Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 13, 1886, Page 7, Image 7

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    THE OMAHA. . JXAILY BEE : FRIDAY , ; AUGtTST 13. 1886.
Advertisements under this lievd , 10 cents prr
line for the first Insertion , 1 cents for ctich ul > -
BCfJucnt In'Crtlon. nnd ftJV ) n lint1 per month
No fiihcrtlsotnent tnkon for lo < 9 tlinn So cents
for the first ln cition. Snen motels will bo
counted to tlio line : tlioy mutt run consecu
tively and mint bo paid In advance. All ncK or
tlsoinont" must bo lianded In fooforo 2 o'clock
p , m. , nnd umlrr no clrcumMnnces will they betaken
taken ortllKonilntieO by telephone.
1'nitics mU trtt'lnt- tliesc columns nnd liiv
Injrtlie answers ii'Mu' joil In raio of Tur. llr. r.
will vlenso n k Inr n check tuonnlilo thorn to get
their letters ns none will be delivered otccpt
on pre entfitlon of elieck. Ail answers to ad-
T6rtl cmonl hoiilJ l > oetiplo ed In
Ol'KK c'Kvr Moiu-y J. J. Mnhomiy ,
ISO ) rnrnatn. not
' "
TTONIV'TO"LOAN : on renl o tnto. He-
Jt'l tliiced rate * on Inrtre loan * Contnil Invest
ment Co. , Ilarkor lllook.cor. Iftlh nnd Puriinm t.
. _ _ _ _ _ _ l.Vi
MON15Y TO I.OAN-On farm nnd city piop-
aity.nt lowest rates , W. A. Spencer 1.VJ9
I'lunmn U HJ
ONiV TO LOAN On real n tnto.
J\I \
It. & Smith , Room 3 , Witlmcll lllock.
SPKOIAI. I't'SIl or Hr , too to loan In
mnomiti to suit , on slinit tlmo tnortajtcs ,
thrfo to twolvn months time on iiroporty Improved -
proved or unimproved , Cnli at the Omalm
KlminclHl IIxehatiKU , second llodr of llarker
Itkx-k. H. W. Ooifamaiii nd l.tli ) St. ivvt
lm > o cheup inonoy on lonjr time , In nnr
( lonn on lnldp city proi ortyor
farmland. Nunhall.V Loteck , 15U Inrnfttnst.
C l'itt tt.NT ; money to limn. It. C Patterson ,
mil nnd Do up Ins. 018 _
MATTA FlNANri A I , i\CHANCE : 1-Spro-
pan'il to miiko louns In nny nmntint , on any
kind of Approved i-c < : urlty. Lnnro collateral
lonns n specialty. Mfft on chattels nnil rnnl
rstntc In amounts nnd time to stilt. Lower rntos ,
bettor terms , nnd prompter service tlmn nny
lonn nffoncy In the city. Kor further particulars
rnll nt olllco on the second lloor of tlio Murker
'Hock. southwest corner or F.irnnui nnd l * > tli
Mrcots. 430 _
. TO LOAN At lowest rntes of Interest
est on fnrms nnd unproved cltv property.
1" . .1. liny & Co. , n , rroiinM8 block , S. I * , corner
( 'itpllol nxcnnu imd liltb t. TOOacpil
ONiV : TO LOAN AI lower rntos than anywhere -
where eUo In tlio clly.on f iirnltnro , plniins.
nrRiina , liorfcs , wiiKons , or stock ol' nny kind.
Itomotnber. nt lower rules limn nny other lonn
compiiny in thn city. City Lonn A MortB ire
Co. . room Ifi , UOl I'nrnnm 6t , opposltj Pnxtnn
hotel. _ _ 1" > 1
MON1JY to Inni ) by the undersigned , who hns
tlieonly pmrorly orKiuilzod InBn ntrency
In Omnhn Loans or f 10 tti S 1,100 mndo on fur
niture , plntio . oiiritni , her es , wmrons , mnchln-
cry , &c. , without remo\nl. No ilelnys. All
btiplncs' trletly cimllclcntlnl Txinns PO mndo
thnl nny pnrt cnn bo pnlil nt nny time , ench pny-
mcnt rcdticliiB the. eo-t pro intn. Advnnccs
mndo on flno vntehes and illiunnnils. 1'ersons
Bhoiild cnrefullv consider who thov nro dcallne'
with , ns ninny netv onneerns nro dnily comlm ;
Into existence. Should you need monov , cnll
nnd i-co me. W. H. Crolt , Itoom 4 , Wlthnoll
Ihillillng , IMh nnd llnrney. 4V1
( T.N'T Money to lonn. Stewart & Co. ,
Itoom n , lion liiink , I-th nmlKninnnu 4M _
, nno to lotmr SiTmT > .ViO nniT upwniiis.
$3ti > west nitos. Ilcmls , 13th nnd Douglas sts.
OWKV TO LOAN O. K. nnvli * Co. Ro&l
M Brrtnte and Loan agents , 1505 FarnnmSt
MONKS' TO LOAN On peed necurllios. A
JIcGavock , room 7 llodlck lllock , 1509 Farnam
Bt. _ 453 _
M 1ONiv T < ) LOAN On icnl estate and chat
tola. D. L. Thomas. " _ _ _ r > 9 _
MONKY TO LOAN In"surns"ofiOOniKfnl >
wards on first-class real cstato Bccurirjr.
I'ottor A Cotib , 1615 Farnam Bt. 6U
ONFIT I.OANKD at C F. Keodi Co's. Lonn
office , on furniture , pianos , horse * , wagons
porPonal propertr ot ( ill binds and fUl other ar-
ilclPBOfvolua without removal. . ' 119 R. 13th ,
over Illngham'ji roininl&sloa storo. All bua
HOES Btrlctlr confldont&L 401
FOK SAI.i : f.J.OOO stock drugs and n.xturoj
In one of the bolt II. II. towns In central
Nebraska. n\cellent tiadn. ( Growing town.
Annual sales10lOOca h. Ono of the rare op
porlunltlcs to stop Into an excellent bpslnes * .
Address K4l'.c.iro llou. . -fiO-17
Foit SAi-K Allrst class bakqry and res-
tiumint business thu only ono In town. In
vestigation will prove this a splendid opportun
ity , 'i'oiun very easy. Addruss ISoxTS , Akrou
Cole Rt ! 13 *
F OH SALK A ie taumnt located on a lively
street , having a good patronage. Address
1C. 07. Ueo oilco ! 789.1.'i *
BUSINESS OHANCES-Ono of the best gro
cery stores In the city that only requires
small capital , cash dally ales ? bO. Will Involco
about f,000. : Kent onlv i20 per month. Call
on or address , Park &lowler , 1VJJ Douglas st.
C > < 7-12
"I71O15 SA1.K Now utock of groceries located
JU on ono of the bo t btrects iu the city. Will
Invoice about jf.Tnoa Indnfling flxturos. Object
Insrlllnggolng tolcavo the city. Address 1C 31 ,
HOP olllco. 782 It'
( A Oil SiALi ; Thu compli > to furniture of the
Nobra ka Vinegar Works. Call soon on
K. Krcbs. Jones st bet 9tb and 10th Ht , Omaha.
P o" ALi : Or exchange for Omaha real 1
estato. a nlro clean slock of groceries. Thee
Olson.SMS. 15th tt. f42 12
OH SAL.K An elegnnt cstnblUbcd buslno i.
the beet of the kind In the west located In
this city : nit prollLs JJJjaLiW per annum ; will
lirar closest linestlgation ; Involco about 1'artles with means wishing to atop
tnlo n tlno business address 1C 7. Ueo olTICQ. 444
FOKHAI.K A ttrst-rlns ; bakery , rcstanrnnt
and confectionery 'tand In n towp. of 7,003
Inhabitants. Imiulio of K. 1 * . FHT & Co. , Omaha.
" 05
T71OK MAI.K Kint-cUs * moat market with
.1 ? nlco fixtures , nil complete : coed trudo ;
best ot reasons for selling Call or write to
( ico. W.Mat.4on. 1U2I Howard. 32,1
TTUMC hAI.K-Tmo of The oldest established
JJ groccrjbuslnes * In the city , with n very
Urge , well-paying trade. Will exchange for
Onmim renl cstato or part cash and balance so-
cutod note * . ( Snail reasons given for gelling.
AJdrc s"lil. : " llfo olllco. m
HOUSES I.ots.yunns.ljinda money loaned
nejnl * , 15th and Douirliis slroula. 482
1I7IO1I SAT.K fovcnil stocks ot goods , dolnirfi
J.1 healthy business , ownership clear , entlS'
faction guaranteed ; terra * easy , some.Omohn
property tnlen In exchange. Marshall A Lo
ck. 1M1 Kn run in 465
TOST rrnm near the Talr ( iroumln , August
JU n , a foirrl horsn.wlth 2 whitu hind lo/s ;
white * pot on forebvo.ii. Ituturn to 017 Oharles
Street. 8 IS12J
IOST An Hlk's badge. Iteturn to Uaymond I
- J _ Juwcler. nd n-culvu reward. KM _
LOST An uintirolla lii-fwoou P. O. anil il
fiirnnmst this morning. Vlonco letvoal
Olllco lieu. 82H-12 *
T71I1IST-CI. \PS-Tiblobnnnl.ftti 8.19th rornoi
.J Kt.Mary' nve. B30-H1'
BT AU1 > IN J 1224 Papltol nrTnue , northeasi
cornrr J"th , hot-go IIOH ly ( urnbhed ; every
thing llrst-clas . _ , 745-13 *
B OAIID-And lodfflnifS , nt322 N" , IStlut.
T. IKIIPONAILiullej.I desire to call your klnO
S. attention that the Omaha Kmplnyment Im
ritui li ri'iiuivi-U Itaollico from Ftimain t tc
1 Itf North Mth t In Crounio liloct , tliould 101
want auy help plcace call. Kcspt. R. O. Iloll
I > Kll.'OSAL-3Hr . Dr. Nantt'.o V. Wnrrci
oalr\oimt. ! Medical and buinasa Mcillun
Itoom No. U , 1 1 NnitU icih st. , Omaha , Nob.
1 1' A bay mare with lxi > ' saddle
( inner win have HAIIIO by calling ut lliiinun'
llvtry ttablo und paying cluuieir b72-I3
FOH UKNT-S iuare P.ano , It monthlr.
llotpe.lilS DoiigUi. j <
l'ank. '
Ideal Caliraph-O. W. ilakur. Agent
Ilooiu7 , Iron llank. b6t-14
OMAHA Krai K.lHIe , llotiio at FurnUhcx
Room Agency , Money Loaned on If ful Ki
lute , Dayton & . Kastmun , proprietors , mail
olluc 1IMI IMuu'lus si. , brancli oIKct'S 12 U ! I'm
uam : . . I4TJI Dou l.9 St.,416 NlClh.510 nod K2 rr !
Bunt | ; telephone No. 4SI. A Jorge lift of fui
nUhe < l undunfurnUliixl room * , house's , ivt
for ciittoicerfc to srloct frpoi IA-OVO jou
Louies nud rooms with ut :
up with denirablo tcnunts. Coma In ua fo
rcouu iindhonn' < ; can suit you at once ; cat
for pnir-jns ; telephone or call at abov
1.TQ a 1'J
Co. , Uooju 7 , Iruu llank. Onmha , NoU
TKtiltt aud ce > * pools Ui-anod liyll
K > fDKP. ( O Hox427 , 610BUB14
A stnro on a seed rctull wroot
AstfiS tbo lUutttia Iiel liilitu urul I.oat
rumitiNT : ( Organs , ? 2 per month. tlo pe ,
L1 1613 Douglafl. _ 274
IJIOKKHNT Sq-jaro llano ! J monthly. A
C Ho pe. 1S13 Douglas. M
"JjlOlt SAM5A modlum slo safe nearly now ,
J with ln lde door. Comblnntlon lock.
1 12 drawer cabinet mid letter fllo with doors.
1 medium lzo letter prcs . |
1 platform scale. *
1 platform counter scale. Parrotto A Sweeny
Ilia llnrney n. 807
FOU SALi : Cheap. A lot of 2d hand machin
ery ; plincT , jig aw , moulding machine ,
saws and shftftliijf. lashlln A. Co..Onann , la.
1I > OUSAI.i : Chenp , furniture ot a 9-ronm
1 homo complete for housekeeping. Ad
dress K IS lice olilco HO-12 *
T71O11 SAI.i-Hninbletonlon : colt ( broken' ' ,
.1 ? sulky. lmriie , topbiijriry , tablt > nnd orcan ,
b > Ilnglneor Huberts. 1'ort ( imalia. 4513 *
TTO'll SALI- : Mules , fl30 N9. . 6K-is *
T7UH SALK riic.lji A DoiroMlo towing ma-
1 chine : nearly ne'v. 150J Dnvenrort st. OSU
T tJIt SAI.i : Kurnlturo 0-ioom house com-
J- ' plote for liousokoepliiff ; price $ * . Itou o
rent 5'Jj per month , tlno locsitfon , 1710 Douitlas
n. "
n.F ( ) U SAM' Kurnlturo andi ca oof 'Ix-room
houa , time on part. Call lM ! ! North % . ' 7th
jtrcet , two blocks from Ited Car lino. _ 8'.ni
IJ ousiis lK > tsT'Brlin.Lan < i i money loaiieJT
Ilcinl ! _ nnd Imiiriw ! Btroet * . _ 471 _ _
"irioll s-Al.i ; T piano , furnlturo and kltcho"
Jranau.7l7S. _ . Ifltb st. _ 77 _
SAM5 CheapT iron rolumns Mm1 window
dow riri4 | suitable for front on lirtcl : billl.l- .
lug. for partloulargiipply ut tlila olllco. t\t \
I'ANTIMI A girl. hone t ami of
. Rood chnntctcr , to nssl t In tfenoml house
nork. licfcreni-o 8"JV S 'Jlstst.
W'ANTI'.U ( llrl to do lioufoiTorUIn a small
Inmlly. I'orjnniionciit place. Ituforencui
required. ilr . Mclklc , 8W South list ft.
WANTii : > A woman to cook and do ffencrnl
houai'uotK , two In family. Applr at TOO
south 10th st. K > 3 li
VyANTii/-Chninbormatd. : 112 N. Uth street.
> Lady canvasser. Address tflvlnir
icfercncei mid o\poiience , loom " > llnrkur
block. KO 17
V\TANTii : A plrlfor second work and cat o
> of ehllilren , Gorman orSwcdo protiTti-d ,
ntTOO H. ll.tli st. tttM J
YV7"ANTin Womnn pasliy cook at the
> > I'nmous res. : ili ! South 11 st. KKM3
T.TTANTKU Nurse girl , liniulio 'J2I 1'urfc
f live. "
_ .
" \\TANTi : Jitiin.nir room Blrls nndndl h-
> A\usher nt Jfnirls * Itostnurant , Ibth bo-
tw ecn UodRo and DOUR las. 845-1'J *
\VANTii : ) V girl for general hounwork nt
2422 Harncy M. .Mrs. L. M. uys. 817-Ki *
| 7"ANTii > ninlnor room B'rl ' ; nho foninlo
cook. 1617 Capitol iivcnuu. bSlS"
WANTKI > 20 ( jlrls to no genoi ni lieu owork ,
g-lrls rorillnlnu room , chamber , kltchnn
and Inunilry work , In hotels , loitnuiiinta and
boardlnirnoii.'et : coodcooka , lilif unt'cs. Call
nnd ECO. Omaha Kmploymcnt llurcnu , 11 ! ) N.
luthjst. 80j _
ANTKD-A girl for housework , 1010 Har-
noy. WU 12 *
" \\fA > Tiii : Indlc * and Young Men to Decor-
1 > ate Holldiiy No\cltli > B for tall nnd winter
trndo. steady employment : f. .OO per nook
earned ; all materials fiirnl-hcd ; norkcd mailed
frr > u. Address New England Dccoratlvo
Works , 1'J I'oarl St. , IJoaton , Mass. , r. O. IIox
5027. 814 15'
\TTANTKH-Oood gill , .Mrs. llushmnn. 1512
l Honurd. 77. >
Tiu : Housokpoper In family of tluco.
Address John K. Ford , StciUng. Nob.
750 12 *
.VNTKO-First . girl , P03 Park avo.
avo.7CK 12-
AX.'ANl iu : Girl for general houjoworK , No.
' > I'.US Capitol avu , nurtli tide , hot 1'Jth anil
Sinh. 730
WANTKl ) At I3 J Ho unt St. , n rollablo
girl for kitchen work. Must bo ( , oed ,
plain cook , washer imd Ironer. Gorman or
rlsh prolerred. 544
HfTl'DA Ur t-cluiS chain tor nnJd nt the
Windsor Hotel. , " ' CM
: An oxpc'ionccd coolf nnd latin-
dross. Good wages paid. Mr-C a. J. Hunt ,
Virginia avo. . und Grant st. G.VJ
WANTJI : > A jlrl lor general housowork.
Apply-100 Ftirnam n. 4S2
17"AJ TKU tlras class cook a
1812 Dodiro st.
WANTKIi 2S young ladles ami gents to
learn telegraphy. Prospects for positions
when competentgood. Address W. J. D. room
lCroun o block 10th st , Q inn lux. 733
A s "d stotiY boy willing to work
Apply at drug store 2tith and Leaven
worth. fibU 12 *
ATnTKD-30 men for the Dlack Hills In Wv
omlnp IU K. for track laying. Will ship
tbl.swcuk. Frco transportation. Call ll'i North
itith Su , cor. Capitol ave. E. O. Itolle-lsln. &J7-ii :
'V'tTASTHD Kxporlonced man to take care of
TT horao In private family ; or married couple ,
woman to tiiko euro of children or work In
kitchen. Address with reference , K 50 lioo of
fice. 863-13 *
IfANTKU Pastry cook nt Windsor Hotel.
W ANTKD A white harbor , stcmly employ.
mont will bo given to a gooi d barber. Ad.
dross Chas. West , Crete , Nob. K14-12
ANTKU-Aycnte. 209 N. Wth at. 815
WA > fTiiTwo good salesmen. SOON Ifith
st. 810
WAJ TKI > A flrst-clasa Baker , American
preferred. Vfi U. Freeinan.City Ilakery ,
York , Neb. . 704-13 *
\VANTTIl T.aborers for lllaek Hills oxten.
T slonot H. irlt. U. IL.mcn todrlvo toiuns ,
scraper holders and track layers ; good wages
a ml steady work , li 8. Albright , It. " R. Laboi
Agency , UXM Farnam strcot. 7U1
WANTKU A boy nnd pony , living south of
Farnam St. , to carry a route on Daily
Evening Boo. Imiulro in subscription dopuit
ment. . 7711
\irANTio Ton mon of good appearance ,
> can inakd f3-J3 a day. Call at 1112 Soutl
13th st. ' 7W 14 *
\\ANTii : ) A yoniiff iiuin havlng/tlmo after
4 p. m to carry route on Dally livening
Ueo. Inquire subscription department. Sj.'l
\\7 ANTIII Two good housowork. molders ai
, the Aurora , Nebraska , foundry. K. W.
Wilson. 758-14
V'AM-Kli Short-hand students ; oxport-
t > r oncod toachor. Tortna , tJJ lor complete
rourSd. AddroM K 2fl , Hoe office.
r WANTit : > - Sitiiiitlon by nn K intern drugrelat
tun years D.xporlonoo , mlddlo ged , po-n
rofcronceg. Addrusi , li. C , Jerome , care Com
t liicnlal housednind Island , Nub. 5'S-14 *
ANT.KP . Situation by wluc ted lady to do
One gowlnjr and take churue ot and trfteli
rhlMron ; best roforcnces. A"l < lrcs K 13 ; llco
olllce. SI ia *
"l"tr.\NTKD Vounif man of three years' o -
T > pcriouco dcilre poeltlon In OIUCB or
warehotifia ; best rclvicnces , Addrou K 4Mleo
oUUe ; bJ7 U'
WANTED ny xM with n small Inrome. o
pleasant homo in a liunlly of two. Address -
dross Mrs. 0.lian , HIUory bc\r on fitli
ami itli Streets atoucu. 8ti-l. > '
VVfANTKI ) Situation as cutter by jntiu/
V > nmii of twnyii < oT | > eri < iuco. din niato
Job. Addro < 9 , lloxSJl , Crcston , lown. _
\\ANTK ! > " -A yuuntr 1' buvlngor -
' > iiorlencn RS a ImuUcupo jrardenor Joslrcs
oiifatfonieiits HDtll 15tti. Aditnisi Lund *
scapo UardDiicr. at Wni Vlomlng It Cn'a. 772-U
\\r.VNTl-n : 7pe business and professional
> > men to know that wo furnish nrst-rluss
tenoxrapliora free of chargn. U. W. LlakorA ;
Co. , Itoom" , Iron Hunk , Oom'ia , Xco. MJ-lli
\\JTANT1 jTl 5S > ri'iit a Fmafllioaily furnished
, T > room near Ilee oitico. AtUlrasi Btntln ?
, terms K SI Uooofflfo. _ _ _ _ fell
r- u \\f ANTEI > To" rent a house not far from
rl ' post office or street cars. Aditrnss 1C. 3 ?
lloeoftlco. 7Sfi 12
r- _ _
\\7ANTKU-rujtomcr3 lor our butter um
"I ' cream. J. U Hocnstro , SOO N l ih .
11 831 a 13
\\ANTKl ) A eood. boiled ou mnntuly pay
i meets. Aildrea * 11 , &X Hue oOloo. fia
\XT ANTKU To buy a nice reildenca or e ° o <
T T building lot In a daslrablu loaatioo. Ad
H. 00. life offlco. tM.
A 17 ANTKD To hire a heavy t ruu ; stead ,
i > work. CftllutTlie Odoilcsi Sanitary Co.
1C3 Farnain Mreot. 810 111 *
\VANTKU-Koom and board In roo.l private
li ftinlly. Can cite tent of reference * . A4
drets K 43 , lice olnco. &J4
> \ flood steady horse with spring
' wagon ami harness ! must ho ctjonpito
be paid for In monthly Installments. Address
TlTANTi-fenm | 7 1.3furrny.
IlKNT Furnished house'noftr St
Mary'snvenroom , cistern , well , < jliipnt
li. V. Hammond , lite Domrlnsst. ,
* " 4lO 1' *
; lll.NT-Stnble , ItOfTlloward.
oil HUNT Ilou. i < 9 ocor 10 and PaelHc.
ITioll ItKNT House with 32 rooms and all
1 molern eouseniencei , Foulhwost corner
of llth and .lone * treet < , four blocks south of
'nrnarn street. Thuhoiiso Is o built that It can
ie renteil ns two houses , or In Hats. Apply to
) r. J. II. PenlHiily.on the premise" , bctni O'l the
loursuf 4 nndu p m. 74111
Iiinil IINT : For a term of jc.irs , the 2-story
brick bulldlnv on the n e cor. of 10th and
DoiiRliis. ln > | ulru at drug store , same placo.
"TTUIK KUNT Nnwfi-rciom hou es , near "troet
J cars D. 0. Patterson , Omalm Nafl bank.
irum HI.VT : Two largo handsome apart-
- Jmenthoiisos nltli modern Improvements ,
low In tlio course of erection , read > I" bo oeeti-
ploil tiy Sept. l t next , n.'i ) andS South 17th
treot. For imi tli'iiliirs Intjulro of John II. K.
U'limnmi. 59 *
TT OR RUNT DcalrnbTe iVrooin cottage , south
JL1 U. P. depot. J. Phlpps lloo , l'i2 3 5th. ftM
TjlOIl MJ.VSI3 We have cloven acres on 0. P.
- AIt. . R. track , W ) feet front : will lease all or
part for tlvo years. Bedford & Souor. 751
ell HUNT Furnished rooms , suitable for
2 gentlemen. 1GOJ Davenport , W. 12 *
UINT : rioa nnt room * for nlco bul
tics. * gentleman nt 1PO. > KurnuiiLst. 8iil-l. > *
-l.'Olt Hi.vr-2 fiont rooms for ll bt hou e-
J Kcctnni ; If party i rlll buy ttirnlturo : rout
' '
ami furnhur'e cheap' . 70S North Ifith street.
b2 *
. . llUNT-Unfurnlshod room , ) ! S. SS < \
st SW D *
TTH > R KKXT Larffo plensnnt fiont room ,
JL1 with Rood clocot : lurnilioil or unfitr *
niched , und good board. Addicts 1C 4'i ' , lloo
olllco. '
71OK HUNT Two nicely furnished rooms :
one n trout mom with filler clo et anil nil
, suitable lor two persons. Apply
nt 1W4 Kiirmim < t. 70U
For. IIP.NT A suit of looms with llretcl
boaid , ISli Dodtre. 8W
FOU KKNTurnislied room nt 107" North
17th street. 7Wi 13 *
_ _
Tj ouit NT Tvery pleasant and nicely tur-
_ L' tmliod rooms. 11. " ) S. ' kl st.on I'lirnain
st. car line 817 14
F I OK 11KNT Nlco rooms at 1S2I Farnani St. , 1
black west of court house , B3S
ITtoil ltiNT Nicely luinlshod room , 2.W
L : Dodge , ICG M *
171OK HUNT Nicely furnished rooms near
JL ? street-car line , 51' ) 1'loasant st. 710 12
TTIOUltKNT-rront onlco , 2d floor , Omaha
J ? Nafl Hank. U. C. l'atteron. OJ7
TTlOltlltr.NT-Suit of furnished rooms for two
JJ ( rontle in on. 1611 Callfori last CSS
KKNT KUo nicely furnished rooms ,
bath room and water closet on promises.
Terms moderate. 412 N 14th il. bet. Chlenconnd
Cast li 1 *
TI10K HUNT Kurnfshod rooms at 17Q7 Cass st.
T71OI. HUNT Two front parlors , newly fur-
-C nished 2511 St. Mary's aveiiuo. Oil
FOH HENT Furnished front room. A. Hospo.
: iw
Foil JtlINT Two very nicely furnlslioil
rooms with or without board , uouhc U sur
rounded by a nlco lawn and lias bath 'room and
gas. S. W. coruor of iittli and Webster. MS
1QR IIEITCFuriilflhod loom , 1810 DodKo.
3i7 u2fl
FOK KKNT A furnished parlor room with
board , suitable for two gentlemen ; also
first-class Uiblo board ; icfoiouco required ; 1814
Uodgp. Itirt
OH itKNi' A nicely lurnlshod south room
1C07 Douglas st. Itoforcneeg l-cnulrod. 475
IBNT IJoslnibJo furnished rooms at
Two" stOre roomsan infill ? ;
$23 each , J. Johnson , I3.4 1'arnain. 23U
[ TIOK nXCIIANGE JO.OOOstocIv dry goods for
JE Ojiaha proporty. Archer 4 Fltcli218 3
15th St. 403
EOIlSAIiK Iluslncss lot-on Dodge = t. just two
blocks cast of postolllco , a great bargain at
Sir.,000. front lot , Yntes & Heed's add. . $750.
Kait front lot Virginia avo. , 6 ) . > i.
I'.ust Irontlot , Hiuiflcom 1'laco in bloc ) : 10 ,
$1 fiiwortli 81 (00.
Aero lot West Omaha add. , half block from
Leavcnw..rih , S2WW.
The bent lot In Ambler place. S. i&i > .
Largo houbo luul two lots , Isaac & Sutdon's
add , a bargain nt j'Jr > 00.
S ) ncro farm near Council Rluffa , rents for
S2-W cash po r j oar. $2,000 , for n f o w days o nly.
K. I ) . Tnnnoi Jfc Co. , Itciil Estate agents , 1615
Howard st. HX )
BSACHSSR. Heal Kttato.317 S.Mst. has for
sale : iltlk dairj' , good paying business , 15
fresh cows , 4 horses , 1 delivery wagon , 40 mlllc
cans , tank , etc. . Can rent or buy the property
where It is on. SiO acres pasture , $ -,000 , ' , i ouah
bal 1 year. A great bargain. & ! 0
.SAL.K fl desirable lots in llanscom
Place ; toruia easy. G.P. Stobblns , boxUSO.
0:0 : a a-
HILLSDALE Como and s > ja it yourself. It
sells on its morits. Amos' Uool Kstnto
Agency , 1507 Farnitm. B09
FOIC SAl.K Itosldcnco property and.vacant
lots In every addition In Omaha. Terms to
gultpnrchascr. Also deslrablo buslnoa * prop
orty. Gibson , Larson & Co. , Kooiu 3 , Wlthnoll
lllock. 152
LL 833
RAHi ; 11AKG.UN-H40 aeres good araolo
land in Knot nnd Cedar counties.Ncnniska ;
5'i per aero cash. A. It. Graham & Co. , Wisnor ,
Nobr. IW5.S-9
HILLSDALE , hlghcet ground , handsomest
location of any low in or around Omaha ,
lor tlfiO to 1175 a lot. Como and see this
ground. Amos' Real Eituto Agency 1607 Far-
num. BW
"I7 > OR aALK 'LVo clojunt east front corner
Jj lots In Burr O.ik ; natural shade treoj.
Hittchor , Oiuld & Co. , 1218 Douglas street , Mlllard
hotel block Oinalni. Neb. SOI
HEAVY gains In population piuhcs Omaha to
the front. See lllllsdalo lots that you can
now buy for J150. 1'lck ono out. pay lor It In
Installments , and soil it in a years time fortwlco
its cost. Ames' Uaal Kstato Agiinuy , UiQT Fur *
n nm st. BOi )
HAVE you soon Hillsdalof Ir.not , ilo so at
once and pick out n lot for $ ! ) that will noc
only make you mnnoy-butholpynti ave eoino.
Ames' itoal Estate Auoncy , IW7 Farnam. (03
"ciH SALB A tree claim within three mlles
of the thriving town of I.ongl'lno , Neb. Iu *
quire or aildrcss Mrs , Annlo Fay , 150'J Daven
port fittoui Omaha. C91
TjHm S A I * K Wo have sixteen Ion In Haw
-L ? jborno addition that wo will sell ; best and
chnnpcBt Inside proporry In Omaha , llcdford ! f
Suuur . 7.V >
FOK HALli-12 'chulco lots 'in Bnundora k
Ulmelmngli's add. , $ .100 to tli'r michr easy
terniB , > . H.Urlgg * . Snxo'n jqnt store. ted
OSKirndlhrue-fourtnaacres it llrookllua ud-
dltlun , prlca m 1'otter & Cobb. 1S15 Far-
nani3t..Oinahn , Nub. BJ1
Foil hAi.K Or exchange for general mer
c'uiindlse,20d tuirus unally improved Innd Iu
Fouthern Ion a , udjolnin county seat and rail ,
road , in Deoatur county , Has a flno 6-toom
house , largo barn. 60-foot lilitxl , good well , fpfln ?
and running uuler ; 100 apple trees , cherries ,
grapes , etc. lUtruhnrd Saehsso , BIT 8. VJth
lU.Oiualm Nob. BU
AlUi : cities mnkoTsuOurban homej a nucoj.
- / Elty and this class of lots grows with thu
rest. ThLs U to be considered. Bee iniltdoja nt
151 and buy one when you can at ttiU flguro.
Ame f llo l Eitata Agonoy , 15J7 FtiiMam st. 80J
B 8ACHS.SU. Roul Estato731TS.ithBt. ) ias
for aanl ! a bargain : >
Iinpnn ed and unimproved farms In Nebraska.
Fourl-i tectlons in Douglas Co. , ? lO-ier aero.
W ) eerog of Bplundid farm bind , nlr ( mprovo-
invntv. In VorkCo. , $ Ju per aero ; also crop *
Rrudolstock and fui nmire for sale. Only for u
short time at this price.
1-4 coction In KurnaaCo , cheap .nt tl OO.
SO * cre , Hurt Co. , f20 per acre. "
Oand ) MO acres in Nance county , flSJOucr
3,030 arres In Antolopp Co. . J15 to $30 per acre ,
Va acres In Madison Co. . > 10 or czchaaffo for
rJiy nr'perty.
A flno farm of SOO acrc4 In DocnturCo. la. ,
jyt pur acre , or xrill iraJe for ceaurul uiei'vhaii.
dUo. Also farms Iu Kansas. U , Bapbpso. all d
iSlMtrs L ' ft * *
. .
BAHOA1N Full lot on Webster fit. between
17th and 18th gts. , S houses , ono of & raami
audouocf ( Jroomg ; eood barn ai > 4 badotroo
and other ImpraVcnieats ; prieo S7.1XM ; 'easy
terms. I'ottor & Cobb , 1515 Fnraaui , et.-Om ' lia ,
Nat | ftU
Al ! DO I ) lot In Okahoma , noor Ue Vlntou at.
corllno , prlca | IOJQ. ' I'ottor it Cobb. 1SU
. . Omoha.WeU. gSl
TT OH PAl.15-I.jrK9 corner lot,2l t and Iorcn ,
JJ fl.noo. Kns/'piytncnts. Thco. Oljcn , 214
S lAth. i C71 12
f TILLSyALKhrt * Mvantagos which can't bo
1 1 beaten t > y any location When you see ( ho
ola yojil will admit I j\mt8 , IS T rarnnin. J
HII.LSUATlK fTjiicnFnnil nn uch"lot n *
the o at f l. > 0 'rfjilece. ' Allies' Heal IMuto
_ _
.K tr ) Tfriuo Improve ! an I mum.
JU pi-ovoJ land * la iFurnn * nd ot lor woMorii
countlc * . Adlroy Wtn Slmoral , Arap'i'ioo ' ,
rurnasjjo. Neb.- ' ' ' _ 27i
SAI.K-4-rrinm houeo on Lake and 17th
Foil near -afreet ear Sl.WJ. Liwh J
Theo. Olsen 218 auifith st. tv 13.
SAl.r. Tlir9ir Iho be t lots In Walnut
mil. Th o.lM frt 2is youth 1Mb. B7I.1J
H U\Vyou can make money ) ' llv buying on
oiwy | > nymcriKa lUII J.ilolot for SI'i ) . thnt
will bo easily paid ifor and double In valuo.
AniM * Itoal Estate Agency , 1537 Farnam _ JW _
jnolt SAI. Good 7-room home with collar ,
X1 cistern , city water and barn , 'i lot , $3,9 ;
oinulrocm picmlK * , i.l7 Davenport fi7 *
HILI DALHYP , that's IhiT name , and tno
lots sod for SIS ) to $ l i on onsy term * .
llnvo you seen this ground ? If not , do nt once ,
a * it costs nothing to ride out to tnls beautiful
location. Ames' Heal IJjtato aspncy , 1507 Fur.
naln. _ . _ B"J _
ITIOII SAI.i : < i lot and good 2-story frnmo
JU house , 8 roonl * . closet * , cellar , etc. . on 1.1th
sheet , twtween litn nnworth and .Ioie , 7,00) .
for n few days 20 njros on military rond.hotife ,
barn , crib * , etc. , f WO per aero , nno location , H
bargain ; land adjoining and \\cst of It laid out
1 1 city lot * . W. O. Tomploton * Co. . Omaha
National Uank Kuljdlng. _ B.1S IJ
Foil B7\lTK or Exchange ror Improved
Property Lot on Virginia avenue , comer
Howard struct , east tront. 8. 11 , Hnjdon.
b22 14
TilOR SAM : In Lincoln , 2V1 feeton O utreot.
JD Very deslrablo btuliics * property. Address
ntoucoShorwinShorwluiCo. , Lincoln. NeU
H ILLSDALlI-llanulful locution. 03
FOIt .SAI.K-llvl'nrk.fcKowlor , IttJ
n barRHln that you should not ml < * :
T-nioitt hou < c , well , ciptorn.lron tenoo , full
lot , OO.xi : . 2 blocks from sttect car on llumllton
st. only yt..yo.
Houw.full lot , Walnut Hill-i rooms , flJlM.
Easrtonns ,
HcUEC.riroom3lota.1xl3a.SaundeM St. . K.TOO.
House , 1'5 story , full lot. Oiniilm View , S1.4W :
SSirt ctish. balancn fir , per month.
Special bargain In lnt < ;
2 lots In 1'ark 1'lace , only (2,000 If 8aM t
pother : flA"COfnBli , b.iliinco 1,2 and : i joats.
One lot In Walnut Hill , $ SOU. Lots adjoining
this sell for fl.OOD to H.--OU.
one lot In Lincoln 1'laco , on Davenport H. ,
south front , easy terms , $ IM. Wt ! 13
. Lotsln llanscom I'luce. Uits In
Omaha Vlcwand Marlon Place. Ilouso" nnil
lots on IMI V juyments. Lots In ShrUor I'luee ,
$ : ! 0n , only ? ! . > down Imlanco tr > per month , lie-
fore you buy or sell cull on H. W. Huntress ,
hirnhnm st. 7KJ14 *
BSACHSSK Heal Potato , 317 S. St. , has
1'or Milo Improved property !
320 Hue brick rnsldoncfe with nil modern
Improvements ! on launders St. , lot
laiilOO , . * ; iUUUto f > ,000 cash ilnn n f 8,000
3JO Nine-room I'ouse nml lot. SOlh tt. ,
near ft. SIary9u\e , fj < JJcasti balance
monthly. . / . . . . - . . . . . . " 5,750
all Three-room cottUKO and lot S. 17th
st. , ? 1,000 cash . J.flOO
300 P.rooni house and lot Cfl'ixlHO on
Hurt St. . f2t)0 cash , balance to suit ! , GOJ
301 22 tton Ciimini ; with store und dwell
ing . ' . . 3OuO
310 81 ft on Cumltifjr with 2 stores und
dwelling , barn , etc. , . . . 10,800
309 Flno H-room house , barn , etc. , lot
100x100 . . . 4,000
IWJ iVrooiii cottiw , lot MxlOfl , bath on
Webster , one-third cash , balance to
suit. . . . , „ . , * . 3,000
327 OcottHRCS on BiJiih Uth St. , to bo sold
together or lit loft of 2 or 3 adjoining 12,000
253 Klne G-room Itfifisp , lot 30x140 , on 1'Jtli
St. , cash Sl.'WA * . 2,300.
W LotJRIxUO with house , well , etc. , on
lUthst . , „ tt. . . . . . 2,200
300 D cottages ortTi'rboms , lots SOKxliM ,
cistern , well vetb. , on 19th St. , $3011
ca h.T > 00 per , month , each . . . . . . " ,100
33ff bl toot onCmnlnU. business lots , with
Bt-tores , dwelllnsibarn : all rented. . , .810.800
Full lots and ! i lotsyy.itli largo or small bouses
11 V. Smith's add , r o Pin In View.
Lowe's 2d add. , i0. . Kounfzo'a 2d add.
Patterson siibdlvC" ' Inprovement Assn add.
Mlllnrd & : Caldwt > l' utld , Walnut Hill.
Park Place , T" Ilickorv Place.
Omaha View , - * Hertford's add.
Shlnn's add , Aiuo Place.
Shlnn's&l add. VO Denises' ndd.
From $1,000 to filWO ; small payments : easy
_ terms. _ f C { j _ , 022
HOW Is Iti yyuHaloteUbor has mniloimSnuy ?
ITy baring coarngo to buy cheap lot . You
can do the sumo in Hlllsdnlo , wticro. lots no\r
soiling tor $ t'XcncIi ) "will brlnir double that In
yoiu- from now. Ames' Heal Estate. Agency ,
ISOTFarniini st. _ , , - ° -
s money loaned.
H Heml * , 18th and liouglas streets. 47H
nMEMlIlJIt now -Is tno tlmo to buy cheap
lots. They grow In rnliiu faster than any
others. Sea lllllsdalo. lKtn $1& ) each. Ames'
Itcal Hstnto Agency , 1507 Furnain. _ 803
TJTILL3D.VLE soils at 5150 per lot. 8M
T BAVENWo"irfir8T. H. It. trackage , ono'or
Jj moro lots or' ' nnnero , at agrcnt bargain.
Pee J. W. Logan , at Leaveiiworth Huslncss
Place , or O. . W. IJaker , Itoom 7 Iron Hank
building. " _ 3M
Olt SAI.K Or K. chanjreA flno tmproveil
farm In western Iowa , contains 160 ncros ,
or will exchange for Omaha property. Inquire
of It. Urown.Wlndsor hotel _ .112
TTlLLSDALi-Ixt3"only Jinn to S17.\ and wUI
171. gcll fordoublo this Ugure In 12 months'
tlmo. Corno and sco them. Ames' Iteal Kjtato
Ager.cjr. 1.7)7 Faninm st. _ 800
O Southern Minnesota.
Northern lo-va
Central and Northern , Kansas
for sale at low prices and on easy terms of pay
mont. Hallroad faro refunded to purchasers.
Weekly excursions , flost lands for the money.
Tor further Information midriws , O. H. Nelson ,
COGg. _ 10th st. Oniahu. Nob. _ CC8
T OT3 sullmg today for JhlM to JIOOJ sold n year
JU ago for J100 to f i'iO. Think of this nnd got a
lot now in Hllldalo for $159 to J17J nnd on easy
terms. Amos' Heal litiito Agency , 1507 Farnara
_ HJ.I
SAI.i ; Nice ft-room uouso and 2 corner
lot. * In Walnut Hill ; M cosh baL to suit.
Col Startln 110 3 Uth St. _ 4C3
HOUhlCH Lots , Farms , Winds money loano
_ Boinla.J5th nnd Douglas streets. 471
FOR SALH Hovonleen lot * between Dodge
nnd Davenport in Kllby Phico this week for
fl3nOO. N. A. Kuhn. 15th and Douglaa. CU7.ii :
FOU SAl < K-ify JI. U "iUgglna , 1500 Douglas
street , a special bargain
r A. new 2-story dwelling , 7 rooms , with gas ,
bath room , water closet , sewerage , lot 35xlD ,
bearing apple and plum tieo-t. also line nhado
trncs. lUlfor tl,7.V ) , I7M cash , balance (23 per
month , will rant for f 40 per month. 787-12
HILtSrtALi-Bo5t opportunity for getting
you a cncqp hoinu. _ 80a
„ street.
0 minutes' walk from postoOico , lot & 5x2I3
feet , with 2 line residences. $7,000. Please In
vastigato. This U 11 bargain.
Nino-room house and 4 lot on 20th street ,
very city centre , only $5,800 , (59J cash ; all
In tlno repair.
2 south front lots , ono it corner in Snundors &
HIinehaugh'Hiiilil. , fUJl for both , easy terms.
Sttven lom on South IM'i ' steoet , very cheap at
T-.DfMforiill ]
House and fun lot near Farnam street 0
rooms , well , cistern , barn , etc. $4,230.
Good residences and rcaldenco property In all
parts of the city.
Lots In Clark Pluco from $800 to (1,250. Near
Handcom Park.
See our list bof ort buying el owherp ,
101 ! btocUdulo & Mitchell.
_ K916 _ _ nj _ PilB Ikxlgu 8t.
T BNTKAL IN\n3T.MnNTCO.Room7 Marker
\J block , cor. llth and Farnum st. For sala :
M lots Mayno's 2fl add . t&W to 1160
ID LlndgnyVadd . fcOOto 1U50
4 " Clarendon , . . . 850 each
3 " Ktlby plaqo , on Pleiuant st , ,
cheap ar . . . . . . 1,030
10 " Bhinn 2dand3 < ladd . DOO to 14110
2 " Plaiiiviow.y./ , . -700
1 " near rJihlllHUlltio barn . WM
! l " Lincoln pincU. . 4MtO
3 ' Ilitter'8 niliL . KWto lull )
r " place
U " DenUe' odd - ' . IttiOtOlDOO
1 " Hu.Iford pluco , flue bmlnoss
lot , near/ptafilry , only , , , . . . BOO
25 " RosorvolrlA.Uj , . . . . . . . . . " Ho 009
DOIicuiitifuIii'sflBiTco lots 4 blocks we-.t of
street car line , adioinlug Shlnn's 2J add. , from
( tWjto f 1,05'J ' , onP lTcasb and f 10 pvr month.
20 houses and lmPt < rt > o sold on monthly pay-
raonts , SlUca li mid bftliiuco 120 per roonlh.
Wahavo nlco tA,14 < jnco properly foraaloin
all parts of city. Please list your property
with us and call and eee us. whether you wish
to buy , aull or exchange. We can giro you bet
ter ratci on money than any one In the city.
We also make u specialty of soiling and renting
farmlands ; havuu tine list of cholco lands In
Nanro county , Neb. , near R. It , which wo can
soil or ) c4i o for a term of years. _ ; m
Machinery and Pipmcj.
SF.ALED ProposHls will bo rccoHdl by the
I'nion Paelno Hallway Compauy. until S
u'clovk p. in. . Friday , August 2i , IHStI , for ,
for PIpe Line between Rock Springs and Grron
ItlviT , Wyoming , as per specifications enclosed.
Delivery F. o. 11. Council Jllulls , la. , orOhicAv
go. IU. , or Ht. Louis , Mo.
TbU company riaorvcs tbo right to reject any
or all bids.
Address all corrcspondenoa and proposal * .
sealed and endorsed -"Preposuls to furnish Ma.
chlnery for Pipe Line. " to J. J. IH'itNi , General
Storekeeper , Omaha , Neb.
B. R , OALLAWAY , General Manager.
Omaha , Au iut i , 18o4.
Union National Bank ,
206 Masonic Blk , H.W. Cor. CapAv , & 16th
Paid up Capital , - - $100,000
Authorized Capital , - - 600,000
Accounts solicited. Interest paid on tlmo do-
posim collectionsmnlo In all parts of thowr't ,
nndharlnfr provlJM iho largest and best vault
In the city , wo will receive valuable articles on
ptonuro. I'rompt attention will bo given to all
business entrusted to us.
, lsn , W. ltoturinCnshlor. :
WM. W. .MAli u , President.
Tulolilione No J'A _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Chicap , Milwaukee & Si , Paul R'y '
Frem mm ni COUNCIL BLUffS ot
. . .
Clilcnqro , ANI >
St. Paul , 3iinciiiolls [ | ) , Cctlrtr Iliipltls ,
Clinton , Diibiiquc , Davenport ,
Hock IslumlJ-'rcoport , Itock ford ,
Elpin , Madison , Jancsvillc ,
licloit , AYinona , La ( 'rossc ,
And nil other Important points East , Northeast
and Southeast.
Tor throujrh tickets call on the Tlekot Affon
nt 1401 Farnntn struct ( In r.ixton Hotel ) , or n
Union Vacltlo Depot.
1'iillmun Sleepers nnd the fiucst DlnliiR Cars
In the world are run on the main line ? of the
ClllCAOO , MlvrVUKKK \ ST. 1'AUI. 1CIII.W\V ,
und every attention 1 * paid to passangurs b/
courteous omplo.veof the compuuy.
It. Mil. I. Kit , General Manu or.
J. K. Tt'CKKii. Asl tnut tieneral MannKOr.
A. V. II. C uii'K.VTKH , Oonerul liw onyor nnd
Ticket Aqent.
( ! u ) . K. IlK\noii ! ) , Assistant General
or and Ticket Agent
J. T. CLAUK. General Superintendent.
Red Star Line
Carrrinffthonolfflura lloyal and United Statoa
Mall.salllug every but unlay
Between Antwerp & New York
Salon from SttO to srr. Excursion trip from
$110 to tl- > Second Cabin , outwaru , $45 ;
prepaid , ? 4" > ; excursion. $ 'JO. ' Stoerajro nauntra
nt low rales. Voter Wrlnht 4 Sons , General
Agents , 53 Uroadway. Now Vort.
Henry 1'uudt , 121S Karnam st. : Paulson & Co. ;
St. : 1) ) . O. Frucmiin. ISil
and J2J3 Work.
1020 Faruuni Street , Omaha. Neb.
Enaland " , France & Germany.
- this well known line uro
built of lieu , in water-tight compartments , and
aru furnished with cvory loqUIsito to make tun
puj sago both safe and agreeable. They carry
the United Ptate and European mulls , mill Icavo
Now York Thursdays nnd Saturdays for Vlv-
moutLLONDONCLorbouffPAJlIb ( ) ( and HAM-
Hcturtilng , the steamers leave Hamburg on
Wednesdays and Sundays , via. Havio , taking
passengers at Southampton and London.
First cabin 5V ) . 5 J and S75 ; Steerage $ J1
Railroad tickets from Plymouth to llrlstol , Car
diff. London , or to any place in the South of
England , FUEE. Stcorago from Kuropo only
SO. Bend for -Tourbt gj gu &
General passenger Agimts ,
01 Broadway , Now York ; WashlugUm and \A \
BalloSts. Chicago. III.
' Council Bluffs
And Chicago ,
The only road to take for Tes Molnos. Mnr-
shalltown. Cedar Rapids. Clinton. Dixie , Chica
go , Milwaukee ant ] all points oast. To the poo-
Flo of Nebraska , Colorado , Wyoming , Utim ,
daho , Nevada , Oregon , Washington and Can-
fornlnrlt otfers superior ad vantages not possible
by anyothorllno.
Among u few of the numerous point not supe
riority enjoyed by the patrons ot this rood between -
twoon Omaha and Chicago , nro Its two trains a
day of DAY COACH IM which nro the finest
that human art and ingenuity can crcato. Iu
PALACK SLKIU'ING CARS , which are models
of comfort and elegance. Its I'AIH/JR DRAW
ING ROOM TARd , unsurpassed bv nny , and Its
widely celebrated PALATIAL DINING OARS ,
the equal of which cannot bo found clsowhoro.
At Council Illulfs the trains of the Union Paci
fic lly. connect In Union Depot with these of
the Chicago & Northwestern Ity. In Chicago thu
trains of thH llao miikocloso connection with
those of all ea-tern lines.
For Detroit , Columbus , Indianapolis , Cincln *
natl , Niagara Falls. Iltilfalo , Plttslmrg , Toronto ,
Montreal , lioston , Now York , Philadelphia , Hal-
'tlmore. ' Washington and all points In the east ,
ask the ticket agent tor tickets via the
"NORTHWr.3Tr.RN , "
If you wish the best accommodations. All tlcko
lurontb sell tickets via this lino.
General Manager. Oon. Pas3. Agent.
ONLY 81 BY MAIL , i'OSTl'AIl > ,
twl Vllalltr. NcrTOUfand PlirMml Dsbllltr
I'raniaturo Decllnu In Jlun. ICrrort of I oulli , und the
putold lulsArlut ra u1tne ) irom ! nul croUon und ox *
cuuo . ' A book for erery limn , young , middle sued
uinl old. It contains IU prorrlptlont lot all acute und
thrunlc itltoaien , oacli ono of which i > Inralimlile. So
found by the iiutliorwhnie oxperlenca for-3 rear * It
men in probably nerer before full In the lot of nnr
pliralclan ; 300 pngcn , bound In bonutlful Prancb mu -
lln , etutxutc4 covora , full Kilt , Kuaranteert In be a flue-
nork In e cry ense-mcchanlcal. Illcrurraiid profua-
ilonal-'tban unj ntlier work In thl country fur f'jQ.
or the money Mill bo refunded In ovcrr lojUnco.
I'rluionlr il i > r mull , pcMtuald. lllustrutuaijimple.
one. Soiulnow. < iulil medal awarded Hie untbor br
alienatlonal Medical A * od lton. lo tbe lion. A. I' .
Bluvll , and itrsoi Ute ottlcen of the board tbe reader
It rft i > ectfullr refomil.
The Bclvnee of I Jfe la worth more to th Toiing and
middle-Hired men of thl fteneratlon tlian all Iho-KuU
nilneior California und tbe > IWer mlnei of Nevada
combined. O. K. Chronicle.
ThePcicnceof'Llfo point * out tbo rncki and quick *
undaonwbli-li the conailtuUDn-and howaof nianr
a ruunjj muu baTe Won fatally wretked. Maucbetior
' '
'The'sclence of IJfe ! of ccrcater ralne than all tht
roeJIcul worts putilUbed la ibli couatrf ( or the post
jreari Atlanta ( Jonitltatlon.
Toe Science of Life U n uuerb and maitcrlr treat-
eon oerrotu and physical douUHr. Lutroll lit a
jidd'rea * tlio Paibody Medical InitltuU , or Llr. W.
! Llurkur. Mo. 4 llullnach Uett , liosion , Uaai. . nlia
nr be coninltud on allrto ea es requlrliu aklll anil
CTperlenc * . Chronic oii'l obttlnaui dUcaiet Hut
bare taMed ibe ( kill of other ubralctaut aipao-
air , Such irealad uccottallr without uar losUuc *
c ! tuluia. UentluaUuul.a llev.
Nearly All of Them Ilnvc
Thrlr Country Homos.
honlsvillo I'ost : Prvsttli'iit Clovclnml
lins nttractptl n KOCM ! di'ttl of attention
nmlcomnuMit In the Itist few years by his
ilu\clopinent of bucolic tasti-s , but in tliis
ho Is only followlns ; in tlio ( ootstops of
ncaily every occupant of the pu-iik'iitsil
cltitir. Almost every ptvMdont thttt tins
country tins Imd hns passi-tl n pnttof his
career in the delights of n country homo.
Washington , ns everybody" knows owned
n lartre estate .it Moititt Vernott , wlioro
he tvtired nfter his two terms in the pres
idency. His will bo remembered ,
wns caused from exposure incident to his
duties on the plantation , wlitHi ho delighted -
lighted to ncunuic in person. John
Adain < , lna successor , rotiretl after his
term in the presidency had expired to ti
coun'ry ' seal , " ( Jtiincy,1' near lioston , and
cniraged in agricultural pursuits Jetler-
sou , titter his retirement from public life ,
cstabli. lied himself at his homo , Monti-
cello , Va , where he entertained bis
friends , managed his estate , nnd died re
gretted by a largo number of servants
and domestics , wlilch he had with him to
tlio last. Madison afler his tnrm ot otlico
hail expired , retired to Moutpelior , Va. ,
where ho bceamo rector of the university
of Virginia nnd engaged In agricultural
pursuits. Monroe , tutor the olosu of bis
public lifu , look up his rcsiduucu at Dak
lllll. Va. , where ho entertained his friends
royally , so much so , in fact , that ho soon
found the Ixittom of his purse , nnd was
finally obliged to give up his princely
estate and take up nis residence with re
latives in New York , where ho was still
making his homo at the time of his
.John Quincy Adams , after his term of
olliuo had expired , retired to tlio old
family estate "Qitiucy , " in Massachus
etts , but responded to his country's call
ogam , ixnd died ut his post of duty in
Washington , wheio ho luul been sent as
n member of congress. Jackson , as every
body known , retired to the "Hermitage. "
Nashville , whcro ho died. Vnn Huron ,
after Ins term in olllco expired , retired to
Kiuderhook , N , Y. , and tltero ended his
days , llarrit-on , who died during his
term in the presidency , was buried at his
homo in North liond , Ohio , and there his
remains still Ho. Tyler was accustomed
to country life , and doliirhtod in it , as it
brought him recollections of early life
when his father was one of the largest
land owners in Virginia. 1'olk , whose
early days were spent in the country as
the son of a fnrmer. looked forward to a
comfortable lifo of retirement , just be-
hide Nashville , after his term in tlio pres
idency , but had been only three months
away from hero when death called him.
Taylor , who had worked on a plantation
during his early lifo , had looked forward
with plea.Mtrc to a quiet lifo on his ostnto
at liaton Kongo , Ia. , after retiring from
his war service. Ho had scarcely begun
this , however , when ho was called to the
presidency , and before his term had
fairly begun his lifo ended. Filltnprc was
the son of a farmer , and spent his early
lifo among rural delights. , I'icrce over
remembered with ttlVcotion the place
where his boyhood day.s we.rc spent , and
where he taught a country school when
ho arrived at the eai ly years of man
Buchanan , after his presidential labors
woroovor retired to a country place ,
"Wheatland. " in Pennsylvania , whore ho
died. Lincoln , as everybody knows , was
roared amid the most primitive country
lifo and retained a great affection for the
homely things of lifo to the day of his
sad de.ith. The same may Le said of his
successor. Johnson , who was in this res
pect not unlike his more illustrious prede
cessor. Grant , who was a farmer in bis
earlier days , ended his days in Iho coun
try , heartily wishing , no doubtt that he
had followed the example of his prede
cessors , and retired to the country rather
than have entered the whirlpool of Now
York business life. Hayes , as everybody
knows , is in retirement , upon a farm in
Ohio , devoting his attention to the duties
ot rural life , and entertaining the many
friends who seek him out in his compara
tive seclusion. President Garlicld wont
from his country homo , at J\lentor.phio \ ,
to tlio white house , where ho was stricken
down by the as.susin's : bullet , and his
sorrowing wife and latnily.after a. couple
of years of eitv life , have determined to
sell their city homo and * return lo their
country residence. President Arthur.
iiftor ayear of city life , nt the close of his
term , now seeks the country as his only
hope of regaining the health lost in his
service in the white bouse. And Presi
dent Cleveland , following the example
of this long line of presidential predeces
sors , is preparing a country homo for him
self , only varying the order by beginning
his country life during his actual term
of service.
nart.lmldi's Statue of "Iillierty Kn-
liKhtniilnc the AV orld"
will bo a reminder of personal liberty for
ages to come. On just as sure a founda
tion has Dr. 1'iorcu's "Golden Medical
Discovery" boon placed , and it will stand
through the cycles of time as a monument
ment to the physical emancipation of
thousands , who by its use iiavo been re
lieved from consumption , consumptive
night-sweats , t bronchitis , coughs.spilting
of blood , weak lungs , and other throat
and lung atlections.
The Awful Pate Which Uefcll nil Ohio
Limit Dispatch in Cincinnati Knquircr :
The following remarkable story was re
lated to the Knquirrr correspondent by a
re.liablo farmer who lives ne.arp.ho county
line between this and Mcrrer county :
Last week , while at work in the holds ,
n farmer by. the name of .Sylvester Itod-
yan , ownor'of several hundred acres of
line farming hunt in Mercur counly , began -
gan cursing in a shocking manner
about the drought injuring his crops , and
wound up witli an oath that ho would cut
God's heart out if ho would eonie down.
No sooner were the words nt lured than a
vivid streak of lire resembling lightning
came down from the cloudless sky and
struck lludvan. His companions who
were in the harvest Mold with him were
rcndorod insousiblc for sovcifil minutes.
When thov recovered tlioy wrrc nuarlv
frightened to c loath at the bight which
presented iUoh' . Hcdyan. the mini who
just a few seconds br.foro hul uttered thu
terrible curse , had been transformed into
stone , and lav oiixlio ground near whcro
ho had stood when he made thn shocking
oiler to the Supreme Being. His clothes
had been burned from him. and the lips
were parted in the stone iigtirc , jut 413
Hetlyaa had linUlmd the oath. An awful
boat aroM ) from the plccu of slonn , and
was so intense that no pereon could go
near it.
Wlillo the story is so f-trango that it
piay not bo bolinvoil by many , its truth is
vouched for by my intprmantand several
other equally as roliabtu men ot that
vicinity , with whom yc.ur correspondent
baa talked regarding the strange itlVair.
Each of them ha ; tiion : to the plaro ant !
senn the trnnstigured body , and do not
hesitate to sav that every vrord of the
account which. " I have gh en i * correct.
Ono muu otforud to biro a rig and drive
the Kuqulror muu to the spot , und il
things were not as hn represented thorn
to bo ho would pay the cxpi.'uo.
Kodyan was a man about forty years ol
ago nnd had a family of a wife and live
children , who nro nearly wild with grief.
Kcdyan WHS addicted to swearing , aud
could scarcely sneak a wore ! -\yithout ac
companying it with an oath. Thu coun
try near where the affair hanpouo'l is not
very thickly populated , which accounts
for the remarkable transaction not being
given to the ptiblio sooner.
Purify your blooil , tone up the system ,
and rcgulaU ) the digestive organ * b.\ \
taking llood'a Sumparilla. bold by al
- IO H
Printing Offices ,
Ic ire < In mil Ilio Mtentlnn of Printer * nnd I
> rs of Nrtiratkii. IMlnta. Mlnurtol * nixt Wonlern
on to ttielr rerjr complete sleek ot
line rut l\iper . Linen IMpcr * . CoVcr l sp < > r , Col-
oriil rint-l'B | > er > , MunilU l'.ii > or < , Hook. Print nnil
lMu | > r , rnnt ami Oanl Ili > an1 , lluleil I'apers.
SntcloT | WHl ( < llnK "tntlnnory. Hull I'nvnminM ,
Yl. ltln C'anK nnil anythlnij i-l e In Ute paper line
nulrcJ in a tlrel-cUts rnntlne ofllca.
Sample * of food * will bo ( urnKhpil promjitlj to
nit who npplj- for them with peclnl prices lor i > ra n
inailcnpof mnnr illlforpnt klmt ot good * m jr
br tfniiln-J. Now II the time in nuke out jour onlerj
for K0i li > for full work , Get mplo of nnr eootl *
niul cyniparr the quality nnil prlctM nllli ihoso of
otUcr lnm c . Wo tnrrr no inlelror itock. Twenty.
flvo j-onr * ' exv r.ciKo : convince * u * thnt the HEST Is
"HKAl'EST nnrt Rlvcs the Rreatc t sattifitctlon to
Corrci | < oui1cnce > irhlch prompt attention
I > oiiBln-t Slrccl ,
r witlsEE Br cxAMtstNa THI UAFTHAT THE
HT m < n of IH rvnlral | K > IUnn nnd etoiii n > l Uon to
nil prtnrlpal Ham Nut un.lVtmt. . Initial nudtti-
nlnnl points , uunttlttltofl thu uiORt Inipoit&nt mht
rontlnriitnl llnlc In Ibftt pTitvrn or thronirli tntn p i >
tatlnn \ * > iloh luvltr * anil racllltAtr * trv l nd IriUTtQ
Irotwi n rltlei of tbp Atlnntlo nnd IVclfln Coast * It
l& aliio tttu ruTorlta unit brnt rottt to and from polnta
l.ant. NiirtheiL t anil SoutlicmHt. and c rre poa4laiz
1'ulnU W.,1. NortUwt-t and Hunthwnt.
The Croat Rook Island Rout
Guarantros I la vatruni tliat pn of t < ronl rfit.
rllr atturtlcd by a aolld. Uiuruiitfhtr balUtiad roaU.
t pl. nniootti tracks of * .ntitlrmotin urcl rail. ml tan.
tlnllf hiilltrulTcrts nnd lirltlirea , rrlllnff itorkaj n at
pcrrortlon ji Imninn rlclll i an mak * 1C , the rcl
arpllnnco of putpnt bilirrre.rln'formi ' and alr-brnkci
nnil ttmt pxactlnt ; Ul i.lplliu * tvhlrh irorrna th prac *
tli-alopiratlnnnf all UK train. Other > peclattel ! ot
, tit < nwte uro lran > r r > nt nil rnnnrcUne poiutl in
Union l > t i olit. nnd thv nn < uriitMMhl duuCoru mtui
luxuries of Its I'na-wniKr nrtiilpmi tit.
The FA * & Kinross Tralni hetwprn Chl-t.crn ami
lYortn. Council lilntTi. Kanaaa City LeavenwartU and
Atrlilon u Tomrxxnt of well rvnlllatisl. np
huUtertHl t > nr OoKi-lieH Mucnltlc ut l-ullman IniacA
Hloepprxif thn latMt < lp'lin. and tumptiiolia Ulnlnc
Carm. In MliUh olvtiorntrly rookiMl ntrala mm IrUumlr
clten UolvreunChicifra ultd KaiiK R city and Atclilsua
re alio rim the Orlrbrntrrt KtrllnlneClialr Cnrj.
The Famous Albert LCD Route
I the dlmt and fnTurlta Una botwrrn CLlcartiand
fllmioapolliaudSt 1'aiil , wliero conn wtlon are made
in Unloii poti r r nil imlnta In the TrrrltarlM and
Iirltli'i rrorlncci. Orcr thl rout * Fail Itxpren
Tralni nro run to the watertnc pl re . rummer ro-
norti. plctiin inii liHnlltkand hi ntlng and Hkhlnir
( . ruilmlvot Iniva nnil Jllnlipwta. 1C l alia the nioM
deilrnlile roiitn to the rlcll wliont llcldi nn4 ruitorai
lamU of Interior linknt
Still . niioihi-r DIIIMTT LINK. TI Benxn. and K n-
kAKt . hn b nn opi-nnl twiw vn i-lrtrlnnatl. Indian-
npolli and Lafavpttp. nml Oount-lt UlivtTa ku aCUy ,
Ituimpapollflmid st Paul ami imerme 1U : | p > mt * .
her d tntlM inrnrutatlna M > n Main * * i .l ) > oiaeri.
ontAlnablu. 03well nil tlcki > t , i\t rlliirlnclpat Ticket
oninta la the UnitcU btatcl olid Uona4a | or tjr ad-
R. n. CABLE , C. ST. JOHN ,
Gi n'l Tkt i Tau.
_ C3ZXCr.A.Q-O.
Wholesale Manufacturers nnd Dealers la
Sash , Boors , Blinds ,
Mouldings , Kino Hard Wood Interior Finish
Mantles , Counter.s , Pew J mls ,
Dealers in JtuihUnf/ Paper *
MnlnOfllcu and Factory nt Lyons , Town.
OU1C3 \Varerooms Cor , 12th & hard Sts
jH > a.ilway Time Table
The following is tbo tlmo of arrival nnd depart -
part nro of IriUiisby Central Standard Time at
the loud depots. Trains of the C..HC. p. , SL &
O. arrive and depart from tholr depot , corner of
14th and WclHtorHtrootv. t nil in on the II. & H.
C. H. A Q. and K. C. , St. .1. fc C. U. from the IU
. depot , nil othcra from the Union PadQo
Bridge trains will leave U. 1'- depot t 6SK
1)7 UKSHMOjit.'JO ' 1110:00-11:00 n. m. : Ill M
1:20-1 -2lW-3:03- : : - B4:00-5.-00- - aO-
7:00 11:10 : p. in.
Leave Transfer for Omaha nt 7:1 ! 111:158:30 :
9:42 : 1110:33 : 10'J711:37 : u. la. ; l 7--Jii ! ; 2 7
: i:30 3:37 : 4:37 5W 0:43 : 7:30 7:50 SiO
lISJp. in.
Arrival and departure of trains from the
Transfer Depot at Council IllulH :
DKPAIIT. Anittvn.
II 7:15 : x M. 1)9:15 A. M.
H 9:15 : A. u. H5iiO i' . M.
COMJl' . M. IJ7 : < Ml' . M.
COi : > A. M. DUISA. : M.
11 0:40 : 1 > > i. 117:00 : i1. M.
AOi5A. : : n. I A'J:15A. : t.
JIOOJ' : . M. I llliSJOl' . M.
I A 7CO : f. ST.
A 0:15 : A. M. I A 9:1.1 : A. M
AU:10- . 1 A 7:0) IM
A 10:00 : A. > t. I I > n35 ; A.U. ,
C8S5r. : M. I AJi3i- : : .
vrADAEii , BT. i.ovis k r.ui : r.
A 3:00 r. M. | Ai'JJr. : u.
A 7tf A. M. I A 9 ! . * , M.
A easj'.jt. _ I _ At&tr. M.
' ik'part. WlMVUtU. . Arrive.
A.M. . u. UNION I'ACIPJC."r i. " ' P.i
.l.ilnnvur lixpro.s.
5U5a ; . . . .1-oonl Kxprou. . . 1UOJ.1
II. & M. IN NItll.
8:10a . . .Mart unil Impress. 0:43a :
fi:2 : > a . . . .Nltflit Kxpnun. .
To"mrt | : BOUTHWAUU. Arrive ;
"Afu , I i' . M. IMHSDIJltl 1'AUinC. A. M. , l-.llT"
ll:10.vI . . . .Day Kxpross. . , , . O iVV , .i
. i .tjlOb . . NUfht r.rprosj 0 : > Ja
K. O..ST. J. As li H. '
0:20a' : ' Biirib' ' . Via I'lutHinoutli .
A. . f . i u. ST.I'TL &
. . . I. Sioux City l'.iii-ctn | .
> , . RMVvOaklanrl Aci-ommod'n MiJOa' ' . . . . .
' ' '
lleiiuj t. i\STWA ; UIK _ Arrlvo , _ >
A.M. I r. tl. I C. . H. & Q. I A. M. I V. M.
_ _ ajj BOJ : | yji Iliuumoiith . I _ li : S37 _ : 1
NOTE A , t.'uhn dally ; 11 , daily ciropt tJun.
day ; C , daily except Sarjrday ; I ) , daily nx > upt
Mondnv , _
8TmJIT"Y A If h Tit A 1 Tfs
will loavr U. p. ilopot , Onulia , at * 0W 7J5 :
10OJu. : m : ; - . ' > l-'JU ; > IjlU iji- , -j.-W p. : : i ,
Puclllo Kxprots , ti-M p m ; Ucnrnr Hr:0:5 :
a. in. ; LSMH\ \ 1U..5:0' , p. in
Loavofctoi-kyitnla for Dinnha at T:0i : :55
Hi5 : iu m : -str.-ln-0:0i ) ; : : tf.4) p. m.
Atluntlo Kx . lo S. O. 7V : a. in. ; Clilc.tiro r.x , .
lo h. O A : < )7p.iii. ; Local I2x.lo B. IJ. ! 1JI
Mil. PUA K . , le. fi. O. r.7p. ! m 5 24 H. P. Er. ,
- m ,
On Wliott , Corn , Oitn , Pork , I.aru und ItIt ,
Stock * , 'or Long anil Slioil Tiiuu. dimd lorPrk-u
Cticular , H. P. HAUT A. Co. , IM Watbliivtoil
tit , , Cbientd. III. Itolutcii''B : An'rk-tiii 1:4-
chau .Nut'.oial : Hunk.