Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 24, 1886, Image 1

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Prince Alexander's Deposition a direct
Slap at England.
Story of Ills Dmvnlhll nnd the Coin-
inuntH of the I'roNB Siilln It ) a
tStnto or SHire European
The lintgarlnn Itnuncc.
LONDON , August at. The Dallv News this
morning sa\s : His obvious that Pnncu
Alexander was deprived of his throne hy dl-
icct oulois ol tlmr/ai. Tlm ollielal vcislon
ot the. i evolution Is so flagrantly and tiaus-
jiarently dishonest that It will not deceive a
child. Tlmolfeet may 1)0 ) extreme ly M-rions.
Itussia's action is absolutely unwairantalilu
nnd vvlllm--.t excuse. The argument ol tlm Her-
lln Post that the revolution impliesa Russian
\lctoiv over Kngllsh Inlluence in the cast
Is absuid. No power Is less interested
than Kngland. Alexander was nominally
the vassal of tlm nlaii ! nnd It It can bo
shown that Im was deposed witlmiit Mm sul
tan's consent , a crave Intel national difficulty
r will at once be raised.
B ' } SAI.ISIII in iinuiNS.
LONDON , August 'A ! . .Salisbury retutned
to London this moming. He had along In
terview with the Kail of Ithlcslcigh , foreign
minister. The coup d'etat in Bulgaria was
a complete surptlse to both mlnlsteis. Tlm
securities which were allcelcd by the litst
receipt ol tlm news fiom Solia aie now
recoverln . A dispatch from Vienna
to the Times , contains tlm following :
"Piinco Alexander was deposed bv
iv conspiracy , lie was escorted to Wlddln to
cmbaik thence on Sunday for Severin. In
Wallachia. B-iiimanla. A dispatch from
lliichaiest , capital of Itoumaiiia , states all
nmvs from Itulg.uia comes at present thiongh
olllcial com lots and that no private peison is
allowed to enter or leave Bulgaiia. The tele
graph lines , tlm dispatch adds , have
all been stopped trom operation The
story of deposition is as follows :
Karavclolf , piium minister , entered
tlm palace at Sophia ami explained to Alex-
antler that public opinion of Bulgaiia was
dissatisfied with his policy and demanded
his disposition. The piince said : " 1 see no
fi lends , I cannot resist. "
Ao nubile meellng has been held iu Solia
anil Icuslchnk and In all of them proclama
tion of tlm change of tlm government was ic-
celvcd with favor. Tlm people lejoiceover
the coup w lileli they say ended an intolerable
situation. Tlm Bulgarians aie puisuadcd
Itussla will now assist them to
consummate a union which they think
It was Tin key's ' design to
fiushate. Alexander wr.s taken complete
ly by surprise. lie was astonished at tlm
Midden liu'sting ' of tlio plot upon him. Kara-
\elol1 had managed tlm whole allair ( with
such koniecy that the only indication of tlm
comingstoim was tlm mutinous sphitno-
tlceabli ! among the troops. Tlm piinco had
oideied the eiicnlatlon of papers among .mm
which openly declined that he alone was the
only obstacle to tlm union , but Ills eiders
in this respect weie not obeyed.
Tlm allection of the common people tor tlm
piinco remains undemlnished. A telegram
iiom Bucharest sajs tlm Itoumanlans an ;
very much excited over tlm Bnlgailan ci's's. '
King Chaile.s is pcisonally presiding over a
special meeting ol the cabinet hastily sum
moned , and Premier Bietanio is returning
fiom ( ioodra witli all possible speed.
ArnviTY AT rui : KonruiNori'iri : .
LONDON , August ' ) . News of Alexan
dei's deposition was icccived at tlm British
loieign olliee yesterday afternoon. The Kail
of hldesleigh , foreign minister , wont during
tlm evening to tlm olliee and dispatched mes
sengers witli the news to all the cabinet
ministers known to bo in tlm city , llosent
a special cornier to Salisbuiy at Hatlleld
house. Tlmio has been activity at tlm
foreign ollico all day to-day anil almost con
tinuous telegraphic communication lias been
kept up witli foreign capitals.
iixcii.AM ) CAN NOT iN'iT.nrr.iin.
LONDON , August 23. Tlm ministerialists
admit that the deposition of Prlheo Alex
ander is a matter of extreme gravlty/lmt say
oven it it is pioved that Knssia Instigated
tlm movement it will be ditliciiit lor Knglaiu !
to interfeie. because it is generally assumed
that Austria and Ciennanv acquiesced in
Alexanders ovurtluow. The government
lias been reliably informed that Alexander is
bate and well In Uoun.ania.
Tin : roim's ; riion.
LONDON. Amnist 1. Tlm jiorto will per
lorce act with the povvois reuaidiug Bul
garia. Meanwhile It has sent another note
announcing that , with a view to prevent a
conllU : ! , It has instiiictetl tlm special Turkish
commissioner at Solia to Inform tlm piovl-
sional goveinment that It will bo answciabh
for tlm maintenance of ordci pending the
porto's decision icgatdiiig the situation.
NO si ni'itisi : IN itfssiA.
ST. Pr.Tinsnuiio : , August 23. The Kus-
Man press Is sm prised at tha deposition
of Piincu Alexander than it was when Ken
mania voted In IbSTi. The nowspapeis have
generally bellevetl for some time past that
the political tension in Bulgaria foreshad
owed a catastrophe. Tlm Viedomaslm says :
"Kussia must now speak her weighty WOK
if Him docs not wish to lose control of Bui
Kailan destinies. " Tlm > lervosti says II
Is highly probable that Kiissla will intervene
necessities and establish a now outer ol
things In Bulgaria , and adds : "With Alnx
miller deposed , Bulgarian sympathy will
Kiissla will levlve. " Moat ot tlm Itusslai
press obscivo that tlm foreign mantests !
a confusion ot ideas respecting tlm relation. '
between tlm three empeiors.
Tlm Messenger publishes an olllcial com
miinicatiou stating that tlm relations bctwcci
IJusshi and tlm other powers remain unal
SoriA , August 1. Tlm government's
proclamation announcing tlm deposition o
Alexander and tlm icason therefor , deter
mined that Im tendered great services on the
tield of battle , but politically ho had too little
regard for Bulgaria's position as a Slav state
and tlio maintenance of Imr relations will
Ihissla. His deposition on this account was
necessary. "
IN A STATK or snr.n. :
SOFIA , August iSTlio city has been de
clined In a state of selgu.
linen AIIKST , August St. Piinco A lex an dc
( mbaikcd on his yacht At Hahova jestei
day and proceeded to ( Juiigero , whence h
comes heie. : is Tiiouiu.K AiiKAi ) .
LONDON , August 'it. A Bucharest dis
patch says there are rumois that a military
movement Is Impending at Widdin and else
where in favor of Alexander , also that Stain
boulolf , president of the Bulgailau chamber
Is organizing a meeting In favor ot Aluxan
der. Advlcus from Wlddln say the army I ?
dissatisfied with llm present state ot allalr.s
ami the town classes am still Ignorant o
what has happened , The court had orderet
that iinlveisal Mussulman conscription b
piocccdcd with Immediately and tlm reserve
biimmoucil for SKI vice , 'llm occupation o
tlm fiontleis of Macedonia and Itoumolh
has been oideied.
lltOlll'M I.01AI. TO AI.CXAXHKR. , AuiMist'.M. Tlm gartlson a
Slnimla lemaln laltlitnl to I'llnco Alexander
and refuse to iccognlzo tlm provislona
goveinment. A number of Bulgarians am
prominent Bussophohlsts have already Hei
in Koiivanla. Tlm fugitives Include In tlml
number many Uiissmn nihilists who were
soivlngasolllceison tlm Bulgarian llotllhi
It Is now believed that Piluco Alexander i
confined in a monastoiv near Sofia.
llnm.iN , Augiist'JJ. The Post , Bismarck'
organ , publishes an article on tlm Dulgarlai
crisis which Uclniiactcti/cd by amlabillt ) o
expression towaid Kiissla and friend
llness to Kngland. DeUlcrs , tlm Kiisshu
loieign minister , who is sojouining a
Fran/ensbad. is stated , almost im
mediately visit Ulsmaiek , and Kulnoky
Aiishlan minister ot foreign affairs. Th
opinion is general here that ( icimuny am
Austila sacrliict'd Alexander of Bnlgiiihv neuter
outer to pieservt ) the alliance with Kiissla a
llm expense of Kngliind , Public opinion li
ticrmany sympathises with Aluxauder iu
his inlsfoitune.
r.vvons run . . .
faLONUO.V. . Aiijju t 23. Tlio Fvcncit fi'
fa\ I'rlucu Alexander's deposition Uo-
cause the piinco Is German. Frcnchmci
hope that Kus.sia's action In llm omergene
may e ml ) mil tlm central Kuiopcan powei :
Ndl'Oily in Piuls bcllovcs these povtcis ai
convhcd at I'uuco Aluxuudci'b expulsion , j
A KKKAF KACIi. i CiiiiitnliiKH In the
I'ns'.osl I'lino on Kccoril ,
LONDON . August 2i ( Mow York Herald
Table Hppoial to the HPK.I Inasmuch as
CummliiL's Is soon going to Vew York , and
Oeorge Ispil known then1 , some paitlcnlais
of the mile race bctueen tliem this cu-nln ; ?
at Lllli'brnliri1 may intetest jour raaders.
Fiom olght to ten thousand pooplc were
ptesont. The stake was 2M. .Never
was a liner evening , rummlngs was ready
on the rround long before his opponent. In
fart , the lattei did not anho until several
minutes after the appointed time , and It was
getting dark when ho dill so. Hoas attired
In athletic costume , similar to that which he
woie last year , and Cnmmlngs again adopted
the plain white Jersey and pants , with light
blue , short drawers. Instead of using the
same hack as they did twclio months airo ,
the Inner one , or that of four laps to the
milo was selected , and tills en
abled the ( piarters to bo taken
more easily. H might pe mentioned that the
men ran on the left-hand side , Although
( ! eorgt\\as ! late , all was very soon In readi
ness , and at half past seven began one of
TIII : MUSIIIHHHMI ) : : : ) u.vns :
ever witnessed , Cummlnss won the toss ,
and as expected , ehose the Inner bet 111. Tlm
pistol liter no sooner had asked tlm pair
"aio you icady , " than crack went the pistol
and thus commenced tlm lace. Ctimmlugs ,
icing on the Inside , was the lirst to show the
liont , but he imd baldly KOIIO litty yaids be-
foie he Mas
I'Assim nv ins ADVinis utv ,
then on tlm tar side. ( Jeorue considerably
mpiovcd his pace , but this had no matcilal
irect on Cnmmiiis's. On covering the half
ap ( ieorgo vsas three yaids in Iront. Thus
they piogiessed for the Hist qiiaiter ,
which distance was accomplished in f M
sec. Singularly enough tlm half
mile was covered in 2:0i : , tlm exact time that
it took George last August. The third
iiuimer was accomplished In l:05Jf. :
It was nt this stage that
the Inteicstlti ! ; pait of tlm race began. Just
on completing tlm threo-tiuaiters of a mile
Uummings had orders to go In tiont , and
this he did
Cumnilngs , who was on the far side in tlm
last circuit , was showing the way by about
two yaids , but no sooner had ( Jeoigoioumk'd
thotutn than he sphted up to the Scotch
man's shoulder. I'lm latter once more
dashed along and appealed to
hold Jils own , but his adversary slowly
and surely , but falily , wore him down. Cum
mliigs had shot his bolt , while Oeorge was
limning on in the grandest style , and passed
tlm post , winner of. one of
TIII : MOST si-Asinxn it\cis :
ever , seen. The recoul had been beaten.
When this was known tlm cheering was vo-
clfcious. The mevlously best time tor a mile
was rnmmings' tin ICl-'is , when he defeated
Duddle at lioston. Unt now ( .ieorgo can
boastaiccord that will take some tiouble
in loueiing , his time for the fill !
milo being -t:12f : Tlio time lor tlm four
quaitursere : licorge Fitst ( inaiter. r&
sec. ; tlm half , 'J : . Cumnilngs The thice-
quaiters , UT : i sec. George Tlm one mile
IN TIIK uoaiaioxs.
Spccclios lly Hlcka-llcnch nnd Ijabou-
ohcro Tlio ( Jovepiiinoiit'H I'laiiH.
LONDON , August Xi. In the commons to
night Sir .Michael lllcks-lio.ich reported a
commission to enquire into the Belfast riots
General Sir lleduir.s Huller , and two Irish
barristers , Kionch and Adams , llo also said
the govei nment pioposed to add to the com
mission an olllcer of expartenco , namely ,
Chief Constable Mellardy , of Lanarkshire.
Labonchcre , In the debate on tlm address
In leply to tlm queen's speech , said Lord
Randolph ChuichiU's recent electoral nianl-
lesto ivasan insult to theVidical party. Tlm
speaker urged Irishmen to con tin no their cf-
foits by legitimate means to obtain their
riuhts as a nation .smuggling to bo
Jrce. fCheeis ] . Tlm t < > lloweis of I'arnell
had a right to be proud ol their leader. The
accusation that they weio merceimty in re-
cuivini : aid from Ameiica eamo witli ill grace
Irom Knu'lisli members who weio not abo\o
iiecuniaiy aid fiom tlm ducal house In the
last election. Continuing ho said that win
ter was approaching and the military \\eie
assisting in evictions of tlm people , many of
whom \\eri ) cast out upon the road side.
Irishmen could not bo blamed if they lefused
to submit tamely to sucli tic.itment , but ho
\\ainod them that dlsoider would onivscnc
as an excuse lor teslstlng homo aim and
would Insinocoeiclon.
Sir Michael llicks-IJeach said it was tlm
duty of the government to restore order and
administer government in Ireland with the
law as they tound It. 'I'lm ' policy ot the gov
ernment was a plain anil sober one. It waste
to piomote the solid and material welfare of
Ireland , ami to assist the Irish In obtaining
rest from the ceaseless political agitation to
which they have been so long subjected.
JLaughtoi and chcers.J He ( tlio speaker ) be
lieved that the troubles In Helfasteie due to
tlu unfortunate proposals of tlm latego\ern-
ment. [ I'heers.J Tlm government pi onosed
two things to administer law , and to
consider c.uefully a scheme of deccnli.illx.a-
tion in tlm diiection of local selt-govein-
ment , trained upon a popular basis. [ I'.ir-
nelllto laughterl. The latter scheme would
bo t ramed as far as possible to meet tlm ex-
egoncles of Ireland [ cheers ) , but In nccoul-
anco with tlm verdict of the last elections.
[ ChccisJ , That was tlmh whole policy. The
govnrnmont hoped when their tenure of
olliee closed they would leave heland moio
peaceful , ordeily , and piosjicrous than they
found it. [ C'heer.sJ.
I'arnell's amendment to the addiess In re
ply to tlm queen's speecli , Is as lollows : "Wo
humbly assure your majesty that wo feai
that owing to tlm heavy tall In the prices of
ngriciiltuial piodiice , the gieatest dillleultlcs
will bo experienced during the coming
winter by the liish tenant-farmers in
payment of tlm pie.scnt icnt.s. lany will
bo unable to pp.y and numerous nvlctlons
and confiscation ot rights vested in
tenants by tlm Lovd Act oflhSlwill follow ,
causing widespread suffcilng and endanger
ing the maintenance of social order. Wo
depiccato any attempt to transfer the loss
due to Inability to pay rent from owners ol
land to tlm tax payers of Great Hiltlan and
Iieland by any extension of state assisted
putt-base on basis of rents lixod whoa
weio higher than now ,
Gladstone anil Homo Rule.
LONDON , August 2. " . Gladstone , In the
course of an addicssat L'hlselhuiht Satuiday
said : "Tho enthusiasm of Uritlsh friends of
the homo uilo idea Is an incentive to mo to
never bo beaten In it , but to continue tim
struggle for tlm happlnoss of Iioland , Al
though t licit ) may have been prejudices be
tween Great Hiltaln and Iieland.thotact that
in the lecont elections 1,400,000 Knullshmen
and Scotchmen voted In behalf of Iielaml
shoru'd that prejudice is fast disappearing.
Let mo consult any book or nation in the
woiid , and will not Ijjid one which docs
not say the relations of Kngland and JrclaM'J '
under the union have been miserable tel
Ireland and dishonorable to Lugland.
If the countiy deshoi to redeon
her honor and enable her paillamenl
to attend to its pressing business of Imperiu
legislation , tholilsh question must be set
tled. "
_ _
I'.ilotod Into tlio AVorkhouso.
DUUI.IN , August 23. Suty tenants who
have been ciicled from their homes on the
estate of the .Marquis of Kly Inv \ e\foid , en
tcrcd New lloss to-day accompanied by au
iiiimcnso procession. 1'ou : hundred horse
men were In line ami music \va ; ; turnlshei
hy MI umbei of brass bands. Alter attend
ing a political meeting the pvivt"d tenants
muU-hcd iu u buUy to the uoikuouse.
lossip nlout People and AfTaira that All
tLo World Knows
MUi Cnmcron'H Sonndnl .Votes about
Americans Dashes from Social
Jjlfc Sporting Coinincnts
ItcntH the llvcoril.
Kroin Ijonilon.
LONDON , August 2.J. fXew York Herald
Cable Special to tlm llnr. . ] Cuirent society
and the spoiling journals luinish a good
menu of gussiptor idlers on the Welsh Moun
tains , at tlm Scottish Likoj , In sumptuous
county mansions and at the seaside resorts ,
like Maigatc , Saidon's , Coiuv Island , tlm
Isle of Wight , tlm Nuwpoit.or at tlm bun
dled of bathing spots fiom lands , and around
to Sc.ubcloe.
i in : vn MITII suiii'ittsn
expressed at the sl/e of the church which the
Kmmcss KugiMio Is building near her homo
In Farnsborough. I'eoplo are asking wliero
the cougiegation will conm from to whom
her imperial majesty Is understood to look
for Its paitlal maintenance : .
Tlm last ot tlm money of Mr. Tilden , the
millloiialie politician , will bo devoted to
founding a tree lending library. His public
benefactions amount to CSOO.OOQ. llo was , 1
should think , tlm richest lawyer on rcoout.
Mr. Justin McCarthy , who is tlm mildest
manneied man of tlm Irish party. Is
to get out of tlm way of politics. Ills denait-
lire portends parliamentary squalls , for Mr.
Mcaithy has a happy knack of being out
when mischief is brewing.
"It seems to me , " said a paitlcular friend
of Mis. Dash , "that dear Mrs. Dash is living
In better style than ever since she was di
vorced. "
"Oh ! she's living on tlm 'antimony' which
tlm court gives her. "
Vanity Fair submits to society the follow
ing Haul case : A writes to B , who is on
tlm committee ot a club , asking him to pro-
posu him. B wiites , saying 1m will do so ,
ami adds that ho has got another
man to second him. A is blackballed and
receives a letter of condolence from B. A
meets C , who tells him that it was B himself
who blackballed him. What should A do ?
Till : " .HAN AllOL'T TOWN , "
in the Country Gentleman , glides his pen
thus : "I do not know what is to bo tlm ulti
mate cllect of the me-ence in London of tlm
new Amciican division of ladies
who are considered to rank as outsiders
in their native land. They came to town in
tlm season , and aided by Lady Milkwalk and
otheis , can led all befoio them. English
society will revolt sooner or later , and the
consequences may bo serious. Already one
can see tlm smoke that precedes the conflag-
lation. The question is , which side will the
Marlboiough house set boon when the cia&li
HAiinriiti is OAY
with royalitics pretty Aniciluan picnics and
coaching paitlcs. Mrs. Cunard still reigns
supreme and happy in tlm woi.sliip of al-
handsome men. The prettiest of the Ameril
can women , however , is undoubtedly Mrs.
Koche , who Is accompanied by Imr sister.
But wo aio only nt tlm beginning ot tlm
American invasion. It sometimes seems
that In due course we shall bo ruled socially
by Amciicans , just as America is j-uled poli
tically by In.shinen. Tlm best dressed wo
men are now pationi/n ! < : men's boot-mak-
cis , just as they patronize men's sailors.
Tin : MOST vvoNDiiirri. : noors.
in all the woild aie those spoiled by tlm
ladles , who go a newmaikctlng. Ladies arc
to appear more manly than over this year.
Tlm mere covert coat is to give way to a
coaching coat of tlm same matcilal. Tlm
scams will bo shappier , tlm buttons peaily ,
and tlm cut boxy. As noncomitant to this
veiy sporting gaiment wo may look for v
savcrnake hat. Some silver gray tweeds , lo
be worn by lovely women in the cailicr days
of autumn , are very charming. Improvers
have been improved off the garment of
woman , and a good tailor-mado dress Is a
work of ait and a joy forever.
> IOVJ.VIINT.S : : ov :
The Court Joiunal announces : The Due
d'Aiimale ' has decidcil upon fixing his town
residence in Knnksmaie U.udens and has
taken the Moncarvo house , which was oullt
by Mr. Sandoman , and Princess Louise and
tlm Marquis of Lorno contemplate another
visit to Canada before lonif.
AN ACTiinss' niiirr IININ. :
The Whitehall Keview ethically recounts :
" 1 suppose , " said Miss Cameion , "tlmio is a
deal ot talk in town about my matter. " Thus
runs tlm paragiaph In an interview. It Is
quite trim tlm case has caused excitement. It
has also advertised tlm company tiavellng
under tlm auspices of Loid Lonsdale. It has
also f mulshed extra caibago to that which
is tlnown at stage lite. Jt is another
instance of dirty linen being
washed In tlm imwspapeis , and of tlm de-
llghfSvhich actiesses seem to lake In giving
as much publicity as possible to matteis
which concern their domestic , rather than
their professional lives. Mis Cameron has
on this occasion been tlm washerwoman of
her own linen.
A oNr.-iiousn ArrAiu.
The Whitehall Herald sums up tlm St.
Leger event in this cuit fashion : Less than
a month will bilng us iaco to face with tlm
Doncaster meeting and the St. Legpr , dear
to tlm Ill-am of all Yoikshiremen , who will ,
however , bo sorely taken to get up tlm cus-
toimuy enthusiasm over this yeai's contest.
A less eventful celllnger cannot bo called
to mind , hnlug down , as it is doing , into a
one-horse affair , witli Oimande as the heio'
J.ADY llllASSUY'S OO.U. KliAC'lli : ! ) .
Modern society felicitates Lady Brassoy.
Sim has reached tlm goal of her fondest
hope" . No one who has engaged In society's
Btilfo for tlm many past years more deserves
to do so. On such a goal as a peerage have
her eyes , through all her well-chronicled do
ings , been undoubtedly fixed. Karly in her
career It was Mrs. Brassoy's charge as hostess
that luokedovvi ) tlm haulers ot ill-concealed
pie ] ml Ice. Her ( tinners weio pel lection , and
tlm other entertahiuientson tlm same princely
calc , and men soon discovered tlm fact.
The savory smell of the Noimanhearst
kitchen em , penetrated the thick walls of
Mailboiough house , and tickled tlm nostrils
of tlm Priuco of Wales. Ho bullied , and I
hold I
Tin : SMKT.T. WAS coon.
Yes , hn would giaclously honor the Bras-
soys by stretching his legs under their ma <
hogony , and ho did. From that tlnm all went
well Feverally for tlm wealthy elvers of the
splendid feeds. Every day they became more
popular. Every day they were more talked
about. Tlmtalooftho Brasseys being lineal
descendants fiom some "De Urassi , " who
came over with William the Norman and
shared his sins , is no new Invention , as
some have Impudently implied , nor is Lady
Dnisbcv a nobody , hut the descendant from
the knightly family of Atnutt , of Bucks , dat
ing from 1K > 0 and mate. ) najly from the Bur-
uutts , of Leys , Whactorc let paiveuus
eeaso from reerlng anil from spite and join
with better minded men In congratulating
: . .oril "Hias ey"aml his clever wife.
AN AMTIlirVN si'oltT's IIAIll ) I.IVK.
Life piu/les tlie American colony
with this paraqiaph : "A son of an
American senator came over from America -
ica just before the' A cot with the In-
iMitlon ot reeking tlm bookmaker , both at
lhat meeting and at Goodwood , llo may bo
seen now , waiting for remittances from his
fathei , in tlmneighbohood of Charing Cross ,
having done all the reeking 1m Intends to do
this summer.
Court and Societv contains the personal
Hems : "Tho Duke o ! Newcastle Intends to
make a two years' tour aiound the woiid. llo
will leave Kngland late In September for tlm
United States , and after visiting them thor
oughly will proceed to San Francisco and
thence to Japan.
"Mr. Painell and party have been out after
grouse over part of the Wlcklow Mountains ,
on the shootings which the uncrowned king
shaies with Loid Fitz William.
"Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes has volumes
containing his Kngllsh experiences already
on the stocks. "
Another page has been added to tlm history
of advertising by a London clergyman. This
amateur Itanium converted himself Into a
living sandwich between a couple of boards ,
setting foith that Im desired to raise a sum
of Cl-00and lequestlug donations. Ho got
2s td ) and nairowly escaped being run In.
mi : ni.i.MiniMii : .
Tlm Hat declares : " 'llm concluding days
of tlm Blenheim sales weio mainly remarka
ble lor tlm scant attendance of bidders.
Nominally tlm icsult was 03,000 , but when
It is coiisldeied that tlm entire business was
managed by Agnnw , who bought In to tlm
extent of Clb.OJO , the gilt Is de.-idedly rubbed
olT tlm gingerbread. Many eminent foreign
dealciscomplained hittetly over this system
ol buying iu tlm chief lots which , It was sup-
osed , would be put up without reserve , and
which they had come especially to bid for. "
A xivv Dr.i'Aitrt'in ; IN WIDDINOR. :
The Hat invites attention to the latest de
parture in tlm over ornamented marriage
ceremonial In tlm case of a leverened gen
tleman. He was escorted to tlm altar by tlm
orthodox best man and three groomsmen.
The Idea was sweetly pretty , but will add new
hoirorto tlm life of a pater famillas with
marriageable daughters. We may now ex
pect to lead in the description of weddings
that''the biidegroom was attended by eight
groomsmen , eacli oi whom were a handsome
diamond and pear scarf pin , tlm gift of the
bilde , " and to have aaolaboiato account of
the gioomsmen's cost nines.
St. Stephens Keviow claims that tlm JJras-
sey pedigiee reminds H Of a clever lad , who
was sent to Kton by his pater , who bad
amassed a foituimas a poulterer. The now
bois vveic catechised about their anco.stors
and antecedents. One was the son of a par
son , another was the son of a squire , and a
third ot an olllcer iu tlm army , and soon it
came to our youth , whoavered that his lather
was a Tin key meich mt < tlmieby saviug eter
nal veracity and the family honor.
I.OIID SAI.isIH'llY'S Iinr.lNJflNQ.
The St. Stephens Itcviaw also claims that
Loid Salisbury has begun well , for one of his
first eiders was that fiult ; fiom the lto recul ,
gaidens should b < P\ll.strlb ted throiku tlm
Dublin hospital and tfot < SOldr The Sunday
papcis desciibe , It fays , tlm viceroy as a de
scendant of "Tlm Castle reagh. " This is im
possible , as that ill-starroJ. statesman had no
In admitting that London is.conventionally
speaking , empty , It adds : "Kxcept in tlm paik
and tlm west end squares and streets , London
presents much the same aspect as it did a
month ago. There are constant arrivals of
Americans , some of whom have come to take
houses and apartments for next year hi view
of tlm show at I'ailo Court. "
A f.ltHAT SPOIiriNO iVKNT. :
The lllustiatcd Spoiling News opines that
never since lacing began can theio have been
a irieater ceitaluty for a big event than
Ormond tor the St. Leger. If he escapes
mishaps during tlm next tour weeks it Is dif-
licnlt to sou what , horse can have a hiindred-
to-ono chance ot preventing him from carry
ing elf tlm treble event. Pciegrlne would
inevitably have repeated his two-thousand
vlptory and avenged his Derby defeat on
Iroquois had ho kept sound till tlm St. Leger
day. Walking from King Cllro up to tlm
Downs one day , along tlm same load that
Ormond walks , Pcieiriino trod on a sharp
stonn and cut his foot. Tlm undue htram was
thrown on the other leg , and on that consequence
quence Peiegrlne bioke down.
A .S.MA 1,1. AFl'AIII.
Ulrd o' Freedom's member of Tattersall's
joins the sporting chorus In predicting that
the St. Lecer Is fast becoming a ono-horso
racer. One hundred to thirty was offered on
Ormonde , who made a bound in favoritism
to-day. In West End elides seven hundred
to two hundred was offered on him In a bet.
Great fat speculators In tlm city have been
doing a raio business on tlm C.esarowitch.
One of them backed the following ten In a
lump to-day at one thousand to thirty each :
Caiclton , Bandmaster Jones , Harcdon , Sir
Haredon , Sir Haino , Don Juan , Chelsea ,
Cliarmlon , St. Gallon and Hlvorsdale.
The Uird contributes this anecdote : "Do
you know tlm natuieof an oath , madam1
Inquired Mr. liaron iluddlcston ot a nervous
"Well I ought to. My husband makes a
starting price book. "
TIII : iiiiiir's ) ; DECLINE ,
The Spotting Times , or the Pink 'Un ,
discussing tlm great CIO.OOO stake at San-
down , argues this must hereafter ctlcct the
Derby and other great fields.
The Spoiling Timesavers that the eminent
trainer. John Poiter , Jias stated his feais lor
tlm Inline wellaro of the Derby which , under
Its present condition , arc sure to sutler now
that the mammoth" prices have spiung up.
John has tutored hioj'd Derby winners than
the aveiac trainercoiild anticipate , and Im
Is evidently ambltlonslof taking further hon
ors at Kpsom. U tlmjJerby should cease to
be tlm ' 'blue ribbon , " ( Would bo a national
inlsfoitune. Unt. although It will bo some
yeaiseiotlm masses .erase to le ard Derby
day as other than a national holiday , It Is
equally cmtaln tlmttho-'ruco will continue to
diaw if the raeo committee , the giand stand
proprietors , the railway companies and tlm
catereis for the inner man do not speedily ECO
tit to bluir a bit. *
The experiment of the Kcllpsn stake has
put thousands Into the pockets of the San-
down Paik people , and a 10,000 Derby would
receive enough subsclibers and to spare to
recoup the outlay.
War News nrpre.snes Stocks.
LONDON , August 23. Tho" news from Bul
garia , coming upon n bull market , severely
depressed stocks on tlm London exchange.
British funds closed " 4 per cent lower.
Egyptian , Turkish , Husslnii and Hungarian
funds.lell 1 to t > 4 per cent closing at the
worst rates of the day. At Ueilin , the bourse
was Hat and there was a general decline , Itus-
Blan securities being mostly affected , On the
Vienna bourse prices flattened. At Fiankfort
there was a heavy decline , especially in Aub-
trlau and Hungarian securities.
Ill' llfll I PIT > TtlTMt I I T1M1
Gutting Made a Trco Man and Starts for
American Soil ,
Timely Arrival or n Street Car Saves
Him "Mexicans U'rutliy What tlio
Court Snlil to the UUitor
and Ills Kcply.
Medina Waives Pro eoutloM.
REi. I'ASO , Antiistiit.-At ; 11:30 : this mornIng -
Ing Cuttlm was taken befoie Judge Castcn-
ada and the ollielal minutes of tlm Supreme
court , citing the decree releasing him from
further custody , were read , The decision Is
based entirely npon tlm fact that Medina , the
olfended paity , had waived his light to a
civil suit for damages , the com t holding this
ended the pioceedlngs of tlm state. Cutting
replied : "As long as I am not further de
tained as a pilsoner , 1 accept my llbeity , and
request that the copy of the decree bo given
mo for future use. " Tlm court consented to
this in Spanish. To a rcpoiter Cutting said :
I can't nnduistand what all this
has to do with my card In tlm Kl Paso
Herald , for which I was Incarcerated and
being tiled at tlm time my government made
a demand for my Immediate release. " It Is
said on tlm other side of the liver that the
Mexican constitution , proliiblilng the lesi-
dence of agltatois and other dangerous char
acters in tlm republic will be entoiced against
After Cutting had been set at liberty he.
with Consul lirigham and a number of
Americans went to the Casino on the corner
to wait for a car on which they expected to
leave tlm Mexican soil. Danllon , ollielal In
terpreter , with tlm mayor and seveial Mexi
can olllclals soon entered tlm Casino and
woidswero exchanged between the p.utles.
tlm intention It is thought being to ie-arrest
Cutting. The latter In reply to some
remark from the Intermetcr. said : "I will
meet your live principals In this matter
later. " The mayor and interpreter cried out
In Spanish what was equivalent to a new of
fense in Kngllsh. Several Mexicans stepped
toward Cuttliiir. but the street ear Imvlnir ar
rived the Americans closed in around him
and the party staited for this side of the river.
. Woman Who Tried Her Husband
Twlco and Don't ijiko Him.
WASHINGTON , Auinst 2) ) . [ Special Tele
gram to tlm Ur.K. ] Mrs. Helen Morrell Car
roll to-day , lij her attorney , J. Ambler
Smith , llled a petition prajing for divorce
from her husband , General Lemuel Sprlgg
Carroll , and the custody of their child ; also
that her husband bo restrained fiom speak
ing to or in any way interfering with her dur
ing the pendency of the suit ; also that 1m bo
ordered to pay into the rezistry of the court
S300eacli month up to the final decico of tlm
court as alimony and icasonablo counsel
fees. The bill of complaint shows a lather
lemarkablo state of circumstances , in It
Mis. Carroll states that they were married ,
and later , to escape cinul treatment , she ob
tained a divoice. On April Z'J , lbb > 5 ,
at tlm urgent solicitation of Gen
era ! Carroll , and on his promise
to abstain from stiongdiink , to love , cherish
and honor her. they were remarried. For
the ensuing twelve montli3lm had determIned
Inod to carry out his promise. Then ho fell
Into the company of bad men and women ,
and hi" ; whole conduct changed. Ho heated
the complainant with great indignity and 10-
fused to furnish her witli tlm necessaiies of
life. He began drinking again and tieque-
ntly , when under such influence , abused her
most sliamefiillv , called her vile names and
would curse and swear so that at times she
was made 111. She states that Im is a major
gcneial In tlm United Slates armv on tlio re
tired list , and openly boasts that the courts
hero dare not Inteifere with him and
that 1m will treat Imr as he
chooses. Mrs. Canoll fuitbcr chaiges
that about the 2'ith of September , IBS' ) , and
at other times since , Geneial Cairoll com
mitted adulteiy with Adeline Sinclair , she
keeping a disreputable house ; also that ho
spent large sums of money in treating and
buying wine for her and two other disreputa
ble characters in her house , and that 1m has
been guilty of other acts of infidelity with
lewd and abandoned women. Under these
circumstances the petitioner prays for relief
as abpvn stated. General Cairoll Is an Ohio
man who fougnt gallantly tbiouch tlm war.
H Is friends have known of his tioublesfor
A Different Story Told.
AiNSWoimi , Nob. , August 2. ! . [ Correspondent
pendent of the BIJK. ] Stilton's bandofJAins-
worth returned last evening Irom attending
tlm North Nebraska reunion at Norfolk. Tlm
boys were well pleased with tlm reception
and with there treatment and with tlm suc
cess of tlm reunion , but not well pleased with
the decision of tlm judges of the band con
test , which took place Friday , August'J8 , nor
with tlm comments ot tlm Bii : ; correspondent
on the matter of not allowing the Helican
band of Nlobraia to compete' . Sutton't * band
took second money , but was entitled to lirst
money , and tliis was tlm decision ot nearly
all who heaul the bands. In tlm Is.-uo of
August 21 , tlm UKI : coiiespondout says :
"Tlm other leadois confessed they were
afiald to compete with It , " [ the Hollcan
band. ) The correspondent Is misinformed
In legard to tlm matter , asyoiircorrcspondent
was on the giound during tlm entire time and
knows personally that no such fears wem
expressed , and it Is duo to tlm "other leaders"
to deny the chaiges.
A Prominent KnIuht'H Dontli.
CHICAGO , Augusts ; ) . J. B. Murphy , mas
ter workman of district assembly U , Knlyhts
of Labor , dropped dead at his homo last
night of heart disease. Minphy was a rep
resentative and prominent knight , and
recently has been Piominently bufoio tlm
public by reason of his action In suspending
two entire assemblies of knights because
ot their communistic tendencies.
History of Linlior Troubles.
WAFIIINOTON , August ' 3. Tlm bureau of
labor statistics expects to got tlm second an
nual repoit out by tlm tune congress meets.
Two subjects will bo tieated In tlm report.
One Is tlm question of convict labor. The
other subject to bo treated is strikes. A com
plete history of tlm sti ikes from ISbO up to
Jnl ) of this year will bo given , Includtni : tlm
causes , pmposo and cflect upon tlm labor ot
Urn countiy.
A Double Trajrody.
CnicAfjo , August 2 ! . The Times' Mll-
ledgsvllle , 111. , special says : Frank Wood
this afternoon went to tlm IIOIIKO of Dr. McPherson -
Pherson , where Wood's wife was stopping ,
and killed her and suicided with a nivolvei.
Wood had a bad diameter and had recently
been placed under bonds to keep tlm peace ,
having abused his wife.
Rummer School of IMiiloaophy.
Mn.WAL'KKB , August 23. Some ot the
leading educators and literary people of the
country are in attendance at tlm western
summer school of nhllosophv which opened
lieie to-night. Miss Itoso Cleveland is ex
pected to-morrow.
Mnll Can-lorn Wanted.
WASHINGTON , August 23. The poslofllco
department has Issued miscellaneous adver
tisements Inviting pioposals for carrying the
malls in tlm states of Illinois , Colorado , Oio-
gen and Cahlornla. and tlm teriitorlcs ot
Wyoming , Utah , Idaho and Washington.
Storm iu Miuhluan ,
DKTIIOIT , August 2S , Despatches from
various points In southein Michigan repoit
a severe sinrm Saturday jilght and yestciday ,
doing much damage to ciop and farm build
ings.Tlio casualties were few.
Omaha itniiks Klcvcnth with nil In-
croaMC or ( It ) IVr Cent.
BOSTON , August Si. [ Special Telegram
to tlm HJI : : . ] Tim following table , compiled
from special dispatches to the Po t fiom
managers ot tlm leading dealing houses In
theUnited State * , shows thceloirlngs for tlm
w eek ending August it ! , and tlm Increase or
decieaso for tlm col responding pcilodlast
year :
* Not Included in totals.
Philadelphia and Indianapolis paitly esti
Ilritlfili Grain Tr.ido 1tovlo\r.
LONDON , Aug. il. Tlm Maik Lane Ex
press In its levluw of tlm British grain trade
for the past week says : Tlm harvests thus
far have been greatly disappointing. A spell
of dry weather with hot sunshine may jet re
deem what appears to be a bad harvest. Ko-
turns of 4'i' ! wheitdistricts show S' ) above the
aveiage , 10 equal to It , mil 2SS below It. The
yield In S27 out of 4'J7 districts are below tlm
average. Of oat.s In 205 out ot-JIKI districts ,
beans In 102 out olT5 dlstilets , anil peas in
lift out of 24.r dish lets. Tiadu is sluggish.
Kngllsh wheat Is generally one shilling
dealer. Flour Is ( id' < ? ts dearer. Foreign
wheats aio onlv CiR ls , chlelly 6d dearer.
Tlm supply of com Is shot t and pi Ices are
against liuyuis. Mixed Ameiican sells at 2'-'s
Iiom the ship. Oats aie in abundant supply
and lower. Wheats weie ( id dearer to-day ,
and holdeis asked Is advance. Kuillsh Hour
was Is dearer and foieign fiiKS'M ' and Is
dearer. American corn is irrcgnlailydcaicr.
Cinc.Vf.o , Amr. 2J. 'I'lm Inter Ocean's
Klgin , 111. , special says : Butter advanced J < ; c
on theboaidot tr.uto to-day. Ho ular sales ,
No cheese was olfered , but
quotable at " > ( ii\ti \ for skims , 7jji < gsc tor
creams. Theie were private sales ot 17,100
Ibs of butter and 10J boses of cheese.
, * r. A 8tl19PJLlFnr T'C-JDP *
- NKW Ytntit , iVits'iisl ' 23. Last'wcck notice
was posted in tlm olliccs of tlm Bioadwa1
and Scveutlt Avenue Horse liallioad com-
l > any , corner of Fiftieth stiect and Seventh
avenue , announcing tliatn new time table
would go into effect Monday. Tim now
.schedule called lor six trips instead of live ,
which they have been making. Tlm timo-
lab owas ingeniously arranged so that six
trips were to bu done in tlm twelve hours
allowed bylaw. To effect this tlm hour for
starting on tlm liist til pin many cases was
set much eai Imr than before , and tlm time
for starting the last trip much later. Tlm
law takes no account of tlm time set between
Tin * local assemblymen met Saturday evenIng -
Ing and tlm new table was discussed. They
met alter midnight last night and atlSOa. ;
m. were discussing whether It would be bet
ter to tie up tlm Bioadway line alone or wait
and peisuade tlm men on tlm .Sixth , Kighth ,
and Ninth avenues and belt lines to act and
tie UP all lines together. It was evidently
decided to tie up the Bioadway lineatonco
and no cars on that line aio running tills
moi in ng.
IOWA M-nvs ;
Another Saloon Outrage.
COON Ilu'io , la. , August U' } . [ Special
Telcgiam to tlm BKK.I The saloon element
has become very defiant and Saturday night
pitched npon the city marshal , who was en
deavoring to prc < ervn order and protect a
lady from insult on the streets. A crowd of
drunken men surrounded him. Ho ordered
them to disperse , but they closed nronud him.
Ho knocked two of them down , and when
about to light his way out , was struck by aleck
lock and thrown to tlm ground , llo was
taken up unconscious and It was feaied that
bo would not live. But at last accounts ho
was slightly better. Tlm town is greatly
stirred un over tills outrage , which is laid to
dcliant and lawless saloons.
Iowa nopuhllcuit Convention.
DisMoiNifl : : , AugustSJ.-Si [ > ecialTeIcgi am
to tlm Br.n.J A number of prominent repub
licans aio already here tor tlm state conven
tion which opens Wednesday. Senator Alli
son will bo temporary chairman and will
sound In his opening speech the key note ot
tlm campaign. To-moiiow night occurs tlm
formal opening of tlm ( irant club ol this cltv.
A whole suit of looms , handsomely fin nlsbed ,
wltheleirant quaiters lor a place ol republi
can rcsoit have been obtained. Many repub
licans of the state , and ot national pioml-
ncnce will speak ot the opening.
An Editor In Luck ,
Dr.s MOINT.S. la. , August 'JJ. [ Special Tel
egram to tlm BKII.J Daniel Keir. who was
nominated for congress to-day In tlm Filth
district , is editor of tlm Oiundy County Ar
gus , and Is one ot tlm republican wheel-
horses in tlm district. Hu lias served several
terms In the legislature and l.s rugaided as a
strong stumper. It Is expected Im will ie-
deem thudlntilet , which Is now reniosented
by Fredericks ( demociat ) , of Marahalltown.
A Cold Country for
Niw : YOIUC , August aL Ii Is thought tlm
Information received by Assistant Dish let
Nicoll concerning tlm meeting held
Friday night by tlm anarrhlMH called lo s.\m-
pathi/.owlth tlm condemned Chicago bomb
thiovvers will result in tlm indictnmnt of
those most conspicuously Identilled with the
meeting for nnUwtul assembling by tlm next
giund jury ,
A KauuiiH I'lonorr Dion ,
UOSTOM , Mass. , August 2.1 , Amos Adams
Lawiuuco died last night at his summer resi
dence at Nahant. Ho was born in Boston in
1814 , and was Identified with tlm settlement
of Kansas teirltoi v and Its eventual develop
ment Into alieo st.ito.
Gorman-A me rloa n Journal 1st * ) ,
NKW VOiiH , August ) . The National As
sociation of ( ierinan-Ameilcan journalist
authots met In this city this moining. Tlm
convention will continue In session thruiiL-h
Wednesday and will then goto Philadelphia.
WASIIJNI.ION. August i'Tlm } president
appointed Felix A. Hcevc , of Tennessee , lo
bo asMMant solicitor of llm treasuiy , vice
Joseph lioblntuu , resigned.
Many Political Plums Prom Qngo County
Gripe the Bosses.
TlievMoot at llnstlngq , Adopt n Con-
Hiltutlon nnd IClcct OiHucrs Vim
Wyele Addresses Crowded
Other Xcv\8.
1'olltlrs In ( iaf > o County.
Hr.ATisiri : , Neb. . August -ISperlnl \ lethe
the Hn : . ] Chinch Howe was here again n
few da.vs ago tr.ving lo tlxit up vUth the bo.\s ,
Kvldcnllj this pait of Ids would bo luilcwlck
tioe.s not proguvss to suit him , judging from
the fiequoncy of his visits. Van W > ek
clubs aie being onranlml in the county and
tlm senatoi Is gaining siieimth right aloiifr.
A iiiospeious larmei and member of tlm
board of .siipervlsois of this county has just
been announced as a candidate for ( ho legls-
lattue , and his announcement plainly states
that Im Is tor the ic-election of Senator Van
W. H. Ashby , renubllcan , demnciaf , picen-
backer , aiitl-inonoiolist ) and Wynune's lot
speculator would like to get to congress from
tills distilct as an c\pouont ol bouibonlsm ,
T.ns Is tlm same wily captain who diew fed-
eial pap down at Panama several yeais ago
when ho was sent asminlsti > i by aieimbllcan
president. H will bo sometime befoio tlm
big 1'irst district will be lepiosenled In ctm-
gress by a man who did all he eould to de
stiny tlm goveinment dining Hie civil war.
( Jilggs , thenoet lawver , claims tlm honor of
convei ting Asliby to republicanism.SOUK-
ago while they weiu bw-iuttncis , but he was
not baptized in tlm laith deep enough to
Hairy Phillip' ! , airent of llm Lincoln Land
company , and biother ol K. U. Phill | > s.
secietaiy of that eompanlias annonnceil
himself as a republican eandidato lor tlm
legislature. Ho claims to be led-hot against
monopoly of all kinds. He piobably IH on-
possod to all the railroad companies except
the Iliiilington AiMissoml. For this com-
, he.spends most ol his time , ami were
ne electetl they could count on his vote every
time. Theio is no danger , however , o ) his
being elected. He will be snowed niidur
deeper than he was a few yeais ago when he
ran for sncrlff of this county.
Capt. J. K. Hill , ot tills place , Is making
good headway " foi the nomination lor secre
tary oi state. llo will go intotlmconvention
with a solid delegation Iiom his own county
as well as Iiom neaily eveiy other county in
the Firstdistilct. It Is gciierallj understood
that should Capt Wintcistelu be electetl , tlm
present secietaiy would he the deputy , anil
people ; aie down on that kind ot business.
a'H Truvc-linir Men.
HASTINGS , Xeb. . August 'Ji. ( Special to
the Uin.J : The meeting called seveial weeks
aL-o lor tlm imrposo of organl/.ing a state
tiavellnc men's association met in thhdty
at tlm Kcrr opera house. Theio was a laigo
attendance ot traveling men piescnt trom jl
all over tlm state. The meeting vra called II
to older by T. C. Hurst. Hev. J. W. ( iilman "
invoked the divine blessing upun tlm meet
ing , alter which T. C. lluist deliverdd a
short addtess of welcome. A Uhesses
woio also made by Hflv. J. W.
Gllman and others , alter which
ofllcers wnro elected as follows :
president , ( Jeorgo 1C. Sjianglcr , Hastings :
vice pii'sldent , Sol Klnmaii , St. Joe : second
vice president , J. U. Be.ill , Omaha ; nccietary ,
J. C. Allen , Lincoln ; tieasnrer , T. C. Huist ,
Hastings. A constitution and by-laws were
then adopted , and llm association oidered
Tlm ten dhcctor.s provided by tlm constitu
tion weie then elected , as lollows : ( ieo. W.
Khby , Hastings ; C. S. Letson , Atehison ; W.
K. liroch , Council Bluffs ; W. W. Weidner ,
Lincoln ; C. V. Maxwell. Chicago ; C. F.
Wai nun Kansas Citv ; K. II. 1-rall , St. Louis ;
W. H. Saxelby , St. Joe ; C. S. Hunter , ( iiand
Island , and W. B. Sheldon , Omaha.
Tlm iiavellm ; men are lavish In their prai'o
oonceiiilng their tieatment hy tlm citi/eiis of
Hastings. They have been shown eveiy
comtesj ami everjthlng possible was done
for their e.nteitainmuut. About onu hundreil
weie nrount. . On Jr'atnnlav evening they ac-
c'epted an invitation of Messis. James B.
Heartwell and i : . C. Webster to take a drive
over the city In eairlage.s , and they expressed
themselves as well pleased with the beauty of
the city. No moiooideily orbettereonducted
convention has ever assembled In the city.
Tlm traveling men here nere among tlm best
and worthiest in tlm cimntiy , and their cen-
tlemauy conduct has given tlm people a much
higher appicclation ot a chits ot men who
are only too often represented and mlsun-
dcistood. _
York'H Klcety Firemen.
YOIUC , Neb. , August 21. [ Special Tele
gram to tlm Br.ii.J The running team ot
tlm i'ork hook and ladder company loft to
day for Kremont , to attend tlm State 1'lie-
men's touinament. Tlm team Is well
equipped and will make lllc Interesting for
some of tlm other attending teams In tlm Him
of running. The company consists of the fol
lowing of Voik's best young men and fleetest
i miners , with W. K. Knappas captain : John
Bishop , Fred Falubach , ( Sooigo K. Corcoran ,
1'rank ' Collier , Chatles A. Itosenla , W. K.
Knapp , Alvln Slalmid , T. Hamilton , Hiuh
Hutcbinson , Cum Sliaekelloid. David K.
Gould , Hariy Hackney , W. , l { . Fnrman , Al
beit -Miller , Fiank Chin , Finn k F. Osboin ,
J. V. Hydur , C. H. Collier , W. 1) . Fisher ,
William Pappln , Thomas Bueh.inan , Georgu
K. Schoetthsr , ( leoigo Chilcote , L. H. Dale ,
K. W. Moulton , II. J. Poiter , Charles Klllott.
J. I ) . Knhiy , ( ieoigo Belle and C. F. Leslie.
Tlm paity Is accompanied by H. B. Dibliiv ,
ehlel of the Vork deiiuitment , and N. f' .
Lundcm , assistant ,
ImjirovcmonlH at Hoatrlce.
Bi'\rnifn , Neb. , August W , | Special to
tlm bun. ] The contract for putting up the
city building has been let for Sfis.Gi'i. Tlm
building will bo a two-stoiy biiek.
The grading of tlm Union Pacllie yards has
commenced. When completed tlm company
will have a commodious and convenient
place for theii
Tlio B. ife M. company are besllnlng them
selves and they aio supposed to bo tlm par
ties who have pmcl ased about 111 Icon thou
sand dollais worth of property adjoining
tlmlr depot grounds. Lxlunslvo Improve
ments by all the rail load companies are a
sum thing , but in just what manner they In
tend to Improve cannot now bu tound out.
The RltijiKor StAlcHiiiuu nt Homo.
H \KTINOS , Neb. , August 'it. i Special Tel-
cgiam to tlm Bi.n.Jlion , James Lalid ,
member of congiess Iiom tlm Second No-
biaska distilct , ariivod home Iiom Washing
ton this afteinoon. Ho was met ut the deput
by a crowd of eltl/cnsand tlm hand and es-
coi ted to his residence. Capt A. D , Yociim
made a shoit addiess of wele.ome , to which
Ah , Lain I lesponded at some length. Ho
barely touched upon the question of stale
politics , but conlmcd himself entirely to
national issues , leferilng especial ! } to the
questions bclweim capital and labor , and
duelling at length upon tlmdinelopnientand
tinal culmination ot the anaichlstie move
Van WycU'h Itiinnor bounty.
FAiRMON'i , Nub. , August -Siecitl ! [ ] Tcl
egiam to the Jit.K.jSenatoi Van Wyek ad
( Ueiscd ime of the luigest political galhcihiirs
this year. The ( .timerh.uid eituens turned
out en ma'-sc. His addiess was well ro.
eolved. Tills is llm baiinei Van Wjck countv.
Tint senator snoko at lh ] > aik. It It was lull
to tlm voteisot Flllmoiu roiiulj Van \VyeU \
would itcelve neail ) evn y vote.
Xithraslca nud Iowa \Vcnthnr.
FOL Nubr.iska and Iowa : Fair weather ;
ni'ul ; > ht.monary tempcraturo.