Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 18, 1886, Page 7, Image 7
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY AUGUST 18. 1886. V SPECIALsOTIGES AtUcrtl cmcnt undortbls lie it. lOccntspor line lor the flft ln ertion , 7 cent * for cscli sub- Bcqticnt ln erron , nnd , l.Bfl n line * per month No adtcrtlscmont tnkui for less thnn a"i cents for tlio flr t insertion , Pecn words will bo counted to thf line : thr-y muft run consecu tively nnd mu t be pnlil In advance. All nd\er th-cmcnts must be linmlod In before a o'clock l > . in , .nnd nndtr no clrcum tanec < will thoj betoken token or dlconllntifil b > telephone. I'm tics adtcrtlMnir In thce tolnmns nn.l . Inv- Ingtho answers n 'dics cd In euro of THE BEK will plon o n k for n check toonnble them to prt tliclr lettcr , ns none will bi delivered except on pieentnti < , n of check. All fiti wors to ad vert it > etiicnt hould lie cm lo'pil In rnvolouce. TO iOAIT-MOHET. ij pioperty nt (3 ( percent , mti reM. 0.V. . Ditj , over UI2 < JI : _ _ ,7 ; PIK : < 'ivr Monej to oan. J. J. Mahoney , K > ISOiI'arnnm. lt MONKY It ) LOAN-On farm and nt ) prop- city , nt lowest rates , VV. A , Spencer ISiO I'urnnm st. Id SPIXMAL ITNI > or wn.iion to loan in amounts to mil , on short tlmo mortngci , thieoto twcKe months tlmo on property Im proved or unimproved , Cnll nt the Omnlm VlnntiL'lHl r.xrlmnito , second lloor of Barker Bloc-k , f. JV. Cor Fnrnnin nnd IMIift KM \\7Klm\c chean money on tome time , In any Y > fimmit ] > , io lonn on Insidecltvproperor ! ( arm land. Marshall A l.obeck , 1511 1'nrnntn st. riit CKNT monry to hum. It , C I'nttnr on , 13th nnd l > nuila ; < > . CIS riNAM'IALKXC'lIANfJlilUpro * OAIA1IA mnko lonns In HIIJ ntnount.on nny kind of Hptirovol wcnrlty. Ijiruo collateral Joniid n | > rclBliy. Al o on chnttels nnd rnnl nuto In nmountsnnd tlmo to suit. I iwer rnlcp , licttor terms , nnd prompter service tltnn nny lonn URcncy In the city. Per further pnrtlrnlnrs cnll nt olcp ( on the Sf totid floor of the tlurker Block , louthweet corner of Fnrnnm nnd IMIi D7 , and Hpcrti'tit money to lonn , taken In exchanges for real estate. Onttnl Investment Co , Itoom 7 , Bntkcr IllocUjUor 1.1th imd I'm num TO U1AN At lo et rfllng of Inter est on fnrmnnd improved ellv property. 1 * . .1. Iny ) & Co. , ft , rmiiiiM't'j block , S. 11 rortior ciipilol incnuc nnd ICtliit. . r < T epi ) POXIJY TO LOAN At lower ratethan nny. M where pl c In the cityon furniture , pianin , 01 gnus , hot PS. waeoni. or stock ol any kind. Hcmomber , al lower rnti-s than any other loan company in tbn city. City Lonn Morlpnuo Co. . room in , 14U1 rarnam Bt , opposits Pnxton betel. _ tl MONKV to lonn by the midei signed , xvho hns thii only proiiorly orKiitil'eil loan nuency In Omnhn Ixinn * ot $10 to f 1,000 mnde on fur niture , plnno . orRnn , horses , wagons , machin ery , Ac. , without removal. No delays. All business Plrlrtly confidential Loans so made that any pnrt cnn he pnld nt nny tlmo , enchpay ment reducing the ro t pie rnta. Advances made on fine watches and diamonds. Persons should carefull\ consider who thev are dealing with , ns many new concerns are dally romlncr Into existence. Should you need monor , call nnd sen mo. W. It. Croft , Boom \Vltlinoll Iltilldlnir , Ifith nnd Harnoy. 4V1 TEH CRNT Monev to loan. Stewart & Co. , 6 Itoomi : , lion bank , 12th nnd Farnam. 455 f : SO,000 to"lonn. . Sum fiVO nnd upwards. Lowest rates. Bcmis , 15th and Dougla'sts- M"ONKTTO LOAN-O. I'rDavlsiCo. lieaT Eitftta and Loan eonts , 1503 FarniunSt. MONEY TO LOAN On peed securities. A McQavock , room7Hodick Block , 1509Farnam M' ' ONKv TO LOAN Ou real cEtuto and chat tola. D. L. Thomas. 453 MONKY TO LOAN In lums of 1200 nnd up wards on first-class real cstat * security. Potter & Cobb , 1615 Farnam Bt. 4SU MONKY L < IANED at C. F. Iteed * Go's. Loan ofllce. on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons porEonal propertT of all kinds and all other ar ticles of value , without removal. 319 S. 13th. over Blnjfhnm's Commission store , AH bus ness etrtctlr oonfldontaL 401 CHANCES. FO3t KAI.i ; at n bargain-In the pleasant town of filcnwood , Iowa , In n rich fruit district , a now brick fruit packing nnd storage IIOHBO. 40x44 foot , tvo stories Including tmso- ment , double wall frost proofs und well nr- nineod ; with storage cnpaclly of over JO.OOO bitsboN. Cooper shop attached , and dwelling house on adlolnlng lot. A largo cider mill nnd pi 084 and a first-class Zimmerman evaporator. No. 4. This entire outnt , including about 500 now npplo tinrrols , will bo sold vary low. Address or call on L. A. Williams , Glonwood , lown. 128-23 IfiOll SAI.K A stock of dry goods , carpets , shocxnnd lurni hlng goods. Ooodrcnson given for soiling. Address 11. Kohn , Sownrd Nob. 133 19 IT" " * SAH5 1'irst-clasi Groccrv : average JU daily business t8. * > to * 75cn h : ! lj to40 book accounts. Good location , flood reasons Tor retiring. Call at 2023 I'icrco street. John Wol- linger. 107-17 * FOII.SA1.I2 A peed pitying business for 525 address K 65 , Bee ollico. 12J 17 * POKSAI.i : Hnmllotonion colt ( broken ) sulky , Imrimv'B.tup buggy , stable and or gnu , by UiiKlncu Itobuits , Fort Omaha- 045 19 F-OK KAMi-13.000 stock drugs nnd flitures In one of the best It. 1L towns In centra Nobrnska. Excellent ttado. Growing town , Annual stiles (10'OQrn b. One of the rare op porlunltlesto steplnto an excellent business. Address. 1C 4t. ! onrn line. RV1.17 1iOK8Ali , ; The complete furniture of the Nebraska Vinegar Works. Call soon on K. Krobs. Jones st bet tth nnd 10th at , Omaha. 610 Foil SALE An elegant established business , the best of the kind In the nest located In this city ; nut protltB $5OOO.OJ per annum ; will bear closest InvcEtigation ; Invoice about * 15,000.00. I'nrtles with-means wishing to stop Intojx flnc buBlnesfl nddross K 7 , Boo ollico. 44 < jjlOU 8ALK riri-t-clnsa meat marKet with X1 nlco fixtures , all complete : good trade ; best of reasons for selling. Call or write to Goo. W. MHfgon , 1C21 Howard. 823 I7 < Olt HALi : One of the oldest established J grocery business In the city , with a very largo , wolf-paying trade. Will exchange for Omaha real eptato or part ca h and balance se cured notes. Good reasons given for selling. Address " 131. " lice oHIco. 087 H O11SE.S I.ots.Fnrms.Uindb money loaned , BoiiiUj 15th nnd Douglas streets. 462 TTiOlt BALK Povcral Blocks of goods , dolnirn O. " healthy biiflnoss. ownership clear , pntls- foctlon guaranteed ; terras easy. Rome Omahn property taken In oxchaupo. Marshall & Ix > - beck , 1511 rarnara et. 465 rOUND. rilAKKN ur-Buy mare , S years old , whlto -L star In forehead ; small ecratclt on right front foot , branded 0 on neck. : ! fil7 Caldwol ttieot. Wells 1'lcrco. Jy20-27aug3-10-lT LOST. 1OST A lady's 6llk purse , betxreon IMIi anil j Dodge and lUth and Douglas streets. Tinder will bo lowardod by leaving eame at A.I ) Horse's shoo store. 142 17 * TOST A sorrel horso.two whlto feet on hlnu J legs , ona whlto fninl foot and a lilto spot In lii-iul , lliiloMitr In front logs and a leather haltoron. Ixist from CutOtr lake on the llth of August. Finder plcusu return to 017 Charlns rt. , north of Cnmlngund n liberal reward nil bo pnld. 87517 * TOST A gold necklace with gold pencil at 4-1 tachod , between 16th und 1Kb , streets on Cass , biinday nionilug- . Finder please leave at Boo olttoo. uya 17 * BOABDUTQ. OAKUING 1224 Capitol avenue , northeaa .corner Thirteenth street , house newh furnUhoJ : ever/thlnsr first class. 741 ' 'O * TmiltST-CLAPS-Tabloboard.COT } S. 19th corner JSt. . Mary's avo. tU-lfi ) > J OAHAnd lodgings , ut 3 N. 15tb t. . Dv. Kanulo V. Wiirren rlaln O ) ant. Medkwl and buslnosi Medium Hoom > o. ti. 121 Kortb luh Bt , OmtihH , Neb , JVOV waut any bonds , mortgages. ! IUHOU fr.ctiirors , railroad or bank stocks bouuht or doiot fall to first see M , I * lllggtns ; 1501 Ifou want bargains in city or suburban lots.dnclllujr housns or buslne8 property It Oiruha.tlrit poM. L. HigglnSMt ISuUDoiigUi t If you want to trade stocks of goods for wlK'Jl0nllnprove ? < l tirms , Urtt * ce M. 1 * HI5gm at l&Ou Douglua M. If you want to trade hortos , wagons or bug. p CD , lots In or about Omaha , Urst see M. I < . Uig Kiiit l 1.V3U Douglas t. If j on want to buj or trndo for a homo or for property to hol.l on hpecuUlSca , first see M. L. Jlliri-Hisnt rjCflDottslaiht. 070 13 T7Um lli\T--iuuro | Piano , } ! montblr. A 4loii ! > nk IK > UJ.I | < 46S rnitl.Kfs lloictlinsb ' * . oto , pldntixl 1 roe for J- \ * > , n < uuy i or Do igiu Co. Nunorlcj. ,0. Haw ril. I u'i. , JtX box rJO. bSI-oiS OCHOQI , OF STENOORArilY-Hooni T.lron * ? _ H&nk. _ _ _ _ ' M3-17 _ 1T You wanFto employ sTenogrnpher nnd typewriter operntor , nddro Valentino's Minrthand Institute , K.TpO'ltlon bull ling , Oniahit , Xeb. 84-S-12 O rAIt HAXSKN . Interpreter , l lt Cumimr St. . traii'lator ol legal dostiments.eorro - liondeiico. etc. from the Frcm-h ( Oertn n nnd 'cnnillnnilnn ' InnRimBes ! cotitt * and oHlees nt- tende.l. | iruntfIe wiissl cM. 13S-19' _ OMAllA lunl { I > tate , llou o & "FurnlsheJ llooi'i Agency , Money Ix > anil on Itenl i : - lute , Duyton .V Ka > tmnn , prnpnotor * . nmln ollko KfJI Doinrlasnt . branch olliccs 1213 Far * nnm st. . 1413 Douolas t. , 416 MCih.MO and ffil S Kith : telephone No. 40J. A largo ll t of fur- nlrhcil onilunfurnlshiil teem . him 'S , ect , lor cu tnmors to select ftotn I/ouve .vonr iion f nnd room wilh u * : w o will soon till them tip vtlth de itnblo tctinnts. Como to us lor rooms nndhou o ; cnn suit yon at once ; far- riawcs lor patrons ; tclcphonu or cnllntubovo olllcos. _ I * J'J _ 3F Yon want sliorthnnd Ic'Tt-l'OOk * e.ill or nd- dre , Vnli'iilme't Shorthand Iti'Mule , 1A- position biilldlnir. Oinnha , Neb. WiS-IJ _ lt ltl ! > r A Plorn on n good ret ill street. - Appiy the Omaha Heal Ustato and Iximi . W CO. _ _ _ _ _ _ [ Tioil HUNT organs , f2 per month. ilo pe7 V 15U Douul.H. 274 irunt lll'.Nr Srmro llano f.i monthly. L1 Hoipc , IMIDoueliM. 27J BALE MinCEI.r.ANEOUS. K SAI.i : lOgood meat blocks. Apply at HKI I toward l. 144 j SAM : A bonutirul cnddlo hoise. or will ctcnntnro for pony. Apply to John M. jnoroOmaha , 1' . O. l-'i 17 " " OlfS , . . Star machine FOIt SAIr.-Boele-clicnp. ! , nlmost new , pickled nil over. Inoinic at A llospo'a. ' JIOKKAlTK A inoillum 9lio nifo iin iil'y ' now , . with Inside door. Ciimbliiiitlon lock. li drawer cubinut nnd letter Illu wltb doors. 1 mpdluin Mzo letter pros * . 1 pint form -male. 1 platlorm counter scale. PanottoA Sweeny lllll llmnoy frt , I7 FOUSALi-IO : good meat blocl-s. Apply IGJl Hownril st. 141 2J SALK-.Mtllos , 1120 N 1 ? , 59MS * fiOlt SAI.i : I'nrnltiiro fi-room house complete - pleto for 'iioiiiukooplni ? ; pilco $ * H. llouso rent jSj pur month , flnts locution , 17IU Oouulns M. _ ' _ "fTIDIt SAI.K Kiirnltiiru nndl en'o of ib-toom J3 IIOIIPO , time on pnrt. Cull 1MJ > orth LTtli Mroot , two blocks from lied Cnr lino. KU HiTOsTfi IxitsTnTmiXifiuls-Miionoyloaned. _ lcmlsir ! _ > tli nnd Uotiirla slroen. 471 _ > -.Vli : I pianu , turnituro mid Kltoho 717S. lUth st _ _ - Tnoit SAlTi : cTionp. iron columns 'iiidwln- JJ dovcnp nltnlilo for front on brlok bu lid- In ? . For partlotiliirs nppl } ' at till1 ! ollico. SI ! WAHTED-FEMALE HE1.P. \\7A.NTr.D 30 peed Kirls for city , country mid the west : nil Klinls ofnoik : cull nnd inriulrt ) 1IU Noklli 10th st. Omaha Umploytnont . ' CTANTKD A dish washer , at Planters bott o , > corner Dodge und Hth bt. 110 18 * " \\"AN"Tii : > At once , n jounir lady account- V > ant as bookkeeper ; 0110 with oxporlonco nnd living with nnrctits preferred. Apply at J. II. Johnson & Co. , bend of St. Jlnry's avo. H3 17 WANTKU-A little Rlrl to take earo baby and help clean : wages 51.W per week. 1823 Farnam st. UO I7ANTKD Good irli I for general houfoviork T Mm S. A. Sloinun , 1014 I'nrnnm st. 1UG a kitchen glrLi tit Oocldental. ANTiu : A peed Kitchen slrl. Call imme diately ut 920 Harncy street. llW-18 * - for Kcnernl housework , llrs. Hammond , VirKinla ave , tocoml house north ol Lcavuuworth.cost side of street 120 17 * WANTKU A peed pirl for > roncral house work. 604 South 21 t street. 10i-19 \XTANTKU-A good girl for Kenoral oik at VV 2M4 Uuveaport st. i)8J ) 10 WANTED Girl for Bcnenil housework nt H. W corner Nineteenth and Loaven- worth streets , 93- -\VAIJTK ° A B'rl ' In n restaurant , 1410 S. \ T Thlrteonih street. JTO lb * \TTANTIU Night chambermaid : colored l profortcd. 012 Douglas st , , Olive Brunch. IKJ7 A first-class flnshor nnd Ironcr. Apply at the Couens , 101 W IANTKD 3 girls at 1010 S. 10th. or , is- WANTKU Girl for kitchen woik. 415 N. 15th Bt. M218 TTTANTKD A girl who is a peed cook nnd laundress , nt2021 Chicago. Will pay J.W per month. MU 17 WANTED Girl for general housework nt 1813 Webster st. 'J72 ANTKI > Nursofe'Irl , also for second woik. Inquire 924 Park avo. B ! < 3 WANTKU Lady canvasser Address giving references und experience , loom a Barker block. 8.JO-I7 * \V ANlKIJ Girl lor general UOUSO\VO K , No. 1918 Capitol avc , north side , bet lUth and 20th. 730 WANTHU-At 1522 Howard fit.n reliable girl for kitchen work. Mut-t bo KOuU , plain oook , washer and Ironcr. Gurinan or Irish preferred. 544 ANfKD A flrst-clnss chamber maid at the Windsor Hotel. KS KShum \\fANTKU An oipe'lonced cook nnd hum- T > dress. Good wages , 4MrsG.J. . Hunt F Virginia avo. , and Grant st W .VNTKU Immodlatoly.ft Jlrst class cook a 1B12 Dodge BU B05 WANTKU 23 j-oung ladles and gents to learn telegraphy. Prospects for positions when competentgood. Address W. J. D. room lCroum > o block IGth st , Omaha. 7J3 WAUTED-MALE HELP. 17ANTKIJ A mnn to wash dishes and do V housework nt 101 ! ) Huruoy st. 120-17 * I7ANTii A drug clerk , single , and Gor- V mnn prcfcircd. Cor 15th and Ylnton sts. laj-n * ! A good btoady barber. Good wages at 418 S. 10th st 117-17 * \irANTiil : S3 carpenters at Fowler Puck- > ing honso , South Omaha. 118-lu * WANTEO By n competent man , situation as n teamster or any kind ot work. Direct otfora to W P. , care or City Hotel , or "K fiS , " lice ollico. 110-19'n ANTJD : Teams nnd shovelcm on 13th and I'unumi. 121 17 * ANTHI > First-class whlto barber. Ad" dicss , grod Perkins , Bmlr , Nob. 112-19 W.VNTID : An utt'y and export accountant of varied experience In business matters nnd competent to till utmost any station , desires position ; think could till position of credit-man in a wholesale or mnnTg concern ; brings best of rnforoncn from another city ; has family ; : W years old ; good addtess. Will accept moderate salary If position has uuy piomitoiuit Addruci K 67 , Bee omco. 10S-17 * WANTKD-Qood Blacksmith at Novelty Iron works , 100 und 1U3B. 14th St. 101-17 * WANTKU Ten men of good appearance , can make | 3-S u day. Call at 1412 South IStb Bt 7M 0 * tlfANTKU 2 first-class colored waiters. Only Ti these that cnn giro good recommenda tions need apply : wages IM per month and room. Address KM , Boo office. 1C7-19 * "WANTED M men for railroad work In Wy. > > ominir. U. S. Albright , K. It Labor agency , 1J03 Farnam street. Wl ANTiiA : rood reliable watcbmaUer.tnust furnish refereticua. A splendid chnnco for thorlebt man. Address , 0.1. Furbracb , Chad * ron , Nob. STJ-19 WANTED f 10 a week given to capable gen- tlcmau. No. II Main at. , Council Blulfe. 678 ANTKU-Poiiry cooU ut Windror Hotel. E49 09 N. Ktb ( t. 15 W 1A NTtU-Two good saleimon. Wi K. ICtb St. Sit \\TANTI ; ! ) fahort-hand student * ; export- IT enced toachor. Totnis , J20 for complete coureo. Addreu K 28 , Hey office. GCusS SITUATION WAHTED. \\7ANTED-10 men for grading , w gp J1.7J TT per day ; call at o DOC , US North luih et , cor. Capitol nvouue. U. O. Belle-ls'.O , 150 "WTANTKD IS men for track laying ID VTyora. i ' lag on the Northweitcrn ; irood wugei ; EhlpVednoiJay inorulntr at S o'clock ; cittlco will bo opcu this evening until 8:3) : ) , call 118 Nortu loth u , cor Capital avetiue. 1M.17 WANTKD-Situation by a young man speaks ( 'cr'oua. Had ( omo bualncsa oipcrience. Gooil rcf ercuoe. Addrtu K W liu ) oUlcc.1113. ? ? ' \\-ANTr.IJ-SItuatlon bybriJffe foreman ( in > > Howe TrtiM , coinblnatioti or Iron bridges Address Kt TO Bee office. IM 2 | ' _ \\ANTii : > By n youniTlndy , ft portion ns 1 1 povorne s or companion. Will te-ncli 1'rcncn , Ocrmnn nnd Enirli < li Would nl O tnfco chnrKO of n w Idowrrs' house. Addre N. M. U < X1 Lincoln. Neb. liH 17' ' _ _ WANTKU Pltuntlon by o younir man In n private family tndo _ rencr -\vork l nbopt house , ( jood references. Addr4 s K , M. Boo. \ \ 7 A > Tltl : Slluntlon by 2 "cnndlnavlnn RlrU I /n iirlvato family , one cook and ono oc- tf ml work. AdnressWl Division jt. | . 141 Jg * \\TANTKII-A I > nnl h plrl wotilil llfecfn 1tn- IT nt'on B luindre"or ! nur P iilrl , or tor prnernl work in g"o I family. Addrcs * K l , llceolllco. 0-1) l > * XAXSCCEiIiAZ722OT7S WAHTS. ATvTKTV To loin tnnnev nt if j > cr cent on II. AP's ub Ints nppl ) to It. C. I'nttrr-iin oier CominiTi' National 11 ink. 100 AVANTIID A gooJ family her e : mu t bo > > oed ono nnd ponllo. Appl ) l"-'l How ard st. IK 17 _ 1\7ANTii : ) SienoKt-nnlior , to buy * lypo i Per cheap , J. 11. H-.o ties & Co. , Omnhn. 148 10 \iANTIli ! A younir Inly wlshoa furnlsho 1 t loom with board In private fumllv. All- dress. "K , 0V Bee ollico. _ 113 W" \\7ANTi : To rent for term of ynnr < by ' * merchant , a cotnlorlnbk' ilwolllHR lit ren- sotuiblo price. Address K Si , Ik'e oiHcu. WI-llI1 W 7v" > TiT : u-o t i io In wnshrnp iTnd Iriinliir. 2d bouse Hum llntney on 17th. Mi- ? . Pr . - ' nco. _ nlS-17't W ANTKD Permanent , first class board Inln ie pectnblo fninlly. Mu t na\o largo front room and ono small one. Addre * Immediately , 1 Irst-clnss Board , W17 Douglas street. i \VA.STKO FiirtiMiod rooms with b < mttl ' i wntited by ircntlemnn nnd family from Mt September. Addre's 1C W , Boo. . W5 ! 1ST V\7"ANTi : A tow Ptoeks of hardware niwl ' V Kenernl mctchmidUo for N brnika linils nn J Omuba lots. Swan .V Co. , Frcnier Block. WANTKD-Anold oMnblhhod Philadelphia Publishing ( M. want nn to rnpr < > - sent t'lem nnd their ptibllcntlons in Omnhn ana tneotntoof Nebraska. Applicants mu t thor oughly undcrstiml the Book Business , both in NiWr-fjidimniiil . .tilpvtfoliiW : ; ; > tr/mentx. / Our publications arc of n Commercial chnr.tetot- anilatooisiMitml and snll rapidly to Mmch-lun , Mmiiifacturcra and business concerns ifonernlly In o01 y section of the country Pernmnoiit. employment nnd good pity to an acceptable party. OurostiiblldhoIntrant" nro miikliiu Irom 5101 to ? aw per mouth. Address , Blvhiff experience - perionco , roferuncos , etc. , It. P. Co. , Hex Mi , Phllndolpliln , Pit ma IT * V\TvfNTKI > To "rent aMiitill neatly liiniKhcil > room near Bee ollico. Address stating ! 2 ! 5JL'i ' ! ! 5 ? ? ° QC ° - ( M " \\'ANrKI > A peed house on monthly "pay- T meets. Address H , 03 , Ileo ollico. f".V > . "tT ANTISI ) To buy a nice residence or ( rood > > bulldlm ; lot In n desirable location. Ad dress II , CO , Itco ollico C.- \\TANT1JD Hoom and board In ( tnod private T ? lamlly. Can R\O | best of refcronccA Ad dress K 43. Uoo oflioo. 820 A ( looctsteady nero with sprlne wagonand harness : must bo chounMo bo pnld lor In monthly Installments. AiMress 1,37 Bee omco. 1S3 [ TANTKU Teams. T. Muirny. EEJSTT-HOUSES AKD LOTS. FOR UKNT Cottage of sit rooms , cor. 18th nnJ Chicago sts. , S. Lehman , 1I08.4"nam. . 131 F OU KKNT 3 room house , 20th und Nich olas ft M. F. Mat tin. 131 HUNT Auood six-room house m first- FOH class loc tion ; convenient to business. For Particulars address vv 1th refctonce 1C 71 , Bi-e of fice. 1M FOK ItKNT A nlco new seven-room hou = o , with irood turn , city nnd soft water. In quire of C. If , Krickbon. opposite P. I ) . 102 TTtOK KKNT For a term of J ears , the 2-gtory X ? brick building on the n ocor.of 10th nnj Uouglus. Inquire at drug store , snmo pjaco. 7 4 * F Ion ItKNT New C-room houses , near .street cars. D. C. Patterson , Omaha Nut'l bank ; C74 FOH HUNT DOBirnblo n-roomooUagr-fiouth U.P.'depot , .1. l'hlpp ; Hoe , lJBOUfau03 , t FOR LKASE Wo have eleven acres on tJ. I * . K. It track , SJ ) feet front : will lease all ac part for live years. Bedford &Souer. 7M ran KEITT KOO&XS. FOK I > i : > T rurnUhcd room for 1 or 2 gen tlemen. MoUain conveniences. 010 N 17tli Bt. 127 F ItKNT Furnished one large front - room and ono back room. Address K , 19 Boo onico. lii 17 171OK HUNT Nicely furnlshotl front room J ? with flrst-clnss board to two young gentle men. Price rcasonuole , 521 Pleasant it 12321 * FOIt KKNT 2 furnished rooms for gentle men. Hefcrcnco required. IBOSCossst. 114 20 F OU HUNT Very comfortable nnd well fur nished rooms with board. 201U Webster. 11010' ' KKNT 2 trent roomsfor light house- JTXOIl 1 keeping. If party will buy furniture , rent and furniture cheap , 70S N 15th street. 111-18 * POU HUNT Furnished front room for ono or two gentlemen.'i2t North loth st. W117 * Foil ItKNT Nicely furnished mom with modern conveniences , and In first-class location. Apply at 1924 Farnam htreot- 700 "IT1OK ItKNTA furnished front room 117.00 .1 ? per month ; bed room K > .UO , atlSIS Farnam street. FOR UKNT Nlco front room on Farnara bet II and 12th , apply to H. W , Huntrass , 1303 Farouui st. ' .Ml ErOK BUNT Fho nicely furnished rooms , 1 bath room and water closet on premises. Terms moderate. 412 N Hth si. bet. Chicago and Cass CLV1H FOIt KKNT Two very nicely furnished rooms with board , house U surrounded by n nice lawn and lias bath room and gas , also day board. 8. W. corner of 20th anil Webster. 815 I71OU ItKXT A suite of lurnkucd front J ? rooms. II. IX Boyd , 410 North'liUb , llstn brook block. 001 IS POlt niSNT A suit of rooms with first class board , 1812 Dodge. BOa FOU KHNT Nlco rooms nt 1S21 Furnam Bt.,1 block west of court house. 5J3 FOK HUNT Fn > nt ollico , 2d floor , Omaha Nat'l Bank. Inquire D. C. PatterMm. 037 FOItJIIENT Suit of furnished rooms for two gentlemen , 1811 California at. CSS flOIl 1 IlENT-rurnlshod rooms at 1707 Cuss st. ca TTIon ItKNT Two front parlors , jiowiy fur- jl nlsued. 2311 Ht. Mury'a uvoouo. Cll TpOR KENT1'urolshod room , 1810 Doujfo. , Fou UKNT A furn.shod parlor roonuwltU board , suitable for two gentlemen ; .also Hrst-clMs table board ; rcfcronco rcqulrod-lal4 Dodge. JM \ Ir OllitKN - A. nicely furnished south room 1 1007 Douglas st. ItefBrcncea renulred. 475 FOH KKNT Doslrablo furnUhod rooms nt 1811 rarnnm * etroet. tia - ItKNT Two store raomi on. llth ft , J.Johnson , 13J4farnam. SSJ HitB-HOn3E3-IOT3. TpAItTIEa wishing to soil should list their J- property with Bros. , 15191'urnam. STOCKDAI.i : I ) MITCUKH-J&IC Dojgo itrect. licit block In Carthage for sale cheap , con- talnlug 14 superb lots. 44 foot on Farnam street , adjoining old Pity Hall , I1M ) per front loot , M cnsb. ; fttlenlioii capltaluts. r Jot Sox313 feet , with 3 splendid reeldencrg , only ilvo inmutea' walk from postoOico , only .T.lJUO , .I.OUOcash ; jfcnulno bancnlu. UKcrviewloUbestvI iw in city , from Sl to f 1 00 ; easy Urms. 6 minutes' walk from pnstofllco , tot S3x13 feet , withZfine residences , S7.Q03 , 1'Jeuao invea tUruto. This is a murrain. Nino-room house and H lot oaTicentieth st , very nearoity ccntrn , only ti Oi ) . KW cash ; all In line repair. Four of tbo choicest lots on Lowe nvcnue , near Dr. Mercer's , south and east fronts , ut u bargain for only a short time. Bo turn nnd cnll and -wo will guarantee to suit. Wo have a lut thatftll can select from to their entire satisfaction mid boaeBt , Adbvro to the fairojt destiny with all. btocUalo& MUcbtll , 1514 Dodffofitreut. vnsi U 1IAI1GAlKa In Itoal K tutu call ou Mayae Bros. , 151V I'ernsia ; w bqvo Miclarg it itt la city , TO MAKK n sircthlng ) buy a lot In H. 4r snb. Do It now before prices are raised , A , a Patterson , 13tTrand Douglas. 100 ' Oil SAl.lT-By'M ! , . lllnrln ( 7 l.W ) DouglM st.n ba-pnln forfrdnv only , n 4-room c it- tAtroott Siumdcr * * ! . Pold le than tno months npo for $ JT.V ) , nojr ufftr for fi.WO. Cash t7\W , l > nltprooa ] r tcrws. . Owner must rnl fomo money. ' ' Wl IS _ MAYNK )3n-VN - Furtiain lm\o In hmi p nnd imsnll ; parts of the city. Call nnd see theitt 17\Olt \ SAM ; W etchinrn for irencral mor clinndlfc.Wiicrtrt fln lly Improved InnJ In Southern lown , ndjolnlnz county Boat itnd mil- rend , In Decatur * county. Has a flnp c-riam hou o. lanro InriH ftO-foot she 1 , ( rood ell. prlbir nnd runnlnir watiTlilno npplo trees , uborrlts Krnpe , etc. Bornhnrd Saclisse , 317 S. , IHh * t,0mfthi , Xcl nij Mnynjj Place , for silo by Maj-jia Bros , l.M'l Knrn m , only n blocks from parker or trcrt cur lino. Call and $00 tliom. Sold on term . _ HIJIKMAtMTtt A l'ATTimM vS "uUlTt vl lonndloltis new OoiKJt unit intinitijrTno lory on Lmtvcnwort h M reel. KM th < > ehpnpe t nnd the bo < t. It. C. Patterson , solo ntrnnt. lllth nnd Douglas street. 103 L"AlTtnj citTc makp"iuiiurban tiomej sity nml thl < clim of lots urown wllli thw rest. Thlslstobo coinldenvl. See Hllllale t ? IV ) nnd buy onu when you enn nt this fltftiro. Atncs' Itc'Bl IMato Aconcy , 1."i37 P rnnnist. 809 MAVKK BUOS.rrlo Kntna-iT hTToTlwrKainl In housconnd lot * ; all parts oftheoJtj. Cnll nnrl co thorn before buying- . 1UOI ! TnoltA BAlMiATS-SbtT mill buy n icit'ltt'II. ' * JU P's. . pub. The lilsheit and Iio l land In the market. II. C. Patterson , o\cr Commercial Nu- tlomtl Bank , IOJ . lots In Mnvne Place for sale by Mnyno llros. , 1MO Farnnm , only It hlocM fton > imikor street car line. Call and seti them. Sold on easy term . l.W-PJ TfjIOK KXOI1ANOK-o.Oa ) loctf drrRoods for --1 Ojinha property Archer A KItch , SH S 15th st 40 ] T OTflon It-win st. In Itedlck's firovo for snln JL/ cheap , by Mnyno Bros. , 1519 l-'tirtmm. I'M 1 ! ) , : - " ( Green U > ts iu"sTo ; ] io" percent cn h nnd $5 pur month. Offers tlio easiest and suroit Inveum.nit to double your money In a your of any proncrty In the suburb nn market Let it * showou this line property- Mnrshnll A : Ixjbeck , Agents. _ U'O 1511 Knrnrtmstteot. MAYJfi : 11IIOS. , 1SP.I rarii"ain linvoIlinrEnlns In housiM nnd lots ; all pirts of the city. Cnll nny BOO them before btivinir. liJO.l'J HII.I.SDAI.lIhns ailvantevjn wnTeh"SuiTfTirj bcntc-n cy any location. When ypu ecu the lots you will admit It. Anus , 1507 Pumam , 8JU M AYNi : nitOS. . 15111 rarnamJiavo t omelluo lots on 1'nnt avo. near Howard only W.ow. riio 1JIJV rcnl ostnte , to boirnvr money , or ( ret -L n KuuruiitecMl nliatracl of tlllo uo to the otHceof It. C 1'atter-ion , over Commerclu' Nil- tlonnl bank , 13th and Domains. 100 TTUSK Lots In Ilartlett's ndd. , 1 block from -t ! PtrvotCiir Uno. ? 1HW ( to SJ.'JOO. ' Cull and see tliom , Mnyno Ilroi. , 151U Karnam. 1:30.111 : BOVI.UMJ GltKlIX lots , ? KO 10 portent , cash and $5 per month. Marshall & Lobeck. Agents. B401 HILLSOAI.K- , that's tbo name , nnd tne lots soil for $131 to S17.1 on easy terms. Hnvejoti scon this ground ? If not , do ntonce. as it costs nothing to ride out to tills beautiful location. Amos' llcal Hstnlo agency , 1507 Far- nam. ol3 ( T7\INK \ Lots In Ilimlott's add. , I blook Irom Jv Strct Car line. 81aiQ to $ . ' ,1X10. Call imd fee jhcm. Mu } ne Bros. , l.'il ! ) 1'nrnatn. 4 ino.lli Poll SALIi-lJowlJiijr fireon lots nt SIM. 10 percent cash mw $ . " per nionili , Kay , and stiro to double In a year. See this flno ad- oitlon ned SCCITO n loivloU wlrllo you cnii sot first choice. . Mirtahfll & IxibcckJICIUF , 048 Tftl 1511 ranmm Btroot. Ilous s nd lot on Cliioaso street. House and lot bn17tli street , ? 2WJ. House , and lottji on-.y payments , Lots In Muilnn'Pliio ' > , on Jltnml sticot. I ot on ' 'Oth street , olily } W)0. 10)\r. ) 0 feet on wonl Ji H.V. . Huntrts.-ii3j3l"iirnatn street. List your propirfyi ( Itli me. 9 1 21 * -\TO COMMISSIONS are pnld for Bcillm ? lots -l- > in n. JcIVs ub. The oommlasloin itro rhento the purchasers. See A. CX P. , 13th and Douglas. ino _ _ MAXNE linoSM 15IB IMrnam have barsnius In houses lur.Dot : nil parts of tlio city. Call nnd see them before buying. 130.19 FOU SAI.n Bowline Green lota at SI50. 10 pcrcfint-.GOilVTiml ? } , uqr\uiomy. Easy , nnd sure tfriiouWoHh n jTjaVBeolhls fine ad dition and secure 11 fjyr lots wblla 'yoti'.ean pet nrstcholctev'IMarslmlJ'i'IyObecI. ' , AgenW , 1311 1'nrmun street. OtS NIJWPOTIT IS the beat and chen | > cst aero property In tn murketl Sold on easy ternih byilayno Bros.,1519 1'arnam. 1'JO 1'J FOK SALK Uowllne Oroon lots at $ fK ) . 10 per cunt cash and f5 per month. Offers the easiest and surrat' Investment to double your money lit u year of ouy property In the suburb an market. Let ua show you this fine property. 31nrslmll iLobcck , Afc'ents. 9M L" > 11 Fnrnam street. H&l"s3UU. , Is by the depot , cannlnir fac- lory , now waterworks and proposed ciir bhop. Buy now ut the low prices nnd on monthly payments. H. C. Patterson. 13th and Itt ) NICE lots in Majno Place , for snlo by Mayno Illxii. , ! > Fnrnamonly 3 blocks from pnrlc or street car line. Call and Bee tliom. Sold on easy torms. ISO-ID F 1tlt .lALK desirable lots m flnnscom Place ; tonus easy. G. P. Stobbms , rrxo GKT1CICU ami be Independent buy la H. JL & P.s Sub. 11. C. Patterson , 13th and Uouglns street. 100 NF.WPOUT Is the best ntid cheapest ncro property In the market. Sold on easy terms by Mnyno Iro&,519 ) Fnrnnm. JM 19 aScllSSE. "iTcaTEaatoiJi ? S. Llth at. , tms for snlo at a bargain ; Improved and unimpiovod farms In Ne braska . Four 1-4 sections in Cousins Co. , 40 per acre. ICO acres of splendid farm land , all Improve ments , In York Co. , $39 per ncre ; also crops , grailud stock and furniture for sale. Only for a short tlmo at this price. 1-4 suction In Furnace Co. , cheap at 51,000. SOncros , BurtCo..M per acre. 30o and 600 acres In Nanco county , $13.50 per aero. 3,080 acres In Antelope Co. , $15 to 530 per acic. HW acres In Madison Co , ? 10 , or exchange for city property. A nnelarm of 200 acres In TceaturCo.Ia. . $30 per ncre , or will trndo for mcrrhnndl-rfj. Also farms la Kansas. B. SACHSSE , 317 S 13tli Blrcft. 020 VrKWPOItT is the best nnd cheapest here J-l property in the miuket. tiold on 'ousy terms by Mayno Bros. . 1519 Fairmm. illO 111 HOIJSKS Iotg , Farmsl.ands money loanq Homls. 15th and Douglaa streets 411 H 1IJ.SDALK Best opportunity for getting you a cncap hoinu. W)9 ) GO to Mnyno Bros. , 1319 Farnam , for lots In Orchard Hill , ( . ' 0 to 700 each , sold nn long1 time. Finust lots In city. 150-19 f ICIJ LOTS for Bale la Jfayno's add , , S ; I each , byMnyno liros. , IM.'I I'nrnam , 1301 ! > H IOlJsKS I/itH.ranns , La mis money loaned. Bomls , )5tb ) nnd Douglas strncts. 471 FOIlSAI.K-rStororoom fixtures , nearly nmv ; will bn sou nt rf.ncrltlcn. Imiulro of J. C. Bhcn , Attorney , 1ftpetition BulldliiK. ' . 7 16 pAHTIKS wi hu&to | sell should | l t.thclr JL propeny wltbaiayiie Bros. , ISia rarnnm. , P4.J TriLLSDALBs4ilaiiltJI50porlot , 4. 603 EOTS ou IrwnjiU , to.IU'dlak's Grove forsulo cheap , by iluyne UVos.r l1J Farnam. tW 1U T U. tracL-iKo , ono or JL/ more lots on 11)1 cre , atngreat bargain. See J , Vf. Iojjtuj Ul Loavunworlli llusluoss Place , or G , , \\4 [ IlUner , Itoom 7 Iron Hunk bulldlnif. > _ _ _ _ _ 385 FOKSAI.IWph.TVp sLxteon lots in tborno addition that wo will sell : best und rhcapbdt insldo praporty In Omaha. Bedford & ' Sotier 7S5 \f AYNU BHOS . IMaVarnam.ha o Bomotlno ill lots on Park aye " , near Howard only $ -OUQ - F'lJH SALK iVpbqlco iota In gaundvra ft IllrucbauHii's aild. , $ 'i03 to S3J5 each ; oa y terms. A. U. Urlggi , Saxo's hat etora. TOi MAVNE BHOa. , 1519 1'arnam , hn\o some ttno lots on Park avj. near Howard only fi U 13U-19 TJILLSDALE Voucantuul no such lota as J-L these ut 1150 unioco. Ames * Itool Kgtata Agency. 1507 Fariium st. 603 T7 < Olt s.vtH Or Tr.vlo Improve ! an 1 unimproved - - * - ' proved lunU. in Furnoa ul ot tor western counties. Adlres * Win. Simeral , Arapahoe , FurnasCo. Neb. * ' 27S ATE W P01CT is the best and ohoapost acre prop- -L' cnyin the inarUct. Sold on easy terms by Mayno Bros , , 1519 Faniam. 130 1U TAUTIB3 wishing to tell should ligt their Ju property with Mayno Bros ,16191'arnam. 130 19 O NKand thrco-fourUU acres m llrookllne nJ- dltion , prluo liyi. 1'ottor & Cobb , 1315 Far nam st , Omaha , Neb. 82) ) H J Botxutiful lociUou. RI.SDOX & CO.MSTOCK , In urance , llenl F tale nml Iosn Acent . Second $ tory Mcrchnnts' Nntlonnl bank buUd- Inir , would call attention to the toilowin ? list of property which they offer for suiles Hill lot on Park ni ontie. ! > i4tl48'4. contnlnlnir two handvjilie lanro cottairen burn mid nn abundance of small Irull , Jli.nul ; will divide. 1/rt on ! ) fiwi > | > ort st west of Sitb , 'nxH" , containing 7-room cottnire with nil modern con- Venleliclcs , n KocKl-sized barn , both nearly now ta iO ! llbrrnfterms. ,1 51 on Sherman nve about ono milo north ot the i > o tollici . > , i.'ixtv" ! > , ruiiiiuiH thronnh to K'.h St. , contnlnlnir 7 room cottnire In pee 1 repair , nnd bnrn.f , ltxxi ! f 1,000 cnh , bnl. 1 , S and 3 year * . Center Mrect near CiinUnifS jcrcn room bou o nnd bnrii , $ JHK ) : Illiornl term . llottjoand two lots In Lincoln Place , l.otieo nliipYooms nnd flni hed In line st le , S.KK ( ) ; small cash payment nnd balance Id Installnieiits House nnd lot on 2Jth street , north of Ornco corner lot. ) . Isanc.V Poldon's nddltlon , corner. 2 lot . ITJ feet on txMVcnwnrth treet nnd U4 on Proj- . Ten acres south ol Pjiullctto Plnce. nbout n mile and a halt southwest of the rounty poor farm , f4.V ) per norn ; ? 1SJO cash , balance 1'J aim : i years. ll"fi > eton llodpc , In Boiff < > Illll'i nddltlon , cor , , 4'iooin hou e , f > .n ) ; C , i-s li. llou i > nnd lot on North 1'vrcnticin ft near Sbi > inmnfJ,5 0. A line hon o of nine room * nnd urounds well shndiut with tree ) In Slilnn 4 M nddltlon corner lut IXixlM ) , $111,110) ) , will divide nml toll ClxlM with liouse for jrt/At. A Very rte lntblo lot In Itartlplt's adilltlon.'oo- end lot ot t of Kuolld > ! , 3xl IS fnclns on l.e.\v- onnoith st , Ji.MW. 'rwenty-tl\ lots In Kllby place nt Irom ftVjO . . ) ts In HllUldo 2nd ndd . 1.40J to 5 1.R03 I.olgln llnnthorno add < AV ) to 1VV ( ) Lots In llan com Pl.tco . I.SU : to 3.0X ] 1/otsmKlrkwood. . . OKI In tnO ) 1/ots In Plalnview . 09) to NX ) Iol In Wo < t CumltiR . . . 70J Irfilsin WlJcou'sSnd ndd. . ( XX ) I/itsln Wnlnut Mill . . . . 700 to 1.IWO I/otsln.I. I. Hodick'sndd l.nul to 2,00 * Lot * In Illchmoiul . . : . ) to 4V1 Ixilsln Phirlilnn rim-o Ml to RV ) Lots InVa hlngton Sqnro 1,401 toMX * ) Ixits In 1'olwin Plnco . . . . all tn 3K1 l.ols In Slllo < lli cr Place 2.V ) to ; j I/its m Hlmcb uiuli & Pat terson's ndd. . . . . : I7. > to 401 f.ots in Cotta o Pnrlc ww to ino I/ot In Vjin Camp's ndd : ) lo 41R1 lots in Doer I'nrk . K ) to t ) Wo hiivoti nuinbur of choice corner lots In Huntcom Plnce , very deslraolo for u > siilenco puipose , nhlch no will show with plensuicto nnyoni' who may desire to ptiichnbo. linprorcul nnd iinlmproveu bttil iiannd rest- denei1 property In nil parts of tbo c'ity. ' Owners ot properly who do hn to cell ntn rciiRmablo prlcn , tire ro < | Ui itfnl to lU > t with ns nnd wo will rind thi'm piirchn prs. tS. "XT'01- ' LOTS lor sale In Muyr.e's ndd. , S-IV ) J- > ouch , by Muyno Bros. , ini'i ' rurnuin. 13019 ET'WARK sioNKivFtiyTii H. .vT.'s sub.Tby thodcpot und cniinltijrlnctiiry. K. C. Pat terson , solo ngcnt , l th nml Douglas street. HO on Irwln n. In ItcdlcK H drove loViTnlo JOTS J cheiip , by Mnyno Bros. , 1MU rnrnuin. 131) ) Pi $1,400-1,01 in. MockS , HuiiiCJm 1'lncc , JWi ) ensli , l-'Jyenn' . ? - ' , 0) , lotfl. blnck S , Hnnocnm Plnro. fl.HiO , lot I.I , block 13 , Hnti'icoin 1'lncc. fl.KK ) , lot In L-ifco' nddltlon. ? l 'l 0 , two I it * in KlrkwooTs addition. $700 , lot In Klrkvocnr * ndillllon. ? WO , House and > , ' lot on On j , east of 20th stiect. S > ! . "iO ) . House. liarn.Moil , cistern , east front.ln Idlcwll.l , 1 block from Mroot cur. S5.IVXI , Rood plnco In Bllznbclli Placo. $1,00) , good luiuso on full lot In I.iilto 3 nddl- tfon. tfon.Two Two nlco5-ncro trnuts InTuttlo's subdivision chcnp. 3."iitcros north anil went of Btoclc yards for ? bOperncre ) , In the mnrkot for. > da\g. 2't ucrosoiiSnnnilcrs street , In Sarutog.i , cast frnnt insfect. Ilarpains In Improved and unimproved In tiny pnrt of the city. Pears , N. E. Corner 15th and Dodge ! C3 21 N ICK I/OTS for snla In Mnyno's add.aiO cnoh , bv Mayno Bros. , 151 ! Kanmm. 1.U ) 1 Wli offer for thren daj s only the finest corner lot In Kilby Phicvlor 81 11 , nsreat bar gain. F. D. Tanner Jt Co. , IGLilIowaid Mrect. Slfl17 _ M AYNK I1110S151U rnriiiun , linvo some line lots on Park uvc. near Howard only $2.oua MPOU POU SAM : Or oxchargo. House and lot , ISIh and Nicholas : houte nnd lot Inth and Dorcns. Win L. Monroe , Hth nnd Douglas or > 3 aiCK LOTS for sale In Mavno's ndd. , J3.VI Li each , by Mayne Bro < 4.,1519 Fnrnara. Ii50 19 TT on SAI.K-Two elegant can-front corner Jlots in Burr Ouk : natural shatTe trees. Hatcher , Gadd iCo. . 121B Douglas st , MUlnrd Hotel Bloclc. Omaha , Neb. 834 1TKAVY gnins In population pushesOmahn to Jl the front See Hllljdule lots that you cnn now buy for $150. Pick one out , pay tor It in installments , and soil it in n ) onr 3 time Hu tu ice its cost. Ames' Heal Estate Agency. 1307 Fiu-namst. HOT NICK Ion in Mnjno Place , for sale by Mayno Bros. , 151 ! ) Farnamonlj-3 blocks from pnrlr orstieet carlino. Colland see them. Sold on easy terms. 1JO-10 HAVK you Foen Hillsdale ? H not , do so at once and pick out a lot for JIS ) that will not only make you money but help you save home. Ames' Real Estate Agency , 1507 Fnrnam street. H09 BAKOA1N Full lot on Webster St. , between 17th nnd Itth sfts. , 2 hoti'ies , one or 5 rooms and onn of tt rooms ; good Darn and shade trees nnd other improvements : prlca $7,0)'l ' ; cosy terms. Potter it Cobb , 1313 Farnnm St. , Omiiha , Neb 821 A GOOD lot in Okahoma , near the Vtnton su car line , price $1.000. Potter & Cobb , 1D1U Farnnm St. , Omaha , Nob. 821 PAUT1B5 wishing to soil should list their property with Mayno Bros. , 16111 Farnnm. 130-19 Hlf.I.SDALi ; Come and see It yourself , It sells on Its merits. Amos' Haul Estate Agency , 1507 Farnam. 81)9 ) T71OIC SAUK Resilience property nnd vacant -I ? lots In every addition In Omaha. Terms to stilt purchaser. Also desirable business prop erty. Gibson , Larson & Co. , Hootn a , Wltbncll Block. ] M BSACHSSB , Iloal Estnte.317 S. 13st. has for sale i Milk dairy , good paying business , 15 frecb cows , 4 hordes , 1 delivery wagon , 40 mlltc cans , tank , etc. Can rent or buy tlio property where it ison. 2SO acre * pasture , $2,000 , Y cash bnl 1 year. A great bargain. 8.'Q GO to Mayno firtH. , 151 ! ) Fnrnnm for Iota m Orchard Hill , ? .VK > to $700 each , sold on long tlmo. Finest lots In city. 130-1'J FOK SALK llou o 3 rooms , neur 17th street , ? L" 0 ca.-h , balance 8in per montn , only fl.TOll. two blocks from street cur. I'nrk & Fowler , 1522 Douglas. 902 17 "VrOlJ C\X borrow money on II. i P.'s sub. X Iot . They ureas good as gold. Go toll. C.i''s ; office , lllth andDoughw. 100 "CHUB 1MB m narllott's add. , 1 block from JE Street Cnrllne , 1R ) ) to$2,0 i ) . Call and sect thorn. Mayno Bros. , 1510 Farnum. 1CU.1 ! > HOW you can make moneyBv buying on ensy payments a Hillsdolalot for $1V ) , that will be easily paid for and double In value. Ames' Uoul ivilnla Agency. IM7 Farnam. 803 BOWLING ( iliHKX Ion , t\fl. \ 1U percnntcash nnd 3 per month. Marshall & Lobeck , Agents , l)4'.i ) FOR NAr.K Good 7-room house with collar , cistern , city witter and barn , ii lot , J,8 < U ; trnqulro on promises , 2517 Davenport. C78 HILISDALE Highest ground , handsomest location of nny lots In or around Omaha , for $150 nml $175 it lot. Como and sec this ground. Ames' Heal Kitnto Agency , 1V)7 ) Kur il am. 80 ? OH BAIIOAIN'S In Itcul I talecnll on.Mayna Bros. , IDlUFurnam ; we have the largest list In city. iia : 19 H&P's SUB Is unequalled for desirability and aprotUnhlo Invritmcnt. II. C. I'uttcison , ovcir Comncrclal National Bank. 100 T71OI1 SAI.K NicoS room house nnd 2 corner -L1 lots In Walnut Hill ; ! i cash bal to suit. Cnl Martin 11(18 ( HtU 6t. _ 4C3 POlt UAIU7AINS In Itual Kuatncallon Mayno llrot. , 151U l\trnam ; wo have the lurgobt list In cnty. 1'JJ lit _ T > AHK UAHGAIN-14W acres good urunlo JL laud In Knox anil Cedar eoutitlit'i.NulirnBkn ; W per aero cash. A. It , Graham Si Co. , Wisnor , Nebr. _ iiKi S-a _ T , JT3 BoJUng today for jsno to f 100 ] gold n roar XJ ago for 100 U ) $ i"iO. Think of this and get a lot now | n HllUdala fort59 ! to f 175 and on easy terms. Ames * Heal listnlo Agency , 1507 Farnnm _ 809 _ "TOOK UAltn AIXS In Heal Kclato call on Mayno 4Bros. . , l')13 1'uruam ; HU bate tbo largest list In city. 130 1'J ' ELKCTKIJ LANDS in Ckiutbcrn Minnesota , Not them Iowa , Central and Northern Kansas , For sale nt low priccbnnd on easy terms of pny- ineut. Italljoau fare refunded to purobascrs. Weukly ejc.ursloiis. ! Boat lauds lor tbu mnnoy. For further Information address O. U. Kchoa , BUB H. 10th st. Omuba , Neb _ QtH TTll NIJ Lots In liufttett's udil , 1 block from -L ? street cur line , Jl.StO tn t2uuo. Cull and fee no in , > luynolirO3. , 1319 tomaui St. 130-19 G Keal Ejtato and Itentnl Agent ! , . Having no property of oar ova lathe tiiarUot vro do u str'cily ' couuiUslaii busium-t uvd ttutka It to the InteruBtof paitlcs having nioprrty lor gale , runt , or trade , to Hat BAIT * with ui. I"vir- cha er * will ilo well to ruiaviabcr us. H * IVS St'tt , istho plaeo to buy If you wl < > I ) to miku lots of money. It C. rat. terson. io agent. 11X ) KKMKMIlKIl now U tno time to buv che.ip lots. Thev grow In vnltio fatter than nny other * . Pee lltllftdate. Uils $ lVoach. ) Ames' Heal KstMo Agency , I.VJ7 KnrtiMii , SO ? T TTlirOTrtjno llro . . IM4 rarnam , for lots In v Orchard Hill , tf < SO to f7CO each , sold on long time. Finest lots In city 13V19 OTS I\IIO ami 7 rooinlioufe" , oil South 15tli bt , A l > nriiln at FJVi. ( . Knt front lot on Virginia nvc. , only f XV ) . Unit front lot In Hntueom Place , block 10 , only F ( / > < . rinotinckngoDenrNlchoIfls Pt Chp.ip. Two 5 m-ro units on Smindcr * St , ftOlto $1.1110 per ucie. lot MKIsi.bloekT. Hnn romPl.irt > . JI.2.W. 1" I ) . TnimrrACo. , Agents , 1(115 ( Howard St. 1111-17 , Inoits.vtii : ) lnit pn witter nnd fra , 1 mile fiom P. O. , 1 block from st cnr * , price $2uO > , jinnll pi ) inputs balance monthly , liniiilro rooms ! and 2 Omaha Nnt I titnk , Htlt Irwin t. In Ilcdlck a Grove lor nlo IOTSon , by Ma ) lit * Bros. , 1. > 1'.I ' ruttiatn. UK ) I'J BlLT , D iT.lT T.oi only $ T.VMtfTl7T . and will fell for double thU llRtiro In 12 month * ' time , c'omo ami sec them. Ames' Iloal I'-talu Agency , 1.107 Ksrnuni st SOU HOW M It ) otir neighbor hns inmlo moniiy ? By linvlmrc-niirngo to buy chrnp loL . Vou cnn do thoftimo In HilMdalo , wlinro lots now rclllm ; for $110 each will brlnr double that in n rcnr from now. Ames' Iloal Ustato Agunoy , lW7rarnnnist , . 809 C"to C" to Alnynelifoi , lllli Tarnam , for lots In I Orchard Hill , t"d to $700 each , sold on long tlmo. Finest lots In city. inlD : F C'LLnnd LAlTol : lots In II. ft P s sub. Prices the lowest , term * the injlost. It. C. Patter- f&n , Mill nnd Douglas. 1U ( BSAril$9uTtoal Kstnto.3l7 S. St. , has for snlo Improved propert ) 1 ICG I'lno brick rntldonco with all modern Improvements , on launders St. , lot 12(1x100. ( M.OOO to fi,000 cash down . . S P.OM 200 Nine-mom Ninso and lot.tMh < < t. , near St. Mnr ) save , > 300 cash balance monthly . . . . . . . . . . 5,750 201 Three-room cottage und lot S. 17lh St. , SI,000 cash 1,1500 300 Ill-room hoitjo nnd lot Wixiro on Hurt st. , $2tiOO cash , balance to suit 4PV 301 22 ft on Ctimlng with store und dwell ing . . . . 3AV ) Gin HI ft on Cutnlng ntth 2 stores nnd dwelling , barn , etc. , 10,800 303 Flint 8-roonl boiiJo , barn , eta , lot 100x100 4riOO oODli.Vroom eottngo , lot fiOtlOO , both on Webster , one-third cash , balaneo to suit . . . 2,000 327 ilcottngcs on South llth st. , to bo raid togcthororln lotof 2 or 3ndjolnlng 12,000 253 Klnotv-iooiii Imiise , lot 30\HO , on lilt h St. , cash ? i ; M 2'JOD 2Ki I/ot ,10x140 with honsti , well , etc. , on 3i1G 6 cottages of 5 rooms , lots 304x120. cistern , well , etc. , on Iflth St. , $300 cash , f20 1 per month , each . . . . 2,100 330 SI loot on Cumlng , business lots , with " store * , dHelling. barn ; all rented. . .flO.SOO Full lots und ! i lots with latgo or small houses In K. V. Smith's add , Plain View. tioua's 2d ndd. ICount/e'i * 2d udd. Piitlcrson Hiibdlv. Inprovemmit A&su add. Mlllard \ Culdwcll's a 1d , Witlnut Hill. Park Place , Illckorv Plnro. Omaha View , lledlord's add. Shlnn's add , Ames Pluco. Shlnn'R2d add , Dcnlncs * ndd. From $ IOOJ to SIWO ; small payments : easy terms _ ( KJ SUPPLIES - ! 0 R- Printing Offices. THE SIOUX CITY NEWSPAPER UNION Desires to call the attention at Printers and Publlalt- ccs of Nebm'kn , Dufcutn , .MlnncsoUi and Wcitcrn Iowa to tliclr very complete Block ot Flno Tint Papers , Linen Pnpers , Cover Papers , Col- orftl Ktitt-l'itpon * . Alnnflln 1'fturra , llook. Print nnd Ponter Papers , Cnnts nnd Card Itotirtl , Killed Papers. CnveloiiCH , Wedding Stationery. Bnll 1'roRnimmcs , VI ltlngCint , and anything cl o In the paper line required In a flrst-clasj Printing offlce. Samples of goods will be furaHhetl promptly to all nba upply for them with prices for u cnso randoupof as muny dltTercnt klnil uf goodi as nuijr borcqulrcil. N'on Is the lime to make oot your order * for floods for full work. Get samples of our good * and compare the quality und piice * with the o of other houtcH , Wo carr > ' no Infclror stock. Twenty- live yours' experience convinces us that the DK8T U CIIKAl'KST and irtvei tbo ctcutcat. callsfuctlon to purchasers. Ccrrcsponclcnco solicited , to blch prompt attention will be given. Address SIOUX CITY HEWSPAPE1 UNIOH , Jou IaH Street , SIOUX CELT , IOWA. Notice to Contractors. SEAtKD , proposals will bo received until 3 o'clock.August2Stb. l&O , nt tbo otlico of tbo county clurk , lur the grading of Court Honso block In the City of Omaha , according to tne plans on tlio In the county surveyor's oltlco. All bidden * will bo icipJJml to furnish a cortl- fled chock In the amount of twcnty-ltvo ( (2S.UO ) dollars ns a guaranti'o that they will enter Into coni act should their bid be accepted. The right to reject any and all bids Is hereby re served. Anil b'ds will bo received until August 21st , nt 2 o'clock at the ollico of the county clcrK for the grading of 4JiCX ) yards , moro or less , on the flrst bill oasr of Irvlngton , on Military road. All bidders will bo required to furnish n certi fied check In the amount of ton ( SIO.OJ ) dollars a n guarantee that thoywlll cntnr Into con tract should their bid be accepted. The right to reject uuy and all bids Is honiby reserved. By eider of the Board. C. 1' . N'l.r.miAji. a-17-3t County Cleric. A STANDARD 1IKDICALVOHK FOR YOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED MEN l HV BTAII. , I'OSTl'Aril , SAMl'LE 1'ltKK TO mm THYSELF , ICxhaueteit Vitality. Norvom .1110 riirrical Debllltr I'rfiimturu Declinu in Mnn. llrrors of Youth , nnd tha untold uilnorlus rasultlns trual ladiacrotlnn and ux. cc c . A book lor ovurr num. yuumt , mlddln-u ed and old. Itouncalni 125 pruyrrtption * ! fur nil ncuteund r-Uronlc dlsi'iiica. each on * ot which la Invjtluublu , ho fpnml t > 7tha nnlliurwlinio experience for'23 years Is tuUi us probably novi'r liofurc foil to thn lot of iinr nhyblrlnn : * D puzcs , b'luntl In bcuutlful Krench mm- lla , mboiteacovora , full alluunnruntsed lu bo u Una- work In every mine roechanlRal , IIUTjrr : < n < t urnfe - pumul lbau uny other work In thin country for U.W , ortUe nionnir will bo refunded In orcry Inauiiice. Prtcaonly { 1 Dy mall , poitnatJ , Ulnatratrd lample , inc. KondnoiT. Relit modal H nritml tlio nulllor br § h N.nluiial tloillnil AitoHutlnn. to Ilia I ton. A. I' . Illncll. undatBucliitaolilconof tba board the roadar It revpectfullyreferred. The Sclrnco of 1-lfo It worth more tn tha rninic and mldillo-tijiivl men of tlilBenir.illun Ut-iu all tba uoM mluoi or Cullfurnlu and the ll ur inlno < of Novuilj oninbliind.-C , V.Chronicle. Tbo cluiu'Dof IJfo itolnH out thfl rr > cki anit qulrlr * innilnon wlilcli tha cnnilltnUon and hoixixif launy * . imnic man bare boca faullr nroikml , ' M.tnchusti > r Mirror. The S/-oric | of Ufa II of crauor vulno than ull tin wndltalrorii publiihoil In thli counlrlor tUj puit . TtiA S'lniira ol I.llu li a tupcrb and ni.i ti > rly trait. BO on nurvout and pbytieul dcbllitjr. Detroit Vroa Aiiitrcit the I'eat.ixt.Medical . Initltute , or I > r.V , 11. I'urker.ft ) . < llullUncli itrcol , ISiiUm , AUii. . who may b i jutulnnl on all ilejcH c rcqulrln ; ikl.l and prpiirloiica. ( 'liroiilc and oUitlnmi ) tllmaaea ( bat him .uniuil tbu iLIII of nlbai Dhyilclmu JL ipee In Ity. ? utb Heated turiaitfjHy n thoui uuy In uucoot fullute. JJ nilcn Uaiaha lioa * M. A. DISBROI & CO WlolesaJo Manufacturers anil Doalcra la Sash , Doors , Blinds , Mouldings , 1'lno Hnrd WooJ Interior J-lniih Counters , I'etu JBi'ttcJicts , jrOJfJC and TUJiXIXG. Deulem In Entitling 1'apo : Mala QlDw auil I'botory at Lyons , lown , Office & Warerooms Cor , 12iSi & hard Sts 0 II UN CaJINTt9 WITH 1HI Of 1MU c n < NTnTiu s or MtKnwsi TK t CHICAGO , ROCK ISLAND& PACIFIC BJIMV/iV / . . B.I , i.i'riiirn-1 nnu coinnra iwnu v _ x > lnU Wpwl , .Northtvi-ct Mid Southwmt The Great Rock Island Route Unnr ntt > i In | > Mron tlxt ttntt of r'rrornl ttn- rlir donlrd by * Kiltd , tlininncnlr t ll liHl rod. ti * < l. ntnooih trnokn -oittlmiom trrl rail , lubMan- luilrtmllt riilvrrtt Ami brlil * * * . mlllnff lMk MHI-M twrfcrtlou i > tiunmn nklll run lunkr It , th MtMf RpplUnn-i or riMfnt t > iinT , | > l trormn unit Mr brnkNL nn.t tlintctirlltiif < lllplln < " Mch trottrni thi nr r- lira ) "I'milou ' nf Ml lt ir ln other iptcltltlrt o < Mill rent r Truii/Fun t ill ronnrctlnv j'olnw In union l > rpot * , and th im MTi > nMcil eotntwrtt tad luiutlonf lt l' > nz < T Kquliund'it. Tint K t F prr.i Traltii Wtwwn OM > ri1 RO r orl .Council Illnlt * . K.n t Cttr.lmtmvortk ol AtrhUon re romHi isl of wfli Trnlllttnl. Unfit ttm hol.irrM I ) > r Uiurhm. > l > nin nl I'mlrann l' l r < t Blf p r of the lAIMt ilnlRn. tiil mimptuoui IMnlna Cj rln which ItlwraU-ly rookM meilt fttttleUnrvlr mfrn I twrnnrhlfAff-n nnd hantkfl'ltr unit Atrliltun re l o run 111 * L > l lirHnl IlKrllnlntCbalr Cart. The Famous Albert Lon Route Ihc dlr t H(1 f vorlt line t > twprn Chlc ffO nj lnnpnpoli ndSl. l' < ul. nhi > rn ronnrrtlonnre ro d In Union IVpnn tor nil point * | n tlm TVrnlorU- and Iirltiih lYcultwM. Otrr thl ro l ra t RiprrM Trains art * nin to tlio waturlnir pUrr * . umnirr re port * , titctilrraqiw lornlltlrf.arm hunting and flshtetf rmnmtior lima anil Mlnnrnnta. It l * 1i the moil jinlranlF mm. in tin rirli wheat r ) ) Ji nnd paitoral lauilmtr Interior DokoU still another Dlltl.CT LINK. T ! R n and Kan- Kak < > i < . hit * rn ortf ni * l tHtwp n l-lnrlnnntl , Indian * > olliamt LafaTMlp.iinilCntmrll nivlU , KantaiL'ltr. lnntMNIlt | and st Paul nnit Intermedia. ! ) | n > lnti. . Kor d tall d Information * Jlapa and rolii r * , KMnniiiniiir. Mt vru m ttrkcta , at rll principal Tlckci omn In the United Bl tf or br ad- II. R. CADLE , E. ST. JOHN , l-nw't * Owi'l M'o'r. Clin'l T'kl A 1'aiw. Aft , THE CHICAGO SHORT LINE OF THK ChicaplMilwaukee&St.PaulR . > y THE BEST ROUTE froin mm ani COUNCIL BLUFFS it THE ! TWO T1LMNS DAILY nirTWEUJJ OMAHA COUNCIL IlLUFrS AXD Milwaukee , St. Paul , jrhmetiiioHs , Cedar Rapids , Clinton , Dnbuque , Davcnitort. Kock IslandFrcciort ) , Rockfonl , Elpiii , JFatlison , Jancsvillc , Bclolt , Whiona , La Crossc , And nil other Important points East , iS'orthoaat and Southeast , Tor through tickets cull on the Tirkot at 1401 Farunm street ( In P.uton Hotel ) , or a Union 1'aclSo Depot Pullman Sleepers and the finest Dlnln ? Cars In the world arc run on the main lines of the CuiCAnn , Mii.wAi'KKt : & ST. I'AUt. lUiLvrxr , and every attention is paid to passengers by courteons emplo ) cs of the company. It. MII.I.KII , ( jenrrid Miinntrer. J. F. TUCKF.II , Assistant General Mutineer. A V. II. CAttPKNTKii , General Passonifor and Ticket Agent. OEO. E. llBArrono , Assistant General Passon- or nnd Ticket Asent J. T. CtiAHK , General Suporintondont. Omaha , Council Bluffs And Chicago. The only road to take for Tes ) Molnot. Mnr- slinlltown. Cedar Hapids , Clinton , Dlxlo , Union- po , Mllwnukoemm ull points east , Tothopoo- Plo of Nclirasltn , Colorado. Wyomlnff , Dtnn , ilaho , iNovucla , Orucon , Washington and Cali fornia it oilers superior advantages not posslbtn by nny ether lino. Amoni ; a few ot tha numerous point * otsiino- rtority enjoyed by thu patrons ot this rend bo- twccn Onialin and Chicago , are its two trulns n day of UAr COACHKS which are the flnuit that human art and mironulty can iTcuto. 1U PALACE BLKKPINO CAllfl , which are models of comfort and elegance. Its PAIlLOtt IJHAW- INO HOOM CAHS , utisnrpnxscd by nny , and H widely celobrutod PAJ.AT1AL DININO CAU8 , the oniinl of which cannot bo found ( il.o > v ! > oro. A t Council Illiitrs the truing of the Union Paci- flo Ky. connect in Union Dnpot with these ol thu Chicago & Northwestern Ity , In Chlcnito thu trains of this line tmiko close connection wltli tlioto of nil outorn HncH. For Dotrolt. Columbus , Indlnnnpoll * . Cincin nati , Nlnirani Falls. lufrnlnPlltiburir.T | r nt , Mont rent. Boston , Now Tort , Plilladolphln , Hal- timore. Wnshlnsrlon nnd nil points In the east , ask tlio ticket turont for tlckotH via the " ' " "NOKI'HWBSTKIIS , If youwWi thu biistnccommodatlotu. All tlcko nsjonth Hi-ll tickets via this llu . M. HUGIIITT. It3 - HAIR , Oonernl Mnnngor. _ "en. as3 CHICAGO. Red Star Line Currying tbo Belgium Iloynl and United SUtoi Wall , diilllitf uvery fcatutday Between Antwerp & New York TO THE RHINE , GERMANY , ITALY , HOL- LANP/AND FRANCE. FALL , AND WINTEIl. Salon from tUO to $ ; . " > . Uxuuriloii trip from fllO to tl : > . Sucond Cabin , outward , $11 ; prepaid , 45 ; excursion. I'.O. Steoni o nassagi ) at low rules. Peter Wright & Sons , Gouoral Agents , U Broadway. Now Vorlc. Henry Pun Jt , 121 a Fninum St. : Pnulson , t Co. , Fir.ti n t. ; i ) > Froomun , 1J-2I Farnam si " P. BOYER & CO. DEALKH3 IH KaH'sSai'&s.VauitsJimeiocks and Jail Work. 1020 l.'nniam Struct. Otnalm. Neb. Union National Bank or1 208 Masonic BIk , lUY-Cor , Cap.Ay , Paid up Capital , $100,000 , Authorized Capitol , - 600.00O Accounts solicited. Intorrst paid on tlmoclu- poxlt. ; collections in ft lo In nil part * nt the wc < t , uiulhuvliiprovl.lod the Inr 'cst ami tiost vault In thu rlty , wu will rocnivo yiilunbte nrliolo-t on Htornge. Prompt atteiitlou vlHbw fliiou to ull buslncrg entrusted to us. Jxti. W , nnoKYBH , Cushlor. WM.V. . Miiisii.Picutdcnt. Tcloyhonu "Jo. 812. _ Till ! IJI.VJ I.UMIi.VH KIILAU. | pipleuiati with ru-hUrtll < > . Ham in 3 tm > ; y > . A k yuur drucKUl nr 11. hvut la uiiy ailUrrtui fur H t .SO. MALVDOU u'fa. ca , epnce&ou , o. Messrs. KuLu & Co. ,