Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 12, 1886, Page 7, Image 7

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unrtc-r-hl htd. . Hi otmu j > r
line fanttn fir * * n 'ftimi.7 cmtrt * 1 tr pw * sul > -
n 9 nnt : n en ! n. nnfl n. n n iiw jx-r montb
Kt > uavcrtHKtffloirt lk n > Tor ) r * & tHnn Hi mints
Jtwth * * r Inwrtion. ? nen tftirtfwill ltd
cenntr * to thf Hne : th r jnnit r m pmmwn-
Uvuly nti tDUM IK p id in HOVBTWC. All Mli nr
thN.ttionti > witwt tie hBtiflrt In Iwfnre I o cUi"k
71. tn. . Mid unflrr no rirrum'tunf e wiU the ; be
I'tnp In tbe t tolumnt t-nfl har-
Inptht ntwwft adr "i pa ttr p r ! of TBI. B . r.
B | , f or rbwk tt. nnblr lh > tn to ert
Hrtlwrii , d none will lif rti'HrtTBfl
on pre pntitt tmi ol rtwrk AH Hnfwt r Mi
Tcrtl tttiont tioi'lfl i t < ndf > KJ In
TO Z-OAi'-
OI'KJ : CKNT Monej Ulu n. ,1 .1. Mnhonny ,
JiWirunimn. HW
TVT ONiil TtTLHAN ( > n rtiU e < Hte. "Kf-
jM.Qnn4 rule * on JBITW Hmti * Omrtrnl Inx'e l-
nien : Oo. , Barker illook.eoi liith and Farimin t
MOM7V TO LOAN-On iBrm and fltj prop-
ort.i , at low iwt rates W . A. Bppneor 1IWB
1'nriiHiri w. 14"i
TO 1O AN I in rt-nl
IL S. Smith , UoomS , M itlinelUJlock.H87
SnciAT. : rvxi t > n , ( > on to loan In
nmintpto pull , 011 Bhtirt time tnortupi-s ,
.utwolM' months timion property lin-
tirovrd or unimproved. Cnli nt tlif Onmhii
llnnticlnl Kjcrliuiiee. Bocotid floor ol llurkcr
Hkiok. K. W. Oor * rarrimn nnd l."ith iH. hM
WKhimt cheap tiionoy on Innc time , In nny lonii on InMdPflij proportj.or
JarmlatiO. Murshnll ilxitiut'k , 1511 I'urnnm rt.
G l'iit C'K.VT montj to Junu IL C l'attnr on.
JItth nud l > nucliis. CIS
V to muKe loan * In nny nmount. . on nny
VI kind of ajniroTpd copurltjIJITCO collntcrul
lontio D PiipriahT. Also on chattel * Rnd mat
rstnto in umount * nnfl time to nulu Ixiwer rati-R ,
hotter turn , nnd prompter perripo than nny
Inim iirentT In the city Tor f urthor tmrtlculiirB
rail ut oflirp on the pocond floor of the nnrher
Blork. BouthwcBt corner or Tarnam ntifl Inth
Ptrttiti. _ * ° _
TO LOAN At loxvem rnteB of intcr-
MONKV Titrms nnd itnprcivtiJ citproporty. .
r. .1. l > uj i Co. , li. f'rountc B bltict. b K fornur
Capitol u\ until ) nml lotli U
TO LOAN At lower rmtKthnn imy-
whnre else It ) the elty. on furniture , jiinuos ,
orpniiB. liorsos , viurons , or Btock ol imy Ulnd.
lUitnamlior , nt IOWIT rctes than uny other Umn
oomjiiiny in the rity. City 1/onn \ Mortpnro
Co. . room 15,34W rurnum Bt , opposite 3'nrton
liotol. _ _ _ ' " _
to Inun l > v the underslirnotl. who liaB
the onlv propurlj oriranlrod loan iiciinry
In Oznuhu "Loun1- flD to Sl.HX ( ) made on fur
niture , pintioi. orpixn1 : , bows , wntron'i. mac-bin-
cry , ire. , without removal So flolitys. All
buslnesi strictly eonlldentlal Ijonnt so made
Unit uny part ean lie paid at any time , each pay
ment rndnclnr tlie c-ost pro ratn Advance"
made on Jlne wutcbec and dliimtmdi rernnns
nbould carefully eotmlt'er w ho thev are dealing
with , nf many new eoneein1- are dally eomlnc
Into uxlmctioii. Phould you ni-od monev. call
nnd BOC mo. Tl Croft , lloom 4 ,
Ttuildlnir. ir.tb mid Harney
PETl CENT Money to Inun. Stevart S. Co. ,
6 Iloom ! ) , Iron bank. 12th und rarniim 4 .ri
il.tino to limn Snra WW mid upwards.
Lun tit rates. Uomls , 15th nnd Douia Bts.
M Estntc and Loan oronts , 1503 rarDBmSt. _
4. 7
MONET U-O LOAN-On peed Bppuriwes. A
UcGuvocfc room 7KndlDk Illoct , ISOVFarnam
Bu 4JS
M' VONI7T ' TO LOAN On leal cBtute and chat
tels. D. I * Thomas. _ 45P
"RJTONKT TO LOAN In aumg of tSOO nnd up-
LU- wards on fintl-claSR rt-ul estate Bflourirjr.
Potter ft Col > b , 3511 Furnum Bu 4BU
MONEV L < IANEI > at C F Heed Sr CD'S. Loan
oDicc , on furniture , pianos. horBOB. wens
personal propcrtv of nil kinds nzid nil other ur-
ticlepor value , without romovnL SIB S. liith.
over nititrham'B Commission store. AJ1 bug
EtrtctlT conDdantaL 4G1
FOU SALi : FSnflO Btock drticB and fixtures
in one of the bon It. IL towns in central
Nebraska Excellent -trulo. Growlinj town.
airnual BaleBfin/OOeasli. One of the rui-o op
jiorlunitiesto Btep.nto uu excellent business.
Address , JC Jli. care Hoe. BoO-17
FOK SALE A first clasi bakorr nnd reB-
tiiurant buBiuesstbe only one in town , lu-
vostipation will prove this a Kp'.eiidld ' opportun
ity. Terms very cosy. A.ddress Bar 75 , Akron
Cole , KS4 13 *
FOIl SALTS A rustanmnt Joeated on a lively
ftreel , bavinp u rood Jir.tronatre. Address
K.a7.Deoonieo. 78flJ5 *
TTiOlt SALE Millinery stock , tbe oldest us-
-T tnblKhnd millinery and func-y poods bouse
in the nourishing town of 1 oeumsolu has tbe
load of the rriirte ; fine locution and low rent.
I'or further information address Look Jloi. ! 15 ,
Teeumseh , Ntili. 71)3 ) II *
USINESS CHAKCE ? One of the best < rro-
eery Btorob in tlie city tliat only requires
small capital , rash dally sales SSD. Wfll invoice
uliout IJMIOU. Ilent only S-0 per month Call
on or uddresb , Park & FoTTlor , 1322 Dourlns Bt.
LjiOK > Alli New Btock of Kroeerles -
J- ! cm one ol the btwt strnoti in the city. Will
invoice about f'um including iirtures. Object
Inht'llmp olnr tolonve tlie citj. Address 1C Si ,
BKi office. * 78214
[ AOK feALK Tbo c-omplnte lurniture of the
f Nebraska Vlnejrar Works Call Boon on
E. Krebs. Jones et bet Dtb und 10th Bt , Oiuabo.
tail _
I'alnt Co. , vruvt live nuonts with small rap -
tnl totiikeoxelusUe territory and apply their
jiuint. Good money to riirht num. Ciiil at uoiu-
| iBtiy'p olllcc , roomC , overCommcroIalNutional
liunk , or address J. L. ICIco , ji. o. box 571) ) . C.4D
FOlt &ALK-Or esvnunpe lor Omaha real
estate , a nleeelenn BtoeK of jrrocerios. Thee
Ohon , 3BS. ICth Bt. 043 IS
"CpOIl RALE An elepant established business.
Jtholiert ! of the kind in the west located in
thU oity ; n .t iiroiltB RiOIK1.00 jor annum-will
Imar closest investliration : inroloo about
Jiri.l.ttXIKi. I'nrUoti vlth mouns wlsUinjr to Btep
' * .ai Into u line busmevs uddre-if. K 7. Bee otliue. 444
tl FOK SALI ! A flmt-class bakery , restaurant
and C'Onloctionerr Etand In u town ol 7.W13
Inhabitants. Inquire of E. P. Fay i. Co. , Omuhu.
TflOK bALE I'lrst-oluas meat market with
-L oicit fixture * , all complete : rood trade ;
liest of nmxotis for Belllnir. CnU or write to
Gee W.MaHhOii , 1U21 Howurd. iC3
E'MUt hALluim of the oldest fitiiWIsbod
pr < > ry biiRlutiss in the city , with u vi-ry
lurce , well-tinj-intr triioo. VTIU ortilmnpe lor
Omuhu rent ciBtiito or imrt cash and liulamni t -
cured notrs. Good roaBoiiB pivon for Bulllnc ,
j ddrt'EB" ] Ul. " Jtue iillifc. ini7
HOI'SHS LotBriirniR.lJindfi money louiind.
UdmiR , Wth and IJoucla etreiits. 4Ui
PCH : hALE Reverul Blocks ot ( roods , uoinc a
hdiilthy liuRinffis , ownorphlp clrnr , patiR-
Inction KimrutilDtid ; terms easy. Bomn Omaha
jirojicirty taUtm in ilcliance. Mmthali * Lo-
linrL. 1511 rurnnm nt. 4115
FOUND lloim cow with wlitto spot on ri < rlit
lillii fchon honiB. taai Chicago. Cfi3.ll *
COST Iliitekjerufy helfi-r , return to Grand
J Union Teux > und t' t ri-wai d B21 11 *
LO * T An umbrella between P. O. end
Furnum bt tills uionilnu. 1'lease luuve ut
tllhro lloo.
eo. ro.
TjUKST-CLASS Tublubourd , B02 S. JUth corner
-C BuMurj-'BUve. b3i-in
BOAKDIXG 1S4 rujiitol uviuiUH , pdrtlitmBt
cxirtiur lllth , houMi uewjy Jurnialied : evvry-
ttUng lirBt-cluEfc 715-13'
T > OAlttAiid iodjrlii ,
dosii e to call your kind
-L utteutum thut tlie Omaha Employment bu-
TOUU hut removed its ollu't ) from Funiura Ft to
31UNonbltitliBt Ju Crouuse block , should you
want uny bulp pluusu cell , Kesiit 11 U. Beii-
PEKSONAL Sirs. Dr Nuuiile V. Warren
ciulrvoj uiit. Mrdicul and buuness ilcdium
lioum No. il , 121 North 10th ti. , Omubu , Neb.
F IOlt JCKNT Bquuro Piuua , f4 inonthlr
. 1513 UouirliUL 403
OMAHA Iteal Estate , Houbo & Furuiblifd
Koom Aguury , Money Loaned on lleul Es
tate , Dioton & Euuman. urupriaturs. main
< itli-e 1UU4 Duuciui KtUrtncii oOioes 1 18 1'ur-
jium Et.1413 Uougloist.il6Niath.Elft and Kl
tiKitb : tek'phune No. 403. A iurtro list of fur-
nlt > hpd andiinturnlsbtid rooms. hnuM-s , ott .
iiir oubtoiuiir * tu mUu-t from Lecie your
lioufcos and nioius with us vi' will boon fill tUein
uii with dtnarohio tenuiits. Uoiue to us for
? * ' Teems und houbtw ; can nut you tit ouc : < air-
* nagiw tut imutmt ; tulejihona or cull ut above
_ _ rjp a IB _
* T > * aVV v uU aud vast pouts uuuiuo DyE.
JL Ewinjr , P. U. Box tSl. Mtouii'
TT OU nCKT A rtf IT on n poofl retmt ntrwit
-f Appiy the Omaha Seal mtate and Loan
Cn. 1C ?
FOJt IlUM-OrBHiisM per month , liospe ,
IHJi Donplai 274
_ _
FOJt lir vf SqjaTO i i no l rDontnrr ] A
H < rvj
F OR SALE Cheap A tot of Sf. hand nmchtn-
pry. plntifr. jip naw.mouWinp mnchin * .
r uud uliafrltic. dNrhlln i Co. . Onnw-n. la.
: i : sYLK ChfBp , furnfurr nf n Jrm > Tn
litm fr pmnplMr for lrt > UMl ! < "Tinit Ad-
i K 4k. HOT ofHpp P40-1S *
FOU .VLi : riBmlilwrmlOD ooli nirokcni ,
ftulky. liRrne'H. tcfi bnpcv ; , "tulrtf ana ormn ,
Itj 15ttpinw r Bfitwrts. Fort ( .mmha 04618 *
F ok SAL.l > MutesTllZO X JR. SB-f
Al.n Tin-ftp A limno tlctewinfr nm-
eh In ? : twnrly new. IMi Iarunirt ) t. IWH
fnrntTiire B-room IKIUSP oom-
Mt- fet lieu k > "ptnr ; tifto * t-Min. Home
i-mt fKiiici m-mtb , DDC location. 171V Dmirlag
nt. 415
_ _
FOI ! s\l.K rui-mtur ? nnfli ffi f > of ilx-room
lirniie. tlmi on purl ( 'nil ISO- North Lltti
ttpw.two liloct. * trtuD Hpfl ( ar line. HTO
HOI sli- iits1 ann".f.ui-if roonpj hnu > " < l.
llctni IRtli nnd
TTX1 AUI ; 1 iiiiuiii , lurnlturo unfi
X1 ranirc 717S.lmhn
FOU SA1.I. Uliuu. ) ! . iron cximnius Mud win
dow miw-Miltnlile for front nn lirlch liullfl-
inp. For jmrtioulnrmipplv nt thl * otllco. MS
-rT T f , T.r. KIO.P.
Vi'ANI it ) \ plrl lor Rcnond wtirk and carr
i o ! chlldrrn. Ovrumti or Strode prercrtod ,
nt TOO i > . ll.tb Bt KB-U"
* V omitn im < : lrT teal : ut the
ruinous TUB lli South 11 Bt. Kiii-13
T\7ANTii7 Kurse pirL inaulro KM
> ' BVC.
TV 'ANTKIt A clrl to do plnln newlne. In
quire ut lUiom 1. Artatle Ho ; , ! .
Elk Il
tiANTnt > ildin ni ? room pirls nndadlsb-
' wimhiir nt Korris' llostauratit , luth be
tween Dodire and Douplus , Mri-1-
\T7ANTii ) A j-ounc plrt , honest nnd ol
> ' peed C'boructui , to ussl t in F uerul house
wort. Uelortiiu'e roqulrt-d. Bi"S ! " S Slit BU
841-13 *
\VAVTii A P'rl ' for peneinl housework nt
> > 342 ! Harnry M. Nrs L M Huys M7-M *
TA > TUI > DinliK-- room pirl , uKo femnlo
cool. . 1017 Cupltol uvtumo B3"-12
WANT13H SO plrl * . to eo pi'npi lu housework ,
pii'lsfordlnlmr room , chamlior , kltehen
and laum ry work , In hotels , I eM aurants , tin I
bourdinp uou es ; rood cookB , blirvaces Call
and sou. Omuhu Employment llureau , 11H K
Juth it. B04
pirl lor hnusonotk , I01P Har
tley Bib : K'
" \TTANT13D A cirl foi pencrai tiouipworb
> > S ( 7 Cumlnn Bt. eU5 11 *
T\rANTKl > Ladies und } OMUK Men toDuror-
> ' ate Holiday Novelties lor lull und winter
trade , HUiudv tmiiilofmcnt : M',00 ' per neul ,
tiarnod : all iuuti > riul furuNhod ; norlted mulled
true Addre1-1 ! Ken Eupland Dyeoiatlve
\\oil.s. Ill I'eutl St .iloston , Mass. , 1' O. IJoi
r ; T 81415-
WANTKD Two peed iirls , northw oM ronier
IStb and Mason streets 71111 *
WANTO > Good pul , Mrs. Bushman. 1312
Howurd. 77D
ANT1-I > Il UMOl of tbroa.
V\7 - > neior in lamily
1 \ Address John K. 1 ord , Storlmtr. Neb.
75D 12
WANTED-Fjrst pirl , W)3 ) I'ork nvo.7in
70312 *
YJANTEl > Girl lor penei-ul housework. No.
\ 191 > Capitol uvu , north side , bet IHth and
Stlth , 730
WANT1-1 > At IKS ! Howurd ht. , a reliable
pirl lor kitchen work Must bo frond ,
lain cook , washer und Ironur. German or
IriKh jirelcrred. 544
TIT ANTED A Ilr t-clusB cliumt'ei muld ut the
> Windsor HoU-L D53
An exjieHonced coolt und luun-
rtress Good wupos 7iald. Mrs. G. J. Hunt ,
Virginia are. , uud Grunt St. 55'J
WANTKD A pirl tor poneral boupework.
ApplySlDS Turnum St. 482
" \\7A ? < TE1 > Girl lor uuneral bousework. A-
H. Moyne , S. E. corner 21st und \ obhtor.
lil > Immodintulj-.u llrst-class coot u
WANTiSW So younc lailes nna pents to
learn telopruphy. Prospects for positions
when eotnpoUntpooa. Address W. J. D. room
1 , CrounBO block 18th Bt , Omuhu. 7JS
YT7"ANTED Tusiry cook at Windsor Hotel.
WANTKI ) A lirstclusswuitor ut Louie
Motzpcr'B Jlustuurunt , C25 liroudwny.
Council BluDs. BIS 11
t 'ANTti ) A white barber , steady cmploy-
inout will l > e piven to a good burbor Address -
dross Cbus. West , Crete , Nob. bl > 4-12 -
. tlnnors at onoe , lue-ob
E. Troiel ht-ud ol St. Mary's live. B27-11 *
WANTED Younfr man of three yearis' nr-
pcrience desires jioBitlOn in otlioo or
wai'ohouse ; best roterencos AddressK4&.Doe
WAJCT1I > Horseshoor nt Muldoon , 14th
und Jones. B0111
AVTii > ApontB. 209 K. luth Bt Eli
WAJTTE1) Two good BUlesiuen. SOON 10th
WANXJUD-A : flrst-cluBS Amtiricun
jireferrud. VT. R. Froemun.City Bakery
1'ork , Nob. 7W-15'
iT-'Ajma * Laborers for Black Hills exum
T nlon of B , A : M. K. to drive teams
scraper baldcrb uiitl truck layers ; iood wiuroit
and Etimdy work E. S. Albright , K. K. J.abor
Aeeney , lMfc Farnam Btreet. 71)1 )
WA > tTEI > Trnck-hiytnir Doss : prood opening
f nr our who understands tbe business.
Albright' * Labor Agency , 1308 Farnam street
T"ANTED A baker , Scandinavian pre-
t forrud. Corner Leuvenworlh und 14tbst
WAXIEM A i > oy nnd pony , living south of
Farnam BU , to curry a route on Dally
EveningBuo. Inquire in subscription depart'
znuzit. 770
" \\AXTEI > Ten meu of peed utipouranco ,
\ > can uiaUd S3-K u day. Call nt 1412 South
IStb Bt. 7liO 14 *
WANTii > Two good housowoik molders ul
tbe Aurora , Nebraska , loundry. E \ \ '
Wilson. 75 14
\\TANTEI > A rood rollttble druggist , must
i' furnish references. A upload Id chunue for
thericht niun. Address , C.F. Furbruch , Chad
ron , Neb. WJ5-11 *
bhon-hand Btudonts ; expori
encBd teuehur. Tormfi. * f20 for oomineto
K 2G , Boo ollico. uHun
TTCTANTED Situation by educated lady to do
line sewing und take charge of uiid teach
children ; bedt rclereneos. Address K 1Ho
olllwi. 823 IB'
V\TAKTii > Prlvuto fumlly work or cleaning
up ofiiees. Geu.A. Shly , Coi'd. , 1)12 ) Man
tana st. i"1b3Ml -
\\7"AJJTii > Uy girl with u small Jnoomu , a
pliiusnut home in a tiimlly ot two. Ad
drcse Mrs. C. Allan , Hickory between Gt !
nud 7th HtreetB ut uiioe. * .
\T7 ANTJU By svouug lady , to bow in f ami
> lies. Address K 40 , Bue oUicc.
T\TAJJTin Situution as cutter by youug
> nmn of two yours cipcrienoe. Can mok
Job. Addie 6 , BoxtTiJ , Ort-dton , Jowa
" \l"'ANl 1:11 A young Englishman having ei
? porienee u a Itiiidscajie pardoner desire
eugucementit until h > ept Ihth. Addr E Lund-
cupt > Gardener , ut Wm Fleming & Co't. 772-1
\T7ANTED Position us elork by u TOUIII
Kuotcbuiun. AddrfBS.DB.No. 20 Broad
v ay. Council Bl-fls
T\7ANTKU To rent a miiali neatly Iuruisbcd
' rmim oimr Ittiti oflifc. Adareu utialne
terms K " 1 Itee otlioB. lib !
T\fA3 TEO To rout a bonso ot ul om 10
' * rooms , Bltuutad somrvrheru btitwccn St.
Murr'f utonuc.Califoraia , lutli and Siud Etrcots.
tJ.UfC-UHitti. . bJi-ll
TTTA > "Tlit ) FurnlBlini ] room , with orwltliout
11 board by 3 uunc izaii. Addros > s , Etutuijj
terms. K it. Hoe oait-tv. Eil-11 *
\\7Ai'rfa ! > 'Jo rent 8 honwi not lei from
i < post ottttj or street dilro&a K. 'Jk ,
line cUjre. ' Ihfl iy
TC 7AKTKD ruiaorocrs lor our butter nm
cream. 3. II xiouustro. BOS K 10th ft.
Pi a It
\IAXTiU A pooj iiousf on ninntiily pay-
' meets. AcldiehB ll.tii , line ollica Cii.
"I \7ANTJi To buy n nice reslflrnfe or jr io4
11 builduir lot in a dfiirubiu iaratiou Ad >
driioi 11 , CO , lluu oia-u. Co
V AKTin > 7Tt turf a bfemv.v toitti MfBflJ- |
( irnrk. t llntThc Ofloncss8 iwWj o ,
Farrmifi irrtHn. M"
T\AM IT17mf with "sinaUoRtiitai to take
' OPloBlvr territory ntid kti | > ir oitriiaint-
r D nt thr ofliw ol Ihi 1. X I. Rlntr Pat" ! CVi ,
roomC , orBr < 'oiutnerrliu iMitlona ) Imuk or n6-
rr r J. 1 lllca. tifis. _
\\A > 1 1U > A Oooflnteafljtiorte trltli
> -mponmifl tmrncc * : mn t I'd tfHenp to
K > pslis lor in monthly instalments. Addrrss
j '
. VATOTTO Moore a < bowfl in coos prKntf
* Inrallv. Cnti irHc liL-st ol rplfrenccAd -
< lrr K 4 . UW ottlCR. . 8M
" \ IT .V > T l ) 5 earns. I.Murray.
KiVT New liHcJ. linusf ontisirtlnr of
C room * 2B2S Huniilton Ft. T7 < 11 *
p ll HI.Vj S lumifs No Tl07 mid 11IW HHV-
onport rt. iiiquitc 1010 rutnani it uj > -
i _ _ I5.1 ? ! ! _
HMIK HINT A r. room INIUSE , northonM
C corner 2E3 and Bull fflSll *
KUXT HOVRP vlth ! S room * imd nil
iiiodrrn pouvotilfiioi1 * . MiutbTro t pnrni-r
if 14tb utid .loncc streets lour titnrk * . poutli or
'nrnuiii frtret-t. Tlitbou e is so liuilt thiit 11 fiui
ir n-nn-d n two liouw . or In flaiR Apply to
> r. JI. H J'eBliody.on tlir Jiromlics , l > otv on the
lours of 4 mid C ji in. W 14
cm KUXT Fvir n tei m of j ours , tin- 2torj -
lirlrk bullrtlnr on tlif ti c cor ol KUh nnJ
Inqulro nt flrup store. Btdiii1 | > liii'o
POIt HKNT New G-room lieu es , titnir-nri'ot
curs U. C 3'uttorson , Umaliu Nut'l lunik.
(574 (
TTHHl IlKNT Two larpr unndnomo npurt-
* - nioiit lioupos vlth modern Improvements ,
iiow In the cournc of erection , reufljto bt < ocru-
jned to f-upt. 1st nnit , 02li mifl UJS South T7tb
itri'ot. I'or partleulurfa inquire of .lohn H. T.
-.clinmnn , M7
FTJK linNT lBlrnblp rroom eotmco , outb
U. V. flepot. .1 l'blpl > s Koo.lStS S fit li RD *
T7\OIlliEAST \ ; Vri'hmi'oli'ven ucms on f P.
J ? U K truufc , BOJIi'Ot front ; will lou e ull or
parti or Crc years. Bedford k Souor. T 4
J.'Oll Ri : > T 2 front rooms for llplit lieu ( -
Kropinc If partj will buy lurnlture : umt
und furniture cucnp. W * North IHth stroot.
81P U"
FOlt IILNT Lnrpe pH'nsntit front rnoin ,
irltb rooa tliT-et ; lurnKlmd or untur-
nihbtid , und peed board. Addrosb K 4 i. lice
oflit-o. fOS U-
-r < oi : HUNT Tlnce unluiniRhel rooms fern
n llplit lKiu"i'Ui ( > pin5 : , ut TL'US .Jlith kt HK 11"
FOi : ItKNl Two nlcel.v turnisbud room' , :
cine i > front rnrmi with vnttn Ho et nnd ull
oonvcnh'jiccs lultublo tor two | > ursons. Avpl ?
ut lliM rurtuim H. "U"
F on UEN3 rnfurnisbed room. Bis S.
bt. KutlJLl *
r.KVl A nult of looms with llrf-t elaav
liourd. IMS Hodpu. Bit
FOlt HUNT rurnishofl roo'm ut LWt Sortb
17th iti eot. T H W'
FOlt IUNT Two furtiNlied roomp C1P Itorth
Htb , Bt 7HD IT
? Oi : ISUNT Very iiletmunt und nic-olj Jiir-
j nihliod rooms. 115 S. Sid Et.TJilTun ! im
Bt cur line M7 14
CICiR IIHNT lce rooms ut 1S2I Tuniam st.,1
X1 Ijlool : west ol oourt IIOUHC - 60S
F IOlt HUNT Nicely lurnishea mnm-'S
Dodce. l ( 111 *
F IOlt KENT Nicely furnished rooms near
street-cur line. Bin Pleasant t-t. 71U IS *
F' I OH ' KEVT Front olbee , Jd ! floor , Omuhn
Nut'l Hunk. liKjtiiiel ) . C. I'utttirnon. Kin
H nji j.1 . * iuit ol furnlsbod rooms for two
Jcmitlumon , Hill Ciillforriu HU
FOU IICXT Five nicely furninhi'd JOOHIK ,
bath room nnd water cloaot on pruniHCR.
TemiB moderate. 412 S Itth el. bot. C3h Icatoiind
Cass *
KENT rurnishod looms at 1707 Csms
( Us
FOK KENT Two front pnrlois , newly fur- 1
nisbed 2311 St Mur'suvonue IJ13
FOU KENT Furnished Irom room. A Hospe.
: ; so
FOlt HCNT Two verv nieoly furnished
rooms with or-without board , hou e is sur-
Toundod-by a nicoluwnjiud lias Imtb loom und
pas.S W.tmrnor of "ftth nnd Wtflistei. 61S
: JtlSNT Tficols * tumlqlica rooms vith
Urst-claps board , S21 Ploasunt-fct. 37 .31 *
KENT- Furnished roomT
327 a2fi
Oi : ItKNT A turn.hbed jurlor ) room 'With
board , Bultable for two contlemen ; ulso
board ; reference required : 3bl4
_ IMi _
F OU liKSir A nir-ely furnished south room
1K)7 ( ) Douplnt , st lief orences rciiulroa. 475
FOK KENT Desirable furnished rooms at
1611 Fiirnara stioet. 470
TOK ItUNT Two Etoro rooms on lltb rt , ,
J. .loliuiou , 1334 rurnnm. . -
F OR &AIJC Fme lot m Plninview , irontim ;
east , on 20th Bt. Tnoo OlicnIBs. . l&thEt.
G3 ! U
FOU i.VCU.ANGE JB lllOstockdrvsroodsfor
O Jiuhu property. Archer & Fitch , 218 3
Uithst. 405
F OK SALl' Fine lot in Plomriew ,
east , on 2Jth Bt. Theo Olson , BIB S. luth Bt.
T71OU SALE Business lot cm Undsebt Just two
JO Mocks cast of postoQiee , a great barculn ut
East front lot , Tutee k Hood's uddf 7T > a
EuKtlrontlot Vlrprinla uv . . fSiiQ.
East trent lot , Hanscom Place 4n block 1C ,
tl2S , worth $1.W10.
Acre lot West Omaha add. , half Week from
Loavenwfirth , f2UUO.
Tbe best lot in Ambler place , S&30.
Iiarge house und two lots , Isaac & Selden'E
odd. , u bargain nt 3:3,5011 :
BO acre t arm nnur Council Bluffs , rente for
240 uubb per your. { 2,003 , for a 1 ew xluys o nl v.
F. I' ' . Tunnel & Co. , Ituul Estate uponls , 1C15
Howard Bt. KOO
BSACHSaE , iloal Eetuto.217 S. 18BU has for
Euie : Milk duhy , ( rood paying iiusinf s , in
fresh oows , 4 borBus , 1 delivery wagon , 40 mllK
cans , tank. etc. Gun rent or buy the property
wiiere it is on.M iicrub pasture , 2,000 , W cash
bai 1 yfur. A great bargain. B20
BSACHSSE , Iteal Estate , 317 B. TMi Bt. has
lor Bale ul n bargain :
Improved nnd unimproved farms In Nebraska.
Four 1-4 wictloni InDouplas Co. , MO p r acre.
1IW iicrcs of splendid form land , all improve
ments , in 1'ork Co. , S3u per uoie ; umo crops
pnulod stock und furniture for sale. Only tor u
short time nt thlB price.
1-4 Bection In Furnus Co. cheap nt 1,530.
BO iicros. Hurt Co t20 tier ucro.
B Ound BOO ncresln Kuuco county , f 12.50 per
S.D30 ucres In Antelope Co. , JI5 to S30 per acre.
10 ! ) ucrcs in Wudison Co. , f 10 or cxchunge lor
city pr"perty ,
A fine farm of 209 acres in Dorntur Co. la. ,
f3D per ucre , or will trade for penerul merchan
dise. Also forms in Kansas. It. Suchsse , 1 > 17 S.
IStb street. C20
BAHQA1N Full lot on Wubswr between
17th und IBth HIS. , S houses , one of & roomfc
and unfiof CroauiK ; peed barn und Bhade trees
uud uthnr linprovomente ; price f'.OUO : eusy
terms. Potter & Cobb , ISiaFarnum , BU , Omuhu ,
Neb. ! 1
POIt SALn JJ tot and treed 3-story frume
houae , B rooms , ulosots , oollor. < itcw on 1Mb
struct. oetMeeu Leuvennortb and Jones , J7lUJ ) ,
for u ftw dcyE. sc nrroc on military roud.uouhe ,
burn , oribs , etc. . S.VW per ucre , nne locution , u
bare-Kin : land udjolnlur and west of it laid out
la city lots. W. G. Templeton it Oo. , Omubu
National Bank Building. E3S12
' oil KAJL.K or Kreiiunpti tor Improved
Property Lot on Virjriuiu uvenue. corner
Howard street , east tront. ti. li. Ileyden.
1/1 Oil SA.LB In Linooln , SM feuton O Btrnot.
X > Very desirable business projierty. Address
utonceSherwjnSherwin i-Co. , Linooln. Kuh.
B : 1LLSDALE-Beautiful locution. S09
FOIl SALE By Part i. Fowler. 1522 Douglas ,
u bargain that you tbould not inieh :
7-room bousu , wtll , oiFtern , iron fooce full
lot , UDilllS. s blocks from street oar on Uuuiiltou
fit only (3.530.
Haubu. full lot , Walnut Bill. C rooms , tl a.
L'uny terms.
lie use. f , rooms , lot : ana.HnundorB st.t2.700.
llnuhc , m Btorr.fuU Hit , Omaha View , { 1,400 ;
250 luiKli , balance f 1& pur month.
bpt-chil bargmn In late :
S lots in Park Puiue. only 2,000 If sold t
pother ; ( l ui ) tmsh , balance 1 , i and S yoars.
Out ) lot in Walnut Hill. duL ( Lou edjalning
this tell fur (1,000 to 1 1
one lot in OJnculn Place , on Davenport st ,
south trent easy terms. $450.
T7\ail feAJ-K-A. me alum elza safe nearly new ,
JC with inside door.
1 12 drawer cabinet Mid letter file with doors.
1 letter press.
1 platform scale.
1 platform counter asala. Parrotte & Bwrenr
111lltniey ! ttt. JJJ7
TTUm HALE Lots iallunsaom Plane. "Lote anti
tiOmuhn View und Muntm P.&ue. ilouse * und
ton an uur puriuenU. Lou in Shrtvur J'luce ,
i'.lii X only J15 down Lalanoc 5 jior month. Be
fore you buy or sulj call on ii. W.
FDH SALE LnjpiHwmrr lot Il t and Tlorpct.
fl.fiuo. Bnsv TiO-ments. Tbtiu O1 M . St.t ,
S 1Mb. If < 071 1C
_ ' '
IL1 ? 1 ALE 'hW' " ramape * vbtfh ran t bp
Irroten try oiUMotrtiMon When on IK P the
lot ? voii wlB ndiBH ttq Amtn , 15B7 Fnrnam. ffK
Ii.l. DALE * "tu nn nna no Riirb lot * os
thexf Rt t ( l innfrco. Ames Beal BMntp
Arenov .1807 FnnfBttife. _ BIB
FOK > Vi.lJ Ot-THi'io imnrovea nnl umtn.
proved ! Bnd 1a FVirnas and ot ler wpqicrn
oountlw Addrft * rm Simoral , Arapatioe ,
' 'o. Neb.j . . _ 76 _
Vll.K-MniMD tiouvr on l ikr nnfl 17th
m near Htnwl ear fl.tOJ. l aih fH H ) .
. oi cii nss. . istti st nw-ia-
T7IOR SALt Thrtoi ibe I rt1 lots In Walnut
JL Hill ThroJJHUH Sit- South l h. IK 1.12
Ip on SAI.U i-vats- : bni > a of neflticFipcrg
u ntf in tbe 4ne jearlinopaM , rondj tel
l ) d. VV. A IViuai-y < , Hum. M-b. 714.11 *
v\\ you eon makt motiFV * Bv bnvlnp on
eas > pavmentsn Hlllidulc lot lor fbVl. that
will be easilj 711110 for uud double in value.
At - Bonljhnate rency.JBnj rurnam B0
I Sou > > ALi ; Oonaronm houif with eellar.
ciitcrn. cltt watei nnd burn. lot $8.HOn ;
ii prnmi'e * . 3ftl7 Datpnijort _ 117- !
"UIl.L5iDAl.B- . that p tbf tmme , and tno
JT1 lots nd for H50 to I17B on eii y terms
llnvo jou coon this ground' If not , do lit onee ,
n it costs tiothlntr to ride out to thl beautiful
ideation Amps' Heal Estate iijrency , 15117 lar-
11 urn. . pn ; _
FOH SALE A tree olaiui within thrre miles
of the thrlvinir town of l-onel'lne. Neb. In-
quite or nildro B Mrs Aunle Fiy.iriOl" Duvcn-
iort street Omaha. uni
FOIl AliK W < liux e "iljrteon lots In Haw
thorne addition thut we will will bent nnd
heapest iuMdo property iu Omaha. Bpdlord t
toiler " * 755
FOR SALC IS choice ims in Kiunirturf &
Hlmebaupb's add . fHIO to SliT. each , o oy
term % . A H llripfrq Saie's hat store 70S
NIJund thn-e-lourttis ucres m llroofcllne ad-
V.ait km , I'rlce fSM Potter i Oobb , 1515 Far
nam st Omaha , Xol < 821
FOK iALIi Or I'xrhnnco lor general mer
chandlso. 290 acres llnally improved land In
Soutbern Iowa , ndjolnlni : county neat and irall-
road , in Pecatur oountj Ha n line 0-room
house , large burn , &Moot Blind , good well , i-primr
und running wuter ; 10(1 ( upplo trees , rhorrlos ,
priipcs , etc llornhard Sachsso , U17 S. Wth
Ft.Omuha Nel > . 42
LAHC5E cities maK < sunurban homes n necos-
Bltv and thls > clns of lots irrows wltb tbb
rest ThlUMlo lip i-ousldered See HHUdale ut
JinOnnd buy one wbdii j-ou can ut this figure
Ames lte l Estate Atronr1507 Faniam Bt S09
FOlt } > ALi ; B dMlrable lots In
Place : terms OIIBJ. G. P. Stobbln i. bni i
0.01. y *
FiOlt feALK rine lot in I'luiuvlew , ft anting
east , on S.'th ' st. Tbeo Ohen , 21S S. Kith bt
KB 11
' HAMMOND , Iteul Ebtate Brokei , 1522
LI' Douglas st. , Koom a
I oOi'rtlii'lollowinr .jipclal barfrains'
Two choice lots m Hanscom Pluue , lini-raln.
4 houses on Ohio Rt , (1,1100 ouch , $2il I dish ,
balance Kpcr month.
I ! choice Lincoln Place , will be hold at n
Splendid 0-room house Ohio bt. barn ; 3ixlll >
loot lot , bargain , S-.100.
Splendid lot In Shinn s udd.
Lot on Furnam SUJSLSUQ
List you protierty vlth me. ,
Lots 1. " uud ! ! , block Hi , b E. Hows' addition
to Okulioma.5Uxl50 each. Cull for terms -
Want Omaha real estate lor $4niio stock of
hardware tn peed Iowa location , only 2 Mores ,
1.0IKI inhabitants C3G
HU.LsllALE < "otiie and one \oumnll. . it
sells on its merits. Amos' Iteul Estutt )
Acc'ticy , IM7 Farnntn WK )
neil SALB llesiduneo property anil vacant
' lots in every addition iu Omaha. Terms to
Jtpnrehnser. Also desirable business proj *
ortjGlbsoo , Laoit > iras ! Oo. , ICoom 3 , Withnoll
Itloek _ V j/t _ 15 =
RAKE BA11GA1ST-J440 aeres pool nraolt ;
land in Knox und Cudar co > inties.Nelirai > ku ;
D4 t > ei acre casb A..B. Giabum i. Co. , Wlsnoi ;
Nebr. 2 -
TJ ILL DALn , higruDit prouud , handsomest
-Q- location of uny Jots in or around Omuliu ,
lor tira to HTfi'd int. Comp nna see this
irrount ! . Amos' TtOtfl Estate Agency I."i07 Tar-
IIRIU. -.1 N)9 )
TT OR SA.LK Two' 'lojrant cnst front corner
Jlots in Burr < Mu , natural hbude trees.
HntcliorGudd 4 : Oal21CDouplus street , Millard
hottil block OnialinX Xah. aot
HEAVY coins "In population pushes Omubato
the front. tas ? HfUsdale lots that you can
cow bur for J1.7JA Eick one out. ps.y for It in
instttUmonts nntVSplritlB By ! arstim fortwiee
-hS COST..R.nltB * TtculEt"'Aeencr , 1 > 07 Fut >
nara st. HTO
- OttlEstute.S17 S. IDtb St. , has
for sale improved property ?
320 Fine brick residence with nil modern
improvements , on Saunders St. , lot
latxJUO , SIUMOto & > , ( KIO oush do u . F E.OOO
2BO Nlnoiooui house und lot.llth stM
near St. Mur-s uve , SBUI ) cash balance
monthly - . 5,750
2G1 Three-room eoUueo und lot S. 17th
Bt. , Sl.lKX ) cubh l.UUO
I1X ) ll-rooin houHJ and lot OD'-xlTO on
Hurt Bt. . fi.llOU cash , baluree to Btiit 1.500
304 22 It ou Cuiulnf "with store und dwell-
iiip . . „ . . 8C. > 0
S4C Bl It cm Cumins with stores und
dwellljip. burn , etc. , 10,800
309 Fine h-rooni hou e , burn , etc. , lot
HKlxlMO. . .
30U4 5-room eottuc-o.Jot 50x100 , both on
Webster , one-third cash , balance to
BUlt. . . . . . . 2,003
327 ( Ksottapos on South 14th St. , to bo Bold
together or iu lots of - or 3 udjoininc 12,000
25B fine 0-room house , lot 80x140 , on IKth
BL , cash JI.IWO
2 < w Lot 3UZ140with houstt , well , etc. , on
Tilth Bt. 2,200
350 B cottnies of C rooms , lotB 304x120 ,
eStern. well , etc. , on linb St. , $3 < H )
cash , & & .DI ) 7 > or month , each t,100 !
331 } hi lent on Cmiiing. buKineBS lots , wltb
2storuE , dwellinebcni ; all rented. . . S10.SOO
Full lots and 4 lots -with lurce or Email bouses
K. V.Smith'E nQd , Plain View.
Lowe's Sd udd , Kounfze'a 2d add.
I'atterBon hubdlv. Inpiwimumt Assn add.
Mlllard 4. Culdwoll'B add , Walnut HUL
I'urk Pluee , Hickorv I'luce.
Omaha View , lledford'E add.
Shiun's add , AmosPluue
Shiuu'h2d add , Donlses * udd.
IVora $1,000 to tl OO ; smiill iiuymeuU : oa y
HUW IB It your neighbor na marie money ?
By buvine ooarupe to b uy choup lots. You
can do the ume in Hlllsdulo , whore lots now
sollmc for f L H ) each will brlnr double thut In a
year from now. Amei' Koal Estate Agrency ,
IMlTI'arnam at. Mia
HOIl > i ; > _ n > t8KuriusLanas money loaned ,
llomls , 15tb uud HouKlas BtmotB 471
REMEMHEU uow ih tuo time to bay cheap
lots. Tber RI-OW lu vulun faster than uny
others. See HHlsdaln Lots flWI each. Ames'
Iteul Estute Aponcy. 1507 Fnrnum. BOH
ILLbDALE Belli , at f 150 per lot. E09
T "EAVENWOKTH BT It. K. truckage , one or
1i morn lote or an acre , at a great bargain
bee J. W. Lopan , ut Limvuuworth BuBlness
Pluee , or G. , W. linker , Boom 7 Iron Bank
building. m' '
P < ilt hAl.U Or KxuhuUBO A itno imjirovod
farm in wustom Iowa , oontuiiis 1FU ucrun ,
or will bxuhaniru for Omaha property. Inguiro
of 1C Jlro-vrn. Windsor botul lid
HILL&DALE-Low only 115U to flTT , . and will
gull f or dnulilo this figure In 12 montht. '
time. Coino uud Hot ) thorn. Amos' Itotl EBtatti
' . 1507 Kiirnam Bt. WV
BAKGA1NS a choicnlots
udclition , rorj-obeiup nt , $3,000
Several btiautiful lote Wiioor 1st addition
on easy terms and rery ruusonablu.
8 choice lots in ICilby Plaeelor 2.0JO
2 lots on & lltb Btmit , Bower Hill , east
fronts,74x144 < jiffti. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.0fl [
41otBonilth noaifcuenOliir. _ . _ . . . . „ . . - IJiOC
Good V room bodseknd lot on Gnorpiu
eve , , 1 UlorJc fratu t BM. . D.OOO
NIIW hotiKC. U roorS. , ijj.jrtlowiid nuar curs
in top order ttuuvoB'.oGry. ( . . 4.01X
2 good C & 7 room hou &s with three large
Ints .rith BtroutJianr ( lumlnir , . . . . . . 0,000
Bplcndid liuemoii-Jng'.on Douglas Btreet
near 14th . „ . . . . . . . . - . K.OOO
Above uro n few of our many bargains.
lleinembor thtl place jiatcber.Gudd & Co. . Jill-
lard hotel block. f , 7Kl.ll
Soutliern Minni'sota.
UoncnU und Northern
for sale tti loir pnpet , and nn easy terms of } iuy
rnent liullroud ftn-t-Vref unded to purchubere.
Weekly excursioitJ&I Ixu-t lands for tlie money.
I'or further Information nddress. O. IL Nelson
fidCB. 10th Bt-jamjlia.A'eli. . _ BIB
FOIlhALK i'iteP C "in Plain view , fronting
east , on 20th sB Thee Olson , S18 8. 1Mb Bt ,
T OTS Bulbilstodnyif or 5w to fiooo sold u rear
J-l Ufc-o for flQQ to $250. Think uf this and gut u
lot now in HUlsdale f art ISO to $175 and on easy
terms. Ames' IttiulEstuU ) Agency , 1507 Farnam
TJ OR SALK -Njoe 6-roora house nnd corner
J-1 lotoin Walnut Hill ; Ji cu&b bul. to nuit
Col Martin 3
110 fl 14th Bt _ _
H Lou , I'urms.Lanair money ioune
Bemls.j5th and i Doutflat Btruotb. 471
F OH SALEbevuuUwn lots between Dodgi
and Davenport in Kilby Pluee thit wetik lor
N. A. Kuhn. 15tfa and Dourlas.
TfTlOK SALJC-By M. L. Hiegins , 1506
-t : street , a speoml bargain
now S-story dwelling , 7 rooms , with
month , will rent I'or t41) ) per month.
A GOOD lot in Okuboma , iu > &r the Viuton Bt
xi. uorline , priue Jl.lkiO. I'ottur Cobb. 15U
ttirnam St. . Umuhiu Neh. H51
"I 11LLSDALE Best ouj > ortunitr lor
-LL you ft oncap homo.
TTAVE y-ili ati HilliSnlr' If not , do no at
XJLonrf and pick out lot for tlv th t will not
onlr make vou monet but Imlpyou ve
Ames 4lcaj E rtftte Aponrr lW ! Farnam.
trtthoat Tnofll-
A POSITIVES I'fttemeJ O.-to-
, irrn.
OMP box will COTB
the most olitlnn cnto In four dars or less.
Mian1 sSolobis Medical Sou j'e ;
Jo nnusrouK do es ol cufcoUs. eopnlbai of
nnOHlwixifl tlmt arc tt'itmn to produce oysripp-
Fttt bj do Trovinr thr < ' ( iHtmir of the stuma 'h ,
rlfp SIM. Sola Kv nil drurci ( it or iimll 4 on
rwPtWofprirti. . I'or furthur particular" ! f > "iit
nroireul&r. P O. Box 1YH " "
r. c. a-z i a-z r co. CORE.
U'Johnrt New Torfc.
" * *
WHO Ift tlNAtaJA' T" ? WTM * M
rous"P wiu. ft C r EXAM , i'o HI
.RODi : ISUND S P 0FG ! ! RtlLWtV
The Great Rock Island Route
Onrmntrai Its | tranx tbnl tmiir nt MTTOIIK ! n-rn.
rltr nfrimlM lir a iwlhl tlinroiichlT Imllaiwd mart
iM 'l xinnntii trHrKn uf iititinunnit uteol rail ituliKtRiH
tlitllTbullirulTiirttnnU lirlclin's rnlltni : i . | . a > iicur
IMirtf'rttiiti np linuiftii > UII ( t-nn tuuki * It ttn * tatptv
iiniiHuniM R nr iinti-nt bun m.iilntrornif nnd Mr-li KfB ,
mid tlmt fxnotine dHt'liiltin uhlch covpnm ttit * iirniv
Ufa ) uiitrRtl | n nr nil It * trnln * ( Mlicr ff | rclAltlcrt cif
.hlK rnntp urn Trnntpr nt hi ) nmnwrtlne iiottitn in
union IvpptB. and the unitiintaHKHd cumfurtB uud
tucnrivKiif lit run piifrnr l.iiitljim 'it
Jlir Jant r.ijirpin Tniiu Ix-tTprn Ohl-fcrr > nrrt
rpn-ln. fMiin-ll . lllnC , KUII.M I'ltr l-tn pim-oith ulid
AtiitilHini kr * fnmt ] ( > 4Ma i t well tnntilatrrt Ilnclv ui >
tuiUK-rpd H r Uinu'liN Jlaciutlpolit fnlluiui J'ulnu ,
niwiH-n nr the lair t ili-ilcu. anil ttumiitu ui > Ulnliic
Con In lil"li til ilinrnt 0 roreli'd liiraln arr Irlmmtlr
KBIVII liKtwrfiirinrac" "lid KuiiKum'IK uui ) Alt Ulrua
upjilito rtm thu Crluluulntl lluLlinlnc Ciiall Oars
The Famous Albert Lea Route
If the dlwct and ravorlto line liptrrcou Clilcnco nnfl
JUiiiium.iilidunrtHl > 'nul , trlioro rnnii < n-tlon > arrniailn
in Union liimt | i r ull nnlntu In tin. Tprutormn and
llrltuli I'rorinrn Ovi'l thin rump Fan ! I.JIireH
1 ruins , am nm to tlip wHtiinue jilurpn luiumcr n -
fnrm l > tttMnffqnp Inrnllttca and biintinfr ana nntilnc
r"num ! of Inwtt and MIlllu'KOta It I * uliio tlip motit
ne irultlt ronl , t ( tlip rid vhtjat Ut'ldB tuid puntarij
iauiU t > t Interior Dabut *
htlll unntLiT HIUI.CT UVi : rla Urn ; anfl KMI-
LaLL ; lian hfiin iiiwupd lintomm ruipiniiHti liullan-
ntmllKnliil lAla > mtp and Coiuipll llllllTc Knn-tt CltT ,
lljlinpmiolliiandMt I'nul nnd llitcrnif du.u iiulnts
For ttnt&lled Intnmiallon KI , Majirnnd tnldprn ,
obtainable , ai wiill IK tlrkptn , at rjl lirinrlnil Tloki't
Oltlnw lu UIB Unltea Btateo uua u'tnaaa. ur I'v ui-
dm fllnc
Oull'l Jt'c-r Ocn ! T'kt i J'a Act ,
Union National Bank
20&Iasonic Bit , B.W. Cor. Cap.Ar. 4 16th
PaiduD Capital , $100,000
Authorized Capital , - 500,000
Accounts solicited. Interest paid on time do-
poaits : collections ma 3e in all parts of the we t.
and havinj : provldod the larpest and best vault
In the city , we will refelve valuable crtlclos on
Btorupe Prompt attention will t > e civon to ull
business entrusted to us
Ji.o. W. noncrcK , Cashier
\TK. W. llMixR. Prt-Bideut.
TuluohoneNo. Mi
- OF THE -
Chlcago ilvautee&SLPaulB'y '
Chieagro , AKD Milwaukee ,
St. Paul , Miiiiieajiulis , Cedar Ilapids ,
Clinton , Dubnque , Davenport ,
Jlock IslandPreeport , I ! oukford ,
Elgin , Madison , Janes ville ,
Beloit , Winoiia , La Crosse ,
And all other important points Bust , Northeast
und Southeast.
For throujrh tickets call on the Ticket Aeon
at 1401 Furnam stieet ( in Parton Hotel ) , or u
Union Pucltlc Depot.
Pulimuu Sleepers und the finest Dining Cars
In the world ure run on the uiuin Itnuh ol the
und every attention is paid to pusRenfrors by
courtonnn omploj'es of tbe company.
K. MUJXII , Gtiui.rul Manager.
J. F. TttCKUit , Assi-Htaut General Manapor.
A. V. H CAWESTTEII , General Pussonfor and
Ticket Afrent ,
Gr.o. B Hr.Arroiti ) , Assistant General PUSSOD-
er und Ticket Apout
J. T. CLAUK , General SupBrintendont.
Red Star Line
Corrj-tog the Belgium Royal and United States
Mull , bailing every fcuturdivy
Between Antwerp & Hew York
Bulon from f 60 to f If. Excursion trip from
fllU to tlSouond Cubm. out warn , $45 ;
prepaid , f45 ; ejuursiou. fUO. Bto nirti iiuSRuy
ut low ruins. Putur Wrurbt te bons. General
Agents , Ea Broudwuy , New Torn.
Ilnury Puudt , 121b l imum st : Paulson & Co. ,
Furuam st : U. O. Froaniun , lil.Il Furnam fit
and JH Work.
1020 Famam btreot , Omaha. Iveb.
England , France & Germany.
Tbu MteuiuuhiiM of tuui wull kuu u luiu ure
built ( if iron , \\utur-tigiit compartments , uud
arc f urnlfchod with every requisite to muka ibo
pahsuvo both b&fu and ugrttcablu. They carry
tlif I'n it ml Ktutes nud 'Europiinn miills.nnil li'iivo
NfwVorkThuredsyB and Saturdays far I'l -
mnuth. ( UNDO.NCberbuusPAUL ) ( * ud UAM-
Beturiilnc , tbe steamers leave Hamburg on
WndnetidayB and tiuuduys , via. Havre , takiu ;
pa8 engiir ut Bouthuiupluo und Loudou.
J'irst eubin tVJ. JOJ aud rTL ; Stourui'C EJl
Kuilroud tickets from Plymouth to Bristol , Cnr-
tliO. London , ar to tuiy pluuo in the South or
England. FUEE. f > tw > ruje from Eurupo only
. Bend -TourlBw- -
d Broadway , New York ; Washington imd .A
SuliB Bts. ChicuBO. Ill
Cure Ita UuUou.l. : it.blilty . ,
MEN V4iua '
iliI >
A Hume uod Dajr B boal for Yourc
I4ullu , r > ojnjlifc OCT. l < Duii littuU > Kltiutcd
on Goarjrctowo llulcbts. Ijircu cronndia -
p- TIII.F imtiajth St.Va > Linc ion D
PracHoally Oont rolled by the
Loader letter ol.lmly Wi Itte laxr.vws
i > ractieHllr central the politic * of Uie
L'niU'd Stst Si. tittd lUere artmetnberF of
concress who nmke 1 n times a * ru rli as
th ir concrpssioiial sslRric ? in practic-
itip before thf "oprenip oonrt 1 have
hrnrd it said Mint SVtihttir UdDinndy Inw
fees nmoHiitod to not lets thsn $ K > OtiO n
year aud Kvsirts lm < ! tht n-jintntion of
ii ml. in p. a snlnr.v H liirjro as lliM ol ilu-
1 > rc < ; ] di'ut'f.out ul hi law jiriM'tiw None
of tlie lawyiT * f tlir pit-spDt , liowrrrr ,
prcii a to take ! < for nrpuiiis : l > iH.s in
tln > sttUHtr mid it is Mlid thiil M/IIIP of
the pent men of the jtafl did this. Kev-
-rd.\ Johnson took lw < a seiiRlorial
Jiiw.Vrr. nivd n UnittKl State ? : tniator lold
nir the ollitr dH.v that l > ntiicl Wwlwttsr
iii d to po out into tli lottliit-s and
p t lii * . fees. for M > p khif : iu
tin or of u bill nnd Uutn po in
upon the floor and ruake the gpecch.
lieury Clay urpuc-d many OKS S before
t lie Ruprctnc court \vhilelie WHS in the
United Stjito"souate " , und HOSOOP t'onk-
linp deus a bip buslues < ! now ttidt-d bj-
the pruiit influence he uenuircd while lie
wuy n pol t.cinu. Alntt Uiirpentcr was
one of the ablest Inwj-rrJ. this country
lias- over knuwn , nnd he had n big sn-
lirenie court pnic ioo. Ho innde a for
tune. but only loll $150,009 when he diod.
lot4 ISrown , the Georgia millionaire , is u
jood lawyer , but he does not practice
G-fore tlie supreme court. The bulk of
his fortune has been made by invest
ments. imrt he believes that mines nnd
lands pay better than lu.wbusiuos' , . Sonn-
lor liustlf of Louisiana 11 a law pro
lessor , and Tom Unyard studied lau
alter he found he was not cut out for a
merehjmL Pjg Iron Kelley has been a
lawyer and n judge Holmuii earned
some of his first money nt the law , nnd
hip firM ideas of oeonomy came from
trying to live on the income of his first
tirofessional years Ingails studied law
in Massachusetts and out wc t to prnc
tice Senator Yoorhoc * is one of the
mo'.t noted of our criminal lawyers ,
nnd Hundnckf wns n very suc
cessful man at the bar Tom Ilood is a
lawyer , McKinley of Ohio practices law ,
nnd' all the diguitnries of the supreme
bench hate , ol" course , made bijr legal
reputations before they pot tlioir ap-
po'mtments. Nearly all our president *
have bo < 'U lawvers , and every one of
them , except Washington , Harrison ,
Tnylor nnd Grant , wore members of the
bar Martin Van mtren was engaged to
be married btsfore lie bejrun to ] > ructico ,
and it was some ycnrt , before Ins iuuotnu
was large enough for him to wed Aud
Johnson studied law nftur he wns
marrind , nnd his wife taught him the
handwriting in which Le prepared hi5-
legal papers. Both Milhtrd J'lllmore ajid
Grovel Cleveland were Buffalo lawyers
and they both had good practices
1'jerce-used make much
Frank to as ai
$3,0110 and $ .10.000 n T nr at the law , nnd
ho preferred ttie bar to politics. At
present it is not uncommon for a half
dozen representatives to be away from
Washington city at a time , trying Inw
eases , and it is not uncommon lor n sena
tor to jump up iroin his seat during an
important debate and move oft to the
supreme court to make n speech in favor
of some corporation. . Law in Washing
ton pay * and it pays well when the states
man practicing is a man of large political
influence. Many of our great men come
to Washington to live after they hare re
tired from politics. They hang out then-
shingles and make fortunes nt the law
Joseph E McDounld has Intelv opened
an otlice here , and ex-Secretary George
Boutwell has been practicing Lore lor
years. Jeremiah Wilson , the noted star
route lawyer , wns once a member of the
house from Indiana. He now makes
$50,000 a year as n Washington lawyer
Jnflpc Sheilabarger , who wns the noted
member of conjrreso from Ohio back In
the sixties , is \ \ ilson's partner , and lus
animal fees are from six to ten times a
cougressman'b salary. Judue Merrick ,
another man connected with the star
route trial , who died recently , is said to
have made from $70,000 to $3U,000 out of
that trial alone , and there are a nnrnber
of congressmen who , nfter they leave
Washington , ire to New Tort to live , but
practice largely before the courts here
Ex-Postmaster Genenil Tyner is practic
ing law at Washington , ex-Secretary of
War Belknap has a law office here , itnd
Phil Thompson , of Kentucky , is another
ex-congressman who is trying cases be
fore the Washington courtf
Natural Sloep.
DThe restoration of energy , wliich sleep
alone can afford , is noccfaoary for the
maintenance of nervous vigor ; and ,
where , asthe muscular system il overtaxed
at last refuses to work , die brnm under
similar circumstances too frequently re
fuses to rest The suflerer , in
stead of trying to remove or lesson the
cause ol hfs sleeplessness , comforts lum-
self with the hope that it will noon dis
appear , or else nns recourse to alcohol ,
morphia , the bromides , cliloral , cte
Valuable and necessary ns these reme
dies often arc , there can be no question
as to the mischief wliich attends their
frequent use ; aud there is much reason to
fear that tlieii empioymentin the absence
of anv medical authority is largely on the
increase. Mnuy of the "proprietary"
articles sold by druggists , and in
great do.mand at tlie present dny , owe
their eflicaey to one or more of these
powenul drugs. Not n few deaths have
been caused by their use. nud in a still
larger numbxr of cases they have helped
to produce a fntn.1 result , Sleejile suess
is nlwnvs accompanied by indigestion in
tome one or other of it.s protean forms ,
nnd tin ) two conditions react upon and
aggravate ench other , li rest can not be
obtained , and if the vital machine can
not be. supplied with a due amount of
Jtiel , aud , moreover , fails to utilize that
which ifa supplied , mentnl nnd bodily
collnii e can not be far distant , The de-
tailfc of the downward process , vary , but
the renttlt is. much the name in all cases.
ShiOplcssnobs and loBi of appetite arc
followed by loss of flesh nud strength ,
nervous Irritability alternating with
doprofesion , palpitation aud other do-
ritnijemcrits of the heart , especially at
night , and many of those symptoms
grouped together under the old term ,
4 hypofhoadriasib. " When tins stage
hab been reached , "tbe borderlands of
insanity" are within mensurable dih-
titnoe , even if they had not already been
_ _ _ _ _ _
Take Cnrn or Vonr Kti.lnos * nnd it
Will TUe Care of Vou.
Philadelphia Times : "Why are you
mora u jeosbf til iu horse racing than wealthy men who have unlimited
capital to purchase horses und bwt on
i thorn * " was rccjntly askoil of one. of the
. IJwyer brothers
"simply became we make this our
Weir ox after our faUblos our
and give piT&cmal supervision oyor
rr uBVe do not interfere with
our Iraiiiora , unless they go against our
judgment. Then w hnvo our way. We
do not trust anybody's opinion but our
' own. nnd wo Iciiciw U'r ourwilvc.s the on-
' dition of oar rorses nnd just exactly
I what they can do. They arc also
i run strictly upon their merits. Then
1 vo buy the boM , tacu the bust poftMbln
care of them , and start our horws under
the bust possible condition * . We never
nsk a Irahmr what our horstis can do.
We make it a busiuosK to know ourselves
jiiit exactly thu shape th-y nrojn In
other words , vr < lo tins buunoat jubt ex
actly RS wo would any other. Kvw
muse wt began lo run homos we have
applied to Jt exactly the panic buhines
rn'es tiiat nro insmiarablo i a "IS'
onset ul flonducl of nny buhincsR matter
If we ilid the way tlie wealthy ir.on di ;
wo wotililu'thavi ! any fctablo at all. 1 :
no drove * ! OWMI hero just before the rnc < s
and looked our nock oycr , and then won
over to tbe truck nnd nmttscd
for tlir nftri-n on mtd rcturm-d to New
V < .rk . in the i-vfatne. it wouldn't br n
great white brfoir sonu-l > odj doe would
hhtr onr horw * , , ltp fln p wt > Mrc C'bigd !
to trticniimlm- our bMik Hrr Hut trom.
the i rformaiierf of tinnnitnuK we l > " \
tmin mid run The wenlth.mpn . 'ti '
cnpitnl nre content \Mtli ttic i ortiM
< i mft rt tlwy gv\ out of their itnbles , mul
hnvr thr texonrcc11 to npicni'-h tlur ,
wlu'lhi-r they innKi Mi ( > ne > > r l" > t It
h * lf > fomp a populsr thine to talk of
1h < - lawyers' luck It has Minpl.i > rat
from hard work anil nticntion to lui i
ii < 'i In f rt 1 tlank wo liaTe had our
of l > ad luck "
AM )
Childrrn us well n ndoUs
ml Joe innph titipi-r or rut * omeUiiup that
lop * not flig < n < ll producing
Col it. Indifottion , Sour Stomach , Heart ! i
burn , RcstlttEnm and Slceoletsncss.
A rood clotcol SimmonsLiror JlccnlBtor
mil civo urompt roln-l
"Stywtfi licviiicuHircrpfl for Innttlmn
lth lliwtli' < miw miO Mi-i > pip * > ticM it
nlElitR , iiiu ! liurinc tnoU c rmlitin n > rom-
nii'ndrBtn inrwitliuiit IxMiotlttliiE imr-wnn
tlnnll1 iJlrlHfd to trr SlnmtuitftLlTor Uncu *
Inuir , uiid It IMI * niilxd lite clmnu. Aticr
tHKluc onp tntttlo flip Impmtffl ro tutirh
tliKl J unit nun luntclit nni-lmll < lu pn , Mr
! ! U uci In tinnnJ mtirm nt
rclli'in liraliti \ \ > korp the ( tnrulutnr In
tlip lieu c n * n fumllr niiumnnn und rowm-
nicnaitti tlir iratldiwthtiiritiwKUolnr Hi
thr world ' _
3 C UEIIIUSG Tivlcci Ctv C.a.
Council Bluffs
And Chicago ,
The only road to taVe for Dns Mtilnss , Mnr-
Bhuiltown. Cedar KapidB. Ohnton , Dlrlo , Oblcn-
po , Ullwnukcio and all points oa-sl. To tbei > eo-
11)0 ) of Nebraska , Colnnirto. Wj'omlnp , Utah ,
Idulio. KoriidH. Orojrnn , Waihlncton mid Onll-
rornla it oOi'rilupurior ndvantapcg notposslblo
liy unyothoi line
Ainniic a fe til the numerous points ol supe
riority enjoyed by the patrons nt thin rend ? > o-
twoen Omaha and Chirtipo , nro its two trnlnB a
duj of DA A' COACHlto whifb ure tbo finnst
tlmt human urt and mirrmiii } can rronte. > It4
TALAf'E SLKKPING CWi ? . whleb nro models
of oomlorl and ilf pnnv > Ifsl'AKLOlt DKAW-
lf > G HCiOM CAKS , uiiiui mihB ( d bv any.nnd'tta
widely oololiratna 1'ALATl AI. DINING CA11S.
the ojiial of which cannot be found nlsowhore.
At Oounnll lllulls the trains ol tbo Union Pnoi-
Jlo li > oontieot In 1'iilon Donot vlth the e of
the Chicago i. Northwestern Hy. In Chicago the
traltiK of this Hue make close connection with
those of ul ) eastern lines
Tor Detroit , Columbus , Indianapolis , Cincin
nati , Nlacara Tulls. ItuBalo , I'ltiBliurs'Joronto ,
Montreal. lloBton , New \orU I'liUudelpliiailnl-
timoie. Wusblnrtou and ull polnti In the oust ,
ask the ticket aireut for tickets via the
If you wi"ih tlie best aenoniinoilations. AH ticks
apent * Holltn.-l.ou via this lino.
M. HUGH ITT , 11 B. I1AIH ,
Gonorul Manacer. Gen FaEj.
Exhausted Vitality r rrrnmuna riiTnlcnl
I'romuturi' Di'cllnn In Mxn , Urrnrs of iouth , and the
iiutiild mlxtrlci roBUltliiR Irom luaiBcrmlun und ex.
CIHIIC'H A linul. for evi-ry luuii yimnK. nimaio-ucod
und old It iMHiuilur 12.1 iiresnniitlniiB 1m all unute unfl
tlirunli' dlKeimvii , c-icli OIIB lit v iiluh li tnvuluuble. So
jound liy tbo uu linrnhoRP ez } > Brloncp for33 j'dinlii
pu < h up rroliulilj iiornr liiffnru lell to tbe lot of uny
> liHic un ,9 ] > i puct'b , titiuiiU iu bauuuful f encb man-
! In rmbosscct cuvi'TK , full illt , cnurunt ad tn he atlne-
WOM In overr itunnH nuidmnlvul lltonirjnnd proton-
Biun l Uiim nils iithor rk In tlimuimntrrfur ttlJO ,
or the innni'j will rctiinflod tn rvnrjr tiutnnao.
ITIiM'nnlyfl by mull. imttmUd. lllu tmtd umple.
t3)e. ) Seiidnou. Gold iiicdul uwurdod tliu autbor lir
BlicNutlciiml Modlnil Ai oelatlnnto thr Hun. A.I * .
ll ! "nll nnd UHMiclutK ntliccrc uf the board the naflor
It ri-npi'ClIullyTofurrnd.
Tiio Sclpni't" uf Lttc IB worth murp to the yrranR onfl
XDlddln-utroil man nf thlp ctinurutloii tbau all the cnld
nilnuA ( if Cullfiinitit utid Hie Bllrur minoj of Nvriida
cmililnoa. C. F Chrnnlclii.
Tlie Science of 1.1 In jiolntu oat the rook * unfl QUlok-
BundH on vhlch the ronKUtutloii und IIOIHJB of many
u rounc roim huvc lificn lutullr wruckod , MunclieBtcir
The Scleuoo of 1 Jte In of Rreutcr raluB than all the
mtv.lcul worfce iiiibitHhort In this uuutrj Cortiiej > u > t
Tcttre Allnnm Cuimtltuil'm ,
flic hclcncc ul Lllu Is u Hiijirrl ) and runstcrlf tront-
it c on nurvom ana iihrslnU debility. Detroit * * e
AdilroHS the rouliofljMudlcul Inntltnta , or Dr. W.
31. J'urUur No 4 ttulltlnch mroot , Una von. MUM. who
muy 1 > H riinHulInd on all uuseuniiii ruqutrinz nUll und
cxiiurlenfe Chronic und obstluulo < ll um > D tluit
buve untiled thv nklll of iitlior iitirBlctumi
luty , huKh Ufui il Buruiiii.uli ) without BDT
uf Jnllurc llunttnn Oiuuha IHiu
Time T&ble
Tbe following Is the timu of arrival and do-
pnrturo of trams by Central Standard Time at
tbo lociil depots Traliih of tbo d , Bu P. , M. t
0. arrive and depart from their depot , oornorot
] 4tb mid Websti-i Htioots : trains on tba 11. &M.
C. II. i Q. aud li. C. , 6t J. fc C. B. from tlie II.
1. M. depot ull others from the Union PuclBo
n 01 Ot.
Ilridpo trains will leave 17 J' . depot at C:3
U7'JThUO B:40-fa:50 : : IUtt:01-lloO : a. 111.3 151:03
120-1:5l- : llO-3:00- : 4:00-5OI-5a : : : - iai >
TW : 11:10p. m ,
Limvo Trauslurlor Omaha at 7:1 ! BS:15 BiSO
11:42II10:3V1UU7 : : - 11 SSI a. in. ; 1:37-S:1S-S:37 :
! 1 : : IO II : 'J7 I . ' 'Si 5:50 0:12 7 : SO 7:5D : EDQ
11:52 p m.
Arrival nnd diipurturt ! ol t ratal from tbo
Transfer I > opot nt Council UlullB :
JIWAUT. Attitrrx.
117:15 A. u. I D :16A. .
JHciriA. . M. ll5:3Uj- .
Cli:4Ui- : . I 117UJiMi.
CH:1DA.M. I D : i5 A. M.
JJb:4Ui- . I llSiWr.X.
M. I A I.15A.M. *
U CU r. u. I 11 H tl I * M.
A 7X : ( ) ] . u.
A U:15 A. M. I A Dir : A. M
A:40r ! , M. A7UJi-.W
A 10:09 A. M. I li tur : > A. u.
C8:55 r. u. | A 6K : ) > . it.
VTAUABn , ET. LOUIE ( . 1'ACinO.
ASOOr. M. I AUMl- .
A 7tlj A. u. I A OiZEA. M.
A 0:25 r. ii. I Ab:50r -
JL.H , J1 M. i riflON PACIFI
. .Paoitlu Kxjiruss
Donvur Exiirecb
1 C:05n : . . .Local Expitx. .
Mull und lUpresiE.
Night Express . Li.40ui
I > iipai % . Airlvo.
"ATM. jM , iMissorKi I'Acfric A M. 1 > . U.
lllta ( I Day Erprons
. . . . V.1UI ) ; Klfc-iit Krpiufib
ilw C. , HT J A : C , 11. i
B : al K:45b : Via I'lattsmouth 7:003 * JO
lUipart. "NOHTJ1WA11D. Arrlvn.
A. k ! . r. M. G , ST. P. , M. i O. I A. M. ! l' . M.
f.ltu. Bloux City Kx-prcB * j S.4sfl
t:45u OaUutid Aucuiniiu < a'u lOaOa .
Dupan. . * ? ' " Ayi ! Arm-o.
j , . M. 11 : t. | _ C . .It i Q. . | A. . j I' . iT
SOTE-A-t.titiiE dally ; U. dully rjci-upt Sun-
duy.C , tiaUj oxcupt buturdny ; Ptlnily ux'ept
riU lenvr U. J' . depot , nmaba , at C:10 'OZ
1'uulllu flxpriuiK , ti:20 p m. ; Denver Ui. , 101"
a.m. : toeul Ki.fiU5 i - in
Ixiave stock yard * lor Omaha nt * 7U5 9:30
11 : : u. in : s s > u .as 4:33 : : Qj : so | i uu
AtliintiD Ei Id S. 0. 1X.a in. ; Ohioiit'O Br. .
Itb. . U 5:07 p m : Inual Ex. , In S. 0,10:1.1 n.m. |
Mo Pfac. Hi lie. B.O. 6:47 p. in | Sd M. P , r _
CWo. : 10