Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 23, 1886, Image 1

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llLijJUiA \ UOuvJ flLJvAlVi > uMVi
llie Bnlearinn Complications and the Re
sults Likely to Follow.
I'rlnco Alexander Bnci'lllccil to the
Soil * Imvo of the Czar- What
Hliould he DIIIP With IJli-
totin Oilier foreign.
I'rlnco Deposed.
Oiiiuv : , AuKiistlW It Is stated here that
I'llnco Aloxandei , of Huliaiia , was cU' | > osrd
nml made prisoner timing nil inspection of
troops nt WltUlen. The Cologne ( Ja/etto and
Ucilln Post express the belief that that event
will tend to pi eseivo peace. Thov say that
I'llnco Alexander's personal qualities do-
tervcd a better fate , hitl Kntl.ind having re
fused him active support nialn t Utusla , and
Turkey boim.'afiald to risk war In belulf of
JUilgarla , and IhoOiasHn meellnij showing
that the alliance was uubioken , his position
was .1 hopeless one.
HiltKh I'rrss nil Kusnln.
los-noN , AiiRUst 3-1 , I a. m.-New | York
Jlcratd Cable-Special to the Hi.iThe : ]
piophcsy ol an eminent statesman , not long
a'o cabled Is bcgnmlm ; to be ic.dbed by the
UulRai Ian business. This subject engrosses
newspaper nllcutlon. The MoinliiR 1'ost ,
the gincinraunt oi an , In eommentliiB on
" 1'iinco Alexander , who
the e\ciit , bavs :
lias shown ndinlinblo conduct In open dis
cussion and in tue Held ot battle , has been
vvoin out by tlic slow couise of Incessant
Intiitrue niul conspiiaev with which he
has been confronted. Ills deposition has
been so sudden that time must tie allowed to
pass before its lull effect can bo discussed at
nil. At present what is plain b that Russia
lias succeeded In
To lior diplomacy In the east of Europe and
the foiced nndlcatlon of the pi luce following
the reputation of the Uatoun clause ot the
tieatj nl Itcrlln. show restlessness. Russian
actlv Ity is Mire to engage the sciious attention ,
notot Bnfaln alone , but ot the other
powers concerned in the nulntainaiicc of
ucaco in Kuropc.
The Telegraph comments with btrong anti-
Jtussian feellnir , taking foi Us text , "The
c/arcannot beai near Ins boidois any people
which possess even the semblance of free
dom. " Itsajs : "Alexander lias been saci I-
fued to the wounded self-love of the c/ar ,
who lias just biokon his father's pledge ic-
Bpectlms the i > oi t of Uatoun. Its conclusion
is toncerned with the convi'ision of Itatoun
Into a naval uiscnal at the moment vvlien the
IJlack Sea fleet omuiKOS Into view. The return -
turn of Itussian contiol over BuUaila must
awaken a lively rcllcctlon even in the calm
minds ot the scd.ito Ottomans. "
nci'oi'K's I'K oi : ivii'Kicii.rn.
Tlio Chionlele finished a similar anti-IUis-
nialeadei bj saying : "But that the peace of
Knropo lias been Ineicaslnijly ami ci.xvely
Imperilt'd by this insolent defiance of nuiope
byAloxaudei 111. must be apuarunt to the
most careless noscuer. "
THK 'iivins' CONCJ rsioxs.
Tlio Times , discussing the event , and re-
fcriiiiRtoits dispatches Horn Vienna and
Hcrlln , remaiks : "Tliat (01 ( two ompiies to
bo piojiued to look on while Russia
rc'coustuicts the political svstem of the
Balkan peninsula , no one in his .senses can
bqlieve. " It asks : "And how is Austim
likely to bear it with ciiuanlmUjV In the
long run tlio great and undoubted giowth of
Kusslau prestige south ot the Danube w ill bo
Aiilnovltiuloicsultot this new and signal
tilumph ot her policy. "
The Times is foicod tobulievo that hold
Ballsbuiyut thocommcnceiucnt of his second
teim of olllco is confioutcd with all the dan
gers and difficulties , only > f an aggravated
form , which ho had to face on his liist ac-
ccblon to power. The Times dispatcli adds :
"It will bo noticed that tlio members of the
provincial Koveimuent at Sofia are , with the
exception of M. M. Kaxavololf and Grekoff
noted lusophlls. "
The Daily News , ( iladstonian , concludes
tlut the effect ol Russia's action , for us such
It must be retrauled , upon the peace of Km ope
may bo o.\tieinoly scilou , and that Piinci
Alexander , being nominally n vassal of the
fiultnn , If his dcpoblllon can be moved tc
Jiavebeen elfected by a towlgn agency with
out the cou eut of the porte , a giavo Intoi na
tional dhliculty will at once bo laUcd.
The Stand ml , which stands close to the
Kovoinnicnt , Is concerned over the woik o
Muscovite plottets and asks what HIsinnrcV
Is going to do about It. It takes a serloii'
view of the situation and vvoudeis if lils
marek will allow Hussln ficedom to opciatc
against Macedonia.
It will thus be scon that the tone of tin
London picas Is decidedly ol a jingo oidei
The News In Paris.
I'Aius , ( via Havre ) August ' . . [ Now Yorli
Cable Special to the Jim ; . ] The news ol
Vnnco Alexander's downfall miido a sensa
tlon heio this nftoi noon. It was at fiist dls
believed , but as successive tolegiams seemed
to settle the matter beyond doubt , theio was
consldciablo excitement on the bonlcvaids ,
Uy midnight , however , the excitement had
subsided , The general Impression to-night
in political elides Is that the pi luce's tlicntrl
cal collapse would have been impossible will
llltunarck's connivance. It is therefore i
Uti.iranteo ot peace. Most people with when
1 have discussed the news rozaid tl : <
julnco's lemovul us an Austro-Ciermai
concession to Russia and the pilcoof tlu
coin's loadherunca. To-moirow nuy put u
new complexion on the mattoi , but to-nlehl
war Is not believed to bo Imminent. Every
one In curious to know how Kngland will 1
take her protege's upset.
Provisional Government Formed.
Lo.vnox , August 23. A dispatch fion
Solla. Bulgaila , dated Saturday , says : "Tin
populacoand tioopsuarteit | > d in the capita
BUI rounded thu pilacu eaily this luoinlnu
There was nodlsoider , The populace thci
assembled and adopted a resolution prnjini
the win to 10 extend his sympathy to th
lliilgaiian people. Tlio assemblage niocccdn
to the palace of thoJtusalan iifi'iit and gut
milled to him t'io ' icsolutlon , all kneeling
The agent nsbiitcd them of the c/aijs frlouil
ih Ip. The following movlslonal covernmcii
has been foimrd : 1'ilmo minister , Mons
Ck'iiu'iit , Metropolitan of Tlrnova ; mlnibte
of foiolgn nil nl IB , M. Stajonolf ; minister ci
Inttrloi , M. 7. tnkotf ; minister of linanre , M
Kurmof ; minister ot win. M. Neuifciosolf
minister of justice , M. liadosl.wotf.
Tlio SeTonty-SUtli Victim.
LONDON , Ausuet'iJ. A foreign lady win
lost m.OOO at the Montu Ciulo fnmlng table '
has committed sulcido in avlllaKiuc.\r ! ( iron
oble. This nukus the seventx-slx case o
eulclda ovvlnz to losses at Monte Caito sine
the beginning ot the .sermon.
ClnTolnncl Attoucla Cliurcli.
rjlOBl'KOT llOUSK , N. Y. , AUifUSt i-
I'rrsldout Cleveland aud pmty nttende
cbuicb. this aft ruoou.
WllilVKSTiilN :
Stcorq IMny Jlnroc WUli l-'octl-
IHK llnrns Near FrQ.Minnt.
Fin MOST , Neb , August S3"Special [ to
the lJif. | Tlic Standard Cattle company.
which has established n mammoth ranch six
miles west of the pity with a largo barn hav
ing a capacity of .1.000 head , have met with
an unexpected and serious re\ui p. All ar
rangements having been < omplotcd to tipgln
feeding the company icceived on Thursday
theli lirst train-load of cattle fiom the Wy
oming much. Fifty head of the
wild steeis were first tlitven
into the bam nud fastened Into
theirslalls. when nn exciting sppnc cnspcd.
The rattle , unused to confinement , made n
d.isli foi liberty mid swent out the stalls ns
they would labile ot stinvv. Their fright
VMIS so thotoiigh that theaNotnoUe the mas
sive tonal us tliev would .1 spidci's web , and
onlj stopped when ihev had gained their
fiecilom In the six-thousand acie Held sur-
loundluL . A number of men on horseback
wcio procured and the wild beasts lonnded
up.ind loaded onto thecar.s ag.iiu and the
whole tialn shipped thiongh to Chicago , as
were thiee other tiain lends which followed ,
' ] he company sire now lebulldlng the Inteilor
ol the grt'.it barn and will make eveiy pait
massho and stiom ; cnoiub to resist the
power of a held ot frightened cattle.
Trncfc F.THU
Fm MOVT , Xeb. , August -Special [ to
the HIM : . ] Tiack lajlnc on the I'lemont ,
Klkhorn .t Mlssomi Valley is now going lor-
waid raidly. ] The laigo bud o acioss the
1'latte , lx miles west of the city , IB com
pleted , ami the rails aio be'm. : stiungLin-
colinvmd. Last evening tlic track layers ar
rived with the iron nt Cedar ISIutls , the Hist
station south , and about twelve miles from
Kiemont. A cing is also laving naek ou
the Sulhuci extension and about fifteen
miles aie completed. The Lincoln extension
will not be finished in time lei tialns to urn
ovei It to the state fair.
The Flrciiifn'H Toiirnnmont.
Fiii'MONT , Neb. , August 1 ! . [ Special to
the lhn. ! [ Final nii.ingements have been
completed for the Firemen's st.ite toiniia-
nient which opens Tuesday aud continues
four days. The tomnameut will bo held on
thu lali grounds , one mile noituncst of the
city. The lace track has been put In splendid
shape , a new and commodious amphitheater
caiefullv at ranged to contiibiito to the con
venience and comfoil ot visitors. The mana
gers aie assmed that them w ill bo laigu dele
gations piescnt fiom all Doitionsof the stato.
The parade lo.ite has buen laid out and deco-
latlve arches span the principal sticcK
Nebraska niul Iowa Weather.
For ebraska and Iowa : Tair weatlicr ,
slightly warmer.
AVIns n Game AVith Denver
Other Contests , c
LINCOLN , Xeb. , August S3. [ Special to the
Ui.i.l : The tourth and last of the Denver-
Lincoln -eiies of Kamos , postponed trora last
Wednesday , was played to-day on iho homo
giounds , icbiiltim : in f.ivoi of the home team
in a score ot W to 7. This leaves each club
the winner of two cames in the seilcs. The
tact tlmt the clubs would plaj ou Sunday
was Kept ( inlet until ncailv noon and thu
tjame was not luteileicd with. lleiTnci
pitched foi the homo club , Mountjoy lor
Denver , with Hiiilev iimpne.
oiin u nAML .
lirnoklvn 0 0 300 ( I 000 0
Metiopobtans. . . 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 2-4
J'Jtehejs-Cublimitn and IlendeibOii. Urn-
plie Hrndloy.
Cincinnati ( ) " 6 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 23
LouibVille. 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 2 5
Klevon innliiKb.
I'iteheis Heckei and Pechinoj.
H.ihO hits Cincinnati 7-LouIsvllle , 10 ,
Eriois Louisville 5 , Cincimutl 0. Umpue ,
A'rSr. Louis
St. Louis 0 101 0002 0--t
I'ittsbmp 0 0 0 1 0 0 4 3 * 6
I'llebeis Caiutliens and Mori is. Umphc
A Drunken Anarchist.
CHICAGO , August W. Joseph Illllman is a
German , who was drunk to-day npd appar
ently unable to contain aiiaichlsts' doctilues
with which he seemed lo be ovcillovvlng.
lie stood on a cornei near West
Twelfth street statloa and poureil
out violent -and lucendiaiy anar
chist speeches until ho was diiven away
bv the police. Illllmau was paitlculatl )
violent in dunouiicnm lev. ! Fathei Kiabolich ,
pabtor ol St. Fianeis ( iennaii Catholic climcli
at thu coiner of West Tweltth street and
New hen j avenue. Attei beliifc chased .away
liom West Twelfth stieet , Illllman went tn
thocointrof Kouiteuntli and South llalsted
blieelb.w'heieliuLatliuieda laipociowdhy hlf
rabid oiatory. The piopopitiou of .socialistic
sentiment was soon stopped by olllceis liom
Canalpoit avenue , who ariested Ilillmau and
he will havoa chance to-moiiow in court tc
explain away his .sympathy with auarchlsts ,
More Itomlia Found.
Cmc.vr.o , August 23. Safely laid away In
Twenty-second stieet station are fem ma
s chines , which are supposed to bo dynamite
bombs. They weio found to day In the icai
3 of Wo. KOKast Twentv-lifth stieet. The
bombs are madu of jjas-pipo ono Inch in dhini
n cter and each eight Inches lonj , ' . 'J'lu
ends aio plumed up with wood ,
nnd to one end ot each Is allached t
1 use six inches lone. A piece ot coid wa <
tied ( o the bomb with a mill fastened In cacti
eoid. The police explain the utility at UK
coid and nails uysayinR the bombs wcio In
tended to bo used in buildings , to which they
weio to bo fastened. Them Is no clew tc
the paitlcs that secieted the bombs.
Tlio 1'roicrniiimo of an Interesting
1 Annual K.vont.
Omaha firemen will bo interested in tlic
state lire tournament , which will bo holt1
nt Fremont , August 21 to 27th , inclusive
The programme will be as follows :
imtsr DAY , Aur.usT21.
Reception of visiting firemen.
( jr.inil parade of firemen at ! p. rn ,
i DAV , AU UK1 25.
t 41-sc'Cond hose nice , t10 ) ! a. in , ; Isl
liri/o , if ir.U . ; 9d | ) ri-/.o. 100 ; ! ) d pri/o , $73
-4j-secoiui ( liool ; and ladder race , 3 p. in.
lstpii/o , ? l.Wj 9dn'uo \ , flOO ; Ud pruo
* 70.
Tlllltl ) DAY , AUOL'ST 20 ,
Hook and Judder race for conipnnle :
that have never contested , ( J.80 n , m.
til st pri/o , 100 , second pii/.e , $75 : thin
pri/o , ? W.
Hose rnco for companies tlml Imvi
never contested , 2 . in. ; first prlxo , J100
seeond prbo , $7 > r > - , thud pib.e , $50.
Kxliibltion pompier ladder corps , 7 p
in ; for the cnniiiny ] milking the lines
exhibit and pet forming its work in tin
most utluctivo manner prize , $50.
I'.xhibition of water works , 10 a. m ,
State rnco for hook and ladder com
panicsIstpri.o , $100 anil belt ; 2d pri/.c
$100 ; 3il pri/o , ? 50.
Liidderinen's contest : Pri/o , $50 goh
State rnco for hose com panics : IE ;
0 pri/.o , $100 land cart ; 2U prize , $100 ; tfi
' '
( 'ouplors contest , for best couplers
Two gold badges , $15 each.
Indignant Anarulilxts In Meet.
OI.EVKI.AND , August 2S. Clrcaldis hay
been distributed here calling a meeting o
local Anarchists to-mnirow evening to express ;
press indignation nt the conviction of th
eight conspirators at Chicago.
Scenes of Desolation tit Qalvcston Where
the Waves Wrought Havoc ,
Homes \Vn ilicil Away niul Families
LoJt to Hufler Vessels Ijost In
the Gulf The Cotton Crop
The Texas Hurricane.
GAr.vr.srov , Tex. , August 22. As the
wind freshened Friday evening tlieie wcio
nppichcusions that the night would be a rep
etition ol tue night befoie. but these wcro
put nway as thu night advanced , ly ) 10
o'clock the rain had ceased and the clouds
had broken away. Families who had been
dilu'iifrom their homes by the rapid inroad
of the gull waters the night beloie ictuined
to theli wntei-logied houses and began the
\\oikol lepaiallon , while hundreds of oth-
eis > , whose homes , with all theli possessions ,
had been swept away , sought muUi-needed
rest alter the teircns through which they had
parsed. Moining bioke clear and beautiful.
'I he watets , which had liuuulated one-half of
tlioeabtein and soiithein purl Ions of the city
to n depth ot tioin 0110 to seven feet , had sub
sided except In low plac s. The beach and
adjacent portions of the city for seveial
blocks back tiom the shore picscnted
a dcploiablo .scene of hnvoe and
desolation as far as the eje could see.
The lulus ot hundieds of houses , laigo and
small , had been hmled and twlhtod Into cvciy
shape while biielc pUkusaud wooden piling ,
In tneiy dhcctlon contiguous to the beach
and exposed to the lull foico of the eale , in
dicated whine happy homes had stood tlio
night befoie , but which weio swallowed up
and dcstioyed In the awful maelstrom that
then prevailed.
All thcplensuio resoits along the gulf sboie
weie citlur swept away or ruined. The pla/a
intiontot the lieach hotel Is funowcd by
the loico of the waves and piled with debris ,
whlloall the false woik piotectlng the foun-
dit ou of the hotel , with the fresh water
tanks and outbuildings , swept away and deep
iutrows weie cut under thu bulldinc itself.
In the mcnascrlo , consisting of n Jong row
ot cages on the bench lawn , manv biuls
mid animals weio diowned or killed , while
others made theii escape. Among the ani
mals that escaped were the Mexican lions ,
which weio on the point of making things
lively when they weie shot by the night
watchman , who iccelved a dangerous wound
by the accidental .shot of his asblMant , pass
im ; thiough his aim.
'iho heaviest damiiRO to pioperty occurred
In the vicinity ot the Ueach hotel. The wide
niea devastated by the watei makes an np-
utoximate estimate ol the amount ot danugo
done somewhat ditlictilt , but it Is now esti
mated by close calculators that it will not
lull below 5500,000 , and may exceed
ttibt. The Ftieet tatlvvnys mo being
lepaiied aud travel has been iCbiimed over
soiiiu ot the lines , but many months will
elapsed betoiu all ti.icos ot the .stuimaio
ctf.KCd. The m.ijuiity ot the ssiittereis liom
the Hood are ot the poorer class ot people.
Many ol them lost all tney had , and me des
titute and disrouiaged , being dependent upon
tricuds lot tempoiaiy bheltei and rulU-t.
1'ilvate chailty has been active in piovidiuj
toitheicllet of the sntfereis. Mudinppic-
lien.slon existed all day I'lidaj as to the
hali'ty o the slsteis orpli.inage , live miles
down the island on the gillt side , but it was
reached jcsteiday and louud to be intact ,
the only damage belli ! ' the washing away of
the steps of the building.
Newb reached the city vcstciday aftcinoon
that the schoouei J. W. I'eiiy , liom Ihnsheai
City , with acaigoot cypiesb jiaving blocks ,
touudered during the gale litteun miles oil
the Inland. Captain Wlutmoieand a coloied
cook weio drowned. Two coloied sailoib
clung to borne Moating tlmbeis and wcio
diiven asheie eighteen miles down the
island. They wem ne.uly dead liom c\-
liaustion when they icachod shore. The
bodv ot Willlo Ilarnew , eleven old , ic-
hidiim In the westeiu poition ottliecity ,
wlio vsas diowned Fiiday at the loot of
Thiity-tliiid stieet , was locoveicd at the loot
ot Foil-ninth street vesteulay moimiig and
was ( mi led. This makes the tenth victim ot
the stoim.
A special to the News fiom Coipus Clnlsta
Hays : Fiiday moinlng one ot the heaviest
lam-stoims lorjears btitick this city. Thu
wind had commenced blowing very hard
fiom the southeast the evening betoie , and
changed to the noitluvost between 5 and 0
o'clock In the motniiiir. It blew with teriihc
loico tor two horns , its velocity being esti
mated at seventy-live miles an hour. A laigo
number ot houses wore mined liom their
foundations. The coloied chinch and the
ollice ot the Arkansas i'as-s i.ilhoad company
wciu complete ! ) dcstiojed. Laigo trees were
upiootcd , audiences and outbuildings wcio
swept aw ay.
It hi ! "vv veiy haul .vesterday from the south-
, cast. Thcbteamei J. C. llarrlb uulvcd vcs-
toiiay altcinoon , two days over-duo ,
Tlio ropoitb teuiblo storm at Itockpoit and
Ilniboi Island. All liiipiovementbaiid glad-
incut llaiboi Island weio washed away. At
Itockport , blxtccn houses wcro blown oil theii
toiindatioiis. Seven men aie missing and It
is supposed tliey woio diowned dining thu
btuim. The amount of damage has not been
estimated , but the loss It. heavy ,
nn : SIOIIM AT br.cjrix' .
SEQUIN , Tu\as. , August 2-i. The damage
by the hturm heie Is veiy heavy. The Uccout
oilleo wab toLillv dcsliojed. The new tower
of the Kulccojial chii'ch was blown down and
a laigo numbei of public and pi hate
buildings weie either destroyed 01
badly damaged. At Soiithcilaud Spilnus
two men wcro killed. Tlio cotton
plant hasbeen whipped into slunds , but many
persons believe that it will take on a new
Kiowth and develop a top ciop. Thu damage
has not jet been estimated , but It will bo very
itr.poins ruoM nr.vipsinAD.
HiiMi'SihAi ) , Tex. , August 22. The storm
did meat damage to thu cotton ciop In the
uplands. The loss to the ciop liom the rav
ages ot the wind and lain ot Friday will bo
fully ID percent.
Passenger Trains Collide.
PHILADELPHIA , August 22. Quito a seri
ous accident , by which seven pci.sons wcio
injured moio or less seriously , occuued at
Ancoia , a small station on the Caimlen &
Atlantic raihoad , twenty-eight miles Irom
Camdcn , this moining by a collision between
tlio i ocular excursion train leaving Camdcn
alO o'clock and the fast newspaper train
which leaves Atlantic City on its leturn to
Camdcn at 6:15 : a. m. The latter tialn had
orders to bidetiack at Ancoia and wait for
the e.xcuibldn , duo theio at : ' < 0 , to pass. The
excursion tialn consisted of an engine and
six crowded coaches. When nearliiK a curve
ju-t this side ot Ancora , the cngiucci blacked
up tn oidei to pass on time , no then being
one and one-halt1 minutes iilieiul. As he
loundcd thu curve ho baw the newspaper
train just about to enter the siding , tint belnro
ho could loveibO hU eiigluo they collided
vvlthtorrllic force. The tender of the pas-
hcngei tniln's engine was telescoped In the
BiuoUng car , and the car Immediately behind
was badly damaged , The * engineers and
tiremcn jumped and escaped Injuiy , with the
exception at Kngincci I'me.of theexcurslon ,
who was badly hurt and may die. Six excur
sionists wuiolujuicd ,
The Bohemian IMcnlc.
Yesterday morning the Bohemian
t , ijymuuUic club and its friends made n
very creditable street parade headed by
the Second Infantry band. They then
took a special train for North Dend ,
Seven cars wore crowded with oxcur-
ti'onists and at the. end of the route luigc
e tleleeations joined them Irom Schuyler
if and \Vahoo. The day passed oil'pleas-
- antly and all returned about 10 o'clock
u last iiiirht full ot plcu'-unt ' nuinoiius ol
| ;
Tim onoi * uuriiooic.
Poor Indications of n Good Corn Yield
CiurAon. August 2i The follow ing crop
summnii will npjiear In this week issue of
the I'anneis'lleview ; The tenor of reports
from the corn bolt , while Indictllng slight
impiovcmont In s-omo sections , does not
{ how any paillcnliir change for thu better.
Tlio crop as a whole , his been badly Injuicd ,
nud recent bowers In Illinois , while staying
the Injury on the low lands have not icvlvcd
the aeneial crop , the conditions Indicating
that a largo proimitloti of the corn area has
jcen burned , dried up and ruined. The
: cncral situation In Illinois and Iowa has
Ko been aggravated by the piesenco of
llnchbugs. Tim yield in Illinois does not
remise to exceed one-half that of last year ,
ivhllc that In Iowa will benbout Co pel cent ,
f l.ts.1 ycai's croj ) . In Minnesota , Nebraska ,
Michigan , Ohio and Indiana , the condition
f glowing corn is Still reported as iwciaging
: nlrly well. In Wisconsin , Missouri and
Kansas thcecneial outlook Is pool , but snf-
llcient data Is not nt hand to make any close
amputation as to the probable yield. In
Clinton. Fnjette , llemy , I'utman
ind Harding comities of Illinois ,
ho coin eiop Is iepoited ns a practical
allure. In Cnrroll , Mncou , Maeonpln , Me-
: iard , Scott , Will , Kahalle , Franlclin , Jerbcy
nnd Johnson counties the ciop will range
'nun J5 to W per cent of an nvoiago. In
Jouglas ami counties there Is promise
of an nvciaio vleld. In Dubmiue , Flojd ,
Van Hui en nud Wapullo counties of lown ,
there Is ptomlbC ot : ) to f > 0 per cent of nn av
erage CHIP. In Iluciia Vista , Jluchanan ,
Henton , rr.inklln , ( Juthrle. ( Iriindy. Ilamil-
onnndCaiioll counties the outlook Is for
1011100 to to percent of nn average jield. In
'Union , CnpoCilrnideau , Livingston , Miller ,
New ton , Itaudolph , Kails and Saline coun
ties In Missouri the crop vv 111 nveiageiH to 50
per cent ol the usual yield. In Meicer and
Henton counties the crop is a falluie. In New
Marshall and ( iciitiy counties the outlook Is
good for a full crop. In Matilsleo and Now ay-
gocountiesot Michlcan the coin crop Is a
talliue. In other counties tliere is promlscot
aveiage ciop In Chippewa , Columola , lare.
Foil dn hac , Mnniucttc , I'eplu , Shebognn
and St. Cioix counties of Wisconsin , the
average ranges from ! 55 to 65 per cent. In
Martjn and Cnjahoga counties of Ohio , the
ciop will not exceed one-half the usual
yield. Oilier Ohio counties reporting this
week indicate a full avciage jleld. In De-
Kalb county , Indiana , the crop is a failure.
Harrlbon , Madison and Randolph counties
report a full averace. In Dodge. Wlnona
and Scott counties , Minnesota , a hill avciano
vield Is Indicated. Washington county prom
ises only halt an oidinaiy jleld. The coun
ties In Kansas reporting this week indicate
an avciago ranginir Irom 5'J to 7o per cent.
Them has been nothing In the repoited
tlne&hlng of wheat to Indicate any .sDccial
change in the estimates huietoloie made re-
irauling the output for the entire eountiv ,
namclv , trom 4ir.ooj.00 ( to 420,000,000 bush
els. The yield of Dakota. Washington Ter-
rltoiy and Oregon will , tall short of estimates
heretofore published ,
VIS1T1NO AhlftllM.CN.
Onmlin's City Ijcaislatora in Jtunsns
The Omaha city councilmcn arrived in
Kansas City Saturday. During the day
they fell into the clutches of several rc-
poitcrs. The Journal has the following
to say about their visit :
"The entire board of aldermen of
Omaha arrived ac the union depot v ester-
day niornimr and spent the day in tlic
city inspecting the cable line and paved
streets. They are , on route to Denver
and the west on t * trip % YlncJU iUJ JaIir (
voted almost exclusively to pleasure.
They are being chaperoned by Mr.
W. F. Ilccliol , picsident of the Omaha
council ami auditor of tlic 1'acilic Express
company of that ] ) laco. The board com-
] iiisos Aldermen Ford , ( Joodinan , Low-
ry , , Schroder , Gocdiich , Daily ,
Chenuv , Mandeville and Uaily and Ulerk
J. 15. Southard.
During the day yesterday they took
several trips over the cable line and ex
amined those in piocess of building.
In the afternoon they were driven
about the city aud personally examined
a number of the streets payed with cedar
blocks , which class of paving has but re
cently been introduced in their city.
Thov expressed themselves as pleased
with it , nnd gave it as their opinion
it was hilly as durable and a great dual
moie economical than that which has
been used in their city , namely , asplml-
In conversation with a Journal icporter.
lust night , Alderman C. S. Goodrich said
that a few of their streets had been
recently paved with cedar blocks. From
interviews had hero regarding the pave
ment , ho had learned that it had pi oven
very satisfactory , that it was wearing
wonderfully well , even where laid upon
a sand foundation. This he comiideied a
great argument in its tavor , and thought
tlmt the majotity of the streets in Omaha
would soon bo paved with this class of
paving.r .
? r # # # # #
The board of aldcrmon are traveling in
the special Pullman car Silesia , furnished
them bv the Union 1'acilic Railway com
pany. The was sido-traeKed near the
express oljjeos at the south end of this
union dejiot , it remained during
the day yesterday and last night. The
company retired early last night , occupy
ing berths in their car. They saw little
of the city by gaslight , repairing to their
car at an early hour.
They loayo at 10 o'clock this morning
for Denver over the Union Pucilic. From they proceed to Lendvillo ovpr the
Denver iv ; Kio ( irnndi ) , passing through
the Urand cunjon From Leadvillo tho.\
go to Cheyenne , nnd from there they pro
ceed to bait Lake , where they will re
main several days , after which they will
return home. Traveling us they aio in
an ordinary sleeping car and legistenng
at no hotels , they claim will save them
from many interviews with the news
And n Widow vyltji/lvvo Children At-
tompls.bulclile ,
"Go away and Joavo mo alone ! I wnni
to die ! " were the words which Mrs. Hello
Dolany , a widow living on Shorlnnn
avenue , near the fair grounds , hurlcc
spitefully nt a crowd of pee
pie around , h r bedsldu last
evening , Mis , T ) , < liud very foolishlv.
taken morphine with the intention o
committing suicide. Her condition wtu
promptly discoveredand medical aid being
ing Mimmoned her feet vyero ouco more
planted ( irmly on the land of the living
bho was very feverish , when she fnllj
recovered consciousness , nnd swoic
right roundly that she would lepeut the
attempt upon th ? ilr.-it opportunity.
Mrs Delaney , it appears , has had some
trouble in love sill airs which weighs
heavily on her mind. Her husband tiiei
about four years ago , leavine her a choice
assortment of doblb and two tow-headed
children. She has been supporting her
self the best way bho could binco tha
time , and has managed to earn in various
ways a piotty fair living. A few months
ago a follow named Uailoy became
came acquainted with her. He
was one of these smooth , oily gen
tlemcn one occasionally reads about , am
soon managed to ingratiate liimsel
into the confidence : of thu woman. Umlei
the promise of marriage ho became inti
mate with Mrs. Delauy. Night before
last he disappeared , us did also sonic
money and valuables belonging to tlu
widow. Mrs. Ddany bvvears that lifeli
uo longer worth living.
laxican Veterans Make Billions Tor The
Government But Remain Poor.
flio Assassination of Hev , O. ( ' . 11 nil-
dock niul Ita HftVct on I'olltlca
and 1'rottlhltlon Political
Points nnd Iowa News.
No Pensions Tor Them.
IlKsMoiNK , Aiuust ii ! fSpeiMal to the
liu. : | " 1 can't help feeling sad , " remarked
a gentleman the olhei nUbt after witnessing
: he parade of the Mexican veterans , "when I
> se those old fellows nnd compaiu theli pos
sessions with what they won foi this conn-
ry. There Is baldly n man among thorn
nit looks as If povcity vveiu a familiar
friend. For lorty yeais since the scene of
heir exploits they have been stiuggling
iloug to make a living , while othei men who
icver shotildeicd a gnu have gone to the
enltoiy that their valor won and made
: hcmsclves Immensely rich. The Mexican
veterans biought lids nation over live bun-
Ired thousand square miles of temtory.
whose mineral wealth alone , so far devel
oped , has amounted to nearly two billions ot
lollartt , and yet as a rule these old fellows
are poor men and have little to show tor the
mrdships they eiidmcd to cmlch this coun
try. "
I thought there was n good deal of truth In
what ho said. Under the old techno of tree-
xxitlng the mull who w < > u shared In
ho spoils and received boiuo substan
tial icward foi their set vices. But In these
titter days of hlghci civilization , the men
who light the battles take their towaid in
gloiy. mid the othei tellows get the spoils.
It would seem as if a nation that has acquired
tuiriloiy larger than thu whole ol the
United States at the time ot the Louisiana
jiurchnsc , and wealth whoso value no man
can estimate , could atloid to give to the tew
suivivor.s of the war that won these posses
sions the paltiy pension they now ask.
HADDOCK'S Mumimi AND ITS r.rnrr. :
" 1 have been an anti-prohibitionist and
lave acted with my pauy ( the republican )
Tor the hist two or uireo years , " bald a well
known citizen recently , "but this Haddock
minder will swing us all Into line again.
I tell yon , " he continued , "wo can't
stand that sort of thing , and decent men who
Relieve In law nnd oidei have got to
together. A uirty that will cncourairea ic-
ist.mcetolaw , and stimulate assassination ,
; oes a little too far foi me. "
Tills sentiment can be heard repeated every
day. Men feel that the Issue is not so much
the supremacy of this 01 thatpaity as UK the
siipicmacv of law. It is a question whether
the saloon can dcty thu btate , and minder
those who attempt to enfoice the law , or
whether government can exist and \inillcito
Itb authority. In one wav the light that is
now being made against the enforcement
of law is closely akin the the nn- ) that has been so powerfully
rebuked nt Chicago , and the verdict. These
will besalutaij In Iowa. The anaieliism of
the baleen , that bieeds absasslub who shoot
men down In the dark , is just as dangerous
to tlio weltaro of societv and the libeitius of
u people as the anaiculsmof the socialist oi
the nihilist , nnd needs just as sme and se
vere punishment. Ko cilinu or tragedy
within the btate has e\craioused the people
ol Iowa as has the minder of I'ev. < 5eorge C.
Haddockat , Sioux City. Indlgnition meetIngs -
Ings Imyo been heldl n nearly evciy city and
hamlet , and his death has wedded together
thojrioiids of law and order , without toward
to party , into solid and umclenting opposi
tion to the lawlessness" and anarchy of the
The republican state convention meets on
Wednesday ne\t. Theio w ill probably be no
particular contest over the nominations , ex
cept for that of auditor. The oflicer.s Idling
the positions hav o had but one term , and w ill
probably bo renomlnated. although thole is
n good deal ol dissatisfaction with the cou o
ot tlio piosent attorney geneial , and ho may
be replaced by someone else. For anditoi
the leading candidates aie : Hon. Charles
lic.udsley , of liuilington , who was acting
auditor dm lug Itiovvn's impeachment tiial ;
Hon. J. A. Ljonb , ot Gutlnfo county , mem
ber ot the last two geneial assemblies ,
and Mr. A. D. 1'Cck. county auditor of
Sac county. The diicbtlon of geographical
location is going to enter veiy prominently
into the contest , at least on the part of the
Irlcnds of one candidate. The noithwestern
p.utot the state in which Mi. I'eck lives has
never had a state otlice , although it luinishcb
tlio bulk ot the republican inabilities. That
section is now mnctlcally solid foi Peek ,
and will urge this point in ills favor. Dr.
iteauislcy lives In Iho southeast , and Mr.
hi ins lies near the central portion. So they
will urge the question ot illness and paity
seivice lather than location. The conven
tion piomises to bo huge and enrhusiastic.
It looks now as If aie.solutlon condemning
the act of thu bcnatois who took back pay In
the Impeiehment trial will be passed. That
may raise a little biee/e. There will bo nn
attempt piobably to allow Colonel Anderson ,
the bolting lepubllcan of the Eighth distiict ,
to enter the convention. Ho is innningas
the democratic candidate forconcress against
Colonel Hepbmn , vet his fileiid.s selected n
hetol delegates and will try to get them into
the convention. It Is expected that the com
mittee on credentials will settle the trouble
In short older , and keep out the men who
lofuscd , in their county convention , to endorse -
dorso the remiulican puity.
coxnitnssMi'.N IIEXOMINATHP.
So far , with the exception of Mmphyln
the Second district , eveiy Iowa congressman
has been lenominated. There aio but two
lomnlnlng congiessmen whose cases have
not been acted upon Conger In the Seventh
and Fuller In the Fouitli but they will both
be rcnomlnated , nptctty good testimonial foi
the congiessmen. coiibldcilng that snmu of
them have had two and tlneo terms alieady.
A Boston niaiiSuGOCSHfully Rrnvcs the
Terrors of Niagara.
NJAOAIIA FALLS. N. Y. , Aug. 22 Wif-
Ham.I. Kendall of lloston to-day swam .suc
cessfully In a cork vest , the Whlilpool Rapids
of Niagaia liver. The trial was to settle a
waiter of 810,000 m.ido by Boston patties , ho
to receive $1,000 ot the stakes. Tlicro weio
tew spectators of the affair , It having been
kept quiet. Kendall relates the Jollowing o.x-
peiienees : When he i cached the spot wliuio
Captain Webb U supposed to have lost his
life the water seemed to go fiom under him
and a huge wave Mmck him unconscUnib tor
allow moments. Ho lonnd bis swim-
in ing abilities of no use whatever
and never expected to como out alive.
When entering the whlilpool ho was so benumbed -
numbed nnd paitinlly unconscious that ho
could not use Ills IImm , and did not know
what ho was doing. The cniient tnolc liini
right Into tha main eddy and sucked him
down llko a flash , keeping him under fully
fifteen bcconds. Upon teaching the under
current he was hhot out ot the iiool lully litty
feet trom Its centei. When ho leachul the
euiface of the water ho hail partially re
gained consciousness , aud knowing there was
notiino to spare beloie ho would bo dashed
dovsn thelower iapidshe bwamtotho plioie.
Whllu landing ho was so ovcicomu that lie
again became unconscious , and lib assistants
were fully half an hout occupied In tevivlng
him with the aid ot stimulants nnd rubbing.
When asked If ho wanted to make another
lilj ) , ho bald , most emphatically : "No ;
theio'S not enough money in thu woild to In
duce mo to repeat this afteinoon's experi
ences. A child would have the snmu chances
to go thiough the raidds and come out all
right ah an oxptrtsnltumei , "
Pitiful liUh Evictions.
Di'in.iN , August 22. The evictions at
Gwccdore , in tl.o distiict Ol Donegal , have
been concluded. The total amount ot leiits
conceined does not exceed VI u-aily. There
weie l-rjO policemen aud bailiffs sixty
caiti and tKiats engaged foi eleven days in
the proceedings , at a cost of bundled ot
pounds a day. The hi cues weie pilltul , pco
j > le belug peered In you-rty.
Social Immornttt } n factor In Treas
urer Grnj's Case.
UOSTOV , August--Special ! [ Telegram to
he lr ? is ) Sensational facts nio leaking out
concerning the social moinls of the late
William ( hay. Jr. Tliero are < ! \eial i women
n tliocn n nnd ceitaln members of his
ly hnvo for some time known of the scandal.
I'he tacts did not icach many people outside
mill there eame the evposuies ot the piesent
week , but now they aie a good ( leal talked
about. Two of thenames mentioned In con-
icctlon with this mattei me of poisons wheat
at times have been membcis of his house-
mid. Charles K. Ciam , ospert nccoiiutaiit ,
vvho examined the books ot the Indiin
Orchatd and Atlantic mills. Is
repoited as sajhiir : "I'lio evamlnatiou
it ( ilaj's accounts ! < belint eailied
m as i.ipldly ns possible. The leport
will ho presented to the Allan tic mills coipo-
atlou ou the'"Jth Instant and to the Indian
Orehaid mills eorooiatlon on ( he"Hi The
omniltlee nf inutile.itioo Is now awaiting
ho decision ot tlio qiie > tlon as to huw the
iiuount involved In UMV'S deliileation shall
10 dislilbuteil bt'tweou the Atlnntlc mid In-
linn Utelnird roniHiiu's. | I will not snv
whether ! > M)0OOi > . * 'iOO,000 , ot SUIO.OOJ wlfl
cover the delalcatlnn. The delalcatlon ol
! iay will not In anj way enibairass the At-
antic mills coinpaii ) . I do not believe day
iad an iiccompllco In his stealing opciatlous.
1 am plncvd In a living position and have
almost decided toaet no longci as c\perl cx-
imlnci for mills.
Ills Appetite for Whisky Evclted iho
Ailmlrntldti of Ijiimberinon
nnd MlnoiH.
N. Y. Mail and IXpress : Mr. David
Smith , red-headed , clean-shaven , known
o his intimates as "Homely Daw , " and
it present olliemting as news agent on u
New York Central train , was lounging
gracefully around a Fourth avenue bur-
com , .vo.steiday , telling remmisconces to
n small company of knulicd biiirits and
die listeners.
"A man doesn't always know his luck , "
said Mr Smith , philosophically. "I ic-
numbcr the lirst time 1 took a run up in
lorthern Michigan I thought I had btiuek
lie liaulest stioak of luck 1 ever hail in
ny life , but it wasn't not a bit of it.
I had t-iken a run over the Ksc.uiaba division -
vision of the Northwestern railroad ,
which passes through the roughest conn-
ry I ever saw and is patroni/.ed by poole -
) lo as rough as their country. There is
lotlimgui ) there butinnoiieb ami copper
nines , and nobody lives theie but liini-
> oimen and mincAs soon as a crowd
ot uither class get on a they proceed
0 get drunk , and everybody on board
las to arinlc with them , whether or no.
And the whisky they have up there !
Well , tbeic is no beverage like it under
the sun. T think the meie smell of it
would kill an ordinal y nuilo. It is like
drinking live coals The lirst trip 1 made
, ip there a ciowd of lumbermen
took possession of the train
and went thiough making ovcijbody
: liink. J didn't want any ofthe stufT , so
1 tried to refuse , but a friendly brakeman
warned mo that it I didn't drink the lum
bermen would likely as not throw me
out of a window or blioot mo. So 1 made
a tieniundons ell'ort and gnlnod down
some of tint villainous decoction. Jt
made me s.iek. The ne\t trip it was ex
actly the s uno experience. Also the
next. As I eouldji't drink with them , the
lumbermen looked on me with contempt
and refused to buy even u.pcnnut from
mo. This thing went on for five or six
da3s. and I had scarcely sold a dollar's
worth , when Ihc conductor took mo aside
ono day and gave mo some good advico.
llo said :
"Now , look here , young feller , if you
expect to earn your salt up here you've
got to do bettor than Ibis , You've got to
ttrinlc with the boys , and sing witli 'em
and be one of them , or .YOU can't sell a
cimt'ft worth. You've got to gut used to
their ways and their whisky ami gulp it
down. Do as 1 tell you and you'll do
well. "
"I wont back to Chicago nt once and
asked the news company to give mo an
other inn. The Mincrintcndaut laughed
at mo and gave mo the faamc advice
as the conductor. Then 1 laid oil'a
day and sot to work thinking. After a
while 1 hit on a bcliume. 1 got a rubber
bag made about eight inches square , ca
pable of holding a quart. To'this vyas
lilted a long rubber tube , with a wide
mouth. Then 1 had another tube made
with a wide mouth , something like a lit-
tlu funnel , and lilted w ith a irold ring to
go around my finger , 1 fabtencd tlic b.ig
to the inside of my shirt fiont and hscd
the i ubbor tube that belonged to it so
that the wide mouth came just below and
inside my collar , out ot .sight. Then 1
fastened' the little , rubber tunnel to my
lull hand , ho that it was entirely con
cealed. I found that with a little practice -
tico i could put my left hand to my dim ,
hi thu funnel to the mouth of the tulio
below my collar , take a glass of liquor to
my month wltfi my right hand , and
while giving a good imitation of a man
drinking , pour the liquor through the
tubes into tue bag every timo. \ \ hen 1
had gotthuso things working lively I went
back to my run. 1 began at once to take
every drink offered me and found
that it was no tricK at all to uour the
btulf into the bag in ouch a way that no
body Mispccted I wasn't drinking. In a
little time 1 got a icpuU'tion all up and
down the road as a man who could stiind
an cnoimoiiH amount of liquor and be
came the most popnHr man in northern
Michigan. Alter that I couldn't lay my
Htull' out last enough for the people who
wanted to buy. Froqneritlv a gang
would gather aioand , buy up everything
1 had , tiiiovv it out of thu window , ami
then make mo drink a couple of bottles
and gut up on my box and bing. I nude
more money that season than I have
made in my lilu in an equal length of
tune , 1 could K.11 tho'-o ininor.s ami lum
bermen mi.v. thing , no matter how vvoith
loss it might bo.
"Hut the simp was too good to last.
One night , when the bug was as full as it
could bo , a big , brawny miner , in a lit of
diuiiken udmitalion , hit me a tremendous
deus Map on the dicst. Tlio whisky Hew
in all directions , homo of the brighter
men in the gi < ng us.ucicd ) something
and td.ittod to investigate. Whim they
dibeovtired that bug you never saw biich
a pack of howling wolves in your life.
They mobbed mo , and if it hadn't been
for old Joe Davib. the biggest ami
ot Iho'ii all , ami the conductor , they
would Irivo thrown mo out of the win
dow , as sure as fato. When I got back
to Chicago 1 lonigned , drew all my
money and stinted east , I had f 1,150 to
show lor my work. Itut I wouldn't go
back up thuri : for several times that
amount. "
I , . ( J. Kmr.of Lincoln , who immortal-
ircd himself in thu .Mat biminci man case ,
\ * at the Millard.
J S. McCue. of San Fi.mcibeo , nnd A.
R Snow , of Urigham City , Utah , are
Millaul hotel guests.
The Hon. C. II. Gcro and the Hon.
Chailes Uurshow , bcerotaiics of the rail-
load commission , .ire rcgibtciod at the
I'axton ,
W W W. .Tones , state nipprintemU'nt
of public instruction , tarried at this I'ax-
ton last night on his way to attend the
Normal inbtituto at liroken Row.
Hd Hothcry will leave thlsaiternooii for
an cMended visit to old friends in Kovv
Yoik audlioatou.
Two Days of Declines on Startling News of
Varied Ohnraotor.
Aliuket and Aocompnnj Inn
Consequences Clolil Ootu-
ItiK to America ,
Slid Hulls and Henri.
NKW YOIIK , August ' - * : . ( Special Tclo-
einm to the Hr.i : . | Ot the Kcncial dtlfl of
he stock maikct , obcv Inn Impulses iven It
J > trade and Industry , and jet at the same
; lme the lespect'im Intliiencc of'tlio icamb-
ins cliques , theio can no limuei beany
eiious question. It has been teu'ioly tested
Inline the past week and it lias stood It very
well indeed , fni bettor than anj save the
always sanguine and hopelul , had dared to
think. Tor a week pievlous it had been
ciadunllv bcginnlng'to yield uudci the with- ot moiiej tiom this eentei to be em-
ilo > ed In the lciitlm.ile nioveiuuts of tiade ,
nit Iho icMdjustincnt ol the rate of lutciest ,
which fm t\\o yeais has been so .steady at 'J
icr cunt , to a new sealo of 5
o 0 per cent , which will always
rule when thn Industries -of the
countiy begin to | llnd employ inrnt , was
? olii on without bcilous einburabsineiiU
New aud uiilookcil-for complications arose.
Mii'culntUo and umeinuneiatlvo pioperty
iad alieady yielded In pi Ice , when the
Jaltimoie & Ohio's iclatlons with the I'emi-
sylvanla , which had been "trained ( or some
line , weio abruptly bioken oil , and a vvlde-
spicad demoralUatlon ol udes , with the ui | > -
tucot the pool nnd the dissolution of the
central tiatlle association , which had bei n
; iowlng tn stiencth , weio very ueiieially an-
luipated. Uight over all this came the
huuderclap fiom Hojton , the detalcation of
over a million , following the imo tlonnblo
bacrlllce of hall ns much moie In the biiino
( ranch of tiadc , and all Boston stocks weio
shaken up. This , with the icMirnution anil
suspension of a bank piosldeiit theio In con
sequence of stu.illiic , makes up the weight
mdcr whlih those who had coniulenco in
values had to btazucr , and the-e weio bur-
lens which made them alinosl helpless to
Iclend the maiket imaiiibt admits.
The daily course ot the nmiucl is intoiebt-
n to note. The Jnlv ilso was slow In
) OKiiinliiK , ami dated fiom the middle ot the
nonth. It was steady and continuous until
he Gth of August , when the highest .iveiaKU
) fthe > CMir was rt'-vhed. The money < jues-
lon alone cheeked Ihoilsc at that time , mid
Itwasbo liilitlj ; felt that sufficient losislanco
was given to pieventain thiiu hejond n lric- :
: ional decline , the weak maiUet hcim ; usually
followcd by a better -leclin , diuius : which
the lecoveiy was ulmost complete. In ten
lavs ineccJlnp last batmday the net decline
wasoul > a tiltle miiie than I pel cunt , in a
do7on active stocks. Ou Monday the Del.i-
waio & Uarltan canal was closed to Haiti-
moie as a p.ut ot the tlnomh line and appie-
iciisions of viuoions n giessivo action on
the put of the Pennsylvania le-ultiiif , ' In IH
iiislslenee mien the exclusion ol tlio Italti-
moie AiOlilo liom piilielpatlon in thouain-
iiifjs ot the vvcit west Hound tieiKht ) iool he-
e.uneeii geneial. London bu\eis stopoed
as If shot , and the decline wns iiceeleiated.
On Iho following daj the bcaiibh leelliiK de
veloped i.ipldly. .Baltimore it Ohio wan 10-
ported as Intel tering with east-bound busi-
nchs and muliui-a new attack upon the
tlnoutjli passomrer pool. Money seemed lot
once to have taken wines to itself , lei It was
sought In vain at ITioi U ) pel out , was at one
time bid to0 : ! and closed at lr to 'JO , with thu
last loan at that into and some poisons still
iiusiii | ] > IIcd. The follow ing moinim ; liionght
no iitllef until pe.iceful news uauin tiom
tiiink line lieadqiiaitcis and It was made evi
dent that theio was to bo no hicaklhc up of
pools. With this came a ledueilon of the
i.itoof foieinn oxcliaiiKO and the welcome
news of KOld sliipmentfci. On this hope 10-
vlvcd , conlidonco ictuined and lluunaikct
closed bteady at a dicided impiovement
o\er quotations of eailier boms. Theio
was a coed advance on Tlnusdny ,
with much less finding , and London ajrain
came In ah a biter and bentwuidol moio
fold to come * . Vestoul.iy the Ilinht of e.uleH
lioinovvard was continued , and the coal com
panies lendily iigieed to restilc ! coal tonnage
to an allotment which assiued no moro bhlv- |
mcnts than the maiket would take , and at
once stimulated pin chases.
The lecoid ol thu week Is then summed up
thus : Two ilavsol decline , In which pilcca
fell off IJi pei cent on an nveiauc , and lour
diivs ot lecoveiy , in which the ilso was
stc'ady and iho advaiieo liom ( he
lowest a dido more than 1'4 ' per cent ,
leaving tlio Kencinl maiket only
IVj percent , the best pilces of the year. The
lieac aie , uaiii down In the month , though
theio an ) many of th' most coiisuivatlvo
houses wlio think the use will now bo bome-
what Iire ulai. and will by dns ; of lower
prices only to bo followed ultimately by tur-
thci advance. Moiioy Is i.iptdly settling to
a.r orO nei cent , basis , and the promise of
con ° idciablo activity and an abundant sup
Her Clearance1 * IJrlnj ; Her to tlio
KlOVCIIttl 1'OHllloil.
, Jlass. , August Si. [ Special Telo-
Riaintothu UEK. ] i'lom 'figures compiled
fiom tlieicpoitsof the manageis ot iho lead-
IIIK clearing houses In the United States ,
Omaha ranks clovonth In the list with clear-
IIIKS amoniitliiK to S ! , u75f,4" ) , liei Inciease bo-
iiiBfid.'J percent. The total nross cleailniS- !
foi the weekending AuuusfJl , In compail *
bon with those ol the coirespuudinic peilod
ot Ibb5 , are Sbb 1,1)7liia ) ! , Incieaso 10.11.
Police I'lok-U)8.
Lottie Coombs was the only female
reire ] entatiyo , bho being arrested for her
old disease , drunkenness.
iJeli'iJrcen , a co tl black African , was
in a fighting mood and Ollicer O'Orndy
deemed hib retirement to thu calaboose a
( icorgo Washington was asleoii on the
hidowalk , not vvith his foiufatiiors but
solitary and alone , and his ( dumber wa&
continuud in tlio jail.
Its victims to l > o mlscralilo , liopolfss ,
C'lutusud , and depressed hi mind , very Irrita
ble , languid , and drowsy. It Is a. dlsoaso
which docs not get well ot Itielf. It requires
careful , persistent attention , and a remedy to
Ilirow elf the causes and tnno up the diges
tive organs till they perfoiin thtlr duties
willingly , JIooil'H Birsapjillli liu proven
) ust tbo requbcd rcmcd ) In hundreds ol cases.
"Ihavotakcn Hood's BaiyapnrllU for djs-
jicplafromv\lilcli 1 h.ivosulteicd two years.
1 tried many other mcdlclnci , but iiono provcil
ro satisfactory in Hood's Sarsaparllla. "
aiiOMAB COOK , llruih Electric Liglit Co- ,
Kcw York City.
f Sick Headesche
"For the past two years I have horn
Afflicted with severe headaches and dyspep
sia. I was Induced to try Hood's Sirsapa-
illla , nnd have found ircat ; relief. I clierr.
lully iccoaimcnd It to all. " Una. 1 ! . I' ,
AXJ.AUIU , J\'cw Haven , Conn.
Mrs. Mary C. Bmlth , Camurldscport , Macs. ,
ws a suHcrcr from dyiieibia | | tmd tick liwil-
ache. Bho took IIooJ's Bmuparllla am' ,
louud H the best remedy the over used.
Hood's .Sarsaparilla
Bold t > y all driiagist'tliUf"rS. . * ' > ' '
only by 0.1. HOOD & CO. , I.uwc'l , 5lns .
1OO Doses Ono DoHnr.