THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , AUGUST 22 , 18S6TWELVE PAGES. SPECIAL NOTICES Aihcrtlfcracnts underibl ho d , line lor thu ( irt insertion , * > ecntn foi cnlb tcqutiit in crt on. nnd 5I.M n line per month No mhcttltcmont taken fcr Ufa thnn " " > cents fortho first Ifwcrt on. JcM.n ? wotds will bo coiinlfl to tlir lines tiny miut run concern- lively find must bo pnld In ndviince All nd\or tlfcincntf inti't be handed in bnloic 2 o'clock p , in , nndtimlir no clrciiin'tnniea wdi thcj bu IftXMi nr lie < onllni.ctl l < y telephone. 1 iiitkd mUcrtl'Ing In thc u ( Oluinns nn 1 hnv- lup-thc nnsuci ? nJdies td In cnio of Tiir. Ill t : will plfnjo n k for n clu ek trionnblc them to pet then Ittteip , ns none will b dellvfreil except on prc'ontatlMi of check. All MISWCTS to nd- vtt tifniont should bo encloseil In i nv lone . nUElMESS CrtAHCEB. ifUill SAl.i : Or rent I.It cry M able ami Much I'oi pniilculnii Inquire nt Occidental hott I. 2S , VMJ A peed , flr t tlneg rcHnurnnt nnd fonfcrtloiipry Mnnd on ourt the ptnmlnetit urcds. irood tcneons lor M'llliiif Ad.lie R lliixRII , liiniilm. ! M7 2.,1 rpOK SAI.K-Drntnl ollke. < no of the oidnTt Jnnd mo t central locations in Lincoln Ad- tints "Dontist , " tatc lltoofliic , Llnco'n , Neb. 2KI 2 lilOlt SAl.i : Itcuniiso of pressing doinnmls J- upon in ) time utn obll i < d to dispose of n Imlf IntnrcHt In nn old ( "slnbllOir I bu lnr a. An tijccllrnt opportunity lor a live man with Bnmllcnpltlil. Address Ij , 10 , lice 210-211 JTtOll SAl.i : nt n baienin- tlio plea < ant ' town orfil"iiwood , Iowa , In n rich ftult dl ° tilct , n now brleh flint packing nnd stein e hoii"e.4U\ll fut. two stoilcs Including bn o- Hunt , douMi' wnll froct pioof , nnd well nr- ranucd ; with Motniro capacity of oxei 10,0 ( < 0 hilfthcls. Cooper Bliop uttadicd , ami dwelling hoiipeon HiIJtilnliiK lot. A Inrjro elder mill nnd pi ess ami n hrst-class Xliiimcruinn eMinorntor , No I This entire outfit , Inilndlng nbout TiUO m w npplo tiarrnl" , will bo fold xery Ion , Addicssoi call on 1 Allliuns , ( ilcnuooil , lown. _ ' _ _ _ _ J'JH 2.1 rIJl K SA'f.n-Chcnp nincKKinilh Phop doing n J uplendld bn < itii fi Llcnrlng bctucon ? IUOnnd EWU per month Yet ins ? 2 > K ) canli bnhince to Bull puiclniMT. Aililrc.-H I , 21 Hue ollko. _ _ _ 25S 21 _ XiMllt SAI.i : The complntr furniture of the N'olirnuku Ylmirnr Works Cull teen on i : . Kicbn. .loncs ' ' 'M'th ' and lOtli st , Omaha. _ _ _ _ nTlOK s. ir ; All elegant estribll'licd biisliie < s. thi'licftol the Kind In tlio woM located In this city ; nut pi olltsf.'i.COJOtl per annum ; will buir closest Invettlcntton ; Involco nbout irUK ) i. Panics with meiiH wishing to step Into a linn hiislucFS address K 7 , lice olllcc. 411 FK SAM ! I'list-clnss meat Innrkot with nlrn IKtincB , nil ( omplcto : uood trade ; best of ri'ii'onp for Felling Cull lor write to Oco W. Slaffon ll llo , l ard. _ IK1 _ | 7 oit SAIi-Ouo of the oldest established I1 grocery business In the city , with n very large , wolfpnjlug tnule.lll oxchniiRO for Omaha real ci-tnto or part cnsh nnd balance so- rnicd notes , ( loud reasons given lor selling. Addrcsa I III/ ' lice olllce. _ IW7 _ HOl'sis : l.otsrarmsl.nnds money loaned. Ilvmls , ir.tli . nnd Douglas Etroots. 462 _ THIOK SAI.n5ovornl stocks of goods , dolmrn Jhenlthy biiFlncss. ownership clear , satisfaction - faction Kiminntocd ; terms rnsy. sonio Omnlm piopertv tnknn In exchange. Marshall > t Io- becR.lfill riirnnm fct. _ 4d5 OIJNIi On the cornei of Sixteen nnd Mnson F Rtreets.ono buck-skin man1 , with saddle nndbrldloon The owner can have proiiorty bj calling on Homy Mies , nt his saloon Ilia 22' rpAKUN PP In my pnstuie on Military road , J ono dark bay horee , blaclv miMio and tall , finall white on hind feet , shod nil mound. John Etulieu. nuir 7l421,28sep4 > OAItIl-And lodgings , iitOiJ N. loin st. TOST I'nrl.ot of suiprlcal Iiistru-nents on road to Slicelv's pncklnjr house , irwaid for leturn of same tolX. No\lllo HUJDunu'lus ft. 2U7-2J LOST A red lenthor pocketbook containing bank books nnd ao\cral notes \alunlilo only to the owner. Tinder will bo lowaidid bv leav ing nt II T. Chirk Drutf Co. 2'JO ' 2iD IOST A valise , Indies' clothes Inside,2 weeks J IIKO ; leave at 1015 Ilarney st. 27il 21 * IOST Ono hundred foot steel tape between J Coltn.v stteot and Caidtol avenue. Finder w ill he row aided by Ipnvmj,1' nt 1'rcd Dollon , H'l ' Colhix utioit. 278 2J * PERSONAL. T > ntSONAI-A Inily-llko , luteioniiifr widow J desiies n altnntl'jii ( In thoelly ) nsa houso- kipiier. lima iihon'Jycnrs. Pull particulars by letter. Address L. , ai , lleo ollico. 317 22 * I > R UyONAI.-.l25wlll buy udecoiated toilet hcl nt Moody's Clilnii store , aOJ Noi th lUth stioct. ZKl-Sl = ' " buvn dinner hot of 100 ti-\iin iKTAi . . IDEubONAL ? la . . . , - . . , , JL pieces nicely docoifitocl. r.o. ( crvlceablo ware , at Moody's C'lilnn stove , Notth 10th st. 2U 21 . Ir Nnnnlo V. Wnrrcn -L clnlnojnnt , Medical nnd business Medium Room No. < > , 121 North 10th &t. , Omahn , Neb. 220 A LOT in West Pldo fo trade for ( rood driving liortc , looms 1 nud 2 , Omaha Nat. li.inli. 2'Jb ( JTIINOUHAI'HY and lewrltlnir ECliool. K1(0011137 ( nnd 8 , lion banl c. 0 , VV. llukor. 190 A Oentloninn would like to form the nciiuiiln- XI tnncool n Jolly yonnp ladj. Object fun nnd Eoctnl amusement. 1'lcaeo addicss L28.1lec ojllce. 2(10-21 ( * v7l6H ' JtllNT Bquaro Tlnno , $1 rnonthfv7 A JL' Hoaiio. isin Uouirlas. _ 108 _ lt.ST : , if3 per month. tlpspo , IfilU Foil ItHNT A gtore on u Rood retail street. Apply the Oinnliii Ustuto anil fioan Co. 16I _ _ I'F You wnnt to employ n slcnogrnpbor nnd typowiltoi oporntor , addrusa V'ulentlno'B Mioithniid Iiibtliuto , Kxpoaltion building , Omiilia. Nob. - i8a.l2 Ilf You wniif ohortlinnd io\t-booUs call or nd- diess , Valentino's t'Uoittmnd Institute , Kz- position biilldliiK1 , Omnlin , Neb..riS12 Poit IUNT ! Sqvmro I'lano S'J mommy. Ilospe , ISH Doiu-las. 272 iinHS , Itoso4 , Shrubs , ole , planted tree lor - * . peiToni buying of uoiiKlas Co. NuiEcrlcs. C.O.JIowardJ'iop. , I1. O bov-2'iO. _ * * Iiiii" * _ BAI.E-MISCErIAIEOUB. TjUllt SAI.i-$100 worth ot household fund- J-1 turn , f-Opor month. Address , It , 06 , lloo onice. itrj GKOCKUY STOCK to trmlo for wild land or fnrm. Wild hind lo trndoforolty pronettj' , HHicro Inrm In louu lo trudu for city prop- my. 4iilocton Shermnn nvo. to Icaso during : fulr week. week.M \M \ ted on 1Mb or 10th st , I.alio's ndd. , for IOIIM ) lor n or 10 5 ears , " .Vncio tiuclsln Tuttlo's subJIvlslon , on easy tciinss. lltltfiry nnd piano lor sulo cheap or trnde. Lots fniiiiv imrtof iho city on easy terms. Gno < l lot hi llliiichniiKh plucc. SlllUj1Hi\lfU In KirKwood St.'Al' , li5 ! reel on xiumtcrs flt. f4 , ' > ii , 7-ii > oiiihoiir-eKood barn , Ac , on full lot , Tritli miilh limit , iiu.ii enr line , on easy tcrnu. Suvj.vrooin ! liiuibO nnd barn on full lot in lillimlld , 1. cash , I 2) cms on balance. " > , tXi ) , nlco plnco on ( icoixla nvc. , tcimsto cult. l.otR in llcdfoid plnco onojiy terms. Do not think ot buying nithout ilist fiillliiK on rno.iiH I lia\o nj'oed lift nnd It Is no trouble to Flum bni.riuns. rnrs , Kith and Dodt'i' . N. IX cor. 2si28 riICSAI.i-lr : woi'ld evohniiBo for a few Kood liir-ch hoiifis nnd lots and vacant lots , Iliilloii III oil. , IMP liiUKla > tl. IK 25 < 7lt s.\17ir-o"r wllT"iriide forrfnrin or Inside clly piopcity S-lioU of fnrnUnlnp Roods , half , caps , and boots nnd ( hoes. ( I. li 'Ihotnp- foil , I' , ( I iliu\\ei 10 , Oiiuilm 21I2-B20 X'H HAi.r meat b'.oeks ' , Apply at X' itt'l Ilinriinl si. _ "fiWlT S A 1 7n-.v medium i/ in-niTy now , Jwith Inildc door , f'omlilimllon lock. 1 12 drawer cabinet und letter tliu with door * . 1 niiidlum hi/o loiter press. 1 platform scale , 1 plntturm counter icalo. Turrotte 1 Swoony st. S)7 .i.Vl. : Fnriilturo C-room tioufo com. ote for hoiibokcoplni ; ; price t J L Hoi8 rent I''i per moritb , DDC locatlou , 1719 rKi-JKltw . _ _ _ _ _ | _ & _ TT'OHSAi.K A good morlnif expire ) , horse , X' wnffon and harness , on weekly imyjnp'iu. Btnbarjrnln , M. P , Martin , 318 S. 15th. 164 J , A < ) lt SAM ! 'i wo No. l.M'fond lind : , rauopj 1 lop.Surr .v8nlo two good , second I.Rnd phnctont , t HW Dndst direct. gx . . . . . for ofllco or lunch ; rcry haudeonie , ut a LurK'll - Uonrd ail .83 * I : p'iu .Vl.l-liiarcio-chcnp. 'Btar miu'lilne , itlmoit now , oiclilBd all over. InriuiiL ai . I'oiyo'i , H SAt.t : A good Klmbnll orgnn cheap , M13 Bth U SS7 2I _ SAI.K iiPfooii mint blocVs. Apply Iffil Howard M. in 22 ITlolt * < AfjK Kurnlttiro mi'll tno of p I ? hoii'o. time on tmrt. Call V.W North 27th 'tret > t , two blocks from Hod Car lino. fttl Hoi SKH l/t I Sriii .t.aiiif money loaned ? Iletnis IMIi nnl OOUKIM streets. _ 471 _ IT OItM : - | piano , futnlfire nnti kifcho P rntmo 717 P. l itli _ S77 _ I poll XAI.I : Clionp. non columns md wm- ilow nps ultnblr > for front on brick build- Inp. I'or purtlcilliri appl > nt this o'llco. ' f 1 1 \\ANTni ) A iiooil ( rlrLinuet tn > n ( rood cook , wi slier nnd liomr. Mrs It. I * Heater. li ) ' North I8lh Vrcl't IW 22 \\rANrr.D ( lirl roi peueial hoii'pwork ; > must bciiood cook ; in smnll Tamils , np- plrnt 1UI2 DodKcst. ; ir.2i- _ \y ASTl:7) : A glil ih'it caniooki.ndilolunn- ' dtywoik. Ur. t'oirnian,2Dlh nnd St , Mail's . " . ' 7ANTii : > - Cflrlrls lor prltu fumllic . t < ' | s , reslnniintsetc. flood wunos. Cull Om thii Hmplojmcnl Hurcnu , lift N intli t. 21 , . ' 21 " \\fAVI Kit 2exrorlniced bindery plrU Apply - ply nt C. r.VMi'tnei.llil Knrnnm st. SS'i-Xl "tVTAM'l l > - \ft no , Indies 01 gentlemen , tor ii n lioii'c lioiilii o * lt > ; snluiyoi lonimls- elon. no Nort'i IRtd vtint. 2.1321 " \ \ ' A .VI I' A tt o inn 11 conk for hoard Itur i i house ; llerimin ptcforied , 4M 8. Illli t. W STl.nA t'ood Ocrninn Klrl lor uencrnl Loueewoik Apply 1U1U launders t 204 2.1 WANTIII ) in n small liimdyn Kill for iron- cral hou onorU ; foi competent pcison Kood wiiiri'8 Ajiiil ) nl once lo II. .1. o'lionn * hoe , at ( ) Donahoc .V : Shurfy' * , 1Mb ht , nuxt to it IB 21 WAVriHt Imincdlntelv , 11 flnit-clit < > second ( . ' 111 , nnd lo help \illli buby ; iv ws ? I 50 tioi ucolt. Applj nt M 't 1'utrli'k , s w ror Sunn- del-blind Luke. 2112. X\7ANTI2I > ( llil about I5jcni4nl Hire who i' cnn dollf < ht housework nnd ll'ic ' * clilldien. A pleiflnt hume to the rlirht ono Itrfuioncos reipilicd. Mr . .1. Ii Illco , noilhweftcov. Sunn- dors nnd ( Hondo Mrcots. 2c.1 WANTIIll Two Indies to do pniiitlnir. PA- peileneo not neeossniy. Addre s ti , l0. ! licit olllcu. 2HI 21 * WAN'I'lMl A irood elininbeiinnlil in laundry plrl. picleiied. Coinniei- elnl hotel , toinui Ith nud U > cuuoilli vy. 2421 _ _ _ Ti AM'i : ! ) iiuttoiMinlo iTiiikuiB iiT 1112 1'Tir- > num. trii-2 ! ! * WANTKD Two Kill" to work In laundry ut Arcii'lc Ilotol. SM 21 * " \\rASTiil : ( lood puloi ijiil. Dmnhn f nib , V > uth and I'arium. 2SI 21 * \\ANTii : ) A irood ulil lor ( 'oncrnl house 1 > vvorkiil'JSouth l''th ' ' tieot. 20)21 ) * l Cook nt Ummet 189 w ANTI2D nirl for irencral housework nt B w cor'd and Mason ; ( rood watri'S pnld. AY 7ANTI2O ( looil tfil I for ( roncrnl lioiHouoik Mrs S. A.Slomim , 1IU4 Kainnm ft I'M' AYW W PANTKU Cilrl for gcnoial house oik nt 1813 Webster St. 1172 WANTiil : Nurse p-lrl , nlso lor second work. Inquire l'H ' I'nrk nvo. Ssa \\'AN'lliN-f.jirlTortfcnuinl hou'o oiKoT > ' 11)18 ) Capitol nvo , north side. , bet tilth nud 20th. i-ilO WANTHI ) A llrt-t-tlnss clmint'cr mtihl nt the Windsor Hotel. f,12 " \\rANTKl > An oxpo'lenccd cook nnd latin- i dress. Good WIIKOB paid. Mis. G. J. Hunt Vlrirluln live , nnd Grant st. G.VJ 'vyAM'ii : > 23 jounu liuhos and ( rents to TT lenin teloriaphy. ( 1'ioBpccts for iioslttons when competentROoJ. Address W J. I ) , room ICrounso block Itith Bt , Omaha. 7JS WANTED IIaLE JIKLF. " \\7'ANTI5I > An onoiKCtic , pinctlcnl bu liiCRB T > mnn to repto < > oiit us In nnv cltv not jet piovlded forinalo of most rapidly H'lliiiK : KIO- cors' specialty known Gooil ro'oioncos nnd siiinll cnp'.tnl reqiiliod to cmty stock. 1'iotlts Inrt'o. Co.x Chemical Co. , 1022 Capital nvenuc. WANTKIl A Hist class hliooiiniKor to do POwcd nnd pe > rred ( work. Stonily job. No cobbler need npply. Address August .fneob on. I'auaaut , IOMII. SIS 2,5 * VWAXTii : > A peed mnn cook nt hotel in * * pinnll countiy town. Good nngcn Ad- dies" , G. VV. Molds , O'Neill , Neb. : K0.2. * 'ANTin-flood broad nnd cnke linker. Addioss 1" . 1' . Hull , WcupiiiK Water , Neb. 31U 24 iVNTIIll-There ( rood piilcsnmn. Apply nt 221 north Uth St. A. S. Dob-on. . , ' " " " ' ' " -Cnipenters-aooa cnrponleia \ > " 'lv llt ( "ilUltll corner ! wiuued At enc . . ; : , ner of Vliirinln live , nud worTtiroru. . WANTii > A youiiB man of ability and A 1 referencesmints a imfltlon with BOIUO peed real estate firm. Addicsii lor a few ilayi > , L. 2. ! , Hco. 'Ill 22 * \\7ANTii : Heftnn biothcrs wn-it ton ( rood > stone nmsons on Monday moinlnirnt Mo lluo 1'Iow works , uth and 1'nclllc streets. 28S-2-J WANTKU Men for inilrond woilc. Apply to 11 S. AlbiUht Laboi Afonoy , HlOf l\ir- niun st 21' ' ) . WANTii > Wo wnnt nn puor < rciic inun In this section who \iBltliu : steam users to handle our nrodutt No samploii. The pos ition tan permanent.pnyliw ono for the rlirht man. Addrops , Mnthur niro nnd roloionco , Kor- cst City 1'noklnir Co. , C'loeland , O. 2 < J-fl : WAKTii : > a salesmen on Balmy or com mission , nt HIM Dodge si root , J25 J WANTKIi 3 experienced hands for Etnrch- hir. ( Steady work und ( rood WUKCS. Jack- sou St. Laundry. 217-21 * \\7ANTKU-lloy with security na Nnws "T Agent. Kvperlenco not necessary. Al- brlKht Labor Agonoy. 22I-21 * WANTP.D A good breml nnd cuke baker , ( ieiman prulencd ; Now Vork bakciy , IfX'O ' Cumlng st. 201.IW WAN"Tii : > -vcckKivonto cnpiblc iron- tlomp.n. No. 14 Main st , Council " _ _ cook \Vludsor Hotel. w ; 20 ! ) N. ICth St. S15 w ANTKU-Two irood salosmon. 203 N JBtl ft. 810 \\TANTII : ) Sbnrt-hiinil Btiidonts ; oxporl- enced ttmchnr. Totins. $2U for complete courfo. Address K 20 , Hoe olllcc. CDjsS SITUATIOW V/AUTUD. WANTii : > Sltimtlon ; bv n younff uoman nil cop j 1st , or lll ncoopt u position in real csliito o.llco. Will work lor kmiill Biilnry first month , Address , "I. , 117 , " lleo ollico. 321-23 * W'ANTKU A sltmitlon lii tlio city by nn vx- pcrfunccd trimmer wllh oed loloronccs. Address "l'W lloo oillco. ; iJ7 21 WANTKll A > ounn ninrrlod'man just ur- il\cd from the o.tft , wnnts a steady job ne brn d nud cnko bHkorm n Iho ucpicni town , Isa llrst-rhiss hnu , , , and 8UItly tnmporntn. I , at , lleo olllce. JM 2:1 : * rANTKI ) Sltualkin ns wnltor In privnto family or bonidlnsr house liy n yoiiiic col- oiod inun. Aildiosa It PJ. lice ottlce. fJO.'Jl * AJ Tii : lljMiyomuf mnn from Illinois , u position ns bookkeeper or as no assls- tnnt or cloiU : bust rofciuncos. Addicss L 27 , lloo olllcc. Will HO lo oountry If deslrod 27U 23 * _ _ _ _ _ WANTED A plnco 10 work Tilnlit nnd morn- IIIB by uyounsInrty who worKti duriiifr liur thbday. Address JIUs Joluibon , Kil Soutb 18th 279 ii2 _ WANTiil ; Situation by bool.kcuicr,10 | years experience. Htforciicoi t-nvu. Addicss ItV , lleeilllco. m 21 * i 10 men for gradini , ' , wnt'CB 11.75 T per day ; call nt onro , 119 North luth st. , cor. Capllul iivniuio. K. li. Hello-Isle. i : < 0 HO'IEI.S i\perlur.cod : bnlol iiiiin wants po- Hlllun , olllto or nny dt'Diirtinent , city icf- erenco ; uUdrecs I. : > 3 , lieu ollico. IttiV.'l4 WANTKH Young indy iccently from the CM < t ilcslrm n position with otue llrsl- nine ? fninII ) : tun furu.sli good rcluroucos. Address - dress , U 7" , lice olllve. IM ID' WANT Eli s.tuMion by a younjr mr.n speaks Gt-ritinii Kii.1 Knjlish. Uud t-omob-uloess rt'lcTcuce. Address 1C Od lleo llfl.22 \ \ lAvlllil liugclerk ) wants position In 10- I lull or Hhdk-knle drug itoie , Is n grndunto In phtrL > ) * cy ; > poikb German ; can manugo a filore ; ! * > years' cipcrloiico. Address L - " . ' , Hoc iilllec. Sli SI * WANri : Situation liyn > ountr mnn nltli Food rotoiiimeiulnttoii and fipoririiou ns st.lisnirtii , bookkeeper or bill clerk In hard ware kti re , AdUtuss VV. , ItccturVllliehiir A Co.Oiaaha. , 7'1 * \\ANTin : lly n man nav iiifr h.iil oxrorloiice ii Inmeicnntilonnd iiifliitifRifiirlncbiisince ? , n Fittintlon cither on n Miliiry or n ? imitnor In n Rood pnlng bu ; iu"f. Addic ? I , II. Hoc olllcc. - \\ANTin : situnlion by bridge foreman on > Howe Truss , combination or Iron bridges Addrc g K , 70 llcoollloe. 1M ! 22 * MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. W ANTII : > Lp soiis In Spnnioli. AiWre , terms , I'M , Hi o oillco. 021 \\fANTUl > Ptiiilctns inMun-on's shot t hand > bj mnll and oiallj eveiim p , bj c\pci- lenred utennifi-aplier IMrtletilnr nlttntlon pl\i n to loipiliomf'tit'of dletat on work. 'Ihot- ouirhly prnctlcnl , rapid nnd easiest learned' Ad- die-gK.CI. llWMilllwi. ! lll 2i \VANTin : lly a contti'mnn , n largo well- ' fnrnlslipd loom in priinto fn nlly. Meals not \\antid Addre I..IJ lice olllce. 29J-221 I \TANTI.I > speculators nnil home seekers to > > know tint I bn\e n Initte niiinSnr ot bcuu- tlful lots andu ic pmpcrty nt Ilnn enm I'luco nndMl is nddit on tor nit' nt i-enlly tiood liaif.'niiisKD iidjolnlnu the fulr Arounds , llarlloid s nd htlon , IVntli. meet , and othci lo- cnlltlos with or without lieu i' > , n choice lot of iitopcittoseU'it Irom ( heap nnd on easy totius W b. feaM'j , lit South lltli cticet. " r. " WANT A hoitso of fcxcn rooms in peed huMtlon ; If iihico suits will tent form o JCHT. I ) . M , Chambllii , Pacific KCo. . , t'llj . 18II-22 * \\7ANTni Aionl ( Sept Iflbj i > tlemeii. t o nkelj fnriiMieil rooms In prl- vnto famllv with boutd prefottcd. Suitable lor pinlor nndbeilioom Kcfci'Om-es e\clir.n/ed. Addl c s I. . " .I lice Ollico. 2Vi ( 2U' \\r.\NTlD : Iloom with our nltliont i > nirontlunian nnd son mini 12 , liom about Sept. 1st. Addro'S with teitiis , 1. If , Hee otllco SU2I * _ _ WANTP.O Prom ! 1 to 1 gooii unfurnished rooms , not uioiothan4 lilockPlrom llo > d'n opeiahoiso lor small family. Addtcss.stutltiK ptlci , IliiUliur , ( liuUKS. Co. , Mlllaid hnteUilock \rAN" nu : To rcntlTsiimll ncatly mom near lleo ollico. Addioss Muting toi ms K 21 lleo ollico. Oil ] _ I ' ! ' . Mil i ray. W A Vl'ii > Ton-lit 2 looms furnished by joiniirgpiitlemcn , conveniently located Addioss 1. 12 , Hue olllce. KM WANT12H Hv a respectahlo and mdopoiid- em joimn lady emploji'd ilurlnx the day , n nipt Iv fiunlsliod room with convcnlenclcs. I'lompt pay In advance. Would pieti > ru Hat or buslnesfi block. Addio-a with particulars L 4 , lid ollko. 181-21 * \\7"ANTU ! > A Tow stocks of liurilwiiie and KcnerilniPiolnmllso for Nebraska binds nnd Oinaha lots. Sw.m X Co. , 1'icii/cr Illock. .IN I 21 "t7 AVrcn Worklnjrnien lo MO porno beciutl- > till lots I htno lor snl(3 lot $4iM ) . d'.asy pnymontS ) that ate situated on the main tmxolcd stieels near the iiulroads , l' ' mllop fiom thoeouit hoiisi * . 'llioso lots nro beautl- tullVHliadel nnd are icilaliily much mine de- slinblo thiin coinllelil lots In Snriioy county erIn In the KlKliorn country AppljV S. Seavey , t , 111 t-outli 14th stiect. 2tN.,1 WASTii : ) I'onnanoiit. Dr t cliTsSTninril mn lespcctnble Inmily. Mu-t have lar o liont room and ono small one. Addiess immediately , Virst-dass Hoard , 1317 Douirlas street. 991 21 \\'AVJ'iil A peed house on monthly pay- i mcols. Address II , B.r > , lloo olllce , C. ' " . VITANTiiTo buy n nlco re'ldcuco orpood T V bulldlnir lot In n doslrublo location. Ad dress 11 , IX , lleo ollico r > . Vt'ANTKD Iloom and Iionnl In Kfiod pilvato i tuinlly. Can nlo best of rplcrcncu" . Ad dress K 4 I , lice ollico. b2G V\7TS"Tiii : AlioortVtemly liof o"w7ti ! aprliiK i > wagounnd harness ; must bo clioai'ito bo paid for in monthly lustalluionta. Address I,37ItPConico. IS9 REKa'-KOUSB AHD lOTS ? i If * OH UK NT Horn Frpt. 1 to Apul l.nnS- loom , cottiura on CJcon-'la IUP. neai Jit. Plensant. Apjily at s\v cor nth and Douglas. ! ! 002 ! ) ' WANTl'.U An K or U 100111 hotiso in ( rood locality uud for loiitr " time. Addiess f,2' ' ) lleo oflice. 271-20' P IOH HUNT Stoio22vG3. 1118 Jnckjon 270 Rt. Ip ItP.NT-A ' 1 teem house. 1D1U S 1'lth ' st , ' IpFOH FOH HIINT House. S ioom . one block from sticet cms ; s2j.UO. Mayno Htos. mill Pin- 2U-21 H UiNT Honao sly looms. 2Mb nnd F I.cnvcnwoith. O. P. Davis X Co. 2 ! F IOtt ItKNT House. 1110 ChicnffO i-trret , between Uth and 1 dh. 2W22 ; lit ItKNT 5 loom hou.10 , fiiriiltino for snlo. I815.1nekson St. 111 ! ) 24 * [ OH Iir.NT Cottasro of slv rooms , cor. 18th 1 nnd Cluc.nroBts.S. l.cliiiinn , 11U8 I"mini. . IM Foil HUNT A Rood Mv-room lieu e m flist- class location ; convcnlont to business. For IMrticuliirsuddieMivtlthitiiinonce Iv71 , lleo ol- I'ro. I'U " " ' nvnn-ifiom hou = e. - nice i.w : with Booil bum , city and err i' . ii ; - ln' qulro ot'O. ii Urlckbon. oppoelto 1' . O. lu- "ffildll ItiVT For ii term of j ems , the 2-story -I ? brick liullclln'-T ' on the n ocor. ot 10th nnd UougluB Imiulio nt drug stoic , sumo pjnco. TjKIK IIIJNT NewB-room houses , nciir street JO curs. 1) . C. rnUorson , Umnhn Nut'l bank. an Foil KENT Desirable A-room cotlaco , south U.I' , depot J. I'lilppi Hoe , 1512 S uth. MH IiUASR VVohnvo eleven acios on U. I' . FOH H. H. truck,803 foot fiont : will loabo nil 01 paitforllvovenrs. Boilfonl Si Soucr. 751 ron F OH Kn.NT-Klornnt rooms fi28 South 17th stioct , nvo blocks Irom business centre , newly furnished , icady Sept. 1st , single or on Billto. Addicss K. ( ! - ' , lleo ollico Illfi 22 > FOH HENT-Kurnishcd loom , Bit N. lltli st , III 2 Kl TjlOH HP.NT Nicely Itirnldliod looms In now j } house ; inriiilio 12.0 Snunileis sticcl : WI.2J T710H ItHNT Puinlshcil Iron ! loom , ft pel Jj month , apply 7-'l N. IHh st , IWI.'I- T7KHI HUNT Xlcoly lurnished room' , nt ; 11S J3 Nifithst. StU22 * TTIOIl HUNT-Piirn'slied ' bou o. Inqnlip of F. J3 L. llveictl , atC. C. Majnnlteal K < tatu 4 : Tiust Co. , 15th and Fainnm. IWT "i "IT10H HljNT Ti\o front rooms for lljrht house- J. keepliur If party will buv luinlfuro ; rent nndiiiiiltiiio clionp' 7U < N. 18th st. 231.21' iTIOlt HUNT Lai o fiont room , wllh irood JJ Etro.l closet ; tt'blj l.o.irj It desired. 2112 Hainoy 2.iO-22. _ FOH HI2.VT A largo fuinishod front room , one of the most ilpiirnblo In the city. In- qiilroltcnll'stnto oilicci , 10th and Clilcuiro. 2S1 21 _ _ \\7ANTHI ) To rout two or three unfurnished i rooms or small lint In plonsant nnl con- Tenleiu locntiou. Address stntlntr pnrtloulnrs , 1. 17 lluo ollico. 215 21 * TT10H HKNT-S Inriro furnished rooms with JL' modern convcnloncos , nlco UrBt-olaas tnblo boaid , dhmcr 0 p. in. , roluroncis loqulred , 1814 I lodge. _ ! | 00 I-iOU HKNT One olcguiu front room with 1 alcove , fuuiishod , ut 1811 Kiirnam street , _ _ _ _ _ _ J7 _ J710II iir.vr A well fiunlPhcd rooir7 lMU JL1 I'm nam st. Cnll ut room 1U. Hnlcrcnco rcquhcd. 15S 2l > _ _ _ TTIOH TtiHTFNleiily fnrhlslicd fronrroom J. wllhllrst-class bonrd lo two JOIIIIK genilu- mt'ii. 1'iico ; 't" 3oniiblo. 621 1'lcnsnnt fct 12.1 2 | _ _ FOH HUNT Nlc ly furnished room with modem cnnveinoiH'es , und in llrst-tliibs locntlon. Terms mu Joint a Apply nt 1W21 Par- nam ( licet. 71KJ ITIOlt HUNT Nlco front room on rnrnnm bet JO U r.iul 12tbnpiy ) to n. W , Huntrass , 13M Fin nun 81. nil IJ1OK I'.K.N r A buit of rooms with Ilrst class J1 bonrd. 1812 DoUgo. 80(1 FOU IITJN'l Two iery nice mifnrnlshed rooms 807 North 17th eticot. 28122 * FOll lir.NTJomtortublo rooms for icntto geiitlcniun. Address I < 6 , lleo oillco. M ) ff't Foil IKNT-Tliieo furnished rooms nt 1510 Ilnrnej vtrrot. 2b7 2:1 : * li\OH \ HU.NT-KuiniFhcd rooms JB to 13) ) . 160-J X1 Unvonport ft. 27122 * "TIAOH HlINT-Afler Sept. 1st , very depliabio JL' rooms without board. Ous urn ! bnth. 222i Dodge. gS'j FOH HUNT PMlur und two very nicely turn- Islnd roomii will ; board , houto Is surrounded by n nice liiwn and im ? bath room and gas , ulso day board. B. W. f oilier of 20th and Wubitor. 163 FOR HUNT-Nli r. rno'i" ? nt l 'l FnriiRm St. . 1 block 0t ol court house. K ) F OK linvr-i'ront onice. 2d floor , Onmh7 Nnt'l I ) . 0. Vntter on. ( VI7 10tl IlIJNt Furnlstioil footiis nt 1707 Cnss JtT J-1 i eas TTKiu HUNT Two front pnrlorfl , newly fur- JJ _ nl hed 2.111 st vittrt'Riivcnuc1. nil HUN'TIMrnlsiioJ loom.isio . i 7 n 5 itCM1 T o store rooins on lltli ft. , - - - - .1. , iohn on , IJ2I rarnnm 23' ' _ 17 OK TAI.I-.IM : noi Tor lamTlfn Lincoln , J Nebraska , near rnllrond ci will trade tor smnll pl.iee 1 1 tmrt ine < t < rn pint of oitv. Kn- quireluul 8. nth lrpt-t. ; 'UO 22 Full M. A i : At n bnrirnln. ( ituihn propel ty. Owner not nifiiMciit Addios't for a. lew dny. li. ! KI , Hoc Ulllco. ! IIO 2J * TT * M.snc'K\ii * ro.71ipiii"i : rntTionm r \\itlinill block , cor. Ttlimid Hm noysts , ll'V ' 1'lno i'iif > t fiont corner lot on Oil , SI , 'AMI ' . 'OJ. Choice coiner lot on ClmrU" St. , it blocks from car line , south niul OHM trout" . fi- " \ KM ; rottnae , G rooms ; well mid ( Utorn. Hnrt'iilM. ? 2tivi 2:17. : No 1 lot on VA e t Itnnillton , $ ftV > . 140. South tiont lot. House ] , \ Stvlitilns' ndil , J 1MK 1 ) . 121. Cot tin lot. Lowe's ndd'n , $7"0. lb * . ( liirof ihi'hfst coiiicr > ln Sblnn's 2nd ml- dltlon. A positive Iririmln fl.MW. Sin. rinc corner on Dodei1 , f.V.00. JOT. flood l\ mom IIOUM ? , cornet lot , Plilnn's ltd ndilltlnn. $ .1.1100. 20 * rino cottiiKc anil lot , Pnnlsen's ndd'n $ ilCO. Mil. 44 rt.nnDoluoM llnrirnln Jl.-'iM 110. Splendid tmlnc coi nuron Hiitnoy , ( I.YI30. 127. 4t It on lOih st. bolucen Jiick < son nnd . . 215. flood lomcr on tlmnev it. , * , " .R l 2IH 22vi ; oii Dnuuiim , near liltli. $ .V03. Choice lots \\nlnut lllllilo > to fKX ) Iliupnliis InCreston , Kllby place , and Huns- coin pltuo. Prnpcity for side In nil parti of the cltv nnd In nlltlm additions 113 olie.ip ii th ( < chcnuat. | 322. T 1 > . 1IAM.MONII , Heal llstnto Dealer , ltL-2 J-J * Donirlnn ftriot I offer ni n splendid linrunin a 7-rooin lionso In Onmlniiow. . Lot Wtl.U 1'iieo $1,800 , In p.iviiicnls. For s'Uo AKOOI ! , elonn stock of groecilcsln choice locution In city. Some clioK'oncnitt lots In Bhlnn's nddltlon. I liino Int in nil the ( tool nddltlons In the clt > . If von unnt to hii > propoity , FOO mo II yoiM\mtt to sell , IM jour pi opeiiyith mo. E XTKA SI'KCIAI , llAltfl.UNS ollero 1 lj ) linleher , Cliuld \ Co. , Mlllnrd llolol Block. Choice lot ! Mx < 7'4 frrt , Miller X Ciildwcll S D'ldltlon ; ii bin rum at ? .t,4CO. Ncnt now cotttiKe with tno lot * In VVnlnut Hill : plendld Imtvitln , $2.100 8 cii t fiont lots In Wllcov nddltlon ; very Uiciip and on IMI \ ti ruin. HI lots In We Bt 0 nillm , ? l,0 l to $1."OJ. H line business lots , llth un 1 \nciott , nenr A'lnton ; toi iill fl.tWO. I'lrst-eliw hatfrnln. 2 InrKO lots 14 Kl't. , 21st nnd Webster kt i. w Ith two eleinint residence" , " 11 modern com enlen- CL'H. J2I.UJO. Cnlltoinla mill SM stieeta , 142x132 fcct.only.'l bhicks fiom cais ; vhun riiriiiun cxtotiOa will bo one ItlouV : line lmr raln , $ lOJ. l ! . 2JOclio co hi'ilness nnil icsldcnco lots In South Omiilia ut iiiuKRln . 2 splumbd lots In Melrose Hill * JOO. Kiisy trim1- . f'nlhin's stibllxlBlon to Jlnyllold , lots f203 to f.KX ) . Ka-y terms. Iilstoiir ] > i open y with Hatcher , Guild A Co , Mlllurd Hotel block. i2l ! ! Notice ici Conlrnctoi'H. BID'S will I o received separate by the under- sU'iioil for the litiek A\OIC and cut Hlone for thtco * > tory linlldliir , tor.Dlth nnd I.cavuiuoith sttcots , until . \\iriis' " 7th. Plans mid spcelMca tlons ean be seen at 715 S. 13th street , Irum 10 o'clock to 12 o'clo-k noon. The uiiiloiclKiiod reserves tlio light to reject nnv or all bliK a.-'iiat * 1. I.r.vl. alO WHOM ITiMAVCONCIMtN John Heel Jjnt.ni11'lm'i r nnv Intou1" * . Inthi1 bii'lno-s Ot Ittl'll iX I O . l"i , Ol tuu v/iTlillill l.lllL'i | lTlbl * IronWoiks. Jolin llottj-er will conduct the hu iiic H nt the old Main ] . A 2Jd t PROCLAMATIOIT AtlD ELECTION NOTICE. r , ) Ctrl' op OMAII t , NKIIIMSKI , > Major's ulllee , August 7th , 18H1. ) BY vhtno of the nutliorlty In moostod. . T , .Iiiniusi : . llojjl , iniiyor ol tlio cltyatOinnliu , tlohciebj procilnlm to the ( luiililled voteisof fnil ! city , and the'ro iSevtlvoanls thereof , n id vollny cllstilctj tlioiuln. that on the 27th day of July , A. I ) . JHbo , un ordinance was duly passed by the city council of said city , nnd on tlio 3rd day ol AnpruHt , A. U. IhM ) , th" said ordinance wasdulj iippiovo.lby the major , of which or- dlnaneo the follourintr I * a coiiy , to-wit : OltDINANCi : NO 1118. AN Oidlnatico to tirovldo lor the submission to the electors of tlmcilyof Omaha , ut aspoclil election to bo held therein on Tuesday , August illst. A. D , IbStl , Iho ( ] iiestlon of Issu ing the bonds of the city ol Omaha In the sum of llfty thousand dollars ( ? VJO ) ( ) ) tor tlio pur- po o of JIIH Iii , rupui in ? or nmcndl/iiiff tlio Intersections oti trects and spuun * opposite Hllejs In Mini city , or oni > OBllo teal estate not Hiibjcct to assessment or scclal | ta\cs for . Whuieas. tfioinayorimcl city council of said city ilLom it expedient to l auo the bonds of said city a- , hcieinnttor loitli for the puipo&o below mentioned : thcicfore , Ito It onlalnod by the City Council of tlio City ol Omaha : jtlon I. That the n.iiyor or the city or Omnlin te - . _ _ ' 'in Is hoioby mithoil/Pd and dlrectcilto Issuu nTt , - . , . : ' m" ' c-lusot , ( > be submitted to tlio uloL-loii of fnlil cit > J.I " t-peclal election to bo held Tuo-day , A. 1) . l Ni , tlio question nnd proposition follow linr. to wit : "Hindi bonds of the city of Omaha be Issued by Kiltl citj in the sum ol III ty thousand dollais to become duo in twenty joirs lioin the ditto thereof , and to bear Intel est payable poml-an- nnnlly at it rate not exceedlntr six percent per annum upon Interest coupons to bo attached to such bonds , to bo called pa\iiiR bonds * orlos five ( li ) , and lo bo Issued during the jcurlbMi , and not to bo sold for lo s tliiin par , nnd the proceeds Irom the side of snld bonds to bo used for no other purpose than pajliiK for the cost of paihitf. iepaviiif ) or niacadainl/liiRtho intersections - sections of stiectsiuid spaces opposltonlloys or pa\injrm trout ot real estntu not subject to assessment or Biiccial taxes for pavmtr I'ur- ' poscifi. Section 2. Thnt snld proposlllon bo submit ted to said electors outiio and tlio votes tliorcon bo "VcV or "No , " and nil \otos "Vos" shall ho lottardcd and consldrred 119 uutlioii/lnn the Usuo us aloresald of said bonds , und ml votes "No" shall bo dceinmlun 1 considered as upalnst ISRiiIni ; Fiild bonds. Section. 'I. The city clerk Is authoil/ed und diiccted to have tickets printed containing said proposition In loim biutublo for votlnf ? fortho convenience ami uscnl thouloctors , and to have such tlokctB und Miitahlo ballot boxes dlstilb- \ited nnioiDC tliu Miilous voting places in said city ut the opening ; of the polls on the morning ot Mild election. Section i Tlmt this ordinance take ellect and bu In force 1mm nnd alter Us pas-iiiKe. 1'iiBsod July 27th , liwi. \\'M. F. llrciiKi , , I'lesldcnt City Council , .1. II. Sni'TiiAiui.Clty Clcrit. IiyJoiin S. WOOD , Deputy , Appiovcd August lid , JHhll. JAMI 8 15. IJovn , Mayor. Now , thorolore. In pursuance of the pro visions ol Mild ordinance , notice is hereby Klven that n special election will bo hold In the city of Omiilia , county of Douglas state of Nebraska , on Tuesday , Iho aist day of August , A 1) . :8N : ) , at which wilil special election the pioposltlon rccllo'land bet forth in snldoidlnanco in regard to the Issuool bonds will bo submitted to tlio olectoisof mild clly. All votes "Vos1' ehall bo considered as In favor of Ispiilnp s ltd boiuls as proposed , and all votes "No" shall bocoiibidbrodus uirnlnst saldlssuo. The polls ot biifl clili'tlon will bo open ut elKlit o'clock In tliomoinliiKiuid will conllniio open until seven o'clock In the altcinoon and no , und nt tbc following places , to-wlt ; Voting Distilet Np. 1 At southeast corner Tenth and.loMCBHtrccr. Vo IntcDihtricCNwa At engine house , ItKJ Doicas. j , ' Votlni ? Distiiel'No./1i'-At ' : ' No. 11IU South Sixth etroot. tiuisi ; ) vruii ) . Voting nt tilct > 'o.l-\t No. 1210 South Thir teenth , " Voting District. No..g-At No. J71J St. Mary's avenue. . . \ Tiiirtn WA n At the nirpontor shop on the ensl side of Kle\onth strecli hctnvuon Doutflns and Uodgo etrcct. . , . . Votlnpr District Wa-l At 1'lantors Ilonso , 1010 Dodge ftreet. Voting DistiictNo.i At basement now court house , FUTH WAIID. Votlnp District No. 1 At southeast corner of Chicago und Twelfth btioet. Votlnif Dislilot No. " At Hednmn's store , corner Uaid and Sixteenth street. SIXTH WAIIU A'ollne District No. -2017 Cunilng street. Voting Dlsti let No , 2 VfiOl Cumlnj street. Inwitnopgwhcioof 1 liinoherountoset my hand and caused the seal of said city to bo ulllxod the day and year Ilrst abojo written. Mnjo'r o't tiio city of Omaha. Attest : J. n. So'JTiiAiui. City Clerk. ( SUAU uUtoulll DlHsolutinii Notion , Till' Copartnciilup heretofore oxlstlnqr be- twuon the undcislKiied. Hrundin & . Walker , at HID South Kith Hi cot , is this day dissolved by mutual consent , both members retiring. The collection ol accounts und the payment of all b II * will bu made by I' . I * . Hammond , the pur- chiiBfr of uboon limed busino s JOHN II1IANDIN aildJtC11AB. . N. A DAY OF LIGHT TRADING , But Wheat Has a Strong Undertone Based on Bullish Gables. THE PRICE OF CORN DECLINES. An Ailrntico Notcil In Provisions WtiUky lias n Substantial Itlse Visible Supply JhoOittlo JInrknt. CHICAOO tJIJAIN MAHKKT. C/inrvnit , Attitist -Special [ Telegram to the Hi. r..J r.moriCAti cables report moic limited demnnd for wheat anil coin. The absence ot news and the fact that to-dny Isy.ittnday made ti vuiy lin'it ' call on the open boaid. and lliiht cuib business was donnuinoiiK uvular board opetatots. The open board call started at ! > ! < < , wliieb was "se below the lonulai board elose jester- day. The regular boaid opening weak at 7S ie , nnd In the lu-t few mlnntiM It went oil n traction , The openlin , ' foi Uetobur corn was at U ' ( M4\o , or ( if'j'c below yester day. Ten mlnutis later account weak at 4J ) < je. The receipts for to-day woie W > cars ol winter wheat , 4f > eats ot spilnn w bent , . " cars ot corn. Kor the Hist hour tliero was little done except in a scalplni : way. The deailh of distuiblnj , ' news siill continues , and the pi Ice for both Uetohoi and .September at 1U : ! was about at tlio oponlm ; Ilirntes , tboiitfh eaeli luul been pioba- bly 'ie lower. Tlteie appeals to bo peed buy- IIIR ordeis foi September at 7S < e , and same tor October at about HV. % nnd the market Is tlure- foiewell sustained. Coin was a dull , ten- tuieless deal , with values liolillnu' steady at nbout 'ftffi' c below the opening lljrure. In iiunlslons , V. W MeFiiitano bouebt Sejitember pork to tliu extent ol about ft.iKX ) ban els. Itnbeit Wai i en sold September pork und libs. Values in nil pork yioducts weie steady and unchanged , Fiom 100 : lo 11 : : ! 0 therewn little business done and values lltietuated within veiy nar row limits. Later , tboro came dispatches fiom Mr. Fralej , who Is at present in I'.uis , saying that tlio eiop estimate tor France alone showed that would be about 00- OOO.OJO bushels short , This estimate Is l.ircot than anj beictofore chun , but , coupled with the nerunts illspatelies and tlio fiee bnvlni ; oiiluis iceentlv iccehed I mm France , it was , in a me.isme , believed. Wheat took n small , npwaid spurt on the news and went trom 7s' < e toTJc in a very tew min utes. l.atei , nn Indisposition to cairyanv loim stull over Sunday caused a decline to 7Sl < ( d > 7Ss < e , and In that vicinity the market held steady to the close. One of thoiulncl- iial causes of tin ; Hun nndeitono provalllni ; In wheat Is that \isibleMipply is expected to show \ery small increase. In coin tbcic wctc no futtliei exeitlna ; fea tures , and the market till \ o'clock was within n ranjo of ' c toward the down side. About tbnt time its own weight , as much as anything else , sent values olT ' , e fititbci. Oc tober declined liomH'jCS'ix ' e , where it was at the opening , to 4 J'4c. Whisky had n substantial advance to-ilav , intesbultiK advanced liom SI.1U to SI. 15 foi hnishcd tfoods. 1'rovlslons , which opened ouiet and weak , nih.incuil steadily all throimh the session on an increased linyinn demand Irom heavy houses. October jiork sold Irom S'J.O'-K at the opening to SU.75 by U5iO. : : _ . ( jinn A oo IJIVK sroore , CHIPAOO , AtiKtist SI. fSpecial Telegram to the Hr.n. | CATTLE Certain kinds of Int beeves met with some little demand and sold at steady prices. Common to fair kinds were in light supply , but there were too many , as buyerb did not want nnythiiu ot that kind after the liberal rnnsof the east week. Mon day and Tuesday on very light icceipts piicus wcio 10@15c higher , but Wednesday and with ' . ' cattle in two Thursday , 4,000 dajs , prices went off SOc on common and lOc on good cattle. Fililay the cattle maiket was active and ! n some cases a shade higher. On the whole , the ups and downs of the past week were about equal. Representative sales"J : Kentucky , 0.50 Ibs , SU.40 ; 22 Ken tucky , 077 Ibs , S:5..K : ) ; 100 Colorado , 1170 Ibs , S4.00 ; IS Colorado , 12'17 Ibs , S4.2.10 ! ; Coloi- ndo , liKM Ibs , SUX ) . The receipts to-day in eluded nine cars of western rangers and about thirty cars ot tlnongh Texans for sale. Theio were fully fitly cailonds of western cattle bought In the west by dressed bent men. The market was quiet and generally unchaiiKOft. Common eattlo were not wanted nnd had to be sold at a saciiliee. The receipts for the week were t)00 ) , ! ) Te.xans and ( ! ,700 westerns on sale , and about : iOOU Te.x ans and 1,000 westerns were received by slaughtereislroin their western buyers , mak ing the total iceeipts of lange cattle for the " eek about 20,030 head , or less- than last ' „ : " " ' ' " " > tat'vo ' sales : Twenty-nini ! , , . . low : Ibs , S.W7)i ; 10Jyomlng , j.v I Ibs , & : t.3r . Hens Trade was rather quiet niul prices easier , making a decline for the week of nbout lOc on lancy heavy and 10@ir c on com mon and grassy stock. Fair to good coin- fed light mixed sold nt S4.r > 0iJl.ra ( ; good to choice , do , 34.70M4.bO ; fnlr to good , do , heavy mixed. S4.70 < 3 > 4.Kri ; good to choice , doS4.boSi ( 4.05 : choice to extra heavy , 8l.OoM3.10. F1NANUIAU New York. August 21. MOVBY Kasv. ranging trom ! ! to 0 per cent , closing at K ( < l per cent. I'ltiMi : MUHOA.NTIMS I'APKII < O" > per ° dr Kiu.iNO EXCIIANOI : Steady nt for sixty day bills and 54.Ni for demand. liovnitVMKXTS lioverninentH were dull but .steady. SrocKh The stock maikctlmd an "off day" to-day. It opened this morning Generally hrm. thouch a lull half of Iho active list vveru unchanged Irom last ovoninir's closing tic- ure.s. Alter home activity , which , how over , soon died away , the maiket became riulct nnd somewhat iriegulnr. remaining until noon , after which a much better feeling prevailed and fractional advances worn made , but real- i/iitlons In the last hour a.raln sagged prices olT , nnd the maiket closed lather heavy at In- falgnihciint chaiiKes liom the opening prices. STOCKS OH WA.I.TJ STIIKB7. 311 cent bonds. . ; oo # C. & N. W iMiouuor : j i VKKKT. Clilcnuo , . Aiifcust 21. Klour Quiet , and nnehaiiKed ; Inter wheat Hour , 84.o : > ( m.lO ; wnilhern , gJ.KlOJ ! ! ) ( ; Wlsconsiu , $4.00 ( ' 4lUMlculr'mi ; soft spuni..vli'lat , y.W5i 1.10 ; Mlnnesotu li.itxeit. , TO.mii/l.lO1 pMnnts , SL.'JO .Wi ; lowKiades $ l,7.V < t.J.7B ; i > ollour. qiiiut nt * j.'i"iiu.VJ in b.iuels , and a.80 In sacks. Wheat- Opened easy and \ctit lower and closed at Kc lower than > oslcidiiV , cash , 77J/OJ SeiitembDr , " > % < > , ' October , tiOXe. Corn Weak nn < l 'jTo under ytisteidny's closing ; cash , 41 > @lljsc ; Septemb''i c ; October , -la e. Oats Wn < ik and eonsildeiably lower : cash , 20 c ; September , 2'i ' ir-16c ; October e. lt > e Steady nt. < 0' < e. lej'Ve.ik at .V.t i1 , Timolliy-i'rliue , 53.05'S ' ! 07. Whisky SUfi. I'ork Advanced 15ffil7Ue ( , became nulet anil declined 7i © 10e and closed easj ; c.isn , Sl .57 > fU.lOi ( Si'ptember , gy.COj ( y.OJ > ; Oc tober , S' . .70I.TJ ) . Jjard Steady , but 2W © " * lower ; &ish , 8T.37He ; September , * 7.10 ; October , JJulk Ments-SUiidyfihonder ; ! ? . short clt'nr , $0,1X1 .03 ; ihuil ilbs , 0.15. Iliittor Firm ; creamery , 17 < rfWe ; dairy , wv , ( . < io\e Cheese Full ereani * . S oiS e ; Hats. M4fi ( ' p ; YOUIIK America ? , IKtW c. Hides Oreen salted , fnllj cured. Se : lleht , Sfih e ; damaued , 7e ; hull hltle . M4e : drv oMIed , lldllSe : dry Hint , i ; e.M4e ; rail skin's. S lO e : deacons 'l . Tallow No. l countij , SSQj Jft ; cake , S.Vej Xo. S , So. HecelptA Shipment . Klnin.bbM . 7oou n.AM Wheat , bit . -tO.tiOJ 70.000 Com , bu . 27I.OH ) S70.WO OaKutl . SMJIVO SM.IXIO ItM'.b.t . . . 4txtO None IJnriev.ou . 4' > , axi > Tp York , Aitiuot 21.Vhint \ Heeelpts , ffiiMHK ) ; exports. l-ooo ? ; spot n ohndo low ei ; ontloiii opened heavy and declined IJM c. but inostlv iceoveieil. I'lmraded led. WKu > s < , ; No. 'J led. V < is'.l'se In elevatoi ; tKi' ' , ftX\c ) afloat , v\S' < W lu btoie ; September closed at M'Uc. ' Om -Spot. . ) c and options \ @ ' < e lower , elosiiiK ste.ui\ : uvelpl . 7.WO tin ; expoits J.IHXI bu. nnuiadeil. W , ( iKiJ ; No. ' . ' , 5-e ! : Hepleiubei elo-ed .MV- Oats V i < 4e lower : iceeipls. .VnOO ; e < c- potts , i. KM ; mixed westein.S.iy.iocvhlle ; wrste in , UK/i-no / , IVtroleiim Ste.idy ; United closed nt OlVe. Pork-l'iichaiiccd. hud Trllle hl hei ; westein stea'n ' , spot , S7.-VJ14- Hntler Kiim : wOMeru , lOrtaic. Chee-ii-UiiehatipMl ; weslein llat,7'4J7'je. ( ? ' KKKS I'limer at Ifi i" loe. . niiiiiirnpo1l' > , Aiiciibt ' 'I. Wheat Ac tive ; No. 1 haul , easlt , 77c : September , no ; Octoliet. 7s\r ; No. 1 Noithein , cash September , 71'ie ' , No. 2 ninthein , eash , 71Sc. Mom -I'll m ; patents , S1.3' > ; [ M. . ' > 0 ; bakeis , . - ' Receipts Wheat , 57,00.1 bushels. Shlpmunts Wheat , 7.0JJ bushels ; Hour , 12,000 hands , Mllwaukoc. August 21--Wheat-Ka'.y ; cash , 77've ; heptembci , Ib' e. Coin-No. 2 , 42e. Oats -Xo. 2 , iMH < * . Hve Dull. li.illey No , 2 , Cflc. t'i minions -Pork September , SO.05. Cinuliinntl , August 21. Wheat Thin ; No. 2 led. N'CiJsfl'i'c. ' CoinKnslei ; Xo. a mKed. We. Oatslllgliei ; No. 2 mixed , 2S > f ( t J''e. ' live No. 2. Me. 1'oikSlO.tTi. . Laid--87.0'M70" ! . Whisky Active. Him ; sales SCO hbls lin- Ihhed guilds nt si.10. KansiiM City , Aimust 21. AVheat Sleady ; Xo. U led , cash , fiO o bid , OGj 'e tisKcd ; September , ! e hid , Osc asked. Corn Weaker ; Xo. 2 , eash. 32' ' e bid. : W , ' < e nsked ; September , IKi' ' c bid , iKlJfc asked. Onts Nominal. Ijlverpool , Ansnst 21. AVhent I lend ers otTei modeintely ; Xo. 2 winter , linn ut Os IKI ; bprlntr , Him nt OsP ! < rd. Corn Olfeted modeintely ; spot September , firm at 4s 4'd ' ; August.lirm at is 4d ; October , liriu at 4s .r > Vl. St. liouli , Ancust 21. Wheat Lowci ; No. 2 red , eash , 7li9fO(7li' ( < e. Coin- Lower ; cash. ; nijifisr : c. Oats Quiet ; c.isli , 27lKii274c , WhisUllghcrH.10. ! : . ToriDull at S10.25. Laid Xomlnal at SO.G7K. Huttei Unchanged. Xevv Orlc.ins , August 21. Corn Dull and lower ; lu sicks mixed , 52c ; white , 52 ® Me ; yellow , S'lii ( Me. OjXts Lower ; choice western , in pack35 ! Coiumcal SJ.So. Hog 1'ioducts Unchanged. Poi k-MO.fjO. Laid Sti.72i < n.77. Hulk Meats Shoulders , 3C.07X ; long clear and clcai libs , SO..15. Toledo , August 21. Wheat Steady ; . Coin ( 'ash , 44e. Oats-Cash , 2S'4"c. STOCK. Clilcaffo , August 21. The Diovci's Jour nal rcpoitsns lollous : Cattle Receipt * , 22,0JO ; slow and weak ; shipping Mecis , Si.5ig3.15 : ( ( : stockers and feeders , S2.20C < ? : ! .50 ; cow . hulls nnd mixed , S1.03iH.7o ( : bull ; , ? ' x.40ii2.75 ( : tluoiigh Texas call kihteaily ; grass steel s , p'J.7fiii ( 1.75 ; cows , ; vvestein rnnuers .slow ; natives nud half biceds , 5.2.X : ! , : i.871 < : ; cows , S2.70 ( < 3 li.OU ; wlnteied Toxani , SH.O Vio.TC. HOJCS I'ccolpts , llr , < 00 : Iovv and ftodOc lower ; rough nnd mixed , Jf I.OOGI.70 ; packing and .shipping , SI.GMn.OJ ; light , 5" skips S'-.WK'iii.SO. Sheep-Ueeeliil" . 7.000 : htc.uly ; natives , S1.7r@U.'M ; lambs , SI.OO ( . ) . ( U St. LioufH. August 21. Cattle Hecelpts , 100 ; shipments , 2,000 ; steady ; native ship ping , g4.00@l.7.'i ; butchers' , ? :5.rKu4.00. : Ho8 Receipts , 1.000 : shlpu-eiits. ! )00 ) ; strong ; butcheib' cholee heavy , SI.IO@1.20 ! ; iiiived packing SUO I.W ; light weights , City. August 21. Cattle Re- celjit.s , 1,000 ; shipments , none ; aelivo and steady : common to choice. . Si.40@1.00 : ; stockeisand lecdcrs , S'0vii3.40 ! ; cows , ? 1.50 . . . .0s-KecelpU. 4OiW : fihliiments. 1,000 ; common to choke , t4.5'Ja ' > .eo ; ikipa and pigs , S'iC.3i.40. J.IJiVllA LilVH STOCK. Saturday Kvoiilntr , August 21. V1 ; , s Ynbins remain about steady. A few'choice coin-Fed c-ntllL' ' weie in and bioniiht good pi Ices. , . , . . . . . , Hens The receipts were faiily liberal but tbeio was nothliiirUoiio in the inniket until Inti ! in the day. Sheep Then * Is no market. I'.KCKll'l'S. 1 I'rlooo. Sbowlnqrthi' ' hliihest and lowest jirleos p.ild . forinlxedlo.iiU . of hoison tliN maiket dur- pabt sHvon ilays , vvltli comparatlvu values : Julv. August , h.iinrday , 1'th.-t.5J ( il f > "j 4,01 < . \'iO \ [ onday , totu.J.fiO J1.81 4.0'j Tuesday 17lh. . 4.55 < < < ; .7'i 4.51 ( it\.71 \ Wednesday , l-ih. _ l.W v'l.MJJi ' ' ' ' ' ' * KiVi'i'ivV'-oiii. . ! . i.w ) ( i.Vrj ilia t'Miw ) 1,3'j ( iOl.OO 4.15 < ( J4.57 Blllplll 5I1IH. RhnwIiiK thoiinm'jerof ens of livestock shipped out of the yards dining the day : CATII.I : , No. Cais. Itt. Deal. ! It. f Cldcago , liOlf ) . No. Cms. 1U. Dest. 10 C. , H. &Q. , Chicago All .sales ot stock in tins market nro mndn norcwl. live wekht unless oihetwlse stated. lciil ) ( lilies sell nt We per lb lor all weights. "Hklns , " or hogs welghlni ! loss tlnu IW ( Ibs no vah.e. Pregnant Bowti are docked 40 Ibi and tings W Ibs. Xotes. Hog market slow. J. .1 , Uiidges , Coithnd , mnrUctcd a load of hogs. Jens Jergensu'ii , MJnden , was In with two loads of hogs , Tom Powers , Sutlon , had two loads of hogs on the mnike.t. A. 1) . Itltchlu , I'lysscs , was here with two loads of hogs. N. M , Pusev. Iowa , Hold live loads of caltlo on today's maiket. Nine lo.uls of horMii received fiom Houston , Tex. , to day. The Min dovn bit } er < are petting ( n \v ork ngalu on tlio hog market. C. K. Dtdibs Little "Slnnx , la. , vvns with a load of ImtebeK stuff. M. S. l.lniUej. Omaha , had 111 three lends of mixed cattle from I'lillortoii , Neb. ' C. F. * iVn > had on the market two loads tJ hogs , the lust .shipment by rail fiom Uri ? Neb. i (1. 11. Hammond , t Co. , Knnsis City , rt eeived se\en loads of hog , shipped In to ' them. ( Query : Why does It take ns long to get n loud ol rattle ftom Council UlutTs to Oiunhnf us II dees from Council lilulTs to the Missis sippi iiver' . ' The lolloping parties were icclstered i t the Kxehaiige boiel to-dav : C. R Waj , Onl ; A. 1) ) . Ritchie. I'lvsses ; K. M. ( lilmoie Kill- lerton ; C K. Welch , rnpllllon ; ,1. W. Miller , ( irantl Island ; .1. .1. Itiulces , Coitland. A Lavenlung , Council ItlnlK was In to day nnd ninikcled elghtv-foui bead ot vetyebolee corn fed cattle , that averntrctl l.JW pouiiiis. The cattle weio linupht at the Oniiilm j.nds as feeders last lull , und the On tin- mat l < etlth lions : O.K.Welch , rnpllllon ; llnwks , Klloy , Allitun , DO\\UK | | V I'tnooll. Noith Itctid ; lllcks , t rioiln , t'oleililw ; 1' . .1. Taj lot. ShoUon : S. H. Illack. Co/utd , Wiicht .V A. , fcowntil , (5. O. Vieohind. .Inniatn ; Sp.ild , V Mllps. Ilnihvell ; I'lshci \ NVfijiii'i.oik ; \ . I ) . HUJLT , Mfil- colnt ; Hetiuot \ 1'wen , IvM-tcr. It Is timustni ; to watch tlu % innnncr oC > doliiK Inisiiipss on the IIOR nmiket tlioso du > s. Tin1 lui voi makes nn oiler , I ho sales man \\unts moio ; then U Is n stnndntl they sit on tlio Iciicr , ininc mound tin1 scale lieu o , KodovMito tlic e\cliai > Ke luilldlui : , lakn a ill Ink of lee water , ulii ) lilu'h live , Irj to talk t'.ieh othoi lo death , ami at lust , jnst : IH the snn Is miinirdown. one sldo 01 the other weakens , and tlio silo is made. OMAHA XVIIOlHTsAljH 31AIIICUTS ( Jpiioenl I'roiliiro. Kiituidnv r.venlni ; , Anpnst 21. fnr roKiiiMots of Hie niiti/.rt / < H/ / < IJ77io / tiin/fifou ; / ( . mi fruits ) cnrAciit tin jirfccsiU wliMi oiifslifcn'iJrrj. ( ire fl// / / if. IM rn n Then1 Is tin almnduiico of poor madL'.s ol hnttci coinlnu In , hut eholcu butter is MTV soaiee. KMMI Komi bnttei Is In very limited supply. Sumo denleis assett Hint all ol nluc-tentlisot the Imttei tecuUed bv them is sum anil VDOI. Stilelly sweet , solid niul tinllorm eoloi , pneki'd in new clean tubs , eomnninls tr > to Ifle , 01 PM-H more. In tlio mar ket , tint there Is little 01 none coming In that can be pailed as Mich. I'micy butter in stone eioeks is lit ItiKlni ; even better in lees. Knlr I. ) ( jiwiit eouiitii butter Is sollniKnt IDiill'Jh'e. I'oornt .liuN.1. and slow. Cieauieiy butter , not the \ei\ best , bold the ; week nt ISQ-jao. Ki.os Tlio ieee iittinie not laige , lint the demand Is blow. The.1 bulk of the lecelpts of liesli candled etrcsare ntu ( 'olntj nt He , A treat many stale iv s atu comlm ; in and iloaleis would Hud it to their ad\antn.tq to candle clinch before slilpilni | ; , thus avoiding liavlni : chiiiKes on rotten C KS. I'oi i. rnTheio has been a slL-ht falling olT in HID teeelptsand a eoitesimndinK hiIII- enliiB in prices. Hoth old fowls nnd bprlne ehlckens ate bilnijiiii bettei prices than last week. There luuobeou n lew ducks In the maiket but thev meeiv .slow hale. Old ( owls , IHM do/ . , ? 2.fiO ; hpilntr ehlekens , lar e , Si.JObiilUK : ( ; | chickens inedinm , 5 iritKrai.75j spring chickens , small , not wanted ; ducks , ii.- ; ' > ( if. ! . ! > U ; tin keys , not wanted. Cm fsi : Kanev full eieam eheddais , SJ c ; fancy full eicam hats , two in box , Id c ; lancy lull cienm YOUIIK lounubox , lOc ; taney SSwiss , la'adUlc : luiclc , lUo ; Limbure , lie. ONION - Southern , per bbl , SflfiO. Ni.w 5'orArois Tiiete am no potatoes ot am consciiieuco | in the commission houses nnd pirvjeneis aie mostly snpphlng tluMlemund. 11 Is most too early to form any exact conclusion of what the potntoo eiop will be , but lepnrts unthcieil fiomsomo ot the most ImpoitniU points In linvaniid Ncbiasku would seem to indicate ; x ll 'ht . fieerti'Mt of drv weather. Tbopota- toes me small ami ono a IcVf ! n n Wltlto out doubt choice vniletles of nshoiteil toclr , L'ood .si/e , will eonnminil good pi Ices this tall. It is too oiiily yet to begin uhlppihi : in car lots , as dealci.s' me not leady to put In a huge stock until them is less Uaniroi ol thole not keeplim well. A low potatoes in small loth have sold above thotollowing quotations : Homo mown , per bu. , , lO"Mc. ) Cm.miY Theie is not ically enough com ing In to .supply Iho demand , but H will not be handled veiy extensively until next montli. Cclei v , like o.stei.s . , .sells the best In the "H" months , { shipping block , ) ) er doz , , 40@)0e. Oisrrits Theio aio no ov.sters ot any conseqiicuce in the maiketyei. The season lieic does not open as a rule until about the Istol September. The maiket will piobahly open at liom : n to ( Kc. , accoullng to the piadc. IJIMONS : The maiket Is about steady hero * The win m weather ol the past few days hag bioiiL'ht in a good niaiiv oideis trom the countiy. Hfcssina , Si'.T.X-SIO.OO. ' U.VNANAs , There are not ninny in the nuiiKct ut present. As the weather becomes cooler , so that de.dei.s can handle lliom wltli salety , theic will be n better supply on the maiket. Uunnnub , jcllow , per hunch , i'J.OO © 3fK ) C v.tiroiiM v \its-Tho : JJaitletts aie be coming M-aice and tliuin mo very tew on the maikut. Theie Is a llbeial supply ol other vaiieties. Baitlctts , iU.OO ; other vailctics , S2.50. OAI.IKOIINIA PLVMS The receipts ol nlnma have boon very liberal and they have been coming in very lair shape. Himgaihm piuuos will bein the maiket In n Mioit tlmo and will booith about § 2.00. hblpnlng stock , larire Inner , P1.75 ; shlpplni ; htoclr , .smaller varieties , Sl.-5@1.50. . . . ( iiivi-rs The receipts nre not heavy and home-giown are beginning to compete with them. .Mnsc.xis , SI. 10 1. 73 ; Aliise.iU. choice and lancy , S2.00@2.i5 ! ; To- kav.W.UOw'.J.iH. . lIo.Mi-luowN' OnAi'is : llomo-giown giajies bnvo put In nn apncaraneo and are coming In lastei thnn ovei beloie , so e.irly lu the hcason. They nso being icce.ived Irom Kniihas and Missoml as well as trom the Im mediate vicinity , llcpoit * Irom all dlic'-tlons indicate a laigei crop than lei ycairi , and nt tliu Mime time ol n veiy good ijtiallty. The maikel usually opciib nt 7 to he , but this fc.ison they nro stalling In nl 5c. I 'rices will piobahly decline - cline somewhat In n week or i > o , but fancy stock will not go down as lust or as low ns Inferior. P.ullcs uhoulil Innlst on celling only good shipping stock. Shipping .slock , 20lb b.tsket , per lb. , &c. : flipping .sloclr , inih iMikelK. per lb , fie. Mni.o.NfiTho market has boon compara- tuelj b.iroof vvnti'i melons foi n few d.iys b.ick , nnd them has been n good demand lot them beieial cats mo leporled tonulvd In n lew days. Theie have been onlj n few musk melons in and they are handled most ly bv thn L'anlem'jp. .Mu fatinerntei inuliiiis. 82-J.OO ; Inlcilor mid smaller sls. . SIS.QOQ 1B.OO ; musk iiiohinH , per doS1UOC IT , Sv , > : KI' I'orA'Hius lowu home grown nro in tno maikel nnil sflllni ; ntPn tier lu. liiAN8 : llnrdlv any coming In now. Io- mand Inir at Sl,2@l'ii ( per bushel , tor clean Mock. UocoAN'UTH ( Jocoanuls , per 100 , 55.00 ; less than hnndicd. ner 100 , h > .v > . . llo.viv : C'nlltoinlii , l"e ; t'allfornln , fjtialncd , lOc ; Xehiaska , choice , 14@15c ; Ne braska , dnik , l'JKSite. ( ! : MAPI.I : S\ HIT -Hulk , 1 1 to 17 gallon itegj. poi gal , 81,00 ; nal i ails , per Rnl , fcl.0."i ; halt gal cans per gal , 1.10 , Cinuu-New lork , pet bbl , S7.00 ; do. unit bhl , S4.00 ; Clnb. jiei doijts , S'J.73 ; Michigan refined. IM-I bbl.V'i.t'O. ' VivroAHVhllo wine , Iu(7M7e ( ; elder , 13 ( S'icbinglo \ ttiength , lUc ; tilple btiunglh. &C4-MC. . l''ios AN'fi OATHS Pig ? , layer , 4 lb boxes , perlb , ICc , Dates , fancy laid , U lb boxes. lie : date * . lYinian. .VI lb boxes , per ID , lOc. Ni'Ta- I'ecnntlaiKopollbheu , lie ; pecan * , medium , ' . * u ; Kntllsh ; wnlnuts , He ; almonds , Tin i. 11:01111. ! 20c : almonds , Languedoc , 17c ; llrn/ll" , 1c 1 ; lilbeiln. lie ; peanuts , blind picked , laiiey Yliglnla. 6c ! ; peanuts , hand jilcked eholcu Vliginin,7 > repeanuttlousted ; , L'o extra perlb. .K KuiAii-liilcks , Mildly pure , U ) , ncrlb , 15c ; lii-IU tin palls , stiictly pine , pei i lb , lie ; .O-lb Ijilcks , tl-lb ! boxes , per lb , liiic. Pins' Fi.i'.T , TIIIIM : , ivrr. Pigs' feel , per K bhl , Sl.OO ; do , } { bbl. S'J.oodo ; , per kit , We. l.ambb' tongues , pci . , SU.tU ; do , tier kit. SJ.WJ ; do , ijinit juis , per dor > . ; ' 5j do , pint ) ai8 , per ease , U do/mi. Sfl.7' , Tripe , per % bbl , Sl.OO , do , per K bbl , 52.00 ; do , per kit , 'JOc. PROVISIONS Ham , sugar cured , lie ; bonulisss ham , r,0 lb boxes , liijic ; pleniu ban ) , ll } < e ; breakl.ita bacon , sugar euied , 'Jo ; hhuuldcis , 7)Sc ) : clesi sldii bacon , Be : diy suit sides , 7 c ; dried beef-hams 15 < 3lOo ; dijud beel , tegular. 12c ; laid.10lh cans (1'idr- ( banks ) , 7 > c ; 10. 5 and K-lb pula : , do , T ' < 3 iUe. ( litx-'orn. ( 253 ; oiuo-xt1 ! , ttki ; nnvojiti n c.- : ; rye , i)5c ) ; wheat , cos. - * > T - ' . ntiiiBtTi7iiiiV IT Ti i'.ifr )