maniifnctnrcra of Ornamental Galvanized Cornices , Dormer Windows , Finals. Mctnllcirkyllulu , etc. 310 8. Ufi M.Oinnha. WESTEltX CO11NICE WOJtES , C. Specht , Prop. Qalynnlred Iron Oornlcei , etc. Pi.ect'Hlniproved I'nt- cntMctallcSkrliuht. USA mid Ml ) H 12th nt.lniihn. Carpets. OMAHA CARPET CO. , Jobbers of Carpets , Ciii'tains , Oil Cloths. Utiars , I.hiolonni' , Mattings , Etc 1511 Douglas stri-ot. ' ' 'NT'jfrOJfCIfAIfJT Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths , Mnttlngs , Curuln Coed , Kto. 1123 I'nrnuiu hlrcct , Omalin , Neb. Crockery and Notions. Tl' . L. Agent for the Manufacturers nnd Importers of Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Clilranoye , etc. Omee , 31 * South 13th st. ( Jinulia.NoIi. Commission and Storage. Commission nnd Jobbing. Butter , KuKsnnd I'roduco. CouslKnmcnis nollcltctl. UeadiMinrturs for Htonewhro , llvrry Jloii'o mid ( Jr.ipe lliinkuld. llll DodKCBlruut.Oiuahu. : jutes , , Commission Merchants. Fruit * , I'roduco nnil rrovl-loiie , Oniahn , Neb. ir. E. JtTDDELL , Storage and Commission Merchant. Bpecluttlps Ilulter. I't'K * . Chceso. Poultrr. Came , ujtten. ite. , Klc 112 South Inh sln-et WlEIiEMA y7lCO. . , Produce Commission Merchants , Poultry , Dutltr , ( imne , I'niltK , etc. 220 S. UlLnt. ( linahn , Ni'b , H'ESTEIt FIELD llltOti. , General Commission MerchantH. KOI DodKO btroet , Om ilia , Nebraska. Oo nollclted. WEEKS cO MILL A It 1) , General Commission Merchants , And Jobbers of I'orelKn mul DomeailcFriilta. Corre- Bioiidcn | ( e fiolltltedVaroliouso mul nlilro , 1IUN. Thlrteuntli M . Omulm. Ni'li. 'IVIaphnnu V ! ' > . Commission. -jjjixf , . ( f Live Stock Commission. Cleo. lluiko , ManaRPr. Union Stock Yard , H ilmulia. 'lolcptiono Mi. SAVAGE tO ( iJUHSAr , Live Stock Commission Mercliants , Bblpmonti of uny and nil kinds of Stock collclied. Union block Vurdo , ( imuli.i , Nch. GJtIFI < 'JTII .0 THOMAS , huccuMors to Inane ( irlllltli , Commission MercliuiitH And Whulesnlo IK-alerK In Country 1'iwliua , Kiiilln , Jluttvr , f.uiit , Klv. ( iiiodK on loimlrniiicnl u specially. 330 N. H Ih t. , Oniuliu Coal and Lime. ' r. MILESTONE l ! CO. , Dealers In Hard and Soft Coal , Office nnd yard , icth and Nicholas > is. , ( liuutia , Neb , Vurd Telephone , ( 7 , OEO , t. I.AIIAIIII , I'rpii C. K , OnnmiAN , V. l'r i. J. A , HUNIIKKLANU , b'OO , und Trcue. OMAHA COAL , COKE ( > LIME COMPANY , Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal , WiSouth Thirteenth Street , Onmtia , Neb. J. J. JOHNSON ,15 CO. , Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime , And Milppcm of Co.il mid Coke , Ceuiual , I'l.iitur , Lime , Iliifr. Vlro IlrUk , liniln. Tile nnd bower ripe. Ottlcv , raxton Hotel , r'.mmiu t. , Ouialiu. Nub. Telephone 811 , Confectionery. F , P. FA V ,0 CO. , Manufacturing Confectioners , Jobber * of Krulls.Nuls luiti Clyais. Ull > ruum BU. OMAHflJOBB.RSDIRlCTOAY II 'E.S"I' , P Fit I TSCJI lilt , Mnintlnrtnrci" * of Kino AnJ Wholctnlo Urnlcro In l.Ml Tnli ro , Nn . IBS mul IUI S. lull trcrl , ( > null i _ Dry Goods. 7. / : . NM1TII , ll CO. , Dry Good * , Ftirnisliiiisr ( foods i N'ntinns lloiifln. . cor. lllhSI .niunlin.Nrti. Distillers , DlPtlllcrs of l.lqunr , Alcohol nnd | ilrllii Iniportpro niul littl > er ofV inc incISTILLE'V CO. and ILElt , ( ' CO. , Importer * drill Jnlthoicol Kino AVItioa niul 1 IQIIIT . Soli' ininiitnoiini'r'X'f IConmuljr Knrl Inilln lilt * tir tintl li ( au ! i Ir 1 t | imr 1113 llnriii'v vl. Drugs , faints , Etc. H. T , CLAItlfEJiltTG CO. , Lrux'eM DiMi r , 1'aint , Oil Vr ( llass Hotiso Wcelof Chlcnco roniiilrto 1.1 no of lirugFlMii Bun * itrlo llll llnrnpj- , OmnliH , GOO DM. IN Dltl"G CO. , holpsali1 DlUjlsts. { ( Alvl l'oilcr ln 1'alntr Oilmnil Wlintmr ( ilfid-.Omnhi , Drain Tile , Etc. \ . II. SAI Eli rrc .l.VV Ilriironn.Scc.XTrcn It , J. CAIKOX. V.l're . nnil Hnpt. TILE UNION ItVDHAULIU I ) It A tX TILE CO. , Otnro 213 S. llth nt , Oniahii. Neb XfuclilnorT nm ! < for MiinnrncuuliiK Cc'inciit liraln'lllo. Engineers and Contractors , P CAWItKLL , rs and Coiitrnctors , BrtilRPK , Vliidiicln. Itixif 'PrH P . Hcam IMo Ililrlnc , k'llliiu.Onk iiiul I'uio Utilise liinit > i < r IStli tl. , IIMT Kiiriunn. Cnmlin N furniture. J > /i ! ' / ; TI' STOXK , Wliolossilc Deulera in Furniture. l'nrmni ct , Onuilia , Neb. ClTAllLEfi S Furniture , ] ! eddin ; , Upliolstcry , Mlrrnr .ctc. lM , ia iml , 1510 Fnrnnni t. , Omnhn. Groceries , , GALLAGinilt .0 CO. , fivoccvlos ami I'rovlsioiiH , Km TH5.707.ronainlTlia. IQtli St. Omnlui. Nob. MeCOltn , JiJtAD Y C CO. , Wholesale Grocers , lllh anil I.pnvcnivnrlti M * . , Omaha. Hardware. ir. , r. Heavy Hardware , Iron and Stool , , VViiKon Stuck , Hardware Lumber , ulc. 1209 anil 1.J1I llarnt'x Bt , Omaha. tinXEY lO GfRBOX , Wholcsalu Iron and Steel , Wneonnnd Cnrrlnuo Wood Stock , Ilenvy llnrrtwnro , lite. U17 uiul 12l'J I.e.ivonwurth Bt. , Oninlm , rsch. MILTON ItOG'EJtS .0 SONS , Stoves , Kaiifjes , FurnaccH , Tiles , Mantlets Orates , Itnibt * ( .ooilc. Inland I.E.1) ) Farnim Mrcvt. Iron Works. 1'AXTON C : VIE Jt LING Iron Works , YTrouphl nnd Cast Iron Bnlldlnic Work , Iron Rtnlm , Italllui : , Ilc.inm nnd ( ilrdnn , Stcnia Knclncv , Itnin Work , Utncrul Kimndrf , Mnchlnu mid lllntkmnllh Work. Ofllco und Works , U. I' , lly. andlTthMicot. Jewelry. EDIWLM C Wliolesalo Jewelers and Music Dealers. Drnlors In Sllvcrwaru. llnmniiili < , Wntclic > < , Clucks , Jowclcr'u Tools nnd Matorlnls , etc. llll anil IOJ lulu ft. . Cor. Dud u , Oiuuha , Ni'l > . Lumber. LOUIS UltADFOItD , Dealer in Lninbor. Liitli , Lime , Sasli , Doom , IHc. Yonlr CnrniT'tli nnd DuuKlna ; Corner Hill 1111(1 ( l > OUIll . CHICAGO LUMliEH CO. , "Wholesale Lumber , BUS.lulletroctOmalinXeb. KColpctzcr , Mnnaecr. V. N. DIETX , Lumber. 13th nnd California gtrccts , Omnlia , Ncli. HO AG LAND , Lumber. T. If" HAJtVEYLUMBER CO. , To Dealers Only. QfUco. H03 Farnom ulTCCt.Oinalin. CIIAS. It. LEE , Hardwood Lumber , Wood Carpets und 1'nrquct Flooring. Bill nud Douglas Oina'in. JOHN A. WAICEFIELD , WbolcHalo Lumber , Ktc. Inipoitod nnd Anirrlrun I'orllnnil roment. fitnto AKcnt forMllwiiuktui lljdriiullr fpuicntund Hunt yuliuyVlilluI.lii > . Live Stock. UNION STOCK YARDS CO. , Of Omalia. Limited. John K. Ilal ( , BuprrlntcnJont. Millinery and Notions. I. OBEKFELDER < 0 CO. , Importer'nmlJoblieiH nf Millinery und Notions , UlMlnrnov street , ( ) ni hi. Noli. Notions , ' ' ' c' . s. ( iboDitrcfi.'v co' , Are the only Direct Importers of Gorman & French Toys & Fancy ( foods In Nubrinkn. : ChlcnKn | > rlroi diiiillcntcd irltlinut add. tint li I'Ulil , Uli rnriiani f-irc'i'l , Omulm. J. T. ROBINSON NT ldN CO. , Wlmli'Milo Ilenlcrs In Notions and Furnishing Goods , _ Jtt'liiiiil lO'i 8 Tonlli SI .Oinah.i. VfNYARD ,0 SCJJNEJD EJt , Jollbcrn III NotioiiH , Jlosiery and ( Jcnts1 Furnishing _ JjCKXlnii I | i S K.irnnni ft .Omnlin. Nub. Overalls. ' CANFIEhD MANrrAC COMPANY , Manufacturers of Overalls , Jenin Tants , bll.rtu , Kto. IlOinnd 1101 Douxlaii Ftrcrt , Omnh i , Ni > b. Printing , ' ' ' RltKS 'pJttrX'irING' COMPANY , Job Printers , lllank lionk MaUnra , And llouk Ulndt-rs. W < and KM hiiuili 1 oiirtccntl ) mri'Cl. Omnh i , Jlpli. tN NEll'SP.l PEJtUNJON Auxiliary J'li'jlishers. ' nealcrt In Typo. I'romni ! anil I'rlnicra' 8iinpllos. WJ toutli Twelfth Miif I. Safes , Etc , G. ANDRE EN , Oiiuilia .Safe Works. MunufHCluriTiuf Mra nnd UurilH rroofBnfc ( , Vmilt Dour * , Jail Vvirkbhut.i > ni and Wlru Work. Cor , m kion Hu , ( Jnnli.i , Nab , / ' . JiOl'IiK D CO. , Apents for Jdill'H Safe & Louk Co.s1 Fire nnd UnrK * r Proof Hnfo , Tlrra Ix'Ckn , Vault * Jail Watt. Kill I urnaui i'lri et Ouuilm , Neb , OM Hft JOBBERS1 DIRECTORY Sasfi , Dears , Etc. M. .1. .1.W W liolcii.ilo Mmiufii Hire1 ! ' of Snsli , Dooi y , llliiuls nnd Mouldings , llrnnch fifflco 1th iinO IfirJ l * . dninlinN > h. " < ; . r. LIM/.I.V , Sn lt , Door , lUiiulAlouldttiffs , IlulliIliKi Pn per. rlr Inn ' nuth Tliirlri > nth Mrflti , Diunlin. Scl > . A nuiiiili-li' > l'Uk ' trf lulMrt ' ion \t\i 'ien \ Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds , o.sinlrnrknnd Interior Hrynl W < M < < | Klnlih 'm'il N. K nir " > ili niul l.CHtciiniillliiJI * . Oiniihn , Nrli PicUcs , Vintgar , Etc , ' .v Moitititi IP co.t Mnnvifarlnrot. . Pnrkoic unJ lio.iliTK In IMckh-y \ Strictly 1'ino Apple Vlnpjynr lliiklni ; I'nwilpr , Unrorlnp PUriru. Tnlilo IIIICP. I rcnili .Mu l " ' I HlulliK ( Hmor" ' M' " 's" ' " S lu iikriiM lor \ < > rV - Snntl I il A | < | ilo Ol < ili'r. liUil cntrnni.rlti M Pumps. Clll'ltClllLh J'TMI" CO. , in niul VValcr ' miplU'n llriulininrtcr" t r Malt owl On MliMxl-i llll Hiriiinii n , ( iiimliii. Noli. A. L. STltANG CO. , i. I'lpt" * and , Btrnrn , VVnlrr , ltnllnn > ntul Mlllliiit Siiii | < llrii. KIC. ! ) , ! mul lt.4 Kurnnni n . Oiimlm , Nth. COMTAXY. IlnllmlnrVlnil MIINt r-leam niul Whtcr PnrpllCd. rinnililnttliooili. Ili'lllnu , UIKC. t'I ' < < unit tw rtr- luiui nl. , liitutlni. H K V'rllon , AtHimfccr. roloplimu" N" ' . 210. Trunks , . . . . „ , / * . . ' I O V1- - - % / / . IT MA 11110 FF , Wltnlosnlo Trunksi , Mlllnnl llntvl lllook , Oninlm. Wagons nnrf Carriages. _ . WA 'vWV. - n 1 VV Tlio Leading Carriaio Factory , ( I' l UIHMII l > ISM ) llftl anil KM DiiitKC Mreet , Omulm. White Lead. CAltTKIt U'lIITK 1KA1 > CO.7 Strictly 1'nro White Lcml , anli rtrrrtiniit I' V lly. . Omnlin. Nebraska National Bank OMAHA , NEBRASKA. Pnidup Capital . $260,000 Surplus . 3O,000 H. W. Yate < s , President. A. E. Tou/ilin : , VIcn President. W. 11. S. HiiKlies , Cashier. IIIIIKCTOIIS : W. V. Morse , John S. Collins , 11. W. Yaics , Lewis S. Keed. A. K. Tou/.alin. BANKING OFFICE : TJTE IRON BANK , Cor 12th and Kiirnain Sts A General Hunking Ihi inef-s Transacted. NKW GHOCKKV. NKW GOODS j. P. TIIEKKILSKN : , 1121 Saundeis Street , Omaha. i2LI iVorlli KMli Street , Is tlio iilacc to nrrniiiru for illllf , llutter , Cicniu mul ( "hei-ko. Toloiiliono.'Mi ' C. I > . IIUTVIISAIisUX , Itlanagcr. UITIHE CEDABS" JA Homo niul Diiy Scluiol for Youim I.mlles , ic-oicns | OCT. 1. Drllj/lillully situated ( in ( ! oiijet ( < ) Mii Ilolulits. I.ui'h'O triouiuU. Kn- KAULK , lUlBSKtli St. . Washington , 13. a ijtiduoiKiJ Olliec , 1411 1-21'iirimiu. . iiOlli and California. JJTST , A yuli-lc. I"orrnnnert ruiufot J iFt Mnnhood , lleblllty. pr\ hrt.Ueal.ni'Kit. Noquorkery. In * lilc Trnnftf. lUmk urnt MAlr < L _ Sfvu. Elm City Military Institute , Picpnintory for colletfo or lor liiielticss. For lei-inn , etc. , nplilj to WIM.IAM II SI'OWR 1'iinclpiil l , Ifn , " ) Clinpel St. , New Union , Conn. , Kailway Time Table OMAHA. The follow-In ; ? Is tlio llino of nrrlvnl anil Uo- pmtnreof triilns liy Central Stunduril Tlmo nt the local ili'iiotn. Trains ol tlio C , St. I' . , M. * O. arrive ami ilepiu t ttiiin tlKilnlupot , corner of 14th anil Webutornliiiols ; trains on liio 11. .V M. C. II. ArtMml K. C. , SU J. A p II. fiom tlio II. A Jt. depot nil otlioia from tlio Union 1'acltlo ( lOIOt. ) itmnai : TRAINS. IlililKO trains will loiivn U I' , ilnput at 0:115- : m'J.r : > - - BiiOHiHiM : : ( ) IIKUUU iiiuuii. iu.lilU laO : lH-SJO-3:00 ) : ( : - lUOU--5.Uu : jJj-l'IU- : : 7:00-11:10 : p. in. lxa\oTiaiiBlorforOinalm at Tl : > It4IA ; 9'JO : : < 2 IMO.ii : 10IT11:1)7 : ! : ) u ni.l : J7 'Jia 2'J7 3:3U-3i7-- : : ; : ? -SSO : 0 : 7UO : ; 7Wj-8iU- : ! ll:6w p. m. . Arrivnl and dupnrtiiro of triilns from the inn&lerOuiiot atUonnull Illultb : tllll'AHT. .MIIIIVC. CIIH'AnO , HOCK ISLAM ) 1 I'Mlllli. 7lf.A. M. I D'Jiir. .A.M. n 9:1.1 A. M. nriu : : r. M. iuuui > . M. I it 7:0) : ) iM. . CIIIOACO & Noitnnu tm.iiN. 00:15 : A. n. I I : I5 A. M. liU:40i : > u. I 117:1)0 : ) IM. . ( - JIICAOO , iitiiUNiON & guiNtrr. AiM ! : \ . M. I AUir ; > . \ . M. ItJ ) i > . H. A 7W : ) r. M. illl.WAUKl'E * M. I'AIIU A 0:15 : A.M. I Ai:15A. ! : M A 0:101' : . M. I A 7:0) : r. M KAt < HAS CITY , br. .IOK L'Ol'M , ! ! . III.UHH. A 10:01) : ) A , M. I DUriA : : H. t : : .WiM. . I A liir. : : ! . K. WAIUhll , BT I.OMS k I > tCP.'IC. si. HIOUX C1TV t'AC.IIC. A7U'iA. : M. I A 'Ji5 ; : A. M. A 6 : i p. M. J bM : \ < M. ' " Depart. \VKSTVVAjtlJ. Arrne. "A.M. I-.M. | UNION' I'AOII'IU. 77If. , r. > (7 ( 10.Vm : 5:0. : ) , ) . . . . . I.KIIIO . . . . ll-.UJ.i II. H M. IN NISIt. 610a ; Mull ami IUpio-d C:40it : _ " .S'lwln llvpri'is . IK lliipait. MI'TII\V.\ltI ) . Anho. A.M. I r. M. jMHBoritl PAfiriO . .M. I'.M liana1 .Day r.vpr < > OjL'M | 9:13b : N'lKlit llviinss . . i If. C. , ST. .1 , t O. II , 'J : ) u h.lSb VI11 I'laUM.hiuth . 7CJ.I : 7l ( NOIIl'IIWAlll ) . _ Arrive. " " A. SI. I I' . Jl. ( ' . , ST. f' . , VI \ n. ! \ . n . i : > i , 8:15a : . Moux ( ; iiy I\IIMBH : ' liil.V Oukhunl Aeomiiiiiil ( ° i i Hc'.Kin1 . . K7\HT"\V.\II1) . An Ho. * . M. l p. M. I I. . , II. \ < , ' , /.M. . i p. > i. V'MO.U1) : \ ) ] . Via PlntthmoiiiTi. I Van | 7 : ia NOTII--A , t.-.ilns dally ; li. dully ejcrpt Sun. ilny ; 0 , dully ij-xccpt biiuiilr.y : : I ) , cluily cx.'ont Mond.iv STOCK VAItO will IciueU. J' . ili > iiot , Uiiiii'ia.ut ' fi.(0-7'ri ( ) ll:0)ii. : uii 2ra--M ; } . | ; iAri : > Srtl ; p n : . I'ucillu Cviirosv , S'Ji : ) p in ; Di"ivei Jit. . IDSlJl a.m. ; Ixionl iv.fiii. ; : ) p. in ( .curt ) MtoiK junU for Oinahn at * 7U : < 'Jyn-i : , Slin. m.iSslO NlVi-ltI : : : ; 'J -'Sr/jp. ID. Atlanllo Kx .Id 8. O. IM a in. ; Klilcuifii , lo S. U 5:07 ii.m. : Loptil Ki , lo S. O. 10:31 : II.B ; Mo. I'm- Ux.J l . S. O. 5 : 7 p. m ' . M M. I" . K . , C.OV a. tn lixcnpl ijuiuay.