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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1886)
mmm f J. HE SIXTEENTH YEAH. OMAHA. MONDAY MORNING , AUGUST 10 , 1880. NUMBER 50. BULLETS AND BUCKSHOT , Sharpshooters on tli6 Housa Tops Picking Off Their Enemies. ASEETHING CITY'S DAY OF BLOOD Hlckly Socialists Pnrnile Ilut Blioxv No FlKlit in llrtis 1'rconiitloUH TuUcn by tlic Government Otlief KDrelK" News. An Atigitbt 15. fNcw York Herald Cable-Special to the HniJ : Thp citl/ensof Helfast wont to sleep lat night fcclliiL' much inoro sccnro than they did when they awoke tin Saturday morning. llox ever , tlili feel- Ins of security wna doomed to b'j disappoint ed , and the Feast of the Assnmtion of 1685 must bo added to the led letter days In the nnnals of Helfast , a day hereafter lo bo marked by bloodshed In the light between the rival religions paitlcs. Last nlulit the whole city seemed quiet , quieter than I have sern it since 1 arrived. Ono tliliiu which p.iitlcularly Rti uck mo , was that , during the evening 1 was able to drive through all parts of the town without changing my dilver ns I passed from tlio piotestant to thy catholic quarter. OIITIIODOX .mnus NKrt : sAnv. I-ast Monday tlio lust remark made by a Catholic cabman was : " 1 cannot go to Shank Hill , or the Old Ledge road , sir. " If the dilver were a piotestant ho would say : ' "I ho I'allsioadis not safe for the likes of ns , your honor. " So 1 was always compelled to suit the relldon and politics of my driver to the neighborhood 1 wished to visit. In fact , even with a Jehu of the pioper toligion , an accuiato knowledge of the district was quite essential , ns not to know the exact lo cation of 1'atrick O'FIanagan's home was consldcicd quite enough pi oof that the In- qiilier was sulllclently a stianger to the woi- thy ot half a brickbat. A WINDOW rtn.r , OF There was no rioting last night. The Btrects were crowded , but the pcopln w ere good hinnoied , and this feeling was so marked all over the town that I think a po liceman caught at Shaik 11111 without an cscnrt of a do/en troops would probably have been only tarred and not killed , i noticed only one b.ul sign as I went through Hie dis turbed district on Shank Hill. A largo ciowd had entheied in front ot tlio shop of John MelCeo , a plain class window of which had twenty-one bullet-holes in it. The crowd was sullenly muttering abant Iho unfairness of the police in tiring down Diamond stieet , which the shop laced , and the latal effects their caieless firing might have hail on thu occupants and the customers of tlio shop. WOMIIX AND cim.uncx pinnu AT. As it happened , foitunntely , Mrs. IMcKce , her lour childien and scvcial customers had run quickly into the back kitchen , wlieio they crouched behind a ihln bilek pnitltion For half an Hour tlio buckshot hailed against the fiont of the pnitltion wall , nnd some went tlnough the door , between the kitchen nnd tlio shop , flntleninc against the back wall , within a few ieet ot which the children lay. One boy was sent up stairs ns a kind of scout lo soj xvhotlior the danger was over. He was liml at as soon as ho put 'his head out of the window. A. iMiinsT WITH A mo STICK. Hoyond thients of retaliation on the police . In this unit similar cases , I found nothing to Indicate n renewal of the noting. At about 1 o'clock this morning seveial shots wcio flied down Noithumbeilaiid stieet which caused a largo body of roughs to gather at its Intoiscetion with the Falls The troops denied Iho streels by eliaigtng doxvn it. A pcrsuaslxo priest , with a large stick , appealed on the scone and scattoied the icmnnnts of thn cioxvd In time to pievent the tioops from firing on the people. The Falls load was all nxvako with excitement , but the rioting did not i each ahead then. HOHU8OI' wn.n This small bioaklng out was n bad begin ning for Sunday. As the day waxed oldo the outlook for the tntuio grow worse. It soon became evident that there was more dnngcr of soveie rioting than them had been nt any time since last Sunday. Wild firing by both Protestants and Catholics began at about 3 o'clock In the morning and lasted al most without intermission along Noith How ard nnd Oonwny stieots for over two boms. 1 counted SOU shots that must have been Jiied up to 5 o'clock , but no one was injured. The Catholics were then apparently thing fiom thu top of the High mills , at tlio corner of Falls road. DKAl ) r.NOUOH , THANK TIIK LOUD. They got tlio inngo of the Protestants , who vroie sheltered by a brick wall at the corner of Nuilh Howard fitieot. The Ihst shot from the mill killed Samuel McFarlnnd , a boy of nineteen , The bullet wont tluougli the lad's body , and having glnnced against the wall , severely wounded ncomrndo In tlio hip. The second shot toic through the shoulder ot James Smith. The tioops coming up both patties rotteatcdcairylng axvny their killed nnd wounded. As regards tlio wounded on the Catholic hide It is impossible ns yet to spenlc with any curtalnty. An Orangomnn said to mo : "Indeed wo killed plenty ot them , Ono fellow knelt just beyond them taking aim when 1 popped nt him. Ho gave n jump and fi ll backward , llo's dead enough , thank the Lord. " I.OOT1NO CATI10MO HOUSES. About 0 o'clock Hugh Hupier , of No. CO Conwny stieet , xvas arrested for shooting fiom a windoxv. Many shots woie undoubt edly Hied tiom Ids house , but ho claims they wcro not llrcd by him. Kinthor lighting Is likely to take plnco between the Catholics nnd Piotestnnts , its the feelings of bath par- ( Ins nro now PM'ltod to fox or heat The lootIng - Ing ot Catholic houses on the outer edge of : the Ornngo quarters boinn Iitst night , nnd hns Increased thn bad feeling , Throe arrests linvo been made on this charge. Double cor dons of tioops noxr block nil the streets load ing between the Orange nnd Catholic ouar- teis. Many of these troops have been on duty for fouitccn hours without rest. AH I pasbdl ono deploy I snw a soldier drop to the giound from exhaustion. A 1IKSIANI ) I'OH MAUT1AI. T.A.W. The magistrates nro nlso pxl'.austed nnd dltcouniKcd by the bitter feeling shown by the people. Thov tall ; of nn Immediate proc lamation of maitlat law , xvith vollay-Urlnz by the troops nt nil gatherings of persons af ter nightfall , ns the only way of tcnchlii ; ; tlio people to suiy at homo. I think Mich suvero ineasuies nrolmprutable. AT A Fl'NKIIAJU ' Tliere hnvo been but few sensations to-day llnro the mornlug tight A detachment ot cavalry went out at a fast trot down Iloynl avenue on Shank Hill as a giutrd to Kapler , tn old uinn of sixty , XTIO ! was anestod for shooting fiom a xvlndoxv , They ereatpda momentary cxolfcment An attempt had been made to lynch Kapler , A proteatnnt VJ funrrul , fmccdto pasitlnough the. Catholic guaittrontho Fulls road on it * xvaytotha ecrncterj' was the only other event of the flay Although the deceased xvas In no way conntvtfd in llfuorln diuth with the riots , an attempt > vo inudo to frighten the mourn ers by firing several shots In their direction as they returned from tlinginvc , and HKVr.llAI. WH.H SHOTS fired In the nlr. An hour later Increased the tension between the cioxvds of I'lotcstants and Catholics which gathered , facing eaeli other at all Ihocioss streets , but they xvoro kept out of n stone's tlnoxv of each olhor by double lines of iroop-i. The shots did no damage , nnd the security from nnest en- jojed by the iloteis , whoovcry night do such wild shooting Into tiie streets , is said to bo duo to n peculiar habit of the Belfast rlotcis of setting stride lidgo poles under the shadows dews and protection of chimneys and thence tiring , eitlier Into the air or Into the slicct. nsbest stilted to the shooters' taste. MIIWIOHT'S 4\virT : not'ii. The city bell Is now perfectly quiet , nnd a low stray shots have been llrcd by loafers at Intervals during the whole evening , but merely out of bravado. One of the best local mi then Hies assures me ho Is certain the riots nro now over , and he thinks probably there will bo shooting nnd clubbing for several weeks to come , and that perhaps some 'lives will be lost In paity rows , ns In this morn ing's , but that all danger of sciloua rioting is passed. THI : KAIM AND TIIK ur.nui.Aii9. The rain nnd stionsr dclachments of cav alry and Infantry , stationed nt trequent in tervals all over the city , combined lo pievont any fuithcr oullneaks upon those parts of the town wheio the nioining's lighting oc- cuiicd. They xvcre eox'cred at night by new posts of dragoons and police. So stiong a force Is in hand In the dnngcious parts or the city that n mob could bo surrounded and cap tured at very short notice. This Is known lo the rioters , and theyuru unlikely , there fore , to mnko any attempts at lighting and house-wrecking until after 1 to-numow morning , xvlien the troops will bo withdiaxvn and Iho city left in the hands of Iho police. OIANOiMEX ! : AND 1'OUCR. One of Iho comic Incidents of these dls- Imbed times lay in the negotiations which went on between tlio police authoiitlesand thoOrango leaders legauling the leims on which the police were to be allowed to re sume duty in the I'roU'slnnt dlstilcts. Yes terday's ' verdict of wilful niuidcr against an unknown policeman tor killing John Edge- xvoith diil so much to sallisty the feeling of hatted against the pollco that they think now thov may resume duty without any serious icnewal of ilotlnc. There were ritmois last nlt'ht that a Catholic illlu club had challenged all Oinngc society to a repetition of last Sun day morning's ' sharp shooting near Spring field , but the tioops xvere so stationed as to make Mich a renewal of brutal lighting almost impossible. SICKIjY S The IJInoil Kiiiuitn < ; in the Gutters of lll'USHClS. BuiTSSKi. ' , . August 15. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to tlio Br.i : . ] The dreaded .socialist manifestation has come and gone constitutionally , peacefully , picturesquely. Thu Brussels gutters do not tun with blood and King Ccopold still adorns the llnone of Uelgium. Long before the Uiussels shop- kcepeis had taken doxvn their bliuttcis I xvas up diiving aiound thu popular quaiters of the city to ECO the arrival of the socialist xvork- ingmen fiom Iho piovinccs by special trains , which had been organized from all paits of Uelcium. Thousands of xveavors , brexveia and builders xvero oxuccted from the great manufacturing centers of Flanders. THOUSANDS' OV l'AMIhIlii : > JIINKP.9 from Mona and Charlerol liad voxvod that they would llount their misery In the faces of their tyrants , nnd though the government alfected to have no fear , they had taken ex tra piecaulions to guard public build ings nnd the poison of Ihe king. Brussels looks xvondcrtnlly pielty in the caily morning. The houses aie bright xvith royal trl-color bunting ; two tri colors wave from tlio lofty towers of the cathedral of St. Gudiilo ; the fionts of the goveinmcnt oillces , ol the railway stallons nnd Iho palaces aio decked with colored lamps , xvhllo a southern sun shown iloxvu on the gny little city , eliding the belfry of the Hotel de Villo and xvaimlng the hearts ot Uuudieds of I.UCKI.KSS SOCIALISTS , xvlio , not having had the whciexvithal to pay for oven cheap excursion tickets , had luft their Brabant hovels on foot and had tramped all night rnthci than miss the manifestation. Many of these poor xvretches urilvcd llteially starving , without a son in their pockets. But for the ehaiity of the Biussel burgeois they would not have had sliength enough to maicli In Hie procession. Yet , on reaching the rallying points In the Alleo Vctto nnd in other avenues near the Oaro uu Noid , they had got enough in them to essay leeble erics in German. "UNIVKIIS.U. SUFFKAni : KOI ! KX'IMI. " By 0 o'clock Brussels xvas fairly axvake and the streelo began to xvear a holiday aspect. In all diioctlnns bands ot ritl/cns xvcie to bo seen cheerily marching along with banners nnd emblems , but they xvero ot various hues , red , blue and til-color nnswcilng to the dif- feiont shades ot opinion , of the socialist , of thn liberal nnd the rovallst. This clash and medley of symbols make a strong character of orlgln-illy of the day. Turniu/j / ono cor ner yon inn Into a group of steady-going clerks nnd shopmen singing "I , a Brnbau- coitne/ . " The next moment you meet n deputation of miners , xvith pale , pinched cheeks , carrying phrygaln caps on poles and blood rod bannois , A loxv bteps fuithcr you crossed the line of n procession of peaceful bourgeois armed xvith Inolfonslvo Ushlng rods on their way to the Grand National AnsJers' contest , which fonns thu leading feature ot the annual fote. And all the groups met , crossed nnd rc- cro scd without once COJIIJffl JKTO COLLISION or losing their temper. At 10 o'clock special trains from Halnault , Flanders nnd other Belgian provinces began to arrive , laden xrltu xvorklnciiicii. Following a crowd of holiday makers , I toiind myself near to the Uare du Nerd , In tlio midst of n group of socialists with scarlet Jiowera In tlu-lr button holes and big cards Inscribed xvith the words "Algmnpen Stcinrecht" In their hp.ts , Old women clad In long black cloaks xvero mean- xvhllo going about belling xvares. A dreary rustle the "Marseillaise" xvas singing and n number of llttlo urchins xvero rllSllIKU IN AXU OUT of the crowd , hawking the Def ulsseanx's , the last socialistic squib , ami poitrnits of the socialistic leaders. At the cross-road * In the Ituu Desoiinu thousand xvoiklngmen of Brussels stood In serried , orderly masses , awaiting the arrival of tlioNoornlt delega tion from Uand. Presently two trains steamed ln _ wUtTTho V oriilt party personally conducted by the socialists , Anscelo and Bnelo , and accompanied by ilftylx pretty maidens , some dressed In scarlet All socincd ontlmslastiu In the cause. FullloK quickly Into line , they marched down the boulovarde headed by a brass band , the worklnguion carrying a board adorned xvith the xvhlto lion of Gaud. As It debarked from the station Into the road the band struck up tlio famous nlr of Vannrtoveld , The profession took up tlio refrain , the SOAllLET UAIDUKS FLUITKRUD their haudkprch'.Bfs ami thn crowo of specta tors , carried nxvay by It3 enlbudlAsui , shouted "Vivo la Icsgaulols" "Love het nlccinocn slcmrecht. " As I stood watching the scene Bertram ! , the socialist loader , t\pped me on the shoulder. Soon nfterwnvds I passed Jean Vocders. who was folloxx-ed by an ad miring bodyguard , xvho scorned as much adored by the women ns liked by the men. A few thousand police nnd civic guards had been stationcil ; it strategic points along the route , but THANKS TO THE SHI.r 11KST11.X1NT of the socialists , thov hail nothing to do but look When the procession xvas fairlj under xvay 1 diox'C lo the course , which t found guarded by a company of chassmirs , under the command of Caplaln Kcnard , nn old trlcnd. "Anything to oblige yon , " said llenard , on my asking to be allowed to join Ids men on the steps. At a ( ] imitcr to ono the sound of music was heard and the procession now swollen by MANV THOUSAND IH'.CItUITS began to file past singing the "Marseillaise" nnd the "Artevetdo" hymns. At his head came the Antwerp deputation , nest walked Valders , shadowed by a huge til color ling veiled by crape ; tliun matched the socialists ofBrussells xvith a rod ll.xs and other tro phies ; nfteixvaid came the Foornitgioup , ere- cecded by Ihe xvhlte lion ot Ci.ind , and a red flag nltnchcd lo a bundle of llctors toils and surmounted by the lap of llbcity. Dchlml these marched miners , masons , pavlors and glass bloxvers Irom Chailerol , Liege , Namur , Mais , Hinges and other Belgian cities , some In blouses , others In fu-tlan. altogether about txventy or THIHTV THOUSAND stiong , moving steadily as troops In the paiado giound. King Leopold xvas mean- xvhllo tranquilly visiting the academy of line aits , and the queen unostentatiously diivlug about the streets in a pony chaise. When the procession had passed the bom so 1 fell In xvltli Itcnaid's ' chasseurs , xvho marched lo the royal palace , where from txvo to tin eo thousand clvlo guards and artillery police xveio draxvn up. Happily llicro no occasion for their services this aftcinoon. By 4 o'clock the last socialist ex cursionist had left and the Brussels bonr- geoise , relieved from tholr nightmare , gave themselves up to drinking and revelry. WHAT TUB MlDUI.i : CLASSHS THINK. Yeslerday , in order lo ascertain xvliat Iho lliusscls middle classes think of the piesent agitation , 1 called at the olllce ot the Inde pendence IJclze , the gient liberal organ. The director xvas absent , but ono of Ihe chief editors , M. Harry Gerard , ussnied me that the Brussels buiccoise xvas divided into txvo companies-one panic-stiicken at the hostile agitation , the other indifferent. "People are knocked-knced here , " ho said , "too ignorant of tlio mailers at issue lo fight over Ihe labor question. They xvill light fast enough over cleilcalism or anti-cleilcalism , bill they don't understand the business. " A fcrol1 ATLlLT.n. On my xvay to Brussels I halted at Lille , hoping to see the notoilous Alfied De Fills- seanx. Some months ago he xvas found guilty ot treason lollie king and of stirring up sedation by publishing a lire brand called Lo Catechisino Lu ) 1'euple , which Iho gov- cinment piolesscd to hold responsible lor the sanguinary riots at Chailerol. The au thor escaped to Fiance at Ihe very moment Ihe judu'o xvas passing sentence upon him. I just misled M Do Fuisseaux. The French police had ordered him oil lo Paris. A Irusty fiicud , lioxvox'er , conx'oyed n letter to him. He replied. A nAi > nu'fi I.BTTCH. "I have beun expelled Irom Lille. In a fexv xvords , this is the position ol our party in Belgium : The government is noxv entirely in the hands ot Iho conseivallx-es , divided xvilli liberals and Catholics. The latter are in olllce. Tlio people demand univeisal suf- Irngc. The l.ixxs are all made at piesent by and for tlio conserx-atlves. Give the ueoplo sulfrago and they xvould have radical laxvs and a paillamontaiy majority of ladlcals. The piesent movement has been augrax'nted by the misery of the people , xvho ait ) crushed by taxation. Our means tor action are. Iitst , these manitestations. If within eight months they have no icsult xvo shall icsort to n gen eral strike , depending tor support on the co operative societies xve aio founding in every direction , especially the co-operative baker ies. The bourgeolso is tienzied , because It feels it cannot iclyon the army. Ourbiic- IH absolutely c ilain.Ve can continue to struggle lor unco months , long enough to ruin tlio industrial linns by preventing them Irom executing foielgn ciders. Vt hen ruin stales them in tlio face they will yield. " HB'LI. inAT IWUHSKI.S. Mr. Defuisseanx adds ho Is determined to come to Brnssells to-morro\v at all hazaids , but xvill only shoxv himself if his intervention Is needed to piovcnt bloodshed. AGIIHAT MANUrATUIlr ; TALKS. The little toxvn of Guise being close to Lillle , I took the oppoitunity of inteiTolxving 31. Golii ; , the philanthropic , tounder and manager oC the great co-opeiatlve Institution of Gulbe , the Inmlllstcro. Txvo thousand souls , depend on those iron foundries. M. Godln , xvlio originally oxvncd the works , voluntnrilly took his xvorkmen Into partner ship xvilli him some years ago. "Tho causes of thn present agitation , " said M. ( Jodln , "aiepailly economic and paitly political. The Iitst Is duo to the fall In xvngcs and Industrial. The second Is duo to thoat- tcmptsof the catholic paity to check educa tion and trample on tlio liberties of the pco pln , nnd by the Impotents of the liberals to amelioiato the intolmubln condition of the working classes. A thlul paity , the republi cans , has arisen , xvhlch demands universal MitTiago and stands midway between thu masses nnd the liberals , but the only DAMinilOUH QUESTION In Belgium , ns It xvill soon bo In nil civilized countiies , Is tlio labor question , intelligent xvorklngmen sco hoxv untalily xvenlth , tlio resulto thol' labor , Is dlstilbuled. They can baiciy live , nnd clutch at oveiy rovolu- tlonaiy movement which seems to'offer any hope of bettering tholr position. liemedles In this state of things can not be clIVcUvo if they arc only local. All nations nowadays SHOULD 1113 SOMTAlniiS , but some coed might come of the various In dustries of Delirium , acting tliiough syndi cates agreed xvltli Iho government on a con- ( nil ilsoof 30 per cent In the prices ot all products , especially if ns n corallary , n mu tual assurance organl/ation for the bencllt of xvoiklngmen , weio cieatcd uiulcr.slrito con trol. I know nil the objections to such a plan , but 1 say all might bo met If the gov ernments xvould take counsel together and admit tholr bolhl.irity. " With the exception of M. Godln nil the gieat mnuufactuicts have been hostile to the labor party , TUB 1HBX WINS. Bull of thn Great Kegllsli V.iolit Race I'robnblo American Visit. COWES , August 15. j New York Herald Cable Special to the I5i'.i : . | As early as 3 o'clock tills morning , I found many like myself hap got up in anticipation of an early return of the yachts and xvero anxiously looking through the mlats for signs of the competitors for Ihe Capo May cup. The dis appointed news that there xvas nothing In the opplng xvus carried back to the hotels nnd lodgings and enabled the slumbers to sleep on. By 10 o'clock Iho parade. Jn&t above the beach was thronged xvltU people , many with ' telescopes and field glasses searching' horizon for the smallest speck. The church bulls tolled on xvlthout In anywlsadliulnbh- Ing Ihfl anxious crowds. It xvas not until Justniidday lint the royal yacht Victoria and Albert which was lying out in the harbor In rcadlne to tnke the fjuccn acioss to Ports mouth en route to Balmoml sent up signaling Hags xxhlch. Interpreted , read : "Irox in sliht ? elf Uyde. No Klcnsof'the Uenestn. " Then the groups becnn lo bustle nbont Oul of re- sped to a visitor , xvho lay dying no < et door to the castle , the royal -ncht squadion club house , nn announcement gun xvas not fired , but the Hag xvas dipped ns the Irex xvltli her mainsail , foresail , gaff , topsail nnd jib set , sailed gracefully past the Hag at 1 hour , 0 minutes , 10 seconds p. m. , or 27 hours , I ) min utes , 10 seconds after starting. She is thus entitled to become- the noxv holder of the prized American Cup. 1 xvont aboard the hex ntoncc mid congratulated Mr. Jameson nnd his brother William , xvho nlxvnya sail tlio Irex. Tlio former Is a quiet and unassuming man , but by no means n son of Analt. Ho seemed to take the victory as a matter of course and did not betray any outxvard signs of pleasure. 1 then gle.ined . the following account of the race : "The Irex passed tlio Needles at lib. 45m , a , m. on Satuiday. The wind , xviitch had been bloxvlng briskly , dropped axvay. At 2ti. 45m. a llttlo breeze sprung uo , and at Oh. 16m. the Irox xx'as thirty-three miles on" tlio Needles. The Gcnesta xvas then about three miles astern. The wind died nwny and it became calm. The Irox tacked to the sontlixx-ard , heading south southeast At Oh. 13m. xve xvore going about nine knots. Shoitly after xvo made the southeast end ot Cherbourg breakxvatcr and saw the light Wo tacked again to the xxestwaidand rounded the west end of tlio breakwater atSh.4"iin. Thu Irex xvas out at the east end at h. 05m. Wo then reached and beat all the xvay homo with light , variable winds. Wo lost the Gcnestn nt 8:30 : p. in. She was then about four miles astern , ami xvliat became of her I cannot imagine , but I fancy she xvas becalmed. We had aboard , all told , txventy-soven , including Mrs. William Jamie- son and three irentlemen. Wo have certainly had lldes , winds and everything else liwmr fax-or , so that this race may not definitely settle the Brcnton reef cup , for which xve xvill probably sail life Genusta next week ; but in our opinion neither the Gencsta nor any yacht in England has a chance of beat ing us. I think the Gnlcata is a slightly bet ter boat than the Geuesta , but do not expect her to xvin the American cup. " I found Hint opinion xvns shared by Mr. William Jamison nlso , xvho nddcd : "It wo xx-cre sine of sllff rfirce es xvo xvould take the Irox over and Iry to bring the cup hero our selves , but it xvould be no use of our forfeiting a xviiote season here , xvhero xvo sail thiougli the lacing season about thlity-livo races. If , when the day arrived. tUo xvind xx-as light , wo should have no chance xvhatcxer. Still , I noxv think It is time America sent a boat ( over here. It xx'ould cause a llntter of ex citement if she xvere to do so , and If she took the cups axvay fiom us , then xvo should very likely build a baat 16 regain them. " I found that Mrs. Jamison , xvho looks every inch n yachtswoman , slrongly wished her husband and brollier-in-laxv lo go lo America , so tint there Is a strong probability nftcr all , that the Irex may be seen compet ing in American xvalers. As I am closing , in ouler lo catch my telegraphic opportnnl- lles. since lliis ecclesiastical conducted gov ernment is very erraticwith , its Sunday tele graphy and slmls" up ,1110 divisional ofllces1 early , the Genesti Is reported In sight , siml. will doubtless drop .anchor about 5 p. in. , too' late for mo to get .llji'story { by who to the } London Commi > trclalcable , office. AHorriUlc Proceeding. Bnussjn.s , August 15. fNexv York Herald Cable Special to the BKH.J An extraoidf- § nary experiment , unprecedented in judicial annals , xvas gone through hero yesterday at Iho hospital De baint Joan , in connection xvith the case of Iho woman cut in pieces by Midxvife Koileletitnd her lover , Masn.nellor. The former , xvho denies the accusation , tried to throxv dlsciedlt on Masquelier's confession by stating that he was physically Incapable of cutting up a body in tlio manner described by himself. In consequence Masquolior xvas icquestcd by the authorities to cut up nt the hospital Do Saint Jean tlio body of f n dead woman lying there for dissection. Masquclior as sented , nnd the experiment took plnco yes terday before the judges nnd n crowd of medical authorities. Mnsquelicr xvns at first very much upset but recovering from ids emotion ho took tip a kitchen knlfo nnd chopped the legs , anus nnd head of the dead body , exactly ns lie had described. The ter rible operation lasted twenty-live minutes and tilled Iho wltnojses xvith horror , xvliile convincing the judges of the accmacy of Mnstiueller's confession. AS IIEAUD 15V BNUhlSII BARS. The Condition in Belfast Deplorable Itlot Act Ucnd. LONDOV , August 15. Rioting has been resumed In Belfast. From midnight last night until 4 o'clock this mornlnc a rillo hglit was in progress on Shank Hill road and Old Falls road. One person xvas killed nnd many xveio xvoundcd. The toxvn Is seething. A dispatch from Belfast says : Tlio scctailan strife has recurred in n deploiablo , cold blooded fashion. Expert marksmen this morning conducted a rillo h'sht from roof tops , chimney-stacks and street corners. Immense croxvds of partisans , who cai/inilly kept out of the range , xvoro prepared to as sist by supplying ammunition and removing the wounded. The sides xvoie equally di vided. The moon shone brightly throughout the contest Orangemen admit that ono of their men named McFarhine xvas killed , and that two others , named Smith nnd Johnson , were mortally wounded ; nlso , that tlieio xveie numeions minor casualties on their side , They claim they killed nnd wounded many Catholics , but the latter deny they sustained Merlons losses. Jijany houses xveio rid dled by bullets. Wnenex'er the military the 1'rotestant district , was looted. An order Instructing the police to use buckshot Instead of bullets has been cnnc/illed. Tlio populace is biillen and menacing * Thompson's i'tilcliiK-Ofr. NKXV Yomc , August 15. [ Special Tele gram to the UKK. ] Tluj Btory that Hubert O. Thompson committed suicide Is believed here , and some additional details of his death nro given , which make the theory plausible. It is stated now thai hU physician xvill not certily to his death , and the coroner , xxho was present , did not hold an nutopsv. It Is intimated that the coming exposuieot the tSquIre-Flynn deal nnd financial embarrass ment induced Mr. Thompson to take a dose of chloral xvhlch caused his deatli. Tlio Treatment's Vacation. WASHINGTON , August 15. The president xvill leave Washington to-morroxv for a mouth's vacation In. the Adlrondacks , In Northern New York , lie xvill be accompanied b ) Mrs. Cleveland and her mother , Mrs. Fol- Bom. No nmll xvill be forwarded to him dur ing his absence. Any public business re quiring his immediate consideration will bo brought to hU attention by cabinet ullicera. 111A1lu \ ) AM DPI ! lU MAltl ) , ' National Reunion in Iowa of Scott ami Tny- lor Veterans. A WAR PLANT AGED FORTY YEARS Hoxv the Crops hook Congressional Klrct Ions Knights unit Ktmvcs Txvo Colleges Noxv linptlzc ns One. The Old Cnctus Crowd. Drcs MoiNr.s. la. , August 15. | Special to the Bui : . ] The National Association of Mexican Veleransls lo hold Us annual meet ing hi this city tills xxeek. nnd extensive preparations nro being made to give Ihu old heroes a Rood time. The stntu association xvill appropriate Thursday to their exercise ! ' , nnd the Nnllonal association xvill occupy Fri day and Saturday. Scx'ernl hundred of the men xvho matched with Scott nnd Taylor are expected , and the city for a time xvill take on a nmttlal appearance , There will be addiesces of welcome by tlio governor of the state airtl the mayor of the city , to xvlilch response xvill bo made by Gen eral J. W. Denver , ot Ohio. On Frith/ afternoon there xvill be a gramj parade un der the direction of Chief Marshal Mel'ad- dice , of Indiana , The annual address xvill bo given that evening by Mayor. Gordon , of Indianapolis * . So the Splilt ot "MO will bo abroad In the land xvltli gicat x-igor nnd power In a fc.xv dnys. Coming at Ibis lime , when lliere Is moio or less Mexican fever on account of Iho Cutting and other cases , the reunion xvill undoubtedly stimulate the halfcocked - cocked patriotism andxvarllko aider of many people , xvho xx'ant a chance nt the greasers. Ono old veteran of Mo , xvho marched to Mexico ice xvltli Scnlt , has already begun to enroll n company tor scivico If the government should need it But cooler heads aio not getting excited over tlio prospects of xvar , and the Mexicans xvill piob.tbly hnvo no op- nortunityto make the acquaintance of DCS Mo in. es chivalry in a ho.nilo xvay foi many years. CHOP OUTLOOK IN IOXVA. The backbone of Iho diouth seems lobe broken , and the uppermost nucstrhn In this vicinity is , hoxv has it alfected thcciops , particularly corn ? It Is haul to render an accurate answer to this question , for tlio dry weather has prevailed so unevenly that tlio damage lias not been cqualld distributed. In tills locality. Central Iowa , there have been no heavy rains since the hitler pai t of May , and except in favored spots , the drouth has been almost continuous. In consequence corn hns groxvn lassellcd nnd eaied. to out- xvard appcaianccs the same ns usual , but n close Inspection shows the missing or half- filled ears , and rex-eals Iho great damage lliat has been done. Two months ago It was esti mated that the total yield lorloxvn xvould bo about 210,000,000 bushels under lair condi tions. Now after this long continued diontli it is estimated that the crop xvill not amount to more than 100.000,000 bushels , it no unfa vorable conditions intervene between now nnd the time xvlien the ciop is maimed. If September should bo xvot , xvith heavy and continuous rainfalls , llieio will be danuerof what Is called n "second growth , " keeping the.jplant green till the fiost slrlkes It , thus m'nlerially reducing Ihe loxv estimate already tirade.- Small ginins seem to bo in much bet ter condition , and promise vciy near an av erage. > ield. coNonnssioNAi. CONTKSTS. Considerable. Interest-is being tnkeii'ln the cpui&glounVv < cont6.st8 tliW year , more , in "raetrtiran nthe icgular titatc tickets. There nrofotqcloseodlstricts , nnd others into xvhlcn nex > ' 'factors enter , xvhich nttmct the attention of the. xx'hole state. The democrats Jmvc supposed that.they had ono district un questionably and Indissolubly solid by sax-era ! thousand majority. This is the Second dis trict , xvhtch was kindly can led out for them by' Hie republicans , xvho put several demo cratic strongholds together , giving them H iiinjoiily of five or six thousand. The democrats over-confident from their strength , nominated for congress in this district Judge Hayes , the man xvho over- llircxv the prohibitory amendment on a tech nicality , and lias always been the champion and detendor of the anti-prohibitionists. Ho Is tho'snuic man xvho xvas Investigated , xvith a vlexv to Impeachment , by the last legisla ture , xvlilch xvas pievcntcd by the democrats absenting themselves in n body xvlien the lest vote came. Cut , nevertheless , he is very popular xvltli clement of the democratic party , and easily secured the nomination , much to the disgust of many democrats. The republicans have thoucht that under thu circumstances , if they made a .rood nomina tion they might xvin , esueolally as the Knights of I/abor have nominated a demo cratic xx'orkingman , and so thev hax'o asked old Sam Klrkwood to bo a candidate and he has consented. Tlio giand old xvar governor , xvho has represented Iowa in Iho United States senate , nnd sat in Gaificld's cabinet Is not above the call of his tclloxv-citizons for any post of duty , hike Gladstone , advancing years set lightly on his shoulders nnd give his counsel more weight , xvlillts Ids youthful strength and vigor nro unabated. Atseventy-lxvo years of ago , he is lo-dny Iho most popular nnd the most powerful speaker on tue Iowa stump. If Iho republican convention for the Second district , xvhieh meets on Thuisdny , shall ten der him the unanimous nomination , ns now Bcems probable , it Is quite likely that the 0,000 opposition majority xvill go down lie- lore the banner of Iowa's grand old xvav gov- einoi. KNIOIITfl ANI > 1CNAVES. The Knights of Labor In localities nro nlloxvlng themselves to be draxvn Into politicsconlrniy lo the piincljde.s ot their older. In this ( the Fifth ) district , under the successful mnnlpiilntion of tliogieenbackors I nnd democrats , ihoy nominated for congress I Mr. W li. Carpenter , of this city , abatb-vvire manufactuier , who Is not oven n member of : thu organisation. In the Sixth disli let it is said that Geneial Weaver expects considera ble help from Mr. I'oxx-derly , xvho , ns a green- backer , nominated Weaver lor president when the latter was a gieenback candidate In 18 0. But as n general tiling , ns lar as ob served In loxx-n. thn knights who take pait In politics nro quite likely to do so on the linn of paity nmllnllons. so that the lesult xvill not bo very materially changed. CONSOIIDA7IN COIJ.rOKS. An Important educational step hns just been taken in the consolidation of the Cen tral unlveisity of I'olla and the Den Mollies university of this city. Both are colleges that have tiled , to maintain separate. orgnnU- ntlons on each others' louitoiy , being about thlity-liveorfoilv miles apait The icsult xvas that both Mitfcicd and went Into decline , nnd ntlast the tiusteosof each consented lo leave it to a board of fifteen nnpiejudlced men to decide which school should give ni > Its location. Tlio decision was in favor of UPS Mollies , and Pella unlverbity xvill bo a thing of tlio past , the school being moved to tills rltyutonco in lime foi the opening ol the tall term. Ornlii Ground Knoxvn- WASHINGTON. Augustfi. [ Special Telo. gram to the BEH : . ] The Aicentlno lupublic bids fair to come to the fronl In the near fu ture as ono of the great wheat pioduclng countries of tlio globe. Consul Gcncial Baker In answer ton request liom the state agent hns furnUhed the following Interesting in formation In regard to the matter : "Accoid- ing to latest surveys nnd estimate the total nrcn of republic is liiO.OOU pqtiiiio league * , or 1'JOO.OOO squaio miles , equal to the .iggioialo area of Great Britain , Fiance , Holland , Ger many , Aiisti hi , Hungary , Italv. bpaln , Portugal tugal , Delu'lum and Gieeco. The estimate of Innd under Ullage Is l.'JfiO.MM new. 1,717,000 acit'3 In wheat mid 3,548,000 aties in other crops , PJIKSIDUNT1AL PJX.S .Needed for Two 111 Olllolal Appoint- , input Iloon. ! -W-iBiiiNQTON , August Ifi. [ Special Tcle- gmui to ) | io BKK.J It xvo expected that two yury Important appointments xvould bo undo be tote ( he president left on his vacation. They xx era the surgeon general of the aimy , and nubile pi inter. It 021114 t , ln > very gcu- crnlly bollex-ed tlmt the sureeon general xvill bo either the piesent chief medical surgeon , Colonel Baxter , or Colonel J. It Smith , tliouch It may be tnat somoyounzeroflloer of the medical corps xv 111 bo chosen In spite of the pressure xxhlcfi is being biought unon the president , sccietaiy of xvar and adjutant General Dnim , by fiionds of tlio txvo olllcers mentioned. 'Iho present public pi inter has tendeied his ix'slgnatlon , which ft Is under- Mood \xill take etleet on the l.Mh of Seple.m- bci. It Is generally cuncecded liere that ( UMi- rial William T. I'.ogers , of Buir.xlo , vxill bo the snccfisful candidate , although , during the past foxv days , theio has been some- talk of iijiiointlng | John Oherly. The picsldent will le.\vo to-mnrtoxv. It iKKsslblo. and cor- tninlr nol later than Tuesday , and ho has de cided not to till cither of tlieso x-acancles un til huiotmns. Or 1,1'ttcrn ninfSInil Miittpr to All Postollloes In the Country. WASHINGTON , Auiyjst is. The po tmas- ler-gcnend has tssuctl nclicular of Informn- tlon ani lustnictloii to postmasters coiifcrn- Ingand propaialory lo putting Into opeia- tlon on Oct. 1 , the act of August , 1SSO , an- tliori/lntrjlho extension ol the general dellv- CI.Y system to all iiostotltces and to all mail- able matter. The clicular pioxldes llmt evciy postotllco In the United Slates and lei- riloilcs and Dlstilct of Coltrubla , now estab lished , and xxhleh xvill bo established xvlillo the finctfolngact iciinlns , Is licieby desig nated ns speeuil delivciy olllces. These rog- nlatlons take effoet Oetohor 1. 1SSO , alter xvhlrh date oveiy postmaster xvill be held in- spimslble for the immediate dellxciy of every ai liclo ot nmllablc matter , which may bo 10- ceived , nddiessed to his olllco , ptoperly stamped xvith n special dellveiy Rlaniji. Such immediate delivery innstbi ! m.ide xxhen the aitlclu Is directed to an nddios- icsld- Ing , or having a place of business , xvitliln one mile ot the postolllco. Thociictilar Is a long one , nnd fully explains oveiy detail ol the new system. Kvorv complaint on I allure to comply with the pioxisions ot the art xvill piomptlv bo investigated and the tosponsi- falllty followed witli ptoper consequences. GKNCUAL AUGUll SHOT. A Notorious Xegro Attuokn tlio Old Veteran on Jlis Ooorstep. WAMUNOTON , August IB. General Chris topher C. Augur ( rctlied ) , U. S. A. , shot about 1 o'clock tl'ls monilng nt his lesldenco bv n 110110 named William I'opo , His wounds xvill not piovo serious , although ho may be confined to his house for some time. To-day lie xvas lestlng quietly. 1'opo nnd another colored man wcro standing In liont of the general's residence using profane and ob < ; ciino language , when he opened the door nnd oidcied them to go axvay. The only 10- sponso ho icceived xx'as a volley of ptofano abiiio and ppithcts. This was more than ho could stand , and , armed xvith n lisht cane , ho lushed upon the Ivxo men anil sttuck 1'ope a sharp blow over the head. As ho did so the necro drew a pistol and fncd. The ball struck General Augur in the lez abox-o the knee , and xvith a cry he staggered back. Befoie ho could recover himself 1'opo Hied again and the ball look effect in Urn ilghl lor. Two moiohhols lollovved , uno of whlcli stiuck tlio general in the left leg and the other in the side. The neuru who fned the shots is a no torious character , wlio has alicady scived a icrm in the pemtcntUaiy tor muulci. He has been ni tested. fCieneral Autir xvas for sex-cral years com mander of the department ot the I'latie. nnd well known In Him city. Ills many filends in Omalia xvill hear of thu assault upon him with rogriit and nnNiottsly-axvalt-daily 'naxys of his condition. ] Sl.Ui'JUY A UlfSAfj J3STA.TI3 SOHR3IK. The illcxlcati Troubles Clinr oil to Unprincipled Ij.aud SliarkH. CiiiC.voo , III. , August 15. LStieclal 'Polo- gram to llio Br.i.J : A sueclal fiom Ausliii , Tex. , says : A gentlemen , now holding olllcial position in Texas , gives some decid edly sensational Insldo facts concerning ihe Mexican internal trouble. Ho said lo-night : "Tho lionble lias boon kept alive almost en tirely by Goveinor Ticbino and General Naranjo. They , xvltli a little gionp of xx'ealthy followers , comprising not moie than txventy men , have long xvh'lded almost Ineslstiblo Influence In Tamaullspas , Coahtilin , Nueva Leon and Chihuahua. Botli the Oonzalc.s nnd Dia/ ndministraiionsoii'tlit to hold this syndicate Irieiidly , and to that end Tiebino and Nninnjo have in turn been made t-ecictary of xx'nr In the Mexican cabinet. Each of thc&o men , while holding this oUtee , managed to secure vast tracts of government l.ind.s in the noi th em district So long as this land contiiiuc.s to bo a part of Mexico and subject to all the uucciiiitntlcs ol Mexican upheavals il is xvoi 111 only 10 to 1ft cunts per acio. whllo nd- jololng Texas land , that is not neaily so good , commands Slo S-t per acio. It tlio southern boundary of thct United States was changed iioiu thoitlo Ginnde to Hie Sioira Mndra mountaliiH , the apiircclntlon In land xvould bewo.nii ; tiom to frio.coo.uoo to the llttlo group of laud ovv ners. The gov- erncufi ol nil tiiM ( ! .states hold their possest sionsby L'ifteo of the men I am talking about Theio Is no doubt In my mind that tlio combiiiritlon hns lUs connec tions in the United States. Gcnoml Nit- nine has been nt the noitli lor HUIID tlmo , and only n shoil time ago niatlo n tic- mendous sale of Mexican Und to C. I' , Hunt- inton. The Cutting ease was a Joitnnato ac cident lor tlicao men. It gave the United States n provocation , xvlilch It could not af ford to oveilook. 11 xx'nr dues 001110 the MUIIO the h.xme men who advised the tnoceedlngs which iirovoked it xvill bii uctlx'o in an ell'oit tolndnci ! the United Stnte-i to nnnox noith- cm Mexico as ono of the condition * of peac' ' ) . " linpcachlntr a iRon , Neb. , August 15. [ Special to UioBi.K. | Our county Biipervisois met xes- ictday lo npprovo nn additional bond if- qtilied ot County Treasmnr llnllgien. The bond was appiovcd and xvlillo Iho boaid xvas still In bCBiilon thoclcik handed Iheclmliiuan a complaint ngalnsl Count v Judge 0. J. BacKman , xvhich chatgcs tint jinkii xvllh xvill- liilandgioss neglect of his ollicial iliitlci , xvith ; nnd xxlth innlfciuiaiicu in ollleo. Tlio complaint xvas signed by J ) . H. K. Wlilleoinb. ' ( 'ho Jiulgo xvas notihcd to appear bqtoro the board tor trial August 1 at ion. m , It Is thought that ho xvill nssign as his conduct has become lather unsivoy : and Ids impeachment Is almost ceitain , Klein With MATAMOUUK. Mex. , Augu t Jl. On the llth Instnnt MaurioCii : ; ' . , xvho hnd gntlmrud n laigc ainuiint ol' htocl ; , with xvlilch ho was trying lo get into Tcixas , was bcaKMi nt San Antonio , Js'euvo Keen , by the Ituiuls , under Cion/.aies Chapa. The govcinmmit foices lost onoonicerand tlnco.-oldloiH killed , and the iPviilntloiiUls tlftcen killed uiul icany wounded. Cmhlmsi'lf tuado ids pscapp. OITI OK Mn.vico , August 14 iOxri'llciit K'LuiiItt ol tlin ciopH haxe been j ( > ! ved liom till pailtiol the mimblle. Govcniineui i < ne- uve hold UK xv ell , Mttio IMill Will Iln Tlioro. CnrsroN , In. , August 15. , 'Spcclal 'Icle- cram lo the IKI ! ; . ] . | . B. Hjiht , pieshient of tlio Veteran Absochitlon of Southwe.stern loxva and .N'orthvxcstcin Allst-ouri , xvhlch meets lierc Tuesday for n thieo days' reunion , received to-day a tcl'igrnm ' fiom General Sheridan poblltvely nsmiring nlm that ho xvill be piesent on Wednesday. Tlio indications point to the largest soldier nathcriiu : of Iho jear. Tents to ne'iummoa.ito 0,003 have ulnndy : been pitched. X'cry llor.Dnr.iii : , Xeb. , August II. ( Special to the UKK.J C. I * . King local editor of the ' sho--k fiom lli-'M- Nugget , iccoix'cd a severe - - - nl tig yesterday morning ac ho was ictnining to the oUIce ultci He Is atlii laiue from thu MijHe , OHIO RIVER HORROR , A Ghostly Tind in An Old Boat at Evnnsvillo. VICTIMS b F DREAD MALARIA. A Family of Twelve Dylns Persons on tlio lllver for 'ixvo WcoUs lit An Opoii 1U > : U , A Klver Horror. EvANsvit.u : , Intl. , 15. ( Special 'lelogram to the Bui.J-Toxvnslili : > Tinstco 1'regnl xvas nottllcd llmt his services \vcro xvanlednt Hie river ye.stci day. lly xxas ill- reeled to a small family boat lying uenr the xv ater xvoi ks. The era ft xx ast a non-discrip- tlvo xi'sscl and bolt1 evidences of haul usage. Its how Mas staved In mid niuily thu entire roof blown on" . The cabin of the boat was about ten led Ions and t\vel\o feet wide , nud In this miserable cooped up box' xvero tvxolxo poisons xxlioso every appearaneo was evldonco of pinching , gaunt poveitv. Hollow eyeit , emaciated and with scaicjly a rag of cover ing they lay upon the baie , dail ; lloor of the boat hndtllod tosether i\nd nil contending wltlulicad lover. In the midst of them lay the dead body ol a woman , par tially decomposed. Over this a pleco of rag caipet hail been thrown , tlio living occu pants being too ill to icmovo the body. Titistco Spiegel : tt oneo. sent for the natrol wagons uiiil lemoved the snlfeieis to the hospital mid then nn Inquest wna held and a vurdlct of death troin malarial fuvcr was lendetcd. Gooigo Bush , one ot tht > occupants of the boat , was scon at hos pital to-night. llo was veiy ill , but was able to glx-o a clear nanativo of the teulblu and sickening experience lo which they had been subjected. The story , almost beyond parallel , was as follows : Until thieo weeks ago Gcoigo and John Hush , btothcib , were fanners in Meade conuty , Kentucky , nbont twoho miles fioin tlio month of Salt river. Their land was poor , and it was with dlfllcnlty that they obtained stifllclent lood to keep the wolf fiom the door. They Dually became diBhe.irteiied and dctetmined to tiy nnd bet ter their condition tuilhcr west , nnd to this end consuueted a small boat and on Sunday , July 83 , both families , consisting ot the toothers , their wives and nine childion , thirteun in all , together with tholr little be longings. embarked in the boat and slat ted nn theii teniblo trip down the liver. Tlmy leached the mouth ol Salt river late on Sun day nielli , and when Monday bioku woiu In the Ohio. Two weeks ago tu-dny. Nancy Hush , aged 57 , and Geoi ire's wllo was taken ill with malaila and not being ublo to piocuro the ncee.ssaiy medicine , it soon dux eloped into typhoid ma laria. 1 he other meiiibei.swoio atilckc n down ono by one. until linally all xveie helpless. In tliih condition they xxcieovertakcnon Thins- dav night by a heavy stoim.hleh tossed then euft about liUo an egg.slioll , tliioxvlng thorn f i oin ono end of ilu > boat to the other. Tluilr iio-iHes.sIoiis xvi-ie all swept away by the xxavc.s and the lool ot the boat taken off. Dinlnir this tuaiful night Mrs. wish suddenly giew xxoiso and began pleading feebly lorater , which no one could gix i- her , and asdawnbioKe she died in ' ullViinc and agony. All day Inn , : thex dilltcdith the cm leiil. the hot .sun boating cruelly down upon the llttlo group ot MitToivia. The approach ol dmk- ness gax-fc them some rellel , but overpoxvei- Jps .JthUst , ; iiid > jjmicruejirlv. , d unlvcd them ol all reason. They had drilled ncnily opposite the city wlion some llshermen who weiu out jugging .savx1 the nppatehtly" tenant- IOFS boat and bonrilcil It , dkcovetlinr tlio con dition ol' Its occupants. All ofllioslck people were being tcmtoily cmed for to- nicht , but hones arc only en toil allied iorsix of tiiein , the fatal and letid ntmosplioic. tainted by the corpse , having had it.s ulleet upon tin ) remainder. Mis. Hush has been builmland the boat buined. A nrujo QUO ! " OUTLOOK. Corn Will Not Yield nn IJountlfally IIH KxpiMMtMt. CHICAGO , August 15. The following cron lepoits will In this week's Issue of the Fanners' llovioxv : The rains during the weekending Satntday were merge throughout the corn bolt lint at any previous time .sinceo.irly in May. and brought a modi cum of hope to fanners , whoso corn-lields were actually buining and withering. Ke- pnitsfrom conespondents received during the xvcck Indicated , more thoioughly than ever before , that the total yield will bo seriously reduced , vast areas having been blighted beyond any power of lususcilutlon. Out ui ! ninety-eight counties In Ohio , Indi- nna , Michigan , Illinois , luwa. Wisconsin , Minnesota , Nebraska , Kansas am ! .Missouri , from which returns coino dining the week , only ciclitccn piedlrt a full nvcragn yield. Thirty counties indicate not to exceed ono- lialf an average yield , ten indicate not to ex ceed a oiip-fout In crop , twenty-six icpoil n piomiFoof thicc-fourths an axeiagu cion. while In the counties coin piomlses n yield not to exceed llvo to Uin bushels pur aeio" un less for fodder. Dlfcouraging roportn come from Illinois , low.i , Wisconsin and Mla- hotnl , xvhllo most encouraging still como liom Ohio and Michigan , and Indium and Minnesota repoits continue to Indicate a fairitvcrago ouilook. In Illinois this week the only county repotting it piomlf-o ol'a full averaco yield is Kdgar , whllo. Jasper , Do\\rllt \ \ nnd icpmt : i promlso of a three- loin His average jleld. In liond mill JMC- lleniy counties onu-louith nn average yield is Indicatutl. Thoiighoiit Illinois rnmnlnlntH fonlinuo. The pattuios mo completely dry ing up. Kate planted potatoes aio geuuially a liiilino. In Iowa Humbolt county Is the only ono Indicating a lull avpiairo yelld. Kstlmatins by counties icuojtlng llils week , the yield lor the Mnto nt liirgo v.ill nolfxcueu lltty to hixty pel cent ol an avojngo crop. In Deca- tin nnd Uairoll counties llni crop Is set down nsalalluio. Wheat is tliicMiing out vciy unevenly , but grain Is urndltiK well. The yield ranges Irom fight to twenty biishijls prracie. The tliieshing lejioils liom Da- kot.i bliown yield of Irom llvo to olglitcen biiRhels. The yield ol tenltory will full con siderably shoit ot any former yearly ixveinco. That Tired Feeling The xx arm weather has a debilitating cffco t , especially upon these who are within doors most of Iho lime. The peculiar , jtt common , complaint known as "lliat tired feeling , " Is the result. This feeling can bo cntluly overcome by tal.his Host's fiarsaparlll.i , xrhli'h elves new llfo and strcngib to nil the functions of Iho body. "I could nnt sleep i had no appetite. I took Hnod'a Ku : npnrlll.t .ind goon lipj-an to sleep soundly ; could get up uithciit tired and lauyuld feeling ; and my apiic iiaprovi d. " It. A. SAM-OKU , Kent , Ohio. S t I'Oll ffttoil tJlO Ilood'x Parsipirllla Is rliararlerl/fd l > y lliree jicciillailtlca ; 1st , the coinlilnal lni i > t fluents ; 2d , the proportion. ; 3d , Iho proc 6 of securing tlio aittxo inctlcli ! > al qualities. 1 ho remit is a niidlelno of unusual strength , effecting cures l.Hlicilu uiiknonn , Bend for book containing additional evidence , "Hood's . - . - , . B.-irs.-inaillla tonr-5 up my jiyktcir purifies my Muoil. tharrieiiiituy ui > | ifilieiml cenn to make 1110 nu-i. " J , 1' . TiioJil'M'N , JtegUtcr ot Deeds , J-ouell , Mass. "Hond'g SirMparllla Ix-atu all f > thci . nrd Is woittiitsuelutitliiriilil. " MUiuiIxu K/K , J3 < J Hank hlrcet , New Voik City. Hood's SarsaparUfa Sold by all diuiglstc. % \ ; > U for $5. .Vulf only ty 0. 1 , 1IOOH ti CO. , Lowell , Mats. 100 DoBq8Orio Dolar !