THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FRIDAY , AUGUST 20. 1880. THE DAILY BEE. PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING. TEHM3 OP StniSCRtPIIOS : bnllr Ofornl.Df EMItlon ) Including Bundnr BKR , Onn Ycnr . . . . . $1001 ForSI * Montln . fi in ! > > ! Three Month * . 350 Tim Oinnlm Bxmlny IlKC.mrillol to tiny nddrois , Uno YUM. . , . ZOO CTMATU omrr. No. on AXM flit . NKW YottK orrtr-E. Hmiti . TIIIBI'.VK lim.mvti. WA ni.MITO.X OmCTI , NU.fil.lKol/UteBXTIlSTIlkKT. crtnnr.srosrtr.scE ! All rommunlcUioni rotatltiK to nowa find fldl- tnrlnl mnltor should be uJUiossoU to the I'M- Ton or TUB Ilr.t : . iiusi.Nces unrnrw All lni > lno < U'tter ' < nitilri'mUUnem should tin fuldrovcd to Tun line 1't'iii.isntsn I'IIMI-INI' , OMAHA. Drufts , chocks tuid po tolllro orilnrs lobomnJotmyulilo to the order at the comicui } ' , THE BEE POBtlSHliniPW , PBOPRIEIOHS , K. HOSEWATKIl , KniTon. Till ; DAIIiV ItliK. Bworn Stntcinont orClreuliUlon. Htnto of Nebraska , 1. Coiinlv of DwiKla * . I " * s- ( leo. II. TMclinck.sccrt'tnryot the IIcc I'nb- llslilniz cotnpnnv , ( lees solemnly swear that the ncttml circulation ot the D.tllv lira for tlic weak imdliiK AUK. Htli , IssO , was as followsf Kntunlny , 7th 13 , V > Monday , 01 h 12.0-5 Tiic. < lny. 10th 12 , " 0 Wednesday , lUli l--W Tlmrmlay , mth W'AV ) 1'rldav , Wtli I'J--iOO ' Sunday , 8th UVI30 Average 12,425 ( lio. : II. T/.sciiuch. Subscribed nnd nworn to lifiii-o ( ! mo tills Hth day of August , 1SSO. N. 1 * . Kin. : , fhKAi.,1 Notary Public. Goo. U. Tzschnck , lielnj : first duly poses nnd says ( lint he Is sc'cnstnryof the Ilco ] 'iilll8hlic ! comiwny. tliat thu artnal avcranc dally circulation of the Dally Heo for tlic inontli of Jniinarv , IWi , wan 10,378 copies ; for February , 1WlO.Wtt copies ; for March , tSO , 11.KJ7 copies : for April , 1 > 0 , 11J.1U1 copies ; for Slav , iS-Sfi , 19.439 cnpit's ; for Juno , 18bO , 12,203 copies ; for July , 18SO , 12,314 copies. ( Jio. : IJ. T/SCHUCK. Subscribed nnd f\voin , to boforu inc. this Sd tlay of August , A. IX 1SSO.N. N. 1' . KBIT. , i , . | Notary Public. To Our I'ntrons. Ill order to avoid coinjjllcftlton * In our account * with xnhscrl/icrs / we have dct'tilrd t < ) make the subscrlptMi price of the DAILY UKIC $10,00 per annum , l > y mull , for scran twties per week. Parties who desire the Sunday edition only will be sujnillcd at $2,00 per annum. annum.Tin Tin : Br.r. PUIJUBIIIXCI Co. y the city council ! is neodlusfi. No olio who knows Isaac S. Unseal I would over accuse him of keep ing u tllsroimtiiblo house. THKUI : nra notso many louil calls for candidates to pledge lliumsclvcs in opposition - position to Van Wyok ns thorn were n tovf wcoka ago. Why thla lull from the railroad wnr-whoopors ? A SYSTKM of cnblo roads in Omnhu is inovitnblo. It will bo built in bpite of perplexing delays and lojral obstacles. No court of equity will over admit the right of corporationwhatever iln chums , to block the nu'.vch of enterprise iu a growing city. PKKSIDENT CLEVELAND proposes to equal Mr. Arthur's rccoul ns ri tishernian. Ho landed n largo trout from Adirond ack waters yesterday ana gave the news out at 'onco to the press. The honest operator out down the weight two pounds and forwarded the item. In changing the ordinance fixing the nalarios of tjio board of vnblio works the pay of tbo members , except the chair man , has been doubled. Let us trust that the inferior members will do double duty. Up to the present time they have acted us if they wore bored of public works. CIIUHCH HOWE is again signing the pledge , llo has pledged himself and the Ncmnlm delegation to every candidate for oflico on the stuto ticket , and to sev eral who propose to run in llio senatorial ruco. Church's cheap generosity , as n pledger , ndmitsof no competition. TIIK Now York Sun , which shines for nil but ( Jrovcr Cleveland , is attacking the president for giving his assent to the oleomargarine- . The Sun must look for its reward to the grease and soap-fat makers. The farmers and consumers of butter , who number n few millions or so more , will not fall in line to bask iu the rays of Mr. Dana's paper. Tin : seerotary of war has sot aside 53,000 from the barracks uud quarters fund for repairs at FortOmahaaml$1,800 for Immediate repairs at Fort Kobtnson. The money for the now buildings at. the frontier posts will bo sot aside from the $200,000 appropriated for this'purpose in the sundry civil bill. The now post , Du Chcsno , in Utah has boon given $25,000 to provide temporary quarters for the troops , comprising eight companies re. contly ordered to that cantonment. HBLKAST is quiet , but it is feared that it Is the peace that comet of temporary exhaustion : md not that which follows conquered hates and burned-out pas * flions. The unhappy condition pro duced the troubles nro still present , ag gravated by the ruin that ha * boon wrought nnd the consequent privations and hardships which many must aufl'ur. Time may intensify those , and nsBthoy grow harder and moro tin- bearable the spirit of hostility and re- Yongo will grow with them. Only the strong arm of power can bo depended upon to prevent a recurrence of the .1. events which have devastated Belfast. MH , CLEVELAND isn't reading news papers at present. He Is engaged in the much more enjoyable business of catch ing trout and entertaining his mother-in- law. Hut if ho were keeping himself posted on current opinion ho would lind something of surpassing interest in the Now York World of last Monday. That journal having boon charged by a G l- vcston paper v/ith a desire to throw Clovelaxid overboard and push Hill to llio i'ront as a presidential candidate , the M'orM replies bluntly that "if a state convention had to elect delegates to-day it would unanimously endorse Mr , Cleve land's administration but elect Hill dele gates , " It asserts that the friends ol Governor Hill control the party organisa tion In New York completely , and or- presses the bolinf that 1m can make him self invincible in the next state conven tion. There can bo no doubt that the World describes the present situation correctly. Will Col .color Magono bo ( iblu to turn the tide ? It is Democratic Mnilc. There was a great deal of democratic music In the air of several states on Wednesday , nnd it goes without saying that it was not all harmony. The democ racy of Pennsylvania , Ohio , Michigan ami Missouri held conventions , and the de clarations of these several bodies are of interest both for what they snyaiMlfor what they omit to say. Granting that platform1 ; arc mere promises mitdo to bo kept or broken , M circumstances shall render expedient , and are no longer ro- gnrdcd as trustworthy guide * to party action , still there is no bnttnr means of dotormitiuiK tlin extent of harmony in the principles and policy ot a party than by these utterances of the wings or branches that make up thn organization. The dilVcrenros of sentiment in the democratic party on the tariff , which divided its representatives iu the lower house of congress into bitterly hostile factions , and thn compromising coward ice with which it uniformly approaches this question , are shown in the expressions of Wednesday's conventions. Not one of them touched this subject in a straight forward way nnd without reservation. The Pennsylvania democrats "favor a jtut and fair revision of the revcnuo laws , " which must bo accomplished , however , with great care in observing "a .spirit of luirncss to all interests , " "without depriving American labor of the ability to successfully compete with foreign labor , " and "without imposing lower rates of duty than will DO ample for any increased cost of production which may exist in consequence of the higher rates of wages prevailing in this community. " Mr. Handall nnd the democrats who are with him ought to bo entirely satisfied with this. The most radical protectionist could not reasona bly desire more , The conditions are just those which the protectionists have always urged , nnd which have proved n sure obstacle to a revision of the tariff iu the interest of the whole people. Hut this is moro pointed and explicit than the declaration of the Ohio democrats , who are content with demanding "a thorough nnd just revision of the ex isting tariff laws , " while these of Michi gan ro-afllrm the worn nnd worthless platitude "that taxation for other purposes than revenue is robbery. " Is there in all this n single assurance war ranting faith that the democratic party will lessen the burden of taxation that rests upon the peoploj On the no leas important silver ques tion tlio democrats of Pennsylvania wore ominously silent , while the Ohio demo crats denounced as a "monstrous injus tice" the attempt to discriminate against silver in favor of gold , and these of Mich igan pronounced in favor of the free coinage - ago of silver. On this question the west ern democrats are distinctly divided from those of the east , as they nro also regard ing the application of the treasury sur plus to the payment of the public debt , which was endorsed by the conventions of Ohio and Michigan , and ignored by that of Pennsylvania. Civil service re form receives no attention cither in the Ohio or Michigan platform , but gets an indirect endorsement in the Pennsylva nia document from which thu supporters of that policy can derive very little com fort. In the Missouri convention the most notable circumstance was tiio speech of Senator Vest , who denounced Ran dall , declared in favor of filling all the oflicos with democrats , and thanked God that he in a bourbon. All of which goes to prove that the democratic party IF the same old politi cal charlatan that it has always been , and is running in the same old ruts. A False 1'roplict. Mr. Charles A. Dana , editor of the Sun , who is a strong opponent of the ad ministration , predicts that Mr. Cleve land's chances for a ronominatiou iu 1888 will bo oven slimmer than they nro in 18SO. Mr. Dana inserts the editorial knife in the presidential ribs by assert ing "that Mr. Cleveland lias entirely ful filled the expectations that were formed of him by the republicans and the no- party men , and especially by the mug wumps ; ho has also fulfilled the oxppc.tii- tions of the democratic rcvoltcrs , and has thus justified their revolt. Ho has donu wisely in getting married , and in spite of the pun-electric absurdity and jobbery ho has been on the whole a well-meaning president. At the same time ho has car ried out his own ideas without regard either tojho democratic party or the dem ocratic platform on which ho was nomi nated , and has made himself independent and a kind of autocrat in the presidency. Thus , whatever his admirers may say of the general honesty and dignity of his administration , it has not been designed to satisfy thu democracy , and it has not satisfied them. Accordingly , they cannot bo expected , unless great changes should take place within the next year , to ro- nominate Mr. Cleveland in 1888. The idea that they may be compelled to re- nominate him by the pressure of outside hcntimont will not wash. " Thin is caustic , but is not borne out by political conditions. It may bo sot down as a certainty that the democracy will rcnominato as tlinir candidate , two years hence , the man who will pre sumably poll the biggest aggregate vote aud who will run the strongest ohancu of carrying Now York state. Unless all signs fail , Mr. Cleveland will come nearer to filling the bill than any other presi dential timber in the demouratio lumber yard. Ills financial views have benn carefully adapted to the interests of Wall street. Ills civil service reform preten sions have boon bonny to the men milli ners of thn mugwump school , Tilden , Hancock and MoClellan are out of the field forever. John Kelly , his bUlorest opponent , and Hubert O Thompson , of the county democracy , are dead , Within n year's time death has swept the Hold of competition and loft Mr. Cleveland practically alone in the raco. Mr. Cleveland was the Moses who led the bourbons out of the land of Kgypt into the scats of their forefathers. Unlike Moses hn got there himself at the same time. There la little danger that ho will bo repudiated If ho wishes to strive again for tlu > captaincy o ( the democratic hosts. There are not euough successful soldiers in his party to make the contest an inter esting one. Another time , however , Mr , Cleveland U not likely to have as vulner able an opponent. The signs of the time poiut to either John A. Logan or John h'horman ns the candidate with whom ho will bo asked to cross swords , Kithor would prove a more formidable opponent than Mr. Ulatno under present conditions. Mr. Dana is wrong. Ho long ngo Jest caste a. " u political prophet. iRSUie oleetuw of GrjcJoy Ja 1873 rer"rraara and ft largo vote for Hen Hutlor m 1S3I did not add to his fame. Mr. Dana Is a much better jtidco of oriental brie a- brae than of American political junk. lilts It on the Head. A local correspondent of the HKK , who adds the qualification of being a heavy shipper to that of being a man of brains , writes that the only solution ot the rail road problem in Omaha's interests is the construction of lines from this city to the northwest and southwest , owned by Omaha capitalists and operated in the interests of Omaha shippers. Hn de nounces as absurd the proposal to boy cott lines which discriminate ngianst this cily , because sucha move would shut our merchants out from the only trade fa cilities which they enjoy. There is a sound basis of truth in our corre spondent's argument. The plan pro posed would bo the best If it wore at once practicable. Omaha capi talists , like all other investors , liavo an eye single to the mntn chance. If they built railroads , they would do so to mike money from the investment. The chances arc that such roads would not remain long in the hands of the original owners. The Omaha & Southwestern was built to afford the city an entry into the south west. Within a few years its construc tors found it moro profitable to sell than to hold , and passed it into the hands of the Hnrllngton & Missouri. The Omaha t Northwestern was constructed to af ford an outlet to Northern Nebraska. Several years ago it was secured by the Northwestern and has since been used to beat out the brains of Omaha trade. If the 15. & M. and Northwestern systems could bo paralleled with assurance of good profits on the investment the move would doubtless bo one which would so- euro for this city its share of a trade which it is quite able to hold. The construction of a line from Omaha up the Klkhorn valley is , however , feasi ble and would pay well. At present wo are completely cut off from that section. The policy of the Northwestern road is one of steady discrimination against this city. Freight Agent is its spokesman , and ho loaves no stone unturned to divert tralllc from Omaha to points on the main line farther east. Wo know whereof we assert when we dcclnro that freight has been laid down as cheaply from Chicago to points on the KlKhorn Valley line as they have from Oisaha. , Tj-,5 tylW Of I'pbales "and drawbacks lias covered the operation of this system of destroying trade with our city , b ut it has gone on steadily un der cover of n fair tariff sheet. Hates tire against our merchants , and with rates against them eastern drummers hold the field , A direct line up tlic Klkhorn val ley from Omaha would take nearly oyery pound of freight from local shippers who are justly indignant witli the attempts which tlic Northwestern has made to shut them out of their trade territory , It could bo built much more cheaply to im portant points than a line which would parallel the Hurlington nnd which if built woula bo equally welcomed by our merchants. The suggestion of our correspondent that final relief can only come from roads controlled in Omaha's interests , hits the nail on the head. The Usual Complaint. The mid lie of August always marks the height of building activity in Omaha. This irf accounted for by the difficulty ex perienced every spring in obtaining brick. The brick-yards fail every year to carry over from llio fall before enough brick to till the contracts which begin to accumulate in the spring. As a consequence quence building is dolaydd except wliero provision has beun made for brickmonths in advance of construction. Just at present the most important buildings in Omaha have only commenced to get under full headway , viz : the new Paxton building and the two bank build ings , which will bo the largest on Farnam street. A score of other structures have bei-n greatly delayed by lack of bricK and dragged along during the early sum mer waiting for the yards to catch up with their orders. It is to be hoped that our brick makers will learn from experience that manufac turing for present requirements only is a penny wise and pound foolish policy. If the yards nro running up to their capacity during the building sea son , they should bo enlarged sufficiently to lay up ti surplus for the spring do- maud. In case tlic brick makers cannot see their interests in this light , they should be given a dose of competition which will make them understand that village brickyards cannot control and dominate n city of 80,003 people. What Omaha needs , and needs badly , is an es tablishment for making brick which will start in with capital enough and plant enough to accommodate the public , and break the monopoly.'which controls the briok business in this city. Such an in stitution would meet with n generous support. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Mic. POWDKICLV is outspoken in his denunciation of the anarchist element , and has declared that ho will not tolerate their presence in the organization of which ho is the head , The forthcoming convention of the Knights of Labor promises to bo important , and perhaps nothing it will do will bo of greater sig nificance than the determination of the question whether the influence of Mr. Povvdorly remains as strong as it has been. Wo noted a little while ago some utterances credited to that gentleman which wore a good deal of a departure from thn judicious and conservative language ho had before used , and there have been occurrences since then indicat ing that his uuthorityuml inlluenco had lost respect in some localities. Ho may find that the seed ho scattered at two or three points since the Cleveland conven tion bavo brought forth fruit not to hU advantage or to that of the order over which he presides. His indiscreet utter ances , not far removed from these in which the socialists nnd anarchists in dulge , mnyrnturn to plagtio him at Rich mond. Nevertheless ho la right in Ma denunciation of the anarchists and their destructive principles , and all good citi zens will wish him success in every effort to keep the Knights of Labor free from the influence and contact of this danger ous and despicable element. American workingmcif should repudiate them as the worst foe to their interests and wclfuru. - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . THE opening proceedings of the Irish National League convention were of a character to gratify the friends of Ire- Innd't or.utio cverywhe.'o. They showed that the foremost men q'f the body have a proper sense of the 'slgnlticAtico and Import anco of the convention In the moral influence it irtay txert. and of the great responsibility thai rests upon the body not to impair this Inlluenco by reck less speech and ill-considered notion. The address of Patrick 'Ktfnn was a mod erate , judicious appeal for harmony , and that of Judge Fit/.gorald a stirring in vocation to patriotic hope and endeavor. These efforts worn.fitly supplemented with a speech of Mr. O'Hrien , ex-mem ber of parliament , Who ! is J present as one of the representatives of Mr. Par- neil , which strengthened the wholesome inlluenco of the preceding utterances. Neither the sneers nor the ridicule of the London press can diminish the interest which this convention everywhere in spires. Kvcry such attention Is an ao- knowlcdgment of the profound concern with which it Is regarded in Kngland that will rather extend and deepen that in terest , nnd is therefore another reason commanding the body to observe wisdom and caution in speech and harmony in action. There is most favorable promise that these requirements will pre vail to the end , and that the result will bo all that Irishmen and the friends of Ireland can wish. TIIK reappointmrnt of Matthews ns recorder of deeds for the District of Col umbia , and of a postmaster at Lynchburg - burg , Vu. , after they had been rejected by the senate , has raised the question whether the president had the right to take such action. An ox-senator is quoted as saying that ho had not. His view was that a rejection by the senate disqunlllics the person rejected from " performing the duties and receiving the trusts and urolits of that certain ollico while the recorded judgment of the senate remains unroversod. " On the other hand a ease la roforrcd to in which President Jackson reappointcd a. re jected candidate , and it was hold by Attorney General ( afterwards chief jus tice ) Tanoy that he had a right to do so. The tenure of ollico act , however , which is now operative , provides " that if the senate shall refnso to advise and consent to an apuointment in the place of any suspended officer , then , and not other wise , the president shall nominate another ( not the same ) person as soon ns practicable to the same session of the senate for the olllco , " The question is , ( lees inls law no\ supersede all previous methods of procedure anil nullify all pre cedents ? Tim kind of improvements that im prove are substantial buildings like these Senator Paddock , Wm. A Paxton aud ethers are creeling on our business streets. These invcstort ) nra far-sighted enough to know that 'substantial ' im provements ! bring in substantial returns. dm : latest fashion in Nebraska is dou ble breasted umbrellas During the drought they were out of style. OtmUENT TCH'ICS. Iiiicky lialdwln has. won , 500,000 in stakes aud purses this year. it is estimated that the wine crop of Cal ifornia will reach SolOOO.OOO gallons , an in crease of 10,000.000 gallons' over that of 18SS , Georgia fruit distillers Wo grinding tip ap ples and peaches and propose to make and sell brandy as usual , In spltp.ot the prohibi tion law , The English war department has succeeded in milking a cannon which cost § 1,000,000 and uses 81,003 worth of ammunition o very- time It is fired. The deposits in the New York city savings banks for the six months oiullng June RO were 38.000,000 greater than for the same period last year. Reports come from St. Louis that the broken health of II. M. lloxlo will force his retirement from the management of the Mis souri I'ixcllic system In favorof Captain 15. S. Hayes. The net profits of General Grant's book are 5000,000 , of which airs. Grant eets SOW.OOO , and Webster , the publisher , 5270,000. T lie subscription price Is 87.50 a copy , and the cost of nianulacturlng and distribution per volume , 51.50. The president and ox-president of the Cen tral American republics of Salvador , " Icar- aijuc , Honduras , Costa Rlcn and Guatemala arc arranging a plan for the union of those states In one confederation , with the ultima tum in view of annexation to the Mexico republic. An officer of the United States army , sent by General Mackon/.lo to Investigate the army of Mexico , reports a standing force of fnrrty thousand men , divided between four great military districts. Ten now batteries of licld guns have oC late years been imported from Franco. Tliuro Is a factory for small arms near the capital. The ofllccrs como from the national military school at Chapultopcc , and the rank and file are the lowest of the peons. The food supply is the simplest in the world. Cnicago Tribune : The Tribune referred a few days ago to the fact that several of the linseed oil mills had closed because It is not profitable to opcrala them at the present prices for seed and product , The aMuatlon Is even worse than then represented. There are unveil of thcso mills in this city , and every one of them Is closed. The high price of llaxsocd as compared with that obtainable for the oil makes it cheaper to remain idle than to work. Ills possible that the recent demand for oilcake by English feeders and the lessoning of stocks during a season of In activity In production will ere long render It proiitablo to resume , > of Mf ? Clovolnml. Here nro n few spoclmyiHl'rom Miss Clove- land's book : f The abyss of theological pedantry. The subtle equities .9 * thjs silent reclpro- Tiio integral deslgnaflh'n l > t this Trinity. The eternal Irresponsibilities. The distracting InipMcnco of Invalldlsm. Verdant with Dcrcmrml rusuircctlnn , Luminous nnclell. mylng'illlmltiibly , Momentary peemln 'iarls > cs to evane.scent views. i , . ThuHamo saturation of , Imagination , An especial roilncd cxploriatlon of bonl. Fruitful contemplation , grandly generic , of man. ' , Capacious curiosity. " Yawned with irreconi'llablo ' divergence. The thunderous vociferations. A showurof auspicious portentx. Hellish aggregations of tap cllquas. Thn vain Tolly of nnsellUh subjectivity. Tim Intrinsic , immutable , Indestructible clement ova pointed. That excessive elaboration which Is the in evitable pereursorof corruption. A sensual sopliUtry emasculating Ideal knlehthoud. A matter of tenuous reciprocity. St. Loulu Had Nothing to Do With It. St , I\nil Vltmctr I'rtu. The Chicago newspapers figure up a popu lation of 703,817 from the school census just completed. They never let a St. Louis man have anything to do with tins annual mathe matical exploit Roroiiliun as an Auxiliary. Geronluuicontluiiui Ills depredations alone liu border without any litsrferonc on ttia part of thd fulled States. Unless tloronlmo is a monster ot Ingratitude ho will boon our side In tlio event ot a wnr with Mexico. Cer tainly wo have never done anything to him ho should turn nsnlnst us on such an occasion. _ _ A Hint to Cleveland. President Cleveland Is preparing to go Into the Adlrondncks to hunt for rest aud qnlut. Ho should post a battery of galling puns nt every possible tiolnt of approach and load the pieces with explosive snubs for oillce seekers. Walt for HIP Outlinij scorns to have been guilty both of libel nnd contcmnt of court while a resident of Mexico and tacitly bound to obey Its laws , HenlToidsa very sliaohy cniiRo for a scrimmage , and It Is better to wait till all the facts are Incontestably known. A Ilroltcti Sword. Awl In Dt > 1 > fnn In Magattnenf Art for Septtmtttr , The shopman shambled from the doorway out And reached It down Snnupcd In the blade I 'T was scarcely dear , 1 doubt. doubt.At half n crown. Useless enough 1 And yet may still bo seen , In letters clear , Traced on the steel In rustv daninMa cn "Povr I'nruonyr. \Vhnso \ was It onco'/ who manned It once In hope Ills falo to gain' . ' Who was It dreamed Ills oystnr-world should opu To this In valuV Perchance with some stout Argonaut It sailedThe The Western Seas ; Pcrchancu but to MIIUO paltry Nyin availed For toasting chcesel Or decked by Heauty on some morning lawn Witli silKcii knot. Perchance , ere nlulit , for Church and King 'twas drawn Peichatico 'twas not.I Who knows or cares1.1 To-day , 'mid foils and gloves Its hilt ito | > cnils , Flanked bv the flavor of forgotten loves Itemombcrod friends ; And oft its legend lends In hours of stress A word to aid ; Or liken warning comes In pulled success- Its broken blade. STATI3 AM ) TIOKIUTOIIY. Ncln-nakii Jottings. Allison has opened a now cooler. York's cannery is enjoying a strike of tinkers. The bars of Hastings pull the blinds at 11 p. in. sharp. A number of prairie fires were nipped by the late rains. The work of enlarging Fort Robinson has already begun , Liberty's now elevator will have a ca pacity ot 120,000 bushels. Two spans of the Phittc bridge nt Gib bon arc resting on the bottom of the river. ( tothnnbnrgcrs express the greatest satisfaction at the steady growtTi of the town. An enterprising thief stole sixty bush els of wheat , from a car between Plutto Center and Columbus. Albion geU the Northwestern extension for a bonus ot $10,000 and the right of way through town. The Klkhorn Valley line is putting in a system of waterworks at Long Pine that will furnish 100,000 gallons of pure spring witter daily. A "shiverco" imrty in Waco belted M ' cans and blow horns till exhausted wit'h drought and disgust and the silence that pervaded the cottage. It was union- anted. The Hastings Trotting association is preparing for an.interesting tall meeting September 21-3. Three thousand ono hundred dollars will be distributed in purses. A street car company has been organ ized in Grand Island , backed by O. H Abbott , II. A. Koenig , O. W. Searlf , I. U. Alters , O. IJ. Thompson , A. 11. Baker , all men of means. The murderer of Lon Adams , in Ne braska City , has so far successfully eluded the officers. They are on a warm trail , however , and expect to uab him before many days. The suit of P. T. Convoy , of Papillion. against tlio Union Pacific for damages for being ejected from a freight train at Valley , has been settled by the company paying ? -00 to Convoy. O'Neill will soon turn loose an amateur minstrel troupe on neighboring towns. Their trade mark is significant , "Kat , drink and bo merry , for to-morrow wo dye. " They are corkers. The Adams county cyclones have been presented witli a handsome pair of silk foul Hags , inscribed : "Hastings Rods Champions of Nebraska 188U. Compli ments of J. Rcnner , jr. " An old and wrinkled codger with the fowl title of Partridge , attempted to marry a thirteen-year-old infant in PhittsmoHth. The jndgp road him the riot act when ho asked for a license. A. 11. Bliss , a brakesman on the I ) . & M. , was stabbed by a tramp whom ho at tempted to eject from the train at Belle- vno , Tuesday nieht , The knife Mas evi dently n small one , and did not do much harm. A fine black horse , saddle and bridle , was stolen from the barn of John Cod- ington , living two miles south of Au burn. The outfit is worth $ ' . ' 00. A re ward of $ 100 has been offered for the cap ture of the thief. Miss Hamy Hannon , of , Grand Island , has hued Fred Winter and his dog for $ JOCO. ) Fred's purp barked at liainy'a nony ami in tlio subsequent confusion llnmy was thrown to the ground nnd seriously bruised. The great toatiiro of the Fairmont fair will be a inulo race in which the olliconi of the association will participate as ridurti. Instantaneous photographs of roar elevations of thorncer will be bikini nnd sold in sets , to pay thu doctors' bills. An Albion young man narrowly es caped hanging last week. Ha wis : lead ing a cow that didn't caru to bo led , and in tlio hippodrome that followed tlio rope became twisted around his neck , break ing the collar-bone aud nearly choking the life out of the unfortunate youth. The sportfl of Hastings and neighbor ing towns have been nursing a sore wiuen their visit to Omaha hist spring. It broke out recently and resulted in tlio organization of the Weatorn Nebraska Sportsmen's association. The first an nual shoot of the club began in Hastings Tuesday. "Say what you will about the climate of northeast Nebraska , " days the Tucuni- sob Journal , "her summer nights chal lenge the admiration of the world. Tired nature hero finds no trouble in securing uwect repose. The moon kisses the earth with dewy lips , the air Is cool and no sooner am the prayora of the people said then the journity to Nod is commenced. " The editor suddenly dropped his pencil and hurled a Pink hum out at the cub for leaving the roller out of tlio ice box. That important utensil had spread itself over the floor like a weary pancake. The Rowdy Wef > t perpetrates the fol lowing : "A Nebraska City young man has adopted n now method of defense and offense. When he takes his best girl out of an ovcning ho avoids the business streets and conducts her to some lonely spot where grows the sweet forget-me- not and rends to tier n lot of rot from some newspaper tolling about the num ber of people who have be.on poisoned eating icv prcam this season. Then ho takes her by the hand nnd begins to tell her how IIP lore.s her , but she gently reminds < minds him that the weather is too hot to talk about things Mill liotior , and as he leaves tier ut her fulhttr'a uat she watches him as ho passes up the strec nnd into : i boor s.nloon , nnd then she spits out a few wads of cotton and sigh as she wonders if life Is worth the llviuj , any more. " Commander Thayor.oflho Grand Islam reunion , notifies uniformed bands ( ha transportation to and from the rounlot can bo had on the following conditions I hose that belong to the State Hand as.o c ation will be furnished with certificates signed by the commander of the camp nnd I , . ( . ' . llawloy , secretary of the Stati Band association , which certificates whet presented to the agents of railroad where the bands are located will entitle them to free transportation to and fron reunion at Grand Island. Alltiniformet bands not membuis of the state nssocia tlon must IIP furnished with certificates from post commanders where the bands are located , setting forth that thev art regularly organized and uulforinei bands , which certllic.itir' , upon prescnta lion to the agents of the railroads , wil entillu tliom to free transportation. town Itoms. T. W. Kintlgh. an expert forger , cs capod from the jail at Wiuterset Ttios day.The The contract for building the water works at Independence has boon lot 1 ho work will bo completed and the Una test made about Thanksgiving timo. The Davenport bakers are at war , am broad is co cheap in that there is some talk of paving the street witli six- inch loaves of Boston brown bread. A Spirit Lake farmer named Rowley mistook a boy's limbs for the backbones of n polecat party and planted a load of buukdhot iu them. Both were badl\ scared. Thn tables wens well turned on a porter in a Pullman sleeper recently. The car stood on the tracks at Des Moincs ovui night ami while the porter was sleeping some one entered and stole his vest , con tnlnlng $0'J. This la believed to be the fir. < t case of the kind on record. Mr , Irwin Partridge , a well-to-do and esteemed farmer , living five miles south east of Charles Oit.v , was so injured by a vicious bull Sunday evening that ho diet during the night. He saiif the animal tossed him several times into the air , ami nuarly ten feet high. Ho leaves a widow and several children. Manager Riley , of the Dos Moines base ball club , received intimation Sunday evening at Mnrslmlltown , after the Des Moines club had wiped up the diamond field with the Marshalltown nine , that a mob had collected to "do him up" anil capture the gate receipts , ? 105. Ho de posited the money in safu hands anil loft without it. In doing so ho missed tin 'bus in which the other boys had taken passage , and another 'bus was sent back tromtliu depot aftur him. A. Rang hail formed nlontlio streets with the inten tion of heaving brickbats tit him as ho rode by , but he laid Hat on the lloor of the 'bus , and in tills modest position made his way to the depot unnoticed by tlio gang. Wyoming. J'ho railroad will bo completed to Douglas this week. There is great scarcity of dwelling houses at Evanston. The Rowdy West has moved from Fct- terman to Douglas. The public sale of town lots in Douglas will begin August 111. A Carbon man has received § 181 50 as bounty for killing 'JC)0 ! ) prairie dogs. The ? ; 50,000 , in bonds issuetl to the con struction Of tlio territorial insane asylum at Kvauston wis ; sold to N. W. Harris , of Chicago , for $33,508. Twelve miles e.ast of Douglas u rail road ucident occurred last week which resulted in the injury of twelve work men , two of whom were not expected to recover. Ten thousand acres of university hinds hnvo boon located inJohnson and Albany comities. This land IK a portion of Uncle Sam's donation to the territorial cduca : tlonnl fund. The Union Pacific has 200,000 soft wood ties at the burneti/.ing works at Laraniiu , whoso they are being treated by the nine- tanning process and made impervious to the action of the elements , Colorado. The rail mill of the Colorado Coal nnd Iron company at Pueblo will start up nnxt month , on orders which will keep it busy for a year. Denver , toughs took in a ranchman , opened a game of poker , robbed him of if.'M ) , then craokod his scalp with u pistol nnd turned him looso. The latest btrikc at the Lake ! enc , at Red mountain , in by far the most sub stantial yet made in the mino. The ore shows 400 ounces of silver and two of gold to the ton. Tlio sale of ( lie Nigger Hill property i > t Bruekenridge has nut fallen through , but is dependent imon the result nt homo de velopment now in progress. St. Louis parties are contemplating tlio purchase , and the price is said to be $300,000. Groeloy's now opera house will bo opened by Mine. Modjeska August ! ! 0. The auditorium is all on one lloor , FO ar ranged by gradual elevation as to com mand a perfect view of tlio stage from any point. The four roomy aisles are free from steps , and the house is divided into a parquet and balcony , furnished with cane perforated folding opera chairs , nil numbered. These in the parquet , 358 in number , are finished in black walnut nnd cherry , and those in the balcony , 270 in number , are of maple. The two pros cenium boxes contain upholstered chairs , making the sealing capacity of the house 588. Algernon , Ida and Julia. Atlanta ( Gu. ) Constitution ; Hero is a story in a paragraph a novel in a nut shell. AlgernonV. \ . Gingham was a dry- goods clerk , out tor his summer vacation' , and hoarding at the lovely homo of Col onel Ransom Bowen in the North Georgia-mountain * . On the third day of July , I860 , Algernon was strolling along the banks of the Clmttahoochn , which ( lowed through the fertile bottoms of thn liou'i'ti home.noad. Suddenly Algernon paused. In a socliulnd nook whore the waters bubbled and gurgled ever u rocky bed. ho imv two hcaittilul girlr who had dotted tnelr dainty slippers nnd were wading ankle deep in the sparkling water. Algernon , who luvd provided hiinsuJf with an $8 photographing outfit , promptly took a picture of a portion of the Bowden homestead , which Incuded the prc.tiy girls. The 3d of July was followed by the 4th , which being Sunday , ws : ; rtuly celebrated by an extra spread ol yellow-logged uhickiuis at the Bowcn household. At that meal Mr. Algeron W. Gingham sat next lo Miss Ida Boweu , who in turn sat next to Her fair cousin , MIHH Julia Ro.s- mary. "I took a delightful tUroll yester day , " said Mr. Glnj'hnm , as ho helped himself to the third piece of "fowl. " "Ah , " said the young ladies in a breath. "Vis , and I took a lovely landscape view Qf the Rocky Bottom shoals ! " The young Jadios blushed scarlet , and the conversation cainti to an end abruptly , On the night of .Iiily-1 , about 8 o'clock , Mr. Algernon W. Gingham and Miss Ida liowcn and Miss Jula Rosmary stood in the starlight. Algernon hold in hid hand i dry plate negative .and was Haying : "I rt'lll give up the picture if I can gel Jithor of tnc ori'jinals. " "Von may take pour choice , " w.ts the response , The Iry plate was handed ovor. Mitw Ida Doweu ground it to atom ? under her lieol. "You show temper ; I'll take you forsoito , " said Algernon. "Kotabitof it ; I'liiKafe , " said Ida. "Then I'll tnko ron , " said Algernon , turning to Julia. 'Nixie , " responded Julia. Thereupon Mgernon W. ( jingnnm w ipt bittcr.Ernld- ng tears and i'isapi ' > c > * rud in tuo durk- \ DOCTOR WHITTIER 017 Nt. Clint-InnNfNM.otilsno. A ri > tftrtr 1atti ot two Uedlent Collriei , tit , bfta 1 < nrtf iDiMi.dlft IhaiptoktlUtttinealor entente. NttTnui. fUm ftnd Utopn Ui'iuss lb n nr otbrrhTileUo iDBULoul * . j 011 ; rfeti ibow fttid ill old mldeoti know. Nervous Prostration , Debility , Mental and Phjilcal Weakness ; Mercurial and other Altec- lions ol Throat. Skin or Oones , Blood Polionlng , old Soret and Ulcers , nr irtaitd with < n > i > rttiii ! ' ' ' ' ' Dlscnsts Arising from In'dl'scVel'l'on.'EucU , Exposure or Indulgence , hitb rrojm. iom or tto toliomi tltteiu utriouiocn , d.bllli.r , dlmnt , , or ilikt > n < l d rclUe miraorr , flmplci on the t * > , pbTdokldMtf , rrrilontotbt ixlel/ot fimiUi , lotruiloa or Ittu , tla. , rondorlnff MurrUca ImproDvr or unhnppr , u rcrinRQfDtij urei. r iapblcilft pit ) on tbt beT , Mnt lairftled vcTrlope , rrreto nf addrf i , C nututlouMot. fief or t > f mull frt . Invited tnd itrlttl/etnadtiiiul. A Positive Wrlllon Guarantee tt n in < rtrri . nM i . U JIclni , ont t r j h ro tf mill ortiprwi. rUlARRIAGE GUIDE , BOO VAOE3 , VINE TLATKB. el cint fllotb oA tilt blDdloK , tPAlcdfrr 50o. IQ t' * t ceoreorTcncy Of or nftf weaJtrful I'ta ' pictures , tm l llf | urtlclti on Ibt foliowini tutjtclit rhoiaar tnArrr.vbobot. wbyiiiiftnhooiS , Worn to- hood , fhl l * l tleear , ffkCti of teltbter BDtt xe * itih rTi lolojr orrrproilueilonanil rntoy more , Thet * mtrrUd or centeEQiUtfnK | mirrUf * ihnwlol r d It , P npj r i CIV1ALE AUENCY. No. 17A FulUm Straat. NfiW Yotife 21 829,8GO Tansill's ' Punch Cigars yore alilppoil dnrhiB tUo past two voars , without n drum mer In our puijiloy. No otlior IIOIIEO In tlio world can truthfully - fully uialiu such n nliowinu. Uno ncout ( ilcalor oulrl wnntod Iu < inch town. f W.TANSILL& ( ! 0.,55 Stale SLChlcag'o. "DR. IMPEY , so ? . Practleo limited to Diseases of the EYE , EAR , NOSE AND THROAT , Glasses fitted for all forma of dofoctlvo Vision. Avtilicial Myea inserted. WOODBRIDGE BRO'S" ' State Agents FOll TUB ' ir Omaha , Neb. _ " _ JOHN c. "GREEN SCHOOL OF SCIENCE COIIC ! < ; M OF .va-w : .IKUKHY , FKINCKTON , NKW .IlilCKIST. llciHUliirfoiir-ycnr cni'mo' ' , ns fnllons : 1. For the ( Ipuri-u of ILicliulor ol Science , u licni'ral coin KOI nl o ck-ctlvo ciiur c In Chomlilrr. Illnloay , Ucnlngr , Mathiiii ! tliii uii'l riiyaka. II. 1'V/r / tli'J ifiun.'O oro'ivll iCiifniiofT. Includlu ? , huilde * thu unuul profus&loiml ituillc * . iiiiilli'ntlun ! ot Klnrirlulljr in lliorl . I'oal Krmltmtd Instruction In lll hirMntUeiirUI ! < : , < ; ril : > hlcfl. Annl.rlluHl mm AppUinl riiemliir.r itnil Annrlng. IMolutfjr. I'hrKlf.1 * , and Aytronmny. Kntmnro nviiinin- utUins Kci't. llth uiiil IJth , ISSil. Kir Hiioci.'il rMir ( jl unu ullioi Information jipvlr to tiio C'oUuL'i-TronMuror. Nebraska National Bank OMAHA , NKBKASKA. Paid up Capital . $250,000 Surplus . 30,000 II.V. . Yntiis , I'rusidonl. A. K. Tou/.iilln. V'ina I'refiidwil. \Y. II. S. Hughes , Cashier. \V. V. JMorso , John S. Collins , H.W. Ynios , I.owls S. Hcud. A. K. Touzalin. BANKING * OFFICE ; THE IKON JiANK , Cor 12th and I'ttrnnin SU A Gnnurul Bunking Itiisinus.s Transacted ! MA-IaT DliflUrd Tor IKE BEST TOMSCl UNEOUALEDIorCONSIIMt'TIOrt WASTING DISEASES end GENERAL DEniUITY. PERFECTS DIGESTION , PH. ID\V. ! I , . WAI.MNO , Siir r.fon In Clilof , National Uu rt nf KJ.wrUni "Mr mtrnlijTi j oilIM It Tour K < i ) tcine Mult U''y Lj i'.r. falor , I > iucr ! t , of Trrnton Rinl I li.ivo mitl ii frwr Ixitllei nlth far licll'ir ofltct titan n ) lm liuil. I am rccoaiiiKiidliif tour nrtlrln In my I'turtlcu ' , nug II M.I | | rvry nilhfactory , " ECWA3S 0 ? IHIATJOi3. ! 0.7"TI' < ! .r.ln I'll ' l ! . Hinltur * u 1 EISNER & MEHDELSON. ( Bull In Hn f 8. ) SIC , 318 and 920 HACO St. , P > iikdeli > Ma. IM. CHAS. AM > WAtiOlV STOCK. AISO AOENT FOH And 1VOOO CAKI'IiTlNtt S.W , Corner Otli anil Douglas S