THE OfllAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , AUGUST 22. 1SS6.-TWELVE PAGES. 11 PROSE AND POETIC POESIES , Billionaires From the Conservatories of American Wits. The Rlin < ni nnd Gobllni of Folk llatliltiK Stories of Holies ami llPtuiv Tlic Sun- Uny Olil , The Sennrr- Hit/yard's I'ork. 3Vr w Tlicy MV tlirrn's man'iostatlons vvav down at Hnmid's 1'ork , . , . The spirits clients an' goblins hev cat tlio Upans und pork : There's a moanln1 an' a vxallln , niul seen nolsps In the dark. As wnIIPVPI beam nluie , sli , setice tlie time of Noah's ark , A moalnm. us tlicy rail Mm , ho struck thet bloomin' toxMi. . , , Ills liar wit ; long air' a sort o' sticik- cJ broxvn. . , . Hewn ? palonn' were nn ulster , which tliu Bailie , XXltllOllt ! Xlloillt ) , Yc cud hexIt buttoned single 01 jis waie it Inside out. Wai , down at .Jimmy Hutijon's they rigged An' tin * mpajum seil he'd show tlio boys tlio wonder ot thu age : , . , He'd just niosmnrl7U a do7cn , who would en teitaln the crowd , , , , With their imeer niul cur'tts mitt' * , ef thcj d Uo as he allowed. Jliu ( Ilcn on , him thot mixes tlic cocktails nn' Tlm IViyinoiiVu' Hia/os Poet , UiUToot nn' I'm son Blinks , .ledge Dexter , Colonel Pilnclple , an' Hoggs , the. little PUS * . An' ShciilT IJudd , an' Monte Jake , an' Lance wit ? In thelnniss. Tust he Hindu 'cm het theii peepers , an' he stood 'cm In a line Ten minutes they looked sleepy thai , mi' necr made a sign , An1 then he kern nn' llotu ishcd his bans afore their fine , An * made some sm to' passes with a move meiit full o' grace. "Stan' tlnrl" ser he to ( Jlev-oii , "you're a nnlced nymph In stout ! : " To llra/os Peel , "Vereatlii1 hsh aii'swalletcd all tin ) bone I" An' then he set Jedgo lcteilthliisstom ncli on a chair , An' j u oil to see him stiikin'out an' swim mln' in thualr. An' know , the sliPiin" , he hail him ketfiiln' fish 1'toin tlio ilark and huso recesses of n lexan china dish , An' waxolT in one coinei olc bald head i'ar- .son lllinks , With his two vxhlto culls fur glasses , w uz mlxln' up tlio drinks. JJiH Tool lie bad n tnoomstlck n hu gln' of it Jlu thought ho bed bis sal , sir , a uioonln' out nt night ; An'Foiguson , the dninkaid , wuprcnchln 'gainst the si u Of llcker nn' the tuhocatcs of undiluted gin At last that tnesmerUor bo kein to Monte Whose w'lll , yci know , is hardei thanabikeil ndohe oike ; llellourlshed all aioundhlin an' he slappeil .lake on the bend , Till he thought he'd lived him solid , then ho looked : it him and bald : "Vei a hoisp' thoslteiill is alter jer , uif i lend. " ' Vei a Mat ! ' ' - > e.lake , thaw In' , "an * jcr life lietl better end" : An' w ith thet Jake lalsctl his shooter , an' be plumed htm in the no , While tlie it-it jist woke in time , sir , to sco thut meajtim die. Now I couldn't gixo no notion of the time willed then endued. JJut 1 know tbet pistols ciackcil , sir , an' n beapo' tiouble biewed , An' Iknow thatmesiiieii/er in bis carcass lied tweho holes , An' 1 know twoho men bed whisky an' Wood upon their souls. An'o\er sencn that Iracas way down nt liii/xniil's Fork. Them twehe men sav thet spcitts he/ cat then beans an' poik They heir moanlii1 , nu' sou goblins an' sich Mil mint in the dark. An' tbeii boots is tilled with &at pints scnco tbet mesmcii/lu' lark Didn't Fjlko n Spanking Mrccze. Washington Grille : Sir. 15a\ter was ihont to tuko hih wife niul children out for n sail "Come on , " ho said , "there's u spanking breo/.e timl wo musn't miss it. " "Puua , " interinpted his little son , with bis hands liinily folded behind him ; "tako the lest of the family and go ; with that kind of ft hrec/o blowing 1 don't want to bo caught on u little boat with mamma until I have learned to swim. " Wliy lie Know. Arknnsaw Traveler : "So , Unelo Jack , yon don't much believe in the idea that men am called to preach " "Wall , sab , do Law d niont call some infers to pieach , but it soitor 'peers ter me dat whar do Laxvd calls one old man I a/mess calls er do/on. Nine nigger preachers outon ton in do la/ies' pnssons in de woil' " "How do you know , Uncle Jack1' " "Case i'so cr preacher mciso'f , sab " DcpciulH Upon Ilorscir. Chicago Humbler : Burlesque Actress "Yes , doctor , tlio dog bit mo just below the kneit " Doctor " tsii painful wound , but not dangerous , 1 assuio yon " liutlpsinm Aetrrss "Jhit will the hear be noticed * " Uootoi "That will depend ontiioly on you , madainu" Wulklim with ttui TIciMJown. Texas Sittings : "Mamma , " said a scheming miss the other day at ttio beach , "may 1 walk along the strand ? Thorn is no danger with tlio tide down. " "Yes , my dear. " Ashorttimo later her mother beuold her walking with a young cleric fiom tlio city , and upon her return asked the young lady what she meant by such deception. "Hut 1 didn't deeeivo yon , ma , " insisted tlio girl , " 1 said there was no danger walking with the tied down , und if a joung dull ; isn't tied down ! don't know what is. " The Prevailing Stylo. Kambler : Miss Lownoek"Dear mo , I'm so horrv " I can't go to the hop to night " Sympathl/Ing Friend "Why ? What's the matter ? " Misa L "Why , my dear , I fell against lliochair this moining ami biuisod my * self light in the Bmalfot the back. " Not the Hnuio Wife. Texas Siltings : Hotel Cleric "How do you do , colonel ? Yon wmo lieiu last year with your wifo. How much she has Changed. " Unost "Yes , she lias changed \cry much. " "Sim if. good deal thinner. " "Much thinner. " "Her hair is much darker than it was. " "Much duiker , but you sco thal'ti not btrangu. It is not the .same woman. I've been married twice sineo 1 was hoio last tcason. " "O , I see Well , how's Iho business outlook in Clm-apo * " "Goodery go'od. " The Kind or a Follow lie Wws I.oolc. lujT II'OP. "I'ooh"saiil ! n certain Now York man' ncor , "what do I cam for any invention to easily empty theatres Send mo si man that will invent n way for easilv tilling thorn , and IMI muko it pay him. ' Mr. Tiilmtiuo Was ThanUfnl. An nnknowu man stepped no to Ihothcr T.ilinagu and saith "Woll , sir , 1 tun an evolutionist and 1 want to dU < cuss that iinc&lion with you. I am aha nn aiiiiilnlationjbt. 1 believe that wlipn I die that will bo the end of me,1 Than k loil ! for thatl" devoutly cjacti lated Mr TjlinaRO , as ho walked oft nml left the man perfectly d.v.ed , lintlilne Stories. SHJ WVU'OMVO IV IIKK \TIIINd SflT. Detroit Tree Tress "Ma can't sco Jon , " saitl a C.iss nvcnupgirlof 10 , ns a jifdler iiscpii'ipil the front stein. "Is she at home. " ' Yea , sir. but she's very busy. " 'Will you ask her to step to the door * " "No , sir , sho's up stairs trying on her bathing suit before the big mir ror ; when hc gets it on she's going to iiof.0 , if she looks statuesque we're go ing to the seashore , if ho iust seems to be common we'ie going out into the country to 1'nclc \ \ illiam's P/i-nse / go awui and don't disturb the poses. " Sill' W\STI.1 > TO M\KB A \TIIIVn SflT. ( 'liicago Uambler Miss Heauniontle "lla\e joit any tomimnU of silk rib bons' " Clerk-- " Yes , Miss , 1 believe \ve " Beaumondo "I'lcaso have a few Mi s show me < .omn ; I want one small enough to make a bathing suit. " IN Till. K , SI. fl. UtHicnrcintlirltnmltlir. Her bathlmt dress Is orniiKO ami Dine , It leaches just to her rounded ktiei1 ; Tin1 Blocking beneath of the tlarkci hue , Are as iliapeb as hose may be. An orance kei chief enwraps her hair , I'lom uiidei ltsrdie ; the stray curls run ; The dnlnU-inouhlcil aims are bate Ami brown trom the Kiss of the sun. She swims with n swift , lithe , supple OIIP scaicc ran tell how she comes or goes , 'Ihe little wa"j break full In her face , Anil the drops inn down her nose. Venus hersclt she seems to be As shn ioe lioin the sea etc love bffjan lint what catthly good 1 * all this to mo' . ' hhe's ciujnged to another man 1 TIII IIM.I.UT oiui , nit.vws TIM : MM : 1'irst ballot girl- " ! just had a talk with tiie manager , and hu has a new idea. " Second Dallut gii'l "Has ho , though ? I wontler If be won't nut it in the ipfngcr- ator to keep. What is it , though' " "W liy , IIP intends to | iiit on a 'watering place ballet'a .seaside scene , with the ballet in bathing costume. " "Oh , hoiroi1 Why , its positively indecent. I'd have him know I'ue some resueet for myself , and don't intend o appear in anything of that Kind. " Ills " 811111101' Olrl. " ( ll'il/i / intuiiiilitttiiii * li\i \ Ills .Uoiii/ni/iHllo / ) Her liiisme liketbe led , red losel ( bo is liei no-.e. ) Ilei fate with peuchblow color slows , The tint which only Xatine shows , In llusliiin ; sea-shells , pink and talut. ( It ain't ill's paint I ) liei daint\ form Is my dcllcht. ( V , ell , she's a siRht ! ) 1 wait lei summerdajs Walt lor the coollm : e\ealn Iia70 , Yet sc.uce can heal lier tootlall lino. ( fehe weais anlueli t am hci llrsl , hci vciy first. ( Well , that's the worst ! ) That lovely form ( she's shin and bone ) I soon shall call mv own , my own I That lorm b ) eonnolssums ailmlied. ( You make me tired I ) She's nnmetl the day. I wished It so. ( O , ditl you , thoucht Ami when tlio solemn deed Is done , Our two hearts welded into one , We'll seek some distant sylan spot. ( O , no , jou'll not. ) -lim\aid : i : . KlUdcr. A Concord Philosopher. 7 fiJ lilts lie is pol\sjliable and sesciuipedalian with woidsthat aie Sanscrit and Greek and Australian , and Paithian , Mcdc or Islamite , be don't legard or feel a mite. lUiii'can , Unsqne or Timbuctese , the JUiopian and Chinese , the Hottentot and .Japanese from every toifguo be neath the heaven this vcibal tlnef will steal a mite. And so with his nohglot olla podiida ho bores every victiiiu/ed .listener or loader ; with his verbal and sinuous teigivcrsations and lovicoguiphical lieregrinations ; the fccience and elegies discussed in all tlic colleges and all their lore and knowledges are mingled in his casual talk and latiocinalious. A Fruitful Thcmo. "Jim Akor ObiRei I'm the Chap 1 lm\o a way that's takln' My seat in bummer's in the lap Ot deal iliss Jiclle A. Aiken " I WhltihuU Times. Ami Watt It. Melon Is the tilend. \ \ ho by exeitioii inaklii' , KiTiired mo the altection elM M > dailliiK , Hello A. Atken. iC'/n / lutUtn Inttillucnccr. The Vountr li'roni Colk-c. A'ciu 1'or/i / H'tf/if. / Of the many fa voted regions , wh ro am bitious young collegians Hock in heieely n'lialanxed Icgioas , to do ur die with lighting. We believe the hardest batter , anil the loudest of their clatter , hits the island of Maiihatt.uivitli an educated bmit- ing. Thojouth who's Jill gymnastic , with a hi ain that's unela tic , stullod with knowledge iieiiplirastie , comes to see us in our sanctum , ho delights in eru dition , and his present modest mission is to show a composition which in col lege faiily "yanked 'em. " Ho then proceeds to tell us that whatever he should sell us would bo brce/y as a "bqllus" and would win us new sub scribers. That his ti enchant style of writing should bo made both bright and biting , and would surely prove the blighting of the alduruianic bribers. But we got his worth specilie , when ho asks in words torrllic , with a nerve that's BO pacific that it leaves us soil ofwcaiif ; wo should have objection , when ho felt a predilection to write up a comic .section , it ho did the woik iu Urook. Ocllcnto Men Ijlvo the iinura : ( N. Y. ) Oa/otto "It's my pot hobby that dolicatq men live tlio longest , " said a lending IClmira pli\slcian tlio other evening , adding"I've boon greatly in- teiostod in Mr. Tilden's case. It has been a wondciful example of what sci ence is able to do in prolonging life It has been exhibited pretty well in other ca os , but in Mr Tildeu's it has been par ticularly satisfactory. Oh , there is no doubt had Mr Tihlun boon a poor man or a man able to .surround hiniaolfwilh only the ordinary moans of prolonging lilo , lie would have died several years ago. If I were to found an insurance company I would accept all the risks in- looted by the regular companies. Why ? HecaiHo of my theory that delicate men live tlio longesi. It is , of course , because they take bettor care of thorn- sehcs than stiong , robust individuals. The latter say , 'On ' , 1 can stand wny thing ; nothing will hurt mo ; ' and the tiling you know pneumonia orsomo such disease takes them oil' like a | la h. The delicate man or woman , on thecon - ttary , is alxvays guauling against draughts , is careful during sudden chaniros , mindful not to oat xx'hat exper ience has taught him does not ug.oo xvith him , and by such care extends und pio- longs life , " 1 xvill give you another intoresling fact. It has been demonstrated of Into by tlio most careful computation by tlm most reliable statistics that the age of man is increasing rather than diminish ing. This is ix fact xvhich most people xvill dispute Men and women aru actual ly living longer. This is duo no doubt to scientific discoveries of various kinds , to moio knowledge , to better sanita tion. " There is certainly food for relloptlon in the doctor's obsorvation. An elocttio < . ! tbieo U-t-t lone 1 * on cxlIM- tton in the Fulton uiarU't , New York. GRANDPA'S PET. millam l.ylt in Detroit Frtc l'ir . A bundle ot sweetness rolled np In blue A round curly head tnnt was golden , Twoweo chubby I muds that came pceplnp through. Andno'tr to one thing could be liohlen. Such a lump of fun ns p > es nc\er met , And the whole went bj name of Riaudpa'a pet , He's up In the morning when daylight breaks , Ande\cr > one knows all about It ! The ilaj beslns Just w hen Il ser awakes , Aiiilnonc aie so mrdyas doubt It , An autocrat he. whoso w Ish must be met. All must bow to the rolgn of grandpa s pet. Does bo wnnt a crown'.1 He'll ha\c Brand- pa's hat The coat scuttle serves him to lUh in. When hpohoo'-es to ritlo , he'll ildo the cat , And pnssj must bend in submission. lie cannot do WIOUR ho noxer did let Why , the whole world was made just for craiulpa's ; pet. When he makes a ciow'sncst of grundpa's Then tlio old man is ready to kiss him. I IP draws Ids siiuir box around for a cli ? , And the \ xoistvord that's said Is God bless him , All clocks in the house to his time are set- Well , theie is nobody thuio but ( jmndiia s pet. What pits xxo cannot bo ahxajs younc , Ami rule like a kins In his plorj , What pltv tint tlmo with Ids fi-oii tonwe , Must cliamo ; the swcot tune of llto's story. Alas I that x\o lose In Hurry and fiet I'nu dream of the tlmo we were grandpa's pot. I1ONHY KOll T1I12 The latest noxelty In ctamlne lias chenille India muslins haxo plain and palm leaf stripes. Spanish flounces are among the rexlxalsof the si a son. Couise straw braided with horsehair is made up Into bonnets. Ambei beads arocmplojed foi edging pan els of the same lint TttrKlsh crape Is now made lu colors suit able fur half moiirnlnc. Ilhlnestoiieauilctit steel buckles aie used for fastening velxet belts. The trimming of high hats Is at the back anddioops oxer tlieeioxxu. Oxeulicssesof lace insertion are run with xtremelj' mil row satin ilbbou. .Skirts covered with lace llounces are xxoin xlth ox ei dresses ot Indlasllk. When the period of deep mounting is over nglislixxoiiien gtaj gloxus. Plastious ot white small airamieit In folds re xxorn xvith dresses of striped silk. ( iiecn velvet of vivid lint is used to trim Iresses of white bison cloth or canvas. ( lood taste demands that the ( lowers adorn- iia bonnets and hats should bo seasonable. Figaro Jackets made enthcly ot steel em roideiy ate xxorn xxith black or giay dicsscs , Mattxp , lav Pinter , heliotrope , peach and giay are the favorite colois ot the Parisians. Plaited blouse bodices witli a deep flounce jclow the belt are worn with llouiiccd skirts. Corsage figures are arranccd In fiont of he bodice and conloini to the lines of the igure. Ihere is a ladles' club at Hat IJaibor con- luctcd on the same principles as the gentle- uen's clubs. Materials for tennis costumes , xxith tlgines if theaceussoiicsot the game , have nboons oconespond. Uojal ictl Is seen In the ticxv leather goods , ' Kith' in caul cases , pocketbooks ami other tsetul ai tides. Hats of tine Lczhotn or Tuscan straxvaro liied xxith braids ol lushes , teels or atiaxv eli i dilleieiit coloi. Dull leather xxill supersede jiiteut leather 'oi xxalkiug boots. Heels aie loxx aud the ocs less pointed. The old-time fashion ol pink llounces of i ml la silk upon thin cotton diossos is re- , ixed th Is season. Shades of may are very stjlish for gloves 0 xxeai on all oidinmy occasions as xxell as with deml-toilet. Palis contains one miriled woman of 14 , .hipo widows ot is , and txxo widows ot 1(5 ( , as 1 late ceiisus.shows. Slippers tor exeiilng xxear are of Siicdii eatlier , and are claboi.itcly embroidered .xlth . beads and silk. Ulack stockings arc xx-orn by cliildionl as soon as thej aio short-enUed. Thej- should , ot course , bu of black silk. The Baioness Alphoiiso dc Itothsclilld xcuts her supetlliious alfcctiou on hall a lo/en petjelloxv teiiieis. An Abiiigdou So.iiaio girl recently mar ried a legless man. She says xx hen she asks foi a nexv bonnet ho can't kick. Tilmmlm ; speclallj' airatigod for plastion. collar , cuffs and sfcirr , so fashionable last winter , is slioxvn toi autumn costumes , A joiiugwoman at AtoonaPa.vvasrol ! > bcl of her head of loin ; and luxuriant liait xvliile asleep In hei chaiiibet a foxv nights Waterproof mantles of shot or'bioeadod silk show no slmisot ( house lot which they IIP Intended , so becoming aie tluiy. White woolen mateiials , xvltli texts from ancient Poisiau and AtabtcifiaiUHeiipts , em- bioiderod in icd , are the latest novelty In Pails. Tailoi-mado jackets and jeisoy bodices ate xxoin xxith cotton di esses in the moining xx hen the biccio blows liesh liom sea oi mountain. Mrs , . Kato Chase sax-s slio does not Intend to moke her homo In Paris. She vx III go Inck to Fiance In the fall , but will soon letuin to this country lor good. Miss Agnes St. John , a handsome British girl and a noted swliiimei , has just come to this country to bieak the ipcoicl ot the late Captain Webb by tumalnlii In thexxatei oxei elghtj hoins. A bonnet o { black tulle with full pulTs Is edged with cut jut beads. Auaiiged dliectly In front is a bunch ot mouiit.iin-.ish bcities w ith their beaiititul leaxcs. Thu sitings are of xxatnred ribbon. An exchange publlslies an old chestnut formula for telling a j-oung laity's ago. What the young man of to-day wants is an Infalli ble fotmula for sUlng up his prospective father's hank account. Steel embioidcrv takes the piccedcnceof jel and Is seen on every aitlcle of Parisian lemlnino attiie. Gloves , bonnets , shoes , stocKhigs nml dress are all umbioldercd to cotiospoiid with this gllttcilng metal , A little six-jear-old whose "noso had been put out ot joint" txvlco xvithln txvox pars and a half , Iccllngly lematked the other day : "Mamma gets sick ox cry tlmo a now baby comen to ( bis house , and I xxish they'd stay uwav. " Thu richest unmairleil girl In Philadelphia Is Miss Helen M. Seirlll. She Is a young woman and veiy attiactlvo. Hei tiithei re cently died In New Oileans , IcaxiiigSlO.ooa- ( XX ) to his txxo daughters , sbaiu and share alike. Parasols linvo this soison outdone them selves and touched thu two oxtroiiiesol nb- Huidity. On the one band , theie are actually some made of xelxot ; and , on thu other , not a lew ot muslin , tjwe , tulle , lace and black net. net.Shoos Shoos with In Gad flaps and ornamented with buckles are exceedingly comfoitfiblo , nml may bo xvorn by persons who cannot weir the oidlnaty loxx shoo on account of taking cold , Ihe llap protects the instep fiom cold , "Gentlemen " rcmaiked , Colonel Mooney the other day , "let us strike lei a refoim In out rticss. If women can wear diessos xvlth the arms und yokes thereof punched full of holes to let the cool ttlr In , why can't woV I'm foi inform. " A high hat of blnek straxv has the brim faced with black xelvet. A band of black xelxet is placed mound the crown and n bunch of ilcld llowcts Isariangcd at the back , xx Idle giacefully tailing sprays of oats nod ovei the crown. A little girl , vliltlng her neighbor xvlth her mothet , xvas ( fa/Ing cmlously at the hostess' mnv bonnet , when Iho owner quelled ; "Do xoi : like It. LauinV" Thu innocent tonlled : "Why , mother said it xxas a ptifect Irlght , but it don't .sea 10 me ! " Husband I haxo been making my will , dear , loaxlng jou ex try thing , xvith full power to re-mariv. Wife-Ob , Uaillng , nexer ! Husuaml Yes , love. And ( with a sardonic chuckle ) In that case 1 shall feel assailed there will bo at least one xx bo xxlll dilly dcploio iiy ) death. Combination is tlie oitlor of the day. A pompadour liguii-d skirt may bo xxorn with an oteidrcss ot white muslin or lace , with a tor- quolso blue faille polonaise , and xxith a i asimo of crepe du chine the tint of the foli age In the silk. Thus three dresses may bo made with one skin to do fur all. Ida Lewis , famous for her cfToiIs In rescu- IniMlo dnmilhiR at Now port , Is the only woman In tltc * orld xxlm holds the position ot gox-ernniont llBht-liouse keeper. Althoucli pnst inulille ncurlio Is alxxaxs on 1he lookout for any unfortunates needing her help , and would cote their relict a.s piomptl ) as xxhen n lithe ami acttxc cltl. A bonnet of ttark gicen gau/e. embioidcrod with cashmefo c/Dlnis / , a tlnv gold thread out lining the design , is trimmed with , \ cluster of chestnut blo soms ami theli leaxes. The soft , orc.imy tints of thp pendulous hlooms nio In chnniilne contrast to the polished green of t IIP leaxes. Thp stiing * arc of rib bon , the tint of the gauze. "What a populnr girl Miss llarxex Is , " said one joiiug man to nnothei , of n young l.itly Mhoui ho Iwd been xxatclnng for some lime , as slip su on n hotel pla/n. " 'She has a i rowd of admirers mound her all the time. " "Ye * , " sild Jds companion , "l'x ! been watching her , too. Hxen the uiosiiultous seem to be mashed on hoi. ' ' "Dear Cliailes , ' said Mrs. Sinllii. a joung marrlrd xxomaii. leaning on bet husband's shoulder as he sat at his desk xxntlng. "Well , xxbat the misclilef do jou want novxV ho croxxled. "Dear Charles , do sou loxemons inticli noxv as IOH did xxhcn xxo xxere lli > it married ? ' ' " 1 told xou so IIIOIP than foitv times. If joii ask ineliLMln I'll bounce a pam xxelghtonou. . Yc-sIxesSjes Ale you sat- Islled now' . ' " A dress xxorn by Miss Chamberlain at the diiehess of Westminster's bill was of xxhitu satin cox-or'-d with silxer tulle. On the left side the diapery xxas held by boxxs of lilac x'elxet ; elsewhere it hum : full and straight. The bodlct ) reseinbh'it those one sees in the pictures ot Mnihuiio Taillen. Vrhet of the same tint as that In the skh t eros--ed the bod- lee Horn the light shouldei to the left of the ivalst line , xxhlle on the other side the sllxer idle eroded under the xelvet. The backot he bodice was also ot the tulle. A young xxldow In Waiikeshn , whose lnis- laiitl had been deail fora month , and xxboin she bad alx\a > s supposed to be frccfiom uuall xlces , oxeihatillng his clothes tlio ither day. She found n lingo pine of to- iiacco In a coat pocket. "Ob , George 1 Scored1' she exclaimed despairingly , " > ou and 1 xx ill nexer meet In the good xxorldl1' In nnothei pocket ot tlio sunegaimoiit she found a life Insurance pollej for S"i,000 , ot which she hail hetore known nothing , and she buist out exulttiutlj : "Oh jes xxe xxilll xxewllll llcaxen xxlll forglxe him his one atilt ! " Robert C. Wllitluep's ciaiiddaimhtci. Miss Maila Wlnthum , is to be mart led to Louis Pe > mont , a lirltlsli ainiy olllcer. Theie are moio than 4,000 dexiees foi 'Otipling ' In this coiiutiy , accoiillng to a i.dl- roait journal , hut toi uncoupling the Amcil- can dixoicccourt has no competition. At Paris , on the l.Jth lust. , Clnlstlne Nlls- iiin xxas man led to Count tie Cas.xMli.iniU ot Spain. The mairiaee ceiemouy was pil- xate us possible. The couple spend tlicli liono > niooii in Spain. Alfred Kicknei , alias "Piench Pied , " who - loped fiom Chicago with Miss Madeline - line Kessler , a Chicago liPhess , xxas mauled to her at M ontieil on Wednesday. A well known ciiminal law j PI advised him that his 'iiaiilago to Mine. Cho'iuette In Chicago XXMS lobai to the union. Shoe and Leather 1'epoitei : A Xcxv llampshbo chap xxho xxanted to bieak off the eiigagemont to aiiothei felluxx ot the gill he lined didn't tty to iicisuado either that the other xxas false , but just con- trlxed to get them both to join the same chinch choir , and In less than a wiek they lldn't speak. Miss Kllso Cfilamo , the joung French lichuas man icd ut bt. Paul a toitnight ago to Mr. \eimllje. is the daughter ol a Parisian bauw'r. 'Iho m.uiiago xxas a sui- prlse to him. The coiutshlp seems to haxo been conducted In the Ameiiean lashioii , while the bridexvas , supposed to be tlaxcling toi Instiiictipn aud iilensure. The xouiig Due de I'ocheloucauld , xxho Is an olllcei mlliu , Piench ainij. and has oulv his p ute stijipof t him , is still much attached loajounsr American lady , xxho is also in triltpned clrtUiustauces. He Is anxious to ; uniliei , but hii | mother is opposed to the ; natcli. lie himself was loimeilx icslgiieil toxxhat seemed luex liable , and xxas picparcil to mairv a fortune. He has lemained lox al , nexeithelcss , and theie is a possibility that tlio young Ameiiean xvill become uducheis. A lather comical Incident took place at an Ameiiean weddlnn in 1'aiis the other day. A miinuci of ddlnty little boxes had been oidered , beaillil : the united iiioiiociains ot the hiido nml hihlegioom upon the lid , to bo tilled with wedding cake lor dhtnbutlon among the cuosts. Ihe boxes anixed in L'oodtime and the distiihutlon took place. Hut upon investigation thc.x xveie found to be tilled , not xxith bildo cake , as had been oidered , but xvith cln istenlug comtits. Kdwaril McAIister , a cleik In a Boston crocket y store , and Annie Murphy , xvho xxorkediiia shoo luetoiy in Wobmn , Mass , onoa Piotestant and the other a Catholic , and neither txxenty jeais old , fell in love , and as their patents opposed the match , they eloped , They stalled on a torn xvith 540. The > xislted'Xew York and Philadelphia In search ot woik. In Philadelphia theii money g.txe out , and they started homo on foot. In Noxv llaxen , Conn. , on Wednesday night they xveie seeking aid fiom the charitable , and obtained transportation to Uotou aftci being mnrtled In the town cletk's ofllce. Lettic Poitet , the daughtei of a wealthy farmei lixiiigneai Mouiitbteiling , O. , had a lover in W. L. Thuliums , sou ol a laimei who moved to Illinois. Timmons had a bosom tilend in the Piahie state , Louis Downs , of xxhombo xvtote glowiuglj to LctUe , iccom- iiiciidiughimasa level toi bet sistei Maud , anil photogiaphs w etc cxeluiiigid. In duo time the suit ol Downs by mall prosneioii , anil it xvas auaiiL'od that a 'Icailinr-down" double wedding should tome ol ) . Upon the two vouuir men appearing at the Poiter mansion , Maud , at lust sight of Downs , de- clai 'd that she had been deeeixetl And she Had. The photograph sent liei bad been that ot .some llashy minstrel. She icfiispil to niuiry Downs , limiiions then lofiiicd to maiix Lettie unless Maud imitiicd Doxvns , and thus both weddings ate ol ) . An AugiiHt 1'nriulox. Ilnxlitn Cuuilei. When Sol rains doxvn its lloicest ia > s. And city life is lion Id. When wo experience sxvelteilng days And inllueucos toirld , When patching heat our bodies bake The lamlly that receives it Declares tlm Iceman takes the cake The moment that hu leaves It. 1M31MM3IIM1NT OUOl'S. Coiutnoy's scull is once moio nllllctoil xvlth ncivous prostiathm. About the meanest thing a man can do Is to askani'dltor xvheie he Intends to.suend the biimuioi. " ' 1 o-day Is a good deal closer than vestci- day , " said Umitli to .I ones. "Yes , " s ld Jouc.s , "It's neaier. " Detiolt Kieo Piess ; Lieutenant Jleiin Is the commander of the Galatea. In the com ing lace theiu will ho a llenn on. A little hey said ho would lathothaxo the earache than thotiiothache.becaii e be wasn't compelled to have his eai pulled out. " 1 wish that do , ' would go out of the parloi. 1 xvondei why be don't " "Prob ably because ho is n tiiujer , " xvas the icply. The pn'sIdentfcmBikeil to a visitor at one of Ids loceptioiis theothei day : "It Is very warm to-day , ' " and a boy in the cioxxd taiig a chestnut bell , ' They may say what they please about civil service rutormbut not men a miuxvump can Jerk his Own'door ' bell knob xvlthout be coming axvlio-pulloi. Some one nays'that MUs Kate Field xvould soonerhaxolunriled John Hiownthan mix cltUen of tliq xvar , John Is piobably xxell satisfied that it turned out as It did. "Please , sir , how xxdl jou haxo jour steak'i"'shjly ueked thepietty xvaltei ghl. "Well done , guoil and laUhtut serxant. " sain the diuiililed joung student , impica- slvely. The Information comes DV cable that Olivet Wendell Holmes had cat doxxn to table vx 1th kings ami queens. This Is Intetesting a.s far us it goes , but boxr manj ot them aid bo bold. To bo the solo possessor of a secret Is fre quently a source of nnhapuliioss. Foi In stance , a nun know she Is a gieat mini ; no one elstt knows Itand he Is mtsuiablu in con sequence. Lowell Cltl/on : John Huskln sajs : "I owomoiotoeab-dilxeis than to any other persons In tliu xxoild. " Tins Is the tlrst In timation w u have recelx'cd that cab-dilxers ever trusted anjbodj' . Burlington Free Press : "HoxvCan 1 Leave ' 1 bee , " serenaded the joung man under the window. The family flood it as long in possible , and then the old man let the duneut to lib'uio on A SUMMER TERROR. .Xf listen I J/miM. / They sat at tlio open wlmloxv , And ga/cil out oxor the ea : And the scene xx-as full of quiet , And tranquil as could bo ; When n strange uiiparthly eroanlnf ? Like a xolcc ot fate xxas heard , And the leallets Pist so quiet IJx Us frightful sound was stirred. And HIP maiden shrieked In terror , " I it the tierce ami dread cjclono ; 1 tan bear lisdreudtitl muttei And Us xxciid , xxild , xxoful tone1' ! Hut the youth , tliouah pxle , was fearless ; And he nhl , "Oh. bear thy piln ; 'Tis the village Iwnit xxho practice 'When the loblns nest again 1' " MUSICAI * AM ) nilAMATIC. Marnaivt .Mnthor has made a big hit In.San John K. Owens has gone to farming doxxn In Matylaml. Comedian W. P. Sheldon xxlll support Thomas W. Keene next season. Gertrude ( Srlsxx old , Bret Hirto's niece , has been engn cd foi McCaull's comic opera. Nexxton's opera house , Hastings , Mtch. , xxasdesttojedbj fire last Thursdaj night. Los * . tS.XX ( ) . "Pa" Is the nanipof Mr. Sol Smith llus- spll s new play. He Is going to let Kau Claire , WIs. . taste It lirsU Anton Hubliisteln , at his last appearance at Berlin , donated one thousand maiksto the Jewish Homo foi Aged In that citj. Geoigiim Janucliowsk ) ( Mrs. Add \oun- dot IT ; has been engaged lor the Gciman opera by the Metropolitan open house. Janio * II. McVlekcr has benun suit foi $7,01)0 ) ( latiuiKcs against the Ameiiean Upem comnanj' , lor alleged breach of contract. It Isa matter of MM Yokes will ictiiru to America without Brandon Thomas , the most useful person In bei com- jianj. Kdxvln Booth xxill traxel in n palace car built lot bis own use , and called tlio'Miaxid Gallic. " Chailes Brown xvlll bo bis leading man. lEiiblnsteln Is noxv engaged upon a nexv opeia , tlm ehiet petsonage In xxhlchistho hax loin , as he Is foiulol dubblliig In icllg- lous subjects , The ballot of the Paris opeia costs nearly Sl.oOJ.UOOayear. The stats get liom S.I.OLHJ to Si ! , IXX ) a j ear and the oullnary ballet girl S'J.CiO a xx oek. Since 6aiah llernhirdt's tcccnt scrimmage at Buenos Ayres xxltlt Mile. Kolrmoiit tliu P.uis join mils speak of her as a leuiale Jacqtiebulllxau. Miss Adele Belgarde , noxv In Pails , has cabled ( but she has signed xxith Manager McDoiiough to play the leading lolo In "bl- beiia" lor her third season. Fiederick Wnrdopla > sslx weeks In Nexv York , three in iltookl\ii , and has seemed dates In Boston , Philadelphia. Chicago and othercitlos. Also In sex eul minor towns , in cluding St. Louis. The P.ittl conceit combination Is bookel tor Chicago Decembei 7 to the 10th. She vx 111 be seen in an act each ot " .Semitamhle , " "Martha" and "Faust. " and Mine. Scalchi vx ill support hei In each opera. Henry K. Dixcy xxlll remain In Kuglaiid until Augusts1 ; . He has enjoxeu considera ble attention vvhilu in Kuglaiid. and it is dollars lars to dimes that he xxlll not lie able to talk the Amoilcau language In the old style xxhen he gets back. The Madison Sqmio Theater company losed Its lust week lu San F.taiiclsco to te- ceipts leaching upward of SS.OOO. It Is be- Ilexed that the fem xxceksot Its engagement x\ ill equal in a financial sense the great Daly season ot last year in 'Frisco. Mr. Feinind Stiauss xxlll bring the Ariua- nini family to Ameiira dining the autumn lei a tout tluougli Ihe states. The Arma- nlnis pliv the mandolin , and the fatliei , mother aud three children are kuoxvn as the "Quintette dl Cameia. " They hax'e been xxell lecolved In London and Paiis. 'Ihe branch oi .ini/atioiis ot the American Onera compiny tliioughoiit the United btates are capltall/cd as follows : Boston and Chieigo , each 100,000 ; Philadelphia , SoO.ooO ; Washington , SW.UilO : ht. LnuN , WO.OOO ; Louisville. Sil.UOO ; Clexelaud. SW.OOO Other similar oiganUatloiH aio In piocessot foimatlon , Hen Xlcinann , the well known tenor of the Berlin opeia house , has obtained the cm- peioi'suei mission to leaxo the opeia house aud Ins been 1:1 anted tlnco months' absence. lie xvlll probably auivis lu Now loik about the middle ot October , and Is likely to slug on the Hist night of the season at the Met 10- polltan opeia house in " 'iaiinhaiisoi" oi iu Thoaoxv opeia byMesis. . Gllbeit and Sul livan xxlll receive its hrst production In six dilTerciit cities on the KUIIO night in Lon don , A uvv Ymk and Boston by Mi. Caito's compinlcs , and in Phlladelpl a , Detroit and Chicago bv tlio compinlcs undci Colonel McCauIl , It xvill probably not be called "Tho Khedive , " so Colonel McCttidl judne-i fiom xvhat Mi. Gilbeit told him. The nature of the piece lias been kept xcry societ. 'Ihe next hcison of tne Amerlein opera vx ill begin outside ot Noxv York , probably In the xxo > t. to axold clashing xvilh the season at the Metiopolitau. Satisfactory airango- ments could not be made xx 1th the Academy dlrectois , and so the perform inues in Now Yoik city xvlll be given lu the Metiopolltan opeia house in the spring. Tlio teellng be tween the two organl/atlons U noxv asserted to be of the most friendly natuio. A Japanese gentleman xxho saw "Tho Mi kado" in llambiiii took the atlair xeij * so- ilmislaud piotested against many ot the siiee'-hes and tiieUs of costume ilia lettei to the Nnchrlchten. Kspeelally gtcatxxas bis indignation over Mr. Gilbert's characteilstlc joke upon the Km'lish-speaklm : public em bodied In the liitioductloii ol a villain Jap anese ditty as a song of piaise to the Mikado. This song , he declares , is oiilx sung In Japan bj fast xxomen in houses ot ill-iepute. James O'N'olll , xho xvill torn again this sea son xxith "Monto Cilsto , " i-atlv In the season engaged Mi.Gaspard Maedei , thexvell-known scenic m list , to paint a full stock ot nexv sceneij for the hxo acts. The second act ncene ot the prison ot the Chateau d'lt ' and that of the gulden of the hotel do Morceil , to bo used In the louitli act alone , consumed moio than soxen xxeeks lu tholr completion. This xvoik was done by Mr. Maodor in poi son , no detail being lett to siiboidlnates. thereby Instiling as aitlstlcally cotrect and In ex civ xvay elaborate a setting as b possible to bo procured. Ii. ) John Maclean , i'x-piesUlunt of Pi luce- ton , U dead , The Yale jirotcssors this year nxamlncd 4bOO entrance pajiers avemaliitf at least five paves to each paper. Piof , William A Kogcis , of the Harx-anl obscixaloiy. has been electeil piofessoi ot physics at Colby iinlvuislty. ( ieorge 1. Simoy has so tni rotoxoiod his foi tune us to be able to make good his ulft of to Wesleyan university at Middle- town. The summer school for teachers , just behl at Nmntlc. Ct . under the auspices of the state hoard ol education , and absolutely fiee , xxas an uxpei imeiit , but u vmv successliil one. Fixe bundled teachots weiothi'ie. JCx-presldmit Noih Poitei anil 1'iof , ( Jeoigo P. Fishei. ot Yale college , wet e honoieil on Monday by the Unnlvei.sity ot Kdinbuig , which conteired upon the foruun the deoieo of LL. D. and upon the Inttei that of I ) , D. Both gentlemen were present. Any educator out of xxoik hinfounod tlmt a vacancy exists in the UnJxetslty of Ten nessee , xxheio tlm secretary was shot am Killed theothei daj li ) the iiiotcssoi ot laxv Ol course the noxv man will bu expected to keep on uiasonably good terms with the pro- ICsiOl Of IllXX' . The propoi thin ot school attendance foi chlldien betweim live and sixteen jean ot ago in tliu nmthein Hiatus H only K > per cent ot the whole nuiiibet , In the l.uge cities and in soum spatsely eottlcd districts in a lew of the states the school loom U in sullicleiit tor tlio accommodation of all the scholars , but nmi-attcndanco is mnlnly duo to other causes. Yei > lox\ children aiu noxv kept out of school foi the leason that thej mo too pooily dad. The gieat tumble i truanc ) on the p.ut ot nuplls and Ignoran culpahilitj and caielovisness on the pirl o inients. No doubt Tjp-r cent of thotiiilure might bo lemcdjed. ThoeeiiPial bynod ofthe Lutheian churel iiuoNiitOiimlmliiMiy , r7. This Is th lirsttiuiolt has met v , est of tlm ML < sholpp liver. The aggmzatci value of tlm Protpstaiit Kplscopalihurch iioitiily ) | in tin ; iliwcjsu 1'unnsjlxaiila la estimated at ncarlj ยง 10,000,000. The noxv llbiary IjuUdln ' now in course o recllou by Drexv scmUi.irv vx HI cost SIOO.OK ) . ml wilt contain one of the finest known col- cctlons nrf Methodist lltprature. Ltithci's homo as a child at Mansfleld In Saxony has lust been restored to its original oiiditlon xxhen the great icformer's paionts Ixvelt there four icntutles ago. 'Iho old iiuiso xx III bo Inhabited bv a bodv of deacons - s > es , who will iiuiso and eaie for the sick mil pool of the town. Anslialla has ist,470 Catholic * . 707 elmrclies md obai > cls , SSS pilests. 177 schools xxltb 4 No scliolais ami two seminaries , one in Melbourne ami the othet lu Bathurst. lie- urns aio wanting from the diocese of A Ii- oria. In the Islands of Ooeniilex the mini- iei of Catholics Is 1 7 s | " , of clu'iohes and hapels , 47:1 : , piie > ts , wo ; pducatloiial InMltii- Ions , 371 , and eight ehaiitablo Institutions. Time mikes changes. The | { pDi. . Moses ) . Ilinlge , of Hlchmiind , YhcluH. sailed for : nglaml last week under tai dillerent clr- 'Hinstniieps ' from those ot one of bis toimer Islls to that cnnntrxIt was iu INT. ? that ho xeiit out as a blockade runner , and bioimbt Jiek In the same tMo xxay about 3a' > , iOi ) xoith ol bibles niul leliglous wolk , obtained loin the British mid t metaii Bible soeietx , oi distribution among conlederate soldieis. Togg wishes tlie ereatioii of the xxoild h-xd aken IIIOIP thin six da ) s. 1'hen xvlipn bo mil his txxo xxeoks' xacitlon he xxould haxo note time in which to iccupciatc. The sou of a clcrgjnmn xxas dellxorlng a ralcdlctoij when , lu pulling out Ids hand- u'li'hlet. ho pulled out a pack of cauls 'Hpilol" he exclaimed , "Pxo got on my "athei'scoal. " "No , sli , " said a young man oarupstlx1 , "I lexei dldand nexei shall believe there Is such a thing .is hell. " "Mj deal boy , leplled i's ' companion , "jou ate still ubachelor. Wsilta tew yean. Undeitakei "And wbatklnd of trimming will jou have on thecixskel' . ' " Widow 'None vx In lover i plain caskntjit xxas liim- mlns tlmt killed him. " uuiloitakei 'What' . ' " Widuxv-"Yes , delitium tilm- inlns. " Alas for the vagaries of Christian charity uiidei the sun. A deacon ot atiieenxlllo ( Peun. ) church has n stiingot buttons half a j aid long. They hax e been takim out ot .he collections ot the chinch timing the past lew > ears. 'Mv biethren , " said a pious rabbi , "tho Dieaelilng of tlm Toralt to sumo peisous is likiiKiuilng vvatet over a sponge ; it soaks inaiidstajs. Toothers it Is liketlie xxtnd jloxvlng tluougli a chicken-coop. My expei- lenco ot this Kelilllah is that it contains moio clilcken-eooiis than sponges. " AKullalo pie.icher is accused of liugciiig [ hu ehlsln lilsi'oinaejation. ' 1 ho uccUMitioti , It Is piesumed , is bioimht by a female mom- tict ot thu cougi citation xxho has a xx ait on hei chin and fieckles on hei lace , and xxho was neither embraced lu the list of gills limrgod. 1101 hugged In the list of gills em braced. A jonngiii'in who xvas preaching teinpoi- atllj In a ehuich in Nexv Oilcansamixlio tepreseiiteil Idmsclt as 11. (5 N'ethercott , ol Honduias , an Episcopal eletgxuian , tutns ; out to be an accomplished s\\iiullei. XTiidei the name of Chailes Kmauuel Wright lie stole the papers found in Ids possession , clcilcal vestments and SSO fiom the genuine Mi. Ncthoitott. As lev. ! ( ieo. Homy ho victliii- i/ed people in Mobile , claiming to be the heir to.iioitimo in Kntrhmd , and became en- uaged to a Miss Hrown. lie confessed that that his leal name xxas Samuel buij the , and that he has a rich uncle In Colon. Hu has gone theie. SINGUljAlU-TlKS. Thomas Golden , a Iligmanin Galena , III. , liasa time i obi it that he has taught to xxalk out of the Ihg-housu and waxe a tinj flag whciievet a tiatn coined. A Detroit \\omaii had a green xvatei snake .woteet and a half long tikcn liom hei stomach last xxeek. She is said to lux o swal lowed it xx hen it and she xx'ciu small. Kobuit Smith , of Lexnmtoii , Intl. , lost Ills nice black bait , as tlie lesnltot tjphoid lexei. Now his head is roxeted ewith hair tlnee Inches long , veiy klnkj. like u nejjiosbut us xx bile as snoxx' . 'Iho SP.I seipcnt Is topoitcd to hax'e been seen on Ocean Yluxv , Ya. on \ \ ediiesdaj nlirht. Us length Is v.uloiialy esUmateil by those who saw it to be about UX ) feet. It re mained on the surface about live minutes thfii disappcaicd beneath the xvatei , emitting a peculiat xxhistllng sound lesumblliig the .omul . of escaping ste mi. John Deniiuj' , ol Wlilllicld's dossing , ( ia. , says that his biood of ( itiliiea fhleks dl'-np- pearcd hiiddenlj one da ) . 'Iho lieu acted rmecily , xxnlking aiound ami continually Mucking , as it coaxing them to follow hei. He iuxostlgatod and found that tlie chicks liad been charmed by a laige chicken snake and were sitting iinhirmed in his colls. One oi the stiangost lights that c\er took plate in Nexv Kuglaiid vxatoiswasthut which oLCiuieil In Ipswich bay the otltci day bo- txxeeu Captain Langlotd ami a sxxoidhsh. Fhst the captain haipooncd the lish ami tliun the llsb haipooned the imin thtougli the bottom tom of the boat , neatly killing him. Thu swoidlish does not"xxeat a sword toi fash ion. " Tlio other day a gioceiy stole at Chester- toxvn , Del. , xvas beslegctl by thousands ot lees. The atttactlon xvas a box containing Lwenty-lixe pounds of liontiy that xxas on ex hibition outside. A foxy bees discoveied It , and they lutuiued home ami biought the whole sxvaim. They winked dlllmently and befoio the sun wi-nt down had temoxed the entile lot ot hoiiej. They entnely coxered It and sxxaimed around it so tldcklj that thu piojuh'tois ol the stoic did not din o to at tempt to icstuu thoh piopeitj. VVIioi-c Ho.ivori In. When Sam Jones xvas in tlio pastorale n very wealthy plantir. out of cuuosity. pet bans , to see xvhat ho xvoiihl say , asked iiini whoie heaven i . "I'll tell > ou where l.cavun is , " said Mr Jones , "it you xvill go doxvn to tlio vill i o anil buy > ? 50 xx orth of Kioconos , put tliPin in a xxagon and take them to tiiat poor xxidoxy on the hill side , who has thieo of her children Hick. She if poor and is a member of the chinch Take xvith you a nnrso and some one to cool , their meals. When you got there nmd the twenty-third psalm , and lneol : by her side anil piay , then you will llnd out whom heaven Is , " Next day , as the ovanuolist xvas xvalking tluou''h ' the village , ho met the sanio wealth vplatit.r ( , his taco beaming with Joy lie spoke after this manner"Air , Jones , I've found out where heaven is I went and did as , you directed mo. Wo took up the wngon- load of ciocerh-H , and the poor witloxv xvas completely overconm xvith joy. She could not e.xpiois her thankful ness' . As 1 lead to her the twenty -third psalm my heart xvas lilled with tliuiiKfnl- ntslo ! ( .ioil , and when I prayed the nn- golu caino doxvn. and I thought 1 xvas nearer hnax'un tlian I hud ever been in mv life. 1 loft tliu nurse and the cook in hei lunnbli ) dwelling , anil pn > init > ed her she should never Miller as long us 1 could help her. " Married I'enplo Would lie Noxv York Mail and Express If homo troubles xvero no er told to u neighbor. if expensoH xvoio piMpoiuomito to 10- ceiots , If they tiictl to bi a ioi.ibli as in com t- ship days. It ouch xvould fry to un a support am conifoil to eaeli otluv. If cac-h xvould leine.iibiir the oilier was a human being , iut : an angel , If each xxah .isUuultolliuolhcrasxvhei they were lovms. If fuel and pioviMons were laid in tlur ing the big tiJn i ol suininoi work , It Loili paities ruineinberod 1'iat ' the > inarrlud foi xvorso in well as foi bettor If men xxe in as thoughtful for thuii vvix'os as thov woio for their sxvcetheail.s II Ihcio xveie fexvcr silk and volvo street { . 'ostnincs und more plain , ti < lj llOllaO llrts-03. Jf Ihuro VVLMO tower "plo.x-e ( tailings' in publio .uul moio coninion inanncis ii jnivatu. It inui ) would remember that a xvomai cannot bo always smiling xvlmhastocook tliu dinner , ausxver the boll half a do/oi times , and got nil ot a neighbor xvho lira dioppcd in , tend a nick baby , tie up tin cut linger of a sl\.yvur-od | on Hlilts , am get an oight-ycar-olil ready for school A xvonian with all this to contend will may claim it as a privilege to look am feel a llttlo tiled sometimes , and a won of sympathy xx'ouhl not bo too much ti expect Ir.ini the man who dining thi honeymoon xvould not let her cauj a much us a xunsluulo. THE WORK OF YEARS. H' J thivltHan * 'ho years but nnko the fairer , love , As by us thej arerollod ; Thv charms are but the rater , love , Thounexei wilt grow old. ' bioxx is but Iho xx Idler , loxo , As swift thodax * cob ) ; Vnd xearlj grnxxi-tli brighter , love , The sweet light In th > PJO. More delicate ciruatloii. loxe , Th > lounded cheek doth vxoo ; \nd it's no IPX elation , loxe , ' 1'hj lips baxe louiid tuoie hue. \titl xxnuldst thouknoxv the wheiorore , loxc , ? ' 1 he secret's no surprise , Yet one that thou xxilt c.uo for , loxe , Mj lie ut Is lu mj ejes. Tllili'ii'fl liovn Slorj" . Away doxvn near 'he end of the leeapics n Mr. Tilden's xxill , says the iSexv Yorn Star , is one of the interest on $10i,000 ) to Miss Oli'stp stanllVr , of New Orleans. There are a good many sopiotv people in vToxv York xx'lio knoxv Miss StuufU'r , hut t'vv know or can undoistaiid why Mr , niilen should remember her in his will. The story is a romantic one , and tells of he love of the agetl statesman for n joung , handsome and brilliant xvotnau. Vn intimate f i lend of tlie SlauIVer fain- ly , who is noxv In Nexv York , expresses liniself us confident tlmt Mr. Tllden at one time seriously contemplated matrl- noiiv and xvas a suitor forMNsSlauHer's taiiti. It wa soon after the explosion of the story tlmt the sago of ( iroystonu xvas engageil to bu man led to Miss Nellie lla/elainc. of St Louis , that hemet met the dial niing joung lady fiom Nuxv Orleans Miss lia/cltino was a blonde , xvith ucli , golden hair Miss Stauller is lietxveen a biunetto and a blonde , of tiiat : > | te stjled in Nexv Oileans ( . 'liattiigne. Miss Ha/eltine , who iciirnoil as the hello ) [ St Louis iintil she inarnotl joung Mr. I'.uraniore , is noxv dead. Miss .Stanlloi1 is \\itli her ftiinilx in Ktirope In 1SSD or IHSi Mr Tilden met Miss Mary Celeste Stauller , and immediately tell in love xvilh her. Isaac Stauller , lier father , is tlio senior paitnorof the Stauller , Macrcadx & Co , the largest liaidxxaro establishment in Now Orleans and nt'i haps in the south. Ho comes of in old Pcnnijlxaiiia Uiilcli family , anil still owns a fat m near York. P.i His eldest daughter , Alice , married Henry Pieston , of Iho Hour lit m of Howard t Preston , ilso of Nexv Oileans Miss Celeste is the youngest of four children , txxo of whom aio sons. livery summer the family leave Nexv Orleans for a trip east or teEm Em ope , and they aio nsuallx the first of that hegira of southern society which Annually seeks com foil anil social intoreouifio away from the bak ing brick pavements of tno Crescent t'lly. Most of the limo they spend at Richfield - field Spiings , occasionally visiting Sara toga oi Long Uiaticli. hast summer they spent a shoit time at Lennox , Muss. For Lluee years the. > visited at Gioyslone on Mr. Tilden's imitation In the summer of IbbJ tlio Staulleis leiiiamod at Lonir Branch for a tune , oeeupvmg one of tlio cottages attached to tlio West llnd hotel. Heie Miss Stauller lecoixedtxviccevory vvi ek from Mr. Tilden a long letter. Con- sideling that they xveie not under piom- iso ol marriage , this coiii'spomlonco , whatever its theme might have been , was sulliciently loiimikablo without Mr. Til den's making it almost histoiieal by the cccentiieity of its delivery. He would not trust thu postal seixieo. Nor would lie condescend to liim an ordinary inos- scngei. On the stipulated days a gentle man of social standing , strch as permit ted the confidence of the agetl statesman , ipccived tioin his own hands the missive , xvith the injunction to sin render it only to the fair consignee peisonally. At the cottage of tlio btaullera this aristociattu Morouiy was iccoivcd xx'ilh that formal ity his courtly beaiiiigscumed to demand , and ushoied into tlie leception loom. If Miss St.uiller was not ut home , ho xyould call again xvhon .she xvas. Not infto- tiuentfy. on totuiningto ( Jrainoioy parker or Uioystone , ho carried to Hie demo cratic sago a mystoiious leply to his let ter of friendship. No better illusliation of the infliionco that the southern bounty exerted over Mr. Tildnn can bo given than 1111 episode which occurred during her visit nt ( Jroy- stone three years ago. Incidentally , per haps , she iclatcd to Mr. Tililun the melan choly history of one of her schoolmates , whoso father lost his foi tune by the war , and xvitli it vanished the social urcstigo of his daughter. The bravo girl made ovety cflbrt to gain a livolicood in the limited sphere ot occupation allbrdcd in Nexv Oilcans to icspectaiilo youiiK women. For a time she miceuedeiT. and then her health bioko down and she sulleicd poverty rather than week assist ance from her w'oalthy friends ot the past. Mr Tildon xvas inteiested in the cbaiactcr of Miss StatiU'er'h ' early class mate , and at no solicitation fiom that hidy bent to thu heroic maiden a curti- lieil check toi $20,000. , Miss Slaulloi's character is that of an ambitious , highly intellectual xvoman , who saw in a mairiago xvith Mr Tildon all tlio possibilities of being the lirst lady in the land , llor fteqiient enjoyment of the hospitality of Ciieyslono was not so much a tiiumph for nor alone , as Mr. Tililun loved to have the somber chateau bc.iulillcd with the piosonco ot young xx oinaiihood. Her manners , conversation and insouciant grace and ails , acmihod fiom the naive Creoles of Noxv Orleans , fascinated the old man. Sue scorned to bo very loud of Mr. Tildon , and antici pated his every wish , uvan in the most trivial attentions at the table or in the piusenci ) of a social gathoilng. Her gloiioiis physique displayed on hoiso- back the object of Mr. Tildun's un disguised admitatlon. Shu is an intrepid and accomplished equestrienne. Miss Slander's greatest ait for the onehaiit. nienl of limit , both young and old , lay iu her convuinational poxvois Sim could talk xvith wonderful unilmstanding upon any subject , fiom the ot small talk to tliumostiecuntthcorius inphiloso- phj and science. it is gossip in Noxv Orleans that Miss Staufr rdisc.rdcd tlio best match in the south to hu/urd a marriage with Mr , Tiltlon. Young KruUsiiich , the noplmw of .Imlah 1' . Kunjamin , Is to-day the pi ido of Iho Louisiana bar and a bache lor His dux ot ion to the heiress ol Isaac Htaufl'oi's millions xvas not lasplied by morconeiy motives , for Ins xvealth , both from inhoiitanoo and a lucrative prac tice , is ample. "Don't you think thuie is a lo t cboid in my life somowhoio' " she laugh ingly asked him one night on the plaz/.a. of her father' * * hoiisu. It was moonlight , and Mt KrtitlHiiieh maile a lojolndin * lit- ting the occasion "Well , .vou aio very kind , " she said , but 1 am going to the north to find K , " und the next day tihu left for Groyslono. Miis StaufTor is xxell received by the the best M > ckty in Noxv Yoik City , and is qucon of | liu MUthuin ) people residing brio Her comiuest ovtr thu heart or Dr William M I'olk the well known phyGician , and tlio son of the man who both a geiuual and u bishop , is no scciot fiom tlm ft lends of that gentle man , ono of whom has butr.i.vd it. She is now about twenty-eight yuars of age , It H said that the pio.spoulixu mariiago dld not take place bee.HIM ) Mr. Tihlun felt Ins sirongth failing and thought nho deserved a jonngcr husliiind , whoaiispan of life was not tie nuailj inn llolovoil her , Ihough , and left a gage d'aimiior vx hen ho died. In illustration of what may bo done under the * calp bounty laxv , it is st.ilud that an Indiana county man touml anest containing four bawl ; eggs , took them home , placed thuin umler a hen , und when they wore hatched out killed them and coi : ct d the state bounty , GO ccutq fur each.