FHE OMAHA SIXTEENTH YEAH. OMAHA. TUESDAY MORNING , AUGUST 17 , 1880. NUiMHEU ni. DWINDLING INTO ROBBERY. The Belfast Riots Simmering Down to Toughs anil Looters. COMPARATIVE QUIET REIGNS. A I'liKiinoloiix I'rU'Ht llcftue * to Al low tlio Police to Aircst n Nn- tlnnitllHt Shootois on Trial Other IVnooat nioiulj HI.I.PAST , August ! 0.-Vew | York Herald Cnble-Speelal to the tlpp | The condition ofalfalrsln Helfast Is mostsatlsfaptorj. The laborers have resumed work all through thueltj. 'Ibis morning few idlcis were to bo been at the corners The Island men did not march home In a solid mass , but for the first time since the ilotlng bozan strairglpd along In grotipes of ten or twelve veacelut all occune-d at the waj An Incident Cnrrlck hill which nny seivo to fxplnln vvh > Iho Protestants feel themselves ngKrhived b > the condiiot of the police. A Catholic forced Ids way through the double line of troops separating the Catholics Irom the Piotestants. and on passing tlio island men began calling them ( III V.Mir f tT-TllllO VTS. Of course the Island men stopped ready to light. Thereupon Thjrne , a magistrate , jumped nt the man and at oneo foieu.il him back through tlio troops. A mounted officer Immediately rode up nnd ordered the man to bo nricsted. ( Julio na altercation spinng up between the otllccrnnd a pi lest , who refused to illovv the limn to bo nnested. The police , who were nil Catholics , p'nlnlj hesitated to obej the olllcerns against the priest who , for some reason , was pugnacious. The result was that the pi hut led the man away nmld loud chccis on tliu part of the Orangemen. The limn was afterwards arrested , but too late to efface the Impression that had been nindu of the r V.VOUITISM OP TIII : poucn and of their subjection to tlio priests. If the man had been piomptly anestcd nnd carrii d to Jail In the sight of thu Orancomen , theio would have been cheois by them forMoilej's murderers , as tlio police nre called. The Iilsh constabulary are n splendid bodv of men , but they have been thoioughlj demoi- ali/cd all tliioiigh the riots. Thej have hied single shots only where vollejs would have finally ended the tiouble. Thov have then deltveied vollo.vs when the tire was useless. Tlielrhumlliating position , now that Shank Hill is suiiounded by tioopj and thej aie unable to move without an escort , shows vvi etched judgment on tlio pint of some one because It is a total suncii- dei to the mob. It Is alieady seen that this Burrondei has piobibly lost many lives. When the authorities have been foi CPU to re- tlie tioops have been called in to ipplaco tl.o police on shajik Hill. Rioting hero has now become AN'OTitnn NVMnrou itoiini itv. Assaults are committed b > roughb on each othei or on some stranger. IVoplo begin to realize tills , but p.irtj splilt makes the better clasM's slow In insisting upon tlio supples- slim of the roughs , who how i tile the town undei the pretensd of being lojalist ilotois. It would bo cabling pctt > police eases to re tail the eases of rioting which have oecuned to-dav. It is not woitliy in this connection. L'xcept ono case , nil the ancsts made yesteulay , although labeled "rioters , " weie arrests foi petty as saults 01 attempts to steal. Tlio local press , bv inngnltj Ing such cases , is ghinga dignity to tliu rioters which does much to ict.mlMu.h \Igorousactiou of public opinion aswould lead to the suppression ot the outrage * . A disposition is now shown by the police and troops to allow the roughs to I'K.IIT IT OIT until public opinion is aroused to the side of law and until thoiouihiy lespectable men w ill not , as in tlio past , allow such looting rioters to hide fiom the police In thrli houses , The man named Kipier , a Protestant mar ried to a Catholic wife , w i's tried to-dti > for alleged shooting thioii0'h windows. The evi dence showed a cuilous malignity of paity spirit. The old man , hardly able to stand , was morallj convicted of hav Ing shot lepeatedlj at people of his own talth , while hlsdaugh- teishccm to have londcd the gun which ho used. A seaich In his bick yard icvoaled a hole in which dead bodies or arms had been bulled , although these were not found , as the authoiitles did not search iho jaid until tvventj-four hours nttcr a newspaper man ! iad pointed out the location. KIdence was given of the use of the hole as n burial place. A Protestant who testified against Napiei was forced nt oneo to leave his house in the Catholic quarter. In tact the town has been full of moving people both today and > es- teuliiy , as all the Protestants have been foiccd to lenvo the Catholic quaitei. This is OM.V.IPST IlKTl IX ! for the Piotestant pollcj ot driving ns many Catholics as pObsible out of Sexton's dlstiict. 'I Ills policy , 1 have no doubt , has bad much to do with the outrage at the nations fnctoilcs , which caused the riotinir. Another death to-daj that of Wler Jack son , who was wounded a week ago Is to bo chaiged to the account of those responsi ble for the rioting and those who failed to suppress it. There Is some wild thing by rowdies through the citj Several eases of assaults on the police and others aio ro- poited , but theio aio no threatening signs so far for the ov enlng. The hrst onoAN'i/iMi PK.vnrii roi : AISMS occuiR'd to night In Coo | > cr street , the line dividing the Catholic fiom the Piotestant qaurties , A det.itchment of ( loops and n bodj of police marched quickly from the bauacks nnd reached Cooper street just in time to quell a not , IMJ'UII by Ornngo inv.ulen > from dlinnk Hill , the pitrol of ea\alrj having been dravvn off by a pretended Hot in Conway street. The mob then attacked the police and stoned them off the streets , severely wounding several. The rioters thereupon attacked each otUei savagely , The police prciiaied to lne , but the military ramo In time to prevent the fusllade. In n biibscquent charge the pollco cloiiedthostieets. Thoseaiph for aims wns then becan. Kicks weio delivered at tlio doois of houses marked as hav Ing been Ined from. A tlneat to break down the doors brought the people down , and the hrst search was made In the house of O'Connor , who e uncle , O'Neill , lives at Richmond. No oppo sition was nude to tlio searchers , and no amis weio found. The town b otherwUu quiet , with rain falling. 1'urjDicmc A I'ress Comments ontholiish iVIectliiB In Chicago. LONPOX , August 17 , 4 a. in. [ New Y'oik Jleiuld Cable Special to the UKE.I To morrow's Chicago convention moves the bllo ot the Times and Standard this moi nlin ; . The Standard begins Its leader thus : "For some dav s to come thn center of intere.it In Irish politics will bo in Chicago. Knglish converts to homo rule will do vel to follow with minute alien Ion IheJ proceedings of the greit con- rlnvoof tlio Iilsh race. Alrcadj thoi will 1mo found quite pnoiuli In the lecord of the demonstrations prellmlnar.v to the great event to dUtmb tlieli eqninlinlty. Mr. lav- ) Itt is , of course , on the CPIIP , ami In spite of his spirited attempt to suppress Inopor- tune expressions of the sentiment of the extiemlsts , timj dec lined to bo gagged. " It piulletsthnt nt the convention the dltrei- ences between tbo oppoitunlsts and exttem- Ists Is preltv SHIP to rulmlnato in vx HIM \ ni PTI IIP , and avs ( lie pITeets of a tuptuteon Ihecof- feis of the leiituo might easily liiullsastious , Tlio Times RIVH : "Tho niovements of the I'arnellite pnrtj In the United Slates have bcvuti toattiact Interest. Though Iho reil business will only bo opeied to-morrow , when tlio Iilsh Ameiican eonventlon is to assemble nt Chicago , Mr. Davltt Is pursuing his favorite Idea of an nlllnnra between the democracies of Great Hrltnln and Ireland. He has found himself In collision with Con gressman Flnerty and other Irish pUilots domiciled In Iho United States , who appeal to t-iko Mr. Patrick Ford's view sol the btutal English masses. " Hoth pape - > and the Dallj News have long cables on the subject of the Saturday meet ing and on the reception of Mr. O'Brien and his fellow delegates. SOCIALISM IN GlinXT. Co-operation A mom ; the Mouthers A Tut U vvitli tlio licadoi-M. ( iiuxr : , August 15. | Np\v \ York Herald Cable-Special to the Hi.p. . | 1 left Jtinssels bj the afternoon expiess. On leaching ( Shout I at oncocilled on Anseele , Iho social ist , whom 1 found on the ptemises of the Vooi nit socialist association , in the Maicho An Fil , w Itli his fellow socialist , Haele. An- seelo Is a printer , and like manj printers ho wears sticetncles. He is n p lie , studious , but a keen looking joung fellow , about thirty jeai-s ol age , pioud and leseived w Itli stran gers but very popular among the workmen , who believe In him blindly. Not long ago ho was sentenced to six months impiisonmcnt foi Inciting soldiers not to obey ordets 11 told to lire on the people. No effect has jet been given to the sentence , but n foitulght hence , unless , like lo ) Fulsseauv , ho escapes , ho will be In Jail. "Oneo bitten , * twice shy , " MV > S Iho proverb , and the remembrance of the lesult ot ono Impiudcnce has doubtless made him cautious. On qnestioniiu him A1IOPT 1 UK I.AIlOIt CJL'l.SllON Anseclo said ; "You have seen DePnlpe ; well , 1 think piccisely as ho thinks. " Then , biusqitelv taking leave of mo , he ret lied to another loom where I piesently saw him making a frugal meal off beer and biead and butter. Haele , who helps him to edit the Flemisii socialist oigan , the "VoornitAn- glice , " was uioiu cominnnlcatlvo. Ho cour teously showed me over the buildings ot the association , vvlieie 1 found thu co-operative theoiy verj thoroughly put into practice. Co opciativo stoics , bake houses and piintini ; offices weio In full swing , to say nothing ol n workingman'b tavern , meeting loom and library , all of which are attached to the Yoor- nit institute. "Who started all this ? " 1 asked. Itaele icplied , "Wo began it ten or fifteen jears ajjo with 52,000 advanced by the vvoav- ei's association. We now have " ,500 mem- bars , who pay enl > twentj-live centimes 011- tianco inonev , foi which thej get their hi cad , clothes and dings licio at cost pi Ice. "Have not the iccent imish sentences on socialists fitehtened woiklngmenV" 1 asked. "On thocontiary , " replied Uncle. "Hut we have been a good deii put out bv knowing that the masters nre sondlinr spies to watch whether their men attend meetings or not. They tlneaton to dismiss all who do so. Then we are hampered by poveity. Lach woikman paj s ins own expenses. " At night 1 wont back to the Voornit rooms and walking Into a tavern joined a number of vvoikmen who , with their vives , mis tresses and d uightcis , weie drinking capital beer , supplied at two cents a glass by the as sociation. Some were smoking pipes , others weiediscusslng politics , n few werecompai- ing notes on socialism. All looked I10.M.ST , onOUlLY AND IMfcLI.IOnNT. "They are all good fellows , j on se e , " said Haele , "though the bourgeois despise them because they nre socialists. No police have been hero } et. Wo never have any rows , novel hear nny obscenity , and novel have any diunkenness. Nothlnc but beer Is allowed hero. No , thank j on , 1 don't drink myself. It Is a pity j on cannot have a talk , with some of them. They only spcik Flem ish. You would see how Intelligent thoj are but come to have a look at the rehearsal. " Ascending a steep wooden stair case , crowded with good-liumoicd workingmen and WOUIIMI chatting , laughing01 sliislnir.wo reached n lone , dimly lighted room , above atone ono end was a lough theatre. At the other end a gallery had bc-en adorned with tlio names of the Belgian and Farugli social ists. Among thorn I noticed tlio names of Robe.tOwen , Karl Maiv , Hebel Loelmken- klsht , DQpilpu and Fourier , The stage was occupied by musicians. Many of the mem- bets of the association ate amateur musicians and fair actors too. 1 undc-rstanu Ansccle. hav Ing exchanged his pen for the conductors baton , was beating time whllo live or six hun dred workmen , gills and children woio tiampingioundand lound the room asmeuy as mud-larks , with red flags and Plnjgolan caps. As thoj' marched tlioj * sang their favorite song , the "Stemrcclit , " oiRight of SulTiano March , " while , from tlmo to time , six lads In the vanhuist rendered maicli music on horns nnd ti limpets , "They nro good tcmpeied , " Slid L "Tho bourgeois nied not tiemble. " "No , indeed , " said Hacle , "thov mohoncst lolk and wish harm to no man. " Churchill's Irish nil ) . LONDON , August 10. The Times again assails the Protestants of Uelfast for their refusal to submit to the authorities. Refer ring to the report that Lord Randolph Churchill Is preparing an Irish measure , the Times savh be will have a long nnd arduous task , 'lne natuio of the local Koveinment proposed must depend in some degree upon the attitude of the Irish people ind possibly niton the action of the Irish convention nt Chicago , lint ft Is quite certain that nothing like statutoiy parliament will enter Into Churchill's scheme , nnd that the development of the county government on the elective sjMem will bo applied on thesanio pilnclplcs to all parts ot the kingdom , CoiiHiiltinu Ahutit the Speech , LOM ov , August 10. The queen held a council this moining at Osborno Cnstlo with the members of the minlstiy , The terms of the oueen'h speech to bo lead at the as sembling of p.ull unent was ngieed upon , Sallsburv relumed to London aftei the coun cil. _ _ Muzzling the Press , PAIIIS Ansust 10. ( Jeneial Houlangcr , minister of war , has piohlblted the publica tion of tlio pamphlet giving his biography and refmhig to a scandal with which his name wns connected. A Tornntlo lit Central Russia , LONDON. August 10. Central Russia , es pecially tlio Moscow district , was devastated by a tornado and waterspout. Many build ings and bridges ana crop : vverj destroyed. Grocers Gene Up. Nnv IOIIK , August 10. W. S. Abbey , Jr. A. Co. , wholrsalo groccis , have failed. The liabilities are placed at 550,000 , prefeieiiccs , assets unknown , LABORERS BURIED ALIVE , Poty Foot of Earth Gives In on Fourteen Men at Pnpillion , THREE MEN INSTANTLY KILLED. Set oral Olhrrs llntlly lujtirod , Ouo I'atall ) ! mli | > tiatlon at I ho Ctiti- tractom ratal 'lei uitnatloii ol' tlio Xohr.iHkn Cltj Shouting. VIctlniH nl * 11 Dentil Trap. PAPII.I ION , August 10. [ Special Telegram to the lli.i : . ] At 0 o'clock tills evening thrco men wcio killed ntul several Indly maimed by the cav hit ; In of n buik In tlio blir cut on tlio .Missouri Pacific grade , north ot town. The accident occuricd on tliooik of con tractors ilnusen nuil Knight , of Omaha. Tlio pattlciil.us subslatitlilly r\ro us follows : 'I lie cut \ \ lieu1 the accident happened Is the deepest on tliu nuw line ot the Missouri 1'acllic. Uht was being moved by small dump cais , and a channel oightj feet vide was being ) dug tlnoiigh the hill to nl low tlio cars to run tluoi gii. Tlio banks on cadi side weie fortj leot high and verj i.tecp. Agangot font teen men wore In the cut at the tlmo of tlio accident , which eaino without warning. Xe.uly \\eioburled , but Ihe ciavvled out unaided. A largo foieo of woiktiion soon began the \\ork ol dUglng out ( ho burled men. John Conloii was one of the Hist brought to the surface. Dr. Unnd of Paptl- lion , v\auiiued him and found sevc-ial ilbs biokcn. Antonio Rassmitssenas Uken out \\lth both aims broken. Chris Oleson was ( nought alive , but Ills silno Is crushed. Ho will die. lieury Walter , John Kleidon and Con Shehancre de.ul when found. The bodies \\ere put on a dump cai and taken to the camp near bUy \ . Uy this time the men were gieatly excited. One man stood on top of the car containing thu corpses of his comrades and \Iolcntly denounced the contiactors lor bending the laboreis Into such a death trap. lle\\as iiuleted by moic cool heuled companions. Owing to the Ind feclingof the workmen to ward the con ti actors Dr. Bond had the bodies ot the dead men brought hcie , 'where an in quest will bo held to-moirow. The wounded men will be sent to the Omaha hospital. All the men killed weie strangeisln this locality , bavins : come lioto from the cast recently. LA 11 n The coronci at a latcj h mr decided to hold the Inquest tonight. Ihe jiuy ex onerated the contractors Irom any blame. A Stranger's Sudden Death. LINCOLN' , Neb , August 10 [ Special Tel egiam to the Hni : . | 11) . Sulli\an , a plumber btiade , came to Lincoln fiom St. Joe Wediiesdaj List and stopiH'd at the St. Charles house. Saturday he.is taken biek and dii'd SuiKhy. An autousy was h.ul to day , nftet which he was buried. All that is known couponing Sullivan ! > that he foi- inuily lived in Chicago and has a wife theie , whoso maiden n ime was O'Shea. Tim Mon- ahan , tin nUoy ill the Chieamiaveniie-station , is also a ii'luthe of Sullivan. Thephjsi- climslio held the autopsj give his death fiom n.ituial causes , and no iiuiuest washeld by tlio coionoi. The plmubuib in the eitj boie the expense ot a collln and tlio buiul. The Veterans Arriving. NOIIFOI.K , Neb. , August 10. [ Special Tel- egiam to the Unr.J The Xoith Ncbiaska reunion cimpaheady piesents an animated bcene. Niobrnia post came In with lljing colois thisuttciiioonjiavlugdihcn o\crlnnd in Idte-en wagons. The advance guaidsof Cieighton , Plainview , Oakdale , Bumelt , Stanton , West Point and Madison posts aio on the giounds. The camp Is all ready for the opening day to-morrow. Cciieial Hi is- bin and his force ot icgulars will be In liom Foil Niobiara to-morrow and will come with 11 } ing colois. A huiro nninbci ot the crand aimj will also tome in on the special tiains. Struck the Wronjj Locality , ( inND ISLAND , Neb. , August 10. [ Special to the Hii.J : : TUB Sc.vnw IJi.i : contained an item stating that the bicjclo tournament would bo held at Noilolk. This is a mistake , as thogieat e\ent takes place at ( iiand Is land on August IS , 1'J , and lit ) . It is ex pected that theie will be a laige ciowd In at tendance and good sport will be turuibhed. The Nebraska City Tragedy. Np.nitAfiKA Cnv , Neb. , August 10. [ Special Tclpgiam to the Bin : . ] Lou Adams , the victim ot Satmday night's tnicedy , died this morning at 0 o'clock. He was conscious up to the last , bidding them all good-bje. The coronoi'h jury is now In session , Me- ColTey , the muideroi. has not been caught and the prospects ol his capture aio not veij blight. DolcfjatcH to Chicago. LINCOLN , Neb , August 10. [ special Tele gram to the HEP. ] Thn following delegates to the Chicago convention of the Iilsh Na tional League of Ameilca left today foi Chicago : .Malachl ( ! iace , Thomas Carr , Wil liam O'Shea , , ) . K. McNaiiiar.iand John Fit/- gerald. The delegation went east over the H. A ; M. Ho Made Afany Friends. Ti.ruMsni , Neb. , August 1C. [ Special Telegram to the HEP. I Senator Van Wyck talked here this afternoon to a largo crowd of people. The scnatoi made many ti lends. Van \Vjok "Will Visit Norfolk. NOIIFOI.K , Neb. , August 10. [ Special to the HIM : . ] Senator Van W > ck will bo pros- cut at the Nortli Nelnnska leunlon , to bo held at Norfolk , August 10. GARLAND ON 1'AN-KLIJCTIUO. The Attorney General Flics ills An swer In the Suit. WASHINGTON- , August 10. Messis. Moirls , Harlo and I'ugh , assollcltois foi Attoine > Ceueral ( Jnrland , to-Jay Hied hisanv\cr to the Dill recently filed by , T. Harris Rogers against Attorney General ( iail.ind , Senator Harris and others for a settlement ot the affairs of the Pan-Ulcctric Telephone com pany , triilaml , In his answer , denies In de tail every matcilal statement In the bill and calls attention to "scandalous and imperti nent matter In the bill , " Ho sajs ho must decline to answer such millions unless the con it diiects him In the course ot his ansvvei Garland says ho became impiesscd with the appatent useful ness of the Inventions , and February in. 1SS. ) , attended a meellngof peisons Interested at theieshloiicoot the complainant. After relating the circumstances ot the making of thocontiact , Garlund BUS that the toinplaln- ant , Instead of dnvotlng himself to the per- toition of the Invention , as by his contract , ho was bound to do , sold his intciest in his stockb in thn patent In violation of H.ild con- tiact , and became anxious to have stock Issued in violation of tl > o contract and agalns-t the Interests of the companv , That finding ho could not persuade the defendants to accede to Ids wishes , ho prouned many ( also and malicious Matements to bo pub < lihlitd In the public piess of the country , both as to tliu defendants and as to the biisi- uess of the company. Undo 9aiu'n Sen Dogs. HALIFAX , N. S. , August 1C. 'iho United States war ships Vauticnnd Galena , aftci ro- turnlng from cinUIng North Hay , anchored at I'ort Howkesberg Ftlday night and sailed homeward Saturday. Mining Mill Hurncil. KUIIKKA , Nov , August II. The mining null situated In the Secret can\on , binned tills moiulujr. Loss , 5 00,000. l TIM : XOUTII WOODS. Had ScrncTntuI Dcstltutidii In The I'lrc-Hwctil Districts. Ciucvao , August 10 fSneclal Tele- piamtntho HIK. | A poircspomlent wholi making a tour of the burnt district In Wis consin telegraphs from Oconto , WIs. The scene from the Northwestern train between Fort llovvaid and Oconto Is a desolate one. A week or so since the land was thickly wooded up to thellueof the railroad. Now Iheio is not ix llv ing tree left standing. Last Monday the IHmes swept down throu li this couutrj , licking up bnish nnd dead trees nn it killing live ones which vveie too green to burn. A week of dr > weather put these now dead trees In better olmpo to make food for the llames , which during the last few days have lei the second tlmo this season swept the woods. Hundreds of acres aio laid waste , thotiecsljliujpiostiate on the bed of ashes wined covers the ground. Kvrry puff of wind that blows fans up the llamo from these smoldeilng tiunks , which will burn for a month unless u lie ivy rain extinguishes thu lire In them. A stuno throw n at randon In a broad Held ol fray ashes sends up n shower of spaiks , and the high tempcraturo shows that Iheeij giound Is on lire. The singular thine about these foiest fires Is their tenacity. Farmeissay that even after the heavy lain , which has put out the lircs In the timbei , thpj have dug Into the ground and found it on Ilio to the depth of two Inches. 1 saw ono dried itpslouuhlnvvhlchtho "muck" eirth formed abed ol ll\Ing liio for a depth of n foot. NoilhofVelp , and extending noithwcst foi a do/en miles , the woods in Suamtco county are all ablae , and , di led up by the Hist tire , are now burning like tindei. A tlamlng brand Is caught mi by the wind ami hulled Into a hitheito untouched patch of wood. It liessmouldeilngfoi u few minutes , then a tin ) tlamebtvals up a small dead sa ] - llug. Its leaves citcli tire and shoot up thiough the air into the Minonmllnc branches with n crackle and a roar. The llames shoot up In a broad bull , scl/lni ; on evcrjlldnir and creating a dratt like that of a blast turmce. 'Hie more they bum the more lieice the > become , and tiom a spark an Inch bund , In ono sliort minute there is a belt ol liio a hundred vards wide , swecplnc through thov oods with the speed of a race horsp. 'Ihe damage so far will , in Hiown county alone , aggregate neatly SK,000 ? ! ( ) , and It will cost the relief committee in the neigh borhood of S-10,000 to help the sulfercis , who have lost not only their homes nnd pioperty , but also their means of subsistence for the coming n'ar. The pioposed relief consists ot ere i tliu : houses lor the sufferers , finnlsh- inc them plainly , nnd giving a supply of fuel , lood and clothing for the coming win ter. Then in the spring thov will need sepd and some of them noises , roitunatelv , few ot the farmers have lost their horses nnd cattle , nltliough main ol the lattei aio suf- fpi ing fiom burned noofs. The binned out people nl o need hay and feed. It is esti mated that it wilKosts Ola head for mcn- womcn and children to keep them until hai vest time next vuar. 'Ihe burned out families In Eaton town ship alone number twentj-sevcn. In Helle- \ue , Depeie , Lawrence mid Ash Waubenon tliLio aio about sixty families who will need more 01 less assistance. The people of Ciicen Hay anil all the laigei towns aie li.ud at woilc ULtting to ethei ciothlugaiid sunplies. Kxcuisions and coucOrts aie being given and pi iv ate conti ibutlons of money and clothing aio coming in. Citizens of the countv are hopeful that thev cin net nlong witliout out- slue aid , and will not call for it unless it Is absolutely needed. Ilratly to Raid Mexico , f . : . t\ \ WASIIINOIOV , A tjust 10. [ Special Telegram - gram to the UKn.T-ifn suite of thc-appirent' scienlty ot evuj thing around the wai de partment , actual prcpniatlons arc maicim : for hostilities in Mexico if it should be found nccessaiy to make a hostile demon- sliatlon after the report ot Sedgwick is re ceived. An olllcial ol that department said this moining : "i'ho secretary of war has takun steps to ascertain just how many volunticrs are ready in the states and tcintorles Ooideiing on Mexico in ease tlieli sci vices should be neeiied. The answeis lecelvcd show that although Iho tegular foice of the United States tioops is small , thoie Is a reserve which can be tailed upon in foity-eight hours' notice that would piovo a verv effective army. " "Havo any steps been taken towaids mobill/lnc this leseiveV" "None wliatevoi thus far. Thcdcpiitment has simply taken the precaution to ascertain now cieat an auuy could bo massed on tlio border in the shortest possible time in easy of need. No onn thinks that theio willbeanv ne cessity for sweai Ing in these volunteers , hut ifoecaslon should aiiso , the people In the noith would bo siirpilsed at the nunibi'i ot men In Texas , Aii/ona and Nuw Mexico who aio not only willing Imtanxiims to .shoulder their muskets and avcngo this nnn Cutting , who has l.itrlv become such a great Interna tional Issue. " _ _ A Cold niooilod .Minder. CHICAGO , August 10. [ Special Telegram to the Hi. E.J Anton Kokasa Bohemian laborer , liltj-thico jearsot age , residing at 070 South Tliroop street , was murdered by his son ol the same name batiuday ovening. Tlieaffali did not come to the knowledge of the police until last night Theson , whoistwenttwo jears of age , engaged inn rmarrel with his lather and struck him over the head with a chali. This ho followed up with several fist blows , knocking tlio old man ( low n a flight ot stairs. Noighbois interfered , cairicd the victim into the house and summoned a physician. Ho died bufoio the doctor arrived. Voung Anton was airesttdlast evening. He claims tint the old man was. ( busing his wile and ho intci- fcred to save her Irom harm. The old man then attacked him savagely and ho stiuck him the fatal blow In Eclf-itefenie. t'KiiE , August 10. Wisconsin has been blessed by a iPfieshlnjj lain stoim ac- tompanled by se\eio wind. The stoim ongi- nated jestcidav afternoon In Kansas and Ncbiaska. At inlduijilit it was cential in Iowa , and at six this moining was over Lake Michigan. The rain In Wisconsin was the heaviest n 01 th of ( lie line , fiom Chcboyir.in to Laeiosse. North of this line the fall av eraged about an Inch , nnd houthof It from ono-louith to ono-halt Inch. Thiee-tonths of an Iiuh of rain foil In Milwaukee. Italn began to fall at 10 o'clock and contin ued without cessation until 8W : a. m. An- tigo , WIs. , leports lioavv rain and consequent quent dlssiDatfon of all fears of liuthei lor- est lires , Whitewater icportsa heavy inln and some damage frdm lightning , but no w Ind. _ ' _ Destrucilvn Flrn. lUni.iwioN , In. , August 10 The dry goods store of 0. H. I'arootis , this city , was heaHy damaged by flio and vvatei jcstcrday atteinoon. The tire oilginatcd In an un known manner on the feiouml floor and the three lloorh vvero completely drenched with vvatei , The t > touk , valued at S4sOUO , was nil damaeed. Insurance > 4J,000. I'arsons block is the largest In tlio city , containing scveial stoics , a bank , manv onlces and Inrgo society halls on the upper floor. The damage to the building was sllcht. The 1 1 lull DclegntoB Arrive. Nhw YOHK , August 10. The Iiibh dple- gattsto thu Chicago Irish national Icaguu conventlon-O'lhlen , C'asoi and Hcdmond arrived from Kuropo this morning and weio nictbj mcmbeisot tlio reception committee. ' 1 licy expect to leav p lor Chicago nt 0 o'clock to-night. Is She Alairlcrt ? LoNno.v , Angnst 10. Tlio icnort of the mauiago ot Mine. NlUson Is denied. Flro In a Theater. LONIION , Atuiiht 10. Firoln thelheaturat Vilna , Hussla. caused a panle In which many persons wro injmul. CUTTING CASE CRITICISM , Secretary Bayanl Badly Broken Up nuil His Friends Ailviso Rest , ENEMIES' FINGERS IN THE PIE. A Statutory IVnvlNinn That 1'unlshOR Private Parties AViio Intciloio In the "Wnrlllco | ) | HIMI HOM llc- tvvcoii NutlotiR. Newspaper Comment. W.vsmsmoN , August 10. ( Special Tt < lc- gram to the HKP 1 A dispatch to tlio Haiti- more Sun to-da > , which was evidently in spired b > Secretary Ha.smd , has caused a great deal of comment hero. Thu follow Ing Is ono paragraph In that dispatch : "Secictary Hnjard's demand fortho release of Cutting , on tliocinund tint ho was charged with an offense committed In this country , was bised on the admission of Minister Romeio that Ids government claimed authority to punish him for publishing n libel In Texas. So that. If mi ) mistake has been made as to the notion ol the court In tlio case , It hasbcen Mr. Romero , and Mr. Hnjard would bo justified In pro ceeding on his statement of the matter ns the olllcial repiesentallvo of Mexico. Hut In so Kinve a matter , Involving peace or wai , the secretary naturally feels It Incumbent upon him to get at the exact tiuth through Ids own agencies oofoio pioceodlng to oxttomlllos. " Now as a mallei of Inct In the ofllelnl coi- rcspondonce , which was submitted to thu senate In regaid to the Cutting ease , Minister Romero was not mentioned as havlngbeen communicated with until five days after the demand for Cutting's release had been made , so that Mr. Ha ) aril's mem ory mubt certainly boat fault , as he Is now laboring under a false Impression. The secretary - rotary of state Is evidently very much ex cited over thu criticism which has been made upon his whole course of action In this affair , nnd has either lost his temper , oi speaks without regaid to the value which may bo attached to his nttotanccs , fern n subspducnt paragi.iph in the dispatch already quoted from snjs : "Secietnry Uaj- aul and the officials of ills dcpaitment bit- terlv complain ot "the treatment received from those who wish the piesent administra tion evil. It is hinted that several re-nub- licans haM-rendeicdthcmselves liable to pun ishment lor tlielrnction in the present tiouble A sc-ction ot the Itevised Statutes prohibits tiny citi/en of the. United States from hold ing communication with a foielgn countiy when engaged In a controveisy with this govcinmcnt for Iho purpose of inlluenclng the actions of that country. It is well known that icpublicans and lormci olllcials of this government aie open to this clmigc in tlio case now commanding the attention of out diplomats. Tlio sccretarj' deeply re grets that there are men who claim to bo Ameiicans and vet nieguiltv of sncli con duct. He positively declnres that ho has not In the slightest de-ireo been Intimidated by tlieli actions and will conduct the Cutting discussion ns ho oiigtnall ) intended , and unless he finds leason tobolievo that the case has not been conectlv icpotted to him , will enforce the release of Cutting. " This is the veriest bosli and fiom this and pievious re- cejit utteiances of Mi. Uajaid tlicstoiy is freely circulated that ho is breaking down .under thu bin den ot family ntlllction mm-"official and nolltlcal tioubles that have been heaped upon him dur- 'Ing the past jear. His best fiicnds aie bald to bo leilly nl.umcd about him nnd hav u urged that , ns soon as possible , he should retiie Irom ills piesent position and seek rest in innate lite. A gentleman who had a long interview with Mi. Hijaid vesteiday , siid to join correspondent to-night that he was gieatly impiessed by the chance that had taken place in the societal v's mannei within the past few weeks. "His talk was ir.mbling , " said he , "changing abinntlv fiom ono subject to another. He walked up and down the floor in a veiy ex cited manner. He Is net vous and irritable , and once he threw up Ids hands and said : 'My ( iod , sir , 1 can't stand this tiling mueli longer. " ' Probably tlio knowledge of Ids imppticnco at the criticism lias origi nated tliu iiimor that ho intends toiesign. 'Ihcie is believed to bo no truth in that rumor at piesent. Mi. A. Scditw iek , who has been commissioned to go to Mexico to investigate the Cutting case , had n long inteivicw vvithSeciet.il ) Hajard jestcidaj. nnd lecelved his final Instructions. He Is , It is claimed , to give his attention to showing lirst , all tlio cvidenco , novvspiper repoits and iccords fiom the lust complaint ngainst Cutting down to tlio pxeitlons of the Mexican gov eminent that he should have n lair tilal ; corroboialo the ground on which the demand for Cut- tinu's lelease was peiemptoiily mnile. Sec ond. That the couiso of justice , hail it not been foi tliu linn and peieiuploi ) demnnd ot the United States would liavo been moioai- bitraiyand oppiessivo limn It was. Thud , That the whole line ot pioseeution was changed attcrtheposition of the United Slates governmontvvascmphatlcall ) made Known to the Mexican authorities. Mr. Sedgwick's mission does not concern tlio Cuttlnircaso alone. Tlu real object , it is said , is to niialgn Mexico loriepcated and wanton violation of friendly lelntions , of which tlio Cutting case Is legalded us only ono of many conspicuous examples. ANAUCI11STH SMUT OUT. Powdcrl > SajH They Will Have No Voice in the K. of K. NP.W YOIIK , August 10. fSpecinlTc'legmm to thu Bin : . ] The Hciald tills niorniii' , ' prints a two column Intcivlow wllh Povv- deily upon the coming convention of the Knights of Labor to bo held at Richmond. Powdeily sild : "It will bo an Amcilean con gress In all the word implies , tor , while 0111 countries have artificial boundaries which separate them Irom each othei , In our organ ization there are no haulers between nations and nationalities. The convention will bo decidedly icpiesentalive , I.voty man will speak dlicclly tor his ow n constituency , nnd every woman , too , who has n light to do so. Men who belong to other Inbor oiganl/n- tions , not tiadcs unions but oiganlintlons of a socialistic or anarchist tendency , hav o de clared they will make the Knights of Label the Held of their operations. I shall co to the convention at Richmond fully deteimlned that no member of mi ) otliei oiganlzatlon shall have a voice In shaping or influencing tlio adlon of the order. An.uchi.sin will not bo tolerated and can h.uc nolnlliienco in our order , The anaiclii.st cranl\s of tills lountiy were very anxious to haven general strike torthe elL'ht-liour sstem on the 1st of last May. Tlioy deslied that oveiy indiistiinl center of this country should hnvoiihtiike , so that , if possible , they might take r.dvan- vnntngo ol the excitement and peitoim the vvoik of dcstiuctlon. " Grnin Trade Ilovlow. LONDON , August 10. The Maik Lane I \ - press , In Its io\iow of Hilllsh main tiado dining the past week sa > s : The unsettled weather has letarded harvesting which will now bo \ pry late. Wheat has i listed and mildewed to an extent greatly aflcctlng Its quality , and everj thing points to a deficit In tlio wheat crop. Kncllsh wheat Is liimci and pilces mo against bujeix hales of English wheat duilnir the | iist week were 1,1-0 iniartcrs nt : UsO < i , against iiT.OOl quaiteis at : ii.s Id during thu coiiC9ponding i > eriod last jear. The toreign wheat trade Is inanimate. 1'iirchasea aio enl > of a retail nature. Coin on the HiHjt Is ngainst bujeif. Fonitron cargoes ot wheat arrived , tlitce vvero sold , Including ono of Callfinnta at . .3-i M .ono was vvithdiawn , and seven lemained. Tiadu foiward Is ijiili't. 'llieio Is u desultory in- quliy for Cidlfoinla which is nioment.ullj airainst niiycr . To dav the marki t was veiy til m but quiet. Knglish wheat was Is dearer and foieign ( .d dtarei , Hour Udi-iOd dealer and coin Od dealer. t'ianuy. Detailed Kcport til' thn lliiHlncss of HnnkH linHtVook , HUSTON , August 10. [ Special Tolegiam to the Hi I. ] Tlio follow IIIR table , compiled from special dispatches from the Post from managers of the leading clearing houses In the United States , gives the gio ss cxclnuges at each point for thn week ndlug AiiKU < > t llth , iv > rt , aseompaied with thoioof tliu cor- lespoiidlng week In IbXi : * Notincluded In totals. A F'JJW niilMOUAXDA. Tlio I'roRldent Makon n Itllnitto oil the mils lie Didn't Hlun. WASHINOTOM , August 10. Tlio piesldent has deposited In the doDartmontot state the bills which remained In his hands unsigned nt the tlmo of adjournment of congicss with the following explanatoiy memoranda : ' The Join t resolution directing tlio payment of thn surplus In the treasury on the public debt iccclvcd August 5 , ItoG ; memorandum this resolution Involves HO much and Is of such serious import that 1 do not deem it best to discuss it at this time. It Is not approved bceuise 1 bellevo It to bo unnecessary nnd because I am by no means convinced that its meie pa sige nnd approval at this time may not endangei and embairass successful nnd useful opeiations of the tieasuri depart ment and imii. ill confidence in tlio manage ment of the finances of the government. " "An act to piovide tor the enetlon of a public building In AnnanolK Mil , leeched August 3. Itoii. .Memorandum Thn post- ollice at Annapolis Is now accomiiiodited in qu.uters foi which the government pajs rent nt the late of S'lOu , and the olliee occupied bv the colleNoi of customs Is rented lor S7 > per annum. ' 1 ho govcinmcnt has no other use lor a public huildiiiL'nt Annapolis then is aoovc indicat ed , and the chief aigument mired wh > the building should bo constructed theie is based on thn fact that this city is tlio capital of the statoot M.n > Iind and should have a governiiientbutldlng because the most , if not nil , tlio other capitals of ; states liave such cdl lices. " HKAVY KAG1NG. nicctrlclty DC treys Communication With the Hast. CIIIOAOO , August 10. All eastern wires on tlio Cincinnati and Pitl'btii ionic aio de molished by tlio stoim. The Plttsbing tclc- grnpli ollice has been bin ned out bj lUhtnlng. Communication with the east is entirely lost. A very heavy storm is now racing In Cincinnati. Cleveland Stnitn lor Cooler Clmc ! ; WASHINGTON , August 10 The president lott Washington this moining nt ! ) : li > for his summer vacation in the Adirondack moun tains , accompmied by Mi . Cleveland , Mis. Folsom and Mrs. Lament. When the piesi- dept appeired on tlio portico of tlio whl to house to take his carriage ho was contiontcit by a small piity ot tomists from Kentucky who paid him thnlr respects. 'Hie piesldent shook hands with each of them , and as the caiiiago lolled aw. n the- people on the portico tico , most of whom WPIP ladles , waved their handkerchiefs and shouted a heaity "Good- bje. " The puly occupied Iho special car tendered by the dlici tois of the Delavvaio it Hudson Canal company Nl Ml llllilll JOUlNins P.NIl. Ai.n\\v , N. Y. , August 10. The president and pait > arilved heiP at 0p.m. Colonel and Mrs. Lament left the tiain for their home in the Inleiioi. Dr. S.nmiel U. Waul ioined tlio piesldcntlnl piily hero. They Iplt at 0:11 , their destination being via Rouse's Point , Molra , Paul Smith's nnd thence by Mage to Prospect House In the Ad- Ircndacks. flloio N' . August 10. At Dungnnon to-day bands of nationalists paraded tlio Protestant qnniterof the town , shouting for homo rule and cuising the qmen. A riotbioko out and several persons were liijuied. The pollco bad to foico their way between Pioteslants and Catholic- ! , thus picvcntlng n dcspeiato fl.'lit. One nationalist was ai rested with a knife in Ills hand. Aicnewal ot thoiloting Is leared. Piuty feeling Is Intense. Tlio Kl in Dalrj JMarkot. CIIIOAOO , August 10. Tlio Times' LIgin , III , , speclil s.ijs : The biittei maiket was strongei to-da > . Sales weio made on the bo-ird of tradont 'J-Jf'iJJ'je nnd 17s.OX ( ) pounds wciu sold , The mniUet closed linn and huojiint and a lurthei advance Is expected. The olleiings weio limited. Burped at tlio Slake. PAIIIS , August 10. An Imbecile widow named Lebol , lesldlng in Selles , St. Denis , was bin ned to death nt a stake bj her .sons , who had endeavoied to obtain admission lor he.i toani.nl housu and tailed , 'I ho woman was sixtv vear old and had the icpntnt.on of being a bortcress. The 1'iirnuft r the Apaches. Nee vi.t'.s , Aru. , Aiunst 10. Couilci.s nr- rl\cd nt Koit Hnnchuca fiom both Captain Law ton's anil Lieutenant Paikei's com- mauds and repoit no truth In the minor of the tonnei's capture. Law ton Is still pur suing the hostiles , but Is hampcied by heavy lalns. _ rui H 1 1 u ret 31 on Tail , Hos ION , August in. Mi-Ken , Menrhon it Taj lor , manutaetuieisof fiiinltutoand inh- jois , iia\o failed and gene Into Insolvency. John. ] 110'an , niannl.u luiei of p.uloi Iin- nituie. made an alignment todeo. .1. lllck- nell. Tlio failure is dun to connection with the. nuns who tailed last week. Snmouu I'i oleotoi ; u < \ IJutliv , August 1(1. ( Tlio PolltibPho Nachiichten ia > sTim tlaeotieatj powers ngieed not toaltei the Btatuquo In Samoi unless nil conceined conciined , There can , theieloio be no ipu-stlon ot the cM.iblNinient of a ( ioimiin protector.ito ovei Samoa with tliu o-ssent ot Unglai.d and Amei lea. " Thrt-o I'oi AOIIM Di ovv ned. Niv \ VOIIK , August -Toliof IVteisou unit tvvo women , Chiistlnn Fendeis and Christina Hanseii , weio diowncd in Iho Rnrllan bav l.u.inln'lit. Tim ) weiv out lowing - ing when thu Imit tipsl/ed. Noliint-kn and Iiivv.toiUher For Nibiask.i nnd Iowa fair , \citui ! , ui'.ulv BARKING DOGS NEVER BITE , The Argument of the Dflfonw for tlio Noisy Anarchist Bomb Throwers , THE MISSING LINK WITNESS. I'ostcr Dosorlhcs OllnuT as the Man Who Kilted Up a Cup 1'or ( ho Btnto Moro Hppoi To-Morrovv , Htill Di > r Midlni : thn AunrrlilfilH. CiitrVdo , August 10 Tlu'la-d week of the great annrchlst tilal openo I this inornlng , liiMitfeiably luit , with senro.'l ) n Ineilli of fresh nil in ( lie court room , r.verylnehot space within the lour walls was oocuplpd by spectators. Koslor ivsumi'd Ills speech this morning by dpolnrlng that li was not them to defend niinichy. When ho pxpnwcd that sentiment hituui.iv ho expressed the sentiment of his ussoiilnlcs. The voidrt ought not to be based upon the sentiments of mi ) iouiisc'1. This nsscriIon was nppircntly made with the vliwvof uiidolntc thoelfcvt of the statement madub > Solomon In Ids op MI- Ing as to Spies nnd his utti'iauec's. Foster limited thu old adito tint "u hirklngdog never bites. " Spies nevoi concealed his H-II- tlmcnts. * The > weio made public tlui" nnd again thiough the piess. Tim in in was talkative th it could not be disputed. ' 1 hero must bo something In the coustiuc- tion ot the man's brain which made him give utterance to Ids wild talk. The mm loved notoriety , tint wns all. Unoof the bust points made by Foster In the afternoon was In substantially the followinc language : The pioseeution Hud gieat significance In the publication in the Aibelteioltuiig of the word "rube , " which they say means roCt , lieace. Now , when the police anlved on the Havmarket Captain Ward said : "I com mand jou In tlio nami ! ot the sttitoof llllnolB todisper.se injacwbly. " To this Fielden , who was speaklni : , nnsweied natuially enough : "Why , eaiitaln , this is a iioiu eible meeting , " or 'wo are peaceable-1 Now sliould tlio Htato see auj thing so significant in this re mark. The evidence shows that the meet ing was pe.teeable , and 1 wa > hero It was never Intended to bo otheivvlso. II at that moment some one on Ills own responsibility tlnew a bomb among the police , and that fact vvttiu now knovvii , tlio Word "iuhc"oi Flelden's icmaik , "we aiopeaio- able. " would then havu the n.ituial .signlli- calico of meaning on thn lacu ot them. In- stoul ot being , as tliu state Insibls , Kjnibols of riot and bloodshed. Fuithcr , alter enhirglng upon this feat mo of the case and decl irlng that thu evidence , fell farshoit of prov inn that the Hajmniket rioting had anj connection with the conspir acy to attack tlio police , he devoted consider aolcltimc to consideration ol the testimony ot John Heiinett as opposed to that of Hnnj L. Gllmei Heinett , Foster showed , had bie.ii Interviewed bv the state. He had beeiihliown nplctuieol Si hnaube.lt , and upon honestly declaring that he tould not ieco nl/e It as that ol tlio bomb tlnowei was allowed to uo. Ho could nof-cive the btato as u witness liennett swoie tilal the bomb was tluown fiom a point fat enough from ttiiit fixed by the pioseeution tooveitluow the theoiy based on Gdmei's tfitnnmu that Spies lit the fuse ol tne bomb nnd Hint thu bomb wns tluown by bchnaubelt Irom the north of Crane's alley. Who was to bo behoved Hcmietl , w ho had been ov ei the ground suicu the night of tlio ilot and taken careful meaH- uieuiciits , and whoso ch.uattei had not snf- feied from the investigations < it Capfalu bchaack and his detectives , or ( llniei , who swore bo L-llblv , who hid bieu iin- p. ached bv n do/en witnesses and wl.o . was a ( ir.uul Aunj man , but whether he h id fought uinloi the staii an I strines or htais.ind bais nobodv knew' . ' Why had not ( iilmei been sent botoie thu gi.ind juiyl' Whv was ho nlaced on tlio stamlwhen the tiialwasln pie iiss' ' Hucause tlieio was : v missing link. So Hatty L. ( Iilmei took tlio stand and sud : "Kither than have the play slop I'll tiiinlsh the missing link. " Foster leviewedthp testimony ol dllmci pxhins- tlvelj , denoiinied him as "a stupendous , a roloss.il , a monumental lint , " anil tinning towaid the defense said cxpicsslvulj : "It the testimony of llanj ( illmoi is true. Au gust Spies and Adolph Fischer must die. " Fostei releired to the testimony ot In- foimeis Waller and Sell er. They have been given the choice of the rope and , i written statement such as would servo the pmposo of the piosccntioii. They , ol course , as any man would , chose the lesser of two evils , and tiemblingl ) took the stand to swuai away the lives ol lormci coiip.idoH. "Ibav"said Fostpi , "and I not onlj say It hero In the comt room , but on the xtieetand eveiywheie , that as a la\\\ei . 1 am opposed to such means. Let iustlee bu done tliough tile heavens fall. " 1 osti'i ( oneluded his ad dress with an eloquent -nul lloweij appeal to the jury. He asked them not to commit an act which thc.v would ic iet dining thoie- muindei oi tlieli lives. Captain Ulack said he would piefer not to commence lilsspeeen till to-ninnow morning and court adjoin ned till that time. Furloutt Storm in Chicago. CHICAGO , August 10. A severe w Ind storm accompanied lij tonents of lain and a bril liant display of electricity broke over thecity at 4 o'clock this morning. The w Ind cieaied all kind.of havoc amoni ; signs , awnings and chlmne > fi , nnd several accidents ot a mom serious natuio are ronoited. At tliotornerof Blue Island and Ho > no avenues , a Inrtio Hi ion stoiv briek building , in course ol eiec- tion , was blown to the giound At tlio cor ner ot Foil-ninth and U'e-.t Lake stiects u laigc * , new twostoi > frame hou-owas hlowii down , and in Its lull completely demolished tliendjoinln two-itory Mtructuio , the second house being also somewhat In jured. Tlio si--ii.ll service ollice n-cordeda fall of onolncli of lain. Though the velocity of wind on shoie was thlitj-liU' miles an IKIIII , thohignal seivlco ollUuh say that on the lake , when * It was uiiobttiucted by build ings , Its speed must have been fully fortv-llvo miles TliPhchom.o ! Comamhe , l > lng outside , snapped hei anchoi pliainand pounded on tlio , * bieakwaterand was tow id fiisido by tugs tV ? this morning In a leaking condition. ' / Ifoudy fo Cnir\oo , August 10. The Chicago , Hu ' llngton iV QuIiiP ) lomp'in.s announces iifll- clall.v that tlio Chicago , j iirlinglon V North- Pin railioad , adiicct cnniKction ot .hat line , Is completed to St. Paul and Minneapolis , and will I"1 formally opened for tieluld irallio on tlio i'.cl lust. The olllcials state that freight will be taken as low as tlio lowest , and theio Is annum to the effect tint the to id will cut i.itos to get Imolness , although this Is denied b > the Huillnglon people. A Loii * iti Iko Glided. Niw VOIIK , August K The striking clgaimakiit , icliuned to work this moining. The shippers , of whom theie aio neatly MX ) , nNo letuined to their shops today. The bum hem will gn back to woik In nun- tow anil the toilets nn W < 'dncsda > The light betwien the cU.umakers aid Knlmits of Libni had been on lei spveial weeks and the knights have been defeated , IliiviuinH Will Go tip , HA\\\\ . August lo.-sixtv-eiyht ck-nr faitoius , making paitide toii.ueo , have been tlusul , d.OJO workmen having Minek for higher wages The Miiko tlnealeiis to ex. tend to the Yiieltu Abojo fuitoiles. Mann , taetineis h iv o united to leslst tlio demands of the workmen. Not Dead hut Specnlaliiii : . W\siiiN.iov , August 10. A inuii'r jm > vailed hoio tonight that Senatoi i leant , o ( Caliloriiia , was dead. Tch'irrapliU Inquliv bioiu'ht .v ii'pl ) Iroin Chailotli' , N C . that the scnatoi was I hue. not dead biit UJIDK to buy a gold mini , neai b > . 1'arnoll'h iicliuloii li ) in is Au n-.t lii Tin listi ! in I" , ny ah ' i itenu-s tie tit.n t , ti 1.- 14 vill IK. ill ) b-j u 11 u'a Kciuau luU.oilc.