Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 21, 1886, Page 6, Image 6

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Dclhcrcd tiy tnrrltr In nny pnrtof the city at
twenty cents per wcifc.
11. W. Til/rojf , - Manager.
ncRij-tssOnicr. , No. 43.
NimtTEmion No. 23.
Now fall Roods at Holler's.
Tlio council will meet this cvonlnir.
Now York Plumbing company.
The iloniocrallc iriinnrios moot Mon
day nielli ,
Tlio very best cabinets at $3 dot. at
Tlio ball game to-day Is to bo called at
2 3) ) o'clock , so tbey , iy.
Olio dozen cablmitfi am ) a largo panel
for $3.50 at Schmidt's gallery.
See that your books arc made by More-
liouso As Co. , Koom 1 , Kverelt block.
Paclllc lionso recently renovated. Cool
rooms ; money saved ; comforts gained.
There will bo Hurvices at the Haptist
church to-morrow morning and uvun-
ingim usual.
Tlio ease of Almy vs. Driolinor is now
io bo tried in the circuit court. It is u
controversy for a cow.
Kubi'rt Uankln now mourns the loss of
a sot ot hariu'ss , stolen from bis stable by
come sneak thief.
Mr. TnjiKnrt , foreman of the Now York
numbing company , if wearing a , f.itbcrly
smile now. Cause , a girl ,
Tlio bridge between Harrison and Hen-
ton streets is in a very dangerous condi
tion , hardly being able for a team to
cross it ,
The largest turtle overseen in this part
of tbo country passed through hero yes
terday. It weighed U55 ponnIs and went
to Omaha.
Tim chorus choir of St. Paul's oh urch
will meet this evening for rehears il in
tliu new church. A full attendance is
This afternoon the Athletics , of Omaha ,
will play UieMnollorJMusie companvbasc
ball club at the driving park. A line
game is anticipated.
The sewer in the alley by the c ity build
ing is about completed and the paving
will bo laid immediately , the blocks being
already on the ground.
A memorial service for the Rev. G. C.
Haddock will bo hold in tbo litoudway
M.E church on Sunday evening. Ser
vices will begin at 8 o'cloek.
The bishop of Iowa has sign ilicd his in
tention to visit St. Paul's church parish
Sunday , September 5. for confirmation
and the new church will then be opened
to the public for divine service.
The Union Pncilie round trip ticunts
for LIIKO Manawa go on sale to-day in
Omaha. Tlio.y are 75 cents each , which
includes 'bus fnro to and from the lake.
They are good on nny train after 3
o'cloo k this afternoon.
In the circuit court yesterday the case
of Mrs. Kli/abith ( Stein against the city
was put on trial. The plaintiff claims
$8,000 damages for injurious received by
her on account of a defective crossing on
upper Uroauway.
On Thursday afternoon Mrs. Matilda
Katzenstcin died at her homo , corner of
South Seventeenth street and Fifth ave
nue. She was a native of Germany and
in the forty-ninth year of her ago. The
funeral services w'lll take place from her
late residence to-morrow afternoon.
Now that Lake Manawa is so Jew ,
Wray'fl or Smith's landing is beinjr
used instead of Mark's landing , the
water at Mark's being so shallow. It is
exDceted that the work of damming up
the channel w < ll cause a rise of a foot or
two in the lake in a few days.
It appears that n mistake is made in
the construction of the new sewer ditch ,
the cross-section being too wide at ( lie
bottom. The bed of the ditch is so wide
that what water tnero is now barely cov
ers in , and * tlioro is hardly any current ,
not ncar noiigl to keep the ditch clean-
cn ( It nrmiuiy is stngmuiii Sim bivvun
all the evils of any stagnant water. It
has been suggested that u narrow chan
nel should be dug at tbo bottom of the
ditch , confining the water , so Unit in tbo
summer season , when there is but little
water , it would run off. A glaneo at the
sewer ditch will cause anyone to see ttie
difficulty existing at the picseut time.
1C there should bo a Hood the ditch will
doubtless serve as an excellent outlet ,
but with the scanty water now in the
ditch there is no current perceptible.
BFirst class tin work , roofing , etc. , a
specialty at Cooper & McGco's.
Highest prices paid for county , town
city and school bonds. Odoll Bros. &
Co. , No. 103 Pearl street , Council Blulls ,
Mrs. F. II. Stewart , of Chicago , having
purchased the Parisian millinery store ,
will continue business thoro. Persona
knowing themselves indebted will please
call and settle.
Substantial abstracts of titles and real
estate loans , J.Y. . & E , L , Squire. No ,
101 Pearl street , Council Bluffs.
13 Cabinet Photographs ? 3. Qualitj
the finest. Shorradtm , 317 liroaUway.
PorHonnl Paragraphs.
Honorable J. Y. Stone was at the Ogder
yesterday , .
Harry Huntoon , the elevator and graii
man of Hurling , was at the Pacific yester
Major MoAulloy was hero yesterday
and wont over to Omaha to look after hi ;
contracts thoro.
Mrs. ( jcsturllold , of Chicago , who ha ;
been in the city stopping with Mrs. Me
Million , lias go no to Lies Monies ,
Tom Mlllutt was luiro yesterday , am
tripped over to Omaha , promising to re
turn to spend Sunday with his Counci
mulls fdonds. j
Notice of Dissolution.
The partnership hcrotforo existing be
tween Dr. U. U. Jndd and S. T. Smltl
Jtas this day been dissolved by mutiia
consent. Dr. Judd succeeds to the busl
ness , and will collect amounts duo tin
iirm and will pay all indebtedness of tin
firm. C. li , Jiioi ) ,
Council Bluffs , August 20,1880. ,
Robbed nt Midnight.
There arrived hero yesterday inornlnj
on the incoming Chicago & North wcstcri
train an old man who , with his family
bad quite a lively experience in bonrdliij
the train at MarshalItown. The eli
ttun was accompanied by his wife , hi
BOI'I and Ids son's family , Ou gettinj
onto the cars some pickpockets crowdei
about the sou , and tried to rob him. H
knocked two of them down , uud as tli
crowd gathered about them the old mat
had his pocket picked , his money au <
tickets being taken.
Electric door bolls , burglar alarms , am
every form of domestic electrical appli
uncos fit the Now York Plumbing Co.
Perfectly utisfctory accommodation
ut $2 $ 00 u day at the Piicltic house. Glv
it a trial and'bu convinced.
All Uio comforts of high priced ho ol
at thu Pficlflo house , anU u suvi/sg of COte
to | l a day. Try it.
A VcrJant German Lentla Ilia Money to a
"Merchant , "
Colonel Dally Cclcbrntcs tlio Dny on
\Vlilcli llo Sou ! it to Cnpluro n
\Vhotc llrlnnilc Slow Jus
tice Tor Swin.
Ciiiitlilotico Moil.
Yesterday morning HHTO xv\s a trick
turned by conliilenco mon on the incoming -
ing Chicago * Northwestern train. The
victim was a young ( .irrinun named In-
gluhnrt , who was on route from Clinton ,
la. , to O'Ntiill , Neb. , where ho has a
brother and oilier relatives living. The
sharper called himself Miller , mid pretended -
tended to bu n merchant in O'Neill. Of
course ho know all of the young fellow's
relatives and was diiing u large1 busings ,
nml having unbounded credit. An
"airont" came in and wanted Miller to
pay for some charges on a lot of goods.
Miller did not have quite money i-nough ,
and would his young friend accommodate
him until they reached O'Neill ? Of
course the sucker helped him out by
loaning him all he hail , $70. On reach
ing tins transfer the confidence man
jumped the train. Olllcer Untlmnk wan
given the CUR and ho started on a chase
after the crook , but thn latter escaped.
The victim hung about town watching
anil waiting , but ho could not iiiul his
friend , llu concluded to continue IHH
journey , the crook not having robbed
him of his railway ticket.
Open a Snloon ,
Yesterday morning it was discovered
tliatdnring the night Harry Innian'.spiaco
of business had been visited by burglars
who had gained an entrance through a
tear window. A pane of glass hail boon
taken out , and thus an opening gained ,
Some cigars anil liquors were taken , but
little else. There has been no clue gain
ed yet.
How llo Tried to Capture a Urlgnilc
Twenty-Two Yearn Ann.
"To-morrow is my anniversary , " laugh-
nijily remarked Colonel Daily yesterday
as ho was chatting with a group ot"
friends. "I have duo occasion to remem
ber twenty two'ycars ago , the 2lst of Au
gust , 1801 , for then it was that I got n
rebel bullet put into me. " The Uii : re
porter pressed the colonel for the partic
ulars , but the latter declined to toll the
story. "If you want to know about it I
will lot you read what appears in p South
Carolina paper , which I have at my of-
lice. It's better to lei the other side toll
the story. "
The paper referred to was found. It
was the Anderson ( S. C. ) Intelligencer ,
and the following portion of the article
explains why Colonel Daily wel. remem
bers twenty-two years ago to-day :
"On the aist day of August , 1831 , Gen
eral Hngootl's brigade , with live others ,
were ordered to carry a strongly on-
trenccd federal iio.sition on the Wcldon
road , near the Yellow tavern , a few miles
from Petersburg , Va. For some reason
only two brigiuuis , of which CJencral 1 la-
good's was one , wont into action , and
General Ilagood at thn head of Ms men.
swept over and beyond the lirsl line of
entrenchments in a charge that carried
all before him. At tlio second line they
wore confronted by overwhelming num
bers , and met by such a close and deadly
fire that their advance was cheeked , anil
further progress being manifestly impos
sible , the commaniF halted , and en
deavored to maintain the unequal liirlit
where' it stood. Being wholly unsup
ported , however , and it plainly appear
ing that the assault had failed on this ac
count , retreat became inevitable.
"At this critical moment a mounted
. officer dashed out of the federal breast-
V76TKS , RH'J ' luWH till ) CQIlfe&'ratfi
ranks commanded the men to throw
down their arms and surrender them
selves prisoners. A number of ollicors
and men , deeming their plight a hopeless
ono , obeyed the order almost mechan
ically , and the ollicer had already taken
the colors from the hands of the ensign
when General Ilagood , who was on foot
and at some distance , discovered what
was taking place , and recognizing the
necessity for promnt action , ordered his
men to shoot tliu ollicer on llio spot. Tins
order was not heard , or at any rate was
not'oboyed , and firing his pistol at the
bold ruler without effect , General Ilagood
advanced rapidly toward him and de
manded that no should give tip the colors
on Urn instant. The ollicor replied that
the command had surrendered
and that General Ilagood was
himself a prisoner. General Ila
good replied that no ono but himself had
any authority to surrender , that ho did
not propose to do so , and again de
manded the Hag to bo given him , adding
that the officer was 'at liberty to return
to his own lines it lie did so. ' 'You
have made a bravo light , general , ' re
sponded the brave and determined fed
eral. 'Utit if you will look behind
you , you will see that you are
lost. ' A single glance in the direc
tion revealed to General f lagood the fact
that the enemy had closed in oeliiud him
and that his command was surrounded.
There was not a moment to bo lost. Gen
eral Ilagood presented his pistol , and
peremptorily demanded , 'Will you sur
render that Hag , immediately yes , 01
no ? '
" 'Hy the living God , no,1 fairly shouted
the gallant but fated man , and with the
words fell heavily to the ground , as the
ball from General Ilagood'n pistol entered
his side. Seizing the colors and spring
ing into the saddle from which tlio ollicor
had fallen , General Ilagood led the
charge against the foe in his rear and
Ids command fought its way back to the
confederate lines1
In the sumo paper an account is given
of the same allulr by General Ilagood
himself , who was afterwards the gover
nor ot bouth Carolina. Ho says : ' 'The
attempt of this ollicer to secure the sur
render of a wliolo brig.ido came very
near sncccding. It was ono of the most
dashing feats witnessed by mo on either
side during the war. Upon the olianees
of securing a pnzu for thn side he served ,
Captain Dally doubly staked Ins life , for
ho was while in the confederate line in a <
much danger from the lire of his own
men as from the enemy. "
Thn case of Swift , who has boon in jal
on a charge of robbing Staub , tliu Avocr
brewer , came to p. close before Judgt
Ayltsworth yesterday. The charge wui
made that Switt whllo helping Sttud
paint tlio town stole Staub's watch am
railway ticket. Swift explained tha
Stanb dropped the watch in an alley , am
that ho found it , and was on his way tc
the police station to return it when hi
was arrested. The judge thought tha
there were some features to the cast
which did not look just right , but tha
there was hardly enough evidence tc
warrant him in holding Swift. Ho ao
cordingly turned him loose.
Still Htxtos Siiyu Its Jiut.
OQicor Uuthank hue received u cabluo
pleture of Still Dates , who is to be huiif
in Indiana next week for wifu-murdcr
TJio photograph is an excellent ono , am
is recognized with sad interest by the o
who know the doomed man for so many
years hero. Mr. Untlmnk lived as his
next-door neighbor for sixteen years , and
had known him since Hates was a mere
boy. Ho has received several letters
from Hates lately , and in the last ono
Hates states that ho can hear the work
men putting tip the seuflbld preparatory
to ids hanging. He writes that he merits
the fate that is in "lore for him. and has
no excuses to make for the crime , but
Icols that justice is to be meted out to
him. II s brother. William Uates , left yesterday -
terday on the sail journey to the scene of
his brother's death.
Trloil HIv Times.
The ca c of Doty vs. Hallard reached
another decision yesterday. The plaintiff
claimed pay for services in herding
cattU for Dr. Hallard several years ago.
This was tno slMh trial of the cause.
Tliroii times a judgment has been ren
dered for the plaiutlll' . Twice the juries
have disagreed. Thin last trial resulted
in a verdict for the defendont. It is un
derstood that this will cud the struggle.
Gin nmlGiiinlillnir.
John Hunr.v and Charles Henry were
arrested at Missouri Valley on the charge
of keeping a gambling house. V. E.
Cruson , of Modalo , was the complainant.
The cases were brought before Stpilro
llobrook , but a ehaniro of venue was
tiiKun to Squire Dauiolson , in Calhouu
township. He granted a continuance ,
and when the time came for a hearing ,
Crnscii , the complainant , was tinder ar
rest and taken back to Modulo on a
charge of gambling also , so that ho was
not present to testify. The case of the
Hunr.vH was not stopped though as ex
pected , but the hearing was
proceeded with and Charles
Henry discharged. and .lolln
Henry hold in $ , " 00 ball to appear before
the grand jury. Ho was given time to
lix up his 'bond and it Is reported that he
has skipped out. In thn meantime tlio
complainant , Croscn , pleaded guilty to a
like "charge , and was lined § 25 and costs.
A quantity of liquors was seized at
Henry's place and taken out to Mr ,
Keenoy's for safe keeping. A party of
about a dozen sought to break in and recapture -
capture thu contraband stun" , but the
guards tired at them and frightened them
away. It is understood that this trans
action may result in some of the partici
pants being brought into court.
nen Wood ns n. Gamester.
Sitting on the inner pia/za of tlio Grand
Union hotel to-night , just by the ollico
door , Benjamin Wood , of New York city ,
attracted my attention by his constant
and nervous action , says the Now York
Tribune's Saratoga correspondent. lie
llittcd back and forth , bitting down occa
sionally for a moment , evidently as rest
less as a lish out of the wator. Said an
acquaintance at my side : "Ho has not
imulo his arrangements for a game .vet.
When lie knows who his antagonists
will bo for to-night ho will settle down. "
He Dmust have found them shortly
afterwards , for presently J saw him getaway
away into ono corner of the porch and
sit down with a long cigar for a quiet
smoUc. Mr. Wood is a famous card-
player. Ho is a scientific player. His
presence anywhere recalls the day when
his brother Fernando was mayor ot New
York and the Woods ruled that city com
pletely. In Washington as a congress
man Benjamin Wood became noted for
the heavy poker hands he played and for
his skill at whist. Ho is one of the best
whist players in the country , and
never plays without betting. . Ho
will not play a four handed game
with n partner , but gives a point to
his antagonists and uses a "dummy. "
Air. Wood's appearanceespecially under
the white rays of the electric light , is
startling. His huge face has an ashen
color that is .scon in women who use
upium. His big moustache is as white as
ins face. Ho generally wears a white
palm leaf hat which isblcachcd to a color
corresponding to tlio paleness of his face.
His eyes , which arc of a liirht blue , are
constantly in motion , but at the s ame
time have an impassive look about them.
They are what you would call impres-
sionless eyes. You can never read what
is napa-ug ir. ? , ir. Vv oou's ' Blind bj' aly
[ o'lCen from his 03-03. At my elbow sat a
man who has played in a number of
games witli Mr. Wood within a short
time , who said to mo : * 'It is Wood's
liabit when ho is playing to have a
bottle of wiiu ! at his side and a
box of cigars on the stand. Ho lights a
ciirar , takes three or four whiffs of it ,
chows away at the end for ton or fifteen
minutes and throws it away only to light
a new one. He plavs a game which
gamblers call lucky. ISven at faro they
will not deal for him. Here nt Saratoga
the minute he comes in they close the
game. Ho plays a system and seems tc
liavo reached a perfection in placing his
bets which no other man ever attained ,
I was in u game the other night -whore
lie sat from 11 o'clock until n in the
morning and won $1,000. That was
poker. Ono reason that the taro dealers
are afraid to deal for him is because there
is no limit to his betting , unless tlio j
place a limit on tliu game. Ho would
be til,000 whore another man would bel
$50. The biggest winning I over heart
of his making at a single sitting was nt
ix came in Now York City where it ii
said ho won $140,000. ,
Tlio New Senator From California
Chicago Herald : "Senator Hearst
who was so suddenly bereft of hi' '
senatorial toga. " said n California ! ! , "i ;
to bo succeeded by another monopolist
though this time not a very rich ono , A
P. Williams , \vlio has been chosen by tin
California legislature to serve out the remainder
mainder of the late Senator Alillor' ,
term , is a San Francisco shipping merchant
chant a member of the tirm of Williams
Dimond & Co , The firm are the Piicilii
coast agents ot the Pacific Mull Steam
ship Company , the corporation whicl
has tried hard to got an $800,000 posta
subsidy from the government and wlncl
has for several years been paid snbbid ;
of a million a year by tno Pacific rait
ways to maintain freight rut < js to tin
coast. Mr. Williams will therefore be a
much of a monopoly senator as Stanfon
or any other of the big corpnratloi
barons and attorneys who now contro
the upper branch of congress. Mr
Williams is a very respectable citizen
and has boon an ardent republican fo
years. Ho is now chairman of the He
publican State Central Committee. I
was thought that Horace Davis , ex-Con
gressman , would bo given the honor of :
short term in tlio senatu , but the railroai
and steamship influence seems to hav
bemi too strong. Mr. Williams has neve
held an important ollico , and it was bu
recently that ho began to take any in
torcst in politics. He is not likely to cu
any greater figure In the senate than di
Hearst , though , of course , ho will con
duct himself with moic dignity. "
City Steam Laundry
No. 34 N. Main Street , Council bluffi.
Finest ivorli ami lowest jirlccafo
flno tuorlc. All collars a d cufl'a re
turned tn collar and cuff Itoxc
without cjctra > charge , wliich yiiar
antee.t work In t > ame condition an i
leaves us. Out of town orders re
celvo game attention and at s < un
rates as cltu worlc.
Arc oneuhiff new anil beautiful designs
Moquettc ,
Kody lit'assetsf
Velvet ,
Tapestry Ji'tisselst
3-Ply Iiiyt'diiis ,
2-Ply Ingrains ,
Jtd < 1 Carpets , Etc.
: s
For offices , hotels , lodge rooms , Call
for prices at Harkiiess Hros , ' , 491
H road way
Are now arriving nml tn stock. Tri
cots , Flannels , Cashmeres , etc. Ev-
cellcut for traveling and fall service.
Itlack Silks and In the new color ? .
Quality the best and prices the lowest
for good goods. Ladies wlsliinir relia
ble goods will cull on Hnrkncss Hros. ' .
Xo. 401 .Broadway , Council Hlulls.
A few more of those Lisle Thread
llonn left at 25r. , in black and in colors ,
at Harkiiess Hros. , Xo. 4.01 Hroadway.
In many now patterns and a large
stock to select from. D ; > or Mats , Hugs ,
Curtains , Curtain Poles , etc. , at Hark-
ness Hrothers , No. 4i 01 Hroadway ,
_ _
. W. S. HOMER & Co. ,
23 Main St. , douncil'iJlnfTs ,
i 3\l \
Star Sale Stables M Mule Yank ,
Opposite Uuuimy Depot.
> '
Horses n"d JIulos kept constantly on Imnil
for sali > nt rotnil or In cnr loads. .
Ordorg proradtly fllloil by contract onshcrt
notice. Stock sold oa commission.
SHLUTEK * IJOLliV. Proprietors.
Telephone No. in. KB
Formuily of KIIUj SALE STAIUiES , corucr
nvu. mid 4th street.
ianiir inn
K ri * ? V 999 t n
mUNilT IU Al
rates , Real estate handled , In
surance written and all kinds of
bonds bought by F , J , Day Ho.
39 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs ,
Established 1881 ,
Horses and Mules
For nil purposes. boMglit and sold , nt retail and
in lots. Largo quantities to eclcct tram
Boveral jmitsof llnodrlvois , single or double.
Council Bluffs.
, Manager ,
Kos , 1510'15'Jl Jou < , 'fns at , Onialm and
No 2ai Uroadwuy ' Counc-il bluffs.
Pulnlcsi nentUtrjr. No ImiU.uj : ! Our , VltalUed
Air , Ktlurunl Cliarofrrm , Kl.h their ticUeninj : effect
avoided l > y t'joniD-'t wnitlcrrul ; nnnettlictlc , purify
Ing tlie bloo 1 and bullUlnt'up | lieli uoj.
Unialia Dental Absouiitioa ; , Sole Prop'rn.
Oolil riowni , ( iolil 1'luti nnU Cunlliiuous Hum
Trctti , a epcclalty , Hot tvclb * : \ firmer price ( li
Iu tliu city cun bo obtiilneil by patronUlufe' the
604 HroiUwuy Council 111 u lit
NOIIO but oxporlencoil liand * employed. Out
of town orders by mull or express BollclloJ , and
J | ork wuruatoil.
Wholesale and Mail Grocers ,
No. 16 Main and ! 5 Pearl Street , Council Bluffs.
Brick buildings of any kind raised or moved and satisfaction guaranteed.
Frame buildings moved on Little Qiunb trucks , best in the world.
SOS Eighth Avenue and Eighth StrcctComiil Bluffs.
Arcadian Waukeslia Cter Ale.
Thu World's ruvoillc , Unit ( ooli tlic ! OM > MEDAt. . 7 .i-
nil foreign and Domestic Winger AIc.s .u
the A'ew Orleans Imposition.
A most tlollsflitfiil beverage in cither hot or cold weather. Hottlcd direct
at the springs In Wankcsha , Wis. , nml imule ot" the finest freshly imported
Jamaica ( Hngcr Itoot , the juices of tropical fruits , Arcadian Mineral Spring1
Water and I-oaf Sugar. Eminent medical authority lias pronounced It "the
mo&t norfoct example of an aromatic Xou-Alcoliolic stomach stimulant , while
as a beverage it IB simply delicious. " For sale by
II , T. Palmer , A. M. Heardsley , Joe Driussbach , Ed. Daniels ,
H. A. Haird , J. W. Klccb , C. Dcetkon , Taylor & Calcf.
\ ) O. Morgan & Co. , S. T. McAtec , Louie & Mctzgcr , Tibbits & Ward.
F. W. Spetmau , John Short & Son.
$2.50 Per Doz. or 250 Per Bottle.
Price paid in cash for all kinds of second hand
STOVES , Furniture , etc.
M. DROHLICH , 608 Broadway.
my , rcv U ± '
226 Broadway , Council Bluffs ,
Farming : lands in Iowa , Minnesota , Texas , Kansas anil Arkansas , ranging :
from $1.25 to $12 per acre. School and state lanils in Minnesota on HO years
time 5 per cent interest. Land buyers fare free. Information , etc. , given by
P. P. Lanstrun , No. 555 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Fall Meeting.
Trolling , Pacing and Running
Tuesday , Aug. 31st ,
Wednesday , Sept , 1st ,
Thursday , Sept , 2d ,
and Friday , Sept 3rd ,
Including special nttractiuns by Prof.
A , H. Walker's world famous
Dogs daily and Halloon Ascensions by
Prof.A. S. I'urkor dully , in front of tins
grandstand ,
Utbur.nttractions in tliovny of speed
eonsiBtiiiK of celebrated horses from
Kentucky , Obio. Illinois , Indiana mid
Heduced rates on all railroads. Conns
everybody and bavn n good timo.
For particulars , address
Creston House ,
Tne only hotel In Council HlutTg liavln ?
And all model n linprovomenib.
Practices In tbo State and Federal coin I ?
Ilooni3 7 and 8 Shugart Ulock.
Justice of the Peace
Offioo over American llxprcw Camp u/ . )
Established 1837
. RICE , M. D. ,
otlinr'J'iiinuM lomovwl vrltbo I
iiK'il liloo.l.
Chronic Diseases oCullklmls n specialty.
Over tlurtv years' prncllcul experience ,
No. U I'onrlSt. . Council lllutTs.
" Consultation f i eo ,
18 N. Main St. , Council HlnffH , fa. , and
l0'J ! S. Kith St. , Room 10 , Omaha , Neb.
Maunructmor'tt Afiontfor tlio
Tents , Awnings , Hoofing Slate , Man
tels , Plate and Window CJlasH , Show-
Cases. Elevators ( hand and hy
draulic , ) &c.
* , Journal * , County anil
( Clink Work or nil Kind , a Spec-
Prompt Attention to Mail Orders
Koom 1 Kvorct Hlock , Council BluM.
Standard Papers Used. All stylus of bind
ing in Magazines and
JlKPKlinNCES : ,
1 II. Nmlon ! Hank , M. K Smith & Co. ,
CitUuniT lUnfc. Hotiro. WclU It ( Jo. ,
lr t N'Hllonnl Iliuil : . < i II. liiMiraiiee Co. ,
lficer&l'uprrUiuU8r.C.U. : Savlii n UunW.
_ | i/rriM /.T/1'/.CJ/KArrs. / .
Agricultural Implements , Bnggia ? ,
_ Cnrrlagps. Kto , Kto , Council lllutTs. loir * .
Mnke the Original and Complete
Hay Loader , also Rakes , Cider Mill & Press ,
COHN PHKt.t.Kiis AND VKKD ri'TTiws.
No p. ir.OI , 1W1 , 1G05 nnd ,1.V > : couth Mnln Slrc n >
Council lliiilTs Ion * .
Mnnnf'n nn t Jobber * of
Agrlcultnral Implements , Wagons , Bnggle ? ,
C rrliircj , nnd nil html * of Turin Mnolilnorr.
11UO to 1116 South Main Street , CouiuMI Ulurf * ,
r.O. di.RViON , T. It.nnumOto.r. . Wnminr.
iia. V..l > rc < i XMin. Sou .VCounicL
Council BluTs Handla Factor/ ,
( Inrorporntod.l
Mamirncturornor Axlo. I'lck , Slediro nnd Bra N
_ Hnndlcs. of every dcjulpllon.
< MHJ'K7V .
Carpets , Curtains , Window Shade ? ,
Oil Cloths. Ctlrtnln Flztiircn. Upholitury ( lood *
Iftc. No. < OJ tlrortdw-Hy Council lUuir * .
CMAltS , 70/MCCO / , K7H\
\Vlmlnpiiln .lobl > r < In the
Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes.
Nog. 9 Main anil 27 1'imrl Sts. Council Bluff *
Wliolc nto
Fruit and Produce Commission Merchants ,
No 14 1'onrl St. Counull ill
Wholesale Oils Paints Glas
Druggists , , , ? ,
Druggists' Sundries. Kto. No. 2 ! Mnln St , nnd
No. JiU'oarl St. . Council Itlutr * .
O.V. . BUTTS ,
Wholesale California Fruits a Specialty
Oonornl Commission. No. 51'3 Jlrcndtvnr.
_ ( ' ( nnicll III u m. _
Fruits , Confectionary & Fancy Groceries.
Nog. 10 nnd IS IViul St. , Council 1)1 a UK.
Jobbers of Staple and Fancy Groceries.
Also Wliolosnlo Liquor Donton. No. 410 llrond-
way. Council llluIN ,
xnss. KTC.
UliCKMAN & CO. ,
Mnnu'ncturoip of and Wliolt > < nlo notion In
Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc.
No. t 5 Mnln St. . Counull 1UUT4 , lown.
Jobbers in Hats , Caps and Gloves.
NOP. 342 nnd 1114 Brondvrny , Council HI'ilfA ,
Iron , Steel , Nails , Heavy Hardwara ,
And Wood Stuck , Counull lllutTa , lowiu
nwns AND iroo/ .
1) . H. McDANELD & CO. ,
Commission Merchants for Sale of Hides ,
Tnllcw.Wool , lYlt8 , * < lreii oimd Furs Council
muffs lows.
0/iS ,
Wliolcsnlo Donlors In
Illuminating & LubrlcilliJ Oils GasjllH
E3TO. , E3TO.
B.TIicodoro , Ag-ont , Council Illuifa. Iowa.
LUMlllllt , I'lLlKl
Ilard Wood , Southera Lumbsr , Piling
* nd Ilrldiro Mateiliil Speelultlna.WlioltisuIn Lum
ber or all Kinds. UtUco No. iU : Muiu dt. ,
Council IllulTa. lown.
Imported and Domestic Wlna ? S Liquors ,
Agent Tor Kt. ( Jolllmni'a Herb IllltcrJ. llo. 11
Main tit. Council Hlulls.
Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors ,
A" ' . ' " 3 Mtlin * t. . Council llluji.
! for the LAKE
The Steamer OLLIE MAY
Newly fllted up , nnd under the rlinwoof n
HKlllfnl onirlnoor nud pilot , Unmr niiiKlnjf plena-
uro trlptum
Wo will iflvo clmrlors to piirtlos lor ono hour
oriiny liuiKtli ot time ilcsliPil.
lint PS of olniiter KlVf'il mxl oidcw ti'hoii nt
olllcco.aj ) .Mains t. , between IIOUIH III io IS u.
in , * * DAIH * n CU *
l RilvnrtUeinenU , pucli i n I rM , ] roun
To I/iun , For Sale , To llent , \ nntR , IliiniUIni , ' ,
cio. , will lielneorted In tills column nt ilio lo\r
rntoofTHN UKNTB IM'.H MNK forilio Jliiit niHor
tlonnnd rjruCental'crMneloroKchfeUb&uiinbiic
Inbertlon. Ixinvo udvcrllfoiiiuntu at our otllco
No. 12 I'cal ttieet , near llioaihv.iy , t'ouucll
Itl'.NT A nine-room house nnd sloro
X1 No 1UI7 .MnlnM.
\X7A NTiri-An : nzulktont cool , nt thu O.jdo
) lHAMoid iinpoia.ln niuilltiojio
at lleo oITlcu No , U I'riirl ctreet.
An excellent cUucntloral Institution , fnru'sh
cd vltli ull tlio rnoJmi Impiovouiontu , ton-
ducted by tlioSISTllltS OFCIUUl'i' V. Jl
Tor lerm or GTO montiis , CTA.
llr t Ilondny la September imil
In rc-briuiry. > 'or cuMluttiicn r.d.
drcM 5 ' 6Tnt UUI l.'l'IOK
dt. l 'r.tuIi A.aOcuiCu.ucllUluUa , ( o