Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 12, 1886, Page 6, Image 6

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EclHircd by rumor In tiny pnrtof the city nt
mi nty touts ptr week.
II. W. TIM ON , - - - Manager.
nrFIM-.KROlTICK , NO. 41
NltlllT HlllTOII No , - ) .
Now Vorlc Plumbing company.
Summer clothing chonp at Keller's.
Tlio very best cabinets at tU doat
Gotham' * .
Charles Kelly was yesterday lined as a
plain drunk.
Son that your books am made by
Morelioii" ! ' iVs Co. , itoiim 1 , Kvcrctt block.
Only $2.50 per defer first class cab-
met photo's nl Schmidt's , ' . > . ' ( ) Main St.
Cabinet photographs $ U per db/.cn at
Shorradon's , ! 117 Hrw'y , for ( ! 0 days only.
Pormitsto wed were yesterday given to
I ) . F. Kphnier and Ida A. Simpson , both
of Clinton. la ,
Lev ! U. ttuoker and Miss Kllio H. Apple-
gate , both _ of Oakland , weru yesterday
Happily joined In marriage by Justice
Sciiuiv. .
The thermometer hung around 112 ° in
the slmdo Vesslerd ly. The thermometer
Bliowed its peed MJMSO by standing in the
Hhacu and everybody who could lollowed
tin ; example
I ) H. Ilike has been complained of for
dlMurbing the peace. Hu in haul to have
Jet his wrath get thu belter of him and
having chased his adversary With a
butcher knife.
\\raiitcd--Oiio \ thousand families to
take American Hound Washers on two
weeks' ' trial. After a lair trial if yon
dent think them worth more than tnuy
co t , return to Cooper it McGco.
Yesterday afternoon there was a wed
ding in the parlors of the Ogden house ,
the contracting purlins being Mr , Louis
! ' . Grass and Miss Mary Kattinan , bolli of
Hamburg , Neb. Justice Sehur/ per
formed the ceremony.
The Daughters of to give a
soeial at the residence of Mr. Lou Ham
mer this evening , for members and in
vited friends. A platform is to bo pro
vided for dancing , and icu cream and
other refreshments bcned.
Officer Hondricks has been presented
by his friends with an elegant oilskin
coal which will enable him to .stand on
duty in the most drenching rain without
getting so dry as to have to ta > : c a drink.
The onl.\itroiiblo with the gift is that the
coat is only a yearling si/.o , while Hen-
dricks is tiic largest man on the force.
Ho appreciates the joke , and has the gar
ment hung in the chief's room as one of
the trophies.
The police picked nj > from the sidewalk
a man who was sleeping oil'a drunk , and
who had a big bundle of clothing and
about twenty dollars in money which
would have been gobbled by some thief ,
doubtless , had not the police got to him
lirst. The man was sobered up enough
ycslcrdav morning to give his name as
Wallers , but ho grumbled about paying
the line just as much as those who have
nothing to lose by sleeping out of doors.
How Canning Can He Done.
The canning lactory has started up , *
and will now bo kept at a full rush till
the close of the season. On the opening
lay , Tuesday , there wore 0,000 cans of
tomatoes put up , and yesterday this
amount was about doubled. When the
canning of corn begins there will bo as
many cans of that put up daily besides
the tomatoes. The. capacity of the factory
is such that every day 12,000 cans of corn
and 12.000 cans oi tomatoes can be put
up easily. For the initial season of the
enterprise everything is moving very
smoothly and satisfactorilv , and Us sue.-
cess buems assured in all respects.
Lost Jurisdiction by n Itocl.
A worthy farmer , living about three
miles south of Hamburg , appeared before
Judge Aylesworth , and desired that his
boy should be sent to thu reform school.
Ho claimed that ho could do nothing wih
the boy , as the lad was ugly and disobedi
ent. Investigation into the facts led to
the discovery that the farmer lived on
the line , ami that as a matter of fact the
house in which he resided was a rod over
the line , and was located in Missouri.
This nut the case out of Judge Aries-
worth's jurisdiction by a rod , and the
father was told to go elsewhere for relief
from his s'on.
In tlio Dry Docket ,
The bar docket is published for the
August term of the circuit court which
opens next Tuesday. A glance over its
contents reveals the fact that there arc
twenty-eight cases against the city of
Council lllnfftf. Matrimonial infelicity is
shown to exist by the appearance .of lif-
tcon divorce suits. At tins term of court
there are thirty-eight saloon injunction
cases. Among the other interesting eases
on the docket are those involving the af
fairs of the late linn of Coeko & Morgan.
The suits ot the county against the late
clerk , S. D. Street , and his bondsmen to
recover an alleged shortage , arc also on
the docket. There are in all JJ07 cases.
Hallway Ticket FrnmlH.
Special Agent lliggins of Topeka , who
recently attracted so much Attention hero
in connection with the case of Lo/.ier ,
was In the city yesterday. It scorns that
there is being still moro work put onto
the ferreting out of thu .schomo of rail
way ticket fraud , in which Lo/.ior is said
to nave been Involved , Ono arrest has
been made since Lo/ior's alleged confes
sion , and it is claimed that in a short
time there will be others , llitrgins is
evidently on the eager hunt , and some
disclosures are expected shortly.
Soon I'nrtcil.
A man giving his niiino as William
Berry niudu a roar yesterday about being
robbed of $20. Investigation bhowcd
that he had boon taking in the town nnil
had bcou taken In , It seems that ho got
Jntq a house whore there were too many
girls , at least too many of that sort , and
while making love to one of them he
claims to have boon robbed. He got
little satisfaction from the poHco.
Attention , 8. of V.
Special mooting this evening of the
Fred S , Whltling camp , No. 70 S. of V.
All members are requested to bo present
at their hall at 8 o'clock , sharp , for the
transaction of Important business. By
order of the captain , K , H. GALLIUAN.
Personal I'nruurnplis.
F. W. Olmstoad and family returned
to-day from Lake Okoboji , where they
Lave been having a season of rest and
John C. Pryor , of Virginia , a nephew
ot Justice llondricKR , is in the city , stop
ping as n guest of Ins uncle , and looking
over the city with a view of locating hero
should a business opening present Itself
Ho has been in mercantile business for
iiftooivor twenty years , and would prove
a'valuablo man for any linn , wholesale
or retail , desiring a salesman or clerk o
Electric door bells , burglar alarms , am
every form of domestic electrloal ap
pl'mnces ai the Now York Plumbing Co
Red Hot News Gleanings by the All-
Aroilnd Town Scribe ,
The Canning Knotory Ilcqlns
tu KnrncHt A Small Hlnzc mid
a Quick llttch Street
Car Service.
Two Hand * That Bent ,
Jim Snodderly does not seem to bo
catling that quiet and useful lifo which
vas expected of him when he claimed to
uivo turned over a new leaf a few
nonths ago. lln was lately invohcil in
i row at his place near the dummy
lupot , but by shutting tn > thu store and
keeping shady for a few days managed to
gel out of it , and the affair wim dropped.
Now it appears that he Is given lo quar-
eling with his wife. It is said that she
tad occasion to get .omo dentistry done ,
mil he accompanied her to the doctor's
illlco. There ho was dNgustod at her
feminine flight , and when she would not
submit lo the operation as quietly as ho
bought she ought to he slapped her.
riioilcnti-t speedily relieved himself of
he presence of both of them , and they
tarted for home , where they hail the
qnariel out with increased enthusiasm.
t is said that she threatened to take a
lose of rat poison and for a time thu
loiisehold was a sccnu of commotion.
Kirkland , the jeweler , has removed to
J23 Broadway , Singer ollice.
Substantial abstracts of titles and real
ale loans. J. W. & 12. L. Squires , No.
earl street Council Hind's.
A Juvenile Mob.
Yesterday morning section men were
it work putting in for the Chicago &
Northwestern a side track to the new
aiming factory. A crowd of boys , about
wenty in number , who had been hang-
ng about that vicinity , amused them-
elves by throwing stones and various
uissiles at the workmen , until the latter
otild stand it no longer , and the police
vcrc "out for. The chief went down in
esponso to thn call , and on seeing him
lie crowd scattered No further trouble
vas experienced. " If the boys could bo
nado to feel a penalty for their rowdy
ism it might have a beneficial cfTect. The
crowd and its boisterousness was the oc-
asion of the report that thu employes of
he canning factory were on a strike , a
triku , a report which was quite currently
irculated , but lacking as much in foun-
ation as it was enlarged by exaggera-
First-class tin work , roofing , etc. , : i
pccialty at Cooper & MeGco's.
Fruits , Confectionery and cigars , best
n the market always m stock. Frank
Vi'.hurcll ' , 221 Broadway.
Fire Speedily Squelched.
Just before noon ycstcrduy a srasolino
tovo in J. B. Atkins' residence bla/.ednp
nil threatened to do much damage be-
ere the llamcs could be subdued. A still
larm was sent into No. 1's house , and
liat company were out in a wink. A
ilanket was thrown over the blazing
tove , and the fire put out with no further
lamage than what can be covered by a
ilankct policy.
This hosa company with its new house
s able to do quick work. On Tuesday
light a trial hitch was made , and time
aken. Just three seconds from the time
he gong struck the horses were in place ,
ill harnessed , the driver on his scat , and
jverything ready to drive out of tlio
muse. It the boys can do thus well
t will be lightning hitching when the
Irill brings everything down to a line
> oint.
Try it. Best Cream Soda in the city 5c
) cr glass at Palmer's , No. 12 Main st.
Fine pasture , plenty of water and good
ttcntion for ! 500 head of stock about live
niles north of Hroadway and Main street.
nquirc of L. P. Judson , No. 020 Sixth
ivenuc. or Charles Palmer at pasture on
imo kiln road.
Improving SU-ect Car Lines.
The causes of complaint against the
itreet car system are being rapidly made
o disappear. The appearance of the new
cars is one assurance that the company
uirposo to remedy some of the de
lects. Yesterday a turn-table was put in
on lower Main street , so that the cars will
not not bo run half of the time tail end
irst. Another turn-table is to be put in
it once above to Ogden house , and as
soon as practicable the track wilt bo ex-
ended up Broadway , and the turn-table
hen transferred to the end of the lino.
It is proposed to arrange at the earliest
possible day for trips every fifteen mill-
.ites on both the lines , so that there
bo a chance given to test the matter. It
lias long been claimed that if the street
jar line was run as such , instead of a 'bus
line , if frequent trips were made and
suitable accommodations given , the lines
would bo well patronized. Matters will
soon be arranged so as to test this theory.
Substantial abstracts of titles and real
estate loans. J. W. & E. L. Squiers , No.
101 Pearl street , Council BlufTs.
Smoke the Manawa cigar , made by
Frank Levin , 312 Broadway.
A Call to the Churches.
The State Temperance alliance has
adopted the following resolution. It is
not yet announced as to whether thu
churches hero will comply with the re
quest or not , but suitable arrangements
will probably bo made to comply with tlio
spirit of the move :
Itesolved , That In vlowof the nssasslna-
lion of the Jtov , George 0. HiuUlock by the
saloon clement at Sioux City , we recommend
that mrmnrlnl services beheld In thoclnuchi'H
ot the state , where such has nut already been
done , on next Sabbath , IMIi lust. , and If not
then , on the nuxt or some following .Snbh.itli.
And thnt at all such niuotlut's luiuls bo
inlsed by subscription or othciwiso ( or the
bmiolit of thu widow of our muulured bi other
ami to enforce thu law at Sioux City , and tor-
wnidod to thu secretary of the state alliance.
J. A. llarvuy.l'rcs. 1. S. T. A. ; A. E. ilcMur-
ray , secretary. _
Always buy your meats at Star market ,
No. 1101 Broadway , and get the best.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Highest prices paid for county , town
city and school bonds. Odcll Bros. &
Co. , No , 103 Pearl street , Council 11 hills
Making Men Keller.
The meetings in the pavilion are
nightly drawing crowds , and much gooi
is doubtless being accomplished. It re
mains largely wjtli those who attend
whether they got all the good possible
out of these meetings , but it Is evidcn
that Mr , Bell and his helpers are work
ing zealously and honestly. There is
more gooil suuso and less mere ranting
more reason and less mere emotion it
these meeting ! ) , than in the averaco re
vivals , as they are called. Mr. Bell Is no
as dashv and sensational as some uvan
gclists , but ho is exerting n great iullu
cst and Inlha-nce of ttip meetings ,
At the Bankrupt Store Commencing
To-1) ay.
Special sale of linen goods this week ;
One ca o of turkey red table linen , fast
colors guaranteed , CO inches wide , 28c.
Ten pieces imported German linen
fringed , 72 Inches wide , for Mo. Tlio
same needs are retailed by other mer
chants for $1.00. Two hundred rem
nants of turkey red table linen , which
wo bought of the manufacturers at one-
third their value , and our customers
shall hayo tlio beiielit of our bargains.
Wo will sell them very cheap. Some of
Lho remnants of 2 yds. in good goods as
low as ! l."ic for the piece ; ( ! ! table cloth
with fancy borders forOOc : 7-1 for 70e ;
8-1 , I'Oc ' ; 12-1 , $1.25. These are all worth
doiibli ! the prico. Ono ca o linen crash ,
18 inches wide , for il cents per yard , ouly
len yards to a customer. These goods
are worth 10 cents per yard , tienieiuber
that it always pays you well to come to
our special sales as you can always find
the goods wo advertise.
J. ( loumi'.iuj ,
18 Main street.
Crowd I uu n Const nl > lr > .
Constable IJathyto recently attached
some goods for some claim , and got him
self in a law suit. The suit against him
was brought before Justice Fralnoy , the
claim being for if 100 damages. The con
stable went before bis honor , anil lilcd a
petition for a change of venue in the
case , claiming that there was too much
irejudico in that court against him for
lini to have a fair show , The next the
constable heard the motion for a change
lad been promptly overruled and a jntlg-
ucnt entered asrainst him for the full
unoiuit of the claim. Ho has now taken
the matter before Judge Aylosworth on a
writ of error. The details ot the case will
be aired in thu superior court.
The Karliiif > 8 Cliiilloiijiod.
The squabble between the Mueller
Music club and theKarllngs now assumes
i new phase. The manager of the for-
ucr club sends a communication to the
nanager of the Karling nine , stating the
ollowtng proposition :
"Wo will play you another game , put-
ing up tins i200 and add $100 each to the
sum , and play you anywhere outside of
Council Binds and Earling for the whole
imouiitf100 , and ohooso an umpire that
icither club is acquainted with. Wo will
ilso guarantee that Strock will catch and
Sadler pitch , and you can guarantee
same players. If the above proposition
does not meet your approval , all we have
o oiler you your $100 and wo take ours. "
A Poor Italian AVho Was for Many
Years a Slave Among Cannibals.
New York Sun : The crew of the bark
{ ambler , which returned to London late
n May from a trading trip among the
slands of tlio western Pacific , reported
laying seen in a crowd of native New
Sritainers the unfortunate Italian of
yliom sailors have now and then brought
idings. As far as known no attempt has
ever been made to restore him to his
native land. For years ho was a solitary
captive among the licicc natives of Uou-
jamville , one of the largest islands of the
joloman group. ' Ho was starved , mal-
rented , and overworked. His .sufferings
undo him almost an imbecile. Twenty
years of life among the worst savages of
ho Pacilic so changed him that ho is
lardly recognizable as a man of Euro-
> ean origin. > .
The crew of the Hamblcr say ' he is as
jig a cannibal as any Polynesian , wears
one long lock of hair in a coil on the ton
of his head , is dressed , in native bark
cloth , will not visit the vessels that at
arc intervals cast anchor near the tribe
with whom ho now lives , and will not
oiien his lips to white men , except to ask
'or food.
When Mr. Romilly was cruising in the
western i'acilic , in 1881 , he saw the man
ind tried unsuccessfully to talk with him.
His name , it is said , was published years
ago , but every recent writer who has
ncntioncd him seems to have forgotten
it. He was a member of the celebrated ,
expedition which the Marquis de Kay
sent to Now Ireland. This large party
of French and Italian-colonists , deceived
jy clowing accoui.ts of tlio richness anil
salubrity ol the country , kfl their homos
to settle in the new El Dorado. They
were landed on the most inliospltible
coast of New Ireland , and the ship sailed
away , leaving them to their fato.
Some of them died of hunger or fever.
Others were lost 'while making their
way to other islands in small boats. A
few were eventually rescued. The last
relic of this melancholy enterprise is the
Italian whose wretched existence is still
prolonged. With live comrades he
rowed two hundred miles to Uougain-
ville. where , as .soon as they toucheu the
shore , his comranions were killed and
ho was reserved for a more terrible
fate. Ho was sold ai a slave to a bush
tribe in'tlio interior. Years of captivity
so completely changed the man that
when ho was offered to a Queensland
labor ship for two tomahawks the trade
was made. His new owners thought he
was a native and oxpectcd to make a line
profit by disposing of his services to
Queensland planter. 'Ihoy discovered ,
however , after a few days that ho was
nothing but an unfortunate Italian , and
so they shoved him ashore on Now Bri
tain as an object of no commercial value.
There he still livesa miserable reminder
of the most unfortunate party of
Europeans who went to the western Pa
A number of white men long held in
captivity among savages are known to
have been greatly weatcjnod in mind by
their cruel experiences. Joseph Forbes ,
a young English sailor , was a prisoner
on the little islands of Timor Laut ,
northwest of New Guinea , for seventeen
years. When he was rescued in 1831) ) , ho
could not talk to his rescuers nor even
understand a word of English. The
knowledge of his mother tongue , how
ever , rapidly came back to him as ho im
proved in mental health. Ho died only a
few years ago in Australia.
A New Postal Card.
Now York Times ; The new postal
card design adopted about a year ago
will noon bo superseded by another ,
which has been preparing at the bureau
of engraving and printing , and which
has been formally approved by Postmas
ter General Vilas. When the last change
of design was made there was some
occasion for haste and there was dif
ficulty about getting rid of certain no
tions about the card that experience has
rcmoycd. Air. Yilas last year took the of the designs ofl'orcd , It was
an improvement , but still not entirely sat
isfactory. The new design will at
once lie accepted as an improvement
upon that now in use. It consists of one
picco of engraving instead of two pieces ,
as on the present card , A head of Jefler-
son , a miniature portrait after thn orig
inal in the state department , occupies a
central place on the upuer third of the
card. Over this head in light letters
are , the words "United States. " In
panels supported by scroll work at the
loft and right are the words "postal
card" in distinct letters , and be-
beneath the border line , inclosing
the designation of value , is the
line "Nothing but the address to bo on
this side. " The design is graceful and
light , and its design over the old epos \
that the idea of putting the stamp off at
one side and the designation of the ar
ticle at the opposite side is abandoned to
secure an excessive design with the
strongest feature ot it in the center , The
postmnstcrgcneral tua.v decide to print the
new cards on whitq pan'er , In black ink , for
the rdason that white paper furnishes .a
better ground forf wj-iilcij characters ,
helping tlio poslgllico cTcrks who arc
compelled to ttecVpITuf addresses , and for
the other reason tiat' | ' IJie brown ink Is
complained of by the printers who use it
as more troublesome to obtain good work
with than the samcnualitv of black ink.
As there is a stock of about 12,000,000
postal cards now on hand it is probable
that the now cards will not bo out for a
mpnih or two.
Frco and Knny IilvlttR.
Chicago New : Tlmro is r. little nar
row gauco railroad in Central Illinois
which is rather amusing. It runs through
arich farming country and is owned and
managed by wealthy farmers. The con-
ductoiN , engineers and brakemen are
farmers' sons who have grown weary
of rai ing cattle and corn , and
who have taken to "railroading"
as a relief. A train starts from each
end of the road oxcrv morning after
breakfast , runs to tlio opposite- end of the
road by dinner time , returns again for
tea , and ties up for the night. As there
is no 'clcgraph ' line connected with the
road nobody at any of the stations knows
when a train is coming until it arrives in
sight. As the rails aie laid on tics placed
on the flat prairie , and as no grade ex
ists fiom one end of the road to the other ,
the tall irrass has an nwkwartl
habit of getting under the wheels and
stopping the train. Not infrequently ,
also , the light rails spread apart and the
eais run oil the track and go tumbling
along on the virgin prairie. The passen
gers ride in a ear reserved for them in
the rear of a long line of freight ears.
Half of this car is paitilioned oil'in order
that itmayaKo ser\c for carrying mall
bags , express matter and baggage. Not
lulrequontly passengers walk into a vil
lage ahead of the train and announce
that the cars will follow them In an hour
or two , provided they can bo kept on the
track long enough. Sometimes a loco
motive guts stalled on some one of the
soveial gentle hills along the line. The
trainmen thereupon quietly wait until
the other engine appears Then the two
engines draw the tram up the hill. Not
withstanding , this little railroad hauls
large quantities ol freight and is making
money lor its stockholders.
Hod Star Cough Cure cured indamma-
tion of my lungs. Mr. O. Hinkley , San
( Lcdgcrx , JUuirnulH , County ami
ItaiiK Work of nil Kinds a Spec
Prompt Attention to Mail Orders
Room 1 Everct Block , Council BlufTs ,
Standard Papers Used. All styles of bind
ing in Muga7.miS ! : ind
0. n. Nntlonnl Hunk , M. I ) ' S nith & Co. ,
Citl/ons' Hunk. Ucotii , WullStV Co. ,
Mrst Nnlloniil Hunk , II lUIiiMinuico Co. ,'uscy.UnnUorBjC. U/lSivlii : :8 : Hunk.
An excellent educational Institution , f urn'sli
til with all tlio modern Impioxcinonts , con
ducted by the S1STUHS OF CIIAUIXV.D. V. M
J'or form ot live months , ? 75.
Terms bcRln first Monday In September nnl
first Monday hi February. For catalogues ad
St. Truncls Acmlciny.Connell Dlulfs , low
10 N. Main St. , Council Bluffs , la. , and
20'J S. istli St. , Uooiu 10 , Omaha , Neb.
Manufacturer's Agent for tlio
Tents , Awnings , Roofing Slate , Man
tels , Plato and Window tJlass , ShowCases -
Cases , Elevators , ( hand and hy
draulic , ) &c.
rats , Real estate handled , In
surance written and all kinds of
bonds bought by F , J , Day
39 Pearl St. , Council Blutfs ,
Established 1881 ,
W. S. HOMER & Co. ,
23 Main St. , Council Bluffs.
Fall Meeting.
l n
Trotting , Pacing ajul B uniiiii
Tuesday , Aug. 3lst |
Wednesday , $ epj , ist ,
Thursday , Sept , 2d ,
and Friday , Sept 3rd ,
Including special attractions by Prof.
A. E. Walker's world famous Hac'ins
Dogs daily and Balloon Ascensions by
1'rof.A. S. Parker daily , In front of the
Other.attractious in the way of speed
consisting of celebrated horses from
Kentucky , Ohio. Illinois , Indiana and
Reduced rates on all railroads. Come
everybody and havea good time.
For particulars , address
13riek building * of niiy kind raised or moved nml satisfuclion guaranteed.
Frame buildings moved on Litllo Qinnt trucks , best in the world.
808 Eighth Avenue nml Eighth StroetCounit Blnffr.
Price paid in cash for all kinds of second hand
STOVES , Furniture , etc.
M. DROHLICH , 608 Broadway.
226 Broadway , Council Bluffs ,
Fnrmiiiff Inmls in lown. Minnesota , Texas , Kansas and Arkansas ,
from $1.25 to ? 12 ] ier aero. School ami state laiulH in Minnesota on . ' { 0 years
time 5 per cent interest. Land buyers faro free. Information , etc. , riven by
P. P. Liinstruii , No. 055 Uroadwny , Council lllttll's , Iowa.
Wholesale and Retail Grocers ,
. li Mm ari Si Pearl Sfred , S
Desirous of purchasing material for biith-
ing suits , should ECO our new and ele
gant assortment of goods especially
adapted for fine and pretty batbingsuits.
401 Broadway , Council Bluffs
Are being closed out by us at remarka
ble low figures.Vo have them in beau
tiful shades , colors , etc. , and bavo put
such prices on them that will dispose of
them rapidly , as wo WILL NOT carry
any over to next season.
HAltKXESS JiJtOfi. ,
401 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
Now in stock are being disposed of at
low prices to clear our shelves of same-
before receiving our fall btoclc , which
will shortly arrive.
401 Broadway , Council Blulla.
Of the choicest style , design and quality ,
just purchased by us at a bargain and
wo are belling them at retail at whole
sale prices. Sue them and you will buy.
HAltKXESS JlltOS , ,
401 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
For summer wear are being disposed of
cheap , and must shortly bo taken off our
shelves to bo replaced with for fall
wear. Summer dress goods can bu pur
chased cheap now by all who will call on
401 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
For olllces. Nowinvoleo just received and
latest patterns guaranteed. All btyle.s ,
and prices satisfactory to everybody ,
401 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
Of the very latest designs , patterns and
quality for the coming season , are being
now introduced by us. Pick onu out now
before the line Is broken ,
Harlmess Bros. ,
.401 Broadway , Council Bluffs ,
Established 1SJ7
B. RICE , M. 33. ,
( ) r oHior TIIIJIOH | 0 mo veil wlthou
tholiiiirooi-druwlruol blooj.
Chronic Diseases omiuiniis a specially.
Ovcrtlmtvjo.itts' pracriciil oxpurlenco.
No. 11 IViulSt. , Council Uluffs.
Consultation lieu.
Creston House ,
Tim only holol In Council UlulTs bavins
IPire jEDsoa/pe
And nil iiKiilcin Improvements.
210,217 umlaut Mala. t.
5IAX MOIIN , Prop.
Horses and Mules
For all purposes , bo-ight nnd gold , ut lotiill ami
in lota. ] , mj'o ( juantlttua toelect ( from
Several pairs of flno Olivers , single or double.
Council Hlnffd.
Star Sale Stables and Mule Kards ,
Opposite. Dummy Depot.
SO o
43 8-
Jlornos and Mulo8 kept constantly on ham !
forealuut retailer In ear loiuls.
Orders proindtly Illlod by coutwct onslioit
Dotlco. HtocU sold on commission.
8IIMJTKU I101.UV. . I'roprletoM.
Telephone ) No. 1H. KOS
I'ormurly of KIIM. SAM ! BTAUI.KS , cornoi
ave , nnj tth btieet.
City Steam Laundry !
No , Si N. Main Street , Council BlnffH.
JVnebt worl ; nnd Ion-eat iiriceafoi'
fine work. All collars nml cn/'a re
turned In collar and citj ) ' bojcea
without extra charyr , wlilcli ijuar-
antce.t work In sainn condition an It
leaves . Out of town orders re
ceive aainfi2attcntlon and at sanm
rules an cltu worle.
Justice of the Peace
Office over American Kxprcgg Couipiiny.
zsorrsBs OF :
AtlHHt'l.Tl ItAl , IMl't.KMKXTS.
DEE11E , WELLS & CO. , T
Agricultural Implements , Baggies , '
_ _ Cmrlnirc < > , rte , Jto. : Council llliUTa. lowft.
Mn'io ' the Orltf Inn ! niul Complete '
Hay Loader , also Rakes , Cider Mill fi Press ,
No * . ifOl , MM , KiQj nml 1.7)7 ) couth Mnln Stro t ,
Council ll.ufT' , Innn.
" *
1UN1I ) BKAW.KY & CO "
Mnnuf'rs nnl Jobbers of
agricultural ImplementsWagons , , Bnggie ? ,
r'n'TliBC . nml nil ! < lnl of Farm Mnchlnerr.
1ICW to 1110 South Mnln Street , Council lllutf * ,
I'ai'B oN , T. ! U > oirm.v < , UCO.R"Wniour.
rri's-ATmn. V.-Vro * AM in. Sna .VCouuieL
Council BluTs Handle Factory ,
( llir-.irpnrnteil. )
Mninifnctiirorsof Ailp , 1'lck. Slodito nnd Sraill
, of cvury ilmcrlitlon. |
Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades ,
Oil Cloths , CiirtRln t'lxturog , Upliolstory ( Joodl ,
tic. No. 405 llromlwny Council llhlTs ,
Iixvn. t
cm A its , rnincrn. KIT.
l'EHE(50Y ( & MOOIU- ;
Jobbers In tbo-
Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes.
NOB. L'SMnln nnj J.T 1'cnrl Sts. Council muffs ,
Whole .nlo
Fruit and Produce Commission Merchants ,
No. HPo.Ml St. Council illuffa.
11AHLE , HAAS oi CO. ,
Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass ,
s' Sniulrloi. Kto. No. s Main St. and
No. 211'cnrl St. , Council Illtiirn. T
niir GOODS.
M. K. SMl'lII A : CO. ,
Liipjrters ani JMjn ) or Dry G3)I ) ? ,
Notions , Kto. No < < . 112 nml 111 Mnln St. , Nos.113
nml 115 1'cnrl St. . Council tlliilTs. lown.
HI I 11V.
Wholesale California Fruits a Specialty
General Commission. No. 51 !
Fruits , Confectionery & Fancy Groceries.
Nos. 10 niul 18 Pearl St. . Council IlluuX
Jobbers of Staple and Fancy Groceries.
Also Wbolcsnlo Liquor Donlow. No. 410 Drouil-
wuy , Council Illuds.
Miinn'nctiirors of m 1 Wholosnlo Doilorj In
Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc.
No. { 3 Main St. . Council HluT. , Iowa.
Jobbers ia Hats , Caps and Gloves ,
No. = . 1112 nml .lit nroa-lirny , Council IllulTj.
\\'holo nlo
Iron , Steel , Nails , Itay Hardware ,
Am ) Woodstock , Council Hlulfri , linviu
D. II. McDANELl ) & CO. ,
Commission Merchants for Sale of Hides ,
Tallow , Wool , Pelts , Ore.w ) nn4 I'uis Council
HlulTs lown.
Wholesale Denlcrs In
Illuminating & Lubricitin Oih G
BTO. , E3TO.
B.TIicodoro , Ajjcnt , Council IlluJa. Io\yn. \
LUMUUlt , I'lLIXa , KTC. _
Hard Wood , Southern Lumber , Pillag ,
A.DI ! IlrldKo Mntedul Spoelalllos.Wliolojiilu Lum
ber ot nil Kinds. Dillon No. l.U Main St ,
_ Council Illuirj. lowju _
Imported and Domestic Wines & Liquors ,
for St. ( Jottharrt'fl Herb Illltcrj. No , 11
Main tiu Council Uliill.t.
Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors ,
Xo Cno Main St. . Cuimcfl lilujf.
! for the LAKE
The Steamer OLLIE MAY
Newly fitted up , and under tlio elmr ci of n
Bkllllul oiih'liicer and pilot , In now iimulnx pleas. 1 1 Ips on
Wi > will Klvo eliurlers to pai tits lor onu hour
or nny length ol llmu ili'Sli < > d.
ltiiii'8 or elnuter Klveii nnd oiUrri tiihun at
olllceo. JJ Mains t. , bulwcon hunm 10 to 12 u ,
ro. U DA U I ! & ; CO.
Fpoflnl ndvuitUemonts , suoli as l.ost , I'oim
To I iin , Tor Sule , To Kent , WimtH , llonidlntr ,
etc. , will holnsoitcd In this loluiiin at the. low
rnluolTiNUiNTS : : I'MH I.INKlorthu llmniKer
tloiiaud Klvo Cents I'erLInu for each Milisuiiiem |
Inseitlon , I.eiiMi advorlUoini'iits at our ollicu
No. lj I'eul btieet , near llroadw.ty , Counrll
WANTKD-KlrilcliiBfcuultcr lit 1/oiiU Milz-
Ifi'r'f , No. rji'i Ilioadiuiy , ( 'oiincll lllnirF.
) An aiblitiuit C'OOlc at thu Ojrdo
_ _
"Iium KAI.i-Ol : I niiiors. | in < | iiuntltleslo
JL1 lit HOP olllco No. II'uiirl blmut. _
Praclices in llio Slate nnd 1-ederal courts
lloouiii 7 iind b Shii'Mia Dloek ,