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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1886)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ! WEDNESDAY AUGUST li. 1880 , SPECIAL NOTICES Advertisements under this hold , 10 cents per line for tlio flwt Insertion , 7 cents for each sub- ccquont Insertion , nnd 11.50 n line per month Ko mhertlsciiiont taken for less thnn S3 cents for the flrst Insertion. Seven words will bo counted to the line ; they must rim consecu tively nnd must bo pnld In advance. All ndvcr tlM.'inunt4 must bo bunded In bnforo 2 o'clock P , mnml under no clrciini'tnneos will they bo tnkcn or discontinued by telephone. Pnrtlis n < Ucrtl lntr In these columns nnd Imv- IngthontiswcM aJdiessod In cnro of Tin : HUE will pit no nek for n check loanable them to got tholr letters , n none will bn dellvorod except on presentation of check. All MISWOM to ad vertisements shonM 1m enclosed In vtirolonos. TO Z.OAH-MOCTEY. OI'KK CUNT Money to loan. J. J. Mnhoney , 150t 1'niimm. not _ TI T ONV : TO LOAN On realestate , lie- i'ldiiccd rntoson largo loan1 ! Central Invest ment Co. , llurkor llloek.tor. 15th nnd I'limum 8t. JOj ONnY TO LOAN On fiirni nnd city prop- oity , nt lowest rates , W. A. Spencer l.luu I'lirtinniRt. H' fOSKV TO LOAN Uil renl estnto. L II. 3. Smith , Uoom 3 , Wltliuoll Illock 887 ' FUND OI' Bfi.OOO to lonn Irt SI'HCIAL nnionnti to suit , on shoit tlmo mortugca , tliii'o to twolvn months tlmo on property Im proved or unimproved , Cnli nt tlm Omaha J'tnnnclal Kichiintro , second Hour or llarkor Itlookr. . Ooi * _ Knrnnm nnd 15th St. 84 _ "fATlIhnvo cheap money on long tlmo , In nny T > lonn on Insldn city propertyor farm land. Marshall * Lobcck , 1511 I'nrnijm St. "I'KIl CUNT innncylo uTun. It. C Patterson , G inth nnd Douglas. 618 GO.MA . IIA riNANOIAt.lJXOIIANCJKUpro- O.MA iiarud to make loans In nny amount , on any kind of npproTod socurlty. I.nriro collateral loans n specially. Ahw ) on chattels and real estate In amounts and tlmo to suit. Lower rates , bettor terms , nnd prompter ncrvlco than any loan fluency In tlio city. For further particulars mil nt oDIco on the cocond floor of the llarkrr Illock. eonthwest corner of Fnrnam and ISlli TO LOAN At lowest rntcs of inter M est on Inrms und improved city property. ' . .1. Day .V Co. , 5 , Ciotinse's block , H. i : . corner Jtipltol iivenuo and IMli St. 700supil IAN At lower ratosthanany- MONKYTO o In the clty.onfurnltiiro , pianos , oiffiins , horsoJ , WIIKOIIS , or Block of nny kind , llnniombor , at lower rates than any other loan company in thn city. City I/inn * MortRa o Co. . room 15,1401 Fiirnnm st , opposlts I'nxtpn hotel. 4l'1- to lonn by the undorslKiioil , who hna MONKV thn only properly organized loan nRcnoy In Omaha. Loan * of flO to 51,000 mndo on fur- nlturo , pianos , orjrnni , horses , wnffons. inachln- cry , &o. , without removal. No delays. All bURlnoRs strictly ronlldnnttal. Loans PO mndo that any pnrt can bo pnld nt nny tlmo. cnch pay ment rcduclm ? the fo t pro rntn. Advances mndo on flno watches nnd diamonds. Persons nhould carefully consider who thov nro denllnpr wllh , as many new concerns nro dnlly comln Into existence. Should you need money , call and POO mo. W. 11. Croft , Itoom 4 , Wlthncll Ilulldlnir , 15th and Ilnrnoj- . 4VI TRU CUNT Money to loan , Btowart & Co. , 0. Jtoom : i , Iron bunk , 'ICth and Farnnm. 45T > ; n67oono Toan. Sums ? 5JO nnd upwiinK $ Lowest rates. Ilcmls , ICth and Douglas sts. 450 TO LOAN O. F. Davlfl * Co. MONKT and Loan asonts , 1505 FarnixmSt MONRV TO LOAN-On pootl Bcourltios. A McOavock , room 7Kodiok Block , 1509Farnam Bt. 453 TO LOAN On real estnto and chat tols. D. L. Thomas. 4S1I MONKY TO LOAN In aums of * 200 and up- wnrdn on first-class renl cBtata security. Potter & Cobb , 1615 Farnam St. CU M IONKY X.OANKD nt C. V. Heed & Co's. Lonn odlco , on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons porsonaf property of nil 'kinds nnd all ether ar ticles of vnluo. without .remoraL 319 S. , 13th , over filnghain's Commission store. Airbus HOBS strloilr oonfldentiu. FOIl SALll A restaurant located on n lively ptrecl , having n good patronage. Address 1C. .37 , Heo onico. 7B0.15' T.-IOK SALK Millinery stock , the oldest es- I. tiibllihotl mlillnory anti fiiney goods house in the nourishing town of Teciimsoh : hns the load of the trndo ; flno location and low rent. For further Information address Lock flex 35 , Tccumsoh , Neb. 705 11 * { L'SINUSS CHANCES Ono of the best gro cery stores In the city that only requires email rupltiil.rash dally sales $80. Will invoice about fS.OlK ) . Itcnt only $20 per month. Call on or address , Park & 1 < owlor , 1522 Douglas st C87-13 T7U K SALK Nuw block ot groceries louutetl -L' cu ono of the best streets in the city. Will invoice about $3COO Including Dxturos. Object iusclllnggoing toleavo the city. Address 1C 34 , Hen olllco , 78214 * r/OU SALU 'Iho complnto furniture of the JL Nebraska Vinegar Works. Cull BOOH on E. Kiobs. Jones st bet Gth aud 10th st , Oinnha. 019 BUSINESS CHANCK-Tho I. X. L. Slate Paint Cg. , want llvo agents with small capi tal to tnko exclusive territory and apply their paint. Gootl money to right men. Cm ] nt com pany's office , room 0 , over Commercial National bniiK , or ndilrcss J. L. Itlco , p. o. box 579. 043 exchange for Omaliti rent estate , n nlcoelean stock ot groceries. Thee Olson , 218 S. 15th St. ' CI2 12 Foil SALK An elegant established business , the best of tlio kind In the west located In thlsclly ; not prollts $5,000.0) per annum ; will linnr closest Investigationj invoice ' " ? I5POO.OO. PnrtlCB with moans wishing to into a flnn business address K 7 , Boo olflco. 444 T7 < OK SALK A first-class bakery , restaurant .L1 nnd conlectionery stand In n town of 7,00. ) inhabitants. Imiuiro of F. P. Fiijr & Co. , Omnha. ; HiVLK First-class meat market with nice fixtures , nil complete : coed trade ; best of reasons for Gelling- . Call orwrito to Ooo. W. Mnison. 1U21 Howard. KS\ \ TT Olt HALK-Ono of the oldest established C grocery business In the city , with a very largo , wolf-paying trade. Will exchange for O in n tin ion ! estate or part canh and bnlanco so- cined noloR. flood reasons given for selling. AlllllCB8"I3l. " llOQOfllCO. 1)07 ) HOIISiH Ixt9l'itrni8. Lands money loaned. Homls 15th nnd Douglas streets. 402 _ T71OII sXl.U Bovornl stocks of goods , doing n -L1 benlthy buBlness , ownership clear , satis faction guaranteed ; terms cusy. fomo Oinnbn properly taken In exchange. Marshall * Lo heel. . 1511 Farnnm Et. 405 rpAKKN UP Hay mare , 3 ycurs old , white .1. star In forehead ; small scratch on right front fool , branded C on neck , 2U17 CfUdwoll pticot. Walls 1'lorco. Jy2Q-27niig3.10-17 IT'OUND llonn cow with white spot on right X1 hip ; short horns. 2525 Chicago. 083,11 * BOAii : > INO-i ° 2t Cnpltol avenue , northeast corner llith , house newly furnished : ovury- tlilng llrst-class. T45-13 * _ ; boanl for two gentlemen in privata family. Itofurences ituiulrud. 114 North OM-10 * BOAltI-Andlodulngsat32J N. 15th st , 400 PEKSOWAli. I ) HUH OKA L lluspootublo young gentleman , who visit * Omaha frequentlywl to ! > ( > - como nctiuuliitod with Intelligent nndrospontn- blo young lady or widow tortuuand matrimony. Address U. H. . Drawer 10. Nelson. Neb. 7U7 10' plillSONAL.-LnilIosI deslto to fall your kind Jmiciitlon that the Omaha Kiniiloymont bu- roini 11 us removi'd It olllco from Vnrnam * t to 11U North loth stlu Crounso block , should you want nny help pleaeu call , ItcsjiU li. O. Hell- Itlo. Coi P IJIISONAL-MM. Dr. Kminlo V. Wurron ilalrxoyant , Medicul and business Miuliuui lloom No. 0 , lil North lath it. , Omaha , Nub. 228 MlSCEIl.ANEOUf3. ' 171(111 ( ItKNT Fquara piano , II monthlv. A JL' IIo3po. 1513 UotlttliH. 463 " MA I FA Heal Kstato , House Jt 1 1 nibbed Koom Agoucy , ilouoy Loaned ou Itcul Ks- into , I ( nylon < V Kustmun , proprietors , mnln olliLOlMOf Douglas su , biuncli otliuoa 1213 Fur- : iam St. , 14ta Douglas St. . 410 N loth. 518 and U21 KKHli : telephone No. 4iJl. A largo list of fur nished aniliinfurnishoil rooms , houses , cct , lor vutitomcrs to select from Louvo jour lioiibts and items iih us : wuwillsoonflUtlivm up ith doMniblo tuniiiits. Come to us for roomo mid houses ; run hull you ut once ; cai > riagcii for patrons ; tolophoaa or call nt aba va ajljcos. 130 a 19 ( HINTS Kvory where Uest selllug KtotUon parih ; big profits. TvJono * , T MuvruySt. . N. Y. City. 7t10 nnHoit ItKNT A ftoioon n good retail street. JAppjy the Omaha lloal Ustatu and I.oaa Co. 167 * T7iait KKNT Oriraiu , J3 per nionth , -I ? 1113 Douglaj. S74 IIHVY vaults nnd cess pools cleaned by n. _ Kwlngl'.U Ilox427. _ CiOau J4 * IjliiHUNT ! S r.inro I'lano tu monthly. A -U Hoipp. 1M.T Douglni 273 BAXE Foil SALIChonp. . A lot of 2rt hnnd machin ery ; planer , Jig saw , moulding innchlno , saws and shafting. MaghHn A Co. , Onnwii , In. FOR SALK-Hamhletonlon colt ( broken ) , sulky , Imrnos , top buggy , ftablo and organ , by Knglnccr HobertS , Kort Omaha. C4513 FOR SAM : The furniture mid IUture of St. Paul hotel at Oakland , Neb. : n good bar gain If od ! soon. Address St. Paul Hotel. Oak land , Nob. 57110 Tjon SAMMuios , 1120 N is. 6M-is Foil SALK T'hnclnn buggy a pee < la < ( new : rnonp for rash. Stockdnlo At .Mitchell , 151(1 ( Dodge street S"y-li FOR SALK Cheap A DomoMlo sowing ma chine ; nearly HOT. 150) ) Dnvcnport st. 039 " 17TOR SALU Ktirnltuio 0-room house com- -I- plcto for housekeeping : price $300. IIon o rcnti25i > er month , nno location , 1719 Douglas st. _ 411 FOR HALn-Hor o , harness nmTlniggy. In quire H07 Douglas St. OX ) 10 * F HAM : Furniture nndl ca o o l : rootn - house _ time on pint. Cull 120J North % street , two blocks fiom HcdCar lino. eiil HOUSKS' Uts.rnrmsri.nnds inoiiej1 r loaned. lIcinlH IStli niiil ljoiiifla alrcots. 471 _ "i : 1 plnno , furniture and Kltciio _ _ S77 _ "JT iK SAI.I : Chriip , iron columns nnd win- JL1 dow onpsmillalilo for front cm brick bulld- Inp. For pnrtloularg npply nt this ( ifllco. 61.1 HELP. flfu I'astry cook for the Wllidsor hotel. WANTKU 20 prlrh to i'Ocneinlliousowork ( , trills fordlnhiK room , chumhi'r , kltchon nnd InumVry work. In hotels , reUn\mints nmt bonrdlti ) ? ho > ios ! aoodcookg , blif wanes. Cull nnil ROD. Oinnha Umploymcut Lurcuu , It ! ) N. ICth si. 801 wANTKD A Klrlforsoncral housework at 2fi07CumIiirst. ( NX5 11 * WANTKM I.ndlt-s nnd Vouiiff Mon to Decor ate llolldny Novcltlefffor lull and winter .rndo , nleady cmplo > ment : f,00 per wi-ok earned ; nil materials furn ! hi > d ; norkod mailed freo. Address New Uiurlnnit DecointUu Works , 1'Jl'onrl St. , lloston , Muss. , V. I ) , llox 6037. 814 16 * l7ANTii : > An apprentice for dross-making > ntinnilowiutl. 71I8-10- WANTI2I ) A phi to cook nnd tlo ironurnl housework , also n M omaii to wash tin Monday ol ouch wooU. Apply 172J Uixliro street. W ANT1JD .Twoifooil if Iris , northwest corner 13th nnd Mason streets. 7W 11 * \\7ANl'i3l ; ) rirstclass female cook 1C)7 ) Cnpl- V > talavo. 781 10 WANTKU Two woman cooks at Norrls' lonaurant ; none out ROOtl help neoil apply ; llith street , between Dotltfo anil Douglas. 709.10. ANTKD-Good jfltl , Mrs. llushman , 15U3 Ilouurd. 775. ANTin : 2 ifootl Klrl . Olnlntf room antl kltchon. 117 Ninth llth street. 741-10 * WANTUI ) Housokropor In family of throe. Address John 1C. Ford , StorlliiF. Nob. 750 12 * WANTED Good HM ; must know h w to cook , wash anil iron : small family , wood wages. Inquire C. L. UricKson , opp. P. O. 70110 W ANTED First girl , C03 Park avo. 70312 * Vl'AN'l Kli (5irl lor general housework , No. > 1018 Capitol nvo , north side , bet 18th and 20th. 71)0 ) WANTKU At 15U-J Howard Rta roll.ihlo frlrlfor kitchen work. Must bo sooil , plain cook , washer and Ironor. .Gciman or Irish profotrcd. 544 WANTK1 > A good German housekeeper for a Biimll family with two chlldion. Terms satisfactory. Imiulro 'J14 , Jackson St. 57U-10 * WANTKU A llrst-cliiss chatnl'or maid at the Windsor Hotel 553 WANTJ3U An experienced cook and laun dress. Good wages paid. Mrs. G. J. Hunt , Virginia uvo. . aud Grant st. 5.W WANTKU A girl for ganoral housework. AppIyBlOO Farnam Bt. 4S ! WANTKU Girl for general housework. A. H. Muyno , S. E. corner 216t nnd Wnbstor. 420. WANT.CU Immediatelyo flrst-class cook a 1812 Dodge St B05 AA'TJSiJ a young ladles ana gents to loam telegraphy. Prospects for positions when competentgood. Address W. J. D. room 1 , Crounso block 10th st , Omaha. TJ3 WANTED-WAtE HELP. WANTED Ilorseshoor at Muldoon , 14th nnd Jones. 01 10 * IT ANTKD A ( rood clock repairer. Inquire > nt Edholm Jb Erickson. Opp postofllce. 811 10 W 'ANTED AsrontS. S03N. IBtliBt. 815 WANTED Two good salesmen. 200 N. 16th st 810 WANTKU A flrst-elnss baker , American preferred. W. H. FrooinanClty Itnkory , York , Neb. 704-15 * T\7ANTI21J Laborers for Blank Hills e.xtcn I > slon of U. & 31. It lU.mcn to drive teams , semper holders nnd track layers ; good wages nnJ steady work. B. 8. Albright , It It Labor Agonoy , 1308 Fnrnnra street 7U1 WANTKD Trnok-lnylngboss ; good opening torono who understands the buslnoss , Albright's Labor Agency , 1308 li'urnuin' street 700-11 WANTED A baker , Scandinavian pro fcrred. Corner Luaronnorth and litlist. 778-11 * WANTED A boy and pony , living south of Fnniamst , to carry a route on Dally Evening llpo. Inquire in subscription depart' incut. 770 \T7ANTKn-Ton men of good uppoarnuuo , > > can nnikd $3-$5 n day. Call nt 1412 South 13th at. 7 < K ) U' WANTKD Two good housework motJors nt the Aurora , Nebraska , foundry. H. W. Wilson. 753-14 \irANTED ) A rood reliable druggiatmust i > furnish roferonces. A splendid uhunco for the right mun. Address , C. F. Furbrach , Chud ron , Nob. 005-11 * "ITTANTISO Short-hand students ; oxporl < IT cntod toachnr. TocniR , $20 for compluto oourso. Atldross K 26 , lloo olllco. IHiOsj SITUATION WAHTED. WANTKU Situation of nny kind by ayouns man. speaking Knirliah und ( Ionium , irooil pcnuinii , AudjossK. 30 , lice oilico. 771-10 * ANT15H Situation ns engineer , or to do W general work. Address 1C , ifJ , lloo Olllco. 81S 10 WANTii : > Situation as cutter by young mnn of two ycurs experience. Can make job. Address , Ilox232 , Crustou , Iowa. 813 IS * WANTKD A young Kngllshman having ex perience us n landscape snrdctiOr doslros engagements until SeptIpth. . Address Land scape Gardener , at Win , Fleming & Co's. 772-14 WANTKD Position as clorkby n young Scotchman. Address , 1 > 1J , No , S2iUiond- ) way , Council Ulullg. WANTIIU A position by Ptenogrnpber. Cutt do orJlitury Oloilcnl work. Uoferonco glvon. Address K 22lloo oOloo. COilU * V\T ANT ii > To rent n small nrutiy f urntshct TT room nonr lloo ofUco. Addruss stating terms 1C 31 Hoe oflloo. Ml \VANTKD-To let the contraot of siding 75 Ti squares. Call at Colfnx nnd Mtobiwun uvo 767.10 * WANTKU To rout a houjo not fur fron poBt olllcc or street cars. Address K. 'M Hoe office. WANTED To biro a heavy toum ; Btoady work. Call nt The Odorless Bnnltnry Co. 1020 rurnam Blrout. 10 1U * T\7"AM'iti : Ageutswith Email capital to tnko 1 1 oicluclvo territory and apply our paint. Cnll nt the ofllco ot tbo I. X. L. Slnto Paint Co. room 0 , ovur C'omtncix'lol National bunk or nd dross J. L. lllco , box 570. _ 041 \\f ANTII : > A Good sternly iiorso with sprlm M wtigouaud harneis ; must bo cheap ; to bo paid for In monthly iustullmunts. Address 1,37 llcoofllce. _ 139 Tii : > Customers lor our butter am J. II liooiistro , EW N iflthft , WANTKU A good boueo on monthly pay meets. Address H , ea. lieo olilce. 6&\ To buy a nice reildenro or soot bulUllnir lot in u desirable location. Ad dress U , 60. lloo offloo. _ 655. W'ANTEU - o m . T. Murray. , 413 TJiOIl IlKNT New brick house consisting of U ft room * . KKS Haicutoa U TT411 * FOR Itr.NT 2hou c No. 1107 ami HO" ) Dav enport st Inquire 1018 Fnrnani st up stairs. 7S8 11 * IlKNT House with 22 room * nnrt nil FOR cou\onlencM , southwest corner of lith nnd .loiios streets , four blocks south of 1'nrimm street. Tlie house is so built that It can bo rented ns two hoii cs , or in flats. Apply to Dr. J. It. Poabody.on the premises , between the hours of 4 nnddp nu 4'J U TTiOi : RiNT Now 7-room house , bath , fur- -L1 nncc. range , etc. , n'l ' complete. 515. P-room house near St Mary's nvonuo , f > W , Cottapo near Phil Shcrldnn , f25. .1. 11. irnm : .V : Co , cs 10 Oil RIJNT ror a term of je.its. the 2-story brick building on the n e cor. of 10th und Douglas Inquire at drug store , S line Pjnco. TjToR RUNT NowC-room houses , nonrMroot .13 tars D. C Patterson , Omaha Nafl bunk. 074 171OR ItKNT T o largo hatitlsome apart- Jmcnt housoi with modern Improvements , now In the course of erection , ready to bo occil- plodbyfopt. 1st next , O rt and ( ES Potith lilh Ftrcot. For particulars Inquire of John H. t. Lehmann. M7 'TJUJTritliNT DcslnibTt' 5-room coltntio , south JL1 U. P. depot. .1. Philips lloo , H12 S f'tli COS LKASi : Wo have cloven ncros on I * . P. ITOH 1 . H. track,80 > l tcot fiont ; will lease nil or pnrt for nvo years. Bedford & Souor. 751 FOIl BE T IIOOMS. UKNT Inrffo plcrmint front room , FOR irood clasot ; furiilshnd or iinftir- in lii'd , nnd good bonrd. Aildreis K 4' ' " , nco olllcc. KOJ ! * ' HUNT Thrco unfurnlshcil rooms for Unlit liotisokoopuiR , nt TCO S ICth at. 80311 * FOR HUNT Two nicely furnished rooms : ono n front room with unturclo'et nnil all conveniences , sitltnblo for two porsons. Apply nt 11K4 Fnrimm St. 79'J rouuiiNT-fnfurnlshed loom , COS P. L'2d St. SOU 11 * jiOU Klixr A suit of rooms with first class F i3 board , 1812 Dotltre. . . 0 FOH KKNT rurnlsnod room nt 007It North 17th street- 7l Ji ) * HUNT Two furnished rooms fll North POK llith St. 7W ) U * FOK ItKNT Olllces and do k room cheap. Apply W. S. Sonvoy , real estnto ngont , No. Ill South Fourteenth st. raui : KliNl'-Vory pleasant nnd nicely fur- JL : nishod looms. 115 & " : id st.on L'uriuuu Bt. cur lino. 817 14 F'l1 ' ItKNT Nleo rooms nt 1S2I Fnrnnm st.,1 bluck , west ot court house. 60S FOUU12NT Nicely furn shodsultoof rooms. 2018 Hiirnoy strtot. 7C4-10 * JR RKNT Nicely furnlshoil loom , 220D Dodge. 2 111 * FOU H12NT Nicely furnl hcd rooms near street-car line , 511) ) 1'loiisunt st. 710 U * T7IOK HUNT Front ollli-o , ' 'd lloor , Omaha JJ Nnt'l llnnk. . D. C. Patterson , till' "ITHJHJHKNT Suit of furnished rooms for two JJ irontlotnon , 1011 Culll'on la st. 083 ItKNT rive nicely furnished 1-001119 , bath room and wntcr elosot on promises. Terms moderate. 412 N 14th si. but. Chlcnco and Cuss K1.V1S * POH KENT Furnished looms at 1707 Cuss st. KM "TTIOK HUNT Two front parlors , newly fur- -U nlshctl. 2511 St. Maiy's avenue. ( ill T7OH KENT Furnished front room. A. Hospc. Jj 1180 FOK HUNT Two very nicely furnished rooms with or without board , hoiibo Is Bur- lounded by a nice linrit nnd has bath room and pas. S. W. cornorof 2 < Uh and Webster. 515 _ P I OK KKNT Nicely furnished rooms with lirat-ehiss hoard , 521 Plonsnnt-at , a--Ul * PF F Oil KENTFurntahod room , 1810 Dotlgo. ' POR KKNT A furiushod pnrlor room with boanl , sultublo for two gentlemen ; also llrst-class tublo board ; loforouco reuulrcd ; 1811 Dodge. W. FOR llKNj. * A nicely furnished south room 1007 Douglas st. Itofereneos ronulrotl. 475 OR HUNT Desirable furnished rooms at F 1811 Farnam street. 470 FFOR FOR JtKNT Two store rooms on llth St. $2ooach. J.Johnbon , 1W4 Karnam. 3'J s&iB-noiraB3 PARK Cottage Park. Cotlngo Park Cottage Piirlc Cottiigo Park CottugoPnrk Cottagol'ar Cottage Park Cottage Park Cottage Park Cottage Park CottKgc Park Cottage Park Couture Psirb Cottiigo Purk Cottage Parti Cottugo PurK Cottage Park Cottage Park Cottage Purk CottUKOpmk Cottage Park Cotiajo Purk Cottage Park. Cottage Paris la ono of the latest auditions to the city of Omaha. It fronts on South Twentieth f trout at n distance of only two and a quarter miles from the postodlco and about ono hun dred rods from the Thirteenth btroot Horse railway. This part of the city is improving very fust and lots in this addition are corla'ti ' to liuvo u largo advance In value within a short time. The price for lots IsSCSOund $000 ; f50cash ind the balance in monthly payments. Inquire of Itisdon & Comstock , bocond story Merchants' National bunk building , polo ngonts. who will show the lotr ) to anyone who may Trlsh to see them. This flrm has also for Bale improved nnd tmlm proved rosldeneo and business property In all parts of the city. 710 rnWO ACHK3 , fronting thrco open streets , X near the shut towur , on main road to South Omaha und close to Union Pncttlo railroad. Is for sain at u bargain and on easy terms. This property is the handsomest and most valuable of uny adjoining the city of Omaha. It lies beautifully lor nuo residences , or will cut up ad viintiigoously for speculative purposes. Pull particulars from W. S. Soavoy , real estulo agent , 111 South Fourteenth EU 1000 FOR SALK Flno lot m Plaluvlow , fronting east , on 20th su Thee Olson , 218 S. 15th st. 63911 B 1OH KXOH.VNOK ffl.OOOstookdrygoods for Ojiaun property. Archer & Vitch18 s 15th St. 405 FOK SALIC Fine lot in Plainviow , frontiiiff east , on 20th st. Thee OUoul 18 S. 15th st. ( SB 11 "IT'OllSALK ' llusinoss lot on Dodge st. just two J.1 blocks cast of postolllco , a great bargain ut 15,000. Kast front lot , Yates & Heed's add. . J730. Hast front lot Virginia avo. . $ ' < ) . ICiitt front lot , HUIIBCOIU Pluco In block 10. JI.K5 , worth $ lyOO. Aero lot West Omnhn add , , half block from Lcnvonwflrth , f2liOO. Tbo best lot In Ambler place , $550. Litrge lioufo and two lots. Isiiuo & Soldon's add. , bargain ut ' 1,500. BO aero rarra near Council Binds , rents foi 5240 cash poryoar. $2,003 , for n fowdaysonly. F. I ) . Tnanoi & Co. , Itcal Estate tig CHIP , 1CI5 Howard BU BOO Foil HALE-Hy Park & Fowler , a bargain tlnu you should not mlts : 7-rooiu hotiau , well , olftorn , iron fonoo , fill lot , COilSS. 3 blocks from street cur on Hamilton at. only ( VXX ) . , House , full lot , Walnut Hill , 5 rooms , (1,55) . Ensy terms. 1 lento. 5 rooms , lot 33x123 , Saundcrs Bt. . S3,700. House , Ui story , full lot , Omaha View , $1,400 $250 cash , balance (15 per month. Hpcclul bargain In lots : 8 lots In Park Place , only JS.OOOIf sold t gethor ; $1 00gash , balance I.a and 3 years. Uno lot iu Walnut illll , 0t } . Lota nUJolnlns this sell for fl.000 to 51.200. DDO lot In Lincoln Place , on Davenport Bt south iron ! , easy terms , SIM. b0818 FOK SALK-.A moulum sUe Bofo iioaily now with Insldo door , 112 drawer cabinet and latter tlio with doors. 1 letter pros ? . I platform scale. 1 platform counter soalo. Pnrrotte i Swrenj 1113 Hartley t. K)7 ) HACHSSR , Deal Kstuto , SIT 8.13th ut. baa for saleul a bargain ; Improved nnd unimproved farms In Nebraska Four 1-4 section ) in Douglas Co. , { 40 per iicro 1M acres of eplondld farm laml , ail Improve- inenls. in Vork Co. , JJj per uoio ; also wops ( rraded Etoek and furniture tot Eitle. Only for a short time at this price. 1-4 Boctlon in Kurnaa Co. cheap nt (1,830. t > o acres , Hurt Co. , too per ( lore. 3JOund 600 acres In Nauco county , 81S 6D per ncro. 3 )30 ) aorea In Antelope Co. , $15 to $80 pop ncre , 1C ! ) acres In Mudlsou Co. , (10 or eicliauge for city property , A one ( arm of 00 ocrcs in Decatur Co. Tn , f S3 per ncro , ov will trnJe for general incrchan dlsa AUo farms In Kansas. I ) , Haobste , SIT & MtU etroct. 030 BATtOAIN Fwll lot on Wobstcrit between 17th fiti'd lath au. , t houses , ono of 5 rooms sad ono of 0 room3 ; rood barn and ghode trees aud othnr Iiuprorotnouts ; price $7,000 ; easy terms. I'ottor & Cobb , 1518 Fnrnam , si.dmahn neu , mi pKW SALK LnrftriUirnorlot.UlM nnd boreA , 8 15 ' ' 67l'.I2 . , ft-M'l _ - - - - - - nif.tSI > ALrh : 8 ijfvanTngoslviridircnirt bo beaten by nny tqcntfou. When foil see the lota you will admitjl.'Anus. 1507 rarnnni. 8JJ 1.11L LSD A LK-j ron en n ti nil no such lots m J 1. thcso at $101 Ailuco. | Ames' Heal Kstato Agency , 1507 Fnrnhmnt. MB Oi Trrt'to Improve i nnl untm- proved latid | u K'lrnas nnd otiof western counties. Address Wm. Blmoral , Arapahoe , FurnnsCQ. Neb.'AJ 875 If OR SALK-6-room house on l.nko nnd 17th 1 et. nonr sfrcrt ! ear $1,99) ) . Cnsh fyoo. Theo.Olson UlSaietH st. 60IM3. Ifbil BALn-T rcp f the host lots 111 Walnut .1 ? Hlll.'riipo. _ _ tfKcn' , gl88oi > thl' > lh. OTl.VJ I SAM2 IjOffpt 107 head of us flno steers 1 as ate In thoJiliito' yenrllnff past , rently to feed. \V. A. lUmmri'h ' , liocti. Nob. 714.11 * In Omaha Itcal Kstnto Will always be foiin 1 by calling on .1. H. HviiniA Co.,15lll Dodge St. Tor n few da.s . wo oiler choice lots on nnd near 20th M. on liberal tornn. Ono corner lot , cast front. Huwthorne.j ; 1,000 llcnutllul east front , 100x171 , Hatiscom Place for . 4,500 Onolotln lllmolmuijli Plnco lVM OnoM ) loot lot , ParknM'iiuo 3,000 Two east front" , Virginia nvo 1,000 Kino corner , llodfoitl Plnco < U3 Two south troiits , llurtlott's addition , ciich 2 , 50 Aria In Hrookllno J 000 l-'lvoanotfront , Uilrr Oak P.VI I/otBlnlloyd's ntMltlon 300 to TOO Lot in Clark's addition oust f lont. . 4,000 liiist front 1m In Crottrm 1.IOJ Act n lot in Falrvlcw 415 Two lots in DwlRht A Lyman's 000 Ono lot In Isaacs Scldun's 1,500 Lots In .loromo Park 1U)0 ) I.otslnMnrfh Plncw 2,100 to B , ( )0 Lots In Plnlnvlow fi-W to TflO Ixits In Patrick's add. , very choice Ji.lNM to 3,000 Two lots In Wc'tKml , cauh l/OJ Aero lot In Wtut Omaha B.OOJ Ono lot in Yaten ft Hood's corner. . 700 Finest aero In West Omaha , 8,000 Lots on Phil Sheridan st DSO to 1,100 We have vacant nnd Improved property In nil the loalrnblonildlllons to the city for ale nt all prices , on uasloU terms. J. It. Evans & Co. 731-10 OW you can ranko monoyr lly buying on easy payments n IllllsJMo lot for ? I.V ) , that > flll bo easily paid for and tloublo In vnluo. Ames' Itoal fastato Agcncy. 1507 Kamam. 809 TTlOll i > ALK flood 7-room IIOUSP with collar , J cistern , city water and barn , V4 lot , ? 3,9iM ; enquire otijtioinlscs , 2A17 Davenport. G78 . H1LLSDALK- . that's the name , and tno lots soil for S150 to $175 on easy toniH. Have you sron this ground ? If not , do at once , as it costs nothing to ride out to tilts beautiful location. Amos' Uoal Estate agency , 1507 Fur- num. ? ' _ . OH SALK A tree claim within thrt-o miles F of the thriving town ol Long Pine , Noli. In- fUirooriidtlro9 | Mrs Aunto Fay , 1509 Daven port t-tioct Omahiu 0111 OHSALt ! Wo have sixteen lots in Haw thorne addition that wo will soil : host nnd chcnpost Insldo property In Omaha , ucdford & Spile r _ _ _ _ _ " 55 SALK 13 choice lots in Snundcrs & Foil HlmobHiigh's mld. , $ > 00 toSM each ; terms. A. 11. llrlggs , Srtxo's hat bloro. 708 BSACHSSII , real estate , 317s 13th street . odors at n tnrgain : 3 lots In Patrick's 2d add , east front , on Snundcrs street ; turins , one-half cash , bill. 1,8. and : l vears f 0,030 Also 3 lots , south front , on Hurdotto street , &t,750 , or $1,30J each single lot ; * , , 317 B. 13th street VNUnntl throo-lourtusuores in itiookllnc nil- _ dltlon , price fSJ:1 ) : Potter & Cobb , 1516 Fnr nam st .Onmhn. Neb. 821 * . ' . ' " ' " " * _ " " . TI -L T'i ? ! \t J ; FOR nAlK CRtflxchanso tor R-onornl nicr chandlso , SOJncios ( Inally Improvotl land In Southern Iowa , iifljolrilnff county seat and rnll- roatl , In DecnturZloOlinty. Has n flno 6-room boiiso , lareo burn. 60-foot shod , ( food well , spring- nntl runnlnir water ; 100 apple trees , ohorrio , KrapcH. etc. llornhnrd Sachdso , 31" S. 13th Bt. . Omaha Nob. nil ! 7 AltGEoltlosiliakiSjmburban homos n nocoa- JLj slty nntl this oms3 of lots urows with the rost. This is to ho oofisUiorod. See Hillsdnlo ut S150 and buy ono when you can at this fljf uro. Ames' Itonl Kstnto Agency , 1597 Fiirnnm st. 809 F Ioit SALK a 'Uofilrablo lots In Hnnscom Place ; terms easy. G. P. atobblns , boxKO. C.Osa * STEWAUT & < CO.J-Hoom 3 , lion Uunk Spochil barpplnslu real estate. 74B-9 WUKKlNGJIKNand ethers , bo , your own landloiii. Secure a lot Immediately , as all property I * rapidly Inereaslnir In valuo. A slst- anco given to build if-roquirod. W. 8. Bonvoy , real oatuto agent. No. Ill South FouitocntU st. 1000 /1ENTRAL lNVESTMKNTCO.Hoom7 Barker \J block , cor. 15th mid Fiirnatu st. For sulo : 20 lots Muyno's 2d add $650 to $030 IU Lindsay's mid SOOtolKM 4 " Cliuendon BSOoaoh U " Kllby place , on Pleasant 6t. , choip at. ' 1,030 10 " Slilnn's Aland 3d add OOOtoUUO 2 " Plainviow 700 1 " near 13th st. cur line bavn 10DO 3 " Lincolnplnoo 450to .100 3 Potter's add SoOto ! 0 G " Hanscom place U50 to "OW 3 " Dcnlso's add 1030 to 1300 1 " Hodford plnco , flno buslnefs lot. near foundry , only 800 23 " liosorvolr utld 700to UOO CO bouutltulrpsldunuo lots 4 blocks west oC street car line , adjoining Shlnn's 3d add. , from $ IW ) to $ la > 'J , only 10 cash and 910 per month , 20 houses and lots to bo sold on monthly pay ments , $100 cash mid balance $20 per month. Wo have nlco rosldeneo property for sale In all parts of city. Please list your property with us nnd call and FCO us , whether you wish to buy , sell or axchnngo. Wo can fflvo you bet ter rutca on money thun any ono in the city. Wo also make u specialty of selling and renting farmlands ; havoa flno Hit of ohoico lunds In Nixnco county , Nob. , near It. 1L , which wo can sell or lease lor a toriu of years. T71OR SALK vine lor In Plainviow , fiontlng JL1 east , on 'Jth at. Theo Olson , 218 S. 15th et. 03911 LP. HAMMOND * Iteftl Kstato Broker , 1522 Douglas at. , Itoom 3 I offer tha followlnir special bargains : Two choice lou nil Hnnscom Place , bargain. 4 houses on Ohio st. , 11,000 oaohJJ cnsb , biilauco Ji'ipur month. 3 choice lots in Lincoln Place , will bo sold nt a bargain. Splendid 0-rooiii house Ohio St. , barn ; 31x119 foot lot : bargain , 3.MOJ. Splendid lot in Slium's udd. Lot on r'urimm stSl."OJ ; List you pioporty willi mo. Lots 1 , 2 audil , block 111 , S. 12. llogors' addition to Okahomii. 50x150 ouch. Call for torms. Want Omaha real ostnto for fi.OUO stock of hardware in good lown location , only " stores , 1,000 inlmbltiiiiU. _ U l P. ( 'omoand sno It yourself , it soils on Its merits : Amos' Heal Kstato A goiioy , 1507 Furnam. _ BOa Tj1R 8ALK Itosldonco property nnil vacant J-1 lots In every addition in Omaha. Terms to Biiltpiirclmsor. Also desirable businou prop erty. Gibson , Larson & Co. , Uoom 3 , Wltlmoil Illock. _ 153 1LLSDALK. H BW TTlUUll ACHKS choice , lorcl land , iitljolnlng n. -i ? & j | . nnd U. V. r.\llroad trucks , half mlle from city limits This property is conveniently located nnd uoll utltiptL'd tor munufacturliig purjioscs , andisforsiilo on easy terms. W. S , Heavoy , real estate ngcnt , 111 South Fourteenth st. 1000 RAIii ; IIAKOAIH1440 acios coed nruolo land In Knox and Cedar countles.Nohruskii ; 5S per acre cash.i < A. It. Graham & Co. , Wisuor , Nobr. ft . Cifl.S-ll _ | t H1LLSDALK , blgtust ground , .l location of ally fnta in or around Omuha , i'br tlio to fUiti itfiiit. Como and see this ground. Amos' lleaRUitato Agency 1KJ7 I'ar- nam. 803 T7AOH SAl.u-Tfc'o : , olitjnnt east front corner J-1 lots In Uur/'Otrti ! nalunil ehado trees. Hntchor , Oadd &Ca..K'ia Douglas struut , MillarJ hotel block Omaha. V b. _ BJ4 HAVY gains in intailatlon pushes Unmhato the front. See iluTsdale lota that you can now buy for J151 1'iok ono out , pi y for It in iiistullmonts , nndaall it in a years tlmo for twice Its cost. Antes' Real 'Kstato Aeonoy , 1507 Fur- namst. \ .r > SOU 171011 SALK-Ixil lii'JIaiiacoin riucu. I/ot3 In X1 Omaha Ytotvtliid. Marlon I'laco. House" ami lotsonoinv piiyinunts. Lots In Shrlvcr 1'laco , MX ) , only f 15 doWnhUanco f > iior month , llo- lore you buy orJilfiCiull on 11. W. Huntress , Ii031ainhnmst. ! 7tti U * _ rKOlAL UAIltThlNS-Kor sale by 51. L. HIgglnj & Co. , 1500 Douglas. Uno east front lot In Hanscom Place. A oar- gain ut (1,100. Six east front Iota In Kllby at $800. Three south frjnt lots In Manhattan. Cbrnp. South front in Dunlso udd. , full size and only 100 ft from Hatinuciij St. . for ? ltU : ) . Two dandy lots ut u bargain on Sriuth 23th. A full line of lots in nil thodrslr.ibla additions. 7-room house ( corner ) on buuuders St. , for | 3/i03 , on easy terms , east front. uroomcottoconulr strout cur line , only 200 cash , bnlanco f25 per month. 4-rootn house , full lot 50x140 , fence J nil com plete , f 1.350 ; ! 5'jcush , balance $12. W u mouth. uroatcst I arguln la the city , Nlc-o cottavo on Saunders Bt , cheap and ou easy tnrnm. fur u few days only. M. L. llixglna 737 tu BALI : in i.iiioolu , 253 feoton O stroot. -U Very desirable business property. ' Address at oncoSUorvviutJUorwlu& Co. . Lincoln. Neb. ' H JLLSDALU lloAUtiful location. BSArllBSK Ucnl R tato,317 . l&th St. , hns for snlo Ihff roved property ! 320 Tlno brick resltlonco with all tnodprn Improvements , on Pnitnders St. , lot . 120x100 , jiW : > to fVOtKi cash down $ P.OM 200 Nine-room OllSo ftnd lot , 20th H. , near St. Mnrys nve , tBOO cn h bnlanou monthly 5,750 ml Three-ronm cottage nnd lot S. 17th > t. , tlOUO cash l.f-00 - 100 Ht-room houfo and lot 6(14xl ( < X ) on Hurt it , $2,000 ca h , bahinco to suit 4,500 801 22 ft OU Cumin ? with store and dn oil ing 31081ft on Cum Ing with t Mores nnd dwelling , barn , cto. , 10,300 SOO Flno * room houfo , barn , etc. , lot UKltPH ) 4,503 309.Vroom ' cottngo , lot 5fltlOO , both on Webster , one-third cash , balance in Riilt , 2,000 327 Ccottngea on South llth St. , to bo together or In lofof 2or 3ndjo" " > n 12.000 253 Kino G-room house , lot I'OxllO , on Iv'lh ' M. , rash 91,11V S.300 20i Lot 110x140 with house , well , etc , on IPthit. , . . . ' . . . . 2,700 3JO 5Mttaife9 of n rooms , hits 30VJXI20 , olstorn , well , etc. , on lUlh 9L , fJOU cn h , ? 2.\0i ) per month , each 2,100 Ufl sl toot onCmiilnp , bus Inr'i lots , with Sstoros , duelling , barn : nil rented . $ IOwO Full lots nnd ) lota with largo or small houses R. V.Smith's add , Plain View. txmc'8 S < \ add , Kountzo'3 ntld. l'nttor on subtllv. Inprovement Assn ndd. Mlllurd & Caldwcll's add , Walnut Illll. I'urk Plnco , lllckorv Plueo , Omtthn View , IlFdlonl'c add. hlun's ndd , Amos Place , hlnn'sai add , Denises' mid. I'Yom 51,000 to JUiOO : small paytnonts ; onsy torms. C22 H'(3\V ( Is it your nolKliborliasnmdo mouoy ? lly having courage to buy ehoap lot * . You can do thusutno In HllUdalo , whore lots now selling for $150 each will bring double thnt In n roarfrom now. Amos' Itonl Kstato Agency , ' r' r'T WO ACUR8 on main road to South Omaha , T nnd sixty choice lots In Wlleos's addition , Including nvo with three-room cottages' , for salu cheap by W. S. Senvoy. ngunt. 1000 rblfsKS LotH.KarmsLanus money ( onriod. L llomis. 15th nnd Douglas stroota , 471 KKMKMDKR now is the tlmo to buy cheap lots. They grow In vuluo fnstor than nny others. See Hillstlale. Lots $150 each. Amos' Hcnl Kstnto Agoncy. 1507 Fnrnam. MS IILI-SDALF. sells at (150 per lot. 609 KANMINWOUTH 8T It. It , trnokngo , one or moro lots or an aero , nt a great bargain. Hue .T. W. Loffan , at Leavmiworth lluslncss I'ltice , or Q.V. . Ilakor , lloom 1 Iron Uank building- . 8H3 ( jioil SAiiK Or Kjcolmiuro A tlnu Improved . farm in woAtctn lown , contains IfO noros , or will oxcluintro for Uinahii property. of HjjtrowiiVlndsor hotel HILLsbALU Lotsoiily$15utol75. nnd will sell for double this llguro In 12 mouths' time. Como nnd see them , Amos' Hcnl Kstnto ARonoy , 1507 Fnrnnin st. BOfl TutGAlNS 3 choice lots Pntriok'aSd addition , very ohenit nt $3,000 Sovoinl beautiful lots Wllcox 1st addition on easy terms and Very ien onnblo. 3 choice lots In Kllby Vlnco lor S.OM lotsonS. llth street , Uowor Millcast fionts74xH4uaeh 4,000 4 lots on nth nonr Cnstclhir 1,500 QnodOioom house and lot on Georgia ave , , 1 block from cars 5,000 Nuw bouso 0 rooms , In Idlewild near oars In top order and very coy 4,000 2 Kood fl & 7 room houses with throe largo lots 2"ith street n3arCumlm ? 9,000 Splendid business lot on Douglas street nonr 14th 10,000 AboX'o nrti a tow of our many burinilti * . Itomombcr the plnccHatchurQadd i Co. , Millard - lard hotel block. 759.11 tjKLKCTKl ) IANIS mi'g O Southern Mlnilosotrt. Northern lown Central and Northern Kansas for sale nt low prices and on easy tormsot pay mnnt. Kullrond fnro refunded to purchnsors. Weekly excursions. Host lands for the money , fc'or iuithcr Intornmtlon uddross , O. It. Nolsou , 000 8. lOtli st. Omnhn , Nob. C FOHHALK Fine lot In 1'lalnvlow , trontlnt ; east , on 20th St. ThOO Olson , 218 S. 15th st , \\TANTJiU In\ostors to call at our olllco , V1506Knrnnm street , 2d floor , to invcstlKato thp'o choice pciccfl of property , which wo onn Soil on easy tontisto the right unity. A flrst-cluas rosldeneo ; house 0 looms , now , nnd fitted with all modern im provements including furnace , etc. Possession ( riven immediately. In buo location S n.riOO A good lot in Hanscom 1'lnoo 1.2.V ) A corner in Lowe's addition 750 1'nst front on Saunders 1'arkur' ad dition. Cottaxonndlot 2,700 Corner In Kllby 1'luco , nno view , on cnblo line > - E.4 ! of n o li see 83 T 131110 east.rouslas Co. , 80 acres. . . . , 1,000 50x120 Cnpltol nvonuo nonr Kith st. Can ' bo bought with small cash payment und long time to party who will build a good house , only 2,500 40 acres with sootj improvements on West Dodge st , per nero " 50 Hoube and lot on Doilgn st 3,000 Lots In "West Ohide , " the choicest addition Military road. See ill Corner Dodge and I'leasnnt St. , 100x155. good buildings. ' $3,50j Have you anytlilns to cxuhnnzo , Or to sell , Or do you want to buy ? See our lists. It Is no trouble to show our property. Our ollleo Is open in o nlnirs iroin7toP. Call and see us. J.L. Plcrau'n & Co. , 1500 Fariinm 2d lloor. 718.0 T OT3 solhiiK- today for ? HOO to SlOOJsold a year JJ ngo for $100 to > 0. Think lit this nnd got a lot now In Hillsdnlo forS150 to $175 nnd on easy terms. Amos' HonlEstato Agency , 1507 Farnara Nioo 6-room house and 2 corner } lotsiu Wnlnut Hill ; 14 oasta bal. to suit. Cal Martin 1108 14th. st. _ Ua your properly lor sale or rent with LIST & Co. , Itoom 3 , Iron bank. 7400 H OUbKH Lots , t'nrms.i.nnds money lonno _ Homls. 15th ana Douglas gtrootH. _ 471 _ Tj OIl SALI5-Bovontoen lots between Dodpo J1 nnd Davenport in Kllby Pluco this week for $13,000. , N. A. Kuhn , 15th andI _ ) URhis. OU7.1I1 FOKSAl.K HyM. L. ingins , 1500 Douglas street , a special bnrgaiti rA now 2-story dwolllnir , 7 rooms , with gas , bath room , wntor closet , sewerage , lot U5xl28 , bearing apple and plum trees , also line Bhiido trees , nil lor $3,760 , $750 cn hbnlanco $25 per month , will rent for ttO per month. 7117-1 ° ' CIOU SALi : House und lot Walnut Hill. lot JJ 50x100 , small oish payment , bal. monthly , only $1,500. Park & Fowler , 1523 Douglas. House mid lot en 20th st. $3,000 , Parli&Fow- lor , 15--J Dougliv. -lots In llnnsoom Place east front for solo 54,200. House , full lot in Omnhn View full lot $250 cash , bal. $16 per month only $1,400 , A bargain. Park & Fowler , 1,623 Douglas. _ C80-10 AOOOD lot In Okahonm , near the Vlnton st car line , price $1,000. Potter x Cobb , 1515 Imrnnmst. . Omulm. Nob. &X TTILL8DALK Host opportunity for getting O. you a cheap homo. 803 A VK you soon Hills Inlo ? If not , do so at H once und pick out a lot for $14) that will not only umko you money hut help you gave Bonn Ames' llonl Kstato Agency , 15U7 Faruam. SOU WHO IS UMACa MINTED WITH THE OEOORAPMY OF THIS couNTtr win cse or EXAMINING THU MAP THAT THE GHIGAGO.nOGK ISLAND a PACIFIC RAILWAV oiitlon antidote relation to la ul o the diYorito and howt route to aud from point Siu.i. Nnrtnean nntt Houlboat , and curro pouUini imlati Weit , Mortli e > ( unU SoutliwtH. The Great Rock Island Route Giiirante 4 IU imtrona thMt keti * o * p rron&l tecti. rllr alfor.tM liy nollil , tliaronzlilT l > alli to < l road- \ > evmuoth \ track * -oiitlDiioutf t l rll , vubfctaD- tlalljr Imllt rulrrrta und Li lOire , rollfutf itpck j neat l rfrctliili lui liunian * kj | | ran make K. the furelf kpl > llauo or lytUlit biiir < jrn , | > latrnnin ud Ir-bmkvi rvliilthat eiactlny dlwfpiliiai wlilch porenn h pia Iloal oparatlonnr oil 111 tratun Other > | YUltlAi of .lil luiiui ore Trau lir at all comicclliijf uvluti In UnluTi IK'txitn. iirvl tint iiu > iiria imU cumfoiti aaii tuiurle cIU I' wi.nyor t.ulinip"it. | | Tin Fwt Iipro a Tinlna l tueen Cbl-tco anil raorU. Council IlliilTi. KaiiMi city , laarcnwouli iUJ AtohUen lire composed of ui-ll tcnlllaUxt , itnnlr ui > iiulwiireii Ooarhr . Jlajriillli-cnt J-ullman I'.Ui'o W lr of lh jalut atilfn , au < l ruin | > luuu Dinlnic CJM. la wiilcJi eUUoraUljr i-uukc.l roroU in lrl > urvljr eau-n. IictwiKnChleauiand Keni > iilyaiidAtuiiliun ; are RM > un Ui * CcltAirated lleclinliiieClialr Care. The Famous Albert Lea Route If Ilio direct ami frrorlta line betMcen Chlcazound .ilintitiaiiolliaMdHt. Paul , where connection * are road in Unlou Uepoti for all polnt < la tliu l rrltortM and llrltlih 1'rariufui. Over thli routu Fait Kzpruj Tralui are run Iu tu wMutlnif plaro. uutintr to- corU.plcttiriuiiu liuatlnir and Uihloff eroanUior luwa and Mlnueiala. It li ulwi the raoil jleslrablo route to Iha rtcJi wheat e ia and paitprd laa 1 nr Inti'hor Dakoti. , Still aiiotliiT IIJUKGT LINK , rta 8encK and Kan- Icakcv. ha liu&a cpviinl Utw u ciurlcnatn ludlan- ap.iiu aud LarnTKtte. ami council Illiifrr , KaniaiClty , illnnoAwlU aud Bt. J'onl ami luti-rtn > dU.e polnU. roc detalU-d Infunnatlon t ja i > j and VolJer , obtainable , at well LU tlrkou. at rJI iirincliwITklef Offlt Iu lli UolteJ BUletf ouii Cooodaii r br ad- dn-Jihig R. R. CABLE , C. ST. JOHN , 1'Rs't C Ucn'l M'c-r. Pen' ) Tfct A 1'ali. 1 Union National Bank , 206 Masonic Bi % NAV.Cor. Cap.AY , & 16th PrtitUtn Oixpitnl , - - $1OO,000 Authorized Cnpitnl , - - COO.OOO Account * solicited. Inttrrftt paldon tlmptle- po lt < : collections innlo In nil pints of thowt > t , mil having provided the largest nnd best vault n the city , wo will rouolvo vulunblo article * on ftorngc. 1'rompt intention will tit ) given to nil business entrusted to us. Jso. W. liiuiurKii , Cashier , \Vst. \ \ ' . M vtisii. President , TpleiiluinoNo. SJ2. Omaha , Council Bluffs And Chicago. The only rend to tnko for Dos Molncs. Mnr- shnlltuwn , Codnr Itnpld9. Clinton , Dlxlo , I'Uloa- jro , Jllhrnukpo nnrt all nolnta cnst. To the people - plo of Nehrnskn , Colorado , Wyomlnir , Utnh , Idaho , Nevada , Oropon , WnshlnRton iind Cull- f ornln It offers superior ml vantages not possible by any other lino. Among ix row ot the numerous points of Bupo- rlorltyenJoytHl by the patrons ot this routine- twoon Omahix and Chlnuro , nro Its two trains n day ot DAY COACIIKS which uro the nnont tliat human nrt nnd lutronulty cnn cicnto , Us 1'ALACU 8Mlil ! > INU CAUS , which nro modnls of comfort nnd oloirnneo. Its 1'AHLOK DltAW- ING ItOOM CAltS , un urpn8sed nv nny , and Its widely colobrntod PALATIAI. 111NINU OAltS , tbo oiiunl of whlcb ciinnot bo louiul clsoivhoro. AtUouncllIlluUs the trains of tlio trnlon 1'nci * tlo llv. connect In I'nlon Depot with these of the Ohleiiffo S : Northwestern lly. In Chicago the trnlns of this line mnkocloso connection with these of all eastern lines. 1'or Dotrolt , Columbus , Indlnnnpolls , Cincin nati , Nlncaru Vails. Uutrulo , I'iltstiiuR , Toronto , MoQtionl , lloston , Now York , Phlludulpliln , llul- tlraoro. Washington und nil points In the east , ask the ticket nstont for tickets via the " ' " "JJOltTHWKSTlMlN' , If you wish the bostnccommodHtlons. All tloko adonis soil tickets via this line. M. HOQiinr , it. s. HAin. Oonoral Mnnuirnr. flnn. I'asQ Atront ( THE CHICAGO SHORT LINE OF THE- Chicap.MilwautefiSt.PaulR'y . . ' THE BEST I5.OUTE . from OMAHA and COUNCIL BLUffS ot TWO TRAINS DAILY 11KTWEKN OMAHA COUNCIL DLUFF3 Chicago , AND Milwaukee , St. Paul , Minneapolis , Cedar Ilapids , Clinton , Lubuqiie , Uavonport , llock IslanQ.Frcoiiort , llockford , Elpin , Madison , .Tanosvillo , licloit , "VVinona , La Crosse , And all other Important points Kast , Northeast and Southeast. For through tickets call on the Tlokot Agon at 1401 Turnam street ( In Paxton Hotel ) , or a Union Pacific Depot. Pullman Sloopum nnd the flnost Dining : Cars in the world are run on the main lines of the CHICAGO , MUAVAUKXI : & ST. PAUL IUJI-WAV , nnd every attention Is paid to passengers by couiteons employes of the company. It. , General Managor. J. F. Toctcuu , AbSlsluut Gouoral Manngor. A. V. H. CAitl-KNTKit , General Passoiigci'and Ticket Agent. GEO. B. Hr.Al'FOiiD , Assistant General Possen- or nnd Ticket Agent J , T. CbAKK , General Superintendent. reipleton & Whitney , Dealers in HARD AND SO FT COAL AND WOOD , B2oeli Springs , JHInoIs , Missouri and lown Soft C'oal. Onico 318 South Fifioonth at.- Yards Eighteenth nd Ir.nnl sts. Kailway Time Table OMAHA. The following la the time of arrival and de parture of trains by Central Stnndnrd Time ut tbo local depots. Trnlns of the C. , St. P. , M. & O. nrrlvo and depart from their depot , corner of 14th nnd Webster streets ; trains on the li. AsM. C. n. &Q. and K. O. . 6U J. & C. II. tronl the 11 & M. depot all others from tbo Union Puoliio THAINS. Ilridgo trains will leave U. 1 * . depot at 0:35 : IJ7iV-8CO-8:40-H:50-IllOOa-ll:00 : : : : n. in , : 111:00 : 1 :20-1 : :50-2 : :00-8 : :00 : D 4 :00-5:00-5 : :30-P :10- : 7:00-11:10 : : p.m. Leave Transfer for Oinnha nt 7:12 08:15 : 9:00 11:42 : 1110:15 : 10 : 7-)1'JI ) : n. m. ; 1:37 2 : U 3:37 3:30-3:37 : : 1:31 5:50 0:13 7:20 7:50-8:50- : 11:52 : n , m. CONNKCTINO LINKS. Arrival and dopiirturo of trains from the Trunalur Doiot. | at Council Ululls : AnntVE. nocic IRI NDA I-ACIHO , 117:15 A.M. I UU:15A. : M. IIU:15A.M. It 6:30 : t > . . CO4Ui ; > . M. | H7OJi : > . M. CIIICAUO & NOItTinVr.STKUN. 00:15 : A. M. I D'JilSA , M. U u:40i : > . it. I H7DO : i1. M. CHICAGO , linilUNOTON S. QtllNOV. A 0:35 : A. n , I A'JliA. : ! M. 11 6:4 : ! ) 1 > . II. ltU:20f. : M , I A 7:00 f. M. CniCAOO , MII.WAUKEX & 87. PAUL. A 0:15 : A.M. I A 9:15 : A. U HTOUIC TAllD THAINrt will leave U. P. dopot. Omuha , Kt ' 0:10 : 7 15 10:00ii. : m : 2rtO-aai : -405-r.:2J ; SOT : p. m. Pacific lixprogs , 6:20 : p. m. ; Dourer Ex. , 10:55 : a.m. ; Ixioaf Rx.,5T : ( p. m , Leave block yard ; for Omaha at ' 7a' : --y.TO- . II135 n. m. : 2:30-3ai-iXl- : : - 8W : p. m. Atlantic Rx. , Io8. 0. Ti3it. : iu. ; Culo ? o I'.x. , lo.S.0.5:07 : p.m. : Local Hx.lo. . 0.10i : a.-n. ; Mo. Pao. Hx. , le. S. O. fi',47 p. uu ; C4 M. 1' . Kx. 6Wu.m. : i : leapt Sued ay. SUPPLIES -i o n- Printing Offices < , ft THE SIOUX CITY NEWSPAPER ONION n rail the Mlenll.m of printer * iinct I rr of N'ulirnil > H , Oskotn. Minnesota uiut Western .unn . tolliclrvcrr comiileteiuoekof ' ri.n paper * , I.IIKMI I'npcn. Cotrr lnp * r , Cot- ( ireit Plnt-l'nppni , Manilla ViUic-r * . ItooX , I't.nt unrt lnl r I'm" ' ' ' * . I'nnlnniul r M lliwird , Itiilod I * | IMV , llntclopo ! " . WoililltiR Htnlloiturj Hull rroirrnniine * . VIMllnit t'.ir > l , niul niill > hut l o In the u'nulrcillii a tlrst-clusi Printing uniro. ROtxtl " 111 bo fitrnlihncl promptly to all who Hpply fur thoai with sperlnl prices for n c t nindouiuif IK many ilKTcrnnl khul f good * a mar . too required , Now Ut1i tlmo tuinnko out jour ordfM ' forR0ml for full wink , ( let nmi > losof our goods nd PoiiiiMtc the quality nml prlroi With thft f of other house * . > Yo rarrirno InMror ttock. Twi-ntr' HTO jr ar * ' o\'CMWco ! oiivltirosu < thai the lllJbT l CUKAl'KXT uuil Kites the sfCiitost MlUUcllOu to | iurchaior5. ' Corrc'pontlcnco ollclto(1 , to nhlch prompt attention will I'CRtron. SIOOX CITY NBWSPAPE1 UNION , ! 218 DuiiliiM Street , SIOUX UlTY , IOWA. The Greatest Invention 6f the Ago. ELECTRIC NO IIOILINQ. i DOKS NCT STICK TO THK IUOX. ' Rendy for > i o In onn inlnutut nnrnt Inbor , time and trouulu ; conuilun till tlio luuri'dlfiiti used by laundrr- i men : Rlvcsn liiinilnoinrr jioll littiiin nnrolncrtMnrrn orur inatKirncturcdi It It | < ut up In FULL IHHIM ) ' I'ACKAUKS , no nhort nclitlitv. Ono pound cqunl * two poumlii ( it nny othtr stnrrli. Sola by all rmt- rlnt * Kroccri , iio supply ttAMl'LK 1'ACKAUKS BAIBDRG Zfaelrat LINB FOH England , Francs & Germany. The cUuiuushlps of this 11 kutmn Hue are built of lion , in wntor-tiKht compartmonU , and nro furnished with nvory roiiulslto to make the pnsstiiro both safe nutl nffrocnhlo. They carry < the United Stales and Huropettn mHlls.nnil leave New York Thursdays and Saturdays for Ply mouth , ( LONDONl.Chorboug.d'AHIS nnd IIAM- lloturiilnff , the steamers leave Hamburg1 o Wodno laya and Sundays , vln. Havre , takl pns en 'Orsat Souihampton und lx > ndon. First cabin $50 , fUJ and $75 ; Btoern o $ ? l Halhond tickets from Plymouth to Urlstol , Car- dllf , London , or to any pltico in the South Of Enifland , FltUB. Steoruift ) fi-om Europe only $25. Bond for "Tourist ( Jazotlr. " General 1'mseiiBor A onts , 01 Broadway , Now York ; Washington ami IA Eallo Sts. Chlewro.lll. _ A STANDARD MKD1CAL WOHK FOR YOUHG AND MIDDLE-AGED MEH ONLY 81 11Y JIAIL , ILLUSTltATlVlO 1'JCIiE TO ALL , mm THYSELF. toit Vltnllty , Ncrvomnntl Plirslol Debility Pronitituro Docllno In Mun , Krrors of Youth , nnrt Ilia untold inlB rosultlni ; from InUlicrollon and ax- . A hook fur ovurr itinn , yountr , mladlo-ngotl nndola. Hcontnliin 1iri > reirripUoiiorull ! muoiiml * rhninlc illsouscs. aich ona at which l > Inralnablo. ! k > fount ] brtli" nutlinrn'hnnn exporlonca fora rears I nuch n prnhiibly never brfura toll to the lot of any nhyMC'iiii ' ; TOJ imuea , liounu hi bcntitlful Kronclt mus lin , DmbosHOiicororK , fall KlIt.Ruiirtinteod tuba nflnuI I work In nrery Boneo mootninlcul. Illorarrund nrofnn. , elonul than unjr ntharwurkln tllln countrj for tJO , | andnsnorlntooiMccrsof the board the reader It rnspeclfulljr rnfurreil. , Tim Sclonco of l.lfo li worth mnrp to the rouns nnrt ! mlddlo-fliind mon of thl Koneratloit tbauMll tlio icalit t nilnoi ot Calirftrnlti und the silver uiinoj of Novftttu O'lmblnort. C , F. Clironlclf. TliuMclcnreof Llfo points out the nwk and qulcic. niimls on which tliu coimiltutlon and hopes of many nroting mnn hnrobccn rutnlljr wrocKqil. Manchcstor Mirror. Tlio Science of Llfo Is of urpator rnluo than all tbo moJlonl wnrks pul > ll lted hi this country furthopast Tonra Atlitiiu ( tenttltutlun. The bclonco of Llto Is n nuporb ana maiterlr trout- no on nervous and physical debility , Dotroft I'reo the I'Pilbrtdy Modlcid Institute , or Dr. W. II. I'nrkar , Mo. 4 liullltnch etroot , lluitun , llurhu nitty bu coiiBultml on all lioauimufi rogulrlna aldll nnd ozporlnnco. Chronlu and obstinate illiaiuos tluit hnro bnniod the skill of other tilijrdcluni nspeo- laty , bitch truulsdHuoposBUlly without onjr ' ' of iulluio. Mention Oraalui lloo. I 811 A LlnG Carrying the Ilolglum Roynl and United Btntoi Mall.siillliii , ' uvory Saturday Between Antwerp & Hew York TO THE RliIHE , GERMANY , ITALY , HOL LAND AND FRANCE , FALL AND V INTHll. Bnlou from t 0 to $ ; r. K.xeuvsloii trip from J110 to tU. Bfcond Cabin , outwurd. $11 ; preiiald , H5 ; excursion. t'JO. StoemifO nnsiaga nt low rnlos. 1'olcr Wrlirht A ; bone , ClonenU AgontR , 55 liroadwny , Novr VorK , liuiiry i'undt,121U Furnam St. ; Pnulsou & Co. , Furiium fit. ; D , O. Vreuman , Uil Furiiani t < t P. BOYEB & CO. HalI'sSafesVauiisTimtltckt , , ' and JaiJ Work. 1020 Furnam Street , Omaha. Neb , AGIO CH MAID : nv MAGIC STABGH CO. rJULAUHLl'JIIA , VA. FINESTlndBEST IN THE WOULD. WEEDS 3STO COOKIWG- n ricli , lioniitlful ( iLOS.S null Ko Starch yet iiitroilucod can ho com- IKtred with UioMAdilO. Quo luicka o will < to the work of two pounds ordinary Hturch. FoU under mmruntoo of ibo manufuctiircr * . SLOAN , JOHNSON & CO. . AVliolosale Atrcats , Oniuliu , Neb ,