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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 21, 1886)
THE OMAHA' DAILY BEE * : - - SATURDAY , AUGUST 21. 1880 . , _ _ SPECIAL NOTICES Ailvcrtl'Omonts under ihli hold , 10 cc t per line lor the first Insertion , 7 cents for onch B.ib- eoqucnt ln ort on , nml $ l. " > 0 n line per month No ndtertifomont nkcn for lo s thnn 25 conti for tlio ilwt ) n. ctton. ! Bt-ven words will bo counted to the line ! they must run consecu tively nnd must l i pnld In n'lvnncc. All mlvcr tlscmontfl m m bo hnndcil In bnforo 2 o'clock p.m. .nnd under no clrcum tnnees will thoybo tftken or discontinued by toicphonn. I' rtli ndvcHUlnir In thcso ( Olumtn and hav- Inpthonnswcrgn0drcgo < l In enro of TUB linn will plonsc ti k for n check toontiblo them lo KOt their letter' , ns nonn will bo delivered otcopt on presentation of chock. All nniwrr * to tid- Tortl'otncnt1 ? should bo enclosed In envelope * . Clttrt.OOO To lonn on Omnlm city property nt fl P percent. Inteiost. 0. \ \ " . Day , over 1312 GriflToKXT Money to unn. J. J. Malionoy , 150J Karnntn. mt MONKY'TO I.OA.V-On fnnn nml city prop. orty , nt lowest rrttea , W. A. Spencer 15U9 Kiirnnm St. 14. ' Srici7\i. : ruNi ) or to lonn n imioimts to stilt , on short tlmo mortiiRcfl , thrco to twelve monllii tlmo on property Im proved or unimproved , C'tili nt tlio Omnlm rlnnnclnl llrchnnco , second Moor of llnrkor Illock , Ky. ta > r * Kurnntn nnd ISth St. _ KH WUlmvp ehonp money onloni ? time. In nny < iuiuitltyto loan on Insldo city propcrty.or fnrmlnnd. Murclmll & 1-obock , 1511 1'nrnnmst. PElfcKMT money to lunn. iC 0 Pnttorson , 13th and Doualas. _ 618 MAHA FINANOlAIiKXCHANOnilpro- pnri-d to mnko lonni In nny ntnount , on nny kind of approved security. IMTKO collatcrnl lonns n specialty. Also on chnttols nnd mill cBtnto In nmountnnml tlmo to suit. Lower rntos , better terms , nnd prompter service thnn nny lonn nenncy In thoclly. For further particulars cull nt ofllco on the second lloor of the llnrkcr niock , Bouthwost corner of Fnrnntn nnd IMh rtrcqU. _ 450 7" . nnd 8 per cent money to lonn. MorlKdlfes 6 tnhiin In oxcliatiRO for roul estate. Centrnl Investment Co. , Koom 7 , llurkorllloolc , tor 15th nnd TnrnMn. 02U TO IXJAN At lowest rntes of Inter est on fnrmn nnd improved city property. F. J. lny & Co. , 5 , ( Yotinse's block , 8. K. corner LOAN At lower raws thnn anywhere MONKYTO where rlfio lu the clty.onftirnltiiro , plnuo' , organs , IIOITOS , wagons , or Btock of nny kind. lUimombor. at lower rates than nny other lonn company in thn city. City Loan & MortKitro Co. . room 15,14011'urnaru st , opposite 1'inton hntnl. 451 MONIJV to lonn by the undersigned , who has the only properly orgnnbod lonn niroticy In Omnhn , Lonna of $10 to $1,000 mndo on fur- nlturi ) , plniioo , organs horses , wagons , machin ery , .Vo. , without removal. No delays. All business strictly ronfldontlal. I.oiins so mndo Hint nny pnrt cnn bo pnld nt nny tlmo , cnch pay- mcnt reducing the cost pro rata. Advances made on flno watches nnd diamonds. Persons nhould carefully conMtlor who thov nro dealing with , ns mnny new concerns are dally comlno Into existence. Should you need manor , call nnd RCO mo. W. it Crolt , Itoom 4 , Wlthnoll Ilullding , 15th ami Hnrnoy. 4V1 PEll cr.NT > Ionoy to lonn. Btownrt & Co. , 6 I too mil , lion bank , l th and Fnrnnm. 455 "so",000 to lonn. Bums J.VX ) nml upwards. $ Lowest rates. Ilomls , 13th and Douglas sts. iuu TLffONET TO LOAN O. If. Davis ft Co. Itoal J.U. Estate und Loan agents , l OS Farnnm St 4o" MONKV TO LOAN-On jrood icciiritios. A McQavock , roomTRodlckBlock , 1505Farnam Bt. 4j3 MONKY TO LOAN On real estate nndohnt tols. D. L. Thomas. 4M MONKVTO LOAN Inaums of $200 and up wards on flrst-clnss real estate security. Potter ACubb , 1515 Farnam St. ' 480 MONKY LOANKD at a F. Iteed & Go's. Loan odlco. on furniture , pianos , horses , wn ons pernonal proportr ot all kinds and nil other ar ticles of yaluo. without removal. ai ! S. , inth. over ninghnm's Commission storo. All bus ness strictly oonHdontat 401 BUSIHESS CHANCES. ] / < OIl SALK A aood , ilrht-class restaurant v and confectionery stand on ono of the prominent streets , good lensons for selling- . AddiOfcg Ho.YttjQ , Umnhn. ' 217 25 * ' FO1I SALE Don t a ] o III re , ono of the oldest nnd inostceiilrnllocatlons In Lincoln. Ad dress "Dentist , " cure llco olllcc , Lincoln. Neb. 210 24' _ _ _ Ilou SALK Itecmiso of pressing demands upon my tlmii inn obliged to dispose of n half Interest In an old established business. An excellent opportunity for it live man with. small capital. Address L , 16 , Bee. 210-21 * Eon 8AT..K nt a bargain-In the ploa'nnt townofdlonwood. lown.In n rich fruit district , a now brick fruit packing and storage house. 40x44 feet , two stories including basement - ment , double wall frost proof , and well ar ranged ; with storage capacity of over 10,000 bushels. Cooper shop attached , nnd dwelling bouse on adjoining lot. A largo elder mill and proas nnd n flrst-clnsa Zimmerman ovnnorntor , No. 4. This entlro outfit , Including about MO now apple barrels , will bo sold vary low. Address or call on L. A. "Williams , Glonwood , Iowa. 129-23 TfiW 11 SALE Very lllncksmlth shop dolng n J-1 splendid business. Clearing between ? (00 and 85110 per month. Terms $200 cash balance to suit purchaser. Address L 21 lloo ofllco. _ _ _ 258 31 * IjSOlt 8ALK The complete furniture of the JC Nebraska Vinegar Works. Call soon on 1C. Krebs. Jones st bet Otb. und 10th st , Omaha. . _ _ _ CIO T7IOH SAI.K An olognnt established business. .L' the best ot the kind In the west located In this city : not profits Jfi.OOaoo per annum ; will E Lv,0080.81 Investigation ; Involeo about $15,100.00. Parties with means wishing to stop intoji flnebU8lnoi _ s addroaa K 7. llco olllco. 414 TilOK SALEFfrst lass meat mnrKot with" Jnlco llxtures , all complete ; oed trade ; nMx r e"80n8 , fo.r selling. Call or write to Oco. W. . ' Mosson. llf.'l Howard. _ ; ta BUlt SALK One of the oldest established grocery business In the city , with n very largo , well-paying trade. Will exchange for Omnliu real estate or pnrt cash and balance Be- cured notes. Good reasons given for selling. Address " 1 31. " lloo olllco. mf HOUMKS I.otnFarmsLnnds money loaned. _ rjornls , _ Wth and tlougla streets. _ 4 3 VpOIt SALK novbTal stocks of goo < l9 , doInVa J.1 healthy business , ownership clear , satis faction guaranteed ; terras ousy. eomo Ornulia nionortr taken In exchange. Marshall & Ix > - licck. 1M1 Karnam St. 4SS TOVlfD. rilAKI'.N UP At 15th nnd llancroft sts. , n O. black horse , 4 white feet , whlto stripe In taco , 7 yours old , weight 1100 pounds. Mardls & 1'lagg. n-a > -27-8-3-10-17 _ r'llAKKN Ul'-On July 2ttli ) , two bay ponies J. horse and ono mare , branded T. II. J , I ) Qutnleyt\\o miles west of Mercer's on Cum Ing Bt. - - JOAHDIgQ. BOA.H1 > INO-22 Ciinltol aveuuo , nortlipns corner Thirteenth street , house newly r furiijihoil ; ovor/tliliiif llret ohiss. 74 aO I 73OAlliAnd lodgings , utSM N. liith St. - * - * 4fifl II3Bll50NAI/-aL25 will buy udecorated toilet A sot at Moody'a Chlnu store , att ! North Ifith Htrcot , 2K1-21 * JTEIIS6NAI$12 will buy n dinner eot of 100 J pieces nlcoljr dcconitod , win lire shnpus- sprrlcenble ware , at Moody's China store , 8W North lethst , sia.n pUKSONAISlrs. . Dr. Nannie V. Warren J. cUlrvoyunt , Modlcul nnd business Medium lloom Ko. tl , 121 North 16th et. , Ouiuhu , Nob. S1A " MIBOBI.I.A1TCOUBI CJTIJRoOIlXrTlV "n"nd Tyno Tltlng school. ' FJ Hoouu T nnd 8 , Iron bunk. O , W , linker. 180 _ KNT ftiuaro Mane , $ t monthly. A H08po.15l3 _ IoilgiM > . , . . ' I'or mouth. Ho.po , j 1513 Domrhu. _ | _ 374 1RO' ! J'KNT A etoro on a goou retail gircot J Apruy the Omaha Heal Kttato and Loun _ _ _ _ _ 167 31' You want to employ H stenographer and typewriter operator , uddroia Vulcntluo'a fihoithaud Institute , Exposition building , Omaha , Neb , KJJ-S-13 "jmoif HUNT Siiu are I'lano ? a monthly. . .1llOBpe. . f PHK13 , Hoses , Sliriiba , oto. . phintcd free tor Jpoitons buying of Douglas Co , Nursorloa. C.OLllnw rjLrrpix , 1' . O. Lot aiQ. teT-n2 ! * 'jf F Vou wunt shorthand text-books uall or ad- Jdrosi , Valuiitino'g enorthand Institute. Ex- IKmlilon bullaiug , Oiimlm. Nob. M5-S-ia Tl'OHSAi.K-Agood moving eiproas , borso , A. wagon and harness , on weekly payments , at bantala. M.F. Martin. 810 & 16th. 154 T7 OH SAI.K-Two No. 1 , second hand , canopy JJ top Surrey * ! also two good , Eocond hand liUBtoua. atHfo Dodge street 2U. "JCTOU'SALB'Counter KUltablo for olllce 'or lun1'1\ol'yjlandiwme.ttt ! ' bttr ttln. Iluord n ro .rlilO Douglas tt- 231.22 * Fen SAIvn niorclo clu-np. Stnr machine , nlmost now , nlukleA all over. Inquire at ' 115-28 * Ajlospo's. - _ ip.OirSALK A good Klinbnll orgnn chonp. 1 111.1 9th SU 22T 21 FoltS.Vi.K-Or would oxchnneo for n few good horses houses am ) tins nnd vacant lols. llnlloullroji. , 1510 DoughiS M. lfti-2. ) Foit SAM : 10 jroo < f me it blocks. Apply nt 1B21 Howard SI. 141 2"J inuit SAiTK-CATnoHum 7rpnto tiohtFy nbw7 JL : with Inside door. Combination lock. 112 drawercnbinot nnd letter tlio with doors. I medium ttrv letter pkoss. 1 pint form onlo. 1 plntform counter scale. Parrotto & Swnony 1113 llnrncyst. &J7 Foil SALK 10 Rood meat blocks. Apply 1C2I Howard st. 14.1 d IT OII SAI.i ; Furniture fl-room hoiiso com- JU' pleto for honsokopping : price JJOJ. lloueo rent J25 per month , fine location , 1719 Douglas ct. 415 irioit SAM : Furniture mull cno of six-room X1 hoiuo , time on part. Cull 120J North 27th street , two blocks from Hod Cnr Hoc. bill HOI'SKki ' I/is.l'nrinsLan7i ? money loaned. ljemlslftli nnd Douglas streets. 471 " " .SA l.l' I tiinmt , furnlturo nnd kltcho" JL1 rnmrn.717S.10thst. _ fcTT TTtOK SAI.K Chonp. iron oiiliimns nnd win- -I * dow cnps sultnlil. ) for front on brick build- Ing. Itor particulars npply at this ullleo. 81:1 : T AJ9"JTED JTIKMAJjH HH1.P. WANTKll Agents , Indies or gentlemen , for 11 lioii ebold necessity ; salary or coimnls- slon , 4li ) North ICth street. .KM SI WANTKD-lTnlimiilf family n Alrl for gtn- oral housework ; for competent person good wnjrrs. Apply at once to I ) . J.O'Oonn- hoe , at o'Doimhoo & Shorty's , 15th st. next to pustofflco. 24H 21 WANTKD Immediately , a flrgt-class second girl , nnd to liolp with baby : \ngaa $1.50 per week. Apply nt M T Patrick , s w cor Pauu- dern nml Luke. 244.22 * WANTKD A ( rood chniiibcrmntiLor laundry girl , Scandinavian preferred. Commcr * clnl hotel , corner 9th nnd Loavenworth sts. 240-21 WANTKD Two girls to work In laundry nt Arcmlo Hotol. 220 21 * \\rANTKD-Oood parlor girl. Omnhu Club , V T 15th nnd Fitrnnm. 831 21' \\7ANTi-Oood : girl nt 1010 Webster street ; ' > must bo nrst-cliifs ; ( rood wages. 203.20 * "WANTHO-'A good irlrl for goncrnl house > V work ; 013 South Vnh stroot. 2011.21 * WANTKD-Cook nt Mrs. P. Flanncry. 1010 South Tenth Street. 178 20 * \\7AN Good coo ! ( . Ale laundry girl. TT JIust bo neat. 710 S llth St. Good wnires. lsy-20 * _ TX7 ANTED Coolc at Emmet House. 189 WANTKD Girl for general housework nt 8 w cor 2Jd nnd Mason ; good wa > r < * 9 pnld. ICo-a " \j\TANTKD One dlniiiir-room iitl nnd ono V ) ( llshwnshor. Call ut Miller's rostnurunt , 1004 N Itttli Bt. BM O * % VNTKU-01rl , to work In family of two. Apply 13SIN. 18th stioct. 181-20 * \\7ANTKn-CJood girl for general housework ' > Mrs S. A. Sloinun , I'.llt Fnrnam st , VM WANTKD A first-class washer nnd Ironor. Apply nt the Cozrons. 101 WANTKD Girl for gonorat housework at 1813 Webster st. ! I72 W ANTED Nurse girl , ulso for second work. Inquire Oil Park nvo. 8S3 \\'AN11:11 Olrl tor general liouionorK , No. > ' 1018 Capitol live , north side , bet luth nnd 20th. 7.'ll ) wANTED A llrst-clnss chamber maid at the Windsor Hotel. 5.VJ WANTKD An oxpo'-Ienced cook nnd laun dress. Good wages piUd. lira. G. J. Hunt Virginia avo. . nud Grunt st. 65'J \3iTKU Immediatelya flrst-cinss coolca 1813 Dodge fit. KB A.NTKU 2.5 young ladles nna Bents to leant telegraphy. Prospects for positions when competentgood. Address W. J. D. room l.Crounso block Kith st , Omnhn. 733 WANTED MALE HELP. WANTKD A tailor to do repairing nnd pressing. Immediately. Cull nt Uyo Works12l2 _ Douglas st. * 25720 * WANTKD-20 girls for prlvnto families , ho- tols , restaurants , ntu. Good wazos. Call Omaha Lmploymcnt llurcau , lin N 16th st. 2C221 WANTKll Ono porter , colored , for bnrbcr shop ; references required. Address John C. Dlngman , Gnmd Island. 250 20 * WANTED Men for rnilroail work. Apply to K. S. AlbiUlit Lnbor Agency , I'.VM Fnr nam St. 24H. WANTKD Wo wunt nn cnorgcilo man In this section who Is visltlnir stenm users to handle out , produot. No samples. The pos ition Is n permanent , pnylng ono for tlio right man. Address , stntluv ago ana reference. For est City Packing Co. , Cleveland , O. 24VJ6 W /VNTKIJ 2 salesmen on salary or com mission , at HOd Uodgo street. 233-25 WANTKD A irood snlosiunn ; must bo sober und Industrious. Ono who speaks Cierman nnd has had o.xporlonco tn hook and stationery preferred. Address Box 616 , Beatrice , Nob. 220-2Q TTlTANTKn 3 experienced hnnds for stnreh- T/V in ? . Steady work and good wages. Jack son St. Laundry. 217-21 * v\7ANTKU-ll ° r wlth security ns News T Agent. Kxpurlonoo nut necessary. Al bright Labor Atrenoy. 11-21 * WANTED A ( rood bread and cake baker , German preferred ; Nuir York bakery , 19CO Cunilng st. * W 'ANTKD A good steady barber. Rood wages , at USS 10th st 10720 * T\TANTKI > Ten men of vooj anpoaranco , v con malic J3-$5 a day. Call at 1112 South 13th St. 700 20 * WANTKU { 10 a week ( rlvniito oapublo iron- tlomau. No. It Main. Bt , Council lilutfs. 878 W AM'liU-I'uatr/ at Windsor Hotel. ANTKO-AEOIltS. 203 N. 10th Bt. 815 WANTED-Two good salesmen. S09 N , Ifith Bt 810 \V"ANTKD Short-hnnd students ; oxporl- i T oncod toauhor. Terms , $20 for complete course. Addrosa 1C 20 , Ileo olllco. CUJsS SITUATION WAJITED. \\7ANTKD-3ltUttllon nswaiter In prlvnto T > lamily or boaixllngbouso by u young col ored man. Addl ess L. 10. Ilcu olllcc. 230.21' \VANTKD Drug clerk wants position in ro- tall or uholesnlo dnig store. Is u grndunto In iihnrmacy ; can tnanniro u store ; 15 yours * experience. Address L 22 , Ileo olllco. 22120' ANTKD A lady of oxporlmico wishes sit- untlon as housokoopor. Address L : i , llco olllco. 185-20 * ANTKD Situation by bookkoopor.lO years uxporlenco , Kcfereiicos given. Address L 8 , Bou-olllco. ANTKSltuntlon lu private families by 2 young- men as coachmen or any kind of work about houto and yard. Address L. 15 , lloo office 208-20 * ANTED 10 men for grading , wages $1,75 per day ; call atonou , 110 North IBthst. cor. Capitol uvtuiuo. K. U. llulle-Islu. ISO WANTKD .Young lady recently from the oait desires a position with some flrst- clnss family : tun furnish good references. Ad drosa K T3 , Hoe olllco. 1KI 23 * WANTKU Situation by a young man speaks ( j'urintmund Unulish. Uml some business oxncrlonuu , Oood reference. Address K GU lioo ofllco. , ll'J.22 * \\7ANTiii : Situation by bridge foreman on TT HowoTrtiBScoinblnutlouor Iron bridges Addrcm K , 70 Ileo . 22 * WANTKU 3 or U rocms or tint of 5 or 0 rooms , unfurnished. AdJresi , stating loca tion , tortiie , oto , , L 2A , ( too olllco. &U 20" WANTKU A house of seven rooms In good location ; If place suits will rent for ono year. D. M. Cbaiubllii , i'uqltlo Ut. Co. , City. | isa-22 * _ _ \\7"ANTED Room with our wlthont V > n gontlcmun and on aged 13. from about Sept 1st Address \vlth torma , L 18. Ueo office \VANTKD-From 3 to 5 good unfurnbhed V rooms , not more than 4 blocks from Iloyd's operix bouse , for small furnlly. Address , stating price , HatcberCiiuld it Co. , Mlllurd hotel block. EU23 _ WANTKD A 2nd baud Jigsaw with every attachment ; must bo cheap. Address L 21. lice olllce. 218-20 * _ WANTKU A Bccond-Uand offlco desk , must bo in good condition and cheap. Add row 1 , 20. Ileo offlco. 819-ao _ WANTKU-/fo rent usmull neatly furnUhcd room near Ileo olllco. Addrojj ttutlug torui8lC21 IJou oOlco. Ml Tlr ANTKD To rent a ton or twctvft room > houio within four blocks of poi > toflicr.tate terms. Address LB , Hco office. IPO 2J * rANrTiTcams7 : T.Murrnj % 473 WANTKll To rent S rooms furnished by younir gentlemen , conveniently located Address 1,12 , ileo onice. 1SI WANTKD Hj are poclaWo nnd imlnpend ent young lady employed dtirms t'io ' day , n nicely furnished room with convonlencles. Prompt pay In ndvnncc. Would prefer ii flut or business block. Address with particulars L4 , llco onico. 181-21 * "ITfANTKD A few stocks of hanlwnio nnd T gcncrnl tncrchnndl < o for Nebrnskn Innds and Omaha lots. Swan ACo. . , Kronzcr Illock. \\JTANTKD Permanent , flrst-clnss board inn ' to .pectablo fnm Ily. Mil t hnvnlargo front room nml ono smnll ntio. Address Immedlntcly , Hrst-cluss Board , 1317 llouglns streot. Ml 21 \\'AM'KD A good bouse on monthly pay- i > meets. Address HOJ , llco olllco. CM. " \\7ANTKD-Tobuy a nlco residence or good i T building lot In n desirable location. Ad dress H , CB , llco ofllco 655 , WAXTIU ) lloom and bonrd In gfiod private fatally. Cnn gl\o best of lelt'renee * . Address - dross 1C 4.1. tloo olllco. 830 \yANTKD A Oooastondy norse with spring wngonand hnrncss : must bo ehonpto ; bo pnld for In monthly Installments. Address 1,37 Dee ofBco. 139 ran KENT-HOUSES AITD LOTS. Oil HKNT-A3ioom house. 1513 S19thEt , 2.-.1.S1 T710H HKNT House , 8 rooms , ono block from JL1 sticot uars ; 929.00. Jlnyno llros. 1519 Far- nam. 242-21 FOR HKNT House six rooms , 25th and Lcavcnwoith. O. F. Davis * Co. 222 FOIl IlUM'-Uouso. 1110 Chicago street , between Hth nnd 11th. - StfWM * Foil itKNT 5 room house , furnltura for sale , 1815 Jackson st , Mia 21 * FOR Hr.NT-Cottnjo of six rooms , cor. 18th nnd Chicago sts. , S. Lehman llOS Knnm , 151 FOK KKNT .T room house , 20th nnd Nlch- olnsst M. F.Mnitln. 131 poll HKNT A Rood six-room house in tlrst- I 1 class locitlon : convenient to business , for Partlculnrauddrcsa wlUi reference 1C 71 , lice of. lice. 1.19 FOR HUNT Anlconaw Bovon-room house , with peed barn , city nnd soft wnter. In- qulro of C. L. Urlckson. opposlto P. O. 102 T71OU ItKNT Kor n term of } o.'irs , the 2-story J-1 hrick bulldlntr on the n o eor. ot'.KHh and Douglas. Inquire at drug store , S'imc plnco. , 724. FOR RENT NnwO-rpom houses , near street cars. D. C. 1'uttorson , Omnlm Nnttl bank. C74 FOU UHN'T Desirnblo B-room crtMn o , bonth U. P. dopat. J. Phlpps Itoq , 1512 S 6th. COS T710K I.KASB Wo have eleven acres on ( T. P. -E IL lU track , BOO foot front : will lonsoall-or part for flvo years. liodforj & Botior. 751 EEHT-KOOUS. T7IOU KCNT-After SopL 1st. very deslinblo JL1 rooms without board ; -Gas and bath , " 2Z't Dougo. 25'J T710H 11ENT Tivo frontrooms forllurht house- J- keeping If party will uuv furniture ; rent nnd furniture chonp' 7S ( N. 18th stj t 134 1' FOU RENT Lar > ? o front rooml with peed slzea closet ; tnblj board If desired. 2112 Itnrnoy. 230-22. FOIl KENT A largo furnished Xrout room , ono of the most dcslruola In the city. In- qulro Hoiil Kilatc oll'.cu , 10th mid Chicago. 254 21 ' To rent two or thrco unf urnlshod ' rooms or small lint In plonsnnt and eon- vonloiit location. Address stating particulars , L 17 lloo ofllco. 21521 * 6Tt KKNT-Four furnished rooms tor F housckcoplmr , 10 blocks from opura hoiiBC. Incjulro 1211 Farnnm. 2 4-20 * T7"iOH KENT 2 large furnished rooms with -L ; modern conveniences , also flrst-clnss tnblo bonrd , dinner 0 p. m- , references reniilred , 1814 Dodge. 200 F OK-RKNT Ono-olegant fronfroom with alcove , furnished , at 1811 Farnam street. S 47 POft ItKNT A welt furnished room , 1503 Farnam st. Call at room 19. Itcforonco required. IS ! 21 * TT\OK KENT Parlor and two very nloclrturn- -L ( shod rooms with bonrd , house Is surrounded by a nice lawn nnd has bnth room nnd tras , nlso day board. 8. W. corner of 20th mid Webster. 160 FOU KKNT Nicely furnished front room with flrst-clasa board to two young gentle men. Price reasonable , Oil Pleasant bt 123 21 * T7 < OKUKNT 2 furnished rooms forgontlo- JU men. Reference required. IGOS Cass st. 114 20' T710K IIBNT Nicely furnished 'voo'mwith ; -L modern conveniences , and In unit-class location. Apply at 1924 Fnrnam street. 709 FOR KKNT Nlco trent room on Farnam Dot 11 nnd 12th , apply to H. W , Huntrnss , 1303 Farnam st. U4t F IOlt KENT A suit of i-ooma with first class board , 1812 Dodge. 80(1 ( imOR RENT-NIco rooms nt 1631 Farnam st.,1 -1. block west of courthouse. , ,608 OU HKNT Front olllco , 2d lloor , Omaha Nnt'lltank. InqUireD. C. I'nttor.n , " 037 TTIOKIRENT Suit of furnished rooms for two JH gentlemen , 1011 st fl33 F OR RENT Furnished rooms at 170T Cass st. 033 F Ion ItKNT Two front parlors , newly fur- nlshod. gill St. Mary's ayonuo. Oil plOU KBNT-Furnlshod room , J _ 227 02U \ou ill'jN t A nlocly f urnlihod south room 1C07 Dounlaa st. Hoforoncos required A75 Er\t \ H KKNT Two store rooms on llth t , ' -2Soach. J.Johnson , 1321 Farnnm. 219 ros GniSGOItV & IIA.DI.Kr7 T , Heal Estate and Itfintnl 'Afrcnts. 1312 Douglas Struct Wo cnn trlvo you bargains In lots tn Hiuifcoin I'lncc. Orchnrd Hill , Kllhy I'lnco , I'riiyn I'arlf , , Ambler 1'loce , i ' " Hawthorn , I'nttorson Park , Newport , Amos' Plnco , " Catalpa , Clarendon , West Hide , Arlington. Property In nil parts of the city , 209 ' AYJvK'S Addition ouly two miles from post ollicn. I'iuu lots. Nlco snado sirues , Will bo sold by Mayno llros. , 1311) Farnam. this month only for (33U. Terms easy , 245 20 FOH SAf.H Two Inti and houso. S rooms , in leano's k Soldon's add. a cornur ; tO OO , Flue lot lu South Omuha for W > . Two east front lots In Kllby place 11250 each j nlmnniln. In Hunscom place wo have great bargains In Improved ana unimproved property. F. D. Tanner & Co. 16IB Howard st S&i 23 _ FOH 8Ar.lI Or exchange for general mor chandlso.SOO acres finally Improved land In Southern lown , ndjolnlo ? county seat and. rail road , In Dccntur county , linn a ntio 0-room house , largo burn , 60-foot shod , good well , spring and running water : 100 nppla trees , ohorrlos , grapes , etc. Iloruhard bachsjo , HIT B. IJth Bt. , Omaha Nob. nlj T7\OR \ I1AROA1NS In property In Ilnnscora -L' i-laco BOO Jliiyno Ilros.,15ia Farnum. 245 20 1A110E cities maVe suburban homos a nocol J Glty anil thla olnss of lots urows with the mst Tills is to be considered. Sea Hillsdale at , $150 and buy ono when you can nt this figure. A 11103' Ho l listato AKonoy , 1537 Farnam st 809 BURDETTR CODRT-Neir horse cnra. lots $400 , Van Ilouron , Dougla ) i llth. 20J21 AYNE HROa. 1519 Farnam , will build you a bouse ou ono of their lot * for small sum of 10 per cent cash , balnnco monthly payments. Call und secure yourself a homo before winter sots In. 24520 TflOH EXCirANOK-JOOOOstooHdry goods for JU O-naha proporty. Archer It Fltoh , 218 a 15th 8t t05 _ _ _ f HAVE very many valuable Jou on Farnaui , i.Satindors , Dodge and Lcarenwortb eta. , at bargains , on easy terms. Also lots In all tbo additions to the city. John M. Clarke , south. wuat cor. Douglas and Hth. fll 81 * _ E1OltaALK Uouco , 0 rooms , city water and -L1 go * . I mlle from 1 * . O. . I block from st cart , prtoo $2,00) , small payments , balance monthly. lutiulro rooina i and a OoiaUu Nat'l bant , Uttt : FiuuUouM , 10 rooms. Hanscom - 1place , cheapMayua ) llros. , U19 l-Vrnanj , STOCKT > AT.H A MlTCltr.LT-l518 Doclco street. I DoMMoCk tn J3nr/h / o for gale cheap , con taining 14 surjofli lots 41 foot on 1'nrinny street , ftdjolnlnfr old City Hall. $1,000 petjfrdut foot4 uiali , intention capitalists I/ot&ix3I3 feetwith 2 splendid residences , only flro ininutiW nvalk from postonico. oulr 7 , ( > 00 , S4OUOca # .l"cmilno bnrfrnln. Ulvcrvlow loivalh view In cltr , from $1,000 to f1,8W : onsvlojau * . ( i inlnntoV wrttR'from po tolllco. Jot Mx213 feet , with 2 flno residences , J7.001 , 1'lcnso Invcs tlinto. ThUHntl'tirgnlii. Nino-room houMuand > ( lnt on Twentieth at. , very near city ccntro , only J5tW , SVW ciishs nil In line repair , ' "t f Four of tlio rhMorst lots on I/owe nvcmlo , nonr Dr. MoreffT , south and east fronts , nt n Imrirnlti for only a short time. Ho sure and call ntnl wo wlllKiiarnnteo to iiilt. \V < > huvo n list that nil cnn select from to tliolr entlro satHfaction ntul benefit , Adlu-ro to tlio fi\lre > t ( lonllni ? with nil. Stocktlalo & Mltcbell , 1510 Dotlgo stroor. stroor.W W 21 , OT3 KOU SATjB In Orchnrd Hill , Mnyno L1OT3 . J Plncc , Mayno'a addition , nnd nil otherJiddl- lions , by .Mnyno Proa. , lultf Fnrnam. 21.1 20 t'HHKTTB ConKT Near horse enrClols B MOO. Van HeUren , Douglns St 14th. 20.-.21 TV ! AYXiTlllfOS. , t<t FiminmTwni liufitl you JL'l a hou non ono of tholr lots for small sum of 10 percent cnsh , bnlnnco monthly pnymonts. Call mid secure yourself a homo before winter sets In. 2ir > 20 F . : Hoiisonnd'lot on ChieiRO street. House and lot on 17th street. $2.50J. Hou e § and lots on easy payments , Lots In Marlon Plnco , on Miami street. Ixit on 20th street , only J800. lOJ.xlIOfcet on Cn s , only f J/iOO. H.V. . Huntress , .3J3rnrnnm street. List your property with me. 031 SI * BITHDKTTB COURT Near here cars , lots $300. Van Ilourcn. Douglas & Hth. 20521 I1OK SAI K Or oxchargo. House nml Iot7 1 IPth and Nloholnn ; house nnd lot 15th nnd Dorcas. Wm It , Monroe , Gth nnd Douglas , ini FOH SALE Fine house , 10 rooms , Hnnscom I'lncochonp , by Mnyno llros. , 1510 Fiirnam. 245 20 FOR 8AI.H-A bnrKnln. Lot Bi\132. 2 blocks from po < tofflco. SW.OOil , hnlf cnsh. Mar- sbnll & LobecK , room 8 Hodlck block. 213 OlfsAI.K-Hy the owner , A. P. Tukoy , 1304 Fnrnam , ono of the best oust front lots In 11 MI coin Pliico. Call nt onco. A. P. Tukoyi , iy. , OH MALK 0 doslrablo lots in Hnnscom Plnco ; terms easy , a , P. Stobblns. box SSO. fl.O s 3 * BUiniETTK COUHT-Nenr horse cars , lots $ 'UJ. Van lloiiron , Douglas & Uth.U3B ' FOR SAM : House 4 rooms , lot 0 x151 , on Twentieth st , . within one mlle nnd a quar ter of postolllco , $2,503. Knsy terms. Mnyno llros. . 16111 Fnrnnm. 215 20 $ l , oo-Lot 10 , block 8 , Hnnsonm Plncc , S900 cash , 1-2 years. $2,500 , lot 0. block 8 , Hnnscom Plnco. Sl.KW , lot 1.1 , block 1,5 , Hiuuscom Place. Sl.ROO , lot tn Lnku's addition. $1,3.0 , two 1'its In Klrkwood's nddltion. $700. lot In Klrkwood's addition. f,2CO , House nnd 'i lot on Cass , enst of 20ih street. R1.500. House , barn , well , cistern , oust [ rout , In Idlowlld , t block from struct car. $5,090. good plnco in Elizabeth Place. $1,000 , ( rood house on full lot In Lake's addi tion. tion.Two Two nice 5-acro tracts In Tuttlo's subdivision cbcnp. 25 ncros north and west of stock yards for 5800 per acre , In the market lor f > days. 2H acres onSnuudors street , In Saratoga , cast front 105 feet. Hargalns In Improved nnd unimproved in nny pnrt of the city. Senrs , N. K. Corner 15th nnd Dodge. 023 SI HAVK TO fo5tt&43 _ on 10th st. Very vnlun- bio buslnC'is property at n great Dnrgiiln. John M. ClarkamitX 300 Ml * _ HILLSDATjE Hlqhost ground , handsomest location of nny lots In ornround Omaha , for $150 nnd SK5 u lot. Come nud see this ground. Amosl Heal Estate Agouoy , 1507 Far- num. fil 803 _ TCTOll SAI.K kice'iVroom Uousu nnd 2 corner -C lotsln Walnut Hill ; U cash baL to suit. Cnl Martin 110 S mil at _ 4gl pAHE IlAKaAJS-1449 acres good nraolo JLX land In Knovnnd Cedar counties. Nooraskn ; 5H per acre cash. A. It. Graham & Co. , Wisnor , Nebr. _ 085.S-Q HOU3I3 , 8 room , one block from street oar line , Bhluh's 2d , $ > ,5CO. Mnytio llros. , 1519 Fnrnam. f.Sii _ 245 20 T.OTSsollmif fodtti-ror 8800 to * 100Jsold n year JJ ago for $ lMtJ&rx/ Think of this and'trct n .lot now in HlllttiiWKcirSlSO t.o $175 and art easy terms. Amos' ItMlEstato Agouoy , 1507 1'artlnm _ ' * . ? . * _ 800' ' BUHDETTECQUIIT Npar horse cura , lota $300 , Van BcnrOn , Douglas & Utli. 2K 21 HOW you can mnko money ? Ily buying on easy payments u Hillsdalolot for $ r > 3 , that will bo easily' paid for and double in value. Amcs'Hoal Estate Agency. 1507 Fnrnam. 803 Bowr.Txa ORIKN lots , $ ino. 10 per contcush and $5 per month. Mnralmli & Lobeck , Agents. ' 049 FOR BALE Good 7-room house with collar , cistern , city wutor nnd bnrn , K lot , $3.803 ; enquire on promises , 2517 Davenport. .678 SELECTED , LANDS in Southern Minnesota. Northern Iowa , Central and Northern Kansas , For solo at low prices and on easy terms of ipay- mont. Kallroaa faro refunded to purchasers. Weekly excursions , float lands for the money. For further Information address O. U. Nolsou , OOP B. 10th St. Omaha , Nob. 668 _ REGORY & HADLKY Itoal Estate nndliental Agents , 1812 Douglas St. Having no property of our own In the market wo do a strictly commission business and make it to the interest of parties having proi > crty Tor snlo , rent , or trudo , to list same wltU us. Pur chasers will do well to remember us. Uustiiess transacted In responsible manner. 1E3 HEAVY gains In population pushes Omaha to the front. See ( tlllsdalo lota that you can now buy for $150. Pick one out , pay for It In Installment ! ) , nnd sell It In n year s tlmo for twlcn Its cost. Amos' Real Estate Agonoyri307 Fnrnainst , _ B)9 " " . or trada-My rosldenuo , S. W. cor. Hamilton and 27th streets. Two story house ; . 11 rooms , , well close tea : Insldo' city : wntor close t and Utith room : riitorn with kltcbe n sink pumr : ccllHriyoll lighted ami aired , bottom nnd side walls cemented , celling1 plastered ; yard wull sodded ; front nnd Bide porch ; barn tor 7 horses , 10 vehicle ? and enclosed harness room ; city wntor lit burn. ' Will soil for $7,60 > , on easy terms , or tntdo for satisfactory residence pvor > orty unimproved. W. T. Sonmnn. ' 228-21 * FOR8AI.K smnll house on lensoJ groxrnd nnd furnltjrufor sulocheap. Iinuro : at 1SJS1 Douglas st , 237 21 * FOR 8AIK House \ rooms , lot 00x151 , on Twentieth St. , within ono mile and a qunr- orof imstolnco , $2,50J. llaay terms. Mnyno ros. 1511) ) Farnam. 245 20 FOR SAI.K Or tmdo , good Omaha proper- ty ; will exchange for good , clean Mock of merchandise , grocoilos or drugs proforoil.v : Ad > dress L S3 , lloo onico. 248 Si * POlTHALK-Two olo/nut oast-front corner lots In Hnrr Oak ; natural shade trees. Hatcher , Oiuld & Co. . 12IU Douglas St. , Mlllnrd Hotel Dlook , Omaha , Nab. BJ4 HAVE you segn Hlllsdnle ? If not , do so at once nnd pick out u lot for $150 that will not only maku you money but help you suvo some. Ames * Jfcul Estate Agency , 1507 Fnrnam street. 809 BAHOAIN Ftill lot on Wobaler at. , between 17th nnd lethjils. , 2 houses , one of 5 rooms and onn AfijfSppuis ; good Darn and xlmde trees , mid othurMiJ Tovoments ; prloo 87.0JO ; ' ousyterms. 1'ott f- Cobb , 1515 Fnrnam st , Omaha , Tfob. I 821 Foil 8ALK4 fjfiJMitlfttl south frontage of VOftonC 'SBl flour SOth , all fenced nnd Improved wltbrtiitl _ _ . . .free * and eurubory , eon- stating of fiO o tfttps.50 evergreens , current , gooseberry. 20. JriUiiborry bushes , nspar- ngus bed , ' atHiwborry patch , horse laillsh , pie plan * , honeysuckle , climb ing rose , hardy , , , rpco3 , Ulllos , peonies , Ac. Price $2,000' , l 'lii Hiilaiice 1,3 and U years at B per cent , Idulyri LI jyates , California street noar301h. 1 i OV 25B 21 * H DUSKS I/ts , Farms , Lands money loan o IteinK 16th anil Douglns streets. 471 BUIIDLTTK < VTJUT Near horsoj nrs , lots MCO. Vun llyuien ; Douglas & 14th. 20521 TTU'LBDALn-wUust opportunity for getting JLlyou _ _ a cheap homu. bOK HOUSliS Ixif.q WFrnstrfinas money loaned. Ilerals , intiruM Douglas strneta. 471 Foil HALK 15 acres of flno rolling ground adjoining lots that nro now selling for f.WO per lot. If cold before pluttliu will soil for $ l,2iO per acre. Ilnllou Jtros.,1516 Douglas st. 'fjl'Sl- ) , roomi.xJiio'hlock from street cur Hue , SlilnuJi iSa , 2r > 00. Mnyno llros , 1510 Fornuin. 24520 TTTILLSDALi : g iu at $150 per lot. 803 EAVHNWOBTII BT. It. K. traunnge. one or moro lots or anacro. at a great bargain. Bee J , W , Log-uu. at LoaVunworth Uuslncss Place , or O.f , 'Baker , Iloom 7 Iron Hunk building. 8M Poll SALK VTo ha > o sixteen low In Haw- thorno addition that wo will soil : best and , choapuit intldo property la Omaha , lledfera & gouor T55 FOU BALK-12 choice tots In Suuudor * a nimobaugh's add. , $301 tu riU each ; oatr terms. A-H. Drlgg-g , SATO'S hat store. 703 BUKDKl'CB COUliTNear liorw cart. Iota $300. VauUeuron.PoiffJas&Utu. 20J21 , D OK'T fonret the numbor.1519 Fftrmm whore Mnyno Iiros , tmve bargains tn ronl estate. 24J 2J Br COnir-Nonr horse "cats. ots , , WO. Van llouren.DoiieUu . 80S II COTUT Xen her o Vnn ncuroi , Iougla , t 14tli JMJZi "ATAYN12 I1U09. , l.Mfl Viirnam , have t no best -I'-L lots in Orrhnril Hill tor unlo on cn y torim. Secure out before thny nro nil pone. 213 20 T > SATlsSK lOBl > tnto 317 S.stst. , bus JL > forsnlo Improrpil property ! tKfl Vine brick rnslilonoc with nil modern Improvement * , on Snnnilur * St. , lot laixlO ) , $3,000 to $ : > ,000 cnsli ilown . $ S.OCM 910 Nino-room I-ouso ntul lot. 20lh 't. , nenrSt. Miirjsuvo , fiUOciuh linlnnco monthly . 6,7s ) ! > H Thu'C-roomcott.iKO anil lot S. 17th * t , Jl.WO cnsh . l.COO 300 10- room lmu o mill lot ftl xlOO on Hurt at . J-.VIOJ rnili , b.ihinco to ult 4,500 301 22 Hon Cumlnir with store ami tin oil- Inn . . 3,655 81 ft on CutnliiR with 3 stores ami ilxrvlllliK , barn , etc. , . 10,800 DOT Kino si-room hou e , burn , do. , lot 100x100 . 4/00 OWjfi-roomcottnuc- fiQxlOO , both on minster , one-third cnsh , bnlntiro to suit . 3,000 827 fWottascs On South llth St. , to bo sold tone-tiler or In lot of 2 or .Indjolnlnit 12,030 253 KinoO-ronm house , lot oOxHO , on Ittth Rt. , ensh JI.'WO . ZaOD EOTi IotOxUO : ) with lioiisa , well , etc. , on IBthst . 2,20) ) 3JO ficottuifes of 5 rooms , lot * SO'txliO. cistern , wi ll , etc. , on HUM > ! . , tttX ; ) cash , JiVOO per month , O'U-h . 2,100 330 81 toot on CiimlnK. business lots , with 2stnrcs , dwelling , bnrn : nil rented. . . . $10.830 Pull lots nnd l-i lots with luriro or small houses In V. . V. Smith's nilcl , Plain View. Lowe's 2d add , Kountr.o'B 2d nilil. 1'nttcrson subdlv , liiprovomont Assnndd. Mlllard & Cnldwcll's add , Walnut Hill. 1'nrk 1'lnce , Illokorv Plnco. Omnlm Vlow , HeilConl's ndd. Shlun's ndd , Amos Plnco. Shlnn' 2d ndd , Denises' ndd. From $1,000 to $ ( rr 00 ; small payments : easy terms , 02J H1 OU8K. 10 rooms , nlco lot on Snundcrs St. , H1H ftTO. Mayno llros. , 1510 Far.iam. 215 'J0 _ H ? OW Is It your neighbor mis mndo jnomiyl . Ily having courngo to buy chonp lots. You cnndo thcsatuo In Hillsdnlo , whcrn lots now selling for SIM each will hrlnir double that In n year from now. Ames' Heal Estate Agency , 1W7 Fnrnam st. SOU tlLLSDALK. 809 COUHT Near horse cars , lots BIJHOKTTK fOOD. Van Bouron , Douglas , V lUh. UU5 1 MAYNIVS Addition , only two miles from poMollleo : line lots , nlco stiado trcvti. Will lie sold by Mnvne Bro . , ISIH 1'arimm , this motith only for $ .tiU. Toimseasy , aiS'JO -TpOlt HALK-UowlIng Oroon lots at S150. 10 JU per cent'cash and f > per monty. Ka'y , nndsuio to double In ayeur See this line ad dition nnd spouro a few lots while you can get Ihstcholco. Marshall & Lobock , Agents , 1511 Fnrunm street. U48 MAYN'T 11K03. , inio Kiirnmn , hnvo the best lots In Orchard Hill for sale on easy term ! ! . Secure ono before they are nil gone. 245 a ) FOR SALK Bowling Green lot a nt SIM. 10 percent cash and $ . " > per month. Otforatho easiest nnd surest investment to double your money in n year of nny property In the suburb- nn market. Lot us show you this line property. Marshall & Lobock , Agents , PSO 1511 Farnam street. H 'OUSK , 10 rooms , nlco lot on Saunacrs st. , 81,000. Mnyno Bros. , l.)10 ) Farnntn. : ! < 5 M B8ACH8SK. Heal Kstato,317 S. 18th 6t , lias for sale at a bargain : Improved and unimproved farms In No- brnaka. Four 1-4 sections In Dpuglns Co. , $40 per acre. 1 0 acres of splendid farm land , all Improve ments , In York Co. , $3J per acre ; also crops , priuledstock ncdfurnlturo for sale. Only for u Short tlmo nt this price. 1-4 section In Furnace Co. , chonp at $1,000. BO acres. Hurt Co. , $20 per ncro. 30o and 500 acres In Nance county , 512.50 per acre. 3,080 acres In Antelope Co. , $13 to $30 per acre. 100 acres In Mndlson Co. , $10 , or exchange for city property. i.'A ' tine tnrm of 200 ncrcs In Decatur Co.Tn . SM per ncro , or will trade lor general merchandise. Also farms in Kansas. B. SACIIS3K , 317 S 13th street. ( EO / \NE nnd throo-fourtius acres in llrookline nd- \J ditlon , price J350. 1'ottor & Cobh. 1313 Par- nam St. , Omaha , Nob. S-l ILLSDALE Beautiful location. . 803 H A * GOOD lot In Okahoma , near the Vlntonst. jflL carllno. price $1.01)0. Potter & Cobb , 1510 ram am St. , Omaha , Nob. 821 Como nnd sue it yourself , It HILLSOALE Its merits. AmoV Hout nutate Agency , 1507 Farnnm. 800 FOU SALK Residence property nnd vacant lots In every addition In Omaha. Terms to suit purchaser. Also doslrablo business prop * orty. Gibson , Larson & Co. , Itoom 3 , Wltlinoll Illock. 152 BSACHSSE , Heal Estate. 317 S. 10 st. has for sale : Milk dairy , good payln ? business , 15 froab cows , 4 horses , 1 deliver ] ' wagon , 40 nilllc cans , tank , etc. Can rent or buy the proportv whore It is on. 2 0 acres pasture , $2,000 , H cash bal 1 year. A great bargain. 820 FOK SALK Uy J. B. Evans & Co. , 1810 Dodge ; Eight lots In King's addition , each $ EDO Thrco beautiful lots near Lowe nvo. op posite reservoir , cacti 1,000 Flno south front , Walnut Hill , near Dolt Hue depot 650 Bast acre In West Omnhn GOUO Flnulol on Oeorght nvo 1,600 Hast front , Delaware at , Hnnscom plaoo. . 2,800 Corner Georgia nvo S.WO Corner Lonvonworth st B.OOO H ) foot f rout Leavonworth st. 8,000 Corner , Votes & Reid's add 700 I/ots in Plain View ngarSOthst ' , . . . . R50 Two oust tronte , Virginia avo. each 1,000 Lots' In A S Patriot's add , easy terms , ooctt ( XX ) Ono lot In block ? , Hanscom place l/fl ) Onecorncr , txro lots , Shull's add 8,300 Ono east front , Tabor place 1,100 14 lota Hawthorne. . . . , $1,100 to UXtt Enst front , Crcston 1,100 Eight lots. Iloyd's ndd , nil for 3,000 Ptoportyln all parts of Omaha. J. II. Evans & Co. . 170 S3 COURT Near horse curs , lots BUHDETTE Dcuron , Douglas & 14th. Bowling Oroon lots at 8150. 10 FOltSALK cnsh and 85 per month. Olfors tbo easiest and surest invostmant to double your money in nyoar of nny proncrtyln the suburb an market. Lot nssliou-jou this flno property- Marshall & Lobeck , Agents' . UJO 1511 Farnam street. TTILLSaALi ; has advantages which can't bo ' J.T beaten ny nny locution. When you BOO the Mots you will admit It. Ames , 1507 Fnrnatn. SOU OUSAI.K-rllnusoG rooms , lot 75HC2 , ono mlle nnd a halt from postolllco , $1,800 , Mayno Hros. , 1519 Farnam. 24 > 20 BUHDBTTE COUHT Near horse cnrs , lots $300. Van neuron , Douglas & 14th. 20521 -r > OAVLIN < J ( SltKKN | dtsIW. 10 per cent. -L ) eash and $5 per month. MaraUall & Lobeck. AfiontS , 019 HILI SDALU- Yes , that's the name , nnd tno lots eoil for ? 1W to f 17i on oitty toniu. Have you seen this ground ? If not , do at once , aa it costs nothing to ride out to tnls beautiful location. Amos' Itoal Estate agency , HOT 1'ar- nam. BQ3 D ON'T forget the numbor.lfiltl Fnrnum whore Mnyno llros , have bargains In real estate. 24520 , ou SALK-UowlIng Qrcon lots at $150. 10 F per cent cash and $5 per month , Easy , and sure to dnublo In a year. Sou this Quo ml. nltlon and socura a few lots while you can get first choice. Marshall & Lobeck , Agents , 04 ! ) 1 11 Farnam street. Jlj. nice It Co. oQor for a few days the to- lowing real citato bargains linprorod Kariu\inot coraor $10,000 Improved Farnam at buslnusn pioporty between 12th nnd 13th st 00,000 29 It on Farnam bt with now cottage near 3dst 3,500 Cor lot on Howard st near St. Mary's ave together with Improvements 20,009 Fine 2 story residence , full lot on K 18th st. Special bargain at , 0,003 OuxlbH on Sherman ave with new Broom - room modern house 7,003 07 It f root on N 10th near Cass st on ulloy with fi room cottage 4,500 Corner lot In Lowe's nddltion , block 0 , north und oust front , . , , 7.rO Lot MillHowe's addition 1,000 B room modern new bouse , full lot lu Htinscoin place , 0,750 , TmtkiiKO on the I J.I' , and II. & M. ry.ceu- tral location at positive bargains Half lot with 8 room modern house on Webster st but 17th and 18th at 5,000 Half lo * on Chicago st with 0 room bouse tuo Improvements , good burn , 0,700 7 lots lu I'lulnvlow addition on M et , will bo gold If taken at once at $350 each. . U south fiont lots on Ilurdott st , Patrick's 2d. JustotT Haundura st , $1,150 each tiiOcaibbalSyoara , , 2 lots on Gurulnif tt , $70) each Slots In Kllby placfli ; 0 each . . . . . . . , Wo have the tincet realdenc-o on one of the nnost streets furnished or uufurn Ishod at bargain 3 lota on Cuinlog t , Lowo'sSd add , $2 300 Half lot wltb'l Vooui cbttiige'on Baud'doni 200 Ilusluess corner on Bouth ICth et. . . . , . . , 3OUO Inside east front bUBlnixa lotiU155 South ICih'st cheap t . . J , qp LI t your property for quick eales with J. Ij Rico Co. , room 6 , ovex Oomtuorclal Nat'l limit. Bt'UnUTTK COt'HT-Ncnr horse caw. lots Max Vnn lleuron , Dougms A Hth , 20321' . : TOTS rail PALn In" Orchard HllirMayno .IJ I'lMi'iMaj no's ndilltloti , nml nil otliot mldl * ons , by Mayno Urns * , 1f > 10 I'arnam. XI 6 20 nil.l.SDALi : You can nnd no such lots a these nt JIW nplocc. Amos' Heal K < tate Agonoy , U-07 fiirnnm st _ SOJ _ FOH : T.i.iKur Tri'lo ' Improve ! anT iiln'n- prorod lands In Filrnas nud ot tor vro < lorn countlc * . Adlro j Wm , ArApfiop , FurnnsCo. Nob. _ 375 Bt'RmrnT. COl'irr-Noar here cars , lots fix ) . Van Iloiiri-n. Douglns .VUth. 203 21 FOH SAI.Klions" . Brooms , lot "rixlflJono mlle and a half from poslollleo , fl.HlO , Mayno " llros , 1MI > Farnnm _ 24T 20 tntDI5TncOlM'-No.\r IIOMO cm- * , lots B Vnn Hciiren , DOURIIIS Mltli. 20.12I JV lots. Thor grow In niliin fnttor thnn any other . Pco Hlflsdalo. Lots $15' ) onoh. AmcV Itonl Kstnto Aircncy , 1507 rnrnam , ? OJ n TOsTATl : ! ts < ruly jTrxi to' > l7\nnd III sell lor double this flguro tn 12 mouths' time. Como nnd see them. Amos' Itiml INtuto Aironcy , lr > 07 Fai nam st RW FOR HAHOAINS In properly lu llnnsoom I'lnco sco Mayno llros. , IMH 1'nrniuii. 245 20 Omaha , Council Bluffs And Chicago. The only road lo take for Des Molnos , Mnr- shnlltown , Cedar Haplds. Clinton. Dixie , Chica go , Milwaukee and nil noinls east. Tothopoo- nln of Nebraska , Colorado , Wyoming , Utan , Idaho , Nevada , Oregon , Washington und ( 'mi- forniaUoirerssuporlorndviintngesnotpOd.slhlt ) by any other lino. Among n few of the numerous points of supe riority enjoyed by the patrons ot this rend be tween Omnhn and Chlcngiu are Its two tinlns n day of DA V COACHES which are the nm t that human art and ingenuity cnn crento. Its PALACE SLEEPING tJAHS. which nro models of comfort nnd olegnnco. ItsPAHLOK OHAW- ING IIOOM CAHS , unMirp.'ikScd bv any , nnd Its widely celebrated PALATIAL DININil CAHS , the oaiial of which nitinot bo fnunil rlsowhoro. At Council ItlulTs the trains of the lrnlon Pnci- flc Ily. connect in I'ulon Depot with those of the Chicago & Northwestern Ily. In Chicago the trains of this ) lluo mnko close connection with those of nil eastern lines. Tor Detroit , Columbus , Indianapolis , Cincin nati , Niagara Falls. ItulTalo , Piltshurg , Toronto , Montreal. Io ! ton , Now York. Philadelphia , tlraoni. Washington nnd nil points In the east , ask the ticket ngont for tickets via the " * " "NOHrrilWHSTEHN , If you wish the best accommodations. All ticks iKrontb sell tickets via tills lino. M. HUGHITT , H. S. IIA1H , General Manager. ( Ion. I'lUj. Agent CHICAOO. THE CHICAGO SHORT LIE - OF THE - ChlcagolMilwaute SIPaulB'y , ' THE BEST E.OUTE \m \ mm and COUNCIL BLUFFS o ! TIEIIE E.A.ST. TWO THAIKS DAHA' BETWEEN OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS AND Milwaukee , St. I'anl , Jlinnciipolis , Ccduv Kupidw , ' CUntoii , Dubuquc , Davoniiort , Rock Islancl.Frccport , Rockfonl , .Elgin , Jladlsou , Janosvllle , 'Beloit ' , Wiuona , LaCrossc , And oil other Important points Uost , Northeast and Soutlieaat. For through tickets call on the Ticket Agon ot 1401 1'nrnam street ( In I'.ixton Hotel ) , or u Union PaclDo Depot. Pullman Bloopers nnd the finest Dining Cnrs In the world are run on tlio main lines of the CuiCAao , MiLWAUiirK 4 ST. PAUL HAIMVAY , nnd every attention Is paid to passengers by courteous employes ot tlio company. It. MIIXBII , lie nor nl Maiiagor. J. F. TUCKEII , Assistant Oennral Manager. A. V. H. CAupEtrrcn , Gonoial Passenger and Ticket Agent. GKO. B. llu ArronD , Assistant 0 enornl Passon- or and Ticket Agent J. T. CLATltc , Oonerni Suporlntondont. MMBDRG-AMERICAH E * aclcot A DIHECT LINB FOU England , France & Germany. The steamships of this well known line nro built of lion , In wntor-tight compartments , and ore f urnlebod with every requisite to mnko the paxgoge both euro and ngrrooablo. Thojr carry the United States und European mulls.iuid leave Now York Thurwlays and Saturdays for Pl . mouth. ( LONDONCUorbougPAHI3 ( and II Alt- IIDUO ) . lluturiilng , the stoamora ( uuvo Hamburg on Wednesdays nnd Sundays , via. Havre , taking passengers at Southampton und London. First cabin fti , too and $75 ; Steerage $ 1. Railroad tlckoU from Plymouth to Bristol , Oar * ( Ilir. London , or to any place In the Bouth of Knglnnd , FHKK. Steerage from . Buropo only W. Bend WUi , , , H. t General Passenger Agents , Bl Broadway , Now York ; Washington and IA BulloSU. Chicago 111. WHO la UNXCOJAINTU WITH THE OEOadHPHir OF THI9 coueirnr WILL BCE BIT e umi > M > THIS UAP THAT THI dUIOAGO.RODIC ISLAND 8 PACIFIC nfilLWAV loiilAl poinu. cffiulltul tua > o l Impomnl wJJ nontliiontnlllnkln tUat nirttriii of llnouu'li tranirnn fjitloa which Invltoi imd farllllatra trovtl and tntr.t between cltlei of tlio Atlauile nud Paclrio Ucaati. II If also the faroritv and be t rmila to and from poln'i feAtt , itortuajui ami bouthoaar. and rorrrvpoudliiii ooliiU Wet , Nuniiwcit and Uruthnot. The Croat Rook Island Route ir noui n anil II.u uniiiriiatiiea luiiifurti aud _ Th Vn < t Einrau Tralni l tii-c n Chl tco unit P or a. Council Iilutr . Oily , RravniwurlJi uuj Atclilton nrtt computad of well T0ntlUt4Hi fliit > iy ui > ' lur Oouhiw. MamilUcciil hpliU'lul fullioan Hal r F.pP * ' of ttia lateit dellcn. aiul > unihtuout lllnliitf Car .ln whlcu < al jraUly runktd nirali are uriuralr aio alto run Ibo CoJe iratcJ ItvrlluluK Cliolr Cara. The Famous Albert Lon Route < llre t aJid farorlto Uo tetw.fn ClilcaRo ami wlnnaapoIUatidSt. I'aiil. ubero < u > Dii Hliun ariiuiad In Uuluu l ) | wt < r r all point , in t ! > . T.rrltoil. . ud IlrlUiU 1'rorluroj. Orur IhU ( unto Vail > . > urna Iraliu nr nm to the waUrlnir iilaiai tumnicr r - oru.ptetnntq u lapallilra. and IIIIUIIDII and nMuu ffruliad. of Iowa IK | uliuiexita. Jt I * alio the iuol btlll anotlif r IfliErr I.ISK. rla B nxa and Kan. kake > , bu beta oixnwl Utw , , n Clni-tanall. Indian , auullt and Latorrll. aiul Council Jlluir. , biiniuCltj. aUlmtpullaaiidUt. Paul and luteruidU palnt > . J ° 'ablS.aa wtlPcyViokeU. ArJIpjlocl'p ! ' VTIek ? { i la lb * UelwU Sutea and COOKI.II or bjrJ - R. R. GABLE , E. ST , JOHN , ' . A gnlclr. 1- Cun lur IU Vaubwvl. I ) l < lllly , Beit MEN Lut A. Koquocktry. la. uofa , Dook Mtit a l Jrci. tlUE tlU > . CO. HUyVAIXJ. .N. Hallway Time Table OMAHA. The following Is the tlmo of arrival nrid do- Harturoof ( mini by Ccnttnl PKnJanl Tlmo at the depots. Twins ot thn C , S' l , M A O. arrl\o nnililupnrt fromtliPlnli'pot , corner ot trnlu oil the II II. & y. nud K 0 , St.,1. A f . from the It. . \ M. depot all ollicis from the 1 nlon Pnclllo ill-pot , 111111)01 ! THAI S3. llrl < lpo trnlnt Mill louvo t * V , depot nlfl V - li:3.'i SCM : - moCiO : llnwa. in , 1110 -lift ) - 1W2iW : - : ( Hl:096lVoU : : ; ; * sl.- 7:011 : 11:10 p. lu. Ix ave Transfer for Onmhft nt 7:12 : W n P ' 0 P : -HIOiV : ; IOS7-.ll:3T : n. m.lJI : 213 % ! 7 -,1IM-X1:37-I37 : ; XiW 0 : 7:307:50S.3J : n 10. 11. in. . CONN.Krrtxo ( Mxis : Arrival and iloparturo of trnltis from His Trnn rer Depot nt Council llluds : DKI'AUT. AttntvE. CIIICAOO , HOOK isr M ) * vvctuc. lUtl.-iA. M. I UOllSA. f. 11 Bin A. M. ; ; iM. . UU:4il\ : ) . I II 7:00 : r M. ciiifMio NormnrtSTr.iin. coiiriA. M. i nniiSA , M , II li:40 : r M. I 117:00 : f. M. ClIICAOO , llt'llMNOTOX QUINl'V. AOi'.UA. M. A 0:13 A.M. n 0:4 : ] p. M. ii 11:20 : r. M. A 7:00 : f. M. M1MVAUKKB & ST. 1'AUU A 0:15 : A.M. I A OllS A. M A 0 :40 : 1 > . M. I A 7 .00 r. M KAMUS citr , ST. .101 : it cot'M'it. m.urrsi A 10:00 : A.M. I 1)01,13 A.M. C : Mr. M. | A 5iS : : t % K. ST. LOUIS * r-At'irtix A 8:00 : r. M. | AiMr. : : u. SlOlt.X C1TV I'AOlllO. A7MA. : M. A 0W : A.M. A : ' - " r. M. ASiSdr. M. A.M . . . . I. . .Denver K.\projo i fiMn : :05n : . . .Loenl lxpre : ll:00u : 11. .V M. IN NK1I. 8IOn : Hall and Hxpross. 0:400) : :23ii.Night : _ _ Uvpross. . . Ilt3a ) ! | . . . . , _ , " ' " " Dnpnrt. 'SOUTirWAllI _ _ ) . _ Arrho. "A. .M. I IM. . M188 _ PAClPiC. A.M. \ \ wT - . . ; ! . ) , v Uxprcss .Nlglit I'.xpros * K. C. , ST. .1. * C. II. SijMii . , Vhi I'lallsmouth. . "Depart. "NOUTHWAUD. A. M. ll-.Jl. | I C. . ST."TCrMr A : OT i A. M. l..8lotix City r.xpres * . . 'lOiUnltlnnd Accoiiimoirn KA8T\VAII1 > . A.M. C. . 11. * Q. . t fl:20l : rlntt&itioiith 7:10 NOTE -A , ti-nlnsdallv : I ) , dnlly exi-ept Sun day ; C , dally uxcept S.iturday ; D , daily except Mtniduv. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ STOCK YAHD TRAINS will Icnve ( I. P. iloiiot , Omaha , at tlslO 7Xj 10:1)0 a. m ; Ul)0-tt ) ; ! : ( tl ; 5 : : OJ p. in. Pnclllo Uxpresi , K-M p in , ; Denver Ex. , 10:53 : a.m. ; Local Kx.r > :0 : > p. m. Leave stock vards lor Omaha nt * 7:0."i : 0:30 Jlna. : : in.SA-aK-tn-0a- : ) : ! ! : asOp. : in. Atlantic Ex . lo S. O. 7V : : > n. in. ; Chlcairo Kr. . le S. O. : : Local Kx.lo. ti. O. 10:31 : n.m > t Mo. Pao. Ux.lo. S. O. 0 : 7 p. in. 5d U. 1lix. . , 6:09a. m. Kxcopt Sunday. Union National Bank 206 Masonic Elk , MYf. Cor , Cap.Av , & 16tli Paid un Onpitnl , - $100,000 Authorized Capital , - - COO.OOO Accounts solicited. Interest pHld on time deposit - posit- : collect Ions male In all parts of thowo t , nnd having provided the largest and best vnult in the city , wo will receive valuable articles on storage. Prompt attention will Uo given to nil business entrusted to us. J.vo. W. HODumt , Cashier. WM. W. MAUSH. President. Telephone No. 812. A STANDAKI ) MKDICAL WOUK FOR YOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED MEN ONLY 11 IIY MAIL , ILLUSTRATIVE SAMPLE I'llKlS TO ALC. mm THYSELF. . Kilinmlert Vltnlltjr , Nervous nncl Pnyslcnl Dohllltr Promiitiiro Doclliu-In Mini , Krrorinf Vmitli , nnd tlio uiiluld ml iirlc ri iiltlni ; from Indltcrutlun nnd or- cesnofl. A book for ovcrr intin , younjr , mlddlo-KKUd nnd old. It contiilns 1U iiruicrlptlnns fornll nc'uto and rbronlMll ciiBos. inch ono of which Is Inviijiinblo. So found bjrlho niitliomhosa ostpirlonco for'i ) wir.lll eurli ns prolmblj never bcfots foil to thn lot of any plijTBlclan ; 3tXJ puEOt , bound In beautiful French mui. Hn. flmbopaea oovcra , fall pllt.cilUrantood to bo aflnfe- work In ovnry BOIISO mcclintilunl , Ittcrurynnd prnf . dlonitl-tniin nny ntliorworltln this country for W.oO. or thn money will bo refundoa In every instance. rrlcaoDly tl Dy mall , pualuulJ. Illuitrntod namplo , rOc. Ronu no\r. < fol < l moilnl uirnrded tbo nuthor by pho National Mudlrul Anoclatlnn , to the Hun. A. I * . Illisoll. nnflnsjocliito i > niccr of the board tlio render II ranpcotfully rnforrod. The Hclenco of f.\fa \ la worth more to thn youns nnd ralddlc-imcd manor thisitonunulon tUtuinil the mil I mtnpt of Cjillfiirnlu and the fllvcr uilnoi of Novuil i combined. C , F. Chronicle. The Science of Life polntanutthe rockn and quick * sands on which tlio constitution ami hopraof munr rounif mun have been fatally wrockoil. Munchostor Mirror. Ttm Hnl'ncn of Life l of oroatar vuliio than all tlio montnul workj tmbllnhort In tills country for tlio put yours Atlanta Constitution. Ttio bolenco of Ufa U n superb nnd mnitcrly treat- no on nervous nnd physlcul debility. Detroit Vroo Artcj'roes the I'culMidy &Icdlcnl Institute , or Dr. W. II. Parker , No. 4 llulltlncli afreet , Iloiton , Muas. . wtin may bo consulted ou all duicnsM rc'iulrlnj ' skill unit nxuerlenra. Clironlo and nbstlimto dltoaso that bavo bunted the skill ot other physicians a npoc- lulty. buch traaicd ruoroi fnlly without ally In- stnnco of failure. Mention Omaha lloo . CRICHTON& WHITNEY , Doalursia HARD AND SOFT COAL AND WOOD Hock Spring ; * , IlIinoiH , ITlUinurl uml Iowa Soft C'oul. Ollioo 218 South Fiftoontli at. Yards Eighteenth nnil Izard sts. WOODBRIDGE BRO'S. , State Agents P Oil TIIJ3 Omaha , Neb. SENT C. O. D. ( INK QJt MOHK AT WIIULChALE I'lilCE. I I'AV all citriM cliarsta to all [ uluU wltlilo Slit ) rollf" . I , OOicarrliiria to reluct froRi Hcml too cito. > tampfor IIItutratiucutlojuo. Hentf " ' L. Q. SPEMCER'S TOY FACTORY , 221 W. MADISON BT. , CHICAGO. MADK IIY HEAGICMADK CO. 1'JlILADKLrilIA , 1'A. FINEST and BEST IN TUB WOULD. NEEDS NO COOKING- I'roiluclii' ' n rich , lionutiful ULOShi nml STIFl'iJKSS. No Starch yet Introduced cun ho coin- narod with the MA01U. Oao package will do tlio work or t\vo \ pounds of ordinary starch , KoU under etnr nt uof tb iu nuf oturer . SLOAN , JOHNSON & CO. , Wltoleaal Agents , Omaha , Neb.