THIU OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY. AVGl'h'i , 1880. ; ? THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , Warjifee News from. Europe Causes a Little Bulge in Wheat. THE BEARS OVERCOME IT LATER. Ilcnvy nonliving Hnloi or Corn Cnuso Tlint Ccronl lo Decline Pro * vlHloim HCIIIIOU lint Ijiiwcr The Cnttlc Market. CHICAGO UUAIN MAl'.KBf. ( /HirAno , AifU.'t -fSpf'clal ! to the llr.K.Vnr.VT ] Wheat opened , ' < ( " * Jfc lil lier ( lilt inninlni ? on tinncwsof the nlxlirntion of Alcsaiulor ot Httl nria under clrciiiiisiiinrosstronilymiK ; ! nstl\o of liussinti IntllL'iK ! utid possible iinnttcr to IvnglNIi In- lercstfi. Korolin ; niaiket cables \\eroo\cltiHl nnd Mtont r , iinolntlons beliiK intrkud tip nil tuonnd. On lliccnrb li'iosi-iilicr- | ) the piii-otiji to tlio litniro tnuntioiicd , and tlicio uns a itish of iiilsoellniu'ons tiadors to the vlioat nit. The innikct started ( iffitlin \NlKiopnttd Inuinli , but voiy liberal oirotliiKS by the Hcam party checked the ntUnitcIng tuiiilency nnd KIIVU tliu bulls n set b.u-k , values rec'cdlnt' from 70' c for fjeiilcmber and lor Octobci , lo Tli'fcuaiiil ni'icies The iiiiiiket was \ury nersotm allthcloiu- noon. The biiylnt ; licre did tot sooin to be by thu class usually dunoiuinalrd as stroiif , ' p.ii ties. Illoont nnd M.ittlious nnd tliu ; | > - Ing croud dill the bulk of the btiylnif , anil tlio scattered bull hosts weru opposed by heavy nnd conceited selllni , ' by the Ku.itn patty. Market cables bbovved an actual ltd- \anco In I'.uis , Liverpool and London. 1'lic postings slumcd that ihc catly moNumcnt of spring wheat had commenced nnd that the lush \\inter\vheat was not > et over. The announcement ot tin ; vMhlts supply was In a niea.snio n stitprlsu , Thu market had piuvi * onsly been nnileelsivc , and values had nei- vously Undiluted \\ltltlii a lan o ofe , 70 's ® 711 } ( Jc beinu' the limits for .September , but tor the last torty minute * of HIM regular beason wheat wits easv , It not positively weak. Towatd the end thu maikut milled , and the last .salesete at 7li , e lor September. blc < ( > 8IXc lor October and xi i" lor November , a lo.-s of ? ic ( torn the best pilces ol the day and iiualn ot ? K'J' ( ' ' c from .Salutdaj. Coitx. The tcatine of the coin deal to-day was extensive icall/inc sales ol piopertyby diM'ouraKed holders. The sclllnj ; was gen eral and the market had little support except such as was il\on by shorts. The taiga re ceipts , present and prospective , necompanleil by a continuation of light shlpplnK demand , which was the ruling characteristic of tiado Inst week , wete depressing factors. The market was strong at theopcnini ; in sym pathy with wheat , and trades wetc made on n Basis 4ic ! for September anil U'ijc for October. Hctoro the end of the session it sold oft Ki3fc ( , closing within ahc of the bottom. Wav was relatively UlC Stioutr . ! ! . : ih. OATS Tlio tendency in oats was down ward. the closing and lowest prices lecordlng n decline of > c in September nnd lfp In later fnttnes. Considerable speculative activity was developed. Pitoviho.vs A fairly coed speculative tiade Inpoik and libs was witnessed to-day , and until the weakness In coin became clearly aupaient packers displayed no little independence nml held thcSr iiiOiluet for mailer prices. Their views weto modilied later , and the closlnir , e.\pect for libs , was very neaily the same as on .Satmday. About. 11.000 tlerce.s of the 50.000 tierces of lard , whose pinjci'led shipment to Xew Yoikon oxpoit account was announced last week , me understood lo have been started by lake to-dav. Ctutii , Z : ° r n. in. Wheat was stronger this afteinoon and advanced to 70/Jfc tor Keptumbcr : puts , 7SJT8J ) < e : calls , 7Kc. ! ) i'uts on Octobei coin , 4.i6i : ; ; calls , CHICAGO IjlVK STOCK. CHICAGO , August 21 fSpcclal Telegiam to the llii : : . | CATTI.I : Thomaiket was slow this morning , us buyers were bopofnl atgaiu- Ing lower prices. They hammered the inaikct fora while , but it was soon scon that there weiono moiogood native cattle than were wanted. The market lor good to choice stock wasactheand httonger , while prices uener- nlly aveiaged steady. Inferior to fair , lean nnd lougb natives sold slowly , but not quotably - bly lower , Shipping steers , H550 to 1500 Ibs , ; 4.ri0 5.IO ; 1200 to 1M ! ! Ibs , S4.10@4.0.000 ; to 1'JOO Ibs , si.6l : > ® 4.iri. ! To-ilaj there were ' . ' 000 thiough Tcxans and .MOO not them rangeis here. The maiket in a cenuial way was Mow eaily , as buyers wanted lower prices. The movement became more active , however , and cattle were about all M > ld. Texaiih and com mon cattle sold n shade lower , but all de sirable lots .sold at steady pilco.s. Some Iowa and Minnesota eattlo langed in Montana tana sold at 5jt.5. : ! ! Xorthum rangers : GOT Wyoming To.vtns. 000 Ibs , S3.-r : 1UO Wyom ing Toxnns , 1171 Ibs , S.M : ! ) ; SJ27 Montana , llbS Ibs , si. : : ; 155 Montana , lib ! ) Ibs , 8'i. : ; 77 Wyoming Texans , 5y.l5 : 170 Wyoming Texans , ' . ) : ! bs , Suo. ; Hods The maiket was fairly active with best heavy helling a shade highei than at the close on batuiday , but other soils underwent little or no change yet. The market closed ttcady with nearly oveiytlilng Hold. Best coin led mixed .sold at 84.75 4.85 and best heavy S-U 0 4.05 , with fancy assoited heavy F1NANUIAU Now York. Aucust 23 , MONRY Easy , raugiiiK from 2 to 0 per cent , closing at 4 pei cent. 1'imiu licitCANiiLi : 1'APKR Unchanged it 45 ( per oent. dTiuiMMi KXCHASOK Stiong but unset tled ; actual rates , S4.81i for sixty day bills Kiid 84.SI for demand. ( lOVKKN'MUM's lioveiiuiients were dull bill steady. SrocKs Stocks to-day cro dull and feat- tneless , ' 1'he polltlral disturbance ot Kttiope raused smno bclliim by foreign houses here , Mid In lesponsu to higher r.tte.s for money prevailing in London there was an advance In hteillng exchange lates. Tliero was very llltlo teaturo thiotmhont the day , tde lluctna- tlons being conlmed within a narrow range , nnd exceedingly dull. Theio were advances in a few ot thu Inactive stocks , First prices this mm ulna weie down from Ute to 26 per cent. I'llces declined tiom the opening , but only for small fiactions. At the last bom piIco wmo bid tip by loom traders , the market closing steady at quotations. The net rrmilt of the day's business Is everything on the actlvo list Is fractionally lower. STOCKS OS WAT.I , STnEBT. 81 cent bonds. . 100kiO. & X. W . . . . U. lioj/l preferred. laiJflX Y. 0 10 ! ! OreironTian. , Ccntinl i'-icilio. . latfl'aeliicMail. . . C. A . 141,4 1M ) . * K PU.feried. . . . IBS ll'.l' . 0 C. ft. Ar ( ) # JH4J41Hock Island. . . l-JO 1) . I. . A ; W lib ! 4 St. 1 , . it S. K. . 1) . 11. 0 Ifflk inetcried. . , Kile 0. , M. AiHt. I' . . , Kilepreferred. . . . 75 Piofeiied. 320 } * JlllnoU Central , isfl ; . I' . 4:0 45 ] . , H. , t\V 10 } * preferred. . . Kansas it Texas s f Texas J'.ieltic. . . l.aKoKlioru Union racille. . . ' " W. , St. L. A 1' . . Mlch.'Centiai ! 7U prefei i ed . . . JIo. 1'acllie \\Vstein Union. .Noithcin I'.ic. . . 1.7 O..H.&N. . . . . , pieferrod. . * ex-dlv. I'UODUOU M.VHKI3T , CUIonuo , August 2H. Klour Steady and iincli.iiigedjntcr ; Hour , 84.0.r.M4.lO ; southern , SV.WM.OO ; 4.00M4.10Mlchlgan ; soft spiiniwheat3.50 ; < 4 S.'JO In sacks. Wheat Fairly active : closed at "ftc above Baluiday : cash , 7b\'ci SeptemUer , TlKi-lOo ; Octohoi , fil-Mftc , Corn Weak and closing J e under Sat' unlay ; cash , 4l ' e : September , 43-7-lCc : Oc- toner , 4H-15-irc Oats Active and KQKo under Saturday close ; cash , COo ; September , aj. ' 'o ; ( > ctober , ZlJi'e. ityo-Qulot at S0)p. llarle-IU'a\yatby > < c. Fbx-secu J1.10's'e. Timothy Pi line , 32.00. Whisky-Si. V ) . Pork Closed btionger ; cash , S9.Ci' < CJ)305 ) Benti'inbcr , 5U.Wg9,07K ( ; October , e'J.7tK < j P.T7H. JLatd Firm , Ibut higher cash , $7.40 i Bcptembcr , S7.42 ; October , " 'iiiiVk ' Meats-Shoulders , SS. 75 < 15S7' ' , : sliort clear , Sfi Ottrtfi.O.'i . ; short lib ? , ? 0.15 ( < tl7 > < . liutter 1'ancy ereamery , demand good ; 17WW' ! 'c ; dairy , l t < nr * . Cheo'-e Weak , full crr-ain cbeddar , fs ® flats , h > iojO' c ; Young Ameiicas , ° ( ! $ Hides ( ireen salted , fully oiirftl. ' 'c ' : llsht , 8riS c ; damaged , 7e ; bull hides , u > ic : drv sailed IKiU'-'e : dry Hint , i : glic ; call skin . bfrtio' c ; deacons , .VJo each. Tallow No. 1 countiy , 8 ; ' @ : t c ; cake , ZiiNo. ; . 2 , & . Kpcclnu. Shipment * . Flour.bbM . H.IXKJ H. tX ) Whcai.bii . r.r.txxi NUOOO Corn , bu . 81B )0 ) 414.000 Oats , mi . ; MO < XI IKS.XK : ( ) lt > euu . 4oio ( 1,000 Harm .on . 4tooo ! 20,000 Now York , Au/u fW. rt'lttit Itceclnts , .W.,0K ( ) ; c\porl . : il2KX ( ) ; spot KO'e ' lilpher ; ontlniis ndxatipt'd lfd\c ( , alterwauls weak ened nnd i'loedlth a reaction of , ' 4rt\e. ( I'ligraded ted.V3 ( .h4e ) ' ; No. li led , We In elevatoi ; IKi r f. o. ! . ; 00 , ' , c delhcied ; September closing at I'O'hC ' ' , Coin Spot , J < , c lower , and options opened ' .i@V better , later declined UM < ( . ' , closing steady : leceipts. s'J.tKK ) Du : e\poits , : ; tK ! , ( o bit : nngiaded , : > ( it' ( ( > J ; No. ' . ' . Al td.V.'c deli\er- ed : September eloping it 51'jc. ' ( ) . ts Jf" < ' limt-i ; receipts. 112,000 ; ev pints , 210 ; mi\ed we tein , :33 : ( < fMic : } ; while Petroleum Firm ; Unlt ° d. Me. Kggs Stionger : westcin.lWe. Pork-Hun ; messnioted atglO.W ) for old ; Sll.OOVUi.rOior ( new. Laid Westein steam , spot , higher ; SW . Huttei Quiet and steaily. Cheese Unchanged , Mliiiioiiiiotln , AiiLMtbt 'iJ. Wheat . \e- the- and higher : No. 1 haul , cash and Sep tember , 775fc ; No. 1 Noithein , cash , 7rc ) ; No. ! i not them. c.T < h. VJc. I'Mour-KIrm : patents , S4.SO&4.50 ; bf.keis , Keceipls-Whc.vt , 12'l,003 bushels. Shipments Wheat , s.OJO bushels ; flour , 21.000 bauds. In store-Wheat. 2,20s,100 bushels ; In St. Paul , .MOOOJ bushels. Milwaukee , August 2. ? Whcat-Stiong ; cash , 7S'tc ' ; September , Tile. Corn-Weak ; Xo. 2 , 41J/e. Oats -Kask-r ; No. 2-OUc. H\o No. 2 , ,7Jc. llailujNo. . 2 , Wc. ) I'oik Klim ; .September , 50.07'i. Cincinnati. August33. Wheat Strong ; No. " led. wi tO'fp. ' Coin Kilmer ; No. 2 mixed , Oats No. a liiKed , 2sm2si < c. Hyc-CJuiet : No. 2 , W ] ( dolo. I'oik ijlO.2.- . . Lai d-37.10 bid. Whisky Firm at 81.10. KausnH City , August 23. Wheats- Steady ; No. 2 red , cash , G0 } < c bid. G7J c asked ; Septembei , 07e bid , G7 c asked. Coin Stiongei ; No. 2 , cash , IMc ; Septein- ber. miiiis ( : e. Oats Nominal. Ijlvi'pool ! , Aujust 23. Wheat In fair demand : now No. 2 winter , linn at OsOKd ; sjirlng , lirm at Os 10d. Coin In good demand ; spot'linn at 4s I'ud ; August , firm at 4sId ; September , th in ttJ3 \ -l > Jd ; Octobcr ; H.r. r.t 4a u 'ii. St. Louis , August 2H. Wheat Closed 3HC above Satttiday ; No. 2 red , cash , fcOJ c ; September , Mc. Corn Weaker and a shade lower ; No. 2 , cash , W CrtHUjtfc ; September , Oats Lower ; cash , 27c ; September , 27c. Kyc Steady ; cash , 5lJ < @ 52c. Wbisky-Sl.10. Pork Dull nt 510.2.- ; . JardDull at 56.07 > tf. IJuttev Steady Creamery , I7@l.'c ; dairy , New Orlo.inn , August 23. Corn Dull and lower ; in sacks , mixed , 5.c ! ; white , 53 ® Ke ! ; jellow , 5'tcWlc. Oats Lower ; choice western , in sacks , . Cornmcal 82.R5. Hog Products Unchanged. Poik-SlO.50. Lsiul Stions and higher ; iclined tierce , 57.i . Hulk Meats Shoulders , SG.G.JX ; Ion ? clear nnd clear ribs , 50.55. Toledo , August 23. Wheat Steady ; cash , biijfc. Com Cash , 44c. Oats Cash , 23c. IjIVE STOCK. Ohlcnso , August2J. ; The Drover's Jour nal repoitsas lollows : Cattle Hecelpts , 0,200 ; about steady ; shipping steers , Si.5n@5.iO : : stockers and feeders , S1J.2r.J..riO ! ; cows , bulls and mixed , S1.7r @ : uO ; bulk , S2.2- ( .75 ; through Texas cattle , S2.75t ! 3.C5 ; western lanpers firm at gii.OOC'Jii.S'O. ' Hoes lecelptBli,000 { ( ; steady and unchanged rough and mixed , Sl.00@l.70 ; packing and shipping. SI.50Sn.03 ; light , $ a.bO4.73 , skips , S'.wc:5.50. : . SheepHccelpts. . ,200 : demand good and steadv ; natives , $3.5d@4.10 ; western. Sa.a5f 5.0j ; Texans , 33.75@ .40 ; lambs Sl.OO © 6.35 per 100 Ibs. Ht. LoulH. August 23. Cattle Kccelpts , . Hog's-Uccelits. 1,500 ; shipments , 800 ; linn : butcheis' and best heavy , S4.K.10 ! ) ; mixed parking , 54.40 ® l.bO ; light wei lits , ? 4.iO@ : 4.70. Kiiusna City. August -Cattle Re ceipts , 1,300 ; shipments , none ; slow and weak ; common to choice natives , Sl.'iO@4.00 ; cows , 31.75U2.75 ( ; stockoisand Iccdcrs , 32.80 @ 4.45. "Hogs Receipts , 4,000 ; shipments , none ; weak ; good , lOc lower at S4.50i4.03. ( ! OIUA.II A LilVIS STOCK. Monday Evening , August 31. General The receipts of both cattle and ho s wcio much heavier the pa t week than during the week ptovlous. Last week the receipts of cattle were 4XH ( ) as auainst 2,000 of the provlous week. There were 8,300 hoga In last week and only 5,100 the week bctoie. The mm kola have been more active and n greater amount of stock has chanced hands. The cattle market has ranged very steady the entire week. The re ceipts ha\o been mostly lange cattle , but there ha\o been a tew choice com-tud steers In , which commanded good prices. The hog market has been tending down ward tlio whole week. On Monday choice heavy liofs sold as nigh as $4,70 , but on Sat urday the top was SI 57tf. Ono load of fancy hogs averaging 345 Ibs was sold di'ilngthe ' week ut S4.bO. CATTI.K The rccipts wcio heavier to-day , bnlng mostly range cattlo. The maiket was active and everything was sold that was suit able for dicsscd beef , Values remain about steady. lions The receipts of boss were very light and the maiket was loiced up 5&10c , Thu demand was very fair , but the packers were unable to obtain a full supply , Sheep Them is no market. Cattle . , . 800 llou's . 700 1'revallinK I'rlces. Showing tlie prevailing prices paid for live stoiik on this maiket. Choice steurs , 1SI50 to 1500 Ibs S4.20@4.aiS Choice steeis , liouto IHOJlbs , 8.75W4.15 Medium bteors , 1250 to 1K50 Ibs. . . 3.00(34.00 ( Fiit little steers. 1050 to 115'Jlb ? . . . . 8.05 ( < W.88 Uood feeders , 000 to 1000 Ibs 8.00(4i. ( ; : Good to choice corn-fed cows 2.l1Vi3.J' ! > Fair to medium grass cows S.Ofr > U.n" > Uood to choice bulls 1.50 'J.f.O Light and medium nogs 4.S5tl.'i5 ( ( lood to choice heavy hogs. , 4.5 4.05 ( Jood to choice mixed hogs. . , „ . , , . 4,40 ( < N.50 Fair to good shorn sheep 2.00ij.55 ( : ) Ilnn n of 1'rloes , Showing tlio hkhcHtnniltOwost prices paid furmixo'l ' lo.uls of hojs on this market il'ir- Incthe past seven itays , with comparative vuTucb : July. Aupist. foilUny. leth. 4.GO ffi .85 4.00 W4.70 TUfSiitiy Ulh. . 4 ( < J4.75 4.55 W4.7J Weilnwday. IHh. 4.40 Thursday.U'th ' , . 4.C Friday , ? Jth. . , . .l. 4.35 Satttrrtnv. 21sl 4.03 W4 CO 4IS Gt-I.Wt Jlondrxv , iKkl. 4.40 ( aur > 4.-IO ( al.W August a4th , IKNS3.00 ( ( : i.05 , SlllplllCtltH. Shnwlne lliiMiti nber of cirsof livestock shipped out of the yard * iliirlni ; the ilay : nods. No. Cars. Ht. Host , 8 . C. , n. , t Q . HoMon 1 . 0. , U. fc li . Chicago I lvo K Showlne the number ol cattle , liojrs and shwp purchased by the Ic.itllni ; bti > urs on to-day's inaikct. PATI t.i : . ( ? . H. Hammond At Co . 7" > S llnirlsit KLshcr . 10 UtllLTS . . . . . . . X 'I otal . S'17 Hoot , North * Co . 207 Anclo-Aiiii'rlcnn 1'acklilit Co . . . 70 11. l'.Hrnily. . 7 O. 11. Haiiiiiiond i\c \ Co . , . - " > Total All salf ot stoi'k in this market are inado norcwt. Ilvowclisht unless otlirrwlso staled. llrnd hoes "sull at Kc per 11) ) tor all wvlqlit . "Skins , " or lioirs woltrhlni : lus < tlmn 100 11)3 ) no value. I'RTiiaut sow.naio duckuu iO Ibj ami 'ats & 0 Ihs. Kotos llo s all sold. Vfiy low hosts In. HoKs.ViZiOclillicr. | Thccattlu inaiKt't active. Only n Tew odds and ends lelt ovei A. Mnliutlnoy , U ccoln , tojipcd the nnukct on hogs. A year aeo to-day hogs sold In this market at s.KcitH.C : ! ) ! , . A. Mnhnlti'V , dsceola , had two loads of ho s on th < < market. 0. W. Hoffman , ( ienoa , had tluee loads of ho Hon the market. (5 , II. Hammond k Co. cro heavy hnyois on the eat lie maikut to-day. Mi. Wood , of Wood t Sutton , Kosll Sta tion , \\ns hcie and tnaiKeted head of ll'JI- ' Ib. cattle : Mr. Doty , of Chamlicil.itn & Dotv , came In todayltli tiftcen loads ol 'iV\ans which brought 83.20. Their lanch is located near Fort Lafiinile , The : i ! head of Colorailo cattle , helonjrint ; to Chas. Poiipcrvhlch \\cto thioush heio last week , sold foi V3.2 , " > In Chicago. They axciaced 1140 pounds , On the market with hops : Fuller V Tay- ton , Kullciton ; Mr. I'hllpot , Weepint ; Water ; F. M. Hlldebiandt. Cairo ; A. L . SeaiH , Claiks ; Klchaidson A : S. , MInden. A. II. Heel , of the Him ot Hepl .t Kosen- dale , was hero with 2IJ loads \Vyomlnir ranto cattle. They \M > IO the best strini : ot ranuo cattle that have been in the yards this season ami Inouuht S-I.OO , which is also the best price of the season. Six loads weie of Air. Heel's Individual biaud. The linn have a largo ran e on Green rher and slilp fium Water Fall. _ OMAHA. WHOLiUSA K JlillXSTo General Produce. Monday Evening , Anpnst23. TticJoUowlmi prices are for round lots of sold the inntltct . The prvtlticc , m > nn to-tiny. qunhitlunitm fruits tciircbent the i > rlca > ut which mttxhlc orders urc titled. UuTi'Kit Thcie Is an abundance of poor grades ot butter coming in , but choice butler Is very scaice. Even good butter is In very limited supply. Some dealers as-ei t that all of nine-tenths of the butter leceived by them is sour and poor. Stiictly sweet , solid and uiiitorm color , packed in new clean tubs , commands 15 to IGc , or p\en more. In tne mar ket , but there is little or none coining In that can be graded as such. Fauci * butter In stone crocks is bringing even better prices. Fair to good country butter is soiling at 10 < iW'c. . 1'oor nt . " > @Sc. and slow. Creamery butter , not the * .erv best , sold this ; week at 18@20c. EMI < The lecciptsare not large , but the demand Is slow. The bulk of the leceipts ot trysh candled cpgs are are going at 'Jc. A creat many stale ejrgs aie comint ? in and dealers would Und it to their advantage to candle closely beloie shipping , thus molding paying charges on rotten eges. I'oui.TiiY There has been a slight falling oil' In tlio receipts and it corresponding still- ening in prices. Both old fowls and spilng chickens are bringing better prices than last week. Tliciehavo been a lew ducks in the market but they are very slow sale. Old fowls , per do/ . , S2.iO ; spring chickens , large , S2.00 ; spring chickens , medium , 816001.75 ; spilng chickens , small , not wanted ; ducks , 5a.2.'i6ja.60 ; tuikeys , not wanted. Cinisi : : : Fancy full cieam Cheddars , % ; fancy full cream Hats , two in box , 9' c ; lancy full cieam Young Amei leas , lottrinbox , lOc ; fancy Swiss , 12)i@l4c ) : brick , 12c ; Llmburg , lie. ONIONS Southern , pcrbbl , Sli.TO. Xi\v l'OTA'iois There are no potatoes of any consequence in the commission houses and local gardeners are mostly supplying the demand. It Is most too early to foim any exact conclusion of what the potatoo ciop will be. but lepoits trathcicd from some of the most Important points In Iowa and Nebiaska would seem to Indicate a light ciop on account of diy weather. Thonota- aic small and only a few in a bill. With i out doubt choice varieties of assoi ted stock , irood size , will command good pi Ices this fall. It is too early yet to begin shlppine in car lots , as dealers are not ready to put in a \n\Kd \ \ stock until theie is less dainor ot their not kecpine well. A few potatoes in .small lots have sold abovotlujlollowing quotations : Homo ciown. per bu. . oO@OOc. Cr.f.Kitv There is not really enough com ing in to supply the demand , but it will not be handled voiy extensively until next month. Celeiy , like oysteis , sells the bpst in the " 11" months. Shipping stock , per do/ . , 40@.r > 0c. OvsTnns There are no oysters of any consequence In the maiket yet. The season line does not open as a rule until about the 1st of September. The maiket will piobably open at from 35 to COc. , according to the grade , LKMONS The maikpt Is about steady here , The waim weather of the past few tlayn has brought In a good many eiders trom the countiy. Messina , 8U.7S@10.00. UA.VANAS There are not many in the market at present. As the weather becomes cooler , so that dealers can handle them with safety , there will be a better supply on the markpt. lianamis , yellow , per bunch , S2.00 ® 3,00 3,00CAT.IKOH.VIA PEAKS The Daitletts are be coming M'aieo and there are very few on the market. There Is a libcial supply of other vaiietle.s. BartletlH , 83.00 ; other varieties , S'-.50. OAi.iroiiMA Pi.i'MS The receipts of plums have been veiy liberal and they have been coming In very lair shape , Hungarian prune- , will bo in the market In a short time and will be woith about 52. on. Shipping stock , latL'o fancy , 81.75 ; shipping block , smaller viuictle.s , f f.2r > @i.0. OAi.iroitMA I'BArjius The peaches pom- Ing in are tor the most part very good Ptock , but they are only iceolved in limited quanti ties. Peaches , S2.00fla.2. * > . OAUPGIIXIA OiiAris : The receipts are not heavy and home-grown aio beginning to compete with them. Muscats , 91.50 ( 1.75 ; Mtu-cats , choice and fancy , S2.00'J.25 ; To- kav . a. ) ( aa.'w. HoMr.-Oitow.v OiiAiT.s Homegrown grapes have put In an apncaianco and ate coining In taster than over betoie , so early in the .season , Tlmj aie being lecolvcd trom Kansas and Missouil as well as fiom the Im mediate vicinity. Hepoits Iiom all directions indicate a laigcr crop than for jears , and at the same time of a vciy good quality. The market usually opens at 7 to he , but this season they are starting in at Be. Pilces will probably de cline Bonunvliat In a week or so , but fancy stock will not go down as last or as low as Inferior. Parties should insist on celling only good filiipplnz stock. .Shipping stock , 201b basket , per Ib. , &c. ; shipping stock , lOlb baskets , per Ib , Co , MBI.ONB The market has been compara tively bare of watermelons for a few days Illicit , and there has hern a good demand lor thim Several cars aie reported to arrive In a few days. There have been only a tow inu < k melons In and they are handled most ly by the irardeners. Miibcatlne watermelon * . S'J'j.OO : Inferior and smaller sizes. S15.00C < 1 .00 ; musk melons , per doz. , S1.001.25 , SWKKT POTATOES Iowa homo grown are in the maiket and selling at5o per Ib. HIIANSHardlv any coming In now. De mand talrat 31,25(31.50 ( per bushel , foi clean stock. COCOAXUTS Coeoanuts , per 100 , 5. * > .00 ; less than hundred , uar 100 , § 5,50. iloNKV Calitoinla , I3o ; California , strained , lOe ; Xcbiaska , choice , 14@15c ; Ne braska , dark , 12 } < (3l8c. ( MAri.r. Svitur Hulk , 14 to 17 gallon Kegs , IHT pal , Sl.OCi ; cal cans , per gal , 81.05 ; half gal cans per gal , Sl.lO. Oinp.ii Now fork , per bbl , 57.00 ; do. naif bbl , 84.00 ; Cr'ab , pei dozqts. S2.75 ; Michigan lelincd. per bbl , 50.00. wine , I3@l7c ; cider , 13 7ci ; single sliencth , 13c ) triple strength , Kins AVI ) IUTr. < - Klgs , layer. 4 Ib boxes , perlb , lV ( , l > atc < fancy faid , 12 Ib boxes , I4o : dale * . Persian. 50 Ib boxes , per Ib , lOc. NI-TS Pecans laree polished , lie ; pecans , medium , ! 'c ' ; English ualnuts , I4c ; almonds , Tnrracona. 20c ; almonds , Laupuedoc , 17c : Hiai-lls , 12o ; lilbcrts , 14c ; peanuts , hand picked , fancy Viicinla. slc ; peanuts , hand tricked choice Virginia,7'-epeanuts : , roasted , 2c rxtra tier Ib. MAIM.I : SroMt-Hilcks , stilctly pnrn , 60 Ib boxes , peril ) . l.V ; lu-lb tilj * uiis , strictly lime , l > or Ib , He ; .Mb br'.oks , 2Mb boxes , per Ib , 1214C. Vir.s' FF.IT : , I'liim , Mr. Pics' feet , per h bill , S4.00 ; do , i4 bbl. 82.00 ; do , pei kit , ! Oc. Lambs' longiuv * . per obi , 8:1.25 : : do , tier kit , SiM ; do , itim | Jars , per doz , 85.25 ; ilo , pint jars , per case , 2 dc/cn , Sfi.7Tilpe. . per' ' bbl , 84.00 ; do , per h bbl , 82.00 ; do , per kit , We. I'noviMoxs Hum , sncar cured , He ; boneless ham , MMb boxes 12'jc ; picnic ham , ll'ae ' ; bre.tktast bacon , sugar cured , He ; shoindeis , ; > & ( : ele.irsluobaconSo ; dry salt sldi/s 7'jo ' : tilled beef-hams l.'KiUGc ; diicd beel , , 12c ; laid , 40-lb cans ( Fall- banks ) , 7'iie ! 10 , 5 and : i-lb p.tlls , do , 7Jit < < ( litAix Coin , Me ; old oats,23inew ; oats , 2"c : rye , V 4He : Ki.ouu AND Mn.i.sit PKS Winter wheat p.iteut.SS.'O : second quality , 82,40 ( < t2.U ; best nuality spring wheat Hour , patenl , S2.7. * > ; liiaii , We per e\\t ; cliopped leeil.Mc perewthitecoin : menl , 7 , * > c ; jel low curn mi'.il , 6.V per cwi ; scicening , OOc ixre\\t ! lionilny , Ft.riO per e t ; shorts , .V > c pel c t ; irraham , S1.75 ; hay , In bales , S'.fAiJ 7.00 per ton. General Markets. WOOL Medium , 17i ( 20cpoi Ib ; fine heavy , 12il ( * > e ; llglit. I4vtl7c ; coarse , 12nl5c ( ; Imiiy wool.2 ( ilie olf. LiEATiir.u 1'rlnie slaughter sole leather , ! Wc ; pnne oak solo leather , VjCisc. Uppei leather , jier toot. Boctfi'ic ; hem. kip , 7r > ( as"ic ; oak kip , S5. " > ( a9."ic ; Ficnch kip , S1.0V ( < i 1.20 ; hem. call , Sl.OOdM.10 ; oak call. 81.00 1.25 ; Kiench call , Sl.iVifl. , ; Motocco boot Ing , 302o ! ; Morocco oil pebble , 20'c ; toi > - plnu's and linings , Sii.OOw 10.00 jier AoP HKAVY Jivit \ \ AUK iron , rate , S2.2.'i ' ; low stei't special cast , 4c ; cruclb lesteel , Co ; cact tools do , 12ialv ; wason spokes' per sot , tl.7.iai.OO ( : ; hubs , per set. 81.2.1 ; lelloe" , sawed dry , 81.41) ; tongues , cacti , 7oc ; * ! . each , 7. * > c : squaio nuts , tier Ib. 7 ( llc : cell chain , per Ib , 0-)12e ( ) ; malleable. ( Xftix * : iron wedgesOc : ciowb.irs , ( ic ; hatiow teeth , 4c ; spring Meel , 7asC ; Huulen's hoi.scslioes. 84.-IO ; Unidcn's uuilu shoes. Sr > .40. Itaibed wire , in car lots , W.OO per 100 Ibuml ) Nails , rates , 10 to M ) , 82.50 ; steel nails , 82.0.1 ; Shot Sl.tlTi ; buckshot , S1.V : oilental powder , kegs , S2.M ) ; do , lialf Kegs , 82.00 ; do , ouaiterkeisSl.f > 0 ; blasting , kegs , S'J.iB ; fuse , per 10 leet. iWie. Lead Har. 81ii. PAINTS IN On. W lucent ) . Om.iha , P. P , } e ; white lead , St. Louis , p lire. 87.75 ; Mar- ellles gicen. 1 toSlb cans. 2c ; Firnclizlnc irrcen seal , I'-c ; Fiench zinc red seal , lie ; French zinc , In varnish as t , 20c ; Ficnch zinc , 75c ; veimillion , American , IBo ; Indian red , lOc ; rose pink , Me ; Venetian led , Cook- soirs , 2 ac : Venetian red , American. IJ c ; red lead , 7 } < c ; chrome yellow , genuine , 2uc ; clnome jt'llow , K , iSc : ochre , rochelle , lie ; ochre , French , 2j4c | oclire , American , IJ c ; lampblack , Ger- manstown , I2c : lampblack , ordinaiy. Sc ; Prussian blue,5" > c : ultramarine , ISc ; Vandyke , brown , 8c : umber , bunnt , 4c ; umber , raw , 4c ; sienna , burnt , 4c : sii'iina. raw , 4e ; Pails green , genuine , 'isc ; raris creen. common. 22c ; chrome green , I . V. , 20c ; chiome gieen , K , 12c ; vermdlioii , Kn lish , in oil 70c ; raw and bin nt umber. 1 Ib cans. I'-'c : raw and bin nt sienna , 1'ic ; Vandyke , biowu , lic ; relined - lined lampblack , 12c ; coach black and ivory black , life : drop black , lOc ; Prussian blue , lOc ; ultramarineblue , 18c ; chioino green , L. , Jl. As 1) . , ICc ; blind and shutter ixreen , L. . M. & ! ) . , Kic ; Paris iriet'n ' , isc ; Indian led , Ihc : Venetian red. ffc : Tuscan. S2e ! ; Ameiicaii veimillion. L. ifcli20c ) : jellow oclne , 1'c ' ; L. M. & O. I ) . , IHc ; good ochre , Itlc : patent drser , 8c : gialning color , Unlit oak , daikoak , w'lanut , che tnht and ash. 12c Diti'os AM > UVKMICAI.S Acid , carbolic , 32c : acid , tartnrlc , 5'ic ; balsam cooalba , per Hj , 45e : bark. saUsalras , per Hi. 10e : calomel , pcrlb72c : chinclionidia. peroz. 40c ; chloio- loiin , per Ib10 c ; Dover's powders , per Ib , S1.25 ; epsom salts , per Ib , 8 > c ; glycerine , pine , per ll > . 18c ; lead , acetate , per Hi. 20c ; oil , castoiNo. . 1. per gal. , S1.5U ; oil , castor , No. 2 , per gal. , S1140 : oil. oliveper gal.S1.40 ; Poioriuannum,50c ; opium , SIVIO ; qulniiie , I. .A W. and It. itS. , per o70c ; potassium iodide , per Hi , 89.00 : salicin , perez , 40c ; sill phate morphine , pei o82.50 ; sulphur , per Ib. 4c ; strychnine , uero81.25. . \ AIINISIIKS Harrcls , per gallon : Fiunl- ture , extia , 81.10 ; furniture , No. 1 , 81.00 ; coach extra , S1.40 ; coach , No. 1 , Sl.'O ; Da- mar , extra , 81.75 ; japan , 70c ; asphalttim. extra , 5Sc ; shellac , 83.50 ; hard oil liulMi , * bi'JiUTS Cologne spirits. 1S8 proof , 81.14 ; do 101 proot , 81.15 ; spiiits , second ouality. 101 pi oof , 81.14 ; do 18S proot , Sl.l'J. Alco hol. 188 iiroof , S2.0S per w Ine gallon. Kedm- tilled whiskies , 81.0001.60. Glu , blended , S1.50@3.00 ; Kentucky bourbons , S2.00it6.X ( ( ) ; Kentucky and Pennsylvania ryes 82.0" _ i,50 ; ( "olden Sheat bourtion aiui"r\e wlu-kles , S1.50(3.00. ( BraiKKcs , imported , 8.-.00@b.50 ; domestic. 81.iiO@1.00. Gins , imnoitcd , S450 ( iTO.OO ; domestic , 1.25f ; i.OO. Chamiiagnes , Impoited , per case. 828.0U@i4.00 : ; Ameiicaii , per case , 810.00@10.00. Grocers' Ijlst. Piciu.r.sMedium , In bols , S5.50 ; do in half bbls , Sail ; small. In bbls , S0.5U ; do in haltbbls , 8t.75 : ; gheiklns , in bbls , 87.50 ; do in halt bbls. S4.v ! &YUUI' No.70 , 4-gatlon Kegs , 81.10 ; New CLot : tnmrt cans , S'l.oo. 1'Kir.n FIJUITS-No 1 quarter apples , H54' @ 4c ; in evaporated boxes , y > iS94c ( ; blackbcr- ri 11 , boxes , b@8' ' ; peaches , eastern , 4 % @ % e peaches , evaporated , 15' < j i7c ; Salt Lake none in market ; rasiibetrtes , new , 10 @ 20c ; currants , 74/7 e ; piunes , new , 4\ UA'NNKD Ooons Oysters , standaid. per cas , W.'HJ ; stiawbenies , 2 Ib per case. S2.2."i ; rirtpberrlcs , 2 Ib per case , 82.20 ; California w > rcase 84,50mapricots case , pears , _ , ; ( per pe' case , @ 5.50 ; i Ib'mackerei. per dd , 'S1.20 ; l"lb"nal- moil per doz , Sl-VX l-iX ) ; 2 Ib gooseberles , per case , 81.75 ; 2 Ib string beans , per ease , 51.70 ; 2 Ib lima bccns , per case. 81.00 ; 2 Ib mariowfat pens , per case. 82 50 ; 2 Ib caily Juno peas , per case , 82.75 ; it Ib tomatoes , per ease , & 2.rg-2.M : ( : 2Ihcorn , per case , sM.y ) 02.10:2 Ib coin beef , per do/ . 31.7I2.00. liDi'i : yt inchliic ; % Inch , 10'jc ' ; ' Inch , 1054e. SiTOAits 1'owdeicd , 7 } c ; cutloaf , 7f 7'4c ; granulated , ( l c ; conlectlonerh' A. 0'i.c ; standard extia C , t % ( < i'K ( > \ extra C , 554@5Jic ; medium yellow , 61s ( < t5jHc. CAN v Mixed , tl ) , 12c ; stick. SKCSO' c. CitACKius : Ciaineau's hod.i , butter and picnic , 5 } e ; cieams , sh'e ! ginger snaps , 8j c ; cltv soda , 7Uc. STAisrii Mirror gloss , l Ib , 5fe ; Mirror gloss , 3 Jb , SMc ; Minor gloss , ( Mb , fi > fc ; ( 'raves' coin , 1 Ib , iOc ; Kingsfoid's corn , 1 Ib , 7c ; Kinghford'rt gloss , i it ) , 7C ; Kinns- ford's gloss , n in 7'io ; Klngsfoid's pure , 31b. 5 cKinihloid'slilk-lc. ; ) ) . L'oKKniis-Ordi-ljnxgiattes.p nc r , Uilwoith's' , . "Uifllpil \ Cioss , boAt-s Klilt'S Savon impeilai , S2.rO ; Kiik'shatlnet , gi. : < )0 ) ; Kirk's standard. S a.o- ; Kirk's white Htisshin. 81.00 : Kiik's White Cap. 80.50 ; Dome. S .t5 * ; Washboard. 8:1.10. : MArrius rer caddie , 280 ; lonnd , per case. 81,00 ; sqmuo cases , 81.70 ; tnulo sqiiaie , * OANPI.RS HOXCSJ Ib Os , 03fe ; 8s , OJ/e ; boxes , 40 Ib , 10 04 , Us lOc ; half box 20 Ib , 10'jp. ' HAMBURG -AMERICAN E'aelrat Compaiijr. A DIUKCT LINK roit England , France & Germany. 'llm fiuiuuoliliisot tins ufll kuo\rn iinu aio liullt ot lion. \vulor-tiilit con puiimo its , and uiu furnlbliudilh cvory roqulsnu to in lUo llio initKULTo both bitfo und iifret'iililu. They curry the I'mtud Statrii and Kuroioiin | nuiiiiind | linvu New Voik Thursdays and Saturdays for I'lr. mouth. ( CX > NUONCtiorboUrl'AUIa ) { ( and HAM- Huturnlnjf , the stoatners loiivo HninburK on Wctlnosdnys und Sunduyt , , via. Uiivio , takliif pasKonu't-'i' ' " ! Suutlnunptoil nnd London. Kirbt cabin $10 , ft ) ) und $75 ; Stccr.uro * - ! Kallroud tickets from Plymouth to IlriMol , Cur- Ilir. London , or to uny pluco In the South of Kintlund , I'ltlin. btcoruifo from I'uropo only * - i Generul I'lis ciiKer Agents , Droadwoy , New Vork ; WusliiiiifUm aud l Chicago lit OMAHA MANUFACTURERS. Bridges - File Driving. U \YMO\I ) A CAMPHKLU Knginccrs and Contrantoi& Urges , Roof Trusse ? , Steam Pile Driving Iron l"omli'-ion ' nnd Hone Trn Ilildtirs , fill * : , nnd Oak Timber. 15th EI , near I'mimm , Telephone No 7.11 , Cigars and Tobacco. . * " " MAX MK * Kll , V CO. , Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos , nuns nnd Annnunlt in. "l. > to itf South 1llh Strict , liCOtoHU rain.imStiect , Omaha Noli. NCituu ru-TOitv. WKST * rillTPCHKU. Manufacturers of Fine Cigars , And \Vliolcsnio Dinli'i * In l.ciif Tolmccos. Nos. ! ( ts und no N. utii street , Climilin. Nob. _ uockery. „ . . . * - * - W1UGJ1 AftM for tlio Manufocturnrs nnd Imiwrtcra , Crockeiy , Glassware , Chnnncjs. Isle. OMUr. UJt South MtU Stii-vt , Uniulift Nub. C. S. ( HHUHIOII ) A CO Afc-ents tor K. \Vhlttny Ciuilnii * Co. Children's Carriages , And Jewell's Celebrated Kofi iterators. Sen orprloo lists. 14l"i Kurnsm t. , Omnhn. Cornices , Eagle Cornice Works. .tohn npcnoter , rropiletor. Mtinufni ttircr of niihaiil7i'd lion nnd Cornliu. VM Dmh-.u and 101 nnd la'iNoilli luth Street , Onmlm , Neb. HIT.MPING Jk I101.TI5 , jfiinufacturcrsof Uinaiuentnl Galvanized Iron Cornices , Dormer Windows , riiml , Ktc.itOS. : 12lh Pt. Workdnno lunn/piirtof ( ho country. Western Cornice Works , C. Sl'KCHT. I'roprlutor. talvnnl7ed ! Iron rornlci'S. Etc. Ppi'dil'i Im- liniviid Patent Mctiill'o Bki'llirlit. Wit und Slua. Ktli M. . Oimilm. Neb. Doors , Snsh. Etc. ThTcate City Planing Mill. Doors , Fnsh and IIIids. ! ANo all kinds of turnlntr. Scroll nnd Stair work ol uvtrdo - A ItOSBNllEUV , Mnnufttcturer nnd Dealer InDoors Sash Blinds Etc. Doors , , , Mouldings , . Stuir Itnlls n Bpeclnlty Teleiihonu No. fi _ 1Mb and Murcv Sti..OmiihaNeb. Electrical Supplies. W. WOLFK & CO. , BlcctriclacV Masonic Block , Omaha. HurBlar Alanus , Bells , l''ire AlurniB , Veetrlu Miming , Speaklnu- Tubes , Iron Works. A VIEKMNd IKOV WORKS Wrought and Cast Iron Building Work ion Stixlrs , Halllnir , Itnllod He tins nnd UinlciM Btonm Knglncs , lirass Work , General Foundry Machine and Hlacksmlth Work. Offlos dud Works , U. 1' . HF. and S 17th fat. iron ar d Nails. OMAHA NAIL M j sTFACTntlNO CO. , Cut Nails and Spikes , Tire Nails i < Sp' : lultv. Omaha , Nob. Safes. _ Omaha Safe Works , G. ANDUKEN. Hanuf nctui-cr or Kirn and liurjilir. Proof Safes , Vault Doors , Jail Work. Shutters and Wfro Work. Cor. 14th and Jnckbon Sts. , Omaha , Neb. Wajrons and Carriages. Established IKS. A. ' . SIMPSON. The Leading Carnage Factory , liOO and UU PcHlt'o Street , Omaha , Nob. Commission ! Etc. Union Stock Yards Company , OF OMAHA. Limited. John F. Jloyd , bupcrlntcnilont. SJAVAGE & OltKKNf , live Stock Commission Merchants. Sbipments ol uny and all kinds ot ttoek solicit . od. Unionbti ckYmds Omuha , Nob. Lumber , Etc. ' LOUIS HIIAUFORD , Dealer in Lumber , Lath. Lime , Saab , Doom , Ktc. Vntds Cor , 7th and Dougl ? : , Cor. Uth and L > ougli3. BOHN MANOFACTUUINO CO , . Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds , Mouldinss , Stair Work and Intel lor Hard Wood Finish. Just opened. N. E. cor. till and i.oiivcn- trortb Streets , Omaha , Neb. CHICAGO LUMBER COMPANY. Wholesale Lumber , 81 * a 14th Stiect , Omaha , Nob. F. Colpouor , Manager. C. N. niETZ , Lumber , J8th nud California Stieets , Omahn. Nob. FJIUD W. GUAY. Lime Cement Etc. Etc. Lumber , , , . , . Cor. Ctli nnd Douglas Stiects , Ouiaha , i'eb. GF.O. A. HOAGLAND Wholesale Dealer in Lumbar , Omaha , : " " " CHAS. H. 1MB , Hardwood Lumber , Wnpon Stock , Fancy Woodn , Ilildgo Tlmhors & .C. , J. W , for. Uth und lJouifliis , < Jniuhu , Kub. G. I ? . LVMAN , Dealer in Sash , Doors , Blinds , Uulkllrur I'u-ior , Kto. . Houth 13Ui Hlrcctccn ! S- . IlUUIvE & SONS , Live Stock Commission tiro. Buiko , Maiuu'L'r , Dnloa Stock Yards , a. Omuliu Tolo.iUono 58 : Flih.Etc , ' . Jf FlSH'cor BucccFtors to Ickcu Plcmssen k C < fc Wholesale Fish Dealers , Importers ot ? -olpm Fisu.Kos. Ull-013 Joooi fc = r6tr < " t nnd l' . i * . Track. Ouiaha * Nob. , Ccnfeclionerv. F. P. FA"i & CO. , Manufacturing Confectioners , Jobbeisot Fndt , N'itiinJ ' Cuari. 1311 Famam SL , OmaluNeb. Lime , Cement , Etc. " J. J" JOHNSON itT'OTj MnufiotifJi'i of IliDU Y/iike / Lima , And Shippers of Coal nnd Coke , Cement , Plus- UT. Ilino , Ihilr. I'lrii Ililck , Druln , Tito and BOH ur I'lpu. untie , I'mtoii hotel , tcloplionu bll , I'urimiu .Street , Oniuli , Job Printing , IIKK3 PRI.\TINJ CO. , Job Printers , Book Binders , JOBBERS1 DmEGTORY Agricultural Implement s. " * .UN , oitrs'noHiT A , MAKHN , Wholes , .o I'calei s ill Agricultural Implements , Wagons - , Oninlia Neb. " CHI KCllll.l , PMiKF.U , WlioUsalc Uiidi'iIn Agricultural Implements , Wagons , Cm rinses mid lltiirKli' " . Ji ni" ? ( . , bo I. Vth uiul Uth. Omuha , Nil > , Uoots and Shoes , " ' * " " - w v Mcil'si ' : A Co. , Jobbers of Boots nnd Shoes , J113 Famum . 'Ireot , Otiinlia , Neli. Mniiufactory , J-tnnnipr Slii'ol. llonton. _ Carpels. _ 4 " " * 'p. A. OHCIIAlth , Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths , Cuttuln Clooi ! . r.le. , It'iJ Innwni Street , On.iiliu , Nrl. Coal , Llms , Ek. ' . .n.yvv. . CoaL Cote , Lime and Stons. .ZiaS. Htli't.Onmha. Nili. YnrJa , nnd D , Shippers of Coal and Coke , S. 13th Pt. , Omntm , Nvh. < JH > . I'.THWI.K , 1'icfldnnt. OTO. TATTI IISON , Sec. uml Tie.ts. J. II. llt'MIMIT. ' I' . A. llAH'll. 1'ioprletor. Miinnucr. Nebraska Coal and Lime Company , OMAHA. Nr.lMAHJA. Toltplionel9. OBO. r. I.AnAiin , 1'ios. C F. < ioon\u > , V 1'ioa. .1. A. Sr.Mii in. iMi'Scc. and'J'iui' * . Omaha Coal , Coke and Lime Company , Jobbers of ! juid and i ft toiil.i'uUS. Ji'th ' s-t. . a. Neb. OMAIIA COAI. AMI 1'itoni'cn co. Hard and Soil Coal , Eitlutivo dc lv.'rflln llonldcr Colorado CouSU ! toiltli Coffee and S lices , _ " ; ATKS. rohK & MILKS. Home Coffea and Spica Mills MTg Co. Colleo Uoixtcrg mid Sploo ( iilndi'i'-i. nmnu factuietsof linking Powder , riavorim ; I'.xtrnoM niulnir , etc. Trron * case ol our 1-tt pftCKiii-o Homo mend Hoasted CotTet. 1001 Howard St , Cmalm , N'eli. CLAHICK IIHOS. 4 CO. , Omaha Coffee and Spice Kills. Tou > . CnlTccH , Piileps , linking t'Owdcr 1'luvorlnR Eitraots , l.nunUry Illun lulv , utc. 1414-1U Hur- noy Strait , Onmlm , Neb. _ _ _ Conimfssion , Ltc. HUANCH & CO. , Wholesale Fruits , Produce , Oysters , J121 Kiirnum St. , Omaha. Appk's Ourown | .acV- Infi IMatt ic ( We Tlffer lli-.uid Oyblois , lluttor , I'KKS , Ouinu , Poultry , Potntoes. JOHN FLAClC Genera ! Commission Merchant , f reduce , Piovl lens , rrnlts. rinnr and I'ccd , 101 S. 14th St.On.iiha , Null. ConsitrnmuntSBOhcitLd. KeturiH inudu inomiUlv. ] { . JIcDOXALI ) . COMMISSION MERCHANT. W6 12th Street. Oinn'm. Koh. Spuolaltios : lint' ler. lli'itu , und ( 'lilCKUiib- _ r W1UUEMAN & CO. , Produce Commission Merchants. Poultijlluttcr , Gumo , Fruits , HS. ) Ktli St. , Onialut , Nobrnbl'.u. WESTEIIKIKLD BOS , General Commission Merchants , 14OIudro ( | Strtut , Omalui. Neluubku. Conslgn- nionts solicited. W. K KIDDELL , Storage and Commission Merchant. Sl'LClAi.TiKs Choose , liuttor l 'tfs , Poultry nnd ( iiinio , 113. . nth. , Oiunlm , Nub. Telu- phone rCo. Si > , WEKKS & MlljI'AKD , Storage and Commission Merchants. roio.Kn and 1)onic-tt l-Vulis a specialty. V.l- eKnntstontso fncllltlos Wnrchouso and ollleo , HI North l th bt , Tolopliono 775. D. A. : tuiiuY : , Commission and Jobbing , nutter , F.HW and 1'iodiico. A full line of Stone- vuio. UoublBinnoiits bollciteii. 1111 IJuduo St. , Oiualia. McSIIAJfl ! & PCHItOEDKlt , Buyers of Butter and Eggs. Jtefrlporator nnd PneUinir IIoiip,14th .V I worth fct. , on U. I' . It. 1 ! . TntclOnmlm , Nob. Estnhlhhcd 1870. HOUKIST PL'l'VlS , General Commission , i. llth St. , Omitha , Nob. Pjiocinltics-Huttor Emm , I'oultiy nud Uiunu. PKVCKB 111103. Commission Merchants , Fruits , Prcdueo and I'lovln'oas , Oinalm , Neb ( JHIFFITH & THOMAS , Bucccbsors lo IHMUC ( irllllth. Commission Merchants And wholes tl" di'aliii's I > jo.mtry prodnco. Units , button o-'ca , ote. ( ! no ! , ml C n epeclitlly. . ' < ) N.'titli St. , Onului. : K1KSC1IHUAUN & SONS , Sticics ° or3 to A , P. Pohau'i. ) Produce Commission Merchants , Wo. S13 Bouth 1'ith Street. Oinahn , N'olu Dry Goods. L. OINSI1EUO & CO. , \Vholtsilo : Jleiilors lu Dry Goods , Hosiery , Notions , Linens , uicca , lliiibroldcry and While C'ooqs. IffM UoiiKlus Strcot , Omalui , Ncn. V/Mte / Lead , CAJ4TEU WHITE J.UAI ) 00 , , Strictly Pure White Lead. Bt- , and U.I1. Ily , Otnnlm , Harness , Etc , WKI/PY & IAN'nitOCK , ilanufuetuicifi und Jobber ) of Harness Saddles Hardware , , Saddlery , Turt tioodb , lllanl.etb imd Hobun. IKl Turnum Surd Oiniiliii , J'ob. MattrRises , "R. M. , Mattress Company , Manufacturing iljtlrcsms , IScxldinr , Tonthct I'lllottr , LVI9 , Uta 1X00 und I''OS Ikiut'-B hlroet , Oinuhii , KtL. Overalls , Manufacturers of Overalls , B. liteK \ \ imdl VI Dougiu btiiiot , Oiuahu , Beer , M. KEATIMJ. Agent for Anheuser-Busn Brewing fiss'n Spoclul lii-uudb ; Vutut lluduuitvr undUj'Juonjr OMAHA JOBBERS' D1REGTQRV OMAHA L Mlini CO , Dealers In All Kinds of Building Material at Wholesale. 1Mb StH'i'tnnd * ' o > i'iu 11 Ttiu-k , Oniahl , orttMx n \ \ VATT Wholesale Dealer in Lumber , roil i ami Irani Pltreis , Onmlm. XcbriKltn. i ' .1. A \ \Kmn.i > , Wholesale Lumber Lath , , ShingUs , nutldlni ; I'lipcr * . Suli , Dnni-i , tllimK Mtml i Innf , I'aM'ts ros | , Unio , 1'1'islcr , lluf , ' L'tmcni. Mmtn unit Jotu" ' , ( iivinhu Neb. ( Millinery. i. * . Import 1-13 nlul JoMioisof Millinery and Notions , 121.1 ni < l tell lliirno.v Street , Oinuha , Votx Instruments. r.DUot.M A I'.itirKPox , Wholesalers of Musical Instruments. 1'iiuiosVcln > r. .iT , Humes ami I'liuux. TacHiiiil llit ( . 'lin o Ultfims. 1U1 mill 11U l.'itli incut. furniture , Etc , Furniture Mirrors , Bedding , Upholstery , U t p. , 1 ! ) ; ) , 1'og niul liO ; : liiiniiiu SlU'tjc Omiili nr.wi ; v A s ro.N i- Wholesale Dealers in Furniture , Kmimni Sticot , Oiualin , Nub. _ _ Groceries. _ K. H. CHAl'MAX V It ) . , Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars , Tol'Rcco ami SuioU'is' Articles , U'17 Howard St. " MliYl'It A HAAl'ICH Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas , * iindTobariO ! . , 1,117 niul 131U lotur > las Strt'i't , I Inmtta , Ncli. WtCOltl ) , IIIIADY J Wholesale Grocers , Corner 10th und I'mimm Mieots.Omaha , Nctx PAXTON. OAl.I.AOlinil > V CO. , Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , Noe. 700 , 7U7 , 71N nud 711 S. 10th St. , Oitmlm , Nob. Hardware , " " * tt' . J. IIHOATCH , Hardware Iron Steel Heavy , , , EprlnpB , ( ViiRon Stock , Ilurdnood Lumber , oto. KtiUnnJ Kll ! Iliuupy Miooi , Onmlm , Nuh. KDNT.Y& 01I1IION , Wholesale.lron , Steel , Wagon And Cnrrinj-o Wt' 5 Ktock. Heavy Hiirdwixro , Etc. 1217uiul Hit' ' cuvcm'urth SUcut , Omaha , NLU. "HIMEIIA'UGII &TAYLOU , J Builders' Hardware , Mcclinnlc1 Tools and IliillHk ) Scnlus. 1105 Douy I us St i c'jt , Onmlm , Neb. i.m ; , rwr.p * co.x Jobbers of Hardware and Kails , Tinware , ' slipet Iron , Ktc. At'enls lor HOMO Scales nni Miami Powder Co. . Omulm Nub. _ JIM/TON HOGIIUS .t SONS , Stoves , Ranges , Furnaces , Tiles , Uantlcb , ( ! lutes , Itnif-s poods. iEl ; ! unit 1.C3 Pf.r- HECTOKviuiiLMY co. , Wholesale Hardware asd Hails , Emerson Steel Malls. Cor. 10th uud llurnoy btreutb , Oiu'ihu , Nob. Harvesters. & co. , CHICAGO. Manufacturer of the Deerini Harvester Goods , Vrlto to Wui. M. Loi'lmcr , General Oinnlin. 'JV'cphonoOlU. Iron Pipe , Etc. A. 1. BTHAXQ COMl'ANY , Pumps , Pipe and Engines. C-tnm , Water , Hnllunj anil Milluit ? Supplies , TZUJi ! ir.'O , V i u ml y.'i li'urniini St. Oiualiu , Neb. | CHPHCHIU , 1T.M1' CO. , Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings , " team ami Witter Supplies. Hea liiiailura | tat Must l-'oost Co.'b Goods. 1111 ruinuiu Btruot , Ouuibii , Neb. _ t " Jewelry. _ iiIIOIM ; ft r.lUCICKON , Wholesale Jewelers. Dealers In SlUeiwiic , Diamonds , WntchJS Clocks , JuwcloiH * TooU and .Mutcilals , Kto. , 101 unit 1KI , 15th Ptiect , Cor. Dodcu , Umulm , Neb , j Notions. . EC. VIXYAim & SCHNKIKl. ! ) ! Kotions.Hosiery . & Gents'Firnishing Goods IBO nndWJJ I'unminSt. , Onmlia.Nob _ J. T , Robinson Notion Company , ' < 1H unit < t."i S. inth St.Oinilhii , Nob. ' Wholciule IJt'uluia la Notions mid Gents' nlshliiif ( Joodt. _ " Oils , Etc. TANK LINT. co ' Wholesale Dealers in Oils , Gnsollno , Mica Axle Gieii'-f1 , Kle. A. 11. Blahoft Manager , Unialia , Neb , Pork Packing , JAMKS K. novn , Port Packer and Shipper , Oinnliii.Nehiit'.ltn. ' ' HAItUIR & riSHHIt. \ Packers and Provision Dealers , i , Union Miuki't , I.M7 Do.lire SI reel , Pucklntf IIIIUKO. IT , p. ll. It. TniL'U , Omiihu , Neb. Tele- pliono No. I.ri7. Safes and Locks , J " " " ' " " " " ' " " v. iiovnu i ; co. Agents for Hall's ' Safe & Lock Co.s' Flro mi 'iiiof Hiirc ! , 'riin Ix > ckHVuuH and Julloili. . llt-'O J'urimm Mieet , Omaha , Neb Seeds , " " * * J. WANS , Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Seeds. i\iilt'Ultiiriil. Vujonililo. I'.lc. Odd I'ollows' Hal ) . N , W. Cor. Kill and Oodyu Ht . , Omahu , Nob. Drugs , Etc. T1JK OOODMAN DRUG CO Wholesale Druggists , And DeMer In Paints , Oils nnd Window GliW Omalm , Ii'cli. , , V/'n1" / ! , Li ; ticrs Etc. IU'U & ( .f ) . , Distillers and Importers of Wines And J.iijimitt. Hole iimmilnctiiiorf i f Kcnncly'l Uiibt Jtidtullltlfia , 111 ! lliu-iii' > einn't , Omaiia , Net ) . T i/KO , V. jfU.VCAN , Successor In XcNAytiu . ' . Hi M IN , Impoitorf uiul Wholcbido Dcak-ri In Wines , Liquors and Cigars , i'HjttndilOS. Dili ft , Omaiia , " NeU Motions , ttc , WholesalR Job Lots , , Kolloni" , ( ionlb1 l < 'urnl lilnir noo-U , Nrw Vmk. Trmio unlosi duiiy , Ml uni'r\H RoutIi lilti St.Omii'iii. ' flour and Feed , W.J. WUI II VK. > X CO , Wholesale Flour , Teed and Grain. MnnDtarturcTbcr W \Vrifhniu A C'Vis ItKlbini ; Ilupkwliciil Hour iitnl projirli'Uirfc' L"iiy ililU , Lur. tth und i'uruiiiu Mrui'te , On.ah .