Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 19, 1886, Page 7, Image 7

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AdrertHwinenU un lr this IIP d , 10 cent * per
line lor the flrt iiwrtmn , 7 cent * . for own nub-
owiupnt InH-rtion. ami S1..V ) lint- per month
No nflrcrtlMmient taken for lo s Uisn 3ft cents
for the Jlrst ln cnron. Seven word * . will bo
counted to thrllrit : they mint mn con'ftu-
lively i ncl tmiKt be paid In adrnnw. All ndver
ttoefBtmit mun be hitnJ d In before t o'clock
f , m , , nnd un < W mj tlrciim tance . wilJ they betaken
taken or dtewmtimird Viy tfknOiono.
Pnrllw nox'trtMmf In the * * < oimrm * nd h r-
Jncthonn eTS n.Mrf * * in i-are of TIIK Br.r.
vjil jikw'e n k for n chrek 'opnnble thorn to pet
Iholr lettnr" , M no-ir will b" delivered except
on prostitution of clif-ck. AH n wrr to ad
vertisement" should l * > c-ndoxil In rnvi-loi > r .
SOS un To limn on Omnliti rtl.v proportj-nt fi
P percent. Inteicsu G. W. ! ) ) , oxer 1H12
' . ' 13
Douglu * M. _
Gl'HK riNT Money to onn. .1. J. Mahonr-y ,
150) Fnrnnm. nni
ONEY TO ijOAX OnTann nnd elty prop ,
M oity.ut lowest rules , W. A. Spencer
Ijiriimn 81. 14. '
. rt'M > or to lonn In
nmounts to suit , on short time mortagrs ,
throe to twelve moiiUm tlmo on propcrtr Im-
tirovwl or unimproved. Cull nt the ( iiunlin
Jlmmclal Exchnniro , second floor of llitrker
Block. S.V. . Oor * Fnrnam nnd l.Mh St. WI
" \\7IIImvo chonp money on longtimein nny
V > fonn on livMtli cltviropeitjor |
Tnrm Innd. Marshall \ Lobock , 1511 Kurtinm gt.
(22 (
" Fiit CI5XT money to lonn. R. C Pnttrr on ,
13th mid Dotiitlos. CIS
_ _
si AII A"ri NANC TA iTr.xrii AMJI : i * pro-
tmn-d to muko loan * In nny nmonitt.on any
kind of npprovfld wcurity. Lanro collateral
loans n rperlaltr. Alpo on chnttels anil real
estate In amountdnnd tlmMo suit. l < ewer rules ,
bolter term * , nnd prompter service than nny
loan npency In tint city , lor further particulars
rnll nt office on the pccoml lloor of the Barker
Illock. southwest corner of rnrnnm nnd 15th
rtreets. _ 450
. nnd H percent money to lonn. Mortcnire *
taken In exchniiKO for real e tnte. 1'dtitrnl
InvrMmcut Co .llooiu 7 , lluikor Illock , cor 15th
mid KiirTiMn. SMI
TO LOAN At lowest rates of Inlcr-
MONEY f rm nnd improved city property.
1' . J. Day & Co. , B. C'tounse'it block , S. E. corner
Cnpltol nveiiiiound Ifith st. 7Wsoi 0
TATONKY TO LOAN At lower rnte thanany-
JJ-L where else In the city , on f urnltiiro , piano * ,
organs , horse * , wagon" , or stock of nny kind.
Remember , nt lower rat " than nn vat her lonn
company in thn rlty. City I/onn > v Mortgage
Co. . room 15 , 1401 Farnnm st , opposite Pnzton
hotel. _ _ _ _ 451
MONKY to loan by the undorslgncrt , who ha *
the only properly orgnnl/ed loan agency
in Omuha Ixian * of $10 to f 1,0'W mndo on fur
niture , pianos , organ * , horses , wagon * , machin
ery , ia , without removal No delays. All
buslni" * * strictly confidential Lonn * so mndo
thnt nny part con bo paid nt nny time , each pay
ment reducing thn co = t pro rnta. Advances
mndoon flno watches nnd diamonds. Person *
Fhould carefully consider who they nro dcnllng
with , n * many new concerns nro dnlly coming
Into existence. Should you nend monev. call
nnd sea me. W. R. Croit , Room 4 , Wlthnoll
Building. 15th nnd Hnrncy. 45.1
PER CENT Money to lonn. Stewnrt 4 Co. ,
6 Roomfl , Iron bnnk , l th nndFnmam. 455
StTllon toTToan" . SuniR fo'JO nnd upward * .
$ Lowest rates. Bcrals , 15th and Douplns sts.
JI/rONKT / TO bAf O. JT.'nnvIS * Co .
JjJ. Estate and Loan ncents , 1503 FarnnmSt
TO LOAN On rood FRciirltiei A
McOnvock , room 7 Hodlck Ulock , U09Farnam
_ 453
M ONKY TO estate and chat
tcls. D. L. Thomas. 4A9
"Tt/TONKY / TO tOAN In sums of IIOO nnd up.
iiJL wardB on first-class real estate security.
Potter & Cobb , IDlBFarnnm St. 400
ONI-.T LlrAXKD DlC T. Heed * Go's. Lonn
office , on furniture , planoa. horfws. wagons
porronul proportv of all kinds and all other nr-
ilclcBof value , without rumovaL 319 a iStii ,
over Ttlmrham's Commission storo. AH bus
noes Btrictlr oonfldcntnl. 4fil
WANTED Two entertirlslng young men
with a little cnth nnu good references to
.locate nt Denver nnd Kansni City to Imndlo
our the trndo. Cox Chouiicnl Co. lOS
Capital ave > 173 19
FoilHAI.i : or Hont Hotel and furniture do-
Ing ngood commercial business ; situated in
western Iowa on two railroads. Address Frank
WorthToledo , lown. 1C3-18 *
FOK SAI.U nt a. bargain In the plcnunt
town of GlcnwocMl , Iowa , in u rich fruit
district , n now brick fruit packing nnd storngo
liouso.40x44 feet , two stories including base
ment , double wall frost pioof , nnd well ur-
rnnEod ; with Monigo capacity of over 10.000
bushels. Cooper thop attached , nnd dwelling
boiibo on adjoining lot. A large cider mill nnd
pres < nnd a first-class Zimmerman evaporator.
No. 4. This entire outfit. Including about 600
new apple t > nrrol < , will bo sold very low.
Address or call on L. A. Williams , Glonwood ,
IOWH. 129-23
W'K \ * 111 arrange liberally with nn active man
with limited rncnns nnd references to
represent us in Denver or Kansas Citv. Cox
Chemical Co , US. ! Capital nve. 172 19
TjiOK RAT.K A stopkof clrj * poods , curpots ,
-U sliocsnnd turnUhlngfoodR. Good reason
plrcn for selling. Address B. Kohn , Soward.
yob. 132 lil
T71OK HAI.i-Hnmlloton Ion colt ( broken )
Jsulky , hanirets , top buggy , stable and or
Ban , by Engineo Roberts , Fort Omaha-
04513 *
rnOlt SAI.K The complete furniture of the
JC > obraska Ylncirar Works. Coil soon on
E. Krebs. Jones Et bet 9th and 10th st , Omaha.
, B19
"TTIOH SAI.i : An elegant established business.
JL' the best of the kind In the west locatiwl in
this city : not prolrts f5.000.OJ per annum : will
boar closest Investigation ; invoice about
Sl5.COO.oi ) . Parties with moans wishing to stop
Into a flno business qddr > ti K 7. Bee ofllco. 444
"THOU SALlS-Frrst meat morKot with
J-1 uloo nxturcs , nil complete : good trnde ;
brat of reasons for etaiing Call or write to
OOP. W. Mill-foil. Itgl Howard. 3S1
T7 > OK hAI.i : one of Iho oldest established
JL ; gnK-rry business In the city , with a very
largo , well-paying trade. Will exchange for
Omaha real estate or part cash nnd balanen Be-
cured note * . Good miaous given for selling.
Address'I UlrM ! > * * nm n r r
HOIIKES IxitsFaruilnnd8 money lonnnd.
Bamls , 15th and Douglas stroets. 4C3
"n\OIl SALK Several stocks of goods , doing a
J- healthy business , ownership clear , satis
faction guaranteed ; terms easy , some Omaha
property taken in exchange. Mar&hall & Lo-
licck. 1511 Fimmm Ft. 4G5
LOST On Monday , inth , n dark morocco
pockcl-lmik , containing j > | n notes nnd
Bomii sliver : fJ rownni will bo glveulf returned
to Mrs. J.R. Moroaitli , southwest corner IBlh
uud IKMlge. KB-1 $ *
pOAiniINO-isi : Capitol avenue , northtms
J- > corner Thirteenth stioet , house newly
furnlshoJovcr thliig Ur tclnss. _ 745 20
"TjURSTCLAbTiiblcboard , UK B. IWh'cxiri
J-1 Bt. Mary's nve. SU-IA *
T30ARD And lodgings , atKt : N , 15th et.
PERSONAL A i expectable young man of 21
with means would Ilka to get acquainted
with u nice , ie > poctublo youus ludy. between lit
urul 25 y cars of aje. Address L 0 , Boa o Dice.
175 li > *
IERSONAL-Mr . l r. Nannie V. Warren
clalrroyHnt , Modlcnl and business Medium
Itoora No B , 121 Nurtu 10th st. , Omnha , Neb.
CJTENOGUAI'IIY nnd Tyi wriiinz school.
KJ RoonuTuudS , Iron bank , UW. Baker.
11' VOl' waul i ny iHindj , mortgages , ) tnilnu"-
f acturors , railroad or lunk stcKks bought or
JoM.K'l ° ll"lltolrst ! eeM. L. Hlgplne , 1504
Ifpu want liarealns In city or suburban
loti ! . duelling houses or business property In
Oratthanmseo.M , J. Hipginsat l.WDouglHS st.
If you want to trade stocks of goods lor lid
If you want to trade horses , wagons or buc-
If you want to buy or trndo for a home or for
property to bold on Circulation , Arst bee M. L.
Uigglnt at laua Douglas tt. U76 18
* _
Square Piauo , ft uioothlv.
Hospe. 1513 Douglas. i63
S , Hoses , Shrubs , etc. , planted free for
- . perbons buying of Itoaglag Co , Nurseries.
C.O. Howard. 1'ron.i P. O. box iiUO. t > 87-nlS *
BCAH IIANSEN , Interpreter , 1911 Cumlng
St. , translator of lejal doeumenU , oorres-
Tioodoiico , etc. from the Frenct. Geruiui and
ccoadmavlnu laoyuagcs ; courts and oflicoi at-
tcndod ; private Uasons given. 136-1V *
0" mouth ,
* 1613 Douglas. _ _ -74
| 7 OU JtKNT A oi ofl n J.TXH ! rctn.l ttreei.
JL' ' App y Uio Odiiii Heal lUtato and Loan
CB. 161
IFVoti want to employ n strnogrnpber nnd
typewriter operator , ndrtreM Vnlentlnf *
Shorthand Institute , Exposition bulMlnr.
OmnhK , Neh. _ M4-S-1 *
OMlIA Renl H tiitc. llou o ,
Room Agencv. Money Loaned on Real K -
tnto , Itnjton * jfi'tman , propnetom. main
office laoi IJouirla , * , brancb ofllecn 121 F r-
nnm ft. .1413 DouirlnI. . . 410 N 16th , 510 nnd OZt
Hioth : toll-phone No. 4 . A largo lift of fur-
nl heil nndnnfurnlhr > < l room.e , hou'p * . e ,
for cii tnmer to jflpct fnim lnve l your
hou c < and roomiwlth u < : wo MioonniltliDm
up Ith df > lrnlle trnnnt . Come tn u for
rooms nndhou ps ; can ul * jou at once : car-
n * if for patrons ; telephone or cull t nt > eve
offlco * _ J : n IV _
j F Vouwant Miorthntid tcxt-bookVcill or nd-
J dri' , \ iilfntmc's Pborttinnd Institute , Exposition -
position tiniWincOmnhn , Nob. ' 95 S-12
TTlOlt Itl'N'l Square I lane Tnnonfnlyl A
J Hc | tc. loniioiiglni. 27i
"TTlOti SALK-1 new : - ont extension tnp cut
JL1 under carriage , nt 1315 llarnt-y. ( Irntton &
Urtimtnond. li * 19.
1,1011 , SAM : 2 Stenui Broom Sewing mn-
1 Steam llroom Tying mnonlno ,
Al o several hand t > ivlng and tvlng m .
chine * . For snle nt a lmrgaln. Adtlrc s P. O.
lloxiilf. Omahii , Neb. llii'-ll' ' ' '
I jMUt * > ALi : A ooond hand ilcnilnirton tj pi e
writer , price $10. Address P. U dniwc
No. 43City , l' 7 18 *
FOK SAI.i : A good moving orpie * * , horc ,
wngou nnd linitio < , on weekly payments ,
nt n bargain. M. P. Martin. 310 S. lath. l..l
. M.lLi : Chonp1 nr rS scat cnnopr-top
1.AOII 1 - Surrey rnrriujo , nt 1313 Hartley.
Guitton & Driiminond 1KM9
ITUHl SAI.i-Or would exchange for nlcw
JL ; good horcs hou e nnd Inis nnd vacant
lots Ilulloil llros. , 1510 Douglas st , 1S2-25
POH SALK 10 good moat blocks. Applv at
1GZ1 Howard st. 14422
Foil HAI.K Bloyclo-eheap. Star machine ,
nlmost now , nicklcd nil over. Inquire at
A Ilospo's. 'J ' *
FdllSALIl- molluin slrr-fnfo noaffy new ,
with Inside door. Coniblnntion lock.
1 liilrnwcrciilnnot nnd letter Ulo with doors.
1 niodliini slro letter press.
1 platlonn hcalo.
1 platform counter cc.ilo. Parrotto & Swneny
1113 llarney st. 807
FOK SAI.i : 10 good meat blocks. Apply
1IH1 Howiml st. 143 ! B
TC-Oll SALK-'Mules , 112J N13. "E'.C-1S ' *
" | 5J > Olt RAT.K Furnlturo 0-i xmi hoiiso complete -
* ? ploto lor housekeeping ; price J ; ) J. House
rent } 2j per inontU , line location , 171 ! ) Douglas
M , 411
nioil Furnlttiro nndi en o or fix-room
-C houFo. time on pail. Call 120J North Jittli
ytreet , two blocks from Bed Car lino. Mil
HOUSES Ixits FarmsLnnci monpy loaned.
_ _ Ilernls15th _ nnd Douglni 8troets. _ _ _ 47l _
"I71OII SA.L.K I iilimo , furniture und kltcho
JD rnnue. 717S.Pthst t77
"TJiOU bAI.i : Cheap , iron columns and win-
-T > dow caps auitnble for front on brick build
ing. For particular * apply nt this olllco. sn
WANTED A gooa poetry cook at Mrs. Nor-
rl = ' . ICth Et bctwconDodgo und Douglas.
171 19
VvfANTKO A good girl , general housework ,
T good wapes , IKt Fnrnnm st. 177
WANTED Cook nt Mrs. P. Flannery , 1010
South Tenth Street. 17B20 *
NTi : ! ) Good cook. Also laundry girl.
Must be neat. HO S 14th St.- Good wares.
1P3-20 *
\\7ANTKD A good Ktrong girl to cook , wash
> > and iron nt 1P05 Fnrnnm St. 188-1U *
TANTUU "Cook at Einuict House.
WANT1I > Girl for general housework at
6 w cor 2d and Mason ; good wages paid.
WANTHD linmedlutuly. girl for house
work. S W cor Cal. and 20th , second house.
lCt-18 *
" \\rANTii : > Ono dining-room girl nnd ono
T dlshwnsher. Call ut Miller's restaurant ,
IQOt N 10th St. SOd-liO *
WANTED A woman tocook and do general
housework ; two In family. Apply700 S
ICth st. ItM-lb'
" \ ItTANTKD For n short tlmo a competent
Vi bookkeeper to post up ix sot of books.
Address P. O. drawer No. 40 city. 153 18
A first class woman rook nt W.
C. T. U. Buckingham , 12th nud Dodge.
150 ! ! >
WANTKU-GIrl , to work IrP family of two.
Apply 1353 N. 18th street. 101-20 *
WANTED 30 good girls for city , country
and the west ; all Itlncls of work ; call nnd
Inquire llO North ICth st. Omaha Employment
Bureau. 14U
TTTAJJTKIJ A dishwasher , nt Planters hou-o ,
T corner Dodge nnd lllth st. US Ib *
ANT1ID-A little girl to tnso care baby
uml help clean ; wages $1.50 per week.
1B23 Farnam st. 140
ii > Good girl for general housework
Mrs S. A. Slomun , li)14 ) Farnam sU ici :
N risi ) 2 kitchen b'irls at Occidental.
AXTnu-A good kitchen girl. CM immo-
diatolynt 1)20 Uarney street. 1UU-IS *
WANTH1J A good girl for general house
work. 601 South iUt ! struct. IQa-lU
AMTKD Girl lor general hous-OHOrt ut
B. W corner NUiotoenth and Loavcn-
worth streets , 0U !
TXTANa TKU A girl In a restaurant. 1410 S.
aiilrtoonth street. B < 3 18 *
rANTKI > Nignt chambermaid ; coloiod
profcriod. U12 Douglas st , , Ollvo Branch.
W ANTliO A flrst-clnss washer and Ironor.
Apply at the Cozzons , 101
W IANTED-2 girls ut 1010 S. 10th.
WANTKD-Glrl for kitchen work. 415 N.
15th st. 1)9218 )
WANTKU Girl for general housework at
1813 Webster st. 9J
" \T7"AJ "riiU Nurse girl , also for sooond work
T T Inquire 9J1 Park aye. 683
V\TANT Kl > Girl lor general housqworK , No.
Vi 1B18Capitol ave , north side , bet 19th und
20th. 730
W'ANTiu : At 1522 Howard St. , a reliable
girl lor kitchen work. Must bo fc'ood ,
plain cook , washer und ironcr. Gorman or
Irish prolcrred. 644
W AN'l ED A llrst-clnsa chamDer maid nt the
Windsor Hotel. & 52
\A7ANT15n An oxpo'lonced coot nnd Inun-
' i dress. Good wages paid. Mrs. G. J. Hunt
Virginia nvo. , and Grant gt. 55'J
'ANTlit > immediately in flrst-ciuss cook a
1B12 Dodge . )
> -5 young ladies ana gents to
lourn tolograpby. Prospects for positions
when competentgood. Address W , J , D. room
l.Crounno block 10th st , Omaha. 733
TVj'A'NTinJ A drugclerk. . Address L 7 , Bee
V > offlce. 191-18
WANTED S good clgnr makers nt once , ad-
drois Heading-ton Bros. , Hebron , Nob.
174 19'
WANTK1) A good reliable man as delivery
clerk In grocery store ; onatbatbas ex-
poncnco In the business , at 417 810th a. Henry
l.olFKO , 187-18'
\\7ANTJi > 25 carpenters at Towler Pack-
n ing house. South Omaha. 118-19 *
ANTKD-Mrst-class white baibor. Address -
dress , Fred Perkins , Rialr , Neb.
WANTUO Ten men of oo3 apiwarnncp ,
can inako $3-Si a day. Call at His South
13th st. 7CO a ) *
il/ANTKO : nrst-clais eolorod waiters. Only
these that cun give Koocl recommenda
tions neou appiy ; waves t-0 per month a "
i-oom. Address K 50 , Bee office , KiT-19 *
\\7ANTKU 50 men for railroad wtirk In Wy.
omlng. E. S. Alhrisht , 1C R. Labor
agency , 13J3 Farnam street. 907
\17ANTUU-A rood reliable watebmakermu8t
IT furnish referencos. A splendid uhunco lor
the Hcht man. Address , C r. Furbrtich. Chad *
ron. Keb. b93-19
W SIQ a wock Riven to capable gen
tleman , Ko. It Main St. , Council Bluffs.
w ANTED Pastry cook at Windsor Hotel.
ANTKO Two toofl sslcsmon. 509 N J6th
, _ _ t _ 818
Tvr ANTKU Short-hand studenti ; expert-
i T onced toifhor. Toimi , ( 9 for oompieta
course. Address 1C M , Bee ottoe. CftJs5
AM'KH-A lady of experience iribhoi sit-
imnoii BI housekeeper. AdJri'is L a. lice
IJi 0 *
"t"\TAXTii ; ) By B competent miin , situation
T as n t"atnstor or any kind of work. Direct
offer * to W P.cnro of City Hotel , < irA1 < K.n , "
Bee office. 110-1
\\TANTP.I ) lolnen for RriiiiinB7wttjfS ? i T5
> perdayienll nt once. US North Ifith M. ,
cor. C pltol at enue. E. O. Belle-title. l.'O
\\TANTii : > Yi'unif Indj u-cently from the
> en t deslrfi H tioftltlon with some flrt-
clnw fntnlly ! i-nn fwrnlsh good reforenec . Ad-
droM K 72. Boo oHIco. r J 28 *
\\"ANTlil > Pltuntlon by n mnn to work for
I ' famll } nbout hmicoor on n farm ; tinder-
MnnflRcnreoI UOKOTS nnd hort > e . Addro < L 1 ,
lleoumee. 155 18 *
_ _
WANTKD Any ono dnslrlnn fit tt-clns mnn
In nny cvocutivo iwimelty or lor the di--
vel'ipment of nny enterprise can lemn name
nnd n.ldre'S nnd ometlilnir about the man who
Insert J , by nppljltiD at Omaha Hoc olllco
15P I"
\\7A > 'T15I > Situation bj B yotinptnnn penl >
Oennannnd linrlMi. llnd nmobi.s no s
experience. Good relorencc. AdJio ? K ( M life
ollico. lin.22 *
T\-.V > Tin-situntion : bybridR loreman on
t Howe TriiM. eomblnntlon or iron bridges
Adilre K. 70 lice oltice. 134 !
\\r.\ > TiiA : practical muchlni't of In yrs
> > experience In cnpinc tMillcupirJmd Jolt-
blnir Miop * would like sltunllotr as ciiRlnceror
to look niter nnd repair innehltiury In tn'inufnp.
lory. First flat * rcli'ieiici' . No object on to
leaving city. Address L 2 , lice onico. 1C1 * 19 *
\ \ ' . \ > Tii : Situation by a younz man In n
' private family to do ( fonoi-al ork ntiout
house. Oood references. Address 1C , l > 4 , llco.
103 IV
\T7 ANTin-sittintlf.n : liy * Smudlnnrimi rlrls
/n private family , ono cook nnd one sec-
ondwork. AdarcssSUl Dlxlslonst. 141 lt > *
\\7.\NTii : > A Danish eirl would like n situ.
> nt'on nslaundrc'ior nuro clrl , or lor
peneral work in g"od family. Addres ? 1C Kl ,
lleeonico , i IS *
\\TANTED To rent , on or onforp Nor. l t , n
> > house of ntKiut 10 momj. strnnled'Kinut-
where between St. Mnrv's avr > nuo , Callfornln ,
ICth nnd SinA sticet * . 1C 44 , lleoollico. CTMS *
WANTKIi llv n respec-lablo 'nml Independ
ent younu laily umplojed durlnif the day ,
n nicely furnished room with 6invonlenclt" > .
Prompt pay In ndvnncc. Would ) irot'eru Uut or
business block. Addros with pnrtlculnrs L 4 ,
H.o olllco. 184 1'
\\f A > rii : To lonn money nt o ] wf cent on
1 II. iV P's sub lots , npiilv to IL C. Patterion
over Commercial National Brink. KKJ
f7ANTii Stonogrnnhcr , to buy type
T wrl'erelionp , J. B. Hnjnes i-Co.Omnliiu
148 19
-y-i ANTi-.n A younir lady wlshe" ! rnrnlshoa
' room with board in private family.d -
dress. "K , 03 , ' lleoollico. . 113-13 *
Vt7AXTii > To rent for torni of year * by
i t merchant , a comfortable \'tJllnR nt ren-
Bonablo price. Address K 5J , Bee oillcu. K1-1P
'V\7'ANTH1 > Permanent. flrst-cln s hoard inn
respectable family , Jlu t have largo trout
room and one snmll one : \ddi e-s imnioJIutely ,
Mrst-cliiss lloard , 1317 nou las street
AA'ANTED Funilshod rooms with board
' wanted by irentlntnun and fumllPlrom 1st
September. Address K C2 , Hoe. IttS 18 *
W ANTI-ID A few stocks of hardware and
ecncrnl mercbaudlso for Nebraska Innds
nnd Oranhn lots. Swan A ; Co. , Trenzer Iflbck.
OKi 21
) To rent a t-mn.ll neatly f uril
i T room near Ilee olllce. Address stn
lornisK-1 lioo olllco. _ OC4
"yi ANTUD A treed housc n monthly pay-
' meets. Address H , 65. Ucoofllco. tlSi.
WAXTii ) To buy a nice residence or p iod
bulldlni ; lot In a desirable location. Ad-
drc s II , CO , Itco ollice. . R > 5.
\\7AXTED Itoom and bonrd In ( food private
> family. Can Rho best o. references Ad
dress 1C 4:1. : Bco olllco. B2fl
" \ " TANTKI > A Rood steady liorso with spring :
wagonand harness ; must bo chonpto
be paid for In monthly installments. Address
1. 37 Itco olllce. _ ISO
w ANTKU Teams , li Murmy. _
WANTii > A house of seven rooms in good
location ; it pluco suits will lent for one
year. D. M. Chamblln , Pacific Ex. Co. , City.
TTIOR'RENT Cottayo.ot Bjx.roorrfR , Cor. Mth
JL ? nnd Chicago sts. , Srl/chinon , 1108 F''num. .
FOK KENT 3 room house , 2Jtn and Nich
olas Rt M. F. Martin. 131
OR RENT A good six-room house m llrst-
class location ; convenient to business. For
Particulars address with reference K 71 , Bee of-
llce. 138
FOK UKNT A nlco new seven-room House ,
with good barn , city nnd soft water. In-
qulro of C. L. Erickson. opposlto 1 > . O. 102
FOK KKNT For n term of years , the 2-story
brick building on the no cor , of 10th and
Douglas. Inquire at drug store , sumo plnca.
FOK KENT Now 0-room houses , near street
tars. D. C. Patterson , Omaha Nat'l bank.
FOR RENT Desirable li-roora cottngo , south
U. P. depot J. Phlpps Roe. 1513 S 5th. COS
TCTOR LEASE Wo have eleven acres on U. P.
-L IL U. track,800 feet front : will lease nil or
partfor nve rears. Bedford & Souor. 701
FOB KENT Ono elegant front room with
nlcovc , furnlsheJ , at 1811 Farnam street.
OK It KNT Front room. 203 Ninth fetrot-t ,
suitable for man and wife or two gentle
men. One door Irora Union PaolQo hoad-
quartors. rftMt >
TTlon KENT A well furnished room , ] H)9 )
-L1 Fnruum st. Call at room 1'J. Uotcronco
required. _ 153 1'
TT7AOK KENT Parlor nnd two very nieolv turn-
-L1 isbod rooms with board , house is surrounded
by a nice lawn and has bath roam and gas , also
day board. S. W. corner of 20th and Webster.
POK RUNT Nicely furni'hed front room
w 1th first-class board to two young gentle
men. Price reasonable , 521 1'leasunt'st * Ct
EOK HUNT 2 furnished roonn for gentle-
men. Reference roiulrod. IMSCaasst ,
11420 *
HUNT Very comfortable nnil wehiur-
nlshodroouis wlthbourd. 2010 Webster.
111119 *
FOK KENT 2 trent rooms for light house
keeping. If party will buy furniture , rent
nnd furniture cheap , 70S N If til street , 111-lb *
OK KENT Nicely furnished room with
modern convenicncca , nnd In ' first-class
location. Apply nt 1U21 Furnam etrcot.
FOR RENT Nlco front room on Fnrnam bet
llnnditbupplytoH. W , Huntrass , 13J3
1'arnum at , I'll '
TTSOK KKNT-Flvo nicely furnished rooms ,
lj bath room nnd water closet on prtuuite-i.
Terms moderate , 112 .N 14th el. bet. Chicago and
Cass _ Gtt-lB
I710K JIKNT A gultoor turulbhod Iront
J.1 rooms. II , u , Boyd , < 10 North loth. Esta-
brook block. _ / ' -oyj ja
on JIINT A suit of rooms > Hh flrrt class
board , 1813 Dodge. 80U
: RENT-NIco rooms at 1SSI Furnam St. , 1
JL1 block west of court bouso. oOB
-7lOKKKNT-l > oiit oftico , 2d floor , Omaha
JL' KatlBank. Inquire P.O. Patterson. 037
n ORIRENT-Suit of furnished rooms for two
X' gentlemen , 1811 California 6t 683
TT10R nENT-Furnlshod rooms at 1707 Cass ft.
- C3J
FOK KENT Two front parlors , newly fur-
nlshed. 2.111 St. Mary's avenue. Ml
JpOK KENTFurnlehed rooa.JBlB Dodge.
FOKKKNT A furn.shod parlor room with
board , suitable for two gentlemen ; also
llrst-clats table board ; reference required : 1814.
Dodffo. J94
Ij > OJt HKNV A nloely furnished south room
1 160T DouglM t Roferenoos required. 4IS
IrtOll ItKNT Two store rooms on uTE st.T
1 fcSeach. J. Johnson , IXUFarnam. SM
pARriBS blngr to eoll should list their
J- property with MB.MIO Bros. , 1MV Farnam.
' _ . _ _ _ _ _
'OOKSALK-By M. L. Illffelni , J500 Douglas
Jst , a bargain for 8 days only , a 4-rootn cot
tage on Saundcrs st. Bold loss than two iconthi
ago for $2,750. DOW offer for $2.500. Cash S70U ,
balance easy termt , Ownir mutt rnl o tome
money. _ uri 18
"niou SALUOr cxcbarg liouss aim lot ,
-L. 16th and Nicholas ; boute and lot lith and
Dorcas. Wa L. Monroe , 6th and Pouglai , K3
LOTS for e lo In Movnu'a add ,
cacti , brMayDcJJros.JSlVFaniam. I'M 19
O * t.-prt. , . .
Bo .t block In Cnrinapo fo sale chesp , con-
tnlnmir 14 sut > orSloi
44 feet on Farnnni Mreot , ndjoinlnff tld City
Hall. fUOO per fnmt foot , H o * li , Mtcntion
capitalists '
Lot 5i\218 leet.tcltli 3 splendid residences ,
oiny nve mmutp ' walk from iHistolbco , only
$7.K)0 ( ) , fUdOraih ! genuine barpnln.
lltvorvlow lot , t > n t view In city , from $1,000
to tl.W ; e T t/fm < _
5 mlnutoV wn < H trorn poitoniee. Jot MxS13
feet , with 2 flno re iiUmee , ? 7OOJ , Plenje Into *
tlente Tlil li > n bsDmln.
Nine-room hou > * e aqd i lot onTwcntletti st.
very near city contru , only Ji.S.M. f.Vj cu h ; nil
In flne repair.
Four ot the choicest lot * on Ixiwo nvonup ,
tieir Dr. Morwr * , outh nnd ea t fronts , nt n
bnrtraln forimlyn slioit time.
lo ! tire nnd cnllRiiil wenlU frunrnntee to suit.
Ahnve n ll t tbnl ill pan elect fiTim to their
entire * tl fftct.OM nd benefit. AOlK-ic to the
fnlrcst denllns wlili nil
Stockdale . Mitchell , 1510 Dodge street.
TO 21
_ _
I TOR IIAHOAINS In HrJnTV : tnto o UI on Mnync
llnx. , 1519 FaniHin ; wo lui\o the Inrnest
1st In city , i ; 19
For. SAl.l-By the owner , A. P. Tukey , 1304
Farnam , ono or the best cnst front lots In
i Pl'ico. * 'all nt ouco. A. P. Tukcy. 111.
rpo .MAKK n Vuro75tir ] | buy n lot In II. & P's
X sub. Do It now belore prices nre rai ed.
A. C. Pnttorion. 13th nnd Dcuglas HW
MAYNE BROS. , 1518 Fnrnnm have Imrca'ns '
In house * and lots : nil parts ol the city.
Cnll und see them botorr bu ) Inp. 133 19
Foil SALU Or exchnnso for mor
clmndlso.2. > J ncrei finally Improved I'ind In
Southern Iowa , ndolnlnir ) county seat nnd rail
road. In Dt-cntur county. Ha ? a flnn 0-room
boti e , Inrpe birn , 60-foot shod , freed well. prltif )
nnd running water : 190 npplo tree * , cborrirs
Krnpcs , etc. BornharU Snchsjo , 317 S. 13th
st..Oinnhn Nob. _ PIS
"VT1CE lots in Mnyno Place , for sale by Mnyilo
- - > Bros. . 131V Farnnm.only 3 lilocks from parker
or Mropt c : r lino. Call anil see them. Sold on
cn < y tennj. 130-19
_ _
ARTE cities make sutiurban imincj n noces-
- / slty nnd this clnts of lots crows with ttio
rost. This is to bo eonsiderod. See Hlll'dalc ftt
f ir.9 nnd buy ono whim you ran at this figure.
Ames' Renl Estate AKOiicy , 1537 Frtrnam st. BJ9
MAYNE BROS. , 1519 Farnam have bargains
in honsoinnil loU ; all parti of the city. Call
and wo them before buying. 133 ill
'VrTOETotTTnTlaviioT'lacp lor s-ulo by Mayne
- iBro . , 151U Fnrnam , only i ! Mocks liom
park or street car line. Call and see th6m.
Sold on easy terms. 130-19
TjlOU EXC1IAN01 . $ C.OOO stock dry poods for
Jt ! Ooiaha property. Archer i Fitch , 2IK 8
15th sU 405
T OTSonlrwIu st. In Uedlck' * Clrovo for Snhj
JL/ cheap , by Mnyno Bros , 151B Far num. J70 19
Il OK8ALK Bowling Green lots nt SIV ) . 10
1 per com cash nnd $5 pur month. OtTers.-tho
easiest anil surest Invojtmont to doable your
money In nyoarofnny proncrty In t'tc suburb
nn market. I-ct show you this flno property-
Marshall d Lobock , Agents ,
I'M ' * 1511 Farnam street.
MAYNE BROS. , 1510 Farnnm hnvo bargains
in houses nnd lots ; nil parts of the city.
Call nny see them before buying. LtO.19/
H I1.I.SDAL1 : bus advantage * which"can't [ bo
beaten by any location. When you see the
Jots you will admit it Ames , 1537 Farnum. 809
M AYNE BROS. , 151B Fnrnnm. hnvo some flno
lots on 1'ark m e. near Howard only $2,0,10.
FINE Lots In Bnrtlctt's ndd. , 1 block from
Street Cur Line , f l.BOO to f-nOO. Call nnd
see them. Mayno Bros ,1519 Furnam. 130.10
OWL1X8 uiil5llNTot3l ! > 010 per cent ,
cash aud 83 per month. Marshall i Lobeck.
Agents. 919
"ILLSDAIiB- . that's tbn name , and tnc
lots soil for 5150 to S175 on easy terms.
Have you seen tfclsi-round ? If not , do at oneo.
ns it costs nothtnV trf. ride out to tnl beautiful
louatlon. Amos' -Jical Kstuto agency , 1537 Far
nnni. v J ' V gOD
FINE Lots In , Marilotfs add. , 1 block Irom
StrotCarlln ( < ' * l > Mto ) $ ' ,000. Call nnd ceo
them. JlHj-ne Kro n.ljin Fnrnnm. 130.W
FOK HALi-I10\\ainK Green lots ut S150. ID
per cent c * S hna 15 per month. Easy ,
and sure to drtulile li n year. Pee this flno nd-
nltion and Eecurorflew Ion while you can got
first choice. .Marshall & I-obodc , Airents
MB ; ' i 15111'arnam street.
T71OKSAU5 nouso'nnd lot on ChloifiO Btroet
JJ Ilouse and M oj.l7th street , SS iOJ.
Hou'oi und lots m easy payuicnts.
.lots in SlarlonJTncc , on Miami street.
, rx5ton20thstroetlonly ; SCOO.- .
' 04 tfcii , StfOOT * t *
j' IDJxKO feet an } ?
It. W.'Hunrross JoWFarnam street. '
Lift your prtpe'iy with me. 83121 *
MAXNB OllOS. ) J519 Fnrnam have barpnlns
In houses und lots : nil parts ol the city.
Call und sco thorn before buyiu ? . 130.19
T7 OJl SAI.B Bowlinir Green lots ut MCO. 10
JQ per eenf cash and fci per monty. Easy ,
undsuro to double in u year. See this flno ad
dition and secure u few lots while you can pet
llrat choice. Marshall & , Lobock , Agents , 1511
Furnam street W8
"VTI'WI'OItT Is the best nnd cheapest aero
JL' propel ty In tno market. Sold on en-y
terms byMayno Bro . ,1519 Farnam. 130 IB
T7 > Olt SALE Ilowlinp Green lots at SIM. 10
JL1 per cent cosh nnd * fi per month. Offers the
easiest nnd surest Investment to double your
money In a year otuny property In the suburb
an market. Let us show you this flno property.
Marshall & Lobock , Agents ,
OJO 1511 Furnnm street.
NICK lotsm Mayno Place , for sale by Mayne
UI-OK. , 1.110 Vnrnain , only 3 blocks from parker
or street car lino. Call and BCO them. BoUlou
eusy terras. 130-19
iJlOlt SAL.1J 8 doslrable lots in llanscotn
XA Place ; terms oasy. G. P. Stebblns , bor usu.
cos3 : *
NFiVl'OltT is the best and cheapest aero
property in the market Sold on easy
terms by Mayno Bros. , 151D Fnrnam. 130 19
8ACHSSKT llcdTEstalo,3l7 S. 13th St. , mis
for sale at n bargain :
Improved and unimproved farms In No *
Four H sections in Douglas Co. . $10 per aero *
ICO acres of splendid farm land , nil improve *
rnonts. In York Co. , . f30 per acre ; ulso crops ,
( Traded stock ncd furniture for sale. Only lor a
bhort tlmo nt this price.
1-4 section in IMrnucu Co. , cheap at $1,000.
80 acres. Hurt Co. , $30 per ncre
30o nnd MO acres in Nnnco county , 1121.0 pet
-ncro. '
8,080 acres In Antelope Co. , C15 to f.TO 'per
100 acres in Madison Co. , $ JO , or exchange for
city property ,
DA tine I arm of 200 acres In Decatur , IM
per ncio , or will trade for general incrchnndUo.
Also farms In Kansas. Jl. SACHS3Kai7S I3tli
Btrot , ( TJO
"VTEWPOltT is the best and cheapest acrd
i > property In the market. Sold on cas
terms by Mayne llros. . 15H > Farnam. ICO 1U
Hotisus Ix3tsrnrm8Lands money loano
Itomls. 15tli and Douglas strootB. 471
H" L3DA UK Best opportunity for getting
you ; a cncap home. N
GO to Maynn Bros. , 1519 Farnam , for lots In
Orchard Hill , JW3 to I7CO each , sold on long
time. J-'inoM lots in city. 130-19 1
MICE LOTS for sale In Muyno's ndd , , Riv )
XI eucli , by Mayno Bros. , 1519 Furnnm. 13019
HOIMHS LotBFnrrasLanns money toanod.
Bemls , 35th nnd Douglas strocta. 471
"PARTIESwishing to sell should list their
JL property with Mnno Bros. . 1M9 Farnnm.
Jif , 13U19
T OIl HALIS-IJI. afaiBS of flno rolllnggrounil
JU iidjolnlng leper jb ( t nre now soiling for f 500
per lot. If sold fore platting will Bell lor
tl iO per ucre. llou llros. ,16U5DouL'lassL.
N ICE LOTS for 'ealo In Mayr.o's odd. . $359
eaoh , by Ma no'flros. , 151K Furnam. 13d W
OTS on Irwin st. in Itodlck'e Grove for sale
j cheap , by Mu > Uros. , 1519 Fnrnum. ISOJ'J
$ l,4UO-Lot 18..U itB , Uanseom Place , p 0
, lot 0. block 8 , Hanscom Place.
$1H , lot 13 , b ok,13 , llauscom Place.
* l. 00 , lot in Lake's addition.
f 1.3.0 , two 1/itsibi Klrkwood's addition.
t'M , lot in Kirkwood's nddition.
t VJfO , House a"uil JT lot on Cass , cast of SOth
street. < - t
Wr on. House , barm well , cistern , east
IdlowllJ , 1 block if ruiuetritot cur.
f 5,000 , goodplttceln F.lizabeth Place.
$4,00 } , good house on full lot In Luke's addi
tion. P
Two nice 5-acro tract * in Tuttle's subdivision
S5 acres north nnd wo. t of etock yards for
J800 per acre. In the market for fi days.
iH acres on Baundors street , In Sarutog-a , cast
front lG5foot.
Barralns In Improved and uniinproved in any
part of the city.
gears , N. E. Corner 15th and Dodge. K3 21
ICE LOTS Muvno's add. . f.TX )
VA4JXC7 for sale fit A'JHXiJU O UUU f * FJ
enoh , by Mayno Bros , 151V Furnam. 130 19
W'K offer for three days only the finest oo rntr
lot In KilDy Place for f 1,3'H ' u great bar-
train. F. D. Tuunor & Co. , ICli Howard street.
Via 17
MAYNE BROS. ; 1519 Farnam , have tome Ono
lots on Park are. near Howard only 82,000.
fi1OlriAlK House , B rooms , city water und
-L ? pae. I mile from P. O. , 1 block from st cars ,
price 2,003 , small payment * , balance monthly.
Inquire rooms 1 ana t OmahaCaU bank , 848
LOTS on lr fin suTn Tiodun ? * OTOTO for solo
cheap , by Mayno Bros. , ttll lanmm , 13U 19
FOB SAI.K-TTTO ek ftnt wt-front corner
lot * In Burr O K ; natiir.1) ) * hade tree * .
Hatcher , tladd \ t'o. . 1218 DojplftS > t , Mlllnrd
Hotel Block. ( Hnahn , Neb. S'4
DKAVJ giuns in population pushe i > mnhn to
the front See Hillsdnlr lot * that join-nn
flow bur tor f IV Piek one out. par for It In
Installment * , nnd sell It in n jrar * tlmo for
twlc Its cost Ames' Real KMnte Asont-y. 15J7
Fnrnnm gt KW
"VMCE lots In Mn ) ne Plnee , fur sule by Ma ) no
JIlro * . , 15m Purnnmonly 3block * fiom park
orstrfpt onrllne. Call and sco them Sold on
eusy terms , U.MH
HAViYj-tJii seen iini JnteIf not. do * o nt
nnco and ptek nut A lot for ftM thnt will
not only tnftko you money but help jou wive
some Ames' Ren ! Estate * Aponoj , li07 IVirnam
street. MOJ
' AltOAlN Full lot on Wilis cr t . lietwl-eii
17th nihl 1'th sL . . 2 li ii r . on < ? of 5
room * and ono of ft ronm * ; geol unrn nnd shade
tree * , ntul nthrr Improvement : prlop $7.0i > ;
p yterm . Potter & Oobb , 1515 Fnrimin * t. ,
Oumha , Neb. Kil
AGlibn lot in Oknhomn , near the \ Inton t.
c-ni HUP. price Jl.OOJ. Potter A ; Col > l > . 1MB
1'nninm M .Oinabn , Ncti. 821
1 > ARTIU * wlshln ? to snll shiMpM ll t their
property with Mnjno Bros. , I51U Fninani
\i3 \ 19
H.l. liALE Come and'srTn It yo ir elt. ft
soil * on Its merits. AmoV Ri'iil i : < trtto
Agency. I.i07 I'arnnm. 8JJ
171OU SAI.i : Resilience property nnil vxcanf
Jlot ! " In every addition In O.untm. Ti'rmi Ui
tiull puU'haer. Also < ln lrnble bilslne prop
erty. Gibson , Larson Ac Co , Room 3 , wittinell
Block. l'i
_ _
BSAt'HSSE. ' Heal IMnto. 317 S. ISst. has for
Rnlo : Milk dairy , irood pnylmr bulnpf * , 15
f roslco * * , 4 her DH , 1 dellx rryneon. . 4innlll !
eaus , tank , oto. Crtnrcntor buy the proportv
whrw It lion0 : : ncre * pnture , ? iOJO , ' 4
bat 1 yuar A Brent mrjrnln. _ _ _ _ KM
' "
CJO'to Mnyno Bro-i. . IMti iMrnnin lor lots "in
I OrcUanl Hill , KM to $700 cacli , sold on lon
< Jmo. Vlncst lots In city. l.T ) 111
FOlt SALl5 Hou > o3 nibtn * , neur 17th RtroetT
S1V ) rn h , bnlnnce $13 per month , only
? tTOi , two blocks from street cur. Park i :
Fowjor. 15M Uoupla'a. 1KB 17
TTMNE Lots in Bnrtletffl ndd , 1 block from
JL ? Street Carllno , $1'O3 to JJ.OOJ. Call nnd see
thoiu. Mnyno Bros. , 15in Fnrnnm. 1C0.19
HOW 3-011 can mnko monoyl1 llv buyliic on
easy pnymcntsa Hlllsdalolot for f l.M. thnt
will bo easily paid for und double In value.
Amos' Heal E'tnto Agency , 1537 Farnam. Wi
BC1WMNO fltinx : lotsCt I.VI. ID pcrccntcn h
nnil { 5 per month. Marshall & Loknck ,
Agents. 1149
TT\rm \ SALK Good 7-room hout > with cellar ,
JL3 cistern , city M utor and barn. ' lot , fS.'U ) ;
onqulroonpranilM ) , ft"17 Davenport. G7S
HILWOALK Hiffhost ground , bnnNotno < t
location of nny lots In ornrounrt Omaha ,
for 5150 nnd S1T5 u lot. Come nnd see this
ground. Amos' Real Estnte ARimcy , 1" 07 Far-
nnm. S03
FOR BARGAINS In Real CMntncall on Mayno
Bo ( . , 1'iHi Farnam ; we have the Inrjre'-t
lUt in city. l.'fci 19
: NicpS-room house nnd u1 corner
lots lu Wnliiut Hill ; y cash bal. to suit.
1710R BA11OAINS In Renl Eftntecallon Mnyno
J. BIOK. . 1519 1'nrnam ; we have the larirost
list In city. 13) 19
RAHE BAUGAIN-1440 neres good iirnolo
land In Knox nnd Cedar cO'inlles.NoDraska ;
Wi per ncro cash. A. R. Graham & Co. , Wlsnor ,
Nobr. r.y > s-a
LOTS soiling todnv for f W ) to f looisold n year
ngo forSirOtt ) ) . Think of this nnd get n
lot now | n HtUadalo fcir150 to S173 an.l on rosy
terms. Amos' Real Estate Agency , 1597 Fnrnam
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H19
fllOR BARGAINS in Heal Estate call on Mnyno
JL Bros. , 1319 Farnam ; wo have the largest
list in city. 130 19
Southern Minnesota ,
Northern lown.
Central nnd Northern Kansas ,
For sale ntlow prices nnd on easy terms of pay
ment. Railroad ftiro refunded to purchasers.
Weekly excursions. Bo t lands for the money.
For ftirthci information address O. R. Nelson ,
GOO S. 10th Bt. Omaha , Nob. COS
1711 NE Lots in Bartlctfs udd , 1 Ulock from
JL ? street car line , SI.UOO to S2,00a Call nod f oo
nem. Mayne Bros. , 1'ild Farnum St l.W-19
Real Estate nnd Rontnl Airont ? .
Having no prorcrty of our own in the market
wo do n stilctly commission business nnd make
it to the interest of parties having property lor
sale , rent , or trade , to list sumo with us. Pur
chasers will do well to tumombt'i- Bnsihcss
trnnsnctod In n resrionsllilo uinnncr. lai
TZTILLSDALE sells at S150 per lot. 803
rOTS on Irwln st. in Redick's Grove for Bale
cheap , by Mnync Bros. , 1519 Furnam. 130 19
T EAYENWOHTlTBT. R. R. trackage , one or
JLJ more lots or an acre , at a great bargnln.
Fee J. W , Logan , at Leavonworth Business
PJiice , or G. . W. Baker , Room 7 Iron BnnU
building. 36S
SALJ-Wo have sixteen lots In Hawthorne -
thorno ndditlon that wo will sell ; best nnd
cheapest Inside property in Omaha. Bedford &
Bouer 755
M AYNE BROS. , 1.119 Farnam , have Homo tlno
lots on Pnrn nvo. ncnr Howard only 82,030.
MFoil 130-19
Foil KALI' 12 choice iots In Saunders A
Himclmugh'sadd. , S-iOOto$3y > each ; cn y
terms. A. H. Brlggs , Sato's hnt Btoro. 703
M AYNH BHO3..151Q Faniam , have some line
lots on Park ova. near Howard only S2.00J.
HILLSDAI.K You can tmd no such lots ns
those at (120 nploco. Ames' lloal Estate
Agency , 1507 Farnam st. 803
Foil SAI.I ; OrTralo Improvcl aal unim
proved lands lu Furnas nnJ otior western
counties. Address Wra Slraeral , Arapa'ioe ,
Fur-pas Co. Neb. 275
VTEXV PORT Is the best and cheapest acre prop-
J-i erty In the market. Sold on easy terms
by Mnyno Bros. , 151 Farnam. 130 ID
T > ARTIES wishing to sell should list thuir
i property with Mayno liro8.lfirJFarnani.
/ VNKnnd thrco-fourtns acres in llrookllnc ad-
\J dltion , price f 50. Potter & CobU. 1515 Far-
noui st..Omaha , Neb. 821
H ILLSDALC Beautiful locution. E07
Foil HAI.i-By : J , B. Evans i : Co. , 15)0
lodj < oi
Kiijbt lots in King's addition , ouch $ $03
Throe beautiful lots near Lowe uvo. op
posite reservoir , each 1,000
1'ino south trout , Walnut Hill , near Belt
line depot 639
Best ncro in West Omaha 5,000
Kast 1 rout , Georgia nvo 1.7M
Kust front , Delaware St. Hnnscom pluco.'JiK )
Corner Goorglu ave 2.VX )
Corner Lenvonworth st 0OM
Wl foot front Louvenworth st. ' . ' .OUO
Corner , Yates A : Hold's add 700
Lots In Plain View nonr''Utli st KM
Two east trnntE. Virginia nvc , each 1W < 1
Lots In A S Patrice's add , easy terms , each no )
Ono lot in block 7 , Hun worn plwo UO )
Ont corner , two lot * , Skull's add 3 ; 0
Opu oust front. Tabor place 1.IOU
14 lots Huwihorno $1J.CO to 1.501
East front. Crcston 1.101
Eight lots , Boyd's add , nil for 3OuH
Property In all parts ot Omaha. J. It. Kvnns &
Co. 170 23
BSACHSSR Real Estate , 317 S. lUb St. , has
for kale Improved properly !
320 Fine brick residence with nil modern
Improvements , on Sounders St. , lot
120x100 , $ ; i,000to t5,000 CHBli down . . S E.03)
3GO Nino-room r-ouKo and lot , Mill . ,
near St. Marys nvo , f600 cash balance
monthly 6,750
XI Three-room cottage and lot 8. 17th
st , Jl,000 cash 1.COO
300 ID-room house and lot CGVixlGO on
Hurt St. . J-U3Q cash , bolanco to suit 4 03
304 2 ft on Cumin ? with store and duell
ing 0,63)
340 HI ft on Cumlng with 'J stores r.nJ
dwelling , b rn , etc. , 10,800
309 Fine 8-room bou&e , barn , fto. , lot
100x100 4.50J
303M5-roora cottage , lot 60x100 , both on
Webster , ono-thtnl cash , balance to
suit 2.0M
327 ficottages on South Htli St. . to bo sold
together or in lots of 3 or 3 adjoining 12,030
58 Fine 0-room house , lotlMxHO , on 19th
M. , cash f I KO S.BOO
265 Lot 30x140 with houto , well , etc. , on
IDthst. . 2,200
303 6cottntres of 6 rooms , lots 3Vixl20 ,
cistern , well , etc. , on 19th St. , { 300
cash. 123 03 per month , each. . , . 2,100
333 tl feet on Cumlng , busineu lots , with
2f.torc . dwelling , barn ; all rented . .f lO.BTiO
Full lot nnd H lots with largo or soull bouse )
F. V. Smith's add , Plain View.
LOWO'B 2d add. Kouutza's id add.
Pattcr&on subJlv , Inprovcmont A&sii add.
Mlllard to Caldwcll's add , Walnut Hill.
Park Pluoe , Hickory Plac .
Omaha View , Bcdford'i add.
Bhluu's odd , Amoi Place.
Shlnn'sS.1 add , DonlbOb * udd.
From flUOO to 81/00 ; email payment ! ; nasy
terms. C23
HOW'Is it your neighbor Das made money ?
By having courage to buy cheap lots. You
can da the same la Ilillsdale , whore lots now
Gelling for SlVJoach will brln ? double that In &
year from now. Ames' Real Estate Agency ,
i GOT Farnam BI UQ
0 to Mayno Bros. , 1519 Farnam , for lots In
On hard 11 ill , $550 to I70J ouch , sold on long
time. Finest lots In city. ISO-18
now Is the tlmo to bnr chdsn
IV lot * . They prow In rulun fnt r than nny
other * . Poc llllldnlo. Ixits $191 e ch. Ame * '
Uonl KtHto Aprvncy , 1V7 Furnnm. HS
( ' 'O to MnjtiPllro * . , 1S19 Funmtn , for lot * tn
Oroaurfi Hill , wti to fTW e ob , MiM on loiijf
tlmo. Flnwl Ion In city 1 M9
IllTS WO4Tfnti < T7 roam house , on South I5ti !
t St. A linrfnln nt fS. < VO.
Hi ft front lot on Vlrdnli ave . onlj jsxi.
Itatt trent lot in Hanscom Flaw , block 16 ,
only $ I.M\
Fine t i-neknge near NIchnlM St Cheap.
Two . " > som trni-W on Saunilers M , $733 to
f l.inO per nrn\
Ixit , iO\lstbkck 7 , Hon'comPhlro. $1VX F.
I ) . Tstmerx , Aeentsi , icn 11 wnr 1 st Vl 17.
niLl , lT\Tf-l.crt ; only JIVi to f I'nnl , , w ili
eil for dnuMp thl tlsitro .n K" ninnthV
time. IX.ine and see them , Ames Real 1taio 1
r > 7 Farnnm t sn >
nnrlttnmtnl piwltton Hurt c . . . _ „
nil pnuel | il line * t.uit urt U > t. M Inllltl nnrt trt
niln l lunnti. ron tltut" ttj. inert ImiHirtnnt luht-
ooftttnvtitiil link In thftl Kr * rni of thrnntfl , ti-nntp * n
tatlon whlrJi lnrtt * nnil fACllltiil1) ) * Irorul n il ttn > e
IMMWWH rltifmor HIP Atlantic and I * clHp ConiiU 1C
l ! ' iliir orlt n l l i routn UiKnd rrom iKiin'H
! ! . Virlheixt nnd Soutlipaat. unit rorirrpunclllia
| K > lht. Wwt. NorUlwnt uud IVlitlmrn.
The Croat Rock Island Route
On r ntM.n lu pMron * Ui t wn-o ot in-r-onul rrtn-
rltf atrunlmIJijji ) ; iwlM tlioroiiclilr t'.IUnr , ! ro it.
b l. iinooth truckii of nmtlniioti * > tri < l r ll. riilxun.
tlalli tiiiillcnl rt nuil l.rnlur' . n.lllnenu k unnti
The Famous Albert Len Route
r diwt nnil ; favorlt , . , ! nB hrtw n CMilcjico nnd
lUiinMtiMilliiaiHlSl. J' ul , wlitre ccnnrrtl n > n < nii > ilii
In I nlim lpot l fur N points In tlir TrrrllorlM Mul
llrlti li l'n lnn > > Over till * Mnilo Fart lipn-n3 :
Trnlu nio run to tlic wntnnnc placpn , rammer ro-
rotu. pIcturrxiK lorjillltoo. and In.mine mid lUhluc
KTiiimarof IO B nnd > llnnc sln. It In uUo the mu.t
Jolmlild rnutc to ttii > ri li t Ilclds nuJ patturiU
laniH nt IntiTlar l > Kktit < v
Will ttnMlifr DIUM'T l.INU. rli
frnx * anrt K n-
kalt-B , IIHJ. ti..rn oMunt tivi
r n < 1nrlDiii > tl. Indlm-
op < > ll anil LnlaTFttr. and fVtunrll llltinr KnnKiCltr.
MliincapoU and BU r&ul nnd tuti > rnitxll , | H > lntv
> or dft&Ued Infonnntlon felt Atap nnd KoMrrff.
obtalnalilc.a * well a ticket * , Ht rjl tirluciral 11ckrC
omrr * In the United BUUCS and CunMa. lr b ; aj.
< Jn > tie
Fren't & Ocn'l Sl'e'r , Oen'l rxt i ! . Ae't
Time Table
Thofollowlnirls the time of nrrlval and de
parture ofiralns bj- Central Standard Tlmii nt
the local depots. Trulns of the C , St. P. , M. *
( > . arrive nnd depart from their depot , corner ( if
14th and Weluter streets : trains on the II. AM. .
C. II. & . g. uud 1C. C. , St , J. & C It. from the II.
& M. depot nil others from the Union Puclllo
iminaK TUAINS.
Bridge trains will leave U. R depot at 6:3S :
-8:00-B:40-SM-I : : 0:01-ll:00 n. m. : 111:05
1M 1 : M2:00 0 :00 11 4 :00 5 :0i ) 3 :3 J f : 10
7:00-1 1:10 p. rn.
Leave Trunsfor for Omalm at 7:11 US:15--90 :
0:42 IIIO:3.f : 10:3711:37 a. in. : 1:37 2:13-2 : 7
- IaO-3:37-4:37 : : : 5:50 : 0:42 : 7:20 : 7:50-8 : :50
11:52 p. in.
Arrival nnd departure of trains from the
Transfer Depot at Council lllultd :
CIIICAOO , nocc isr.AND i iMctna
n 7:15 A.M. I
C 0:40 : P.M. I 117Xf. u.
CflltMGO If KOIlTn\TiSTKllM.
CO:15A.M. : .1 DO:15A-U. :
lJC:40f : M. I 117:00 P.M.
AS)5A. : M. I A 0:15 A. M.
U C:40 I * , u. 11 G:20 : r. M.
I A 7:10 p. M.
A 0:15 A.M. I A 9:15 A. M
A 0:40 P. u. 1 A7OJp. M
A 10:00 : A , M. I DCaiA.M. :
C b:55 P. M. I A 5i : : > P. It.
A 3:00 p. id. | A3MP. : M.
A 7:05 A. M. I A 0:33 : A. M.
A 0 :23 : p. 1C. 1 AS :5'J : P.M.
Depart. NORTHWARD. Arrive
A. M. r. M. I C. , ST. P. , M. & O. A. U. 1 P. M.
.Sioux City Expresa. | & :45o :
S:45cOakland : ! Aecomuiod'n 10:30a :
Depart. EASTWARD. Arrl\ .
A.M. I p. t. C. . B. & Q. r. M.
8:20 : ! ' Plattsmouth. . . ! T:10 :
NOTE A , U-ainsilnUy ; B. daily except Bun-
day ; C , daily ozoupt Saturday ; D , daily except
will leave U. P. depot. Omaha , at C0 : 7:3J
10 : < Wn. m : : :00-3or : > 4:05 : 5:23 : 8:00 : p. ra.
I'nolIIo Ilxpnus. 8:20 p. m. ; DenTer Er. , 10:53 :
8. in. ; Local Ux.,5 : < ij p. in.
Leave stock yards for Omaha at * 7:0./-3a >
Jl:33 a. m , : 2:5fl-3K-l:3-0:05-S:30 : : : : ) : p. in.
Atlantic Ex . lo S. O. 7:33 : n. m. ; Chlrnsro KT. .
It S. O 6:07 : p.m. : Local Ex. , lo. S. 0.10:51 o.m. :
Mo. Puc. Ex.le. S-O. 6:17 p. "i. ; Sd M. P. Ex. ,
6:03 : a. in
Except Sunday.
and Jail Work ,
1020 I'ariiaru Street , Oruaha. Nob.
ONl.V 1 1 V WAIL , I'OSfl'AIU.
Eihnusttil Vltalltr , Nerronmnfl Jlifsical Dabllltr
rrrmmurn Il clln ln Man. Krror f Youth , an 1 ttaa
unlnlj ratierle reaultlnz f niin Indlicrvitun and ox.
viuiet. A book tor e cry mu. yuunu , mUldlnuzo > t
iinrtol.L It cnnulnt 116 pr rrtptiMi lurnil arnle nnil
rlirunln dl eu > ei. > ch one ut vthlcU in turn jii UI . So
found bjr UJU Hulhur vaate expi-rtontn fnr J rears it
UK h lit iirolulilji narrr brfiirn ( * II to tto hit o [ ai\r \
blij lcj u ; JUJ i ic . Unuiid to beuatlful freiu.-h unif-
lln , embo cd cOTcr , loll tilt , jfnomntrM tl tin an no-
work tu ticij iei o-iufcLaiiical. lurRtryHnd iirnfM-
ilonal thin nnr nthcr work In this cntnitrr for C ! X
nrtbe will be returned In ercrr butanre.
I'rtcronlr ft u/mull , potll.nll. IllnitrMted nanule ,
ete. Penrtnrw. ( Mii raihtil iiw rdi-l I lid mitlior hr
lie Natlunkl Mottleal AMOCIntton. to the 11 m. A. I1.
IttuuII. nndni5oi fate ofliccn of tbo board Uiii reader
It ntpftttollr raferrert.
Tbe Science of Life U wort ! ) more to Iho roans ant
tnlddla tend men flf thli ceonrntlnu thin all Ilia col I
mlnft of C-jllfninl * und tbe > llrur n > ir i of NcTali
timhineil. C , V OUni ilcla.
The tttfl nee nf I.lfo poluu out tbo rocti and quirt-
ftiiixli on which the ronsi'.tntion &nd lu > po of mia ? /
a rounf unu hire been fault/ MreiiodMauchcuer
The S.-lonce of UJe It of crtJier nlu * than all tba
ueiliail work > iwbli > b d lo ( alt ur.iuiry ( ortaopxit
T ar AtNutn Onnitnuiinn.
The hcltnie i'f l.Uo l iup rb "C'l Rktterlj trtit-
0 mi nervuuk and p'jjiunl dedlhij.Dcl.olt I'roa
Adii > c tbe riutnvlr Medical Inttllaio. or r.V. .
II. larVvr. .So i nallducb iiiett. llnHun. u t. . nrlio
icujr b ciintultoU ua nil atuBaiv * re ulrlnj > klil anJ
flxpvrlQiit-'e. < * Uronlc aua ot Uiuitu UUe us Hut
liivo t nifd tbe nklll o ( other pbrili'Uiii a tiint-
liltr Kofh ire a Hil tu'-reff Ulf witUoul ante -
aunreof failure. J euiixn Oiaabu Boa ,
2) . L. jS Superintendent *
R ! CO. ,
Flavor ,
No pains are
to tnnko
tlic c incata
tliat can be
Tooplo of
arc highly
with thorn.
If ronr Clrnrrr op Xlnrkrlrann lo not Urrn
them , tend Ulrcct to Atnnonr.Vl'o. . Chlrnpv
. Urdlrlnnl ir r.
1)1 ? V.MV I , WAI.I.IXa , Bur
K in In Oilff , > atlunal Dunn
of N J.wrltn
"Jlv BttMitlcn wn ralltd tc
roiir Ki-.rstoiie Mult A\hl k y bj
tit Lnlur , llrutflit , of Trinton
nlul 1 hnr tiipJ R frw buttlri
with far Ktli-r iffwrt than WIT 1
Imrn lintl 1 nni rfotimmpndin
Miur urtlrlo In in ) practice , me
find It > wtlifictory. * :
uzwiRE cr nniATtsKs.
i # Ootnlr hft tl.r SlttmlQn ff
on the 1
< S I > , < nnli f.r lb"ll B )
316.318 and 320 Raw St. . Phihddphia. Pa.
Council Bluffs
And Chicago.
The only road to tnko for Des Molnns. Mnr-
shalltown , Codnr Rapids. Clinton. Dlxlo. Chica
go , Mllwiuikoe and all points east. To thn people
ple of Nebraska. Colorado. Wyoming , Dtan ,
Idaho. Novada. Oregon , Wnshlngton nnd Cali
fornia it offer * superior udvantage * not possible
by anyothorllno.
Amongafuwol the numcroiispolntsolEupo-
rlorlty enjoyed by the patrons of this rend between -
twoen Omahn and Chicago , nro it * two trains n
I day of DAY COACHES which ore the linost
that human nrt and ingenuity can rrcnto. Its
\ PA LACK BLEEPING CARS , which nro models
of comlort nnd elegance. Its PARLOR DBAW-
ING ROOM CARS , unsurpassed bv any , nnd Its
widely CPlohr.itod PALATIAL DINING CARS ,
the equal of which cannot bo found elsewhere.
At Council Bluffs the trnlns of the Union Paci
fic llv. connect In Union Depot with those of
the Cliicngo &Northwestcrn Ry. In Chicago the
trains of this llbo mnUnclo e connection with
those of all eastern lines.
For Dotioll , Columbus , Indinnnpoll * , Cincin
nati , Niiurnrn Falls. IlnlTiilo , llttsburgToronto ,
Montionl. Boston , Now York , Philadelphia , Bal
timore , Washington nnd nil points In the east ,
nsk the ticket uiront for tickets via Iho
If you wish Iho iKjstncoommaduUons. All tlcko
lurcnts fccll tickets via this lino.
General Manager. Gen. l > iuC. AfonL.
Red Star Line
Carrying the Belgium Hoyal nnd United States
Mail.sailltii ? every Saturday
Bef ween Antwerp & Hew York
Salon from JtW to $ ! : . Excursion trip from
$110 to IU. Second Cabin , outwur.l. $ U ;
propald , * 43 : excursion , t 'M. Stoonig-o nassnjjo
at low rales. 1'otor Wriifht & Sons , General
Agents. U Broadway , Now York.
Henry PunJt , U18 Furnam St. : Paulson & COL ,
Kiriiu u : ) J Frocmnn. 13J1 Furnnm nt
England , France & Germany.
thin \ > cll known line uro
built of iron. In watcr-tlsht compartments , and
uro furnished with uvcry requisite to make tbu
jHihSfttru both safe nnd agreeable. They carry
tbullmtbd Suites and Huropunn ma.llsund loixvo
New York lhursdars nnd Saturdays for Plr.
mouth. ( LONDONCt.orboUff ) , < PAHIa nnd HAM-
Iti'turiiing , the stonmon K'nvo Hamburg on
Wednusdnyn and .Suuduya. via. Havre , lultlu ?
pastcntrerif at Bouthampton and London.
First cabin f.VJ , fOj and $7i ; Htecrage SO.
Italliond tiekms from Plymouth to IJrlsliil , Car-
> 11IT , l * > udoii , or to any plucoin the South of
F.njrlnnd , FKKIi. Stonrngo from Huropo only
ucnurnl PahsenKCr Agt-nti ,
Brnadway , Now york ; WajAiu Uui und U
BuUu 3t . Chicago. III.
ChicagoMilwatikeeftSLraulB'y , '
frcni OU.1JI nl C90HCIL BtBffS el
) , AND MthvaukpR ,
St , PUUI , MillUR ! I'cdar Jtapi U ,
Clinton , Dubuijiic , Davenport.
llock JsliiudKrccKirt ] , Itoekfonl ,
Kl In , .Madison , Jaueaville ,
Deloit , Winona , La Crosse ,
AnAall other Important points East , Nortbtiast
and Bouthnuit.
For through tickets call on the Tlrkot Aifon
nt 140 ] Kurimm street < ln Paxton ! lotoliora
finest Dining
in thn world nro run on the main llnoKffbu
Cllir > UO , Mll.WAl'I.KB & ST. ] U | ' ( . trtD.WAT ,
und crury attention I * pmd to passt „ ( 14 b/
ccurti'onj employes of the compauy.
B. MII.I.I.II , Uoncnil Manager ,
J. F. TrcKt-U.JUsUlant Ucueral Msnutcr.
A V , H CARPENTER , General iitiieog r xnl
Ticket Ayiiiiu
( jtfi. K. HBArroiiD , Assistant General r uf.i -
r nnJ Ticket AtreiK
J , T. CI.XUK , Ouneral flunj.