THE OMAHA v DAILY BEE : FRIDAY , Atf&TJST 20 , 1880. AIL SCARED BY SLUGGERS Those Who Were Afraid to Say Anytling For Fear of Punishment. FEAR MAKES WITNESSES SILENT Old Veterans FlKhllnK Tliolr Unities Itt Memory Their Hanks Growing ThInncr-OInny Itwn Stnto Items of Inicicst. Retention Subsldlne. Hiot"c CITV , la. , August 10. [ Special Tel- oeram to tin1 Uii : : . ] The Intense excitement yesterday abated to a largo extent , owing to tlio ndjomtimcnt of the coroner a Jury fora week anil the consequent lack of now devel opments. Now and > ery ltni > ortatit wit ness brought to light to-day lit tlio person of a Herman mechanic , who witnessed the killing nt Key. Haddock , but had heretofore ) been afraid to make thuf.tcl known , lest ho would be slugged. Last night , howeser. hu told hh employer what ho knew and had seen. The latter at once Informed the offi cials. At the convening of the jury next week his testimony will lo taken. Another man , who has hold back from frar , was found to-day and subpoenaed. Scaicdy a day passes but what some new facts and developments of alike nature arc brought to llehtpiovln ( , ' the wisdom of thu jury'sdolay In rendering a veidlct. An olllcor , who knows , Raid tothollKi : reporter to-day : % 'Vou will be surprised when you hear of the number of men who are In the conspiracy. " It Is now positively as serted that 11. V , I.eavltt Is one of the four men \vtiodro\o to Cirrenvillo In a closed iiack , following the llov. Haddock , on the night of the murder. During tlio adjourn ment of the Jury the police ate pushing the investigation , using such points as bavo been developed by tlio police thus far. John King and Charles \Vnlteriiig ap peared In tliu police coin t to-day. They were p.ile , noAoits'aiid considerably agitated , and were arraigned for consplilng ag.tiiist the llfo of the llev. Thomas W. Walker on the night of Augusts , this same night Kev. Haddock was 'nuiidciod. They cntuied a plea of not gulltv and their case.s weio continued ono week but tlie men will bo bound over seas as to he needed later on conspiracy which they aio held. It Is ono and tliu .samo with that which caused tlio death of llev. Haddock ami It Is not at all certain but wiiattlioy actually participated In the tragedy. tercd threats were hcaid on all sides , the tes- tlinonj Is slowly being woven and tliu mur derers , as well as those who planned the as- Haiilt'and minder cannot encane. All of the thirty-two saloonlsls nru packing up th'Mr goods. The resoit some have already gone oxer , bntlt is notpiobablo many men who own- " buildings occupied by saloons will leave. Votcrnu Visitors. DIB MOINES , la. , August 10. [ Special Telegram to the UKK.J The city Is gaily and elaborately decorated with flaijs and bunting In honor ot the Mexican veterans , who are holding their state and national reunion in this clly. To-day the exercises have been under the direction ot tlio state association , and to morrow the national association has charge. A national salute by tlio Kmggold battery at sunrise ushered in to-day's exercises. The veterans , on anlvlng , teported to the general olllcers , whoso tents aio pitched In court house , and at 3 j\ . in. formed In line and marched to tlio pavilion rink , where a busi ness session of the association was hold. _ Thls evening theio was a grand "camp-lire , at which speeches were made by Colonel John Scott , of Nevada , General j AIcFaddcn , of Indiana , and ) other Mexican vetorans'from all parts of Ih'o United States are represented in tlio reunion , and great enthusiasm is manifested among the mem bers of the association and citizens generally. * There are about two hundred of the Mexican veterans hero to-night and many moro are expected to-morrow. As they marched to the music ot the lite and drum this af t noon they presented ! ! pathetic bight most of them advanced In life , many of them laino and Imlt and all of them gi/.zlcd ! and weather- beaten. Ono of the veterans of the reunion Is Michael Fiench , of Story county , who served In the war of 1S12. Special attention Is paid to this ola veteran , who was born In New York In 1702. He was wounded at the battle of Qiicenstown , and still carries in his arm a British bullet which he received there. Ho atterwaids served In the Ulackhawk war , being then a lesldent of Illinois. The fol lowing ofllcers of the association were elected for the ensuing year : Colonel \V. T. Shaw , Anamosa , president ; S. T. Brown , Newton , vice president ; M. U. Pi lostly , DCS Molnes , secretary and treasurer ; Captain J. W. ( ! rlf- fifths , Des Molnc.s , marshal ; Captain Ken nedy , quartermaster , The Second Hi igado of the Iowa national Kiuirds , now In camp at Marshaltown , had a gala day to-day. A special train from here carried Governor Larrabeii and stall and Ms escort , the governor's guards. Thousands of visitors wore at the camp , and the dress parade was reviewed by Adjutant General Alexander , Hiigadler ( loneral liccson , Gov- 'ernor Larrahcn and many other civil and nillltaiy officials , _ Sulo of a Knllronrt. KKOKUK , la. , August 18. fSpi-clal Tel egram to the Bin. : ] This afteinoon Master In Chancery L. T. Lomax sold the Missouri , „ Iowa & Nebraska railway to the highest bid der by order of the couit. The Missouri , Iowa & Nebraska proper was put up Hrst with the undeistanding that if It didn't bring sufficient money to pay the Incumbraiico of over two million dollars the other portion of Uio road would also bo hold. The first and only bid for the llrnt paicol was § 50,000 made by .1. Dowltt Cuyloy , of Philadelphia. No liuther bids being lecolved , thu toad was knocked down to Mr. Cuyler. ' The portion of the road between Humls'ton and Van wort was then put up. Mr. Cuyler bid 5100,000 and also got the second paicel. Ho tendered the money and announced that ho purchased it for Monis H. Jessup , and Henry O. Thatcher lopresoutlng the bonu holders , _ ' A. Hl Family. PK.VNISON , Iowa , August 19 , [ Special to the Biu.J : Deiinlson , Crawford county , Iowa , can challenge almost any town to duplicate or beat the following family rcc- rOrd : Just southeast of Denimon lives a well-to-do farmer by the name of Houlihan , ' who has fifteen children living , all in good health , and Mrs. Houlihan the mother of them all Is not yi't tlility-livo yeuis old. She has never had twins nor triplets , she enjoys - perfect health and looks as young , fresh and blooming as many a maiden of twenty-livo t and bids fair to doubloher present iccord A 1'olltlcal Split. JUvKsrouT , la , , August 10. The republi can convention of the second Iowa district hold hero to-day resulted In a disruption. One wing , Including the thirty-seven dele gates from Scott , Iowa and Johnson counties , met and nominated ex-Govci nor S. J. Kirk- wood , of Iowa City. The ether wing , num. baring foity-.sovon delegates fiom Muscatine , Clinton and Jackson counties , nominated T. J , O'Meara , the Knights of Labor candi date. _ _ _ _ * Hall Itonoiniunted. Bu r.iNO.TOK , la. , August 10. llall , demo crat , was nominated to congress by acclama tion this afternoon. Swept Away ly the Floods. NOUAI.KS , Ariz. , Atisust 10 , News haa Just been received heio that the town of Sarlc , ID Sonora , was ontlruty swept away by floods Saturday. The place had a population of seven hundred. Not a house h leu stamllnz. The grain Holds are flattened to the giotuul. No estimate of toe damaco or loss can bo given. . 1 ' ' * r- Nobrnvka aud Iowa Weather. For Nebraska and Iowa : Kulr wvathor , 'Stationary temperature. The Cutting H WASHINGTON" , August .10. [ Special Tele gram to the KM. . ) A special to the Now Voi k World to-daj oaysthrtels llttlo doubt that w hen the Mexican troubles are settled Secretary Bayard will teslsn. A correspondent pendent claims to know that the secretary of state I ? anxious to leave his present position owing to hh failure to win the suniKirt of the American people In the Cutting ntfalr. The correspondent al o adds that Assistant Secretary Puller will resign as soon as the business of the olllre will admit of It , owing to the fact that his relations with llayaid's private sec- retaiy , Bryan , are not cordial. Little can bo Icained attliedi < paitmoiit In lecntd to the al leged Intentions of 'the secretaiy of state and his lirst assistant , but the prediction Is generally re garded premature nud without adequate foundation , llajard Is veiy much wonicd over the comso the I'tittlngcmbioxllo has taken , but as far as can be lo.irued among the nlliclals surrounding him , he has expressed to no one his Intentions. < ToT ( Davis on Democracy. Nnw OIIIKAN , August 1U [ Special Tele gram to the Br.iIclTeison : ] Davis was among the vlsitois to the Sixth Mississippi Congressional district lomlnatlngcoinou- tlon In Mississippi City yesterday. Ho was enthusiastically rccelxod anil accorded the pilvllegoof Hie lloor , and. In iesonso | toio- poatod calls , he ald ns a Mlsslsslpplan at last no could addiess the convention. Ho ad- veiled to the great Importance ot the duties of congressmen and the danger now always to bo apprehended that the position would he ptostltutcd to personal ends. Touching the question of Cleveland's appointments , Davis said the president was entlicly now to na tional politics , therefore could not ho expected to escape occasional mistakes. In regard to the negro vote , Davis .said .soiithein demo crats should be congratulated upon having educated their slaves to a grade of clvlll/a- tion so high that icpubllcans thought them lit to exercise the right of citizenship. Tlio charge that tlm people of the south abused their stieiistb to opiiioss the blacks ho de nounced as calumnious ; ho trusted a Missis- Rtpplan would never stoop so low as to strike down a voter or take an untalr advantage of Ignoiatice. A. llnprclicnslhln Practice , "Yonic , N'eb. , August ID [ Special to the Uii : . ] Israel Lent/ was arrested and brought to this city last night , charged with stealing 107 bushels of corn from Joseph K. Hoover , a piomiiiPiit farmer of this county. The theft is alleged to have been committed March 1,1&5 , and why Mr. Hoover allowed tlio mailer to rest for over a year and a half Is a mystery. This inoinlngMr. Hoover's at torneys settled the matter and dismissed the prosecution by inducing Lentto pay for the corn and damages. Tills modi' ol practise lias been carried out too often in Voile county , the sherill olten being compelled to EO long distances to aupst pilsoncis cliaigod with crime airl give them up to the comts , as is altorwaids disclosed , only to enable the com- plainint ! witness to iorceil.collcctlonof some claim. This piactice has become" too fie- ( liient and tlio olllceis have become di.sgustcd running mrii down and returning them to the bauds of justice , only to be dealt with to satisfy the claim ot someone anxious tote- cover a money ditl'oieneu. A 'Wholesale Murderer Killed. CHRYKN.NI ; , Wyo. , August 19. fSpeclal Telcgiam to the Bin ; . ] Ilunty Wellcr , T. 11. Tlggormaii and August Otis were found muuleied at Jackson's lake In Toton basin , sixty mllcB south of the Yellowstone national paik , booral weeks ago. This morning United States Marshal Carrarilvcd from the locality bringing information of the minder and capture a few days ago at Blaclcfoot , Idaho , of John Connors , chaigod with the Killing. Toton basin has been tor years the retreat of a band ot horse thieves and mur derers who have dolled nrrest except when caught away from the icnde/vous. I'OBtmantcrH Appointed. " WA. < miXlTOX , August 19. [ Special Tele gram to the Bnnj Edgar Hilton was to-day appointed postmaster at Blue Hill , Webster countv , vice Clarence L. Dawson , leslgnod. The following Iowa postmasters weio ap. pointed : Henry Gordon , Hard , Puburme county , vice Ilosa E. Gonlcn , deceased ; Ar thur L. Lesau , at Le.san , llinggold county , vicoO. L. Lcsan , resigned ; L. 1) . Wood- maiicy , Wheeler , Pottawottamlo county , vice L. \Voodinancy , removed. Missouri Ilourbouu Nominate. ST. Louis , August 19. The democratic state convention reassembled at t ) this mom- ing and immediately begun to ballot for a candidate for supreme judge. On the sixth ballot Hon. Tlios. Brace , ol Monroe , was nominated. A recess was taken until 3 o'clock. The afternoon session was prolonged until 0 o'clock. W. K. Clcman was renoniinated for school superin tendent on the lirst ballot and John 1) ) . Breat- hit , of Saline county , received the nomina tion tor railroad commissioner on tlio ninth ballot , after which the convention adjourned slue die. Indians Iiaave the Kesorvntlon. WASHINGTON , August 18. [ Special to the BKK.J Indian Accnt Moore , of the Colvlllc agency , Washington territory , asks the Indian oflieo to send military to help him capture and ictnru 1,600 Spokane Indiana 'Whoatoallojed to po oil their reservation. Secretary Lamar has replied that ho has no newer to order out tliosoldiom to aid an Indian agent to perform his duty and that Moore must do the best ho can without NOldleis. Ono MaiTo It the Other Didn't. NiAoiitA FAT.I.S. N. Y. , August 19. A. Grrlmin successfully navigated the whlil- pool rapids this afternoon , with his head protruding fiom the barrel. James Scott , a ilsherman of Lowlston , nttomptod to swim the whirlpool rapids this afternoon In a cork suit. His dead body was picked up at Lewiston - ton an hour later. An Kniliozzlcr Arrested. BOSTON , August 19. George Snclllngs , treasurer of the Lowell blpachery , was ar- tested late last night charged with embez zling 810,000 of the company's Minds. He was put under 850,000 bonds to appear In court to-day , Troops for J ndIn. LONDON , August 10. The Indian govern ment is Inviting tendorx nt Newcastle foi transpoils to bo ready to proceed to Bombay and Calcutta at the end ot August , They are to be used , It Is presumed , to carry rein forcements of troops to Burmah. Old Joe Shelby on Mexico. St. Louis ( ilobo-Domoonvt : Tlio famil iar , hearty lace of Generul Joe Shnlby , of Adrian , Bates county , Mo. , appeared at the L'luntors' house last - ni lit-and ho vraa soon surrounded by people who had been intimately acquainted with him for many years back- . After tlio war , In which ho happened to be on the wrong side , lie wont with several hundred followers to Mn.Nicand attached himself to the for tunes , or rather misfortunes , of the ill- starred Maximilian , Ho had two years of the most intimate acquaintance with the lighters of the sister republic. The pros- out dillieulty js therefore ono in whioh ho is interested in an unusual dogroo. Ho keeps tx ahurp eye upon each day's de velopments , and la very thoroughly posted upon the situation. " \Vhnt opposition could Mexico make to American forces , general , in case war was dociarciU" ho was uskcd by a Globe- Democrat reporter , "Well , you know Diaz , the Incumbent president , resisted the French valiantly. Ho fought gallantly and contested every inch to Pueblo , where hu was dually de feated , Still , when wo think of the mutter of the Al ox Scans resisting American arniioa , thu idea is preposter ous and absurd , There are no natural barriers to the City of Mr.sico. Th Hio Urando amounts to no tuoro as un ol > - staclo than the Morrimao would , 1'ifty or a hundred miles above Mnlamoras it is fordable , and the same all the war up to. the Arizona lino. Having crossed the river you eoiuo to no forests , no inouu- tains , no streams , nothing whatever to the progress of an nriuy direct to the capital of the country " "What sort of a force could President Diax. rai o for rosi-.taticpi' " "Ho could probably gather 300,000men : certainly no moro than lliat. It would IIP impossible to concentrate thesp , bo- c.inso they have so largo a country to jiroloct such a gioat area to cover. " "Would they do any lighting ! " "Ohcs. , . This idea about tlio lack ol courage ami endurance in Mexican sol diers is wrong. They haven't the vim about them that the United States troops would have , but they would make a vor.y good showing , I assure you. They are active , ami can make longtsr , quicker marches , on less rations , than any other soldiers in the world. " "Have they good ofllcerst" "Din ? was educated in military science in Prussia , aud ho is a magnificent sol- dicr tliorc Is no discount on that. And ho Is surrounded by n coterie of wise and brilliant olliccrs , all of thorn graduates of the linest military school" in the world , and all splendid lighters. " "And llipy arc nol so wise , then , that they will perfectly appreciate the liopi > - Ics.snoss of a war witli this country , nud that Dia/ will bank down ! ; " ' "Of course they all know prociscl.y how a war with the United States would result. Hut they a No know that if tliuy ' down' will their 'back they at once loscfe hold upon tlio ppoplo and upon tlio goV' eminent. The Mexican people are ex tremely jealous of their laws add tholr institutions , and if Dia.should fail ly out ) jot to uphold the law and tint prln- L'iplu'involvcd in this case , lip would soon Hud himself politically ruined. If he should accede to tlio demands ol Secre tary Bayard that ( Jutting be released , lie would bo deposed , porhapi assassinated. Thcro would bo involution instantly , Under those circumstances , of course , he will not heed Secretary Bayard's de mands. That may , I think , bo depended upon " "What are the relations between Americans anil Moxicaus in Mexico' " "I never in my life saw anything which oven tended to any but the most kinill.y feelings for all classes of Americans on the part of the Mexicans. As to the fron tier and the Hio ( ! raudi > boundarlosthori ; is always a class ol men there making trouble. On the Texas side there are : i lot of American- ; prepared at all times to commit any depredations on Mexican soil within their power. It was i < o in my day down in that part of the world , and it's so now. " "It has been said that when you passed down with your GOO or 700 men you lost a good many of thorn at the hands of the Moxicaus. Is that so ? " "Vi-s. that's so , but I found in every case that the gmcn were aggressors against the Mexicans' domestic happi ness , and their death naturally fol lowed. " "Then may it bo judged from whatybu say that if the administration's backbone holds out there will be war ? " - i "Now , don't try to catch nic oh anj complicated questions. Polk had back' bone at the time of the other Mexican war , but if our armies had met with anj reverses the war would have ended right there. " AN OVERRATED MAN. Samuel J. Tilclcti AVIthnut Any Koal Decision of Character. Gatli in Cincinnati Enquirer : One evening 1 met a man named Conovornii Florida senator from the north , whc began to talk about Tildou haying car ricd Florida , and said ho know it. 1 saw the situation in a few minutes , and , desiring - siring to have no more lighting in the country , I wont down to Tildcn's house the following morning to inform him about Conover's situation , Conovcr , i suppose , wanted the state patronage ol Floridasaved for himself aud friends , but was willing to present the electoral vote of tho'state to the democrats. The same position was taken by John J. Pat terson of South Carolina , who saw an in dictment hanging oypr his head unless ho would work well i n the democratic harness , carpetbagger as he had boon. When I arrived at Mr. Tildcn's house-1 sent my name to him. Ho came out and was immediately pestered by some bores nf women , who h.i.d apparently come to bespeak his attention to the claims ol oflicc for their km. Tildcn looked haggard , limp , and with out any decision ot character. So fat from seeming' to bo a cheerful , happy person , who had como nearer to the pres idency than any man since Buchanan , he could have been , figuratively speaking , put in a spit-ball and turowif against the wall to stick there. Ho bore the gniso , 61 ono who had nclthor slept , nor eaten , nor been philosophic , Having waited as long as I thought lit , considering what matter I had to toll him , I arose to go. Ho came over to me and stuck out Tils car as usual. T told him there were two senators , as I believed , and one as J know , who wore considering the prop riety of deserting the republicans in order to settle the presidential mattci upon a basis of peace and perhaps jus tice. Ho replied to me in a whisper ; "Yes , 1 know all about it ; and , now I bog of you , don't print anything about it , or yon will frighten them away. " I had boon to sec , Mr. Tilden but a little while before , when he scorned full of jov , chielly on .account of his nomination , Therefore , when I met him who had the reputation of being a man of courageous business decision and strong common sense .so thoroughly unnerved in the now btanding ho had acquired , 1 thought to myself : "This man is not lit to bo presi dent of the United States. Ho lias been overrated for his real qualities. Ho inay bo all right in linesso campaigning'get ting out the vote , etc. , but the country is not going to get along with him. " I was not , therefore , surprised to sec Tildun lose tlio presidency with every wicket in his hands but one , and J have never been able to resist the conclusion that ho played his game with an empty hand. Undoubtedly it is much in a man's favor that he lias the decisiveness to go to war when ids country expects war , and oilers the extraordinary points of career which only military life can give. Hayes wrote in his lettjr to his wife when Mr. Lincoln's call for troops came : "Stanley Matthews and I have agreed to go into tlio war. L had rather die in tiio war than live through it and not have t'iken part in it. " Thn soldioi got the ollico because ho had the nerve not to trillu with his friends who set tc work for him. Tildun , on the other hand , abandoned his friends as far as ho dared , and tlioso who saw Pulton , after all hie labors , discarded and Hunt to die a drunk ard's death never looked on Tildcn again us if he woru a man lit to rule the country. A Now Firm , Kulm Bros , a couple of enterprising young men , have purchased the house lurnishing and crockery store of M. Kciuhonborg , IfiSl Douglas street. They promibo the trade that they will carry the largest stock of all grade goods at lest money than all competitors. By all meaii try them. KOTICE. This is to notify the public that I have sold all my right , title and interest in the store known as M. Keishouborg'a Now York house fnrnishingstoro , IjjS-iDouglae Htrcct , to Kulm Bros. I beg all mv friends and customers and trade in gen eral to give my successors a trial. M. KEICHEMUEUQ. WIIEHE is BmnvN's PAUK ? Speck's Is the finest 5-cont Cigar over ottered in the market ! For Bargains la Real Estate gv to Mayne Bros. , 1510 Farnani ; they have the largest list m city. ' GET HOWE & KKitu'a fines ON FUKMI TUltlS. 1510 DOUULJU lcr qonal ' Llrmtciiant M. \ , . Dly ; is at the Millard , A , L. Straug went down to Lincoln lasl night. ' < Byron Clark c6hleft'iplatcs a trip to Kuropo. r. V. Major Goldsclin\idt > ) f Cheycuno is at thp Paxton. i O. H. Dorranco'Arrived in town yes terday morning. ' C. D , Woodard hasjtpno on a business trip to Goshenbprgj Frank F , Hanctf of Madison , Neb. , Is on his way cast to buy Jroods. pJlm Stevenson wont to Burlington , la. , on a business trip yesterday. Mrs. Xoinincck,1 of La Crosse , Wis , h visiting her 'daughter , Mrs. Max Baohr. II. C. Brccklnridgo of Toledo , Ohio , is visiting his brother , C. I' . ' Ureekeuridge of this city. Colonel K. Allnu , deputy United Slates marshal , went to Nunaha county yes- tctday morning. ( ioncral Superintendent Smith , of the Union Pacific , and family returned from a Denver trip yesterday , Mrs. Samuel Thomas and her daugh ter , Mrs. C. A. Potter , wont to Washing ton , Pa. , for n short season of pleasure. Mr. T. Harrington , one of the pains taking flagman at the Union Pacific crossing at Tenth slropf. is laying oil' for several weeks , after his hard season's work. A. P. McKenna of Forest City , was up town yesterday. He states that the old name of thu town is about to bo abolished , and that of Gretua substituted. The place is now on the Missouri Pacific road. A. B. Jacobs , of Kast Berlin , Pa. , nophnw of the late John C. Jacobs has just concluded a few ( lays' visit to his old friend , Mike Maul. Mr. Jacobs left for tliu caft yesterday and Michael has to retail his old "apple stealing" to Elias. United States District Attorney Lam- bcrlhon went to Korth Platte yesterday on n kind of lecturing and concert tour. Ho will talk legal stMist ; to the ranchmrn who have been fencing in government land and will sing "Woodman Spare that Tree" to those who have used the ax too freely among government timber. Christopher Koch was arrcstod'ycslcr- dayand taken to Conncll.IHufls , whore lie had'committed perjury in swearing to the ago of himself and his young bride. The latter was tiie daughter of a Douglas county farmer with whom Koch had olopcii. Brevities. The county commissioners wont to Fldrcnco yesterday on a road contract letting trip. Ashman , the escaped convict from the Michigan reformatory was taken back to _ lena by Olhccr Blair yesterday evening. \l \ .Philip Smith was arrested last evening "for'an assault upon a man named Post in a Fourteenth street saloon. The assault was the result of a row over u game ol cards. The ndjourned1$3(5qtjing ( for the pur- PP30 of orgauizinfrilqdiro ( ; , of tlio order oi the sons of St. Goorge/Avas very largely attended on last Saturday evening , a suJ- . licont number of na-nVcs were obtained for a charter ; it was Mdianimously voted to forward it to 'the grand secretary at once. All tlioso wiwhirlg % to take advant age of joining the Jbtljro as charter mem bers should attcnit'tlio next meeting to beheld held Saturday ove'rUng ' , , August 21st at 8 p. m. , at St. George's hall. Peter Flommiujrt air/old soldier , both of whoso legs had boon tent off at the knee appeared in noliee-court yesterday morn ing and asked Judgc Steubcrg to identify him in order tlm tlm nught- cash a check of $30. Fleinmiug had been arrested one Sunday night in February and hoped that ,4UoiJude.might"rcu . Qniber him. This , however , Judge Stunbcrg failed to do , and Flcmming was obliged to seek else where tor his idcntilication. Ho belongs to the Soldiers' Home at Milwaukee , and is absent on a furlough. Aynu F. Hcins and wife and family of Jour children leave this afternoon for Europe. They will board the steamer "Eider" of the North Gorman Lloyd line al New York , on the 23th inst. Tiiey will first visit Hanover , afterwards mak ing an extensive tour through Germany , thence through Italy , Ireland , Scotland , returning home in about four mouths. 'Mr. Helns has been formally bidden good bye by hosts of his old friends , all of whom wisli him a pleasant journey and a safe return. The Now Posr. Gen. Dandy returned yesterday morn ing from Fort Bridgor , Wyo. , where be started Saturday last to sec about de spatching the troops to tl.o now post , Fort Du Quesno , in Utah. Ho reports that the detachment of cavalry , under Col. Bcntcen , wound off to the now post on Tuesday , the companies of infantry having started a short time before. They will bo on the ground by the last of thi's week. Owing to the limited appropria tion of $125,000 , the buildings to bo erected willl not be of the most elegant descrip tion. Thpy will servo well enough , how ever , for purposes of shelter , and it is hoped that a larger appropriation will be made , if the war department sees fit to continue the post. A Now Brick Yard. Smith & Whiting have opened a brick yard south of the Union Pacific track , near Twontj-fourth street. The yard will have a capacity of 50,000 per day , which will bo increased as the occasion may demand. The linn have a largo capital which they propose to devote to the business. Personal Paragraphs. Mrs. Andrew itosowntcr and son , Stan ley , have returned from Spirit Lake , wlioro they have been for several weeks. Mrs. Frank A. Johnson , of Galesburg , III. , is visiting with Mrs , Hcdcnalil , at Walnut Hill. .Tenner. All the Year Hound : Although Jonncr was -10 years old before ho made vaccina tion known to the-world , the subject had attracted his attention when only a youthful apprentice fo.i country surgeon. Ho was convinced that the current methods of treating cow-pox and small pox were cupablu of .improvement , and liii set himself to stu y/tlio nature of the disease. But foij r W.Y years after his opinions were lu deV known to the medical faculty tlt ) > y were contempt uously scouted. Ho.nrjH of all had to prove , contrary to tlio , prevalent belief , that what was caJloU cow-pox wna not a certain preventive of small-pox. Then ho had to trace , out the nature of the difference in the dlsoases to which cows are subject , and to-ascertain which ot thorn possessed them protective virtue against small-porvii AftQr repeated fail ures ho made tho'ghthil discovery that it is "only in a certain condition of the pustule that the vfrAis is capable of im parting its protective power to tlio human constitution. " It was on the 14th of May , 1700 , that ho first put his theory to the test by transferring cow-pox by inocula tion from one human being to another , It was two years , however , before his famous "Inquiry into the Causes and Eflects of the Viirioho Vaccmai" was published. Henry Ciivo was the first London doctor to put the thing to the test , and hu is credited with performing the first successful vaccination in Lon don. Other cases followed , and Lady Francis Morgan ( afterward Lady Duoie } was the first lady of rank to have a child vaccinated. Thu "Excelsior" cigar is the finest five cent cigar in the city. An excellent smoke. Try it. Goodman's Pharmacy , 1110 Faruam at. \ \ / > PAT T n t PT n MPf\lll\T/ COLT RACES Entries For the Taking Racing Peaturo of The Fair. ft SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING. Mr. Fortitno's host fortune Swoonoy Hcntenoeft Oleomargarine Tax A Daylight llobbory Brevi ties and Other Iiooal , Tlio Colt Ilaccs. Of late years the most taking features of western turf events have been the colt races for two , three and four-year-olds. In this respect the coming meeting of the fair and driving park association prom ises to excel. Secretary Wheeler has re ceived an unusually largo number of entries for the two , three and four-year- old stakes. Thcro are three premiums in eacli race , tlio stakes being divided so as to give 70 per cent to the lirst , 20 per cent to the second and 10 per cent to the third horse. In tlio two-year-old colt stake race there are seven entiles nt $2o each , and as the association adds $100 tlio total purno will bo $2TO. Following are the entries for these stakes : Il-OI.O STAKi : . i. A. Graham , Uiggsville , 111. , bay stallion Spectator , by Dictator , dam Hattie - tie Morgan. Hayes & Sccbor , Clinton , la. , black filly Lorottc , by Almont Rattler , dam Lady Thompson. Kesterson & toilet , Falrbury , Neb. , bay stallion Seth P , by Swigert , dam Merrhnac. M. T. Patrick , Omaha , black stallion Charles McCormick , by Judge Uoyd , dam Fauuio McCormick. K. Elliott , Nemaha City , Neb. , bay filly Hart , by MeAlahon , dam Ilamblutouiai' Chief. Ed Culver , Omaha , black filly Nellie G. by Little Giant , dam Fannie C. 11. Piekrell , YorJc , Nob. , bay stallion Count Waldcmar , by King Itene , dam Evaden. Evaden.TlIU TlIU TIIKK-YHAU-OM ) STAKE. In the tlirue-year-old colt stake there are four entries , ! 30 entrance and the association addimj $150 , making a total purse of $2:0. For the three-year-old colt stakes are the following entries : J. A. Graham , Ueggsville , HI. , black stallion Ulack Oak , by Alcantra , dam Artless. J. J. Starbuck , McCook , Neb. , light choMnut stallion Tramp S. , by Tramp No.308 , ' ilam Hello , by Museatiuc , by Green's liafahaw. J" . G. Wiobe , Fairbury , Neb. , sorrel BUllion Saturn Jr. , by baturn ( dam not given ) . M. O. Uilcy , Kearney , Neb. , bay filly Loucttc , by Homulus , dam by Bashaw Drurey. FOtrU-YKAK-Ol.l ) STAKK. Tile four-year-old colt stakes , with $33 entrance , ten entries , and $ i.00 added by the association , makes a total purse of $300. Following are the entries in this class. George Vance , Fairbuty , Neb. , chest nut stallion Ned V. , by Saturn datu not -given. ) L. II. Ilctzol , North Auburn , Neb. , brown gelding Jonn S. , by McMahon , dam Ulack 15ess. F.'S. Foswire. Superior , Neb. , chestnut stallion Persuader , by Wagner's Bashaw , dam by Little Crow. Perry Brothers , Wayne , Nob. , black Stallion Frank P. , by Darwin , dam Nellie Tucker. M. O. lliley , Kearney , Neb. , bay mare L'ouetto , by Homulus , dam by Bashaw's irury. ) J. A. Graham. Biggsyillo , III. , bay stal lion Tribune , by Knickerbocker , dam School Girl. George B. French , Fremont , Neb. , bay stallion Hanger , by Bon Franklin dam Telegraph. Ed Culver , Omaha , chestnut filly , Sister C , by Alltimo. dam Fannie C. 0. L Stowell , Auburn , Neb. , bav " geld ing , Ted McMahon , by AlcMahou" , dam Daisy. 1. J. Starbuck , McCook , Neb. , light chestnut stallion , Tramp S , by Tramp No. ao8 , dfun Belle by Muscatino. A glance at the entries in the above stakes indicate a hot race m each class ana if these ontiies can bo taken as an indication of the coming fair , then its success is assured beyond a doubt. With out referring to the records of 188 > > we remember that the entries are nearly double the number made in these classes for Jast year. _ Mfl FORTUNE'S FORTUNE. An Error In n Deed and nn Abscond ing Partner Takes It , An opinion of Judge Brewer in the case of M. Fortune vs John Y. Smith et al was received at the ollico of the clerk of the United States district court yester day. This was a bill to correct an error in a deed and clear the title to certain real estate. In 1885 Smith was a cattle dealer living at N.orth Bond , and doing business with Jlumsoy & Bucll , a Chicago commission firm , through ono of their agents , M. Fortune , the plaintiff in the action. In January 1885 , Smith and For tune formed a partnership , Fortune put ting in 5,800 in cash , $5,200 in notes and $5,000 borrowed from Uumsoy & Buoll on the joint note of Fortune and Smith. In April ol the same year Smith made a deed convoying to rortuno , the property known as the opera house at North Bend to secure For tune for money ho had put into the firm. By mistake another property was de scribed in the deed. Later in the year Smith absconded , owing Humsey & Bucll ? 33,000 , , and they attached all of his prop erty. Fortune agreed to lot them go on with their attachment until they secured the $5,000 duo them on the joint note of Smith & Fortune , Kumsoy < & Buoll have managed to collect about f 9,000. , aud now Fortune putt ) in his claim. He makes Huinsoy & Buell co-defendants with Smith in his suit for thu correction of thu deed , which was intended to give him the own ership of the opera houso. Judge Brewer holds that while the agreement between Humsey & Buell and their agent , Fortune , is not specific m its terms , Fortune , as a partner of Smith's , is equally responsible with Smith to Huin soy & Buell for thu amount due them through Smith's transactions. Fortune. therefore , cannot recover , and the bill must bo dismissed. THEY FOUND HIM GUII/TY. The Jury's Vonllct In the Bweenojr- O'lloylo Uaso. The trial of James Sweeney , charged with an assault upon Officer O'Boyle , on Thirteenth street lust Saturday night , was hoard before a jury in Judge Stonberg's court yesterday afternoon. The testi mony was all in favor of the officer's Bide of the case , oven Sweeney's ' friends , sum moned by the defense , swearing that O'Boyle ' never used his club until he had been struokby Sweeney. The jury , with out leaving their scats , returned a verdict of guilty , In sentencing Sweeney , Judge Stenberg took occasion to lecture him and his friends soundly concerning their conduct it ) the oasa. lie especially cen sured Sweeney's backers who had urged him to resist O'Boylo and had thus started the row. Ho said he was inclined to be lenient , wth ) Sweeney , as ho had a family to support , but ho would show no lonleuoy to any of the persons who had encouraged him In his resistance of tliu oiUCer'jj authority. He told them that actions like theirs had made it so that H Was dangerous for an olllror to attempt to perform his duty , and that unless some steps wore taken to breakup thus action on the part of certain crowd-swim lounge around certain saloons in Omaha the police would become desperate and a shooting afi'air would bo the result. He impoied a line of $15 and costs en Swee ney. ney.Carl Harm , a basket-maker , who wa in the saloon at tiio time of the row. wa < shewn by the evidence yesterday to have had a good deal to do with the disturb ance , lie made an attempt to rt'H'iie Sweeney from the olllcor , auc , failing in this , went homo to get "something" which would help him out in lu.s tight against tlio officer. A warrant was swoin out for his arrest yesterday evening. 11 gave bonds in the sum of $200 for his ap- iH'araneo for ttial al ! ) o'clock this morn ing. There are other parties who wore implicated in the assault who will b < ? ar rested to-day. A Spoolnl Session. A special meeting of tin city council was held last evening , at which all of the members were presout except Alderman Leo. Leo.A A communication was received from W. F. Iteclicl , acting mayor , approving certain grade ordinances passed at the last meeting of the council. A plat of Burdotto place was received and accepted. The contracts and bonds of J. E. Hlloy and James Fox for the construction of the South Omaha sowurs were approved. A special ordinance making appropri ations for liabilities incurred during the month of August , amounting to $7,100.08 , , were passed. An ordinance changing the grade of Hartley street , from Fifteenth street to a point 500 feet wc t of Twentieth street , and oidcring the graning of the same was passed. The petition asking for the grading o , Park avenue to a uniform width was granted. The council then adjourned to meet after their pleasure trip. A Robbery In Daylight. Yesterday afternoon thieves made a neat haul of a quantity of jewelry and clothing at the Elkhorn Valley house , corner of Eleventh aud Dodge streets. They visited the room of the landlord , John Wuethrich , and carried away a watch and chain and a suit of clothes be longing to him , and a gold breastpin val ued at $20 and a scart-pui valued at $15 belonging to Mrs. Wuethrieli. The dis covery of the thett was made by Mrs. Wuelhrich , who went into the room about 13:30 o'clock in the afternoon. The robbery was committed between the noon hour and the time named. The thief made his escape without an effort. Omaha's Black Friday. To-day will be a gloomy one for Omaha , and it is doubtful if the sun will perform its usual illuminating functions. The common council , horse , foot and dragoons , will leave on the 9:10 : p. m. train of the Alissouri Pacific for Kansas City. The splendid Pullman car Silesia , which is one the finest oars in thn service , will bo especially fitted up for the ulder- mauic party , and William Bassoy , the who has been at his peat of duty jr fifteen years , will attend to the cater ing necessities of the party. The Oleomargarine Tar. A circular has boon received at the of fice of the collector of revenue showing the amount and methods of collecting the oleomargarine tax under the new act of congress. JCach pound of oleomarga rine will bear a special 2 cent revenue stamp. In addition to this dealers are required to pay a special license for handling the substitute for butter. He- tailors will pay a special tax of $48 per year and wholesalers of oleomargarine a tax of $400 per year. The regulation will go into efl'ect on November 1 , Building Permits. Inspector Whit-lock issued building permits jestorduy as follows : Elijah Dunn , frame addition to droll- Ing , 014 South Kisrhtoenth street..8 ISO Charles Turner , two-story frame dwelling1 , Thirtieth and Furnain. . . . 4.6SO Charles J. Carbach , thiep-story brick block- , Fifteenth and Howard 31,000 Iteorgani/ed church of Latter Day Saints , one-story iramo church , Twenty-flrbt near Clark 1,200 Union Pacific railway , additional story to now olllcn building , Ninth and Farnam 10,000 Five permits aggregating S 56,2JO A Woman Assaulted. A Gorman woman who lives on Doug las street between Seventh "and Eighth , appeared at the police station yesterday ovcnlnc wearing a blacK eye which she said had boon given her by Gus Uhtof. the son of the saloon keeper. She said her little girls had been playing around when Uhtof slapped one of them. She went to get her children when ho struck her with a club and knocked her down. A warrant will bo sworn out for the young lellow's arrest to-day. Homeward Bound. Twenty-live Michigan veterans camcm from San Francisco last evening and took the Hock Island for homo- The party was In charge of John Northwood , of Saginaw , state department commander. Among the other prominent people wore Mrs. Mary K. Hynes , president of the women's relief corps of the ntatn ; C. W. Armstrong , of OWOII'H Mills , commander nf Post 'M , and H. W. Clark , of Grand Hapids. Salvation Army. Omaha is soon to have the infliction of street corner pulpiteering , for the Salva tion army is about to make a raid on its usual quiet. Lieutenant W. T. Best , of Marshalltown , la. , a prominent officer of the army , was in the city yesterday ar ranging for the rendezvous. He wont to Kansas City last night. He will return hero in about two weeks , when the high- pressure soul saving will commence , Larceny In a Street Car. Yesterday the daughter of Tnoma.s Kane , of San Francibco , formerly of this city , had her pocket picked of a railroad pass and eighty dollars in money. Shu was on her way to Chicago and had stopped over a train in Omaha. Miss Kane thinki the theft was committed while riding on a Thirteenth street car. Travis' Vlotlin , John Alexander , the colored fellow who was pounded up by Aimer Travis on Monday night , was removed fiom his miaorablo quarters on I'iftecnth street yesterday and taken to St. Joseph's hos pital. Ho is in a badly battered condi tion but will recovor. Travis Is still in jail and taking matters very quietly. Ho will bo given a hearing to-day. Colored itcorults. Fourteen halo , hearty and happy col1 orcd recruits came m on the Missouri Paclfio train last ovcnlng and left on the overland for Fort Hrldgor , Wyo. They are in charge of Sergeant William Cogan , Company C , School of Instruction , Jeucr- son Barracks , St. Louis , Mo. , aud belong to the Ninth cavalry. There Is not H breach of promise case in the records of Colorado. The pistol mill holda front rank us a defender of the fuuicnino palpitator , THE ISSUP.S OP U'HK ' OAMPAION , A Stronu Pint form Put Torth liy a r t nnc County Van Wyok Club. LowinsSicti.Y , Gage Co. , Neb. , August 10.--Correspondence [ of the BKK , ] As you probably know wo have n very strong "Van Wyck club" nt this place hold meetings regularly and are keeping1 things watm. Our membership is mndo up of all parties and all are onthusinstio in support of the "people's champion , " Van Wyck. At our last meriting the following resolutions were unanimously adopted , aud wo beg space in your valu able paper for their publication : Whereas , We believe that the srowlnc power oi c < ) iioinllons | and monopolies is the iiHHtseilousdnnuei that threatens the pios- peilty of out country. \ Mioiv.isVobellee that the-,0 corpora tions and monopolies aio largely the out- uitmtliapeiuleltmisyiti.m ot class le lsla- lion ulilpl , has chaiactcrl7 ( > d and dNerarod our io\eminent ; for the last twuiilj jcais , . .1Whpnw It Is a fact patent to the world that thucc monopolies lu\i > . and do souk to control conventions s wt-ll as elei'tlons by their iMldeiiilssaiies ; that Ilu-y \\n\0 \ \ subsi- i1,1 . . , " lan0 , IM thin of the AniciIran pieM : that they lullneiiee laifjoly the legislation of tliocountiy by powei ml lobbies : that they haVe oven thte.ucnrU the cotnm of Justice by their p. ld attorneys ; thoietorc , be It Hi'xolu'd , That while we do not accept the tlieoiy llmt tlu-io Is an "lnep.V.3ltilo con- met between capital and labor , \et we believe t ilsiim'stloUlsiniuuhtwIth L'leat peril ntul tan isolution of which demands the Highest and most utKH-llish wisdom of the cieat ' Ameilcaii | iouih ) > . Kosoheil.That wedemand a modification of the pro-ent unjust and ojipiesMu' tailll hvs- tern and Insist that the nucossailcs of llfo should be placed on the fu-o list , particularly lumber , wool , sail , cotton , Miirnr , salt lisli , etc , and to this cud wo demand of ( ncrv can didate for congress in thl ? state that they come scuiarely and honestly on this nuostlon , for wo Insist on a square deal and a lair count. licsolved , That we demand ) f our noxtloir- ( statute Mich radical legislation In ICLMU ! to ho railroad Interests In this M.ite as shall bo just and oiuiltable , ami the establishment of Hiich a schedule ot Height rates as will bcnplit mutually both the ralhouts and the people. Hcsolu'd. lliat we demand the icpeal or abolition of the board ot lallioad ciimmis- sloncra as being ontoivly Inadequate to de.u with gieatand vital questions. Heholu'd ' , That wudoploie tlio evils ol In- tnniiieianco ; that wo iccogulro the question as being a legitimate subject lor legislation , ami thu ( inlyay by which It can be. unsolved. That wo demand ot our repro- scntatues in cougtess that they use their In- lliieiico aud votes to sectuo at an eaily day tliu enactment of an Inter-stato lallioad law , which will regulate the railroad trallic be tween the states to the mutual satisfaction mid prolitot all parties iuli-iested. Kosolvcd , we have unbounded conii- deiico In the ability and Integrity ol Senator van Wyok , notwithstanding the howling ot politicians and snusidi/cd piess , and wo pledge ourselves to vote for no candidate. ! for our state legislature that will not support Hesolved , That wo enter this campaign with the consciousness that the people aru , and ot light should be , sovetelgn ; that all legislation should bo based on the principle of "the meatcst possible need to the greatest number" ; that the we.ik need pi election , and not the .strong and the support of all fair minded men believing that thu pioduelngand laboring classes of thisstaUJ have a common interest involved that Isot Infinitely more consequcnse than keeping un the rank and lilo ol tlm old paitios. r-i | Itosolvcd , That a copy of these iosolntioiis o forwarded to tlio Onial " otu county J.V. . IJiiiDn.NTii r. , prcs. \V. 11. lloi.rr..vit.\cu , scc'y. The Onmpalen In Hurt County. PUUSAXT HIM. , Neb. , August 10. To the Editor of the Bull : In your issue of August 4 is an item clipped from the Lyons Mirror , in which it says : "Tho issue will bo Van Wyck and anti-Van Wyck. The democrats oppose him , thq mass of the republicans will support him. " I do not kiiowanytliing about the feelings of the republicans , but ! do know that the people hero are in favor of the grand old man. 1 have talked with moro than twenty dcmocr.its , and they say they will not vote for any man to go to Lincoln this winter who will not make the old man his own successor. There was oven talk of organizing a democratic ) Van Wyck club , but some of them thought it would probably prejudicd some republicans against him. It is truq tiie Herald is holding out great induce ments to democrats to stick to paity and elect a democrat , but Van W yekhas boon tried and not found wanting , and you can just bet your lust suspender button that if any man wants to go to Lincoln from hero ho must bo a Van Wyck man , first , last and all the timo. A , D. Costly Stupidity. A hotel olork quoted by the St. Louis Globo-Domocrat : Two or three years ago I was night clerk at the Hotel Nantaskot , at Nantaskot beach. Ono night John L. Sullivan , with Pete McCoy and a few ol His ether sporting friends , came and wanted something to drink. It was after 13 o'clock and the bar wus closed , but the head barkeeper happened to be near the denk , and knowing Sullivan ho opened the doors and the party went in. They sat at u table for HOUIO time and drank a couple of bottles of wine. They hud evidently had some before coming to the hotel , and they felt the effects oi it pretty strongly. As they sat there a dispute' arose about homo point or other which I did iiot understand , and Sullivan finally wanted to hot -$100 that ho was tight. "Oh , come oil1 , " said McCoy , "you haven't ' aflOO. . " "H'nlnt I ? " re torted Siillhan in a loud voice , as ho rose from tlio tablo. "I'll show you I've got money. Set ) hero ! " and quick as a wink ho drew a magnificent gold watch from his vest pocket , released it from the guard and throw it with his whole strength against the partition which separated thu wine-room from the hotel lobby , It sounded likn a bullet from a gun as it .strueic the woodwork. Of course , the watch was riuiiod. That WUH a Ramplo of the reckless and foolish dis plays which hu frequently made i.i tlioso days. But it Is not only the "plug-n/flies / * and "thugb" who do such things , 1 lm\4 seen exhibitions equally nonsensical on the part of bOino of thu highest toned bloods of the Hub. I happened in a rich hotel bar in Boston ono night wiion a youth who occupies a plncu in die "host society" came In and ordnrod wino for himself and friends. They sat at a table in front of the bar , and when the bottle had been emptied , the young man delib erately picked it up and sent it crashing through a magnificent French mirror which tilled the whole wall back of the bar. Then ho drew his chock-book from his pocket , bignod n blank and before the proprietor had time to show lu.s anger. itskcd him how much ho .should 1111 it out for. That break cost him ? 1,500. Kbtato TnuinferH. The following transfers were filed August IS , with the county clerk. James T. ilorlarty to Kdwatd T. Peterson , It 1 , Davenport's hub , w d Sl.lHX ) . Oeo. C. Jlobbloct al to Louis D. Carrier , lots 1 and , blk IB , llaiiscom place , w d 84,000 , Halley Kelsey to Kynvode Jacobsen , lot 3 , blk 4 , Waterloo , w il SfiO. Kll/.a M. .Molonnd husband to Mary Mullen , lota , lien port's sub , wit 32,075. Giaco 11. Wilbur to Geo. Peterson , lot 13 , blk 'JO. Highland place , w d Ani'iew ' H. More and wife to Willow Springs JJtat. Co. , pt lot 4 , blk 2 , Omaha , 110 d 8400 Joseph L. Itoy et al to John K. Blimmors , pt lots 7 and b..blk 340 , Omaha , w d-S8M > 0. Solomon lieigmau to David Lluder. lot 8 , blk "J , " Sauudors & HIiiiebauKh'u add , w d David Kaufman and wlfotoHolomon Uerg- man. lots S and U , blk "J , " SiuindntK & IHiue * liaiisjh's add , w d 8 1 , ' 200. Aiinail. ( J. McOormlck ct al to Kml ! An * justat , lot IS. blk 13. Deer Park , w A 8' < W. Ku L. Patrick to WlUon T. Ur.ihaw , lot 3 , i.JkH , Klrkwood ,