Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 20, 1886, Page 5, Image 5

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Nebraska Prohibitionists Adopt Their Plat
form ana Nominate Their Candidates-
"Woman's SufTrnRO Adopted Aftoi1 n
Htnrtny llncnsslon Their Or-
Kim Helped Out or ( lie Hole
News From Iilnuoln.
IrnoM TUBr.r.B's t.ixcoi.tntnK\o.1
The political prohibitionist * continued
their convention work yesterday , Thoio
was equally as much entlui'iinsm but far
leas harmony than characlnrbrd the
oponhiK fussion. Tim morning session
was largely devoted to saving their
organ , The Now Republic , from the shoah
of povoi ty on which itvas threatened lo
be stranded , nnd in addition to thn secret
session hold for that purpose the question
was brought up in open convention by
.Sister King in a speech on voting and
praying. Then the work commenced ,
nnd in a half hour's time o\er two Hun
dred shares of stock at f50 a shnro was
subscribed , and something over six hun
dred subscriptions were taken , all of
which created srch enthusiasm on the
part of the promoters of the scheme that
it was announced from tlicsUgu that th'i
stockholders in the mtpcr would soon be
drawing lfl nor cent dividends. When
lhc c new ami enthusiastic stockholders
shall have been in the news
paper business a few yearn they will
Know more than they do now about divi
dends , and run an elegant chance of being -
ing Introduced to numerous assessments.
Hut the organ will flourish at least for
ono season. The report of the commit
ti-i ! on literature was largely in I ha line
of recommendation * for support of the
party organ. When thn question of
noting on tlio resolutions came before the
convention a long , animated and vigor
ous discussion was liuh ) upon thoS.tbbath
resolution and iipon the woman's ' sullVago
plank. The omission of a plank for the
Koldiers wassupplied : , the S.tblnth roao
liition rovKed. anil the woman'suiVrugo
ylank adontcu by an overwhelming yoto.
But bi'foio It was adopted It was vigor
ously coinb.iltcd by a delegate fiom Mad-
IMOII county and a delegate from Lancas
lor. When , liowovor , Kev. O'Ncil , ot
I'awnec , monntcd'a chair and made the
Riieech of the day in its favor , the con
vention wont oil1 its feet and the woman
mill'rago plank passed under the wire in
an immense biir&t of oiitliu&hisni. The
run ri.ATfomr.
1. The niohlbition rrnty of Nebraska , In
convention assembled , aekniiwloilijo At-
mighty ( toil as the rightful somelgn of all
men , whoso laws nro siipiomo , fiom whom
the just powers of goveniinontaiodoilved.
\Vciccognl7Ptlioab30hitoneccsslty for
the absolute uiifoiccincntot the Sabuntli laws
upon our statute books , and wo iileiljjo our-
bi-lves tofttich enlorcemeiit.
! \\olicllovotlmtthollfnior trnnio is tlio
Krratest promoter of iRiioranre , lawlossni'Ss
anil vice which now confronts uur state ami
nation a fee waxinir in jstrouxthu. auoikv
ntiiUlellniK * Jiitvhlo' ' * U5 mi.ltcr na
jiUPi r. m , iio loiniblliMii and ilemocratlc
p.lltil" ! .
4. The constitutional and statutory prohibi
tion In the btato anil nation of the mnnufnc-
ttiiu , iinpoitatlon aml loof alcoholic liquois
Is tin ; most vital issue bcfoio tlie Ainuifcnn
5. License of the trnfllc. high or low , is
public bribery anil a political crime o tine-
< iual onoimlty , and all political p.uttes who
lavoi llcenMiicthis appalllnK evil , and all
Individuals who vote ! n support of Midi par-
tloi , become accomplices to nil tlio uniuleis
anil niyilutl cihuos glowing oat ot their
( ) . To promote the seiiBral wolfaio Is tlio
lirst duty of uoveimnont , lor tins piupo-ie Is
liowcr expressly delegated to COIIKIC * . , ami
uiidci our form of coveinmcat tlmlr duty is
Impeintlve upon all tlopuilmonts.
7. 'J o the neglect ot this duty , with especial
roicienec to the imuiulacimi' , Impoita-
tlou anil Hnlo ot alcoholic diinks ,
Is firstly clinrcnblu most ot the
disorder , crime and bloodshed in oar coim-
tiy , na well us the prevailing financial stiin-
U. Kvery porbon should bo entitled to full
protection of the law In every state , county ,
city and locality , and the enforcement of
law nvalnst public violators is obligatory
upon public ofllulals without be I use inmiiulca
ii ( their duty by pilvitte individual * , and
Mich p.uty and paity ofllcials as hcsitatoto
pei foi in their duty wotila fail to receive the
suppoil of honest people.
ll.Vo \ me In fa\wr of the repeal of our
btntato w hlch allows loialgncra to vote nt our
filuto ami municipal eltH'tlonsvlio nre not
full ami complete elti/uus of the United
States. In nccoidanco with tliLuiattnnlUation
10. Wo aie opposed to the present contract
system ot convict lahor , which bihiKs the
pioilucts of the penltantinry In direct coin-
petition with the honest Inbor nt the state ,
and wo ilumnnil that all convicted felons bo
confined within the prison walls. Wo favor
biatulliiKall articles manufncturcil In penal
Institutions as nnson-nudo goods.
11. Wo nio Infixvorot the abolition of the
appointment system ami tlio ic.stointion of
tlio elective power to the people , thus lemov-
In > rn most i-oriupttve element of p.itrona e
nom liio i\eentl\o ! nii'l lt > gliilatl\e dcpait-
inuiiLs ( if our Ko\ninmeiit.
1" . Wo aio In fa\orof the abolition of the
fco system ot eompunsntiiit ; iiubllo olllcnrs ,
nud demand thu riitoicTineiit ol the law
which ituki's It n felony to loan public money
lor pihntognln.
18.Vo \ condemn the republican nnd demo
cratic pnrth'.s for foisting upon the people of
Nebraska a woitbloss and oxpeiibl\o railroad
commission , In utter disregard mid bni/.ou
contempt for the wishes of the people , as ov-
iiiesseil by their ballots ut the geneial elec
tion of 1SS ) .
l-l. Tlmt while wo comlomn rioting nnd the
wnnton ilestrurtlon of prmii'ity , wn symp.v
tlil/o with every proper effort of the wnco
workers to Improve their moral ana linnncinl
condition , lorognUlna tlio fact that Inbor Is
thosoiiicoof all wealth : wo thurefoie favor
Hiicli legislation as will inovido for the sottlo-
inunt ot all dlnVrcnccs between capital and
labor , by n board of tuMtuition elected by a
direct \ oto of the people.
lf > . We ilcnmid that the rates for tlio tians-
poiutlon of finlnlits upon tint vailous mil-
loads m this btnto bo M > adjusted that i-cmu
nciatlon for thu hurvlcas performed by them
shall bu Just nnd enultnbli ) , but that they shall
not lie permitted to establish rules to i also a
rincnuo for the purpose of p.tylin ; dividends
on lllugnl and oxrosslvo issues of btock or In-
tciest on fictitious Indebtedness , and wo
ploilco oiirbolvi's to support si'i-b legIslation -
Islation ns may bo neci" > snrv to piohlblt
sucii practices , and wo nro luither opposed
to iiianoiMillort of oveiy fonn and chaiactor ,
inannsea by the few to the detriment of the
10. We favor the complete , liberal nnil thor
ough public cdiUMtloii , n moio careful and
just Imposition of taxes , constant wutchful-
ness agahibt tlio lucieasing power ami exac
tions of Individuals , n viu'ilnnt t > upnres lon of
tlio uses to which the franchises outri'stcd ' 10
corporations aio put , and a careful mainten
ance on the pai t of the government of a com
plete pontrol of economic conditions In cur
17. Inasmuch ns the women of our country
mo of | iial intelllgeiico nnd supeilor morals ,
therofoio It Is tlio sunroof this convention
that the ballot should tin extended to them
and that tholi iluhts. pihllojriw nnd Immuni
ties should bo co extensive with man's. Wo
are in favor of extending Immediate- munici
pal sutfr.ige to the women of Nebraska.
Ib. Wo denounce the cowardly assassina
tion ot Itev. ( ! . 0 , Haililock , of Sioux C'ltv ,
iown , by liio llijuor fraternity , ami wo hofd
as niually resixHislblo for the itastnrdty ciliao
the party otllclals fortalltiru to onfoico tbo
pioiubltory laws ot the btatu ,
ll > . Tlio prohibition party Is already Hrmly
cstabl alicrt upon the Brand pilnciplo which
U is pluitsroil to enforce , nnd wo domanil that
our sciintoilalnnd legUlntlyocindldRtes in
thi'Ir counllcs anil congu slonal nomliiees
In the district that they enter no caucus of
any organisation , or make any
compromUu forthobonelltof auy other party ,
20 , \ \ are in favor of grnntltig iicnslons to
all dfsnbbd soldiers of the civil war , who aio
dependent upon their own labor forsuppoit ,
without leiiuirluK other proof of such disa
bility ,
Rev.V. . . Olliiiser , of Hurt county ,
was Eolocted by acclamation by.tho dclo-
g.ilrs from the Third district In caucus ,
nnd a representative from Washington
county reported the nomination to the
convention in speech in which ho culo-
gi/cd the candidatp nnd predicted great
o.ent * from him in the canvass.
II W Hardy , of Lincoln , w.-u nomi
nated by acclamation in a speech that recited -
cited Ins record at length and to which
hn responded.
For lictitonant governor Rov. h. H.
( trnlium , of Omaha , \vas nominated by
For secretary of state Rev. h. J. O'fteal.
of I'nwnco , was nominated , and when
the question was about to be put a dele
gate from Saundcrs county arose and
objected to tlio convention nominating
all ministers , and the convention canto
near going off its feet again The Madi
son county iinn arose ng.iin nnd wanted
to know it Mr O'Neal was the delegate
who was In favor of disfranchis
ing these who did not bdlovo
in woman snllrago. The convention
promptly cheered the opposition down ,
and Mr , O'Neal was nominated , a Jew
dissontina votes being heard. Mr. O'Neal
then took the stand und said that if hi *
toes woro'trod upon ho proposed lo tread
upon others , anil ho followed in a speech
that was received with evident , satisfac
tion of pleasure and accented the nomi
nation. Ho said when ho commenced to
preach prohibition that his church said
they would withhold his siinnnrt , and ho
told them to "do so and be damned. "
[ ( Jroat applause. ]
For Htute troisuror , A. J , Lnaeh , of
Antelope , was nominated by acclama
tion. As Mr Leach had departed homo-
waul , no speech was made except by Ins
frionns , who otilogi/.pil him a * a worker
for years in the prohibition camp.
For state auditor .1. 15 Hopper , of Clav ,
was nominated on Iho lirst ballot. For
commissioner of hinds nnd buildings
L. II. Palmer , of Adams , wns nominated
by acclamation. For attorn'general '
County .ludgo W. J. Hrowor , of Ts'anco ,
was nominated by acclamation , anil for
superinti'iiilentof public instruction Prof.
J. A bmith , ol Tckamah , Hurl county ,
was Iho nominee. After selecting a Mate
conimittco ot ono fiom each county , and
arr.ingmg for liOO volunteer campaign
speeches , the prohibllionlstH ondcd their
labors and adjourned sinu die. A ratifi
cation followed in tin1 ovcning.
ciiuitcit HOWI : m TOWN.
Church Howe arrived in town yester
day , and from the speed hn made in get-
ling to Lincoln on the hci'ls of Judge
Wi-avcr , it looks as though Church had
boon down to Denton waiting for Weaver
lo gi't ' out of sight. There is a rumor
afloat that Howe's object in coming to
Lincoln at this limo was lo secure liio
prohibition nomination for congress , but
no missed It by twelve hours. Perhaps
this is nn for the man from Noinaha ,
anil nun be an imloof the distance ho
may bo loft m the rear by some ono of his
numerous competitors in the republican
contest. However this may be , it is
known in inside circles Hint Howe has a
carload of barbed wire that is on route
for Ibis place over the Missouri Pacific ,
shipped D. H. of course , and if Weaver
lias lolt the posts in the ground the next
tliroo or four days will witness strenuous
ollorts on Howo's part to string tlio wir
ivround Lancaster ftgali\ . " "
roil HIOAMV.
August Stone , n party who laloly came
to Lincoln from Kansas City , wub ar-
n-sti'd by Sheriff Melick and lies In the
county iiill awaiting a hearing on the
chaigo of bigamy , it being claimed that
ho has a wife in Kansas City as well as
ono in Lincoln. Stone , in conversation
with the olticliiN , states that it is all false.
and that ho was joking when he told
parties that ho was married down below ,
and that ho can establish his innocence.
ornr.H ritnuxAi. HAJIKH.
W. C. Uoodcnow , living night milcsout
in the county , filed a complaint with the
ollicials ajraiiibt K. F. liock , who lives
with Kli/abcth Htisscll , a widow , claim
ing that Uecii had willfully assaulted and
beaten n daughter of Mrs. Hussoll , and
not only the complaining witness but tbo
entire neighborhood seemed excited over
the matter and hintou at gross and im
proper relations existing between Bock
and Mrs. Ru.ssoll. When the
olli"prs went out to make the
aricbt at night they experi
ence some difficulty in getting in
their house , but they secured Iho parties
and arrived in the city at 4 o'clock this
morning. They were having a hearing
in county court yesterday.
Ollicors wore down at Hcnnott ycstnr-
day armed with a warrant for tlio arrest
of Leonard King , the party who dis
turbed the camp meeting there last
week and who caused the officers a good
deal of trouble. Ho will bo given a
chance to explain matters in court.
Uotcctlvo Pound was expected homo
from Illinois yesterday where lie wont to
bring back the party who is suspicioned
of muritering Eichorn near this city re
from among Nebraskans at Lincoln yes
terday were : D. H. Harris , Hennott ;
A. U. Whitman , Fairmont ; A. S. Cole ,
Nebraska Oily , C. Thompson , Ashland ;
H. S. Norval , Seward ; S. W. Van
IJorau , North Platlc ; E. J. O'Neal , Paw
nee City _ _
I'niiiiocl Out the AVroiiR Way.
Chioago News : Ono summer day Ken-
ward Philp and Will McConnolI found
Themselves "broke" in Now York.
There wasn't a nickel in the pocKets of
cither and things looked rather blue.
Phil ) ) proposed to take a free bath. They
found ono of the frco bathing establish
ments and disrobed. Suddenly they
caught sight of n. sign which lend thus :
" * ' ' ' ' "
: Tle ! bup'o'iIiiU'iid'i'iiry ' Is authori/ed'to" :
: pay S10 to any ono irwulng a drowning :
: piTbon. Flvo cloll.irfl will bo paid tor the .
: recovery of a dead body. :
"There's one ohanco , McConnell ! "
said Philp.
"I don't ' see It , " said Will.
"Why , 3o.s , " said his friend. "Como
over in the corner awny from the others
and tall In. Pretend to bo downing ; I
spring in and rescue you ; wo get ton.n
"Well , we'll got the same amount if
you do the drowning act , won't woV"
twkeil McConnolI , anxiously.
"My dear boy , do ns 1 toll you , It'll
bo all right. 1 assure you. Hurry up , so
wo can got the ten. That's five apiece. "
McConnolI dropped oll'into Ihc water
ami uttered a cry of alarm as ho went
under. Several people swam up , but
Philp assured them in his blandest
tones that his friend was an expert sw Im-
mer , and they went oft' , McConnolI
came pulling nnd spluttering to tie ! sur-
faco. Philp was coolly lighting a cig-
"Hero , " yelled McConnolI , "givo us a
hand. I'vo enough of this , licln mo
out ! "
"I would , my dear boy , " said Philp ,
blowing n cloud of smoke , "but , unfort
unately , I can't swim , you know. " Just
tlu-n MeConnoll went down with a gurgla
for the second timo. When hn came ui >
again ho was thoroughly frightened , and
hovelled out , liibtily :
'THolp ! help a drowning man ! Hurry
up. Philp , or we'll only have live to di
vide ! "
"You It is this " said
see way , Philp.
"If I go in and holn you , you'll probably
drag mo down , anil we'll both drown. So
I prefer to wait. I'm snro of five , any
way. " ISut ho waited too long , for a
stranger ruahod up just then , sprang in.
nnd pulled the exhausted McConnell
upon , the platform. The superintendent
camo'up immediately and paid the
stranger $10.
A Urokon Hack ,
Yesterday morning at 8.SO
o'clock ono of the freight
trains at 'tho Tenth street crossing
of the Union Pacific with thu engine at
Eighth street , backed into ouo of Ken-
nanl's hacks as it was passing and one of
the wheels was badly broken.
That Can't bo Broken After Death An
Old Lawyer's Opinion on Bequests ,
Some or tlio Tcstnturntnry Acts oT
Noted I'coplo Tlhlen's Olio Wlilch
Nobody Wilt Undertake to
Fool AVHIi.
The subiect of wills , said a lawyer tea
a Chicago Herald representative , has n
peculiar interest for us , paiticularly
where n considerable cstato is dovisetl ,
Wo are not only curious to know how a
man wishes hig property to go after ho Is
through with it , btit It seems like a volco
from the tlcuil declaring how it shall go.
It is usually wtlttun in the most soli-inn
mompnt of a man's life. At that moment
ono realises to the full that ho brought
nothing into this world and can take
nothing out , and that , after the tongue
is hushed and the heart stilled , his com
mands will bo spokim and his destiiM
obuyc-d. Associated as it is with such
thoughts as the e , it is not str.mgi1 that
wo are eager to know how Mr. Vamler-
bill , or Mr. Astor , or Mr. Tllden , or Mr.
Storey disposes of his fortune. As a
matter of taet , being stranjior.-t to them ,
we do not euro whether tlio.v endow a
college or a eu. but it their wills happen
to bu published In the morning papers ,
wo read them first , as the most toothsome -
some items of news.
The clause in Mr Tildcn's will provid
ing that it any one of the devisees con
test it lie shall forfeit his shnro is a valid
one , and may be ottun found In the wills
of astute pci'ions , llko the departed
statesman. It has n tendency to induce
caution on the part of heirs. If one can
lose nothinir by a contest and may gain
something , lie may rush into court as a
sort of speculation , and in that wav much
of the cstato 1)0 ) lost Our Uncle Sammy
knew enough about law and lawyers to
wish to keep his cstato free from their
care. As nobody e\er drove a coach and
four through any doeumcnt or statute ho
wrote , so you may be sure his will ,
drawn by Ins own hand , is equally iron
There are many very curious and cc-
centiic wills described in the books , and
some strange phases of human nature
are lllu.stratod in thorn. Some men wlio
in llfo would not have given a cup of
water to a beggar by their wills lea\ < >
enormous sums to charity. Those are
the wills that usually take a course
through the courts , witnjiandsome pick
ings tor the lawyers on Hie way. All
charitable bequests arc construed with
the utmost strictness. About ten jours
ago A. II. Taylor , of this city , died , leav
ing a will drawn by himself ? After pro
viding for his wile ami son , as ho thought
quite liberally , lie devised tite residue of
his estate , about ' ? . ' 500,00f ) . to seven trus
tees to found a cliantablnmstitittio" Vien
as they should. dooy,1 , T > ost. In case they
not to do so the trustees were to
turn over the estate to the Homo of the
1'riendlcss. Asi matter of course the
will was contested , and , after thorough
jegal inquiry , It was found that the char
itable clause would not hold water. After
considerable litigation the case was com
promised , and the Home of the Friend
less got 203,000 and the heirs the re
A man In Now Jersey , not long since ,
loft his estate to pay oil' the national debt.
The will was contested of course , but
the courts have recently hold it
valid In the last century Sir Jo
seph Jcckyll did the same thing
in Kngland. When Lord Mansiield
hoard of it ho said : ' 'Sir Joseph was a
very good man and a good lawyer , but
his bequest was a very loolMi one ; he
might as well attemntod to stop the mid
dle arch of Hhickfriars Uiidgo with his
full-buttoned wig. "
Simple a matter as it really is , lawyers
have not always been successful in draw
ing their own wills Lord St Leonard ,
high chancellor of Kngland , who , as Ed
ward Sugden , was the most eminent
chancery lawyer in England , and who
\yitli a number of law books , ono par
ticularly witli a very elaborate chapter
on drawing wills , drew his own will , and
it required an expensive lawsuit and the
decision of a court of chancery to give
it proper ollect The ivill of Lord West-
bury , another lord high chancellor , drawn
by himself , met with the same fate. 1
could give you many similar instances ,
There have been devises to animals or
for their bonelit which have been held
valid to cats , dogs , , and oven par-
rets. Not infrequently people have un
dertaken to show their spite and hatred ,
and sometimes their humors , in wills.
The will of Lord 1'embroko in the
seventeenth century has several items of
that kind for instance : "I give nothing
to my Lord Save , and I do make him tins
legacy willingly , beeauso I know that ho
will faithfully distribute it unto the poor.
Item I eivo tin the ghost. "
Lord Bacon had no property to leave ,
but ho left a regularly executed will , in
which he bequeathed his name and mem
ory to "nion's charitable speeches , to
foreign nations and the next ages. "
Shnkcspoaro loft an elaborate will ,
whioh contains a clause that has puzzled
the Shakespearean a not a little.
"I give unto my wife my second best
bed , with the furniture. " Why did ho
only give Ann Ilathawavhis second best ,
and not his best bed ? Nothing also did
she got , and the world bus bought in vain
to know the reason why.
Lord Nelson loft a will , drawn just before -
fore ho wont Into the battle of Trafalgar ,
by which ho bequeathed Lady Hamilton
and her daughter to lii.s king and coun
try , but neither king nor country ac
cepted the legacy , and they both came to
want , Lady Hamilton dying In abject
Napoleon in his will left a handsome
legacy to R wrntch named ( Jhatillon , who
had attempted the assassination of Wel
The will of Rabelais has this clause : "I
have no available property ; I owe a
great deal ; the roit I give to the poor. "
His lust words when dying were ; ' 'I go
to BCO tliu great Porlwps , " A famous
French abbo had this pithy ehuino in his
will : "To my htoward I leave nothing.
because ho has boon in my soryico for
eighteen years. "
It is not unusual for a man to leave all
his property to his wife , with the proviso
that it she marries again she is to have
only what the law allows her. I have
diawn a number of such wills , ( lovornor
Mori is. the colobratcd American states
man , did not , treat his wife .so. Ho had
married , very Jatti in lifo , Ann Handolph ,
a cousin of John , of Hoanoko , a woman
much younger than himself , and with
whom no lived very happily. Ho bo-
qucathcd a very handsome income to
her , and then provided that in o-tso she
married again the income should bo
A soldier or a sailor is allowed to make
u nuncupative will that is , a will by
word of mouth , by whioh personal cmiito
may bo disposed of , but you , being a civ
ilian , must make yours in writing. It
don't matlnr much \\liat the writing is
on it may bo on a hl.ito , or a tablp top ,
or oven a wall , though it Is advisable that
it should bo on paper or parchment. You
may write it aud sign your inimo in pen
cil if you like , but it Is bettor to do it in
You may make your will Jn Choctaw ,
if you happen to understand that lan
guage , or it may , as Hamlet says , "bo
writ in the choicest Italian- " you may
wiltc it in shorthand , or in abbreviations ,
or in cipher , eo long as vou leave the key
behind you. Oonrts arc not martinets as
to the spclltug , and if .vour orthography
is not perfectly ultra , they will not mind
it , if they cau make it out. If you wish
to drop into poetry , even that Is permit
ted , a-j the following case of a valia will
show )
1 clvo nnil bomiealh ,
When I'm Inlit ii/iilcrncnth ,
To my two loUnn ? i < tors most dear ,
Tlicholo of my itorc ,
Were it twlcaas much more.
Which Hod's Kootlnojs hns granted to me.
And that 110110 inrij prevent
This myllUnillnteiit ,
Or occasion the least of law lackct ,
With a solemn ,
I con Hi m , sltfti and seal ,
This , the tine net ntul deed of Will .lackot.
You may sign your will by your initial' ,
and if your hand is unsteady you may
get some ono toguide it. You must have
nt least two witnesses , and though you
may not actually see \\Itnesses sign
their names , you must be in such a po i-
tlon that you could do so if you "felt so
disposed- Mrs ttamp might remark.
That was Judge 1'ogers' iiillng in the
Storey will case , and it is good law.
If j'ou ate going to Icavo anything to
me don't ask me to bo a witness , for , al
though 1 could bo a good witness , my
legacy wonlil bo void. John Donvior was
an eminent lawyer in Philadelphia some
years ago. and the author of several stan-
ilntd law books. A lad > loft him a very
handsome bequest in her will , which ho
himself drew and witnessed. There was
no doubt about the intention of the lady ,
but Hottvlor fulled to get his legacy.
having signed and sealed your will ,
you can revoke it by destroying it , but
not by simply running your pen through
your name or through the lines , but you
can revoke it by a subsequent will prop
erly executed , Mairiago also revokes a
will. _
An Extraordinary Table.
The Northwestern Lancet gives spuco
to a remarkable story taken from I/Uiii-
vur-0 , relating to an attempt made to se
cure 'or the exhibition of tliel'ranklln ' in-
.stitute , of L'liiluddphln , a most remarkable -
blo table , at present in the 1'ittl palace in
FlorenceOf this table L'Umvorso says :
"It was made by CJiuseppu Sagatti , who
spent many ycar.s in finishing it. So far
as ono can t > oc , it appears to bo a cmious
work of marbles of various hues , foi It
looks like polished stone , and yet it is
composed only of the nntelos , hearts
and intestines of human bodies. Ono
hundred cadavers were icquiicd to
make it.
"Tito tablpis round , one meter in di
ameter , witii a pedestal and four clawed
feet , the whole made of potrilied human
llcsh. The author of this work died fifty
years ago. After having passed through
the hands of tliroo owners , the last of
whom committed suicide and sprinkled
the table with his blood , it reached the
I'itti palace.
"Sagatti succeeded in solidlfving the
boiltes by plunging Into many niin-
6Val baths. Ho obtained the cadavers
from a hospital The intestines servo for
ornaments of the jodostal ; the claws arc
made of hearts , livers , and lungs , and
preserve the colors of those tissues. The
table is made of muscles artistically
arranged ; around it nro a. luiii-
drod eyes anili9 , iri1.wWuli produce tlio
11)051 ) * 0 ( cl The eyes , il is said ,
hcem to live , ali't ' taey look at you at
whatever nolnt you "place yourself. This
was tlio most dillicult work ot the artist.
Ho was satisfied with his achievement
and communicated his methods lo
"The last owner of this table , Glacomo
Hittaboca , had placed it in the centeiof
jils salon , and took pleasure in showing
it to guests , saving 'that it was the work
of an original sculptor ; then in the even
ing he would .explain its origin. Ono
Christmas night he had gatl.urcd together
some friei'.ilb and they Weie mayiiig
cards on this t.iblo. Hittaboca lost , and
the eyes of the table fascinated him ; ho
became pale , agitated ; at last ho
rose and walked' about with hur
ried stops , thcmcamo and sat down again
and lost still , dlhoqncartod by the Ilxity
of the looks which fpllowod film. It , was
proposed to change their place , and the
impoitunalo eyes were covered over. 'It
is useless'haul ho , and he told his friends
the whole story of Iho table made up of
parts of human bodies. 'It is not
marble'said lie'it is llcsli , real eyes ,
real muscles , real hearts. Seel they are
fatill alive. The eyes speak to you. 1
cannot endure them , they make mo sad.1
Then suddenly ho sci/ed a dagger , and
before any ono had time to stop his arm
he had stabbed himself to the heart , ex
claiming to his friends : 'I am rid of
them.1 His blood poured over the table
and his corpse rolled upon the floor. His
heirs were glad to sell the pence of furni
ture to tno government , and if the
guardian of the i'itti nalaco is willing to
lend it to the exposition Americans who
are fond of strong emotions may be
satisfied. "
Tlio Involution of SliopiIii .
Jsow Orleans Times-Democrat : These
who shop nowadays and these who wait
boh'nd tlio counters scarcely appreciate
tlio reforms tluit have taken place in this
line in the last few ycar.s ; for , if tiiev did ,
they would be thankful indeed. Evoiy
art and industry iias improved and ad
vanced in the past quarter of a century ,
and shopping with the othors. but so
blowly anil gradually that few h.ivo no
ticed the changes in it. Those who re
call the shops of old must remember
that all the employes were men ; that
there was no ohanco or opportunity for
women in them , and that ladies some
times found it unpleasant to deal with
the male clerks. Tlion stores were kept
open until nearly midnight , the best bus
iness being doim by gaslight. Saturday
half-holidays were unknown , for Satur
day was the favorite time for shopping ;
and , In line , the lifo of a clerk in a dry
goods store was the worst Kind of
slavery on the continent.
In these "good old days" the shoppers
themselves wore subjected to not u few
hardships. It was only a score of years
ago that A. T. Stewart introduced tlio
novelty of chairs in his stores for shop
pers. Formerly they had been compelled
to stand until served. Nor should tho.
"fixed price1' bo forgotten as ono of the
great innovations and improvements of
modern shopping. Of old bargaining
was an important part of purchasing ,
and the best bargainers got the
prices. To-day with few exceptions the
stori's have their prices marked on tlio
goods , there is no variation , and ono
Knows at once what ho must give for an
artielo. These who cannot ttpprcriato
these great improvements do not fully
understand the progress and advance
the world is making from da/todayin
chopping as well , as In everything else.
If you would lint With nppotito , digest
with comfort and sleep with traiifiiiillty ,
use Dr. J. II. MuLpun d Llvcrand Kidney
Nairn. $1.00 peiboltlo. ; ,
During the recent balloon voyage of
Messrs. L'llosto and Aiangot , between
Cherbourg and London , AI. L'llosto made
some niton > stln < oVpoiiinonts to deter
mine the feasibility 6t using balloons for
war purposes , Tlio aeronauts man
euvered while passing over ships , and
throw down untcvuluil torpedoes , which ,
if charged with dynamite , would have
played sad havoc , for tho.nim was almost
uniformly successful. The result seems
to establish the importance of the balloon
hi future warfare.
Dr. Pierco's " Pleasant Purgative Pol.
lots" cleanse and purify thti blood and
relieve the digestive organs.
Conscience money is rarely received by
newspapers , but the Indiana Messenger
takes pleasure in reporting that ono day
last week it received a letter enclosing
the sum of | 3,10. The sender did not
sign his name , and only stated that the
amount was justly duo and should have
boon paid tea years ago ; that ho had gone
west without paying for his paper , ami
without notifying tko publisher of the
fact , Hu said his conscience had tro.ublcd
him oft'and on ever since , and ho uow
hoped for rest.
IlreetlltiR Homos Tor I'roflr ,
Correspondence Country ( ipntlcnintr
That horses bo bred to advantngo the
business requires to bo in suitable hands.
It Ls well to breed for something out of
which considerable \aluo may bo de
veloped , through having sl/o , style , and
fair ability for travel. Hut the qitalilica-
lion wo intcrposo. "in suitable hands , "
has no liltlo force Imsettling the question ,
as n coed deal of knowledge of hor-o
matters Is required to enable a man to
select material for the combination
named , nud the very best of judgment is
needed to enable any man to maintain it
in his bleeding operations As is well
known of trotting horses , wo may secuio
what appears to bo a fair trotting foinm-
tion , yet not secure the indr < ; piii ) il > lu
trotting in-tinct , or , as it may not be
inapth termed , a genius for trotting. In
breeding , the higher class of horses lm\-
ing sjilhcient sinto command good fig
ures in the linger cities , where Mutely
double teams ate wanted , it is not with
every team , in fact with very few , that wo
secure the sl/e in combination with an
ability to ii-aeh out and move with at
tractive elasticity.
These combinations of size and gait ,
combined with good looks , have been so
dillicult to secure , with a reasonable uni
formity ot success , that what do wo see
as the result * Nothing less than that a
huge propoitmn of our city nurrlago
teams are bred in pint from the two lead
ing diaft-horso strains , perhaps most fre
quently from the Porclioron , beeauso pos
sibly ftom the loss surplus hair upon the
legs , and for some strains of the Fronch-
bied horse , wo got something quite a rome -
mo\ Irom the strictly draft horse , with a
height of sixteen hands and a weight of
twelve bundled or thiitoen hundred
pounds , with a clover amount ot good
looks , an intelligent disposition , free
at his work , and , withal , a pretty free
stopper , being able to go along at a gooil
business gait say eight or ton miles an
hour. Now , a horse ot this sort never
comes amiss. Ho is rarely , if ever , so
mettlesome as not to bo well adapted to
all classes of f.irm work and teaming ,
and in every sense to nialco au o.xccllont
"all-work" horso.
If the farmer confines his efforts to
breeding a heavy class of horses , the
sires used being hi'st-class and the dams
good country mares , ho will got a stiong ,
growtliy lot ot colts , good tcedors and
liardy , because pretty much all fresh
crosses made in this way new blood
being used - will bo lound to result m
producing young stock possessing extra
vitality and vigor , such as will show
t-trong , clastic motion at all ages and at
oveiy gait , giving in growth a good re
turn for yjo food thoV consume. It ho
hapi'ioTi's foliavo among ids brood mares
one or more that are well-bred , of other
strains than draft , having respectable
si/.e and good action , the kind of a sire
wo speak of will , trom such marcs , quite
generally biing _ souicUuiiir t"'Uer than
will IJQ ( foouieu to nioro farm drudgery ,
or to hauling brick or stone about the
slroots of acit.y ; in other words , the class
of hoisos that nro wanted for heavy
family carriages are likely to spring from
this union of nice , up-headed , good-sized
maics and the Illioat.lookers and the best
stoppers of the class rotcrrod to. The
heavy horse necessarily has power , because -
cause his mere weight is an unvarying
source ot power when lie loans forward
in the collar , llonco. is you breed in
such manner as will always give weight ,
you are pretty sure to got no property
that you will have practically to give
away , as h so commonly done with much
of tiio runty , mongrel stock Iqrood elY in
third-class markets in the cities of the
Healthy Hogs.
It has boon pretty definitely proved
that liltb , impure water , anil general
want ot care are largely conducive to
epidemics of so-called liog cholera , a
number of diseases lung , intestinal ,
and blood diseases going under that
name when moro than usually
fatal. In view of the fact
that water-courses and ponds arc
especially low this season , owing to the
drought , these who have droves of hoas
should bo especially careful that swine
do not got water from those sources.
Such water will bo moro than likply to
carry the germs of malignant disease.
The ucttcr plan would bo to use only the
water of wells , even at the expense of
considerable extra labor. In addition to
this great care should bo used that all
the Biirioundings bo kept poifoctly clean.
No less important is adivcifity of food.
The man who places his dependence on
corn as a diet for hogs , old and young ,
is generally the lirst to suH'or vrhon mal
ignant diseases become epidemic. Swine
are not only gregarious in their habits ,
but they are dependent upon a variety
of food , and cannot bo kept on ono sin
gle aiticlo even as well as other farm
animals. The sagacious man will easily
understand the neeesMly of changing
the grain food of swine , as well as mip-
plying a daily quantity of vegetable food.
This may consists of any plants the hogs
will eat , including clo\or. So far us
roots are concerned artichokes ami po
tatoes will bo indicated , and if swine can
bo allowed to gather those for themselves
so much the better. At the first symp
toms of disease the fouler should look
to the surroundings and remove all the
animals to clean pastures , separating the
sick from the well.Vhen we find
drooping ears , low hanging head , diar-
rha ) , vomiting , rapid breath , and an
aversion to light , the hog is fur on the
road to death.
Two Ends of Farming.
Without good seed there cannot bo the
most successful farming , for however
good the cultivation , It is partially thrown
away on imperfect seed. As well n& mav
one expect to get high costo animals
from scrub stock. Yet selection of per
fect seed requires less care than the se
lection of superior brooding stock.
Nevertheless , the man who prepares the
soil carefully ami cultivates well an in
different seed , is a bettor farmer than ho
who Is careful in the selection of soc-d
and cultivated iiulill'unmUy , just as the
man is more successful who feeds com
mon stock liberally than ho who neglecla
the proper feeding of improved stock.
Seasonable Hints and Suggestions ,
It is useless to attempt to keep fowls
profitably without giving them j/ood at
A few tubs of poor butter in an Iinoico
may bring the average price down bo'ow '
the line of profit.
The pigs farrowed last spring if kept
on clover will weigh nearly as much at
Christinas as those farrowed last fall ,
Milk is good for chicks even in the hot
weather ot August , lint do not sot out
enough at once to last two or ihrco days.
Encourage the poultry lo forage in
grain and hay fields after harvest. Uivo
a light breakfast nnd nothing until ecu
At this season , if young chicks nnd tur
keys droop , the lieu may bo the causn ,
Whenever a young ono is sick o.xamino
closely for Jico.
Do not ovoifood the young pigs. Lot
them make all the growth possible , but
do not attempt to make them fat. Fat in
bummer should bo avoided , A good moderate -
orate condition is best.
Plow the wheat land early fco as to get
it in good condition before seeding timo.
Many crops of wheat nro injured by hurry
when preparing the land. A line seed
bed is of great importance with wheat.
Tarred paper applied to ( ho outside ol
the building and exposed to all kinds ol
weather , II put on with care , will last
two seasons. Tarred paper ap
plied to the inside of buildings will bo of
some service in piotuctitig fowls against
towla should never bo allowed in
barns , stables or carringo-houso. Their
hou ca should bo fumigated by burning
half a pound of .sulphur every spring and
fall , w lillo the fowls nro out for the day ,
and be well aired betoro roosling-tlme.
Throughout the entire year turkeys
are salable in lesser quantities , for the
city hotels and restaurants chiolly , and
[ here i no kind of common poultry , per-
liaps that will a\crage the A ear through
iicttcr or steadier in price than will llieso
line fowls.
On thousands of farms where sheep ,
.intuolcsted . by dogs , might ghe suds-
factory profit In safest , besides adding to
'eitility of the soil , the privilege is denied
by piowling canines tlut arc a ciir-.e to
igrieuHuro worse than thought or the
meanest Insect post.
A calf that runs with its dam is seldom
nfllieteil with scours. It then nlwnysgets
U milk warm , sweet , often , but In small
lliantltios When raHud by hand , however -
over , the calf usually gets Its milk cold ,
mtl It may bo sour , while the time of
feeding Is irregular. Hy conforming to
: ho natural conditions as nearly as possi-
Lilo the scours imy be avoided.
While It 18 necessary to .see that the
chicks have plenty of nliatle tluring the
teatcd portion of the daj and protection
from chillncss dining the cool nights ,
their diet must bo specially attended to.
All laxative ai tides .should be avoided ,
ind as prevention 1 < bettor than curethis
must bo observed fiom the time they are
ible lo out.
The hogs should have undispulnd sway
in the orchard tluring the trull season ,
and they will oat up all the fallen ami
wormy upplo.s , ami hunt out many of the
iriibs , oto. , which are injurious to the
; reos. In this way they destroy many of
.ho enemies of sound fruit and .sound
TOGS and in other wnj's greatly bonelit
Save all the manuro. A quarter of a
century ago many western farmers
lumped their manure In the rh nrs , not
supposing that manure or foitill/ors
would ho required , but the question of
fniUllziirsls now being discussed as well
.is the best methods ot ic.storing fertility.
K\ cry farmer should make it a point
to light the weeds. To got rid of the an
nual vatiotics all that Is necessary is to
cut them oil" before they sectl. These that
ire perennial require moio work , but
may bo destroyed by persistently cutting
: hcm down during the prevalence of a
lot , dry spell. Some of thorn may re
quite being dug up by the roots , but any
abor that may Cm bestowed on their
eradication , will bo a saving in the
The Into Professor Dick found that a
torso not working could bo kept in fair
condition on twelve pounds 01 hay and
live pounds of oats : but whore a .good
amount of work had to bo done it re
quired fourteen pounds of hay and four
teen pounds of grain. Horses used for
very last work are fctj considerably more
gram as much as eighteen pounds , or
jvon twenty pounds wlioro they are con
tinuously ompjoycd and have < o bo kept
in pnmo ooiidition.
"Why Is It
That the sale of Hood's S.irsaparilla con
tinues at such a rapidly increasing rate ?
1st , Hooause of the positive curative
value of Hood's Sui > apanlla itself.
2d , Because of the conclusive evidence
of remarkable cures ollected by it , unsur
passed and fcoldom equalled by any other
medicine. Bond to O I. Hood & Co. ,
Lowell , Mass. , for book containing many
statements of cuios. _
Richard Oliver nnd Mary Swain , who
saitl they were from Brighton , N. ! . , ap
peared In Itnlliiuoru tlic other day , ami
with the aid of three now.spapor ropoit-
ois they got a marriage license and found
a parson , the editor of the Hnltimoro
Methodist , to marry thorn. Then they to surprise their friends in
Brighton as Mr. and Mrs. Oliver.
An Unl'nllliii ; Remedy.
Drandrcth's Pills - orinili
cure dj-S | cpsia ,
gostion , headache , pain in the shouldois ,
coughs , tightness of the chest , dizziness ,
Four stomach , bail taste in the mouth ,
billions attacks , palpitation of the heart ,
iullamation of the lungs. Pain In the
region of the kidneys , and a hundred
other painful symptoms are the offspring
of dyspepsia. Ono or two pills every
n ight for a weckaro sullieicnt.
To kill ono fly in March is estimated to
bo as good a work as killing 8,100,000,000
in August , the increase and multiplica
tion of the fly population being figured i\e
follows : Ono fly on the 20th of iMarcn is
represented by ' 00 on the IMth of April ;
by ai)0 ) times : ; i)0 ) , equaling ! l,000 , on the
2Nth of May ; by 27,000,000 on the 2d of
July , and by 8,100,000,000 on the 8th of
August. _ _
Bon ton's Ilnlr Grower
All who aio UA M ) , all who nro benniln&
J5ALL ) , all who do not waul to hn bild , all
wlio are tiotibled with DANUUUKF , or
H'011l > iG of the scalp ; should use Demon's
HalrOiowor. Kinurv 1'uu (5ixr : of those
using It li.ivo stowii ; hair. It never lalls to
stop the hair from tailing. Through sickness
anil levers the hair bomotlmus falls olC in a
shoit time , ami although the pel son mar
linvorcminliii'd b.ilit for jears , If you use Hon-
ton's Hnlr tSrower according to diiectlons
jou nio.suro of n piowtli of hair. In hun
dreds of cases wo Imvo pioduccd a coed
Ciowtli of Hnlr on tlioso who have Itecn bald
and ulnzetl for years wo have iiilly oubstan-
tlnti'tl the following farts :
Wo grow Hair in 80 cases out of 100 , no
mailer howlnn bald.
Unlike other preparations. It contains no
mi par of lead , -vegetable or inlncial
Ittsn sx'clllc | for falling hnlr , dandiuT ( ,
ntul Itching of the scalp.
Tha Hair ( Srowur Is a h.ur food , and Its
( imposition Is almost exactly HKO the oil
which supplies the litilr with Its vitality.
When the skin Is vciy twitch and Hard , anil
the folllco Is nppnrenfly eftertunlly closed ,
the single strength will sometimes fall to
reach tno papilla ; In such cases the double or
triple hticnxth should bo used in connection
with the single , inlir , ' them alternately.
Price , alimlo strength , Si.oo : double
btreimtii , S-.00 ; tilpln strenKth , S3.00. U
your druggists liiv" : not ; ; i > t It wo will send It
prernred on reonipt of jwinn.
Oluvolaiid , O.
Sold by 0 , I' . Goodman nnd Kulm & Uo.
loth and Domrlastti \ \ ami Cumtnvs
A husband reading , while life wife
near him sal ombroldorlng a pair of slip-
porn , remarked : "What surprises there
are in statistics. A ( ionium physician
aflirms anil proves by figures that half of
fho fiiinalo sex are touched with insan
ity. " "Ho is right,1 , re-plied the wife
dry ) , "for moio than half the women
provo It by getting maarled. "
Prepared with elrlct re ? ri3 to I'urlty , Strength and
lltbllbfulntti nt. 1'rico't linking I'owilur ronlnlnt
no Aindonla , IJoieor Alunl. Dr Prlco'i Krtrxt ) : * ,
\ ai Ilia , I.riiionOrancc , etc. , nnvur dellclouij ! ,
ffitCt BAKllia POWUCK CO. , CMcajo anJ Si. LvJf.
l'rnfp < oror Mrrtlrlnc nt Urn llotnl fnlrpMltT !
Ktuslit nf the Uoynl An.truin Dnlor of Uiolnin
I ronn Knulit Ommnmlor of Ilia Uovnl M > nnl < li
Onlornt Ivtliolln Kmulittif the Hornl I'riiMlnnUi *
rtoroftliPUiMKujlc.fliOYaUcr of tlio LWJU of
llnnof.rtc rtc , unrn
"I.KIIIUI IMS rot'V IIIJMV T0.MO § ltonM not bo
rnnfiiiiiiiloil Hit tlio homo of tm hjro ro 1K Kl
In no Ptno of ilia noriln i-nlcnl rrmcrtr , I nm thor
< > UBlil convi-r .iiit vrltli lt mo lo of f > M > | inrntlon ml
know It lota not only n Iralttmnto plinrmnrrnllrnl
iinxlurt t'litnlviwortfivof ' the high comniotiilnllom
II lunrrroiviMl In nil i'ut of the orM It
I'Mpiirp of Hoof ( 'iira.Uuininp lion mnl r | i nrn ,
wlildi nrc iliwnlxeJ Hi | mr gonulno 9 | > inNt liiiiorh | (
I r < "v n Miprr v
Imnliutilutonll wtionro Uvm Pnwn Xi < rvon . l > i .
ppfillr , IIIHotK , MnMrlom or nnictvil with wc.ik Mil-
noyj. in \UKnr I Mir \TIIIX.
Her Majesty's Favoritio CosmeticGlycerlM
I'v Her llo.Tfvl lllc1ni < > Mlu < Prince's of
Mini tlin nolilllty Kor Iho Miln , ColniilPtlon , linn *
' Of <
1.IKIIU1 ro\s ( irmilnn Syrup of Hnr imrllln. li
Kuat.uilt'cil nf tlio I'on Nirtaimrllln In the innrkou
Ourlni : to the illiuonnl nlaatlclty of tlio cloth will fit
perfectly tttfl time worn llvqulrcs no breaking In.
Money returned by roller nllor liolng worn ten uBT
If nnt found thn tnntt ,
rr.KKRrr riTTixo , iirAi/t'urwi.
nnil Conilbrtuliln ( orsot over mini Boa tbnt the
Vdttal stamp In on InnMo of Goisct. Bold br all
dealers. CUOT'l'Y UUOU. , Cblcnao. ill.
* A Homo iiml Tiny School for YoutiH
I.mllcs , ro-opt'113 wr. ; I. DellKhtlully tltimtod
( it ) ncnrirotown lli > l > flits. Imo grounds. Kti-
litrjfoil ncroiiimoilniioiis
MiBSljAIUiU , iflinistt : ! 91. . Washington , D.O.
_ _
Elm City Military Institute ,
Vioiiaiutoi ) lor collcso or fur liutlnoM. rot-
term * otc , mnil > lo WII.UAM II. STOWE
l'ilncl | > iil , ir > 7o Cfmiit'l t-t. , Now lliuon , Coi n ,
P. BOYfiB"&ca
, ,
and JaU Work.
1020 Fainam Street , O.uaba. Neb.
10 days by lift
. . _ -atnctloJlclC (
- - - - - ; -
1 ruicomlilri ( il. lluarnntcfilliio
only ono In \vniMfren&ratln/t /
nconttnuoin I'lrftrlctt Stnfjnetla
'currft. Splcntltle , ronerful. Iiunblp ,
/Comfortable mid r.fTocilTO. Avoid rriunl- * .
Oreril.nonciiroil. fl mlFtimnroi nnniphlot.
Kthauitoil Vitality , Nervouianrt I'lnnlcal Dulillltr
1'rumituro Decline [ n Mini , Error * nf V.nuli , nnil Ilia
uutolil mlsorlos rosultliiK from Indiscretion mnl or-
cvMnoa. A book for over } innn , younij , inhMlu iiEOil
nnil old. It contains 123 prasrrlpllnni for nil Moitonnil
DironladlM ! i cs , oacli nna of which U lnr.Unlbo. : ! So
found bytlio author wlinio Clpcrlonco foril yeirsU
Huch ua probnbly never lioforo foil tn thn lot ( if nnr
nliyBlclnn ; > W iniKoa lininirt In bountiful French mils *
( In , umbos'orl covcru , full iillt , ciuininU'eJ lo ba n linn-
work In every BOIIHO marluinlciil , lltcnirynnn profov
luniil-thim imy ether work In this country 1'ur tl ! a ,
or the inonoy will bo icfumlccl In urury tnntiuico.
I'rlcoonly Jl ny ninll , poitmild , llliiHtrnti > il lamplo ,
Ific. Knnil nnir. tlulil mciltil in\'unlcl ( liio Htuliur tiy
nhoNntloniil Medical Amoclutlon , to tlio Hon. A. 1' .
Illsaoll , nnil nviortnia onicors of tlio uuimt the ro ttlor
H respectfully ruftfirnl.
Tim Bcli-noo of l.lfo l < worth morn tn Hie ynum nmt
. incnuf thltKcnoniUon thnnnll the no ) I
mlncH of Cullfnrnl t nn < l Iho Bluer mlnoi ot Naruila
oi'iiblnccl. ' C , K Ohrimlclp ,
Tim Kclonco nf l.lfo polnls nut tlio mok < and quick.
wuirts on which the ( .oiHtltutliin nnil hopeiof mmy
nyiiuiin mini huvo boon lat illy wrecked. MiuclioUir
The Science of l.lfo Is of Bientcr vnlno . thnn . . nil the
Jlcal worliipubllslifld In tills country for tlio just
o un AUiintu ConHlltutlon.
ThoHclonco of l.lfo Is n siiperh nnil mtitlPrly trmt-
no on nervous nnil plijslonl ilomlliy. Detroit Kro9
Aild'ri'ss the rontiocly Moillcul lii'lltnte , or Or. W.
H. I'uricor , No 4 llullllncli street , llostoii , MUM . wlio
m -hn uonsnllocl on nil dcio.'iaru ro'inliliu ' aklil mill
ciporlonre. Clirnnlo nnil iib''j Olsu laon Unit
hnu banioil tlio bklll of ollior i > liy < lcliinii u upoti-
Inlty Mi h trouteil miuoinf illy witlnnu uny In-
Bum oof ( ulluio , .Mention Uiniilm llco .
( inn. T. Arinbi list,2201 Cuinliiir st ,
I ) . H. IJowinim , 1:17 I'liiniiiii st.
Joh lIunilo.UlUT C'umliiK si-
Ilciiimn Kuncln , ( I1U Houlli lOtli Bt.
O. l.iuiirons : Boiilli KllliBt.
W. K , Htool/ ( I , lltil Hownid fit.
M. I. . VllM Scotnn , 1B1B Doild ) Rt ,
0. W. SUopnr.fiO ; Houth litli , St.
Uutunlly llullt. Noir
The Tremont ,
j. c.'.itAU ) & KON , rroptiu
Cor. till niul I'rita , Lincoln , f > > ol > .
nates fl.50 per ilny. t'treol cars from l.uuo to nnr
rnrl of the city.
Architect ,
ortiros S ) , ainiul 42 , Hl'-lianls lllook , Lincoln ,
Neb , I'.luvatoruulltli
llri'mlor ol r of
Live Stock Auctioneer
Suloj rimilo In till imila or tlio II B. atfulr
ruteH. Hooiu S , hliito ItlOLl ; , Lincoln , Ncit.i
Golldwiiy urn ) Short Hum bulls for snlo.
Farm Loans and Insurance ,
Crrrcsuonilpiicoln tolo-uis wjil
Jlo-jin ( , lii.'liurJi llioi-k , J < ! 'iu'jl'i , > "uj. !
Biversicle Short Hoxns
Of strltH ) puKi Hull's niul fluids Ti'iip
Hunt iiiii'li"i : j itlioiit i i huH'l.
lanilll'M ii'pri'ii'iili il : I'llbsiU. ,
Acoiulu , ItuilItK. llouiof SIniionK , MDS.I I In 04 ,
Hnlirlitl > llnuliiSspj , 1 Inl t'runk Vutinir Mnryi ,
i'liylllitiiii , I omui iiml 'J i uu 1 OVCA
) | " 1U for said. 1 ( 'tun Unit's I'llljoit.l I'uio
lluli a Cruxun. 1 Itosimr riliiiuin , 1 Yoiinir Mrry.
1 I'uio Cinlck HiiniK nnil oiluiis l iiino mid
Insiifct tlio licrl. Aiiihesc , UUAH. M llltAN-
bOX , Liiiculti , Kol ) .
Wlion in Lincoln stop nt
National Hotel ,
And eel u ooJ dluuur for 'Oc ,
J.A I'UDAWAY 1'icji