Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 17, 1886, Page 2, Image 2

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'Pit i f'lfl' '
That lUv. ( I , Cl. 11 ml ( look
HUTU Ilvmi Arrant * ! ,
IIMK ( Ilinrtiiitnt'i
' iiirtflMiiitl llfviilonmmiH tit llnml
Aliltill Of ( lie I'Hftiiiinrri * ltn
Urn Jury.
An ItMiHirltiiil Onpftirn.
htni I m , Ift.itnnit Ift.-'ISiii'clid Teli
iic.l < i III" \ \ ff.Mm \ Htv wm anal
I In 0,1 n niton tlniti nf iiiiiiminl nxcllotum
" . iii'iinliiK by Ihn inpoil Unit tin1 HIM
l > 01 1 nf Idiv. llHildink Imil liooii runlurci
I 'y ' Miixlinl Mlmnley ami < 'lilcf of I'olli
* 1 < luii HI IK Hi I'nU" . Dnk. , Siiliirdny la
niid HiliMled Irt.i nii'li near there iiiiinu
luliii KniKitlid I'hnrli'iS'idlerlltiK ' \ M Ix-h
n'i iiiiij lici'1 In llio iniiidfr , Tlio otflccrn a
thi'd iii'Mi fidin Ml. I'mil ' o.trly . thin motnli
Wlllillii'lt ' pi honor * , being nii'tafow milt
niiltli nf tlin iilty by .Mityor ( 'lelnml and
aqlirtd n ( ( Millennium Upon arilvln
IHIIO HID pil-mni'in wetu taken '
n prlvittn Imiun nnd Kimrrted tint
llmlr i iniiiliiittloti by llio coroner's jur
Julin Klliu In wull kiinwn hero , as ho h :
tii'i'ii n rmhli'iil or tlin city noveial yearn. I
Inn beiiti employed In vnrloiis IIOUROA of pro
litiitlnn n * it iniinlelnii ) and for a tlnio wim
iiHlMi'liin at Li'iivltl'n ' theater , Ho Is ahoi
Ui'iily ulidil > i'iiIN ot nun nnd a chronic but
I'lwilci Wnllnrllin ? him been a close compa
Ion of KliiK for HOIIIO time , and has b (
hniiirlnic iiiniind divert nnd low reports of tl
nlty , l\erjlliliit ; ( wail < oil | M quiet asira
( dlilnhy llioolllcm * diirlnx the day , and tl
jiiililh * wnnhi'ld ' In HiiNpi'iinu. It Is know
iiowe\rr \ , I Iml Iho two prisoners have bui
hh'iilllliidhy ' iliilin llynn UN tint men ho sa
with Leavlll lli'itr tlio nceno of the tniirdu
It wnn for ( Ids rceHim they were nnuuht f
and luoiiHlil hick , Luavltt , the varlo
linili , idclplii'd to-day , havn
i it hill nf Hftln Inr Ids | itoicrty | to a pnr
hero. IIU wlii'ieiihoitlH U Hllll known , ho' '
ever , to llio pollt'e , and ho will notcsonp
but ho Inoiinlit Imi'lc nt thu proper time. Tl
Honi'iiil ' oilnlon | In tlmt KliiK ID Iho niiiii wl
filed ( ho Mhot Hint cnn > cd the death oC tl
llnv.l lmldNl ( ! < , nnd ( lint Wallcrllnir Is tlm in :
ni'nn ' with him. Another parly Implicated
niii ) < | M'fledly left thu elty la
liltjlil , liu he K njmtled nnd will not I
allowed In ( Willie. It Is further learned co
ccrnllitt Kliut and UnllerlliiK tlmt they we
eiiniji'i'HMl ' ' with it conspliiioy to waj-lt
\SulKer , Iho Mitruonl * lllulTs wllne
III lh wliliky en eH , Their Implicntli
III ( bin | ilnl iiinl pienenco near the areno
llu'iiiniilerliidlciites Httiumly that the tv
inmi Who tM'to eiinnirned In the dastaid
mid iMUMiidly murder havj lieen nt In
rnilttht. Dr. U'lillennan , reached tl
pllv lo-duy mid KTotivi'iH'il the jury. It
hcllnU'd ' llint with llio Iniormntlon that Kb
and walletlltii ! enti | ivc , tlin whole mystc
will hodenrrd tin and a verdict i cached ve
Komii , irilHliimld ho clearly dumonstiati
( lint llm iluht ini'ii have been cniiKht thcio
iiolelllnu Imw fur. pnlillc liidlniiiitlon in :
Rd. Tlmelly him huun feverish with exclt
iiiotit all day ,
In Favor ol' Hull.
la. , August 10. [ Special Tel
i la Iho llr.i : . ] The Leo county dent
Cfnllo convention hold More to-day In.stmcti
lid dnleKntes In ( ho congressional convcntlo
to viihJ ami unit for Iho nomination of Co :
KM'Miimn H , L. Hall This Indicates th
Hull will undoubtedly ho lonomlnated by a
dfilimtloii , as tint only opposition to I :
fenred WHH hero In Leo county , where tli
nlii'lciit ilvuhy hi'tweiiti ICcokuU nnd DM
Ilimeiin , tin ) hitter Hull's homo , has not ci
thi'ly itlHnnpcared ,
Hy the ( Jlark Ijitiv.
i UAIMIIU , hi. . Auiiiist 10. [ spccl
to llio Ilni : . | Tlio Hist complali
for Violation nf the amended Pharmacy la
wan nirnlint .lolin X. Ayius , driiRulijt. To-d :
ho plead Ridlty to nulling to mlnnraand liabl
iml ilrtinknrd * , live eountn In all. The jiul ;
lU'c'litrt'd ' bin plmrnmulat llconse forfeited ai
lined him tW ) braide1 * . Ayres had llasrant
Vloliiled thu law , Imvlnckopt what wascalh
a drug store rmhion , and his conviction shov
n ili-loiinliintlon to up that kind whci
over found.
Duittiitn : , la. , Auaust 10. [ Special Tel
Btntntntlio Hf.i.J : Senator Allison , asacsst
by liihitiiio ) | county S' on moneys an
cri'dlK nwioalH to the chrult coint on tl
{ 'round thai ho wan a resident ofYnaliln
ton fruin .luntmry 1 to August 1.
Itliiuolti Tnlcoit n Uncle Beat For I < cai
onwortli Othnr Oitiitos.
I.IVCof.N , Nob. , Anguit 10.-f8peclal Tel
entiu to Iho UKK.J The Lincoln clab , undi
llio exhilaration occatloncd by their Umal
KIIIIIU , fell cnny vlctlnm to the Iicavunwortl
-lo-d.iy. tlin tnttcr winning by n score of 5 to
The following Is the Pcoro by Inning * :
Uiirolo , . . . . . . . . . .I ( ) ooooooo-
l.ea\un\vorlh..n ooioioop-
. , OrillJIJ OAMU8.
OIllcilKit. . . . . . . . 00030000-
HiinmH City. . , . .U OOOUOLOl
. I'ltflicrs riyiin and Weldman. First ha ;
llllB ( MilcaxoO. KatKita CltyS. Krrors-Uli
inen n Kntuni city o. Uinpho Pierce.
> VsMillltoll..l ( 0100003-
Niw York , . o oooooioi-
, I'llclii'ti * Welch nnd .Show. 1'lrst bai
hit * Sew Vorkr , Wnshlngton 10. Krrors
Niuvork \yasliiiiKton 1. UniDlro V\s \
Uvtrolt n -
ht , l/otiu .01 i o o o o a o i-
. I'ltcla-rn ' llahlwln anil Klrliy. KlrHt lm <
illsIH'tiiilt 2 , Bt. Louis . Hrrors-Dctro
2 , HLIidiiMV. L inplro Powers.
. AT liun vti.i.i :
irfinlnlllo . . 'J o o 4 t o n o i-
llnUlmorn . 009100040-
I'ltflicrs-Kllniy. Itamsoy nnd llooke
IhM lilts l inlsvllle 10. ILiltlmoru PA K
tor * Lonlavlllo a , llaltlinoro 8. Umplro-
ATHT. Louis
SI. Louis . . , . . .1
UriMiklyn. . . . . . .000000 1 10 *
I'llrlioM Cnruthera anil 1'orter. Umpire-
. AT lriiir.AiiEi.i'iiiA
, KIHOII | , . . , . . o onioooio-
I'ltllrtdolpbm . 1 0000001 'Z
l'ltj < lmtn--r"ergU3on nnd Htunimoyer. Fir
Jjasii hits - lliwton 0. 1'lillndolilila | 6. lirro
UoHtuu ll.riillmleljihln 7. Umpire GUI
Boy *
lliicrn at llio HprlmcM ,
, HAIIATOOA , f , Y. , August 10. Attendam
good and truck good.
Mile. Pal Sheedy won , Llttlo 3famlo se
uild Santa Anita Hello third. Tlnm 1.41.
For ntalden Itto-y ear olds IVP ! furlongs
Itomp won , ilohoney second , Coral thin
M ' unit 500 jards Lueky U. won , Ult
I'.uttriii ' Bi'foud. Orlando third. Tlmo 'J.13
Mi , n unit rurlouir.unison won. Jiw Mitel
! ' ! < i -iid. Tony FoHttr third. Tlmo a.00
* < ii i pie i-luiie , oneandonu-lmlf milus-l ) |
\ \ OIIMj title SCCOIUl , Joe
The Ilenuli ICnocs.
lli.loiiTox llBArn , August 10.Mile -
( \Uhout won , Kuiit second , Itello U. Uiln
1' rse , iiiile-LIHIeJilnclnvon , Haltledoi
xt'ud , Mentor third. Tlmo 1.45 ,
8f llltig purne , men-eighth mile Dellla
on , WiKMJlloMor second , Manitoba thin
I'tirjy , for two-yoar olds , thre-fourth roll
* -'l lirlltlmM won , Suitor second , 1'ouimedc
W hd. Time 1 ' X Cortlttcateft paid STATS
. .I ur f , ono and onel l htU mlle 1'ilot woi
Illek > t- , iluhsum third , Tlnuv
1 5S i
} ! " "ojof all ges , ono anil one-sbleenl
' * \alt v ktitw won , Tteasurcr secom
* iUi third.
Mtinleroii't Holnu * In tlio Slcrrn in <
run Miiuninlnt.
TnMtnTtfsi : , Arlr. . . August 1C. News w
rwnlved tlili ovenlng froln Hauta UosaCa
Jon , In Sotifirn , that Indians had jumped
mining cntnp killing lolin Thompson , M
llnluhor , Tim O'ltrlon , and Floyd McM
lion and woandlnt ; two othci
( Illdalmlvlin'S from Sonera annonnco tli
tlin Aiwehoi killed a vaipier named Mann
llnhleft , Lnen | > ranclic , .Montczunm dl
Irict. ' 1 hey nfternaids attacked I'alomn
rntich nnd drove n fnmtly olT and < teen aft
the I ndlaiis atlneked the tMIn of S.iu Mooh
which WRH coming from Soyopn. killed 11 *
ti'nmslers ' nnd forty-live mules and woiindi
forty mules more. ' 1 bey nlso kllli
I'.dwnid lloms , near Tocolota rancli
twenty meli from Minus I'rlftas , thirty lie
Sun .lose do 1'lnmsnml thirty Irom Mont
7iima have'one ( In nursidt of tlio Indian
who have conn towards tint I'njnrlto moil
Inlim. I'hN shows that all llio Ap.tchcs 1
Hniiom are not corralled by Lawton In tl
Sierra Madias.
l-'lvo Men nnd Hoys Killed by n Ilolli
AHin.A\tWls. ) , August 10. Tldsmornli
this city was startled by a torrldc o.xploslo
which was illioovcicd to h.xvo been occ
Bloncd by the bursting of a holler In the en
penU'i ohop of 1'crlnler & Webster. Tl
IwilltT-hoiiSH was utterly demolished and 11
men and hoys Instixntly killed and tv
wounded , viWillie : P. Perl tver and Ati
I'ciinlur , sonsot the bonlor member of t !
linn ; Joseph McLaughlln , torotnan of tl
shop ; O. V. Johnson , wood tnrncr ; AURII
Olson , workman , killed. 1'clson Peso , foi
man of the working crew , was slight
wimnded In the les and B. V , Hr
luy xovoruly. Ho Is now in the hosplfc
with a fair show to lecovur. The terrible n
ehlent Imscnst n gloom over the entire clt
The cause of the explosion was a l.ick
water In the ooller. Saturday the bollur w
blown elf and pumped up alter cleaiiln
The usual Hie was built this morning , win
U was found tlmt thu Injector would n
work. While trying to llio It theexplosli
obcurred. McLaia'hn , tlio foreman , leaves
\vlfo and llinie Hiuall children. Jobnsi
leaves a wife and child. Steps have bci
taken toiullcvo their Immediate wants , . Ti
tlow ) falls with terrible ellcct upon Mr. ai
Mis. Perlnor , who aio In poor health. Tl
IOSH will toot up about Slf.COO. August ( ) ls <
was recently from Kau Ulalic. where ho h
a brother. Ills body will be taken thcio f
A Few Civil Sorvlco
AVAsmxuTOJf , Augtibt 16. Upon the t
vice of lite civil icrvico commission Pie
dent Cleveland has amended Aillclo X
the civil service rules as follows :
Hide X. All applications for regular coi
pcUtlvoamiimiloiis for admission to t
classlllcd civil service must bo nmdo <
blank forms to ho prescribed
the eoiumihslun. Hequusts for blai
lorms of apIlcatlon | ) for compctlti
examination for. iilinlsslon to the clns.slh
civil service and all regular apillcations ) f
such examinations shall be made.
1. Kor the cla sliieil department , civil si
vice "To the United States civil scrvl
commission at Washington. "
'J. If for the classlllcd customs sc
vice "To the civil service boa
of examined for customs"
( iNamo of the district in which the neisi
dcslrlim to be examined wishes to cuter t
custom house. )
if. If for the classified postal service " '
the civil scivlco board of examiners. ( Nil !
of the postotllco nt which the person destrii
to bo examined wishes to outer the postal si
vice. )
Reports of Ilcnvy Stormw.
ST. PAW , August 10 , From various Ml
ncsota and JJakota points reports she
that llio storms of Sunday afternoon ai
nlBht wore unusually severe. At Fargo the
Is a minor that a cyclone visited Brccke
ridse , Minn. , with disastrous results to 11
and property , but the wires are down ai
thu. report cannot bo verified * A cyclone w
seen at Albert Lea but too high to 00 dance
A Nebraska 1'ostiimstcr Appoints
WASHINGTON , Aunust 10. [ Special Tel
cram to the BEI : . ] Ephrlatn Brown was t
day appointed postmaster at Little , lie
county , vice B. F. Cleveland resigned.
Damaged Ijy Fire.
> } r.w YOHIC , August 10. The two ni
three-story brick buildings , 204 to 310 EIlz
beth stceet , usc < l bv the Brush Electric liig
company as a lighting station were damagi
by lire to-night to the extent of 5100,000.
Death of a Baron.
I3KHi.iy , August 10. Count Adolf Decki
Klngolhclrn la dead. Ilo was eighty years
aijo. _ _
Not Wanted Very Bad.
LONDON , August 10. General Booth of tl
salvation army goes to America In Octobe
Case County Caiullilatoa.
PLATTS.MOUTH , Neb. , August 10. [ Co
rcspondenco of the BEE. ] Candidat
for the various offices in Cass county ai
appearing on the surface. As the Va
Wyck and antiVan.Vyck factions ai
pretty evenly divided , candidates are e
tremoly careful in expressing their iml
viilual preferen cos. For the state sena
Ex-Senator K. H. Windhoim and Pros
cutiiiR Attorney J. 1 $ . Strode arc undo
stood "to bo in tlin hands of the
friends , " while for the lower house near
every precinct has from ono to three wl
are willing to sacrifice tlioir own fee
ings and accept nominations. Tlio count
attornoyship la another prize bnin
looked1 after by J. H. Hahloman , c
Weopin"Vater , Allen Uccson and Byre
Ularlf , of Plattamoulh , At the mectin
of the republican central committee hoi
at Weeping Water , the 14th , the primi
ncs were called for September llth nu
the county convention the 18th.
llavcrly'a minstrels to-night.
"Frank King , a crazy man from tl
hlkhorn precinct , wag placed in tl
county jail yesterday.
J , Goodman was arrested yostordn
evening charged with the larceny of tw
razors from the barber shop of J. A
Park , at the comer of Eighth and Le :
von worth ,
County Auditor Clausen. Treasure
Pluuior and Supervisor Underwood , (
Council lilulla , visited the county buih
ing nnd jail yesterday , on a tour of ii
The sale of scats for HavorJy's mil
atrols commenced at Iho opera house yci
tordny. The performance takes tmu
this evening , and as usual atbicai
dionco Is expected.
News reached this city yesterday of tli
accidental death of F. W. Ilaldoman ,
constable ut Avoca , Iowa , ho was littin
a rillo from a buccy when the woapa
axplodod , killingliim instantly.
J. 1C. Sturtfeon , of Lancaster , Ohic
has purchased the crocery store at 271
rarnain street , of J. K. Jankoski , an
will continue the business on an enlarge
scale , "
J. Jf. Carney , a coupe driver , ran int
nnd smashed the buggy of J. LLoyot
which was standing on Thirteenth strci
Saturday night. Carney will bocallu
upon to pay the damages.
Olllccr John Tnrnbull cmphatlcall
denies that ho had anything to do wit
the circulation of reports about th
character and reputation of the "Cosmi
polltan , " ou South Thirteenth street.
riivstercra , Attention.
There will bo a meeting of the plastei
era union to-night JTuesaay ) at 7.5
o'clonk at the K. of F. hall , Fonrlcout
and Douglas streets. All members av
requested to attend as business of impoi
tanco will bo transacted.
LI. G , AU.EK , Pnuldont.
An Eagle Hotel Quest Found Dead in H
The Wine God of Gotlinm Sleepy
llc\vltt Prom Incut llallrondcrs
A \Votniiitliost An Athletic Cx-
liHiltlon Other Local.
Dealt In Ills ncd.
Rudolf Lambrccht , a Gorman , wr
found dead in bed in his room at III
Eagle hotel on fourteenth street ye.sto :
day morning. Ho had been lyiiigaroun
Hi- ! hotel all day on Sunday and con
plained of being sick , but no attentio
was paid to him as Ins illness was suj
posed lo bo of a trivial nature. Ho r <
tired early in thu evening and notliin
moro was seen of him until his lifolct
body was found lying across the bet
face down , by an employe who went t
call him for breakfast yesterday morninj
His death had apparently been caused b
an attack of cholera morbus. Lan
brocht and n follow boarder name
Martens occupied separate beds in th
same room. Martens , who retired at th
sanio time that Lambruchot did on Sun
day night. KIIOW nothing of his compat
ion's condition until yesterday morninj
Lainbrecht was n German , forty-tw
years of ago , and has lived in Omali
about a year. Ho tended bar for Charle
Flock at the Eagle hotel awhile , but (
late has been engaged as n teamster b
the same gentleman. Ho is marriei
having a wife and children living in Gel
many. His remains were taken in chare
by Coroner Drcxel. and interred in tli
county burying ground yesterday nftc :
noon. Information of his death has bee
sent to his family.
A Ijonjtthy , Urcury Sctslon , With Un
Important KesiiltR.
The. board of education held a drear
session , two hours in length , last ovenin
without transacting any business of in
portanee. President Points and Men
bcrs Copeland and Llvcsoy wore absen
Vice PresidentJlark presided. A nun
bcr of applications for positions as tcacl
crs wcro received and referred to tl
proper committee. Mrs. Her and Ml :
Evans wcro elected us assistant teacher
The committee on buildings and grouni
was instructed to build n wall in tl
rear of the Pacific street school. The r
port of Boiler Inspector Jenkins upn
the condition of the boilers of the Hip
school was received and referred. Tl
committee on buildings and properl
was instructed to purchase a now boih
for the High school. The secretary w :
authorized and instructed to advortis
for bids for the construction of an undo
ground boiler house at the High schoo
The board of examiners was authorize
to meet at tiio board rooms on Soptembe
2 to examine such applicants as mn
come before them. William Geiselma
was transferred as janitor from the liar
man school to the Georgiaavciiuo schoo
and Mrs. Grainey elected as janitor of th
Hartmnn school. The position of spcci :
teacher in the High school was create
and Miss Fannie Arnold elected to tli
The matter of selecting a teacher <
German in the High school came up an
formed the only interesting feature of tli
session. Mrs. Grossman , Miss Nagl an
Mr. Hartrnan wore placed in nominatio
for the position. Mr. Long acted as tclle :
and after twenty ballotsliad been take
throw tip in disgnst bccauso tw
members persisted in casting blank ba
lots. Ho suggested that they ought t
" mice" and declare their
bp "men or cei
vietions. Mr. Blackmail announced h
willingness to collect blank ballots an
was given the job. 1 ho votes wcro aboi
evenly divided between the candidate
with an occasional stray vote for Pi
Ford and other educators until thirty-fiv
ballots had been taken without any clei
tion. On motion of Mr. Clark furthi
balloting for a teacher of German in tli
high school was postponed until the nc.1
mooting , and the board adjourned.
Arriyal of General Jacob Sclieldcr i
Now York.
Every train from the west thcso daj
has onn or more G. A. R. veterans home
ward bound. The largo delegations tlu
passed through hero some- weeks ago wi
return via the Northern Pacific or th
Kansas Paciiio routes. Yesterday Jaco
Scheidor , the " \Vino God of Gotham ,
who startled the boys in Omaha , with hi
parlor mnglc when on the way to th
coast , arrived in town. Ho is cnthusiai
tie m his account of the Sun Francisc
trip , and says It was worth nearly fou
years hardslyp in the war lo enjoy th
lust reunion. Jacob has had his mess a
pleasure snro. It might bo well to r <
mark ri ht here , now that Scheider i
many miles away , that ho is the orlginn
Jakoy Einstein , who has been made in :
mortal by the oplc _ poet of the Now Yor
Sun in his writings on the Thompso
street poker club. The time Jnkoy lot
his standing in the club is fresh in th
public mind. Arrangements wer
made to rope in a ' 'fresh 'tin , " ana who :
ho was in another room four full fa
kings wore dealt to him which was onoug
to make any poker player's eye
trlistcn. Imagine tlio horror that seize
upon the Thompson street club when th
old stranger and intended victim on hi
return rubhcd his glasses with ai
ancient bandanna , studied his cards fo
upwards of liftecn minutes and the
quietly asked :
"Who dealt them keo-urds ? "
"Jnkey Einstein , " replied the root
"veil I poss" said the old man nnd th
garao broke up by common consent.
Gen. Schclder was a delegate to th
Frisco encampment and he is aceom
panicd by Frank Lennon , of New Yorli
who was an auto ou the stuff of the con
mandor-in-chicf. Both gentlemen sa
that the Now York volerans wore ci
peclally well treated by the Pacifi
coasters. In the grand parade they mad
a noticeable anpoarance , being the enl
department who brought their old battli
torn Hags with them which fact ulon
was a great attraction.
A Juvenile Sneak Thief Relates tiont
of Ilia Experiences.
"Sleepy" Hewitt , Low Shields ana Boi
Roth , three young scamps , who Imv
spent the major part of their yet yotithfn
existence in preparing thoinsulycs fo
oareersof future usefulness in the sorvic
of the state , wore arrested yesterday eve
ning on two charges. The lirst waa fo
an assault upon the young son of Win
Mulhall , on Cumlng street. The secom
charge is that oflarcony , preferred b'
Manager Kay , of the Athletic park. J
appears that on Sunday the trio of juvc
nile toughs faked a package of ticket
to the Lincoln-Union Pacific ball garni
and moao a neat stake trailing them ti
patrons of thu ball game who were crowd
ing around the ticuut bland. I
is not diulcult to recognlzi
"Sleopy's" fine work In thl.
trick. "Sleepy" U a character
An unusually bright boy , with rcspoct
able , nurd-working parents , ho has tin
characteristics of a vagrant strongly do
Yelojictl und baa the unenviable reputa
t on of being nc sheljost sneak-thief , i
the city. He has ricmivtimo 1" the Coun
jail for a half tlowtai offenses , and pridi
himself on the fact. Ho is a nighthaw :
and turns up at the station house at n
hours and brapgiiigly relates his cxp
ncncc of the night. A few weeks ago 1
presented the day jailor with a hnnd oii
llowcr in a pot , \vhtch was identified
few hours afterward itu having been st <
ion from Donaghuo's1 greenhouse. 11
jri-ew confidential lh t jnght after a Bi
representative Itna'Rlvd-n ' him a sauihvlc
fund , and in the dialect of the fakirs , <
which ho is a fluent speaker , relate
some of his oxpurlonco. " 1 coul
give you enough bpy , to lill yet
paper if I'd girtf'nwny all II
snaps 1'vo been into1 in this town. Tl
slieKostjobofswIpuiBl oyor done w <
when I got the rings out ot Carter's jov
dry store. It was In broad daylight an
the fel.ow Was sitting by the window i
work with one of these funny business !
on one eye. I got a small wfro and mat
a hook on the end of it and , placing
through a hole in the window frame ,
got away with six dandy rings while tl
follow was looking right at mo. I g <
ninety days for that. I've had lots <
fun , too , in the business. The tin
Hornbcrgcr's saloon burned 1 got in
work m with a grab hook and plante
enough demijohns to keep myself goo
and drunk lor a month. 1 did tlio sum
thing when ller'u distil lory was burnci
Iho funniest snap , though , was the tire
I stole Marshal Cummings1 gold ticki
while ho was standing talking to inc. 11
was nwfu hot and would have lircd n :
from the jail if I had not turned tin an
squealed on some fellows who had tolc
a coat that the marshal was very anxioi
to got. Como up and sco mo in tl
county jail and I'll ' give you my history.
Prominent llullroml Men.
General Superintendent Kerrigan , i
the Gould system of railroads ; V. 1
Drake , general superintendent of tl
Missouri Pacific ; J. F. Ewing , gcnen
agent of tlio Michigan South associ
tion , and H. T. Lemist , vice president i
the Pomeroy Coal company , came i
yesterday afternoon by a special trai
over the Missouri Pacific. Thcso gei
tlemen left St. Louis Saturday last an
have visited all the prominent points nil
branches of the road between this cil
and St. Louis. They went across tl
rivnr last evening but will return th
morning when a trip will ho made I
Lincoln to examine the new line of tl
Missouri Pacific just completed.
The special train was made up of tv ,
private cars nnd n cooking car , of whic
latter Cyrus Brown is commander in chic
Cyrus is a sturdy looking African , pa
middle ago and well posted on currei
events. Ho has snot been in Ornal ;
since 1801 , when liq , came up the river o
the Spread Eagle ) "Captain John 1.
Barge , well remembered by Omaha
pioneer citi/.ons. ' C.ftfus used to sail o
the Chippewa , Crtptnih Joe La Barp
which was the Rrit craft at St. Louis I
hoist the confederate , ' flag. Ilo po
sesscs quite it largdfun ot "upper rivet
reminiscences and , wh'e.n olllcials lips ai
sealed , on railroalf masters ho is a goo
substitute for an interview.
NLX. r * *
vJOstofttca ? changbsUin . .Nebraska du
ing the week ondifrf * AugnkE44 , 1880 , fti
nishcd by William Van Vleek , of the pos
ollicc department :
Established Bnrtlctt , Whcolor couiit
Ezra B. Mitchell , P. M. ; BartleV " , Rt
Willow county , Itczin C , Fidler.
Name changed Crow Bntto , Daw <
county , to Crawford.
Postmasters appointed Friend , Sain
county , William F. Wolfe ; O'Ncilc , Ho
county , Frank Campbell.
Postofllco changes in Iowa chirm"1 th
week ending August 14 , 1880 ;
Postmasters appointed Columbt
Junction , Louisa county , George P. Nca
DCS Moincs , Polk county , Wm. H. Me
rittj Logan , Harrison county , T. A. Ma
sic ; Malvorn , Mills county , Richard I
Gidloy Sigoumey , Kcokuk county.Jami
Froy. _ _
Next Saturday's Sport.
All the lovers of athletic sports in tli
city are taking a hand in the coming to :
timonial to Captain O'Malley. The c :
orciscs will take place at Athletic par
next Saturday evening and the pre
grammo will bo very attractive. Tw
silver cups will bo given as prizes , on
to the best middle weight and ono to th
best light weight boxer. Captain Daltoi
Patsy Killecn and a lively boxer name
Summers will bo in attendance , and E
Rothory is endeavormp to secure th
presence of tlio Maori , Herbert Slade
who is ou his way east from Stockton
Inspector Whitlock issued buildin
permits jcstordny as follows :
Nicholas Ruinel , 1-story f rain a dwell
ing , Ski and Clark . gs (
F. Funk , IK-story fiaino barn , 10th
nnd Oastcllar. . i
C. E. Stratton , IX-story frame barn ,
3Sth and Popplcion . u ;
W. Cl. S.hrelvcr ; four 1-story fraino
cottaze.s , 'J5th , between Parker
and lilomlean. . . . sec
Albert Itowo. 1-story frame store and
addition , 31st and Leavonwoith. . C.
Five permits acBre atlnK . S5U
Death ol'IMr.
Nothing has yet-boon heard from th
relatives of Jainerfijlii ds , whoso suddo
death was rccorded irt cstordny's BEI
although four tolc'grams have been sen
by roprescntativos'Of tSo local plasteren
union. Unless thdjf ropond very soot
the remains will hojintorrcd by thounior
Shields was forty.-oleht years old at th
time of his doath. Jlit has a sister an
niece living at Saxton River , Vt.
The O'Boylo-Kweenoy Oaso.
The friends of , Ja.mes Sweeney , wh
was arrested on TjljirUlpnth , street Satin
day night for assaulting Olllccr O'Boyli
have dkmandod a jury trial for Sweeney
Tuo case will bo triaxltpidayorto-morroi
bcforo the following Jury ; A. L , Stron'
S. A. Orchard , W..TSoaman , John FoS
J , T. Boll and D. J. Donahue.
The Podtllers.
The cases against the fruit pcddloi
who have been arrested for violation c
the ' rdinaneo keeping them ofl'of Farnnr
ind Douglass streets have all boon dif
missed but ono , which will bo tried te
lay as a test case before the followin ,
lury : II. J Pieronot , John Fox , J. J :
L'auifieiil , W. T. Seaman , M. O. Mau
md James Stcphonwm.
An Early Mornlui ; Blaze.
At 3 o'clock this morning an al.trii
> f lira was turned in from box 31 , at th
: orncr of Ninth and Jones. It was occa
.ioncui by the burning of a quantity o
Barrelled lime which had boon set oi
iru by iluukiug from tlio ruin.
Plunging . ( her The High Cliffs and Lam
Ing on Their Horns-
AVIUl Sliocp That Stand as High as
I'ull-Growit Man's Shoulder
The Wnrlcst of Moun
tain Gntnc.
Of all the game animals in tlio Norl' '
west , and particularly Montana , Iho B
Horn or Rocky Mountain sheep sa ;
the Philadelphia Times corrospoiulon
writing from I'ort Kcogh , Montana-
furnishes the most sport to liuntsmei
Chasing the buffalo across the plains o
horseback aim killing them with a r
volvcr , which was at ono time the favo
ita method of hunting the big bison , usi
to bo the no plus ultra of Niuirod
amusements in Montana , but since tl
bullalo have disappeared hunters hui
drifted back into the mountains , whci
the "Ovis-Montana" are to bo four
during late years in the groatoH abiun
anco. Thtro may bo lots of fun scampo
ing over the pralrlo nftor a 1,500-pour
Lull , but there Is the heat and violent o :
orci&c , not to speak of the danger <
your horse plunging into n pralrio-do
hole nnd sending yon downwards I
grass at an aiiglo of fifteen or twonl
degrees. The mountain sheep is alwaj
found among the peaks and dill's in coi
altitudes and pretty near the timber <
perpetual snow lino. The big-horn shoo
of tlii ) Rocky Mountains is amostdillicii
animal to bag. They are usually fouii
in ivalrs , often in Hocks of from four I
forty and .sometimes in bands of a hum
red or more. Ono old shcop-hunti
living on Pryor's fork , near hero , rclati
that he saw not long ago a Hock of eight/
ono sheep in the Bitter Root range , an
about live years ago , while scoutin
through the Toton basin in Northern W ;
oming , near tlio southern boundary of tl :
Yellowstonu national park , ho ran upon
baud that must have numbered ovi
three hundred.
i These animals range all the way froi
the Rio Grande to the Mackenzie , but i
limits named they are exceedingly scare
nnd most dilllcult to kill. Thoir'natnn
homo is among the mountains of the U |
per Yellowstone and Missouri river
Some few are found in Washington terr
lory , Oregon and California , buttho coi
tor around which they revolve is the Ye
lowstono National Park and the bordc
ing counties of Montana , Idaho an
Wyoming. Particularly are they plcnt
ful in the mountains from which the
take their mine , viz. , the Big Horn.
Very little is known of the habits of th
rare game animal , even by those wh
have written on the subject. They ranp
winter and summer alike m tlio sam
latitudes and altitudes , only in suninu
they wander further away than in the oj
posito bcuson. During the cold montl
they stay on the southern slopes of tl ;
mountains so as to catch tlio sun. In th
summer they are generally found o
the higher benches where the bunc
grass and mountain clover are alnn
dant. Among the peaks _ where the
habituate , one o the first things to ai
pear in the spring is the wild onion c
leolx , which is eagerly sought out and di
vourcd by them. This wild plant in
parts to the flesh a delightful flavor , an
makes the meat of the big horn the mos
delicious in the mountains. Their grea
.os'trenemy is tho-mountain liou. In fac
the principal diet of the mountain lion i
the tender ofl'spring of the "Ovis Mot !
tana. " When lambs are not to bo hat
the fierce North American pauthor doc
not object to feasting on the parents
These rare sheep are nlso subject to
sort of scab disease , which , when it be
comes epidemic , sweeps off nt short notice
tico scores of them , young and old alike
The lambs arc usually brought fort
from the 5th to the 20th of May.
The "Ovis Montana" is adorned wit
the most remarkable head-gear imagin
able in tlio shape of monstrous horni
These arc used by them for various pin
poses , but principally as a means of dc
tense. Astonishing as it may seem , the ,
also use their immense horns to assif
them in descending from ono loft emi
noncp to a lower If in skipping fron
crag to crag and from rulgo to ridg
should it bccomo necessary to make
jump downwards , no matter what th
height , they roll themselves up into
kind of ball , vault out into the air and
fuming a succession of somersaults
keep the ball rolling , so to speak , unti
they strike on their powerful horns be
loii The shock would kill an ordinary
animal , but thcso wary denizens of tli
mountains don't seem to mind it much
for they spring to tlioir feet and g (
bounding over impossible chasms am
jagged rocks until it becomes ncccssar ;
make another descent , when the sami
tactics arc repeated.
W. B. Dow , of the Green Mountaii :
Cattla company , relates that ho saw neai
his ranch on Powder river , not long ago
a band of 800 mountain sheep. Thej
were browsing on a lofty clill' , when foi
some unaccountable reason , the llocl
became stampeded and rushed away like
u whirlwind. On they came poll moll tc
to the cdgo ; ot the call' , which was cu
sharp into a perpendicular decline o
fully fifteen hundred foot. The lender ;
paused , but there was no help for it , the
rear guard crovvdcd them over , ana tlu
entire flock wont neck over heels down
into space. U was , no doubt , a curiou ;
sight to see 300 mountain sheep doubled
up into balls anil falling over such c
lofty prccipico. Down they came. OIK
nftor another , until the whole band hut
made the awful jump. As this was suet
a frightful leap for any breathing creature
turo to make and live , it is not surprlsm ;
to know that thirteen out of the 1300 wore
killed by the concussion. The cowboyi
of the ranch secured the meat , whicl
they declared far superior to their choice
Montanasteers. .
Some of the mountain sheOp horns at
tain a remarkable size. Ono pair broiigh
into this fort last February by a Cheyenne
onno Indian measured seventeen incho :
in circumference , although only furh
inches in length , The ram from whiel
they wcro taken was a splendid spcci
men , weighing over two hundred pounds
and stood when crcot , nearly up to i
man's shoulders. Being such a wary an
imal. the following story of the eaptun
of a big horn by Mr. F. F. Baker , aponn
sylvnnia gentleman who has a ranch nnai
Boulder , , in the western part of thu terri
tory , will seem most strange and surpris
ing. The story comes well itiithentlcatoil
and there can bo no question about it <
voracity. Mr , Baker actually accom
plislied the singular feat of catching ami
holding by his miauled &troiigth a wild
Rooky Mountain ahcop a owe. Ho cams
upon her at the foot of a sloping bank
which led up to a stcop but not very higli
cliff of rimrock. "His dog , of the shepherd
herd bread , trained for hunting , was fol <
lowing , and when it saw the slicop pur
sued it up the bank to the clill' , where il
stood nf pay , making demonstrations al
the dogt which was prompt in returning
Mr. Baker sent a man , who accompli'
niod tlmm hack to the house , a quartnr
of u mile away for a gun. While ho was
nwav Baker "made a snoat" on tin
sheep and came around on top of the
MK above the animal , whoso attention
tvas sil { | occupied with tlio dog. From
this vantage point ho dropped astride ol
its back , uud grasping it around the
neck with his arm , bold it iirmly ; but the
wild denizen of Iho mountains M * ? not I
bo conquered so easily , and a strucgl
began , in which Mr. Baker and the shoe
rolled over and over down Iho Irnnk , bi
wcro not separated. , lust. us they reache
the ground where If wan level the ma
with the pun arrived on horso-back. trai
ing behind a long , Mnow lariat. Happ
thought ! By the nid of the rene tli
mountain owe was bound and taken t
the house. But it refused to eat , an
from straining on the rope rciiulrod coi
stanfc watching to prevent it from choi
hie Jo death. Mr. Baker was In hopes c
gelling n lamb that he could ilomesticati
but finding that Iho ewe was barren an
thin in llcsh , besides pining for he
mountain home , n few days afterward
hctiu | ued her loose , when she lied towan
the mountains from whence shn was eai
lured , bounding like a rubber bill froi
eminence to eminence until lost to viuv
Personal 1'urniji-apli" .
Superintendent of llio Census Lane !
in the city.
General Test has gene to St. Paul wit
his family to spend a few days.
Miss Jcnnio Butler , of Poorin , III. , 1
visiting horsistcr , MM. F. S. Smith.
J. H. Bnggs and daughter , of GUI
nisoii , who i have been visiting Mr. i
Markcl , left for homo yesterday morninj
Miss E. L. Nilcs , of the general tratll
manager's oflico ol the Union Paciiio ,
sull'ering from u badly poisoned lip.
John D. Croighton mid family an
Charles Croighton and wife went to Ha
Lake Itifct night for u season of plcasun
The Hon. John A. McShnuo won'i
Chicago last evening to attend the . . :
tional league convention , to which ho
a delegate.
W. N. Babcock , general agent of tli
Chicago & Northwestern , with Miss an
Mrs. Babcock left yestoulay on n tc
days' trip to Salt Litke.
Judge and Mrs. Wakcley left ln ;
evening for a tour through \Visaonsl
and Michigan. They will also make a
extended visit to Chicago.
Judge Wakely and wife leaye to-da
on n trip of about three weeks t
Chicago and northern Wisconsin. II
will return about the midillo of Soptom
William Sievcrs and Thomas Swii
were among tlio prominent German
who returned last night from the tun
fest at St. Joseph. They are lavish i
their praises of tlio trip.
D. C. Dunbar , editor of the Wcstcn
Merchant of this city , wont to Portland
Ore. , hut night to bring his wife an
child to Omaha , whcro ho will take n
his permanent resilience.
The Misses Mollie and Sarah Fallor.
of llillsboitj , O. , who have been visitln ,
Mr. and Mrs. CharlesTaggart , of Wnlnii
Hill , for some weeks , went to Helen:1 :
Mont. , last night for a continuance c
their summer pleasure.
J. II. Greene , of the Union Pacific pa :
sengor department , went to Carbon , la ,
Siindayjevening to let the veterans then
abouts know that Nebraska's G. A
U. encampment would take pine
on the ! 50th , and via tli
Union Pacific was a good way to gc
Mrs. M. F. Anderson is enjoying he
summer vacation in Now Mexico , nt Ra
ton , the guest of Airs. T. Marsh Homier
son , her cousin , and reports as having ai
enjoyable time , hatcing visited Las Vegas
AlbuquerqneSantaFo and Paso del Nortc
and states that the climate is delightfu
there iu summer. Her cousin , Mrs. T
Marsh Henderson , is president of tin
W. R. C.of G. A. 11. . and is on a tour ol
inspection for the association.
General J. M. Thavor was in the cit ]
yesterday on business connected wit !
the coming state encampment at Gram
Island. Ho has secured the attendant *
of the United States regulars from For
Omaha and Sidney , and plso a full bat
tery from Fort Leaven worth , Kan. Tin
presence of those troops will add greatly
to the attractions of the reunion. Gcii
oral Thayer will go to the Norfolk re
union to-day.
Thomas Carr. W illiam O'Shca and Dr
J. U. McNamara , of Lincoln , Nob. , dele
gates to the national league eoiiventioi
at Chicago , came from the capital las
evening and will start for Chicago to
day. Hon. John Fit/gcrald and Malach
Grace , other delegates from Lincoln
wont via St. Louis. These gontlomei
arc among the solid men of the capita
city , and arc most worthy ropresontu
lives of a good cause.
Tom Foley. ono of the old-time sport
ing men of Chicago , at ono time the
proprietor ol the finest billiard salooi
in Chicago , subsequently a member oi
flic common council and an active baekci
Chicago base-ball club , and now mail'
ager of Collondcr's great billiard hall ,
has been in Omaha for several days back
us a guest of Mr. Humphrey Monyhan ,
Ho has just returned homo.
for a host Woman.
Some excitement was created in the
ricinity of Leavcnworth and Tenth
streets last evening by the report that n
poung woman named Ollio Wells had
Mysteriously disappeared. Her parents
reside on Lcavenworth street , and as the
! ; irl is subject. to serious spasms it is
'cared she may have been attacked by
me of them and been unable to make
icr residence known.
Taking qnality into consideration , 1 am
lolling LUMBER cheaper than any yard
utown. My new ollicc , Oth anilDouglas
itrcot i.s very convenient.
50 AVcst Side lots will bo ofToicd for the
loxt thirty days , at from $300 to ? 150 per
ot. This is the best property for the
nonoy ollbred. Apply to Boll & Me-
Jandlish , Ifill Dodge Street , or to John A.
ilcShanc , 21U South 13th St.
St. Paul lumber yard. Thirteenth and
California streets , makes lowest prices
in building material.
Don't nay big uncos or lumber but
> uy cheap ut Bradford 'a.
For West Side lots inquire of Bell &
tlcCundllsh , or at John A. MeShano's of-
Special inducement for ono week ,
ilock 19 , in Carthago. Cumlng street
iroporly. Decidodiy the cream of the
vlioln addition , for sale by
STOUKIMLK & MrroitKi.T < ,
1510 Dodge St. , Sole Agents.
A prominent citizen walked four blocks
o Goodman's Pharmacy for an "Excel-
for" cigar , the best nickel cigar in town.
For Sale Lots 31 and 33 , block five ;
Cilb.y Placn ; $ HOO each ; easy terms. A.
' . TuUoy , 1801 Karnam ,
1510 Douni.vs y WHET
Dr. Hamilton Warren , Eclectic Physl-
iun and Surgeon , Room U , Crounso
dock corner 16th and Capitol avenue
) ay a lid night calU promptly attoutod to
Jlcro is a liarcaln ,
10 ACKKS ,
BSS than 8 miles front postollice ,
rill subdivide to great advaiitagA.
159 ? I'arnnm.
A line aero in Wnst Omaha for $3,000 ,
. B. Evans & Co.
lax Mnycr & Bro. , gonurul
$16,000 $ , IN FOUR JIOURS ,
The Refnatlcablo Sale Yesterday at Al
bright's ' Annex.
Tlio Second niul Last of These o
inttrknMo Siucs AVIM Take Plnco
XoDiiyli \ \ iKrcc Train for
Everybody nt to O'clock.
One of the most remarkable excur
sion trains which over loft thu
Union Paciiio depot convoyed nearly
1800 people to the auction sale of Hie beau
Hful lots In Albright's annex yesterday
morning. Two engines wore required to
pull tlio load m > tlio Summit. On board
were people ot nil races niul se\es ami
conditions in the community , from tlui
lordly millionaire to tlio thrifty work
man. The train was superintended by
Mr. Albright and his paitncr , who cot
nil tlio eiirsthnt could bo had in the depot ,
though the ntloudaucc Wan such as to
prevent them fiom being able to aeeotn-
modnto everybody Insldo the ears. As n
consoqiionco hundreds of them stood on
the slop * nnd hniift to the rails.
A few minutes mitliced to ronch the an-
nov , nnd then the parti dlsmountud and
the sa o began. It was elVected In a. most
skilfull manner by A. M. Goldsborry , an
auctioneer of national celebrity ,
who sold thu silo of the present
town of Boone , la. , in thrco hours ;
Cedar Rapids in six horn-sand il.OOO acres
ot Minnesota in cloven hours. After a
sale of ono hour noon was reached An
m jpurnmout was then taken tor lunch ,
which was bounteously supplied , con
sisting of green turtle soup , vegetable
soui > , ribs of beef and sandwiches. At
\ o'clock the sale was resumed , Mr.
Cioldsbnrry again conducting the busi-
ne.s. . haeh lot was marked out bv four
Hags , one at each comer. According as
each lot was sold , llio auctioneer and
proprietors and purchasers moved to the
next one , thus enabling everybody to see
what was boiiu * sold nnd each purchaser
what ho was buying. The competition
was great , and at times the bidding so
lively ni to make the prices run up in
Brand style , but ton in every instance the
lots wore moro than worth what they
brought. In this manner the sale was
continued until 5 o'clock , when over
$10,000 worth of property had beui sold ,
llns is really the greatest sale of su-
uuruau property over made in this city ,
and the prices at which it sold were ab-
solutcly the lowest known in any similar
transaction in this city. It is thu
only land now on the market iu
that vicinity which is not hold by
spectators. It lies in the iminedmto
vicinity of all the industries of South
Omaha , ami is the only place where thq
2,000 men who must lintl employment !
Ihore 111 the next six months can procure
homes. Many of those who bought to
day propose to build immediately , anil
ono gentleman is known to' have
already purchased lumber to erect tlf-
teen beautiful cottages.
A Bui : reporter , in conversation with
ono of the proprietors , was told that the
management felt satisfied with their
magnificent sale , especially in view of thu
disreputable lying and competition to
which they had been subjected by un
scrupulous rivals. Hut ho claims also
Lhat the sale to-day has killed nil their
rivals , because people will no longer pay
? 1,200 for lots when others more favora
bly located oan bo bought for less than
Jiie-third the amount. The terms are
the easiest on record one-fifth cash ,
balanoo in $5 monthly payments.
To-day will bo the second and last day
} f the sale. The musical union banil
ivill parade tlio streets lor two hours , and
it 10 o'clock another train will leave tlio
Jnion Pacific depot for the annex. This
.into there will bo all the cars that will bo
cquirod , because the road has secured
Hlter cars from the Blnfls. There will
jo another unprecedented sale , anothe *
free concert , another free lunch and
mother and the last opportunity to gek
, ho cheapest lots in the city.
Newman , . E. Spell. F. J. MeShano , F.
: .Iaas , W. A. Wort. P. Sonneschoin , West
? ointj 11. Spiegel. J. Kondis. C. T : . Tay-
or , S. Snvder , J. B. West , Thomas Fit/-
tcrald , Gustavo HolT , B. Wiseman , Thos.
J. Jeffries , three lots ; S. Newman , A. E.
5ryson , W. Campbell , M. Bitiinc. J.
Jowinan , A. Altman , D. Altman , J. Hen-
lis , D. Pont , W. Nueskol , 11. Spiegel ,
kelson Anderson , C. Catton , Simon llob-
nson , John Kutor , Israel Frank , two
otsC. K. Bart , John Roth , Otto Baumor ,
ramps Honiston , Robert Johnson , John
. . . . . . _ .
1. kv * , \ \ \t A-fltulllljk , AV. \ / , 1JUU3III , kj.
Lltman. Otto Wiseman , II. Moss , C. P.
Icnjamm , Bernard Stigol , A. N. Kean
) . Altman , two lots ; C. P. Benjamin ,
ohn O'Connor , J. C. Jurgorson , John
loll' . W. J. Cronin , two lols ; John
V'aura , J. A. Linahan.
HASTINCJS , Nob. , August 1C. [ Corrcs-
ondonco of the Bisu.J Tlioro was a largo
athering of old bottlers and soldiers at
iyr Saturday. For the last two years an
llbrt has been made to organise an old
jttlcrs' association in this county. This
ras effected Saturday. At two o'clock
10 old settlers wcro called together , und
ov. J. Fleming , who has lived in the
est for fifty-four years , was chosen torn-
orary chairman. A committee on per-
lanont organisation was appointed , who
jportcd M. M. Kress for president , Isaao
10 Dioyt secretary , George T. Brown
caisiircr and nsfUtant scoretsiry , from
very township in thu comity. The sec-
ulary will nlt > o bis the liiHtorian of tin
jclely and will gather the blatistics ol
10 early bcttlomcnl of the county and
ublish the same in the Independent of
ils city. The society will have another
looting on the lid of October. There are
inny things connected with Iho early
ittlomoiit of this county that will niako
it cresting reading , and unless thnso
lings are soon reduced to writing they
' 111 bo lofit to coming generations ,
- ' association
The Western Spot-Union's
ill hold a two days' shooting tourna-
mnt nero this week.
There will bo a giimo of ball on Tucs-
ny and Wednesday between thuLoavoii-
orths and our Reds ,
AiTangemonts have been mndo for a
erse fair and speed trial to bo held hero
tr four days , commencing September
1. Throe thousand dollars have boon
liscd for purses ,
25 and upwards , on cany payments.
all at Max Meyer & Uro.'d warorooma.
EXAMINE 'rim > vo.s-i > iiii'ui. Njw SCALK
EitiNO Uritioiir PIANOS , at Max
& Bro.'s ' warcrooms.
Kf > r Halo Jtesidnnoe.
My lot , house ( with or without fnrnl
ire ) and barn for sale on i3y na y
cuts. For particulars apply to
Mus. K. M. I'liiLUi'S ,
: lti Dodge St
Tlio "Cat" cigar is the finest three for
quarter iigar : in America.
You can buy Inrniture ohoapor of A.
.Httdi &Co , , lath st. . betFarnam and
onglas , ' . ban nnv other place in the city ,
A house und lot in J5oig & Hill's OJ
Iditkm for $1,800. J. B. Evaus < Si Co ,