Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 18, 1886, Image 1

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    * * TB H * W"1 ar" 4 r fmm ! | r-\ J T- - * w * * 9T - * " w V A _ * L " * - TBT I * 'IS ' V * ML
British Press Comments On the Irish Con
vocation in OhicagOi
rorccnst of niisontlons Apt to Arlic
Hcccptloii or the I'nilliuncn-
tniy DolcRntcs Tlic Ten-
TIIR of War.
Press on tlio Convention.
LONDON- , August IS , 4 a. m. [ New York
Heralu Cable S | > cehl to the Hin : . ] Dls-
ensuing the Chicago convention , on which
subject It has dally buoclal cables , the Free
man's Journal saj a : "This convention has
an Importance which it would ba Idle to at
tempt to measure. It will be big with the
fate ot the nation and race. Mr. Davltt has
great appreciation ot Its uower for good or
111. The tone and temper of his address
merit praise and ate eminently worthy of Im
itation. "
The Irish Times ( conservative ) sajs : "In
this state of matters the convention Is n crit
ical occasion and Mr. Gladstone and Mr. Par-
nellboth will no doubt anxiously look for
telegrams reporting whether the American
delegates are statutory parliament men or
shall Insist on going for something more de
cided than this In the way ot damage or
destruction to John Bull. "
Mil. P.\KVii.I.'S : DII.r.VIMA.
'Iho Moinlng Postsa > s : "Mr. Parnell Is In
a dilemma of no Inconsiderable proportions.
Hestiengihenedliis political army with a
right wing of Knallsh auxllaries , whose
Ideas and motives are totally Irreconclllable
with those of his irregular auxllary ,
vho skirmish with apparent friendliness
oil his other Hank. These two forces will
not wmk long In harmony. Once moic wo
lind Mr. Parnell sounding the call to battle ,
but whether ho will rontlnuo for many
months the real leader of his motley follow-
Ingls becoming a doubtful matter. "
'Ihe Daily News ( Gladstonlan ) comment
ing on Its own exhaustive cable dispatch
f i om Chicago , observes that "It remains to
bo seen vvhethei Messrs. Davltt , O'Brien ,
Ivedmonii nnd Deasy , with the American
citizens who support them , will be able
to control the convention and
silence or expel those members who
advocate the use of djnamlte.
If thev were to fail , which is hardly conceiv
able , the convention would be regarded with
indignant contempt by all decent " people ,
whether In 1'nglaml or the United" States.
But it must not bo forsotten that the dele
gates from Ireland have resolutely set their
faces , not only against the hideous wicked
ness of thn dynamiters , but against the coun
sels ofv lolenco In any shape. "
Concrrnlni : the Squalls nnd FJinuIs.
CHICAGO , August 17. [ Soeclal Tele
gram to the Bi.i : . I Delegates to the Irish
National League convention crowded into
the city all day to-day. The halls of the
Grand Paclllo weio thronged with scoies of
Celts all bent unon extending a hearty
welcome to theicprescntlvcsi who have coino
across the sea to aid them In their councils.
3gan ! refuses to make any lengthened reply
to Dcvoy's attack on himself and Alcxandei
Sullivan. He con fines himself simply to
alleging that Dovoy Is and always has been
a kicker , and that he his from tune to tlmo
attacked every ouo concerned in Irish affairs
from Michael Davltt and Patilck Ford down
to himself. Ho laughs at Devon's threats.
io\oy seems to bo full of light
" 1 won't allow Sullivan and Kgan , " ho
said to-day , "to transfer themselves from the
dock to the position of complainants. The
question they iiiustsettlo bororu the convcn-
Is : Have they orhavo they not been true to
1'arncU ? Do they or do they not Intend to
force thu had of Painell and to drive Iicland
Into a physical force movement for which
she Is not piepaicd and through which they
are Incompetent as well as unwilling to guide
her ? "
Davltt Is said to be greatly annojcd by
the Ogdcn's grove declarations and has pos- [
tlvely declined to Interfere in disputes even
with a view to their adjustment. It Is there
fore certain that thu matter must be fought
out on the floor of the convention. The sig
nal for the onslaught will bo the nomination
of Alexander Sullivan for the presidency. It
Is understood that It will bo done In order to
give the latter an opportunity of refusing It
ns a vindication of character , and the oppor
tunity will be , utilized for the promised "ox-
posmes. "
His now certain that Mr. John Bojlo
O'ltlclly Is not coming to Chicago , and it Is
also believed Mr. P. A. Collins will also fail
to come.
The national committee of the league meets
to-night to select a temporary chairman and
to make arrangements for the convention.
For the position of chairman John F.
Flnortv's name Is the most favorably men
tioned ! llolsalso mentioned as Pi evident
Jigan's successor. Warm friends of his are
pushing him to the front. A good many
howlers , who would bo otherwise strong
Fluerty men , have now strong doubts of the
wisdom of electing him to the presidency In
view of his recent physical forcti utterances.
Flnurty na > s he does not desire his name to
bo put forvv.ud. With ward to Ids speech
In Ogdcn's grove ho made the follow Ing ex
planation to-day to a reporter : "Wo have
no desire to force the hand of Parnell , or to
drive the Irish people Into war unprepared.
All wo demand is tills ( and wo will bo satis-
lied with nothing less ) , that no luadei of the
Irish people who Is supposed to speak for
them shall commit himself or them to ac-
( opting as a llnal settlement bills of relief
unworthy of the dignity of Ireland's national
demands. Wo are perfectly willing toseo
them accept such bills as that of Gladstone
as a settlement on account , but that must
not bo accepted as the closing of the transac
tion. "
At tlio committee meeting to-night It was
decided to namii Judge James Fitzgerald , of
Cincinnati , for temporary chairman. Judge
I'lt/gcrald Is lozarded as a conservative , and
It Is expected that the nomination will meet
with the approval of all the elements repre
sented In the convention. Owing 10 tl.e de
lay of Treasurer G'Keilly In arriving and
the consequent delay In preparing the cre
dentials of delegates , the convention will not
bo called to onlt r until 2 o'clock to-morrow
afternoon. Too Massachusetts delegation
held a caucus this evening , and the names of
John Boyle O'ltelily andl1. A. Collins vvero
biicgested for the presidency , but It was
Muted that neither of the gentlemen would
accent the position , Without taking any
fuitlior action It was decldedb to await the
arrival of tb Now York delegation. The
' opposition , " therefore , have not as vet de
cided upon anyone to support for piestdent.
Wclcomlnjj the Patriots.
CHICAGO , Aiuust 17. The train bearing
/Iiu Irish parliamentary delegates west from
Now York was met at Michigan City at 8:20 :
o'clock this evening by the Michigan Central
epcclal train , containing a delegation of
about fifty from the Chlcaga reception com
mittee The Hon. John Finerty , chairman
of this committee , wns accompanied , among
otheic. by John U. Dunphy , William Fog-
orty , M. P. Brady , P. Mcllugh , Father Dor-
ney , Father Waldron and John Knlns.
Michael Davltt was also ono of
those who went to meet the dclti-
gutes. The repicsontatlvo of the Irish
lurllmcntary party to the Chicago I.and
League convention. Join ) K. Itedmond ,
William O'Hilen and James Deasy , were ac
companied from New Yoik bi a small natty
of well known laud leaguers , amuuz whom
HIU Patrick Fold of tu Irish World , Itev.
Dr. 0. W Pepper and Dr. Thomas O'Kclllv.
Mr. Hnerty welcomed the visitors brlellv
anil Mr. O'Brien lesponded warmly nearly
as follows : "Mr. Finerty : I am Indeed very
proud to make your acquaintance , and am
most happy to approach Chicago In such
compauj. Woaroonlv humble representa
tives of our common cause , but In the name of
that cause and its noble leader , wo accept
jour kind welcome most gracefully. His
vvltligieat satisfaction that we receive your
assurances that the Interest we have long
known thocltl/cns of jourgreat city and the
iMjoplo of the west have felt In the affairs of
Ireland has sulfeicd no diminution. U o me
alsoconliilcnt tint , its v oil sav , the differ
ences which exist as to the policy to bo pur
sued do not endanger the principle , which is
the emancipation of Ireland. "
We approach Chicago full of the hope and
belief that the occasion of our visit will re
sult In a manner that will strengthen the
hand of our leader and be of lasting good to
Ireland. Again wo thank joii tor jour wel
At the close of Mi. O'Brien's response the
parliamentary paity was conducted through
the ears occupied by the e of the reciilv-
Ing delegation , who could not listen
to the addresses owing to the lack of room.
Kach delegate was presented andgiected
with inolotigcd cheers. After the reception
given the delegates and as tlm train pulled
out of Michigan City Mr. O'Brien nave an
Associated pi ess reporter an Interesting re
cital of his views regarding the Irish prob
lem. 'The failure of the homo
rule bill , " ho said , "has tempo
rarily dofeircd the hopes of the liish
tenantrj. When the policy of Salisbury
shall have compelled him t3 ask parliament
for coercive measures then the lug of war
will have come. " Mr. O'Brien said in expla
nation of hisexpics-ion , "the tug of war , "
that ut > to the Diluent time the land
league had made no organised effort
to reduce rents , rather encouraging the
pavmcnl of them without a imtimur In order
not to obstiuct the progiess of
CiUitstoiic'shomuiule. Now that the homo
line scheme has failed , thu national league
could no longer , even it it dcslicd , Induce or
torco the people to pav rents , which had al-
leady brought them to the verge of universal
bankiui'tcv. Mi. O'Brien could not predict
exactly wliat the lesult would be , but It
was ceitaln that the league would ba
dilvcn to attempt , by pcifectly legal meth
ods , to secure foi the Irish tenants thu re
lief , which the English laudloidsaio volun
tarily vlelilliig to their English tenants.
When these methods made It nocessaiv for
Salisbury to apply to parliaments for
coercive measures Gladstone's opportunity
would come and ho would et the support ,
which had previously been denied him ,
Mr. licdmond said In the course of a con
versation with the Associated press reporter
that the remainder of Gladstone's career was
consecrated to the securing of home rule
for Ireland , and that when the opportunity
C.UHO ( iluitstone , if living , would conduct a
second campaign In the Interest of self gov
ernment for lieland with all the vigor which
cluracUuUed his recent great cffoit In that
AVIiut the Standard and Times Sny.
LONDON . August 17. The Standaid sajs
the queen's speech will be empty of any
statement of policy or matter leading to a
controversy Although the opponents of
the government may raise a discussion ovei
the omissions , no ouo will bo able
to challenge a single proposition contained
in the speech. P.unell may ralso the lent
question In order to keep the American ex-
trcmests In good humor , but It must be the
business of Sir Michael Hicks-licacli to dis
abuse the liish of their licllof in the omnipot
ence of boycotting as a means ot whittling
rents to ? eio. When he has done that Irish
men will not be-slow to avail themselves of
the generous offers of the existent land pur
chase act. "
'Iho Times says : It is somewhat curious , If
Painell iiio.ins business , that several ot the
leading t'arnellites are either already absent ,
or arc airanglng foi an early departure
fiom the scene of p-ullament. Probably
P.unell Is waiting to sec how the cat jumps
in America. It Is no matter foi suipiiso
that while the Chicago convention is pend
ing inanj of the separatist paity are icstless
and uneasy.
Irish Affairs.
LONDON , August 17 Painell requests all
Irish members of parliament to bo present
Thursday at the reassembling of pailianicnt.
Ho sa > s that In view of the grave and press
ing condition of public affairs It Is very
necessary there should bo a full attendance
of the Irish contlgcnt. , August 17. The Frcemans'
Journal sajs Parnell's summons shows that
the Parnellltes do not int < > nd to await the con
venience of the ministry in dealing with the
Belfast riots and the alaimlng condition of
Irish farmeis. Salisbury must explain how he
intends to meet the contingency ot the ina
bility of farmerto pav thelr'icnts , and ho
will bo called dpon to declare the policy ho
Intends to substitute for that of "Manacles
and Manitoba. "
_ _ _ _ _ _
County Government for Ireland.
LONDON , August 17. The government
Intend to Intioduco at the next session of
parliament.i measure giving local govern
ment for Ireland on tlio basis of the plan
proposed by Churchill. Hartington's party
w III support the scheme.
PromOtouBe to Government.
LONDON , Aiuust 17. Parnell , who has
been grouse shooting In the Wlcklow moun
tains , has started for London.
The Day Passes Without Any Serious
Br.i.rABT , August 17. [ Now York Herald
Cable Special to the UKI : | The utmost
quiet prevails In the city. The island men
have retuined homo without any dcmontra-
tion taking place c.xccrt that of a few riotous
bo > s , of from ten to thirteen years of age.
whoso curs vvero soundly cuffed
by some magistrates as they passed
Carrlck Hill. The troops were with
drawn from the police barracks at Shank
Hill to-day , but they have been replaced In
the evening. The police have practically re
sumed thulr duties in the Protestant quarters
during the day without being molested.
of men killed during the riots occuricd to
day , but caused no renewals of the disturb
ances. Shopkeepers and respectable residents
of both the Catholic and the Protestant
quarters have been so much troubled
by bands of roughs eolng round and de
manding and taking food and money , even
jewelry , that all exccut rowdies and small
bo > shave shown themselves anxious to aid
In all vvajs In the preservation of peace
Altogether there Is good icason to hope that
theio will be
a'thouzh doubtless roughs may continue to
tight a little among themselves , and oven at
tack thu police. The fact that it Is now pos
sible for any magistrate to concen
trate iiV ) Infantry troops and cav
alry , as well as a largo body of police ,
nt five minutes' notice upon any point In
Belfast , has hud much to do In bringing
about this result.
A certain amount of cowardice on the part
of the better classes of Belfast has been
largely responsible for the rioting. A niasls-
trato laughingly told me to-rtav that on Sun
day last ho heaid several pistol shots. It was
evening and he rode on to see the cause. Ho
found a man standing alone between two
churches , which open nearly facing cadi
other , and watched the mau as he calmly
fired several
BII013 13 TUP. Allt.
The magistrate rode up to him , but the
man ran awa > so fast that the noise could
not overtake him. The Inquiring magistrate
at last found both churches full of anxious
people who had waited Inside an hour or
more after the usual service , all because they
thought the bring outsldo indicated that
a riot was going on. I don't guarantee
the truth of the story , but see
no reason to doubt It , As a further
guarantee of peace , army ofllcers hero are
soon to be commissioned as magistrate. " ,
with power to read the riot act and lire Upon
mobs. With the commissions will probably
come Instructions to u o
In dealing with mobs. U Is also probable
that the police will be ultimately
iccognlzcd and oerhaps deprived of their
rifles. Many of tlio police are eager
for this , which would throw the rcsponslbll-
Itj of firing at mobs upon transient soldier ,
instead of upon the police , who ate forced to
remain among the people who e relations
have been killed. I lind among tlie police
abltter feeling against the authorities lie
Irresolution made such continued rioting'
possible : alsoin expectation that many of the
roi.ici : wit.i. UK ASS V IN\.TID :
when they ate forced to resume ordinary
duty. Searches for aims are going on quietly
wherever the law allows , but have been un
dertaken moie to scare the people than In the
IIODO of finding arms.
Gnstcln Greets the l nipcror. ( via Havre ) August 17. ( New
York Herald Cable-Special to the UUP. ]
The emperor of Austria arrives hero at 10
o'clock to-nlcht. Ho has expressed the dcslro
that no ofllclal notlca shall bo taken of his
arrival. He will join the empress at Villa
Merou and the Imperial pall will go to
rhurch together to-moirow morning. Seven
triumphal aicheshave been erected on the
road leading from the station to the villa and
Gastein Is gay with bunting.
The Afghan Uiniculty.
LONDON , August 17. At the cabinet meet
ing the Afghan difficulty was discussed. It
Is understood that Colsldgnvvay , of the Brit
ish-Afghan commission , lias been recalled.
The St. James Ga/ettosavs the question Is
as far from settlement as It was littei'ii years
ago and a conflict hztwccn the Russians and
Afghan is liable to occur at any moment.
China's Uply to France.
TIENTSIN , August 17. The Chinese Times
says In relation to Franco's protest azaln&t
tlio establishment of a papal nuncio nt
Pokin : "China tolerates all religions , but
she repudiates French interference with
chinch affairs be > end personal protection of
missionaries who are French citizens. "
The Presidential Parly In the Heart
of the Mountains.
Pnospr.CT Housr , Adirondack . N. Y. ,
Anzust 17. Tlie president's ' party arrived
hei e at 4 o'clock this afternoon after a con
tinuous and uneventful ride from Albanj.
The party conipuscs Presidnnt and Mrs.
Cleveland , the lattcr's mother , Mrs. Folsom ,
and Dr. Samuel B. Ward , of Albany. The
midnight train on which they left Albany
last night was an hoiii late In reaching
Plattsburg. Upon reaching Itouso's Point
this morning the party were within
a mile and a half of the Canadian
line. A special cnglno and single
baggage car w ere roupled to the piesident's
car at the point and it was quickly pulled out
of sight , greatly to the astonishment of sev
eral enterprising gentlemen who had been
sitting up all night watching for that car
with a determination of sticking close to it
until It i cached its destination. At Moira ,
on the Ogdeusbiug & Lake Chahiplaln rail
road , a dozen miles tiejond Malonc , the spe
cial was switched oil on the Norihein Adi
rondack's track , aim it was cliawn into the
wilderness a distance of thlrty-foui miles.
As thu president and his wlfo ttcpped upon
the platform ot their car to leave the Ualn ,
the Moira brass band began to play , ami
an hour later , when tlio tegular tialn
came along , the band was still
pla > inc. Seven miles of a stage ride brought
tlio partv to Paul Smith's and Sturges' lake.
Air. bmith provided a lunch and the party ,
without leaving theh cauiage , ate the second
meal of tlio day while waiting for an ex-
chanpa of horses. Seventeen more miles of
caiiiago riding bioughttheiu to Saianac inn ,
formerly Piospect House , and tiicv vvero
given quarters In a cottasto adjoining this
hotel. They will take their meals with the
other guests in tlie public dining room. To
night , at Mrs. Cleveland's request , the whole
party was rowed ov ei the lake by two trusty
guides. _ _
Senator Van U'yclc's Appeal.
WASHINGTON , Aiuust 17. [ special Tele
gram to the Br.E.J Senator Van WycL's ap
peal to the people of Nebraska to exeiclso
their constitutional right of voting dhectly
for United States senator without the inter
vention of the state legislature , attracts con
siderable attention here. Mr. Van Wyck has
persistently opposed all kinds of monopolies
and he now evidently fears that they may
take revenge by exerting an influence In the
Nebraska legislature sutliclently potent to
defeat Ills re-election. With the people hois
very stump , and ho would feel sine of a pop
ular endoiscment at the polls. Hence his
appeal. If his constituents should take his
advice and overildo an adverse vote of the
legislature , It would be a political event of
no little interest , and perhaps bo the small
beginning of a great change In the affairs of
the national senate In the distant future.
Therefore the politicians are giving tlie mat
ter their attention. They are also quite so
licitous about the growth of the "Wheel" in
Arkansas , an Independent agricultural or
ganization , which already contiols ovci
60,000 votes and bids fair to hold the balance
of power soon In that and other southern
Patents to Western inventors.
AVASHINGTON , August 17. [ Special Tele
gram to the BEK. | Patents wore Issued to
the follow Ing residents of Iowa and Nebraska
to-day : Joseph Benson , Capron , la , , hay
elevator ; Albert W. Cox. Hastings , Neb. ,
spring link and bar for chains ; Charles F.
Graver , Grlnnell , la. , harvesting machine ;
Talbot C. Dexter , Des Molnes , la. , paper
folding and pasting machine ; John K. FIiui-
Igan and W. E. llaulson , Fort Madison
la. , knock down chair ; Charles Hedges
Grlnnell , la. , ice cream freezer ; David C.
Jordan , David City , Neb , , pounder washing
uiaclilno ; Joseph L. Kopeck , Summit Valley ,
la. , gate ; George McCormlcl : and 11. T , Me-
Claln , Fatrlield , la. , check low corn planter ;
Joseph T. Hobblns , Nowton. la. , apparatus
for the disposal of night Boll ; Albert Smith ,
Convvay , la. , hay loader ; Samuel 8. Wood
ward , Guide Itock , Neb. , lamp shade sup
port ; Orson Youman , Walnut la. , hay stack
ing derrick.
Iiavvton'a Command Heard Prom.
TOMIISTONK , Ariz. , August 17 , 1 Special
Telegram to the BEK. ] Two comlers ariived
at Fort Hiiachuca atI p. in. ycsteiday bring
ing news that Lieutenant Gatewnod joined
Lavvton's command on the Oth Instant. Lawton -
ton has not seen or heard of hostfles slnco
July 21 , heavy rains making It Impossible to
follow the trail over twelve bouts old. At
ttio tlmo the couriers loft Law ton was raft
ing his command over I ho Ainn river. Gate-
wood's Indians are to act as guides. Italns
are unusually heavy.
Fujinc 1'ciislons.
WASHINGTON , August 17 , The secretaiy
of thu interior to-day drew warrants on the
treasury department for § 7.753 , 4' > 0 on account
of the quarterly pav. ment oi pensions.
No Grace In Ilia Hycs.
NEW YOIIK , August 17 , Major Grace forwarded -
warded to the governor to-night a recom
mendation to remove Mr. Squire , as com
missioner ot public woiks.
Every passenger train in anil out of the
Union Pacifin depot yesterday vvas ilo-
laved by the freight blockade in the
In the vvonla of u prominent citi
zen who was waiting for u friend from
thn east , "This here thing la ycttin' too
monotonous. "
I , P , Olive , the Ner6 of the Great Ouster
Oonntj Orime , Shot.
Enoch Younc Kntnlly Kiilillcd With
Duckshot Near Mason A Trench-
crous Nc ro Arrested First
Guns of the Campaign.
A Terrible Crime Avcn-jcil.
THAU , Cm , Colo. , August 17. [ Special
Tcleeram to the Ur.n ] Joe Spirnws , n
well V nowti character of this place , shot I. P.
Oh\e , a prominent cattleman of Dodge City ,
Kin. , and fatal results immediately followed.
There Is great excitement among the cow-
bojs and further trouble Is feared. OH\e
was the man who was convicted of kllllni ;
Mitchell and Ketclium In Nebraska and
buinlng their bodies.
Tills recalls to mind one of the most sensa
tional cilmcs over committed in the west and
ono which ea\o a bad icpuUtlon to Nebraska
tlnoushout the length and breadth of the
laud. Tim circumstances of the crime , the
in rest of the jicrpertr-xtors , their trial and
comlcllon and subsequent release from a
life sente-icc In the penitentiary on a legal
technicality , are familiar to the oldecr oitl-
zens. In Ib78. what Is now Custer county ,
was the stronghold of the cowboy.
I. P. Olive , the victim of Mon
day's tragedy was the wealthiest and
most ONtonsHo cattle owner In Nebraska.
Ho made a range of Custer county and re
sided at Plum Creek , Daw son county. With
him was his brother , Itobert , and both hailed
from Texas , where it was said they had been
nil\ed up In several murdeious artrajs , and
that theh hands had been dyed with the
blood of main victims. At any late they
made themselves obnoxious to other cattle
men soon after their arilval In this state , and
when the season of cittle-stoallng was at its
height tiiu Olives claimed to have lost many
On Clear Creek at the time lived two wor
thy homesteaders. Lutliei M. Mitchell and
Ami Ketclium. Tlie ovctbearing disposition
ot theOilvesand thuir violent endeavors to
drive all settlers from the vicinity of their
immense pasturage caused a deadly feud to
exist between the tj rannlcal cattle kinus and
Mitchell and Ketclumi , who had lesohed to
ni.ilut.ilii theh rights ) and defend their prop
erty , bevoial skiuuiSlics happened between
the parties , but tlie sqttleis were not dis-
mavcd. The crisis however , ocoui red w lien
ono Mauley Capol , 'w'ho ' was arrested foi
cattli'-steallng , inaijeacontcsslon aiidbcemcd
to connect Ami Kctchnin with the depreda
tions on the herds. A wanant was sworn
out for the lattci's airest bj a party said to
be In the employ of thu Olives , and , stianso
tosay , bheiilt David * Anderson , of IJulUlo
lountv , to whom it was diiected , appointed
JJoli Olive as ono of his deputies , although
he knew full well of tiodeadlv ) feud existing ; .
Olive , or as he was better known
by his alias , fatevens , secured the
assistance of three desucnito covvbovs , and
Wednesday morning , November 7 , lb7S , the
paity auived at Kefc Hum's house. Mitchell
and Ketclium and Alia. Ketclium weio pie-
parinc to ride to a neighbor's on some bust-
ness , "and as the custom of the fron-
tici demanded' they had their riiles
in tlio w aeon , ready tor .xnny K'Une
that they might merJA or ( Indians wlio might
attack them. Suddenly the " "Imprtimptu"
deputy sheilrt and'tn * party rode up unit
opened lire. Ohv'o called upon ICetchum to
throw up his hands , but the latter quickly
drew his pistol and Oli\o received a moital
wound. Somnthhty or forty shots were ex-
cliangcd , Ketclium receiving a serious wound
in the iinn. Thu cowboy ofllcers then rode
away vv Ithout making any arrests. Mitchell
and Ketehum immediately packed up their
household goods , and , with their families ,
stalled for the homes of fi lends in Meniclc
county. In the meantime. It becoming
from the effects of the rtrst shot , Mitchell and
Ketclium were advised to return aim give
thcmstlves m > to the propei autlioiities.
When they reached Lotip City they were told
to go no farther , as ccitain lynching
awaited them at the hands of the ex
cited cowbo > s. They then went
to the house of John It. Baker ,
on Oak Cieek , liowanl county , vvlieio
they vvoro arrested by Shorrlffs William
Lotcher , of Meirick county , and P. W. Ciow ,
of Howaid county. 1. P. Olive had offeied a
rowaidot3700 for the arrest of Mitchell and
Ketclium , and all the officers In the westein
pirt of the state vvero on the hunt. Tlie
stipulation of thorewnrd was that no pay
ment was to be made until the pilsonurswerc
brought to Custer county. Tlio different sher
iffs refused to incur the risk , kjowluir full
well the excitement among the cowboys.
Finally , uftei they hail laid in Jail for sev
eral Keainey , ono Gillaii , sheilff of
Keith county , spirited the two men away , de
spite thu watchfulness of their attorneys. At
Plum Creeir , the home of I. P. Olive , parties
in wagons met the prisoneisand Immediately
hustled them towards Custer county , boon
they were entirely at the meicy of their
enemies , with I. P. Olive in full
charge of the party. On the Loup
river a halt was ordered under an elm tree
and lopes were tied irouud the necks of
Mitchell and Ketclium and the otlier ends
thrown over a limb. They weio handcuffed
together and Ketclium was the ilrstdiawiinp.
Ollvu seized a rlllu and shot Mitchell , and
then ho was swung into the air. Sub- -
quently atiio'Aasbiillt under the unfortun
ate v Ictliiis and the bodies left to burn. Tlio
next day their charred remains were found.
The settlers In Ouster and adjoining counties
vvero Intensely excited at the tcirlbletragedy ,
but so great was the fear of violence at the
hands ot thoOlho party
: < o ornci.iib COULD HE FOUND
to Issue warrants , much less any ono to sen o
them. Finally General C. J. IJllvvortli , after-
waids attorney general of tlio state , became
active in the matter , and with the aid of
L > iwioiico , Ketclium , a bi other of ono or the
deceased , tlie law abiding people of the en-
tlie community were aiouscd , and In
numbers ranging from ouo to live the entire
party.who were engaged In the tcirlble crime ,
twelve in all , were nnestcd. 'I heir names
were I. P. Olive. John U ld\vIn , William II.
( Jreen , 1red Fisher , Barney ( illlan , Pelro
Domlnicus , Jllon Brown , Phil Dufian ,
Dennis Cartrell , Barney Armstrong , Peter
Bielec. and a man named Mclnduller. Tlio
place of trial wts ( plated at Hastings by
judge ( iaslln and vyasono of the most iili-
portant criminal contents that ever took place
In the country. Tiin best legal talent in Ne
braska vvaa engaged , alu'ong others the Hon.
J. M. Thurston , of tlili city , who nppeared
for Olive. The latter and Fied Flshei vvero
tried In the spring flf 1ST' * . Drown and
Dufran turned states ev idence and the ex
citement ran so high nticl thieats of 1) nching
vvero so outspoken thata company of soldleis
had to be detailed to guard the piUoncrs.
No other trial ever occurred in this state in
which bo much mooey-was used as Oli-e's
Immense vvealti ) and that of triends In
Tuxas and the castTTcra railed into play to
save the Indicted men's necks. The result
was that Olive and I'lslier weie convicted of
inuider In the second decree , and Judce
Gaslin gave them Uiu extent of the law a
life term in the state penitentiary. Their
friends still kept working In their behalf ,
was used and jinally tlio supreme court ,
about a vcar attor their conviction , pro-
nouncea the proceedings null and void and
they wcie released. Tlio opinion was given
by Judie- George B , Lake of this city , Judge
Cobb concurring and Judge Maxwell dis
senting. It was held that the parties should
liavo been tried In Ouster county , although
that county wasnpt nriranUuU at the time.
Tlio other parties were nei er tried , most of
them having been allowed to es
cape from different county jails in some
mjstcrlous manner. Olivuitud I'iMier found
the Nebiaska climate decidedly too waim
and left the country The tormer has been
back here on business several times but ho
vvasanlshmallteaudwa$6hunucilb > all fair-
minded men. jlla desk In Colorado proves
that the murderer's deeds of blood generally
bring similar earthly puuUhmcut uud the
horrible traeody on the LOUD Is now revenged
less than a decade of jears after its occur
rence. }
A Colil-Hlootteil
MA O.V , Neb. , Aueust 1V ( [ Siwcial to tno
UF.K. ] On August 13 a shooting affray oc
curred In the Uotcn galley , about twenty-live
miles west of Hroken How , resulting In the
death of Kuoeh i'oung by ono Vlnson. It
seems that Ylnson's lioiiso and a piece of
land , according to the last survey made by
Uie county , is situated on another settler's
ground. On Friday , August 13 , the settler
had a summons Issued warning Vlnson to
stop cultivating his property. ' 1 ho man who
went to servo the summons was met by Vln
son , vvbo threatened to kill him If he did not
clear out , or an > ono else who attempted to
servo the summons. The man Immediately
returned to the neighbors , announcing his
failure and repeating Vluson's threats , when
Young , who was standing near , said ho
would servo them , us ho and Vlnson were on
very good terms. He Immediate ! } started
for Ylnson'snccotnpinlpil b > a number of
mon. who hid In a cornllcld to "see the fun , "
as they teimed It. When Ynnnr was about
two rods tiom the house Vlnson appeared on
the scene , armed with a shot-gun , and com
menced shooting at Young , putting twenty-
live shots into him , causing instant death.
The men in the cornfield let Young lay tlieio
for about an hour , till after Vlnson had inn
away , being alraid ho would shoot them too.
Vlnson lied to the hills , feat ing rough tieat-
niuiit from his nclghbois. but later sur
rendered himself to IVimty Sheriff Hock-
well , who placed him In the jail under
surveillance. Up U last accounts no violence
had been done , tlio HIT h ttouble is appre
hended. _
The Hcumnn Opens Auspiciously.
NOIIFOI.K , Neb. , August 10. [ Special Tele
gram to the Bhu.J Iho day opened auspici
ously for the North Mcbiaskn Vetoiaus re
union , though clouds threatened rain for a
while. This has been the opening day and
great crowds of old soldiers and their friends
came in on the special train. About forty
giand aimy posts have been assigned
quarters , though some of them are not yet on
the ground. The camp Is a beautiful piece
of ci omul on the banks of the noith fork of
the r.lkhoin , about a mile from the business
center of the city , and bore to day thousands
of veterans greeted their comrades. About
noon General Brisbln , with three troops of
colored cavalry and artillery and about
twenty-live notable Sioux JmllSh chlets ,
cimo in on the train. At 4 o'clock
the reunion committee , through Colonel W. \ .
Allen , of Madison , formally turned the
camp over to General Brisbln. Colonel Allen's
speech was full of enthusiasm and patriot
ism. He warmly welcomed the veteiansto
the ciuiu and city. Geneial Brlbbln replied
in an approprlito acceptance. Following
this Chiefs Young-Man-Atraiir-ot-IIIs-Horses.
of Pine Kidge , and Two Strike , of Hose Bud
agency , made short speeches through inter
preters. One of the events of the evening
was the arrival of Lyons post , with families ,
seventj stiong. Ever } thing Indicates an
Immense crowd to-morrow.
Yorlc and Her AVntprvvorlcs.
YoitK , Neb. , Auust 17. ( Special to the
BLE. ] At a special session ot the city council
it was decided to anply to the supreme court
for a mandimus to conical the stite auditor
to register the § 30,000 water bonds of this
city , voted at the general election 1 ist Audi.
It will be remembered that the audltoi re-
fu ed to register the bonds on ac
count of au alleged technicality
In their Issuance. The city council'
f.illccl to pass au ordinance ordering a vote on
the question , but the mayor Issued his procla- *
matum Instead. This the auditor and attor
ney penojal Insist was not siilllcleut , and de
clared the bonds null and voiil. The city Is
bound by a contract with W. J. Cooner , ot
Lincoln , to put in the works , and with the
sueclal election held on the Dili inst. , when
the bonds were voted down , leaves the city in
rather an aw kw aril nositlon. The mandamus
suit will bo brought to test the strength of
tlio opinion ot tlio attorney general and
Van AVyck'a Prospects Hrlirht.
YOUK , Neb. , August 17. [ Special to the
BEE.J At a stormy meeting of the reoubll-
c-ui county committee , held in this
city on Saturday , the county convention was
called for August 2s. The light in the com
mittee was the hlllng of a vacancy in that
body for Wahoo. The republican parjy in
this county consists of two factious and the
lines are being drawn on the Van Wyck
issue. Tlieie is MI inteiestlng miit aheail
with the chances favorable to a solid Van
Wyck delegation to next winter's le islatuie.
Tlio farmers , as In other counties , aio almost
a unit in their support of their able cham
pion , Two out of three places In York
county's delegation are conceded to Van
Wjckmen , viz : Hon. N. U. Haican forie-
elcction to the house , and Charles Keatlev to
the senate. It Is believed that the remaining
mc'iibei must bo a pledged Van Wvch man.
or the convention will sit down on him Imid.
Arrest ot n Rnplnt.
SCHUYI.KII , Neb. , August 17. [ Special
Telegram to the BIK.J : Jake Thomas , col
ored , was arrested this morning on a war
rant for rape , sworn out by Jane Kingston ,
living alone on the bottoms northwest pf
town. He enterea Mrs. Kingston's housn
Sunday night , and in the struggle tor the
accomplishment of his pui po o , she give him
a scratch under his ri ht o > e , which the
party an ested beais. Hew us arraigned bo-
lore Justice McClurg this attornoon and the
hearing was continued until Filday , August
20 , at 10 o'clock. Ho was placed under fcVK )
for his appearance at that time , in default of
which ho was placed In jail.
Tlio Otoo County Treasury.
NKiinvfiKA CITY , Neb. , August 17. [ Spe
cial Telegram to tlio Bii : : . ] Tlio county com
missioners , at their special meeting last
night , Instructed the county attorney , John
C.Watson , to bring suit against Duke W.
Simpson , late county treasuier , and his
bondsmen for the sum ofsi9,200.r : l , being the
amount claimed to bo duo the county. The
bondsmen have employed several bright
legal lights and undoubtedly the suit vv 111 be
hotly contested. The bond is a good one and
Mr. Watson is confident of winning his case.
Visited by the Official * ) .
LINCOLN , Neb. , August 17. [ Special Tele
gram to the Bui : . ] A special Missouri Pacific
train was In Lincoln to-day coming over the
now line from Weeping Water. Among the
ofliclals on the train were William Kerrigan ,
general manager ; F , B. Drake , gcncial sup
erintendent , and L. A. Kmeisoii , general
freight agent. The ollicials left this evening
for Kansas City. J. It. Lemist , of Atchlson ,
who Is In tlio city , will secure city oflices lor
the company ready for occupancy when the
road Ls opened lor tralllu on the 2lh ! lust.
Normal Institute Convenes.
i'oitK , Neb , , August 17. ISpecial to the
BHij.l The anniml normal Institute con
vened In this city yeiteiday with n largo en
rollment of teacher ? . The Institute will bo
In session two weeks and Is iindei the man
agement of County Superintendent K. 3.
Franklin with an able corps of assistants.
Two Souls IMado Happy.
TKOUJitsKH , Neb , August 17. | Special to
the UKK.J Mr. John C. Order , banker of
Johnson , was married to Miss Margaiet Hits-
sell , the beautiful and accomplished daughter
of Jumes Itujsell , of the banking linn of Kus-
sell & Holmes. 1 ho prrsenU were costly
and numerous. The happy eoitplo left for
Illinois ana other eastern points.
Hebron Happenings.
Hnmiox , August IT. [ Special to the
BE.K.J The mercurj has stood between 100
and IM degiecs in the shade since last FiI-
day , consequently ever ) thing Is burnt blown ,
and no rain can impiovo the condition of
pffalrs. A great deal of excitement lus been
caused by a report that glanders had appeared
auionc the horses In Hebron. Upon Investi
gating , however , jour coriespomlcnt found
out the repoit was acauatd.
The Van Wvck tooling Is rather strong
amongst the farmer * , who look upon him as
their friend , aud a solid vote will bo given
him In this county by all farmers.
Strike nt n Canning factory.
Yoith , Neb. , August 17. ( Special to the
1H.E.I The employes at the canning factory
went out on a stilke last night , all the hands
< ulttinir work except the tlnneis. Thej de
mand au Increase of waces , and are now re-
cclv lug but St.'JTi per day. The managers re
fuse to ralso the schedule and are lining up
with new hands as rapidly as possible.
A Corker on Duvvos.
GIFT ! * , Neb , August 17. | S.i > ecla1 Tele
gram to the lU.n.J The tlrst caucus In this
countj for delegates to the county com onIon -
Ion was held today. It was called at the
Indication of Dawo * In South Fork precinct ,
which he has always considered his own.
The result was : Danes , in ; anti-Dawes , W.
Kcnrnoy Votes Kor Street Hnilvvny.
KIAUMNeb. : : . , August 17. ( Special Tel-
e iam to the Br.K J The proposition to grant
the street rallwav franchise passed at the
special election to day.
Solid Per Vnii AVyok.
Wr.sTKiiN , Neb , August 17.-Speclal ( Tel
egram to the llKR.1 A full Van Wjck dele
gation has been elected bv a vote of 0.1 to ! 5H.
Strong Van Wvck resolutions weio adopted.
The- Iron Horse Coming.
MAMKV. Neb. , August 17. [ Special to the
BPK. ] The railroad will probably reach
Broken How In August 21. They arc w Ithln
eight miles of there and aio laIng from a
mile to two miles pci day.
Tlie nnso Ijnll Kccorrt.
Chicago 1 B 0 0 0 2 0 B 2-15
Kansas City . . .0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
1'ltchers McCoiniick and Whitney. First
base hits Chicago 10 , Kansas City 4. Krrors
Chicago 7 , Kansas City 10. Umpire
Philadelphia .1. ' ! . ! 0 1 1 0 2 1 n 0-0
Boston o o o 0 o o 'J o 0-vj
First base hits Philadelphia S. Uoston 7 ,
Krrors , Philadelphia 3 , Boston 7. Uuipiic
Detroit 2 0005010 x 8
St. Louis 0 0-2
i'ltcheis llealv and ( Jctzoln. First base
hits Detroit 10 , St. Louis 1. iirors-letrolt : )
4 , bU Louis 0. Umpire Powers.
Washington 0 02002 100 8
New York 2 0-10
Pitchers Kcefe and Crane. First biso
hits New Yoik , Washington 10. Krrors-
Ncw York a , Washington 11. Uinulio Ful-
mer.Ar PlTTSllt 1O !
1'lttsbuii ; 0 T 2 0 0 0 0 0 0-5
Metiopolitans . . 2 0 S 03000 x 7
Pitclieis Mountain and Lynch. Base hits
Pittsburg 11 , Mets 7. Kuois-Plttsburg 5.
Met ? 7. Umpiie Valentine.
Moinoiith l > nrk Races.
MovMoum PA UK , N. J. , August 17.
Handicap sweepstakes , thice-quartcrs inllo :
Buckstono won , Mink second , Pericles third.
Time 1:10. :
Tvvo-jcar olds , three-quarters mile : Lady
Primrose won , False Step second , Montioso
third. Time 1:17. :
Three-jear olds , mile and half : 1 ho Bard
woniaiDow. | Diop 8econd , Ben AH vthlid.
Iladica'p , sweepstakes , mile "and quarter :
Bonanza won , Hidalgo hecoiul , Heel and
Too third. Time : illj : > / .
Seven-eighths mile : Marsh liedon won ,
Queen Esther second , Edgelleld thud. Time
Mile and half , over siluudles : M'cntmoro
wen , l ndovcr second , April Fool third.
Time 2:10. : _
Itnclns nt Snrntocn.
SAISATOOA , N. Y. . August 17. The
weather was cloudy and thieateniug ana the
track fetlock deep In mud. Tlie attendance
was large.
Puise , three quarters mile : Lizzie Krepps
won , Bessie Juno second , Ble cd thiul.
Time l:10 : f.
Sweepstakes , milo and furlone : Bess
won. Lady Wavwara second , Middlesex
third. Time-2:00. :
Ta\hall stakes , mile aud five furlongs :
Solid Sllvei won , Inspector B second , Klk-
vvood thhd. Timo-3OJ : > f.
Gone to the Ununl Kesort.
BOSTON. Ausustl7. The managing direc
tors of the Atlantic milts are examining the
shortage of their treasurer , William Gray ,
vvhohasembe77led some § 000,000 from the
company. The deficloncv was discovered
last Fiiday and Gray , vv hen confronted vv ith
the charge , confessed the dime. Gray said
lie had used the money In building opera
tions. No attempt seems to have been made
by the company to arrest or detain Giav. Ho
was seen on his jaclit Sunday and it la
known that ho has now left the city aud Is
supposed to have started for- Canada with n
horse and buggy.
The Anarchist Argument.
CHICAGO , August 17. 'Ihls Is the liftleth
day of the anaicliisW trial , and Captain
Black , the leading counsel for the defense , is
making tlie closing speech for tlio anarch is ts.
The substance of his argument was that the
man who tluew the bomli , and no ono else ,
was guilty of murder.
Without concluding his speech. Captain
Black decided to postpone his closing re
marks until tomoirow forenoon at thu in
quest of some of the juiois.
Dclovvaro Democrat ? Nominate. , Del. , August 17. The democratic
state coin cntlon assembled hero to-day , and
after several houis of Indescribable confusion
effected a permanent organl/ation aud pro
ceeded to ballot foi a candidate forgoveinor ,
which resulted In the nomination of ex-Con
gressman Uunjamin T. Blg rs and John B.
Pennlngton , of Dover , foi conuress. A plat
form was then speedily adopted , after wnleli
the convention udjoiirncd.
linn .laukBon
CiTvoi' MKX.ICO , August 17. Tlio news
received hero that It is denied at Washing
ton that Minister Jackson has icsignell cre
ated suiprlse , as it Is lirmlv believed that his
icslgnatlon , addressed to President Cleve
land and dated J nnu ! , vv us sent to Wash
ington when Jackson was In the United
States on a leave of absence ,
Short Woik of n Tramp ,
HunoNl STATION , Ind. , August 17. Eaily
this morning a tramp euteied the station and
becomlngoffenslve , J.T.Davis the agent.tried
to eject him. The tramp resisted and stabbed
Davis to death. Nelghuois soon caught the
ti.amp and hung him toatiee. Ho has not
been identified ,
PostnuiNieiu Appointed.
WASHINGTON , August 17 , [ Special Tele
gram to the IIK.J ) : The following postmas
ters wi-ro appointed toiay : Owen F. Idc ,
Bravton , vice Jno , Jenkins , removed ; Miss
Minerva Reynolds , Oilcans , vice Wilson F.
Fleming , ieslned. ;
Heavy Ivoss Hy Fire.
TLT.AKI : , Cal. , August 17. A lire last night
dcstrovcd the business portion of the town.
Loss , § 250,000 ; Insurance light ; Incendiary.
Nebraska ami Iowa Weather.
For Nebraska aud Iowa : Fair weather ,
slightly warmer.
Short and Bweot.
Onvsn K.M'IDH , Mich. , August 17. The
greenback convention met , oiuauUcd and
Dastardly Attempts to Cause Passenger
Trains to Collide nt Chicago.
Charged AVIth the Comtnfo'lon of the
Crlmo KiiKlno * Dlsahlcd , Hut
Lucky Discoveries li event
or I/UL- .
Close Cnlls Pop 1'nsicncrro.
CHIOAOO , August 17.-fSpeclal Tetecrain
to the lihi.J : Thrco successful attempts to
wieck trains on lalltinds having trouble
with their switchmen took place heio last
night In the vicinity of thin city. The dis
charged switchmen MO accused of having
perpetrated these outrages and three aricsts
have been inailo. Onl } In ono ca e has any
one been Injuied , niul that was accidental or
Incidental , the victim not belli ? on the
wiecked train Ono ot the attempts was to
wieck the Chicago , Uoek Wand \ 1'nclllo
train which loft the Van Htnoii Mrcot di'iiot
atlOtKOlast nltrht , bound for Onmlia and
Council UlufK The tr.iin consisted of en
gine No. ! W with ihc coiclics and t\\o sleep
ers , nil filled with passengers. A three pound
honwoitgowasplacciUn the guide near the
ej Under head , which blew out the head and
bent the fiauio of tlm guide , totally dig.
nbling the engine , which had to bo replaced.
\\hllo this was being done the the itro train ,
which left an hour later , passed the Utnnlia
train , when an attempt was made to wreck It
by tinning the slcnnl lights In the real , and
was only discovered by accident In time to
piovent the Omaha train from crashing-into
Itfrom behind. A lew minutes later a third at
tempt , which was unsuccessful , was made on
a freight train at Flftilrst street.
' " 1 rain No. : ) left the depot on tlmo"salit
.Mr. Chamberlain "
this morning , "and ran
out to 300 feet south of the .stock yards cross
ing near Tlilrtv-iilnlh sheet , wlii-iuoeeimod
n sudden shock. The ci Under heads were
l n1,01" ! , ; "r1,1.1,1 , the , rralno ° r tlie guide was
mil e a ! l'1"tf ' collsl1. | Incapacitated the
engine , and whllo another was being
? , ? ' f"ircail > . * t,1',0 ' , trai" Wlls He < P
shop" .which extend tioiuFoitv-
7't' ' ' > to Hftj-i.rst . sheets , and held for
? InM000"10 'cA xJetl ° wasMrlvon in
the guide nearthocvllndei heiul. and thoen-
Bineeraiid liiemaii saw a man In a railroad
cap run across the tuck. I tl.lnk I know the
miscreant from the description they furnish
me , but 1 must withhold ills name tor n few
liours. as ho lms not been arrested , although
two others are now at the llnirlson htrect
station. They ate discharged swltclimen ,
aiidwercancNted.at2 a. m. today In thu
VT1\'T'to11'lisllI- \ , ' > ( t ! c'-ake ' Shore switches
at I "
hlrtytliirdstreet. .
Die weihip weighs aboiii throe poundsnml
has done daiu.ise to an unknown extent , as
t' ' c engine \\IIIlm\e to bo taken apait and
While the wrecked engine was being re
placed and the Omaha tiiln stood at the
' ' IHtJie tlu-atei tialn , which leaves Chicago
at 11 : , ! . > , and which Is designated as No. Si ,
airived and passed the delajed train , which
y as almost RMtlj tocontlmmon ltn jonrnoy.
\MieiitlietlicMtei tiaiu stopped , ome rascal
bonded it and tinned the led bulls-ovo with
tlie evident Intention of causing the Omaha
CMUCSS to run Into tlie learot the theater
train. Ihls would have been a 'dread
ful cilamity , butx was prevented
i yy a brakeman , vvho4 In going . to
p " t01- . 0 llictltl ° ttain , o'jtei ved that
the red lldahad been tinned around , Thia
aroused his suspicion , and nftci lighting Iho
light hiii ran baclca low raids and called the
cicw ; of the Omaha tialn , telling them that
crooked work was going on and to report
the m-st man they caught attempting train
This morning tlm pollcoof South Chicago
found a bomb on the tucks of the Lake
bhorc road at the depot In that town. It is
of gas pipe , eighteen inches long , both ends
being plugged with wood.
The Calumet Iron Works to Reinstate
' 1 licit- Old HunilH.
Ciuc.vno. August 17. A meeting was hold
by the stiikiug nailers at Cummlngs to-night
anil the long stiikb which has been In pio-
grcss thcio fet the last fourteen months was
brought to an end. The old mon will bo re
instated by the company as far as possible ,
al l every department of the Calumet Iron
aim steel compaiiv's woiks will startup with
a full force. None of the non-union men
with whom the company has eonti.icts will
be discharged to nuke places fin old hands ,
but many of them have secured positions
elsewhere. There are plenty of places to
accommodate several hundred of the idle
men at satisfactory waeos. The action of
the men Is approved by ollicials of the
Knights of Labor.
To Hot urn Conflacated Property.
" \VASIIIXGTOX \ , August 17. Some time ago
Acting Secretary Falrchlld insttucted Kilscs ,
chief of the dlIslon of abandoned property ,
to carry into effect the provisions of the act
of Congress authorising the secretary of the
ticasuryto dell\ci to the rightful owners
certain articles of Jewelry , etc. , captured by
the United States army during the civil war
and deposited In the treasurv. KrlHen ban
atcoidlngly prepared lates and regulations
which willpomn thorestoiatloii of all such
articles , and has just concluded the OMiinlna-
tlou ot articles on deposit.
Now York Dry GooilH Marker.
Niw : YOIIK , August 17. The exports ot
domestic cottons for the pist week were
4.S.H packages , and slnco Jannaiy 11 the total
reaches compared with lHf ,5SJ dur
ing the same tlmo last jcai , liri , 5in l4 ,
and 101-UO in ibbl. Thcro was \ery good or
der cf liujuiry of agents with assortments
calling torlargei iiuantltlcs ot staple , colored
and fancy goods. Agents have advanced
Amoskeag blue and brown denims and
Amoskeag and XX fane y tickings yta each.
The Ilonrlioiis AVI1I Gather.
TOI.KDO , Ohio , August 17. The doinocrallfl
state con > ention meet hem to-morrow.
Care for the Children
Children feel the iklilllty of the changing
reasons , even more than adults , and trfey be
come cross , peevish , and uncontrollable.
The blood bhould bo cleansed and thcsjstcm
iuv Igoralccl by thu use of Hood's SarsaparllU.
"Last Spring my two children were vacci
nated , Koou .ifVr , they broke all out with run
ning sores , so dreadful I thought I should lose
them. Hood's SarsaparllU cured them com
pletely ; and they havu been licultliy ever
since. I do feel that Hood's Harsaparllla
favcd my children to me. " Jilts. U , L.
Tliosirso.v , West Wurreu ,
Purify the Blood
Hood s Fhrsiparllla I ) charactcrl/ed by
thno peculiarities ! W , the touMnallon of agents ; 2il , the proiwrltont 3d , tlio
} > rocf/m ot seeming the iiclho medicinal
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fiend for book containing addition il evidence ,
"Hood's 8in > irarllla toiien up my nvntfir. ,
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Mtnw to nuke m our. " J. 1' . Tuoin-noj ,
Itcglstui ot .Deeds , Umtll , Mass.
"Hood's Harsnpjiillh lieats .ill otlicri , and
li worth Hi wciclit In i"'W. ' " I lUliltiMiTON ,
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Hood's Sarsaparilla
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