Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 21, 1886, Page 2, Image 2

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Vctcrana of ' 40 Marching Again Through
Chaparral and Cactus.
Unbecoming fjunrrol * of Authorities
Aliont the llnritlook Cnie City vs.
County oniclnlii NiMVHitajicru
nt Wat Jotvix News.
Holillrrn Who Ncvrr I est n lint tin.
Di.s MoiN'Ks. la. . Aiiiii t IM.-Special [
Teli'Kratn to tliu UKU. ] Tlio National nsf > o-
clatloii of Mexican veterans reconvened to
day with lnrrcnsc < l nttemlatico and enttiu-
hnnilrcil iinmw nro
slnsni. Over two
led , the west and the son\li belli ) ? iiwly rop-
rrsonted. At 10 o'clock a. m. the members
fell Into line and marched to the rink , where
ex-Governor M. 1) . Manson , of Indiana ,
called the mcrllnc to older , and Introduced
the iHuslilent ot the National association ,
( Joticrat J.V , Drnvcr , ot Ohio , who was
welcomed y a round of hearty applause.
Alter the roll of oniccrs had burn called ,
Uiot-ntl re assemblage jirocccdi-d to do honor
to Father 1'rencli. of Iowa , a survivor of tlic
war of 1813. An he approached the rostrum ,
( leneral Olvcn Introduced him , and tfavo n
Bcrau of lite war record ; also Uncle David
Norris , another survhor of that war , and
both received an ovation. Owing to Indis
position , Governor Larrabco was unable to
aptxjar , but his address of welcome , together
with his letter of resiet , were read by Col
onel Scott. Tlio coveinor reviewed the
heroic deeds of the vcteians of the Mexican
war , rccapltulatinchlstorlcfacts and holding
them up to eternal glory as soldiers
who foucht to extend American possessions
and to further the progress of enlightenment
on the American continent. Mayor Phillips ,
In giving them the freedom ot the city , also
laid great stress upon the brave deeds of the
men who wore befoie him. He said that no
army ever had s > o many men of character ,
nnd worthy ot positions of honor and trust
men who had 110 object other than the public
The president , J.V. . Den
ver , responded feellnsly and ttianked
the governor nnd major for the Tdmlly wel
come. After calling attention to the National
Association and Its character , ho said , that
when It mot It represented the entire country ,
not a paity , not n bcctlon. but a nation.
It represented an nrmy that had never lost n
battle nnd when they had extended the pat
rimony of their revolutionary sires , they laid
asido. their arms and returned to tliolr civic
pursuits , and when crlm-vl'aned war came
asalu , they were as willing , with few cxcei > -
turns , to llirht to sustain the s > tars and stiipes
within the United States , as they weioto sus
tain it on forelun ground. Ho was sorry
thcro was a disposition gaining wound to
bi-llttlo the deeds ot the Mexican
soldiers. Ho had heard derogatory remarks
hero and there , and It pained him. The
speaker nrew an apt illustration from the
scriptural storyof the " which aiosu
that know not Joseph. " The Herod genera
tion of to-day can see California , New Mexico
ice and other tcnltory acquired during that
war , and their great wealth and yet they re
fuse to acknowledge ttio bravery of the men
who shed their blood to .secure It Some
thought the war was a "picnic , " but ho had
never seen a hotter light than that at Clicru-
busco , and that was a pretty fair sample ot
the war throughout.
Captain Wilkinson in behalf of Dos
Molnes , presented the veterans ot
the state association with a bcantitul flag , to
which rcvxmsn was made by the president.
Colonel w. T. Shaw , of Anamosa.
General McKaddin , of Indiana , thnn spoke ,
showing a hat ha captured from Santa Anna
atlJuena Vista , and a sword presented to by General Taylor for gallantry In that
Secretary Kennedy , of Washington , D. C. ,
read the annual tepnrt , showing- member
ship of about eight thousand and live lain-
died. Tlio only vacancies in the list of state
vice presidencies are tlioso caused bv the
deaths of General Hancock , of Now York ,
Captain Peters , of Virginia.
The officers of the preceding year were reelected -
elected as follows : President , General J. W.
Denver , of Ohio ; vlco president , ex-overnor
.Manson , nf Indiana ; secretary , A. M. Kon-
ady , of Washington. D. C. : treasurer , T. . . 13 ,
'JJiles. of Washington , D. C. ; marshalMajor !
McFaddln , of Indiana.
1'ho parade at 4 p. m , was largo and Impos
ing , and witnessed by several thousand pco-
plo nlong the line of march. In the evening
short speeches verc made by different veter
ans , and the reunion closed with a banquette
to the members ot the association.
Over the Haddock Onso.
Sioux CITY , la. , August 20. ISpeclal Tel
egram to the JlEK.l Whllo the public is
waiting anxiously for the murderer of llov.
Haddock and his conspirators to bo discov
ered and brought to justice , two very unfor
tunate strifes have been engendered In this
city. Ono of these Is In the nature ot a
newspaper quarrel , In which the Journal nnd
the Tribune are principals. The other Is be
tween the city oflccrs ! and the sheriff and
his deputies. As tlieso dispatches 1mvo al
ready indicated , the testimony of the wit
nesses at the Inquest was taken In secret ses
sion , sncgcstcd by the mayor tor the beneilt
of the police , the shcri II and the district at
torney. For Bomo reason the city ofllcera
Eeom to have been taken Into confidence by
the coroner's Jury moro than the sheilff. At
all events the sheriff publicly states now that
ho Is done with the ruattor , and says the po-
llco may hunt the murderers nnd have the/
glory. The portion ot the ovldonco pub
lished several days ago Is now known to have
comu fiom the sheriffs otllcer , the steno
grapher being able to recognise It. How It
was obtained , whether Intentionally given
or stolen by somn reporter , is not known.
The majority Is inclined to bcllovo
the former nnd the evidence stroncly points
mat way. Jt is to be rugrettud that a mur
der Investigation BO Imimitant to all the host
Interests of the city and Htatc If not the en
tire country , should degenerate Into potty
quurruLs and jealousies.
King and Walterlng , the men now under
nrrest lorconspliuey and complicity In the
plot , are oonllned In jail but tnu sheriff. In
tin interview to-day , gives It as his opinion ,
tiiat they know nothing about the plans
aval list Kov. Haddock but many are Inclined
to bohovo that liu said this IK-OIUISO the pris
oners vtoiGarn > sted byclty ollleors. H Is to
be hoped that Jealousies and bickerings will
elvo place to sober consideration ot thu awful
crime coinmlttinl nnd the hearty Joining of
hands and purposes all around toleavono
Htnno unturned until all the guilty parties
shall bo apprehended nnd brought to judg
ment. Nothing whatever has been developed
to-day In thn investigation. To-morrow thti
remainder of the injunction cases will bo
beard and it Is bclluvml early next , week
every saloon in .Sioux City will bo closed.
JIo WAH Frightfully Mniiclnd.
DunuquK , la. , August 20.-SpecIaI [ Tele-
gmui to tliu lliu.J Peter Dytssburg1 , of Con
cord township , was caught In a thrashing
inavlilna to-day , receiving Injuries which will
probably provo tatal. His lugs were fright
fully mangled -and ono was amputated.
They Cnrrlvil orrtlionor.
400KYII4.K , la. , August SO. ISpeclal Tele
gram tothoHKE. ] Latu last night the resi
dence of Jacob Gustill , near hero , was on-
tcred by burslars. who carried otf a box con
taining notes and mortgages to the amount
of 313,000. , No duo to tliu thieves.
Poiaon KiulH Xwo Lives.
CKDAU U.u-ms. Jo. , August ea The dead
bodies of lieury Weld ) and his housekeeper
werg fouud this morning on the bed In
Wolfe's cabin , sis uillej couth of the city ,
\Volftt was about tifty yean old. Ho vamo to
Cedar Itaplds thre years since , bought a
llltlu iraut of ground , erected a cabin ami
followed iiiarUtt gurdenln * , . Shortly after
Lls arrival ho was joined by "Auntie" Starch-
roan , A woman alxty years or use , who passed
as Jds ulfe. They quarreled a good deal ,
and the neighbors think \V oUo forcctl thu
woman to diluk poison and than tuko his
own lifts , A boitlfl and cup suppo ul to con
tain poison was on the t.iblo beside the bed.
A letter dated Nov. 14tli ami directed to
Major .May , of this citr , declared his Inten
tion to die. Letters found showed that ho
had fonneily Ix-eu in the employ of Loweii-
thai < t Co. , of Clilr-aico. Wolfe talked n great
deal to lu'lzlihnn about his tioubles but nc\cr
explained them.
Krotn n
DATKsroitr , In. , AtictKl CO. [ special Tel-
rirrnui to the HKK.I Uustnv Paulson , aged
forty-nine , committed sulcldo to-day by hane
Inc. He attached a rope to a crossbeam , less
than five feet from the barn floor , and liter
ally strangled to death.
The Norn ! kn Association Meets ,
nnd Klcets Olllccrs.
MADIJO.V , Noli. , Ausuf-t 20. [ Corro-
spoiuluncu of tlio IJKK. | I'ur.siiunt to call
of thu president n mass convention uf tlio
Ncbraskn Woman SuHr.iKO association
was hold in Madison Attirust 18 ami 10.
llic postponed business was
taken up , roport.s rnccivod and oflicor.- ?
elected. Mrs. Colly , of Beatrice , nnd
Mrs. lloml , of Lincoln , wcro rc-cleeted
lirosidont and seeretarj' ; MM. A. K.
Cliniullcr , of lieatriuo , corrcspoiulinp
secretary ; Mra. M. J. Kldredpo , of Lin
coln , trctisurer , and Mrs. O.O. Dinsmoor ,
of Omalm , superiutciulcnt of the social
science department. The judicial vlco
presidents nnd superintendents of the
other various departments of work will
bo appointed by tlio executive committee
s cany as possible. In reviving the
work of the association it is intended , as
was evidenced by the discussions , to
carry on the work in an educational
manner , forming : is rnpully sis nossiDlo
women's clubs or associations which
shall not only strive to procure for
women 'Vquullty before the law , " but
sliall provide for tlio members lus the
constitution stixtc < , "Ojinortuiiity for
study and interchange ol ideas upon
all Uiat relates to the improvement of
home , society and the stnte. " The ad
dresses mid discussions of the convention
were of uiiiisuil : interest and their tenor
may bo judged from the following reso
lutions which , were adopted by the con
vention :
Itesolvcil , That while wo recognize the
right of woman to the full ballot wo will
make municipal sullr.igo our present demand
from tlio legislature of Nebraska.
Kusolved , That the nbMclatlon will hold
Itself strictly non-paitlsan , but will endeavor
by all legitimate means to secure the election
to office of men favorable to the objects of
the association ,
Kesolved , That as the law of Nebraska re
fuses to women the control ot property until
eighteen years of age , votallows a ghl to con
sent to her own degradation at ten years of
age , thus showing greater regard foriirojnirty
than for the honor nnd virtue of maUlcnhoou ,
tlioieforo wo will work to secure the passage
of a bill by tlio legislature raliinir the ago ot
"consent" to eighteen years.
Uesolved , That a hill should bo passed by
the legislature of Nebraska prohibiting the
sale and exposure of impure literature and
pictuies , and providing for tlio punishment
of the same by line and imprisonment ,
Resolved. That this association is In full
sympathy with the plan of work of the Wo-
mairs Hoard of associate charities , nnd will
lend Its aid in securing tlio passage of any
bill In tlio legislature , looking to Its inter
Ilesolvcd. That wo rejoice In the sympathy
of the Women's Christian Temperance Union
in our lines of work and request our execu
tive committee to confer with their state
officers so as to secure the most nll'ectual co
operation in such measures as are of equal
interests to both organizations.
The presence of Mrs. E. L. Saxon , of
New Orleans , was a grout inspiration to
the mcetinjr. On both oveninsis she cave
a rousing address , nnd in the diy : sessions
took a lively part in the discussions.
During the evening session a telegram
was received announcing that the state
prohibition 'party1 had adopted a. strong
plank favoring woman sufl'rago. This
was received with enthusiasm , and the
hope was expressed that the other politi
cal parties might tuko the same action.
Tlio officers of the convention were
much indebted to Mrs. Simpson , Mrs.
Tyrrol and other good citr/cns of the
beautiful and thriving town of Madison
uud were much pleased wi lu their sue
ccssful meeting.
Overcome by the Heat.
A man named Williams , residing on
the bottoms near Coots' plaining mill ,
was overcome by tlio hont lust evening.
He was working in a sewer in front of
tlio mill at the time. Dr. Darrow wns
summoned and cave the necessary medi
cal attention. No fatal effects are an
Fire on Wheels.
A very ludicrous scene attracted the
attention of those who wore in the vicini
ty of Fifteenth and Farnam streets last
evening. The curtain rose with a dozen
small boys sincing "Ah , there , mister ,
your buggy's on lire ! " "Look out there.
cully , you'll burn , " "see ho wuho blazes1
etc. Tins turned the eyes of the curious
to a buggy of the regulation real estate
size , in which were two gentlemen , being
rapidly driven up l aniani street. Under
the seat was a lire in full blast , and the
occupanU were entirely unaware of their
proximity to a broiling state. The calls
of the small boys , however , soon attract
ed attention , and one of thu men , sei/.ing
the llaming lap robe , which was tlio
cause of the trouble , throw it on the pave
ment. Evidently a lighted cigar stump.
ns the parties had been smoking , had
fallen , on the robe , hence the lire.
A High Priced Male.
C , II. Schlnttord commenced suit in
Jndgo McCullough's court to recover
damages in the sum of $531 from J. 1J.
Fumy. lie alleges that ho purchased a
mule from Furay warranted to bo sound
in wind , limb and tucker , but it soon got
sick nnd finally proved its worthlessness
by dyinir after ho hud spent moro than the
value of it for doctor's services. Ho
thinks Furay ought to pay the damages.
Judge Stonborg disposed of a number of
unimportant cases in police court yesterday
torday , morning.
Horn , to Mrs. Hays , wife of Policeman
Huys , yosterdoy tmorning , a. pair of
twins a boy and girl.
Broke n Window.
About 7 o'clock yesterday evening ,
two follows , under the intluenco of the
ardent , engaged m n scufllo on south
Tenth street , and finally succeeded in
a window in Dureo's store. IJoth men
took to tliolr heels and were followed by
Ollleer Dempsay. who overhauled them
in tlio roar of Odin's saloon on Furimni
nnd took them to the station. They rep-
istorod as Louis Swunson and F.
Tlio First Return.
The llrst pilgrim from the shrine of
Irish patriotism in Chicago who readied
Omaha is Alderman Michael Leo. Ho
camoi n accompanied by his wife last
oveninir , and is enthusiastic in his ac
count of tha great Gathering. Of course
bo , thu Nebraska delegates and the whole
state feel proud of Honest John Fitz
gerald's selection as president of the
league , The Chicago visitors were also
highly flattered by the way In which their
fellow eitixun Patrick Egun was received.
Mr , Leo says the $3,000 silver sot sout the
late president of the league by his friends
in Ireland is one of the most elegant
over worked in silver by deft bauds to
show thu kind feelings existing between
a most worthy donee and appropriate
donors. The pieces are encased
in an elaborate box of Irish box
wood , and will very likely bo exhibited
in Omaha ono of t lies a days if Mr. Kgau
can bu prevailed upon to exhibit it ,
jgf iiHtiiiiVl" . I -in ii t T
Sfc - -xoov.iTitj'.mate. *
Improvements that Have Been Mada at the
Driving Park-
A Threatened lynching The Coun
cil's Departure At the Itlllo
Aslunnn'H better
for u o l nlr.
The near approach of the date for the
opening of the second annual fair of- the
Onuilia Fair and Exposition association
mukes an immense amount of work for
tlio managers of the association. Secre
tary Wheeler and his assistants arc btisllj
engaged sending oirt premium lists , re
ceiving entries and answering communi
cations in relation to the fair in general.
Hut it is not in the ollicu alone thai work
is being dono. The fair grounds tlicsn
line days present an animated scene. A
DEE reporter visited the grounds yester
day In company with Mr. Sam Couch ,
the superintendent of the grounds , and
was astonished and pleased , us all are , at
the improvements that have been made
in the grounds since last year. The tun-
pliitheatro , with' its seating capacity of
6,000 , people , has been thoroughly re
paired since it was damaged by the stbrm
last spring. The scats have been raised
by means of blocks and are much nioro
comfortable than boforoi The stuud
has been provided with nn iron roof ,
making the protection from storms com
plete. Sidewalks have been built all
'around the nmpitheatcr and leading to
the gates of the grounds so that in case of
a rain the visitors nocd not go in'tho '
mud. A now judge's stand and a .separate
stand for the time-keepers have been
erected. The building that was destroyed
by lire two weeks ajro has been rnpfacod
by a substantial barn 00x140 foot in di
mensions , with handsome stall nccomluo-
dations for thoroughbreds. The three
hundred box stalls for hor-.w ? have been
provided witti porches , furnishing tliu
much needed protection from thu heat
and rain. There are now in excellent
trim three hundred box stalls and over
lour hundred other stalls for horses and
about the same numbur for cattiO
with ample pen room fo'r
sheep and hogs all high ami dry and
under cover. The fences , sheds and
stalls have all been repainted and fur
nish an attractive sight. The grounds
have boon graded and made perfectly
smoolh all over the park. The facilities
for reaching the park have been greatly
incrcasod over last year. Sixteenth
street wjll bo paved as Tar as the ball
park in time for the opening of the fair-
making the drive an enjoyable ono. The.
Holt railway will have a station at tliq'
northeast corner of the grounds from
which point sidewalks have bean built to
the mam entrance leading to the ampi *
theatre. There are a largo number of
horses on the around in training for the
coniing races. Secretary Wheeler is
daily in receipt of letters from some of
the leading hot > cmcn of the country
asking for accommodations for their
stables. AH of the space in the line art
hall has been taken and applications for
exhibit room are rapidly lillinp ; up the
Bunco in the other building. Tlio indi-
vidiml exhibits of Omaha merchants , in
buildings owned by them , will bo on a
more maciiilicout scale than ever before
The followingMs the speed programme
for each day of the fair :
MONDAY , sKi'Tjuinnn G.
Trotting 3-year-old colt btaKes , Asso
ciation to add . S 100
Entries to close August 14. Si5 entrance
fee , E10 of which must accompany nomina
tion , S15 to bo paid on or betore September
1. First horse 70 per cent , second liorsoUO
per cent , third hoiso 10 per cent.
Itunnini ; jmrse , halt mile tiash for3-
ycar-olds . S100
First horsu S70 , second § : ) , third § 10.
TUESDAY , 8Kl'Ti.MllKlt : 7.
Trotting , ! i minute class , purse . S 300
1'acing , 2 :35 : class , purse . 500
Trotting , U-yoar-old co'.t stakes , associa
tion to add . 150
KiUriesto close August 24. SSO entrance
fee , 310 of which must accompany nomina
tion , SUO to bo paid on or before Septem
ber 1.
Trotting , a:40class : , puree . 500
Trotting. 2:17 class , purse . COO
Pacing , a : 'A5 class , purse . MO
Kunnin ? , I mile dash , purse . r5 !
First horse S85 , second Si" , third 31.1.
Running , half mile heats , best 'J In it ,
purse . 160
First horse 3100 , second S35 , third S15.
Trotting , 2&i : class , purse. . 5 700
Specl al race . 3,050
Terms and conditions of which will bo an
nounced horeatcr.
Trotting , 4-year-old colt stakes , associa
tion to add . S 200
Entries to close August 14. $ : entrance
foe , S10 of which must accompany nomina
tion , S25 to bo paid on or before September 1 ,
Kunning , Qinllodash , purse . S 250
I'lllDAY , 10 ,
Trotting , 2:33 : class . , , . 3 500
I'aclng , rreo-for-all , purse , . . ' . . GOO
KuiiniiidKnilloheats.bestiilnS. mii u 150
First horbo S100 , second S35 , third 515. -
Ono milo dash for 3-year-oldn , purse. . . . ,155
i'irst horse 585 , second § 25 , third SIB. * i
SA.TU11DAV , HKlTKMllEll 11.
Trotting , froo-for-all , purse. . ? 800
Trottine , 2:43 : class , purse. . , . , . . . 500
Uunnlng , inllu heats , 3 In 8 , purse. . . % rf i300
First horse S1SO , hecoml Sso , third S15.
Uunnlng , K mile , purse . " . . . . ' . . . . " . ' 100
First horse S70 , second 820 , thirdSlO.
The theatres and places of amusement
will present attractive p'rogrammus ( lur
ing the wcuk of the grunt fair at Omaha ,
September 0 to 11. U'norc will bo a prom
enade concert every evening at the expo'
sition building In tlio city , where various
art treasures , paintings , etc. , will be-on"
view. Thn Gorman theatre announces a
lint ; of plays sure to nleaso our friends of
that nationality. Tlio People's re-opens
with fun right in sight , and 15oyd'iP.pera )
house will present seine brilliant attrac
tions , viz. : September 3 nnd 4 , Sol Smith
Hussoll flth 7th and "Zozo"
; , 8th , spec
tacular extravagun/a ; and on 9th. 10th
and llth , the charming 1'attlUosa.Thero
will bo no lack of entertainment , and
the visitors to the fair need not ask twice ,
"Whore shall wo go to-nightr"
It is not generally known that in
Omaha is located the largest smelting
works in the world. Until within a year
they were second , being excelled only by
the colossal works at Swansea , Wales.
At an immense outlay the Omaha smelt
ing works have Increased their facilities
to such nn extent that they now stand
Jirbt on the list. When you visit the
Omaha fair , September Oth to llth , yon
cannot spend a moro ulonsiiut ami 'in
structive hour in the whole week than by
being shown through these wonderful
works. Permits are granted by the
courteous oflicinls.
Mention has boon niado elsewhere of
looking over Omaha when you visit the
great lair and exposition on September
Dili to llth. Among other items of in ?
terost are the Union Pacillo shops , where
1,600 men are employed ; the nail works
and the shot tower. Very few people
know how white lead is made. Hero
you oan sou the process at the works of
the White Lead company ; there are the
iron cornice works , where designs of
grcaUieauty are turned out ; the iFunjlar
and Fire Proof Safe company , the ( ar >
neau craokor factory , the Pressed Ueef
Canning company , and many other es
tablishments. Hnmr your boys and lot
them see for themselves how many neces
sities and luxuries of lifo are mado-
BOO each artlzan at his work is hotter for
a lad than the dry reading of a dozen
books on the loom or forgo.
A Commercial lllr ctory Firm book-
in t for. ir , fcmbOzzlcr.
For some weolqs , A. F , Levi has
been working Unityli.t In the Interests of
a commercial djMHpry published byn
Cincinnati linn. llis'Teports to his house ,
It appears , show tlmlj he has been doing
a rushing uiuincss , but entirely upon pa
per us far as his hotifio was concerned ,
as ho has failed to make them any re
mittances. Ycstwrday Mr. 0. W. lion-
son , representing.fhsjillnn by which Levi
was employed , nrVivc l in Omaha for the
purpose of Investigating Levt's work.
Ho found him at tire Windsor hotel , and
going to his room , asked for an acconnt-
ng of bis business. Lev ! compiled by
turning over a number of contracts ho
had mndo in the city. When asked to
surrender the money ho had collected ho
refuted , without any apparent reason , to
make any statement , llcnsoii thought to
compel him to make a showing and
arose to close the door of thn room , but
was stopped bv LeVl , who scim ! him by
thu throat ami , forcing him back into
his chair , told him to leave the door and
the money business alono. After some
further conversation Bunsen left the
holcl nnd went before Justice Anderson ,
where he swore out ti warrant churginz
Levi with embezzlement , and placing the
amount at flCO , The warrant was placed
in an olllecr's hands , but Levi had evi
dently taken warning nnd loft thn city ,
as he could mt bo round by the ofllcor
who was sent to arrest him. Levi lias
boon employed by the llrm for some
lime , und has heretofore transacted his
business in a prompt uud satisfactory
Alexander's Friends After Ills Assail
ant , 'JL'ravln.
Ahnor Travis , the assailant of Alexan
der , was released from jail yesterday af
ternoon , having furnished bonds in the
sum of $500 to appear for trial early next
week. Yesterday evening his wife made
complaint nt the police station that a
crowd of colored fellows , friends of Alex
ander , had collected around Travis'
house and were threatening to lynch
him. Captain Cormick nt once went
to Travis' house on Fifteenth street ,
whore lie found a crowd of lifty or more
colored fellows who wcro holding a con
sultation among liiomselvcs , although
they had made no demonstration of any
kind against Travis or his people. The
captain ordered the crowd to disperse
and stationed an ollicnr iioar the
premises to keep watch during the night.
There } s n strong feeling among the
colored friends of Alexander , and , in
case of his death , thev will make a big
effort to revenge his death. Ho is now
lying at the hospital in a precarious con
dition. Ho appears to have been injured
internally and i3 In-a more dangerous
condition than wns''at first pronounced
would result. Thihq of his ribs are
broken , and his 'jbD/iijj fearfully bruised
and battered. 'JJlic nvorst clients , how
ever , will , result ifroac the injury ho re
ceived from a kick'ib ' the stomaen. Alex
ander , by the way | , is , ' , looked upon as a
hard man among'ijrio bolored people , and
it is altogether prpba'blp that Travis only
saved himself froij ap'dundingbygotting
the best of his opponent. Alexander is
credited with haying ; killed a man in
a light at Ulalr throe , jor lour years ago.
Ho has lived in Oulahaiabout a year , but
has had no troabloHUntil his row with
Travis on Monday. : > night.
" '
"GONE DUX Npi'J01ttiOTTKX ? . < "
* W ' *
Tlio Members of the City Council
Start Tor ICnnsas City.
Only a few of the Jiorny-hauded and
kid glove citizens of Omaha wore at the
depot last evening to throw the "old
slipper" after the city fathers as they
whirled away southward on the 0:10 :
Missouri Pacific train. To the uninitiated
this might seem a lack of appreciation
for its law makers on the part of Omaha ,
but it was not so rather a very con
siderate move , for had the city turned
out en masse , as it intended , some folks
would bo so mean as to say that Omaha
was glad to pot rid of its aldermen. So
the small attendance was very appropri
ate. It saved the traveler's ' hands , too ,
for the paucity of shaking hero will make
the party hotter prepared for the whole
sale welcoming the aldermen will get in
the cities they visit. Then again Captain
"Wood was thcro , nnd if ho can't make
the world think there la a crowd around
and assume moro importance on smaller
capital than any ono in these parts the
court is in Ignorance of its existence.
All the members were promptly on
hand and suitably equipped for the
Journey. A large , mysterious looking
locker on the rear platform of the car
seemed to have some delicate connection
with the spiritual desires of the party ,
hut whether it contained dross suits for
Sunday wear or prayer books , could not
bo ascertained. Alderman Leo was the
only ono who could not go , and of course
his absence will be noticeable in this
social session as it is in the business meet
ings of the twelve solons , Ho had just
returned from Chicago and having im
portant business to-day claiming his at
tention he had to postpone the initial
pleasure of the trip , although he will join
his colabororsin the ordinance vineyard
at Kansas City to-morrow morning in
time for first mass. Clerk Southard went
along , and as Mayor Uoyd i.s absent from
tlio City , Alderman Leo , is now Omaha's
mayor , nnd when ho loaves Captain
Wood will bo tliu chief executive. The
Pullman car Silesia wns appropriately
arranged for the Stourists nnd to
say they will have a jolly ten days' outing
would oo putting it very mild. It will bo
a cyclone of fun , for the city fathers in
visiting Kansas City , Douvor , Leaven-
worth , Choyeuno and other western
cities , are going among gentlemen occu
pying similar positions in those cities
who will exhibit the tflophant in line stylo.
Marshal Cuminga was on hand to tee
that the party got oil' safely , and when
Aldcrm.m Ford struck up thn operetta of
"The Girl ! Loft IJoJiWd Mo" it was not
definitely known W'notnor it. referred to
the chief of pollcoioi'sAlderman , Loo. It
was an imposing departure in every re
spect , and the okt 'turtle-backed ' depot
never before ro-oeJioei1 } to moro pathetic
sounds than wheul-Alnorman Goodrioh
stood on the rear p tfprm and said :
The end has comni tlui farewell must bo
spoken. t1 i ,
From our dear and favorljtoclty wo must part ,
JJut never , never sluiU tlni spell bo broken ,
Its memory wo takq nd louto our heart.
' .t -i
Aebnmii , tlio Coii lot , AVrltcs a Iiottcr
i'or Meyers' Ilonellt.
Samuel Ashman , the escaped convict ,
who was taken to the Michigan
reformatory on Thursday , scorns de
termined to" got jvith Myers ,
who gayo the information which
led to his arrest * Before leav
ing the county Jail Thursday oveninc ho
wrote a letter , claiming to give away the
details of his capture und thu history of
his pal , who peached on him. The fol
lowing is from his letter :
I came hero from Lcadville , Colo. , August
G , and on the Otli lubtmit I met the notorious
John , alias "Moxey" Meyers , or Detroit.
Mich , llo did not have a cent to his name. I
gave him sufficient money to supply his
wants , and Ic letutn this Is the way lie served
mo. lie wired thu prison olIlcluU at Iowa ,
asking what reward they would glvo for me ,
and in reply was told § 100. He then came
nnd Informed Sheriff Colmrn of the facts and
had me arrested. Jlnd 1 been given away by
nn honest man I would not have said n word ,
but this being n pal of mine and a thief alibis
life. 1 cannot ri < fialii from feeling sore. He
served live years In the samepcultentlary from
whnncc 1 escaped nnd caino hero with tlic
Intention ot working your city , bringing
with him n complete safe blower's outfit
which nro now In tlio itossesslon of your po
lice authorities , Instead of tliohundred dollar ?
reward ho gets thhty days on bread and wa
ter und 820 tine. Ho will have time for re-
ilectlou on his dirty trlek , ana I hope that he
will learn tn bo n man when ho gets out
either as n thief or an honest man. JIo re
ceived a very vtnrm reception from my lellow
Inmates here when hnaiilvcd last evening.
1 remain very rosx-ctfully | ,
The l > rollmlnnry > r > c nt tlio llellc-
vno llltln Knnirc.
The first day's preliminary practice nt
llellovuo opened yesterday with a clear
sky and fresh breiuo from the south , be
coming cloudy in the afternoon. The
following are the twelve highest , with
their totals , for ono day's practice.
eoo jwo M coo
, . _ . . yds. jds. yds. yds. Total.
l.t. Oarranl.Wh cav : a 42 4S 170
CpliSahnr , V.M inf. . if.1 42 47 42 110
Lt. Jackson , 7th I nf UT 40 4J ! 101
SgUriteyeiis,7lhlnf 41 4 : ) 41 43 107
8 L llolcn , fill inf. 4H 40 4'4 41 1W1
I. htune , 7th Inf. 4j if 44 yo 41 inn
40 47 : si ir.r
4'J 46 ! St ICTi
. 40 4o 41 104
Ti r * * ' " ! fin it * * * wj
f'pliCoonroil.Rtlilnf : n 4.T 4(5 ( : )7 ira
Sgt. Diet17th Inf. 40 41 44 7 IW
Lt. lorrcy , Othlnf. US 4 4B ! ! C 103
/Pile first three days ia preliminary prac-
"cos .Tuesday . , Wednesday , Thursday
ami L-ndny for competition. The twelve
highest form tlio department team , and
go to I ort Leavonworth for the division
umitcsr. The first two days is firing at
ll.vcd distances , the next two in the morn
ing and afternoon skirmishing. Visitors
can go .down on 8 or I ) a. m. train and re
turn at 0 p. m. The shooting nnd beau
tiful range are well worth visiting. Colonel
nel Henry nnd his officers will bo plenaed
to have our citizens witness the firing.
Ask the conductor to let you oil'at the
rille camp.
Moulders for the Const.
Twonly-ono iron moulders from Phila
delphia , in charge of Richard C. Duvall ,
arrived in the city yesterday afternoon
on thnir way to San Francisco , where
they will be employed by the Union Iron
company. Some diilieulty arosn here , as
the boys were without funds , haviua'only
through tickets , upon which they could
not eat and drink during their journey.
Mr. Uuvall said ho had advanced consid
erable money already , and did not pro
pose to run himself short. The men say
their transportation and subsistence were
to be paid by the company. On the other
hand Duvall says only the faro was to be
furnished , the men having to buy their
own grub. A telegram was sent to Phil
adclphitiftnd the manager of the com
pany sent word to go ahead , take the
men through to the coast and obtain food
"on tick" forthcm at the restaurants , for
which the company would be responsi
ble and would pay the bills -when pre
sented. How this will meet the hotnl
men's views along the line remains to bo
sonn. At any rate the moulders left on
the 8:20 : train , starve or no starve.
llnro Chance for Pleasure.
Next Sunday will bo a rod letter day
for those who wish to cm'oy a real good
time m the best of company uud in ono
of the plcasantcst resorts in Nebraska.
At 8:30 : tne excursion tram carrying the
Uohemian Gymnastic association and
their friends to North Bond for 'picnic
purposes will leave the Union Pacific
depot , and no ono who can possibly at
tend should fail to do so. The Second in
fantry band has boon specially engaged
for the occasion and tills is alone sufli
ciont to show that the music will be first
class in every particular. In the morning
the members of the association will meet
nt their hall" on Thirteenth street , and
headed by the band , proceed through the
princioal streets to the place of shirting.
At North IJcnda largo party from Schuy-
lor will join the excursionists , and it is
safe to say the day will long be remem
bered for its attractive amusements. A
beautiful island in the Platte river has
been selected for the picnic , a largo plat
form has been erected for dancing pur
poses , swings , etc. , have boon con
structed , and everything done that could
bo done to make the day enjoyable to all.
The round trip tickets are only $1.00 ,
which is u suiail investment for h thou
sand dollars' worth of fun.
Personal I'aratrraplm.
W. A. Putney , of Fairmont , is in the
W. II. MCrntt , of DCS Moincs , is at the
A. Wallace , a prominent Pittsbiirghcr ,
la at the Arcade.
Mrs. Hen IJ. Wood returned from the
west last ovonins.
Thomas Hoollworth and wife , of Al-
moria , are at the Metropolitan.
Mrs , Colonel Mcrritt and Mrs. E. S.
Moi-rift , of DCS Moines , are at the Paxton.
Huron Eschbauk andOJaron Hennings ,
with a bravo of servants , are at the Paxton -
ton , on their way to the Pacific coast.
S. II. Filloy , of the Suburban Rapid
Transit company of New York , with his
wife amLdniightcr. are at the Paxton.
F. M. Scovcll , an old-timer , is in thn
city , making his first trip to his old homo
in the cast since ho wont to California
in MO.
Mr. Shepherd Unmans , the well-known
insurance expert of New York City , is
with Ins family the guest of Major
Captain Lyman and Judge Wnntworth ,
r > f Randolph , N. Y. , are in the city visitIng -
Ing Dr. Leo. The latter gentleman in
thu father-in-law of the dootor.
, lno , C. Callaghan , formerly a well-
known yonng man of Omaha , and more
recently of Kansas City , accompanied
by M. F. Dolan , of the latter place , are
on a business trip to the city.
Jos. Leis'nndfainily ] loftycsterday'nfter-
noon with W. FJ Hoins and family for
Europe. Mr , Hoins and hia folks will
L > o absent about four months. Mr. Lois
nnd family will probably remain in the
old land.
A. K , Jacobs , of East Berlin , Pa. ,
nephew of the late John C. Jacobs has
Just concluded a few days' visit to his
old friend , Mike Muni. Mr. Jacobs left
for the eat ; yoaterduy and Mluhaol has to
retail his old "apple stealing" to Ellas.
R , E. ingraham , of the Council Blull's
Herald , and C. M. Maynardof the Coun
cil lUiitTs Globe , came over yesterday and
were driven out to the fair grounds by
Deputy Secretary Gibbs , for tlio purpose
of lolling the Iowa pconlu how they look
by way of preparation for the next
Omaha fair.
Yird O. AVakoloy , stenographer of ono
of the branches of the district court ,
cumo homo hist evening from the enjoy
ment of several weeks of ranch lifo in thu
west * Ho has &o many sensational ad
ventures to tell of mountain and plain
that ho oan only talk to stenographers ,
Ordinary individuals , unacquainted with
the art stenographic , would not see the
concluding chapters of Bird's border lifo
until Christmas-tide ,
Tlio People's.
Mr. Ransom , the Chicago manager ,
who has taken charge of the Peoplu's
theater , will open the season on Septem
ber 1 with the Vincents for ono week.
The theater has been thoroughly rolittod
and prosoitts uu attractive appearance.
Ho Uottbcd Ills Old Kntlicr.
Edward Lynch , 'an elderly Irish gen
tlemaii who lives near the driving park
complninod nt the police station y'o.Mor
day that he lind boon robbed by his owi
boy , Patrick Lynch , n young lad bu
sixteen Years of age. The old goutlemai
had saved up $00 with which to pay foi
the digging of n well nnd thu making o
other improvements around his plnco
HP gave this to his daughter to keep uiu
she towed it up in the lining of one o
her dress skirts. Yesterday morning the
dress was found to have been robbed o
its seereted wealth. The young Lyncl
hai been in jail for druuki'iiuo.s * two 01
three times of late and is training with i
tough crowd His father's heart is aliuo * .
broken over his waywardness.
No Gnnia U'llli the Delivers.
There will bo no game between the Den
vers and the Union Pacifies on Sunday
Certain membersof the home team raisei
the kick against their manager , Ueorgi
Kay , and Mr , Gordon , realizing that thuj
could not bo expected to play any kim
ol game under the circumstances , can
celled -the data with the Delivers , Mr
Kay being absent at the time. Thu indi
catluns now are that the Union Pncilicf
will play no moro ball this season , al
though they arc advertising their came !
with the Hastings on September S8 and
'JO. The present dilllcully may bo ml
justed , however , and the club plaeod ir
lighting trim for the fcwgumu.s that the }
will bo able to play this full yet.
Thn Athletics go to Council Blufls toy
dav to piny the Mueller Music nine , am
will endeavor to arrange a return gamete
to bo played at Athletio park on Sunday. .
Arnoffn In t'nt mo t vretrhnl flute of
bclnir , rctillr ti > i > slrk liiwnrk , but n sltlm-
UMlilinttlicjr timmil nffunl tn ! < - ) tlip tlmo
It ro'Ulrin ) tuko nmlltMno nml not well.
Io * or tlnio moiuij ln n ol uniiioy. MiMl *
I Inu I * noL'iliMl to InvtKoi-ntP. nviiint piuid
tone llio urMem. lint innny ineillclnci
muko Irilr-nli'k people wholly sick , nnJ
time nml miwo > lire JOM In ci'tlliiwell
nllor ( Mkliij tlii'ni.
ThPUverlntliornuso of nearly nil tioOU-
lynllmojil ! ! , nmh n *
So : r KIOiiuflilSilloiiniiciis ,
olk-I ' ! - AllVeU's
, , < m' Spc-ilHIUclncy
And n uioillrlno llko Slnuucm * Diver 11 * 4 *
\iltito % thnt will remote mid t uro lho u din *
( mint * without ratt lni lot1 * of time , nnd
gtrorKllii-aand build im the vrnrn-ont hotly
even wlillo IhiM'orMiilint vrurklB cerltiln-
1) n bo .in to trorlilnfr | > oopo. |
Ilnv. ll.l ! . WlkliKIt , I'rlncpton. N. J. . wiyn : " 1 llnrt
noUilnir heir" so much to kpiiiiun | In working Condi-
tiun ut ; < ! minon
DeMrcs tocnlltho nttPMIon of Prlntpri nnd Vubllsli.
er of NVbraikn , Dakota , Mlnnenntii nnd Western
lowutotholrverr complete stock of
1'lno Tint I'aporj , I.lnon rupcru , Cover Paper * . CoV
orcJ riat-rnpcn , Manilla r ocr , Hook. 1'rlnt nnd
1'oitcr rupere. Curds mid Card Hourd , lluli-d I'upcrs
Knvclnpcs WciUllnsr Stiitlonory. Hull Procriimim's ,
Vlslllng Cwnls , nml anytlihiK cl'O In tlio liapor line
required In u llrst-clusi I'rinUnj ; ofllco.
S-implcs of Koo < ls will bo furnished promptly tc
nil who apply for them with iipusliil prlcci for B case
rando np of n many illircrcnt kinds of Roods as maj
bo required. Now Is the time to mnko outyonr ordcrj
for itoods for fall work. ( Jot samples < > f our coodi
nnd compiiro the quiility unt ] prlc n with tlu u ol
other housui. Wo curry no Infclror stock. Twenty
two years' oxpercncc : convlncen us Unit the IIKST It
CIIUAl'KST and gl\es the grrcatost eatlsfnctlou tu
Correspondence sollPltod.tonhlch prompt attention
will begtrcn. Address
218 I > ouglii4 Street ,
SIMmOVBU I'AKMS , HuUor Co. , Kans. ,
lor fl.Ui ; Sfj nlco city lota. Kl UoniJo. ICium. .
lor sale. Knch fiinn ii well Hdnptol to ffniln
nntl stock : rich soil ; all plow or pmtiiro hind ( no
irnsto ) . Title perfect , with wnrrnnl y Uocd. The
lots are smooth , nice building loN. only V nillo
north of 1 > . O. I'rioo. 5tW to ti7X : Toacliors ,
clerks , anyonu who \rlstics a sale property that
wlllilnuhln In 1 year , should buy tote In Kl Dor
ado : population nOOJ ; the prettiest oily in Kan-
BU3 Terms cash. Addro3s C. W. Coo , Klcloru-
do , KnnKas.
Notice of Registration.
rpO Till ! Icirnl vohirs of Sud Ulstilct.lst Wnrd ,
.1 In thouity of Oinuhii :
You uro hereby that the undersigned
will sit us voRlHtnir for Suc-und Dlsirlct of the
Vlrst Wnrd nt 1728 South llth street , commuuo-
INK Thursday , August 20th , 1880 , ut 11 o'clock a.
in. , for the pnri > oo of roirlstorlnp nil qimlllled
voters within sum 2nd Dlitrirt , und for the pnr-
pose of iiclctlnir to. nnd uornxtlnir the ru'flstrn-
lion ulroaily miulo ; und lor mioh purposu the
uiulcrsi neil will alt und kuopbis bookoi i-enls-
trillion oiicM ouch day tlmnxiltor ( oxoupt Sun-
dnys ) nt tlio plnco alorcsalil trom cloven o'clock
n. m. until suron o'clock p. in. , until Monday ,
AutfUBtUUth.18hO.nt the hour of 13 o'clock m. ,
whonbuld book of registration will bo closed.
All nuullflod vntorA uro noilflod to at loud and
BOO thnt tholr niuu x nre uroimrly rpfl ti > rod.
nlCdlOt Itcglatrurana District. 1st Wnrd.
Notice of Registration.
mOTJU ! lo ml voters of Urd District , 1st Wnrd
JIn the oily of Uninha :
You nroborobv notllicd Unit tlio undersigned
will Nit us rojrfstmr lor Third District , First
Wnrd , ut 11IU South Sixth Btroi't , ooininoiiclnjf
Thursday , tliu twenty- sixth ill y of August , 18SO ,
nt 11 o .clock n. m.for thu purpose of ruKktorliiK
ulliiualltlod votora within mild product , nnd for
llio purpose of nddlntf to , und corroctlnjf the
rojjlstniuon nlroiidy inudo , und for anch pur
posu tliu midurslwiod will lt nnd hoop his book
of rrfflatrutlon opun oaoh day tlieriinftcrcicipt (
Sundays ) ut the pluco utoioald fioui oluvon
o'clock a. in. until seven o'clock p. in. , until
Monday , tlio noth duy of .MimiHt , 1K81) . ut the
hour of IS o'clock m. , when Mild book of nwla-
Irution will bo clo5od. All quullllod votnrs uro
notlllod to nttond and wo thnt tholr nnmos uro
proprrly rofflslorod. AM'IIKI ) VINKY.
alCdlOt Uoirlstrnr 3rd District , Ut Wnrd.
Notice oi Registration.
rpOTHE loffttl voters of llio Slid Ward , In tbo
X oily of Omnhu :
Voiuuo lit'ruliy notlllud that the undcrglgiioil
us registrar for the Ibt District nf mild
Wind ill the 8. W. our. lllth nnd .Tones stiitot ,
Uurvuy lira * . ' vtora , No. 701 , ooiumoncln/Tliiirs-
ilay , AujfUBtUSth , ut II o'clock u. in. , foriho purl -
l > soof retrlstci1n H iiunllllod voters wltlilnBiild
| irrxliictiuid ! for the purpnaii of nddluK to , mid
LKjrieclIni ; tlio rc liitnitlon ulroaay mnuo , und
for such iiurpo o tbo undmnlvnuilvlllfltunil
keep his book of roirlitiatloii open ouch day
Ihcrculicr ( except yuniluyg ) at the the plucu
utoreiald from cjlovon o'clock lu m. until seven
u'olock p. m , unlit Moniluy , AuiriiM 'Mill. IBM ) .
nt tlie hour of IS o'clock in , when mild book of
rnjflitrutlon will bo closed. All < | Uulltlod voters
are notltlcd to iiltcnd und see thnt their numcs
, ro properly W '
MU.Y. mt ,
Itcjflstrur Ut District , 2ud Ward.
Omabn , August lltli.JIHI.
Notice of Registration ,
rpo THK Icwal votur * of Sooond District , Soc-
J onil Ward. In I ho city of Oinuhu :
Vou nit ) hereby notified that the undoi-slgned
will sit usrutfittrarfor Hi-cond District , Second
Wurd. ut my grocery store , 3)1 ) h slrcut und 1'op-
plcton nvonuo , coinmenclntr Thur&dny , the ttu !
day of Auirust , 1W6 , nt II o'olocu a. ra. , for tbn
purix > soof rexlfcterlnif all quriliflod votoritwlth *
In mild precinct , and for the purpo o of Adding
to , and correcting tlio registration nlroiidy
made , nod fur such purpose tba uiKlerHltrnod
will lit and koo | > hh book of togM ration open
uach dur tlioroalter ( except Buiiduyo * ut thu
nines Bforosuld from eleven o'clock H lit until
seven o'clock p.m. , xintll Monday , tha UOib lny
of August. 1HS8 , nt tlio hour of IK o'clock in , ,
when eald txjok of reirlMrntlon will be closod.
All riuallfledotors uro uotllle I to attend unJ
see thai their name * urn properiy revl'tornd.
Ufcjflstrur iuU Dlelrlct 'nd Ward.
CAPITAL PRIZE , $150,000. ,
I'Wodo herolircortltjr thnt TO Mlpotwo tha
nrrntipniii 'iilifnri\ | | the Moinhlr nntl Qunrterl/
Untwine * of The 1/iulMmin ptnto Lottorj *
roiminnr nml In iirrson tnanniro nml control
the urnwlntr * llirtiiwlvr * , nnd thnt the nmonro
conducted vlth hnnosty , fnlrtiw < nnd la ( rooj
fnlthtownnl nil i > , irlk > , nn < ) wo nuthorlro llio
CoiniiHnrtoU'olliKrnrttncnlo , with f c-8ltntioi
oluur BlRimtiirni nttnnhol In Us mlvortUmont
_ _ _
w > . ( honn < lPrftirnnl ! Hunks nml Hankers , will
yny nil Vrtros drawn in Tlio I < oiiUlntm tixto t i > l-
torlcs which inny Ito i > rc < onto < l m our cmnitori
J. II. Odl.UHHV ,
Pres. Louisiana National Banfc
< 1 , AV. KU.ltKICTIl ,
Pros , State National Bant
A. HAT , 1Vt.V ,
Pres. M Orleans national Bank
Incorporated In 1803 for 35 renw by the louU
Inturo tor Kihicnllotml und Cliurltnlilo purposes
nlth ncntiltnl of $1OOO.UUO to which n roiiorva
fund of over ( ViOjuX ) 1ms sinixj been aildod.
llr nnavorwliohnlntfiioimlnr vote lit
wiia mndo lunirl oUtiopresuiitStiUo Constitution
fidoWii ! DecimiUoi-lM A. 1) . 107U.
1U ( jninil xliiK'lo number Uriuvliifr tnkas plilco
monthIt ) nevur sunUut or postiumojt.
utthu following ilKrlluitlou !
196th Grand Monthly
In the Academy of Music , Now Oile.ins.
Tuesday. Sept. I-t , 18110.
Under the personal MiporviKon and uiauaco ;
nil-lit of < ii.v. ( ! . T. tli.uni : : < i.\ui > , of Lint *
Mima , and ( IN. : JuiiAt.A. EAIII.V , of Vir
ginia.CAPITAL PRIZE $150,000.
Notice. Tickets arc SIO only. Halves , S 9
Fifths $2. Tenths $1-
1 CAPITAL 1'itir.u OF $ ir/l . OCM
HlltAM ) 11117.1 : OF '
Piti/Kor SO ,000. LM.IM ]
4 li uint : l'ur/.K3 otf
CO mi. .
ion ww. .
MX ) 'JOO. . 40 , ' )
coo 1(0. ( . 00V ( > 1
1000 co. , 50.0J9
10(1 ( A S20.00
JOO 11)0. )
S TB I > rl7cs amount Ino-lo . RiiJ.WJ
ApptlcaUoti for rntoi to clubs should bu raiulo
onlr to the ofllco or the comiiany In NowOc
For fuithor iniormnllon wnto clonrlv. ffiMnsr
full adtlit ! . 1'ObTAlj NOTKS , Kjiro [ | < .Munoy
Orders , or Nuw York Kxolmiiiro in ordinary tut-
tor. currency by oznresa at our OXIH.-IUO aj
) . 0.
Ufcko p. O. Money Ordord pnVAblo and nddroM
TCglStorod letters to
Chronic & Surgical Diseases.
DR. KloMENANJY. Proprietor.
Suteerij curs' lli | ltal and l"rivaU ) J'roctlce
Wo have the fociliUi'A , npjioratur and rum-dirt
for the euccrrxful treatment of ci cry form of dla-
ras rciiiitrliis cither medical ornnrKlcal Iroatment ,
and Invite nil locomeaudlnvwtlRfltufnrthcmwlvoj
ircorrcBpond nith us. Lcuu ; cijierlcnto In trrat.
Ins can's hy Iclti-r tiableii us to treat many canal
ecientiflcally without oorlni ; them.
WJUTJ : FOH niROUI.AIt on Doformltlci and
Hrnce * . Club Kcet , Curvatures of the Bplno ,
DisEifrs op WOMEW. Plica , TnnuiM , Cnnccrn ,
Catarrh , Ilronchltlti , Inhalation , Klcclrlclty , 1' ,
J lJ , lipilepsy , Kidney , E/e , Kar , Skin , Blood tud
oil Kiirglcnl opemtlons.
llnttorlca. Inhaler * , ISrncra , Trusucs , and
nil kinds of Medical and Surtfcul Appllaucea , man.
ufactnrrd and for sale.
Tha onlr reliable Medical Intfdute making
Private Special Nervous Diseases
' "A 81'KCIAL.TV.
from whatever cmiac produced , succonefiillytrcitU'd.
AVu can remove Syphilitic poleou from thu Jiynlcm
without mercury.
New restorative treatment for loss of vital power ,
Cull and cnnnnlt in or ptnd name nnd post-onirs
address plainly written enclose stamp , and w
will tend yon. In plain wrapper , our
UiitNAitr ( inoAKJ , or tend hlttory of your caio for
an u ] > lnlan.
rcTDons nnnlilc toInlt us may ho treated at tbolr
horars , hy cornvjKindcnco. filcillclncMiind luitiu- .
nicatH xcnt hy mull or exiirooH HKCUIIKLY 1'ACIC-
Bl ) FKOM onSBKVATION. no marks to Indlciila
contents or frmlcr. One iiornonul liitervlew pre
fcrrcd if tnnvi-nlnnt. Kl fly rooms for the Accom
modation of patient * . Hoard and attendance at
reammablc prices. Address all Lcttcru to ,
Omaha Medical and Surgical Instituto.
Cor. 13th SI. and Camlol Ave. . OMAHA. NCB.
iiocautir Hunt. Noirljr rurnlllloJ
Tli6 Tremont ,
J. C. l'lTKHAUi BON , I'-oprlotors.
Cor. fth nnd 1'Hts. , Lincoln , Nob.
Rales tlM iiordnj. gtrout curs fronihouio to ny
twrtof tlio cltr.
Architect ,
Omrcs-.t ) . 'Jl Mini d. KlchunU Illock , Lhiooln ,
tfob. Klovntoronllth Htroot.
Ilrcedcr cil Droedcr of
ir CATTI.B. SHOUT noun CArn.i
Live Stock Auctioneer
Hulos made In all imrtn of thn U. 8. nt fair
rntoi. Itooin 'J.HInto lilock , l.inciiln , Nob. ]
Qoltowuy und Short Horn bulls for sale.
Farm Loans and insurance ,
Corrcsyomlrnoo In rojrunl to louiu dollcltoJ ,
lUxjm 4 , UlclmnH Ilkuk , l.Ucoln , Neb.
Iliversicle Short Horns
Of etritlly pui-o Itati-siunl IlutcsTuppodcattlo ,
lonl numbcra nbout ml bnul. :
Hull * forsaiil. 1 J'nro lUlcs Kilborl.l I'nro
Halt i CrnfK * . 1 Uosonf Bhaiou , 1 Youiw Miu-y ,
i I'uio OruluU KhnnU and otliois. ( 'oiuo aim
nniiccitho hcrl. Addrosn , CIIA9. M. IHIAN <
< QN , Lincoln , Neb. _
Wluin inTilnootn stop at
National Hotel ,
And ifct UQood dinner for' s
end thi ! Work.
1020 Faruum Sttoot , Oiuabit ,