Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 17, 1886, Page 4, Image 4

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TKIIUB or nutuiciurTtni s
DnllrfMornM ? Kdltlon ) Including Sunday
Bar , Unn Year . . . . . . . . $10 i
For Six Month * . . 61
Vor Tin c" Month * . . . 2 <
The Oinnhit Sviiiiliiy IlRi : , tnnlloU to liny
mlJio < 3 , One Year. . , . S
nrnrr. . Nrt. til AM > 811 FAUf IM Srnrr
Nr v v I K utrirK , luxi'i * . miMi'st : urn m >
WA-I .uro.v omcK.No in ( ui/iiiiri.NTii druci :
All commtjnloitionrHi tliitftinow *
tonal uinttv ; should bo utldrcjstM lo the
toll or 7111 : lli.K.
lnn * inter * nnilrf > mlitnne mhoiiM 1
tl lo TMR UK * I'riiumiiNii COHI'\N
DrrtfU. ohe.'M nml | > o tnlllco > r < lr
lo bo mailu payublo tolh < < enl ref lliocompnn
K. HOSKWATnii. nrtirnn.
Sworn Stnlcinotit of Circtilnllon.
Blnto of Nebraska , I. ,
" '
Counts-of Dniib'la * .
( Sen. II. cliuckcrrclai.vol HIP linn Pn
Itahlnit company , il" ' " * solemnly swear tli
the nctital circulation of tlie llallv Hi
Tor tlic week cndlni ; Aug. Uth , lto , was ;
follow * !
Saturday , Tth 1"i >
Monday. ! 'lh ' 12 , ' .
TtifMlay. lOlli VJ/.5
Wednesday , lltli Wa :
Thursday. Wh I'-Vi
1'ilday , Mil 1'J.- '
Suuilay , Mil V-U
A\eiapc 12.1' '
( < io. : H. IVstnurK.
Snhscrltx'd nnd sworn to liefoio mo Hi
1-Hliilny of August , 1SJC. N. P. ,
( KKAI , | Notary I'nWIc.
tli'o , B. TMcluiclr , bi'lnc firetiluly awoi u.d
poses nnd says that lit' Is xcrnitaty of tin * Hi
I'libllslilnir company , that tint actual juerni.
dully circulation of the D.illy Jli-o lor tl
month of January , IHSO. was lo,3ra ropli-
lor February , Ibhrt , 10W , > copies ; for Maicl
l < iso , 11,537'copies : for April , ibsi , ii.l ! (
copies ; for Mar , lf > 5. 12,1.7J mines ; for Jim
ItfcO , r-V-i'JS ' copies ; for July , 1S ) . VJ.ili t copie
( ! ro. H. IY.RMIUCK.
Subscribed nnd sworn to before mo , tli
2d ilay of August , A. D. 18SO.N.
N. 1' . KKir , ,
[ SEAL. | Notary Public.
To Our I'ntrons.
In artier to tirolrt roiniillcntlims In ot
account * with tuhicrllicrv we tuirc decided i
iiwke the KiibtoHiitlon price ( if the DAIL
Vr.K $10.00 j > cr annum , by innll , for cit
per iccdi. Panics ivho dalrc tl
cilltlun unly will be supplied i
ie.OTjier annum.
annum.Tun Brjs PunusitiNo Co.
Sr.NA-roii VAN WYCK'S challenge is tl :
political sensation of tlio day. Who wi
take it up ? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -ii
Tun defeat of the yacht Gcnosta b
the Ircx , in English waters , has : ui inlei
fist for Americans in tlio promise thattb
winner may como to this country to tr
lior qualities against tlio beat America
MOST people will think that it is carr ;
ing criminal jurisprudence to too pron
nn extreme when a confessed mimlorc
is required to establish the accuracy o
his confcsiiou by nn actual operation , i
luis just buon done in Brussels.
Tin : story that tlio late Hubert C
Thompson , the Now York democrat !
politician , committed suicide , is ropcate
with additional evidence supporting tl :
theory. It is not unlikely that the < l
vclopmonta in the trial of Squires an
Flynn will supply further reasons wli
Thompson should have desired to oscap
n catastrophe which ho must have sen
was imminent. There is a lesson in thcs
events for both politicians and people , :
they would but learn them.
Tun sccno of Grant's ( loath , Mour
McGregor , iu said not to have done ror
well this summer as a resort. One c
the proprietors Btatcs that the place hn
become so thoroughly associated wit
the idea of death that the people do IK
care to spend their time in the nelghboi
hood. It is overrun with mere curiosity
seekers , to tlio great prosperity of tli
owners of tlio little narrow-guago rai
road running to the Mount from Sar :
toga , but of no great benefit to the pr <
prlotors of the historic spot. Hy tliu wa ;
what has become of the project to giv
Mount McGregor to .the government
\Vasitallowcd to dlo'in the pocket <
Congressman IJpriah Wilkins i
THE great socialist demonstration i
the capital of Kolginm tooiiplaro Simdn
according to tlio prearranged progranuiu
Our dispatohos represent it to have bee
ti quite unique and picturcsqno all'ai
and entirely orderly and peaceable. Tli
authorities had taken moat ample procai
tions against disorder , but there soou
to have boon no disposition in the groi
crowd to disturb the peace or in any wii
violate the law. Some of the dolcgatior.
brought women with thorn , an assuram
of pcacoful intention , nnd nil seemed 1
bo impressed with the importance c
good behavior neeoasary to win fav (
for their causa. A diiYoront course won !
bavo Riven tiio government an oxouso f <
wholly disregarding their appeal an
would have invited universal condemn !
tlon , and these aggrieved workiugme
wisely chose the policy of prcsentln
their case , which is not without merit , i
nn orderly and proper way. In this n
there is moro potency in. this method tlui
lu an appeal to force , ami agitators tl
world over would do well to learn th
tuu ) nstoomod contemporary , tl
Herald , has followed iu the wake of tl
13KE and secured a fast perfecting pro
nnd stereotyping machinery , which
thu duplicate of those purchased by i
yearly n year ago. The BIJK likes onto
prise , and wo thorofora congratulate 01
contemporary on the advance iu i
mechanical facilities. Wo wish wo coui
note as throat an advance In its truthful
ness , hut when the llerahl boldly clain
"doublo the actual paid circulation i
any paper published In Nebraska , " v
must ( irmly demur. Its editor had c\
dontly forgotten the late census taken I
the lir.i : , which fallowed double the actui
circulation of all the Oninlui dailies cor
binod , for this paper. That interest ) !
collection of chilling facts was never u
sailed by our esteemed contcmporari
because it was a little too definite to 1
oovcrod by a general denial. The Hi
Use congratulates the Herald upon !
Ulustrntions , The loading one wlilc
fiouresonU a nowaboy throwing foi
oopios gratuitously into ono yard is tl
most ftiithful to the facts of nil , No
that our esteemed ( umtcmporary has g <
afast press it should devote its enorgii
to securing subscribers enough to pn
forit , Potter presses cost money , us tl
known , having bought two within
Cnn Thof M t ( It ?
Rcpublicnns will serve tlicir party be ;
In the First district who work best to d <
feat thu nomination of the ; most Infamoi
nnd ( llslionoit political trickster In tl :
state , whose other name U Church llowi
The honest voters of the district ar
strongly opposed to Howe's candlilae :
They know his record. They liavo ha
oxpcrieiipo with his smooth toncne an
wily ways. His course In various leg !
latures whcni he has been notoriously o
sale to the highest bidder ha ? not escape
their attention. Fanners , rciucmbr
with burninc indignation how he sol
out the state grange to the railroad mm
ngors. Shippers recall Ins steady oppos
tion to measures for their relief. Gan
biers count up the dollars they have pal
him in bl.ipkmnll to prevent leglslallv
interference : with their business , nn
brewers look ruefully at their cliccl
books whose stubs bear nvlilcnco c
( . 'lunch Howe's capacitv for blending h
victims under threats of ilestroylng the
ttade and oecitpation.
Honest nnsii ovcrywhern must optio-
( \ \ \ < craftv and dishonest public plui
durur , whoso arm lias been elbow-dec
in bribe money , and wliosn po-itloi
of legislative trust have boon only value
for tlio opportunities they all'ordcd hn
for the b.irtcr and saiu of Ins vote an
inllueiiCH. WithtliochancaaU'ordeil tc
redeeming congress from the democrnc ;
the republicans of the First district cm
notan'onl to risk defeat with such n oai
didate. A half a do/.en belter men wli
could carry the day might be name <
Church Howe's nomination would be
bonanza to the democracy. Hccnnm
be elected. However completely tic inn
capture the party machinery , ho cauuc
escape popular resentment. Men ma
fear to oppose him in the convention , bt
they will not hesitate at the ballot-bo >
Are the republicans of llu First distric
prepared to take the risk ?
It U'lll Mcnt Approval.
The senatorial campaign has oponec
General Van Wyck's simple and maul
appeal to the voters of Nebraska for the :
support on his record strikes the koynoi
of the canvass , it is a pica for n squat
and upon contest , iu which tlio merit
the candidates shall be thu test ratlu
than the chicanery of the polit
eians. In challenging his oppi
nonts to face tlio people an
show the grounds upon whic
tlioy base their candidacy , the senate
frankly gives tlio basis upon which li
stands and asks for a re-election. Th ;
basis is faithful service on behalf of h :
constituents , unswerving adherence t
liis pledges and a bold , fearless and hoi
est advocacy of the interests of the pc <
pie of his state without regard to the mo
or measures with which sucii intcresl
Senator Van Wyck's candidacy is a
open and an honest ono. For the lin
limo in the history of the state , ho boldl
appeals for a popular vote under th
constitutional proviso and announce
himself willing to abide by the resul
Believing that the heart of tlic peopl
is with him because ho has kept himsel
in the performance of his public dutic
close to the heart of his constituents , h
has no fears of the outcome of such a
anpcal. Professional politicians an
political attorneys whose value to the coi
porations has chiolly consisted in thei
ability lo hoodwink the people and ovei
ride the will of voters will not favor thi
novel departure. But tlio public wh
have so elton scon corrupt tricksters an
amiable nonentities elevated to high oflic
by representatives who have betrnye
their trust will heartily approYo of Hi
senator's proposal.
Bond CaH.
The announcement was mndo earl
last week from Washington that the a <
ministration had decided to show som
regard for the Wish of a majority of il
party and of the people , and to use a pai
of the surplus in the treasury in payin
off a portion of the bond obligations c
the government. It was said that upo
n more careful examination of the treai
ury situation ainco the adjournment c
cougress , the conclusion had bee
reached that the surplus , probably vor
nearly to the amount contemplated b
the rcsolmJonDt Mr.Morflsojt can b
safely used in the redemption ot bond :
Knowing the actual demands upon tli
treasury in the form of appropriation :
and being able to estimate very closol
the probable revenues of the year , Hi
secretary is enabled to see his COUK
moro clearly and surely than it was poss
ble for him to do in advance of tlio at
journment ; and having the entire discn
lion iu the matter ho has decided that
call of bonds Is expedient. This is
gratifying concession to the popular di
mand that the millions lying id !
in the treasury In excess of the rcquln
m-jnts of tLo government shall bo on
ployed In paying off the public debt ail
reducing the annual interest charge. ;
is also a plain confession of the correc
ness of the opiuioa that the surplus coul
bo wisely nnd safely employed in th
way. It suggests that either the jucl }
ment of those who maintained Hi
opinion was bettor than that of the troa
ury , or lhat tliO'Oppositlou of Iho laltc
was made chlelly * for the purpose of re
talnlngtho discretionary power in tl
matter , which , indeed , was the gravame
of the argument from this source agaiui
the Morrison resolution.
It is reported that the action of tl
assistant secretary of the treasury i
making a call for bonds is strongly coi
domncd by Treasurer Jordan , not wholl
upon llnnncial grounds , but as ui unwh
concession to tlio extreme clement i
congress. It is not understood that th
is a matter with which Mr. Jordan lu
anything to do , but it has bccomn a hab
with that oUiclal who is really nothin
moro than a chief clerk to make himso
prominent In connection with treasury u
fairs , whether they aHented his oraueh c
thnsorvico or not , thereby gaining a m
torioty which neither his position nor h !
ability entitles him to , Jordan was
Now York banker , nnd it need not r
f.alil that all his views and methods at
in ucoorU with the financial interests <
that section. He ronld bo spared froi
the financial department of the goven
mcnt , und tlicro will bo no general n
gret If he shall carry out his reported d <
termination to resign.
TUB special plans for the basement c
the city hall have been received at th
engineer's oflloe , and there will bo n
further excuse for putting oil'tlio prolin
inarios for building. The eouueil shout
direct the board of public works to ra-ai
yortlsp nt onoo for bid * for the basoafon
The board of education is ready to tur
the $20,000 , which they have vote
towards tlio buiUUng , into tlic city hn
building fund , which ha ? already $4G (
to its credit , This will ctvc the counc
nearly $23,000 iu ready monoj * , nnd eve
If the basement should cost $10,000 mon
they can readily got contractors to in
dcrtnkc Hie work nnd take their chance
ot wailing a few months for the balanei
It is very important that work on the clt
hall should begin ns soon AS possible. 11
building this year employment wi'l ' I
f rnlshed to ninny mrn who need i
What h perhaps as Important , the coi
strnctioii of at least a half ndown bloct
on upper Farnnm strrct will bo il
surcd. Besides sK months in limn wi
be saved.
It n Political Hue.
It Is n controlling tondiMicy of pi
litieal parlies to turn everything to a <
count that can possibly bo pi-rvorlcd i
colored In Iho interest of ono to then
jury of the other. This linds nn ilhMri
tion in the Mexican controversy. Co
tain extreme republican journals , nt tl
beginning of the difficulty , professed I
RCO In it a deeply planned democrat !
conspiracy to inaugurate a war in ordi
to pcrpotunto that party In power , and
rather feeble and inconclusive attemi
was made on Iho part of some of them I
find a parallel In the democratic scheni
of aggrandizement and slavery oxfonsio
lhat was the chief motive In the last wr
with Mexico. On the otiicr hand , tl :
statement is made that in lulmlnistratlo
circles , or at least in the state depar
ment , the Impression urcvails that Hi
dillieulties in the way of n settlumci
Have been created not so much by Mo.\
cans n.s by obliging friends in this com
try , who , in their ollbrls to embarrass Hi
administration , have suggested t
Hie Mexican authorities mctliot
of opposition which pcrliar. .
they would not have thougl
of. It is even claimed that the oflbrts c
Mr. Olaino's friends have been e.xertc
to strengthen Hie attitude of Mexico i
order to hhow that "Mr. Bayard hn
acted with too much haste and has bee
too exacting. "
A very little analysis will show Iho al
surdlty of both these positions. In Hi
first place It must be remembered tin
the primary causa of the arrestof Cuttin
was the fact of his having slandered
citizen of Mexico , one Emiglio Mcdin :
and it , WHS a purely personal and bus
ness affair that led him to do thii
Medina , had announced his intention t
publish a paper in Paso del Nortc , an
with the purpose of damaging the pr <
jcct Cutting denounced him as a rasea
deadbeat , etc. When arrested Cutlin
signed a form of "reconciliation" prt
rided for by the Mexican law aud wn
allowed to go , but it is alleged again pi
the libel in circulation and was rca ;
rested , when it is charged ho committo
the further offense of putting liin
self in contempt of the cour
Now Qit is possible that this las
act may have been in a measure due t
the advice of Consul Brigham , but to assume
sumo thatnp to this stage the administrr
tion or any responsible part of it had anj
thing to do with promoting the difficult
is too obviouslyridiculous to be acccopte
by any man of intelligence and camloi
Inquiry as to the character of Cuttin
shows him to be a very worthless , uti
principled und troublesome fellow , vcr
far from being the sort of man wliic
would bo holcctcd bv any rcsponsibl
body of men roprcscnling a party to I
the chief actor in a conspiracy intcnde
lo involve two friendly governments i
war.Tho charge that friends of Mr. Blaim
or anybody else other than perhaps th
American minister nnd consul , have bee
instrumental in embarrassing tlic admh
istrnl on in Hits matter is no less stupid !
ridiculous than the other nssumptioi
Even if Hie Mexican government wet
not abiindanlly able lo take care of il
own diplomatic controversies il certain !
would not seolc or accept advic
from American politicians. It could fin
no end of counsellors in other direction
in which it would have moro confidence
But it Is not apparent that the friends c
Mr , Blaine could have any object to sorv
by intermeddling. They certainly coul
not ' ! 0je to bring the aifiiiiiitstration hit
disrepute with the people for prompt ! ,
asset ting the authority of thogovcrnmer
in behalf of an American citizen who wi
believed to hnvo been denied his righl
and unjustly dealt witli by a foreign go\ \
eminent. If friends of Mr. Blaine wcr
speaking for him this is not , the positlo
they would bo expected to take , fo
promptness , decision and firmness on th
uait of the government in protecting il
citizens is n cardinal part of the politic :
policy and capital of Mr. Blaine. Il i
unnecessary , however , lo multiply illtii
tralions of the absurdity of the allcmr
of certain newspapers to give the conlrt
vorsy witli Mexico a political hue. The
may secure the concurrence of n few o >
tromo partisans , but the great majorit
of the intelligent public will have no dil
( iculty in seeing the ridiculous charade
ot their iiBatimptlons.
Tlio Proslilcmt'H Voracity.
Mr. Cleveland is not an ardent ai
mirer of thn newspapers. Ho doesn't bi
licvo they are truthful and trustworthy
and ho hasn't licsitalod to say so who
opportunity enabled him to do so. In hi
well-remembered letter to the editor c
Puck ho accused the newspapers of lyin
generally nnd mcauly , at this time mor
than over before , and in this oountr ,
moro than iu any other country. II
characterized this habit as an insult t
Iho love of decency and fair play t
which Americans boast. Wo arc nr
aware lhat Mr. Cleveland over rotracte
or qualified this accusation , but quite n
contly ho has shown that his opinion c
last December is his opinion still , No
many days ago in a letter to n Florid
man he expressed sui prlso that the geutlt
man should have boon annoyed by no\v ;
paper lalk , knowing "Iho utter nnd coir
ploto recklessness and falsification i
which they so generally Indulge. "
For the strength of his cause th
record of the accuser should b
clean and above reproach. Ho'
li it with the president ? Th
Washington Post , a domoorallc paper
high character , makes a statement in ar
swur to the question. It stales lhat th
editor of that journal , hearing the report
that the collector at Now York was aboi
to bo replaced , called on the preslden
and nskcd if there was any basis of fac
m Iho rumors. It - * as the privilege c
the president to have told him that li
had no information on the subject t
impart , that ho dh a't desire to talk abou
the matter , or that it was no business a
the editor. But lid didn't do this. 11
informed tlic nowsp.tpet man that llct
den had not rcsl nccf , had not bee
asked to resign , nmj tlfat there was IK
a word of truth In. the tcports rcgardln
a proposed chnngOrin th * Now Yor
custom house. The editor returned t
his ollico nnd his paper appeared wit
the information he had received dlrcctl
from Iho lips of Iho president consplei
oii'Iy printed in n double leaded arllcli
It wa.s an exceedingly important matti
of general concern , anil the journal ! :
treated it ns such , warranted in so doln
by tlio word of tin * highest olllcii
authority in the natichi. But williln
few hours after the paper had given tli
information to the public on the author ! )
of the executive , an olllcinl bulletin wr
issued announcing that Mnaono had sin
cccdcd Hoildcn. There was no mistal
ing the fact Hint Mr. Cleveland had mi
represented the situation to tlio cdltc
and led him to commit the fault whic
ho charges Is general with the new
paper * . To put it plainly , the prcsldei
had deliberately and shamelessly liet
under circumstances that gave him m
the least excuse for falseliood.
Perhaps thu is not the only case tin
could bo cited to show that Mr. Clcvt
land is not incapable of falseliood , or
form of prevarication Hint has a vcr
close Kinship to it. But this is enough t
disqualify him for Hie present as a jtii
and trustworthy censor of tlic press.
TIIKUE will bo n general feeling c
relief among republicans upon hearln
that General Kuifqr has withdrawn as
candidate for congress. Keiler was
dismal failure as a congressman and
worse ono as speaker of the last rcpul
llcan house. His political retircmci
VMS well earned and should bo mail
IT may bo of inlorust lo contractors t
know that the boaru of public works :
authorized to pay ten cenU.ayard for cart
from private lots put on Douglas stret
belwecn Twentieth and Tweuty-thir
streels. In this way , if sufficient cart
can be seemed , it will grade the strcol i
a very small nosl.
Mu. AND Mit3. CI.KVILASD : have gen
to the Adirondack's , where they wi
sojourn a month. The president mcai :
to have a good timo. lie has taken li !
mother-in-law along and directed th :
no mail shall bo forwarded to him du
ing his absence.
OMAHA lias the most remarkable bas
ball club iu America. It consisls of on
player. It Hie managers would scent
eight other players , jlho club might 01
casionally win n game.
OMAHA'S increase In the bank clcai
ances last week wlO per cent over th
corresponding wcelf of last year. A
usual , Omaha leads all other cilies in th
peicentago of increase. '
NEBRASKA editors'seem to be lightnin
proof. Two of them have recently bee
struck , but still survive.
Tnr. backbone of summer remains m
A innn has invented n machine which wi
make 10,000 revolutions per second. II
ought to lind a ready sale tor it in Mexico.
The Washington Hatchet says SeuaU
AVarncr Miller's opinion of Senator Ingal
would not bo alowcd to pass through tl :
' Women drink liquor , " says a writer , "an
yet they never see snakes. " Guess yo
haven't posted yotir.sclt far enough bacl
Did you ever hear of EveV
Senator Edmunds got 518,000 into the rtv <
ana harbor bill lor the election of twocrlt
at Burlington , Yt. This Is oxtrnviiguuci
For n baby town like Burlington ono crl
would bo quite sufficient.
E tilled ns It JtORan.
San l < 'ra ctcn Mia.
The next war with Mexico seems to b
- o
And n Cowboy Poet nt That.
Iltimttton ( Caimila ) Spectator.
Kattlesnakes were nol made in vain. On
of lliein bit an American , pott tlio other daj
Can Liick .Mexico , But Not Goroiiimc
Chicago Times.
It seems to bogeneially regarded as cei
tain that wo could "lick" Mexico , yet w
don't seem to bo able to "lick" Gcronlmo.
ICasily ForRivon.
Boston Itttnrd ,
Pcihaps the public can afford to for/iv /
those 10,000 words of Tlldcn's will , sine
every word was woith about S500 to tli
aforesaid public.
- m
itiKcrsoll on Shakespeare.
Chicago Tlince ,
Colonel InRcrsoll Is going to drop his a ;
saultsou Christianity , and next season lectur
on Shakespeare. Ot course , If Mr. Ingerso :
Is consistent with his past , ho doesn't bolievi
thcio over was such a man as Shakespeare.
A Jlopolcssly Bad
Clilrttoa Xcux.
3 , Warren Kcifor has concluded that li
doesn't care about representing the eight !
Ohio district In congress. He did not com
lo Ibis conclusion , however , nnlll ho foum
uuon Investigation that the voters of the dU
trlct hail positive views on thu subject. 1
woultt repay the republican party to hlio
man to tell Kelfer every fifteen minutes tba
he is a hopelessly bad egg ,
A Hook by tlio IJrnolr.
JiiiiiMfKY/naii Clothe ,
Give mi ) a nook and a > t > nok ,
Anil lot thn proud -world spin round ;
L 't It hi-rainblo by hoqk on by enol :
For wealth or n nninn with a sound.
You are welcome to nmbloi'our ways ,
Aspiiers to place of to ulory ;
May big bdls jangle your praise ,
And golden fens blilmn'joijr Btory I
For me , let uiu tlw.ell In my nook ,
lleioby tliocurvoo : this brook.
That croons to the tulip of my book ,
Whoso melancholy \vnfts mo foiover
On the waves of irti urjaeun river.
Nebraska' '
Ponoa has labooed
Ilnrllnglou U already ( inuring on waloi
Beatrice is short of boarding house
and furnished rooms.
Callaway was swept by a brisk brcez
lust week , mllictiiig a loss ot $3,000.
Gus Koohlor. of Grand Island , has In
vested $10,000 hi an ice and lish pond.
Rainbow festivals have broken out ii
Franklin county , "Distance lends en
chantmont" to them ,
An addition 83x78 is to bo built to SI
Francis'academy in Columbus. It wli
bo built of brick and will cost 112,000.
Willis Hern , of Holvidoro , lost an index
dox linger while examining the molar
of a family horse. Olio trial convince *
The Sehuylqr Quill , an ludopcndont fl
publican weekly , is out. John 0
Sprticaui wields the business of the Quil
and proposes to take a Hvoly hand i
the corning campaign.
The camps of the graders have nnsaei
Broken Bow , nnd the residents arc prc
Daring to properly observe the cntranc
of the iron horse wlthm ten days.
Alllo Brown , n Blue Springs cyprian
"straddled tlio divide" with eight grain
of morphine The dose was too luiiel
for her crip on cnrth , aud she conclude )
to linger yet awnile.
Kd 1 hillock , n Republican City rufh'ar
persuaded his wife witli n club to dee
him her interest in a piece of property
sold it , nnd then deserted her nnd th
neighborhood. The wretch's absence i
cheap nt nny price.
The pedagogues nt a county instltut
recently wrestled with the problem c
"boxing Iho cars of the young idea.
The scarcity of timber was the prlncipa
objection to the plan. It was deeldc
tliatn rolling feM under the chin won I
answer the purpose for the coniin ,
wiulcr season.
The unsophisticated granger who carnet
not write his name is bTely : safe froi
Hie wiles of impostors and bogus not
makers in the The latest swindlin
is confined to the wealthy nnd Intel
fi. geiitcln . sof farmers who admire thei
autographs in the hands of stranger-
Well dressed "representatives of casteri
business houses" call at the farm house'
They enquire into the condition : ui
( piantily of the harvested crop , careful ! ,
note the answers , and wind up by getlin
Hie farmer's signature to the repori
This turns up in a few days in an iroi :
clad promissory note.
lown Item * .
The state n-ssocintion of hotel keeper
will meet in Sioux. City next year.
Mr. Hanna , of Columbus Junction , i
digging a well , struck a vein of liar
coal.The Third Iowa Volunteer cavalry wi' '
hold its reunion nt Bloomlleld , Soplcn :
beri.'J , 21 nnd 23.
The fourth reunion of the Thirteen ! '
Iowa infantry will bo held nt Brighton
Washington county , on the'JUth and 3JI
of September.
Lake Mannwa , nt Council Bluffs , has
Inrgo number of visitors dnllj.but th
place can never become a fashionabl
resort until a sea-serpent has been dls
covered in Its waters. Bnrnuni has then
for sale In job lots. ( .Sioux City Journal
Governor Larrabeo is in receipt of :
communicalion from a war-like rooslc
residing in the southern part of the slat
requesting the issuance of a commissioi
to pormll said warrior lo acompan ,
of volunteers to march on the halls c
the Monlc/.timas.
Polk county real estate , outside of De
Moino ? , is valued , for tax purposes , a
? 4lT4a30 ) ; DCS Moincs property fs rate' '
at $8or > 8,0)0. ! The total county ashes'
ment Is ? 17,883p01. There arc 27,8'J
head of cattle in the county , 12,50
horses , 828 mules , 3,030 sheep and 31,57
hogs , not including DCS Moines.
Politics enter into the farce of prohibi
tion raids in Carson. Nothing strouge
than soda water is found in rcpublieai
saloons , while in democratic saloon
every bottle and keg is seized and con
liseatcd. It is of first Importance to tli
thirsty eltlzen to nnko his politics knowi
when he calls for "pop. "
A sixteen-year-old girl of one of th
best families of Eldora out a queer c.ipe
recently. She strained her father'
credit to the amount of sJUO nt n dr ;
goods .store , $15 at a jeweler's , borrowei
$20 of a proccr , purchased a ticket ti
Omaha nnd started off alone to carve i
future to her liking. The man of when
-he borrowed the money "dropped to ho
racket , " followed and overtook her a
Gifford , secured his mouev aud onforeoc
her return to homo and friends.
"Our brewers are selling considernbl
less liquor to saloons , " said n Burhngtoi
man to a Hawkeye reporter , "but the'
are just about making it up among pri
vate consumers. A man who makes tin
rounds of tlio city frequently in an ofll
cial capacity stated to me that lie ha (
been oncrcd beer at ton or eleven house
on his route that morning , most of then
places txt which boor was not kept a for
months aco. I have scon frequent cxcur
sions lo the country this summer , a loai
of men , sometimes hard women will
them , and a keg or so of beer. They g (
out to some leafy dell and drink all day
Furthermore , I hoard n man nsk ono o
our brewers last Saturday to brlpg him i
four-gallon keg of beer to his house foi
Sunday. The brewer said ho cotlldn' '
do II ; that ho had already orders In foi
248 such kegs , and could hardly iupplj
them. "
Flnxsccd is worth 00 cents per bushc
at Bcrosford.
Some recent assays on the Ross-Han
nlbal ere returned over ? 300 to the ( on.
The Ute ! ! Bonnjiza w said to bo the
most promising mine in the Black Hill1
Yankton is experimenting in stone gut
ters. Cobblestones aud cement are tin
materials in use.
The now Buxton Mine company , o :
Load City , recently made a shipment o :
4,500 worth of oro.
Invitations to the several torritoria
companies have been issued for n militif
encampment , to bo held at Uinlon Au
gust 34 , 25 , 20 and 27.
A stocic company with a capital o :
$25,000 Is being formed at Watortowu
The project is to heat the city by stean
by using a plant of boilers , and also tc
light the city by electricity.
Old-timo boatmen say that the Mis
souri is lower now than before In twenty
eight years , or since 1838 , when it is a
tradition that early scttlurc ; used to ford
the river at a point near Poiiea , when
tlioro is a rock bottom.
DA territorial baseball league is stronglj
talked of.
The Pacific hotel In Clio\onno is to be
enlarged by adding n third story and tin
erection of n largo wing.
The Union I'ncific authorities nro grad
ually replacing their Chinese help in UK
coal mines with white labor.
Both Hawlinsnnd Laramlo exporst hereafter
after to obtain the greater purl 01 theii
coal supply from local mines.
It is estimated that before the season
closes more than 100,000 more cuttle will
pass through Wyoming lo Montana anil
other northwestern points.
The railroad yards at l.aramio are to
lighted by four electric lights of 2,000
candle power each. They will bo mounted
on poles thirty feet high.
OCrook county is 100 miles square , The
assessment which has jn&t been com-
pleled for 188U gives tug county a total
valuation of $3UUUf , > 10 , Of this amount
155,518 head of uent catllo are valued at
i-1601,5i3 ! , 0,7114 horses nt $100,010 , , and
0tw > sliuvpat$9l87 , Lands mill improve-
incnta are only assessed at $103,331) ) .
very . . . . .
filrango that „ ho should tower BO far above
the average of mankind He is twenty-
two years of ago and measures fix fooi
eight inches In height. Within the pust
year hn lmn grown onn-hnlf ineh , mid ex
pects to re null Iho height of seven foot.
Coal for Iho Poor ,
The bids for supplying the county wltu
coal for charitable purposes during the
coming winter , wore very close between
the Omaha Coal , ( 'oko and Lime com
pany. Havens & Co. , and JolV Bedford.
They ranged from $1.00 to $4.05 per ton.
The contract will liavn to bo awarded
upon a consideration of the merits of Iho
respective coals.
nticH Who l-'lni
Fnult With Their Pood.
Indianapolis Journal * "A hotel dlnin
room. " remarked the head waiter , "is d
place to study human nnlur" an" gi
p'lnK Animals shows wut at fcediu
time. Human animals nlu't uo 'ccption
Sometimes when do feed's goin1 'rottm
in a hotel dlnin' room , , a menagerie , 01
raw beef day , would mark second. *
wallah knows who's ' who. It'
people who haven't nnylin' ti
homo who mnko us moi
trouble. Do man what gen'ally cats 15
meals , standln' , and do woman whn
keep ? house on fo' dollahs a week mnk
do ( li-fugflty. Wo can't plcnco 'em. B
bully rajiin' do wallah they try lo male'
us believe they 'a somebody air Is use tide
do fat of do land. They is anxious li
show off to do other fedahs. They grow
nt the steak like a bull tcrrlnh nflih :
llireo days' fa l. Nothin' suits 'em Doi
wo rail-road 'cm.
"What's IhalT"
"Gives 'cm tough chuck , cold potatoes
and frce/.e-out feed gon'ally.Yhcn
was a sule-watah wid ton plates , 1 did i
job of railrondin' much admired by di
protesh. Seven at tic table was puffeel
Indies an' gen 'lemeii ; other three neve
had anything to suit 'em , Onn mo'niii
de boys held a little caucus in de dlnin'
room , an' a new vote was taken dat
should have do moral supphort of do trn
ternity in do rnilrondin' em. It carnci
unain. For fo' weeks , seven people a
that table had hot plates , po' labour
steal everything wnhiu an1 uieo. Othe :
there ? \ \ ell , do cook wa.s onto it. Kver ;
time 1 went into de kllchun there wen
three niee-brllcd chuck steaks , a buz/
saw couldn't go through , llaiiuol cake !
tough enough fo' steam packin1 , am
potatoes , ct ccltery , ' .specially cooled. A
the end of fo' ' weeks they lef do house
It was n long Missel , but 1 win. It win
consldahed the finest job of railroadm
ovah done by any of do profcah , an' di
brother-hood passed 'me a vote o
thanks. " _ _
Ailvlco to n Voiinjj Man ,
Burdetto : Don't worry , my son ; don' '
worry. Don't wor-.y about something
lhat you think may happen to-morrow
because you may die to-night , and to
morrow will lind you beyond the rcael
of worry. Don't worry over a thing tlin
happened yesterday , because yesterdai
is a hundred years awny. If you don1
believe it. just try to reach after it am
bring it back. Don't worry about nny
thine : that Is happening to-day , becnu (
to-day will only last nftecn or twenti
minutes. If you don't believe it , lei
your creditors you'll bo ready lo sottli
in full with them at sunset. Don'
worry about things you can't help
hccnuso worry only maxcs thorn worse
Don't worry about things you can help
because then there's no need to worry ,
Don't worry at all. If you want to In
penitent now and then it won't hurt yet
a bjt to go into the sackcloth and nshc ;
business a little. It will do you good. Il
you want to cry a little once in a Ion ; ;
while that isn't ' a bad thing. If you feel
like going out and clubbing yourself oc
casionally I think you ueiul a , and will
lend you a helping hand at it , and nut a
plaster on afterward. All these tiling !
will do you ood. But worry , worry
worry , fret , fret , fret why , there' . '
neither sorrow , penitence , strength , pen
mice , reformation , iiope , nor resolution
in it. It's just worry.
The Poet Scout Bitten by aSnalco.
St. Louis Republican : Captain Jack
Crawford , formerly chief of tlio scouts In
Iho Sioux and Appache campaigns , was
bitten on the back of the right hand by si
rattlesnake Sunday evening while en
route from his mines In the South Oier.i
mountains to his homo at Fort Craig
He had just killed one monster with his
whlpsloclc , and while returning to hi :
wagon a few yards distant struck nn
other with his foot , when it sprang ii |
and fastened its fangs in his hand. IU
seized the rcptilo with his loft hand and
tore it loose and .stumped it to death and
at once sucked tlio wound , extracting the
poison , which act undoubtedly saved hi ;
life. Ho then drove to Iho post , a distance
tanco of thirty miles , sufforinc Ilia mosi
intense pain. His hand and arm an
terribly swollen , and ho Is n very sink
man yet. The. physicians think ho mnj
recover. _ _
Dr. Picrco's "Pleasant Purgative Pol
lets' ' cleanse nnd purify the blood and re' '
liovo the digestive organs ,
rmyoa it too Full.
Boston Record : Simpicins cnino home
Iho other night from a long .series ol
billiard games at the club , which had
ueon intcrrfporsed with frequent visits to
the buffet in pursuit of inspiration and
loodfollowship. Wlion hfl aVrtVcd nl
homo the billinrdss wore still uppermost
lU his rnhui , hut tUo Uijfiyt , was upper
most in hi.s head mul his movements.
He opened tlio door very cautiously , in
tending to make astcalthv but bold flank
movement for the bod. Ho stumbled on
Hie threshold , however , reeled against
Lhe doorpost , and foil Hat in tlio middle
af the room. His wife jumped up with a
5tart , aroused by thu noise. "Why ,
John ! " she exclaimed ; "what is the
matter ? " l"S all right , my dear ; 's all
right , " said ho. "I carromed on the
: leer jauib for the bed , but 1 ulaycd it too
tull. "
100 DOSCH Ono Dollar.
Is inseparably connected with Hood's
Sarsaparilla , and is true of no other
medicine. It is an unanswerable argu
ment as to strength and economy , while
thousands testify lo it.s superior blood-
purifying nnd strengthening qualities. A
JotUo of Hood 'a Sarsaparilla contains 100
loses and will lastn month , while others
will average to last not over n week
Hence , for economy , use only Hood's
Bo Facia the Airy Ml ts Anxvny ,
Charlotte ( N. C. ) Observer : It hns
ilwnys been uupposd by many that
'oatlior beds were sure bulwarks against
.hiindorboh.s. A Michigan woman , how-
jvcr , who sought one of. HiobO safeguards
luring a recent blnrm , was utrlouon by
ighliiinp ! and lost her senses , her hair and
uir teeth in consequence.
Marches in the Soudan have been light-
mod l > y tno use of St. Jacob's Oil. .
The Boorot ofHennf y.
St. Stephen's ( inKettc ; Mrs. I/.ingtry
) wc. ! much of her physical charms to her
eve of physical c.verniso. The puuho
ms boon told by the ubiquitous paru-
; raihistof herexploitsof late as a trainer
> f horses , bul it is not generally known ,
boliux'o , that the Lily Is ono of thn best
ady peiloalrinna of the day. _
Parents are very often won led about
i child that sIiowS Bigifo of rtrfiopliijt nml
OK3 of appetite anil no doairo to join in
Im sports of Ihnlr playmates , It is
uxnlly se.nous enough lo require a phy ;
ilclnn , but it is plain that the child
ieids something. Il is not prudent U )
'oreo Into thu young nnd undeveloped
lystenis strong ami nauseous drugs , but
i medicine thul will aid , invigorate , en-
mm anil tlioioughly moauso the system
> y gentle liiwini is what is dusired ,
Simmons I.ivor Uvgulntor is a medlolno
> f this kind. The ohlld will not rebel
igainst taking it , because it is not un-
( loasant to the taste ; it does not compel
horn to remain indoors , nnd it dons not
pjuro or weaken the system. It can
u'foly bo administered to the youngest
ufaut , . . _ . ,
" 1 have used Simmons Liver Regula-
or in mv 'mully for eight or ten years
, nd found it the best family medicine [
ivornsed fornujthing that may happen.
-Ovid ti. Sparks , Kx Mayor of Macon ,
IVbww VITALITY II r Uln , lir ln PIIAISKP nnj
KXUAUSTKDorrowsr I'ltl..M.ViUUri.V M AST-
Hl > innr fln.I L -rfr-ot KIV ! n < ll bl cure In thn I ' V
Drll | > iM d by I'ror. KAM i lrlVlAll\uf I'lirK , b nnca.
od hy nil Fn > n li I'll J K-IAII nnd llnu nMillv miq
, ,
tlo.7A Fulton Slfett. Niw tor * .
017 St. ChnrlunNi , , St. I.onlN , Bio.
IrrfuliMtidoitoof two UeJlo IC l1tt | . b i h n laottr
D Hf.I la lh ipteM imtmMilor CK O.K , Hurovi , Sum
and HtoAD DitB4tn thin an * other I'&TiIoltn last. Loalft
Nervous Prostration , Debility , M ntal and
Physical Weakness ; Mercurial and othir AITac-
tloni ol Throat. Skin or Donci , Dlood Poltonlng ,
old Soret and ulcers , > r inuc. ! viih mptrttuiti
tuoetii , on litf.t iFltnttte rtUetplei.S relr , 1'
Dlseaios Arising trom Indlscrollon , Exceil.
Exposure or Indulgence , hiea rrodiei lomoorth.
' "i1. " * fI" " ' " " 'n. deblllldlmn. . , , or > lht
umueicetlTAnciu4rr , pltaplfioD th t&c . DbvilMldMtr.
tTcrilon totb i.clttjof ( milci. oonruiloi tl litu , W. ,
TOndorlnz Uarrlaco Improper or unhippy , ut
Mrmintotlj eortJ. r mptil < tiapi ( | > ioi thtkboli , icat
Iniftltd toTdort , rrBetoanr iddtin. Coninll lloiiH f.
! or by tn.ll fr p. tntllfd n J Jtrlcll ; c.nOJinll.t.
A Positive Written Guarantee tlren in trirrem.
Maci3 . U < dlelii ienteTitwli < ribjrUiill ieiprM4.
3001 PAOE3. FtKB PLATBB , eltnnt l h ud cut
21,829,850 .
Tanslll's ' Punch Cigars
> 7oro Bhlin > i'il durluc the past
two yours , without a ilrum-
merinouroinploy. hfoothor
lioiiBOln tliu world coil truth
fully uiftko such a nhnwliii ; .
Onn aKOut ( dealer oulyl
wntitcct in o'icli lowu.
Prnctico limited lo Diseases of the
for all foviu ? of defeetlvo
Vision. Artificial Eyed liiHortod.
No pains are
( o fnAko
these incnta can ta
P e o pIe of
arc highly
with them.
Oracnr nr MnvUotmiin iln no
cnioatl direct t o Armour .1 : Co. . C'l
Nebraska National Bank
aid up Capital . $200,000
lurplua . 30,000
I.V. . Vatcs , President.
A. E. Touzalln. Vine i'roslilnnt.
W. II. S. Hughes , Cashier
uiacoToiis :
V. V. Morse , John S. Collins ,
I.W.Ytttos , LuwihS. Keud.
A. K. Ton/uliu.
Cor 12th and Karnani SLs
i General Hanking Hiisincss Transaetcd.
Whulcfulc Muntifacturors and Ucnlari In
Sash , Doors ,
ulil'nei , Kino llnrd Woo. . I liitnilor l'liUb
Mantles , Counters , 1'etu
Jlraclsels ,
\vonii \
In Ilttllfllng Paper.
Main Olilcu mvl I'uctory utloons , lowu ,
! 3c3 fi Warerooms Cor. 12th & Izard Sts
Inton National Bank
18 UasoQic Blk , lUUJor , Cap.fty. fi i6tb
aid un Capital , - $100,000
utborl/ed Capital , - BOO.OOO
Accounts sollcltoil. Interest pal Jon tltnodo-
tsltc collootloiiDinalo In all parts of tliuwcn ,
idbnrlui ; lirovldtkl tliu larxcit ami boil vault
tlio city. n will rcouivo yitlualilo rl'oloj ' on
arutro. I'romptuttontloii will tie tlveu to ull
uliietsoalruttud to us.
Jxo. W , ItODErcii , Cuslitor.
\ Vi.vr. . MAitsii.I'rtddouU
1'oloplionoNc. SIX