THE OMAHA , DAILY BEE : FRIDAYAUGUST 20. 1880 , SPECIAL NOTICES A < hcrtl emcnts underfills ho il , locentspor line lor the first ln crtioti,7 cents for Cttcli subsequent - sequent ln crt'on. ' mid $1.60 n llw per month No advertisement tnkon for lf s tlinn 2fl conls for thu llrst In-oilon. Sovpn words will bo counted to the Hno : they must run consecu tively mid must bo pnldln mhnncc. .All mlvor tltrinonH mu t bo Imnilod In Imfoio 3 o'clock j > , m.nml under no clruumstnncei wilt they bo tnhtm or discontinued by telephone. Parties ndv rtltltifr In thcsu column * nn < 1 hiv- InRthonnswers addressed In cnro of TIIKHKK Trill plfnsonnk for achrck toonnble them to pot tliolr Icllni"n nonn will bn delivered except on pro ontntln or check. All jmswora to ad vertisements should IIP onoliwil In rnvelnnot. TO soAir- , , . , JO Tolonnrtn Oinnliu clly properly nt 0 "fl perconuintoicat. ( J. W. Daj.over 1IIS ! Diiuplns st , UU G T'ilt riJNT Money to onn. J. J. Mnhouoy , IMJ I'nrnnui. < XII " ONl'.V in UlANOiT farm mid city prop- city , at lowest rntcsV , A. Bpoticor J509 1'iiinninst. H , - ' . . or to loan in Si-i'.riAi. ntnouhtio pnlt , on ahott tlmo mortals , tineo lo twelve months tlmo on property Im proved or unimproved , Cnli nt the Umnlm riminclnl Kxrliniiiro , second lloor of Barker Illoi k. S. Vf , Cor * rnrnnni nml 15th St , 881 \\7iiiato ; t'homi money on long tlmo , In any T > iimntltyto | loan on Inside city proporty.qr farm hind. Marshall A Lobcclt , 1511 rnrnamsL 1T.IMJKNT money to loan. It. C Patterson , G 13th and DpuglM. 613 MAll.C"PINAM'IAI , i\CHANOKIsiro | pnrud to mnko loans In any nnionnt.on any kind of approved eocurlty. IMTIZO collateral loans D specialty. AIM ) on chattels and rnftl t'Stato in amounts and tlmo to suit. Ixiwrr rates , bettor tornis , nnd prompter service than any loan fluency In the city. Tor further particulars cull nt ofllcn on the pocond lloor of the llnrker Illock. aoutliwcst corner of rnrnam nnd IMh Mreots. 450 _ f * 1 , and 8 percent money to loan. Moilgagos U. taken In oxchnngo for roul ostnto. Coutrnl Investment Co , Itoom 7 , llaikorlllook.cor 15th nml FnrnMii. S9 MONI'.V TO LOAN At lowest rates of lutor- pst on farms and improved city property. K. .1. Day & Co , 5 , Crounsc's block , S. K , eornor Ciipltul ntontio nml Ifith st. TOOerpH . 'TO LOAN At lower rntosthnn any- A'A whore i-lso In the clty.onf urulturo , pianos , 01 Kims , horses , vviiKOtis , or stock of nny kind , itniiicmibor , at lower rates than ativ other loan company in thn rlty. City Lonn & Mortcmro Co. . room 16,1401 rnrnam et , opposite 1'nxton hotel. _ 451 _ MONKV to loan by the undersigned , who hns the only properly orjrnnfrod loan mrcnoy In Omaha I-onns ol ? 10 to $1,001) ) made on fur niture , pianos , orfrnns hordes , wapon' , mnchln- ory , Ao. , without rotnovnl No delays. All business strictly confidential Lonns so made thnt nny part cnu bo paid at any tlmo. eneh pay ment reiluclni' tlio co t pro rntn. Advnnces madnon flno wntchcs nnd diamonds Persons should carefully consider i\ho thov are doallntr vrlth , as many now concerns nro dnlly comlnst Into existence. Should you need monor , call Btirt see mo. W. K Croft , lloom 4 , WIthnell ir , Kith and Harnoy. 4V1 6PIHI cr.NT Money to lonn. Stewart & Co. , Koomll , Iron bank , 12th nml Furnnm. 455 8booo tr7 loan. Sums fft'JO TiwT upwards. I.on eat rates. Bcmls , loth nnd Douglas ats , _ 450 _ _ MONKlTTO LOAN O. 1' . Davis & Co. Heal Estate and Loan agents , 1505 Fivrnnm 3u _ _ 4.i7 MONEY TO LOAN-On freed scoitrltioa. A JlcClnvock , room 7 Itodtok Block , 1509 Farnam Bt. _ _ 453 M IONKY TO LOAN Ou real estnto nndchixt tcls. D. L. Thomas. 4'iO ' MMONHY MONHY TO I.OAN In aums of JJOO and up wards on flrst-clnss renl estate eocurlty. Potter & Cobb , 1515 Farnam 8u 460 MONKY LOANED nt C. F. Heed A Go's. Loan ofllco. on furniture , pianos , horsrs , wngons personal property of all kinds and all other ar- tlclceoC value , -without removal. 019 S. 13th , over nin hnm'8 Commission Btoro. All bus noes otrlctly conHdontnL 401 BUSIHE3B CHANCES. I7IOK SAI.K Doiitnlomco , onq of the oldest Jand most contrnllocntloiiB In Lincoln. Ad- Uiess "Uontist , " care Hco ollico , Lincoln , Nob. 21(1 ( 24 * FOH SAT.U Because of pressing demands : upon my tlmo am obliged to dispose of n half Intoirst lu nn old established business. An excellent opportunity tor a llvo mnn with small capital. Address L , IB , Deo. 210-21' OK SAIlC-An old and well o-itnbllshod Brcoory business , nddresa L10 , Hoc ollice. HIS B 18 * WANTKU-Two enterprising young men wlthn _ Httlo cash nnd good reforcricos to locate nt Denver and Kansas City to handle our goods to the trndo. Coi Chemical Co. 1022 Capital nvo. 173 18 T Olt SALi ; at a bnrgnm In the ploacant X ; towuof Gloiiwood , Iowa , in a rich ftult district , a now brick fruit packing and storage hoiiBo. 40.X-II feet , two stories Including huso- mcnt.doublo wnll frost pioof , and well nr- ranccd ; with otorugo capacity of o\or 10,000 bushels. Cooper shop attached , and dwelling bourn ) on adjoining lot. A largo elder mill nnd pies. * nnd n JUst-class Zimmerman ovunorntor. No. 4. This entire outllt , Including nbout 501 now apple UniioN , will bo sold vary low. Address or call on L. A. Williams , Glonwood , Town. 129-211 W'H will arrange liberal/ ! with nn nctfrcmnn with limited moans and references to represent us In Denver or Kansas City. Cox Chomlcal Co , 1C2J Capital avo. 17J ID I OKSALU A stock of dry goods , carpets , sheen nnd 1 urnl hlng goods. Good reason Blven for Boiling. Address B. Kolin , Sownrd , ijioi ; SAI.K IlnmLIotonion colt ( broken ) L' sulky , harnroi'S , top bucay , stable und or nnby lluplnco Itoberts , Fort Omaha , * 045 SAI.E-Tho complnto furniture of the Nebraska Vlnegnr Works. Call soon on K. Krobs. Jones at bet Oth and 10th st , Omaha. . BIO FOK HALK An elegant established business , the best of the kind In the west located in this city ; tint prollts $5JOO.UJ ( per annum ; will boar closest Investigation ; invoice about tl5UX.oo. ) Parties with menus wishing to stop into a line business address K 7 , lloo ollico. 4 H 1jtblt First-class mont imirKot will ? -L nlco fl-ttures , all complete : good trade ; lj,08t . ? / .ypusons for BellltiB. Call or wrlto to Oci ) . Vf. Mnsson , 1B21 lloivnrd. 82 ; ) EMHt SAL15-Ono of the oldest ostnbllshod grocery business in the city , with a very largo , u oil-paying trndo. Will exchange for Oinnlin roiil estnto or part cash und balance BO- cured . " "od reasons given for soiling , Aildtuss" ! ill. " HOP ollico. _ 007 HOIISIIS I.ots.rnfms.bnnds money lonnoal Ilomls , 15thiuidlJouglimBtroot8. _ _ _ _ 403 jVJlf NAI.K Povornl stocks of goods , doing ! ! J-1 healthy business , ownership clear , satis faction gunrnutood ; terms cusy , some Omnhn property taken In osclmneo. Marshall ct LO. beck , 1611 1 ariiain fit. 405 BOAHDIiTQ. BO AUDI NO 1234 Canllol avenue , northoas corner Thlrtoontn street , house newly fiiriiUlioil ; ovorf thing llrst olasa. 745 SO * B OABU AndTodtfinSsi uTltU N , 16th St. PEKSOH&I , . TDKIISONAL A respectable young mnn of 21 1with moans would like to got acquainted nilh it nloo , ronpoutublo young lady , between 18 mid 25 yours of ajo. Address L 0 , Boo ollico. 175 19 * Mrs. Dr. Nannie V. Warren AI'lalrvojant , Medical uud business Medium Itoom No. G , 121 North Itth bt , Ouiahu , Nob. _ JIBC II.ANBOUB. , and Tj'powrltliKf school. llooiiia 7 uud 8 , Iron bank , a , Vf. Baker , lee . . UUIJTrbllIl40 : I'hmo , Jl monthly. A Hospe , 1513 DouKlas. 4 4G3 OBl'All HANSr.N , Inturpioler , 1911 Cumluir nt. , tran.-laior of li'gnldouumcnts , uorrob- pondouco , etc. from the French , German ami bcandlna\luu laiigungcs ; couru und olllcos at tended ; private lotsons given. 138-19 * KKM' Urguus , fa pcr moiuli. ilospo , 51U Douu'lns. - 74 'Oil KKNT A etoroon agoou lotalletroot. Apply the Omaha Iteal liitato and Loan Co. WT IV Vou want to employ a stenographer ami typewriter operator , address Valentino's Shorthand InsiltiiYo7 It-position building , Omaha , Neb. PS4-B-13 OMAHA Itcal Kstate , House & KurnUhod lloom Agunry , Money Loaned on Itcul lls- tuto , I'ujtpn i : Kustuiun , proprietors , main otllce 1UOI IKiuirhis Bt. branch otllceH 1S131'nr- nam et.ni3 Douifl.U4t..4lUN 16th.518 nnd 021 SlOth : telephone No , 4SJ. Alar o lut of fur- nUhod undunfurulohiHl rooms , houses , out . for I'lulouionj to snloct from. Uiuvo j-our liouce * and rooms with us : wowlllEoonailtlioin up vtith dnilrublo tenants. Come to us for rooms undhouicnjj can suit sou at ouca ; ear * rmKcs for patrons ; tclopbouo or cull nt above officer _ 130 alt ) TTtOlt 15 > JT Square t'lano tf o -U ilospe , 1313 Uousflfts. rplUT. ? , Itones , Shrubs , etc , plnnted free for I- persons buying or Do-iKlns t'o. Nurseries. C.O. Howard , 1'rop. , I * . O. bet SVO. KS'-nlS * " * F iou wnTit ohortrTnndToti-1 looks call or iM- drcjs Vnlcnlino's Shorthnnd Institute , Kx- nosition building , Omnhn , Neb. M5 S-12 TOB "T71OII S.M.i : 1 now 3ent extension top out JL ? undercarriage , at 1315 Harnoy , Drummond ISO10. . Il Olt SAIiK U Stonm Broom Sowing ma- chluo * . 1 Stcnm Broom Tylnjr machine , Al o several hand cowltur aud tylnf ? mn- chinos. Tor ale at nbaignln. Addre s I' . O. HOT OIS , OmalinNob. 109-10 * _ _ _ FOH SAI.i : A peed movliiK express , horse , matron and hiu no , on veekly pnyiiu-ula , nt n aln. M I * . Martin , 3HI S. 151 _ t/ioit SAI.i : rhcnpi "now 8 seat cnuopy-top X1 sldo bar Surrey i-nrrlaio , lit 13I5 llnruey. O i nt Ion & Diummoiul ISU-l'J ijioit sAIi-Or : would pAohaniro for n few JO peed hnr < cs houses and 1ms and vacant lots. Ballon Bros. , nil ! nonplus tt , ltS-25 moit blocks. Apply ut 1021 Howard at. 111 38 _ ' TT'olt'sAiriJ Illoyclo-olipup , Btar miichlno , -I almost now , ulckloa all over , Imiuiro nt , V Hospo'S 11 5-28 * iS A medium sbnsafo nearly now , with tn Ido door. Combination lock. 1 113 draw er cabinet and loiter tlio with doors. 1 medium t < l7o letter ptoss. 1 plllt for III MHllO. 1 platform counter Eoilo. Parrotto & Swnony lllil llnnioy st. 807 SAM : 10 good meat blocks. Apply FOU ion Howard st. 145 2i 1TM.MI SAI.i : Kuriilturo 0-room house com- JL1 ploto for housekeeping ! prlco $ JOl ) . HOIIRO rent JU5 per month , line locution , 1711) Douglas Jt. 415 " "n OIl SAI.K furniture andl en o or slit-room JL ! house , time on part. Call 1SOJ North 27th street , two blocks from lied Car Hue , t > 93 HOUSKS Ixits.rnrms.Lmuts money lonnc'd. Ilomls 15th nnd Douglm streets. _ 471 h.\Ii : 1 plnmi , furniture nud kltrho ranno. 7I7S. IBthst. _ 877 Fou SAIi : Cheap , iron columns nnd win dow caps suitable for front on brick build- Ing. 1'or pnrtloulnra apply nt this ollico. 813 WAIITED FEMALE \\rANTKD Good irlrlnt 1010 Webster street ; 11 must bo Orst-clnss ; good wn os. 203 " 0 * WANTBD Yoiinn lady to work In Jewelry store ; best of loCcroncca teiiultod. Address dross I , II , Uou. JM.MII * " \A"ANTr.D A frond ulrl for Konoial house mikCl''Houtli ; li'tlistiect. UOU.21 * WANTin A ( icoit pastry cook at Mrs. Nor- rls' . 10th st bcteonDodito and , Dounlns. 171 10 WANTii-Cook : nt Mis. I' . 1'lnnnory , 1010 South Tenth Sti cot. 178 20 \TV7ANTKIi-aood cook. AUo laundry gill. T T Must bo neat. 71U S 14th st. Oood wages. 183-20 * WANTKU A good stromr Kill to cook , wash and lion at IfO'i Fninani st. Ih3-lii * -\TrANTKlJ Cook lit Ummot Houso. V\ \ 160 WANTED Girl for general housework nt s w cor 22d nnd Mason ; good wages paid. 168-SJ \ rANTlU Ono dining-room cirl and ono Y dishwasher. Call nt Mlllor'a iostiurantt lOOi N Iflth St. 8IM-20 * fJfTANTEH A nrst class woman cook nt W. V > C. T. U. Buckingham. 12th nnd Dodgo. 150 19 * WANTKD-dlrl. towotkln Tamlly of two. Apply 13iJ N. 18th street. 101-20 * WANTKI ) 30 good girls for city , country and the west ; all kinds of work ; call and Inquire 110 Noitli IGth St. Omuhn Kmploymvnt Ilurcnu. 14U \\7ANTKO-Goodglrl for general housework TT Mia S. A. Sloman , 1014 Farnam st. 130 WANTIil ) A good girl for general house work. 801 South 21st street. 10S-1U WANTJIU Ulrl for general houseworK at S. W , coruor Nineteenth nnd Loin on- worth streets , 08J WANTKD A Qrst-olnss washer nnd Ironor. Apply at the Cozzons , 101 WANTKD-Glrl for kitchen work. 415 N. 15th et. 99218 WANTKU Girl for general housework at 1813 Webster St. H72 WANTED Nurse girl , also for second work. Inquire 0-4 Park avo. 883 VI7ANTiu ( JIrltortronoral liousoworit , No. T > 1918 Capitol nvo , north side , bet 10th nnd 20th. 730 WANTKli At 1&22 lioward st , , n rollablo girl for kitchen work. Must bo good , Jilnln cook , washer und ironcr. German or rtsh protoiTcd. 544 W'ANTUl ) A llrst-cluss ohamDor maid nt the Windsor Hotel 552 Ail oxpo-Ioncod coolc and laun- W dross. Good wngos paid. Mrs. G. J. Hunt Virginia nvo. , nnd Grant kt , 55'J ' W'ANTKI > Immediatelyit tlrst-oiass cook u 1812 Dodge St. 805 WANTKD SI young ladies nml gents to Icnrn tologrnphy. Prospects for positions when competent , ( rood. Address Vf. J , D. room l.Crounso block lUth st , Oiiuilm. 738 HELP. W'ANTED A good salesman ; must bo sober nnd Industrious. Ono who speaks Gorman and has had otporlonco In bnok and stationery pioforrod. Address Box 070 , Beatrice , Nob. 220-20 WAMTKIJ 3 experienced hands for starch ing. Steady work and good wagos. Jnck eon St , Laundry. 217-21 * TirANTIlD-Doy with security as News TT Agent. Experience not necessary. Al bright Labor Agency. 221-21 * WANxr.D A good bright ooy nt the Ilrad- Etrcot Co. , cor. l tu and Fimmm. 07-19 WANTKD A good bread nnd calco baker , Goimiin pruterrod ; Now York bakery , 10CO Oumliig bt. 201.20' wANTKIJ A good steady barber , good wages , nt41MS 10th at 19120 * 2 good cigar makers at once , nd- dress Hoadlugtou Bros. , Hebron , Neb. 174 19 * " \\rANTHn SB carpenters at Fowler Pack- It ing house , South Omaha. 118-lu * WANTKD-Firbt-class whlto barber. Ad- dioss , Fred Perkins , Blair , Nob. 112-19 y\7ANT 1:0 : Ton men of gooj nnpearnuoo , \ \ 'can make $3-15 a day. Call ut 1412 South 13th St. 700 20 * l 7ANTiu 2 llrst class colored waiters. Only IT these that can give good recommenda tions need iipply ; wages $ -0 per month and loom. Address 1C50 , Boo ollico. U27-19 * W'ANTHU 60 mon for railroad woik in Wy- oinliur. li. B. Albright , U , 1U Labor neoncy , 1J03 Fitrnam stroot. 007 \\7ANTKIJ-A wood reliable watclinmkor.must Vl ftit nlsh roCoronoos. A splendid chance for tlio : lgbt man , Addrojs , OL F. Furbrach , Chad * ion , Nob. B'J3-1U WANTKD $10 a week glvnn to capable gen- tlotnnu. No. 14 Main st , Council Bluffs. 878 Pasiry cook nt Windsor Hotel. U AffontB 209 N. Iflth St. 815 TTf ANTKI-Two oed saloamou. ftfl N. JOth \VrANTKIl Short-hand Btudontst oxporl- 'T cncoj toitchor. Totius , $20 for complete course. Aildrnss K 28 , lloo ollico. BfiOvS BITUAXIOM WAJfTED. WANTKli A ludy of experience wishes sit uation a ? housekeeper. Address L 3 , Boo ollico. 1S5-20 * WANTKD Situation by bookkoopor.lO years experience. Refaienoos given. Address 1.8 , Uou ollico. 19424 * H Situation as housekeeper by a middle iigriid lady of oxporiuuco. Address C L.2I2 South lUlh st. 19219 * WANTIUi-Pltuutlou lu prlvntofnmllles by 2 young men u > oouohmoii or any kind of work about house and yard. Address L , 16 , Boo oflloo. By a competent mtiii , situation asn toumstor or nny kind of work. Direct offers toW , Pcaro of City Hotel , or "K ( W , " Bee ollico. 110-19 * WANT15D 10 mon for B rod Inz , wages $1.75 per day ; cull ut once , 110 North 10th St. , cor. Capitol uvonue. H. O. Bolle-Ielo. 150 WAJ\TKI > Young lady recently from the cast desires \ \ position with some Orel- class fnmlly : can furnish good refereucet. Ad diess 1C 72 , Dee otttce. 153 3 * WANTKD Situation by a young man poaki Gorman and English. Had somobuilnojs experience. Good reference. Address KtA Bee onico , 119.SJ * \yANTKU Situation by bridge foreman on < ' llowo Tru * , ootnblimtiuu or iron bridge * Addrcu U , 70 UcO offlca. 134 SJ * WANTin-A pmctlcnl machinist of 1(1 ( yrs experience In engine building nnd Job- blngBhops nould IlkosituMlon ns engineer or to look niter nnd repair machinery In roBiiufno- tory. Klr t clnss roferencus. No objection to leaving city , Address L 2 , lice ollico. 10S in * MISCELLANEOUS WAHT3. ( TANTti ) Stoiiofrr.inhor , to buy typo > nrl'cr cheap , J. B. H.ijitos At Co.Omnbn. "l\7" "ANTii : ) A hoii o of rot on rooms in Rood IT Incntlon : If tiluco sulti will rent foroi.o I ) . M. Chambllii , 1'c.clBo Ux. Co. , Tlty. 18D-S ! * WANTliU A 2nd hnnd JlMdvr with every attnehinont ; must bo clicnp. Address L 21. nco ollico. 21S-20' "l\7'AJ Tii : > A fcofiid-hiind ollico dusk , mn t bo Inpood conJItlon and chenp. Aildiosa Ij 20 , lice ollico. SIB-'O' "I\'ANTIU > To rent n tenor twelve teem > hou = o within four blocks ot poitolllrcvtitta terms. AddtossI , B , Ileo ollico. 11 fl 20' 5Teauis. . I'TiTurriiy. 473 WANrr.D To rent 2 rooms f urnlslipd by younir gentlemen , conveniently located. Addicss 1,12 , lloo ollico. 1 3 WANTijT ) Two nlcoly furnlsliPil rooms with board inn nlco locnlltv for ffentlo- mnn nml wlfo. Addrosi stating tornii per month , Ml , lloo ollico. 191 lit * WASTUD llva ro poctnblo and Independ ent toung lady umployod ilurlnn the day , n nicely fiirnlshoil room with unnvonltMuMut. 1'iompt pay in advance. Would ptet'oru Hut or business block. Addrois with particulars L4 , lloo ollico. 1H4-21' AVANTii > A youna liuly wishes furnlslio 1 loom wltu bolird In private family. Ad dress. " 1C , 0V "eo ollico. lin-l 'V\7-ANTin : To rent for toim of years by " merchant , a comfortable dwulllng nt rea sonable prlco. Address K 5-1 , iloo otlloo. DJ1-19 WANTI2D Permanent , first-class board Ilia respectable fnmlly. Must hnvo largo front room nnd one Btnall ono. Address lmmodlatolyt FIrat-class Hoard , 1317 Douglas sticot , 091 21 WANTKD A few Ftooks of hnrdwiuo and general morohnndleo for Nnbraska l uds nnd Omaha lots. Swan & Co. , Fronzur lllook. OHJ 21 WANT1UI To rent n small neatly furnlMiod room near Hco ollico. Address statin ? torinsK-'l Dee oflloo. 001 \VAJfTKU A good house on monthly pay- T i meets. Address HC5. Ileo ollico. OiS. V\7ANTii ) To buy n nlco residence or good TT InilUllnir lot In a doslrablo location. Address dross II , U ) , lloo oftlco. ftw. \\TANTKn Itoom and board In good private TT fatally. Cnn glvo best of references. Ad dress K 43 , Boo ofllco. 820 \VANTiiJ : A Good steady norse with spring wngonand harness ; must bo oho up ; to bo paid for In monthly Installments. Address 1,37 IJco ollico. 130 ron nutfT-nouBEH AND X.OSB. FOll ltiNT : A four-room cottugo ou 21st , be tween Clark nnd Grace ; good well and ols- tiTii , yard tvltli fiultS15a month. Address It Kl , Ilcootllco. , 204. I poll RKNT yt bnok cottago. B rooms. 1211 Jackson street ; $15 per month In ndvnnco. 211 in * 1OIt KENT 5 room bouso , , furniturefou snlo. 1815 Jackson st. * 4 10024 * TjlOIl HENT Cottage of sir rooms , cor. IfitH JJ and Chicago gts. , S. Lehman , 1103 F . num. , 101 ' Foil KENT 3 room house , 20th and NlcM olaa Rt > t. P. Mnrtin. 131 Foil HUNT A good Rlv-room houe m Jlrstt class location ; convenient to business. If on Particulars address n lib reference K 71 , lloo of- * Hco. 13D " 171OK RUNT A nlco no\v seven-room hou o , JL ? with good burn , city nnd soft water. Ini qulro of C. L. Erlckson. opposite P. O. 103 j FOK IlENT For n term of years , the 2-story brick building on the n o cor. of 10th nnd Douglas. Imiulro at drug Btoro , same phico. TT1OK KKNT NowO-room houses , nonr'strobt } JL ! curs. D. C. Patterson , Omaha Nat'l bankj 071 FOH HUNT Dealrablo B-room cottngo , south U. P. depot J. 1'hlpps Koo , ISia 3 5th. 603 FOll LKASE Wo hnvo eleven acres on O. P. | IL It. trnck.BOJ foot front r will louse nil on part for 11 vo years. Bedford & Souor. " 7C > 1 I ron EEHT SOOMS. W- ANTi : U Toront two or tin count in iiisnedj rooms or small lint In ploasnnl nnd"con- vonlent location. Addtoss stating jinrtlculars L 17 lice ollico. 215 21 * FOIL RENT Four furnished s rooms fan housekeeping , 10 blocks from opera house. Inquire 1811 Farnam. 214-20 * . FOH IIIJNT 3 large furnished rooms wlthl modern convonlonces , also urst-clnss table board , dinner 0 p. m. , references roqulred , , 1814 Uodgo. 'M FOK KKNT-NIocly furnished rooms. 1318 Capitol avonuo. 212 10 F OK RENT Ono elegant front room with alcove , furnished , at 1811 Furnam street. tt FOR RKNT Front room. 203 Ninth street , suitable for man nnd wlfo or two gentle men. Ono door from Union 1'uclllo head quarters. ' lfl-l * FOK KENT A well furnished room , 1509 Farnam st. Call at room 19. Reference required. 152 21 * T71OKRENT Parlor and two vorynloolyfurn- ; -C Ishod rooms with board , house Is surrounded by n nloo lawn and has bath room and gas , ulso day board. S. W. corner of 0th and Wobstor. 163 POR RENT Nicely furnished front room with flrst-olasa board to two young : gontlo- mon. Prlco reasonable , 521 Pleasant ut 125 21 * SOU KENT 2 furnished rooms for ffontlo- inon. lloforonco roijulrod. 1603 Cuss st. 11420 * FOR RI3NT Very comfortable and well fur nished rooms with board. 2010 Wobstor. 110-19 * FOK KKNT Nicely furnished room with modern conveniences , and in llrst-cluss location. Apply at 1921 Furnam street. 709 FOU HUNT Nloo front room on Farnam bet 11 and 12th , apply toll. W , Huutrnss , 130S Fainamst. U41 POR RKNT A suit of rooms with llrst class board , 1812 Dodgo. 80(1 ( FOR HUNT Nice rooms at 1821 Fnrnam st.,1 blook west of court bouso. 008 POR RUNT Front office , 2d floor , Omnhn Nnt'l Bank. Inquire D. C. Patterson. 037 TCIOUIUKNT Suit of furnished rooms for two JL gentlemen , 1011 California Bt , CM FOR HUNT Furnished rooms at 1707 Cass Bt. KW F > OK KENT Two front parlors , newly fur. nished. 2511 Bt. Mary's nvonuo. Oil FOR UENT-Furnighod room , 1810 Dodge. 827028 UKN ' A nicely furnished south room 1U07 Douglas st. References required. 475 "TjiOK RKNT Two store rooms on llth St. , I ? $25 each. J. Johnson , 1324 Farnam. 239 SAI.E HOUSEH tola. & HADLHV GHUaoKY Iteal Kstate und Rental Agents , JJI2 Douglas Htruot , Wo can ph'oyou buigalns in lots in Hau > com Place , , OichiudHIII , Kllby Place , J'mjn Park , Ambler Place , Han thorn , Puttorsou Park , Newport , Amos' Place , Catalpa , ' Clarendon , West Sld6 , Arliugton. PiOj.ori/ all parts of the city , 09 TVTAYNU BUO3. , 1519 Farnam. Uavd some flno HJ. tots on Park n\o. near Howard only $2,000. 130-19 FOR HAI.K Or exchange for general raor clmndlao,2UO uoros flnally improved land In Southern Iowa , adjolnlmr county seat and rail road , In Dccatur county. Has a line 6-room bouso , largo baru , 50-foot shed , good well , spring and running water ; 103 apple trees , ohorrlos , grapes , oto. Bombard Sacu&uv 317 S. 13th ec..0mnha Nob. 013 NICE ! lots m May no Place , for sale , by Muyno Bros , 1519 Farnam , only 3 blocks from parker or sticpt cur lino. Call and eeu them. Sold ou easy term * . 1BO-19 LAHOK cities make suburban liomoj a necos- Blljr and this class of lota grows with tbu rest. This is to bo considered. Soe.UllUdalo at $ 150 and buy ona whoa you CBJ > at tills Ojrure. Ames' Heal Eitato Ageimy , 1597 Frtrnumat. B09 COL'irr-Neur horse -carx. lots -D $ JOO. Vwi Beurou , Doujjlm & Ittlj. 0221 OTOrKDAM : A MlTCHKI.t < 15(6 ( Dodge O street. Ben block In ; nrt lingo for sale cheap , con- talnltifr 14 supcrL 44 feet on Kan nmStreet , adjoining old Tlty Hull , $1,000 per fnfit foot , 'i ciisb , attention capitalists. hot 5tx213 foe. twlth s splendid residences , nnlytlvo minutes' walk fiom postofllco , only ? 7 , ' , $4,000 cnsbj ywiulno bargain. lllv crvlovr lot'MJH'ttvlew In city , from $1,000 to (1,800 : onsv twni-U f > minutes' walk trom postodlco , lot fiXx-1.1 feet , with 2 nno residences , (7,001. Plcnso Inves tlfrnto. Thl Is a bnrffaln. Nino-room hnutoi Itnd ! J lot on Twentieth si. , very nonr city centra only fobOJ , (5W cash ; rtll In line repair. 1'our of the rttoltfTst lots on Iowo nvonuo , nenr Dr. MoicctJI..soutli ' nnd east fronts , at n bargain foronljif-slfrort time. llosuronndcnliiuiil wo will ifiiarantco to suit. Wn hnvo n list irtnt nil cnn select from to their entire satisfaction nnd boucllt. Adlit-io to the fairest denllnjr with all. . titockdalo A : Mitchell , 15111 Dodge street. fillirrnfcOl'KT Near lior e car , lots B (3W. Vail llourcn , Douglas H 14th. .TO21 171011 iTvUUAtNS In Heal Estate call on Mnjtlo J ? Bros. , 1519 Fnrnam : we have the Inmost 1st In city. KMUi MAYNI ! 111109. , 1610 Fninnm hnvo bnrtrnins In hoitsos nml lots ; all parts of the elty..Cnll nnd see them bcfoio buyltiK. 1JO lit , TCnrniotVlii MnvnoTTifoe Tor nlo by Mn > no JL > Bros. , 15IW Fnrnnin , only 3 blocks fiom park or stiect car line. Call nnd sco them , Sold on easy terms. 1JU-1D TUIOli KXCII.VNOE-e ,000 tookclry Roods for JL ! Ojiftbfi property. Archer & Fitch , Sis 9 15tb st. 405 T OTSon Irwlnst , In Hedlck' Orovo for nlo JL/ cheap , by Mn > no llros , IMDKnrnnm , 1 0 1U UimEn'E CODHT Nenr liorio cais , lota (300. Van Ilouroii , DoiiHlim & 14th. -W-'l FO11SAL.K Bowling ) rcon lots at (150. ID per cent cash and $5 pur month. Oircia tbo easiest nnd surest Invostmnnt to double your money In n your of nny prouerty In the suburb nn mnrkot. Lot usshuw.vou this line property- Marshall & l.olieck , Agents. 050 1511 Farnam street. MAYNK llltoa.irilB Fnrnam liavo Imrfrnlns In lionsua and lots ; all pnrta of the city. Call any see them bofoio hiiyiny. 130.Ill lflBlAl7Klia < BdViuiFiiB03 wlileh ciin't In ) H1beaten beaten i > y any location. When you BOO the lots you will admit It. Ames , 1507 Fnrnnm. 809 FINK Lots In Hnrtlrtt's add. , 1 block from Sticot Car Lino. Sl.NM to $2,000. Call nnd see thom. Mnyno Jiros. , 1519 Fnrnum. 130.1fl > UHII5TTi : COl'HT Xoar IIOIBC curs , lots ' JJOO. Van lluuroti , Douglas & 14th. 20521 BOWMNQ ( JHKKN lots , P1W 10 tier cent cash nnd (5 per mouth. Marshall \ Lobcck. AgcnU. 04 HTLLSDALU- . that's tlm name , arid tno lots soil for SlM to $171 on easy turmg. Hnvo you scon thls-ground ? If not , do at otico , as it costs nothing to ride out to tills beautiful location. Amos' lloal llstato agency , 1507 Far- nam. gOJ FINE JuOts In llarllolt's add. . 1 block tiom Strot Car lino. 81,800 to $ jnuo. Call mid coo thorn. Mnyno Bros. , 15IU rnrnam. 130.10 ' BTJHDETTE COTTIIT Near her o cars , lots $300. Van Douron , Douglas A14tli. 20 > 21 FOK SAIi-llowllnB Oreon lots nt $ l50ai , IP per cent cash nnd $3 per month. l.nsy , and sure to ilnuhlo In a year. See this flno ad- nltlon act ! eoouro n few lots whllo you can got first choice. .Marshall & Lobock , Agent , < v 013 1511 Farnnra Blroot. T71fIlSAIJ ! House nnd lot on Chloiuo street. J House and lot on 17th street , ? 2OOJ. HOUSOJ and lots on ea y payments. Lots In Marlon Place , on Miami strooU Lot on 20th strootrquiy $000. , . r 10)vl20 foot onJCa ft\nly $2,500. II. W. Huntress , JilpS Farnnm stroot. List your propOHtyiWlth mo. 031 21 * MAXNE nn09.M519 Fnrnnm have bnrgnlus In houses and lots ; all parts ol the city. Call and see thorn before buying. 130.10 fUUnBTTE CniniT Near horsq curs , lots 1 $300. Vnn iIUhecn/Dou 4 ; 14th. 203 21 ) AUTIiSwlslilmrJto : soil should list their property wItIi.Mu'no v ; llros. , 1510 Furnam. 130 19 FOH SAI.K Or oxchargro. House nnrt lot , 18th and Nicholas ; IIOUMJ and lot > lfth ( and -I orcns. Win L. Monroe , Cth nnd Douglas. UJ3 VIICE LOTS for sale In Mnvno's ndd , , $350 each , by Mpyj Bros.,1510 rnrnam. 130 IB IOR SALE i tihrffa'u ' : Lot (16x102 ( , S blocks from posto01cSj * 20.0on , jTj .OR'SAIE-fB ' tH owno'r , A ! P. : Furnam , onoot the best east front lots'In "Hanseomriiico. Otllaponco. A. P.Tukey. 111. MAYNE DUOS : , 1519 Fnrnam have bargains in houses nml lots ; nil parts qf the rclty. Call and see thorn bolorobuying. ' 13019" "VTICK lotsm Mnyno Place , forsalo byMayuq -L > Ui'os. , 1510 rnrnam , only 3 blocks from parker or street car lino. Call und BOO thorn. . Bold on onsy terms. 130-11) F Ion SALK o doslrablo lots m Hanscoin Place ; terms easy. G. P. Stobblns , bovSSO. 00s3 ! * JTJHDKTTE COURT Nonr horse earn , lots ' $300. Van Bouron , Douglas & 14th. j205 l $ l,40o-Lot 10blocks , Hansoom Place , 000 cash , 1-2 years. $2,103 , lotO. block 8 , Ilanscom Place. Jl.POO , lot 13 , block 13 , Hauscom Pluco. f 1.800 , lot In Lake's nddltlon. $1,3.0 , two lots In IClikwoo 1'a addition. $700. lot In Klrkwood'fl addition. SI CO , House and Y lot on Cass , east of 20th sticot. $3,501. House , barn , well , clstorn , cast IdlowlU , I block from Btrrtot car. H $5,000 , ( food place lu Kll/aboth Placo. (4,003 , uood bouso on full lot ia Lake's addi tion. tion.Two Two nlco5-acro tracts luTuttlo's subdivision choitp. 2i ! ucros north nnd west of EtocK yards for (800 per aero , In the market for B days. IVt ncrosonSaundors otroot , In Sarutogra , cast front IfUfoet. Biirtralus in Improved and unimproved In any part of the city. Soars , N. K. Corner 15th nnd Dodge. 023 21 N ICR LOTS for sale in Mnjno's add. . $350 each , by Maynb Bros. , 1819 Fnrnnm. 130 19 M AYNK KUOS.519 | Fanmm , have some line lots on Park avo. near Howard only $2.000. T71OKSAI.K House , wnximscity wntor uud -L gas. I mile from P. O. , 1 block from Bt cars , prlco $2,003 , small payments , balance monthly-/ Imiulro rooms 1 nnd 2 Omuhn Nat'l bank , 010 T" OTS on Irwln st. In Uodlok'a Grove for sale Jclionp , by Mnyno llros. , 1519 Fmniiin. 1 019 HILLSDALK Hlghost ground , handsomest location of any lots In or around Omaha , for $150 nnd $175 a lotCo mo nnd sco this ground. Amos' Heal Ilatato Agency , 1507 Far nam. BOJ FOU I1AHOAINS In Heal Kstate call on Mayno Uros. , 1519 Farnnm ; we have the largest list In city , 130 19 FOH HAMNIOO 5-room house and 2 corner lots In Walnut IIIII ; ! i cash baL to suit. Col Martin 110814th et , 40J 1710U IlAltCiAINH in Heal Estate call on Mayno JU Bios , , 1519 Fdriinm ; wo have the largest list In city. 133 19 pAHK IIAHQAIN-IHO aoros good ttraolo XL land in Knox and Cedar oountlus.Nonraska ; 5'i ' per acre cash. A. Graham & Co.Visnor , Nebr. . - 685.S ! ) LOTSsollmir today for ( Buu to $1003sold n voar ago for ( ICO to % fl. Thlnkof this nn/i Kt-t 11 , lot now ) n Hlltstial Cnrd&Q to (175 and nn easy terms. A mes' HealUstato Aucncy , 1507 Farnnm TTlOlt BAltOAINSiifdeal Bituto call on Ma > no JL Bros. , 1519 fn&hun ; we have the larROst list In city. fjQiy , ' 130 19 IDUItDETTK cbUiHT' onr horse cars , lots JLJ $3JO , Vnn Beur < ? ftHougla8&14tir. ; 20521 HOW you cnnnnuio moneyHy buying on oaay paymoutsn Hlllsdulolot for $15) ) , tlmt will bo easily paidrfpr und double in vuluu. Ames' He l ' < . KjfntujAlij4nqya5pTJ' nriiaiii.82a _ BOWLING ( JlflTKriotsI5o7lO per ct-nteusli and $5 per month. Marshall & Lobotk , Agonta.f , , FOR HAI.K Qqod 7-rooiu house with cellar , eistorn , city water and burn , Y lot , $3.t > 00 ; enquire on proinl3osfii5l7 Davenport. C73 B UllDKlTK"COmtT Near lie o cars loTs $300. Van lleliyjjn , Dorglas & 14th. gQ5 21 SKLUCTKD Southern Minnesota , Northern lown. Central and Northern Kansas , Forsalo ut low prices nnd on easy termsof pay * inent. Ratlroail tare rofuudod to purchusors. Weekly excursions. Best lauds for the mouoy. For futthor Information address O. U , NtUou , 60tf S. 10th st , Omaha , Neb. BBS TO1NR Lots In Bartlott'B add , 1 block from' J ? street cur line , $1HW to J ' ,000 , Call uud too no m. Muyno Bros. , 1519 FatnamSt , 130-lu aHF.GORY i HADLEV- Itonl Ejtnto aud Rental Agents , r 1312 Douglas Bt. Huvlngno ) property of our own In the muikot wu do a strictly commission buslnosi unit mnko it to the lutorest of paitiesha\ing propcity for sale , rent , or trade , to list same with us. Pur chasers will do well to remember us. Business trnnsAcl ed lu u responsible manner. 12J HKAYY garns In.population pualioaOmubu to tbo front fcoo Hllladulo lota that jou uun now buy for $151. Pick oho out , pay for It In installments , and sell It in u > cnrs time for twicu its cost Atucd' Real Estate Agency , 1501 Furqain tt. HH "Tlon SAT.n-Two t > lcnnt cnst-front corner 4lots in Burr Oitk : shade trees. Hntoher , Oadrt & Co. . 1219 Douglas St. , Mlllard llptol lllocR. Omaha , Nob. _ M _ _ _ _ " " 1C I" lot A In Ma ) noT'lnob , for lo by Ma.Mio JL > Uros. , 15in I'ui nnmonl > 3 blocks from pnrk 6r Stl oct cnr line. Call and SOP thorn Sold onsy terms. n.onco once rttid pick out n lot for $151 thnt will not only mnko you money but boln you sa\o fome Ames' Uenl Kstato Aucncy , lo07 Kniiinm troot. W9 BAIiOAl.N rulllot oil \Vohstcr St. , tiotwi-on 17th and I1 til ? K , U Iunic5 , olio or 5 rooms and our of n IOOIIH ; KOO 1 ( mm nnd < < tmde tree * . and other linprovutnoiiKt prlco f'.OWs rn ytrrm . Votter ! c Cobb , 151S rnrnnni St. , Otmihn , Nob. 8. ! _ B HmvftMfcorUT-Ncar hnr P cure , lots ? UK ) . Vnn llotlron , Doimlns . 14th. a > . 'i ' . ' 1 AC1O01) ) lot In Okihonia , ttenr the Vliiton M. cur line , jirlco fl.OW. 1'ottor & t'obh , 13ia rninniii t , Oiniilin , Xon. _ Ml _ " p.MlTIKS wIMiln lo nll should ll t "tliolr JL properly with Mnjno llros. , 15111 Fainain. 130-19 HIIil DAliK CoTiiu and ( . < o It yo'nrself , Tt eolU on Its moriu. AmoV lloul i ; tate Agency , l.'faT I'liriinm. SO ! ) _ T71lt : ltp Ulbiieo property nnd vacant Jlot 4 | u otory addition In Oiiliihn. Toi-nH to suit purchijpi * . Also do lrnblo IIUSJIIP prop erty. Gllison , Larson & Co. , Itoom a , Wit luioll BSACI1SSE. Iteal UstntC.3l7 S. 18M. has for eivlo : .Milk dairy , oed pnyluir luisliuM ! > , 15 frosb cows , I horxes , 1 diOltiny waRon , 40 mllK cans , tank , otc. Can rent or bur the propeitv whrro It M on 2s > acres pnsttu-o , $ -,000 , l' rush ballyc-ftc Aureat baiirnni. _ _ ICO _ G O to Mnjno Ilrin. , 11111"rainiim lor lolfln Oichard Hill , f"O to ( TOOoauh , sold on long time. Finest lots In city. 13J-IU FISH Lots 111 llnrtlett's nilil. , 1 block from Street Car lino. Sl0l ( tn $ , ooj. Call and sco them , Miiyno Ilroi. , 15ln 1'rtrniun. liiO.IO FOll SAli-ly : J. 1J. Ktnns & Co. , 1510 I ted ifO ! Klght lots tn Kliin's addition , each $ 800 Three bountiful lots near Lowe ato. op- poslto rcaorvolr. onoh. . . . . 1,000 Flno south front , Wnlnut Hill , near llolt line depot 8. > oDe Do t iioro In West Omaha , . . . . . 5,0'jO ' Hast liont , ( leornlaato l.TW ) Kiist front , Delnwiiro st. Hanscoin pliioo. 2OU Corner Ht > ur la a\u 2,5 < K ) Ccirner Lcavonworth st fi.OOi ) Mleet front IAMIVCIIM 01 thst 2XX ( ) Corner , Vales & . Kold'H add 700 Lots In t'luln View uour 20th st WO Two onst troVirs , Virginia ave , oneh 1,500 Lots In A S t'atrlrK'i * add , easy terms , each IHH ) Ono lot In block" , Ilnnscom iilnco 1,50) Ono corner , two loti , Shilll's add 3100 Onn east trout , Tabor place 1,100 14 lotsllnwthomo . . . .81,100 lo l.Wi ) liast liont. Creston 1,10) ) Klght lots , lloyd'a add , all for n.OOO 1'ioperty in all parts of Omuliii. J. 11. Kvans& Co. 17023 BTJlinnTTR CO ! HT-Noar horse cars , lots 00. Vnn Ilotuon , Douglas & 14th. 20521D BBAPIISSi : Itunl nstnto , 317 S. IKth St. , has forsalo Improved property ! 820 Fine brick rnsldonoo with all moilurn liuproromonts , on Saundeis St. , lot laixlOO , * 3UJO to $5,000 cash down . . $ 8,000 JOO Nlno-rooni l-onso and lot , 20th t. , , " near St JIarys nvo , 5500 cash balance ' ° 'monthly ' . 5,750 Ml Three-room cottage and lot S. 17th t.t. , * 1,000 cash . 1,0)0 ) 300 in-rooni hoiiso nnd lot fili'/iXlOO ' on 'Hurt St. , $2UOO cash , balance to suit 4,003 301 22 ft on Cumin ? with Btoro anddwoll- f-oins . 0,050 310 81 it on Cumlng with SS Btoroa and dwelling , barn , cto. , . 10,800 SOU Flnorooui bouso , barn , eto. , lot JOOxlOO . 4,500 4 5-room cottano , lot 50x100 , both on Webster , ono-thhd cash , balance to suit . 2,000 327 ficotta&res & on South 14th St. . to bo sold together or In lotiof 3 or 3 adjoining 12,000 ' 25B Fine O-rodin hoiiso , lor < M\HO , on 10th St. , cash $1,100 . 2,300 iCT > Lot 30x110with house , well , cto. , on IHthst . 2.20J 800 6 cottages of 5 looms , lota ; M xl20 , oistern , well , etc. , on 10th St. , * 300 cash , $2" > 09 per month , onch . 2,100 830 bl toot on Cutnlnir , business lots , with 2storus , dwelling , barn ; all rented. . .810,800 Full lotg and / lots with largo or small housoj In K. V. Smith's odd , rinln Vlow. LOHO'S 2d add , Kounlzo'a 2d add. , Inprnvemont Assnadd. Jllllard & Caldwell's add , Walnut Hill. 1'ark Place. Hlokorv I'laco. Omaha Vlow , llodtord's ndd. Bhlnn'8 ndd , Amos 1'lnco. BUlnn'flUil add , Ucnlsos' add. I'rom Jl.OOO to $4,500 ; small payments : easy toring. C2J 'LJ 0\V Is it your neighbor luismado money ? JLJL By having courage to buy cheap lot" . You can do the .sumo In Hillsdale , ulicro lots now eelllmrfor$150 each will brluir double tlmt In n year from now. Ames" Iteal ISstato Agonry , 1507 Farnam st. b09 GO to Mnyno llros. , 11 in Pnrnnui , for lots In Orchard Hill , $550 to f'OJ each , sold on long tlmo. Finest lots In city. 1.10-1 ! ) flLLSDALB. L 809 NEWPORT is the best nnd cheapest aero property In the miukot tiold on easy terms by Mnyno Bros. , 1519 Farnnm , 130 11 HODSKS Lots , Farms , lands money loano Ilcmln. 15th and Douglas sticota. 471 Bt'HDr/TTR COUHT Near horse ars , lots $ 'U ) . Van Hen ron , Douglas & 14th. 205 81 rriLLSDALR Host opportunity for setting O. you a cheap homo. Boa GO to Mnyno llros , 1519 Farnnm , for lots In Orchard Hill , $550 to $700 each , sold on long time. FlnoPtlots In city. 130-19 N ICIJ LOTS for sale In Mayno's add. , $ " > 0 each , by May no llros. , 1519 Farnam. 13019 H IOUSKS Lots.rarms.IJanus money [ oanod. Ilomls , 15th nnd Douglas streets. 471 pAimr.3 wishing to sell should list their JL property with Muyno Ilroa , , 1519 Farnnm. 13010 FOR SAM : in noros of flno rolling ground ndjolnlmrlots tlmt nro now soiling for $ VX ) per lot. If cold bofoie platting will sell for $1,200 per acre. Ilallou uros. , 1510 Douglas st. 181-25 N IOC LOTS for sale In Mayr.o's add. . $ ' )50 ) each , by Mnyno llros. , 1519 Fnrnam. KW19 LOTS on Irwin st. In Uodlok'a Grove for sale ehonp , by Muyno llros. , 1519 Fanmm. 130 1U H ILLSDALI3 sells nt $150 per lot. 809 OTS on Irwln Ht , In UuUlck's Grove forwilo -I clionp , by Mnyno Bios. , 1519 Farnam. ISO 19 LEAV1INWOUTH ST. H. II. trackage , ono or more lots or nnacro , at agroat barirnln. See .1. W. Logan , at Louvonwortli Business Place , or G. , W. Baker , Room 7 Iron Bank building. 3M POKSALi-Wo linvo sixteen lots In Haw- thorno addition that wo will soil ; best -mid chcnpost Insldo property in Omaha. Bedford & Souor 755 MAYNK BROS , , 1519 Farnam , have some line lots on Park uve. near Howard only $2,000. 130-19 FOR HALU 12 choice lots In Snundors tt Hlmolmiigh'a add. , $300 to fJir > oaoh ; easy terms. A. 11. Ilrlggs , Saxo'a hat store. 708 COURT Near horBO cnrs , lots $300. Van Bouren , Douglas icl4th. 20521 F OR SALK Bowling Green lots at $150. 10 per cent1 cash and $1 per moiity. Kasy , undsurotodoublo In nyuar , Snothlstlno ud * dltlon and sooiiro n few lots while ) ou can not tlrst choice , Mutshull& Lobock , Agents , 1511 Furnnm stideu VIA NF.WPORT IB tbo best nnd cheapest aero property In tno market. Sold on cusy terms by Mayno Bros. , 1519 Furnam. 130 19 OR BALK Bowling Grpon lot B nt $ IVK 10 per cent cash und { 5 per mouth. Offers the cnslOHt nnd surest Investment to double your money In n year of any property In the suburb an maiket. Lot us show you this line propoily. Marshall & Lobock , Agcnta , 950 1511 Furnam street. NKWPOHT is the best and cheapest aero property in the market. Sold on easy terms by Mayno Bios. , 1519 Fui nam. 130 19 " "SACHSSR. Real r.stato,3l7 , S.l3tlTBt.7irus for sale at a bargain : Improved and unimproved farms lu No- brnaku , Four 1-4 sections In Douglas Co. , $10 per acre. ICO acres of splendid farm land , all Improve- mopts. In York Co. , $ : IO per acre ; also ciops , gnuled slock nrd furniture for sale. Only for it short tlmo ut this price. 1-4 Boctlou In I'ui-naco Co. , cheap at (1,000. 80 ucres. Hurt Co. , $ il i > er ucro , 30u and 500 acres in Nance county , $12.50 per aero. , 3,030 acres in Antelope Co. , $15 to $30 per ucrc. UK ) cores in Madison Co. , $10 , or exchange for city property. c' A line farm of 00 acres In Doo-itur Co. , la , $30 per ucro , or will trade for gononil merchandise , Also i arms in Kanwis. U. SACHSSI5,317S 13tu BtroM. fl-M wishing to sell should lilt their X property with -Mayiio Bros. , 1819 Farnam. 180 19 _ _ ONlinnd threo-lourUisucres in llrooklluc nd jditiou , price f 850. Pottur & Cobb , 1515 1'ur- nam St. , Omuhn , Nob. _ 821 priLLSDALU-Beautiful location. 803 U to Muyno Bros. . 1519 Farnam , for lots in Orehanl Hill. fVx ) to $700 each , gold ou long tlmo. Fiueat low iu city. 13J-1V \fAYNK BUOS. . 1519 Vnrnnm , lm\o 111 lots on Paiknv * . near Howard only2.0fio. 130-19 Bt'HDKTrn CorilT-NVar her o can > . lots $ JOO , Vnnltouton , DOURIAS .V 14th. 2iVi aio HILI.SU.M.K YOUIMHI tuul no snob lots as the e nt flw apiece. Amos' Real Kstnto A gcncy , 1507 IVirn am st. _ & _ ) ? _ Or Crilo-lmprovcl ant uriitu- provoil lands in Furnns anil ot tor woitorn counties , Addro < s Win SimoMl , Anxpi'ioo ' , FurnasCo. Nob. _ 275 "VT KPO1I \ P Is the bc < t and cheapest ncro pi op- J- > orty lu the mnrki't. Sold on onsy terms by Mayno Bios . 1119 Fnrnnm. 13J I9 _ BrUDKlTP. COI UV-Xonr iior o cnrs. lots $ JJO \ nn lioureu , Duiixms inh. 'AVi 21 TVlT.xTTn5ir iiuw | s fmT tfiiiTr to lots. Thovgiiiw lu vnluo taster than nny other" . See Illllsdnlo. Lots $ r > 0 onch. Amos' llcnl Kstntotrvncy , 1W7 Fartrim. _ 809 " TlT. < \T.T-Tots"ouiy 1 : $ llTto f 17.1 , nnd nil ! sell for double this tlguro In U months' tlmo , t'omo nnd see them , Amos' Real IMatu Agono } , InO , rnrnam st Kni CHICAGO" " Omaha , Council Bluffs And Chicago , The only road tn taVo for Toi Mnlnos , Mar- slinlltcnvn , Coilnr Rapids. Clinton. Olvlo , Chica go , Mlhviuikeo and nil points eait. To the people - plo of Nobinslin , Coloindo , Wyoming , Utnn , lilnho , Nevada , Oroirou , Waslilr.Bton mid Can * rornla It oifors superior ad vantages not possible by any other lino. Aiiiotign few ot the nunieions points olsupo- rlorlty enjoyed by the patrons ot this ronil bo- I \\oon Omaha and Chicngo , nro Its two trains a davof DAY COACHP.S tvhluh nro the flnost Hint huinnii nit and iniroiiulty can rrenlu. 1M PAI.ACi : SLIIHI'INU OAltS , which nio moJeU of romlort and olegauco. Itsl'AULOlt DHAW- INt ! HOOM CA IIS , unsurpassed bv niiv , nnd Its wldelvci-loblHtod 1'ALATIAL IMNINII OAltS , thoonualof whloh uanuot bo found olsowhoro. AtConnoll Itluirs the trains of tlio I'lilon Paci fic Ky. connoot In t'nloii DODO ! with those of the Chicago &Northwi stein Hy. lu Chicago the trains of this line mnko close connection with these of all eastern linos. ForDoUoit , Columbus , IndlnnapolK Cincin nati , Nlairata Falls , Ituiralo , I'lttsburg , Toronto , Montronl. Iloston , Now Vork , riilhidolphla , Itiil- tlmoro , Washington and Hit points lu the onst , usk the ticket agent tor tickets t Li the "NOUTHWlJSTiatNV If you wish the bust accommodations. All tlcUo ajronts fell tickets via this lino. M. Hl'GHlTT , H. S. HAin , Gouorul Mnnugor. Gen. l'at Agont. HAMBORG-Ii E'sxclsot A DIUliCI' LINK FOll England , France & Germany. Tim steamships of this vtoll known line are built of Iron , In water-tight compartments , and nio furnlRhod with every rcquUlto to make the im.-sujro both Hiifo und iigroenblo. They carry tint United States and Knropmin malls , and lonvo Now York Thursdays and Saturdays for v\v. \ mouth , ( IOXDONCtiorboU7PAH13 ) ( and HASt- Hoturiilng , tUestonmors lenvo Hamburg on Wednesday and Sundays , % la. Hnvro , taklnir passengers at Southampton and London. First c-nbln $ V ) , fJ ( ! mid $73 ; StuoragoJ1. Itallroad tickets from Plymouth to Ilrlstol , Cur- dllf. London , or to any place In the South of Kniflnnd , 1'HRn. Steerage from Huropo only * Bond lor "Tourist fe & Qonornl Pnsscngur Agents , 01 Broadway , Now York ; Washington and la BalloSts. ClilciiRo , 111. THE CHICAGO SHORT LINE OF TUB - THE BEST ROUTE From MM ad COUNCIL BLUFFS ol E3.A.ST. . . . TWO TRAINS DAILY IHIWUKN OMAHA COUNCIL ULUFFS Cliicafjo , AND Milwaukee , St. Paul , Minneapolis , Cellar lliipidy , Clinton , Dulmqno , Davenport , Jlock Islaml.Freoport , Rockford , Elffin , Mailisou , Juncavillo , Beloit , Winouu , La Crossc , And nil other Important points Uast , Northeast und Southeast. For through tickets call on the Ticket Agon nt HOI Fnrnam btroot ( In IMxton Hotelor ) a Union Puulllo Dopot. Pulltimn Sleepers nud the finest Dining Cnrs In the world mo run on the main lines of the CIIIUACO , MII.WAUKBIST. . PAUI , HAH.WAV , nud every attention Is paid to passengers by couttoons employes ot the company. H. , Concrnl Manager. J. F. TIICKIIII , Assistant ( ioneral Mnimgor. A. V. H. CAiti'KNTKit , Gonoinl Passenger and Ticket Agent. GKO. K. llKAFFonn , Assistant General I'aason- or nml Ticket Agent J. T. CbAltK , General Superintendent. Notice to Contractors , XTOTIOK Is hereby given that the Tloard of ! > Triihtees of the Aubuin School District , Auburn , Neb , , will rocel\o bonled proposula for the eruption und uomplotlon of n two story nud bnsomciit brick Bcliool bou&oln nccoidnnuowith phuis , dotnllls nml siiccIHontlnns imido by F , M. Kills & Co. , nichltrcts , of Omaha. . Plans , details mid spoclflcntk ns may bo BOOH at the ollico of tlio beoii'liuof tno school bcaid , at Auburn , Noli , , nnd nl the ollico ot tno nichltcots , on nud after thn sixteenth ( Ifiday ) of August , until the trt'unty-slitli (2 ( ) duy of An- gust , IBM. All bids will bo deposited with 111'3 secretary of the school bonicl on or bofor 7.uJ o'clock p. m. , on thn twnnty-Hl\tli (20) ( ) duy of August , 1HHH , at which tlmo the bids will bo opened. The board rcEorvt 8 the right to reject nnv or all bids. Uy Order of the School Hoard. A. L. FltDV.ProsIdont. Dll.A.Ol'l'HtMAHNSoori.'lairy. llll-2.21-2n-28 ! | sneio.vs , FLORIST ; All hinds of boildlng plantd for sale. nous * : ON ST.vrt ; ST bloo kb North ofL It , WU'iamii' ' losldouoo. NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING Pays Best WHEN PROPERLY DOHE , We AIM TO AND DO GIVE TO ALL CUSTOMERS , LOWEST Pnicco PROMPT TRANSACTIONS JUDICIOUS SCICCTIOHS.--CONBPICUOUS Post- TIONtEXPCRItMCCD AC ISTANCC . .UNB | . AOCO OPINIONS AND CoNriDturiAL Scnvicc. vcnrivcMBNT * DcviQNto. Pnoors SHOWN AND | EtTiM it or Co T in ANY Ncw r rcn > . | Fu m HtD to RHK > N I IC PAHTICS J FREE otr CHARGE. The H. P. Hubbard Co. , SuccMuri to H. P. HUBBARD , [ Judicious Advertising Agents and Experts , ElttUishcd lBi. lncoiportl d lS3 $ . j Now Haven , Conn. j R 200 PAOC CATAIQCUC or LCAPINO * rSP rCH * ' SNT FlCk ON ArrUCATION. I - - . * - _ _ _ J SUPPLIES - I0 U- Printing Offices , THE SIOUX CITY NEWSPAPER UNION ri ( < ( re to Mil the nltonllon of TrlalPM nnd l'iiMI h' rr' ot Nolmnkn , I'lVntn. Mlnncviln nnd Western lunu to tliolr vcrj coinpleto stoik of Kino Klnt r | i r , l.lncn I'niictK , CovPr IMpor * , Col- ortM Flnl-I'nppM. Mnnllli i'mw , Hook , i'rlnt and 1'o tcr l'npi'r , ( 'mil * nnd ( "nnt Itonnl , Itnlod l ipcr , in\plopc : . Woilillnit Htiillonory Hull rrwsrnmnu" , M.MUna Oml , nn.l nnythliu elfO In the jmpar line r < > q lroil In a flrtt iluss Prlntlni : omcc. Sanuilp ot ciinils will bo f rnl licd promptly to nil whonpplf for them wllh ppcclnl prlcoi tot nrattt mndotipot ni ninny tlllTorcnt Mmlsof Rooili n tuny l > o required. No\t U tliotlmo to mnko out your onion for sooils for fall work , ( let onniplotof our Rood ! ntiit rompnio the qnnlliy nml prlrvs Trlth tliono of otlior lioutos. Wo cnrrjr no Itifelror otock. Twenty. tlvo ycnrV experience coiiTlnccti vi' Unit tlio IH'ST It eilKAI'KST nmt Klrc the Rrcatest patlitnclloii to purchnsont. nro nollcltdMowhlcli prompt nttcntlov Address SIOOX CITY NEWSPAPER UNION , oiiKlitN SI reel , SIOUX CITY , IOWA. MHO II UNACO MINTED WITH THE OCOSIUrHY OP THIS CODNTnV WILL 6EC DT EXAUINISD THIt MAP THAT Tilt GHIOAGO.ROOK . ISLAND a PACIFIC RAILWAY Pv reaiion nr Its central position nnil clone relation to _ . . . . . . . _ _ till . - t " - - I principal lines l.a- nnd vvo t. At Initial nnd ter * iilnal nfmlt * . comtliutoi ' the inont Important . . . . . . - cantliicnUI link In tlmt n)9tom of throiitfh trannpork Cation wlilih mvltni nml rnqllHuto travel ntiil tratfto liclvrpcneltlciiaf tlm Attnntlo nnj t'nolrto Onaiti. II Is also tlio fiiToiltc anil li xtiontu tonnitfrom pQJntJi t : * < i , .SnrthoiKt nml 8ontlion t , anil i-orre'uonUlDi ; polnM Wmt , Noilhwcit and SautltwrlC. The Croat Rock Island Route The Famous Albert Lea Route ' ! the illmt nml favorlto Una between Chicago an < t llnnenpoll * andst1'iuil. . whom connortlonnnrrmadn In Unluu lfpiil for nil point * In thn Trirllorlei anit liritlili rrorlncoi. Over this routn Fait Eiprcx Iralni ma run la the watorlne plares , ntnfn r resorts - sorts , ulitiirKiiiia loralltlKi , cud liniillni ; anil Rililps crouiuMoC Imva anil Mliuicaotn. It In nlio the inone lU-alralilo roiitu to tlit < HUivliont tleldi and puatoru lanili of Interior Ditknlr Ktlll another DIULCT LINK. l.\Hcnc-en nnd Kan- Lalu'c , hi : < i l > i > en opt'uuii between ritu Innatt. lutllixn. nnolls nml I.nruyctti' . nnd founrll llliKTs. Kan > a < tCltT , tllniieapolli anil St. Paul anil lnt rni < KlUto point * . 1-or detailed Inroniintlun ceo > lap and Folafrrs , obtnlnablo , s well af ticket ! , at nil principal llcki't Oilli-o tn the United { States oudOunodai ur bytaU- diosnlng R. tt. CABLE , E. ST. JOHN , on'IM'jt'r. Oen'l Time Table Thoi'ollowlntrlstho Umo'or nrrlval and do- paiturooC tinlns by Central Standard Tuiio at the local dopole. Tialns of the 0. , Bt. I' . , M. & O. nrrl\ and dopnrt from their depot , corner of 14th and Wubstor Hltoots ; tinlns on the II. & M. C. II. Ac Q. nml K. C. , St , .1. & P II. fiom the l . & M. depot , all others from the Onion Pnclflo depot. nninau TRAINS. nrldgo trains will leave U. P. depot nt 0:35- I17n : 8:00-8:10 : : 8:50 : 1110:00 : llUln. : m. : 111:0 1 : ) - ! : W-a:00-000- : ; B4:00-COU-5:3l ! : < :10 : - 7:00 : 11:10 : p. m. Leave Trmmfor for Omaha nt 7:12 113:15 : 0:30 H:42 : H10U.--10.17-.llif : ; n. ra.l:37 2ia-2:07 : : :37 : f.BO : 0ia 7:20 : 7iO-8:5U- : Arrival and depnituto of trains from the Transfer Depot ntCounctl Blulls : iiii'AHT. : Anntvn. CHIUAnO , HOCK ISLAND & PACIFIC. B7irA. : M. I D 9:13 : A.M. It OU5 A. M. IISOOI * . M. C 0:401' : . M. I 17 : < X)1 ) . if. cuiCAno & NoiiTiiwuair.iiM. O9ir : > A. M. I I ) I ) : 15 A.M. lU:40r : M. I B7:00 : i : u. CIIlCAnO , IIUlll.INOTON ft QUINUV. A 0:35 : A. M. A 0:15 A. M. lIOUJl' . U. 11D2WI' . M , , A 7:00 f. M. cinouio , > III\VAUKI.E 4. 6T. I'AUU AOlIfjA. 51. I A0:15 : A. M A0:40l : > . M. I A 7OJ : i > . M KANdlH Cll'V , BT. JOE St COUNCin III.UKK8. A 10:00 : A. M. I DOTA : , M. U a :55 : I' . M. I AC : & > I1. U. WAIIABII , 6T. LOUIS At l-ACfFIC. A 3:00 : r. M. I A3'JJl : > . M. sioux OITV k iMOina A7OT : > A. M. I AflsMA. M. A 0:2.11' : . M. I A 8:50 : I * . M. IJepnrt. WKSTWAIID. Arrive , A.M. l > . M. | UN'ION 1'AOIl'IO..M. . ivif. 1'iiLlllo Kxpross . . 7Wu : .Denver Kxurujs Q:03n : . . . .l.ociil Hxpio-n , B. & M. IN NRI1. 8:10a : Mail and Krpross. fl:40a : .Night lixiresg. | . . 1'1:4On : Arrive. Hcpnit. KASTWAHI ) . Artlvu. A. M. 1 > . M. I C. , 11. & Q. I A.M. I I1. M. 0:201 : 0:00 : ] . : a l'latUnioutb..l o:20l 7:10 : NOTI5 A.U-uliisdiilly ; II , dully except Sun * day ; C , dolly except Saturday ; 1) , daily except Monday STOCK YARD TRAINS will leave U. P. depot , Omiiha , at * flIO : 7:3S : 10MXu. ) in ; 2iOO-3l.V-405 ; ( ; 6:2 , > 803 ; p. in. Paclllo Kxiroti | , 8:20 : p. in. : Denver Kv. , 10:65 : a.m. ; l < ocul Ix.,5ri ! : ( p.m. Leave stock yards for Oinnba nt * 7:05 : 9:30 : IliJ : : n. m. : 2:30-3:3.-i : : t:33-0:05 : :30m. \ . Atlantic Kx , . loB. O. 7 : : ! ' > . m. ; Chicago Kx. , If 3. 0.5:07 : p.m. ; I-ocal Kx. , lo. A. O. 105l ; ; Mo. PUO.UT. lo. 8. O. DM7 p. in. ; 2d M. P. Kx. , 009n.m. ; 'Urcopt Sunday , Union National Bank' , Or1 O XE-ftu HIwft- , 208 Masonic Blk , MAY. Cor. CapA , & 16th Capital , - $100,000 Authorized Capital , - 600,000 Accounts solicited. Inturrxt paid on tlmo do- poslli : collections ma lo In nil parts of the west , mid hiivliitt provided ( ho lartfost nnd bust vault in the clly , wo will ii'cutvo ynlunlilo nrticloi on Rtorujro. I'rompt attention will DO ulvuu to ull business ontrualod to us. JNO.V , UOIIKKKII , Cashier , Wu. W. Accountfofllankcri.MurobaiitiiiiiilutliericollrltOd. Collections I'roinptlir Made , S. A. KEAN & CO. , Bankers , ( HuMe ior to t'rettan , Koin & Co ) 100 WASHINCTOH STREET , CHICAOO. ( .lI ucnl oil uUtcr Uoudt. 8cud tor 1.1.1 * .