Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 20, 1886, Page 6, Image 6

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cliur d l > j tnrnir In nny t'liitof thoeltyiu
t ntj cunts per week.
lMV.Tii.Tox , Manager.
nriM > Oimr , No. U
KIOIIT r.iiiioii No. S3.
Now fall goods at Uultrr's.
Now York Plumbing company.
The very bust cabinet * : \t \ W < lox. at
( lorlmm's.
One tlo/.pu oaliinrlH ant ) ti largo Winul
for sJ'J.rX ) lit Schmidt' * nailery.
The paring of North Madi on from
Broadway to the bridge is about com-
) > ] t'tld. !
A large company of young folks had a
breakfast party at this lake yesterday
Regular mui'ting of Fidelity Council.
No. IfiU , Koyal Areanum , this ( Friday )
Tlio city council will probably have n
meeting to-morrow to approve some
bonds of contractor * .
The police force was changed nbout
yesterday , Oflieers Hrswick.Unthank and
O'Brien going on days.
Permit to wt'd was yesterday given to
\V. \ ! ' . Kilman , of Baltimore , and Miss
Unrii A. NelV , of this city.
The city school buildings nro being
renovated and prepared for the opening
of the .schools on the 1st of September.
Tlie citix.eiis arc getting uneasy to have
the other now street ears rollimr along
over the track , and to have the promised
fifteen minute trips.
In the circuit court veslcrday the time
was taken up in the trial of the cnsn of
Doty vs. Billiard. The arguments were
made in the afternoon.
The city aldermen were yesterday
served witli notices of the Milt brought to
fompel the levy of n lax to pay oil' the
Howe judgment of $10,000.
The little daughter of Lr.Vado ) Gary
fell from a fence while playing about
home Wednesday evening , and sutlcrcd
fracture of both nones of the forearm.
A case of scarlet fever was reported
yesterday in the family of Lee Henry on
Second avenue. There are now not more
than four or live cases in the entire
It , L. \ \ illiam.s has just received an
order for ' 10,000 pounds reeling slate as
n result of his trip to San Francisco in
March in addition to an order received
there for 80,000 pounds.
In the ease of A. P. Cramer vs Kiln C.
Cramer n divorce has been granted the
husband , on the ground of desertion.
The custody of the child was , however ,
refused him , and the little one given to
the mother.
Fourteen couples of young folks went
to Manhattan beach early yesterday
morning , and after indulging in the
bathing , ate their breakfast and then
took a boat ride , returning to the citv
ubouL 11 o'clock.
Charles Knight recently bought out the
second-hand store of Mrs. M. L. Davis.
It i.s now reported that ho purchased it
largely on credit , being long on time and
short on cash , and that , beinir unable to
read his title clear , he has gone.
The colored quintette club , of Omaha ,
remembered the HUB man Wednesday
night by one of the sweetest serenades
ever poured Into his appreciative ears.
The-sclections were now and their rendi
tion most excellent. It is seldom that as
sweet music lloats out on tlio midnight
nir of Council Binds. On hearing such a
serenade the naragraphcr is tempted to
swear oft from ever attempting to bi >
funny at the expense of serenading
parties and to feel ashamed of himscf for
ever having done bo.
It was amusing to note the manner m
which the evening papers told about
being Informed "by a prominent gentle
man of Sioux City" concerning the con
fession of the two men arrested for the
Haddock murder. The prominent gen
tleman was without doubt the special
telegram , which appeared in yesterday
morning's IKI ! : , and the evening scribes
were evidently introduced to him by a
pair of shears. They do like enteruriso ,
out they hate to give the Bin : credit for it.
Dr. Macrae has been paid a compli
ment of which ho has the right to feel
proud , and it certainly is ot interest and
pride to the city at large to have him
singled out : ih the only representative of
Iowa named among the dllicurs of the
ninth international medical congress
which Is to meet in Washington next
year. Dr. Macrae is one ot the vice
presidents of the section of general surg
ery. Nebraska has ono representative ,
n limed as one of the vice presidents of
the section obstetrics , ho being Dr.V. .
M. Itnapp.
Joe Probate ! has been sorely bothered
by traveling num who have insisted on
selling him goods whether ho wanted to
buy or not. Ho stood this well enou < rh ,
but the other day ho was induced to en
dorse a draft for n traveling man for $25 ,
and the house for whom he traveled re
fused to honor it , HO Mr. Probstel had to
pay it out of his own pocket. Ho has
sworn a big swear that no more traTcling
men need apply , and when asked how ho
proposed to Keep thorn away , ho re
marked that ho proposed to put a chattel
mortgage on his stock , and then ho knew
they would not come near him. A surer
way to keep traveling salesmen from
bothering him could not bo devised
Biiroly , and as Mr. Probstol's ' credit is
suoh that they are nil anxious to soil
him now , the idea is certainly a novel
ono.W. . F. Lnrnwny , I ) . Jensen , A. J. Run-
sell and Seth Dean wnro In the city yes
terday , as representatives of ( ihm'wood ,
sent out to obtain desired information as
to nrtcsiun wells for water supply pur
poses. The Idea of coming to Council
Bin 11 s to Hud out nbout water is by no
moans a new ono since the city has such
n wonderful system ot works , ami in the
lutesmn well line also the city has sev
eral pretty big holes and successful Hews
to show. Harry Blrulnnino , with hid
usual courtesy , gave the visitors a chance
to inspect the waterworks to their satis
faction , and the committed also took a
look at ( Jeiso's well , at the ono in the
paper mill , and the ono at the institution
for the deal and dumb.
The friends of Mrs , 11. C. Barnes will
be saddened and shocked to learn of her
dnath which occurred in Clinton , Iowa ,
Wednesday night , She had been for n
long time sufl'orhig from a disease , which
gave little hope of recovery , but of late
was reported as being in a more hopeful
condition. She was visiting with her sis
ter in Clinton , and within a day or so
lias began to fail again and rapidly. Her
husband received a telegram Wednesday
informing him that her condition was
inch that ho had better come at once , and
ho started on the evening train , but it
was then too lute for him to see her
livo. In his terrible nillictlor. ho cannot
bat bo assured that ho has ttie lendcrcst
gympalhy of a large oirolo of friends in
this city ,
Mrs. F , H. Stowartj of Chicago , having
purchased the Parisian millinery store ,
will continue business thoro. Person *
knowing themselves indebted will please
call and bottlo.
Substantial abstracts of titles and rca !
estate loans. J. W. & E. L Squire No
101 Pearl street , Council 11 lull's ,
13 Cabinet Photographs $3. Qualltj
the tiucst. Sherraduu , 817 BroaUway ,
Family Trouble on Account of n Flirting
Htubanil and a Jealons Wife.
Another Attempt toOct Spoclnl Trains
to the Ijttkc .Mntuuvn Not Dry-
Injj Up Personal
Hot YOIIIIK Folk * .
In the superior court yesterday the
larger portion of the day was taken up in
a ht'arlugof a neighborhood row , brought
in from l.e\\is township , about seven
miles from the city. The action was
jronitlit to make John and Mary Hankie ,
irothcr and sister , give bonds to keep the
) oace , especially toward Knsign Nivon ,
he son of a neighbor. It appeared that
some trouble had arisen between the
young folks of the two families. The Kn-
sign boy claimed that the Hcnkles had
* \ 5aultcd. him and had made throats
igainst him and his. The Henkles
laimed that the Kusign boy had insulted
kltiry Henkle and had said that the Hen-
ilcs stole corn , and that lie did an even
neaner trick than that , lie had stretched
a barb wire across the road over which
he young folks came in returning from
own one night , and so placed it as to
nako thrm tear their clothes anil fall
nto the ditch. This was what caused
John to ship the Nixon youth , who drew
i revolver as though ho was going to kill
oft the Henkles. Judge Aylesworth lis-
eiicd patiently to all the details of the
amily and neighborhood matters and
hen hid the outfit go in peace , admonish-
ng the parents to hold their sons and
laughterri In check and keep back the
tide of battle.
Substantial abstract * of titles and real
estate loans. J.V. . & E. L. Squires , No.
101 Pearl street , Council Blull's.
Highest prices paid for county , town ,
city and school bonds. Odell Bros. &
Jo' . , No. 103 Pearl street , Council Blull's ,
[ owtt.
The Lake Still Hero.
There has been a little scare about the
cport that the waters of Lake Manawa
were fast ebbing out , nnd that soon the
ground that now knows them will
enow them no more forever. It has been
stated that in getting a steamer from
Omaha into the lake the channel of the
on I-oil' had to bo deepened and dug out ,
and that siueo then the water has been
fast receding from the lake. The reports
liave been greatly exaggerated , as suoh
reports are inclined to be. City Engineer
i'ostevin has been surveying the locality
and has decided upon some plans for im
provement at little cxpenso , and there is
little doubt but that if his suggestions are
followed out the lake will bo all right in
all ways. The citi/.ens seem disposed to
furnish any modern to amount of money
to preseno and improve this popular re
sort , and there is no chance for any ono
to begin to crow over the downfall of
Council Bluffs' hummer pride. It is pre
dicted that next season will be a greater
uoorn for the place , oven , than this year
is proving.
See that your books arc made by More-
bouse & Co. , Room 1 , Everett block.
Pacific house recently renovated. Cool
rooms ; money saved ; comforts gained.
Dark Family Trouble.
Thcro is trouble among some of the
colored people. Mr. Green learned that
at the dance given Wednesday night
George Clinss insulted his daughter , a
girl only fifteen years of ago. Naturally
lhc Green family wore exasperated , and
Mrs. Green wont for George's wife about
it. Mrs. Chriss denied tluit George was
at the ball , but she made inquiries and
found that ho had slipped up there unbe
known to his wife , lip explained to her
that instead of insulting the Green girl ,
it was the Green cirl who had trieu to
flirt too freely with him. This made Mrs.
Chriss angry at the Green cirl , and she
proceeded to hunt the girl out and pun-
ihh her. A blue coat next appeared on
the scene and led Mrs. Chriss behind the
rdj The case will bo heard before
Judge Aylesworth to-day.
I'irst-ciass tin work , roofing , etc. , a
spollalty at Cooper & McGee's.
Electric door bolls , burglar alarms , and
evorvforni of domestic electrical appli
ances at ttio Now York Plumbing Co.
Special Trains Again.
Messrs. Odell Bros , & Co. , and Vic
Keller , of Keller tk Harlo the liverymen ,
have been hard at work tryinc to have
the "special" train from Omaha put on
again , to accommodate those wishing to
como over to Lake Manawa. From pres
ent appearances it looks as it they are
about to auccccd , The plan is to be for
the Union Pacific to issue coupon tickets
charging § 1 for the round trip , which in
cludes cars , omnibus anil ferriage. Kol-
l rs Harlu will meet the Rpocml at tlio
Broadway depot with their lanro ba'id
wagon , as will a few others , and carry
the Omaha folks to the beach and take
ono of the coupons attached to the ticket
as will the boatmen , and afterwards thu
Union Pacific will redeem the coupons.
The Happy KlopcrH.
Another chapter was added yesterday
afternoon to the elopement of Charles
Koch and Lizzie Popponlmgen. It will
bo remembered that on last Monday the
couple arrived hero and stopped at Kiel's
hotel. They hailed from St. Louis , and
quickly getting a license thciy secured the
services of Jimlco Hondrloks to marry
thorn. They had hardly loft hero for
Omaha before the girl's father arrived ,
hurried and hot , and began pouring
forth threats as to what ho would do if ho
caught the follow who had run off with
his daughter. Ho examined the records ,
and finding that in order to got n license
the young man had taken his oath that
the girl was of ago , ho Marled out with
the grim determination to bring the
young man to justice for a wearing to a
lie , The father claimed that thu girl
was only fifteen years of ago , a more
ohihl , but her appearance was certainly
that of a person old enough to marry ,
nnd it seems in some respects that it was
bobt for her to marry the man of her
choicu , The man who had been thus
forced to bo a fatliur-in-law wont across
the river , and there found that the young
couple had arranged to settle down a few
miles from Omaha. The young man is a
blacksmith , and between the shop and
keeping a boarding boitbo , U seems that
the young couple wcro going to be
abundantly able to care for themselves.
The old man was bent on prosecuting
his fcon-in-law for perjury , and a warrant
had been issued from Justice Sehur/'s
court. YcilerUay the young couple
came over to this side \oluutanly ,
and the young man stood his examina
tion , The old man for some rensou was
not present. The young couple declared
that they informed him they wnro com
ing over to have llie matter hottled , and
that ( hey expected him to bo present.
Whether this was to , or whether ( lie
young folks gave the old man unothct
slip , is not known , but stilllco It ho was
not here , The younz man admitted that
ho had swoj-.i that the clrl vas cichtctn
years of nxivbut. Jhatjie siiltposed she
was. r been so iu7otTn ' 'U
went upon the stand o"d , testiliett ( ha
; he had informed him she was ciglilccn.
llcrbrothcr-iii'law also tcstjjicd that she
tad liuornied him she * was eighteen. In
view of all the circumstances and the pe-
juliaritlcs of ( ho law in reirard to per-
ury , Ju'-tieo Sclmrz promptly illsmisscd
; ho charge. His honor gave thoj'ouiiK
nan some good advice In regard to tak-
ng the youiii : wife home and caring for
icr well , and from the loving actions of
.ho runaways it seemed that the advice
was hardly necessary. The irate father-
ii-law will doubtless now return to his
ionic in St. I.ouis and leave the young
! elks to their own pleasure.
J. II. Ileury , of Walnut , was at the Pa
cific yesterday.
Profe ser MfXaughton Is visiting his
irother in Audubon county.
Prof. Hammond is reported as being
nbout to locate in Omaha.
Mrs. M. W. Allen , of Springlield , MUNS. .
s vibiting her sister , Mrs. E. K. Adams.
John Iniiian has accepted a position
with Clark Bros. , of Omaha , ussilesman.
Mrs. Spangler , of Walnut , who has been
visiting nor mother in this city , has returned -
turned to her home.
T. C. Cllll'ord , traveling passenger
agent of the Wisconsin Central railway ,
was in the city yesterday.
Deputy Marshal Mullen has not fully
recovered from the felon , and now Is
fcull'ering from malaria.
Hon. O. D Wlllett , of Hryon , ( ) . , is in
the city , the guest of A. Ward. Mr. Wil-
ett is a democratic politician of national
repute , having served in the Indiana
legislature and several times us a dele
gate to the democratic national conven
tions. His stay in the city will ncoojar -
ly bo short , as he is on his way to Color
ado Springs.
An infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Tyler ,
on Willow avenue , met with a singular
icoident yesterday. The nurse was bath
ing the uabo in a largo china washbowl ,
and as she turned about to get soinethliiK
the babe and bowl capsized , the bowl
breaking and causing quite a cut on the
baby's body. The cut was a deep otic.
but by prompt surgical aid the wound
was so cared for that the injury will not
prove serious.
Perfectly satisfactory accommodations
ut $3.00 a day at the Pacific housu. Give
it n trial and be convinced.
All the comforts of high-priced hotels
ut the Pacific house , and a saving of GOo
to $1 a day. Try it.
The Grcnt Fires of the Northwest.
Chicago Inter Ocean : The death and
desirotci ; : : : duritiB the past iifteen years
by forest ( ires in Michigan and Wih'consiii
have been incalculable. The time indi
cated may be divided into four periods or
cpochs each of which witnessed its terri
ble visitation of flame , each resembling
the other , yet difl'erent and about equally
parceling out the lime. The longdrouirht
this year found the vast timber territor
ies ready for the spark or the torch The
horrors of the autumn of the great Chicago
cage lire seem this year in a lair way to
bo repeated in these states.
The lires of 1871 occurred during tlio
months of September and October. Ex
tensive lires overran the northeastern
part of Wisconsin. Those were but the
the forerunner of an appalling conllagra-
tion at Pcshtigo , on the very days when
Chicago was wrapped in llamos. October
8-0. Vast and valuable forests , hundreds
of homos , farms , indeed entire villages ,
\ycro obliterated. The besom of destruc
tion fell upon Pcshligo at almost pre
cisely the same hour Sunday evening
that the O'Leary cow rchicveil
immortality nnd went to her re
ward. The fire became a deluge. It
rolled over four counties and portions of
two more. The cast and west shores of
Green Bay were a wilderness. The loss
to life alone was placed at certainly 1,000
persons. Pcshti o and adjacent places
iiad 000 deud. The destitute wore count
less. The hospitals were crowded. The
calamity was partially lost sight of in
that matchless conflagration of Chicago
on Sunday. Monday and Tuesday , Octo
bcr 8 , ! ) and 10.
The same month the great Saginuw
valley in Michigan had its baptism of
( iro. The burnt district comprised coun
ties , not townships. An amount of tim
ber equal to live years' cut of the valley
was destroyed , or , in round numbers ,
4,000,000,001 feet. The loss in the coarse
timber , particularly hemlock , was beyond -
yond computation. While Michigan was
in the midstof the grand work of help
ing Chicago's suHcring ones , the same
fell destroyer was desolating the region
just referred to. As Governor Baldwin
said to the legislature : "Thriving towns ,
farms and school-houses , churches ,
stock , crops and thousands of acres of
valuable timber were consumed. Nearly
3,000 families , or about 18,000 persons ,
wore rendered homeless and deprived of
the necessaries of life. "
The next fire horror was in 1875. Jt
was on April 28 of that year when Oskosh ,
Wis. , was burned. The greater part of
the business quarter of that city was de-
btroycd. Mills and lumber yards , with
their vast stores of material wore con
sumed. The largo lumbering interests
of that section sull'orcd heavily. So far
as figures can express the loss , the damage -
ago was placed $3,000,000. ,
During the months of May and June ,
187/5 / , extensive and destructive fires were
burning in portions of Canada. Pennsyl
vania and Now York and Michigan suf
fered severely in parts. This was , however -
over , so far as Michigan was concerned
nothing like the scourge of 1877. It was
in May , 1877 , that millions of fcot of pinn
lumber wcro burned in Michigan and
Wisconsin , but oven that was a trifle ,
compared with previous firos.
The most recent severe forest fires oc
curred In 1881. Liku the most destructive
conflagrations of ten years previous
thcso wcro in Michigan in tha autumn.
On September 5 the lire swept through
the forests and fields of Huron and Han-
line counties , Mich. , burning dwellings ,
barns , churches , t > aw nulls. lonccs ,
orchards , farm crops , etc. huch was
the speed of the flames that live stock
could find no shelter from it , and many
persons could not reach safety ,
and so were lost in the lire ,
A number of villages wcro com
pletely destroyed , not one house remain
ing , The smoke was so dense that day
was turned Into night. In many places
high winds prevailed , and acres of for
ests were loin up by the roots. Tires
seemed to appear simultaneously In u
dozen places. Nearly 1,800 square miles
of territory , or fully 1,000,000 , ncrcst wcro
burned over , or iv belt sixty miles in
length north and south and from ten to
thirty miles in widtli east and west.
Other counties , sunh as Lapcor , St. Clalr
and Tuscola , Builered , but nothing like first named. The loss of life is be-
liuvcd to have been not less than 300 ,
City Steam Laundry !
No. 34 N. Main Street , Council Bluffs.
Fliirit worlt and lowest prices for
fine ii'oi-lf. All colliim nnd < / / ' re
turned In collar and cn/f boxen
without extra charge , which guar
antee * ivorl : In same condition as It
leaves us. Out of fount order * rd-
cclve 6tnie"attcittlon and at s < i > 'K
rates as city ivorh ;
, la.
Arc opening new uml beautiful designs
Moqucttc ,
Rody J&rtissels ,
Velvet ,
Tapestry nrtisucls ,
3-Ply Iiiffrains ,
- ! * ! ? / Inffrains.
Kay Carpets , Etc.
h'or olllcos , hotels , loilgo rooms , Call
for prices at Harkuess Bros , ' , 401
nnirooOAAPVP /
Are now arriving and in stock. Tri-
colfi , I'Manni'ls ' , Cashmeres , etc. H.\-
ccllent for traveling ami fall service.
Black Silks and in the now colors.
Quality the. best and prices the lowest
Tor good goods. Ladies wishing relia
ble goods will call on llarkiioss Bros. ' ,
No. 401 Broadway. Council BlnlTs.
A few ntoro of those Lisle Thread
Hose left at S5c. , In black and in colors ,
at Harkuess Jlros. , No.tOl Broadway.
In many new patterns and a
stock to select from. Door Mats , ltnis ,
Curtains , Curtain Poles , etc. , at Hark-
iioss Brothers , No. 401 Broadway ,
Council Bluffs.
_ _
W. S. HOMER & Co. ,
23 Slain St. , Council Bluffs ,
S |
Star Sale Stablesiand Mule Yards. .
Opposite Dummy1 Depot.
1:0 S.
n g
C" S
= " S-
Horfes nnd Mules kept constantly on liiinJ
forsalo nt retail or In cnr loiuls.
Orders promdtly Ulloil by contract onshcrt
notice. Stock sold on commission.
SHI-UTBlt & UOLIU * . Proprietors.
Telephone No. 114. E55
Formuily ol K1KL SAI.C STA11I.ES , corner
uvo. nuJ 4tli street-
rates , Real estate handled , In
surance written and all kinds of
bonds bought by F , J , Day No ,
39 Pearl St. , Council Blutfs ,
Established I88I ,
Horses and Mules
For nil purposes , lio'iglit nnd sold , nt lolull uui !
In lots. Lurpo quantittus to fcletl fioni
Sovurnl pulrs of line dihors , 6lnflo or double.
Uoiinoil Binds.
Nos. iniO'1531 Douglas st , Omaha anil
No 23t Broadway , . C6)mcil ) Blufls.
Dcntlatrjr , No un\ i Kl fla , Vllnllmt
Air , KllKTiiinl Cliorofuriii. ylli ( | llielrflckcnlnKCIToct
nvuIdeU by Iho mint wondi'rtul unncithcllc , purifyIng -
Ing Iho tloo 1 Hint building xiti'tllblU.iiCK.
Omaha Dental Ahsochitlon , Solo Prop'rs.
Gold Crown' , Cold 1'lnt ? and C'nntlnuoui ( Sum
Teeth , a epcvlulty , licit tcctb (0 ; fuirntr ( irlcu 115
In tlio city can bo obtained by patronUlnif the
GKO , W , SCHlXDELRt Pfoj ) ,
None but ouperlenccd hands employed. Out
of town'orders by mail or fipiont tollultoa , und
all uork wurrautoJ.
Wholesale and Retail Grocers ,
No. f@ Main and 15 Pearl Street , Council Bluffs.
H'AXTKD 100,000 lUOA'/J Cl'STOMKItS.
Irick ! building.- * any kind raised or moved anil satisfaction guaranteed.
Frame buildings moved on Little Giant trucks , best in the world.
808 Eightb Avenue and Eighth StrcetConnil Bluffs.
Arcadian Waukeslia GinKer Ale ,
The World' * Tavoilto , flint took the GOM > 3IE : ! > AL oviMP
all Foreign and Homcstic < ; iner ; Ales at
thuev Orleans i\ito.slliou. :
A most doliirlitfiil beverage in cither hot or cold weather. Hottled direct
at the springs in Wtutkesha , Wis. . and made of the lineal freshly imported
.Jamaica Ginger Hoot , the juices of tropical fruits , Arcadian Mineral Spring
Water and 1-oaf Sugar. Eminent medical authority has pronounced it "the
most perfect example of nn aromatic Non-Alcoholic stomach stimulant , while
as a beverage it is simply delicious. " For sale by
BUTZ BROS , & CO , , Des Momes , Iowa ,
SOM : A < ; ivrs. ;
$2.50 Per DOS. Qr 250 Per Bottle.
Price paid in cash for all kinds of second hand
STOVES , Furniture , etc.
M. DBOHLIOH , 608 Broadway.
. / / , X.
226 Broadway , Council Bluffs ,
Farming Inmls in Town , Minnesota , Texas , Kansas and Arknusn ? . ranging
from $1.25 to $12 per aero. School and sttito Inuils in Minnesota on 110 years
time 5 per cent interest. Lantl buyers fare free. Information , etc. , given by
P. P. Lanstrnn , No. 055 Broadway , Council 111 nil's , Iowa.
Fall Meeting.
Trotting , Pacing anil ICiiiuifngr
Tuesday , Aug. 31st ,
Wednesday , Sept , 1st ,
Thursday , Sept , 2d ,
and Friday , Sept 3rd ,
Including special attractions by Prof ,
A. K.Vtikcr's : world famoua Haoing
lo H daily anil Balloon AseuiihioiiH by
Prof.A. H. Parker daily , in front of the
Otbur attractions in the way of Kneed
consisting of celebrated horses from
Kentucky , Ohio , Illinois , Indiana and
Reduced rates on all railroads , Conic
everybody and have a good time.
For particulars , address
Creston House ,
The only hotel In Council IJIulTs having
Fire Esoa/pe
And till moduli ) linpiou'inenls.
n& , 217 undUlU Mnln ft.
MAX MOHN , Prop.
Practices in the State and Federal courts
Hooins 7 and 8 Shugart Block.
Justice of the Peace
OQloo over American Kxprcsa Company , 1 1
G tul > llBlicd 1837
B. BICE , M , D. ,
( ) r otlwr Tumor * removed wltliou
ihu lfo ( , , | ordrawlniroi Woo I.
Chronic D/SCOSeS of nllWmla nspoclulty.
Over thirty vo.trs' prnctlcul iKporlcnuo.
Nn. 11 1'ouilHI. . Cinincil Jllnlta.
" Consultutfon I'ico ,
10 N. Main St. , Council Bluffs , la. , nnd
20 ! ) S. inth St. , Room 10 , Omaha , Xi'b.
Mamifiictni or's Agent for the
Tents , AAvnliiRTP , Koolliifr Slnte , 3Ian-
tolH , Plato and Window Iflnss , Show-
CasoH. Klevntors ( hand nnd hy
draulic. ) &c.
.loiirimlx , < ' < ninly and
IVurU or nil KiuiK a Spec-
Prompt Attention to Mall Orders
U om 1 Kvoret Block- , Council Bliifis.
Standard Papers UMK ! All Btylos ot blail-
Ing m Magazines and
l 11. Nmlonal lluak , M. K. Smith & Co. ,
ltl ciiH * Hunk. Daoru , WrIUtV Co. ,
> lr t KaMonul llnnk , U II. IiiMiiunce
, j er il'ut yUuul.iir , C.ll.
\Vholc nlo
Agricultural Implements ,
Cmrlnjfra , Ku ,1'to Council tllurK Irmn.
MnUo tlio Urluliinl nml Complolo
Hay Loader , also Rakes , Cider Mill & Press ,
COHN SI1KI.1.KI13 ASM ) 1'IJRI ) ( VTTKH * .
No * . 1501 , IVtl , I.VVi mid .15)7 ) oontii Main Street ,
Council UiUlT , lonn. _
DAVID ItltAhl.KY At CO. " ,
Mnnuf'n nn 1 .InblipM ot
agricultural Implements , Wagons , Buggies ,
Ortlnpoa. itml nil Mn I * of Farm Mnolilnorr.
1100 to llli ) South Mnln Street , Council Illurfs ,
.IXH lUMH.I * .
F.O. ( li.r.isiiv , T. lt.l ) ( > i'nt.UcoTr. . Wumiir.
1'rcs.iVTreiM. VI'm * &MVI. P < \Couiuol. .
Council Bluffs llaadle Facbry ,
( IllcsirpnriltcnU
Manufacturer * of Atli- , rink , Slodjro nnd Smnll
Handles , of oxory description.
_ CAIIl'KTS. _
Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades ,
Oil Cloths , Curtnln Fixture * , t'pholstcty RooJs ,
Ktc. No. 403 llroitdwny Council
ts , 7o .in'o ,
Wholesale Jobbuis In the
Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes ,
Nog. 8Mnln and 27 I'curl Sts. Council ninth ,
I own.
Fruit and Produce Commission Marchints.
No mvurl St. Council
Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass ,
Druggists' Sundries Ktc. Xo. as Mnln St , nnd
No. 1I'fiirlHt. , Council IllulTa.
0. W. BUTTS ,
Wholesale California Fruits a Specialty
General Commission. No. 513 Jlroiulwny ,
Cniincll ninlT3.
Fruits , Confectionery & Fancy Groceries.
NOB. 1C and 18 Vcnrl St. , Council IllulN.
jomnF ; Of S$5 ! ! Fancy Goceries.
Also Wholesale Liquor Oonlers. No. 41fl
wtij' , Council Ulutli
ir.tnxKss , ETC.
Mnnu'nctwoiB of and Wholusulo Doilori la
Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc.
No. teS Mulu St. . Council lllu'Jj , lowo.
Jobbers in Hats , Caps aad Gloves.
No ? . 12 nnd 3U nroq-l\yay , Council
Iron , Steel , Nails , Heavy Hardware ,
And \Vooil tock. Council llltitTH , IOITIU
HIDES AXD ll'00/
I ) . H. McDANELD & CO. ,
Commission Merchants for Sale of Hides ,
Tallow , Wool , Polt8Oien oiind fc'urs Council
lllu ITS low.i.
Wholcsnlo Denture In
Illuminating & Lubrlcitia Oils Gi3)Ui ) )
HTO. , E3TO.
B.TIieoduro , Atront , Council Illntrs. Iowa.
t. 1'iLtxa , arc.
A. OVEllTON & CO. .
Hard Wood , Southera Lumbar , Piling
4nd Ilrlil o Material Spcclnltr | > HWliolt" > ulo Luui-
beret all Kinds. Ulllco No. l.H Mela St. ,
Council lllullii. Iowa.
Imported and Domestic Wlnas & Liquors ,
Atoiit for St. GottliariVs Herb IIII tor j. No. 11
Main St. Couiidll lllulla.
Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors ,
K ( M .1/iiln M. . Council lllutft.
HO ! for the LAKE
The Steamer OLLIE MAY
Newly ( Ittrd up , and under tlio rlmrxoof n
sKlllluloni'Iiiouraiid pilot , is now niiiulnif pious-
uro trips on
Wo will jrlvo clmi turn to | mi lies lor ono hour
or liny lonirlli of tlrno dosliod.
ItiUfS or chin tor given mid aiders tnXou nt
nnifoo.UJJ Mains t. , butwoon IUIUIK 10 lo I- lu
m. 1 * UAUII \ CO.
Sporlnl ndvprtliciiicnls , su-jli ff T rfl , Tonn
To Uniii , Fur 8nlo , To llont , ft nuts , lloiinllmr ,
etc , , wlll lialaroitvfl In this column nt the low
rBtuolTIINCKNTS I'KU MNl ! foriho JlrBtliii'or
lion nnd I-'lvoCcnta I'crliliinrorriich EUbso'juunt
Intuillon. I.O.IYU iidvfill-uinuiits ut our ollluo
No. Iv I't-ul hlioct , near lliondvvay , Coitucll
JlliilTg , _
HUNT A iilnu-iooin bimeu nnd store
Inoit 1UI7 llulti f-t. _
WANTHD AnnsulBliint tool ; ut the
llUl-O ( ) ,
rOKHAIili-OKI nnpciH. in qiiunlUlcs t > >
nt llco ollico XJ , n 1'ouil btrcul.
CO UX < U L IlL Ul'FS , [ 0 II'A.
An otccllcut odncntlonnl liutllullon , furn'th
rduliu nil the ino-Jcrn Improvomeiu , i-o'i-
dut-lod by Iho HIKTlUia OPOIlAUITr.U. V.I
1'or trrm of llru montUi , ( * & ,
Tirm begin llrst Moridti ) In $ rptcuiber ( in.1
flrst Mondiij in Kubruury. Fur rutnlofum nd >
drcni 8IKTKU HIM'UltlOlt
6. . F ruucljAcaJc-uiy.CouQC'UJl'.iL'it ' o