Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 18, 1886, Page 6, Image 6
0 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY AUGUST 18 , 1886. TJ IE DAILY BEE. COUNCnTBLUFFS , WEDNESDAY MOKNING , AUGUST 18 , OFFICE , NO. 12 , PEARL STREET. Dclnrud l > y cnrricr In nnj-rnftof ihocltjrnt ItHiitj cents per week. H. W. TH.TON , - - - nrnM ROmcn , No. 43. NICIIIT lam-on No. SI. MINOR MENTION. New York Plumbing company. .Summer flotliinjr cheap at Hultcr's. The very bust cabinets ut $ < ' $ dov. at ( lorlmm's. Ono ilo/.c.ii cnliitirlt and a lurgo iinnol for $ 'J.r,0 til Schmidt's gallery. Only $ i'.r 0 pur defer llrst-rlnss cabinet - not photo's ut Schmidt's. U''O Main SI. Cuhinut photo rnpa ? ! ) nor ilo/.un at Shut-ration's , ! M7 Brw'y , for 00 days only. Fred Nocrunlici'Kor ami Frodcricka Lcfl'ert were yesterday morning united in marriage by Justicu Sclmr/ his of- lieu. DMrs. V. L. Clark nnd Airs. S. 1' . Mao- eoimu.ll last evening entertained tlm M. Li. P. K. club at thu reniduneo of t ho lat ter , No. 810 Third avenue. Permits to wed worn given yesterday to Henry Green and Manrarot J. Watt , William K. Ford and Noni Bncholl , Fred Noermiberjj and Fredcrieka Lulled , all of this county. Wanted 1.000 families to take Amor- lean Uoitnd Wasliers on two weeks' ' trial. After a fair trial , if yon don't think them worth mneo than they cost , return to Cooper iMcGec. . Tlio court room has been connected with the clerk's ollieu by a speaking tube , dohiK away with much needless running up and down stairs. The clerk can now run up and down the tube that is , with his voice. A Council BltiflH gentleman who resides - sides in thu upper part of thu city is in venting an arrangemuntfor swimmers to put on their feet to facilitate swimming. lie expects this uvenlnir to put them into practical use in Luke Manavva. Thu horses attached to the street cars nhould be supplied with bulls , the same as in all other large cities. It would cause an increase in the receipts of the eonumny , as now many persons who wail in stores , olllces , etc. , for a car can not hear or see onu until too late. The evangelistic berviees which have just closed havu resultu.l in moro good than can be estimated by mathematics , butthu statement of thu number ot pro fessed converts is , nevertheless , interest ing as giving some idea of the success of the meetings. This number reaches to between lifty and sixty. McNuly and his bartender , McVittie , wcro arraigned yesterday for their as sault on Spears. Their cases were con tinued , Spears not being ablu to appear in court. His injuries are quite serious , but his life is not endangered , and it is expected that he will speedily recover. Tlio accused had their bail iixud at $500 nnd furnished it. Those who have not paid their poll tax : should now buwaro. The collector , Mr. Bookman , lias been instructed by the council to commeneu proceedings forth with against all delinquents , and collect penalties and costs in full , in addition to the tax. The law is very plain and stout , and it is an expensive task to try to evade the payment of the tax if the claim is pressed. There is hardly any thing exempt from execution on a judg ment of this kind , unlcs.s it be the man's shirt , and that is not if Ijochanoes to take it oil while thu collector is around. Changes. II. Friedman , the well-known milliner , haa leased the building on Broadway for merly occupied by E. Dowling and will lit the same up as one of the finest milli nery stores in the west. The Singer sowing machine ollico and Kirkland's jewelry .store , both of which now occupy No. 82U Broadway , will remove into tiio building next door. No. : J21 , which will bo vacated by Mr. Friedman and A. J. Mamlel , after extensive improvements are put in , will occupy the store made vacant by the Singer Machine company besides the one ho now occupies , giving him both No. < J2iJ and ! { 23 Hroadway for his furniture and IIUUM furnishing 'busi ness. Personal Frank Shlnn , of Carbon , Is here attend ing court. Postmaster A. T. Cramer , of Avoea , is In thu city. Miss Ilirdic Gould lias returned from a visit to Nebraska. 11. IJ. Williams , of Glonwood , is among the e attending court. Mrs. Charles Adolf left yesterday for her home in Iloxiu , Kan. W. W. Wood leaves to-day for Cnstor county , Nob. , to bo gone a week. Clinton N , Powell , of Omaha , is among the attorneys in attendance at court. Mrs. P. Lnoy and children loaves this morning for a sojourn at Colfax Springs. W , II. Mauror lias gone on a hhort business trip through. Southern Nebraska. II. K , leemor , of Ued O.ik , one of the coming judges , is here attending court. L. Simmons leaves to-day for Michigan having learned of the illness of his father. Mrs. W. 13. Unthank has been called to Avuonby tlw serious illness of her father , Mr.'D. F. McCarthy. Henry Caulicld , one of thu clerks of J. M. Owsler. the joeal freight agent of the Union Paeilio in Omaha , is confined to his room at thu Metropolitan hotel in this city by illness. Mrs. T. A. Clark and her daughter , Mibh Sadie , have loft for Soda Springs , Idaho , near which place Mr. Clark , lo cating engineer of the Union Paeillc , is now engaged. Mrs. 11. C. B\rnos : \ , who 1ms been s > o ill , and whose condition has been quite alarming to friends , is now improving so rapidly that she hopes to bo able soon to leayu for thu cast , in the hope of per manent euro. Major Marshall , who was formerly the agent of the Chicago & Northwestern railway at this point , is now about to re tire from the ban king business at Wichita , Kas. , and enter thu hotel business there us landlord of a now fHiO.flOO house , The major's many friends throughout this part of the country will swarm in on him when opportunity aH'ords , Sou that your books arc made by More- boubo iV Co. , Hoom 1 , Everett block , Tribute to Mr , Doll. Thu pastors of the churches united in the evangelistic ) meeting , juit closed , take pleasure in recording their testi mony to thu fitness of A , J. Dell , the con ductor. His preaching anil teaching have boon sound and biblical ; hfc methods wio , his manner pleasing and winning. His loving and earnest words made a deep impression on his hearers , nnd werq blessed in leading many to t > o- cept Christ and his salvation. Ho leaves us with the good will of all and thu high est confidence ) In his Christian integrity and manhood. D. II. Cooley , of the Pirsl Hiiptlst church ; GV. \ . Crofu , of the Congregational church ; E. 1) . McCroary , of the Bromivvnv M , E. church ; H. A , Reieheubach , of the Scandinavian Uaptisl church. _ Fruits , confectionery and cigars , bcsl in the market always in stock. Frunh Withcroll , 224 Brostdway. A VALIANT SOLDIER BOY , An Incident Recalled In the War Record of P , W. . Haldorman. PRAISES FOR THE EVANGELIST. Several Utislncss ChniiKCS A Queer Coiniilnliit A nliiHt tlic Bnlonn Itnidcrn Jlllkc Nolati's Lec ture On Ventilation , IlnMorinan'fAmi ) Hcconl , 'J'lic : icciiluntnl ami fntnl shootiiiR of Hulilcriiiuti , of Avoca , rcc.ills iin inci dent of tlic session of conjjrcssviiicli 1ms just closed. IhiMcrmiui , : > t tlic brcsiking out of the war , was it mere boy , too young to enlist , but lie insisted on KO'IIIK ' < > the war , ami iliil so. Ho provided liimsclf \\itli a liorso and arms , and accompanied u cavalry company , and served fora jcar without being enrolled and without drawing a dollar of pay. During the last susilon of congress Major Lymnn intro duced a bill giving Haldcrman an honor able enrollment , and a recognition of his services wild bounty and pay , nnd an honorable discharge. \ \ Inlc the bill was being explained and passed , a man in the irallery was watching the action on the measure with a great deal of interest , and afterwards ho caino to Congressman LviiKin and introduced himself , saying : "iJo yon know , sir , that boy was one of my boys ? Ho was with my company and I know that ho served as staled. 1 know more about it , too. " The captain went on to relate an incident as to young Hal- del man's behavior and service. "The comptin.v were dismounted when a party of the enemy made a dash upon them , surprising them. Young llalderman was by chance the only ono on horseback and ready for the follows. Ho pulled up his gnn and lired , and the otllcor in charge of the hoitilo party fell from his horse. This threw the enemy into con fusion , and before tliny could rally the boys had got onto their horses , and soon succeeded in driving the enemy and com ing oil'victors in the skirmish. Yes , sir. that boy ought to bo remembered , " and the captain drew up several inches ap paronlly in height , as lie remarked again , 'lie was one of my boys. " 12 Cabinet Photographs $3. Quality the finest. Shcrradcn , olTUroailway. Electric door bells , burglar alarms , and every form of domestic electrical appli ances at the New York Plumbing Co. A. Queer Suit. The saloon raid , which was interrupted by the accidental and fatal shooting of Mr. llalderman , has caused some little commotion , and promises to have its de tails shown np in court by a peculiar suit. A German living at Avoca , has , during the season , been hauling vegeta bles to Minden and Ncola. On this par ticular morning , as usual , ho started very early with a load. On reaching Mr. Kemiey's place ho was suddenly stopped by a crowd of men. The German vege table man know nothing of the proposed raid on the Minden saloons , but the raiders feared that he had noticed the gathering and that he would , by reaching Minden before they did , tell the Mindeu- ites , and thus spoil the surprise. He says that a dozen men crowded around his wagon , armed with revolvers , and nearly frightened him out ot bis wits. They told him that he must turn around and go back home instead of going on to Minden. He turned back with Ins load , and after getting about half a mile his Teutonic blood had got so hot that he felt it to be an outrage to be prevented from traveling the higjiway and reaching the market with his vegetables. Ho accordingly turned back and reached Kenney's'placo just about the time of the accidental shooting of llalderman. He then ruturnod to Avoca , and conso- ( inently lost the sale of perishable garden sauce. HoH \ now preparing to put the case into the courts and threatens to have the men arrested for stopping him and obstructing the highway , and to com mence suit to recover damages. Kirkland , tlio jeweler , has removed to 323 Broadway , Singer ollico. Substantial abstracts' of titles and real estate loans. J. AY. & E. L. Squires , No. 101 Pearl street , Council Bluffs ) . Municipal Solonn. At the adjourned meeting of the city council yostordaj afternoon all the mem bers were present , except Alderman Ham mer , who is in Chicago. The poll tax collector was instructed to commence suit against delinquents for the full amount of the tax and the full penalties. The committee- sirccts and alloys was empowered to have the alley re paired between Fourth street and Main street , running north from Willow avenue ; also the intersections on Main street at Willow avenue and Story street , the paving having settled. The bids on pine lumber were all re jected on account of some misunder standing , and the street commissioner in structed to buy as much is needed for cash , and to distribute the patronage among the different yards. The council then adjourned until last evening , when they met simply to pass a resolution and estimate on the private paving contract. First-class tin work , roofing , etc. , a spelially at Cooper it McGco's. Perfectly satisfactory accommodations at ? 2.03 a day at the Pacific house. Give it a trial and be convinced. The Ilndiloolc There was a large gathering of citi/.ons in the pavilion last evening , in response to the call for a meeting to take action in rog'ird to the death of Hey , George ( J. Haddock at.Sioux City. Hon. J. U. Heed , of the supreme court of the state , presided , and J. II. Wcstcott and IIV. . Tilton wcro chosen secretaries. In open ing the meeting Judge Itccd made a few timely remarks in regard to the necessity of law abiding citizens encouraging all moves for the maintenance of law and order and the responsibility devolving on every citizen to moot the questions of the duy fairly and sqnaroly. After singing by the choir , prayer waa offered by llov. LI. F , Thickstiin. Jacob Sims , Esq. , wus the IIrut speaker of the evening. Ho had boon personally acquainedwita Mr. Had' dock , and ho narrated some thrilling in cidents illustrative of the murdered man's moral and physical courage. He paid a glowing tribute to the man and de nounccd the spirit of thu trallic which had caused his death , lie laid the re sponsibility of the crime not only upoc the man wlio lired the shot , but upon the whisky trallio , and upon tlio debauched public sentiment which would permit it to hayo such sway. llov. Dr. McCrcary then followed with one ot Ids earnest , fearless Ho declared that the murder of Mr. Had dock was a blow at free speech , whicl : was ono of the reasons why it had sc stirred the whole commonwealth , Ik placed the saloonists on the same plat form a ? the anarchists , u platform of law lessnnns. at ) they alifco insisted on break ing the law created by a majority of th < people. Ho declared that he would con tiauu to express his ml ad freely , and lit had no fear of any bullet or dynamite , He had faced the cannon and the rillc on the battlefield , and the day was past when ho would yield to any threats against the honest cspre lon of deep convictions of trutl and that there were thousands of like minds enlisted in the 1-rank Shinn , of Carson , next spoke. He reminded the audience when aboli tionists were on the unpopular side , and how sentiment in regard to slavery had changed. Ho predicted an equally great victory for prohibition. Hcv. Mr. Heichcnbach , pastor of the Scandinavian Baptist church , spoke as a representative ot' the foreign clement. He was earnest in his ilenunciation of the crime , but expressed sympathy for tin , poor Wretch who had got so carried away from right and truth as to bo capa ble of such a bloody deed. One of the interesting features of the evening was the singing of a u-ece writ ten by Hcv. ( J. W. Crofts as a triouto to Mr. Haddock. The mn lo was written by Professor Huggles just before the pro- fesor left the city. Quito a purse was raided for the relief of Mrs. Haddock , and a committee con sisting of Key. Dr. McCrearv and Mr. Hoover was appointed to receive further subscriptions. Hon. D. C. Bloomer , chairman of the committee on resolutions , presented the following resolutions , whieli were adopted by a risinir Votes WIIIUIAH : : , The Itev. ( ieomo 0. Haddock was brutally nutrdincd In the streets of Sioux City , ( in the uJKht ot AiiKUstJl. while jicacc- 1'iillv pursuing his ordinary duties , nnd Wiir.miAH , Theio are irood reasons to be lieve that the foul crime \vns committed upon the poison of the deceased in consequence of Ids actl\c efforts to enforce the piohibltoiv llnuor law of this state , he Imvlin ; by such elioits aroused the vindictive hostility of a lawless class of men opposed to its enforce ment , and WIIUIIHAS , We deem It ilcht and proper that the law abiding cltbens of this state should express their suutliaonU upon tills bold and \\lcked outiago by which the life of an vainest Christian minister has been saeriilced a martyr to his devotion to piln- elnlo and duty ; theietorc be It Kesolved , That we , tlie citizens ot Council liluirsluno assembled , do hereby expiess an nlihoicnce of this \\lcked deed , and declaim that the minder nf the Itev. ( ioo. C. Had dock , under all the clicumstanccs sunouud- Int ; it , was one of the most dastardly and shainelul crimes tluxt has ever blotted the ciimiimt lecord ot ono state. Itcsohcd , That it Is the duty of every goon cltl/en lo yield readv and checiful obedience to thn laws as enacted by our constituted au thorities , and It Is pralsworthy on the part of any and every man to assist In that enforce ment. Itesolvcd , That this murder becomes , there fore , all the more wicked amiaUuurontto the moral sense of the law abiding clti/.cns of Iowa when we remember that It was brought about by the selt sacriiiclns ellorts of the de ceased to enforce la s enacted for the good of the whole people , and as many believe in timately connected with the wcltare and happiness of the entire community. Kesolved , That etety nos&iblc etlort should bo made to brim ; the authors and perpetrators of this foul murder , whether one or many , to condign punishment , and wo therefore heartily approve of the action of the governor of this state In olTerlujj a reward lor their nnestand punishment. Kesolved , That It becomes all the friends of good go\ eminent as well as of good morals to see to It that the family of the deceased clenrrmati , thus foully murdered Is amply provided with the means necessary for n comfortable livelihood , nnd we therefore to that cud ask that llbcial contributions bo made to a committee appointed to receive them at this mectinc , and wo hereby tender to the bereaved wife of the Kev. tieoige C. Haddock our sincere and earnest sympathy In the cicat allllctlon which so suddenly and terribly fell upon her. Sllkc Nolan's Ventilation. Yesterday Mike Nolan was before Judge Aylcsworth on the complaint of having kept his saloon opsn last Sunday. There was no lack of evidence to show that the place had its rear doors wide open , and that there were ten or fifteen men in the saloon , some sitting about tables , others at the bar , behind which stood the bartender , while glasses were on the bar and on the tables , and some men wore drinking what looked like beer. although the officers could not swear it was beer , as they did not taste it. Mike was not sworn , and called no witnesses in defense , but proceeded with a learned lecture on the subject of the proper venti lation of buildings. Ho explained that the place had to be cleaned up after the rush of six days business , -mil that the time to do tills was on Sunday. It took six men all day to clean up. and these men could not get along without air. "Thurs no ardinanco which compels a mnn to shoot hisself up in a great bar racks like Hint , and lock the doors and keep God's f risli air out I I don't see how a mun can live in a place and suffocate his elf to death. " These views of venti lation duly impressed the judge , who fixed Mike's line at the lowest amount under the ordinance , $10 and costs. Smoke the Manawa cigar , made by Frank Levin , 312 Broadway. Pacific house recently renovated. Cool rooms ; money saved ; comforts gained. Didn't Know What \Vnlvo Meant. Habeas corpus proceedings were com menced before Judge Aylcsworth yester day to secure the release of Fred Stoubcr , a German who is now in the county jail. The petition sets forth the facts that an information was filed by Emily Ilandkc charging him with bigamy , and a war rant was issued by Justice S. V. Pratt , On being brought up for hearing he waived c.\amination , through ignorance of what his rights wcro , or what a pro ceeding of this kind meant. lie was sent to jail to await the action of the grand jury in December , the bail being fixed at $1,000 , nnd ho being unable to give it , Ho pleads ignorance of tlio language , and now wants to have the superior cotirl pass upon the matter. Always buy your meats at Star market , No. I01 ! Broadway , and got the best Satisfaction guaranteed. All the comforts of high-priced hotels at the Paeilio house , nnua saving of OOc to 1 a day. Try it. .Special Notice. I will receive all moneys duo the Conn ell Bluffs Driving Park association , ] am responsible for all dues and promi urns that may accrue nt the fall meeting August ill , September 1 , 3 and 8. DONAU > MACIUE. Glassware Salo. Friday at the Bankrupt Store , 18 Main street , It ) barrels of goblets atlo , 5 at Co , 5 at Go , ThcFo are the best bargains ovci offered in Council Bluffs in glassware , Moro linens to bo sold at half price ; $ U worth of linens bought at sheriff's sale will bo placed on sale to-day J. Goi.miKjto. Highest prices paid for county , town , city and school bonds , Odell Bros. < \ Co. , No. 103 Pearl street , Council Bluffs. Iowa. A SHARP TRICK , . How a Boston youth Kept IllniRcli Supplied with Money. Boston Herald i A young man in n dark suit and wearing a felt hat rushed np to an excursionist at Kovero bead : yesterday , and , us fast us his tongue could articulate , said : "See hero , an : expecting some friends down on the noxi train whom 1 wish to entertain , but , being a little short , won't you bo so kind us to lend mo $3 on this gold pen and case ? " at the same time taking from hii pocket a beaniifu'ly-chased ' holder , will a little black woodcu projection ut cacl end. By n gentle imll nt onp of them a glistening gold peji hot out , making a very pretty and handy establishment to have in ouO's ' pocket. " * Without question the party drew forth n $2 bill , handed it to the stranger , and received the pen and holder sis security. " 1 only want this for an hour , " said the man in the dark suit , as ho rolled up the bill and tucked it si way in his vest poekct. "Money lending isn't ' jut the thing on Sunday , ' ' said the conscience-stricken ev cur.iionist , as ho lovlhgly fondled the glistening collateral for IMS $2. " 1 hope tliat fellow can't lind mo when he wants to redeem lifo pledtre. l nave been want ing a pen of this kind for a long time. isn't It a beauty ? I'll tuck It away in my pocket and eo up to the hotel and keep shady for an hour , and then scoot for Boston. " and , with hurried strides , he reaches the big ila//.a and mixed In with the moving throng. Meeting two of his friends a short time afterward , ho was tempted to inform them of his transaction with the stranger ; so , when opportunity afforded , he pulled out the hypothecated pen and holder , and related the circumstances by which ho became its possessor. "Let's look at it a little closer , " said both his companions in a breath , as each one stretched forth a ham1. "Why , it's tlio exact Imago of ono I just loaned a stranger $1 on/'said one , ' and the perfect typo of ono on which 1 gave a stranger $ ' > ' , " said the other. Silence rested upon thctr'o for an in stant , when all exclaimed * : "Wo have been swindled ; these things arc not worth three cents. " "But it was a clever trick. " remarked ono of the purchasers of old brass. "I'll keep mine as a reminder that all is not gold that glitters. " ' 'And so will 1 , " chimed in a second. ' 'Well , 1 may keep mine , " said the third , "but 1 intend to get even with this cunning young man " Going to the depot ho told his story to the ticket agent , and requested him to hold the fellow if lie attempted to play his game at the oilier ; that ho would stand near by with an officer , and they would cage the bird and put an end to his little game. They didn't have long to wait , for in a few minutes a young man hurriedly approached the ticket of- lice , nnd began fumbling in his pockets for tlio price ot a fare to Boston. S-iddenly out came ono ot his sparkling holders , which ho of fered the railroad man for a ticket. The sign was given the ambushed officer and he pounced upon the fraudulent sta tioner and marched him off to the Kevoro lockup , and he will bo arraigned in the Chelsea police court to-day. No one will ever know the number of persons who carried away light hearts from the beach yesterday in the belief that they possessed a beautiful gold pen and holder that cost them but NO , 401 BROADWAY , Are opening now aiid licuutiful designs In Jlfoqiiette , Body Brussels , ' Velvet ) , Tapestry " Brussels , 3-Ply Iriffi'ahis , g-JPly Ingrains , Rag Carpets , J2tc. For offices , hotels , lodge rooms , Call for prices at Harkness Bros , ' , 431 Broadway. Are now arriving and in stock. Tri cots , Flannels , Unslimures , etc. Ex cellent for traveling and fall service. Black Silks and in the new colors. Qnnlity the best and prices the lowest for good goods. Ladies wishing relia ble goods will call on Harkness Bros. ' , No. 401 Broadway , Council Blufl'a. Hosiery. A few more of those Lisle Thread Hose left at Sop. , in black and in colors , at Harkness Bros. , No. 4.01 Broadway. OIL CLOTHS In many now patterns and a stock to select from. Door Ma ts , llu s , Curtains , Curtain Poles , etc. , at Hark- ness Brothers , No. 4 01 Broadway. Council Blull's. _ _ OiahaDentalAssflciation Or HAUGUMTj , Manager , .Nos. 1510-1531 Douglas > t , Omaha aud No S31 Broadway , Council Bluffs. IMInlei * Dentistry , No iiuiii iia ! GUI , Vitalized Air , Ktlur mul Cl oroform , lli ) tliflrtlcltojiInKeffect uTO'Ued Ly tliu most wonderful mmentlictlc , purify Ins tlio tlool uncl tul dlnjpp IliJllBBues. Oninlisi Dental Association , Sole Prop'rs. aoM Crowni , ( lold Tint' ) uiul Continuous Cum Tcetu , a rpeclalty. Ik'it teeth fti ; foinifr price 115 per set. BEST L&U8DRY WORK III the elty can bo obtained by patronizing tlio 601 Hroadway VJBCouncil Uluffa OEO , W. SCJriXDELE , J'ron , Nona but experienced hands employed. Out of town orders by mull or eipicss solicited , aud nil uork wu-ruutuO. BOSTON TEA COMPANY , Wholesale and Retail Grocers , No. US ESain and 95 Pearl Street , Gouiiosl Bluffs. WASTED 100,000 MOHK CUSTOM Kit S. HOUSE IflOVER AND RASS " Brick building ; ; of any kiml raised or moved nnd satisfaction guaranteed. Frame buildings moved on Little Giant trucks , best in the world. SOSEigbtli Avenue and Eiglitb StrcetCounil IllufT-j. THTTT" ? JL JLJLJLJr Price paid in cash for all kinds of second hand STOVES , Furniture , etc. M. DROHLIOH , 608 Broadway. 226 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Pariniucr Innfls in Iowa. Minnesota , Texas , Kansas and Arkansas , ranging1 from $1.25 to 12 per aero. School aud state lands in Minnesota on HO years time 5 per cent interest. Laud buyers fare free. Information , etc. , given by P. P. Lanstrup , Xo. 535 Broadway , Council Blull's , Iowa. COUNCIL BLUFFS Fall Meeting. FOUR DAYS' ' RACING. Trotting , Pacing and Illuming Tuesday , Aug. 31st , Wednesday , Sept , ! st , Thursday , Sept , 2d , and Friday , Sept 3rd , Including special attractions by Prof. A. E. Walker's world famous Itacing Dogs daily and Balloon Ascensions by Prof.A. S. Parker daily , in front of the grandstand. Otbur'attractions in the way of speed consisting of celebrated horses from Kentucky , Ohio. Illinois , Indiana and Wisconsin. Reduced rates on all railroads. Upmo everybody and have : i good time. For particulars , address PKAD3K STUBB8 , Secretary REFRIGERATORS , AT COST. W. S. HOMER & Co. , 23 Main St. , Council UliuTs , Star Sale Stables and Mule lards , BKOADWAY , COUNOIL BLUFFS , Opposite Dummy Depot. g oo fa s HorBoj and Mules kept constantly on hand lorealo at retail or lit car loads. " Orders promptly llllod by contract on shirt notice , tttocksold on commission. SHLUTEH 4 JJOLISV. 1'ropilotora. Tclephono No. 111. BUS Foimpily of K1KI. SAMS STAIUES , rornor mo.and itli struct. Creston House , Tim only hotel In Council HlulTs harln ? ITire Esoa/pe And nil modern Inipiovoiucnts. eiS.-'lToudUIUMiilnet. MAX JIOIIN , Prop. JACOB SIMS , ATTORNEY AT LAW , OOtJlSTOIIj BIjTJjniPS Practices In the Sttito and Federal courts Rooms 7 and 8 Sliugart Block , N. SCHURZ , Justice of the Peace 031oo over Atnoriiun Exprosj City "Steam" Laundry ! ItEMER ,0 SEAlilGJIT , No. 31 N. Main Street , Council Bluffs. Finest work and lowest prices for flue tvo / , - . All collars tnul cHfls re turned in collar and c.ujf bo.rctt without c.etra charac , which guar antees work. In same condition as it leaves tts. Out of town orders re ceive samcZaftcntlon and at same rates as cltij work. OFFICER & PUSBY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA. Established 1S5T n. aicE , M. D. , O' ° othurTumors romovoil wltbou the knlfo or drawing or blood. Chronic Diseases or ui < inas iiBpocinity. Over thirty yonrs' practical experience. No. U I'unrlSl. . Council lllutts. Conaiiltittlonfiuu. R. L. ION. Ma in St. , Council Bluffs , la. , ami 200 S. 15th St. , llHoni 10 , Omaha , Neb. Manufncturer'E A front for the CAL1GRAPH TYPE WRITER and SUPPLIES Tents , Awninars. Hoofing Slate , Man tels , I'J.ito nndVimlow \ Glass , Show cases. Elevators ( hand mid hy draulic , ) &e. TfiinoToAH lowest rates , Real estate handled , In surance written and all kinds of bonds bought by F , J. Day No , 39 Pearl SI , , Council Bluffs , Established 1881 , , Journal * , County and IlanU Work ot'all Kinds a Spec ially. Prompt Attention to Mai ! Orders MOREHOUSE & GO. Hooni 1 KviTct Block , Council Bluffs. Standard Papers Used , All styles of bind ing in Magazines and BLANK BOOKS. lUFKHBNCr.S ; : 0.11. National Hunk , M li Smith &Co. , CIM/.oils' Hunk. PtdrnYllai f > , , tr | t National Hunk , ft. II. Inmirmicu Co. , UlUcorA. lu9oyUuukursC. II. Buviuj ; Jiuuk. WHOLESALE AND JOBBING COUNCIL BLUFFS. IMI't.HMKXTS. DEEUE , WELLS & CO. , Wliolosulo Agricultural Implements , Bn&ies , Cntrliijrrs , Kto , Ktc. Council lllulTs , lonn. _ KEYSTONE MANPFACTUIUNG CO , Mnkc ( ho Urltrlnnl nnd Complete * Hay Loader , also Rakes , Cider Mill & Press , COHN PtIKtXKIlS AND HIKI ) CI'TOms. Nc > 8. IWUIWI , 1XH imiltOT South Mnln Slrost , Council lliUlK Inwn. DA A' ID ItltADLKY & 00 Mmmf'rs nn I Jobtxn-4 of Agricultural Implements , Wagons , Buggies , Cnri Imroc. ntul nil klntt of Farm Mnohlnorr. 1100 to Hid South Mnln Street , Council lllurfa , loirn , AXK K.O. ( Tt.K DN. T. H.tnu < ii.t , Oco P.TviuaitT. ' I'rpg.tVTrPin. V-t'ro AM m. 803 .VCounsol. Council Bluffs Handle Factory , ( Ine'orporntod.l Mnnufnctureriof Arle , Pick , Slodico nnd Smill Hmidli-3 , of every dcaolpllou. COUNCIL ULUFFS CAHl'ET CO. , Curtains Window Shades Carpets , , , Oil Cloths , Curtain t-'ltturos , ITphoNtory OooJs , Utc. No. 105 Hrond\vny \ Council lllutTa , town. CH7.1RS. VOfJ.HTf ) , I'EHIXIOY & MOOUE , \Vlulvt ) > nlo .lolibois In the Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes. NOB. US Mnln mid 27 I'enrlSU. Council muff * . Inwn. CO.W.U/.SS/O.V. / / SNYDEU & LEAMAN , Whnlcsnlo Fruit and Produce Commission Merchints. No niVnrl St , Council ! lhirs. : HAHLE , HAAS & CO. , Wholesale Oils Paints Glass Druggists , , , , B' Sundries Ktc. No. ! ! Mull ) SU , oud No. Ul IVnrl Ht. . Council Dluirn. 1VH/17VS. O. W. BUTTS , Wholesale California Fruits a Specially Gouornl Commlselon. No. GU llromlway , Council Itluffs. WHIT & DUQUIiTTE , Wholcsalo Fruits , Confectionery & Fancy Grocerlas. Nos. 10 nnd 18 Pearl St. , Council lllmrn. L. K1USC11T & CO. , Jobbers of Staple and Fancy Groceries. Alto \Vholcsixlo IJqunr Doilori. No. 410 Jlroiul- wny , Counoil llluffs. ItAnXKSS , ETC. 13KCICMAN & CO. , Unnu'nctuioia of and Wholesale Doulora In Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc. V No. D23 Slnln St. . Couticll Ululls , Iowa. HA'l'S , CAl'K , ETC. METCALF BROTHERS , Jobbers In Hats , Caps and Gloves. No = . ii(2 nnd 3li HroaJwiiy , Council IllutTs. HE A vr HA nnirA HE. KEELINE & FELT , Wholosnlo Iron , Steel , Nails , Heavy Hardware , And Woodstock , Council HIiiffH , Iowa. IJIDKS AX1) WOOL. D. II. McDANELD & CO. , Commission Merchants for Sale of Hides , Tulleir.Wool , 1'clts , 1'ura Council lowu. OILS. COUNCIL ULUFFS OIL CO. , Wholcsnlo Uonlors In Illuminating & Lubricating Oils E3TO. , E3TO. 8. Theodore , Atont , Council lllutri. Iowa. LVMliEIt. 1'IIANQ , KTC. A. OVERTON & CO. , Hard Wood , Southern Lumbar , Piling , And HrldBO Mntcrlnl Speolnltlos.WliolosaUi Luin- bur ol all Kindi. union No. 130 Muiu tit. . Council Jlluirg. lowiu _ I WES AHa LlQUOItS. JOHN LINDKU , Wholcsulo Imported and Domestic Wines & Liquors. AlUmt forSt fioltlmnl'B llorli lllttors. No. IJ Mnln St. Counoil lllulls. SCHNEIDER & BECK , Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors , AV , line Mnln ft. . CVmiicfl Illiijs. ! for the LAKE Tbe Steamer OLLIE MAY Nonly flttnl up , nntl tinder thn cliiuxoof n HKIIII ul uiij'hiccr and pilot , Is now miiulug p'cua- ' uro trips on LAKE MANAWA. W i will jtlvo charters f ) pin tlus tur ono hour or any li > irrti ! oftlnui iluslrtol. Kmcs of cihmtur Klrc-n nnd order * tnkon at ollluuo. JJ M.iltis t. , bctwoun lionm III to 13 u. m. It. I'Al ' II & to , SPECIAL NOTICES. ITOI'lCEJ. Spcclnl ndvcrllsoiiii'iiU , tuch UB lest , 1'onn To Lnnn , Kor Sulo , To Itonl , V > nnts , Ilouidlinc , etc. , will Ijolnecitod In thin column at the low intoof TKNCISNTfl 1'Klt I.INIJ foviho HrsunMr tlonnnd Flvo Cents 1'or Una lor each gubsoiiuimt intuition. LCIIVP udvwtlfoincnts ut our olflco No , 12 1'cul street , near Jlrciuhvuy , Council Illuirg. WANTS. Til OK KKNT A nine-room houcu nnd store J-1 No 1017 Main ft. \HMNTI ! ! ) An usslEtunt cook nt tha Ojjdo > IIOIIK' . 1710H SAI,7-OI.I : iinpom. In iiumltlctfto | ! -L at lioo ollico No. 1rcurl Hlroot. STJRAMS ACADEMY COUNCIL It LUFFS , IOWA. An excellent oductitionnl Institution , f urnlrU eil with nil the modern linprovcinniu , con ducted by thoSlH'mtS OI'UIIAUITY.ll. V. U 1'ortcrm ol firs month * , $75. Tcrmulifjriii fl' t MonJny In September nnd flint Monday In 1'cbrunry. For catalogues ud- > \ dices S ! Tii : ( SUl'K'dOU ' SU 1'ruucls Autv'Jciiij'.CutiiicllUlulIs , loj