Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 17, 1886, Page 8, Image 8
THE OMAHA DATLT BEE : TUESDAY , AUGUST rr , iwo. * HE WAS ALMOST A MURDERER A Soldier Arrested For Attempting to Kill a Fellow Cavalryman. NEBRASKA POSTAL DIVISION. It la Abolished by Tlio Postmaster General A Cracksman Arrested Hall Notci Other Local Mutters. A Military Sensation. Sergeant Simons , a colored soldier of the Ninth cavalry at the rillo range , re ported to Adjutant General brock , at army headquarters yesterday , with a prisoner. Pri vate Ed wards , of troop ( J , Minth cavalry , wJiohas been arrested for nttenipcd mur der and desertion. Tlio authorities arc very reticent about the matter , but the facts as ro llably learned by n reporter , are these- Edwards , who is a negro of ugly temper anil dangerous disposition , on Saturday evening , late , became Involved in a row with a fellow soldier , Private Frank .Shephard , of Troop M , Ninth cav- M nlry. Hot words led to something worse , K and Edwards soiling IIM gun , raised it with one hand nnd aimed nt Shepherd's head. The latter was standing by his tent on the rillo range , by tlio moonlight , could easily see Edward's action. The latter tired. Tlio bullet whi//sod pint the cur of Shepherd , who throw his head to ono side and thus escaped instant death. The gun , htrauiie to say , was so close lo his face that tlio powder burned it ter ribly. Ho has been removed to the hospital at the post , where he is now un der treatment. The physicians think that he will iccover , though he will be scarred for life. The explosion of the gun nrouscd every man in the camp , nnd as soon us tlio true state of all'airs was learned the wildest excitement prevailed. A thorough search was made for the ollbndor , Private Edwards , but ho had disappeared. Sunday night , however , after twenty- four nouns' desertion , ho roturni'd nnd guvo himself up to the' authorities in charge of the camp. Ho was taken yesterday'to the guard house at the fort nnd it Is probable that his trial by court martial will como off within a few davs. Edwards is a haul customer. Ho was once under Colonel Henry while that of ficer was at Fort 6111s , N. M. , and was arrested for stabbing a fellow prisoner. 'I ' Ho was tried.convicted nnd sentenced to II the military p'rison for two years. CUTTING DOWN EXPENSES , Tlio Postal Division of Nebraska and Wyoming Abolished. An important move which has just been made by the postmaster-general leaked out yesterday , beinpQnothing less than the abolishing of the postal divi sion of Nebraska and Wyoming , with headquarters at Omaha. This division has been in existence for several years , nnd bus been in charge of a chief inspec tor with several assistants , who con trolled all business in this state and Wyoming. The postmaster-general has ordered it abolished , and the business will hereafter bo transacted from Denver , tno headquarters ot the Colorado divi sion. Mr. 11. E. Spanglor , the chief of the present Nebraska division , will by this change be sent , to Chicago , Mr. Brown to Denver , and Mr. Anderson to Portland , Oregon. The now division will consist of Colorado rado , Nebraska , New Mexico , Wyoming and Dakota. This move has been under contempla tion for some time. When Chief Postal Inspector J. C. West was in the city a few weeks ago , ho intimated to Mr. Spungler that something of the sort was liable to turn up though it was just possi ble , ho said , that it might not occur. Since then , however , the postmaster general lias decided to make the move , nnd on and after September 1 , the di vision will bo abolished. A gentleman speaking of the mrtter yesterday said : "This move has boon made not on account of any de sire to aim a blow at the inter ests of Omaha or Nebraska , but si in ply to cut down expenses. By doing away with this division , und adding Nebraska uud Wyoming to tlio Colorado division , nil this business can bo transacted from Denver which is n convenient and central point. In this way a great stroke of economy will bo achieved. " The officials about the federal building received yesterday copies of President Cleveland's circular letter warning oliico holders against using their position for polical ends or to further their private interests. CIUMINAfjS FAL.IJ OUT. A Burglar "Pouches" on a Knplst , Who KotnllatcH. Mention was made in the BEE Satur day of the fact t.uui an escaped convict mimed Ashman , from tlio Michigan pen itentiary , who had been serving a sent eneofor rape had been arrested in this city bylShoriirCoburn. Yesterday a rather sensational sequel to the afi'air turned up in the arrest of J , N. Meyers Afjlnnaii's pal , who had placed the authorities on his partner's track Meyers hud done this with the hope of scouring a portion of the rowunl which been ollbrcd for Ashman's arrest. From all appearances , his greed has Involved him in n bad scrape. Ash man Yesterday "poached" on Myers , i\nd informed Shoritf Coburn that ho was n professional burglar who had boon operating in this city and Council Blutl's for several weeks past. Further more Ashman declared Meyers was the man who cracked the bufo nt the transfer depot about two weeks ago. As soon as Ashman had finished relating his Story to Coburn , MurMiul Cummlngs WHS fionlfor at once. That official immediately - mediately arrested Meyers , who hap pened to bo about the court house at that time , nnd locked him up. Meyers claimed to bo nn innocent , nnd disclaimed nil knowledge of the transfer burglary. Ho is uiuloubtudly a dangerous character , liowover , and certainly looks llko u first- class nil around crook. By a strange coincidence , n workman in the Chicago Lumber yard yesterday foumbset of crucKsmnu's tools concealed umlnr n pile of boards. The tools were wrapped up in a copy of the " .Spotting LUn , " with n HKI : of the data of August 8 , showing that they had not been there Jong , They consisted of three drills und H brace , for drilling holes in the snfo door , a funnel for pouring in tlio powder , fcOVcral lengths of fuse , bomo wax for grousing thu drills , wire , oto , , ete. Muyrrs Has benn Keen loafing about this lumber yard on several occasions , und It is { hot-lit that the kit of tools belongs to him. Detective Vnlontlno. of ( ho Union Pacific , who Is working up the matter , thinks that lie will bo tiblu to provo thai Meyors Is the man who cracked the safe nt the transfer depot. Deputy Bhoriir Blair , of Michigan , arrived yesterday uud return with his prisoner last night. SODAhlSTSMlKCHPTION. An IntcromiiK Corcmonr nt tlio Cnth- of Kt. Phllomcnn. Sunday the feast kof the Assumption was celebrated at the cathedral of St. Philomcna in an unusual manner. In the morning nt seven o'clock there was high muss nt whicji the members of the young la tics' ' sodality nnd the young men who had just organized a gentle men's sodality , approached communion. At 10 3) o'clock there was solemn high mass which was celebrated by Father Carroll , McCarthy and Boyle. In tun evening at 7W : ! o'clock , a programme of unusual interest was carried out , The members of the young ladles' so dality mot nt the school house and clothed in white with ( lowing veils and wreaths of Ilowers adorning their heads , marched with banners to the church. They were accompanied by thirty-live young men , each ol whom Were a pale blue badge. designating the gentlemen's sodality of the church. Several hymns WITH sung by the members of both sodalities , after which the gentlemen numbered wore re- coked into the sodality just orL'ani/cd. and fifteen ladles wore received Into the sodality for young ladies which was established some years ago. The sermon was preached by Yuthor Mc Carthy who spoke iu feeling terms of the edifying reception , the spiritual favors it would grant to the participants and the benr-lRs that might in many other ways bo expected. Ho also referred to the fact that the day was the tenth anni versary of the establishment of the first sodality of the city , nn organi/ation which though acting in an undemonstra tive manner had yet maintained exis tence. The speaker warmly com mended the efforts of Father Carroll who had Infused now vigor into tlio older and established tlio younger sodality. Tlio latter irontlnman is the director of each society , while the president und secretary respectively of the gentlemen's sodality are C. J. Smyth and M. P. O'Brien. DniNlUNG MUD. Flro Hydrants , Too , Which Would bo Worthless In a Fli'o. D Councilman Dailoy , yesterday morning , told a Bur. reporter that the rcrent examina tion of the lire hydrants of the city devel ops the fact that in many of them in southeast and southwest the pressure was inadequate to supply a serviceable stream and in some water failed entirely to How. Ho bad no doubt that a number of them were clogged up with mud. The way ho bought to remedy this state of affairs ivas to lofuso to pay for hydrants which ild not bo relied on for watut. The water works company , ho thought , ought to bo compelled to have an inspector go iiround at stated intervals _ nnd see that every hydrant was in condition to boused. Air. Lluiloy further said that the intense lieut of the past month had something to lo with tliis state of affairs , as it had also with the muddy condition of our water. During some of tlio hot days of July 8,000,000 , gallons of water bad been con sumed in the oity. It had boon lurishly nnd cruelly wasted in spi inkling and in other ways. And yet the capacity of the settling reservoirs was only 0,000,000 gallons lens , This did not jrivo sufficient time to Jot the water sottle.and as a consrquonco consuineis got nearly all the mud of the river in the water they received through the hydrants. The water did not reach the city from the reservoir on the hill , as many thought , but came through the pipes from the basins at the bottoms without having sufficient time to bo clar ified. Mr. Dailoy thought that this state , of affairs should" bo improved , and the waterworks ho placed on a basis com mensurate with the demands of the city. GEN. JOHNSTON llili. The Veteran Ex-ilobel Prostrated by the Heat Kail Notes. Mr. Thomas Orr , the chief clerk in Soneral Manager Callawuy's oliico ercovi- d yesterday private advices to the efi'cct that General Johnston , the government railway commissioner , who loft hero Saturday morning , was suddenly and seriously taken ill at North Platto. Ho is completely prostrated by this recent hot spell and consequently will bo obliged to give up his con templated trip over the Pacific linos. Ho will return east via the Kansas division as soon as possible. General Johnston is 70 years of ago , and his enfeebled health will not permit him to run any risks. Advices were received yesterday that ex tensive storms on the Colorado division of tlio Union Pacific caused n washout of 200 foot of track near Hortenso , Col. , last night The track has been repaired and trains are now running as usual. The first train on the Missouri Pacific between Weeping Water and Lincoln will be run between the 20th and 28th of this month. The agreement between the road nnd Lincoln is to have the train to run before the Ibt day of September. The company is now fixing its stations und getting them ready for occupancy. There will bo four of these , namely , Wabush , Elmwood , Eagle and Walton. The only round house will bo at Lincoln. It is quite likely that a train will bo rim from Lincoln to this city for Lincoln business independently of those which will connect with the regular through trains. M. M. Kirkmnn , comptroller of the Chicago & Northwestern road , was in the city ycstenlay niorning. Ho hud some business to trunsu'ot in western lown , and then ran over hero to wait for the return train last niirlit for Chicago. J 13. McClure , passcncer agent of the Chicago , MilwnuKce & St. Paul , is again in town after u trip west. Ho leaves to dny for Norfolk. KEV. Bill. IIAhL CAN GO. Such It Booms , Was the Ttcsolutlon of tlio Presbytery. A reporter for the BHK culled upon a member of the southwest Presbyterian church yesterday morning and.larned thai ID all probability the local presbytery would uccopt th resignation of Kov. T. C. Hall , as pastor of the church in ques tion. The protest against the acceptance filed by the pttrisbionora was more by way of compliment to Mr. Il.ill than a dcsiro to keep him against his will. The prosbjtory understood this nnd wouli doubtless a-rreo to penult Mr. Hall to of ficluto in Chicago. The latter baa accepted the cull of ono of the most charming churclipi theru uud doubtless intended to otllolato in i when ho should return from Eutopo With regard to ttm "Christian Hour , " the gentleman in question said ho know i was Hov , Mr , Hull's mtont to continue its publication nnd oomo lioro nt lens pnco a month to help it along and muko it a first class pupor. The meeting of the picsbytory , hn hnld had been but poorly attended , und the subject of the South west eluiroh's protest wus laid over til the nevt luctitlna in September. Hov Mr. Uoyd , tit nroscnt editor of the "Christian Hour1 ' preaches on Sunday at the churcli mentioned. A lilltlo More Time. Marshal Cuiumliigs said yesterday Ilia ho'did not o > cpect to commence killing the dogs found on the streets without the proper llconso tass for several days to coma ynt. ThU is to give the owners o : thn various canines nn opportunity to properly provide thoirdogs with the tags Iu a short time , however , the period o grace v.ill have expired und slaughtering will counnonco in good earnest. AM > SONG. Xhd Features of Sunilny NlRlit's Per- forninnco nt tlin Statlt. The raciest programmes of the season at tlio Stadt tlicjitro summer garden was that of Siimlaylniglit , consistingof "Mon sieur Hercules" nnil "Tollpatch , " In the first , there was a happy mixing up of characters conducing to a most laugha ble gcric.s J > f absurd situations. The weight of the piece was bravely born by Messrs. Schniitz , llorsky and Hatirels. Mr. SchmttB made a bold , dashing "Schrier , " with an excellent makeup. Mr. Horsky's "Hercules" was admirable , and when the lniiontiro | of his strength was shown by a little child running away with his "threo-liunilreil-pouiul weight , " with the manipulation of which ho had astonished his tulmirors , the curtain fell with rounds of apphmso. Mr. linurels' "Malilmanii" was : v faultless impersona tion of an old gentleman unused to the bnisqnoness to which he was innocently treated by "Schrier. " iTollpatch" kept the audience In laugh ter and upulatipo throughout its presen tation. Mr. Hattrois was Ihu central figure , ably assisted by Mrs. I'uls-Ahl , and Air. llorsky. Mrs. llatircis had little to do and Mr. 1'nls made an excellent hit in the unimpoi taut Dart assigned him. Mrs. Puls-Alil made a very clever act in Char lotte , and in her opening vocal number , in which she sang of love making in ovcral Gorman dialects , received a most icarty recall. The piece turned upon ho mistakes mtulo by a blundering , self- issumptivo servant and the unmitigated joldness with which he lied himself out f all his predicaments. The part may ic considered as one of Ihu best assumed ) y Mr. Uaurris. NcM Sunday evening , "Apfel Hoschen" vill bo presented with song. The Courts. Architect .Fowler sues C. E. Mayne in he county court for $373 for plans of a building made. Fowler's first charge vas $250 , which Mavno agreed to pay. lo objects to the latter sum , hence thou , u It. 1) . I'itzpatriolc'sucs ' J. D. Thomas for 1100.75 for plumbing done in the hitter's muse , corner Eighteenth and Webster streets. Frank Yoakum sues in the district court fas. Voro to have him confess to the title n the former of lot 0 block 1 , Doncckcn's addition. Oscar Harding sues C. A. Lock to have he title to lot C block 1 in Uonecken's ad dition confirmed in the plaintiff. Ijost a I'ortmoniinlo. On the return trip of the Athletic base jail club from Fremont , ono of the nioin- jers , Mr. Fnrisli , was impelled to remonstrate - stratoith an offending spirit on the other side of the car , which ho did to his own satisfantion , if not of that of the other party. A lady friend of his intor- torforcd. thus leaving the seat they had occupied , hold only by a Russian loalhcr ) ortnionnaio , containing Mr. Parish's J.TO bull gloves , some nicknacks and several dollars in silver. When Parish returned to his scat , the receptacle was jono. ; The thief can lind Mr. Parish at o. 3 engine house. J. L. Wilkip , manufacturer of paper boxes , 108 S. 14th street , Omaha. A Ijoulsvillo Mistake. The Louisville "Observer" of last Fri- Jay contains a paragraph which , whether it shows the carelessness in reading proof or malicious intent of the editor to deceive Ills readers , may mislead uninformed people who Tcad It. It says , arnong , other things , that ' 'the Omaha Fair asso ciation's buildings wore struck by light ning and entirely consumed by lire. " Jf tliis wore true , there would be n poor prospect for the proposed Omaha fair , for which arrangements are now beliig made. The fact is that but one barn was destroyed , and that has almost been re built. Onolt's Hotel , Lincoln , Nob. , opened March 15th , first class in every respect. Cattle Carrctl. The shipment of cattle from the west ern and southwestern plains has already commenced. The Ogallulla Cuttle com pany commenced to send in their stock on Friday , and a number of trains of them have already arrived at the South Omaha stock yards. Six trains reached there on Sunday and three more werelrcc- eived yesterday. As _ a consequence , the business of the Union L'ucilic between that point and the city has been consid erably increased and will be more so when those trains commence to run to the cast. Will Advertise for Bids. A meeting of the committee having in charge of the preliminary arrangements for the erection of the now Catholic elm rch on Leaven worth and Virginia ave nues , was held Sunday night at the resi dence of John A. McShnnc , on West Far- nn in .street. II was decided to call n meeting of the Catholics living in tlie parish , to bo held in St. Fhiloinona hall on next Sunday. Then a. formal arrange ment will bo made to advertise for bids for the erection of thu building designed. UnlqunPnsaos. A BIK : reporter was shown yesterday by J. E. MeClure. of tlio St. Paul road , a sample of the passes granted to the Inter national association of traveling passen ger agents , when on their way to the lain convention nt Lake Minnctonka. They consisted of a series of paper hammers witli thu heads of bilvcr bron/.o and the handles 9f black walnut. They were all suitably inscribed , and altogether were the most unique thing of the kind seen liuro in n long time. Police Points. John Kelly was arraigned before Judge Stonbors yesterday for stealing a coat. Ilojwaa speedily convicted , and sentenced ton days in the county jail. John Leo. the North Omaha tough , who assaulted Jailer Carroll , was sentenced to ten days on bread and water. Jas , Kelly , for in toxication , was given n similar sentence. Ed Gulilon , likewise accused of intoxica tion , was lined and cos > ts , which ho could not pay. The "fllnfTorH. " Thu Court IIouso Muirers , consisting of McEathron , Kimball , Daniels , Druxcl , Gurloy , Lacey , O'Toolo , Hodges ant Fisher , played a game of ball Sunday morning at Athlutio park with a nine from tlio cigarmakers ami defeated then by a bcoro of seventeen to four iu ulno innings. Put Down Tlio Walk , Residents on Tenth street , south of the railway track are protesting against the delay in roulacing the sidewalks on the graded part ot that thoroughfare to 1'aoi 1m street. In rainy weather tlio mud is intolerable , and us thiire seems to bo no good reason for delay the citizens afore baid are Incensed that this annoyance hivi not been removed , A Ciml ofTlinnks. I wish to thank our ninny friends for their help and sympathy during the sick nnss and death of my husband , nnd par tieularly the proprietors ami fellow work men at the Union elevator for their sub stautial aid. Very respectfully , Mits. JOIIK A , JOHNSON , Sixth aud Center streets , OoialiUt Neb FiinerMJVotlcc. James Shields will bq burled from Drcrol & Maul's umtrrt.ikliie cstnblMiment to-day at 4 o'clock by tlio riastertrs' Union. All 'rlrmls of thcdccea icdni ( > cortllnlly Invited o attend. Dr. M. B. Croll , con leth and Chicago ; Whitcbreast nut coal , $3.75 per ton tin cheapest and best fuel , NEB. FUEL Co. . 21t South 18th St. If you buy lumber nnywhcro without irst getting Hoaglnnds prices you will ese money. 2O Acres Tor Platting. 8 } miles west of oonrt house. rtE SOLD. Inquire Roomai 1 and 2 , Omaha National IJank. For Sal o A lot of nice empty boxes. Inquire at 3KE Counting Room. MoAlostor coal , Havens&'nrnam The "Excelsior" cigar is the finest five cent cigar in the city. An excellent smoke. Try it. Goodman's Pharmacy , 110 Farnam st. Comfort to ToUncco Smokers. Maemillan's Magazine Probably men of sedentary habits who smoke much nro very moderate drinkers. Ho who takes obacco because ho likes the Ilavor , and inds the use refreshing and soothing , is tot likely to take wino or other strong Innks iu any quantity. 1 do not mean hat ho will not consume them together , hat no man capable of npprcclat- ng cither will over do. How sad soever jo the errors wo have fallen into , nt east wo no longer share Mmo. Purganti's confusion of mistaking tobacco for a 'concomitant of claret. " But the virtue of eaeh I nm not thinking of those who ise tncm merely from habit , or bccnu&o others do , or for a purely sonsunr pleas- ire the virtue of each is , 1 fancy , a liltlo marred by an adherence to both. And whore the question is not onu of virtue , nil of sheer fancy or gratification of the ippetite. oven those who ciin ufl'ord to in- lulgo these delights will bo wise to muko a choice. In the time 1 speak of llicro was not much smoking. Cigars wore not much in fashion ; the pestilent heresy of the cigarette was not yet dreamed ot ; the sober pipe was mostly used , generally in that form known us a "long clay. " and taken sedately after work was over , us a wholesome aid to reflection. No doubt there wore exceptions , men who bad fud dled themselves over piucs or spirits , or jeer ; but. broadly speaking , the use of lobaeco then was the exception rather : hun the rule , certainly among the upper classes of society , and thus stomach and jrain were better able to support the tax aid upon them. Absolutely Purr This powder never varies. A marvel of pur ity , strength \vhol05omonos3. . Moro econ omical thun the ordinary kinds nnd cunnt be Bold tncompotltlon with the multitude of low test , short wolglit alum or tihospnaio powders. Sold oniy In cans. KOYAI. BAKING POWDER Co. 403Wnil at. . Now York. JOHN G. tiREEN SCHOOL OF SCIENCE COLLEGE OF NEW JKKSKY , riUNCKTON , Ninv JKItSKY. ItOulur four-yoar courses , ns follows : I. For the of Bachelor of Science , u Konenil course ; also electlre courses In Chemistry , Hlolngy , Geology , MnthomiUlcs und I'hytlcs. II. Kor the rtcureo of Civil Engineer , Including , bcsldea tlio usual professional studies , applications of ISIoctrlclty to the Artn. I'ost pradnate Instruction In HlghcrMuthcmntlcs.Uraphlcs. Analytical anu Appltol CtiemHtr/ and Assaying , lllolngy , 1'hyslcs , nnd Astronomy. K ntrnnce examln- ttonB Kept , llth and 15th , 1VW. For special courses nd otherlnformotlon iicolr to the colIeuoTreniuror. WEAK , NERVOUS PEOPLE And ot&era enfTerlnir Iron nonrous debility , eiliatuUns chronic discuses , premature otline of ycunp or old urc nnslUvoly < uifd by Ir. Home's famous Electro. Mufrnrlla Hell. ThollMndJI In efery frA-BUto In the union hat o keen cureu. Kleftrltf .V-rcJlylnfUnlly felt. Patcnt.-rt ami sold 1O years. Whota family can * e r sum * belt. Elcrtrla HBupeniorlM free wilhmalebfiu ATOM worthlf Im itations and bogus companies. Eltctrle Trn es tar Itnrture. TOO cured In'BS. Bendi stamp for pamphlet. DO. IV. J. llQRNE. iNYHUOe. 181WM1ASH AY. . CHICiOC. Star Line Carrying tlio nolglum Royal and United States Mnll.Bnillnjf every Eotmdny Between Antwerp & New York TO THE RHINE , GERMANY , ITALY , HOL LAND AND FRANCE. FALL AND WINTEU. Balon from JGO to $ ff. Excursion trip from 1110 to Jli. Bocond Cabin , outwiiru , $15 ; propald , $15 ; excursion. t'MStoornpo ' nossii o nt low ralos. 1'otor Wriirht i , Sons , Qonoral Agents , 55 IJroauwuy , Now \ ork , llonry I'un It , 121H Fiinmm Bt.i Paulson , V Co , V ir 11 a it. ; J J Frooiiiiin , IdJl Funiiuu st P. BOYEB & CO. and JsB'werk. ' 1020 l urnam StreetOmaha. . Neb. Notice to Contractors. I'ropoiaU will bo received by I ho HTCALBD Trustees of Mallnliun University for tlio erection and completion of n propokorl unl\ci- ally bUlldiiiff to bo oroctal nt Ourtloy , Neb. , no- cordliifr tiinluns.dctulitiund Bpeolllcations inudo Ijy Y. A. Kills & Co. , arciutcols , Onmlui. 1'liins inny be scon on anil nf lor I tto20th dny of Autriibt , 18k8. nt the oliico of thoi secretory nt Iltutley , Neb. , and nt the ollloo or tlio iircliiloctg at Oinulm until tlio twontyriilnyi day of Septem ber , at 3 o'clock p , m. All proposals must bo oil file with the secretary ut Hartley , Nob. , on or before thu above ( Into and hour , at whlcli tlino and place bids will bo opaiioa. A coititled drafter or chock of ono tnouwuiil dollars will bo de posited with each bid as a truarantoo that the party will enter into contract nnd Rlvo sails- lactory bond lor the fiiltblul porfornmnco of his contract In the amount of ono-half of the comi urn price. TboUoardof Trustees reserves the light to reject any or all bids. _ lly order of the Hoard of Trustees of Mullallon University at Hartley. Nob. V.C. JOHNSON , President Trustees. . AI.IXN DAIITLEV , Fliinnolal Secretary. uHdoodiw ESTABLISHED USED IN ALL a. rare PARISOFTHE WORLD Oatalo.-ueg and i'rkes on appllratlon. Bold by eJl tUo Lest f rrl K lliilliU-ra and Healers. GRAND OPENING ! York and Oraalia Clotlii 1808 Farnam st. , Omaha , Neb , When we say we are going to open with the largest and finest line of and Ever shown in Omaha , we mean what we say. To prove it to yourselves , come to the opening and see. Also get one of our beautiful souvenirs. One Price and a Cash Business makes Cheap Goods. Remember , Our Motto is "Honesty and Good Value for Your Money. " We Open The only perfect substitute tor Mother's ml Ik. Invaluabio in Oholern Infantum and TeothlnR. A pro-digested food Tor Dyspeptics - peptics , Consumptives , Convalescents. rerfoot nutrient In nil Wasting Diseases. Requires no cooking. Our 13ook , The Care and Feeding of Infants , mailed free. DOLIBEB. QOODALD A CO. , Boston. Mau j > cciallr Distilled for Medicinal UBC. ' THE BEST TONIC ! UNEOUALEDforCONSUMPTIOf > WASTING DISEASES and GENERAL DEBILITV. PERFECTS DIGESTION , 1 > B. ED\T. L. 1VALUNO , fiur gcnn In Chief , National Guaic of N.J. , writes : "JIv utUiition wn.i railed tt .your Kovstiuie Malt Uhiekcy lij l..r. l.ulor , Uiugcht , of Tixnton nnd I lui\B iifed a feu Ixittlit wllli far tetter effect tli.m any ] lm\e lifid. ] am rci4 > miie dln ( } onr article In my iimcliic , uuc find It very Mtlafactorj . " lie flenun ! ha * tt.c Signature a r.IhSEH * MPNDELbOX Fac-dauocfBsttlt. en the I.iUI EBSNER & BSERSBELSQBa. ( Sola An < nti for the U S ) 816,318 and 320 Race SI. . Philadelphia. Pa. WOODBRIDGE BRO'S ' , State Agents FOR THE fo'sPianos ' Omaha , Neb. - rIXXJTT Cor. TSf8TRECTandOAHJOLAVE. FOIl TUB TIIKATMKNT OK AM * CHRONIC AND SURGICAL DISEASES , AND MAHVFACTOKT OJT BIMOCa AHO APPLIANCES fOH DErOKMITIfS , MUSSES. AND eLCOTSIO BATT RtfS. W have the ( aclllilei , npparntua and remedies for the Huccenful ( roatment of ercrr form o' dlicitio requiring either moJIrul oraurglcaUroatmcut , nnd Invite all to como and lnve tlg lefoMlieru olrinor correspond with ut. laux ezperlenca In treating caiea br letter crmblea u lo treat many t M lr wltbniit i > i > lni them. WHIT JXJH C1IICU1.AH on'dpformlllcs nnd e , Club Fee Curvature of tliu Kplne , IMS- OK lies. Tumor , Cancj r l7 l . uim all TriMtvi , and all kinds of Medical and Burtflcal Aiipllancee. manufactured and for iiile. The only reliable Medical Institute making Private , Special ( ft Harvous Diseases We can remoTO BjplJllltio I'OlMn from Che .j.leui WKewllrointor ur/B treatment foj > r ol 'Tltal voyr. ALL COMMUNICATIONS COM'IOKN'llA ' I * Call no consult ua or Bead namoand poat-olttce aldrerH plainly wrlumi-ontloso etanip. auawowlll ouj I)1HKA8KSOKTIIH OISNITIMJIHNAUVO or send liletorr of your ciko for an oMnlon. r non unaileto vltltua njaj ta treat * I at their homes , by corre poadenc . Mrtlcln a nd Inatrn. 1 hKCI/llKI.r / I'ALK * mentiment by rc nr oipren ED rilOOBSKIIVAT10N. . n" marks to Inillcatu ' eontciiui tender.OnepTSonallnierrlflwprelfrred If Convenient. Wfty room * tor tbe accomiuodatlaa of patlenti. Board and otundir * at to onabl price. Addre altltier to Otnaha Madloal & Surgical Institute , Cer.3lbSt.and ] Capitol AvoO.nahi , Neb. RELIABLE JEWELER , Watches , Diamonds , Fine Jewelry Silverware ho lunrost Block. Prices tlio lowest. Fliio rep.ilrlni ? a spaci ilty. Alt \voi-k w.ur. ntoJ. Ojr.13 Doujrlus ixnd Ifitli street , Uinnlri. EOLMAN'S ' are easily worn , snfo nnd rotlublc. They liave ho3n tested In tlioi. anils of cuscs nnd we cm positively nsnert thntln ullcasps wlicro the HTCP , spleen , kid neys nnd bowels iiro Involved , Djt. HOLM AX'S I'ADS nro at once the uest , quickest und chewiest ; urn ! tbeylmvo mude peiiuuncnt cures In thmitamts of cases nhore medicine Una tiojn used without any good roeu'ts ' whatever. Ei ( liiiin'i : EMvcruml Stomiu'li I'ml Absorbs nil Itnpuritloi frnii tlu1 blnoil , Imlh'Oiatus and vitalize * thu uholo ? j-tern. ESoliEiaii-N Liver and .Slomiu'Ii Pad Curcn lMllousnciIs. Indigestion , .lanndicti , Dlnrrhocn , Malurlu.bluk Headache , Itheumntl'm , etc. ISolnmiiN Liver mid Stoisuu-li f.'n-l ItCKul ito * the btnamch and Him cli , liunrui ut the Apnetlto , corroeto A * liull.itlon , bcniitlues thu Compluxlun , etc. Ifiolnimc's HJver iuul Sloiiincli Bii I Prevents s < M bickne"s ( , Cholera , HniillpOY , " Vellou * . Typhus , T > phuld aud UllliiusKevi'ni i A1.I , UUUUUlb'lS-OrFeiitomecelptof IN'ii-c Sa. HOILIIA\ CO. , li-'O William St. , N. Y. M. BURKE & SONS , LIVE STOCK COMMISSI1 MERCHANTS , GKO. BOIIKB , Manwror , UNION STOCK YARDS , OMAHA , NEB. REFERENCES : Merchants' nnd Farmer * ' Hank , David City , Nc > b. ; Kearney Natioml fJank , Kearney , Neb. : Coliiiiibns State Bank. Columbus , Neb. ; McDonald's ' Hank. Norllt finite. Nob. ; Omaha National JJauk. Omaha. Neb. , , , , . . , Will ray customers' draft with bill of lading attached for two-thirds value o stoalr DEWEY & STONE , One of the Best and largest Stocks in the' ' United States to Select From , OMAHA K"SB. are THE BESTTHRL'AD FOB SEWING MAGHI MES L SIX-CORD SOFT FINISH SPOOL COTTON. Assortment for sale to * ho Tntdo by - VINYARD 8r SCHNEIDER C. E. MAYNE , LEflDEKfi BESL EST&TE BEfeLES , s. w. con , latn X.I B , OMAHA. Proppity of every description for sale in iill parts of tlio city. Lands for ualo In In J obrusia. A ooniploto sut of Abstraotfl of Titles of DoujrlaH uoitnty ' ' " " ' ' .jc'lit ! Maps tiioCify , Slate "or'County" , 6r niiy'otiiur information 'desired fur- nibbed free of charge upon application. Or the MCJIIOIllulill , fos.illtnty C'urnl by AUitiliilHlrln > ; Dr. llninck * Uultlcii NjuTllIo. It can be clveii In a cup of voSeu ut Irh wllhaat the laiuw ltd jc f the porton luLlnj II , Is absolutely barmlnks , and will effect n permanent unil roeedy catt , whrtlitr the patient U a model ate drinker or ta tucohollu urucKi It ha fctun clvpu la Ihou * o .idsof tM , and In every liiM-iiiccafierfectcuro basfolluKed. It nrviir I'ulU Th ryMcm ouco Impirznatcil ulth llm Bpi'ciac , It LfcoraM an utlel ImptnslbilUy for the liquor rpi HIP to cslu rousAMS uv voi.uQ\viKi uunaoiui's : Ut'HN A ; CO. , Car. 15tli nnil I > 3Qlnii , anil IBlli & CuinlDB Ht . , Omiihn , A. U , FOaTUH iV IlltU. . Council HluffH , Call or write for pamptilit ri > iilitlnln.T hcr.drtda t * to.tlrnonliil ; Irnui tlmbcjl woiucn uutl m u Irwu UitpirUol thmuulrv. . . _ _ _ DKSXEL & MAUL , ! Successors to J. Q. Jnoobi AND KMBALMEUS. M the old aland , HOT FarniimBU Order * Ij Itlivrnith solicited und promptly at to ml eJ to. lolopliono No.SH _ Cure without mcdl- A POSITIVES . I'HlontiJ Octo- | i r 10,187U. One box will euro tliouiGBt olitlna cnso In fourdarj orlo s. Allan1 sSolubleMedicatadBoups No nnuectm * ( lose * of cutiobi. copallmi of ERrtdnhrood that uro rcrtuli to produce d- poi > - 6lnli > 'dn uoyliiif tlio roiitliu ) of tlio stiiumju , 1' fSoUlby all ihujfrftns or mullud on rocclrtof prjco. For further partlouluni ciit forciVculnr , I > , O. Hoi lift 3" . o. j .zjXjuiv.i r cc. , it. . Now Vorlr , lucs-tli-utlvin