Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 17, 1886, Page 6, Image 6
U THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , AUGUST 17 , 1886. DAILY BEE , COUNClBLUFFS , C/1TKSDAY MOHNINO , AUGUST 17 , OITICE , NO. is , PEARI * STBEET. Dolitticd lij cntmr In mis-pnrtof thovltynt iv nil ) tints pt-r week. IIV > TIM ox , . . . Malinger. TCl.KI'llONCS : nrmrs-sOmcr , No. H. 1:1111011 : No. " ) . New York I'litinbing company. The circuit com t opens to-day. Hummer clothing elu-up at Bettor's. The very bust cabiiu'H at ? ! t dov. nt ( iormm's. ) Tlic a.iln of A. 0. Uaglcy's hordes by tliu sin-rill brought $ l07.fio. | Nov. Rhodes , of tlm Baptist church , is enjoying | l vacation of a month. Only § 3.50 pur < loz for Hrst-clms cabi net photo's : U Schmidt's. 820 Main SI. Cabinet photograps * J1 nor doxon at Shorrudcn's , U17 llrw'y , for 00 days only. A huge company of Chinamen passed east yesterday morning over the Hook Inland. Tho.Iou Kossl'ostof thoO.A. H. lo.ivcs hero Tuesday morning for the reunion at Crouton. tJGt'orgo Young , of Farragut , a nopliow of Auditor Cliandlcr , is very low with typhoid fever. Thu closing session of this county nor mal incuts at Hamburg thu Itith , and con tinues two weeks. The Council Hind's rowing association has secured one hundred nuiiios and its fliieccss is as assured , Thu Danobo .society line n happy picnic gathering In Graham's grove Saturday ulturnoon and ovuning. Chris Koch ami Li/.zio I'openhagcn , both of St. Louis , wore yesterday mar ried by Justice Ileiulrick.s. C. Kelley was booked as being found dead drunk. Ho got oil' with as light a line as if ho had walked to the jail. C. ( I. Mclntach and Kmnm Stevens. both of this eity , were yesterday married ut No. 2ir > Lincoln avenuu by Justice Sehurz. Mr. Harry C. King and Miss Koso II. Fryer , of Cheyenne , Wyo. , worn united in marriage yesterday by the Rev. G.V. . Crofts. Jake Rogert yesterday elebratcd his liftiolh birthday. Ho boars the cares of half a century with apnarcnt case and it does not huum possible fiom his youthful ways and looks that tie is a centenarian on the half-shell. II. S. Rollins , of AlcWhortor , Rollins & Co. , Omaha , who is in the city taking charge of the linn's business during the absence of his partner , \V. \ 11 , Wakcfield , is to bring his boat over on hake Manawa. A wild report was alloat yesterday that papers were being madu out in Jus tice Hundrieks' ollicu for proceedings against several of the saloons under the Clark law. It proved to bo a report without any foundation in fact. At a meeting of thu pastors in connec tion with the executive committee yester day morning a vote of thanks was ex tended thu press of this city for so Kindly noticing the recent meetings heht in the pavilion under the direction of Evangel ist Hell. Rev. U. ACrofts , pastor of the Con gregational church , has written a short poem on the death of Rev. George C. Haddock , which was published in Satur day's Inter Ocean , Professor Kuggles had written music for it , anil it will bo filing in connection with the exercises in the pavilion this evening. On Sunday theiu was a noisy time at a boarding-house near Ilapp's place , and the police went down to miiet the house hold. They brought up the drunkest of the party , Hans Jensen , and will prob ably proceed against the seller of the. dis turbing element .if they can ascertain who it Is. A colored woman arrived yesterday morning over the Union Pacilie , having in charge a very sick child. The little one seemed to be in a dying condition when they reached the depot liero , and it was evident that it could not live long. This necessited the poor woman stopping hero , but she had not antlicicnt means with her to pay for additional expenses , and her friends were informed by tele graph. Chief Matthews has sold his horse to Voting Shoemaker. He fouud it rather nil expensive part of the service to keep lip , especially as the city allows nothing vxtra lor it. The horse has been of much use to the police force for city purposes , nnd often enabled an ollleef to get to a needed point In short order. It seems that it would pay the city to have its po lice force furnished with a light vehicle nnd speedy horse , for often it would save much time and bo , in tact , of more use often than an extra man. The committee , in figuring for bread for the reunion at Crestpn this year. wholly ignored Council Hind's ami placed their orders in Omaha , without even get ting prices hero , hast year , when caught in an emergency , they gladly availed themselves ot the chancoto got oOO loaves of bread hero on short order , and at the time apparent y appreciated it as an ac commodation. Like most favors , it was speedily forgotten , and this year Council MhiH's , although in its own state , did not get even a chance to figure on the con tracts. Complaints have been filed charging two of the saloons with keeping open Saturday night after closing time , and one with having kept open on Sunday. Many of the saloons claim that they can not keep their doors closed because they have lunch counters , which are patron ized by regular boarders , In homo cases , nt least , thu lunch counter is a meru ( lodge to keep open. If the bars are really to bo kept closed Sundays they should bo provided with a partition or Bomo sure enclosure , The bar at the transfer is In thu same room as the bar ber shop and washroom , and yet oven under such circumstances the bar is completely closed on Sundays. A com- jiloto screen is letdown shutting the bar ofl by itself securely BO that tl.o thirstiest eoul cannot got even enough to moisten the HP. If it can be done tliero it can be done in other places , - > Personal Mrs. A T. Klwell and Mrs C. E. Fried- mnnn loft yesterday morning for the cast. Louis Pruo and son , Charles , of Nebraska City , were in the city yester day , A , J. Hell goes to Maynard , Iowa , to take charge of camp mooting begin- Ing there to-day , .District Attorney A. H. Thornell was bore yesterday on route for Audnbon to attend court there. Mr. O'Meara , the traveling freight agent of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. 1'aul , was in the city yesterday , Miss Florence Thompson , who has boon visiting her brother , ( Jeorgo W. Thompson , has returned to her homo in Uoekfonl. HI. Frank Hunt , of the Merchant's hotel , Sioux City , is paying a visit to tlio city , accompanied by his wife , and making bis headquarters at the Pacific. Yesterday morning Miss Ida King and Miss Annie Clinco , of this city , loft for Dubuque , in company with two of the Sisters , intending to enter the convent tuoro. The young ladles have many friends hero , and have been thoroughly educated nnd cultured. They now in tend to devote their lives and talents to the order into which they will soon bo ulmitted , SHOT HIMSELF BY ACCIDENT , Constable Halderman Killed While About to Make a Saloon Raid. A CLUB FOR BUSINESS MEN. The Sown Krom Court The Haddock Indignation Mcetfns To-N'iclit Politics Wanning at Sidney An I2\ctiiro | ) Horse Trade. Hepburn vs. Anderson. The convention held at Sidnev poems to have boon a stormy one. Chaiimun Katon called the convention to order , and stated the object to be to elect nine delegates to the state convention and Miluot a county chairman. J. II. Reynolds was chu en temporary chairman , and G. \V. \ ( iiinnNon temporary tccietary. The latter was of the Sidney delegation , and President Brooks , of Tabor college , raised the question whether a member of a con testing delegation could serve in that ca pacity. His point was oxerrtilcd. AIIMIII Rood , of Randolph , who is also an anti- Andeison man , moved that a committee ot one from each township bo chosen as committee on credentials. A Monroe township man moved for thu appoint ment of three. I. R. Kidd , NicK Lambert and Sturgis Williams. Hero the music began , there being two contesting dele gations in the room. The committee of l.iree was finally selected , Mr. Rood then moved the following resolution : ResoHed , That this convention will not reeogni/.e any delegates appointed by n caucus which has publicly endorsed the nominees of the democratic ; parly in the Eighth district. This motion was overruled and the resolution laid on the table. The committee on credentials reported and then President Brooks moved to rule out the Mo iroo township delegation "because in their caucus they had en dorsed a democratic noniineo for con- gross. ' * This was the dividing vote ot' thu convention , the motion being lost by 'J7 to CO. Mere Webster was elected permanent chairman and Mr. Gunnison secretary. Mr. Rood moved that thu convention en dorse the regular nominee for congress , W. P. Hepburn. This was lost by the same vote U7 to CO. At this point .ludgo Dalby , of Ham burg , throwing his coat over his arm , stated that ho had come to attend a re publican convention , and not being a del egate to a democratic convention , he would excuse himself from further jiar- ticipation. Starting out , other delegates followed with considerable enthusiasm. They adjourned to a neighboring school house and there held a convention and selected their delegates. They adopted rousing resolutions endorsing Hepburn. The regular convention proecedc'l with its work , selected its delegates , elected Mcro Webster as ihahman of the county committee , passed resolutions instruct ing for Brown for auditor and Baker for attorney general , also resolutions con demning Hepburn as a monopolist and not in sympathy with the common people ple , and endorsing Anderson as the op posite. See that your books are made by More- house & Co. , Room 1 , Everett block. Always buy your meats , at Star market , No. 301 Broadway , and get the best. Satisfaction guaranteed. . Fatally Shot. There was some excitement caused yesterday morning by the exaggerated report that another man had been shot by the saloonists. All this arose from the fact that F. W. Halderman , of Avoca , accidentally shot himself while preparing to make a raid upon the saloons of Min- den. Mr. Halderman is well known in this part of Iowa , and has lived in Avoca for fifteen years past. Ho has been en gaged in the nursery business , and in ad dition to his private business has been filling the public one of constable. He started with others Sunday night to gqjo Minden to servo some papers and seize some liquors supposed to bo there. About three miles from Minden he stopped at thu house of F. W. Kcnnoy for breakfast , and after rising from the table ho went out to the barn. In changing a Reming ton rifle from his buggy to another the accident occurred. There was another rifle in the buggy , and in handling the one in hand the other was in some way fired , the ball entering his right groin and passing downward anil out. Surgi cal aid was immediately sent for amla messenger sent for his wife. From the character of the wound , the great loss of blood and the lack of immediate surgical attendance death speedily followed. Dr. Maorea was on the incoming Rock Island train , and a message reaching him , lie stopped oiratMindon and hurried to the piaco , but when ho arrived the man was dying Of the party with Halderman only two wore from Avoca. The others , twenty- seven in numberwere from Valley town ship. His friend was standing beside him when ho was. arranging the rifles in the buggy , and suddenly Haldorman fell. His friend asked "who fired that shot ? " to which Halderman replied "my own gun , and I am dead. " His last words were " 1 have nothing to regret , I die in the performance of my duty , " Ills wife arrived about 8 o'clock , but he was al ready insensible. The body was taken to Avoca yesterday afternoon , and will bo taken to West Liberty , In. , for inter ment. Mr. Haldcrmiin came into con siderable prominence in the capture of the 1'olk county murderers some time ago. He was in charge of the company which had Mich a slrngglo with the des peradoes , and the pluck shown by him on that occasion caused his name to bo- count familiar all over the state. He has many friends to whom the news of the sad accident will cause sorrow , and the tenderest sympathies will bo felt for the family. Fruits , confectionery and cigars , best in the market always in stooK. Frank Withoroll. SM ! : Hroadway. Smoke the Manawa cigar , made by Frank Levin , am Hroadway. A UiiHliicss Men's Club' / . A move is on foot for the organi/.ation of a business men's social club. It is pro posed to have the club organized dili'er- eutly from the board of trade , and other organizations before started hero. This now organization will bo more in the na ture ot those so successfully operated in eastern cities. The purpose is to secure suitalilo rooms , conveniently located and attractively furnished , and have these open for members and their friends from elsewhere every afternoon nnd evening , Those of like character in the cast have proved very successful. They have gen erally a parlor , nicely furnished , a read ing room , and general lounging and smoking room , where games of various kinds can bo played , and sonic udd a bil liard room. No drinking or gambling is allowed , and those playing billiards pay some nominal sum , enough to maintain the table. In eomo places the receipts from the table , the cigar stand , and tome other small sources , are enough to pay the running expenses , without making any assessments on the members beyond thu initiation too. The rooms being open every day and evening , business mcu who want to sec teach other after business hours , make it a Hireling plneo. Any member having a frlcnft visiting the place , and desirous of meeting business men , can llnd more of them tuoro in n shorter space of time In tlm evening than nny where cl c. The business men are thrown together in a social ami informal way , and it is easier to get moves started for the general good of the town , than by trying to call si formal meeting once u month. The move here also contemplates the pioviditig amu omcnt for the members and their friends outside of the club rooms. It ! < proposed to get two barges for the use of members and their friends on the lake , and lo provide other means of outdoor na well as indoor amusement. It is behoved thattho businessmen of tlio city will b ( > got together more frequently by these social means than by the more formal ones , and when thcro is any move on foot for tjie bettciing of the city or for slatting any new enterprise the feel ings mid purposes of the business men can be more' readily reached than in any other form of'on. ' As a pluasinl place toentcitain visitors to the city and business men from other places , it'will also meet a want long The subscription papers are now being circulated for the ecuriiiir of members , aml'whcn a sulliciont millibar have sub scribed a meeting will bo called for the purpose of perfecting the organization and deciding upon details. 13 Cabinet Photographs ? 3. Quality the tiucst. Shcrraden , 01 ? Hroadway. Electric door bells , burglar alarms , and every form of domestic electrical appli ances ut Uio Now York Plumbing Co. Kirkland , the jeweler , has removed to 323 Broadway , Smgor ollico. Now lie Wont Traito Horses. Tliero arc usually one or more gancs of horse-traders hovering about tlio city waiting for suckers , and they are quite successful In catching them. Yesterday a farmer living about two miles north of Glenwood was the victim. Ho came herewith with a pretty fair team and a wagon , and while basking in thcshiuloon Fourth street was approached by ono of the traders , who offered him a big chance to swap one of the team for a largo grey horse , n line looking animal. The gray caught the farmer's < iyo , and ho remem bered that one of his liorscs was not only small but inclined to balkiness. Ho always balked at the wrong time , too , and ho did not care to liavo the horse- trader try him , lest this should bo ono of the times , and surely a wrong ono. Ho looked over the gray horse , and asked the trader if he would warrant him. The trader shrewdly swore that the gray was 1'reo from all "incunibranee , " and the farmer taking this to moan that ho was sound in all respects , hastened to swap oven. The exchange was made , and thu farmer started to drive the newly matched team down the street to try the gray. The gray proved to bo badly wind-broken , and before ho had driven him a block the Cray could bo hoard pumping air a half- hiilo away. The horse was not worth anything. By the time he had discovered how badly ho had been sold and was roar- ins about being swindled , another man camc-iilouc and oft'ercd to trade him a bay mare for the gray. Only too glad to get rid of the gray ho paid ? 7 boot for the bay marc , and hitched her up. She had not gone a. hundred yards before she began spurting blood from her nose and almost tumbled down. Sev eral rushed up to the farmer , and ho was told that if he didn't look out ho would have a dead horse on his hands. It would cost him more to bury it than the horse was woitli. It was going to die sure. Kattled and frightened no quicRly accoplcd an oiler made him , and sold the mare for $5. The bu3'crgottho horse up , and walked her oil' , and then it began to dawn on the farmer's mind that ho Had been cooly robbed out of a horse and $3 in money. Ho had but ono horse left out of his team and had § 2 less in his pocket book , and had nothing to take homo to show his wife in the place of it. It did not take him long to learn that the fel lows belonged to the same gang , and that they had shrewdly got his horse and part of his money away from him , with out giving him anything in return. The trades him been made within the limits of the law , however , and ho could do nothing but tie up the tongue of the wagon , Jic m > his own tongue , and walk homo with oho solitary liorsq hitched to n double wagon. The next time that ho thinks of getting rid of a balky horse , ho will not try to do so by trading with strangers so much sharper than himself. TAUGHT FIIEE In about an hour , beau tiful photo painting , to introduce our col ors. No Knowledge of painting required. Received Hrst premium ut St. Louib fair. Ono hundred dollars earned monthly. Miss Christie , 14 Main street. Substantial abstracts of titles and real cstato loans. J.V. . & E. L. Squires , No. 101 Pearl street , Council Binds. Urst-clnss tin work , roofing , etc , , a spolialty at Cooper & McGco's. Criuuhs from Court. The district court at Harlan has been so occupied with civil cases that no criminal cases have been tried. Thcro are twelve in jail , awaiting a trial there , and live more who are to bo brought in on indictments found by the grand jury. As the court was lo open in Audubon yesterday , and there was a civil case not finished , the criminal calendar will have to go over. Court will open at Audubou on Wedncaduy. The case of Winkelman vs. Green county has bcon on trial at Harlan , At torney McDuflby appears for the plain- till' and Attorney Hussell for the defend ant. This is a case bimilur to the ono of Cooper vs. Mills county , in which such heavy damages wore given against the county on account of a bridge giving away , causing injury to the plaintiir. The suit is for $15,000 , The case was being argued yesterday , and will doubt less reach a decision to-day , Another important case which has taken up considerable time was that of Hcobun vs. Ilino. This was a cuso of slander , the plaintilV being a domestic employed on an adjacent farm to that of the defendant. Hine was the one killed by Mendenhall , by being hit over ttio head with a chair some time ago , This suit is ac.'tinst the cstato. The jury gave the slandered girl only $1 , although Hlio sued for $ ' . ' 0,000 , Her attorneys will take an appeal. Perfectly satislactory accommodations at $2.03 a day at the Puclllo house. Give it a trial and bo convinced , Pacilio liotiso recently renovated. Cool rooms ; money saved ; comforts gained , The Haddock Memorial Meeting. All citizens who desire by their pres ence and otherwise to express their con demnation of the foul assassination of the Uov. Georga C , Haddock nro re quested to meet at the pavilion this even ing. A good programniu of speaking and singing has been nvovidod. All are invited , irrespective & their party or creed , liy order of the committee. All the comforts of high-priced hotels at thu Pacilio house , and a fcavin ? of 50c to $1 a day. Try it. At the Dnnkrupt Stnro To-Day. Twenty pieces of crinkled seersucker. in all shades , 33 inches wide and of the bust quality , at Oc per yard. J , Gelding , No. 18 Main Bt. The City Council. At tlio city council nicvting last night the city attorney rq'portcd ' that the corn- nion carriers' < ml ! nn e wa' ' illegal , so far ns U compelled men working by the dny , hanllmj coal , ptc. , to take out n li cense. Ho was instructed to remodel the ordinance. He nUo reported Hint the council had power to appoint a city scav enger nml compel people to remove gar bage. Concurred In. lie reported that the city could not lo cally donate a lot to n , hospital associa tion , but such lot must remain under city control. D. C. Bloomer , In buh lf of his client , D. C. Howe , stated that he had a judg ment against the city lor $10UOO , and asked that a levy he made. Ho also re quested that the library levy bo increased from one-half to three-fontths of u mill. No action taken. K. E. Aylc.sworth also asked that a levy bo made to pay his judgment of 81,000 against the city. i The council rejected the claim of .1. C. Heagan for $1,800 claimed for interest and other Hums on his old paving con tract. The city marshal was instructed to strictly enforce all health ordinances. Adjourned until 1 o'clock this after noon. Sidney Hliortstnpn. SIDNKV , In. , August 10. Hobt. Simons , of the Union , narrowly escaped an old- fashioned thumping at the hands of ono Stiigcon , an unoll'ending pensioner , whoso name had found a conspicuous place In Mr Simons' last issue In an un called-for manner , as he regardrd. The marshal interposed ami prevented serious results. Some interest is being manifested in the rumored prospect of the continuation of the Hlimiston & Shanandoah railroad from Slienamloah , through Sidney to Weeping Water. A refreshing rain freshened our parched districts Monday night. The new post olllco is ono of the neat est in this part of the state. During tlio past week the county board negotiated a sale of $10,000 of bonds at H pur cunt , . 0,000 payable at option after live years , and $20,000 at any time the county sees lit. Iladly I'liitlahcd. There was a disgraceful saloon row last night at the "Do Drop In1 on Broad way. Billy Spccr , a plasterer , was the victim , and he was badly used up. His nose was broken , and ho was bruised and pounded so that ho had to be taken homo in a cirriago. Dr. Bellinger cared for his wounds , which are of a severe but not dangerous nature. The proprietor of tlio saloon , McNulty , and Ins bartender were arrested. One of the district telegraph boys named Rogon , was last night sot upon by three dogs , while responding to a call on Pierce street. Ho was quite badly bitten. Highest prices paid for county , town , city and school bonds. Odoll Bros. As Co. , No. 103 Pearl street , ' Council Bluffs , Iowa. NO , 401 BROADWAY , coxr am. BEj-erap-FS. io. Arc opening1 new anil beautiful designs in HFoqnettef Body Brussels , Velvet , Ta/pestry Brussels , 3-JPly Ingrains , 2 P ly Ingrains , Mag Carpets , Etc. For offices , hotels , lodffc rooms , Cull for prices at Hiirkness Bros , ' , 401 Broadway. Are now arriving1 and in stock. Tri cots , Flannels , Oaslimores , etc. Ex cellent for traveling and tall service. Blnck Silks and in the new colors. Qmility the best and prices the lowest for good goods. Ladies wishing relia ble goods will cull on Hiirknoss Bi-os. ' , No.101 Broadway , Council Blull's. A few more of those Lisle Thread Hose left nt 2oc. , In black and in colors , at llarkncss Bros. , No. < 1.0l Broadway. OIL CLOTHS In many now patterns and a stock to select from. D.w Mate , Curtains , Curtain Pole * , etc. , nt IlarK- ness Brothers , No. 401 Broadway , Council Blnfl's. REFRIGERATORS , AT GOST. W. S. HoMp4 & COM 23 Main St. , Ctjunojl binds , - - 5 - - - Star Sale Stables andMiile ; Yards , BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , CO pi , g. CD Horses iuU Mules Koi't ' constantly on liund for 8alo at retail or in car loads. Ordurg proindlly tilled uy contract on short Botlco , Hiock sold on coiunilsslon. BHLUTBlt & 1101.KV. 1'roprlctors. Telopltono No , 114. B to l\tmetly of KIK1SALU BTAIH.EB , corner nvc. and Itlisltcct. JACOB SIMS , ATTORNEY AT LAW , OOXJISrOIIj BIjXJF'ir'S rracticus in tlio State and Federal courts liooius 7 mill S Sliugurt Block. BOSTON TEA COMPANY , Wholesale and Retail Grocers , No. 16 Main and ! 5 Pear ! Street , Council Biuffs. 7IM A172W 100,000 MOltll VCSrOMliltS. Brick building ? of any kind raised or moved and satis f net ion guaranteed. Frame buildings moved on Little Giant trucks , best in the world. 608 Eighth Avenue and Eighth StreotComiil Blnflfc. Price paid in cash for all kinds of second hand STOVES , Furniture , etc. M. DROHLIOH , 608 Broadway. evH-c6 a/ tra.Jt.Ci/ 226 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Farminer lands in Town , Minnesota , Texas , Kansas and Arkansas , r from $1.25 to $12 per acre. School and state lands in Minnesota on 1(0 ( yours time 5 per cent interest. Land Imycrs fare free. Information , etc. , given by P. P. Lanstrup , No. 555 Broadway , Council UIuiFs , Iowa. COUNCIL BLUFFS Fall FOUR DAYS' ' RACING. Trotting , Pacing ami Running Tuesday , Aug. 31st , Wednesday , Sept , 1st , Thursday , Sept , 2(1 ( , and Friday , Sept 3rd , Including special attractions bv Prof. A. E. Walker's world famous ; Kacini ; Dogs daily and Balloon Ascensions by Prof.A. S. Parker daily , in front of the grandstand. Other attractions in the way of sliced consisting of celebrated horses from Kentucky. Ohio. Illinois , Indiana and Wisconsin. Hccjucod rates on nil railroads. Coinn everybody and have a good time. For particulars , address PRAWK STUBBS , Secretary In the city can bo obtained by patroiil/.lnir tlio Council llluirs GJSO , W. SCJ11NDELK , J'rop , NonobntoYporlcnccO Imnds omployml. Out of town orilois by nuill or express solicited , uuJ nil work wM-iantoil. you want to jlnd that smolics , tt < i to CIGAR STORE , JVo. ttli ) Jiroadtra/ ; , Council Jtln/fa. And you'll find Inm Indulging In ono of ilioao One olgnrs on which they huvo hullt up tholr ropututlon. JIuko all your appolntincnls for tbulr Btoio as oiurybody visits thorn nnd thuy know oyorylJoJy. Tlio crowds como nnd RO Tlu thlBKri'nt llioionirlifnro. An olcirnnt line of Cluure , 1'Jpod nnd Tohnccos ulnuyb In slock. F. W. SPETiAN & BRO. Has. 509 & 511 Main SI. New Dry Goods. Dress Goods , Etc. , Just In. Boots Shoes Etc Clothing , , , , Jtest of Goods. Lowest Jrices , GROCERIES , FARM PRO DUCE.Etc N. SCHURZ , Justice of the Peace Ottlco over American Express CJiopauy , City Steam" Laundry ! KHMER C SJSAItlGlIT , No. 31 N. Main Street , Council 151tiflk J' inctit work < tnd lowest jn'lcen/'ot * flue work. All collars and cuffs re turned in collar and c.nff boxes without extra charge , which yiiar- antccs work in same condition as it leaves us. Out of town orders re ceive santelattcntion and at ttainc rates ( ts citij work. OFFICER & PUSEY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA , R. 3E&XCE , M. D. , - Or otlier Tuinord reino\od wltliou tboMiiroordnnvlniroruiool. Chronic Diseases or u iJimu n specialty. Over Ililrtv VO.IM' piactlcul oxporit'iico. No. II PetiilSe. . Council IJlutts. Consultation fieo. Ill N. Main St. , Council Bluff * , In. , mill 200 S. 15th St. , Room 10 , Omnha , Neb. Mamifiit'turcr'H .Airent for tlio CALIGRAPH TYPE WRITER and SUPPLIES Tents , Awnings , Hoofing1 Hlntc , Man tels , Pinto nnd Window ( MasH , Show- Cusi's . Elevators hand nnd v/uni n. jjiu i ( hy- draulic , ) ore. MONEY TO LOAN-At lowest rates , Heal estate handled , In surance mitten and all kinds of bonds bought by F , J , Day No , 39 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs , Established 1881 , H , Journals , C'oiuify and IlniiU Work ofnll KiinU aKptic- hilly. Prompt Attention to Mall Orders IOREHOUSE & CO. Hooiu 1 Evcrct Block , Council BlufTa , Standard Papers Used , All styles of bind ing in Magazines and BLANK BOOKS , BliPIiltKNCKSi O. II. National Uaik , M. K Smith & Co. , Clllzfiifc' lluiil. . Dtsuro. Wclli.V Co. , > lrei Nutioiiitl , ( I II. Inpiinuico ( ki. ( Officer & l'uscyllnukorsC , 11. WHOLESALE AND JOBBING , E3IOTTSES OIF COUNCIL BLUFFS. AH lH n.TTIUl , IMI't.KMKATA \Vllolc9.\lo Agricultural Implemeats , r * . , 1 lo. 1'otmoil lll.ifK . IOVPII. _ KEYSTON'H MAXtTKATrUIN ( ; CO. MiiKo the Urlpmnl mni Complete Hay Loader , also Rakes , Cider Hill & Press , COIIN siir.M.Kiis AND i'iRn : rrrnH < ! . Sot. irui , ivti. i.wiuiii ire ; 'oniii Main street , _ Council IliitiP , Inun. fuMD nuvni.KY & co. , " Mmuif'i- I , lobli ( iof Agricultural Implements , Wagons , Baggies , CnrrinprJ. nnd nil VlnU of Kami Mi'ohlnorr. 11W lo 1118 Soaili Mnln Street , Council llUirf * . tonn. .I.VK r.O. Gl.rAsnv , T. lt.lnrm.Gito.r. ) . Wiuiiur. 1'ies.A.Tri-iu. V.-l'res , VM in. Po , A Counsel. Council Bluffs Handle Fact/ ) ; , ( liiporpnrnteil.t Manufacturer * of Axle , 1'lck , Slnduo und 3tmll 11 " < . ofi'uiry. COUNCIL HLUFFS CAUPKT CO. , Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades , Oil Clollis. Ourtnln I'lituros , UplmlMory ( SooJs , Ktc. No. 4U3 llroiutwiiy Council llluCfs , lii'va. ) . irr. 1'KKKC.OY & MOOUK , Wholesale Jobbing In the Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes. Noe. M.Mnlii nuU L7 1'onrl Sis. Council lo tu CO.'Mf/SS/OX / / SNYDKIl & LKAMAN , WhoU"-nlo Fruit and Produce Commission Merchants. No. lU'oiirl St. Council MlulTs. DltVdGlSTS. 11AKLK , HAAS & CO. , Wholesale Oils Paints Glass Druggists , , , , Druggists' Fmidrlrs , Kto. No. "I Mnln St , mill No. L'l 1'cnrl St. , Council lllulN o. w. mrrrs , Wholesale California Fruits a Specialty General Commission. No. ul3 llramlwny. Council IllufTs WlltT & DUQUKTTE , Wholesale Fruits , Confectionery & Fancy Groceries. Nos. 10 nnrt 18 Vend St. , Council llluir * . L. KIUSC11T & CO. , Jobbers of Staple and Fancy Groceries. Also Wliole nlo I.lipior Donlnrs. No. 110 I Ire ml- way , Council IllulTs. 1IAIIXESS , KTC. UECKMAN & CO. , Manii'ncturcrs of and Wholesale Donlora In Leather , Harness , Saddlsry , Etc. V No. t > > Mnln St. . Council llluira , lown. HATS. CAPS. irrc. MKTCALF 15HOTIIERS , Jobbers in Hats , Caps and Gloves. ami nit nrondwiiy. Council lllulN. KEELINE & FELT , WholoMilo Iron , Steel , Nails , Heavy Hardware , Anil Wood SockJ ( ouiicll Ulillfs , loiya. HIDES AX1) WOOL , I ) . H. McDANELl ) & CO. , Commission Merchants for Sale of Hides , TullcwWool , I'ults , nrensonntl VUH Council UliillH lown. U1LS. COUNCIL BLUFFS OIL CO. , Wholesale Dealers In Illuminating & Lubricating Oils ETC. , ETO. F.Thcodore , Aiiont. Council Illuira. Town. A. OVEIITON A : CO. , Hard Wood , Southern Lumber , Filing * ml llrlJffo rinterlul SpecliilfIn-i.WlioloMilo Lumber - bor ot all Kinds. Ullico No. iU : Muln St. , Council lllulla. loivii. AK1 > blQUUHS. JOHN LINDEH , U'holcsnlo Imported and Domestic Wines & Liquors. Agent lorSt. flollliani'B Hcili HlltcrJ. No. 1J Main St. Council IMnfla. SCHNKIDEK & BEC1C , Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors , Ku LiX ) Main fc't. . C'ouncU Itlufft. iIOlfortiieLAKE The Steamsr OLLIE MAY Nmvly Illlod up , unit uiulcr tlio rlinrtfu < > r n nd pilot , Is now iniiulng pious- uro trips on LAKE MANAWA. Wo will ( 'lvc clmrlcr.s to piullvi , lor onu hour or liny IciDflli ol llnio duslioil. Hums or olnulcr Rlwn mid union Hilton nt olliceo.U'J ) .Muins t. , bctvrcuii Imilis 10 to 12 n. m. 1 > . I'AI-II & LO. SPECIAL NOTICES. Fprrlnl iidvcrtlbUiiuMile , fcuuh I 6 LcM , I'onn To 1.01111 , Tor Sale , To llont , VtnntB , lloiuillnir , etti , will luilneortnd In tliM column ut tliu low rnUiofTI'.NCIiNTS 1'Klt LINK lorilio llrtt Inner t Ion nml rivoCoiitsl'orl.lnulori'iicli bubiutjiioni liibuitlon l.cuvo nil i urll&aiiiuiitK nt our ollluo No. 1" I'oul ' tlroi't , nu. llrou'ln.ty , Council illllllB. WANTS. FOIC h.lMC A t.irco-jpir dlil lniri ( : well nnilur Eiuldloj ut thu 'I'lantler Hock jnnls , l.'oiinell IllnllB. \VANTHI > A ( list-classliiOIK ! linker , iiiullh i A ; lMfku \ , No , f.l f Main 81 , " \\rANTKH-A tltimllon IIB liniiBiikoopor In uoodliunlly orovorfeor lit liuiel , J , II. S , No Ml Uppoi Ilionduiiy. AvITjIi-A Hliuiitlon In foino ilroloi'a nlllro liy n Ir.dy wlio li n iniiynollo huiilcr , J. II. S.No. 62.1 UpiKTlliouiItviiy. \ \ rANTIl-Sltiialon | for , i \ boy. J , II. S. , No.fiil 1'ppor llioitihvuy. W ANTKD An luaUtiint couk ut tlio O HOUEO. WF F ) H8AU : . In > | iiiiniuioato ut llfo olllco No.i \ Pearl strout . f ri * . 1UUKII U ) . 00JJU * f Al/J. 24.