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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 17, 1886)
THE ) OMAHA DAILY BEK : rUBRDAY , AUGUST 17. 1880 , WHEAT UP AND CORN DOWN , An 'Unusaal State of Affairs on Board of Trade. IT HAPPENSONTHEOPENBOARD. Tlic CcreftU Recover Their Normal I'oMtlonn nml Doth Atlvnnco Pork Again Materially High * or- The Cattle Market. CHICAGO UtlAlX MAUKI3T. ! C.-fSpcclal to the Bnr-J Tlie unusual jpectncle of an advancing wheat nnd declining corn market on the open board this morn ing , where September wheat was quoted at TT&c. about &c over Saturday's Ilzurcs. and Oeptismbcr corn at 42te , Vo off from the close on that day. The fresh receipts weic Hscars of winter and OOcarsof spring wheat , H12 cars of corn and 835 cats of oats. Tlio regular board opened September wheat at 77 > < c and corn at 43c , with a fair trade at each. The even ligurc , TSc , for September \ wheat brought out a considerable number of sellers , and the price quickly dropped to Xc , but the offerings were readily absotbed , nml values as sharply reacted to TSJ o , which was the top for the day. the clo < being Htm at 7c. The last hour's uniting was as heavy as the rest of the day put together. Corn advanced to 44@44'jc , and closed at 4k- . Just at the close Secretary Stone an nounced the Increase In corn l,141OODbu , and " the Increase In wheat 1,7-13,000 bu. As subsequent ( ,1" , quent events proved , corn opened square on thu bottom , or practically bo , for It only bold 1 l-10c under the lirst limitation of 43o. There was an almost unlimited supply of bmall ordeis on the floor , from all Imaginable quarters. Itobert Wanen aud 1'ickering wercscry heavy buyers all day. Them was comparatively little for sale , and this fact helped to stilieii the market. The receipts , though Ul'J airs to-day , are running lighter than thuctowd generally < ix ] > ectedand added Its quota of strength. The "country" ap pear * tube under corn and are Inning small lots. Tin ; opening was tirm nt 43.- , but soon became even tinner ami sailed m > ttiJ c ; then It halted a moment , eased back to 4H" < c , tookalresh grip aud bulged up to 4yjc : Here the market stood at l'JW : : o'clock. The complexion of the wheat market changed completely during the day. As quoted above , the opening was barely firm nnd the tendency wab downward , the marKet - Ket rt'eelvluif no support whatever , and prices dropping from 77 c to 77' ' c. Hut at this point orders seemed to come in mote plentifully , and a sympathetic feeling be came established between this pit and corn , putting the price of September UD to 7c. Later it eased back to 77' 'c , but alter noon advanced quite sharply to7Sc. A moderate business was done in oats and small grams at vatying discounts ftom Sat urday , rjo and barley falling oil further than oats and ail tanging dull. i'ork was a prime favorite , and under light offerings and restricted leceipts of live hogs , advanced substantially i5c ! ] > er barrel. Less inteiest centered In lard and meals , but the whole ll t was firm and Mime higher. ON Cuitii , bid ; puts , corn , 4iJ ! c CHICAGO tilVB STOCIC CHICAOO , August 1C. [ Special Telegram the the UKK. | CATTLE The market was strong for all desirable kinds of cattle and ptices were5@IOc higher than late transac tions of last week. The movement was rather active and salesmen felt that the week's maiket was opening favorably for them. Some cattle sold at 84.M ) averaging less than 1,200 pounds , but some 1,100 round steers sold Saturday at S4.75. Four cars of lr.29 pound steers sold to on exporter at 55.10. Prices were generally 25c higher than one week ago to-tlay. Shippers bought more cattle last week than In any week but one during the year , and to-day they were not buying quite so freely. The cattle , however , were all sold. Shipping steers , Oil ) to 1,500 pounds , Si.bO@r : .lO. llange cattle offerings to-day weie moderate and the demand fairly good. Only two lots of Wyoming rangers were here. They were comparatively thin and sold at S3.50s.GO. ( : ! The W.50 lot , all but two cars of the tops , go Into a distillery. The S3.00 lot sold the other day at Omaha. Values werustiong and in some cases prices were quoted lOc higher. Tlio receipts ot Texas cattle were about li,000 head , agaiubt00 ; ) last Monday. HOOK The market was rattier slow and prices uneven , especially at the opening. There was a good demand for common light. In some instances sales wete made at a slight advance , but in a general way there was little or no change as compared with Satnidny. Fair to good corn-fed mixed sold at S4.wfe-l.P5 , and best heavy at S5.XX35.10 ( , with one lot nt S5.17K ; light corn-fed yorkers - ers , 54.bOCu4.tW , and grassy stock of tame average at ? MOO4.CO. FINANCIAL. -ttrvr roHc. August 1C. MONRT On call easy , ranging from 1 to C percent. I'llIMK .M.UIIOANTILH 1'A.PUlt 4@5 per cent. STEIH.IXO EXCHAXOK Fairly active hut weak : actual rates S4.82 for sixty day bills and S-I.K'i f for demand. GovniiNJtENTs Governments were dull but steady. STOCKS To-day's Block market was ex tremely dull , especially after the lirst hour. First prices showed insignificant changes only from Saturday evening's close , and they were about evenly divided between gains and losses. After midday there was no activity except In Lackawamm and St. 1'au ] , which nmdo Uirllier declines. The general list however , showed some slight improvement In prices during thu afternoon , but the mar ket closed heavy at or near the lowest figures reached. l reached.STOCKS ON WALL STUCBT. ? y cent bonds. . 1000. . & X. W . . . lll'il preferred. 142J , ' New 4's isojf N. Y. 0 100K 1'acilloG'Hof .G , iSOHlOrcL'on Tran. Central Pacific. , 4H I'acilic Mall. . O it A ' ' 1' . I ) . & K prrferrcd' . , . . 160 P. P. C C. R A:0 Hock Island. . , . 1) . L. ArVV D.&II.O preferred. . Erie ! . , M. AStP. . Eriepreferred. . . . preferred. . 121 Illinois Central , SUP. A-0 L , U. itW 10 preferred. . . Kansas it Texas. Texas Pacific. . . LakoShoru Union Pacific. . . 55 W.StL. & P. . Mich. Central. . . 70 preferred. . . llo. Pacific 103 Western Union. . . .Not them 1'ac. . . 27K O..K.&N 105,4 preferred. . . m IMIUUUOH MAKICET. Chloaco. Anctist 10. KJotir Sloady and unclmnced ; winter wlieat Hour , 34.053 4.lOBuitlu'rnsu : ( : > Of4.00WlsconslnS4.W4.1 ; ; Mlchljran soft bprlni : wheat , 53,50@4.10 : sacks. Wheat Fairly active and unsettled , clos ing KC above Saturday's closing : cash , 7C xe ; SejiteintK-r , 77 15-16c ; October , 7715-lCc. Corn talriy active , and after weaker openings , on account of rains advanced lo Unrlov UtillatCOc , Klax-se l & 1.13. - Pork Fairly active ; declined 2X@Vs , ad- TJiiCfit 2 > c. clnsliiK lirui at ouU > lde lieu res ; cash. IV . .fta'J. ! < . < & : September , Stt.OTKiiifl.70 ; October , gan 'guea 1/anl Demand better ; advanced 10J7Jfc , udclo.'Jcit at top ; cash , 67.80i27.32K ; Sep tember. IT.S5 ; October , SO.bS. liultc Meats -Shoulders , I5.7.Vafl,00 , : short clear , S5 txv.jafij ; short ribs , S0.17 @ < i.20. lltittcr Una ; creamery , 1020c ; dairy , WftlSo. Cheese Flnr. ; choice fulloi earn Cheddars , Se ; Oats. 7KSSc ( ; youutf Americas , 6 ® bl'e ; skims. Sisoc. KL'tt-S lliiles Uroen salted , fully cured. Bet lleht , 4 c ; damaged , 7c ; bull hides , 5 > { c ; drv fattrd ll fJs ; dry Olnf , \ & 3ecalf \ sklnd. HWlQ'Vo ; rtoaronn , Wo ) pooh , Tallow o , 1 country , SHp ; No , B , Oc , Flour , bbts . 10T w in.i-aJ - \Vhent , ba. . RiiXW Sf.ODO Coni , OU. . . . . , , . 883,000 407.POO U tPOU . . . . SliOOO IK',000 ' Hvp.on. . . . . . . . . . . . . O.OOT None u ncro\i . . . . . rs.'KO Now Yoik , AuiuM tft.-P 'hwlrllOcepts ! , 450,000 ; cxnorts , 1S4.0MJ pot tcftdy : ootlohs oponort Xtitlf hteher , Inter declined \ < 8\c. ftftPt wards atlvaticlne . ' SSc , closlncwitll filleht react ion. Unprndcd rel. 81@fl c : tin- prnded red. c. f. and 1 , , v.i sy ; ; > o. S rwl , KisrU'c ; No. 1 red , w c ; No. 2 red. I7v s ; > c. In elevator , sr jW-ksl < o drllv- crc-d , S7 } , o t. o. Vt. : September closed at Coniwi \ , \\enk nnd < ltill ; ontlons opened ti fliade lo or. later advanced : ( ) ' < r nnd closed lirm ; lore ipts.r.s.003 ; exports , ; uncmilwl , 50rrr.l'c' ( No. ' . ' . M'jioiD'Je dcliv- cirdj SctitrniDcr cloed at MVc. Oats Shade lower nnd dull : receipts lf,2. COO ; exports 1W : ; mlted western , 3X ? 'Cc ; white western. 8 ; ( ! 4 < e. J'ctrolcum StMiiv ; I'ttitfd closed nt OO. c. 1'ork Stcndy nnu ntiiet , l rd SfSf ) points lilchcr and Inltly nctUv : western stcntn , spot , 87.30 , closed at $ " .8655 7VJ1 , lUittcr Ftrm nnd unchnncc'l. e Quiet nnd stronper : western flat , KSRS Strntly ; v.-estcrn frcsli , Clncinnntl , Axigust 1C. Wheat Firm ; No. 2 red , 7iytfc. Corn Steady ; Xo. 2 mixed , 42J < c. Oats-Firm ; No. 2 , SSUOfSSWc. Kye Quiet ; Xo. 2 , KJjjc. Pork-liill nt0.2 - > . l.nrd Stronc nnd lilchcr nt SC.OO. AVhls-ky Active and tirm : snips , 14S3 bbls of finished Koocts on n basis of St.OS , Mlltv.inkcc. AiiEUst --Wlirnt Flrtnpr ; cAsli. 7Cc : September , 77\c ; October , TVJ c. Corn Easier : No , 2 , 42 c , O. ts DitlUXo. 2 , 2fiJ < c. llvc-Qtilet ; No. 1.00 ? . Barley Lower ; No. 2 , COc. j'rovi ilons Firm ; moss potk , Septem- bc-r. SO 02 f ; October , SflLri . Mlnncnpolls , Atictist 10. Wheat dull ; Xo. 1 hard , cash , 7."c ; September. TJl c ; Ortolx-r , 74c ; No. 2 nonlicrn , cash , O'Jc ; Soi > - tembcr , 0'J > < c ; October. 71 ; new crop , for cash or September. 2c below icdiilar. Flour Steady : pateiitsS4.2r > ( < i4.50 ; bskers , STS Uccelpts Wheat , 10.1,400 bushels ; Hour , 12.1 bat rels. Shipments Wheat , 2.1,300 bushels ; Hour , 2.1 000 barrels. hi stoiu Wheat , 2,239,557 bushels ; at St. Paul , .YiCOO , bubhcK 8t. Iioulo. Aucnst JR. Wheat Closed above Saturday ; No. 2 cash , 77ij7bc ( ; SL-J- tember , 7hJW7 ! > Jfc , Corn Higher ; Xo. 2 mixed cash , 4c ! ) ; September , -iOJfc. Oats Quiet ; cnsli , 25c ; September , 27 e. Rvc Dull at Me. Whlskv Sl.0.1. Pork Easier atS10.25. J ard Nominal at S0.50. Huttcr Stendvand unchnnced ; creamery , 12@20c ; dally , 10@16. Toledo , August 10. Wheat Active and linn ; cash , SOc. Corn Steady ; cash , 43c. Oats Steady ; cash , 2sc. Liverpool , Aucust 10. Wheat In poor demand ; new No. 2 winter , firm at OsOXd ; spring , firm at Cs 7d. Flour In poor demand ; dull atSs. Corn In less demand ; spot nnd Aucust , dull at 4s SJ < d ; September , steady at 4s 3Kd ; October , steady at 4s 4'-sfd. New Orleans , August 1C. Oats- Quiet nnd weak : choice western , 8GXS37C , Cornmcal Easier at Si.iW. Corn Dull , weak aud lower at faffi-Mc. Hoc Products Firmer and higher ; not quoted. Pork-S10.50. Lnrd lloHncd. tierce , SO.S7K < ffr.50. Bulk Meats Shoulders , S5.87& ; lone clear and clear ribs , SG.37J $ @ < ' . .10. Knusnn City , August 1C. Wheat- Weaker ; No. 2 red cash , G5c bid ; September , G1 ? < e ; October. C7J c asked. Corn Stronger ; Xo. 2 , cash , S4c ; Sep tember , S4J c ; October , 35&c Oats-Steady at 271 0. LIVE STOCK. Clilcaco , Aticust 10. The Drover's Jour nal rcpoits as follows : Cattle Receipts. 7,500 ; .ictlve nndSraiOc higher ; shipping steers. S3.fc0g5.10 ; stockers and feeder-- . S2.40@a.r > 0 : cows , bulls mid mixed. Sl.tiO@3.GO ; bulk , S2.4C@2..K ) ; tlirotich Texas cattle a shade hlcher nt 8iM@l.b5 ) ; western rangers tirm : natives and half breeds. S3.25g4.40 ( ; cows , 32.70(33.23 ( ; win- tcrod Texans , S3.00@-4.00 : COS thin Wvoming , 11C9 Ibs , S3.M ; 20r tfiln. 11C-J Ihs , SXCO ; Hoes KecPipts. 10,000 ; shade lower ; rouch nnd mixed , S4.00@4.75 ; packing nnd ship ping. S4.75t35.17J ; light , S3.80 ( < 4.M ; skips , S2..W@3.75. Sheen Receipts. 3,000 ; stendv ; natives , S50@l.S5 ; western , S3.25@3.CO ; Texans , S1.75if3.00 ( ; lambs , § 4.00S5.00. ( St. Louis. Awrust 10. Cattle Receipts , 2,000 ; shipments , MK ) ; fairly active nnd prices n shade lower ; coed to clioico shipping , S4.5@4.bO ' ; commom to fair , 3.7.r.4.35 ; hutchers' Fleers , 53.2.1(54.10 ( ; cows and heif ers , S2.25@3.50 ; Texas and Indians , S2.2.1 ® 3.75. 3.75.Hogs Piccelpts , 1,200 ; shipments , none : strong ; good hoes lOc higher : butchers and best heavy. 54.OftJJ5.20 ; mixed packing , S4.50ftl.5 ( ; llcht , $4.004.5iO. Kansas City. August 10. Cattle Kfi- celpts , 1,400 : ship icnt " uCr.c ! ZStlY0 for good quality good to"cholce , S4T50'1.CO" ; common to medium , S3.40 3.10 ; stockcrs , S2.30@2.75 ; feeders. S2.80Q3.iX ) ; cows,8I.0 @i75 ; grass range steers , 32.30(32,60. ( Hogs Hocelpts , 2000 ; shipments. 5 > 0 ; choice tirm ; others steady ; coed to choice , S4.W4.'J5 ) ; common to medium , S4.MXg4.75 ; skiiis and pigs , S2.75@-4.40. CM AH A Li IV 13 STOCK. Jfonday Evening. August JO. GENERAI/ The cattle market the past week 1ms averaged very dull nnd weak. The receipts have been very light , only 2,000 for the wot'k. While prices here have been low , they have been fully up to other markets. The run of range cattle has commenced nnd n more active market Is anticipated. The receipts of liozs have been much lighter the past neck than during the week previous , there being only 5100 hogs In last week. The maiket closed on Saturday about 20c stronger than the opening price on Monday. The light re ceipts have had a tendency to force prices up. Cattle The receipts ol range cattle yester day and to-day were heavier than on any previous day of the season. The market was more active. Values continue steady. Hogs The receipts of hot's have fallen off verv suddenly , and there were not enough in to make a market to-day. The demand is good and the packers are unable to get enough to keep them going. Sheep No demand. Cattle. . 1700 I1OUS XJU * ( * t * * * * * * * * * * t * Horses . . . . . . . . . 100 Prevailing Prices. Showing the prevailing prices paid for live stock on this market. Choice feteers. IJttO to 1SOO Ibs . § 4.20(34.85 ( Choice sUHirs , 1100 to ! S031bs. . 3.75MU5 Medium bteers , 1250 to 13.10 Ibs. . . 3.7.W4 00 Fjit little steer * . 1050 to 1150 Ibi . . . . fl.fi5ga.W tJood feeders , too to 1000 Ibs . S.oo < ari.35 : ( ! oed to choice eorn-f ed cows . 2.9oo3.25 ( Fair to medium gra scows . 2.032.ns ( Jood to choice bulls . 1.50 2.f > 0 hlght and medium nogs. . 4.SOOH..r > 0 ( iood to choice heavy nogs. . . 4.60$4.70 ( Oood to choice mixed ho-s . 4.35 4.55 Fair to good shorn sheep . 2.00 3.50 Representative Bale * . 6TEUKS. No. Av. Pr. 05 . 1211 83.75.COWS COWS , No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 27 . 803 S2.30 5 . bsJ 52.65 IIOOS. No. Av. Shit. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr. T3 , . . 313 120 84.GO 70. . . .243 W 84,70 71. , . 243 103 S1.60. THHOW OUTS. No. Av. Shfc , Pr. No. Av. ShU , Pr , io.ita w noo. Shlptncnta. Showing the number of cars of lire itock shipped out of the yards during Uieday : CATTLE. No. Cars. lit Dest 23 . C. B. AQ . . . . . . . .Chicago. &e . , . .N. W. . Chicago of Prloca. Showing the hlehest and lowest prices paid formlxedloadiof hoson thU market airIng - Ing the past seven days , with corporative values : July. August. Monday Wh. . . 4Oi < 4. & 4.45 to.M Tuesday. lOUt. 4,43 S4.06 rertn.Mu'ftv.lJ , 4f)7Mi ) , < H Stinday.lain. , 4 , < < 1 CfH < X ] * . $ CM.f'f ' rhiivv * liitiKi 4fo , c4,7o 4.M ) Li4tk , o : ) @tM 4,0.1 ( S-a L- - " 4.0 ? jftiJ tlie number of fAlllA.ios ? fin Hiwil by flic ip ainB b y rt ttu lo-dn-'o tnnl-ljftt , CATTI.K. 0. H. Itnmmmut ACe . , . , , . 4M ) Harris < .V FlehPf , , .1,1 , , ti , , , mil , iinin , 27 lions , H. H , llfimiiioni ) Co. . . , , , . , , , , , . , . . . , , . JU2 n ( slnrk Hi tht timlcd Mi tuailc porc t. live weicht unless otherwise stated. Urnil hos ell at J < c per Ib for nil weights. "Skins , " or hoes woUhlnz les tlian 10'J Ibs novalnp. Procnant sows nro docScd 40 Ib3 and n s M Ibs _ Notes , A coed deinnnd for lies . Not hoes enough in lo maVc n innrkci , The heaviest cattle receipts of the season. Ora Hnley , llawlins lud fifteen cars of cattlp in to-day. lv. M. fiallop , Kmprcon , la , , was n visitor nt the j-ards to-day. The Osnllala cattle wpro sold nt private terms no price beinir K\CII. ! The PineTrco LUnstrck company. I.nrn- mlp. had six loads of hordes in. Alter it Glover , (5rand ( Island , wcto In with lib Sirnd of corn-fed entile. The Carter Cattle Co. . Orancor. wore on the market ulth liftcun loads of cattle. Tlio pa t has been n remarkably f > tcndy week in the ci'tietnl cattle mnrki-1. The War Honnet Cattle Co. . Soda Springs , hnd tiflcon loads ot cnttlc nt the yntd . Solid corn-fed hess are in good demand , and air selling much better than last year. The JJ.iy Stale Live stock cnmpanv had four cattle at the yatds shipped from Brown- son , On the market with hoes : C. F. Wvan fU , MilfoidA. : .1. Williams , Tnmora ; Black i Jorjenson. Mlmlen. During tbp last three years hoes have sold hither in Januarv , February and Mnrcli than in Scpti'iiibcr. Di overs' Journal. Mr. Hancock , of thollrm of Keenan it llau- cock , livestock commission dealers of Chicago cage , wis at the yaids tn-Uay looking niter the linn's branch liouse hero , ThcOgallala Land and Cattle company had twentv-twornrsof cnttle nt the vaids tonlav. They sold 810 hnnd to G. 11. llnm- ' niuiiil & Co. , 200 head being natives. There's a good time coming In the stock business' , but it is not for tliosewhonre easily discouraged and lack grit to tike n fair pro portion of bitter with the sweet Drovers Jouinnl. It Is one of the most short sighted things that n salesman can do to refuse to report lus sales. If any one Is determined to hnd out the teims of a sale he can most always suc ceed by some means or other. When a sales man attempts to keep n sale prlvnle It ulwavs produces sttpicon ! in the mindsof others that thpie Is something wrong. The more openly business Is conducted , the more conlideuco shippers will have in the tnaikct. and noth ing will injure the market more than an un due sectecy in the transaction of business. OMAHA WHOL.KSAL.B . MARK liTS General Produce , Monday Even Ini ; , August 1C. T7ic/oIIott'li ) { ; prices < irc for round lots of produce , as sold on tlic inurKct to-day. Tltc quotation * on fruits represent the prices at u'liidi nuUtde orders arcflllcd. Enos The market is weak ntOSflJ c , I > LTTKU Table butter is very tcarce nnd in btrong mniest. Lower grades are moie pluntilul again nnd n good deal of them can bu placed at better ptices now , but cannot be relied upon. Ci earner } ' , choice , 20c ; choice dairy , ii@15c : ; fair to good dairj , 10@llc ; in ferior gtades. 4'o.Cc. CHKKSI : Fancy full cieatn chcddais , 8 > ic ; fancy lull cream liats , two In box , I'c ' ; fancy full cream Young Americas , toiirin box , i'Xc ' ; fancy Swiss , 12 > i@H , ( : : brick , 12c ; Limbunr , lie. lie.Poui.TnY Although receipts have fallen off considerably , It has still been Impossible to work off the overtook that hnd accumu lated ln t ween , and sales ate itlll diauglnt ; at this samp low prices. Spring chickens not going above S2.00 perdoren and below that il small , and old chickens S2.U52.50. Ducks also continue slow at 32.2.VSJ.50. ( lASiK AVlth next month the sea = on will open. Tlieie Is alteady some demand for prairie chickens , but the weather has been too hot to ship with safety from any distance ONIONS Southern , perbbl , 53 BO. POTATOES Choice soutlicin , per bush , 40@ 4.5c ; home grown , : ! 0 40c. SwKijr I'OTATOKS Iowa home grown are in the market and selling at 5c per ID. CKI.EIIV Kalamazoo. per doz. 40j. UEAXS Hardlv any coming in now. De mand lair at S1.25@1.0U per bushel , for clean stock. CAMFOUXIA FIH'ITS Pear * , per bo\ , SifXXti-i.vl : plums , per box , 51,50 ; prunes , per box , SI. .10 ; peaclicb. per box , 52.00Sy.25 ( ; gtapcs , per crate , § 2.00. At'1'i.ES Choice eating , perbb ] , S2.50 ( < j2.75 ; choice eatinc , assorted , 5 bbl lot * . , 5j'i.25 ; do , 10 bbl lots , S2.00JW.25. CAi.troiiNiA OII.VNOUS St. Jlichels , per lxx , SC50 ; Mediterranean sweets , per box. SOW ) . LESIONS The lemon market continues firm. Hecelpts In New York for the next four weeks are going to be exceedinglv light and there are no prospects of any decline lor some time to cpinp. Faucy , per box , S10 00 : BANANAS The market Is well supplied with line bright fruit , and prices rule low. Best shipping stock , per bunch , 52 00@3 00. BKIIIUIS : 'lucre is very little stock in the market suitable for reshlpment. BANANAS Choice Llmon , per bunch , S'-.50 @ 3.00. SOUTHERN GRATES A lew southern grapes have arrived in the market ; 10 Ib. boxes. 51. 00@1.25. COCOANUTS Cocoanuts , per 100 , § 5.00 ; less than hundred , per 100. S5.5Q. UONKV California , ir * ; California , strained. lOc ; Nebraska , choice , 14@15c ; Ne braska , dark , 12X@lSc. MAI-I.I : Sviit'r Bulk , 14 to 17 gallon Kegs , per gal , 81.00 ; iral cans , per gal , 81.03 ; half gal cans per gal , Sl.lO. New i'ork , per bbl , S7.00 ; do. naif bbl , 84.00 ; Crab , perdozqts , 82.75 ; Michigan relined. per bbl. fcfi.oo. ViNEoxn White wine , ISffl'nc ' ; cider , 13 @ 17c ; single stienuth , 13c ; triple stiength , Fios AND DATES Figs , layer , 4 lb boxes , perlb. Hie , Dates , fancy faid , 12 lb boxes , I4o : dates , Perbian. 60 lb boxes , per ID , lOc. JSUTS Pecans , large polished , lie ; pecans , medium , DC ; English walnuts , He ; almonds , Tarragona. 20c ; almonds , Lnngucdoc , 17c : lirnzlls , 12c ; filberts , 14c ; peanuts , hand picked , fancy Virginia , BJ 'c ; peanuts , hand picked choice Virginia , 7Xcpe.inuts ; , roasted , Co extra ner lb. MAPL.K SUOAII Hricks , strictly pure , 60 lb boxes , perlb , 16c ; lu-lb tin nails , strictly uure , per lb , 14c ; 5-lb bricks , 24-lb boxes , per Pin's FEET , TRIPE , ETC. Pigs' feet , per K bbl , 84.00 ; do , } { bbl. 5W.OO ; do , per kit , OOc. Lambs' tongues. j > er * t bbl. 5125 ; do , per kit. 82.60 ; do , quart jars , per doz , S5.25 ; do , pint Jars , per case , 5 dozen , S6.75 , Tripe , per K bbl , 54.00 ; do , per X bbl , 52.00 ; do , per kit , PROVISIONS Ham , sugar cured , 14c ; boneless ham , 60-lb boxes , 12)c ) ; picnic ham , HKc ; breakfast bacon , sugar cured , fc ; shoulders , 7c ; clearsluebacon , 6c ; dry salt sides , 7 < c ; dried beef-hams I5@i0c ; dried beef , regular , 12c ; lard , 40-lb cans ( Fair banks ) , % c ; 10 , a and 3-lb palls , no , 7 ® B C 'FLOUR AKD MirxsTurrs Winter wheat quality natent.fibO ; second quality , C3.40a-2.6U ( ; best Quality spring wheat Hour , patent , 82,76 ; bren , 60o per cwt ; chopped feed , GOc per cwt : white corn meal , 75c ; yel low corn meal , 65o per cwt ; screening , flOc percwt : hominy , Sl.50 per cwt ; shorts , .Vie percwt ; graham , 1.75 ; bay , in bales , § 7.003 7.50 per ton. GRAIN Corn , S5c ; old oats , 2Sc ; new oats , 20S35C ; rye , S5c ; wheat , 60c. General Markets. "WOOL Medium , 17@20c per lb ; fine heavy , 12 < 3l5e ; llgbt , 14@17c ; coarse , 12@l5c ; burry Tiool. 2@5c off. LIATHEK Prime slaughter sole leather , 32c ; prine oak sole leather , Unjier leather , per foot , 20\3jTic : hem. kip , 75&tS5o ; oak kip , asOO-ic ; French kin , Si.oOM L80 ; hem. calf , S1.00@1.10 ; oak calf , $1.00 ® 1.25 ; French calf , S Las ® 1.85 ; Morocco boot leg , S0 < 3 2c ; Morocco oil pebble , 2S ® 2c ; top- plaeti and linings , 66.00310,00 per dot * UEA.VT liAitiJWAiiE iron , rate. 82.25 ; low steal special cast , 4o ; cruclb lesteel , Co ; cast tools do , 12v < ; 18c : wagon spokes' per sat , fl.75aiOO ( ; hubs , per set , 81.25 : felloes , e ned drr , 51.40 ; tongues , eacft , 75c : axles , e&cb , 75c : square nuts , per lb. 7@uccoU ; cliaiu , per lb , 0@l2c ; malleable , 6 601 Iron wedges. 6e : crowbars , 60 ; harrow tfceth,4c ; spring steel , 7@Sc ; Burden's horbesnocs , 81.40 ; Burden's mule shoti , 81.40 , Barbed f * in MrB > pt , 4.09 pfriw bi. mnl Nails , fates , 1" 10 < V > , KJ Ml flteljmils , g2.W | siioi pi.osi . uncjiMioii ei < 5 : of , e t i pOWdPh KPE. fcl.VJi Ufi ( liftlf tlo , diiMlef hes RKX ) : Wa. tin tu pcrlo ( ftJLftiUa. ( . . . . 1-AIK-f IS Uii Winteat ) , ( IniMifli ft i i * , 'c ! White lead , St. l oui.s , p tire , S7.75 ; Mat * elllcs groeii. 1 to i la ftrt * , 2 ! French zlild creen epal , iCe { French Z'tiC ' ed seal , lie ; French In varnish ' . " French zinc. ast , "Oc ; zinc , 75c ; vcrmlllion. Amencnn. lf ; Indian red. lOc ; ro e pink , lip ; Venetian ml , COOK * ? on s , % \c : \ cnetian red , American , l > 4c ; red lead , 7 Vc ; chrome yellow , genuine , 2t > c : chrome vpllow , K. I2c : ochre , rochele , ! V ; r > clire. 1-rench , 24p ; oclirc , American , l c ; Winter's mineral , 'JUc : Lehl hbronn , Q r ; pntil li brown. 8Soi I'rlnce's mineral. 2c. Din I'Aix'.a Whitp lend. f < oFienc ur.i nc 2c : Paris whiting. a.V : whitlnigliders' , % c ; whitlnir , com'l , i' < e. lampblack , ( ier- ninuttown. lie ; lampblauk , ordinary. So ; Prussian blup , . ' > . > etiitraiiinrine : , lsc\anlyke ; , brown , sc : umber , btitnt , 4c ; umber , raw , 10 ; sienna , burnt. 4c' sienna , raw , 4c : Paris prcpu. cpintini' . f. farts creen. common. ssJe : elirouu1 gn'cn , > . Y. . 20c ; chrome green , K , 12c ; vermlllion , Knclish , In oil 70o ; raw nnd burnt umber , l lb cans. I2c : raw and burnt sienna. I'lr : vatuljke- , brown , l.'Je ; re- llnod lampMack. I'Jc ; coach black nnd nory black. 1ft1 ; drop blacfe. ific : Pru ilnn blue , 4 ( > o ; ullrnmarineb'ue ' , I8c ; chrome green , L. , M. iV D. . lOc : blind nnd shutter UTITII , L. . M. A D. , 1 < V ; I'aris ereon , IS ; ; Indian red. l&c ; Venetian red. w : Tuscan. 22c ; American vermillion. L. & D. , 20c : yellow ochre , He ; L. M. iV O. D. , tea : good ochre , ICc : patent tlrvcr , t < ; graining color , llclit oak , dark oak , \\lnnut , chestnut nnd ash , I2c. Diiff.sANn fJt MirAi.s Acid , carbolic , ! c : acid , tartar ! ? , .We ; balsam copaiba , per tl , , 4. " c ; bark , sassafras , per lb. lOc : calomel , per lb TSc : chtnchonUiin , iieroz , 40c ; chioto- form , per lb , 20 c ; DOUT'I i > o\\dcis , per tl > , 81.23 ; cpsom salK per Ib , Hi c ; glvcerme , pure , per lb. ISs : lead , acetalo. i > er lli. 20c ; oil , castor. No. 1 , per gal. , Sl.50 : oil , castor , No. 2 , per gnl. , S1.40 : oil. oll\e.per gal..S1.40 ; Poiorlirannunt , 5)c ) : opium SXiK ) ; quinine , I. .it W. and K. AS. . , per o70ii ; iwtasslum Iodide , per lb , SaOO : sallcln. per oz , 40o ; sul phatcmorphlnf * , pot oz. 52..VI ; sulphur , per lb. 4c : strychnine , veroz , Sl.0. ! ! \ ARNISIIKS Barrels , per gallon : Furni ture , extra , Sl.lO : furniture , No. LSI. 00 ; coach extra , S1.40 ; coach , No. 1 , Sl.'O ; Da- mar , extra , SI. " . * ! ; Japan , ; 0c ; a phaltum. extra , 5Sc ; shellac , 83.50 ; hard oil finish , spirit1SS proof , Sl.lO ; do 101 proot. 81.11 : spirits , second ouality. 101 proof , Sl.lO : do 1SS proof. Sl.lO. Alco- hnl. 188 proof , 82.OJ jier wine gallon. Hcdis- tllled whiskies , 81.00dil..ri9. ) Gin. blended , Sl.'iO2.00 ; Kpnttieli/ bourbons S2.00fti .00 ; Kentucky nnriPciinoylvanla ryes , $2.00@G..VO ; ( iolden Sheaf bourbon and r\e whl-kles , P1.50i < J' ' > .Oil. BKituUes , Imported , So.OO A.X ) ; domestic. F1.SO@3.00. ( iins , imported , 84 M ( fl.OO ; domt tic , 1.2Vni.oo. : Champasncs , Imjiorted , per rasp. S'-'S.X34.00 ( ) ; American , per case , Sl CJfocers' Iist. PicKi.r.s .Medium , In IID | , S5.f > 0 ; do In half bbls , S3.00 ; small , in bbls. 80.00 ; do in halt bbls , S3.50 : gherkins , In bbls , 87.00 ; do in half bbls , S 1.00 CANDY Mixed , m aiCc ; stick , Stftao e , CUACKKRS ( iarnuau's .soda , butter and picnic , 5 c ; cicams , bjc ) ; giugt-r snaps , cltv so < la. 7" " < c. STARCH ilirror gloss , l Ib , ; Ml CO'FPEESOrdinarvgra'aes. . 10JfSllc ( : fair , nfJilcprinic.ll ( ; * < iaiSc : choice. l-JiQiiajc ; fancy green and voliow , WK@Mie : old gov- Cap. Sfi.50 : Dome. SS.Vj ; Washboard. 83.10. ATCiir.'i 1'ef eadic ( | , 2Sc ; round , per cat.e. Sl.OO ; square i is ; , 81.70 ; mule squat e , No.70v4-piiion icegs , Sl.O.j ; New Orleans , ! ! SJMCc ( per callon ; Maple Syrup. X barrel , strictly pure , 7l per gallon ; 1 gallon cans , S9.2T per dqz. ; H' gallon cans , S3.2o per doz : Qtinit cnns , fi.00. : ! Diiir.n Fr.riTSNo 1 quarter npples , S ijt 4c ; In e\aporated boxes , JJ ) < ® 0\obaclcber- : ] ri 1 -boxes 1 , i GWK ; .peaches . , eastern , 4 riS S'iC peaches , cvapjiratcd , ! 5 } QJ'17c ' ; tsalt ] > ako none in market ; raspberries , new , 19 currants , 7KGs7Kc ; prunes , new , 4 % OODS Oysters , standard , per awberries , 21b per ca e. 82.50 ; per case , .40@2. o. , . @ 2.10:2 : lb corn beef , per doz. 31.70JJiOO. ( JCOPK-K iuch,9ic ; & inch , lO c ; H Inch , StTCAR1 ; i'owdercd , 7Kc ; cut loaf , 7J e ; granulated. I0s c ; contectionc-rs' A , 6' < c ; standard extra C , ftKtefic ; extra C , 5 fg5 ( c ; medium yellow , 5.i < 5j5'loC. CANDLES Boxes , 40 lb Os , 95fc ; 6s , 9J/c ; boxes , 40 ib , 1C oz , Os lOc ; halt box 20 Ib , Fish. Smoked halibut , lOKc ; new scaled lier- a - nEllllINGS. IMl'OKTEU K1SH. . Drls Hf Illils Q'rllbls Palls or Kits JJKW FISH. 00 | 1W U , 60 W I 12 10 Norwegian KKKHer'ngs 14 , X,7 ) , 690 803 808 10 . . . . 1 04 00 Eels 18 000 MS CO4 80380 . . . . 1 23 1 10 Holland Herrings , new. 85 I.AKK Iff Dlils Qr Hblsl" Ids KEW FJSIt. 103 DO | GO 40 I 1 10 No.MVhlto FiBh 'Too ' fi 40 3 SOIL' 70 "ft ; Family White Fish. . . 3 00 , 2 70,1 , 70 1 60 fil No. 1 trout 1 110,3 , 00,2 , 601 W 00 No. 1 Pickerel I 3 UOI a 7011 Kl ) ! TO 60 SALMON. Drr DIUENSIONB AM ) TIMBERS. 3 ftl4 l8 l8 rtstffl ft24 ft 2x4 ' 15.5015 ) 15.60,15.60 , 18.60 17.60 18.SO SlO 15.03 16.1IOri.0015.0UlU.OOl , | , .OOin.K ) 'x .Ji rioii.lwjij.Mjjri.wia6oi9.ioJifl.K | ; ) Sxi2. ! . ' . " ! ' isiiuAi569ififio ! ' ) ! ! ! ! ifiiijoliu' . ' ) ' . to 4x4-8x8. , 15.6ol5.60il5.6ul6.0ulO | ! ! W117 MlltiJX ) IFlC.tptNU. No. 1l & 0 Inch , ia aijd 14 ft. , rough. . . 17.03 No. 2 , 4 & flinch , 12 nnil 14 ft. rouiih. . . 14.23 No. 2 , 4 & 0 inch , 18 It. roush . 15.50 blll.VOLHS , LATH. XX clear . I' . . , . ; . S3. 10 ExtraA * . A. . * . 2.VJ * AStandard. , t , . , , ; . 2,70 C-lnch clear . . 1.70 No. l . , . i. : Lath . . , , . . ; . . 2.45 1st com. , la. 14 antl 16 It . 21.50 2d " " . "i . 20.00 3d " " f " . . 1D.CO Fence " J " . 11.00 1,1 MR , KTC. UfcTJi Quincy white llnus ( Ifst . $0,80 Cement ( Akron- ) . , . l.M ) Jialr . 0.85 Plaster . , . 2.75 Tarred felt , percwt . , . 2.05 Straw board . , . 1.G5 FLOODING. A 6 Inch , white nine . S"A03 JJOlnch , " ' . S4.00 C Cinch , " . 29.00 DCluch , " " . 20.50 E fl Inch , " " . 17,50 STOCK IIOAHD6. A 12 Inch , 8.1s. 12 , 14 and 16 ft . 845.50 O 12 Inch , " " " . S6.JO No. 1 Com. 12 In. , a. 1 s. 12 , 14 and 10 it 17.75 No. 8 " " 12. 14 and 16 ft. 15.75 . 1st and Ua , dear , l } r inch , s. 3 a . , S51.00 Sd , clear , Ik' Inch , B. SB . , . . S4U.OO A select , iff , IK and 2 Inch , s. 2 s , . . . . 842.00 B select , Itf. Itf and 2 Inch , s. 3 g. . . , . 333.00 lit and 2d , clear , 1 inch , s. 2s . S50.UO 8d , clear , 1 Inch , s. 2 s . . . S45.00 A satect , l Inch , B. 2 s . Ssa.oo B stlecM Inch , a. 2 a . gtf.OO Bndges-jJteam rile Ufiving " "RAYMOND ACAMri'SM ' * Fh > ilP fJ &M QontM'lor * . flrges , Roof fr $ , Sfeara Pile Driving Iron Comblnntlrtrt and flotfd Trim IlrldRo.t , 1'illnr and Oixk Timber. J5tb fl. ( near Pnrrmtn , Telephone Xc7.Hj Cigars and Tobacco , 'i.m. . . c . < > > . ra. MAX MEYER A CO. , Jobbers of Clears , Tobaccos , Guns and Ammunition. in to S23So\ith llth Street , liKdto 1O4 ! Karunra Street , Oronlm. Xob. FAtTonr. WEST &yillTSCISR. ! Manufacturers of Pine Cigars , And \Vh'ilMnlf > IV aler 111 I.cnf TnbncwiU Xoi. IW nml IIUX. Utli Street , Omnlm , Nib. . uocKer/ . S AA t A A.A * * - ' - . . for the Manufacturers and Importer * , Crockery , Glassware , Chimno > , Ktc. Office. 317 South ttlb Stn > ct.Omnh , Neb. _ OTST GOOimiCH & CO AX-tills for F. A. WliltncjCnrrinje Co. I Children's Carriages , And Jewott'8 Celebrated IlcrnpcrnfjrJ. Ben orprioo 1HU. 14ti F. rn m St. , Omnhn. Cornices. Eagle Cornice Works , .lohn Hpcnctcr.Proprietor. Mntnifnrturor of (5n ) mil-til Iron mult ornlro. tti ) Dodtc midlUl nnil 100 NorlU 101 h Street , Omnlm , Nob. Mt'EMPINO * IlOt/TR , Mnnufncturc-sof Ot-nnmrntM Galvanized iron Cornices , Dormer Windows , rtnul , ntc.10 R. 12lh Ft. Workdono in any put i ol tliocoimtry. Western Cornice Works , C. SPECHT. Proprietor. tlnlrnnlJtnl Iron Cornice0 , Hta Ppooiit' Im- tiitm-U 1'iitent Metallic Skylight , Ms and MUS. 12th St. . Omnlm. Net. Doors , Sash , Etc. YhTGate City Pitting Kill. Doors , Fn h and llliids. Alw > nil Und . of tumlng- . Scroll and Stair Ttork of every df > - tcription. Manufacturer imdDcalpr In Doors , Sasb , Blinds , Mouldings , Etc , Btair ItHlla n specialty. Telcpbono No. Hi _ JSth and MnrerStS..Oinubu , Neb. Electrical Supplies. L. W. WOLFE Jc CO. , Electricians , Electrical Supplies , . Oruuha. Burglar Alarms , Bolls , Hro Alurnid , Jf'ectrio Matting , SpcaUinir Tubes , Iron Works. PAXTOX & VIBKUNG IKON WORKS Wrought and Cast Iron Building Work ton Stairs , Hiillinz , Rolled Iluums and Girder * Steam Engines. ltras Work , General Foundry Uacblupand Blacksmith Work. Offlo * anil Works , U. I' . Hy. and S 17th st. iron a ; d Nails. OMAHA NAIL U STFACTUIIING CO , Cut Hails and Spikes , rire Null" ! n SK ; ; inltr. Omaba , Neb. Safes. Omaha Safe Works , 0. ANDHKRN. Manufacturer of nro and IliirRln : Proof Sifes. Vault Doors , Jail Work. Shutters and Wire Work. Cor. 14th and Jackson Sts. , Omaha , Neb. Wagons and Carria ei. Established 1S5S. A. \ SIMl'SON. The Leading Carriage Factory , Hit ) and Ull Dod o Street , Omaha , Nob. Commlnloni Etc. u. BURKE & SONS , Live Stock Commissisa Goo. Burke , Manager. Union Stock Vurds , S. Omaha. Tolo.jhcno fiSS Union Stock Yards Company , OF OMAHA. ! Limited. John f. Bord , Superintendent , SAVAGE & GllEEN , Hie Stock Commission Merchants. Shipments of any and all kinds of stock solicit I ud. Union bu ck Yards , Omaha , Nob. LlJmEer , Efc. ' LOUIS BRADFORD , Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , , Doors , Ktc. Yards Cor. 7th and Douglas , Cor. 9th and Douglu. BOHN MANUFACTD1UNO CO , . Hanufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds , Moulding , Stair Work nnd Interior Hard Wood 1'lnlsh. Jiibt opened. N K. cor. 8th and Lvavon- trortb Streuts , Onmha , Neb. CHICAGO LUMBER COMPANY , Wholesale Lumber , tH & 14th Street , Omaha , Neb. F. Colpetzcr , Manager. a N. DIETZ ; Lumber , 38th and California Streets , Omaha , Neb. FKED W. GllAY , Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc. Cor. Ctb atid Douglas Streets , Oiuaha , Vtb , GEO. A. HOAGLAND Wholesale Dealer in Lumber , Omaha , Nebraska. " " CHAR It. LEE , Hardwood Lumber , Wnrcn Stock , Fancy Woods , Drldgtj Tlmbei-s , &c. , A. W. Cor. lull and Uuin.'lmjOinaia ! , Nub. Q. P. LYMAN , Sash Doors Blinds Dealer in , , , Buildlwr Paper , Etc. Pouth I3llt Street , C332ja. Flih.Etc.- Surccfisors to Iclicn Flcmsscn It C& . Wliolesale Fish Dealers , ! laportcTB of rorelR-n Fish , Kos. 911-913 Jonci tsr-.fitwn nud C. V , Truck. OmahiuHon. . . . Ccnfectionerv. F. P. FAT & CO. , Manufacturing" Confectioners , Jobbeisof Frults.Nuts and CUau. 1211 Farnum St , OuiahaJfeb. Lime , Cement , Etc. J. J. JOHNSON AT CO. , Maaufactaters of hliajlj Wil'.e iV m3 , And Shippers of Coal and Coke , Cement , Plas ter , Mme , Hair , Fire Uriel : , Drain , Tile and Sewer llpo. Office , Pazton betel , tclopbono bil , Farnam Btrtct.Omab , Nebraska. Job Printing. KEE3 PIUNTl O CO. , Job Printers , Book Binders , Agricultural molcmrnt t. \VholcP-.o Dealer ; Jo Agricultural Implements , Wagons nnd UupfTios , Omnlin Kcb. "CHVKCIIILIPAllKElC AgrlcaKnral Implements , l nueploj. .If nc ft. , Ixst. ttu ftnJ Kith , Omaha , Nob. Boots and Shoes. * * * * . . . . . . . . - * * * vr. v. MOI K & co. , Jobbers of Boots and Slices , JOl Fnrnnm Ptroc t. Omaha , Nrb. > lnn\i factory , Summer Street. Iloston , Carpets. P. A. OHCHATID. Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths , Curtain Oood" . . liSD rarnato Street. Oiuaha , IS'cK Cosl , Limo , Hf. _ _ .TKFr W. HEni'OliP , Coal Coke , Limo and Stono. Ottco.IlSS. Hlhrt. , OmMia , Kt-b. Y rJg , "Uj nnJ lp.-cnHirt | Strtct * . _ Shippers of Coal and Colie , .11 S. 13tb St. , Orannn , Nob. Grr > . C , TOWI.K , Trcsldnnf. Gro. rATrr.R : os , Sec. and Trcus. 5.11. llfi.urnT , F. A. , I'roprlrtor. l\nnscr. ! Kcbraska Coal and Lime Company , OMAHA. NE1IUASKA. OiBrp , I'lJS. IStli Street. Telephone W. _ Gio. 1' . I.AnAon , PK" , C P. CootivAv.V. ? PrcaL J. A. Sustir.uiJiND Sec. nnd Trwis. Omaha Co& ; , Coke and Lime Company , Jobbers of Uard and 'ott coal , Mi S. il'tU ' St. . OMAIIA COAh AND PllUnUCB CO. Hard and Soft Coal ors In Boulder Colorado CoaJ.IlT Louth lltii Etrtct. Catfec aid S ices. _ _ _ TfATKS. COLE & MILKST Home Coffea and Spies HlllJ HTg Co. Coircu ItoiiplpiB und Splco nrlidvr < i. rnntia fnctnrcrsof Itciklnp Powder , Flavoring Kxtract- ? niulnp , etc. Tryon * CRSO of our Mb pockniro Hoinoniend Uonetod Coloe. 1C01 HouardSt , Cmntm. Noli. Omaha Coffee and Spice Mills. TCR . retires , Spices. linking iwdor Flavoring Uitinolo , ijHiiHlrr lllun luk , etc. liU-10 ney Street , Omaha , Neb. Commission , Etc. _ _ DIIANCII & CO. , Wholesale Fralts , Produce , Oysters , J121 Funium Pt.Ora lio. Apples Our own | . ck- r 1'lntt & < * . ) . Tiircr llr.ind Oysters , Uuttor. pj , Gninu , 1'oultry , 1'otntoos. JOHNF. FLACK , General Commission Merchant , Produce , Provision" , Frultf , Plournnd Kwxl , 105 5. 14th St. , Otnnhii , Neb. CoiibifUluents sollciU-U. Itetnrns nmtlo urorautlv- K. JIcDONAhU. COMMISSION HERCHAHT. 815 12th Street , Omu'-.a , Neb. Specialties : But. tor. U nn , and Chlcnuns- _ IviEDEMAN & CO i " Produce Commission Merchants. Poultry , Butter , Onme. Fruits , Hie. 220 S. 1UU tit. , WESTERFIELD BROS. , General Commission Merchants , 14(01)cilKcSreot ( ) ! , Oinahn. Netniiska. Conelgn- mcnts solicited. w. E Storage and Commission Merchant Si'cctALTtts CliecM ) , llutter Kgeg , Poultry nnd G me. 113 S. UtU. , Omalia , Neb. Tele- pbouo No. IDj. IDj.WKEKfT MlTTTA 111) , Storage and Commission Mortals. Foro.nn and UoiuoHI. ' Krults a spoclilty . Kl- cgant fctnnijo fnclllties Warehouse and offlco , Itl NortU I'Jlh bt , Telopliono Tib. D. A. H Commission and Jobbing , Butter , Ea nnd 1'rodueo. A full line of Slono- varo. Contisnments boheltcd. HM liodiro SL , Onmliu. Buyers of Butter and Eggs. Itolrlperntorand I'nekinplIoiifo.Ktli fcLfnvea TvoitJi St. , on U. I' . 1U U. Trnck , Omohu. Nob. Established 187P. RongHT pyuvis , General Commission , SllB. lltt Bt- , Omaha , Neb. Specialties Butter _ Eggs , Poultry and Onmo. * ' 1'EYCKE Commission Merchants , Fnilta , Preduco end Provisions , Omnha , Neb GRIFFITH & THOMAS , SucccEEors to ISIHQ Grill ! tli. Commission Merchants And wholes ilu dealora In co intry produce. fruits butter. oT s.eta Goo'lsoni-onslirnmont a specialty. ICO N.Ctb SU , OmaUa. KIRSCHBUAUN & SONS , Buctessors to A. P. Snbnak. ! Produce Commission Merchants. No. S13 South nth Street. Omaha , Noh. Dry Goads. GiNsiinita & co. , ' 'Wholesale Pealeraln Dry Goods Notions , Hosiery , , Linens , J-nccs , Enl broidery and White Goods. * . 1CI20 Ucuulas Street , Owulw , Nub. White Lead , CARTER WHITE LEAD CO. , Strictly Pare White Lead 0th Stand U , P. Ity. OmaUa , Harness , Etc , WELTV & LANDKOCK , Manufacturers and Jobbers of Harness , Saddles , Saddlery Hardware , Turf Goods , Blankets and Hobos. 1421 Furnam _ _ 5re ! < ' ' Omaha , Neb. _ Mattresses. _ " "E. M. nuiao , Mattress Company , Mamjfncturinjr Jlnttretses , lioddlnp , Teatbor 1'lIIowii , Cole , Ktc : . IxVJ uiid l"u.-i Doujflas tJtioet. Omaba.Ntb. Overalls , Manufactarers of Overalls , ' 1103 andl' 4 Dourlu ha , KcU. Beer , M. KEATING , Agent for Anheuser-Basli Brewing &ss'n Spoelul brundi : i'aiut Budn ei cr and Krlanfcr. mm JOBBERS' DIRECTOR OMAHA Lv MtlKH CV ) , DwOcrt In All Kim's of Building Material at Waolesalo , 1Mb 6tt , - < et and i n.ou I'ac fl' Track. Omaha OKHMAN n. WYATT. Wlolesalfl Dealer in Lumber , fflh nnd l nrJ Ptr N > t ! , Omah.t , Nobraskx , > J. A. WAKKHKLD. , Wholesale Lninber Lath , , Shingle , RuiUlnp ropCM , P.v b , Door * . . nilndi , MouU | ( tr.s , Hckotn , yen' , l.tmp , riaxtcr , Hft J Cement. Nlmn ixna Jonw.OiKnlm Mclv. , Millinery , ( Jmportcr * nnd Jobbers of KOllnery and Notions , _ _ _ Musrcnl Instruments , "EDIIOLM & Wholesalers of Musical Instruments. Plelnwny Plnno , Wcl > cr , Poekrr. Halnps mvl BripirB llnnoi * . l'crr.i\l Ortfutm , CUnw ) 101 nnd 1O ) 1Mb giroot. FurnitLTc , Etc. CIIAIU.ES SHFVERIOK Fnrnitnre Mirrors , Beddlnj , Dpholstery , Etc , , ISM , 1303 nnJ 111) Fnrnnm 8tiec ( Oman " " " " " DEWEY A STONT Wholesale Dealers in Fumitory Fnninm Street , Omnhn , Neb. Groceries. E. U. CHAPMAN A : CO. . Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigar ? , IVtmcco and Smokers' Articles ) , 1217 Howard St. MEYEU & HAAVKB Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas , Pplctt , Cipars anil Tobntvo * . 1317 and 1319 Doojp las Street , Oaialta , Neb. uccoitn , nnADV & COMPANT , Wholesale Grocers , Ocrncr 10th nnd Farnam Stn ets.Otnahn , Neb. " PAXTON , GAU.AGHKU & CO. . Wholesala Groceries and Provisions , Koe. 705 , 707,7tf ) and 711 8.10th Su , Omahu , Ncn. Hardware. TV. J. BIlOATClt. Hardware Iron Steel. Heavy , , . , f ' ! ipon Stoek , HardHcod Lumber , ofck law and 1211 llarncy MrocOmahu , Nob. EDNEY I : QinilON7 Wholcsale.lron , Steel , Wagon And Carrlaro ; W * ' 1 Stock. Heavy Hardware Etc. 1217 utid Uti cavoiwortli Street , Oiualia , Nvb. HlMRDAVQIf &TAYL01 * , Builders' Hardware , ilochnnlcs' Tools and Buffalo Scales. lus Street , Omnlm , Neb. I.KE , FRIED & CO. , Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tinware , Sheet Iron , Etc. Ajrcntp for llono Scales uwt Miami 1'owdor Co. , Omaha Neb. MILTON KOGEItS & SONS , Stoves , Ranges , Furnaces , Tiles , Mantlcii , Grates , Urns * Roods. iai ; nnd 12i ! Fir * nam Street. i IlECTOIt & WIMlflWIY CO. , ffholesale Hardware and Hails , Emerson Steel Nails. Cor. 10th aud llarncy Streets , Omsha , Nitb. Harvesters. WM. DKKKINO A : CO. , CHICAQO , Manufrxturcr of the Deering Harvester Goods , "Frlt to Win. > I. Lorimcr , General Omaha. Tc'cphono 010. Iron Pipe , Etc. A. L. STR-iNG COMPANY , ' Pumps , Pipe and Engines. , Water , Hallway and Milling Supplies , Eta' ' VM , 1""J nnd IC4 Farnam St. Oiuaha , Neb. 1 PUMP co. , Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings , Btoam mid Water Supplies. Hea.l < ] uarters tnf Mast 1'oost Co.'s Uoods. 1111 Vurnam fatreot , Oiuaha , Neb. ( Jewelry. EDHOLM i KKICKSON , Wholesale Jewelers. Dealers In Silverware , Diamond ? , Watches , ClockF. Jewelcrb' Tonli and MateriaH , Etc. , 1UI ana 103,15th Street , Cor. Dodgu , Omaha , Nob. , | Nct'ons ' , E'c. A V1NYAHD & SCHNEIDER. Jobbers HI HotionsHosierj , & Gents'Ft rnlshing Goods 100 [ and 10)3 Farnam St. , Omaha.Neb J. T. Robinson Hoiion uorapaiij , * 403 and 405 S. 10th St. , Omaha , Neb. 1 Wholesale Uealera In Notions and Gents' Tup. nlsliiiiK Goods. i Oils , Etc. * CONSOMDATED TANK LINE CQ. , Wholesale Dealers in Oils , ' ' OaEOllne , Mlcu Axle OroiiKi , Etc. A. H. Bishop , Manager , Omaha , Nub. Pork Packing. JAMES E. I1OYD , Pork Packer and Shipper , Omaha , Nebraska , HAnms & FISHEH , i Packers and Provision Dealers , J Dfllrc , Union Market , 1517 DodtreStrent. 1'achln * lioufce , U , P. It. H.Tiack , Omaha , Nob. Telu- pUoneNo. 157. _ _ _ _ _ Safes and Locks. J " " " "n P. BOYEH & CO. Agents for Hall's Safe & Lock Co.s1 i Flro and BurKlar Proof fiafes.Timo I/jcksVa < ilt4 and Jail work. Itttt 1'arnuiu btteot , Omalia , Null Seeds. J , EVANS , Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Seeds. iVirrlciiltiiral , Vi'iretaWo , Etc , Odd I'Hloww' Hall. N. W. Cor. Htli ui l Dodifo St . , Omaha , Neb. Drugs , Etc. THE ( JOODMAN Wholesale Druggist' , And Detler in Paints , Oils and Window _ Oiuaha , Meb. , _ _ W'n-s. L' ' uors , "tc. J1.KK & CO. , Distillers and Importers of Y/incs / Ami I.kjuors. Bolo inunuriicturcrs of Ktnnc ly'l KaM India Hitlers , ma Jliiruuy Ktri'tt , Oiu .no , i.KU.v. . Eucccssor to McNAMAi , Impoitort unU l > fiierlii : Wines , Liquors and Cigars. ill mill tin 8. Htli St. , Oiimba , N'ub. notions , t\C. ' L. iHANDIKS & 50.V , Wholesale Job Lots , J > rr Goods , Notions , Gents' Furnishing ; flpr > .l , Goods f rom New York. Tnulo snkilailr. . u ) > nn ( ' 08 South latb St. . Omtibtt. _ Flour anj/eed. - WJ. WELSH AN3 i : CO , Wholesale Flow , Feed and Grala , llauufacturcreor W. J. Vi'tltUnna i ; Cii.'i Qitlei UaltlnLlluckwlieat flour unJ proprlctorHUiualui Uty illll , cor. ttu uud I'sruam Strcuu , Ucauaa ,