THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY. AUGUST 10 , 1880 , i THK , COUNCIL BLUFFS. THUHSDAY MORNING , AUGUST 11) ) , OFFICE , NO. 12 , PEARL STREET. by rfirrtrr In any part of tlio city at twc'iitj-cents per week. II. W. TII.TO.V , - - Manager. Tr.t.ttpjioNtts : NKIIIT r.DiTou No. 2.1. MINOR 3IKNT1ON. New fall goods at Holler's. Now York Plumbing company. The very best cabinets at $3 dox. at Gotham's. Two drunks constituted the business of Hie police court yesterday. One do/en cabinets and a large panel for $2.30 at Schmidt's nailery. ( . ' . 1) , Luccock Is taking .some line nlio- lographic views of Lake Manawa. A colored man found in a box car , using a Htolen hide for a pillow , has been sent , to thu county jail for ten days. The Harmony mission social has been postponed until Friday evening , when it will be entertained by Mrs. 1) , O. Brown. Ollicer Lewis found a cra/.y man run ning about on the bottoms yesterday , barefooted und with no clothing but shirt and pantaloons. Ho brought him to the city building to lie cared for. The man gave Ids name as Frederick Buschalina- bon. Perhaps his name made him mad. The champion cromtctcrs of the Fln > t and Second wards are contesting for the honors of the Held. K. T. Bryant and Mr. Halllnger represent the hirst , nnd Ira Scolield and A. 1) ) . Foster the Second. The Second warders have won the hrnt of the series , and it is dechucd that the First shall be last. The "Tox" for CMSO against keeping open Saturday night after hours was yes terday dismissed , there being no appa rent ground for the prosecution. The cnso against Bierworth was also dis missed. The charge against Kost and Hionck for neeping open on Sunday re mitted In their being lined 10 and costs. Died , Wednesday , August 18 , at 4M a. in. , of cerobitis , Walter , hon of II. T. and Maggie E. Hoist , aged one year and twenty-two days. Funeral from the resi dence of Mrs , M. E. Amy. No. S.Tl South Sixth street , atI o'clock this afternoon. Rev. Air. Macke.y will olllciato Little Walter was a twin brother of Harry Hoist , who died Mav 20. D. O. Bloomer , as attorney for Mr. Howe , has presented a request for the council to makv a tax levy to pay off the judgment of $10,000 gained by his client against the city on warrants held by him. In order to hasten thu payment Mr. Bloomer is preparing to secure a writ of mandamus from the courts forcing the council to make the necessary levy to pay the judgment. C. S. Clark , who arrived among his old friends hero to take a position on the evening prohibition .sheet , has dropped out almost as quickly as ho dropucd in. He was not in practical accord with thu cold-water policy ot tlio paper , anil ho suddenly severed his connection with it. Yesterday lie Marled on a visit to friends in Marengo. Clarke has many friends and well wishers here , and it is _ to bo re gretted that hu could not remain among .them. The city has no place in which to care for the stranger who may bo picked up sick or wounded. The need of a hospital is apparent to anyone making frequent visits at the calaboose , and seeing how the ofllcers there try to care for such subjects. Jt would not cost tnncli to start n small hospital sullicient for the citv's present needs , nnd thu lack of such a place is.ii disgrace lo a city of this size. A move should be made at once. 13 Cabinet Photographs $3. Quality the tincst. Shorradcn , ! 117 Broadway. Electric door bells , burglar alarms , and every form of domestic electrical appli ances at thu Now York Plumbing Co. A Financial JMncli. Frank Stubbs , who recently opened here one of the linost merchant tailoring establishments in the west , is having Home financial troubles , which it is hoped will soon blow over. His stock was seized on a chattel mortgage given Ollicer & Pusev for $2,500 , and yesterday there was an attachment made for $2-78 duo Skin ner & Co. , of Chicago. It is said that tlie stock amounts to over $7,000 and that the total liabilities above the mortgage do not reach $ lfiOO. The hope is that the matter will bo speedily adjusted so that the business may continue and the young man's credit- and property bared. Tlio establishment is one of the most credita ble in the city and Mr. Stubbs seemed to bo doing a good and Increasing business. The financial complications which re sulted in the closing of the establishment yesterday call forth many express ions of sympathy for him and hopes that ho will be soon bo able to got upon his feet again. See that your books are made by More- house & Co. , Room 1 , Everett block , Where Wore They ? To the Editor of tlio HUB : At the moating called to express the views ol tins community on the brutal murder of Rev. George 0. Haddock , there was a noticeable and marked absence of all the city and county oflloials. So far as coulr be observed not one was in night. Has it come to this , that those sworn to en force the law do not darn to join in even n mild expression of disapproval of a most cowardly murder of one who was seeking to have law enforced ? Some of the ollielals might possibly have good excuses tor not being present , but it is not possible that all had , The indlflur- once of private citizens is censurable enough , but thepublie lias the right to oxpcot some snow of backbone ant richtoons indignation on tlio part of its olncials. Why did they all absent tlu-ni- solves ? A. OVKUTON. Perfectly satisfactory accommodations at $2.00 a day at the Pacific house. Give it a trial and bo convinced. An old IJHW Suit , In the circuit court yesterday the trial of the old case of Doty vs. Mallard was again on trial. This case has now been tried live times , nnd has entered on its sixth , Three times it has bemi decided in favor of the plaintiH'and two times in favor of the defendant. The plaintiff originally claimed § 1.15for wages holding cattle tor Dr. Mallard , in Aiulubon coun ty , and iiOjWt ho costs arc much more than that. Hpootnl Notion. I will rccolvo all moneys duo the ( 'oun. oil Ulna's Driving Park association , 1 I m responsible for nil dues and premi ums that may accrue at the fall meeting Aucust 81 , September 1 , a nnd a. DOKAI.U MACIIAE. Personal Paragraphs. Dr. T. IK Lacy has gone to St. Louis on E brief trip , " "B. Sillowny , ot Cedar Uaplds , Into pro prietor of the Ogden house , is in the city. Miss Emma Joulyn. who > has been vis- itinir her sister. Mrs. II. N. lilton , and aim. P.M. Pryor , loaves to-day for her homo In Jnncsvillc. Wis. , but Intends to return auif spumU winter hero. J'kfit-flass tiu work , roofing , etc. , a noInty ) ! at Cooper & Ncuco s. CRUSHED WHILE COUPLING , Oharlea Barter Loses a Hnnd in the North western Yards. A SUIT ON ITS SIXTH TRIAL. A 'NcrrntiH Keeling on tlio Saloon Question- Irate 1'nrcnt In Scnruli of nn Kit T.nst Mis Hnnd. Charles Hnrter , nifrhtswilclimaii in thn hlciifro & Northwi'storn ynnls , met witli : i serious accident at an early hour yes- iertlay niornniK. 1" coupling curs Ills left hand was canKlit anil wus so badly inaslmd that it became ncce ary to am- imtaio It at the wrist. Dr. Lacy performed - formed the opc'ratlon , and the injured man was tsvkun to his home , No. 1100 South Seventh street , i\oitcd. It is wlilsnorcd that cro lotiR there will bo sonic sensational onslaughts upon the saloons of the city , which are running as open as befoic the passage of the prohib itory law. Of late there have been par ties purchasing liquors in llasks in dillbr- cut parts of tlio city , and the evidence thus gained is being cared for anil looUcd nflurso as to present it in duo form in the pourtfl. This fact has leaked out and it has been followed by exaggerated rumors as to what will bo the next move of tlio prohibitiouisUs. Everybody is watching eagerly cveiy indication ot a new nhaso in the strngclo and it takes but little to sot many tongues wagging wildly. A day or two ajra tx gray-haired , rather ministerial lookinggcnth'inan was in Justice Hcndrieks' court drawing up some papers , lie was u stranger hero , nntl in less than half an hour tno report sped all over the business part of the city that a number of the saloons were to bo sei/.ed under the Clark law. The fact was that the stranger was an attorney who was hero looking after an attach ment case which had no savor of intoxi cants connected with it. Another rumor quite prevalent is that a raid is soon to bo made upon the Coun cil HlnlVs saloons by n band from outside of the oily. It is said Ihat a company of 100 armed men will r'do ' in hero early some morning and proceed to soi/.o stocks of liquors. Tliis is about as wild a guess , probably , as the otner , but it is believed by many. Smoke the Manawa cigar , made by Frank Levin , 312 Broadway. Saloons on Sunday. The saloonists seem to be greatly mixed us to what the ordinance is in re gard to keeping open on Sundays. Some think they can keep open if they do not sell ; and others that if they keep the doors closed thny can sell to those friends who are fortunate or unfortunate enough to be inside. Judge Aylosworllrhas de cided the ordinance to provide a penalty for both of these odenscs. lie holds that if a saloon is open to the public , even if no drinks are sold , the keeper is liable tea a line. Ho also holds that oven if the saloon is not open to the public , but drinks are sold to any onu that consti tutes an oQ'onso under the same ordin ance. The excuse is made now that the doora have to bo kept open to accomo- datc the boarders at tlio lunch counters. This seems to bo the most perplexing ytiz/.lo for the city authorities. There is no ordinance providing for the closing of lunch places and restaurants on Sun day , and some who run saloons are charged with availing themselves of the lunch counter as a shield for keeping open. The council should take some ac tion by which in such cases' the bar should be so enclosed a § to vendor it im possible for u rinks louo soul from it without detection. All the comforts of high-priced hotels at this Pacific house , and a saving of 50c to $1 u day. Try it. Shoot tlio Hat. John Boim at tlio Ogden house likes to get a'joko on his "Joe , " and he had his lill the other day. Joe has a white hat which ho occasionally puts on , especially on [ state occasions. John got Joe's hat ono day recently unit setting it up in a back room as a target , and some of his friends , who like to try the rifle , innocently put several holes through it. John rushed oil' and told Joe that I lie boys wore shoot ing his hat full of holes , and Joe started in on the war path. The shooters had considerable difliculty in persuading Joe that they did not know that it was his hat and liis pride , and there were several laughs and still more holes. .Too planned for revenge though. John had a white hat , very much like Joe's , which he also reserved for state occasions , the lake , etc Joe got hold of this , and the next day came sauntering in with it on his head , and John and his friends worn practic ing again % yitli the rillo. Joe remarked that they might as well put some nioro holes in Ids hat , and accordingly set the hat up for a target. The boys , including John , plugged away at the hat until the crown looked like a skimmer. The hat was completely ruined Imforu John found that it was his own tile , and not Joe's at all. I'eaco was only restored on Joo's promising his employer to limit him up another cage of white rats. Always buy your moats at Star market , No. SJOl Broadway , and got the best. iSatisfuution guaranteed. Fruits , confectionery and cigars , best in the market always in stock. Frank Witherell , ' . ' -'I Broadway. Hlie AVus n YOUIIK Tiling. On Monday last there arrived at Idol's hotel , a young couple , claiming to bo from St. Louis , and registering as Mr. Charles Koch uii'l ' Miss Lizzie Poppoiv hagcn , both from St. Louis. They pro cnedcii to secure the needed license , ami ivoro soon married in the hotel parlor by Justice llnndrleks. Yesterday there arrived the irate father , who claimed that the girl and her lover hnd run away. liu hunted up the record and found that voting Koch had represented the girl to be of age , whereas it is claimed by him that * ho is only just past fifteen years , The couple in the meantime had gone to Omaha , nnd thither the angry father went in hot Imte , threatening to have his now son-in-law arrested for perjury , or obtaining the girl under false pre tenses , or something of that sort. Pacillc hotiao recently ronovated. Coo' roonib ; money saved ; comforts gained. In Jail. A man was found in liardiu towr.shi ) wandering about in an apparently dazed condition und brought to this city ant ploced in the comity jail , Ho was ex amined by the physicians , with a vlow of having him tukcnto an insane asylum but It seems that ha is suffering fron sonic- temporary Ailment , needing care and rest nioro than any thing else. Ho gives Ins name as Bogardns , and claims to bo u cousin of tlio famous shot of that name. Ho says ho is from HutuliiiiKoi county. Kansas , and wns making hi * waj across the country to C'urroll county , this State. Hu remembers of feeling oucui nnd sick , but beyond that can mvo no In formation about himself. Ho will be cared for for a few days , until his case etui bo more definitely determined. Highest prices paid for county , city and school bonds. Odell Bros.V - Jo. , No. 103 Pearl street , Council Bluffy 'owa. _ _ Alaxonlo. Ueguhir meeting of Harmony Chapter , No. 23 , O. K. S. , this ( Thursday ) evening it 7:30 : o'clock. A full attendance is re- picstcd for the transaction of important mslncss. By order of the W. M. Klrklnnd , the jeweler , has re jorod to J2U Broadway , Singer ollico. Substantial abstracts of titles and real estate loans. J.V . it E. L. Squires , No. 101 Pearl street , Council Ululls. THE WAR IN ATLANTA. A Day ofUvclieinont Caused liy Mcx- Ican Humors. Atlanta Constitution : A reporter strolled into the Kimball house at seven ) 'clock last night in search of dis- iuguished visitors. While scanning the register he felt a hand upon his shoulder , ind turning , beheld Captain \YhacK Uailey , of Augusta. " " said the "do "Young mini , captain , you want logo to Mexico ? " ' 'Some other I'veniug , " replied the ro- lortcr , who had not forgotten the hard- : aek and i-orghum syrup which prevailed - vailed us the chief articles of food in the south during tliu war between the states. "Well , " said the captain. "I am raising n regiment to light the Mexicans , and nm ready to enlist any able-bodied young man. " Ten minutes later the reporter was told ni interesting story by an enthusiastic military man. "Two " he slid "of companies , , ono iiinilrcd men each , wore raised at At- anta to-day to light the Mexicans. Cap tain Wh'ick Balloy , who was the b'iglor ' of the oh ! Atlanta artillery , arrived in tlio city to-day , and at once began raising a third company. Uy five o'clock ho had sixty-seven names , among thorn being some of the most prominent young men the city boasts. " At this instance another enthusiastic military man interrupted. "Have you heard the latest ? " he in quired. "No , " said the reporter , "what is it ? " "Mexico is massing her troops on the Texas frontier. " "Is that all ? " "No ; tlm secretary of war has tele graphed the governors of the different suites requesting them to issue proelama- mations calling for volunteers from amen < r the organized state troops. " Tlio reporter soon discovered that it was generally believed in the hotel and on the streets that Governor McDanicl liad received such a telegram. It was rumored also that Judge II. E. W. Pal mer , clerk of the executive department , who had opened the telegram , had tele graphed Governor McDaniel , who was on a visit to Walton county , to return at once to Atlanta. Inquiries at the execu tive mansion developed that Governor McDanicl had returned to the city at 0 o'clock. The reporter , who was in a hurry , sought the telephone. "Six hundred and six is wanted , " ho called. The handsome young man in the cen tral station was wide awake and connec tion was made in fifteen seconds. "Hello ! " sang out somebody in the ex ecutive mansion. "Hcllol" responded the reporter. "Is Governor McDuniol there ? " "Yes. " "Please say to him that it is reported that the Mexicans are masing-troop3 on the Texas frontier , and that the secretary of war has telegraphed the governors ot tlio different states asking for volunteers. Ask the governor if he has received such a telegram. " "All right , " was the reply , in a voice wliich suggested much excitement. Twenty-three seconds elapsed. "Hcllol" gtjjpg out somebody at the ex ecutive mansion. "Proceed , " replied the reporter. "Tho governor directs mo to say * hat ho arrived in the city at 0 o'clock , and that if tlio secretary of war has tele graphed him ho has not heard of it. " Despite this reply , it was generally be lieved by those who waited in tlio hotels and on the streets to receive the latest news that preparations for war were being made. Excited croups of men discussed the situation. The general Sentiment was that 'he ' United States must light or substitute the oravon crow for the eagle on its coat-of-arms. There is no sort of doubt that a regiment ot 1,000 ineir could have been raised in At lanta last night in two hours. At 9 o'clock the reporter sought his quarters. From the time of his arrival until midnight ho was kept busy replying to telephone calls. "What is the news from Mexico ? " would bo asked. The latest would bo given , and then the reporter would return to his labors. Just after midnight a free American citizen , color white , silently Inebriated , halted in fiont of the night entrance to the Consti tution building. "Shay , " lie said to the watchman , "I'm fnm'ly man , all way fr'm Texas. I'm for wall. Yisli , shir , wah ; wall wist Mcx'co. Whero's ean'n of zho army ? " Ho was informed that the "cap'n of army" was scouting around for re cruits , ' 'Well toll 'im ' T down , shay put mo as 'Fcruto. I'm lightin1 man. I'm a daisy , an' don' you forgot it. Whoop ! " A bl no-coated , brass-buttoned cop ap peared upon the seono. "Shay , cap'n , " said the slightly in ebriated , falling upon the cop's ' neck , "I'm ' for wah : wah wiMox'co " "And I'm for preserving the peace. " replied the cop , collaring the slightly inebriated and loading him away. There was no later news from Mexico. GENERAL SHERIDAN. A Oossipy Intorvlowon tlio Army , tlio iiiilluiiHiuul the Washington Park Club. Chicago Tribune : General Phil Sheri dan is in the city for a few days and was scon by a reporter for the Tribune at the Palmer last night. Ho was looking welt and doubtless feeling so.if it is permitted to judge from the good nature and lo quacity ho displayed in tuisworing the questions propounded. "Is there anything now in army affairs general ? " ho was asked , "Nothing. " "You passed through the city sotno days ago ; did yon go east or west ? " "To what point ? " "Jefferson Barracks. " "On any business of public interest ? " "No. " "Are there any changes or promotions of Importance contemplated iu the imme diate future } " "Nono , " "What has been the character of the latest advices from Arizona , concerning the movements of Goronimo and his band of Apaches ? " " 1 have received none. " D"Can you toll mo nothing about army or Indian affairs that will interest tlio public ? " ' ' . 'Nothing.11 Those replies wore not of a character to provoke inquiry , in any particular di rection , nor yet ot a kind to suggest a possible tlicnio ( or conversation. The reporter , however , was growing ilesper- ate , and , in the hope that subsequent questioning might give him something to hang to , commenced again. "You are the president of the Wash ington park club , general * " "Yes. " "Wore yon pleased ith the .success of the meeting which closed Saturday ? " "Yc ? . " i "Was it not regarded in racing circles 05 an unusually long meeting for the west1 ' 'Yes. " "Is there anything now in connection with the affairs of the club ? " "No. " ' "As president of the club I suppose you attended a number of themcctings ? " "No. " "You were at the track the opening lay ? " "Yes. " "Did you consider" the attendance ns encouraging ? " ' "Yes. " "There was nothing , then , during the necting to discourage the members of the club ? " "Nothing. " "How long will you remain the city , general ? " ' Several days. " "Will you go from hero to Washing * ton ? " "Yes. " ' Is there anything outside of army and club matters that you care to talk about1' "Nothing. " The atmosphere of the general's room wr.s becoming very close anil warm and the reporter felt the necessity of the in- vigoratiiiE influences of the lake brce/.c. lie prepared to take his departure , and when on the point of leaving war almost imralyzod to hear the general break : hroitgli thc monasyllabic rule which h.d roverncd him thiough the visit : " 1 am always glad to toll you newspaper people inytlung 1 know , but when 1 havcn'tany news I can't talk at all. Good evening , sir , good evening. " The unique idea ot a Concord philoso phers "No mere collectivity can bo a self No aggregate , unless pervaded in every | iart by a continuous whole , can possibly ittain any irdepcndunt selfhood. A self s one which is separately alive. In this form it may c.\iht without kuowiiiK it ex- tsts. The self can know itself only by liscrimiting itself through hclf-rclated listinctions in itself. " NO , 401 BROADWAY , Arc opening1 new and beautiful designs in Moqiiettc , Body Brussels , Velvet , Tapestry 'Brussels 3-Ply Inffrc ins , 2-Ply Intfrciins , Ray Carpets , Etc. For offices , liotols , lodge rooms , Call Tor prices at JIarkneas Bros , ' , Broadway. ' . ' ; , Are now arriving niul in stock. Tri cots , Kliinnels , Cashmeres , etc. Ex cellent for traveling and lull service. Bluck Silks nnil iu the new colorg. Quality the best and prices the ItfWest for good goods. Ladies wisliiucr relia ble goods will call on Harkncss Bros. ' , No. 401 .Broadway , Council Blufl's. A few more of those Lisle Thread Hose left at Me. , in black niul iu colors , atllarkiiess Bros. , No.-101 Broadway. OIL CLOTHS In many new patterns and a largo stock to select from. Door Mats , Hugs , Curtains , Curtain Poles , etc. , at IlarR- ness Brothers , No. 4 01 Broadway , Council Blnlfs. Horses and Mules For all purposes. liO'ighl nnd sold , at retail out ! in lots. Largo quantities to select from Sovctal pairs of flnoUilrors , slnglo or double. MASON WISE , Council lilull's. OmahaDentalAssociation Kos. 1C10-1531 Douglas ft , Omaha and No 231 Broad way'Council Bluffs. P.ilnlc > Pentlttry. No linmb'uxl On , , Vltullrrd Air , Klhcrund Cliorofornuvil'litliflr lckciilii8 effect nroldrd IIJT the most wonderfullainu'ithetle , purlfj. Inn tlio t.looJ und liulMlux Up tliotlnucj. Omaha Dental Absociatlon , Solo Prop1 , Gold Cronni , Gold 1'lat-j and Contlauouo Hum Teeth , n epeftulty. licit tccta 1C ; toirnir yrlco IIS per et. BEST LAUNDRY WORK In the city can bo obtained uy patronizing the Dluffs GKO , W. SVHJKDKLE , J'rop , None but experienced hands employed. Out of town orileia by moll or express eolloltod , and all work wuTiuitcxl. BOSTON TEA COMPANY , Wholesale and Retail Grocers , No. 16 Main and IS Pearl Street , Council Bluffs. WAXTKD 100,000 MOKK CVSTOMKltS. HOUSE MOVER Brick buildings oC nny kind raised or moved and gatisfnction guaranteed. Frame buildings moved on Little Qitmt truck ? , best in thu world. 808 Eighth Avenue nnd Eighth SfrectCounil Blufls. Price paid in cash for all kinds of second liand STOVES , Furniture , etc. M. DBOHLICH , 608 Broadway. A ft" * * 226 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Furniiiicr lands in Iowa. Minnesota , Toxns , Kansas nnd Arkansas , ranging from $1.25 to $12 per acre. School and state lands in Minnesota on 30 years time 5 per cent interest. Laud buyers fare free. Information , etc. , given by P. ? . Lanstrnp , No. 555 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. COUNCIL BLUFFS Fall Meeting. FOUR DAYS' ' RACING. Trotting , Pacing nnd Running Tuesday , Aug , 31st , Wednesday , Sept , , 1st , Thursday , Sept , 2d , and Friday , Sept 3rd , Including special attractions by Prof. A. E. Walker's world famous Racing Dogs daily and Balloon Ascensions by Prof.A. S. Parker daily , in front of the grandstand. Othor.'aUractions in the way of speed consisting of celebrated horses from Kentucky , Ohio , Illinois , Indiana nnd Wisconsin. Reduced rates on all railroads. Come everybody and have a good time. For particulars , address FRAlSfK STUBBS , Secretary REFRIGERATORS , AT COST. W. S. HOMER & Co. , 23 Alain St. , Council Blulls , Star Sale Stables and Mule Yards. . BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , Oppoelto Dummy : _ _ Horses nnd SIulos kept constantly on Iwml for f ale nt roinll or Incur louas. Onlors iiroindtly filled by contract on shirt notice. Mock sold on commission. BIILUTBU i IIOLIir. Proprietors i BALI : BTABLEB , uvu. one ) 4tli eti't'Ct. Creston House , The only hotel In Council niuffg having Fire Esoa/pe And nil modern Improvements. 815 , Z17 and 21V Main et. MAX MOUN. Prop. JACOB SIMS , ATTORNEY AT LAW , COTJJSTCIIj BIjXJinFS Practices in the State and Federal courts Hoonis 7 and 8 Shugnrt Block. N. SCHTJRZ , Justice of the Peace OUloo'ovor American Bxprosi City Steam' Laundry ! 0 S No. .14 N. Main Street , Council Dlufls. Finest work and lotvcttt prices for flue wort : . AU collars anil cuffs re turned in , collar and cuff boxes without extra charge , which guar antees work in same condition as it leaves ns. Out of town orders re ceive saiHtQattcntion and at same rates as cltijwork. . OFFICER & PTJSEY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA , Established 1S5T B. RICE , m. D. , Or other Tumors removed wltliou the knlfQoi-UrttwInjr of blood. DlSeaSCS ofallltlnds a specialty. Over thlrtr yonrs" prnctlciil experience. No. 11 I'omlSt. . Council PC' " Consultntlonliua. in N. Main St. , Council Bluffs , la. , ami 20'J S. liHhSt. . Room 10 , Omaha , Neb. Mamifuctuior'H Aiontlor the CALIGRAPH TYPE WRITER and SUPPLIES Tents , Awnings , Roofing Slafc , Man tels , Plato niul Window ( ilass , Show- Cases. Elevators ( hand and hy draulic , ) &c. rates , Real estate handled , In surance written and all kinds of bonds bought by F. J. Day No , 39 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs , Established 188 ! , BOOK BffiDfflG I.cdgorni , Journals Coiinly niul ItaiiK Woi-It of nil IUmU aKjico laity. Prompt Attention to Mall Orders MOREHOUSE & CO. Room 1 Hvorct Block , Council BlnllV. Standard Papers FJsed. All stylus of bind ing m Magazines ami BLANK BOOKS. O. 11. Ntttlnniil Ilnnlt , M. I ! Smith & Co. , Oiti/on * ' lliiulc. Jleor" , Nrllj & I - > . , Una Niitluiml IlHiiU , ( I II. InKilrunoo < < > . , Officer } : } j oi , Uuaif .C. 11. buviujj * Uauk. WHOLESALE AND JOBBING HOXTSOES OF" : COUNCIL BLUFFS. ' IMl'LKMKXTS. DEEHE , WELLS & CO. , Wholesale Agricultural Implements , Buggfa ? , _ _ CmrlnRp , Kto Kto. Council niuffg , low * KEYSTONE MANUFACTURING CO. Mnko the Original and Complete Hay Loader , also Rakes , Cider Mill & Press" , COUN SHKM.KII8 AMI IT.Kt > Ot'TTT.IlP. Nos. ir.Ol . , 151 , l.VB ntnl I.VJ7 ? outti Mulu Street , Council Hitiirj , Initn. DAVID UllADLKY AlTo ! Mnnuf'r. nn I Jobber * of Agricultural Implements.Wagons . , Bnggfoj , C rrlRfrr . nmi nil kin Is of l' rm Machinery. 1100 to llto South Mnln Street , Council muff * tonn , AXK IIADl.KK. . _ r.O. Oi.r.Mos , T. H.Donii.u , aro.tfwntunr. I'rcs.ATrrns. V..l'ro . .V-Mnn. See \Couni l. Council BluTs Handle Pacfory , ( liKMrporitti-d. ) Manufacturer * of Atlo , I'lcU , Slolpo and 3m U . of every dc < cilpllon. CAIWKTS. COUNCIL BLUFFS"CARPKT co. , Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades , Oil ( loth * . Curtnln I'lxliiro * . Cphnhtory Oixxlf. Ktc. No. 40ft llronilwrvy Council IHulT * , Iowa. n. HTC. PKRKOY ( } & MOORK , Wholurnlo .lolibuin In the Finosl Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes. NOR. la.Mftlu ana 27 Pearl Su. Council llluffj , town. COMMISSION. SNYDEH & LKA.MAN , Wholesale Fruit and Produce Commission Merchants , No 14 Pearl St. . Council 'tlutfj. nnraajsrs. 11AKLE , HAAS Ai CO. , Wholesale Drngghts , Oils , Paints , Glass , ' Sunelrlofi. Ktc1. No. 21 Main St , and No. 21 1'eiirl St. , Council Illntlg. HtLITS. O. W. BUTTS , Wholesale California Fruits a Specialty General Commission. No. 511 Broadway Council Bluffs. WIKT & DUQUKTTE , Wholesale Fruits , Confectionary & Fancy Groceriaj. Nos. 10 and 1 ? Prnrl St. , Council UUitTs. GHOCKHIKS. L. KIKSC-HT & CO. , Joboers of Staple and Fancy Groceries. AlK ) Wholesale Liquor Dealer' . No. 410 Broad way. Council Illu'.r . HAHXKSS , KTC. HKCKMAN & CO. , JIunii'ncturers of nn 1 Whelp nlo Doilorj la Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc. No. Ko Main St. . Council niuTi , Iowa. HATS , CAPS. KTC. M12TCALF BHOT1IKRS , Jobbers in Hats , Caps and Gloves. Nof.at2 ami 3U nrontltrajr. Council IllulU. JlEAVr 1IAHDWARK. KEELIXK & FELT , Whole ale Iron , Steel , Kails , Heavy Hardwire , , And Wood Stock. Council IJlutK Iowa. HIDES AXD WOOL. D. II. McDANELD & CO. , Commission Merchants for Sala of Hides , TnllowWool , 1'cltsOicinoanJ Furs Council lllutrs Iqwa. COUNCIL BLUFFS OIL CO. , Wliolesnlo Donlera In Illuminating & Lubricating Oils Gurtlai E3TO. , ETC. P.Thcodore , ABC-lit , Ooiincil Illuffa. Town. 'lLtxa , tyre. "A. OVERTON A : CO. , Hard Wood , Southern Lumbar , Piling , Anil Urlil : oMatciliilriiioclnUI < sWliolosaln Lum ber or aU Kinds , uiiico No. 130 Main at , Council HlulTs. Io\rn. \ , * i 11 AKD LIQUUltS. JOHN LINDKK , Wholcsalo Imported and Domestic Wlnai & Llquars. Auont for St. ( iottliam's Ilcrli lllltoM. MnluSt. Council lllulls. SCHNEIDKIl & BECK , Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors , -Villa . . CiiuncH lllujf. HO ! for the LAKE The Steamer OLtlE MAY Nmvly fitted up , nnd under the clinw of a EUlllful engineer and pilot , IsnottmiiKlnu pleas * uro trips on LAKE MANAWA. Wo will ijlvechnrtors to p i ties for ono hour or any li'iutth ot tlmo dcslted. Iliitua of charter jrlvuii and onlcr * l/ike-i nt o'llcoo.S31 Main s t. , butwuon lionr-l ( .1 . to IU U. m. 1. . D.VIIII & tU. SPECIAL NOTICES. Ppcclnl iiilvo ToI/Min.Tor Siile , To Jtent , hnnm. IJoarillnir , etc .will hn Inserted in thU roluinn r.t llto loir rateofTHNOUNTrt I'KII I.IN'H fortlio Mm mser lion und I'l vo Cnnta Tor l.lno for nueli Kiusn'iuent ' Incvi lion , Lotivo ndvfrll'Oim'iits at our offleo Wo. 11 J'cal etroct , Jlroiidway , Council JllulU. _ . WAK'tS. / "OK KIOST A nliio-ruuni and store Wo 1017 _ Mnln _ St. _ -An nss-lsttint cook lit tlio Osd House. T7IOU RAlTlS Old iiapors. In nimtitltlos to -I ? at lleo offlo'j No. 13 1'fiul utroct. ST. FRANCIS ACADEMY , JtU'FFfi , IOWAn , , \n cjcocliv'ut educational liittlmtloii , fur Teh cd with all the modern Impiovomoiitd , con ducted liytlHiSlSTHUS Or'CHAIIITV.U , V. M For term otllTO months , t > ? 6. Tirm * U-tfln Orit Monday Iu Pcpti < mt > cr nnl flr t Monday In February. For catulcsfiios U * RlSTl',1 ! Bri'SHIOJt St. I'runcll Academy.CouucllUlilttlo