Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 20, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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Heavy Bnying By Leopold Bloom Boosts
September to Eighty Cents.
Corn FnllB to Shnrn In ttic Improve-
mrnt Lnr l Ailvnticc * Nervously
On Heavy PnrclmHcs Tlio
Cnttlo Mnrkct.
CiurAoo , Aiiftist 10. fSpccInl
lo the HKIJ.JVIIKAT At the open board
mil wheat wns at the same 11ino as the clos-
Inir price on tlio curt ) List night 70c for Kcp-
Icinber. This ns a full cent nbnvu Ilic eloso
on the regular bontd , the c.nifu being the
largo chatters of Mlicnl after the closp of
'ChnnKu nml tlm raUlni ? ot Ihclr buj ln limit
by Kngllsh houses. Their cables yesteiilay
to btixcrson the Door hero raided the limit
IJ tl yi'slcnlny and } ( < \ Unlay. Oniclal cables
came In stiong nnd ? id Higher for > slioat and
j < d higher for coin. 'Iho opening for So | > -
tcmbcr wheat on ( he regular boanlfts TOe.
Corn opened strong In sympathy nUl'd'Ci or
Kchlghrrthan yesterday's close. The re
ceipts for the day were 101 eais of winter
wheat , 81 cars ot spilng , ! ) ' ! cars of corn , 20(5 (
cars of oats. The withdrawals fioin stoic
wore -irWM of winter \vliunt , tfiVTO bushels of
spring wheat , SKG10 ( ) bushels of coin. The
) lr t linll hotir'H trading nt thu ouenlng de
veloped the fact that there were a good many
sellers In thu maikct who were made so in
order to piolect their Miles of pi Ivlleges made
on the ciiib last night. Under their united
cllorts September sold off from Titoheio It
opened , to Tsjfc , but showed a decided ten
dency to bobback e\cry nitpottunlty. Shortly
after 10 o'clock Hamlll & llilne , Lester and
Dldoni did MIIIIO heavy buying , and thu mar
ket for September went up In the vicinity of
Tt j < @TOj c. At 10o : : : it had got b.ick to 7SV
© OL'I from the same causes as
Ing toward the liist deellne.
Coin held in the neighborlmod oflie for
the Hist liour , and Its tliirtuatlons werogen-
cially ' < c each way. Trading In corn was
Very moderate.
In the provision pit tin-re was moderate ac
tivity but noery heavy buying. 11.V. . Uol-
ason was buying all the Uuntpmuer lard ho
could get without innntng up the piico un-
nccc-ssaiily. 1'oik was sold elf about 7 c for
October on lower prices at the yards and In
sympathy with wheat , but the latter again
took its cue trom wheat and got back near
the opening , which was S'J.OTKi or'JJ c abo\o
the close yesterday.
The buying by Bloom and Lcstcrhad a very
decided uffi'Ct on wheat after they had kept it
mi a utiort tlino. lilinm'A / > nAf > < tCa ! ! w reon
at'icli on extcntd\o tcale and kept up such an
appeal ancc ot conlidcncc , that many who
were Identified with the shoit interest ( which
was said to bo large ) weio forrcd to cover.
Their uinnlng sent the price up still taither ,
and before the exodus from the bear camp
had ceased , September wheat had advanced
to 7lc. This liguro was onlv inalnlalned
Icily at juncture niul values eased oil
Between 1,1:00 : and 11 M val
ues held steady ai omul these ( Inures. Bloom's
purchases weie hiipposod to iiggiccute about
l.fXW.OOO bushels.
About 13 o'clock London , Paris and
Antwerp cables came In still stronger and
higher , t no Hurry being on account of the
continued wet weather in England. Foreign
houses were fice buycis of nearly everything
toolc another up-
trolng to bOe. Krom
line In a 'C'.V ! ln-
ules afterwaid , and at 13:30 : o'clock the ; Sfp-
tembcr oitlou | was at Tf.Jfc.
llutfihliison was a pietty fico seller of corn
almost from the start. From 44'tfc , where
coin ODcnrd , tint decline was steadily down
ward to 4B'/c. ' The decline was ( euipoiarily
checked In the vicinity of tttf- ( ? < c , when
wheat took Its lirst upward spmt.
Buying ol boptembur laid by Jtobinson for
the account ol the clique inadu that aiticlo
nervous , and It advanced from S7.t"J ! at the
opening to S7.45 at 13 o'clock. Pork held
steady with light tradini : , and ribs sold lower
but woio llttlo traded in. Their decline was
OUIIH , 2:25 : p. in. The market was easier
this afternoon and September giadually
worked back to about 7U < 8l ) ! c ; puts , 78c ;
calls , M/c. ) ; For export twenty-live boat
loads weio repotted fiom New York. Sep
tember corn , 4t ; > c : puts on October 44 ? c
sullcis ; calls , 45c.
CHICAGO , Atisust l'J.- ' [ Special Telegram
to the I5ii : . | CATTLE The market to-day
\vaii again heavily suopllcd , und tliu number
of native cattle on sale was much laigorthan
on yesterday , 'trading WHS ; slow and values
weaker. Pietty good cattle sold lOc lower ,
while Infcilor kinds .sold still wor&e , though
very choice natives did not soil much lower.
1'ilccs were uneven and bujers weio neglect
ing the Inferior kinds badly. The market on
thin and lough catllo wits very weak , as buy
ers took ordinal v uingo cattle in proluieuce.
The icceiptti yesterday anil to-da > numbers
4,030. Shipping btcers , 1850 to l.WO Ibs ,
64.00(35.15 ( ; 1300 to 1H50 Ibs , ! M.15fM.50 ( ; U50 to
1200 Ibs , S3.00 < a:4.20 : ; Nebraska diesscd beef
leers , t ( l to 1091 Ibs , Si.l : 5 ( < M.tO.
The receipts to-day were about 2.400 Texas
and 000 nortcein range cattle. The market
was slow on account of veiy heavy general
receipts. Texas cattle sold at about uteady
prices , but westein cattle sold ICtJiISc lower ;
183 Idaho , 1.31.1 Ibs , S4.00 ; 110 Montana , l.lOli
Ibs , § ' . ' .28 ; 207 Montana. 1,05 Ibs , SS.-J5.
luiofl Trade was fairly active and values
lower on common and on all soils , and lOc
lower on some. Common mixed sold at
S .G54.75 and best at { M.80rti5.0) ) ; a lew
fancy assoited heavy at S5.03@5.10 ; light
soils wciu ugaln neglected.
New Vork. August 10. Movp.v Loaned
from 4 to H per cent , closing at 3@4 per cent.
I'ltlllE MUllCANTlLi ; 1'APEll 4@5 per
cent ,
aTKiir.ixn KxcirANOK Weak nnd un
settled ; actual rates f lor sixty day bills
and SI.NlJf for demand.
UovrsiiNiiKNi's Governments were dull
but steady.
S i ocKh Prices at the opening of stocks
allowed ndvances over the closing llguies ot
last evening. There were blight gains after
the opening , but the maiket soon begnn to
yield nnd continued heavy throughout the
morning. Peorla , Decntur A KvnnsvHIn was
the llrst stock to show nny strength , but the
ceneial list was firm thiouchout the afternoon -
noon , tally losses being regained and maiKet
closed lirm to slicing at the advance.
Sjlcont bonds. . lOOVC.&N.AV IIS
preferred. . .
Clicnu | , AuRiist 10 , Flour Firm and
; winter wheat Hour ,
.p : Boiitern , e-'i.00(34.0d ( : Wb
4.4.1 ; Michigan soft BPiliiu wlioat ,
4.10 ; Mlnnesola bakers , : patents
54.aiX34.fiO : low grades , ll.75toa.75 ; rye llour.
quiet at S.VJ5@ iO In l > uels , nnd > @
S.20 In sac Vs.
WheatOpened about lo nbr e yesterday's
closlntt nnd clooed about lVo alxivc closing
'M1 ? cash. JSQTbJic ; SapUmtwr ,
70 6-ire ; October , 81 16-16c
Corn-OitcneUft trifle heller and closed
bout ; Vo below yesterday ; caxli. .VlOc ;
Senteniber , 43 7-1605 October , 41 lS-lkv (
Oats-Quirt mid averaged a trlrto lower ;
tash. _ 7Xo ; September , 2o ; October , 29 > , 'c.
Ityc ftOWc ,
U rloy 6i&
Klux-sceU-51.V.1.12K. (
Timothy Prime , 52.OY03.10.
Whisky SJ.13.
Poilc After x * iu Oioko declined lOviJl'JXc ,
and clo ed easy : cash , 59.42 (314 ( % : Sep
tember , M'.4.V'19.4"i ' { ; October , S'i.57' ' (
Lard-Strong : advanced 7 @ 10c and do-
ollned 5c : cash and September , $7.42 ( ,45 ;
October , < ; 0WJiai < 3.Sj.
Hulk Meats Shoulders. SV7.ViJ5.S7'4 ' ;
short clear. SG.OOdtaGT. . ; short ribs. S0.15.
Uuttcr Klrin : ctcamery , 15Vn.2.Jc ; dairy ,
Finn ! full cream cli ldar .
: lliti. ; H't&mc ; Young Americas , y
Hides ( irron salted , fully rurcd , 8c : llcht ,
datnafred , 7o ; bull hltlos. tc :
drv salted lloU c : < lry Illnt , c ; e.vlf
skln . VftlO' ' c ; deacons , 60c each.
T.illow No. l country , 3 > t@ic ; cake ,
8 p ; No. 2 , c.
ltccclnu . Sinpmcnt" .
Flour , bhii . arxiu ri.i\w
Wheat , bit . 4r.oo , > .uou
Corn , un . JJOO.tXM ) 2-.uoO )
Ontsmi . usi.uw KO.OOO
H.\CDU . 4.000 none
Harlev.Dti . 10,000 MOO
Now York. Ainnit 10.-\Vhtat \ Hecelt > t ,
2inooO ; uxpoiti , 1W.OOO ; spot opened IMlho
liltfhcr ; outliins luhaiiced IJf" ' W < - ' < w' ' " ' con *
slili-nihlc ( "ti'lteiiipnl ( luring e.uly hours.elos-
Inir steady with si icactlon of " @s < elJ '
KiudiMi icd , Mt/t'.M c ; No.a red , h'.if40 < M 4c
In eluvntiu , WUfeOlc delivered ; Scptumbur
closed at MiJif.
Coin Spot , * ( & \o hicher , options eloxliiK
with sotuo re.irtlon ; unirrmled , OlSiOfWs ;
No. a , l WJ4@MiC ) delivered ; September closed
at We.
Uats Sliatle stiongcr ; receipt1' , 77,000 ;
exports 'NX ' ) : mixed \\cbtern , ; a ! 55cihlle
western , . KX < i4'c. !
Petroleum United closed atClVc.
Pork Dull anil weaker.
Iaid-3 ( < T > pdliits lower ; western steam ,
spot , sr.4'SX ! < < 7.r > .
Butter Finn : westein , 12S2Jo (
( Jhec e Kaslcr ; we.vtein Hut , 7'w71 c.
KBKS Firm ; western iresli , MtjtUJ e.
Cliicliinnil. Au itbt 11) ) . Wheat lllt-hcr ;
No. Sicd.KiTi Oc.
Coin tic-uco nnd higher ; No. 2 mixed ,
Oats-Stemly nt itefftlSJ
Uyc No 12 , Kytfg.'j.jc. '
Pork-SlO.2.- .
Latil ticnrco nnd hlchcr at 87.00(37.10. (
Whisky KiiiuatSl.OS.
Milwaukee , August 111.Wheat Weak ; , 77 c ; September , 7Sc.
Coin No , ! ! , 41 Vc.
Oats No. 'J , 27&C.
Kyo No. 1 , Nominal.
Uarley No. ' . ' , 01J < c.
1'iovlslons Mt'ss pork. September. S ! > .W > .
Mliincnpolls , AiiL'itiit IP. Wheat Hluhur ;
No. 1 haul , cash , 77j < "e ; September , 77 0 ?
No. 1 luiitliein. cash , 74)e ) ; Septeuibor ,
749fc ; No. 2 not them , c.ish , Ylc.
FlourFltmly held ; Patents , S4.i4.50 ;
bakers , s.VJMi.60. : ! :
Heceipts Wiieat , 07,000 bushels ; flour ,
1III1H- ,
.Shipments Wheat , lii.ODO bushels ; Hour ,
7,000 barrels.
St. LonlH. Aui.'U'.t 10. Wheat Opened
higher ; No. a red , cash , 79s < c ; September ,
Coin Dull and lower ; No. U cash , 39c bid ;
September , 27Jc bid.
Oats Slow ; cash , 27@28c.
yfc = lull at 5lc bid.
ork-Sleady at S10.25@10.S .
i..ard Slow at SO.f > 2J .
Huttcr Firmer for best grades ; dairy , 10@
18c ; cicamery , l7S22o ( ,
Kansas City , August 10. Wheat
Hlifhcr ; No. 2 red cash , C5)fe ) bid , C7c
asked ; September , 03 .
Corn Veaker ; No. 2 , rash , snc bid , 33 c
asked ; September. 34c bid , 31jcasked. ]
Oats Stendy ; No. 2 , cash , 27c.
Liverpool , August 19. Wheat Demand
nctlve ; now No. ! ) winter , lirm at Cs S'id ;
spring , lirm nt Os O' ' d.
Flour In fnlr demand and firm at 8s 2d.
Corn In gootl demand ; spot , lirm nt 4s 4d.
Toledo , August 10. Wheat LMgher ;
cash , b'Mc.
Coin Cash , 44J c.
Oats Steady ; cash , 2SX1.
New Orleans , August 19. Corn Strong
and higher ; mixed , 52 ( < .VJltio ; white , 5y(3 ( > o4e ;
Oats Lower ; choice western , SCc ,
Corn meal S-.35.
Hog Products Kasjlcr and not quotably
Liiul 50.72) ) (30.77. (
Bulk iMeats Shoulders , 5C.G2 } ; long clear
and clear ribs , SO.fiS.
ChloaRo , August 10. The Drover's Jour
nal reports as follows :
Cattle Heceipts , 1,100 ; about lOc lower ;
shlpi > lng htecis , S3.lKK35.15 ; stockers and
feeder1 , S2.S033.40 : cows bulls nnd mixed ,
S1.50W9.25 : bulk , S2.nogs.CO ; through Texas
cnttlo steady ; cows , Si25@3.70 ; steeis , 52.75
liii.8Tj : ; bulls , 81.75 ; wcMern i angers slow at
I0@15c lower ; natives and half breeds , SX'JS
CM.25 ; cows , S'A50SH.OO ( ; wlntcicd Te\aiid ,
52.03@t.bO. :
Hess Kecnlpts , 10,000 : slow and a shade
lower ; rough nnd mixed , SI.OJ@I.70 ; packIng -
Ing and shipplug. S4.70S5.10 ; light , Sii.SO'Ji !
4.S > 0 ; skips , 82.50(153.80. (
Sheep Hecolpis. 3,000 : slow but steady ;
natives. S2.XX 4.0P ; Texans , 51.'i&.00 ) ;
Iambs , 83.75 4.7ft.
St. Louis. Ansnst 19.-Cattle Receipts.
U,000.shlpmonts ; , 1,200 ; fairly artivo and ra
lOc lower : common tocholco.shipping. S3.&j@
4.75 ; butchers' steers , Si.5031.00 : ; cows nnd
helfuis , S2.25ai.50. ( :
Hogs Kceeipts.SOO ; slilptpcnt < i.l00 ; steady :
butchers and best heavy , 54.tiOJj5.lft ; mixed
packing , 54.-iO } ( < 44,85 : llcht , 54.x : > c < 7)l.bO. )
Kuneas City. August 10. Cattle Ho-
eelpts.l.OOO ; shipments , none ; native .ship
ping steers slow and 5@10c lower ; com
mon to choice. $3.:55@4.50 : ; stockers nnd
feeders , S2.SO@4.80 ; cows , Sl.WMgJ.75 ; gia s
range steers , S2.40@3.40.
Hogs Hecolpts. 0,000 ; shipments. 400 ;
cholcu a shailo hlgiier ; common to choice ,
S4.5U < SI.95 ; skips und pigs , S2.7ft@4.40.
O 31 AH A 1.1VI5 STOCK.
Thursday Evening , August 10.
Cattle The maikct was very quiet nnd
weak. During Urn past two days the cattle
market has declined fully 23c. The icceliits
were light nnd wore mostly all tango cattle.
lloirs Thu market , which closed weak yes
terday , was made still WOIMJ to-day by North
A : Co , withdrawing from the market. Only a
fuw hogs weio sold In the morning , salesmen
holdlnc on to them and refusing to accept the
prices olfcred. Later in the day qulto n
hiring was sold nt u dccllnoof from 10 to 20c.
Kvcn nt the decline they were not all sold.
Ono load of choice heavy hogs brought 84.70.
Sheep There Is no market.
Cattle . coo
Uo s . . . . . 2200
I'rcvatllns : Prices.
Showing thu prevailing prices paid for llvo
stock on tills inarlcut ,
Choice Rteers. line to 1500 Ibs . 84.20 ® 1.35
Cholcostecrs , 110U to 1HOO Ibs . U.7X < il.l5
Medium steers , 1250 to 1S50 Ibs. . . a.OOyM.OO
Fat little steers , lOM to 1150 Ibi . . . . 8.05M3.83
( iooil fowlers , 000 to 1000 Ibs . a.OOCu ) : .3.- >
( iood to cholco coin-fed cows
Fairto medium grasscows
Uornl to cholco bulls . 1.50@2.0
Light und medium nogs . 4.KO&4.M )
( iood to choice heavy hogi . 4.r > 0qHri5 (
flood looholco mixed ho s . 4.i.f ! > ( iM.55
Fair to good slioi n sheep. . . 2.00@3.50
HcpreBeiitntlvo Hales.
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
40 . 1120 83.7.r 80 . 1223 84.05
No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Slik. Pr.
in. , . 1W 440 4.35 74. . . .250 440
04.U57 : X ) 4,40 02 , . , . 201 120
60..2T.6240 4.45 72 , . . . 210 200 4.55
08. . . 2.1S 40 4.60 M5..21X ) 280 4.65
77. . . 214 60 4.50 fi8.255 240 4.57' <
C8. . . 2072-10 4.50 54..K38 ICO 4.CO
84. . . 2t7 ! 240 4.60 71. . . . 225 4.G2M
74. . . 210 bO 4.50 51 , , . .82 ? 80 4.70
Rnnue of I'rloos.
Showing thu hlxheit&ndlowost prlaas paid
for mixed loads ot ho son this market d'ir-
inptho past baveu days , with comparative
values :
July. August
Thursday,12th , . 4,45 ffll.CO ' 4.CO ® 4.05
Friday , iStli. . 4.0 ( S4.70 4.N ) 4.G.- >
tiaturday , 14th. , 4.60 @I.M 4.65 W4.70
Monday. Hit h. 4.60 ( ai.'t 4.60 4.70
Tuesday 171h. . 4.5 ( sjl,75 4.55 4.Ti
Wedniisduy. ISth , 4.40 fo > 4.SOK
Thursday , 10. . . . 4.oj ® t.70 4.85 ® 4.70
Showing the number of oars of llvoatook
iWpttfJ out of tboyaids during the day :
No. Cars. Kt Dcst.
8 . C. B. fc Q . Chicago.
21 . X. W . Chicago
10 . , . , . Mil . Chicago
n oos.
No. Cars. lit Dmt
9 . N. W . Chicago
22 . , . . . . & , B. AQ . Chicago
All i'.oi ' ot &touk in Uiii iiiarlzot are
per cwt llvo weight unless othorwlso stated.
Head hoes' sell at ' < c per Ib for all weight * .
"Skins , " or hogs weighing le 100 Ib *
no value. Pregnant sows tire docked 40 Ibj
pnil fags W ibs ,
Cattle dull.
Hog market way off.
A. F. Niharl , Hislnci , was hero and
markuttd hogs.
O. 11. Hammond & Co. iccctvcd six lo.vls
of catllu to-day.
F. K. White , PlatLsmouth , was in nnd sold
SO head of steer .
W. P. . Smith & Co. , St. Paul , had two loads
of hogs on tliomatkct.
U. Leek , Block , was at the yards nnd mar
keted two loads of cattle.
W. Curler. Hcemer. was hero with a load
of cattle nml a load of hogs.
C'hns. Hedlon , Xorth Lottp , was hero nnd
disposed ot a load of hogs.
Kpct.s it Klostermnn , David City , topped
the mniket to-day on tios.
The Standard C.tttli * Co. . Ame , had nine
teen loads of rattle nt the yards.
J. A. Moore , u well known shipper of ( ! lb-
bun , was a visitor nt the yards to-day.
F. Dunning , of F. Dunning A Co , , Shelby ,
was in and marketed n load ot hogs ,
CJeorgo MoisniMSholtoii , \ > as licit ) and
sold two loads of hogs on to-day's maikct ,
Among those reelstered at the Exchange-
hotel weu1 thu following : ( icort < o MHsner ,
John H. Heathcrlngtoii , Shelton ; r. 1) . Han-
deison , S. Illnshaw , Ontinl City ; W. It.
Mttriy , . ) , F. White , Plattsmoulh ; W. .1.
Davis , ( Srantl Island : Ceo. Nicholson , Chi-
( ago ; ,1 , A. Moore , Gibbon ; J. H. Brandon ,
On the maikct with hogs : Elevator Co. ,
( iornu ; Ciowell Lumber and ( ! inln Co. ,
West Point : S. llenshaw , C. S. Lucas , Con-
tr.U Cltv ; M. Klllner , Madison ; ,1. ( ! . Hull ,
Umla : KskwIgA Co. . Oakland ; . I. L. .Inck-
son , Coitl.uid ; F. E. Whlto , Plnttsmouth : E.
Aiiilersoii , Aurora ; Hlack A Smith , llol-
dregn ; A. W. Johnson , Loomls ; L. II. Sinllli ,
Iloldiego ; Spelts , \ : K. , David Cltv ; FNhi'r
A Wagner , York ; James Odgcis Unnilllln ;
Wm. llohiibanm , Waco ; Theo. Widamnn ,
Aurora : J. M. Suwell A Co. , Juni.ita.
General Protlucc ,
Thursdnv Kvonlnir , August 10.
TttcfollntKliid prlrci nrcor roniul lota of
jiimfi/rr / , ( is&iildnti / / tmir/ict / JiH/cry. / Tlic
iiuiitntlututon fruit * ic'/HTsnil / the prices < it
Kiis ( ( The market Is \ \ eak at Oc.
nd butter
I > rniii : Table butter Is very fcaicc and
In strong tuuuest. Lower grades arc mom
plentiful again und n good deal of them can
be placed at better pi Ices now , but cannot bo
i died upon. Ctcamoiy. choice , 20c ; cholto
dahy , liXgloc ; fair to uood dairy , lOfeiic ; in
terior grades , 4faOc.
Ciiir. : ' r. Fnney lull cieam chcdtlars , 8fc ;
funcy full cream lints , two in box , Ol < e ; fancy
full cream Young Americas , four in box ,
fancy Swiss , I8 > j@14c : brick , 12c ;
lie.Pori.TiiY Although receipts ha\c fallen
on" considerably. It has still uecn Impossible
to work oil HID o\et.stock that hail acciiinn-
liltOd instWcen timi siurs ni * > nv. . . L''nij.- .
nt thosamoTow puces. Spring chickens not
going above S2.00 per dozen and below that
if small , Jind old chickens S2.2.'i@2.00. Ducks
also continue slow nt 52.2 : > @ 2.r)0.
GAJII : With next month the season will
open. Thciu Is already somu demand for
prairie chlckons. but the weather has been
too hot to hhip with safety from any distance
O.MOXN Southern , per bbl , 5350.
POTATOES Choicesouthern , per bush , 40 ®
41c ; home giown , 30aMOc.
SWIIT : POTATOES Iowa home grown are
in the market and selling at5c per Ib.
CKLEHY Knlamazoo , ) ier do , 40e.
HIANS : llardiv any coming In now. 3)e-
maud lalrut S1.25@l.50 per bushel , for clean
( iKAts" Corn , 25c ; old oats , 28c ; now oats ,
20 ( 2Tic ; lye , Roe ; wheat , COc.
CAI.IFOUNIA. Fuurrs Pears , per box ,
S2.50i ( 2.75 : plums , nor box , $1.50 ; prunes , per
box , 81. 50 ; peaches , per box , $2.00Kl.2.'i ( ! ;
gr.xpc5 , V'&cnUffi 92.00.
Arpi.ES-Clioldcofitlnir.perbbl , S2.75@3.00 ;
choice catln ? . assoited , C bbl lots , $2.25 ; do ,
10 bbl lots , S2.25.
CAi.ii'oiiNiA OUAXOUS St. Mlchels , per
box , 4050 ; Mediterranean h\\eets , ( ) er box ,
SO 50.
LI.MONS : The lemon maikct continues
firm. Heceipts In Wcw York tor the next
four weeks me going to bo exceedingly light
nnd theio are no prospects ol any decline for
some time to come. Fancy , per box , 510 00 :
choice , per box , SO 50.
BANANAS- The market is well supplied
with line bright Iruit , and prices rule low.
licst shipping stock , per bunch , S200&3 00.
SOUTIIIIIN : ( JiiAi'iw A tow southern
crapes have arrived in the market ; 10 Ib.
boxe.s. 00(3)750 ( ) ; 20-lb b.ibket , SI. Ml.
COCOANUTH Coco.inuts , per 100 , 65.00 ; less
than bundled , per 100 , S.-.W.
lloxrcv Califoinla , I5c ; California ,
stinined , lOc ; Nebraska , choice , ll@15c : Ne
braska , dm k , 12 @l e.
AlAi'i.i : Svnui1 Hulk , 14 to 17 gallon Kegs.
per gal , S1.09 ; cal cans , per gal , 81.03 ; half
gal cans per gal , Sl.lO.
Cimn : New I'oik , per bbl , S7.00 ; do. half
bbl.Sl.OO ; Crab , per do. qts , 52.75 ; Michigan
iclined. tier bbl , 50.00.
ViM-.oAn White wine , 18 < < fl7c ; elder , 13
@ 17c ; single stieugth , 13o ; tuple strength ,
5Co)2Uc' ) .
FiriS AND DATKS Figs , layer , 4 Ib box6s ,
pcrlb , lOe , Dates , fancy faid , 12 Ib boxes ,
He : dates , Persian. 50 Ib boxes , per Ib , lOc.
> u'T8 Pecans , largo polished , He ; pecans ,
medium , Oc ; English walnuts , lie ; nlmonds ,
Tarr.monn. 20c ; almonds , L-angucdoc , 17c :
Ihnzlls , 12c ; filberts. 14c : peuiiuts , hand
jilckcd , fancy Virginia. 8 , c ; peanuts , hand
picked choice Vlrglnla7J c ; peanuts , roasted ,
2c extra uer Ib.
MAPI.K StinAii IJilcks , strictly pure , 50
Ib boxes , perlb , 15u ; 10-lb tin pails , stilctly
pure , perlb , 14c ; S-lb bricks , 24-lb boxes , per
Ib , 12Kc.
Pir.V FRKT. THIPK , ETC. Pigs' feet , per
K bbl , S4.00 ; ( lo , Jf bbl. 52.00 : do , per kit , 'JOc.
Lambs' tongues , per % ubl , SH.2. ) ; do , per kit.
82.50 ; do , quait jais , pur do55.25 ; do , pint
iars , tier case , 2 doiun. S0.75. Tiipc , pcrM
bbl , 54.00 ; do , per H bbl , 52.00 ; do , per kft ,
DOc.PnoviRioxs Ham , sncar cured , He ;
boneless ham. 50-lb boxes , I'c ; picnte ham ,
ll' o ; breaktast bncon , sugar cured , Ho ;
slumliieis , 7J.c ; ; elearsiuo. bacon , 8c ; dry salt
Bides , 7'c ; dried beef-hums 15@lfc ; diied
beef , icgulnr , 12o ; laid , 40-lb cans ( Fair
banks ) , 7 c ; 10 , 5 and 3-lb pails , do , 7 @
SJ c.
c.Fi.ouit AND Mir.r.sTUFFS Winter wheat nuallty pitent.82.Nfecond ; ) quality ,
52.40@2.50 ; best rmality hpiing wheat llour.
patent , 82.75 ; bran , 50c per cwt : chopped
leed.COe pcrcwt : white corn meal , 75o ; yel
low corn meal , C5c per cwt ; scieening , W ) < i
jercwt ) : hominy , per cwt ; shorts , B5c
pcrcwt ; craham , irl.75 ; nay , In bales , $7.00 ®
7. 50 per ton. _
General Alnrkota.
WOOL Medium , 17@20c per Ib : fine heavy.
12irK ! ; light. ll$17c ; coarse , 12@15c ; hurry
wool , 2 < rt5c olf.
IiKATiiKii Pi Imo slaughter solo leather ,
32c ; prmo oak solo leather , JKXUtibc.
Upper leather , per loot , 20@25o : hem. kip ,
750 85c ; oak kip , b-VgOSc ; French kip , Sl.OO
t.2d ; hem. rait , S1.0U@1.1U ; oak calf , Sl.OOM
1.25 ; French call , $1.25 ® 1.S5 ; Moiocco boot
leg , HOJ2o ; Morocco oil pebble , 28 < $ 2c ; top-
plnt's and linings , SO.00 10.00 per dor1
JiUAW ilAitiiWAitn iron , rate , SiM ;
low stoat special cast , 4c ; ctuclb le tccl , Oc ;
east tools do , 12i < sl8c ; wagon spokes' per sat ,
51.75(33.00 ( ; hubs , per set. 51.25 : felloes ,
sawed drr , 3L40 ; tongues , cacn , 75c : nvjes.
each. 75e : sipiaro nuts , BIT Ib. 7(3 ( > iic ; coil
chain , per lb , < Xl2c ; malleable , OfSSc : Iroii
wedges , Co : crowbars , lie ; harrow teeth , 4c :
spring steel , 7SSe ( ; Durdun'H hoisi'snocs.
64.40 ; Jiurdtm's mule shoes , 5.40. llurbed
wire , in car lots , 34,00 per 100 Ibs. ronl
Nails , rates , 10 to 50 , S2.50 ; steel nails , S2.I15 ;
Shot81.65 ; buckshot , 51.85 : oriental
powder , kegs , 82.50 : do , half kegs , 82.00 ;
do , quarter kegs,81.50 ; blasting , kegs , 2.85 ;
fuse , per 10 teet. 05o. LeadHar.SlO.
PAINTS IN Oii--Wiiieeai . Omaha , P. P ,
kc : white lead , St. Louis , pure. 87.75 ; Mar-
ellles green. 1 to 5 lb cans. 2c ? French zinc
preen seal , I2c ; French 7.1 no red seal , lie ;
French zinc , In varnish nsst , 20c ; French
zinc , 75c ; vcimllllon , American , 16c ; Indian
red , lOc ; rose pink. He ; Venetian led , Cook-
sou's , 210 : Venetian red , American , l } < e ;
red lead , 7Kcchiomo ; yellow , genuine , 2Ue ;
cliromo yellow , K. 12c : ochre , roche'le. So ;
ochre ' . ' , trench ' ' ' - 2Jfc i : . ocre ' . , American ! ! > ' . i ! } < o 5
Winter's inlnnwl. .l 'M brown,2jC ;
panlsh brown , 2wcTrlnco's mineral , -c
DIIY I'AiN'.d White lead , tteFrcue : nzi no
2e ; Paris whiting , 2Kc ; whltlnir , gliders' ,
} { c ; whltlnc , com'l , l o , lampblack , Ger-
manstown. I2e ; lampblack , ordinary , tic ;
Prussian blueAj ( ; ultramarine , 16c ; vandyke ,
brown , be ; umber , burnt , 4e ; umber , raw. 4e ;
sienna , burnt , 4o : sienna , raw , 4V Pails
green , genuine , 5 c : raris ereen. common.
22o : chrome green , ft. Y. , 20c ; eiirome gieen ,
K , 12o ; venuTllinn , English , in oil 70c ; raw
und burnt umber , 1 Ib o ns , 12c ; raw and
burnt Hlenna , 12o : vandyke , browu , 13c ; relined -
lined Iftmpbluck , I2c ; coach black mid ivory
black , I6c ; diop black , iCc ; Prussian blue ,
40c ; ullramnrlnfMno , 18 < ? ; chrome green , l * ,
M. A D. , lOc : blind and shutter crccn , L. . M.
A D. , 10e ; Paris ereen. ISc ; Indian red. J.v ;
Venetian red. w:1 : Tuscan. 22c : Amcilc.iu
\eimilllon. L. iv I ) . , 20c : yellow ochre , w ; L.
M. A 0. 1) ) . , ISc ; good ochre , 10o : patent
iTfyer , Sc : graining color , ) ! _ bt oak , dark oak ,
wljnu'i ' chMjiiuywl ash , 120
lltiPj- t AI * * T < ilfV ! . ? * I * > t < 1 mnf Violin .
R2c : add , Hrtnrie , 5.'c ; bal atn eopaiba , per
Hi , 4.V : baik , M afias , per tti. lOc : calomel ,
perlbTSc ; chlnclionldm. iwr oz , 40c : chloro-
loim , per tl > , 40 p ; Dover's powd'1 ! ? , per lt > ,
51.25 ; epsoniRalU. per Ib , 3' < c ; glycerine ,
puie , per Hi. ISc : leail , acetate , per Ib. 'JOc ;
oil , cantor , No. 1. IKT gal. , S1.60 : oil , castor ,
No. 2 , per gal. , f t.4U : oil , olivi'.per gal.S1.40 ;
Poiorlcaiinum.S'Jo ; opium 53.IX ) ; < | ulnino ,
i. . .V ; W. and It.1 AS , per oz , 70c ; potassium
iodide , IX.T It' , 53.00 ; sallcin , pproz , 40c ; sul
phate morphine , per oS2. . . ' > 0 ; sulphur , per
Hi , 4c : strvchnine , t.ero51.2 > .
A Aitxistns : B.tirclo. per gallon : Fninl-
line , extra , F1.10 ; ftirnituip , No , 1,51.00 ;
conch extra , S1.40 ; couch , No. 1 , 51.20 : D.v
mnr , evtra , S1.7. " > ; Japan , 70e ; nsphaltum.
exlra , 5Sc ; shellac , 53.50 ; hard oil linlsii ,
bpiniTS Cologne spirits , 1S3 proof , 51.10 ;
do 101 proot. 51.11 ; spirits , t-ecotul uuallty ,
101 proof , 51.10 : do is.s proof. 81.10. Alco
hol , 1S8 in oof , 52.0,5 per wine gallon. Hedis-
tilled whiskies , S1.00W1.50. Win , blended ,
S1.50u2.00 ; Kcnltickv bourbons 52.00cail.00 ;
Kentucky nnd Pennsylvania r > es , S2.000.r > 0 ;
Colden Sheaf bouibon nnd r\e whl-klcs ,
impoi ted , per cave. S28.00@1)4.00 ) ; Amcilcan ,
per ease , SlO.OOiSlO.OO.
Grocers' I lst.
PICKI.KS Medium , In bols , ; do In
half bbls , 3.2.1 ; muill. in bbls , SC'a ; do in
halt bbis , 53.75 ; gherkins. In bbls S7.M ; do
in halt bbls , Hi . - > * . .
avitri' No.70,4-gaiion Kegs , Sl.lO : New
Orleans , JiKiMOc per gallon : Mnplo Syiup , K
barrel , stilctly jmie , 7i > e per gallon ; 1 gallon
cans. iU.25 per doK ; gallon cans , 65.23 per
do ? : quiirt cans , 53.00.
Dmr.i ) FitrirsNo 1 qitaitcr apples , : t
4c ; In i'\aporatrdbii\es , It' ' fffnijosblnc
ri 11.boxes , b@b' $ ; peaches , i-nstcrn ,
fi'fip peaches , evaporated , 15l < i(17c ( ( ; Salt
Lake none In imuKet ; inspbcirfes , new , 10
Gl20c ; currants , 7 } ( ji7Kc ; in lines , now , 4\
( < ? 41 .
CANNIID ( icons Oysters , standard , per
ens , S3.-0strawberilcs. ; 21b per case. 52.25 ;
raspberrlei , U Ib per ca e , 52.20 ; California
peart , ppv ca e , JH,50 ; apricots , per cnse ,
54.0 : peaches , per ease , 55.20 ; white cheiries ,
per case , S5.SK ) ; plums , per case , S3.fiO : blue
berries , i > ercase , S2.2. > ; egg plums , ill ) , per
case. 82.50 ; pineapples , s Ib , per case , S3.20
manowfat peas per case. S2.W3 ) ; lb early
June peas , per case. S2.75 ; 3 Ib tomatoes ,
per case , S2.3" > (92.54 ( : 2 lb corn , ppr case , S1.1K )
@ 2.10:2 : lb corn beef , ppnloi. Sl.70Q2.00.
KOPI : Ji Inch.n'ic ; inch , lOJi'c ; M inch ,
SnoAiis I'owdcrcd , 7 } c : cut loaf , 7C 7'/c ;
granulated. OVc ! con tcct loners' A. OYC ;
standard extra C , 5 ; < &iOc ; extra C , 5 { @ 5Xc ;
medium > cllow , 6 ( ii5Jie ( ,
CANDY Mixed , O ) < < 3i2c ; stick , 8K@9Kc.
CiiACicr.Hs Garncau's soda , butter nnd
picnic , 5'e ! , : cicams , 8 > fc ; ginger snaps ,
Cltv snrta. 7'JC.
STAUCII Jlirror gloss , 1 Ib , 5 < tfc ; Mirror
oss , 3 Ib , 6)c ) ; Mirror glo s , 0 lb ,
Uraves * corn , 1 Ib , Ce ; Klngsfoul's corn , 1
lb , 7e ; Klnghford's glos , 1 lb , 7c ; Kings-
ford's gloss , 0 lb , 7K < ' ; Klngsford's pure , 3 lb.
c ; KIngsfoi d's bulk , 4c.
COFFKI.SOrdinarv giadcs , WJfCBlle : fair ,
20c ; Mocha , Efimti-lc : Ai buckle's roasted ,
l4Mc ; McLnughJiTi' " XXXX roasted , 14 } e ;
Dllworth's. 14'4q : Hed Cross , 14J.e.
boAps Kirk'a br von imperial. S2.70 ;
MATCHUP Per uii dle , 2Sc ; round , per
case , 51.00 ; square cases , 51.70 ; mule square ,
51.20. ' -
CANDLES Boxes , 4p lb Cs , OVc ; 8s , OJfc ;
boxes , 40 lb , 10 0 ,1 Os lOc ; half box 20 lb ,
1 Ftsh.
Smoked halibut , 10H'c ; new scaled her
rings , 2c. ! ? v i
Dry Liumoor.
No. 1 , 4 AC Inch , 12 and 14 ft. , rough..S17.03
No. 2 , 4 A C Inch , 12 nnd 14 ft. , loimh. . . 14.25
No. 2 , 4 A 0 Inch , 10 It. , rough 15.50
hlIl.S"iI.iS. ( : I , ATI I.
XX clear S3.10
ExtraA * 2.00
* AStandaid 2.70
0-inch clear 1.70
No. 1 l.0 ! !
Lath 2.45
1st com. , 1M. 14 and 10 ft 821.60
! M " " " 20.00
8d " " " 15.00
Fence " " 11.00
I.IMI : , KIC.
Qnlncy white llmu ( best 0.80
Omeut ( Akion ) 1.80
Hair . . O.iiS
Plaster 2.7 , >
Tarred felt , pcrcwt 2.05
Sti aw board 1.05 ,
A Cinch , white pine
1)0 Inch , " " 81.00
0 fiinch , " " 2 ! .00
l)6lnch , " " 23.50
KOInch , " " 17.50
A 13 inch , ii " , M and 10 ft 84-.50
O 12 Inch , " ' " . S0.50
No. 1 Com. 12 ln.s. , ls. , 12 , 14 and 10 tt 17.75
No. 2 " > ! ' ia.14 nnd 10 ft , . 15.75
1st and 2a , clear.i } Inch , . 2s . 851.00
Sd , clear , Ik' Inch , t < ,2is , . S4SUX )
A select , III. 1H amiInch , s. 2 H . 848.00
15 select , \L \ } l aml8 Inch , s.8 B . 380.00
1st and 8d , clear , 1 Inqli , s. as .
3d , clair , 1 inch , s. 2 si. , . S45.00
A select , 1 Inch , - . S.'W.OO
I ) belect , 1 Inch , s. a B'
No. 1 Com. s. 1. s. 12 , 14 and 10 ft .
No. a " " l , 14 and 10 ft . 14.75
No. 3 " , j1. ' , Itl and 10 it . ia.25
No.4 " " , i8j4andlOft . 11.03
No. 1 , plain.S antUOinch. . , , . SI 8. 00
Nu. 'J , plain , 8 antiqncl | | . 610.00
An Kloratcil It all way.
An clovatod railway has been erected on
Sixteenth street. It runs between two of
the giant poles of thu telephone company
iiuniPiliutiily bouth of Douglas street. It
consists of several strong wires twisted
nnd lusteneU to the posts , nnd from it
hangs two triangular frames , in the basn
of which is fastened a board largo
enough to nccomniod ute ono man , The
other extremity has two wheels , which
run upon the wire. The affair has boon
designed to savu wire from descitniling
from the poles when required to go from
ono to the other.
Needed n Guardian ,
In the county court yesterday afternoon
Thomas A. C'rcigh was appointed guard-
inn for Virgiana Hnndrix. The latter is
uu insane colored woman.
Bridges Stearn Pile Driving.
Knglnoors nn < l Contractors.
Brges , Roof Trasses , Sleani Pile
Ii-oti Comtiliinlloii nml Howe TrtiM ,
I'illmr niul Onk Timber , Ijtli El. , noiir rnrimm ,
Telephone No 731.
" _ _ _ " Cigars and Tobacco. ' _
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos ,
duns nnil Amiminlt'-iii. ' ai5 to ESI South llth
Strict , 10.1) to liei Kanmm Street , Oinixlu Nob.
Manufacturers of Fine Cigars ,
And jriiolrsnlti Outlets In I.pnf Tobnei-os. No * .
ton mill 110 N. Uth Slirct , OninhjOieti.
for the Manufacturers nntl Importers ,
Crockery , Glassware ,
txxmpg , Outline ) ? , Kte. Olllcc. ! Hi South nth
Street. Umnhfc , Nob.
C. S. CiOODUICH * 00
AKcnts for F. A. Whltnur Cuirlngo Co. I
CMldren's Carriages ,
And Jewctt's Cclebrntcil Hofnifonuor * . Sou
or price lists. 1411 Farnsm St. , Omaha.
Eagle Cornice Works ,
John Hiicnctcr , Proprietor. Miinufni.turor of
nttlvnnl7L'l ( Iron nml Cnrnlco. VSi Dodge and 101
iitiil 105 North 10th Strcut , Uinnhn , Nob.
Manufncturcrs of Ornamental
Galvanized iron Cornices , Dormer
Windows , 1'limls , Ec.ni03. ( 12th St. WorUilono
in any putt of thocomitrj- .
Western Cornice Works ,
C. SPECHT. Proprietor ,
tlnlvnnl/oil Iron Cornices. Etc. Pppent'91m-
prmiMl I'ntent.Mclnll'ubkjliulit. f.OS miu MOS.
12th St. . Omnliit. Net : .
Doors , Sash. Etc.
Cily Pitting Mil.
Doors , Pn h and llllicls. Also nil kinds of
turning. Scroll nndStulr work at uu'ry do-
Gcrlptlon. _
Manufacturer and Dealer InDoors
Sas'D Blinds Etc.
, , , Mouldings , .
Blair Italia n Fpechilty Telephone No. &
J5thmiil MiircvStB..OrauImNcb.
Electrical Supplies ,
L. wfWOLFE & OX , Electricians ,
Mnsonlo Dlock , Onmlifl. Iliirylur Alarms , Bolls ,
1'lro Aluruis , P'ectrlo Miittlntr , Spoiiklnir Tubes ,
Iron Works.
Wrought and Cast Iron Building Work
ron Stalls , llallinir , Hollcd Ilu-nna niul Uirclors
Steam Knglncfl , Brass Work , General Foundry
Machine and Illncksmlth Work. Offloo and
Works , C. 1' . Hy. nnd 8 17th st.
( ron ad Nails.
Cut Nails and Spikes ,
Tire Nulls n. Spr jlaltv. Omnhn , Ncn.
Omaha Safe Works ,
Manufnctttrcr of Flro niul IlurBlo : Proof Safes ,
Vnult Doors. Jnll Work. Shutters nnd Wlro
Work. Cor. Uth and Jackson Sis. , Oniulia , Nub.
Wa < rorm and Carriages.
Established 1853.
The Leading Carnage Factory ,
UK ) nnd HU Dotlgo Street , Omaha. Nob.
Commission. Etc.
M. BOltKE & SONS ,
Live Stock Commission
Gco. Buile , Mmmcr ,
Dnlon Stock I'urJs , tf. Oniulia. Tula ihcno 5S3
Union Stock Yards Company ,
EJniltod. John I1' , lluyd , iJnpcrlntondeiiL
Life Stock Commission Mercbants.
Ebiiiuiunts of any and allldniisoC stock solicit
od. Union Vuids , Omuhu , Nob.
Lumber , Etc.
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime ,
Scih. Doors , Ktc Yurds Cor. 7th and
Cor. Uth uud DuUKlaj.
Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinda ,
Mouldings , Stair W'oik nnd Intorlor Hard Wood
i'lnleli. JuH opened. N. K. cor. 8th und Leaven-
worth Stituts , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Lumber ,
Eli S. 14th Strttl , Oinulm , Nulj. F. Colpouor ,
C. N.
Lumber ,
33th and California Street" , Omaha , Nob.
Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc.
Cor. Cth and Douglas titrcuts , Omuha , Vob.
Wbolesale Dealer in Lumber ,
Omaha , Nt'bniblia.
Hardwood Lumber ,
cn Ftock , limey Woods , Ihldjro Tlmbcro ,
&c. , B. W. Cor , Vth and IJoiiulas.Unuiljii , .N'eK
O. F. tYMAN ,
Dealer in Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Uuildhitr 1'apor , liic. South
Hih , Etc ,
" "
SucccsborH to Ickcn f IcmEscn k Co.
Wholesale Fisb Dealers ,
Importers of f ) fefirn Fish , Nos. 911-913 Jonal
+ t and v' . 1'.Track.Oiaaha.Nob. ,
Ccnfeclioner * ' .
F. P. FAY & CO. ,
Manufacturing Confectioners ,
Jobbers of FnilU.N'iiU au.1 Ui 4r > . 1211
Fainam SL , OmahuNcb.
Lime , Cement , Etc ,
MaiuficUrers of llliaiU White Llnu ,
And Shippers of Coal and Coke , Cement , Plas
ter , I Imo , Hulr , Flro llrlck. Drain , Tile uud
Bower 1'lpo. OIUcu , 1'tutoii hotel , telephouo bll ,
I'urnniu fclrcut , Uniuli , Nuhra ka ,
Job Printing ,
Job Printers , Book Binders ,
Agricultural Implement s.
VhoU'S . 'o Donlcr ? In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons
ami llupRlc ? , Omnlia Xcb.
Clll'HCllll.l. I'AHKKU ,
\VholtsaloDcnlcr In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons ,
Cnrrlngi-s nnd llnrelcii. Of nc St. , bet. Oth and
10th , Omnlm , Nob.
Boots and Slices ,
\V. V. MOl'SK ' & CO. .
Jobbers of Boots and Slues ,
101 ranininPtropl.Onmhn. Ncli. Minnifnotory ,
Summer Street , llootoii.
B. A. OUCH Aim ,
liftiolesale Carpets , Oil Cloths ,
MattlnRS , Curtnln ( looils. Kte. . Hia FarnMU
Street , Otiinhn , Neb ,
Coal , Lima , Etc.
Coal Coke , Lime and Stona. '
Offloe.lWS. Hth'"t,0mnhn , Neb. VnrJs. Wl )
nnJ lr )
Shippers of Coal and Coie ,
8118. lath Pt. , Omnhix , Neb.
li 10. C , Tow l.r , 1'i-csldont.
Cro. PATrrnsoN , Bcc , aiidTrpnj.
J.H. llui.nKnr , F. A. JUi.ctt.
1'rovrlrtor. MannRor.
Nebraska Coal and Lime Company ,
Office , Hi" S. lllth Street. TclCihono49. |
Gio. 1' . Ti nAGit , Pros. C F. AOOIIMAN , V. Pros.
J. A. BUMIEHLANU Frc. and Treiif.
Omaha Coal , Coke and Lime Company ,
Bobbers of Laril nnd 10ft conl.iWS. Wth St.
Onuil'.i , Neli _ _ _ _ _ _
Hard and Soft Coal.
Eaclufivo dealers In Boulder Colorado Conl.211
touth HtlibtrceU
CofTpe and S.iiccs.
Homo Coffee and Spies Mills M'f'g ' Co.
ColTco Knimlitra and Sploo ( lrliiU : > ri > . miinii
facturoraof Hxklntf Powder , Flavoring BxtrnoH
Illutnfr , etc. Try on * case ot our Mb vnckairo
Home Itlrnd Uonatod Codoo. 1WI Howard St. ,
Cmnhn , Neb.
Omaha Coffee and Spice Mills.
Tci > , Cotrocs , Sploi s. llaklnc iMwdor. Kbivorlns
Kxtrncts , Lnnndry lUno. Ink , utc. H14-1U llar-
"t2 * * *
Commission , Etc.
niiANcir & co. ,
Wholesale Fruits , Produce , Oysters ,
1121 Fiirmiiii St. , Omaha. Apples Our own | , nck >
liiK Platt & To , B Tiger llmnd Oysters , lluttui ,
, ( lame , Poultry , Potatoes.
General Commission Merchant ,
Produce , 1'iovlslons , Fruits , Flour nnd Food. 105
5.14th St. , Onmtm , Neb. ContlBiuuenls bolloUtd.
itcturns niado vromutly.
K. McDOXAU ) .
815 12th Street , Oiua'jn , Neb. Spcclaltlca : Ilut >
teit KirKH. nnd Chlcuuiis-
WinUEMAN & CO. ,
Produce Commission Merchants.
Toultiy , lluttrr , finmo , Trults , I'.tc. 2208. Hth
St. , Omaha , Ncbj-utkn.
General Commission Merchants ,
14 i DinlKo StrictOinnhii , Nehiaskn. Coaslgn-
Storage and Commission Merchant.
lluttur Kes i 1'oultry
nnd Uiimo. 1U ! a Uth. , Oniaho , Nob. Telephone -
phone r\"o. UJ.i.
Storage and Gommissioi Merchants.
oiolKii anil DUIHUI'litllhi ! u puclnlty. Tl-
crant fctoruifo faellltlcM WurclioUbO and ollleo ,
1U North Uth t. Tclophono 775. _
D. A. : iLTiar.Y ,
Commission and Jobbing ,
Jluttcr , IJptrBimdPiodiico. A Julllluoof Slono-
wnie. Consignments lollcltoil. 1414 IJodso St. ,
: &sciinoinin : : ,
Buyers of Butter and Eggs.
Tlefrlfferntor and ] 'nuklnir HOIIFQ , Mth 4 : Lvnvon *
worth St. , on U. P. It. H. Track , Omnlm , Nob.
Established 1870 ?
uonniiT PUUVIS ,
General Commission ,
JUS. 14th St. , Omnlm , Nob. Specialties nutter
EBBS , Poultry and Onmo.
Commission Merchants ,
Fruits , 1'rcduco und Provisions , Omaha , Neb
Suc'ccBBorfl to iB'Jiio Orllllth.
Commission Merchants
Ami nbolcBilo ilealun In co intry pnidiicu.
IrultH , butler. ( WKB.oie , ( ioo Honeonslcimient
a epueialt } . U3 N. 2'lth ' St. , Oinulut.
Successors to A. P. Puhaolt. )
Produce Commission Merchants.
No. ! 13 South Kth Street. Omnlm. Noli.
Dry Goods.
1. . aiNSIIKIlQ & CO. ,
\Vholcsnlo Doaloralu
Dry Goods , Hosiery , Notions ,
tin ens , Luces , Kuil'ioMtry ' nnd Whllo C'oods.
KKU DoiiKlns Street , Omnli/t , Ntb.
White Lead.
Strictly Pure Whlto Lead.
20th Stand U. P. lly. Omaha ,
Harness , Etc ,
wni.TY ft LANWIOCK ,
MnnufucturorHnnd Jobhoriot
Harness , .Saddles , Saddlery Hardware ,
Turf Good * , HlanVrU and Hohc-K. l il Kurimm
ftrrot Orniibu. Nob.
Mattresses ,
. it. nnr
Mattress Company ,
. Wi'ttrosses , llcilillnpr , Fcnlhcr
J'lllimii , Cots , lite. VXA uud VM& Douglan btieet ,
Omuhu , .Ncl ) .
_ Overalls.
CANnnu * iLvSTDrAcruwNa co.j
Manufacturers of Oyeralls ,
Jeana VuulH.RIiIrti , Htc.B \ nnd 1 VI Douglu
" , Oraaliu , Kub.
Beer ,
Agent ( or nnlieuser-Busa Brewing
i : 1'csut 1
Dealers In All Kinds of
Building Material at Wholesale.
Ifth StU'Hrttid I it on t'lio 11 Track. Onmht.
Wholesale Dealer in Lumber ,
IPtli ami Irnnl Sheets. OinMiu , Netintskn.
.1. A. vrAur.nnt.D ,
Wholesale Lumber Lath
, , Shingles ,
nullillnrf Pnpcrg , 8ii h , Hours , UllniH , Monlli
Hips , l'ivk ( > t , rosit * , Iilitii' , l'n ! lrr , H | i
tVnu'tiu Nlntn mm.lonos Otviolin Neb.
Millinery ,
Importers HiulJoblioM of |
Millinery and Notions ,
_ _ KIH nnd 1SH llninry Street , Oin.ilm , > foh , )
Musial Instruments.
Wholesalers of Musical Instruments.
Pti'lnwny I'lnmw , Wobcr. Dci-kur. llnlni-j Mild
HrlKK1 * I'uitioH. I'noKiutt ' Oritims Cliuso Ortrun * .
1U1 mid 1 1 15th Mu-ou
rurniture , Etc.
Furniture Mirrors
, Bedding , Upholstery ,
KIC..1WJ , 1S03 nnd I2IJ In in a in Street Onmtt
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
I'm mi in Street , Om aim , Nob.
E. 11. CIIAI'MAN V CO. ,
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars ,
Totmcvo tiiul Smokers' Articles , 1217 Howard St.
" " "
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas ,
plccs , ClKiirH nnd 'rolinoco . iil" ; nnd Ul'J ' UOIIB *
Ins Street , Oinuhti , Neb.
MCCOHD , nitADYJ ; COMl'ANl' ,
Wholesale Grocers ,
Corner 10th nml Fuiimm StieetsOmnlm , Nob.
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
Kos. 705 , ? 07,709 nnd 711 S. 10th St. , Omiilm , Nob.
w. J. nuoATcit ,
Heavy Hardware , Iron , Steel ,
Bprlnps , tVupnu Stock , llnrdwood I.tiintier , ct
I'.tMniH ) 1"11 llnriicy Hreev. Uuiuhn , Nub.
KUNEY & OinilON ,
Wholosale.Iron , Steel , Wagon
And Carrlnfro Wi' I Block. Heavy Hnnlwarw ,
Utc. 1217 mid 121 euvemrortli Street , Omaha ,
* " 3
Builders' Hardware ,
Mechanics' Tool * nnd UuITnlo Scales. H05 Doug *
' " t. Oinulm , Neb.
Jobbers of Hardware and Nails ,
Sheet Iron , Ktc. Aircnts for Himo Scales nnii
Miami I'owdor Co. , Oiiiiihu Nob.
Stoves , Ranges , Furnaces , Tiles ,
SInntles , Clinics , llriiti KOOI ! < > . icl : ! imd 13 Fit
limn Street.
ItnCTOIl & WlLllfiLJlY CO. ,
Wholesale Hardware and Nails ,
Emerson Steel NnIK Cor. lUth nnd llnrncr
fctrt'iits , Oiunlia , Nt b.
Mnnufr/iturcr ot the
Deerini Harvester Goods ,
to Win. M. Lorlmor , Gancrnl Agent ,
Oinahn. Tr'cplioiioUlU. <
Iron Pipe , Etc.
Pumps , Pipe and Engines.
StJftra , Wutnr , Uallu-ny nnd Mllllnir PnppllcB , EfA1
_ JtMZ \ ! imd IC.4 Fnriiiun fit. Omaha , Neb. j
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings , '
Steam nnd Water Supplies. Hon.limrtois ( ( tat
Mont l"ooFt Co.'s lioods. 1111 Vnrmuii atreot , '
Omiilm , Nob. J
Wholesale Jewelers.
Dealers In Sllvenvaro , Dlmnonds , Wntcli ai
Clocks , .lowclcrs' Tools nnd SlnlcrinU , T.lo. , 101
nnd HU , IMIi Street , Cor. Uodno , Omaha , Nub. j
NctionSi E'c.
V1NVAHU & SClIKiiEU. : !
JobiMirs in
Notions.Hosiery . & Gents'Frrnhhing ' Goods
100 nnd 1033 Fanmm St. , Omnlm , Neb _
J. T. Robinson Notion Company , r
< rtl nnd Vt , S. 10th St.Omalui. Nob. J
Wholesale Dealer" In Kotlons and Gouts' I'ctr-
nlshliifr Goods.
Oils Etc.
Wholesale Dealers in Oils ,
Gnfollnc , Mien A.ilo Grcnto , Kto. A. II. Illshop ,
ilnnugcr , Ouiahu , Nob. ,
Pork Packing.
Pork Packer and Shipper ,
Oinulm , Nebraska ,
Packers and Provision Dealers ,
Office , Union Market , 1517 Dodiro PtriHit. Packing
hnuto , U. P. It. 11. Truck , Oinnhu , Nob. Telephone
phone No. 157. _ _ _
Safes and Locks , \
' '
r < 110V Ell & CO.
Agents for Hall's ' Safe & Lock Co.s1 '
Fire and llurelarl'i oof Pufc'S.TInio Ioe ! ; , Vmilt
anil Jull work. 1CWJ Farniuu btiuul , Oinnhu , Nub
" "
j. KVANP ,
Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Seeds.
u , Etc. Odd Follow' Ilnil ,
M.V. . Cor. llth imd Uoil o St „ Omuhu , Noli.
Drugs , Etr.
Wholesale Druggists
And DeiUer In I'liltitf , OIK mid Window fllas.1
Omuhu , Jcl ! ) . , j
Win's , LI juorr , Etc ,
Jl.RIl A ; CO. ,
Distillers and Importers of Wines
Anil Llrinoiii. Hole uninutuc'tuicrii of hcnnody'l
Kiihiliullu Illtiuik. 111. llimiuy tJtrcin , Uinahu ,
UKII. w id/.VCAN / ,
Buccrtror to McNAiiAltv X DUMCAV , Iinp'-utort
niul ' -
Y/ines / , Liquors and Cigars ,
_ pJ4 and 215 P , I II h St. , Omulin , .Nn'j.
" ' "
_ Notions , Lt' .
" " " "
' i"lIltANDinS I ; SON ,
Wholesale Job Lots , !
Dry CHlB , NotlDim , ( Innlft * Furnlshliisr ( loodl.
Hoods fioin N''w Viuk. 'j'radf sulci daily. Me
uni < ' < -'oinh i'llh St. ,
Flour and Feed. _
Wholesale Flour , lf.ed ? and Grain.
ItAnufBcturorc o [ W. J. > V ( n.'b Qulc-
lUIolna llnu .wlii'iiilloiir
titMilit , cor. btU uuJ Kury.mi '