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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 17, 1886)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEI2 : TUESDAY , AUGUST .17. 1880 , SPECIAL NOTICES Advertisements under this : ho-d , 10 cent * per line lor the first ln e tton,7ccnts for each sub sequent lncrt on nnd tl "fl n line | > cr month No advertisement taken for less tlmn 2.1 cnnti for the Urn ln orton ! Scxtn words will bo counted to the line : they must run eonfccu- lively nml must l > e pnul mmhancc. All ocher tlHmonts mii ! > t lie handed In before 2 o clock p , in , and under no clrcutn tanees will thej betoken token or discontinued 1 j telephone. Parties advertising In thcsu columns a nd hav ing the answers nidro ! ed In cnro of TitKltr.K will pl so a k for n check toennblothotn to pet their letter" , ftg none will bn delivered except on presentation of check. All fcnswers to ad vertisements should bo enclosed In em elopes. TO I.OAK-MOHEY. rOKW ) Inlnnn on Omnlm clt ) property nt n $ percent , lm > reit O. W. Uno cr HtJ Douirhu st. 13 Gl'iu : CINT Money to onn. J. J. Mnhonnj , luOtrarnnm , Ol ' TO LOAN-On fitnn nnd elt > prop. on > , nl lowest rates , W. A. Spencer IWJ Ijiinnmst. H" > OMv TO LOAN ( In renl e tnto. M H. S. binlth , Iiuom3 , \ \ Itlinull Illock.M7 M7 ' . ITSI1 OV Jtr.,000 to loan In SI'KCIAI. to pull , on short tltno mortiiRis , thrco to t cHo months tlmo on liropcrty Improved - proved or Unimproved , Cull at the Oinalm Vlnnnclal Ilxchmico , second lloor of llnrkcr Iliofk. P. W. Coirurnatn and iJthSt. jjjM "V\7r.ha\e ilioaji money onlonif time , In nnv T > nunntlttolonn on Inside city properor ! farm land. MnrMmll A. Lobcck , 1511 1'arnain st. PlJll Ci : > T money to loan. 11.C 1'atterwn , G 13th and CIS fINA > rrAI < i\CIIA.M5KISpre- OMAHA make loans In nny nmount , on nny kind of approved security. Larco collntoral lonna a specialty. Also on chattels and real e-stato In amounts and tltno to suit Lower rates , bettor terms , and prompter cenlco thnn any loan agency In the city. For further particulars cnll ntofllce on the second floor of the Barker Block , eouthwost oornor of Farnnin nnd P > th strootfl. 4r 0 _ 7 , and R percent mono ) to loan Mortgages G tnken In exchange for real estate. Central Investment Co , Itoom 7 , IlnrkcrBlockcorluth nnd rarnnin IK9 ONKY TO LOAN-At lowest rules of Inter est on farms and improved cltv property. P. J. la ) > A. Co , r > , Crounsc'B block , S i : corner Cnpllol n\omie nnd Ifith st 703sopO ONiYTO : LOAN At lower ratcsthnn any. where die In the city , on ftirnitn re , pianos , organs , horses , wngons , or Block of nny kind. Itmnomber , at low or rate * than nny other loan company in thn city City Lonn A. Mortgage Co. . room 15,1401 Furnam st , opposite Paxton hotel. _ _ , 451 _ to loan b ) the undoi signed , who has MOSEY proporlv organized lonn agency In Omnhn Ixinn0 of $10 to f 1,000 made on fur niture , pianos , organs , horses , wrngons mathln- ory , &c , without rcmotnl No delays. All business strictly confidential Loans so made \ \ that nny part can bo paid at any tlmo , each pay ment reducing the co t pro ratn Advances made on fine watches nnd diamonds Persons should carefull ) consider who they nro dealing with , ns mnny ncT concerns nro dally coming Into olstrnco. Should you need monev , call end pee mo. W. R Croft , Itoom 4 , Wlthnoll t ! , llth and Hnrnoy. 4-S3 IT.It cnNl Mono/to loan , Slow art A Co. , 6 lloomi ) , Iron bank , 12th nnd Tarn am. 453 to loan , hums J5K ) and upwards. * Lowest rates , licmls , l&th and Douglas sts. 4 a i.oAN O. f. Tavta ) 4 Co. Real JiL Bstato and Loan agents , 1505 FarniunSt _ _ _ _ 417 MONEY TO 1/XAN On good socurttioa A JlcQavock , room 7 llodlck Block , 1509Farnam _ Bt 4 > S MONEY TO ijOAN Oil real estate nnd chit tola. D. L. Thomas. . 459 MONCYIO LOAN In sums of f200and up wards on first-class real estate security. Potter & Cobb , IBIS Farnam Bt 4Ml ONKY LOANED nl C. F. Heed i Co'S. Loan office , on furnlturo , pianos , horses , wagorn personal property of all kinds nnd all other ar- llclesof value , without removal. 318 S. , 13th , over rtlnchtim's Commission store. All DUj noes strictly confidential. 461 DTJ8IJTES3 CIIAUCES. TfpOU SAI.iianiUcton | Ion colt ( broken ) - * - sulky , harm o 8 , tup buggy , stnblo nnd or gnu , by linj-Iiitu Hobe'its , i'ort Omaha' C45 10 * FOU 8AI.K Hestnurnnt nnd bnkory In n lit o town. Address Box 100 , Oukiuml , Iowa p > OU SAM : $3.0UO stock druus and flvturos" J.1 Inonoof the best It. It. towns in contrtil Nebraska E\ccllont trade. Growinp town. Annual enlcs$10(00cush. Ono of the rare op portunltles to stop Into an excellent business. Address , K 49. euro lioc. 850-17 FOK SAIJ2 A restaurant located on B Htely str < el , hitvliijr n ( food pationagc. Address K. 37 , Uco ofllco. 78q.l.r i OK SAl.i : The eomptoto f urnlturo of the Kobrnskn Vlnejrar Works. Call soon on I : Krcbs. Jones st bet Sth and 10th st , Omaha. . 019 " 1TUUS SAl.K An elegant established business. J-1 the beet of the kind In the west located In this city : ni-t protlts t5,000.00 per annum ; will bear closest Im estimation ; involeo about f 15,000 00. Turtles with moans irlnhlnjr to stop Inlgjijjne buglneps address K 7. eo olllco. 444 TTIOK SAlTn3hrst-olass moat market with Jnlco flJtturos , all complcto ; coed trade : best of reasons for etlllnp. Call or wrlto to Gee W. Mngsoii. Ida Howard. ! ! 23 EU > It of the oldest established Brocery business In the city , with a\ory larco , wellpajinff trndo. Will exchange for Omaha roul egtato or part cash and balance go- cured notes. Good reasons git on for selling. Address " 181. ! ft lion oflico. 067 H Ixitsrarmaljind9 money loaned. Itemls. 15th and IJouglits streets. 4C3 POK SALE Povcral stocks of goods , dolnir n healthy buslne t. ownership clear , satis faction guaranteed ; terms easy , some Omaha property taken In exchange. Marshall i Lo- beck , 1611 Farnam st. 4C5 FOUUT > . FOUND Architect planiof rcsldenco Bor nt Impress nugon lli.oor 14th and Dodge. 9W Id * TAKIN : ui.iuiy a , nt sai s.s h st , a light red row about 8 yours olil.smull rope on horns , star In forehead Jly-SO-n-S-U-NKSl X.OST. LtJST Onp leather pocket-book , rontalnlng papers with owners name and address and K In money. Finder ploasc leave the book nt lleo olllca nnd keep money for reward. A. J. Wood. 1000 18 LOST A soriel hoiMo.two while feet on hind legs , ona white trent foot und a wlilto spot In head , llttlo stiff In front logs and a lentlier Imltoron. Lost Irom Cut Off lake On the llth of August Flndor plonso return to 917 Charles st , north of Cuminnnd a liberal reward will be paid. 07517 * IOST A gold necklace with gold pencil nt- J tached , botwecn 18th and lt < th streets on Pass , Sunday morning. Flndor pluuso leao ul Iloootfoe. l W 17 * LOST A Knlgbt Ttimplar ring , m > rkod-wlth two crosses nnd n trlngle , and nuino of "Minnie. " Iteturn to E. 11. , Uco Olllco. and ro- cole row ard , 1)31 ) J 6 * LOST Package containing rhock for $30 on Iltindy. Joplln \ Co , nndf.Tiln currency. Imdcrwillbe ronardod by Ifiulnjr it at room JOOmaha National bank. S04 BOAKDUTO. BOAUHINn-1224 Capitol iirrnuo , northens corner Thlnociith street , bouso newly furnlshej ; ovcrythln tlrst clas * . 745 W TillItST-Ciae3-TabioboardC03 S. 19th corner JSt. . Map' o. s.u.iii nOAHD-And lodgings , ntaa N , 1Mb st. 4GO Ilr Nunnlo V. Warren Ualnojant. Uedhal und business Medium Itoom JkO. C , JSl North Itth tt. , Ouiahtt , Neb. Ir YOU KBiU nny bonds , mortgages.l manu facturers , railroad or bank stocks bought or fj > not fail to Bret boo M. L. HlifBins , 1508 Ifou want barcalns In city or suburban oln , dneUluir lioiiius or buslueis property in Oroaiia.Urjlfouil. 1. IHgElnsat IMaIkiuglni st If you wunt to trade Mocka. of goods for wild 'witUor ' Iraproied funns , first see M. U Hisglns t IWu Doutilas bt If ) ou want to tradn horses , trngonj or bug- irtca , iot In or about Omaha , flrst fee * ii L , llljr- ftiHutiaWDouehiset I f you want to buy or trade for n home or for property to hold on speculation , flrst see M. L , lU.k-Ini ut Una Douglas tt B79 18 jiCHobL OF bTKNOaUAPllY-ltoom 7. Iron O llauk. 663-17 ' Square Piano , ( I monthly. A 1513 Douglas. JS3 . . , Koscs , Shrubj , etc. , planted free for poreons buylnsrof DouBlas Co. Nurscrloj. Howard , Prop. , P. O. lx > x rJO , to7 nU II' You want to employ n stenographer and. typewriter operator , address Valentino's Miorthnnd Institute , KxiKisitfon building , Omnha , Nob. 851-S-12 MAIA lUal K tnto7 Hou e * rurnl hed Itoom Agency , Money Loaned on Itcnl ! . . late , Utytfti A. i.n tmnn , proprietors , main oflieo IJ01 Douclns 1 , branch olllcos 1213 lar- nam t. 1413 Dotielas t .418 N iGth.filG nnd Gil 810 h : telephone No. 403. A large list of fur nished andunfurnlshed room" , houses , ect . for ciiMotnors to sriptt from Letuo your liouse-s and roomswlth us : wo will foon fill them up with desirnblo tenants Como to us for rcotnsnndhou e : can suit you ut once ; car- nnires for patrons ; telephone or cnll nt nbovo olllco * . l.TO a 10 \'oti \ wnnt ohorthand tott-boota call or ad- JF drc , Valentino's Shorthand Institute , ix- : position building. Umihn , Nob. SS3 S-li KKNT A More on n goTjii retail MreetT Fou the Omaha Heal Latato and I/inn Co. 1C7 b 1613 Douglas - . . I7Mi : lift's r Njjnro l lane Ji monthly. A i ? HOM > C. 1511 L ouiilns. 272 BALE-MI3CELI.AllOt7B. ! T7\OIt < iAI.i : .A medium cl7o nfo neiirly now , JL with Insldodnor Combination lock. 1 U drawer cabinet nnd letter nio wllh doors. 1 medium < lro letter pioaj. I platform fcnlo I plat form counter scale Pnrrotle & Simony 1113 Hai-miy t 807 HAM- Mule , 1120 N is. &K-IS * ITMMI SAI.I : Furniture o-room house eom- JL1 pit to for housokocplng ; prlco JTOO , House rent } iJper month , nno location , 1719 Douglas sli : Furniture nmli ca-oof six-room house , time on part. Cnll 120J North 27th street , two blocks from Hod Car lino. HO H' ' i Lots 1 anns.Lands money loaned. Hernia 15th and Douglas streets. 471 loll SALK l piano , furniture and kltcho 1 range. 7178.1t tbst 877 TrjiOll SALK Cheap , iron columns ind win- J ? dow oapsfltiltahlq for front on hrlck build- K' 1'or pnrtlculars apply at this olTlco. BI3 HELP. " \\7ANTKI > A need irlrl to do Kutior.ll housework - > work ; two In famllj Call at No : W20 St. Mnr > 'smenuo. 100-17 .VSTKU A coed Blrl for ecnornl work at 8504 Unvenport st , WJ3 IB WA TJ ) Girl for general liousoworR at S W coiner Nlnotcciith and Loaxen- worth M torts , 'JS ! V ANTin \ plrl In a restaurant , 1410 S , 'Ihlitufiuh trect. 1H1 \ * ' i".YNTii : ) Night chnmbormnld ; colored > profcnod. Ul- Douglas st , Ollvo Hi nncli. IW7 TV A flrst-olass Avushor and Ironor. Apply at the Cozzons , 101 WANTEU-2 glils nt 10IG S. 10th. OJ3 IB * ANTltn-GIrl for kitchen vork - 5 N. 15th st .TO 18 \\'A > Tn > A plrl who Is a ( rood cook and laundress , nt.V-'lChicago Will pay f.M per month. Wei 17 VI RANTED A omun rorRencral housework. i Only 1 In fmnllj. tiooil a e Good place for rlffht girl. Cull between6 and "p. in. ntll2 NWh Bt. ! 11C W ANTKO Olrl for ( jcncral housework at 1313 Webster st. VK "AN TKIl-Aplrl. Apply to Airs. Wm Co- bum , bond ot \ \ obstcr st , 055.16 * WANTEU A sti niifr , active girl for general housuwork ; Gcrinun preferred Appl ) ' nt 14IG HowurdBt _ ion 1C ' 17 good girls for irencral house work , girls for boarding houses , laun dresses and Blrls for the west , good w ages Omaha Umplo ) inont Bureau , 119 North 10th , corner Capitol ut eiiuo. 925 TAMTii > Good girl for general house work at 2313 Ia > cnport st. 022-10 mald. 112 X. llth street WANTKD A seamstress , ul o appre'itlces to learn dressmaking. Apply to IJostou Drcsamakcr , 1513 Douglas st. , room 8. 013-15 * WANTED-Good cook , 314 813th st. 690-15 WANTED A first class woman cook. Good WUROS Dine or Sw edo prefcrrod , also whl tar kltclicu work , 118 South loth et. UXLlf , * WANTED A peed girl to do kitchen work exclusively , good wages , north-wost cor ner I3th and Mason. WANTED Ono dlnlncr-room pirl and one dlahwashur. 1004 N. 10th st. RiS.15 TtfANTKD A peed mlddle-affod woman. ' ' Catholic preferred , to keep house in small family ; uood puv ; mu t furnl > h references. Address at once , box A , Panama , I a. WANTKD Nurse fc'ir ) . nlso for second w ork. Imiuiro 9.4 Park uo. . 6S3 "V/VAJ TiU Dining room Rirl ; ulfemalb T i cook. 1617 Capitol uvonuo. 839-15 * WANTi-L ! dycan\assor. Aildre s ( rlvinff references und experience , room 5 IMrKor block. fa50 17' WANTKD Ladles and Younp Men to Decor ate Holiday Notcltlcafor lull and winter trade , steady employment : $9,00 per week earned : all materials turnlshod ; worked mailed froo. Address New England Doeorat\o : Works , 13 Pent 1 St.lloston. ilnss. . 1 * . O. lloz C027. B14 15 * AXT15D Good fc'Ul. Mrs. llustiman , 1512 Howard. 775. ' < 5irl for general bou'oworic , No. T i 1918 Capitol ave , north aide , hot IBth and 30th. 730 W.VNTKO-At 1522 Howard st , a reliable girl for kitchen work Must booed , plain cook , washer and ironor. German or Irish preferre-d. 644 W "ANTED A O t-class chamfer maid at the Windsor Hotel. Ki2 \\7ANTKU An oxpo'lenced cook and laun- TT dress Good wages paid. Sir * . G , J. Hunt , Virginia at e , and Grant st Ui9 'AMKO Immediatelyn llrst-cliiss cook n 1813 Dodge st. BOj 7ANTKI > 25 young ladle ? nnd gents"to T T learn telegraphy. Prospects for positions when competentgood , Address W. J , D. room l.Crounso block lUh st , Omaha. 738 WASTED MAI.E HELP. WANTED An utt'y nnd export accountant of varied oxperlonco In business manors nnd competent to fill almost any station , desires position : think oould fill position of credit-man in a wholesale or miinTgconcnm ; brings best of reference from another dry ; has fainlln8 ; years old ; good address. Will accept modcrnto salary If position has any promise in it Addresa K 07 , Bee ollico. 105.17 * ANTF.n-Good Blacksmith at NoHlty Iron works , lOUnnd loss. 14th St. 104-17' AISTHI ) A flrst-clasR bread baker. Smith & . Ixjorko. No. 5S3 Main stre'Ct , WAN 11:11 A good broad und caKe baker nt HlOSmmdcrs street None but u No. 1 roan need apply. asi io WA > TJI > Temnon of goal oppoaranco , can niako f3-$5 u day. Cull at 1112 South 13th Et 7to 0 * WANTED A good reasonable man to Phew and soli roul estate , must bo well rccotn- mended , a. A , Sloninn , 1518 Tarnam st U' > 8-15 \TTANTKu ISaioro men for the Black Hills IT In Wominj for track-laIng on the Northwestern it 11 Free transportation. Call lit North ICtu struct , oornor Capitol lucuuo. K. O. llullu-lsle i > .Q l\7A > TJn 2Orst-class colored waiters. Only those that can give good reoommcndu- lions need apply ; wasros fiO per laonlli und room. AddrcsiKUl , lleo ollice. U27-10 * WANTKU-A nrst-class ( whiteburbur. ) Bin- glo man in cferred. To thu right man steady job ana goad wages. Addiess Henry Woods , Columbus , Neb. IttHV WANTED 50 mon for railroad work In Wj. omlng. n. B. Albright , II It Labor agency , 1J03 Furnam strott. W7 WANTKD-nrcaa baker Immediately. Pay 13 per week. 1' . L. lUtabrook , Norfolk , Neb. 005.15 " \\7ANTEU A fating man used to running it > t Singorsuwing uiochinc. Apply , Mr. liar- rlsoni S. P. Morse i Co. WJ-15 \\7ANTKD A ( rood rcllablo WRtcliniaVormust i ( urnUh references. A splendid cbanuo for the right man , Addrote , C. K 1'urbrach , Ctaad- ron.Nob. co-l W ANTii tlO a w cek given to capable tron- tlcman. Na 11 Maiu BU , Council liluffs. Pastry cook nt Windsor Hotel. M 03 N. 10th | t , 615 - Two teed aalosmon. Sju N. ICtb St 818 W.VNTIJO-A fir -chuj baker. Amoricun profcrreU. W , 1L Vracmau.City Bakery , York , Nob. m 15 * ' Tr'IShort han4 students ; expert- TT oncol teacher. Totms , fM for complete soursc. Addre a K 2 < J lleo ofllco. mxiso WA1TTED. A\'A > i ii > steady work at anjt'ilng by a T jouiip mnrried man with no family , un derstands ho. v to take care of horso-s , inn talk Swede and L'ngllsh AddroJ , liiv& . , Odctiolt , Ion n. 3 IB * _ \VANTIII-A nnnl h girl would llkonsltu- at on as Itundrossor nur o girl , or for general work In g"od famll ) . Address K C3 , lice ofheo. TO 1 * _ _ A M hit Situation iyn ) nuhg man In n private Tamil ) to tlo general work nbout house. Oood tofcrenies. Address K , f4. lice. \\TANTi : ! ) H ) n young man SB years old T T position as grocers clerk. n s ! tnnt book- kcepci or any other occupation where toadl- ticss , honest ) nnd Industry will ho npprociutod ; salary moderate. Addioss K iV , Uco. J mi IB * _ _ _ ' _ _ _ _ \\TA > TiH ) a'slnirln hid ) , n sltuntlonas T i hou'tkcoptr' ba = linrt jenrs of otperleneo ; n > cst of reference. Kllati Dunn Addicss Omnha postollico. _ K-0-1G' KISCELLAIIEOUS WAHT3. \\7AM l.l ) To ' 0111 monej nt 0 p r cent on T > H. \ P'ssub IntB npplv to II. C. Patterson oter Commercial National llnnk. 100 " \\TAVTKD-To tike in wushlng nnd Ironing. TT JM house Horn Hatney on 17tli. Mrs. Pnnco. DH-17 * " \T7"ANTii : > Ladies nnd ) oung men to tnko TT nlco pleasant workntjoiit own homo : J3 to l' > PIT day e-nsliv mnde ; work ent b ) tnnll ; no cintnssing. AuJro a (1. ( Wnnor iCo. . lti- buquo , lown. Hot 177. IG4-1B * \\7ANTP.H PCI manont. flr t chipboard litn TT respectublo fumll ) Miiit hitte largo front room nnd ono small one. Addicss immediately , Hrst-elnsa Board , 1.117 Douglas street > To rent for term of yenrs by IT merchant , n comfort able dwelling nt ren- soniiblo prlco. Addrois K 61 , Iloo ollice. 021-1'J VAMKIFu -nlshod rooms with boai'd ' T witiited b ) gentleinnnnmt fnmllj from 1st September. Address K BJ , Hi e. UJ3 IS * \\7ANTf.D A few stoeVs of harilwnio nnd T gcncrnl me'rohntidlso for NolrrnsKa Innds nnd Omnhn lots. Bnwi A. Co , Ftonrci Itlock. i b02t -Annld ostabllshod Phllndelphlii Publishing Co. wnnt an iigent to represent sent them nnd their publications In Omnha nnd ttiotnteol Nobrns'fii , Applicants must thol- oughl ) undcrsinnd the Hook Business both In Suinrri ) > tlinnwil Ailr'itMna D-i'irlin H'H. Our publications nro of n Commoiclal chnnctor nnd urooss , < iitinl nnd s"ll rapidly to Mi-rehniits , Manufnctiiiersand tiulness concerns generally In ever ) bection of the e-onntry I'cnniuiont employment anil good pny to nn nccoptnblo party. Our ostahllshol agents nro makluir trom fll to fj.)0 . PLI month. Address , giving ex perience , references , etc. , It. P. Co , loMS ! , Phllndolphln. Pu. PgQ 17 * \ \7AXTED To rent n second-hand piano. In- quuoUOl b Hltlist blij.ri * D A house of so\en rooms In Rood ' T location neai street cur line : will louse for oneeat It plncosuits. I ) . M. Chambctlln Pu- cltlc c\pre s ollico. Orrmlm , NcB. 89615 * WANTHD A counter about B feet long with u icturu. Aadress "Countor. " 1821 N 10th St. 8311V WAXTKI > The business and ptofossionil men to know tlmt wo furnish Urst-class stenographers free of chaigo G.V. . Hakor i : Co , Hoom 7 , Iron Bank , Omaha , NOD. MM'i WANTElJ rent n small ncatl > furnished room near Uco ofllco. Address stating terms Iv''l Iloo ollice. 054 W'AJfTKU A { rood bouse on monthly pay- meets. Address ITC5 , Iloo ollico. K5. "XTTANTKU To buy a nlco rcsldenco orjrood T r IjuilJinir lot in u desirable locution. Ad dress H , M5 , lleo ollice C55 " \"I'rA > fTKD Itoom nnd boird in peed prhato ' iamlly. Can glo best or references Ad dress K 43. Iloo ollice. 833 T\TANTKl > A Good steady Horse with sjirin ? wngonand harness ; must bo oheapto ; bopaldforln monthly Installments. Address l,37Ucopfllco. _ la \ VVN TK1 > Teams , a. Murray. I V 473 BEHT HOUSES A1TD LOTS. ItKNT A nice now scven-rooin houso. FOK coed barn , city and soft i\atcr/l - qnlro ot-C. IiBTickson.oppoSittfJ'.P.-Oi5 ' FOlt UKNT 11 room house , Oth nnd l > oflso M. F. Jlnrtlii. 031' FOU HUNT House Of 4 rooms , 2 closcN , pantry ; nt 51S. Inquire 11I2S. 13th st. I'lQ T710K Uia'T Dnlry farm near city , line bulld- JIngs , Inqnlro rooms 1 und - Omsha Nutl bank. M7 UKXT S-roniuol houBts N.V. . corner Hiunoy und loth sta. Alf. D. Jones. JM515' T7\OK ItKNT Tor a term of j ears , the 3-story -t brick building on the n o cor. of 10th an J Douglas. Imiulro at drug Etorc , snmo placo. 724. TTIOIl ItKNT New C-roora houses , near street JL ! cars. D. C. Puttorbon , Omnha Nat'l bank , C74 H UKNT Dcalrnble 5-roora cottage , south T. P. depot J.PhlppSltoo , 151280th. COS TTTOll L15ASB Wo have eleven acres on O. P. -C K , It track , 603 foot front : will loose all or part f or Bvo years. Bedford A. Souor. 75t _ _ . T71OIS ItBNT A front room for rf nt if party JU will buy furniture. Kent and furnituie cheap. Nu 703 K 18th st. 1)8717 ) * TTIOK KiNT-Furnished frdnt room for ona JO or two gentlemen , 524 Jforlh 15th st. OC117 * TTIOII iiKNC Ueslrsblo room In Estabrook JO blofk , frontinff on ChlooffO street. 01 or Douglas County Hank. P77 15 * T7UK KiXT Nicely furnished room with -L modern com emonces , and In Urst-cut3 ! location. A ppl > ot lid Farnam etreet. Oil HliNl A furnished iront room 817uo per month ; bed room J4.UO , ntl lS Faraam street. .i5Jgt * TTIOIC UKNT Nlco front room on 1'ttrnam bet JD llnudlSth.applytoH , W , Huntrass , 130S Farcamst. ! ) U FOK Itr.NT-Nicely furnlsheu rooms. 141 Homudst. ITJi ) 16 _ TT > OK KKNT rho nicely furnished rooms , JL' hath room and water closet on premise * . Terms moderate , 4.12 NlltU hL bet. Chlcugo and Cass _ K&1B Foil KKNT Two very nicely furnished rooms with board , hou'o is surrounded by a iiioo lawn and bos bath room nnd gas , also day board. S. W. corner of 20th and Webster. G15 rrtOK llKNT A suite of turnlshed front JU rooms. II. C. Boyd. 410 North ICtb , P.sta- brook block. DPI 18 _ OK KKNT A suit of rooms with first class board. 181S Dodge. H * . _ C1OU Itl'.NT Nlco rooms at 182 1 Farnam at.,1 JL1 block wen of court houso. S03 _ fjlOlCltCNT Front offlco , tA floor , Omaha JL' Nafl Conk. Inquire D. C. Patterson. 6J7 JltENT Suit of furnished rooms for two -t ? gentlemen. Mil California at C33 ill E15NT Furutshod rooms ut 1707 Cass st cm TJ1OK KKNT Two front parlors , newly fur- J3 nlahod. 25118t Mary'aa > enuu. Cll FOK UENT-Furnished ( root room. A-IIospo. sa.J . _ FOB UKXTFurnUhed room , 1816 Dodge. 127 11 ? ? FOUHKNr A IumiShn-1 parlor room with board , suitable for two gentlemen ; also first-class tublo board : reference required : 1811 Dodge. TJC OK HKNa A nicely furnished south room 100f Douglas st. Itcforcnoc * rc | tiir4. 47i Fou UliNT Doslrabla furnished roufns ut Ibll Farnam struct -4 478 _ KI5NT Two etoro rooms on llth &t. JKonch , J. jotinson , 1 5 | Farnaw. 3J POB B&X.E HOU3E3 lLLSDALB-Beautiful location. illlCUKLL-1518 Uod.'O D ftreet Bc = t bloek in Carthasti for sale cheap , con taining 14 aupcrb lota 44 luu ou Furnuiu street , adjoining- old City lIalLtjUX ) per front foot , ii cushjiKttcutluu capitalists. "I LotG5r213 foet.vlth 3 splendid rcsldoncts , only 0vo minutes' walk from postoUice > , only fT , < xU , flluo cosh ! genuine bargain. Itlverviow loU , best view in cay , from (1,009 ' to SWOO : easr terras. four of the choicest lota on Lowe avenue , near Dr. Merctr'u , south and oait fronu , at a bargain f or only * abort time. Uo euro and call and we wriJl sTiinrnqtoe to suit. AVe hav a lilt that ull eun sulott from to tlieir entire catUfaetlon nnd bcaellt. Adburo to the falrcU ilonliUK wlib all. eiocWola & MitkbeJl , KIS Dodso street FOK S ALB -3 Frafen room hou e , Idaho rect. panttle-v | closets , speaking tubes cnll bills , shade trees , shrubbery , barn , car riage house ; ono-of luo most pleasant homes in the city 1 6,7uO fet on week. Ten room hou < o ( IvurgKnrcnuo. Hero is a bnrgnln for some -ond. S4.5U ) . 1-our-room house , pantry , clo ots , Isrgc bnj- window. Shlnn'Btlifnl addition , n very tloMr- nble place , r.nsj1 term * , t-jo. Two lots. Plain \ icw , 'Inoloti W. A ItrddlcK'S addition Klpht lot" . Ki\V \ ) Plnce , cast fionts , a chttnco to double ) our luoncy. One lot Cortmml 1'lnee. Three lots Trtboi'Plnco. One lot Cioston Place. Ono lot Patrlokurldlilon. Two neweottticeaforsnie or rent I hnvo n numlierof culls tor houses to rent , 11 you Imxo propeity to rent oi < ollllt It with mo J. H. Parrotto. Si.xtecrith und I hli-ago MMJ .tl.VKK alsuir * tnltigliuy u lot In II. * , P's i. sub. Do It niiiv lieloio prices nro raked. A. C. Pnttor-on. 131 h nnd Douglas 193 dlisvTi : TiFM L Tllfrgln , 1500 Dougn t.a bR"gnlnfor3dn > sonlv , n 4-room wit- tngeon Pnunders't Sold lcs t hail two inonlhs ago for JA7V ) , now offer lor f .50) ) . Cn h $700 , bnl ncocny tenus. Owner must rnl toaio money. 071 Is FOH sAliK Or exchange for gencrnl mcr chnndlso , 20J ncres fln illy Improved Hnd In Southern lown , ndjolnlnir county sent nml mil- road , in Uccatur count ) Has n fine C-rooin house , Inrgo barn , W-foot shed , good well , spring and running water , 100 npplo trues , chorrlos grnpos , etc Hornhard Sachsso , 317 S Ulh st.Omahii Neb. Bt2 _ L KICK & CO.-ncsh list of positive bar gntus 07 ft front on IPth ft near casn t. . by 14 ft deep on cor ullc ) , together with 5 room modern cottage $1 03. Tine corner lot In blk 0 Lowe's Drst addition , only $7TO. fine lota on W est Cumlng st , $700 each ; wry choap. Modern 8 room new residence In Hanscora place w Ith full lot , $ J,7iV ) , Imlf cush. Finest piece of warehouse prot erty in Omnhn near ut hand on V P trncV nnd close to II. A M. track , oici half ncro , will bo fold nt H bargain , 41 ft o front on toulli icth st , by 153 to alley , fJ.COO. 41 ft o front South loth st on cor nlley , only J3.000. U iicros lh miles from postolllco South Oinnhit , Joins C I" . Goodman's , will bo sold by usthla week for fJl.OW and Is n poslthc Inutmln nnd worth Inxestlgntlnp 3 bcniulf ul south Irout lots juitt off Saundcrs 81. In Patrick's 2nd udd for fl,3. > 0e < ncti and nro n decided biirgnln , f 350 cnsh , bnl 5 ) cars. Do yon w ant a httlf ncro on Itfth Bt lor trncknjro purixiscs at a wondertul birgnln ? Wohu\olt onhnml torn lew dajsonl ) . 7 lots In l'lnin\lfn , Irontlng on 21st ttcot , fr > 'O I'tich for the bunch If taken this week , one third ca h , bnlntieo In ! ) rears. lots In Slmll s llr < t ( Wxins , on cornerof street nnd ulle ) , together with 4 house * that rent for f.VJ per month , w Ith room to build lour others. Prlco $7.01)3 , half c ish Tills Is n djstrnblo bin- gain nnd cnn't last but n fen ihnft. HiiFlnoss property on i-outli Mxtecnth stroet. east front that will double in taluo within 0 months f loin our price this wopk. Don't fall lo see It. We will "ui prise 5 ou when j ou in quire the prlco T his is dirt chcnp Onl ) : i lots left In our Oak Hill nddltlon In South Omaha at J75 cash. Small pa ) inciU ? , casv terms. 40aeretract , 5VJ miles west , that we can de liver this week at SO.VJO Next jeur. If jou 11o , It iiinj tuko fTO.OOO to I U > It licmomber the cable road. Six and nine miles uro thought nothing. If In KnnsasCitj.ts lav out additions. Trjoiir luck In Oinalm ; it's H good town to bank ou. We hn\o bundrd s of other bargains in Omnliu roul o = tuto ol nil kinds. Ha\ 5 on ntiy- thlng to sell , list it with .1 L Hico A , Co. , room C , oer Commercial J > * ntlomilUiuik _ P15 IU _ HIMiSIIAtiiiir A : l'ATTiilSO > 'S subdi vision adjoins now depot uud canning fno- torj on Lemcnwoith street ItUtho chonpen and the best. H. C. Patterson , solo agent. 1 1th nnd Douglns gtiour. _ 101 . O' HATCHKU. Hotel Block , oiler n few extra special bargains , vi/ ; 0 beautiful lotsJnOlnnha Views xeiy sightly nt the extreme lojprice'ol JJ.WO cnsli. Nice , now , corf eottase with two lots , well Improted. In wnhiut Hill addition. $ . ' ,1W ) , tfiJO c.ish , balance monthly. b largo oast-front 14ts In Wilcov nddltlon , for a shoit time at .CX ) , bn easy terms. Fine business lot on Douglas st. near llth , Slfi.OW. , . . 4 gooJ lots in Mlslffildo , on easy terms and tor ) chcnp ; lorbJOunl time only. : ) splendid business lots , llth nnd Banctoft , near Vinton Bt v-i099 * for all ; u line bargain. 6-room house vfinr two lots. i2)xlr > S foot , on Vliiton street , In SchnoM's nddition , $4,001. no elegant Ibtt , 10.\1 feet , 2I0t nndVol > - stei st . , with two Jwrgo residence * , wells , tis- torn ? , bath rooms anffidl modem conveniences , 14Jlo\rt on'ciuJoram tf : 132feot on ffJd st ; only 3 blorts fromIftcot puiia when Fnniam ov- lends : will bo only ono block ; \cry choice bar- Call on Hatcher , Gndd i Co. , Mlllnrd Hotel Block. 07S 10 AIIO15 cities make suburban homes n neces sity nnt this class of lots grows with the rest. This is to bo considered. Sec Hlllsdalo at f 159 nnd buy one when you can nt this figure. Ames' llenl Estate Agency , 1507 Furnamst BOD FJlfAlJAKGAIN oe and buy a lot in H i P F. , sub. The highest and best lund in the market It. C. Patterson , oi or Commercial Nu- tionul Bank. 103 TTIOK ITYCHANGK ? 0,000stockdrv goods for JL ? Ojiahn property. Archer & Fitoh , 218 S ISthst. 405 FCUISALI ! Dfnrllng Orcen lots nt $150. 10 pet contemn und $5 per mouth. Offers the easiest nnd nurcst In to ; tin out to double your money in ajoir of nny proucrty In the suburb nu mnrket Let UK show j ou this line propert ) Marsliall &Ix > beck , Agents. DjO 1511 Farnam slrcct BSACIISSB , iioal Eitalo. 317 S. 13 st has for sale : Milk dairy , good payln ? business , 15 fresh cows , 4 horses , 1 dclltory wngon , 40 mllK cans , tank , etc. Can rent or buy the property where it ison 280 ncros pasture , 82,0004 cush bal 13T ar A great bargain. fcO TTJOirsALB JIouso 3 rooms , near 17th street , -t ? StV ) cash , balance $15 per momn , only Jl , : > 09 , two blocks from street car. Park i Tow lor. 152J Douglas. 002 17 ou C IN borrow inonoy on H. & P.'s nub. lots. They arc us good as gold. Go to It. C.P.'s ; otHce. 13th nnd Douglus. 100 HOW you dan make money ? fly buying on easy payment * a Hlllsdalo lot for $15' ) , that will bo oubily paid for and double Iniiluc. . Ames Heal Estutp Agency. 1507 Furnam 803 BOWLING OItiiXlots.Sl.W. ; 10 pel ci ntcoRh and { 5 per montli. Marshall & Lobock , Agents. ! UO Oil HAL.1Uood 7-rootn house irlth collar , cistern , city water and bnrn , Vi lot , 13,810 ; enquire ou promises , 2517 Davenport. 678 ILLSDALKha § advantages which can't bo beaten t > y any location. Wbon you see the lots you willadmlt it. Ames , 1507 Faruuni. KM rpo HUY real estate , to borrow money , or get Juguaianteed abstract of title go to the office of It C. Patterson , ot or Commercial Nu- tlonnl bank , 13th and Douglas. 100 H1LLSDALE You can nnd no such lota as tlie o nt flM 11 pi uco. Amos' Heal Estate Agcncy , 15071' iinum st BOJ FOlt or Tr.ido Improve ! ana unim proved lands in Furnas and ot ier western countiei Address Wm. Simeral , Arapahoe , FuransCo. Neb. 275 \ . < ; CiHl.lO lots , jr.0 JO per e-ent. BO\M.IX cosh und $5 per month , Marshall i. Lobock. Agents. PO HILLSDALB- . that's the namennd the lots soil for 1150 to f 171 on onsy terms. HatOou seen this ground ? If not , do nt onee , us < t cosu nothing to rule out to tnls beautiful location.Ames1 ! KLIU Kstato agency , 15J7 Far nam. itflt 803 FOK HALBrDp Exchange for Improved Property vt ii Virginia avenue , corner Howard street , east tront. S. II. Hayden. 622 H FOIC .SALi-liJWn | | Oreon lots at S150. 10 per cent caaU ud $5 per month. Eusy , nd sure to double in a year. Boo this flnu ad- altlon acd secure n few loti while you can got first choice. Jliirflhflll A Lobeck , Agents , 81H nR 1511 Furnam street , 1 Ilbuoound lot on Chicago street i- ' House and lot pnl7th ; stroc-t , tlfttJ. Iloutoi und lots oil ousy mi ) men Is. Lou in Marlon llnrb , on Miami street Lot on 20th struct , only 000. lOJiliO feet on Cuss , only tlfM. 11. W , Iluntioss , ,3m'urnum street List your proport ) with me , u COMMISSIONS are paid for scllingJots In H. i P.'SX B ; , The commission * urn trivon to the puruhders. Boo A. C. 1' . , 13th and Douglas. * HO OK -UowllligOreonlotsat $158i JO IKr ! cent' cash and > i per monty. Knsy , and sure to double In a year. See this fine ad dition and sou Jro a fun * lots vhllo > oucangtt first choice. Marshall i. Lobcclr , Agents , ,15U I'urnum Etrcet BJ8 TTILLSDALK sells uSIM per lot. 803 T It truckage , one or - Linoro iota or an aero , at o irreiat bargul n. See J. W , Ixvan. at Louvt-nworth Iluslnosi Place , or a. . W. Baker , Itoom 7 Iron Hank building. 309 T71OKSAI.15 Wo bu\o sixteen lots In Hawthorne - * - ' thorno addition that no will soil : bast und choapbst iasltlo propeiif in Omolua. Uodford & Spuer 755 Fou HALE u ptioloa iota in hautidurs ft ! Ilmcbaugh'saitd.$3mo&l ! > each ; oay terms. A. H , Brlgca , Sjxo'a hat btoro 70S ON'Kand thrto-fourtoi acres iu llrookline nd- dltlun , prtuofSiO. Potter ft Cobb , 1515 Far- , Nob. S21 RIS11OX * ln urance , Iteal Kstato nnd , Loan Agcnt . Second Mory Merchants' Na'lonnl bank build ing , would cnll attention to the following list of l > roptrtjr which they otfer for sale ! Tull lot on Pixrk notiuo. . PJ iUSU. eontalnlny two hand omo large eottace * , a barn nnd an Abundance of < mnll fruit , $ l..OiO : w 111 divide. Lot on Diucniort st we t of 2ith , arxll'i , ooiitalnInB7-roomoottif ( ( > with nil modern con leniencies , a good-sized barn , both nearly new JJ.9001 tibcrnrtermo lal on 'hernvin nvo about one mile north of thd pii < tonkoiuxlSV > . lUiining through to 17th M. , containing 7 room cottage In goo 1 rcimli , nnd barnJ.1OUOfl.lX ; > Oca lilml l.sandS jear > . Center Mreot near fuinluirs , po\eu room hou o and bnrn , f.KWs ( lltieral term * . Houoandt o lota In Lincoln Place. I.OIKO iilno room < and llnished In line stjlo , S5.0JJ ; small in .h pax ment nnd balance In ln < tallment House and lot on SJth street , north of O race corner lot , ? 1,000. I nncA. ScUion's addition , corner , 2 lot , 13J feet on Loin enworth street and 121 on Proi- Ton acre * south ol ' 'jndlcnto Plnce. about a tnllo and n half southneM of the count ) poor farm , SlVj per ncto ; f 1.SJO cash , balance 1 , 3 nnd 3 j cars. 113 feet on Podge , In Bojrg" & Hill's nddltlon , cor.,4-room house , fi.nwj ; > . , cnsh , llou < unnd lot on Noith fircntlotn ft near Shcrmnti , f . 'i 0. A tlnohou-oof nine rooms nnd grounds well shaded irlth tree In Shlnn'n 3d ndilltuin corner lot 1-ixlM ) , f 10,000 , will divide nnd sell CJxKO with house lei IB.'flil. A verj desirable lot In Ilartlott'snldltloti , ec- end lot on t of Knclld t , MxlSS facing on I.cav- vnnorthst. 91.VU. Twcnty-llN o lots lu ICIlby plnco at fiom fC50 to $10,001) ) . Coi tier lot in nurr Oak $3,700 Lots In HllWdo 2nd add 1.44M to 5L 01 1 )18 In Hiivrthorne add t 0 to 1.OV1 Iiots in Hnn onin Place 1-M ) to nOU 1-otsm Klrkwood . OfW to l.UO ) Jxits In Plaint lew . . . G to HO Lots In Wc < t Ctimlng . 70) Loll In 'WllcoVsSnd add. . fKO U > ls inVnlnut Hill. . . 700to 1,0X1 Lots in J. I. ItciltcVandd . to 2UJ. ) Lots In Hlchmond . HIM to 4V ) Loin In Slu rldan Plnco Ml to K7) Lots In Washington Sqaro 1,400 lo 2,0,1) ) Ixts ) In 1'ol'oin Plnco a)3 to 3J > ) I jts In bohlo IiiKor Place 253 to 503 Lots in Hlmchiiuirh & Pat- let son's add. . 371 to 4D3 ( x > t9lnVttaroPark ) WW to ( WO l itsin Vim Camp's mid. ! WO to 400 Lou in Deer Park . MX ) to fflO VYo hnjn number of choleo oornor lots In HniiFcom place , \er > " dciUrnDlo for re ldenoo purpose , which wo will nhow with plcasutoto ail ) one who may dc ho to purcha o. lmpio\od and unimproved biHl ic 3 nnd rosl- dcncepioporty In nil parts of the cit > . Owner * ol property who dc lro to ell at n ren onnblo price , lire retiuosted to llstwitlius mid we will mid them purcl iiscis. JUJ. _ TTTjiAicinro iTV , buy fiTlI A. P.'s bub , by the depot nnd canning factory H C. Pat terson , solo ngcnt , 13th and Doiigla' street 1(0 ( $ lflo-Lot ) in , block , Hiuiboom Place , $ WU cn h , l-Syonrs. P2 / , lot 0 , block B. Han = com Placo. # 1MH ) , lut 11 , block 13 , Hunscum Plnco. 51 JTO , lot In L ile'i nddltlon. ? ! , ' ) 0 , two I its in Klrkwood's nddltlon. f 700. lot In Klrkuood'R addition f i.-XO , Houonnd y lot on Cuss , eaft of 20th stieot. i/pOJ. House , tnrn , well , clstoin , cast Idlon-ilJ , l block from ttr.-ot cur. * 5K.l ) . , good plnco In Kllznbcth Plnco $1,00) , food house on full lot in La to 3 addi tion. Tw o nice 5 aero tracts In Tuttlo'l subdivision cheap. " > ncret north nnd west of Etoci : yards for f 800 per ncro , In the market lor 5 dn > s. -I i acres on Suundura stioot , in bnrutoga , cost front in.1 ; feet. II trgnlns In Improved end unlmpro\ 1 In any part of the city. Bctr" , N. K. Corner 15th and Dodgo. 023 21 Alii : U\IiaXlN 1440 acres cooJ uraolo land In Knox nnd Cedar countlc < < .Ncuraska ; B'i per aero cash. AR. . Graham & Co . Wlsnor , Nobr. _ GS5.8- _ L'JTS cllmi ; todnvfor $100 to $1001 sold nicar ngofoi JinOtoJJSO. Thlnkof thlsndgetii lot now | n Hlllsdulo iorSlVJ to S175 an on easy terms. Ames' ltoalU tnto Agency , 15J7 Tarnam _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H4 Ps SI'll Is unequalled for desirnblllty nnd nptolitnblo in\e > stincnt. 11. C. i'utterson , o\ar Comneralal National llnnk. 100 " 171 OH > ALK NicoS-room house and U coiner J lot ln Wnlnut Hill ; H cash bnL to suit CalMnrtln 110 S 14th st _ 4fi3 OITSKS Jxits , Farms , Umds money loana H Hcmls , 15th nnd Douglas streets. 471 H ILLSDALK Ho t opportuTilty for Betting you a cheap hoiuij _ B0 H money loaned. _ llemts , 15th nnd Douglas Btreols. 471 FOH SAT.K Storeroom Oxtuies. nearly now ; will bo sold nt a rncrillcu. Inquiic of .T. C. Phoa , Attorney , Kx ] > ositlon liutldlng. ! l7 603"O HILLSDVLK Hlgho'tt ground , hnnd = omost location of nny lots In or mound Omaha , for ? 150 und S175 a lot. Como and gee this fiound. Ames' Heal r. tnto Agouc ) , 1507 Tar- nnm. SO'J BACHbbB. Heal ittato,317 ; b. Uth it , bus for * , tlo nt n hurguin : Ilnpro od and unImpro\eJ farms In Ne braska 1'our 1-4 sections in Douglas Co. , $40 per ncro. ICO ncrea of splendid rurm land , till Improve ments , In York Co. , .U per acre ; also ci ops , graded slock and fui nlttiro lor tale. Only for a short tlmo at this prleo. 1-f section In Furnace Co. , chonpat $3,000. Macros. Hurt Co. , f.'O per acre. SOjnndiWOncrojIn Nanco county , 51250 per aero. 3,080 acres In Antelope Co. , 515 to S35 per ncro. 1W acres In Madison Co. , f 10 , or oxebange for city property. DA line farm of 200 acres In Dccatur Co .In . $30 per ncro , or will trade for gonoml merchundl n. Also farms In Kansas. B. SACHSSEai78 13th Btrctt. CJO F OK SALK-Dowluip Orccn lot s at f 1W 10 per cent cash and $5 per month. Offers the cnaioot nnd surest investment to double jour money In u year of nny property in the suburb an market Let us show you thU line property. MurMinll & Lobock , Agents , _ MQ _ 1511 Farnam street. H& P's 3LM1. , is by the depot canning : fuo- tory , now w alorworks und proposed car shop. Buy now at the low prices nnd on monthly payments. It. C. Patterson , Uth and Douglas. _ 100 "IJTOH &AL.K ( I doslrublu lots m Hanscom J-1 Place ; terms easy. G. P. Stobblns , box.toU. _ B.0s3 * TO oirr IIHMI and bo indcpondont buy in H & Ps bub. It. C. Patterson. 13th and Douglas street _ 100 BAHRAIN Pull lot on Webster st , between 17th nnd Iftli bis. . - houses , ono of D rooms and OUR of C rooms ; good bnrn nndmde ) trees , nnd other improvements : prlco ? 7OJU ; easy terms. Pottrr i : Cobb , 1515 1'urnnm st , Oinnliu , Nob. Kl AGOODlotinOkahoma , nunr the Vlntonst. car line , prlco $1.000. Potter & Cobb. 1510 Farnum st , Omaha , Neb. _ Ril HILLSDAL15 Corao nnd see It yourself , it foils on Its merits. Amos' Koul l' tute Agency , 1507 Farnam. _ SO'J Foil BALK Residence property nnd vacant lots In mory uildltlon in Ouiuhu. Terms to suit purchaser. Also dorablo ! business prop erty. Gibson , Lnrt > on & Co , Hoom 3 , Witlmcll Block. H IbfeSDALK. 809 LlJAVKNWOHTH-Ilunlnoss Place The best point In the city on the Bolt Line for Manufactoilcs , Mllli , Suburb stores , Sldn tracks convonlont , Onlieaionwartli st Lou $400 to tl.WO to parties who will build Im provements ForealouyJ. W. lx > sun on prom ises , or G. W. Uakur , room 7 , Iron Uank. _ OH 1C HlLL3I Ain-fots only $150 to SI75 , and will jll for eloublo this llguio in IS months' tlmo. Como and eeo them. Amos' Itcul Ilstnto Agency , 15U7 1'arnum st , _ t09 iHTEOTKn LANDS In Southern Minnesota , Nortbcrn Iowa , Central and Northern Kansas , Forsalo at low prlce and on onsy teimnof puj- menu Kallroad ftiro refunded to purchasers. Xi'cokly ozcurslous. IJost lands for the money. For further inioruiutlon address O. it. Ntlsou , 008 B. Ibtli st , Omaha , Nob. _ CC3 STOCKIJALK & SHTCHr.LL-151B Dodge btri'et. 5 minutes' walk from pntonico , lot 65x 13 foot , with 2 flno residences , ? 7QOJ. Plou o ln\es- tlrato. Tills is a bargain. . Nino-room house and mot on Twentieth at. \ory near city ccntro , only JfJU > J , tSUOcuah ; all in line repair. "soulli ( mat lots , one a corner In Saunders Sc IlluiotMiUKh'j add , $ OOU for ixilli , oiisj H-rius. Sot en lots on B. JollieL , \ ery cheap utfJ.OOU for nil. House and f ull lot near Farnam at ; 6 rooms , well , cistern , burn , etc. , C4 , oO. Good residence * and residence property in all parts of tbo ulty. Lots in Clark place front fSOO to $1,250 ; near llanbcom park. boo our list before buylns elsonrbore. Stock- Oale. & MlUilioil , 1510 Itodgu Bt _ 85tflB & P.'S tiVll. is the place lo buy If you H& wish to make lots of one1L C , Put- terbon , b > lu agent. _ 1W HOW Is U your neighbor hai male money ? By having courage lo buy cheap lots. You pando thosaine in HilUdale , where lots now selling for Sl&U each will brlair double that in a year from now , Ame * ' Ileal liituto Agency 603 , "O K ltMnTn : ; now Is the tlmn to bur cheap iv lotj. Thev grow In T .Iun fiwtcrthan nny other * . Pee ( { Ills Into Iiots f 19) each. AmeV Heal Kstnto Agoney , 1507 Tarnim. SW _ IOT3 WxHO nnd 7 room house , on South 15th I St A bargain at NMK1. Ku < t front lot on Virginia ave . only $ M ) . Knit front lot in Han < coin Plieo. block 10. onlv $1.5 JX. Tine t rnckago nenr Nicholas St Cheap. 5 aero traits on SaunJors St , $700 to Lot V\l ) 1. block 7 , Han cotnl'lncc. J1.2.VX P D. Tnnncr \ Co. , Agent . 101 % Howard M. S19 17. ti : llou o , tlroonn.clty water and J ga , I mlle from P O. , 1 block from tnt . prior J-n ( > \ Hinnll piMiirnts balance monthh. Intjulrc nioiuil and 2 Onuitin Nat 1 bank , ! MO " \\ri : otTer for threidnjonly thoflno < t corner > > lot In Klltij Place for f 1,111 , n great bar gain 1' 1) . Tanner & Co , 1015 Howard street. P18 17 SAM-Or oichargo Hon onndlol , J 1'tti nnt Nlcholai ; hou c nnd lot 1Mb and Uorcns.Vm 1 , Monroe , Gth nnd Douglas KM "Ijlon HAM : Two elejant en t-front corner -L lots In llurr Onk. shade tiees. Hatcher , Undil * Co . lilo Dooglas st , Mlllard Hotel Illock , Omaha , Nob. 8J4 _ nUAVY gains In imputation pttshcsOmahn to the front ! * ee ItllMalo lots that j on can now buy lor (153 Pick ono out , paler It In Installment * . , and Hell it In H jours tlmo for twleu Its cost Ames' Heal Kstnto Agency , 1507 Farnam st KW H AVKxoil peen Illllslulo ? It not , do so at otico and pick out n lot for $ IV1 that will not enl > make you money bill help yon siu o Rome Ames' Heal Kstatc Agency , 1W7 IVmaiu Btrccl. 0i > _ tn > UI.T1"nmriiAitOlTiotTinll. * Ps 9itb7 Prices -L1 thu lone < t. termi the taslost. K. C. Patter son , llth nnd Douglas. 1UO B. IvArifsSK Heiil K tate , 317 f ICth st , hasH . forsivle Improiod propcrtj ! U3) Pine brick rosldonce with all modern Improvements , on Snuiulora st , lot 1.1U100 , fj.000 to Jj.OOU cash ilow n $ 8,000 300 Nine room > ouso and lot. 20ih rt , near SU Marj s ave , f500 ensli balance monthly 6,750 SOI Thiec-room cottage and lot S. 17th Ft , f 1,000 cash 1,600 300 Ill-room honso and lot COxinO ( on Hurt 8t. $ -,000 rash , biilnneo to suit 4,50 } 001 "Z Ron Cumin ? with storu anddtroll- liifr aC50 316 81 ft on Cumlnw with 3 stores and dwelllnp , barn , etc. , 10.80J 309 Vina S-room hou > o , barn , etc , lot KWxl'JO ' . . . . . . 4,00i ) nOJ'.r , room eottape , lot MtlOO , both on Webster , ono-thlrd cash , balance to suit . . 2,033 327 Ucottneos on South 14th st , to bo sold together or In lots of "or 3 adjoining 12,0X1 25S Kino iVroom house , lot 30il40 , on lUth st , cish Sl.VW . 2,300 265 IiotttOxUU with house , oil , etc. , on ivthst , . 2 03 3)C Ccotttiges : of 5 rooms , lots 304\ia ) , cistern , well , oto , on lUth St. , $103 cash , fwi'i 03 per month , each . . 2,100 330 81 foot on Cumlntr. business lots , with Sstoris , dwelllnn , barn : all rented .810,600 rull lots and ' . lots with laigo or small houboa In II. V. Smith's add , Plain Vltnr. IoO'B 2d adi ) . Kounlrc'a add. Patterson subdlv , Inproveinoiu Agsnndd. Milliard A. CtildircU's add , Walnut Hill. 1'iirlc Place , Hickor Pluoo. Omnhn View , Bedford's odd. bhlnn's add , Auius Pluco Sblnu'uSd iidd , Denises'add. From $1,093 to $4 00 : small payments : onsy 101 ins n" ! Notion to Contrnotorn. SnAT/nD proposals -nlll bo receded until .1 o'clock , August-Jill , ItlSO , nt the olllco ot the county clerk , lor the grading of Court House block In the City of Omaha , uccordlnir to ttio plans on fllo In the county survojor's offlco. All lildi'urs will bo roijulred to furnish a certi fied check in thoamount of twenty-n\o < $ > .00) ) dollars us n K'UHmnteo that thej will enter into contract should tholi bid bo uccepted. The riRht to rejott nnj nnd till bids Is hereby re scued. Ana b ds will bo received until August 21st , nt S o'clock nt the oltlco of tiociunt ! > clerk for the pi adhiK of 4.TOI ) 5 nrds , inoi o or les = , on the llr-t hill enst of Irvlnjrton , on Military roud. AH bidders will bo required to furnlMi a certt- fled chock in the amount of ton ( JlOOOl dollars as u ( fuaninteo that they will enter Into con- trnct should their bid bo accepted. The rlht ( to reject nnj nnd ull bids is horcbv rosorod. . Hy order of the Board. ( J. V. Nrt IIIIAM , Clerk. n-17-3t County A STANDARD MKDICAL WOK1C FOR YOUNG AHD MIDDLE-AGED HEN ONLY l JtY niAH. , 1'OSIl'AIU. ILLUSTKAT1\ : SAJll'J.i ; l\Kh.U TO ALI , . mm THYSELF. Kthatistea Vitality. Nervous and Physical Debility PrcniHturo Ilecllno In Man. Krrors of vontli , imd the untold rclscrk's resulting from Indlncrullon and ex- ussps A bnok lor every man rounj : . ralddlo-HKed und old. It conuilns 125 proscriptrnn * fur nil acute unit rlironlcdlVeiii cH. cuchono of which IB InviUunUlc. ho found b > the author whone crpcrienco tor 3 5 cars Is puch at probably net cr before fell to the lot at nny nliyslclnn , 300 pnecs , bound In beautiful Krencli mns- 111) embossedcovtralull iclluguitruntwdlobe nflnp. norji In every souse modi inlciil. literary and prnfc - filonul than any ether work In tills country for 7250. or the raoacr will be relundoi In every InRUinco. Priceonlr II Dy mall , po : pad. ! Illustrxtod nami'le. ( lie. vend now. ( Joltt rntMtal own riled the nuthor hr jho Nutlonal Mcdlcnl Asscxrliitlnii. to tbe Hon. A. I1. IlluBcll. nnd n soclmo officers of the board the reader it respectfully referred. Thu science of Life Is worth more to the young ami ml < lrtle-nc < vl men or tliligcncnillon thunnll the cell rolnei of Onllfnrnbi nnd the silver mlnoi of Nevada Ciiniblncd C. F. Clironicla. Tbe Mclencp of I.lfo points oat tno rocki nnd quick- Bands nil which thn constitution and hopfltof raanr a ruun4t man have been Ia.t llr wrecked .Minchester Mirror. TJiu Science of Ufo l of preMer raluo than nil the medical norfc published In this cuuutr ? for the putt rears Atlanta Constitution. Thusclenco oi Ufa IsuKuncrb and mostcrlr treat- ac on nervous und plirslcs.1 debility. Detroit Kreo Add'ros the 1'cabody Medical Initltute , or Ir. W. n. rarkor. No 4 Uullllnch street , Ucs n. Hats . Mho nmy bo loiihulUid on all flesenses requlrlni skill nnd erporlcnue. Cbroolo and obttlnatu dUuates tluit hire burned the skill of o'har phydclnns u spo- l lty Snrl ) treated * ucrei > f > illy w.tbout any In- sluuceof fullure. Mentlun Uaulm Iloo. E CHICAGO 40 Omaha , . Council Bluffs And Chicago , The only road to take for Dos Molnos. Mm- Ehallliiwn , Cwlar Haplds. Clinton , Dixie , Chlcn- go , Jlilwiuikoo and all points vast To the people - plo of Nebraska , Colorado , Wyoming , Utan , Idaho , Not uda , Oregon , Wasblngton and Cali fornia Jt offers superior ad vantages not possible by any other lino. Among a f ow of tba numerous points of supe riority enjoyed by the patrons of this road IMI- twoon Omaha and Chicago , nro Its two trains a day of DAY COACHES which are the finest that human art and intronulty can ereiito. Its i\l.\CK SM'.Ki'INO CAItS , which ara modeU of comfort and olvgunt o. Its I'AHUJH DUAW. ING HOOM CAItS , un irpnsod by any , and Us widely celebrated TAI.ATIAI. IlfNINO CAI18 , tbo omml of which cannot bo found dlsowboro. At Council llluffs the trains of thn Union Paci- flo HJ- . connect in Union Depot with the oof the Chicago & Northwestern Hy , In Chicago the trains of thin HMO makocloso connection with those oi all eaitoni linos. Tor Detroit , Columbus , Indianapolis , Cincin nati , Niagara l'all . Buffalo. Plttsburg , 'loronto , Montreal , jtoston. Now York , Philadelphia , Hal- llraorti , Washington and ull points In the east , nbU the ticket ugont for tickets t la the If you wish the best accommodations. All ticks agent b Roll tickets via thU lino. M. linaillTT. _ IU R. HAIH. General Manager. fln. PasJ. Agent CRICHTON& WHITNEY , Dealers in HARD AtiD SOFT COAL AND WOOD , ItocU Sprlnsi , IlliuoU , HIl url and Iowa Soft C'onl. Office 218 South Fifteenth it. Yards KigUteoulh and izard sta. THE CHICAGO SHORT LINE -OF THU- Chicap.Milvaukee&SI.PaulR'j . . ' THE BEST ROUTE \m \ mm nj COUNCIL BLUFFS oi THEE TWO TRAINS DAILY I115TWKKN' O.MA1I V cot NII i. tiunv ) Cliicnco , \xn Milwaukee , S . Paul , MlmiPniHilK Cellar KapitK Clinton , Jnlniiitu ) , Davenport , llork Islniul.Freeport , llockfonl , Klpin , Mmllson , .lmic. vill < v llclolt , Wlnonn , Ln Crosse , Ami nil other Importnnt points Knst , Northeast unit Southeast rortbrough tickets cnll on the Tlokot Agen nt 1401 I'nrnnm stteot ( In Pxilon Hotelor ) a Union Papilla Depot Pullman fMuopers and the tlnast Dining Carl In the world nro run on the nuiln lines of the ClIltHCU ) , MlI.W AtJkRK \ ST. IMUI , HAH.WAr , nnd over ) nttvtitlon Is Jinld to ptissongora by court mini emploH'sof the eoinpnny. It MH.I.KII , ( lenernl Malinger. J. F. Ti'tKEii , Assistant ( lunrrnl Mnnagor. A V. H CAtu'csTRit , Oenornl Passenger nml Ticket Agent GEO. n llKUTOUti , Assistant Ooncrnl Passon- rr nml Ticket Agent J T , CLUIK , Ucncrnl Suporlntondont. WHO U UNACQUAINTED WITH tME CrOCAPMr Of TM1J COUNTRY WILt BSE HAM1NINO TMII MAP TM T THE . . . H. i r - M. CHICftGO.RODKISLflND 8 PACIFIC RflSLWAV Ilr reaitan of 1U central poltlr > n and clofo rpUtlon to nil prlnclpol linn * * tt n < l\\p t at inltlnl and ttr. mlnal | > olnt4 ronttitutv * the mopt Important niuc rontlnriiul link In that tjriitriii or thruuEh tnmpoVx tntlon which Invltr nnd farliltfilii tl-ATcl and tiaRId t > ctwreii flllp Df the Atlantic and Pacific Coawtn. 1C In aUo thprarorlta end belt i-cuto to AOkl Irom | w > lnt9 lai > t , Nnrthta t and Fouthuatt. antt corieFiuudlDct | > ulu WiKt. Korllivrmt alia Houtliweit. The Great Rook Island Route Ou&ranteeB lt patron * that SUMP of persona ] seen * rltr atTordod by a pnlld , thnrouchlr ballavlect road * l > J , Binnoth trarka of fontlnutraa plprl rail , anhftau * tlnllr Irallt cul'rrta nnil 1 rldgea , nilllne itivk a * nrat IHrrrctluu aa human oklll < an makr It , lha uftty apullanrcn or patent hulTvre I iMfoniiK and air lirakrit. anil that oiactluudltrlplluo wlilch porertu thn prar- tlcnl operation r > r ull III tralca oth < * r * | Hclaltlffi of .liU rout * nr Trnnifcm at all connecting i Intn In Union l > eiK > tii. and thei iint urpaFaeJ coufurts and luxurJfgof Itl Pa Bontcr Kqulpmpnt. Tli Fa t Kipmi Trains l > etwr n Chlcnim arc ! Peorla. t'ouncll Ulilltii. Iwanvia ( Ity , l avenwuith uud AtLhlson arp comimpptl ofwell Tentllat tl , Hntlv vm tiolni-ral Day Conchn. Mojrnlllccnt Pullman I'alaco Bleeppmof the lat it le ljrn , and auniiitnoun IMnlncr Curt In hlch cUNorntH ) ronknt mrala arc Irlrurrly oatfn HrtweonChteaKoaiid Kan iiCltranii Alrhlaou arc al o run the Ctlvbratrd llocllnliig Chair Cut. The Famous Albert Loa Route ' In the direct anil farorlto line between Chlcatroanil 21inniin | > ollaand st 1'nul , vrber oonnuctlonsareraaUo In Union Drpotn for all polnti In thn Torrltorlei anil Ilrltlih 1'roiincei Urer thli routeit ( iprKS drains are nin to the wntorltiir pln < r , Fummer ro- aoru pk-luroqiio Inralltlt't and bunting and Uslilnn cmnnitu of lown and Mlnnmotn It In RO the most route to thn rlcl ! wbeat UclJs awl uaatonLl landi of Interior DiknM Htlll another DIK1 ( T LINK. Tin S nca and Kan- kok < r lia bcnn opened between < Iticlnnntl. Indlan- anolla and Lafaretle and Counrll lllurTu , Kan-'kiCltr , Miunrapolla anrt st 1'nul and UiKTlnodlaUl polntii > or detailed Information see llai nnd fcillerr , obtalnabtt ai well us tlcktU , at iJI principal Ticket ( > rice > lu tue Uoltvii States and Canada ; or lijr ad- R. R. CABLE , E. ST. JOHN , Pros't 4 Gtu'J MV'r. Gcn't rkt & Via. Ajft , HAMBURG - AMERICANA A D1UKCT LINK FOll England , France & Germany. Uho sioaiushlpsof this well known line uro built of lion. In water tight comp.utmonts , and uro funilshud vrltli u\ory requisite to make the piihsapoboth fctifo and ngrueublo. They carry the United Slates und Kuroprnn malls , ami lo tvo New York Thursdays nnd Saturdays for Ply mouth. ( LO.NDONChorbouffl'AUla ) ( and 11AM- BUHG ) . lleturtilns , thestoamcrsleato Hnmbiirjr on Wednesdays and biindajslu. . Huxru , tnklu Tiassenirei-sut Southampton and London. First cabin t50 , fOJ and f73 ; ba-oroffo f II. Ballroad tickets from 1'lj mouth to Ilrlstol , Car- illff. Irfindon. or to any place In the South of England , TUBE Steoroiro from Europe only General l'ii-seiiKcr Agrunts , 01 Broadway , Now York ; WushliiKUm and L SalloSts. Chicaco.llL Sailway Time Table OMAHA. The following is the time of arrival and de parture of trains by Central Standard Tlmo at the local dopotn. Trains of tbo C. , St P. , JL & 0. arrh o and depart from their depot , corner of 14th nnd Webster streets : trains on the B. & M. a B. & Q and 1C C. , St J. & C. 11. from the H. 1. M. depot all others from the Union PaclQo dCPOt" . IIH1DGK THAIN3. Bridge trains will loato U. P. depot at 0:35 B7:3T : 8:00 8:40 : 8:60 1110:03 : 11:00 a. m. : Bl:00 1:20-1:50-2.00-3:00 : Bl:00-5:00 5:30-f:10 : 7.00-11:10 p. m. Leave Transfer for Omaha at 7:12 : BS:1 > 3:30 U:4J B10.3T > 10.3711:37 a , m. ; 1J7 2hl : 2:37 .1.30-3 37 4:37 5:60 : 6:4J 7:20 7:50 8.0 * * ' ' CONNECTING LINES Arrival and departure of trnlns from the Transfer Depot utCounell Blulls : UKPAIIT. AniUVC. CIllCAnO , IIOCIC IR&AM > & I'ACIKIC. 117:15 : A.M. I D 0:15 : A.M. I ) 0:11 : A. u. 115:30 : i > . M. 00:401' , M. I 117.001' . M. CHICAGO & NoimnrrsTKiitf. CO:15A. : i. I 1)0:15 : A.M. B 0:401u. : . I B7:00 v. u. CHICAGO , nUHI.lNGTON A QUINUV. A 9.35A.M. A U:15 : A. H. B 6:40 : I' . II. B U-.20 r , M. A 7:00 : l' . u. CHICAGO , ST. J'AUI. A Dill A.M. A 9:15 : A. M A 6:40 : I' . M. A'Mr. M KAMUH crrr , ST. JOE u COUNCIL , IIMTIW. A 10:00 A.M. I DO:33A.M. : Cb.55l > . M. I A&'JISr , M. WAnABIT , ST. LOIT13 k 1'ACiriC. A 3:00r. : M. I A 8.33 r , M. SIOUX CITY fc I'AOll'IC. A 7:05 : A.M. I A2U55A , M. A 8.25 I' , at. I A 8:00 : 1' . M. * _ Dcpiut. WESTWARD. Ainve. A.U , 1 * . M. UNION PACIFIC. P < u.lfia Kxpruss. , . . . . .Dcinvor lUprosu , . , ' ' ' ' ii.'M. K'F'NVll ! 8:10a : . .Mall and Kxpross. filOa ; . . Nigh iE _ xjircss. . . 10:40u. : Ddpart. bO'UTI 1WAHD. ArrivS Ddpart.r. r. M. MI9SOUHI PACIF1U. A. M. I r. M , " , . , .Iuy Hxpross 025d ; "OilOb . . .NIsTit Kxproai ic a , ST. j , k a. n , _ 85b ! . Via I'lulUiniiutli. . 7:00il _ " " Depart. NOItTHWAIlT ) . Arrlt c. T. , if , M. i c , , ST. P. , MT ( t o. I A.M. I p. wT 8:15d : | I. ploux City F.xpress , | . . . . I 6 : < 5o . . . . . I B45oiOukluml ! AocoinaioiTnjlOiiOa ! Depart. HAb" ! W A HO. _ Arriv o. A. u. jr. M. I C. . It. A. Q. IA.N. li''uT ' D o ] _ p.OJl.yjtt PJtttUmouth1.1l _ : JOT ] 7:10 'NOTKAt > -ulnsdnlly ; II , dully Jicopt Bun- day ; U , dully except buttirduy ; D , daily ex.-upt Moiiilav. STOCK YAI1D TIlAIXd will Iwive U. P. dopot. ' 0 : < 3 T33 lO.UOu m : 2:00-a.(6 ( 4-05 5S3 b.OO p. m. PucinuKxpross , 8:3) p. nu : Dmvcr Hi. , 10:35 : a. ni. ; JXILU ) Kx..05 p , m. Lciivo block jurds lor Omaha at ' 7:05 9:33- . 11:31 n. m : 2du-J.ii-i:33- : - 8so iv , in. Atlantic Ki . lo ? . O. TKn. in. ; Chicago I'.T. . le b. O 6-07 p m. : Local Ex . lo. a O. 10:51 : urn. ; Mo. PacKr.le. S. 0. 5:47 : p. in. ; Sd M. P. Kx. , . . Kxcept Sunday. O.SE OK WO UK AT II1IIILKNALE 1'ltICC. I 1'AY all iproa cLarrta to all point a wluiln 3CO mllca. l.not'cwrlairr * to atlrct from Bend 10 ecu , ujaporlUurtnttxloiUlOs-iM. Miutloniluajucrr , L , Q , SPEKCER'S ' TOY FACTORY , 22J W. MADICON ST. , CHICAGO.