Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 18, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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"Yesterday's ' Grain Bulge Continues Early ,
But Gives Out Later.
A Million ami .a Half's Worth of hard
Contracted For In One Grcnt
Deal The Jilvc Stoofc
ntnrkot ,
CIIIOAOO , Atmiist 17.- [ Special Tclogram
to tlio lir..J ! : Tlio bulfio whloh statteil In
late ycslciilay nflornoon continued tills
) noi nliig , ovt-rytliliirf on thfi list oDcnlni ;
Ulshcr. Hut tltu luinntk was heard very ft
( Iticntly afterti.iilliiK liml buRiin tolliticirwt
that tliu market luul been opened too liluh to
stick , tjcptumber wheat ooutifd at IV e , Ji'c
In advance of iesttiiday's cloihitf , sold nl
7S c. nnd than li-ll tnek to 7SJfc. Corn for
.September slnited out at l'/c ) ' , only llttctua-
till ) ? bc'twcun tliat and 4lV < ? - Poifc was
llrst cjutilrd ( U S'J.7 for .Sepli'inlKT. . The
iccclpttwuicctinildprtiil ll-riii They nggic-
pated 1715 cats of wlioat , ( Wl winter nnd 51
sprlnu ) , Ooo cms of corn , and 2rf > cars ot oats ,
CabU"Mvere a decklmlly HtrunKtliunlng fea
ture , coming In ( , tion anil Itl lilylior on
wliual and > d lilKher on coin , liuforc the liinir tlio nmtket Went tip two or tlitco
points on the announcement the ware
house folks madu an eiior in
li'iirint ( ; In 4.VJ.OOO bnslieh mote wheat
than tliuy actually had , thus making
thu visible supply lnciea.-.e l , " ) ,03i ) bushels
Instead of l,7ISOiXbushul3. ) As it was known
on the lloor some time beloie thn announce-
input . alllelally iii.tde , the olTect at the
inoinunt did not amount to much. During
thu early p.irt ot the day Him nnd Schwaitz
worn heavy \\hoat bnyois , nald to be tor tlio
account of Leopold Bloom. The bull sup
port was not sullicleut to hold up
the mmket , and piiceu gradually tc.ictod to
7tc by 10 o'clock t" TS' ' e by 10 : 0 u cloak.
Much Of the coin bought In a small
way ycblctday moiiiing was sold
to-day , bieakiuc thu market. Sep
tember declined In tlio first hour
Irom4l c to1W , wlillo September pork
fell In tlii-saiuu time to SU.M. Leshtiynsky's
advices iitu that the Fii'neli crops Imvo ueon
dam.iged fully t0 ! pi-r cent , and his New "i ork
house expects bcloro iii.iny weeks a good
export tiado lieio at 61 for cash whvat. Tins
piumlutu is now H o\cr September.
"The feature of to-d.ij's muikt'ts. " re-
niarkodJackson Hros. , "was tlio uveninir-un
iiMpesi Indtdited In. Them was \\orldof
long Hold and short wheat bought. "
Jilooiii'.s DtircliRsex. it was Ic.uned , wens
about all short wheat , lie covered through
Linn it Staffer.
llcforu noon September wheat had leaded
to 78'4C ' , lumnlneo tliero a moment , then be-
camon itttlo lirmer , and went back again to
78's'c ' , recoveiinic bv noon to Ta'.tfe ' , and half
an hour later touching78lfc. Coin In the
incantlmu was vciy steady atotuul ! : ! ? < < , at
which offeiingH were light and quickly ab-
soibcd. Coin sold nt UlJifc , but tuound noon
the tnarlict bec.imu in moron local demand
nnd sold up again to 4 : > % c. .Reports on New
York exports \\ete veiy coullicting as
to what had been or would bo done ,
but const'ivatlvcs agieed that lit teen boat
loads taUcn would bo about right , "if we
Bet more than this , " said a member inkT-
cstcd in tills blanch ot trade , "U will gi\o us
a good bull maiket to-mouow , as piouding
that hhlppuisnitiHtlia\n wheat aud are will-
Jntt to pay tlio-jo ] > rlre.s for it. "
' The piovMon list was a dull deal and
closed substantially the same as it did ycstui-
day. September pork opened at .y. > . ? Mt
mainly on the high run ot hogs , and sold
down to b'J.Go ' , iccovering slightly. All
the list was Inclined to strengthen
p.irly , but It did not hold , September
wheat dioppcd down to 77c , only
closing-a split better than that. The biggest
shipment over ananged lor was contracted
for to-day by the I'lanklnton-Cudahy Mil
waukee clique which is running tlio Septem
ber lard deal. 1 loom is engaged for 500,000
tlcrres of lard In one contiact. This Is
1.500,000 woithot nrupeity. 11 it went by
rail It would take WW freight cars loaded from
bottom to ton. It Is a conliaet by which
noaily one-hale of all the laid in stoio hero
inovt'B out. It will go by propellers , and all
tlio propeller lines participate.
Cuimi0i. ! : : ' ] m. September wheat , 7SVe ;
puts , 77c ; calls , TBKGiTs c. September
corn , 4aj ( ! $ c ; puts , > { < : ; calls , 44tfe.
CHICAGO , August 17 , [ Special Telegram
to the HUB.I CATTLE The lulling oil of
about 4,000 cattle In two days , as compared
with the same time last week , has brought
about a sharp and unexpected up-turn In
prices. The falling oft Is largely on natives
and Texans , as there aio fully as many range
cattle hero as at this tlmu last week. The
ordinary run of fat natives In fully lOc higher
than Monday , and 15q ( > i > c higher than tlio
lowest oC last week. Kango cattle
are 2W < ioOc higher than tlio lowest
last week. Tuxnns aie In light supply
and 15-J5c higher than a week ao. The
best natives are making S4.00@5.10 , with
good and useful , nice , handy steers at S4.7r vj
4.85 , ana common at 54,25 ® 1.50 , Theio were
four or the trains of northern tangent on
tmlo , among whlcli weio con lgnmunts Irom
the Shiedly Cattle company , tlio Haley
brand anil others. One lot ot tourtcLMi loads
of the Utility brand , averaging 1,000 ilbs , sold
at S 1.00 Nineteen loads ol the XX Dakota
Tuxans , averaging about 1.000 Ibs ,
also sold at Si. and 'J8U of tlio
Ora Ilalny Wjomlng niillvo , averaging
about l."Jl pounds were sold at In a
K'l gcneml way ningo cattle were a\'niging ' ! J5@
V Wta hlghertlmn hist week. Texansaiu making
ft * ; ) . ! i5nt.bOforstcei.s ( : , and sa/AWiflO for cun
ning block. Including cows and bulls.
HOOH The maikot was active and prices
Rttuily as compared with yesterday , with
hero and theio a tancy lot of light or heavy
selling r > c hluhor man yesterday. Uest corn
fed mixed solil at i4.BOI.Uj , aud best heavy
S.'U'OQ.Vi'i ' ; best coin ted lulit , S4.'JO ( < 7,5.00 ,
and com led ijkljis , 640@4'A (
New York. August 17. MONKY On call
loaned liom 5 to 'JO per cent , closing at 15 ( :0
jer ) cent.
1'llIUK MnitOA.NTH.B 1'APEIl 4Q5 per
riTKitr.i.vo EXCUANOK Steady and un
changed : actual rates S4.b' lor sixty day
bills and S4.W > for demand.
( iovnnNUKM's Uorcinmcnts were dull
but steady.
STOCKS Prices at the opening of the htock
tnatkct this morning weio generally lower ,
although tlio dltfoicnces woio from J tojf
per cunt only with thu exception of Omaha ,
widen was off and Now York Central Jj
percent. 1'hero was quiet trading In the
morning hours , during which tlio market ,
nlthoimh exhibiting a weak undertone , did
not yield to any considerable extent After
noon , however , Union ruclilc was broken
over 1 per cent , and other active stocks frao-
tlonal amounts. A slight recovery followed
on comparatively dull trading , but after 3
o'clock the attack was renewed with double
force and tlio entlio list yielded In unison
until just before thu close , when the pressure
was removed. Tlio market closed quiet but
weak at about thu lowest figures reached.
SScent bomls , , lOOifjC. & N. W 1
U. .S. 4K's . llljf preferred
New 4's 13.1'J . N , t. C..T.
Pacific O's ' of ' 05 , Orckron Tran ,
Central Pacltle. . 41
C. A A 141 } <
Piufened. . . . 150 P. P.O..7. . . . . . .
O. n. AC ) Itock Isla'nil''V.l
D LAW " L. AS.
' ' " F. . . .
. A'U. o. ! . ! ! ! preferred. . .
Erie , 0. , M. ASt P. . .
preferred. . . 74 preferred.
Illinois Central. XS4J ( St , V. & 0 45 }
L. . . . . 16 preferred. . . 107V
Kansas it Texas , Texas I'acltic. . . 14 ?
. LakeSlioru. , , . . 85 Union 1'aclllo. . . 6SJ.
. W. , St. I * & P. . 18
Wlch. Central. . . preferred. . . 83
Wo. I'acino ! . . . . , Western Union. 65
Worthern Pac. . . 27 O..K.&N 103
pi uf erred. . .
Ctiloaco , AURiist 17. Klour Steady
and unc'ianced ' : winter wheat Hour , S4.U5'3
Mlrhlpan foftsprlnc wheat , SS.- < 01.10 ! Min
nesota bakers Sa.VKV/54.1 / ( ) : patents , Sl.wa
4.CO ; low prudes , S1.7.Vd3.75 ! rye Hour , quiet
nt & : V-.v < iVX > In barrels , and 3.00S-1.20 in
fcftCK' .
Wheat Fi\lrlv nctlve and unsettled ,
opened hrm , about Jfe above and closed about
same ns yesterday : cash , 7fl c ; September ,
77 15-lPc ; October , 71) ) 13-lOc.
Corn Unsettled and fairly nctlve , closed
ubotit same as > csterdiy ; cash , 42V-lCc ;
September , 45 1.1'10c | October , 4,1 MOo.
Oats I'Irmer , futures Ji"e higher ; cash , 27c'
September , 2SUc ; October , S'sc. ! ' '
Klav-seeit P1.12 ,
Timolln Prime , S2.0. > .
\Vhlsky S1.11.
Pork Weaker , 3 < rilue hlclier at or > "iiln ;
broke 10c nd closed ueak , . " > e below yester-
dav ; rasli. . ' . ' . ( , ' ( ? ! ) irSeptenibei , ' : , Sl'.tVJ'jQ ' '
O. M ; October , S'J.72' ' < il ) 75.
Lard Closed 2K. " ' " > o above jostcul.iv ;
cash , ! >'i7.(0 : ' ( ; SepWmber , S7.IO ; Octo-
be I. S" hIJT ,
Hulk .Ments-Slioulder S'l.TiWi.S * : short
clear , VO ( ) .nl.M ; slum ribs , SO 2 * < 10.'JiX.
UuttorI'lrm ; cruamcij , 10f421)ac ) ; dairy ,
Chouse Finn , lilgluu : choice full cieam , 8'4@svic ' ; lUts , S'4l ' < JSJ < c ; joim , ?
Americas S CrtPc.
KCCS lO' oct le.
Hides ( ireeu salted , fully cured , PC : licht ,
'ts ' , e : ihim.iced , 7c ; b'ull hides , ujfe ;
drv silled Il'il2c ( : dty Hint l3iHo ( ; calf
skins hOW'ji'i ' deacons , 50cu.ieh.
fallow No. 1 countiy , 3injy/c ( ; cake ,
njt ; No. c , ye.
Itccolpu. Shipments
Flniir.bliM tl.OOa Jl.nM
WllPiit , Im St.UOO 71.1KW
Cot n , UU 3111.000 W.OOO
Oats , Oil 355.000 12XW
Ityc.bu 4,000 None
llarley.bti roow 12,000
Ht. louK August 17. Wheat Finn
and higher at the opcnlnc , but subsequently
declined ; No. 2 red , cash , 7. < 3,14@7 > fo : September -
tember , 7 ! > ' , fc ; October , HIJ'e. ( ,
Coin l-'irmer ; casli , 4Uo bid ; September ,
40 ? < c ; October , 42e.
O.its September , 273 0.
llDull at Sic.
Potk Slow alS10.2r10.CO.
Lard Nominal.
Huttcr Finuor ; creamery , I7di0c ; daily ,
Kansas City , August 17. Wheat
Stcndy : No. 2 red cash , OVVo bid , G'ic
nskeii ; September , GIJ.ic bid , WiKc asked.
Corn .Stioin.No. ! ) ; . a , casli , 3 c bid , : > 4x' ' < ic
n.sked ; September , : H.fe ,
Oats -Nnnilnul ; No. 2 , cash , 27Vc bid ,
27kc : -ked. i .
Now Orlenna. August 17 , Corn Weak
and lower ; mixed. Wehltu ; " > ' ) eyellow ; , 53c.
Oats Lower ; clioico western , 30c.
Hog Proiluctb Demand light but holders
Poik-SlO.f.0. .
Liid : 80.73)4(30.77. ) (
Bulk Meats-Shoulders , SO.OJK ; long clear
niut clear ribs , SC.55.
Liverpool , August 17. Wheat In peed
demand : new No. 3 winter , lirm at fiaCd ;
irlng , lirm atOsOd.
Klour In better demand ; ( irm at bs 2d.
( 'orn In ( rood demand : spot , lirm at 4s 4d ;
Auetist lirm nt 4s : < ) < d ; September , .steady at
4s 4fl ; October , steady at Is 5d.
Toledo , August 17. Wheat Steady and
higher ; cash. SlXc.
Corn Steadv ; cash , 44c ,
Oats Neglected.
Now Yort , Auxust 17. Wheat Receipts ,
840,000 ; exports , 131,000 ; spot about > , . ; e
higher ; options opened lirm , advanced ? 4' < < ? lc ,
afterwards weakened , fell back ) affi > fe , clos
ing heavy. Ungraded led. 83SS fc ; un
graded red , c. f. and I. , b7@i > S c : No. 11
led , bOe ; No. 1 red. 9oc ; No. " red. b7/(38bc ; ( ,
in elevatorUSJS9 , ' < calloat,87 > @ ' 3Sc 1. o.b. ;
September closed at 87'f c ,
Corn Spot , about J-fo higher ; options n tri-
fin better ; receipts , -iO.OOJ ; exports , 17,000 ;
unjtiadcd , 50a5c ( ] , ; No. 2. S\fa in ele
vator , 52' ' c deliveied.
O.its-ir@J < e lower ; iccolpts , 11,000 ; ex
ports , 10 ; mixed nestein , 8'J ( < * 3.c ; white
western , : iO@4'ic.
Petroleum Steady ; United closed at CIMc.
Pork Unchanged ,
Lard 57 points higher ; western steam ,
spot , 87.35 ( < 7.45.
Butter L'irin ; western , 12@2l ) c.
Cheese Fiimer ; demand litjht.
Ksjgs Steady ; western fiesli , l3ioi4c. ( .
Cincinnati. August 17. Wheat Strong
and higher ; No. 3 red , 77@77.Jfc.
Corn Strong and higher ; No. 3 , 43c.
Oats Firm ; No. a , inlxed , H8J @ 2SXc.
Hye Weak and lower ; No. 2 , 52c.
Pork Dull nt S10.2' ) .
Laid-Kirm at 36.W ) .
Whisky Actlvo and firm : sales , 1102 bbls
of linlshed goods on a basis of 81.03.
Milwaukee , August 17.--Whcat Quiet ;
cr-sh , 7Gc ; September , 77 c ; October , 79ic. ; !
Corn Dull ; No , 2 , 41fc.
Oats Kasy ; No. 2 , 27c.
Hye Quiet ; No. t , nominal.
Bailey Steady ; No. 2 , COc.
1'iovislons Steady ; mess pork , Septem
ber , 8U.54 ; October , $0.75.
AlliincapolU , Auatust 17. Wheat steady
aud lalrly active ; No. 1 hard , cash , 75 } c ;
September , 70J c : October , 77Jfc ; No. 1 north-
etn , cash , 74c ; Scptejuber , 7-lJ4c ; October ,
70'/c ' ; No. 2 not them , cash , C'Jc ; September ,
0 ! ) > je ; new wheat quoted le lower ror No. 1
hard and 2c lower lor Nos. 1 aud 2 northern.
Flour Kilmer ; patents,84.2oi1l.50 ( ! ; bakers ,
Hecelpts Wheat , 5'J.OOO bushels ; flour ,
125 barrels.
Shipments Wheat , 13,030 , bushels ; Hour ,
13,000 banels.
_ _ _
LilVli } 8TOCK.
Chicago , August 17. The Drover's Jour
nal icnoitsas lollows :
Cattle Heeolnts. 5,500 ; higher : stockers
and feeders , 83.60@3.50 ; cows , bulls and
mixed , 1.753.7 ! > ; through Texas Btecia ,
8t.25a.80 : ( : ) ; cows and bulls , S2.2 : > ( iJ3.50 ; Du-
kotaToxnns , 10CO Ibs , 84.00 ; Wyoming , 1221
Km , 34.IW.
lloas Kecelpts , 14,000 : active and stoadv ;
corn fed mixed , S4.bO@I.Ki ; heavv , S5.00 ®
fi.5 ' ; light , S4.UOlifl.VOO ; skips. S3.75@4.CO ;
packing and shipping , S4.GO@5.25.
Sheet ) HeceipK 2,000 : demand fair and
prices fiigher ; natives , S3.fiO(33.75 ( ; western ,
.S.50S3.00 ( ; lambs , S4.00 ® . ' > .00.
st , lionlB. Aueust 17. Cattle Hecelpts ,
K.OOO ; .shipments , l.WX ) ; btronger ; tiood to
choice butcheis , S3.50tt4.10 ( ; native shlppeis ,
S4.10Q4.25 ; Tuxasgrasseia , 82.0.@H.75. )
llogh Itecelpts , 19.000 ; shlpincnts , 1,000 ;
stronger ; good butchers to best heavy ,
S4.t'OM5.15 ; mixed packing , S4.CO@5.)0 ( ) ;
liirht , S4.&o@4.H ) ; grassois. 8U.WCS4.2. . .
KatiHiis City , August 17.-Cnttlo lie-
celpts , 3,000 ; shtnmunts , 2,000 : lat gtutf
and a shade higher ; glass tango of
good qunlity steady : common , dull : common
to choice , $ .1.40 < ! 4I.OO ; stoekais and feedeis ,
S2.0@3.40 ! ! ; cows , SI..WftJ .75 ; glass lange
steois , $3.40@t.60. :
Hogs Ueeelpts. 4 , ( 0 ; shipments , 3,000 ;
choice stiom ; : otlicia steady ; common to
choice , 54.50@t.Uo ; skips aud pigs , 82. 75 ®
4.40 ,
Tuesday Kveninc , August 17.
Cattle The receipts of cattle were liberal.
but not as heavy o.s yesterday. The demand
was not sulllclent to take nil that were In ,
and n good many wuro left over. The
market lemalns about steady , One bunch of
choice heavy coin-fed cattle biought S4.M ) ,
which was thu highest liguro reached in some
time.Hogs The receipts were heavier to-day
than on yesterday , and the market more
active. While ono choice load went at a
higher Itenre than anythlnc yesterday , tno
market wns weaker. The demand was good
mid everything was sold.
Sheep One small bunch was sold to-day ,
but there Is no market and no demand to
speak of.
Cattle. , . . . . . . . , . , . . . . . . . . .1100
Hogs . , . liJOO
ProvnlllnK I'rloes.
Showing the prevailing prices paid for live
stock on tills market
Choice steers , m > u > 1500 Ibs . S4.20ffll.35
Choice steers , 110U to 1833 Ibs. . S.754. 15
Medium steers , 1230 to 1350 Ibs. , . . O.OOyM.OO
Vat little steer * . 1050 to 1150 Ibi . . . . 3.I15S3.83
( oed feeders , 000 to 1000 Jus . 8.00 M'l. 3.5
Oood to choice corn-fed cows . 2.003.25
Fair to medium grass cows . 2.0DM.,05
Uood to choice bulls. , . 1.50@at > 0
Light and medium nogs. . . , . , . 4.30(44.50 (
( lood to choice heavy nogs . 4.50@4.70
Good to choice mixed ho s. . . . . . . . . 4.35Q&I.55
Fair to good shorn sheep . . . 3.00 < i$3.50
Reprusontatlve Bales.
No. AV. IT.
80 . 11G3 33.05.
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
53 . Vi.0 S4.00 63..13M 84.50
No Av. J'r. No. Av. Pr.
8 . 1010 83.20 15 . OM ) 83.60
No. Av. Pr.
125 . 01 S2.00
no a * .
No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. ShV. Pr.
70. . . 2'M 200 S4..M 2.5..PXI ) S4.C1
71. . . 217 40 4.M 0..270 HCO 4.03
01 . .241210 4.CO C3. . .275 ff.'O 4.0.5
70. . . 247 ICO 4.00 f.7. . . .203 40 4.05
07. . . 2'K ) 4.R5 4 ! . . . .2f,0 12) 4.0' ,
04. . . 2J ICO 4.03 07. . . . 371 bO 4.72' <
of I rloe3.
Showlnellio liUlicUand lowest prhes p.\ld
for mixed loads of hozson this market d'-ir- '
Inglha pxst seven d.xys , with comparative
values :
July. Aucttol.
Tuesday. 10th. 4.4S ( < n.c > r >
Wodiu < > dn\.tl. 4.i7 : i.05
TiurMlnyl2th ! , . 1.41 64.CO 4.CO ( n4.tH
Fildav. 'lath . 4..W ft-4 - 70 4.r > 0 W4.0. * >
hntuiday , Hlh. , 4.M @ 05 4.G > WI.70
Mond.iy. Ifith. 4.M ( UI.S'i 4.03 WI.70
Tuesday 17lh. . 4.M ut4.7.'i 4.M dtl.rJ.1 *
Live Stuck Sales.
Slun\lncth ( ! numbrr of cattle , hoes and
sheep purchased by the leading buyers on
to-day's market
O. U. Hammond A , Co . 201
Others . 11
ItOCI" .
C. 11. Ilinnmoml , t Co . 2'fl
North .V : Co . t > 'M '
Clink Urns . W
Onmlui I'nektng Co . bO
sncni * .
W. Kolbo . . . 12-
.Showing tlio numbDritf cars of livestock
shipped out ot thu yards during the day !
cArrt.i : .
.No. Ut. West.
10 . U. I . CldcjigO.
13 . N. W. . Chicago
All sales ot stock in tins market are made
per cwt live weight unless otherwise stated.
Dead hoes sell ntkc per Ib for all wolgtm.
"Skins , " or hogs welghtim less than .108 Ibs
no value. Pregnant sow * are docked 40 Ibs
nnd Elags 80 Ibs. _
Hogs all sold.
Incicased recoluts of hoc1 ; .
There were a good many shippers In
Allioil Flint , Lltclifickl , topped the umikct
on hous.
Hogs .sold about the same to-day as a
iiionth auo.
,1. B. Mode , Hartlngton , had two loads of
cattle nt the vatds.
, loc Hatch , Hawllns , was hcie with sixteen
loads of Jiingu cat Ilo.
1. Folda , Scliuylcr , was In and sold three
cats of coi n-fed steets.
. ) . M. Mcireavy. Hanctoft , was In and sold
a loid ot butcheiH1 stud.
Fisher A : Wniiner , York , had a load of
on today's maiket.
K. K. Dav , Weeping Water , had two loads
of hogs on to-day's maiket
J. 0. and 11. C. Uollong , Schuyler , were
visitors at the yards to-day.
North & Co. , the Boston nackeia , were the
heaviest hog buyers on to-day's market
C. Halley , Kchuyler , was at the yards nnd
sold a bunch ot 03 corn-fed steers averaging
18SlatS4.50 ,
A full blood Indian came in with the
I'opper outfit. He has worked for tlio otitlit
live years and Is a uood iuan.
Auionc others selling hogs to-day were
Spets it K. , David City ; air. Powell , Grand
Island ; 11. K. Vanilrulf , 13iadbhaw ; .Rey
nolds , P. A ; Co. , Ilaymond.
On the maiket with hogs : Clark llcaton
it Co. , Wuston ; J. W. Uhl , Stiomsburg : C.
K. Gwynn. Council BlulTs ; Dowline & Pur-
cell. North Bend : F. Slgman , Noitli Uend ;
L. S. Powell , Fulleiton ; F. Sanders , St
Paul ; A. D. Seals Clarke.
Chas. Popper , Salt Lake City , liad twenty
cars of range cattle at the yards. Mr. Popper
own * a large ranch in Coloiado about 105
miles from Hawlins , fiom whlcli they shit ) .
L. L , Baumpnttcn , the brother-in-law of Jlr.
Popper , washeie In charge of the cattlo.
J. C. Wysong , Cedar Itapids , was at the
yards toilavitli ten loads of corn-fed
steers. Mr. Wysong is manatror of the ranch
owned by S. W. Alloiton , of Chicago , which
Is one ot the best cquinped places in tlio state.
They have a largo body of land , twenty sec
tions or more , In Boone county.
General I'rortuoo ,
Tuesday Evenlinr , August 17.
IVie/oHoiefng prices arc for round lots of
jnuducc , ns sold on tliu market to- ( ? < jThe /
quotations on fiiilta rcptescnt the prices nt
which nuUtldc orders arcflllcd.
Eons The market is weakatO@9J c.
BUTTKK Table butter is very tcarce nnd
In strong .request. Lower grades are more
plentiful again and a good deal of them can
be placed at better prices now , but cannot be
lelicd upon. Creamery , choice , 20c ; choice
dairy , lK(415c ; fair to good dairy , 10@tlc ; in
ferior grades , 4raiie.
CIIKE K Fancy full cream cheddars , 8j c ;
fancy full cream Mats , two In box , I'c ' ; tancy
full cream Young Americas , fouriubox , OXc ;
latiey Swiss , 12J @ 14c : brick , 12c ; Limburg ,
Povi.Titv Although receipts have fallen
off considerably. It hashtlll been Impossible
to work oil the ovcibtock that had accumu
lated liibt wceic , and nalc.s aie still dragging
at the same low pilces. Spring chickens not
going abo\o 82.00 per dozen and below that
if small , and old chickens S2.25@2.50. Ducks
also continue slow at S2.25@2.50.
GAMU With next month the season will
open. Tliero is alicady some demand for
prairie chickens , but the weather has been
ion hot to hhlp with safety fiom any distance.
ONIONS Southern , perbbl , § 350 ,
POTATOKS Choicesouthein , per bush , 40 ®
45e ; home crown , ; 50f 40c.
SWEET POTATOES Iowa homo crown are
in the maiKct and selling at5c per ib.
CIIEUV Kulannmio. per do40c. .
BHAKS llanllv an coming In now. DC-
mand fair at SI.-1 ; ® 1.50 per bushel , for clean
GnAix Corn , Me ; old oats , 23c ; now oats ,
20 ( < i2r.e ; rvo , H5c ; wheat. COc.
Fnuns Pears , per box ,
S2.iUW.75 : ( ! : plums , par box , 81.PO ; piuiici , per
box , Sl.ftO ; peaches , per box , 2.0002.3o ;
giapos , percrato , 82.00 ,
Ai'i' eating , perbbl , S2.50CS2.75 ;
clioice eatlne , nh oited , B Ubl lots , $ ' .25 ; do ,
10 bbl lots , 2.00C < f3.i .
box , SO 50 ; Meditcirancun sweets , per box ,
LKMOSS The lemon maiket continues
fit m. Kecoipts in Now York for the next
four weeks tire going to be exceedingly light
nnd there are no piosnects of any decline for
some time to come. Fancy , per box , 510 00 :
choice , per box , $ D 50.
BANANAS Tim maiket Is well supplied
with line blight trult , and prices rule low ,
Best shipping stock , per bunch , & 3 00@300.
13itiitlKH : I here Is veiy little block in tlio
market suitable for rehlpmcnt. .
JiAXANAS Choice Llmon , per bunch. S'J.50
SoirriiuitN (3iiAi'i:8 : A tow southern
crapes have atilu'd in the market ; 10 Ib.
boxes. 81.00601.85. '
CoooANins Cocoaiiuts , per 100 , 85.00 ; less
tlian hundred , per 100 , S5.50.
HoNnv California , I5e ; California ,
strained , lOc ; Nebraska , choice , 14@15o ; Ne
braska , ( iark , ! l3X@l c.
MAi'i.ic Svitui1 Bulk , H to 17 gallon uegs ,
per gal , 31.00 ; gal cans , per gal , 81.05 ; half
gal cans per gal , SI. 10.
Cinun New fork , per bbl , 87.00 ; do. half
bbl , 84.00 ; Crab , per do * qts , 82.75 ; Michigan
iclincd. per bbl. $0.00.
ViNEOAn-Wldto wine , 13@nc ; cider. 13
l7c ; single strength , 13c ; triple stiength ,
Fios AND DATKS Figs , layer , 4 Ib boxes ,
per Ib , lOc , Dates , fancy fnrd , 12 Ib boxes ,
lie ; dates , Persian , 50 Ib boxes , per Ib , lOc.
N UTS Pecans , largo polished , lie ; pecans ,
medium , tie ; English walnuts , I4c ; almonds ,
Tanagona. 20c : almonds , Languedoc , 17c ;
Brazils , lUc ; hlberts. 14c ; peanuts , iiand
picked , fancy Virginia , 8J < c ; peanuts , Iiand
nicked choice Virginia , 7 > c ; peanuts , roasted ,
2c extra per Ib.
MAPLE SUOAU Bricks , strictly pure , 60
Ib boxes , perlb. Ific ; 10-lb tin nails , strictly
pure , per Ib , He ; 5-lb bilcks , 24-lb boxes , per
PiaV FKF.T , TIUPK , ETO. Pigs' feet , per
W bbl , S4.00 ; do , tf bbl. S2.00 ; do , per kit , IWc.
Lambs' tongues , per 14 bbl , $3.35 ; do , per kit ,
53.60 ; do , quart lars , per doz , 5.25 ; do , pint
jars , per case , 2 dozen. 80.75. Tripe , per yt
bbl , 84.00 ; do. per X bbl , 82.00 ; do , per kit ,
PROVISIONS Ham , sugar cured. He ;
boneless hum , 50 Ib boxes , 12 > c ; picnic ham ,
UMo ; breakfast bacon , sugar cured , Oc ;
shoulders , 7 > { c : clear sldo bacon , 8c ; dry salt
sides , 7J < c ; diled beef-hams 15@lCc ; dried
beef , legular , 12c ; lanl , 40-Ib cans ( Fairbanks -
banks ) , 7 > fc ; 10 , 5 and 3-1 b palls , uo , 7K@
Fi.ouu AND Mu.LSTt'FFfl Winter wheat quality lutent.S'i SO ; second quality ,
82.40ti-J.'iO ( ; best quality spring wheat Hour ,
patent , § 2.75 ; bran , aOc per cwt ; chopped
feedOOc-nercwtiNflilto to-n meal , 7.V ; yel
low corn infill , o. ' > e i > < ; r cttt : seieeninR , OOc
per cwt : hominy , Sin > u i > cr cwt : shorts. .VKJ
jicrewt ; ura'iam ' , SJi' ' " ' ? lia > 'i l bale ? , 57.00 $
7.50 per ( on.
Ocncral .Markets.
Woor. Medium , 17 ( < J20c ] ) cr Ib ; fine heavy ,
12 < ( ( l5e ; light 14fU7c ( ; coarse , I215o ( ; burry
wool , 2 ? 5e olf.
u 1'ilmo slaughter sole leather ,
log , 80 < 3'I2o : Morocco oil ix-tible , 2Sc < So ; top-
plnc and linings , J > it.OOjjlo.OJ per doM
HKAVV 'ILMIIM-AIIK Iron , rate , S2.25 ;
low stt-fll bpaclal cist,4c ; cruclb le < teei , Co. ;
east tools do , r.'AilSo ; wajon spokes' per ,
Sl.7.ymoo ; hubs nor at 81.35 : felloes ,
sawed dry , SI 40 ; tongues , cncn , 7 , " > c ; axles ,
each. 75c : square nuts uer ib. 7 ( < ille : coil
chain , per Ib , < Xffil2e : malleable , OftiS ! : Iron
\\edges , Ge : ciontmrs , Oo ; hat row teeth , 4c ;
fspilng steel , 7trt < < o ; Utnden's hoise.stioes ,
84.40 ; IJurden's iiuilo shoes ? V40. Barbed
wire , in car lots 84.00 per 100 Ibs ron I
Nails rates , 10 to M ) , go.eo ; steel nails. 8'J.i5 ( ;
Shot 81.05 ; buckshot Sl.bS : oriental
powder , kens 82.50 ; do , half kees S'-.oo ;
do , quarter kegs. 81.50 ; blasting , kegs , 83.33 ;
fuse , pel 10 teet O.V. Lead Bar. 810.
PAINTS IN On. \ \ ineead. Omaha , P. P ,
} e ; white lead , St. Louis , pure , 87,75 : Mai-
cllles gr en. 1 toSlrj cans. 2c ; French zinc
irreen .veal. l'-c ; Fiench zinc red seal , lies
Kiunch zinc , in varnish asst , 20c ; French
zinc , 75c ; Nernillllon , American , 18e : Indian
led , lOc ; rose pink , I4c ; Venetian icd , Cook *
son's , 2'4c ' : enetian red , American , l > <
f > 11IIUI [ lllliutni , * > lt , Ijl'lllgll IIMMVU , * ; §
panlsh brown. 2l , e : Prince's mineral , "e.
lnv ) l'AiN' < < White lead , 8cFrcnc : tir.i nc
brown , 8c : umber , bnr.ut , Ic ; umber , law , 4e ;
sienna , burnt 4c' sienna , raw , 4c : Purls
gieen. genuine , uoc ; I'aris ercen. eommon.
tSe ! ; clnomo green , N. Y. , 20c ; cliromo green ,
K , 12c ; vermillion , Knglish , in oil 70c ; raw
nnd burnt umber , 1 Ib cans , I''c : raw nnd
bin nt sienna , 1'ie : Vandyke , brown , IHc ; re-
ilncdlampbl.ick , I3c ; coach black and ivory
black , lOc ; drop black. lOc ; Prussian blue ,
40e ; ultiaiimi hie blue , 18c ; chrome green , L. ,
JI. t I ) . , lOe ; blind ami shutter ureen , L. . M.
& 1) . , iCe ; Piiilsuiccn , ISc ; Indian red , liw ;
Venetian red , IV : Tuscan. l2c ! ; Ameilcan
veimillion. L. t I ) . , 20c : yellow oclue , Oe : L.
M. & O. D. , 1N3 ? good ochre , lOc : patent
dryer , Sc ; graining color , light oak , daikoak ,
wlaiiut , chestnut and ash. 12e
Uiti'oa AND C'Ji.Mic'At.H Acid , carbolic ,
R2c : acid , taitaiie , 52c ; bnlsam copaiba , per
Iti , 45c : bark , sassafras , per Ib. lOo ; calomel ,
perlb72e : chlnclionluin. pero40c ; chioto-
luiin , per tb , 40c ; Dovei's powders , per ll > ,
$1.35 ; ep-iomsalts , per Ib , : > } < c ; glyceiine ,
pine , per It ) , l c : lead , acetate , per ib. 20e ;
oil , crtstor , No. 1. per gal. , S1.50 ; oil , castor ,
No. 2 , per gal. , S1.40 ; oil , olive.per gal. , 1.40 ;
Poiorlcanntim , 5Jc : opium , S3.0 : ! ; itilnine ] ,
I. . & W. and It its. , per o70e ; potassium
Iodide , per Ib , S3.00 : salieln , per o40c ; sul
phate inorpldne , per oS2.r > 0 ; sulphur , per
a. 4c : strychnine , r-eroz , 81.35.
\AHNi.siiKi Bairels , per gallon : Furni
ture , extra , 81.10 ; furniture , No. 1 , 81.00 ;
coach extra , 81.40 ; coach , No. 1 , 81.20 : Da-
mar , extra , 81.75 ; Japan , 70c ; asphaltutn.
extra , 5i > c ; shellac , 83.50 ; haul oil linisn ,
briitiTS Cologne spirits. 188 proof , 81.10 ,
do 101 proof , 81.11 ; spiiits , second mmlity.
101 proof , 81.10 : do. 186 proof. 81.10. Alco-
( ioldcn Sheaf bouibon and _ . .
Sl..r)0@e.OO. BramUes , Imported , 85.00 8.50 ;
domestic , 81.SO@3.00. Gins , impoited , 8450
© 5.00 ; domestic , 1.25(3:1.00. ( : CliampaKnes ,
imported , per caso. S2S.OO@54.00 ; ; Ameiiean ,
per case , 810.00(3) ( ) .0.00.
Grocers' Ijqt. |
PICKLES Medium.In bols , 8-ViO ; do in
half bbls , 83.35ismall ; , in bbls , ifO.-'iO ; do in
halt bbls , 83.75 ; gherkins , in bbls , 87.50 ; do
in halt bbls , 84.25.
scrumNo. . 70 , gallon Kegs , S1.10 ; New
Orleans , 3SoHOc per pillon ; M nplo Sjnup. M
barrel , strictly pure , 7oc per gallon ; 1 gallon
cans , 8U.25 per doH ; gallon cans , 85.25 per
doz : ( tuart cansi$3..Qp , .
UiiiKi ) Juuir JYOjl quarter apples , Jis ®
4c ; in evaporated boxes , ! 'K@9Ji'c ' ; blackber-
ri uboxes , S@bK ; peaches , eastern , ,4(3 (
5 > e peaches , evaporated , l5V@17c ; Salt
Lake none in market : raspberries , new. 10
@ 20c ; cuuants. 7 > | @ 7 > fc ; ntunes , new , 4
Goons Oysters , standard , per
cas , W. : ) ; &trawbeirles , 21b per case. 82.25 ;
raspberries , 21bper case , 82.20 ; California
peare , per case , 84,50 ; apricots , per case ,
4.fcO : peaches , per case , 85,20 ; whlto cherries ,
per case , 85.5X3 ; plums , per case , 53.CO ; blue
berries , per case , 82.25 ; egg plums , 2 Ib , per
case , & 2.50 ; pineapples , 2 Ib , per case , 83.20
@ 5.50 ; 1 Ib mackerel , per do81.20 ; 1 Ib hal-
nion jxr do/ , 81.55@1.CO ; 2 Ib goosebeiies ,
per case , 51.75 ; 2 Ib string beans , per case ,
51.70 ; 8 Ib lima bccns , per casp. 81.00 : 2 Ib
maiiowtat peas , per case. 82503 ; Ib early
June peas , per ease , 82.75 ; 3 Ib tomatoes ,
per case , S2.3"2.54:81beorn. ) : per ease , Sl.tlO
@ 2.10:21hcoin : beef , perdo/ . Sl.70@2.00.
JCOPK Xinch,0c ; ? Inch , 10j/c ; > f inch ,
6uoAns Powdered , 7 } c ; cut loaf , ? (
granulated , G c ; coulectloners' A. 0 } < c ;
standard extia C , 5 ; < (2.Gc ( ; extra C , 5 @ 5c ;
medium yellow , 5K@5 c.
CANDY Mixed , OJ @t'Jc ; stick , 8K@9 c.
UiiACKKits ( larneau'.s soda , butter and
picnic , 5J c ; creams , 8lc ; ginger snaps , 8j c ;
cltv soda. 7i c.
STAIICII Mirror gloss , i Ib , 5ci Mirror
gloss , 3 Ib , 5 > < c ; Mirror gloss , 0 Ib , o > fc ;
( Jraves * corn , 1 Ib , Oc ; Ktngsloid's corn , 1
Ib , 7c ; Kingsfoul's gloss , 1 Ib , 7e ; Kings-
ford's gloss , 0 Ib , 7-ic } ; Kingsford's pure , 3lb.
5c ; Kingstoid's bulk , 4c.
COFFEKS-Ordinarygiades,10 ( ) llc : fair ,
lirdllKcsprime.llKMl-'c'.clioice.ia QiH c ;
fancv gieen and yellow , 13) @ 14Kc ; old gov
ernment Java,20ie2rx ( ; ; inteilor Java. lG > f@
20c ; Mocha , 2J ( < ? 24c ; Arbucklo's roastcil ,
14Kc ; McLatighlln'XXXXioa&ted ' , 141r
Dilwoitli's. 14Ue ; lied Cross , 14)tfe. )
heArs Kirk's Savon imperial. 2.70 ;
Kit k's satinet 83.00 ; Kirk's standard. 83.0.- . ;
Klik'swhito Kiibsian , 84.00 ; Klik's White
Cap. 80.50 : Dome , 83.85 ; Washboard , S3.10.
MATCIIFS t'er cuddle , 3Se ; round , per
case. 81.00 ; &quaio cases , 81.70 ; mnlo bquaie ,
CANin.ES-Boxes , 40 Ib Os , 0c ; 8s , OJc ;
boxes , 40 ib , 10 oz , Os lOc ; halt box 20 Ib ,
DPT Lumber.
No. 1 , 4 & 0 Inch , 12 and II ft. , rough. . . 817.03
No. a , 4 & 0 Inch , 13 and 14 ft. lough. . . 14.U5
No. ' . ' , 4 ilc 0 Inch , lOJt. . rough . 15,50
sniN < n.i.s , LATH.
XX clear . „ . ' . S3.10
KxtraA * . . , -.v . 2.PO
* A * Standard. . . , , . B.70 !
0-inch clear . I. . . . ' . . 1.70
No. 1 . ; . 1.80
Lath . , j.v. , „ . . . 'J.45
1st com. , la. 14 andjott
0,1 tt ,
3d "
Fence " "H " 7 , . U-W
Am ! : , KTC. kx
Qulncy white lime ( beat . 50.80
Cement ( Akronj.lf. . ' . , . I'.bO
Hair . ; . ' .j . 0 , 5
Plaster . ( . .M . . . . . . 2.7r.
Tarred Jolt , per c > vt . . 2.05
Straw board. . , . . , M . , . l.C-'i
A Cinch , white pfnisj ,
U Cinch , " ' . ! t 34.00
ooinch , " . / ao.oo
I ) 6 Inch " " . ! . . . , . iifl.50
EOinch. " " . 17.W )
A 13 Inch , s.l s. 12 , 14 and 10ft . 545.50
O m Inch , " " . : io.M
No. 1 Com. 12 | n.s , , 1 s. 12 , 14 and 10 tt. 17.75
No. a " ' " VJ. 14 and 16 ft , 15.75
Island 2a , clear , m inch , s. 3 s . 851.00
d , clear , IU inch , b. 3 a , . . . S4U.OO
A select , 1A } Uganda inch , s. 2 a . S4'.00
1) ) select , 1 > A Wanda inch , s. 2 s , . . . . SSO.OO
1st and 2d , clear , 1 inch , s. a s. . , . t&O.oO
8d , clear , I Inch , s. 2s. , , . , . 845.00
A select , 1 Inch , s. 2 s. . . . . . . . . . . . 839.00
B solecM Inch , 8.2s . 8'ia.OO
No. 1 Com. s. 1. s. 13 , 1 < and 10 ft . 817.25
No. 3 " 13 , 14 and 10 ft . 14.75
No. 3 " " 12 , 14 and 10ft . 18.35
No.4 " " 12,14anaiOft . 11.03
No. 1 , plain , Sand 10 incl . , . . > 818.00
No. 2 , plain , b and 10 men. . 910.00
Bridges Steam Pile Driving ,
Viijjlnoers nnd Contin tont.
Br0es , Roof Trusses , Steam Pile Driving
Iron Coniblnitlon ami Hiiwo Truss ? ,
rillnir niul Oak Timber , litli St. , near Km num.
Tclcjiliono No Ml.
_ ' _ " Cigars and Tobacco.
> I.\X MKYKtl & CO. ,
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos ,
Ouns nnd Ammunition. 215 to 2 tPoiith 11th
Street. IttiU lu lux't Knnmm tftii'ct , Onmlin Noll.
Manufacturers of Flno Cigars ,
And Wlmltnlii > Dcitlen In Leaf Tolmmn. No * .
Jus mid Ilil N llih Struct , Onuilia , Nt'li.
\v. u
for the Hiioufdcturers nnd tmportora ,
Crockeiy , Glassware ,
Lamps , ChJinm < } < , Htc. Olllrc. 317 ? putli 13ti !
. Uiualin , Nub.
(500DKICI1 ( A COT
Atfcnts lot I' . A. Whltiu'.V Canltuo Co. I
Chlldrea's Carriages ,
And Jewell's Celebrate. I Hefri'cr.itors. ( Senor
or price IHt ? . Ml i Karnsm st. , O.naln. _
Eagla Cornice Works.
John Kpctictor , 1'roni lolor. iliinufnr.turer of
UiiU-anlrod lion and Oornlrii. IKH Dodco and 131
ami 1U5 North lutb Ptrect , Omabii. Nub.
O * HOI.TB ,
Mnniirnctururaof Oraantontal
Galvanized Iron Cornices , Dormer
Windows , Tliml.x.Kte. , . ' 110 R. mh St. Workdono
_ In nny partof tborountiy.
Western Cornice Works ,
C. Sl'KCIlT. Proprietor.
Onlvanlred Iron Cornices Etc. Specnl'i ITI-
proved Viitotit Mutnll'u Skillght. tus and 51U S.
J2tli St. . Oinaliii. Nch. _ _ _ _
Doors , Sash. Etc ,
The Gate City Plcnlng Mi ! ! .
Doors , Fnsh and IHUds. Also nil kinds of
tuinlii ) ? . Scroll andStnlr work of uvcry Ui > -
Mnnufacturcr and Dculorln
Doors Sasii Blinds Etc.
, , , Mouldings , .
Stair Ilulla a epccIaUy Tolt'liliono No. G !
lith < uid Mnrcy St I. . Umuhn , Neb.
Electrical Supplies ,
I * W. WOLFE & CO. , BIcctrkTlRits.
Electrical Supplies ,
Mnsonlo Illock , Omaba. Hurtrliir Ahirms , Hells ,
Kiro Alarms , * 'octrlc Muttlnic , tipuuklni ; Till 103 ,
Iron Works ,
Wrought and Cast Iron Building Wort
ron Stairs , Itulllnjr , Holluit llunms and ( Jlrclor.s
Bteam Knglnes , llrass Work , General Koundry
Machine and lilacksmlth Work. Offlc * and
Works , U. P. Ky. and 3 17th bt
Iron ar d Nails.
Cut Nails and Spikes ,
Fire Nalla r. Bpf ; laltr. Omaha , Nob.
Omaha Safe WorKs ,
Mamifncturer of Klro and BiirRlo : Proof Safoi ,
Vnult Doors. Jnll Work. Bbuttcrs and Wire
Work. Cor. 14th and Jackson Sta. , Omaha. Neb.
Warning and Carriages.
Established 1S.W.
The Leading Carnage Factory ,
llCOand UU Dodge Street , Ouiaha , Notx
Commltilon. Etc.
' Live Stock Commission
Oco. IJurke , Manager.
Union Stock Yards , S. Omaba. Teiophono 503
Union Stock Yards Company ,
Limited. John F. lionl , Superintendent
Life Stock Commission Merchants.
Shipments of any and all kinds of Block solicit
r od. Union btoek Yards , Oinuha , Nob.
Lumber , Etc ,
Dealer In Lumber , Lath , Lime ,
, Doors , Etc. Yards Cor. 7th and Douglas ,
Cor. Otn and Douglas.
1 Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Moulding , Btnlr Woik nnd Interior Him ! Wood
Finish. Juet opened. N. K. cor. 8tu nnd Lciivcu-
wortli Streets , Omaba , Neb.
Wholesale Lumber ,
Hi a lUh Street , Omivlia , Nub. F. Colpotzer ,
Mil linger.
Lumber ,
38tb nnd California Streets Omabn , Nob.
' Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc.
Cor. Cth and Dout'las Stieetn , Ouiaba , Vcb ,
Wholesale Dealer in Lumber ,
Ouiaha , Nebraska.
" " " " '
CHA8. It I < KE ,
Hardwood Lumber ,
Wnron Stock , Fancy Woods , Ilrldgo Timbers ,
ic. , B. W , Cor. I'th and Duuglab , Omaha , N6b.
Dealer in Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Uulldlnir Paper , Etc. South UUi bUOUt , Oiis-a > .
Flih.Etc . , '
FKKHDlTl'lSH co. "
BucccFhors to Ickcn flomssun It Oo.
Wholesale Fish Dealers ,
Importers of Toiral n Fiah , Nos , 011-013 Jonet
= s * , Birft nnd p. 1' . Track.
Ccnfecticnerv ,
F. P. KATr & CO. ,
Manufacturing Confectioners ,
JoUbeisof FiuiU.NuLsailJ Ciiar. . . 1211
Fainarn St , Omahareb.
Lime , Cement , Etc ,
o ( lillnih White Li me ,
And Shippers of Coal and Coke , Cement , 1'las-
tcr , 1 linu , llulr , 1'iru llrlcU , Drain , Tlio uiul
Buncrl'lpe. Ulhco , Taxlon hotel , tclephonu 811 ,
I-'aruam street , Uiimh , Nebraska.
Job Printing.
Job Printers , Book Binders ,
Agricultural Implement s , _
' "
Wholes , .o Dealers la
Agricultural Implements , Wagons
nnd llURitli'S , Omnliii Neb.
Agricultural Implements , Wagons ,
Durliws nnd litintU ! > . , , li ! > np ? Ht. , bcl. Dili and
, Omaha , Neb ,
Boots and Shoe ; .
w. v. MOI < H tt co .
Jobbers of Hoots and Slioes ,
Mil Fnninm Ptrcct. Omalia , Neb Manufnctory ,
Summer ftrcct , Hoatoii. _
Carpets. _
" ' "
Fnolcsalo Carpsts , Oil Cloths ,
Curtain Qooit. lite. , 14U1 rnrnaiu
Btrcit , Oiualiu , Neb. _
, Lima , Etc.
CoaL Coke , Liine and Stone.
Oflloen3S. Illli't. , Onmlm. N b. VarJa ,
nnd Dis'cnpoitSUocls.
Shippers of Coal and Coke ,
814 S. 13th Pt. , Otnana , Nrb.
( Jfti.Towi.R ( , 1'rcsldint.
0 o. rATTT.RSOX. Sec. and Trotx.
J. It. HuuiKitT , lf. A. n urn ,
I'loprictor. Mnnnnor.
Nebraska Coal and Lime Company ,
Oracc , SiS. Ulli Street. Telephone < 9. _
BED. r. rn\an.rrc. . C V.OOODVAN.V.I'ICB.
J ( . A. SUMH.HI. tMi Si-e. and Trcus.
Omaha CodJ , Coke and Lime Company ,
Jobbers of Uard and 'ort roiu , Jo9 S. I > UU St. ,
Omaha , Neb. _ _ _ _ _ _
Hard and Soft Coal.
Exclusive denlcru In TJoillder Colorado Conl,2l"
touth UlliEtlcuU
Coffee and S ices.
_ _
OATKS. rC > hK & MILK" .
Home Coffee and Spic3 Mills MTg Co ,
Colfeo UoiHliM-n und Spteo ( iilndi-r-i. miinil
factniersof llaldnjjl'owdor , ria\ormit KxtrucH
Illulngotc. . Tryon * cm of our 1-th jmckaKO
Homo Illend Uoaeled Coffee. U99 Howard St. ,
Cmalia , Neb.
Omaha Coffee and Spice Mills.
Teas Coffees , Spiers. Hoklnj : iMwdcr rin
Gurnets , Laundry Hlun. luH , ! to. 14H-18 liar-
ncy Street , Onmun , Nob. _
Commission , Etc.
IlllANCH & CO. ,
Wholesale Fruits , Produce , Oysters ,
Itfl Karnum St. Onmlm. Apploh-Our own pack-
intr-l'lattiC.i.sTlKiT Ihand Ojsters , Huttur ,
, Guuio , 1'oultry , Potatoes. _
Genera ! Commission Merchant ,
Prcduco , Piovlslons , rruits , I'luiir und feed , T05
5. Utb St. , Omnlia , Neb. Coiiblenmcnts EOlleltud.
itetuins nmdo uromutlv.
B15 Uth Btrcet , Oina'ja. Neb. Spcclaltlos : Dui-
_ _ _ _ tor. I 'us. anJChlcKuns.
" " "
Produce Commission Merchants.
Poultiy , Butter , Game , rruttR , Etc. SiOS. 14th
St. , Omaba , Nebraska.
General Commission Merchants ,
14(0 ( Dodge Slicut.Onmlm. Netirusku. Consign-
inuntw solicited.
w. B
Storage and Commission Merchant.
i'LCiAiAiKS Cbepso , llutter. EgKS , Poultry
nn d ( iaine , 11S. . Uth. , Ouiaha , Nub. Tolo-
pbono So. ay.l.
Storage aud Commission Merchants.
I'oio.Kn and Do. noetic I'liilts nhpcclalty. Kl-
CKant storairo 1'aclllliorf Waruhoubu mid oQloe ,
1U Nortli Utb Ft. Telephone 775.
Commission and Jobbing ,
flutter , KKKB and Pioduco. A full line of Stone-
xvare. Consltfinnonts bollcltcil. HH Doilgo St ,
Buyers of Butter and Eggs.
ncTrlfrnrator and Packing Itoiiso.Hth X :
worth Ht. , on U. P. It. . Track , Omaha , Neb.
EstablUlied 187 ( >
General Commission ,
111 B. HtL St , Oinahn , Nob. Hpeclnltlcs nutter
EgiBroulirund Oanie.
Commission Merchants ,
fruits , Tinduco and Provisions , Onjnb.i , IJob
BuceoESurrt to IB. HO drllllth.
Commission Merchants
And wholes ilo cU'itlurs In country prndnco.
lrult , butler , orna.olv. ( tooiUone
a specialty. li'M N.dth bt. , Omalm.
Successors to A. P. Pnhnolc. )
Produce Commission Merchants.
No. 813 South 1Mb Street. Omaha , Nob.
Dry Goods ,
Wholesale Dealers In
Dry Goods , Hosiery , Notions ,
Linens , fjiccs , Kmhiuldery und Wlilto O'ooos.
, JKOlJcujflnsBtreut , UumlM , Nob.
White Lead.
Strictly Pure White Lead.
011 : Bt- , and U , P. Ity. Oma'm ,
Harness , Etc ,
Mnnuliutuicir and Jobbers of
Harness , Saddles , Saddlery Hardware ,
Turf Goods , liiuul.ola nnd Itolion. I'lirnu
E. M. HUr.SE ,
Mattress Company ,
Mnnufnoturlnir Mnttrcfses , Itcclillnp , Fcathor
I'llloNVb . , I'ois , . , Uc. iwb u.iid I''OJ JJoUL'lai Btrcet ,
Oniuhu , XTij '
CO. ,
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
JeansPuuts.BhiiIK , Ktc. , 110M aidl''H UougUs
Btroct , Ouinla ; , h'uU ,
Beer ,
Agent for flnheuser-Busii Brewing ftss'n
Bptclul brands : 1'asut liudu elscr uud Krlunger.
Dealt is In All Kind * of
Building Material at Wholesale.
1Mb Snort imd i n 0:1 : Pile II Track , Omnhtl ,
" *
Wholesale Dealer iu Lumber ,
HNli nnd Itard SdocK Omnlm , Nebraska.
J. A. > ,
Wholesale Lumber Lath
, , ShingUs ,
ItulMlni * l'apcr # . Sash , Dour-i , Illinds , Moittf
inpf , rickets I'ovt , l.line , I'u ! tpr , lla * ,
Crmum. Nlntn nnu Jones. Oiuulm N'cu.
Millinery ,
" "
t omuTKU : > in. :
Jmpoitcrs und JobbcisoC
Millinery aud Notions ,
K13stiil UH llnrney Street , Omaha , N'etx Instruments.
Wholesalers of Musical Instruments.
I'liiiios WI-IHT , Decker , lliilncs nnil
KA I'liuios I'nvAiiiil OiKimg , Cluvso Organs.
1UI tuiil UMlMli
_ Furniture , Etc.
Fnrniture Mirrors
, Bedding , Upholstery ,
Etc. , 1100 , 1103 niiil 12 1 J bticoc Oinnti
Wholesale Dealers la Furniture ,
_ _ _ Fnrnnni Street , Omuhii , Nob.
Groceries ,
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars ,
Tolmei'u iiiul Smokers' Articles , 1-17 Utmiml St.
" "
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas ,
Splcts , CiRiirs iindTobiKtos , 1817 nml liUDDouff *
_ las Street , Unmliii , Nub.
Wholesale Grocers ,
Corner 10th nml Tutuum Stieuts. Onmlin , Neb ,
I'AXTON. UAt,1.A011KU At CO. ,
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
NOB. 705 , 707.7011 mid 711 S. lUth St. , Omnlm , Nob.
_ _ "
Heavy Hardware , Iron , Steel.
Eprlnps , Wilson Stock. Hardwood Lumber , ota
I'M ) and 1311 llnrnoy sliecv , Uinalin , Nob.
Wholcsala.Iron , Steel , Wagon
And Cnrrlutro W ' 1 Slock , 1 1 envy lluti
Etc. muud 121 cuvuu f0ilubtruut,0mriha ,
Builders' ' Hardware ,
llecbnnlcs'Tool" niul [ lutTido Scales. ] (05To\ipjr ( )
Ins Street , Omaha , Neb.
l.r.E , FINED , t CO. ,
Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tinware ,
Blicut lion , Ktc. Audits lor Ilo o Scales unj
Miami l1owihirCo.Oiiiiiliu Nob.
Stoves Furnaces Tiles
, Ranges , , ,
Mantles , Oiutes , llniM ffoocK 1821 anJ I3 Fivr
luiiii fetrcut.
flholesalo Hardware aud Nails ,
Emerson Stcol Nulls. Cor. 10th nnd
till cuts , Omaha , Nub.
Manufacturer or tbo
' Deerint Harvester Goods ,
( Yrito to Win , M. UirliiiPi1. Ocncinl A front ,
Omaha. TrVplionolJlO. ,
Iron Pipe , Etc.
Pumps , Pipe and Engines.
Stnm , Wutor , Hullwiiy luul Mllliiur Supplies , Ht3'
ICO , 1C ! nnd Ittt I'm iiiiiu St. Oumtm , Neb. I
IT'Ml' CO. ,
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fitting ,
Btcnm and Wntor Supplies. Headquarters ( at
Must L'oost Co.'g Goods. 1111 Kiirimm Btrcut ,
Omubii , Nub. \
Wholesale Jewelers.
Denlcrs In Sl\vm\vuio \ , Diamonds , Wntcli.w
Clocks , Jewelers' Tool 4 nnd Slut orluw , Etc. , 1IJ (
and 103,10th Kli eot , Cor. loilfo ( , Onmlui , Nob. , , j
Nct'OnSi ' EC.
Jobbers in
Kotions.HoslerGenls'Pi . / rnishing Goods
109 fund 1003 Farnam St. , Omnlia , Neb
-I T. Robinson Notion Company , '
Kt' niul 405 S. totli ! -'t.iiialia ) , Nub. i
Wliolcsiilo Ui'iiluiH In NotIOIIR mill
Oils , Etc.
Wholesale Dealers in Oils ,
( JnBolIno , Mien A\lo Gira p , Ktc. A. 11. IIl3hop <
Mntmgcr , OiiuilmNub. ,
Pork Packing.
JAMKS 13. 110VD ,
Pork Packer and Shipper ,
Omulm , Nehrn liii.
HAituis & nsiiuit ,
Packers and Provision Dealers ,
DfHco , Union Mnrlttit , 1M7 iJodKO Street. J'iK i.ia
hotuu , U. V. U. It Truck , Omuhu , Nob. Tolo.
puono No. 157.
Safes and Locks , '
' - v- '
1' . ItOYKll k CO.
Agents for Hall's ' Safe & Lock Co.s' '
Tire und Ilurclur 1'ioof Hules.Tlina lxicliRVuiitj )
md .lull work. lO 'U I'nrnain Btrcut , Oinidiii , Nei |
_ _
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Seeds ,
l , Vi'fc'olalilo , Iiu. ! Oilil KoIl'JuV ' Hull.
N.V. . Cor. llth mid Duduo .Si , , unmhii , Nob.
Drugs , Etc ,
Wholesale Druggists ,
And Dealer In I'uliilti , Oils and Window niasa ?
Omubii , Nub. , _ i
Wns , , Etc ,
11,1:11 : & co. ,
Distillers and Importers of Y/ines /
And I.liiois. ( | Hole nmmititi.'tiiiuraof Kiinnoily'l
K.isl Judlu Jllttcra. 1113 llaincy Btroot , Omalia ,
UKO. w. ft
EUCCCEEOr to MllNAMAIIA &ll'MUNIni.01tOrt ) |
and U'h
Wines , Liquors and Cigars ,
B. Htli St. , Onmlm ,
notions , ttcT" '
& BON ,
Wholesale Job Lots ,
Dry Ooodf , Notions , CUints * rurulslilntf Gooill <
Oi/nlf. I'lom Now Vork. Tmdo o'llod daily. ! A\
iini1 r3 / Koutb Uth St. , Omnlm.
_ Flour and Feed , _ _
Wholesale Flour , Feed and Grain ,
Monufucturiu-t of W. J , Wclthiuis & Co.'b
HaleliiK lluckwliuat luur ! uud iiroiirlftorH Oinabu
Uty M11U , cor. BtU nnd Furiuim fctroota , Oijftli : ,