Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 19, 1886, Page 4, Image 4

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Dully Ofornl.l ? ftlltlun ) liiclucling Simitar
Btr. Unn Yonr . $100)
For Six Month * - . . 5 <
FtirTlirw Months . 260
The Omnhi Smulny HER , tmllleil to nny
acJdro * * , Ono Year. . . . 200
OMAHA cirnrr. No. I'llMI ' sir. F rtwt sntrtrr.
NKW vniiK orriri. IIIMIM ns. iiitnr\K urn IHMI
oonnrarnsurxrr i
communications \ \ iclntlng ton < nr rtti'lodl- '
torlul mnttur should bo uddiessed to thu I'.ui-
TOU or TUB lir.E.
All lm lno i letter * nndrctnlllnnco < < ihoiild tin
adilrcisoi ] to TIIK Iliis I'L'iii.tsiiiMi COMPANY ,
OMMH. Draft' , t > lu ks iiinl pn t nivn onion
to bu m ndo | > nynblo to I lie onltr of tlio company.
m m poBLis iHTcipAny , PROPBIITOBS ,
i DAILY nit : : .
Sworn Btnicniuiit ofClrouliitlon.
State ot Nebraska , 1 c _
Count vnt Douglas. I8"8'
( ii-o. It. T7schiick , ecr < 'taryot the Jr ) > c Pub-
llshinu company , ! > son-uuily swear thnt
tlio nrtiml circulation ot tlio Dnllv Dee
for the week ending Aug. Uth , INsO , was as
follows :
SatiiHlay , 7th . 12.M.1
Mnmlny. Uth . 12,117. " ,
Twsilnv , lOtli . 12'J.V )
Wccllipsdiv , llth . IIVWO
TlmrwIiiv.'l'JUi . 12'J.V )
Friday , istli . I' OO
Sunday. 8th . .H--ioQ
Subscribed and sworn to befoio 1110 this
llthdav ol August , IbbC. N. P. Fiii. : ,
IHK.U. . | Xntaiy Public.
( ! eo. B. 'IVsclnick , bclni ? llrst duly sworn. de
poses nnd says that ho Is ci'crotary of the Iluo
I'ubliMiiiitr company. thnt thu actual meraze
dally cliculatlon ot tlio Dully lieu for the
month of January , 10nS , copies ;
for February , 1880 , 10f > 9j copies ; for Minrli ,
IteO. 11.537 copies : for Aliril , IbbO. VJ.IDI
copies ; lorAlnv , ISSJ , 13.Hi ! ) copies ; for June ,
18iO , I2,2iw copies ; for July , IbNl , 12iU : copies.
UEO. Jl. T/srnrcK.
Subscribed nnd sworn to before me , this
2d day of. August , A. D. 18SO.
18SO.N. . J' . ,
[ BIIAT. . | Notary Public
To Our 1'ntronn.
In order to in-otd eompJinii/'jitv / In our
nmimiiv iclih xnbxcrlltcrs ivchitvc ilti-lilnl ti >
iwi/c / lite HitbKCilpthn price of tltv DAILY
MHB $ tt.W } > er nniimn , l > y mull , for acvcn
issue. ? jicc n-ccl ; . 1'arllcn who dcitic the
all t Ion only will be * tj ( > ; > ff ri at
Tin : Br.E Puiu.isnixo Co.
Moiti : water and less mini bums up the
demands of tlio council on tlio water
company. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
WHIM : the cable line is not expending
much money on track just at iresont , tlio
lawyers uro preparing to show tkum
whoru hovcrnl thousand dollars can bo
planted at considerable advantage to the
.loyal fraternity.
TUB Intor-stato exposition , will attract
largo urowds to Omaha. The manngcr.i
tire working night and day to complete
nil details before the opening. Nebraska
ia confidently promised an exposition
greater than any in her history.
Omaha can't brag much on her bnsc
ball club , but she banks heavily on her
Turners. If there wore any prizes
which the club failed to bring home with
them , thny were left because the Omaha
Tumors had more than they could com
fortably carry.
The council at its last meeting ordered
the board ot public works to readvcrtiso
for bids for the basement of the city hall.
This is business. The moment work
begins on tlio city building a half a dozen
other important structures will bo
promptly begun on upper Farmun street.
( Joi.out'.u mon propose to raise $1,000-
000 to erect monuments at Washington
to the benefactors of their race. If the
colored men will call upon the Grant
monument association of Now York they
will suciiro a number of hiterestingpoiuts
about how not to do it.
Tim Nomaluv trickster is once more
playin" his old game of gulling the gran
gers. Hut it is about played out. The
last legislature satisfied the most be
fogged farmer friend of the man who
Bold out the state grange while grand
master of that organization that ho is a
dangerous man to tie to.
THAT wily schemer , Church Howe , is
boasting that ho has some of Hosewater's
strongest friends in Omaha pledged to
work for his nomination. Without know
ing to whom ho refers , wo venture to as-
aort that before the HUB finishes its ex
posures of that corrupt charlatan it will
take u trip-hammer to weld the pledges
AccoitmNO to the Chicago Herald ,
among'tho products of Shasto county ,
Cal. , now on exhibition in San Francisco ,
nro growing corn stalks fourteen feet
high. Pooh , that's nothing. The HEI :
received four corn stalks the other day
grown west of the 100th merudian in Ne
braska which measured that number of
feet and hadn't half done growing in the
great American desert ,
IT cannot bo too strongly impressed
upon tlio merchants ot Omaha that direct
connection by rail with the Klkliorn val
ley istiecoming daily the great commer
cial need of this metropolis , Western
Nebraska three years ngo shook off the
chains which bound her apart from the
tide of Immigration nnd enterprise , nnd
to-day stands side by side with the South
Plntto country IU an inviting liell for
trade and commerce. Other cities now
dominate her trade. Omaha must bo
placed in a position to bid for her share.
If building inspection is to bo only
skin deep it will bo an expensive luxury.
If it Is to mean a thorough inspection of
plans nnd of buildings in course of erec
tion , and a rigid enforcement of the
spirit of the law , it will bo the cheapest
municipal experiment Omaha bus tried
in ycnrd. Veneered tiro-traps have no
business on our business streets. It is
not possible at present to prevent their
construction outside of the contracted
boundaries of the fire limits. Hut within
- , those limits they should bo made Impos
sible. Wo have already too mcny sheila
of this kind in Omaha , with walls a brick
and a half thick , and with interiors a
forest of kindling wood. Such structures
are dangerous to their occupants , They
arc still more dangerous to their neigh
bors. The city has an interest as well as
individual property owners in such mat
ters. It is to protect that interest that
the building inspaptlon ordinance was
* < isscd.
\VI r Tlioy Howl.
The contortions of tlio editors of the
rnilroguo organs of both political brands
over General Van Wyek's manifesto are
palnlul to witness. They all naturally
disapprove of tlio senator's audacious
move. It was novel and unprecedented.
On this account tloy | denounce it as
"ridiculous , " in spite of tlio fact , known
to all , that it was taken in strict accftrtl-
nnco with n constitutional enactment
and Mntntory law , passed to bring the
elwtion of a senator in closer connec
tion with the expression of tlin
popular will. Hut this Is prci'Isnlv
what the gang of cormorants
who oppo o Senator Van Wyck ,
at the dictation of their monopoly mas
ters , do not desire to see. The last move
in the political game which they wish
made is one that will cry check to the
intluenco of railroad attorneys in the
conventions and corporation lobbyists In
the joint c. sion. The further the sena
torial election is removed from the poll
ing places where honest ballots record
the popular choice , tno bettor for the
schemes of the political pimps and cor
rupt creatures who have undertaken the
contract of defeating Charles 11. Van
Wyck at Lincoln next winter.
This is why they howl. Senator Van
Wyck , in Ills manifesto , commits his cause
to tno citizens of Nebraska , whom ho lias
represented for more than five years at
Washington , ably , honestly , nnd fear
lessly , lie calls for the verdict of the
political sovereign , the people , whoso
sentiments legislative representatives are
supposed to voice. Confident of his
standing with the citizens of his state , ho
extends the record of his service for their
criticism as the claim upon which ho
bases his request for a re-election.
The editorial harpies and political
pirates are alarmed and dismayed at this
bold and aggressive move. They know
that a popular expression regarding Van
Wyek's election means death to their
Hellenics for compassing his defeat.
They fear nothing so much as an uprising
of the honest producers of Nebraska ,
voiced through the ballots , demanding
of members of the legislature that they
shall nominate and elect the peoples'
choice. Pledges can bo dodged , and
platforms explained away , but an over
whelming majority of tlio votes-of a
great political party will have a binding
force on representatives which none but
the most corrupt and venal would dare
to evade.
The Council nncl the Water AVorlcs.
The waterworks committee of the
council reports that tlio water company
is not complying with the contract re
quirements. The committee notes that
over a largo part of the higher portions
of tlio city whore mains are laid , the ser
vice is practically useless , and in other
parts entirely so. The committee calls
attention to the muddmuss of the water
and recommends an increase in the num
ber of settling basins and tlio addition of
a second pipe between the pumps and the
buttling reservoir.
The failura of the waterworks com
pany to live up to the terms of the con
tract has been notorious for many months
past. The rapid growth of the city and
the immense increase in the consumption
of water have made demands on its re
sources which the company has not
been able to meet. On this account there
lias been no disposition on the part of
our people to push the company , espe
cially as it was an open secret that ad
ditional capital would bo scoured , nnd
that sweeping changes in the system ,
which would remedy the worst defects
were under contemplation.
Now that the funds are on hand and
eastern capital Is enlisted to extend
the works there should be no
further dilly-dallying in complying
fully with the contract. The contract
calls for pressure by gravitation from n
reservoir. Omaha emphatically refused
a direct pressure system of water supply ,
and the present company received its
contract on the express condition , that tho.
city should bo furnished with water
from a reservoir. As a matter of fact ,
wo have suffered from all the evils of di
rect pressure. A single main only lias
been laid from the pumps to tlio reser
voir for storage service , while the city
has been furnished directly from the
pumps. Muddy water , high plumbing
bills , bursting pipes and steady bills for
repairs have been the consequences on
the Hats , while on the hills the service in
many instances has been practically
worthless. In calling for another main
to the reservoir , the council demands
presniiro by gravitation. Water cannot
bo pumped up nnd distributed down
through the same uipo. This is what the
water company with its single main
has pretended to do. An increase in tno
number of settling basins is alsode
manded. Ilalf of Omaha is now using
filters to make tlio water drinkable.
Many of our citizens decline to use
the water at all on account of
the largo amount of mud which
it holds in solution. When the consu mp
tion of water exceeds by two millions of
gallons a day the capacity of the settling
basins it caureadily _ be soon that there is
very little time given for the mud to fall
to tlio bottom ,
The changes asked for by the council
are likely to bo made promptly under the
new water management. On this no-
count our citizens uro to bo congratulated
upon the chaugo which brings three-
quarters of a million more capital to the
concern ,
The Irish Convention.
The convention of the Irish National
League , which assembled in Chicago yes
terday morning , will undoubtedly com
mand more strongly than did any pre
vious convention of tlio league tlin atten
tion and interest of Irishmen , It will
also bo closely watched by all who sym
pathize with the cause it represents , m
this country nnd in Ireland , and as well
by Englishman , particularly those of the
dominant party in England. How great
the concern is regarding what may bo
the spirit nnd result of its deliberations
Is shown in the attention which the Lon
don press has already given the matter
in advance of the meeting of the con
vention , testifying that the voice of the
Irishmen of America , supported us it is
in nil wise nnd proper directions by the
sentiment of the whole people of this
country , possesses a force and character
which even the governing class in Eng
land can.iot choose but recognize ,
Coining after the defeat of the homo rule
policy in one of the greatest po
litical contests over fought in anycoun-
try , the present convention lias an OXCOD-
tional siguUicanco in respect of the in
fluence which it may exert for good or
ill upon thn immediate future of the
Irish cause , which there is every reason
to believe will at no very remote day bo
ngaln submitted to the verdict of the pco-
plo of Great Hritain. If the delibera
tions and results of the convention nro
characterized by a wise , broad and ele
vated apprehension of the situation and
its demands , the moral tnfiucnco will bo
great not alone in strengthening tlio
hope , the zeal and the patience of Irish
men , but in winning to their cause now
adherents. If they are not , the effect
must be an injury to the cause and oper
ate to retard its advance and delay its
It is doubtless entirely s fo to assume
that the majority of representative Irish
men who compose the convention fully
understand this. There is reason to believe -
lievo that there is enough of intelli
gence , prudence and patriotism in the
body to guldo Its deliberations dis
creetly .md shape Its results wisely. Hut
there is evidently a , demand for great
care and vigilance on the part of the
more judicious element in the conven
tion. There nro factions that threaten
discord , and there arc thoughtless men
who if permitted to do so would commit
the league to principles and policies in
which there Is danger. It will bo the task
of the wiser men to quiet and satisfy the
former and to rotuso opportunity to the
latter. The events that took place pre
liminary to the convention have shown
how urgent is the necessity lor this.
There has boon already too much reck
less and incendiary counsel from mon ot
whom wiser thintrs might have been
justly cxwected counsel that is not in
line with the policy of the Irish leaders
at homo , which misrepresents and does
injustice to the principles for which Irish
men are contending , and which can have
no other tenJenoy than to influence pas
sions and intensify hatreds to the detri
ment of the cnuso.
Doctrines of violence and revenge are
not the sort of argument which will se
cure the independence of Ireland. Dravc
preaching of rebellion at this safe dis
tance carries with it no hope of liberty
to the Irish people who stand face to
face with ono of tlio most formidable
powers of the earth. "It is very easy , "
said Jlichaol Lhivltt , with a touch both of
satire and pathos , "to establish nn Irish
republic 3,000 miles away from Ireland
bv patriotic speakers , i assure you it is
no easy task , though , to do so in dear old
Ireland. " Tlio counsel of this sturdy pa
triot , who knows what it is to sacrifice
and to suffer for his country , contains no
word or thought of revenge , and yet no
living man has better right to dcbiro it.
"I would rather bo patient in endurance , "
said Mr. Davitr , "by suffering insults in
doing what 1 have been doing all my life
working for Irish national self-govern
ment than to gratify the national
prompting of the Irish heart to have re
venge for what Ireland has suffered in
the past. " The representative Irishmen
of America assembled at Chicago will do
well to be guided by the wisdomacquired
by bitter experience , the patriotism and
the faith of Michael Uavitt. Thus will they
strengthen tiio hearts and hopes of their
countrymen in Ireland and commend
their cause to the cons'u'orato ' attention
and respect of the world.
RnpiU Kall\vny UuMcling.
The United States Is now constructing
from four to live thousand miles of new
railroad a year. Wo have now more than
a mile of road to every COO of population.
A few years ago it was a common saying
that it required 1,000 people to support
ono milo of railroad. The opinion has
been changed since the ability of western
farmers to bear double rates 1ms been
taken into consideration by rail way man
agers. In 1830 the first milo of railroad
was constructed , and at the end of that
year there wore only twenty-three miles
in operation. Ten years later there
wore nearly 0,000 miles of rnilroiul
in the United States , and this was
incrasod to about 9,000 miles. When
the war broke out , there wore : i\ \ > ont 30- ,
000 miles in operation. From 1830 to 1805
little raihoad construction was at
tempted. After the war construction
reached high water mark , in 1871 wo
had 00,000 miles of road. At present
there are 125,000 miles of railroad in ope
A recent railroad manager in com
menting on these figures remarked :
"Railroad building m the United States
will go steadily on. but it is a problem as
to whether , at the present rate of build
ing , the development of the country will
make the railroads profitable. The ques
tion whether COO pcoplo will support a
mile of railroad is not yet solved. I
think'there will bo eventually more
parallel lines running east and west of
the Mississippi. Railroad building runs
by queer laws. In going through
a country it is first found
that ono great line will do all
the business , tl'on another line is built
perhaps several hundred miles away
from this , and as the country becomes
more thickly settled , another line is built
between those. At first four or eight
hundred miles , for instance , lie between
the parallel roads , then two hundred
miles on each side is found to bo enough
to support a railroad , and finally as the
country becomes settled , ono hundred
miles contains enough pcoplo and re
sources to build a third road between
other parallel lines , nnd at last fifty
miles. The danger is in building faster
than the population warrants , and in too
largely discounting future crowth , "
Too many railroads mean high rates
and pools to maintain the competitors.
Cut-throat competition in such cases is
certain to react upon the interests of the
patrons of the roads.
AKOTHBK evidence of Mr. Cleveland's
gift of prevarication is furnished in the
removal of the register of wills of the
District of Columbia , which was made
last week. Mr. Kamsdoll , who hold the
position live years , was formerly ono of
the best known newspaper correspond
ents in the country , Ho was appointed
by President Garfield , the signing of his
commission being the last official act of
the murdered executive , llamsdoll was
a capable and efficient oflicor and not nn
offensive partisan in the sense in which
the president used that designation. In
an interview Mr. Aaiusdoll states and
his btatomont is entitled to confidence
that a few days before the adjournment
of congress the president sent for Mr.
Ingalls , who is chairman of the district
committee , to talk over local nll'airs , and
in the course of the conversation , refer
ring to the office of register of wills , the
president declared that ho saw no reason
to make a change and left it to bo under
stood that none wottlrt bt made. This in
formation was conveyed to Mr. Hams-
dell , and naturally gnvo lilm n feeling of
security , besides being gratifying as an
assurance that his efficient nnd faithful
performance of duty rccogni/.cd by
the president. Within ton days after this
conversation , however , Uamsdcll re
ceived notice of his removal , the presi
dent liiuing icpudiatcrf both his assur
ances to Senator IngAlls and his civil ser
vice professions. The facts carry their
own comment.
GKIIT.UV democratic congressmen ,
among them Messrs. Morrison and llol-
man , are still dissatisfied with the work
ing of the house rules , although tlio
changes made in them at the beginning
of the late session wore efiected in ac
cordance with the views of Uiusn gentle
men. It wa * well understood that the
purpose of these changes was to put a
cheek upon Mr. Unndall , who ns chair
man of the appropriations coinmlttcohad
the power to obstruct or retard the bus !
ness of the hoiisn at will. It Is remem
bered that Randall indignantly protested
against the proposed changeswhich only
had the effect of .strengthening the de
termination of those who desired to re
duce the power of the L'onnsylvanlan.
The modified rules did not , however , have
the desired effect ns shown by the history
of hist session. Mr. Randall played his
favorite game of holding back appro
priation bills oven more successfully than
before , the failure of the fortification bill
being due chiolly to Randall's dilatory
policy. It is now proposed to restore Hie
old rule requiring appropriation bills to
bo repotted within a specified periodand
there Is promise of another interesting
tight over this subject.
Asn now Senator Van Wyek's chal
lenge Is denounced by such exponents of
simon-puro republicanism as tlio Omaha
llcjHiblican , as an appeal for democratic
votes. This is truly terriblo. The re
publican constitutional convention prob
ably never thought of the possibility of
democrats endorsing a republican sena
tor when they drafted that proviso which
permits the pcoplo to express their prof-
cnco on the senatorial issue. If they had ,
they would of course have unanimously
refused to pass it. The only place whore
straight republicans of tlio bushwhacking
brand do not object to bourbon backing is
in the legislature.
that the gas company is failing to com
ply with its contract with the city. An
iuspootion of sovouty-ono gas burners
showed a deficioncyt of SO per cent in
fifty-five of tlio numUor , a loss of light
amounting to § 9 per "year " on eacli lamp.
With slow burners , jparjng down con
sumption paid for by , tlio year , and fast
motors running up the bills .settled for by
the foot , the city gas company scorns to
have solved the entire problem of
making money out of oil classes in the
community. , ,
( Joorptc W. Peck , o Milwaukee , is writing
a history of tno war. t i
Miss Emma Thm-sby Ms at Ems , dilnklug
the watcia for horhealth.
Mile. Van Xaiutt , new luostrato with par
alysis , Is ill and near death u . Icliy.
Hubert O. Thompson's bill at the Hoffman
house in Now York averaged S.iT.OOO n year.
Gladstone dresses shabbily , but Lord Salis
bury Is considered tlio woist dressed man In
Senator Gorman always wears a nutmeg
liung by a cord about his nock tp want oil
Mrs. Mackay is known to many who reg
ularly accept her hospitality abroad only as
Mine , Donaiua.
Tlic throe dnnghteis of the late V. A. Drexel
have nearly $4,000,0110 each. They give away
most of the Income.
M , Dp Leascps charms the French Indies
as snakes charm blr < fb * rtnd no fewer than
10,000 women have put money into his Pan
ama canal scheme.
Instead ol going , as usual , to Bedford
Springs. ex-Secretary Simon Cameron Is this
summer tnnklui ; a tour of tlio various watei-
Ing places. Last week he was at Long
Uianch renewing memories o twenty-five
yeais ago , when ho lirst went there.
Senator Jones , of Florida , who answered
to roll-call in Detroit dm Ins the entire session
of congress , drew his salary with notable
logularlty , collectlns It the fotiith day of
every month through a Detroit bank. Ho
still draws It , althoush ho declares , it Is said ,
that ho will never icturn cither to the senate
or to the state from which ho was sent to the
senate. He refuses to resign and has opened
a law ofllco In Detroit.
Ho Knew It Wan Loaded.
Keia York Time * .
General ICelfer wlthdiaws from the contest
with General Kennedy for a nomination to
congress with the modesty and sagacity of
Captain Scott's 'coon.
St. Paul J'oneer I'raa ,
All tlio Vermont counties Imvo now In
dorsed Senator Edmunds for election , and
'the Smith nnd other ambitious booms have
been pigeonholed tor tlio present
A Timely Hint ,
St. Loud Ilet ilittoin ,
days are approaching when tlio good
citizens will stay away from tlio primaries
and then wonder at the pievnleneo ot the
bummer element In the nominations.
Fixing Now
St. Mud Vtoifcr Pmt.
Joe Howard , who coifor.uly writes from
accurate knd\ lodge , nays tlieru u not the
slightest doubt that CJflvc land selected Ma-
gene for the collectorqhlp because of his
( superior ability as. a manipulator of the po
litical machine. It Is bellcred In Xew York
that now all "good" democrats will bo taken
care of. ' ' ' "
Ghuroh Howe nwa" . Antidote.
It pains us to obseivo that the Hon. Church
Howe Is threatened tel bicuU out again In
Nebraska politics. An nll-wlso Providence
dcslirncd Mr. Howoas an'anlldoto ' ; It is noted
that thoio has been no Veltyw fever In the
south since ho wont to Alabama and Missis
sippi In 18S4 to fix things for lilaine. Mr.
Howe should b content to rest on his repu
tation as an antidote.
Why Morton Was Knocked Out.
Chtcjgo AViw.
A citizen from Omaha tells us that there
can be no truth in the story that tlio Hon. J ,
Sterling Morton is to bo appointed minister
to Austria. Ho says tlmt shortly after Presi
dent Cleveland's Inauguration Secretary Hay-
ard was asked to make a Hut of the foreign
appointments ho desired ; that Mr. Uoyard
drew up this list and handed It to the presi
dent for approval. The president , as is his
wont , asked Colonel Lament topoo\erthe
list with him. When the Austrian mission
was readied it was found that Mr. Bayard
had selected J. Sterling Morton for that
honor. President Cleveland knew" nothing
of Morton , and ho was going to pass the nom
ination , lint Colonel Lament sattl : "You
cannot afford to recognize Morton ; ho repre
sents a faction In Nebraska democracy , niul
His n faction , too , vhlch assumed a ques
tionable nttlttula nt the Chicago convention ,
and maintained It during the subsequent
campaign , " This pointer led the president
tolnvcstlgnto Morton's record , ami the In-
stlication resulted In tlio erasure of Mor
ton's name from the 1IM ot possibilities.
Tlio Nest.
It.J niinlttte.
Oli , swaylntf neat , by summer winds
Like rustle center llclitlv swum ; .
How slight the tie that lightly binds
Thv woi ht tlio swltmlng boughs nmont ; :
A tiny homo , soft sheltered 'ne.xth thueavw ,
The emeiald cornices ef fluttering lou\c&
Soft bud notes brood above thy sleep ,
Warm nestled 'neath a downy breast ;
And Inkling stars their vigils keep
Above the callow blulllntc's lest.
Uilght ( lowers below , blue summer skies
Surround the swinging nest with peace and
I bond above with Uivlngoyos
To Doeii Into tlio downy homo.
And \\lthn cry of leal suipilso
Set nil -ICIOSH tlu > Holds to roam ;
'NV hoe Whoop 1 Theio me , as near as can be
UUU.S.MU ! ,
Four humlicd thousand hornets In that nest.
Xcbrnskn .
The Plavtc river bridge of the lilkhorn
Valley road Is completed.
The old settlers of Dakota county
swapped yarns of the early days and renewed -
newod old acquaintances at a picnic last
Ono ol the three boys who escaped
from the Glonwood asylum for the feeble
minded , was captured in Platumouth
Saturday and sent home.
Ulalno county boasts of sod corn twelve
feet high and oars twelve inches long.
The stalks will bo preserved for torcli
handles for the campaign of 1883.
The young town of Ravenna , on the It.
& M. extension , thirty miles northwest of
Grand l.sland , already boasts ol a paper ,
the News , published by Claybuig Bros.
Frank Warren borrowed a team from
a livorv stable in Hastings Friday night
and disappeared with the rig. The livery
man oflors a reward of $150 for a 'live
niinuto interview with Warvon.
"Few years in the history of Nebraska -
braska , " says the Ulysses Dispatch , "lias
given us better small grain or more of it
than this. Wheat , oats , lla\ and rye are
all good. Wo can stub alon" with less
potatoes and corn than heretofore ,
though the corn crop Is iust now loom
ing up grandly. Nebraska boats 'cm all
when it comes to farming. "
Plattsmouth is jealous of the base ball
glory harvested by Hastings and Lincoln ;
and threatens to pick up a scrub nine to
invade Omaha. We give it out in confi
dence that the remnants of the Union
Pacifies will bo protected from further
deadly assaults at any cost of blood and
treasure. Should the Plattsmoulhors at
tempt an invasion they will bo side
tracked nt Port Gibson and toasted on
the balmy breezes of the fertilizer.
Hon. J. Sterling Merion attended the
lord mayor's banquet in London , July
20. In u spceen in response to a
toast ho "congratulated the lord mayor
on the friendly relations whicti existed
between his country and the United
States. The secretary of state had de
nounced dynamiters , and ho was glad a
treaty was being prepared by which
crimes against humanity might bo fer
reted out in the uttermost parts of the
earth. ( Hear , hear , ) "
A correspondent at McCoou has un
earthed a "foul murder" in a cornfield six
miles south of town. J. F. Helm , an in
dustrious fariuqr , discovered evidence of
nightly raids on nis cornfield. Armed
with a pitchfork and two dogs he laid in
wait for the pesky sneak or sneaks. The
"varmint" soon approached , and the dog.s
pounced upon him. Mr. Helm charged
with the pitchfork and rammed the tines
through his lieajt. The coon was buried
on the spot , _
loxva Items.
Lightning struck St. Peter's Roman
Catholic church at Kcokuk , damaging it
to th amount of f 8,000. ,
The Mississippi i.s so low that the saw
mills at Dubuque have been compelled to
shut down for want of power.
A wild man created considerable ex
citement" in tlio neighborhood of Ashton
last week , scaring \V6mon and children ,
but ilcoiug at the approach of a man.
The big copper wire which the West
ern Union is stringing between Cliicago
and Omaha has reached Davenport. It
will bo used for through business between
the two cities.
Lidon comes to the front with a citizen
that is the father of thirty-one children ,
thirty living. He can at any time , with
out going outside the family , organize a
camp meeting or hold a primary.
Phillips' coal mine , two miles north of
Ottumwny caught tire ono evening last
week in the shaft , and everything within
reach was burned store , blacksmith
shop and scales were n total loss. The
workmen barely escaped with their lives.
One day last week an 18 months old
child of James Tnllon , of Adams town
ship , Mahaska county , fell into a well
twenty-eight feel to tlio water. A gen
tleman named John Lochrny hoard tlio
splash as the child struck the water , and
nt once slid down the pump stock and
rescued the little one just as it WAS about
to sing tor the last time.
A $3,500'Episcopal church is soon to
bo built at Huron.
The whole output of the Iron Hill mine
has been 310,078 ounces.
The advance guard of the Salvation
army is camped in Ynnkton.
Principals of the creat tin importing
houses of Now York are invcstigalingtho
tin anines of the lllack Hills.
Ono man in Edmunds county , with ono
machine , last week cutl40 acres of wheat
in sixty-live consecutive hours. Ho
stopped only to chnnga horses , eating his
meals while at work.
Henry Kihel , of Dcadwood , was shot
through the 'head nnd dangerously in
jured on the 1-lth inst. uy n twelve-year-
old boy- named Isaac Forest , who was
nt the time engaged in target shooting
with n revolver , and a wild shot inflicted
the wound.
The ton United States land offices in
Dakota did the following business in
July : The total number of now filings
was D.420 , an Increase of W8 over May ,
and the total of final proofs was 038 , sin
increase of 101. Ono hundred and seven
of these final proofs were made on tim
ber claims. The area duly filed on dur
ing Juno was 543,02 ; ) acres , and that ac
quired by final proof , 141.703 acres , The
total number ot new filings during the
first six mouths of 1880 was 11) ) , 103 , and
of final proofs , 4,027. The area newly
taken during the sumo period was 1,001-
801 acres , and of land acquired by final
proof , 571,073 acres.
"Hais" Sustained.
CMcaga Herald.
At length the citi/.ons of Chicago have
had a judicial ruling on the subject of
"Hatfli" In none of the municipal ordi
nances is the utterance of that exclama
tion set down ns a misdemeanor , but the
custom has grown , and custom is somot
times stronger than statutes , of
regarding it as a declaration
of war. Given a policeman , n citizen ,
and "Itnlfl ! " and immediately dust , hair ,
clubs , feet and arms lly. During times
of public disturbance , when it is the de
sire of law-abiding citi/.ens to uphold the
the ' 'Kills I"
police , no disposition to test
question in the courts has been mani
fested , but now that a season of great
peace is on the city it has been
broucht up in a court ol jus-
tlco and a ruling has been had.
Mrs , Morris , of Chicago , has n small
flowjr garden nnd lives in the same tene
ment that Officer Henley occupies when
he is nt home. Having a hose , aho w.u
in the habit Q ( sprinkling her plants as
the spirit moved her , regardless of the
ordinance in which it is made and pto
videtl that such use of the city's water
shall bo unlawful between the hours of 7
; . in. and 0 p , m. The officer noticed the
infraction of the law nnd called Mrs.
Morris' attention to It , but she simply re
plied that the little water she wanted
wouldn't hurt anybody. After two or
three suoh , warnings , llcaley found her
again sprinkling her plants at midday ,
and tins thno in a solemn nnd nuthorlta
live manner ordered her to stop on pain
of arrest. Up to this point both tlio
otllccr and the woman had been civil
enough , nnd such disagreement as o\lstoil
between them was ol that ordinary na-
turp which is likely to arise nt nny time
between neighbors , but the threat of ar
rest changed the whole aspect of nll'airs.
As soon as the officer had announced
his purpose Mrs. Morris turned the hose
on at full power , glared at him with
ferocious eyes , and in reply yelled
"Ratal" That settled it. Two seconds
later there was an indescribable mixture
of Officer llcaley , the hose , the club.Mrs.
Motrls , the plants , a pan ? of comoalongs ,
several patrol wagons , and the neigh
bors , one of whom , n woman , was hit on
the head. It was a lively engagement ,
but it only lasted a few seconds. The
wagons rolled away to llio station , and
when the prisoners were arraigned befoio
the iudgo they were dismissed. Then it
came their turn. The two women had
the officer arrested fornssault , and , though
ho did not fail to plead the "Uats ! " in
dictment , lie was found guilty and lined
$10 in ono case and $3 in another.
This seems to give the sanction of the
high court of Justice Lyon to the theory
that a woman mny say "Rats I" without
laying herself liable , oven when who is
feloniously using the city's water. If the
police department is not piopared to
have the very bulwarks of social order
upset it will carry this case to the su
preme court of the United States before
.submitting to such a ruling. On "Hats ! "
hang all the law and the coppers.
Snituo for the Dilapidated I'assoiiKcr
nnit IjtlcowiHO the Conductor.
Now York Times : A diladidatcd look-
ins gentleman boarded a Itroadway car
at Chambers street yesterday afternoon
and stood on the rear plattorm with a
much worn nnd evidently abused cigar
stump between his lips' . The dnpp'er-
looking little conductor glanced some
what contemptuously at the dilapidated
looking gentleman's frayed olive-green
coat , his trousers , which had seen the
light of better days , and the huge imita
tion ruby which , if real , might have .scin-
till.ited in Victoria's crown. The con
ductor said nothing until the dilapidated
gentleman took a vigorous pun" from the
cigai stump , and opcninghis mouth blew
foith a volley of smoke , the stale fumes
of which penetrated into the car and
caused a meek little lady to cough and
look indignant.
"No smoking , " said the conductor
. "No 1 . "
grnfily. smoking , &ay.
The dilapidated-looking gentleman
ga/.ed with imbecile wrath at the con
ductor. But ho pulled the cigar slump
fiom his lips , hold it between his weather-
beaten , wart-covered fingers , and sat on
the rail of the car , smiling nt his
thoughts. Onward went the car. It
picked up two passengers only on its way
to 15Icecker street , and at that point ao *
cclcrntcd its pace. The dilapidated gen
tleman musingly put the cigar stump be
tween his lips and , allowed , it to remain
there. It was there for live minutes.
"No smoking , I said , " angrily re
marked the conductor at last.
"Who's smoking ? " asked the dilapi
dated man.
"You are. "
"I'm not. " The dilapidated gentle
man took the stump from his lips and
showed it to the conductor. It was tin-
" 1 don't care , " quotli the conductor
savagely. "Don'c look as though you
were smokiiur. Throw it away. "
The dilapidated gentleman complied
with this request , lie jerked the oigisr
stump into the middle of thn street , and
cast onn last , long , lingering look after it.
By this time every passenger save one had
loft the car. The conductor was warm.
Ho wiped his brow. Then ho leaned
back upon the railing , pulled a crumpled
newspaper from his pocket , and surrep
titiously read it.
"Don't read , " said the dilapidated
gentleman viciously. "It's against the
rules. Yon can't ' attend to your duly
when yon are reading. Put that paper
away. "
If a look could have withered the
dilapidated gentleman , ho had been in
stantly thus afieclcd. Tlio conductor
grew crimson with indignation. But 1 o
put away the newspaper and said ne'er a
word. There was still only one passen
ger in the car. The vehicle jolted onward
until it reached Thirty-third street. Not
a word was uttered by anyone. Thn
silence became so monotonous that thn
dilapidated gentleman looked about him
for amusement. Presently the conductor
again pulled tlio newspaper from Ills
pocket and laid it before his face , evi
dently to Keep a tcorching ray of sunlight
from burning his flesh.
"Conductor , " said the dilapidated gen
tleman , "Isaid no reading.1'
"I'm ' " retorted the
not reading , con
ductor , with a menacing look.
' You are. "
"lam not" furiously. The conduc
tor pointed to the paper which was up
side down.
"I don't care , " said the dilapidated
gentleman wrathfully ; "don't look as
tnou h you were reading. Give it to
mo. "
Ths dilapidated gentleman leaned for
ward , tore the sheet from the conductor's
hands , ana , before that injured being
could recover from his surprise was a
quarter of a mile down Thirty-seventh
street. _ _
When all so-called remedies full , Dr.
Sago's Catarrh Remedy cures ,
Ills Style ClmiiKca With Ills Wife.
Paris Gaulois : A Paris journalist got
married some three months ngo ,
A f ow days after the ceremony no met
u friend.
"Well , " asked the \atter , "what think
you of your new position ? "
"My friend , I am perfectly intoxicated.
When I work my wife is always at my
side , and wo embrace at every para.
praplv ( Jrcat heaven , yes , at every para
graph ! "
"Ah ! " replied his friend , smiling , "that
accounts for your style being somewhat
disjointed lately. "
This conversation was repeated , and
the journalist's articles were henceforth
consulted by his intimate friends as a
kind of matrimonial thermometer.
For about six weeks the articles were
characterized by sentences oven shorter
than those of the late Km Ho do Girurdin ,
nnd the ladies of the journalist's acquaintance
anco were rapidly gi owing jealous of the *
bride ,
Then they became longer , the Periods
were constructed moro in the English
etylo , and the jmragraps were spun out to
greater length , The honeymoon was
evidently ncaring its termination.
The other day Mine. X. , on opening the
paper and glancing at the article bearing
her journalistic fiicnd's name , made a
"Ohl" she exclaimed , "there is only
one paragraph. Poor little woman ] She
will soon want u separation. "
St. Jacobs Oil Red Star Cough Cure.
i'ho world's ' two benefactors.
Thov > VITA1.ITV Is filllnp , nVniii lilt AIM Kit nnd
M1.UI vVii : > or I'ovror PllKJI , Vi UKL'l.V it A T * Mi y iiml iMirfoct unl rallntile euro In the |
rlKlnauJby f'rof/JKAM UiVlA1.Y..uf r ll <
dopted hv nil fr nch rhTBlil&x > 9 ivud being rep
puuwd bcre , AIHyiMkoulrfrlowxuxi
fli ln | m > , nr > tly pu re * * ! . TltKA'llHR sMna new *
r pr riulinwJ l < ' l < nlornieMUi , AH .fe'llKK. OommltM
lion ( oiljyo of IIY mall ) nlth ill emliflmt doctor * F MKP.
01VIALE AilENCY. No. 174 Fulton Street. N H Vatiu
017 HI. CIinrlc 8t.SM.oiilHo.
AtfpiUrr lint of wo UedlotlC ll | ci , h.i b..i > loft
runcullo Iti8ii < ecl llrt tm olof CUIOMC. NiiTtw. SUM
ud BLOOD lu uit thin snr olhtr l'biltl D In3l. LouU.
iftlly iirriBliow ftntlallollr tMpaUkaow.
Nertout Prostration , Debility , Mental and
Physical Weakness ; Mercurial and other Artoc.
lions ol Throat. Skin or Bones , Dlood Poisoning ,
old Sores and ulcers , > ro tmui viiii tumriiuui
ucecii.enlitcjUeUnUJcrrlBelril , , 8 t lj.
Diseases Arising Irom Indiscretion. E ccs. .
Exposure or Indulgence. n h rwJ c ion < of ih.
IT1. ' f11"1" tr o incM , deUlllT , dlncin of ilhl
fendilrhctlretnsmotr , rlinruionth fiet. pbjil > U o r.
arcrilontolho eliirof r.m l i , couru.lot of Idtti , eJo. ,
rondorlnir llarrUgo Improper or unh pi > y. M
p na uomijr tur.J. rinpliliiUp ( > I > il < iaib itwro , font
In if lcJ imr.ioix ; , freelomj ajdrtn. Oomulutloal ( >
B or bj null frte. Inrllcd .d il-lcily c oBJ nll l.
A Positive Written Guarantee t\ \ " ID turroa.
rule otie. UeJltlao lent trerj uhorjbj null 01 iii'tut.
00 PAGES , rims PLATES. lecinl elolh i tut
blnillDff. tcaleiiror 3Oo In poMottorcurrcacr. Orcr arty
wonderful | > tntl ur fl , truate lira ; trtlekion tht followlof
lUbJMUi wligmay ntrrr , "bonot , utrtinubooil , * ow a.
{ mod.hy.lril ricear , elTcti otccllUtj m.loitou , the rkji.
Iftlaf ; ofrrproduelfon.aa 1 inmy niei t. Tbp reitrtltil or
cooiri pl lluc m rrl c ti uM r l It. J nvlir > illtlon
Tansill's ' Punch Cigars
wuro shipped durliiR the past
t\u > leiirs , without n drum
mer In our employ. No ether
house lu thu world cnn truthfully -
fully iinikiiHiioh n showing.
Olio intent ( ctcalar only )
wanted in ouch town.
R.W.TANSILL&CO.,55 State St-Chicago.
1S03 iF.A. T.AST. : ! .
Prnctico limited , to Dlsenscs of tlio
Glasses fltlml for all fovnw of dofoctlvo
Vision. Artificial Eyon inaoi't J.
State Agents
Omaha , Neb.
Carpenter anl Builder ,
Telephone flOO.
30 ! ) SouUi : IflcciiIIi Street.
OK NEW .iin KY ,
r four-year cnurnos , im follows' I. Kor the
Uo of llarliulor of scloncn , ajjmiiTil Ultimo ; nljn
elective course * In Cliumlxtrr , Illnlnur , ( Jiiolouy ,
MatliemutlrnHnii riinl.ii. II , I'c > rlhuili > uiOfl of Civil
Jn lnocr. Intluillnir , l'i' lili' < dm uninil | > ror ulnnnl
BUidlcK. iiiiilli'nlli | > iiinr Hleurlctty to thu Ann. I'oit
urad untu nuttruitloii In J Uglier .Mulliciuntlr .Urapnlca.
Annljrtlral unn Appllol ( 'UPmlitr/ unit .AiuuyliiK ,
lllolonr. riivBlt'H , nnil Attroinmy. / ; ntrniiro cxuniln-
Uonii Hupt. lull nnd Utli. 1W1. or "nina cmir n
Ddothur tnforniotlou apply to Uio GolitNiu'i'rotuurur.
13th St , Cor , Capitol Avenue ,
ron TUB tnrATJirNT or AM.
Chronic & Surgical Diseases.
DR. McMENAMY. Proprietor.
Siitccn years' llnaiiluluud 1'rlrulu I ranlcc
Wo haui ( ho rarllUlva , npparntnt mid mnrdlri
for th ftiiccritfnl treatment of ctcry form of din-
< me n/i'ilrfnv ' cither mcillcnl or eurulcal I rent in rat ,
and Invite fill locnruonnil luvoitluutu for tlirmwlvrt
r currc iraiiil ulth ni. I.ODK oxptricnro la trrut *
Ine CMCH hy letter enables tu to trcut inuur ouui
Bcl ntitlcnlly nltliiiut urclni. them
WUITK KOIt rillOUI.Att on ncformUlei nnd
Itracc , Club Kctt , Cnrvuturci of tliu fiplua
li r ir or Wonor. I'llua. Tumor.i , Cnnccru ,
Catarrh , fironclilllH , Inhalation , I'.loctrlclly , I'arnt-
y l , Kplltnsy , Kidney , J2ye , Kur , bliln , Jlloocl and
all turalciil oierullwn | ,
llatiiirlm , Inlinltim , Urncpn , Triuum , nnd
nil Kinds of Medical uud Surgical Al > l > ! laucc , man.
ufacturcrt and for ili >
The only reliable Medical Institute making
Private , Special $ Nervous Diseases
AU. CO.VTAf.rOU8 AND W.OOn ni8EA8K3 ,
f mm whatever ciiuKojirndiicod.wiccrmfully treated.
Y'o on remove Srufillltlu polaou from the eytttm
without tnercnry.
New re < tonuivo treatment for losi of vital power.
Call and cnniult ui or e nd nimu and | ioat-ofilca
nadros plainly wrlttou enclose eUinn. nnd WB
Mill iieud you. In plain wrapper , oar
faiuiNAL WEiKNKjii , HrriufiToniiiHri , lurmtx ,
or , HrriiiLii , ( ioNoimniiu , GIKET , VAmcocEi B.
UiiiNJUiv OiiQAMi , ot tend history of your cute for
mi opinion.
I'trsoiiK unalilc to vlilt ni may bo treated at tliclr
homo , hy correspondence , Uedlclnca and Initrit-
mcnU fcnt tiy mail or cxprcu HKC'UHIJLY PACK
ED FIIOM rtliaiWYATlo.V. no mYrki il Indlcato
content ! or ci-ndcr. Ono pcmonal Interview pro-
ferrnllf comcnltnt. Fifty roomi for the acoim.
modatloii of patient * . Hoard nnd attendance at
rcMouaulu ptl < x . Addrua all letters to
Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute ,
Cor. 13th SI. and Caollol A > e OMAHA. HEO. Jj