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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 12, 1886)
PHE OMAHA DAILY 9 SIXTEENTH YEAE. OMAHA , THURSDAY MORNING , AUGUST 12 , 1886. NUMBER 47. The Lord Major of London Banquets the New Salisbury Ministry. THE PREMIER MAKES A SPEECH. Ills Sentiments i\prcsscd Construed to Mean a Policy or Coercion In Ireland A QnlctDay in Hclfast , The Ministers Dine. LONDON , August 11 , 4 a. in. [ New York Herald Cnblc to thn Ur.i : . ] Lord Major Staples gave n gicat dinner last nutuinn to the Salisbury ministry anil last winter to the ( JliilMonn cabinet. Ho gave another to thu new Salisbury ministry last evening. Tills Is a luiuai liable retold fora single ninyotnlty. These entertainments aio occasions of importance , because at such din ners the cabinet olllccrs make "stump'1 speeches without belnz bold olllclally ac countable for \\bat they say. Vet what tboy say often indicates their policy. The dinner was given at the Mansion hnu e , one cor ner of which mints the Utnk of En- pland nnd tlio Koyal Kxchaiige , within a stone's throw of the Herald building. Tlio triangular space thcioabouts was lilled in tlio early evening with crowds eager to see tlio ministers pass In and cheer their favorites. Inside was A ooitniors : AND risrAi. : SCIINI : under ekctilc lights , with flowcis In banks everywhere. The lord major and the lady mayoress received In municipal state in a main drawing loom of palatial slzo , out of which tlio guests cnteicd the dininc ball , known as the Egyptian hall , but now all that once was 1'haiaolc has been decorated out. This hall Is the si/o of the Fifth Avenue hotel dining room , but with n dome of gieat height , supported by twenty tinted pillars. The hall is ornamented with mammoth mirrors and thirty niches containing fine statuaiy. The guests , numbering 145 men and sixty- four woman , when seated presented A .Mr.MoiiAiu.K itANoutr 1'icTUnn , with thclt alternations of ilch uniforms , levee units of velvet coats , silver buttons and silk Unco hu-cclics , and magnificent toilets spark- llng with gums. "These arc tory guests , " said a municipal vagwhosat in my vicinity , "but you % vlll find tlio a liberal one. " I'l.ACK AtfXWAVinS. On the host's right sat the Marchioness of Salisbury , tiio daughter of the late Baion Alderbon , the gieat judge. Her face op pressed her pride in her htibband , her hap piness In his success. She woreapuiple velvet costume , richly tiimmcd wltli lace nnd quite burled under the Cecil family dia monds1. Near by sat her daughter , Lady Gwendoline Cecil , In company with the wife of tlio liist lord of the ad- mil ally. Not far off sat the Coniitess of Dtiugarvan , pale and fiagile , and Lady Charles Beie&foid , ilvallug in her healthful her hcio husband. Other pilmioso dames , Mich as thu Countess of Iddeslelgh , tlio Viscountess Cur/on. Mrs. Cavemllsh-Bentinckandthe Countess of Gal loway , weio confciilng their ItAWANCK UPON' TUB FL'AST in a manner well woithy of imitation in American public dinners , wheie ladies aie tabooed. Lady Randolph Churchill was missel , but then her llego lord was ill and under home mlo at their P.uldlngtno house. His place supplied at the festive board by Lotd Itevvton , who is the shadow of Bcaconsflcld and Is the beloved of poetesses. The aristocratic chauicter of the guests was an o.ld Illustiatiou of tlioedltoiialln to-daj's Tiuih 110,000 , Is paid at present to min- istenal Incumbents who aio peers or sous of liuds. WHAT T1II.T ATI ! . Tuitle , turbot , white bait , " eaily venison and entremeiits without number disappeared rapidly under the expectancy of what Lord Salisbiuy wouldsay. Even the toasts to the queen , the prince , the army , tlio navy and the colonies wcio somewhat slurred over until the one touching the premier could bo readied. In vain Loid George Hamilton , as a young Sir Joseph Porter , K. C. B. , told how ho should Impiovo the navy ; equally in vain Ministers Smith and Cross , the latter newly cieatcd Lord Wairlngton , talked piquant platitudes about their olTices. The men In their gorgeous uniforms , the primrose dames with their diamond coliTuies , \\ero craving for Salisbury as n sort of cabinet pudding. Pieaently tlio lord mayor H5llVii : > VI' Till : IM1EMJUU as ho mlglit a plum pudding , bla/.lngly. The loving cup had been passed , while cmlously enough thu band played the poison song from "Lueretla Uoi la , " But the premier , putting poison aside , began with honeyed words tor the lord mayor , while tlio lady mayor blushed when the honey seemed to betoken a speedy knightage. Then the premier plcasnntlj'lilntcd that this was doubly a jubilee jear. He found a jnbl- leo In the fact that thu classes and masses had pulled to e.lher to malnt.iin thu Impeilal union. It was a jubilee , too , because true legislators had conqueicd false agitators. Ho icfoued to thu Afghan and Egyptian dlflicul- tles still under solution. Ho complimented Lord Itosebcrry , and salil the foreign policy of England's being a peacemaker [ should continue. TIIK SKFI.ETON IHSns. Hoio a bluff ml ml ml exclaimed to a neigh bor , in u whisper loud enough to bo heard a long way otr , "Hut lieland. " Then Lord Salisbury , lowering his \olee , said , "Yes ; the old skeleton Is still at all political feasts. The ( -nil events of the last few days demonstrate that Ireland Is not a homogenous country. Auto what Is to bo done , It Is impossible to say now , more than the Hist duty of the goveinmuut will bo to devote Its whole en ergy to fice thu loj ol people of Ireland from illegal constraints and restraints. Every remedy must be exhausted to allow the Irish people to earn their own bread unmolested. The advantage- this government Is that wo represent the mandate of the people against separation. The people have Irrevocably eo decided. Their motto is 'Social Older in Ireland , ' To maintain that is our primary duty. I cannot now glvo details of the meth ods we shall juiisuu nor of the nicasuieswo bhall enact in fulfilling this duty. Wo shall lind ourbolld substance in the lopro'entatlvcs which \our \ London , myloid major , and its eubuibs lui\o sent to paillament. " im UANT COKIICION , These expiesslons I wrote down as they were delivered. The premier's manner was decided , though polished , and not only those in uniforms and brilliant toilets , who foigot their fashionable trlgldlly and pounded on the tables and gave almost frantic applause when Loid Salisbury resumed his scat , Bcemcd to understand ids words as betokening coercion , but many public men , with whom I went afterward to the "ship , " told me over . our collco that they also so understood Ills words. The lord chancellor and "Iddy , " as the foreign secretary Is famlllaily called , fol lowed , but after Lord Sallsbur > 's ihetorlc their words \vere of no uioit * account than lLo dregs of port wine. Tim MKliKAST U10TS. The Police Succeed In Keeping Peace for n Day. Hnt.FAST , August 11. fNevv York Herald Cable Special to the Br.r.- ] Belfast has been perfectly orderly to-d.iy. Several funerals have taken place lo day , among them that of Kobcit Str.iun , an iilsli-American , who was shot on the eve oi his Intended return to the United States. The colleges cros-ed the de batable ciound between the catholic Falls load nnd tlio protestantSliank Hill load , thus offering a great temptation for n renewal of the disturbances , but no breach of the peace oecuncd. The "Island" men have re- tured to work as usual. A compact mass was prepared to light Its way through the catholic quarters on North street , Peters Hill , to their homes on Shank Hill load , but double cordons ot troops keep the prolestants and catholics too far apaitto allow of stone throwing. The cavalry also paraded up and down Peter's Hill , continually forcing the crowd of laboicrs to scatter or pass on. TIIK mi. nus mc'iiiAMNo. : : In going to-day over the ground where the main rioting occnired I noticed a considera ble decrease In tlio number ot idlers. 1 Judge , thcrefoie , from this and oilier .signs that the men have begun to return to work. There is still creat bitterness shown by both par ties. Both sides , however , seem a little ter rified. A great number weio wounded during the past week , and the men are inclined , therefore , to take a little rest before renewing the riots. I Hud among the magistiates quite a geneial feeling that there Is not likely to bo another serious riot for several weeks at least Sun day is generally rccarded as the citl/ens" day , which is likely to settle whether Uelfast shall have a month of peace or another month AVIckct Men Tor America. LONDON , August 11. [ New York Herald Cable Special to the Hni : . ] One week tiom to day the Adriatic takes over the English amateur cricket club , William E. Roller , of the Suney County club , captain. Cambridge unlvcisity contributes two and Oxford tnree playeis. Play begins in New Yoik Septem ber 1 , veisus btatun Island. A Devonshire clcigyman Is also one of the eleven. Landlords Denounced. Dum.iN , August 11. The Longfoui board of guardians lias adopted resolutions denounc ing live local landloius for heartless eviction of fifty-six families. The action of tlio land- loids , the resolution soys , is asciibed to oiganlzed attempts to cieato dlsoidcrs and crime in a pc.iee.iblc counliy , the landlords knowing that It is impossible for tenants to pay back lents. _ _ Will Present the Other Side. IUIIMN ) , August 11. ThoDungarvan patri otic union will send a deputation of loyalist oratois to the United States and Canada to addiess public meetings throughout both countries In the interest of liish opposition to home uile. Theoratois will leave lieland as soon as paillament adjourns in the fall , and among them will bo Major E. J. Saun- duison , member of p.uliainent for North Aimagh , nnd Mr. Russell. C3corjo Gets a Furlough. Bnui.iN , August 11. United States Minis ter Pcndleton lias received a fmlough from ills goveinmciit. lie will goto SwiUeiland. His daughter has recovered fiom her illness and piostration ensuing trom her mothei's tiagic death in Cential park. New York. Chapman Coleman , first secietaiy of the Ameiicau legation , will conduct thu business of the oiUeo during Mr. Pendlcton's absence. A Bankrupt Concern. LONDON , August 11. A sensation was caused by statements made In court , to-day , In connection with the affairs of the Briton Medical and Guneial Assuianco association. The heailng on a petition to wind up the business was in progress , and during the couise of tlio pioceedings , the judpo stated that the failuio of tlio concern was duo to de falcations , and efforts would be made lo un earth and punish the miscreants who caused the ruin ot thu association. Matthews Rc-Clcctcd. BIRMINGHAM , August 11. Matthews , home secietaiy , was re-elected to the commons for East Birmingham without opposition. The liberals at the last moment wlthdiew their candidate. Alderman Cook , leaving the Held clear for Matthews. Killed In a Tunnel. DUIU.IN , August 11. Six men were killed bv the"collapse of a railway tunnel In process ofcoustiuctlon at New Ross to-day. AGAIN JN THE RACE. Greenback AVeavcr dominated for Congress. DKB MOINKS , la. , August 11. [ Special Telegram to the fusionlsts of the Sixth district to day renominaled Gen- eialJ. U. Weavertorcongress. 'He was elected two vears ago by sixty-eight majority , bnt his chances lor ic-electlon are rcgaided as veiy poor. Destructive Storm at Fort Dodge. FOIIT DoDor.Ia.August 11. [ Special Tele gram to the UKE.J A terrilio wind and rain stoiiu visited this city eaily tills morning. Thn Illinois Central tielght depot was un rooted and much damage done to out build ings and shade trees. It is teaied the tnu- lohndlng country hassulleied great loss. The dmation ot the storm was thirty min utes. . They Say It's Hot. Dr.s MOINKS , la. , August 11.Special \ Tel egram to the BKE.J The oppicsslvu Heat of jesterday and to-day has been lelt by people of this city more than for several weeks. To-day the mercury at the slitnal ofllce marked tuiwhile on tlio streets , In the shade , U was auveial degiecs wanner. Drowned in tlio River. Dns MOINKS , la. , August 11. [ Special Telegram to the liiiK.J A young man named Milo Randolph late last night Fought lellef from thn heat by bathing with two compan ions in thu river , but hu went beyond his depth and was drowned. Implomeht House In Flames. DKS MOINKS , la. , August 11. [ Special Tel egram to the BIK. : ] The implement house of James McConnell , at liarlan , nnd two ad joining buildings were buined last night. The loss is Irom 33,000 to $5,000 ; paitly in- siued. The Vacant Room at the White House , Baltimore Herald : The Garfte.ldcham ber 1111110 white house still remains un opened , it ml has never been tenanted since it was vacated by the wounded provident in 1831. It is said that President Arthur had a horror of the place , nnd that the present occupant of the white house is equally loth to break the sombre si lence of the apartment. This course is natural , but it is scarcely wiso. Gen eral Garliohl did not die in the room , so theio is scurooly eron n ghostly presence to forbid the removal of the close cur tains nnd the scaling up of tlio apartment as n haunted clmmbur. There Is not too much space in the vyhitu bouse , nnd no desecration would bo implied in the res toration of the clmmbur to a condition of occupancy and usefulness. The did of the Prayer. From Babyhood : Harry , n four-year- old Nebraska boy , wns listening to. his sister as she recited her evening prayer. "You suy 'amen , ' " he remarked , ns sno finished ; "I don't always say that , I say 'boven of.1" That vviis Hie way lie was in the habit of hearing telephone can- vunsation close. THE WAR OF DIPLOMATISTS , Secretary Bayard in a Great Sweat Over the Gutting Gase. NEWSOFTHE TROUBLE REFUSED. Correspondence AIth Minister .lack- soii Can led on in Complicated Clplicr How Germany Stands Startling Humor. That Speck of War. WASHINGTON , Aueust 11. [ Special Tele- cram to the Bni.I Secretary Uajard Is repoited very much worked no over the Cut ting alTalr. That Incident has taken a much tnoro serious aspect than ho contemplated. When in violation of thostatules ho peremp torily demanded the release before asking the Mexican authorities the reason for Cutting's arrest , as ho Is dhcctcd to do by law before rcsortlne : to de mands for release , he has now taken the step which he should have done on the first Instance. Hu has asucd the authoiltlcs of Mexico why they did not release Cutting. Of course he knows well enough the reasons which actuate the greaseis , but diplomacy demands that formal olllclal reply shall be made. Meantime all a\.iilablo war ma terial Is being massed on the bonier. Artil lery and ammunition in pi eat quantities aio said to ha\e been hastily shipped fiomail - ous parts of the country and the United States is as well prenaicd to force compliance with the iclterated demand for Cutting's iu- lease when it shall bo made , if Secretary uav- ard dech'CH that a second demand is neces sary. ' 1 hat actual warbetweon the two na tions is imminent , no one hem believes for a moment , but an outbreak of a local character between the lough chaiacters of the two sides of the balder is expected. Close an n Clam. WASHINGTON , August --Special [ Tele gram to the BKK.1 Tlio secretary of state Is chagrined over the publications In the news papers about the Cutting affair , There is only one answer now gi\en byeverjono connected with the department and that is there is "no news. " That means simply that them Is no news that will bo given to the public. The fact Is there is a great deal being received and sent every day. All cor- icspoudoncc with Minister Jackson Is being conducted In cipher. The key to tills cipher is kept a profound secret and is changed fre quently. The cipher is susceptible of more than one hundred thousand variations and is not likely to bo discovered by the public at large. The last dispatch of Importance sent to Minister Jackson Instructed him to make a demand on the Mexican goveinmciit that the governor of Chihuahua beoidered to release Cuttliu. An official who ought to know what Is coins forwaid said to day that the follow lug would piobabiy be the outcome ot the whole mattci : "Alter Uniforms of tiial ha\c been gone through with , and Cuttinir has been iotmally dis posed of by the Chihuahua autlioiities. Presi dent Diaz will paidon him as hu has a per fect rluht to do under the Mexic.m constitu tion. When Cutting is at llbeity then will be tlio proper time to consider tliu methods have been pursued toward him. The Mexi can autlioiities have followed tlio course of law they claim , \\lillo we claim they have not. With Cutting at libertv the whole matter 13 a piopor subject for arbitiation. It is absurd to suppose that tlieio will bo war over so trivial an affair and so cheap an adventuier. " Germany's Position. WASHINGTON , August 11. [ Special Tele gram to the BEI.J Speaking of the rumor that the German government was backing the Mexican government in opposition to the demand of Secretary Bayard in the Cutting atluir , a high olllclal of the state department to-day said that veislon of tlio matter Was absurd , It was true the German government was taking a jrreat interest In Mexican af fairs , but only with a view to extend Its com merce theio. Otheiwlso the German govern ment was well awaio of the fact that no quaircl between the United States and Mexico ice could bo settled by outside interference. The Geiman government has always lecog- nlzcdaud w ill hereafter lecogime the Monioo doctrine , and while it may follow German coloul/ailon In Mexico , that government is too intelligent to believe those colonies can overbeeomu subject to its contiol or form a pait of the Geiman empire. German coloniz ation in Mexico can have no other object than to extend German commeico in that conntiy. Germany knows very well the United States will never submit to a French piotectoiato over the Isthmus , ami to prevent that Gci- many has only to side with the United States against It and uphold the Mortice doctrine. El Paso Is Not Afraid. . EL PASO , Tex. , August 11. | Special Tele gram to the Bni : . ] The tmpicsslon Is gaining ground In El Paso that the Cutting case will bo a subject for diplomatic coriospoudence for some months to como , and that mean while the prisoner will not bo. released. A peed deal has been said duung the last few days about tlio defenceless condition of El Paso In case of a sudden attack by the Mexi cans , but there Is really no cause for alarm. There aie a few hundred Mexican soldiers in Paso del Norte , but they seem sullen , dissatisfied , and ready to desert at the fust chance. On the other hand Y.\ \ Paso contains some splendid lighting ma terial and could raise in an cmoigcncy 1,000 armed men , who would hold their -place against any toico the Mexicans might bilng against it until help could arrive by railroads , but these will probably all bo idle specula tions as the wholu distuibanco seems to bo quietly slmmcilng down. ( The Fooling on the Border. WASHING TON , August 11. fSuecIal Tele gram to the BKE.I The following piivato letter was icceivcd hero to-day.fiom a piomlncnt American , living at Pledtas-Nc- pras. It was sent to a gentleman in this city , and scorns to show the extent of the feelings among Americans in Mexico ; "Theiois war talk all about here , not only with the United States , but revolutionary also , some parties having already been lo cated on thu other side of the river. Them Is one company of cavalry Just opposite here , Tlieio ought to bo a large camp. Anyone may bo shot who is doclaied to bo an enemy or Is charged with crime. . We are becoming used to the talk. The U nlted States govern ment Is much blamed for not being moio active. Suppose the ofllclals do not ilko to bodlstmbed. How many lives must bo sac rificed bet ere the govern incut will act ? Ac tion is not necessarily war , It might avert w ar , " A Tallc with Cutting. Ei , PASO , August 11. An American news paper correspondent In company with Sam Field , a well known oltUcn of Dallas , saw Cutting in Jail at Paso del Norto yesterday. ' I asked him , " hosajs/'pattloiilarly as to his alleged circulation personally in Mexico , of the article complained of. Ho replied : Upon going over to the Mexican side on the morning of publication , 1 had In my pocket a copy 6t the paper hi Sentinel. I enteri'u a corner cafe kept by a friend of mine and casualv ! handed him the paper , the only one I had , This Is all I did and it la the very truth ot the story of my circulating creat numbers of the p.iuers In Paso del Norte , ' I asked Cutting whether ho intended to api > eal his case to the supreme court ot Chihtuilmt. He said his attorney , a young Mexican student Just out ot a law school , had determined to do so. " A Startllnc Rumor , TosnJSTONn , Ariz. , August 11. The intel ligence was brought here this afternoon from Fortiluacbuca that Mexicans have disarmed Lawton's command and taken them prison ers. The report is not generally credited , INTiHUOH GUUAbiSUS FOU. WAK. They AVant IlercnRO For Pnlo Alto , Monterey nnd Ituctia Vistn. CITY or MKMCO , August 11. A party In northern Mexico Is In for crossing swords vvlth-tlio United States. It Is reported on peed authority that General Casas , who has iccently dcpredatcaJn thn vicinity of Sa- binas , has offered to join hands with the federal government and clean out the Yan kees. Government dispatches from Vic toria , the capital of tlio state of Tamallpsas , received in Nue- vo Laredo am to the effect that the town is much excited over the El Pasu and Eafrle Pass complications. 1'ubllo opinion as to the Justification of Mondragon Is divided , some claiming Ills acts vvoro jnstt- liable and others condemning htm. The governor of Tahillnpas Is said to have as- scitcd that If hoAyere In the position of Gov ernor Hornat , ot Chihuahua , ho would never Itlvo Cutting UD. vTho people of Ms state ap pear to uphold him tu his opinion. From Panas hlnuras news comes that the prospect of war with the United States is hailed with delight as many In that section wish to aid in wiping out tin1 lemem- brauco ot theli defeat at Palo Alto , Monteicy and IJuena Vista. Their Inborn antipathy and intense haticd for Gilngoes deep out dally , as Is shown by their insulting and annoying ticatmciit of Anieileans who aie so unfor tunate as to Do living in their midst. The goveruoi ot Coaliull.x'scems to be more con- soivatlvu than either of those of Tamelipas or Nuovoheou , and is said to bo in favor of poacoand conciliatory mcasuies. Apilvatu telotiam from Saltlllo says that a brigade of Infuntiy airived In that city tliis morning. Tliuir'tuture destination is not known. Stock men ai riving from Mexico state that news of the trouble with the United States has just re.iched remote re gions in the Interior , causing peat ex citement and making it dangerous for stock bnvcrs to stay in their midst Im- poiteis In Xitcvo 1/aredoaic countermanding oideis foi goods in contemplation of tionble , as they aie confident Cutting never will bo given up. The piesunt suspense Is paralyz ing business on the border. liniv ton Not Captured. Di.Mi\it : , Now Mexico , August 11. General Miles arrived IIPIC this evening and in an In- terv lew ho states there Is not a word' of tiuth In the report of Lawton's capture by Mexican tioop ? . Ho parted with Governor Torres , of Souora , at 5 o'clock this morning and he has concluded arrangements by which tlio Mexican tioops will aid 0111 troops in pur suit of thu Indians. Hn states that the Mex ican authorities In Sonora are In pcifect sympathy with our government on the Indian question. _ _ _ _ _ _ Every Tcxans Wants a Ilaeipn'la. GAI/VISTON , August 11. The second days' proceeding of the state dcmociatie cpnvon- tiou were almost fcatinclcss. The commit tees on credential permanent organization , and platform and rp.tolutlons were not pro- paicd to icpoir. * Colonel Swaine , one of the mostpoimlai candidates befoie the conven tion , declared in a dpecch that if ho received the nomination and was elected and war was declaied , In twenty-foul houis hu would lead a foicu Into Mexicoland every man would have a hacienda. _ Uneniy-at Headquarters. CITV or MKXJCO , via Galvcston , August 11. Public sentiment here regarding the Cut ting case is still aioiised , owing largely to tlueata of vSar from the state of Texas. Revolutionists Cross the Rio * , MATAMOIlAS.'lil.JjC./AjJgUFt 11. It i3.rO ; . ported tliattho-Drtvilas band of revolutionist's ' have broke ! ) ftp intb small parties and arc- making loritho Rip "Grande to escape Into Texas. Tlio Fourth infantry has been or- deicd to proceed Into the inteiior. Collection of Cactus Criminals. METAMOIIAS. Mex. , August 11. Malnlcio Cruz , who raided the Daviks ranche lecent- Iv , entered a lot of the lattei's horses at Rio Giando City to'diiveto the interior of Texas with the avowed intention of pmchaslng arms with the pioceeds. Jesus Floires was was fully proven to have been the inurdeier of tlio young rancher , Garcimen , killed up the river , for his liorso and pistol , and was taken out at dawn to-day and shot. He ilchly deseives his fate , being a most noted nnd desperate horse-thief , bandit and murderer. It was ho who some- years niro killed Deputy bhetilf Mamnidto Kosales at Hilda's lanche In Texas , and hu was one ot the party who some ten yeais ago seized the rich Scnora Manachaca , niiar Reynoso , lobbed and out raged her and her two mall scivants , and then tied tlio three , with two male sci vants , to trees and left the whole party to staive. THE BANKKK8 IX SESSION. The National Association Opens Its Session in Boston. BOSTON , August 11. The conven tion of the National Association or Atneri- Ican b.inkcrH began this moinini ; with a full attendance of delegates. Piesldent Gage delivered the opening addiess , In wiilch ho treated of tlio needs of greater safeguaids against forgery , and dwelt upon the disas trous result which would follow the unlimited coinage of sliver. lie also spoke of the great need of men who would bo able to bring into popular view the tuio relations of labor and capital. The secretary repoited the present memberohlp ot the association as 1,400 , an in- cieaso of about one hundred during the jcar. Good work was reported done dining the j ear in the punishment ot criminals whoso offenses had been committed against banking Institutions. The president then icad a com munication fiom cx-Secietary of the Treas ury Hugh McCullough , In which ho advocates the suspension ot silver colna o for an Inde finite period , the discontinuance ) of thu Issue of notes under live dolhus , and tlio iccoinago of apart of the dollars now Into the tioasuiy into luictloiHil pieces. George S. Coo of NOW York , was then an- nouncc'.l to icad a paper , but ho replied there was a eontleman picdent competent to speak upon thu greatest question befoie the world , namely : The value of silver as cunency. This gentleman , > bo said , know more of this subject than any other man in the country , Ho suggested that Mr. Hoi ton of Ohio bo called upon. 'Iho president then Introduced Horton , who , among other thin us. said the concurrent restoration of silver lo Its former prestige was necessary to the picsorvation of our degree ot civilization. Moreover , this country was pecdllarly lilted to accompllHh the restoration of silver. Ho appealed to the common bensij of ) the convention as to whether universal bmlniscment would not glvosllvei an equal jvaluo with gold , Just as universal cndoisenu'tlt gave gieenb.icks an equal value with gold , notwithstanding that gold was at a prcmljini of forty rents on the dollar. This universal cmloisenmnt , includ ing the commercial and. financial powers of Luropo and Aiaopca , could , lie asset ted , place silvei at once on n par with gold , llor- ton then ollcrcd a preamble and lesolutlon , which embodied his views. Horton addiessed the convention In support of the resolution and cave his experience as a delegate to the iutcinatlonal monetary conference-in Paris. A Nebraska Bank Bcourcs Credentials WASHINGTON , August 11. The acting comptroller of the currency to-day authorized the First National bank of Franklin , Neb. , to begin business with a capital ot 800,000. , Started fur Chicago. NEW YOHK , August U. Michael Davilt left the city to-day for Chicago by way of the New York Central railway. Muhoncy Accepts. John Mahoney , yesterday ruorning'sent nnoto to tlio county coiflmissiEners'sigiiify- ing his acceptance .of the position of county poor superintendent , to which ho was recently elected by the board. TI1E PROSECUTION SPEAKS , Beginning of the Addresses to the Jury in the Anarchist Oaso. THE CRIME OFMURDER DEFINED. Assistant States Attorney Walker Arraign * ) the Defendants an Guilty Whether They Were at tlio Ilajinnrkct or Not. Anarchists' Trial Ncnrlne the Knd. CIIICAOO , AiiKiist 11 , A little before 10 this forenoon the defendants In the anarch ists' trial marched Into Judge Gary's crowded court room , headed by August Spies. Tlio prisoners all looked smiling and apparently unconcerned and giceted their lady friends with smiles. They had scarcely taken their scats when a young lady with a basket on her arm went alone the line and presented each of them with a bunch of flowers. One of the papers this morning stated that Mr * . Hlnolt , wife of otho leading counsel fer the defense , supplied the anarch ists with their morning bouquets , She was nuotcd as saying In n tlorlst shop " 1 wanttiiesc for the pom saints at cilmlnal court. The dear maitvrs aio being solely abused bv the tyiaiils now and 1 fear some thing will happen to them , but If an > tiling iocs there are thousands ic.uly to tear their oppressors to pieces. " Mis . Black indig nantly denied the remaiks attributed to her to a leportcr tills moinlng. Ofllcer Palmer was called to the stand by the state and testified that Schnaubclt could speak Kngllsh , contradicting tno statement made by Spies on tlio stand. Tlio witness was notcross-evuiilned. Detective Boutiuld said that when Spies was arrested that no ono offered him any violence whatever and declaring that the statement madu by Spies as to his ticatmont when taken before Super intendent Kbersold was untiuu. A long dis cussion then followed as to the order in which speeches should be made to the jury. It was finally decided that Assistant States Attorney Walker should open for the state , to bo followed by Zeisiei for the defense. Ingliam will follow for the state , and he will bo fol lowed by Foster and Black for the defense , Grinnell closing the case foi the state. Mr. Walker began by stating that In this republic all men stood equal before the law , and when the perpetrator ot any crime stood before the bar for trial , the Goddess of Justice was in dited blind until his guilt had been proven , no matter whether he was a socialist or an anarchist. The very law which ho had desired to "throttle" now stood as his piotector until his guilt was shown , and In tills case proof had made the defend ants guilty bovond a shadow of a doubt. The speaker next called the attention of the jury to the definition of a "reasonable doubt" Ho quoted numerous authorities to deline the crime of murder , and quoted to show that any one who aided , assisted or on- comaged a murder should be deemed guilty and punished accordingly , and whether the piinclpal is puuWied befoie or atter or not punished at all. those who assisted , aided or encouraged were equally guilty , and should uo deemed guilty ol minder. He then quoted from tno speech of Solomon ot the defense , In which the latter said if tno defendants were guilty of couscir- acy , convict them of conspiracy but not of mm dor. Ue timber quoted tiom Solomon's sutecli , In which the latter asked : "Have thev muidcred many people ? " Mr. Walker said only seven men had been nuirdcicd and some sixty wounded , and vet tlio counsel asked if they had .muidiued many people. The speaker iald but for tlio heioisiu J&f-UieJoHcd6u Way 4 , many would have been inuidered , and a social revolution for which tliO'doldndants ' admit that they bought dynamite and aims , would have oeen ac complished. These men formed a conspir acy , the lesult ot which was the throwing of tnu bomb and the death of Matthias J. Dee- gan. "The punishment foi minder , " said tlio speaker , "is death. " Continuing his succch at the opening of tlio afternoon session , Mr. Walker defined the law ol the state in i elation to accesioiies , and said the conviction of any ono of the defendants was nulhoilred by the law though ho was not piesent at the place of commis sion ot the crime , nor had ever agreed that the crime was to have been commuted at that time. The fact that he had advised or eu- couiaged the commission of such crime , through a speech at public meetings or through published articles or private conver sations , made him an ncccssoiv. Walker spoke with contempt of tlio eflorts of ceitaln defendants to base their hopes of acquittal unon tliopiouud tliat they were not piesent at tlio Haymarket when the bomb was thrown , and characteii/ed them as the lead ers in the conspiracy to commit wholesale murder. lip then lead trom Most's Instruc tions to the defendants on the witness stand advising them first to save themselves. If possible , for "future deeds , " and If that pioved impossible , to use their posi tion in thu w itncss chair to teach the princi ples ot revolution. "This. " said the speaker , "was the course followed bj 1'aisons. Find ing no loophole tor escape he turned the wit ness stand Into the stool of piopaganda. " Walker w as rewarded with a muimnrof applause from the audience when he re ferred to Spies' speech at Giaud llapldson Washington's blithday. Said the speaker : "Spies compared himself to ( ieoigo Washing ton. Ho said time will bo a i evolution in 1880 when the eight-hour movement i caches Its culmination. George Washington led the revolution. If he had tailed ho would have been punished. If 1 fail 1 will bo pun ished. They aie known by numbers and not by names , and any one can join oy applica tion. " Walker then icad from the testimony of Witness Wilkinson , who swore that Spies told him the lovolution would occcur on the 1st of May or about that time. "Does not this , " asked tlio speaker , "look like conspliacvV'1 Walker devoted some time to an editorial iiitlclo In the Ahum , which closed vtlth the woids : "Tho social war has come. Whoever is not with ns is against us. " "Does this look like con- pnlia-iyV , asked the speaker. "The editoi of the Alarm was A. It. Parsons , defendant. Walker dwelt at some length on Spies' speech to McCormlck's strikers , during the progress of which a largo number nf his mi- dienco bioUo awav and Joined In the riot In which several peisons weio killed and wounded. "Then , " said the speaker , "Spies came back to the Arbciter Xeilung , believing that ho ban 8,000 new converts at his back , and wrotuthu editorial containing the woids , 'Had they been provided with good weapons and ono djnamltubomb , not ono of the mur derers would havu escaped.1" At tills point W.ilUer read the celebrated "revenge" circular in which the woid and sentiment "levengu" Is thu inducement held out to tlio rcadeiH ot the circular to attend the meeting , and Ibo purpose to "revenge the victims of the bloodhound police. " "Does this look Ilko conspiracy to murder the po- HcaV" said the speaker ; "and Is there no sitr- nliicancu in the luct that Spies called thu re venge meeting to meet on thu llaymaikct , the very place designated toltepoilcr Wil kinson as tlio location ot the commencement of the social i evolution ? " Walker was still speaking when the court adjourned. A Murder Mystery Explained. CIIICAOO , August 11 , The remains of thn woman found on the prairie northwest of city with two bullet wounds in her body were Identified as those of Mrs , Strubel , who lived on Center street During the forenoon the body of n man named Cecarksby was taken to the morgue , ho havinz killed him self In Lincoln park this forenoon. The body of the latter was identified by his aged mother , who also Identified the remains of Mrs. Strubol , and she stated her son hal been on good terms with the Strubel woman for some time , and Is supposed to have been her murderer. _ Four Persons Perish. CLEVELAND , August 11. At Conneaut , Ohio , to-day , Mrs. Slough , wlfo of a laborer , went to Oio rlrer to wash , taking her three children with her , Ono of the little ones fell Into the water , and in an effort to rescue It the mother and all three children were drowned. The bodies were found close to gether in six feet of water. TIIK n.VBn nAiiii UKCOUD. Home Run Rook * \Vlns a Game for Ijlncoln Ojhcr Games. LINCOLN , Neb. , August 11. [ Special Tele gram to the UKK.J The first of the series ot games between the Lincoln and Leavenworth clubs was plau'd In this city , resulting In n v Ictory for the homo club by a score of 0 to ft. The game wns pleasantly close thro'ughput , and was a tie In the ninth Inning , when Rooks , of Lincoln , went to bat , with two men out , aiid made a home run. That won the game. The Lincoln club had Its playirs to-day who have been reinstated , and the club presented a strong front , OTIIKUOAVIKS. AT CINCINNATI Cincinnati . . . .0 3 0 1 5 1 rt 0 12 Metropolitans . .0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 8 5 I'll si b.i'io hits Cincinnati 11 , Metropol itans b. Krrors-Clnclnnatl , 8 , Metropoli tans 5. Umpire Kelly. AT PiTrsiiuiia Pittsburc . 0 00110000-3 Athletic . . . . . .0 00000003 3 First ba = c hlts-Plttsburc 7. Athletic 9. Krrors-l'lttsburg 0 , Athletic a. Uniptro- Vnlcntino. AT Nuw YOHK Detroit . 0 OOOOSOOO 2 New York . 1 0 0 0 0 I 1 0 * 3 Pitchers-Baldwin and Welch. First base hits Detroit n. New York ft. Krrors De troit U , Now York 0. Umpire Fulmer. AT ST. Louis St. Louis . 2 0 8 S 0 1 3 0 1-18 Baltiinoio . 0 00021040-7 1'ltclieis Font/ and McGlnnta. First base lilts St. Louis 10 , llaltliuoio 10. Kirois SU Louis , Baltimore 13. Umpire Bi.idley. AT Loinsvii.i.r. Louisville . 1 t 0 0 1 0 0 1 4 14 Biooklin . 0 01 100001 3 1'ltchers Itunisoy , Teirv and Tonic. Fiist base hits Louisville U > , BiooKlvn 0. Kirors Louisville , ii , 1 ! 100 Uly n 0. Umpire Walsh. The Chicago Rnccs. CIIICAOO , August 11. At Washington park the weather was fair , tlucAtunlng In the forenoon , the track fast and the attendance large. Three-fourths mile : Luna Brown won , Latly Longfellow second , King of Norfolk third. Tlmo-l:15i.f. : Mutuals paid , $11.30. Mile : Hopedale won , Dawn of Day second end , Emma Manlv third. Time 1:42 ; . Mutuals paid , ! j'.a.M ) . Scven-nlghtlis mile : Midnight won , but It was found he bad lost his weight , and the judges gave the race to Rica , with Moonlight second and Nora M third. Ttmo-l:2' : ) > { . Mu tuals paid , 829.10. Olio and one- sixteenth miles : Rio Grande won , Jim Nave second , M > rtlo third. Time 1 :50. : Mutuals p.ild Held. 11.50. Five-eighths mile : Relax won , Linda Payne second , Floilmcr third. Time 1:03. : Mutuils paid , S20.00. Brighton Beach Races. BUIOIITON BnAcir , August 11. Purse , maiden three-year-olds , three-fourths mile : Bellerlua won , Melton second , Sylla thlid , Purse , maiden three-year-olds , three-fourths mile : Richfield won , Flanz second , Blghead thiid. Time l:18)tf. : ) Seven-eights mile , Joe Savvvcr won , Ram Lai second , Balta/ar third. Time 1 : : * . Mile : Redbuck won , Frank Waid second , Cathcart thud. Time 1:41 : > K. Puise , onoand one-eighth miles : Tattler won , Ucncial Momoo second , Ten Stiike thlid. Time 1:5 : % , all ages , seven-eights mile : Exile won , Bonnie S second , Leonard thiid. Time Jtaclns at SqrntoRO. SARATOGA , NiY. , August" Tho-weather - ' - - - ! ' * * M " Purse , for maiden fitfe-ycar ' olds , five- eighths mlle : Marlleo won , Belle Broeck second , Wliuant third. Time 1:0 : % Purse , lor all aices , mile : Hany Russol won , liaictoot second , Boomeiang third. inie- : . Puise , ono and three-sixteenth miles : Ada D. won , Binnacle second , Bianova third , Time 2:07'/ : ' . Puise. Welter weights , three-fourths mile : Prlma Donna won , bhamrock second , King George third. Time 1 :18. : One and one-eighth miles , over five hurdles : Glenaim won , Pmitan and Bmr Oak ran a dead heat for second place. Time 2.07. j Too Much for the Irish. NEW YOUK , August 11. The Iilsh centle- men lacrosse players plajed their second game in this country to-day at Statcn Island meeting the Nuw York Laciosso club , cham pions or the United States. Tlio champions were too much for thu Irishmen and out played them at every point , ultimately win ning b a scoio ot thteo goals to one. OAT f liE ON THE RANG E9. The Condition ofstoelc on the Feeding GroundH ol' the West. CIIICAOO , 111. , August 11. [ Special Tele gram to tlio BKB.I John N. Simpson , presi dent of the Live Stock association of Texas , is at the Palmer , having just tiavelcd over the cattle country from the coast to Wyo ming. Ho was asked last night about the condition of things in that section. "There has been an unprecedented drought , " ho re plied , "all the way fiom the gulf to Biillsh America west of the Mississippi , and the effect in homo sections , especially in the southwest , is that there will be no cattle fiom that region tills jcar I mean fiom Texas , Now Mexico and paits of Arizona. Faither north the cattle aio getting fat and are being mnrketed liom Montana now. My observation In Wyoming was that theio was good fair range and that the cattle wcro fat and looking well. There is plenty of grass now , but it will bo short theio next winter. Aiovolu- tlnn Is going on in tlio beef business. There will bo a chance fiom shipment of live stock to a shipment of dicssed beef and In my opinion It will come fiom the Missouri river points Kansas City nnd Omaha and also St. Paul , Eventually moat will bo dressed theio and shl piied east and tlio stock j aids busi ness ot Chicago will bo nlfectcd very much. But I do not know that It will hint tno laigo slaughter houses lieie. They aie supplied by a lane distilet of coin ted cattle. Aiinonr , bwlft , Morris and Hammond diaw their sup plies fiom it and aio not dependent on the west. In truth they independent of the range disti let. " Washington Notes. WASHINGTON , August 11 , Commissioner Spaiks , of the gcncial land oil Ice , left the city to-day tor Kdvvaidsville , III. , In obe dience to a telegram announcing the death of his wife's sister. Daniel Haggaity , of Baltimore , has been appointed assistant supniintendent of the r.i'lvvay ' mall scivice , and will bo assigned to duty In the nlllco of Second Assistant Post master Gcneial Knott. Tno postmaster geneial has Issued an or der dliettlni ; that huieaflei all malls for Mexico bo sent by iall , ciosslng the bolder at Kl Paso. The president to-day appointed William G , La UK ford to bo associate justice of the supreme premo couit of Washington Ten limy , vice S. O. Wingard , suspended , ami ( J. Yanhoorc- beko to bo United States attorney tor the southern district of Illinois , vice J , 0 , Con- nelly. These weio among the nominations leftover. Meeting ol' the MIIKin. ABEIIDEKN , Dak. , August 11. Telegrams have Just been received from Governor Plerco stating that the fourth annual en campment of thu Dakota National guaids will bo held lieie August SI , and every com pany in the toirltory is expected to bopics- eut. _ _ Drowned While Ilnthlrif ; . Nnw 1 owe , August 11. Three daughters of. Henry \Vyjnan , a fisherman of Farltock- nway , were diowncd off JJrec/o point yestci- day afternoon while bathing. Tno tfiils weio aged from eight to twelve j ears. Nebraska and Iowa Weather. For Nebraska and Iowa : Fair weather , nearly stationary temperature. ( I THE BLACK TRACK OF FlRE , Smouldering Ruins Left by the Ovolono of llama in Wisconsin , THE TERRIBLE DESTRUCTION. Mills , Tlniher , Ijlvo Stock ami Cropn Consumed UundrcilH of Families * Ijclt HoiiicloBR Many 1'coplo j Ilurncd to Death. I The Wisconsin Flroi , Mii.vvAtKii ! : : , WIs. , August 11 , Flro iq still raging about Gieen Hay. Reports fitoin Katnn , llellcvuu and Deperu ruvcnl much loss and ( listless. Nineteen families w ere burnt 01 out near Woodiuir's old mill. The loss at Peimukeo 14 estimated at 520,000. Reports showcotiMdciablo daiuago to crops hi other sections. Hildges on Little Saumlco rl\cn were binned. 'Iho streams are drying UD n < l cattle arc dj ing of suffocation. Flro la rSkr lii florcel } In Humboldt , twclv.o miles from' Giccn Bay. A largo load 5Y provisions was sent to the sufferers frohi Giecn BayT ? i Though the foiestson tlio northern tlcrot counties In this state aio still nblaro and nro likely to remain on flio until rains quenclj the 11 aIU03 , the danger to tlio villages and. towns Is over , unless heavy gales sbpulil sweep down upon them. While not over a dozen cases of human cienutlon are re ported , It Is hollovcd that iii.uiv backwooiU- men and families remote fiom notticmeift c.innot nosslbly hare o ciped. The fatality to live stock has been terrible. lIundtcdB ot charred bodies of cattle lie on the bjacKOlioa hack of the devastating cyclone of lire. U Is estimated that In Calumet , Clark , Mara- then and a few adjacent counties live hlm- dicd families aio rendered homeless and destitute , and will Miffer unless ln- ( mediate tellcf Is sent them. The loss cannot even be estimated. Hundreds ot homes , dozens of sawmills nnd lumber and millions of feet of lumber are m ash Hundreds ot acres of ripening grain laid waste by the devastation ; elements. INDIANA lE l5bUAT8. They Resolute ac licns'th and Nora- Inato Candidate * . INDIANAPOLIS. Ind. , AugustU. The dera ocratlc state convention met this "inorntnc at 10 o'clockIn Tomllson's hall. The dttori * * ' ancowas large and the galleries wcro filled with spectators. Daniel W. Vooibles was elected chairman. Resolutions were adopted cordially appiovIng the administra tion of President Cleveland an'd rccognlilM In the president and members of his cabinet faithful and patriotic public servants. The. loss of their honored and able loader , the late Thomas A. Hendilcks , was lamented. Thri democratic patty profoundly deplored the loss of Gcorso B. Mt.Cle.llan , Horatio Sey mour , Winlleld Scott Hancock and Samuel J. Tllden. It was resolved that taxation of the people for other purposes than raising revenue for the expenses of the government economically administered was robbery under the foi in of I.ur. A reduction of the present unjust Uirift to a revenue basis waa favored. The action of tlio democratic iiouso of representatives of the forty-eighth ami forty-ninth congresses in forfeitlnir ah < reclaiming laige tracts of land from coiporatlons , was licartlly "approved. The * ownWMilp ; ; * in this country by aligns wss ns injinlous to American interests , n legislation protecting public lands from sucbt ownership was specially upmnved. Thort- solutions favored a financial policy , lo. whtohj , sold and silver coin ami paper money shall bo the circulating medium , .ind that ttie surplus - , plus In the national treasmy bo applied to the pav incut of the national debt A reduc tion of taxes is also advocated. The resolu tions o\piesscd renewed opposition to sump tuary laws of prohibitory legislation , but favoied just and pioper measures for regu lating the tialllcIn spiiltuous and Intoxicat ing liquors under a license system designed to repiess tlio evils of Intemperance. John 0. Nelson was nominated for lieu- tcnant-goveinor by acclamation. The other nominations are as follows : .Supremo court judge , John H. Coffroth ; secretary of state. IS. M. Mjer ; auditor , C. A. Munson ; treas * inei. Thomas D. Byrne ; attorney-general , IL D. McMuIIcn. _ _ _ _ _ _ TENNESSEE ! DEMOCRATS Meet In Convention A Dycd-ln-thc Wool Platform. NASHVILLE , Tcnn. , August U. Tlio dem ocratic state convention mot hero to-day and oiganlzed. Two ballots vvoro had for gov ernor which resulted as follows : First ballot , Taylor Oil ; Dibiell , 333 ; Looney , 203 ; Mo- Conncll , ISA Second ballot , Taylor , 002 } Dibrell , -MO ; Looney , 175 ; McConnell , 1& . Thu platform congiatulates tliecountry In the lesloiattlon of the democracy to power ; en dorsed the ndininlsti.ition of Presi dent Cleveland and Governor .dates ; upholds the president in hla dibits to purify the government from cor- million , to restore economy , to revive resfiEet for the constitution , to reduce taxation , to icfoim the existing tariff , to allay sectional , animosities , to guard tno treasury against unwariantcd appropriations of public money and to icstoio the government to Bliuplo and honest met hods of administration , known and piactlccd by its founders. Four more ballots for governor weio taken without any lesult when the convention adjourned until to-morrow. _ No State Convention. Nr.wYoiiK , August 11. The republican Btate committee decided to-day not to hold any state convention this year. Democratic ICvon In Death. NKW YOHK , August 12. Governor Til- den'K will Is published , but contains little- which Is not known already. Ho requests his executives and trustees to obtain as speed- lly as possible from the leglslatine an act of Incorporation of an Institution to bo known as the Tllden Trust , with capacity to estab lish and maintain a free library and reading loom In tno city of Now York and to pio- mole such scientific and educational objects as tlio executoiH and fi us tees may more par- ticnlaily designate. Ten thousand dollais is hcqucstcd to keep In order the cemetery at New Lebanon ; a piovlslon Is made to erect there a monument to his memory ; to collect and publish his Hueechus and public docu ments. Any legatee a'tumpting ' to contest thu will Is excluded from its benefits. CommUnlons and Postal Change * . " WAKIIIMJION , August 10. [ Special Tele gram to Iho BHK.J The following postmaster commissions wore Issued to-day : In Ne braska To Thomas O'Shea , Madison ; Albert A. Pichm , Danbury , In Iowa-John Finn , Dccorah ; John II. Wullbank , Mount Pleasant ; David W. FloweiH , Novvton ; James O. Miller , Black- mote. Cyius Ftilrchlld has been commissioned postmaster at Ciawfoid , Neb , latclv called Crow Unite. The Mlo of this ofllco fias been lemoved four miles and a half west. The foi- lowlns Star lento changes weio made In Nf- biaska : Itouto : : iR9-J. Chadron to Sidney fiom September 1 , IfcBJ , omit service from Chadion to Fort Hoblnson six times a week and change schedule accordingly. Territorial Tornado. 'ii AiiiniKiN : , DakAu.'iist 11. In this yi clnltv lust night theio uas another heavy storm , lasting about seven hours , northwest of hero. It formed a cyc'ono. ' destroyed farmhouses , granoiies and grain-stacks flop ten miles west of Westport to Ordvvay. E. D. Mulka's icsjucnce , live miles west of Westport , was dcstioyed , and himself severe ly Injured. No coriect estimate can now t * given of the loss to the farmers. -