Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 19, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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Weak Trading to Wheat Causes Prices to
Take a Drop.
Tlio Provision List Hello Stcrullly
Downward A Little Hccovcrv
on the Ctirli Tlic Cnttlo
Market Lower.
CHICAOO , August 18. fSpeelal Telegram
to the BKK.J WIIIAT : On the open board
call wheat opened } c nbovo last night's
closing , nnd held moderately steady
nil through the call. September was
77Ko nt the start and the call closed
with It at 78\c. Public cables from across
the water came In steady , with former
ndvanced limitations firmly held , The open
ing at 0:50 : on the regular boaid was nt 78'4c
for the September option , and In the lirst few
minutes around thu opening It touched 'fi'ffui
7c mid 78 > < f'l7Wc , but there was no ap
pearance of strength running through the
market at those figures. Grain on ocean pas
sage showed a slleht In create , but scatcoly
enough to alfcct the market very noticeably.
About 10X : : ) private cables came In lather
bearish , and tlio dull business bslng done ,
left the market In good condition fora de
cline. At this stage "llutrh" and Cmmhy
both took advantage of thu situation and
Bold some fairly large lines. The sentiment
of the crowd turned bearish nnd selling
became general. The September option
took a further decline from 77J < @ 78c to 77'i(3 ' (
77c , Hero the decline was checked , and
nfter holding steady around that price for a
few minutes It again moved upward , touch
ing at 7i' ' c In next forty minutes. This last
bulge was on good buvlng by Robert Warren ,
who seemed to have call on foreign cables.
Ho vuis helped at the right moment by re
newed talk of exports and by Now York nnd
Baltimore clearances , which aggregated
about 400,000 bu. From 12 to 12 : 0 thu maiket
held steady nt from i8Ve to 78'/o.
Co UN In thocorn pit operations partook of
a bcalplng nature the greater part of the time ,
but Warren occasionally came Into the pit
and bought fairly well. The fluctuations
were mainly in sympathy with wheat , and
the September option got down to 43Kc
around 11 o'clock. The market advanced ytc
later , when It became known that like en-
raeemenU for the day would aggregate fully
400.000 bu.
PKOVIRIONS In provisions there was
steady business for a few minutes only after
the slat toff , and after that the market sold
Rtcadily downward. October lard was the
only option in the list , which opened about
last night'H closlnir. It opened at 0.10 *
calnst a closing of 80.875 , and declined to
go.KJJ , lecoverlng later to 60.85. Pork and
rib * sold steadily downward. September
pork opened at 8i > .02 > 4 and sold down to
Stl.50 before noon. Biasscan was a fair buyer
early , and William Young & Co. sold a few
thousand bairels. The dcclino was mostly
attributed to largo receipts of heirs at the
yards and their better quality. The tone of
the market In the last half hour was tinner ,
and September polls ndvanced from S'J.DOto
Ounn , 2iOp. : ! m. The wheat market was
strong and higher this afternoon on reported
largo export engagements fiom New York ,
and September advanced to 7Sc. Puts and
calls sold earlv at 7777 < ( j'c and 78Jtfci782 ( < c ;
now. 77J < c bid tor puts , 7 J e bid for calls.
September corn , 44c. sellers ; puts , 43 c bid :
calls , 44 , ' < ( ? C444'c bid. New York reported
forty-thrco boat loads of wheat and two boat
load's of coin taken tor export.
CHICAOO , August 18. [ Special Telegram
to the Hii : : . | CATTI.K The beef cattle re
ceipts were the largest of the week , and
while there was able .supply of range cattle
there \vas a very laigo proportion of good fat
cattle. There was a good demand for smooth ,
fat beeves , and the competition on strictly
choice fat cattle of all weights wa3 sufficient
to make them sell but a llttlo lower. But , as
ft rule , on cattle bulow 85 in value tlio de
cline was lOc and on common kinds more.
There was nn unusually largo number of cattle
tlo sold nt 85 and above , but they were good
ones. Shipping steers , iir : o Ibs to 1500 Ibs ,
S4.71X25.17K ; Vim to 1330 Ibs , S1.05@4.CO ;
850 to 1250 lbs.S3.70iJM.20. About 2,500 Texans
nnd 2,137 head of western cattle arrived
to-day , making for the week 5,000 Toxnns and
4.3CO westein rangers , against 8,000 Texans
and 4,000 westerns durllig the same time last
week. The market was pretty heavily sup
plied , but the supply for last week was not
largo. The demand was talrly good but buy
ers were bidding very low on all thin and
rough stock , bales were about 1015c lower
than yesterday ; 275 Wyoming. 1185 Ibs. 81.10 ;
437Montana , Ilb2bs ] , 83.50 ; 4(50Texans ( , 1104
Ibs. 83.75 ; \Vyomiliir , 1UO Ibs , 83.50 ; 114
Montana , lli'.Mbs , 83.50.
lions At the opening prices ruled stiong
with hero and theto nsaloor two at a slight
advance , but later on there was n sharp down
turn , especially on undesirable stock , and nt
the llnnl close common and medium sold f > @
lOu lower than at the opening. Common
mixed sold at 84.75CxM.fcO. and the bestnt 84.00
( $5.10 , with a few lancy assorted heavy at
Now York. August 18. MOVEY On call
easier ranging fiom 1 to 2 per cent , closing at
1 per cent asked.
PUIMK MUIICANTII.B 1'Ai'isn 4@'j per
aTKin.iNO KXCHANOE Dull and steady ;
actual rates SI.SIW for sixty day bills aud
JM.KIJ/for demand.
GovKiiNMUNTS-Govcinments were dull
but wenlc.
STOCKS Tim opening of stocks this morn
ing was decidedly weak , llrst prices being
cennrally from ' ( S ! ? percent below yester
day's linal figures , while Louisville & Nush-
Tlllo was off % per cent , A drive was Imme
diately made at mlce.s by the bears and
everything declined bharnly. Tills was suc
ceeded bynn liregnlarnndKomQwlmt feverish
market until 1 o'clock , when another break
took place , and the lowest prices of thu day
were cuirent at 2 p. m. But prices rallied In
the last hour and the market closed linn at
quotations. Everything on the active list Is
lower to-night.
SWccnt bonds. . 100 C.&N. W 112'f (
( J. H. 4U'8 110-if prol'cned. . . 141W
New 4's 12 % N.Y. C . ion
PacltioG'Hof 'IB. 121 Orecon Trail. . . . SOJf
t'entiaiPacltic. . I'acliluMulI . 51'i ;
C. As A 141 P. I ) . .teK 27K
preferred. , . . 150
O. B. A0 Ruck Island 124
1) . L. , V-\V * * '
preferred . , .
0. , M. ifcSt. P. . . IKH , ;
preferred. . . 7tlJ : profcricd. . . 120 > <
Illinois Central. 1S14' St. I1. A0 44 s
1. . U. &W , lf > H preferred , . . 108
' ' Texas Pacilio. . . 14V
LakoHhoro. . . . , 81 Union Pacltio. . .
' ' ' ' W. , SI. L. & P. .
Wleh.'c'c'ntraL. ! 70 ; < preferred. . . 82
Jlo. 1'acllio 'VIWestern ' Union. 04 >
Noithein I'.ie , . 20)4 O. , 11. & N
pieferred. .
Clilcnso , AtiKtist 18. Klour Sleatlv. Him
and nnclniiiin'd ; winter wheat flour , Sl.osa
. , . . .scoiibii , . . ;
Mlehlpin soft sprlnir " . wheat , $ S.riOCi , ) ii : Min-
, qutut
* " " " " "
" '
Wheat Opened BtroiiB , Js'CJ'fc hlchcr , ile-
cllned ) ( u , advanced ana clnbed about the
came. is sesterday ; eobh , 705@7C5fc ; Seth
teniner , 77 15-lOcj Octolier. TO 15-lCc.
Corn Opened BtroiiKer , declined c , ral
lied later anil closed about the same as yes
terday ; cash , 4''X3c < ; September , 48 05
October , 4Mc
Oats Steady , > /o easier : cash , 27's'c ; Sep
tember , 2S MCo ; October , ! 3Hc.
itye-Qulct at We.
linrley Finn ntOlc.
Flax.seeci-l.u ) ( ( i.i3.
Timothy 1'rluie , 6iOO ( < i2.0T ,
- . .
/ 1'ork Uecllnixl 10S12Ke , reacted
nd closed stead v ; cash , SO.AC@tf.A3
- - "
tember ,
Uu'k > ! caU S o liters , S5.7.r < zyL87i" } : short
clear. ? 0.wv"fi.C5t short ribs , SO.S5.
Uuttcr Firm ; creamery , 15C322c ; dairy ,
Krt.ChcesoQnlct but firm ! fall cream chert-
tlars , 8 , ' s c ; flat * , 8JtQj3)c ) ; young
EifBS-Flrmer at 10 > a <
Hides ( Jreen salted , fully rured , 8c : lleht ,
8 < ftSVc : ( lamnced , 7e ; hull hides. 5 c :
Ifv salted llS12c ( : dry flint , KJfiJUc ; cult
skins , 8C < 10l < c ; deacon * , 50c each.
Tallow No. 1 country , 3)@Wc ; cake ,
S'fc ? Xo. 3 , 3c.
KccelDM bhipmcnts.
Flour , bbls . O.OOu IS.iXX )
U'hcathu . 82.UOO tti.000
Corn , mi . 44\ooo 214,000
Oatabll . ' .W.OOO 77,000
ll > c,0ll . 7,000 1,000
Unrley.mi . 02,000 C.OCO
New York. Antust 18. Wheat Kccclnts ,
inr.ono , ; exports , 'J1'J,000 ; spot opened K tjfc
lower , closed stronger ; options opened Hun ,
advanced ftlUhtly , later weakened and de
clined ; \i ( Vc , afterwaids ruled stronger , ie-
acted ? < W e. leavlnir oil \ery llrni. Un-
graden tod. SlOlfOUc ; No. : iied , 85lfftbfic ;
No. 1 red. Ulc ; Nn. 'Jied. STfaST-ifc In eleva
tor , SS'M'fl.'fc ' delivered , sr 'O S o I. o.b. !
Septunibcr closed nt SSS'e.
Corn Spot. } < e higher ; scarce ; options
opened Vrt'tfc lower , advanced ? S ® * e ,
closed nrm ; receipts , 10.003 ; exports , r.d.txx ) ;
uPKrndcd , GlG.W ( ic ; No. 2 , taXQtrac de
livered ; September closed nt r > l-4'e. !
Outs Jlodemtely nctlvo ; iccnlpts , 02,000 ;
exports , , ( XX ) ; mixed westetn , la30ohlto ( ;
western , ! W(34'te. ( '
I'e.trolcum United closed atCO'Yc.
Pork Nominal ,
Lard Opened lower , closlnc 2JJH points
higher ; western steam , spot , S7.38i57.tO. (
Uuttcr Firm : western , l2Q21Xc. Finn nnd ( | iiict.
KCKS Steady ; western , i:5f&llc : ( ,
Cincinnati. August 18. Wheat Strong
No. 8 re-d. T.K 'ie.
Corn Firm ; No. 2 inked , 43e.
Oats Good demand ; No. a , mixed , 2SJf@
tije Scarce ; No. 2. KVgK
I'ork-Kaslcr nt S10.2.1. .
Lard-Stioncnt SO.IK ) .
Whisky Steady ; sales , 874 bbltt of llnlshcd
Koods on n basis of 31.03.
Milwaukee , Aiitust ( l8.--Whent Strone ;
er li , 77J/e. ; September , 78c ; October , bO c.
Corn Dull ; No , 2 , 43c
Oats-Kusy ; No. 2 , 27 c.
H\o Quiet ; No. 1 , nominal.
Hnrloy Steady : No. 2 , GOJfc.
I'rnvlslons Quiet ; mess pork , September ,
50.55 ; October , Sn.CT ) .
Minneapolis , Anznst 18. Wheat Steady
ami lalrly active ; No. l hard , cash , 77Kc ;
September , 70c ; October. 77Jfc ( ; No. 1 north
ern , cash , 7Io ! ; September , THJ c ; October ,
75c ; No. 2 not them , cash , COc , now sold Ie
bulow quotations lor old.
FIour-l > atuntsSI.2. > ® 4.50 ; bakers , S3.25 ®
Receipts Wheat , 47,000 bushels ; flour ,
l.V ) barrels.
Shipments Wheat , 0,000 bushels ; Hour ,
0,000 barrels.
St. Louis. Aucust 18. Wheat Opened
hlKhcr , toll back , then rallied nnd closed ! < c
belter than yesterday ; No. 2 cash , in mills ,
78K ( )7SXc ) ; September , 70Kc
Corn Sold down c.trly , but recovered and
closed as yesterday ; cash , 40'/c ' ; September ,
Oats Slow ; cash , 27@28c.
Hje Firm at file
Whisky Sl.08.
1'ork-Oulct at S10.25 ® 10.80.
l ard Nominal.
Untter Firmer ; creamery , 17@20c ; dairy ,
KansaH City , August 18. Wheat-
Quiet ; No. 2 red cash , OlJ c bid , COc
asked ; September , 0" > c bid. Cojfc asked.
Corn Lower ; No. 2 , cash , ic bid ,
asked ; September , 'M c.
Oats-Steady ; No. 2 , cash , 27 } < fc.
Llvorpool , Aniust 18. Wheat Offered
modurnlely ; new No. \\inter. . linn at Os Sd ;
Hprln , linn at Gs 'Jd.
Flour Offered moderately ; firm nt 8s 3d.
Corn Olleied niodetately ; spot , llrm at 4s
4d ; AiiKiist , lit m at 4s 3Wd ; September ,
Htcndy at 4s 4tl ; October , steady at 4s M.
Toledo , Atipust 18. Wheat-Steady and
lower ; cash , 8l , " < c.
Corn Nominal ; cash , 44e
Oats Steady ; cash , 2
Now Orleans , August 18. Corn Strong
and hlRher ; mixed , 52i.V3 ( c ; white , 5o@54e ;
yellow , 55aMc.
Oats Lower ; choice western , SCc.
Corntneal S4.yo.
Hog Products Demand light but holders
lirm.rorkSlO.CO. .
Lard SO.T ( ff0.77.
Bulk Heats-Shoulders , S6.C2K ; long clear
nnd clear ribs , 30.55.
Chicago , August 18. The Drover's Jour
nal reports as follows :
Cattle Receipts. 11,800 , ; maiket slow and
a .shade lower , all below best ICc lower :
shipping steers. S3.70@5.17W : stockcrs and
feeder * . S'J.JO@t.50 : : tTnoiigh Texas cattle
10@15c lower nt 82.00@il.bO ; western rangers
lower ; natives and halt breeds , Si.8f : > @ 4.25 ;
cows , SB.70@U.10 ; wintered Toxaiii , 8S.a3@
a.80.Hoes Receipts , 18,000 ; Blow and 5n lower ,
closing dull ; rough and mixed , S4.03@t.75 ;
packing and shipping. S4.bO(35.15 ( : light ,
83.0054 1.55 : skips , 82.M@a.75.
Shee | ) Receipts. ! ) ,000 ; market steady ;
natives , 82.00 ® 1.05 ; western , S3.00S3.75 ;
Texans , 81.7&gi.OO ( : ; lambs , S3.50fi4.7fi.
St. L/oulM. August 18. Cattle Receipts ,
2.400 ; fthlpinents. 1,700 ; fairly aetlvo and a
suado lower ; good to choice shipping. $4so@
4.SO ; common to fair. S3.70@4.25 ; butchers
steers , Si.25@4. ! 10 ; cows and heifers , 82.25 ®
S.50 ; Texans and Indians , 52.25@3.70.
Hogs Receipts , 4,000 ; shipments. 1,000 ;
active ; bntclicra and best heavy , S4.00@5.20 ;
mixed packing , S4.504.85 ; llu'ht , Sf4.40@4.W.
Kalians City , August 18. Cattle Re
ceipts , 2,000 ; shipments , none ; choice na
tives stonily ; giass iiingowciik und 10o lower ;
common to choice , 53.49@4.00 ; stockers and
feeders , 82.80@3.40gias.s ; range hteers , 82.40
@ 3.40.
Hogs Receipts. 0,000 ; shipments , 1,000 ;
choice strong ; others slow and weakconimon
to choice , S4.60@4.U5 ; bkips nnd pigs , 52.75 ®
Wednesday Evening , August 18.
Cattle The receipts were llcht and the
market quiet , There were no dressed beef
steers In , but the market might bo called
lower , ns there was a weak feeling among the
buyers. There were n low range cattle on
the market , but they wore not good enough
for the packing hou o hero. Butchers' stock
Is In fair demand nt steady prices. There Is
some very poor butchers' stuff on the market
that Is not wanted and buyers will not bid
over S2.00 for It.
Hogs The maiket opened strong at yes-
torday's prices and the majority of tnn choice
receipts were picked up quickly. Common
hogs did not movn off very readily and n few
wcio lolt over. Later In the day the market
cased off and closed fully lOo lower than the
opening pilce. The receipts wore heavier
than on yesterday.
Shceji Theit' is no maiket.
Cattle . 400
llo.-'s . . . ,2000
Provnlllni ; 1'rlcoa.
Showing the prevailing prices paid for llvo
Meek on this market.
Choice steers , law to 1500 Ibs . 54.20ffll.35
Choice steers , 1100 to 183J Ibs . 3.75MI.15
Medium steers , PJ50 to m ) Ibs. . . S.00f'4)0 ( ' ( )
FatlittloBteeri , 1050 to 1150 IN . . . . ! J.fl5Ct.8'J '
Coed feeders , OCX ) to IOOU Ibs . H.K ( ) ( ji.r : )
( iood to choice corn-fed cows . 2.lK'jiC3.25 ' (
Fair to medium grass cows . 2.00M..ii1 !
Oood to chnlca bulH . , . . 1.50i&2.fjO (
Light mid medium nogs . 4.304.50
Coed to choice heavy hogs .'i ( ?
( iood tocholcj mixed ho s. . . . . 4.K5rtl.Vi {
Fair to good shorn iheop. . . . g.oo@3.50
Itoprosontiitlvo Hnlos.
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
0 . 1010 83.20 15 . ,1155 83.25
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
1 . 700 83.00 1 . 1100 S3.25
No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr.
BC9. . . 201 200 84.40 C3. . . . 244 1 200 84.05
71. . , 201 100 4.45 122 , . . .2.10 BOO 4.05
77. . . 1U3 100 4.45 08 , . . .253 120 4.G5
74. . . UKI840 4.50 & 3..2 7 120 4.70
71..2802SO 4.60 W..2flt 40 4.70
TO..2.W400 4.50 00. . . . 207 120 4.70
02. . . 201 BIO 4.M 57 . . . .2.7 240 4.70
00. . , &W 100 4.55 ) . . . . 315 40 4.bO
67 . . 220 120 4.00
7. . . 225 80 S3.h5 10. . . 845 240 84.00
3. . . 40 4,00 8 , . .163 W 1.00
or I'rloos.
Showing thu bli.'hetand lowest prices paid
for mixed loads of ho on tliU market it'tr-
liigtUotii seven days , with
values :
July. Auenst 4.87H(3 ( < - ( "
ThnrsdRy.iath , . 4.45 4.flO 4.60 4. < W
Friday. iSth. . 4.80 W4.70 4.M ) ( rt-l.C.'i
Saturday , 14th. , 4.50 @ 4.C5 4.05 M4.70
Monday. 10th. 4.CO W4.81 4.00 @I.7Q
Tuesday 17th. . 4.55 ( 4.75 4.55 M4.7.J
Wednesday , V-th. 4.40 ® 4.Ki
Live Stock Hales.
Showlnc the number of eattlc. hos nnd
sheep purchased by the leading buyers on
to-dn > 's market.
O. II. Hammond A Co. ( shipped In ) 200
Others 17
n. II. Hammond A Co 410
North , t Co -W
Clark Uros " > 45
Anglo-American Packing Co 372
Harris A : Fisher. . . . 74
Shipment .
SliowiiiK tlianuuibsrof ciMnf livestock
shipped out of the yards duilng the day :
No. Cars. lit. Dest.
18 U. I Chicago.
2 N. W Clileatto
1C Mil Chicago
No. Cars , lit. Dest.
8 N. W Chicago
0 U. , 11. &Q Chicago
All salei ot stock in tins market are made
per cwt. live weight unless otherwise stated ,
Dead IIOKS sell at Kc tier lb for all weights.
"Sklim , " or hogs wolglilniz loss than 10J Ibs
uo value. Pregnant sows are ducked 40 Ibi
and t'ags to His.
Cattle market weak.
A few hogs left over.
Cattle receipts light.
Hog market closed lower.
Receipts of hogs on the increase.
One load ofery choice heavy hogs brought
Dick Hyde , Hastings , In. , was hero with a
car of lions.
J. Buck , Crete , was on the market with a
load of cattle.
G. H. Hammond A Co. received twelve
cars ot cattle to-day.
Ralnsford & I'almer , Rock Creek , had
eight ears of native range cattle on the mar
ket to-day.
Fuller it Payton , Fullerton , had two loads
of hogs on the maiket to-day. .Mr. Mclsnor
cami ! In with the hogs. Ono load topped the
market at 54. M ) .
Several trains of range eattlo went through
hOro the Hist of the week which sold on to
day's Chicago market. Ills uuilerstod that
the Ogallala-Toxas eattlo brought SE.75 ; Car
ter Cattle Co. , nathe rainrc , 83.50 ; War Bon
net Cattle Co. , native range , S4.SO ; Gale
Bros. , Texas cattle , S3.30 ; The Illinois Llvo
Stock Co. . Texas cattle , 83.40 ; New England
Live Stock Co. , Texas cattle , 83.15.
* On the market with hogs : P. Kilkenny ,
Council Bluffs ; Morse , lloecrs & Co. , North
Bend ; Bliss & Bliss. Sclmylcr ; Koine & _ M-
Albion : H. Shinstock , West Point ; W. S.
Cook , Wnkelicld ; J. Wllhelmsen. Danne-
brog ; K. H. Cnwles. Gibbon : J. G. Hall , Gib
bon ; C. McMillan. Scotia ; W. Bcacle , Loup
wood , Emerson ; Thco. Wlduman. Anroia ;
G. U Smith , Ulvsscs ; Proper & Watts , Ax-
tell ; Monissoy Bros. & Co. , Hampton ; Spots
, fe K. , David City ; Virgin < k Nelson , Utlea ;
Pnrmelo Newell , South Bend , and M. Hutton -
ton , McPaul.
General L'roduoo ,
Wednesday Evening , August 18.
I7ic/otloiel i ( ; prices tire far round tots nf
pnuliit'c , as told OH tlio marKct tel l < ii. ] Tlic
quotations on fruits represent the prices ut
u'hlcli nnt.ildc orders arcjlllcd.
lions The market is weak at Oc
nd butter Table butter is very scarce nnd
in strong rennest. Lower grades are more
plentiful again and a good deal of them can
bu placed at better prices now , but cannot be
relied upon. Cieamery , cnoicc , 20c ; choice
dairy , 13@15c ; fair to good dairy , 10@llc ; in
ferior grades , 4f < iGe
CIIKKSI : Fancy full cream cheddars , 8c ;
fancy full cream Hats , two in box , O c ; fancy
full cream Young Americas , fourinbox , lOc ;
fancy Swiss , 12 > © l4c : bilck , 12c ; Lfinbitrg ,
lie.POULTUV Although receipts have fallen
off considerably , It has still occn imposslblo
to work oft' the oveistock that had accumu
lated last ween , nnd sales are btlll dragging
at the same low prices. Spring chickens not
going above 82.00 per dozen and below that
It small , and old chickens S2.25@2.50. Ducks
also continue slow at 83.25(32.50. (
GAME With next month the season will
open. There Is already some demand for
pralrlo chickens , but the weather has been
too hot to ship with safety from any distance.
ONIONS Southern , per bbl , 8350.
POTATOKS Choice southern , per bush , 40 ®
4ic ; homo gi own , SO lOc.
SWIHT : POTATOES Iowa homo grown are
In the market and selling at5c perlb.
CELKUY Kalamazoo , per doz. 40s.
BKANB Hurdlv ntty coming In now. De
mand fair at 81.25@1.50 per bushel , for clean
GRAIN Corn , 25c ; old oats , 28c ; now oats ,
2025c ; rye , Sfic ; wheat. GOe.
OAi.iroiiNiA FIIOITS 1'ears , per box ,
S2.50ijKJ.75 : plums , per box , 81.50 ; prune ! ' , per
box , 81.50 ; pcaciies , per box , i < 2.00@2.25 ;
grapes , per crate , 82.00.
AiTi.r.s Choice catlnir. per bbl , 82.7.WM.OO ;
choice eatiiii' , assorted , 5 bbl lots , 82.25 ; do ,
10 bbl lot * , 82.25.
box , 8050 ; Mediterranean swecte , per box.
LIMONS : The lemon market continues
firm. Receipts In New York for the next
four weeks are going to bo exceedingly light
und thcio are no prospects of any decline lor
some time to come. Fancy , per box , 810 00 :
choice , per box. 81/50.
BANANAS The market Is well supplied
with line bright fruit , and prices rule low.
Best shipping stock , per bunch , 82 00 3 00.
SouTiiisitN GiiApr.s A tew southern
grapes have arrived In the market ; 10 lb.
boxes. 00(3i75c ( ; 20-lb basket , 81.50.
COCOANUTK Cocnannts , per 100,55.00 ; less
than hundred , per 100. 35.50.
HONIV : Callfoinia , 15c ; California ,
strained , lOc ; Nebraska , choice , 14@15c ; Ne
braska , dark , 12 > < @l3c.
MAPI , ! : Svitur Bulk , 14 to 17 gallon Kegs.
per gal , 81.00 ; gal cans , per gal , 51.03 ; half
gal cans per gal , 81.10.
CiiiKit New vork , per bbl , S7.00 ; do. naif
bbl. 84.00 ; Crab , per doz qts , 82.75 ; Michigan
refined , nor bbl , 80.00.
VINIXIAR White wine , lS@17c ; cider , 13
@ 17c ; single stiengtli , lUc ; trlplu strength ,
Fins ANn TATKS ) Figs , layer , 4 lb boxes ,
per lb , lOc. Dates , fancy fard , 12 lb boxes ,
I4c : dates. Persian. 50 lb lioxci. pcf lb , lOc.
NUTS Pecans , largo polished , Ho ; pecans ,
medium , Oc ; Kngllsh walnuts , I4c ; almonds ,
Tnrnurona. 2oc : ahnomlB , Lungucdoc , 17c :
Biazlls , 12a ; filberts. Ho ; peanuts , liand
picked , fancy Virginia , Hc ! ; peanuts , hand
picked choice Virginia , 7 > fcpeanuts ; , roasted ,
So extra nor lb.
MAVI.K SunAn Bricks , strictly pure , 50
lb boxes , perlb , 15e ; lu-lb tin pails , strictly
nine , per lb , 14c ; 5-lb bilcks , 2-l-ib boxes , per
lb , 12KC.
Plus * Fr.KT. TIHPK , ETO. Pigs' feet , per
i bbl , 81.00 ; do , } { bbl. 82.00 ; do , per kit , UOc.
ambs1 tongues , per } g bbl. S3.2o ; do , per kit.
We.PuovisioNS Ham , sncar cured , 14c ;
honelcsb hnni , fiO-lb boxes , 12 o ; picnic ham ,
IIH" ; breakfast bnenn , supir cured , Vc ;
shoulders , 7H < ii clear aide bacon , 8c ; dry Bait
sides , 7 ! c ; dried beol-liiuns IB Kkj ; dried
beef , regular , 12c ; laid , 40-lb cans ( Fair
banks ) , 7 > ic ; 10 , 6 and 3-lb pails , do ,
flour.bost Quality patentS2.M ) ; second quality ,
32.4xX&0 ( ; best nnallty fcpring wheat Hour.
patent , 83.75 ; bran , 50c ] x > r cwt ; chopped
feed , COc per cwt : wliito corn meal , 75o ; yellow -
low corn in al , G5c nor cwt ; scieemng , COc
per cwt : hominy , Si.fco per cwt ; shorts , B.VS
per cwt ; uiahani , 81.75 ; nay , in bales , S7.00@
7.Wpr ) ! ton. _
General Markets.
Wooi. Medium , I7@20a pur lb ; line heavy ,
12l5o ; llsht. I4(317c ( ; coarse , 12@l5o ; hurry
wool. 2@'xs off.
iiEATHKit i'rlma slaughter solo leather ,
tt-'c ; prnio oak solo leather ,
1.25 ; Kicnch call' , Sl.25.3l.S5 ; Morocco boot
Ipg , SOQiUc ; Morocco oil pebble , 2S < < 4 2c ; top-
plnus and linings , SO.00310.03 per dor >
HEAVY itAiiuwAiic iron , rate , 82.25 ;
low sto l special cast,4c ; cruclb lesteol , Co ;
east tools do , 12ylbo ; wa.-on sjiokos' per sat ,
Sl.TXiftOO ; hubs , per set ilAM felloes ,
sawed drr , 81.40 ; touumv , e.icn , 75o : avics.
each , 75c ; aijuaro nuts , ucr lb , 7yUc ( ; cell
chan , per lb , iso ; mal.rable , CflSc : Iron
wedgesOe : cronbHrs , Cc ; harrow teeth , 4c ;
( spring stool , jfgSc : Unrden's horsesnocs.
St.W ; llunlen mule shoos , S.V40. Uarbcil
wire , in car Jots , 84.00 per 100 Ibs. ronl
, al8' ! Sf ? ' A0 ! . ? - ! 5iecnftilss ) 52.05 ;
Shol SI.W ; uiicksliot7 : oriental
powder , kegs , Sa/fl : do , half KCCS , S2.00 (
do , Quarter kcgsSUX ) ; blastlnp , kecs , S'-VW ;
fu-se. peril ) feet. tr . l.cad Uar. 810.
PAINTS is Uit.ineeatt. . Omaha , P. P ,
J < c ; white lewd. Jit. Louis , p me. 57.76 : Mar-
ellles green. I to 5 lb cam. 2c ; French zinc
L'recn seal. 12c ; French 7.lnc red seal lie ;
French zinc. In Varnish a ; t , 'JOc ; Ftench
oehre , l-rench , 254c ; oclire , Aincilcan. ike ;
Winter's wlm-Ml , "We : Lehlijii blown , 2 > , c ;
panlsli brow 11.8Ue : Prince's mineral , c.
DIIY PAiS'-d While lead , & .Frcne ti7.t no
2c ; Paris nh It I HIT. 2H'e ; whltlni' , itllders' ,
f e ; whltlnir , com'l , 1'fe , lampblack , ( ler-
niaiistown , lie : Intnpblack , ordinary. f < c ;
Prussian blue.ojc ; ultramarine , l c\andyke ;
brown , Sc : umber , burnt , 4e ; umber , raw. 4c ;
Hlcnna burnt , 4c- sienna , raw , 4e ; Paris
preen , lienultie. a. ' * ; i-nns irrcen common.
22c ; chrome preen , N. Y. , 20c ; chromo green ,
K , 12c ; vermillion , Knqlisli , in oil 70e ; raw
and burnt umber , 1 lit eans. 1-c ; taw and
burnt sienna , Me ; Vandyke , brown , Hie ; re-
Ilned lampblack. I2c ; coach black and ivory
black. lOc ; diop black. lOc ; Prussian blue ,
40o ; uHrnniarlneblue , I8c ; chrome creuti , It ,
M. * I ) . , 10e : blind nnd shutter itieen , U. M.
A 1) . , lV ( ; Pailsirreen , ISc ; Indian led. l.'x ; ;
Venetian led. SV ; Tuscan. 22c ! Ameilcati
verniilllon. L. & u. , 20c ; yellow ochre , He ; lj.
M. ib O. D. , Ite : Rood oclire , lOc : patent
dryer , 8c ; Draining color , llcht oak , daikoak ,
wlntint. chestnut and nsh , I2c
Dut'iiHASi ) C'4tMicAi.s : Acid , carbolic.
82c : ncld , tartarlc , fi.'c ; balsam conalba , per
lt > , 4.V ) : bark , sassafras , per n > . 10e : calomel ,
perlb72c : chinchoiildm , iwrnz , 40c ; chloio-
form , per tb , 40 c ; Do\cr's powdyis , per Ifc ,
81.25 ; epsom salt' , per lb , : i ) < c ; glycerine ,
puie , per H > . 18c : lead , acetate , per u > . 20c ;
oil , castor , No. l , per unl. , S1.50 ; oil , castor ,
No. 2 , per gal. , S1.4U ; oil. ollve.per Kiil.S1.40 :
Poiorleannum , SOc ; opium , SH.'iO ; ( uilnine ,
I .it W. nnd K. iV S. , per oz , 70e : potassium
Iodide , per lb , SS.OO : sallnin , per 07. . 40u ; sill
phate morphine , pet ot. 2.50 ; sulphur , per
lb,4e : stiychnlnc , ivroz , 81.2" > .
\ AitN'isiiKM Hairels. iierjtallnn : Furni
ture , extra , Sl.lOj furniture , No. 1 , ? 1.00 ;
coach extra , S1.40 ; eo.ich , No. 1 , 81.20 : Da-
mar , extia , S1.7S ; Japan , 70e ; asplmltum.
extra , 0 ! & ; shellac , $ : ) .5o ; hard oil linlMi ,
bpinnN-Colocne spirits. 188 pioof , 81.10 ;
do 101 proot , 81.11 ; Nphits , second duality.
101 proof , 81.10 : do 183 pioof , 81.10. Alro-
hol. 1S8 proof , $2.03 per wluo gallon , l 'dis-
tilled whiskies , 81.00 1.50. Gin , blended ,
sSI.50K2.00 ( ; Kcntuck/ bourbons , S2.00SO.iO ( ;
Kentucky and Pennsylvania ryes S2.00@0.50 ;
( lolden Slicnt bourbon and rvo whiskies ,
S1.50@.00. IJrandies , imported , 85.008.SO :
domestic. $ : Oins. imnnitcd , 5 = 4 .W
@ 0.00 ; domestic , 1.2.y H.OO. ChainpaKnes ,
fiiiported , per case. 828.00@34.00 ; American ,
per case , 810.00310.00.
Grooors' Ijtst.
PIOKI.ES Medium , In bols , 55.50 ; do In
half bbls , 83.25 ; smalt. In bbls , 80.50 ; do in
hallbbls , 8a.75 ; g > xsrklus. In bbls , $7.50 ; do
In ball bbls , Svio.
BYitur No. 70 , 4-sail&s icces , 31.10 ; New
Orleans , : ! 8@4Cc per allen ; Maple Syrup , J {
barrel , strictly pure , Ttc per pnllon ; 1 gallon
cans , 89.25 per doz. ; K gallon cans , 85.25 per
doz : quart cans , S3.00.
DniKP FnuiTSNo 1 quarter apples , 3 % < &
4c ; In evaporated boxes , U ts'J ' fc ; blackber-
ri nboxes , SQS ; , peaches , eastern , 4W ,
fijje peaches , evutiorated , l6V@17c ; Salt
Lake none In-tnarKct ; rabiiberrfes , new , 19
@ 20c ; currants , ' 7 > f@7Hc ; prunes , new , 4.
w4J . '
CANNED ( loOns Oysters , standard , pej
cas , sj.aostravbcnies : ; ! , 21b per case. S2.25 ;
rasnbcrrct ! > , 2 lb per' ) case , 82.20 ; California
peart , tier case , 8i,50 , ; apricots , per case ,
S4.t-0 ; peaches , | ier case , 85.20 ; white cherries ,
per case , S5.90xi ; > lums , per case , Stt.GO ; blue-
oerries. per case , 82.25 ; epe plums , d lb , per
case. 5 > 2.50 ; pineapples , B lb , per case , 83.20
Q5.50 ; 1 lb mackerel , per do81.20 ; 1 lb .sal
mon per doz , 81.o Xisl.CO ; a lb gooseberies ,
per case , S1.75 ; 2 lb. string beans , per case ,
$1.70 ; 2 lb llinn , UCOIIH , per case. 31.00 ; 2 lb
marrowfat peas , per case. 82.50 ; 2 lb early
June peas , per1 case , S2.75 ; 3 lb tomatoes ,
per case. § 2.8)2.54:2 : lb corn , per case , 81.90
@ 2.10:2 : lb cornjbeef. per doz. 8l.70@iJ.00.
Jtopis K lncti,9 e ; Inch , lOKe ; } { Incht
ffiioAns Po\vdered , 7'o ; cut loaf.
crnnulated. 0c : contectlonfcrs' A.
standard extra C , rXkj ( ; extra C , 5
medium yellow , fijf&5gc.
CANDY Mixed , K@12c ; sticlc , 8K (
UiiACKius : Garneau's soda , butter and
picnic , 5Hc ; ciearns , 8)c ; ginger snaps , 8 ] < c ;
cllv soda. 7V < c.
BTAitcu Jlirror closs , 1 lb , 5/c ; Jliiror
Kloss , a lb , 5Kc ; Mirror gloss , 0 lb , GXc ;
( raves corn , 1 lb , Oc ; Kinpsford's corn , 1
lb , 7c ; Kingsford's ploss. ; 1 lb , 7c ; Kinps
ford's gloss , G lb , 7Jic ; Klngsforu's pure , 31b.
; KiiiL'sl'ord's bulk , 4c.
ernment Javai0 ! ( < MOc ; interior Java. 16 > i@
20c ; Mocha , 22@24c : Arbucklo's roasted ,
14 > < c ; McLaughlin' XXXX roasted , 14 } o ;
Dilwoi th's , 14 40 ; ited Cross , 14) c.
heAPS Kirk's Savon imperial , S2.70 ;
Kirk's ' satinet. 83.00 ; Kirk's standard. 83.05 :
Kirk's ' white KuHsian. 84.00 ; Kirk's White
Cap. 80.50 ; Dome. 83.85 ; Washboard. 83.10.
MATCHUP 1'er caddie , 2Sc ; round , per
case , 81.00 ; square cases , 81.70 ; mule squaie ,
CANDLES lloxes , 40 lb Gs , 9 ? c ; 8s , 9c ;
boxes , 40 lb , 10 oz , tislOe ; half box 20 lb ,
Dry liumoor.
12 tt II ft 10 ft 18 ft20 | ft22 | tt 84 ft
2x4 15.50 15 0 1D.5 15.60J10.EOJ17.M 18.M
15.0015.00 n.oo' ' is ooi ] .oi ) 10.00 ifl.ry )
. 15.M > .50 IO.BU 1D.OJ 1(1.00 (
2x10 15.CO . 15 00 . 16.00 1B.OO , 10.00
2x1 ! ! . . 15.5) ) 15.50 1B.K115.00 1U.M HUH ) 30 60
iorxii5.Boi5.wio.ool ) ! | ' . 17 no
No. 1 , 4 tt 0 Inch , 13 and 14 ft , rough. . .817.00
No. 2 , 4 & 0 Inch , 12 and 14 ft. , rotmli. . . 14.25
No. 2,4 & 0 Inch , 10 tt , . roiiBli 15.50
XX clear S8.10
KxtiaA * 2.03
A Stanilnrd 8.70
C-lnch clear l.o
No. 1 1.KO
Lath 2.45
1st coin. , 1U. 14 nnd 10 It 21.50
2d " " " 20.00
8d " " " 1WO
Fence " " 11.00
I.IMI : , ITC. :
Qulncy white Ilino ( hest S0.80
Cometit ( Akton )
Hair. . . . . O.i
1'laster 2.75
Tarred felt , per cwt 2.05
Stiiuvlxmrd : . 1.G5
A Olncli , white nine SW.OO
II 0 Inch , " " , I.OO
ooinch , " " 29.00
DOinch , " "
EOlnch , " " j. , 17.50
A12 Inch , 8,1 s ? W 14 and 10 ft 545.50
0 12 Inch " 1 " " Si0.r,0
No. 1 Com. 12 In..8.'l u. 12 , 14 and 10 It. 17.75
No. S " " 12.14 and 10 ft , . 15.75
1st and 2u , clear , . J Inch , s. 8s 851.00
ad , clear , IV Inch , . 3 8 S4'J.OO '
A select , 1. % 1 } < nntl 2 Inch , s.2 s 842.00
select , l > /ljVantl21ncli , s. 3 B SSfi.OO
1st and 2il , clear : 1 Inch , s. 2s $50.00
3d , clear , 1 Inch , 8. 2iH ( 845.00
A select , 1 Inch , s. 3 p S9.00 : !
JJ belecM Inch.'s. 2 H , 829.00
No. 1 Com. s. 1. a. 114 nnd 1(1 ( ft S17.25
No. 2 " "f 12.14 and 10 ft 14.75
No. 3 " " l'il4ni ) < 110H 111.25
No.4 " 12 , Hand 10U 11.00
' .Mill1 I.AI" .
No. l , plaln.Saiifl 10 inch. . . . 818.00
No. 2 , plain,6 ami 10 Inch 810.00
The population of Pennsylvania , by the
lust census , was 4,282,891 , und in compo
sition npprovimutud in ore closely to the
normal stunUm ; ; than most American
states , males being to females as 31ii to
211 ; native born to foreign born as iiO to
5 , aud white to colored us 410 to 8. This
is a more nearly omial proportion of
sexes than in any of the adjoining states ;
n Minnllor proportion of foreign born
than in Now Jersey , Now York or Ohio ,
and a smaller proportion of colored than
in Delaware , Maryland or West Virginia
A fine aero in West Omaha for $5,000.
J , 1) ) . Kvuns & Co.
The county commissioner ! yesterday nf
ternoon awarded the contract for charity
coal during tie winter to < J. ii lluyena
& Co.
Bridges Slcam Pile Driving.
Brges , Roof Trasses , Steam Pile Driving
Iron Combination ana ilowo Truss lliMtc ,
Plllnr ntid Oak Timber. ISlb St. , near Farnnui.
Telephone No 734.
Cigai-s and Tobncco.
* *
MAX XEVKK \ CX ) . ,
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos ,
Ouns nnd Ammunition. lift to 223South tlth
SHcct , NEUto 1CM Furunui Street , Omaha Nob.
Manufacturers ot Pine Cigars ,
And Whole ale Dealer * In I/i-af Tobaccos. Nos.
20Snnd _ mi N. Hth Street , Omulm. Neli.
* '
vr.'u\ *
Affeat for the Manufacturers and Importers ,
Crockery , Glassware ,
Lamps , Chlmne > s , lite. Ollleo , 31 ? Seuth ntli
Street. Om"lm , Mcb.
Anents for K. A. Whitney Cairlage Co. i
Children's Carriages ,
And Jewctt'g Celebrated UefriKoraiors. Sen
or prlco list * . 14l" > rarnsm < t. , Oraahix.
Cornices ,
Eagle Cornice Works.
John Tpcnolcr , I'l-onrlctor. Mutiufnnttircr of
Oiilvnnlrod Iron nnd Cornlro. KSI Hodfio and 1)1
undlOo NortU lOtb SUcot , Omnha , Kcb.
" "
liUKMI'INQ & "noi.TBi ,
Manufacturers of Omamcntal
Galvanized iron Cornices , Dormer
Windows , fluids , Ulc.HIO H. 12th 8t. Workdono
in any part of the country.
Western Cornice Worfcs ,
C , Sl'ECHT. Proprietor.
Unlvnnlred Iron Cornices. Etc. . ? P > ciit'sHi- _
l th St. . Omulm. Neb.
Doors , Sash. Etc.
The Gate City
Doors , Fnpli and Illluls. Also nil hinds nf
( in nlnir. t-cioll uud Stair work ol uvcry di > -
Manufacturer nnd Dealer InDoors
Sash Blinds Etc.
, , , Mouldings , .
Stair Itallg a specialty. Tvlcpbono No. S *
15tb aud Marcv fits. . Omaha , Neb.
Electrical Supplies.
L. W.V6LFE"jrcb.EIootrlcians ,
Electrical Supplies ,
MneonlR Block , Omnha. Durfflitr Alarms. Boll' ,
" ' Alarms , Ii'cctrlu Matting. Bpeaklnr Tnlioa ,
Iron Works ,
Wrought and Cast Iron Building Work
ron Stairs , Itulllnir , Hollud licnins nnd Olnlora
Btcata Knjrincs , lirajs Work. General Foundry
Machine aud Ulacksmltli Work. Offlo and
Works , C. P. Hy. and 3 17th 8U
Iron ar d Nails.
Cut Nails and Spikes ,
nro Nulls r.Spr slnltr. Ousnlia. Neb.
OmaTa Safe Works ,
Manufnctiircr of Klro nnd llurglnl Proof Safes ,
Vault Doors , .loll Work. Slnittcrs nnd Wlro
Work. Cor. Hth nnd JackEon Sis. , Omaha , Neb.
Wagons and Carriages.
Established 1S > 3.
The Leading Callage Factory ,
liCOaud Ull Dodge Street , Omaha , Nob.
Commission , Etc ,
M. naiiKE & SONS ,
Live Stock Commission
Geo. Duiko , Munaifor ,
Dnlon Stock Yards , S. Ouiulm. Tolo.jhono SB3
Union Stock Yards Company ,
Limited. John ! ' . IloyJ , HupcrlntondoaU
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
of uny nnd all kinds of Block bullolt
od. Union bttck Vnrdd.Omuhu , Nob.
Lumber , Etc ,
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime ,
Bash , Doors , Etc. Yards Cor. 7tU and Douglas
Cur. Otli and DouglaJ.
! Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
MouldliiKS , Stnlr Work ami Intorlor llnnl Wood
1'inlEli. Just optnod. N. K. cor. btli aud Lcuvcu-
wortU Strcuts , Omaha , Nob.
Wholesale Lumber ,
iH B. Hth Etruut , Oinahn , Nolj. f. Colpouor ,
Lumber ,
38th and California Street ? , Omabn , Nob.
Lumber Lime Cement Etc Etc
, , , , , ,
Cor. 6th mid Douglas Streets , Oinubu , VeU.
Wholesale Dealer in Lumber ,
Omubn , Nubruiika.
CIIA8. It. LKK ,
Hardwood Lumber ,
Wnf-cn Stock , Fancy Woods , lirlilgo Tlmbcin ,
ic. , 3. W. C'or. tUh nnd Uotifc' , Oiiiuhu , Nub.
0. B1. LV3f AK ,
Dealer in Sash , Doors , Blinds , Moulds ,
UUldUur Pnjior , Etc. South 13Ui Htreot , OiSa-m.
Fish , Etc ,
Euccoftorb to Ickcn Pleintson ie Go.
Wliolesalo Fish Dealers ,
Importers of Toroteu Fl h , Nos. Ull-913 Joooi
te = TBBtr < "t wid i' . J' . Truck. Umahiu Wob. . .
Confectioner" .
F. P , FAT & CO. ,
Manufacturing Confectioners ,
Jobbers of FrulU.V'itdanJ CUaM. 1211
Fainani bu , OuiahaiVeb.
Lime , Cement , Etc ,
wj of Illfliii Wil'.e Lra3 ! ,
And Shippers of Coal und Coke , Cement , I'lui-
tur , limo , Hair. Flro llriuk , Druln , Tile and
Bower l'li > o. Utlico , I'uxton hotel , tulophonu bll ,
Vuriiuni fctroet.Ouiuti , Nebraska.
Job Printing ,
Job Printers , Book Binders ,
Agricultural Implement s ,
' '
Wholc . . .o Dealers In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons
and llupplcs , Oinahn Neb. _
cmtKnuu , PAHKin ? ,
Whoks.Mo Drivler In
Agricultural implements , Yfagons ,
CnrriREO and Iturglc ? . .Icn-y St. , I'ct. Oth and
1 , Jmiih.i , N , I ) ,
boots and Shoe : ,
AV. v. MOIIRE * ro. ,
Joboers of Boots and Shoes ,
Hll Farnnm Ptrcct. Omaha , Neb. Manufactory ,
fr Street. Hoston.
Carpels. _
8. A. OUCH Aim ,
Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths ,
Mattings , Curtain Uooi . Klc. . Id !
Btrcct , Uiuahu , Neb.
" "
Coal , Limo , Etr.
Coal Coke , Limo and Stons.
Office , Has. 14th Kt.Omnlin , NeK Y rd8 , "tb
nud '
KT.llR > \BKAKt'ElC ( ) . ,
Shippers of Coal and Coke ,
SH S. 13th St. , Omnhn. Ni-h.
OPO. ( \ ' , 1'rcsldnnt.
Gio. PAnrnsox. Bco. nndTrons. _ _
.ll. Mui.iiERT. T. A. JlAi.rit ,
I'mprlctor. Manager.
Kehraska Coal and Lime Company ,
o.SlfS. 13th Street. Tolt phone . _
Oio. ! ' . I.Aiuott , 1'i-cf. C. V. ( lootiHAN.V. 1'rca.
J. A. ) Sue. and Ti-eas.
Omaha Coai , Coke and Lims Company ,
Jobbers of ! .ord nnd wCi coiU , iVJ S. Jl'tb ' at , ,
l'i : , Keb.
Hard and Soft Coal.
Exclusive dealers In llouldcr Colorado Coal.ZlT
Loulh Hill Bli ecu
IS 'ices
Home Coffee and Spies Mills MTg Co ,
Colleo Unnxtcrs and Spleo Grinder * , iiianii
facturorsof lliiklnsl'owdor , Flavoring Kxtrncts
niulnff , otc. Trron case of our 1-tt package
Home lllcnrt Hoattcd CotTe * . 1609 Howard St. ,
Craaha , Nob.
Omaha Coffee and Spice Mills.
Ten' , Cofices , Splcca. nuking i owder. Flavoring
Eitmold , Ijiumlry llinn. Ink , otc. 1111-la Hur-
ccy Street , Omolia , Neb.
Commission , Etc.
Wholesale Fruits' , Produce , Oysters ,
1121 Fnrinun St. , Omulm. Applce-Our own , , *
Inir 1'liitt & C.i. 8 'I'lgiT llnind Oysters , liuttor ,
Eggs , Qamo , I'onltr } ' , 1'otatoes.
General Commission Merchant ,
Produce , Provisions , Fruit ? , Flour and IVod , 10S
6. Hth St. , Omaha , Neb. Cuiislgmuuiits BOlieltcd.
Itetuins made DromntLv.
K. McMOXALl ) .
W5 12th Street. OmnUil. Neb. Speclultlos : But"
Produce Commission Merchants.
Poultry , llutler , Gnmo , Fruits , Etc. ! 20S.14th
St. , Omaha , Nebraska.
General Commission Merchants ,
1110 Dcdpa Street , Oniuhn. Nulinibka. Conplsn-
incuts solicited.
Storage and Commission Merchant.
BejiCiAi/riES Clnu > o , llutior. Er3 ( ( , Poultry
and Gnmo , 11U 8. llth. , Omaha , Nob. Tolu-
phone No. 3JJ.
WEKK'S & MILLA'ini ,
Storage and Commission Merchants.
Foiol n ami Dnmcstiu 1'iults : i bpeclulty. Kl-
egant Btornuo facilities. Wureliousu aud olllcu ,
JU North lath bt , Tulophono 775. _
D. A
Commission and Jobbing ,
Cutter , Etf 8 nnd Produce. A full line of Stoniv
ware. ContltfUiiienta tollcitcd. HU Uodtfo St. ,
Oinuha ,
Buyers of Butter and Eggs.
Retrljfcrntor nnd Packlnir JIouso , Hth & liouvcn <
worth St. , on U. P. K. 1 Track , Onmhn , Nob.
" '
Estnt > lFslicd"l870.
General Commission ,
tllB. 14th St. , Ouialm , Nob. Specliiltlcs nuttor
_ Eggs , Poultry and Giunu.
Commission Merchants ,
Fruits , Prccuico end Provisions , Omnha , Neb
Successors to Isaac Grlllith.
Commission Merchants
And wholesale deulurd in cojntry pruduco.
friilti , butter , O < TKBOIC. CooijtnnconalKniuuiit
a eirccl.ilty. KX > N.anti St. , Oinnliii.
Successors to A. P. Bnlmolc.l
Produce Commission Merchants.
No. " 13 South lth ) Stroel. Omnhn , Noh.
Dry Goods.
L. ciNsncna & co. ,
WholesaleDculcra In
Dry Goods Notions
, Hosiery , ,
UneuH , I.ucoa , Kinliiolikry und U'hltu Goods.
v _ KCODcuijluaJilrcot , Omnlm , Neb.
White Lead.
Strictly Pure White Lead.
roth St- , mid U. P. Hy. Oiualm ,
Harness , Etc.
Mnnufuctui orp find Jobbora of
Harness Saddles Hardware
, , Saddlery ,
Turf Goods , lllunkelB nnd Holms. 1121 rorimni
Htij > t Oinubu , Neb. .
Mattresses ,
E. M.
Mattress Company ,
Manufacturing Mrttrcseus , Hoddlne' , Fcathor
1'jllowB , Cole , Kta U'UO arid law Uouglaa gtrct-t ,
Omaha , Neb.
Overalls ,
CO. ,
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jeans I'liuls.Klihts. lite. , 1KU undl'OI. DourrlM
Btrnvt , Ouiaha , KcU.
Beer ,
Agent lor AQheuser-Busa Brewb ] isc'u '
jili : 1'iu.ut . Uudutla-jr iiailiirUuifcr.
Dealers In All Klnd of
Building Material at Wholesale.
Jfth Sit rotund , . ( inl'iun Track. Omsk1
Wholesale Dealer in Lumber ,
10th und Irnnl Sti cets , Omnlia , Nebra kt ,
Wholesale Lumber Lath
, , Shingles ,
RulMlnjr I'npcrji , Sash , D ori > , llllmlMnul4i
InRfl , I'icVots , POM * , l.line , I'laMer , Hnl/ .
Cement. Nlntn ana Jones. Oiuahn Nol > .
Millinery ,
i. ohiiirr.i.iKit : ) , * -1
Impoiters and Jobbers of
Millinery and Notions ,
sH Hartley Street , Omaha , Mi Instruments ,
r.intoi.M & iiiucKsoN ,
Wholesalers of Musical Instruments.
Clclnnny 1'lnnos.Vbor , Decker , Hiilnc < an < t
llrUrjrn 1'mnns , I'uuitiml Oruun * , L'huso Organs.
101 and 1U ) r.tti Mieet.
Furniture , Etc.
Furniture Mirrors
, Bedding , Upholstery ,
Ktc.llJ ; , l\13 and 131) ) 1'mimm Stieoc Omnti
Wholesale Dealers in Furnltara ,
_ I'urimm Street , Omaha , Nob.
, , -
K. II. CHAPMAN * . CO. ,
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars ,
Tol'&cco und Smokers' Articles , 1-1" Uu\MirdSC.
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas ,
Eplce * , Cigars nnd Tobacco * , lill" nnd 1310 Di > Ug
Ins Street , Oinuha , Neb.
' *
WcCOlll ) , I1HADY S ; COMPANY ,
Wholesale Grocers ,
Corner 10th nnd 1'imium Btieutij , Omnba , NoU
" "
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
Nos. 705 , 707 , 7W and 711 H. lUtb St. , Omulm , Notu
_ _
" *
Heavy Hardware , Iron , Steel ,
Bprlnpfl , tt'iiKon Htock , Ilnrilnuod I.\unhor , otcu
1'Mi and 1XMI llniney Htrei-v.Ouialia , Nob.
EDNEY& GI11110N ,
Wholcsalejron , Steel , Wagon
And CurrlnyoV V Stock. Heavy Hardware ,
Etc. m * and 121 cuvoiwortU Stieet.Omaba ,
: TAYr,01t ,
Builders' Hardware ,
Mechanics' TeeN nnd llutTalo Scalus. HOe Doug *
Ins Street. Omaha , Neb.
LKB , FItlKD k CO. ,
Jobbers of Hardware and Kails , Tinware ,
Sheet Iron , Kto. Agents for Iluwo Scales and
Miami Powder Co. . Omaha Neb.
Stoves , Ranges , Furnaces , Tiles ,
ifontlcb , Grates , llrnspoods. . Iffil nnd KtU FM
limn ytioet.
' '
Wholesale Hardware and Hails ,
Emerson Steel NnlK Cor. lOlli and llarnoy
StrtetB , Oii'Hlia , Neb.
Manufr-cturer of tlio
Deering , Harvester Goods ,
WrltB to Win. t. Lorlmor , OoiionU
Omulm. Tc'ciilionoUlO.
Iron Pipe , Etc. _ , . . -
Pumps , Pipe and Engines.
Btiam. Wutnr , Unllwny nnd Mllllim Supplies , Kty
\KO , OiJ und ttl ! Fnriium St. Omulm , Nob. " _ J
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fitting ,
Btcnm nnil Water Supplies. Headquarters
Must Fooyt '
Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Jewelers.
Dealers In Silverware. , Dliiinoiiils , Wntchea'
Clocks , .lowolors' 'J'ools ' nnd.Mutcilnls , Kto. , 1U1
nnU 103 , Ifitli Street , Cor. Dcdyo , Omulm , Nob.
Mct'ons ' , E c ,
JubDord 111
KotionsHosiery. , & Gents'Frrnlshing ' Goods
100 Innd 1003 Farnum St. , OmahaNob
J. T. Robinson Notion Company , .J
'M nnil 405 S. 10th Ft. , Omnha , Nob. A
Wholesale Dealers In Notions nnd Goats' tUP.
nlslilni ? Oooils. l
Oils , Etc.
TANK MNB co. ,
Wholesale Dealers in Oils ,
aasollno , Mlon A\lo Greu , Etc. A. 11. Illahop ,
, Omaba , Nub. ,
Pork Packing.
Pork Packer and Shipper ,
Omaha , Nebraska.
Packers and I'rovision Dealers ,
DHlrc , Union Mnilii't. IM" DoMcc .Street. 1'uuklng
limito , U , 1 > . U. lUTiuul.- , Omaha , Nob. 'i'o\o- \
phone No. 157.
Safes and Locks.
"i > . IIOYUII & co.
flgents for Hall's ' Safe & Lock Cosf
Flro undlluri.'larl'rnot Hiifes.Timo rjocl < HVauItl
mid Jiill work. 1UO ( rarnain htroot , Oinalm , Noli
Seeds ,
Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Seeds ,
lit-'rlcultiirul. Ycjfetabld , I'.lc. Odd IVllows' Hull ,
N. W. Cur. 14th nnd Dodjfu St , , Oinnliu , Nob.
Drugs , Etc.
Wholesale Dru lst5 ,
And Dealer In I'alnls , Olla and Window Oaev
Omaha , Nub. , ,
Wnis ! , Etc ,
ni : & co. ,
Distillers and Importers of Wines
Am ) rliorc. , | ! Polo niiunitiU'liiforH of Ki'iincdr'1
Jnti : Jnilhi llltlors. 111 ' lluriivy Sueu , Omulio ,
w ,
to MoN.uujjA & DUNCAN , Impni tort
ami Wbolesulo Dcnlurii In
Wines , Liquors and Cigars ,
14 und IMG S. 14th St. , Omuliu , Neb.
" " otlo .s , ttc" : ; "
, V BON ,
Wholesale Job Lots ,
Dry Goods , Notions , Oiintb' FnrnlHlilii ' flonJi ,
( Joudg frnin New York. Tiud' ) tnloD dully. M4
om" < ! S i'uii'.li UlhSt.Omnliu. _
Flour and Feedi _ ,
W.J. Wil.5H.VNS& : CO. ,
Wholesale Flour , Feed and Grain ,
Munufm-lutertof W. J. WI-IMIUHS Jt t4j. ' Quick
lialtmulliuKwiicni Iliiuruml p'oiirlotnmOiniina
L'Uy Mills , cur. fcth and r'ur'ium ? truut , OiuuLa.