Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 11, 1886, Page 6, Image 6

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I i-Uurtd ty cnirler In r.nyj"srtof thoclljrnt
twi nt } tciitsiier neck.
II. YV. TIM ON , - - - Malinger.
nrFisnsOmcr : , No. I't.
innoit : Ko.n
New York Plumbing company.
Summer clothing cheap at Holler's.
The very best cabinets at ? 3 doat
( lorham's.
The funeral of the littln child of M. B.
Rosomttnd was held yesterday morning.
Only ? 2.fiD per defer class cab
inet photo's at Schmidt's , ' 0 Main St.
Cabinet photographs $3 per do/on at
Sherraden's , ! I17 Brw'y , for ill ) days only.
Permit to wed was yesterday granted
LeRoy Liggett and Mary , ] . Bender , both
of this city.
The August term of the circuit court
opens next Tuesday. There are over
four hundred eases on the docket.
Two more of tlio now streetcars arrived
yesterday , making six in all with two
more on tiio way. They will not be put
on for a few days yet.
Tlie Council Blull's delegates to the in
ternational Irish land league meeting , to
be held in Chicago this month , are Itev.
Fathers MeMenomy ami Hoary , with J.
J. Fraincy and E. A. Wlcklmm as alter
The canning factory commenced aetivo
operations jesterday with a small force ,
Which will be increased speedily. It is
expected that a largo amount of corn
and tomalocs will be canned even in
llns , the initial season. Another year
will MO ; liio enterprise reach its utmost
Fowler A Wells have issued two new
books , both of which are for sale by U.
W. Btishncll. One is entitled "Fore
ordained , " a story of heredity nndspeoial
parental inlluences. Thoother is "House
hold Remedies , " a Very valuable work
for every home , the author being Dr.
Felix Oswald.
Ono of tlio recent visitors lo the lake
became homesick , and on his way home
ward , at .1 point near tlio K. C. round
lion u , r.ot only threw up his refresh
ments , hut also his tcetii , false OIKS Ho
was not in a condition lo limit for them
in the darkness that night , but was on
the spot early the next morning and re
covered his dental attachment.
The smart young man who saws up
plates for the evening cold water sheet
tries lo bo funnv , and says the Bui : re
porter disguised him&elf as a tramp in
order to spy around llio Home of the
Friendless. When the smart young man
wants to spy around in that role he does
not have to wear any disguise. He will
pass without any change ot toilet.
A largo number of Iowa cities and
towns have held meetings and taken
action concerning the assassination of
Rev. G. C. Haddock at Sioux City. Reso
lutions iiavo been passed , and funds
raised for the relief of the widow. Thus
far Council Blulls has kept very quiet
about it , riven those who have been prom
inent and cntlin.iin.stie as prohibitionists
not making any suggestions for tlie taking
of any action.
A short time ago Sheriff Reel went to
Southwestern Nebraska after Kinjr Car
ter , who was charged with having taken
oil * mortgaged properly. Ho was at that
time released on bonds , but yesterday his
bondsmen getting nervous for some rea
son , surrondcrod him to tlie authorities
again. His brother then came to the
front , and furnished bail , and he is again
froo. Tlio intimations of any crooked
work on Carter's part is a surprise to his
ninny friends and acquaintances in his
old Iowa home , anil it will bo ditlicult 10
make them believe him guilty
The evening cold water sheet howled
t9rribly the other twilight because tlio
'city council did not give it a job of print
ing. Now it congratulates itself on being
the only paper in the city which does not
depend on party patronage , and there
fore the only imlcpoiutont paper. It
says : "Tho people no lorger respect
the opinion or guidance of these papers
that subsist onpublic pap. " This is all
right , but it sounds a little queer as com
ing from a paper which two days ago
was Imwlinfj because it did not get any
of this pap.
Ed Bates claims to have made u con
tract with Mr. Olds , the agent of tlio
Union Pacific at the Broadway depot , by
which Butes was to shoot the horse which
got its leg broken on the ferry train , and
was to see that the animal was buried.
He diil tlio shooting all riirht , but there
was some delay in gelling a loam lo drag
the carcass oil' . Tlio team came yester
day morning , und now a dispute arises
ns lo Bales' bill. Ho lliroatons to com-
inencn suit if he is not paid according to
contract , while the agent claims lie did
not live up to his contract , and is there
fore not entitled to recover.
A Rowlnc Association.
All parties interested in boating and
desirous of assisting in the formation of
a permanent association for that purpose
are requested to bo present at Messrs
Cory & Conovcr's ollico , under the Citi
zen's ' bank this evening at 4 o'clock , p.
m. There Is certainly need of some
organization of this kind , similar to thosi
of other cities which enjoy the luxury oi
good lakes and rivers in their immediate
vicinity. With a rowing association
Council Bluffs can hope to itilluonco tlio
holding of regalias by boat clubs from u
PortJonnl Paraurnulis.
C , Vincent , of Tabor , was at the Pacific
Postmaster T. O. Carlisle , of Missouri
Valley , was in the Blulls yesterday.
K. Telfair Hotlor , the general agent ol
the United States Lyceum bureau was it
tlio city yesterday.
D. E. Mornn left last evening for (3o
nova , 111 , , having learned by tolegrapl
of the death of his grandfather ycstorda ]
Rov. O. W. Crofts , pastor of the Con
crcgationnl church , has returned frou
Nebraska and will occupy the pulpit ui
usual next Sunday ,
J. M. McNamara , of Havorly's min
Birds , was at llio Ogden yesterday , am1
arranging for llio appearance of tin
company hero next Monday.
Harry Denton , of Ohio , a cousin of tin
Mcteall brothers , is here visiting. Ho i
n young but old nowspnpor man , and i
thinking of locating in tins nart of th
wept should an enticing opening offo
C , S , Clark , who for so long a time wa
connected with the press of this oily , ha
returned nnd again taken up Ins abed
hero , Ho will be connected with Ih
Council lllull's Herald. All know Clarh
"the newspaper fiend , " and his wolcom
yesterday was so general and hearty thn
his hand grow weary with the shaking
There is a tinge of sadness , though , t
return , for since ho left hero doat
tls robbed him of his wife , and his horn
bas boon made desolate. With & rotur
to his od ] friends , whoso sympathies an
well wishes will surround him , it Is hope
the brighter days mny dawn for him.
Kirkland , the jeweler , has removed t
82 ! ) Broadway , Singer otllce.
Substantial abstracts of titles and rot
state Joans. J. W , & E. L. Squires , N <
101 Pearl street Council Uluu * .
Organization of the First Encampment in
Tlio New Main Street Iloso House
Trimble ? of tlio Poll-Tax ( Jol-
lector IjIglitnltiK Gives
n Clooo Cull ,
Vnllnnt Veterans.
Council liluflfr lias many loyal hearts ,
and already three veteran organizations ,
all prosperous and llourisihiiig , indicate
that there is much love hero for tlio old
Hug. A fourth organization lias now
been added , and though the Youngest , U
promises to bu amoui : the first and larg
est. It , is an encampment of the Union
Veteran legion , 'f his encampment , No.
8 , was duly organi/ed here Monday
night. It starts with twenty-six charter
members and with twelve or more ro-
critics ready to bo mustered in. The
organi/.ntlon sets out with as excellent a
class of citi/.ons as its members as are to
be found in any organization m the city.
The oriler of the Union Veteran league
is a comparatively new one. The parent
encampment No. 1 is at I'lttsburg. The
encampment No. 8 just organized hero is
the first to bo organized in the btato of
Iowa. Others are expected to follow
imickly , though , and it is umlcr.-tood
Unit Ues Mollies is already preparing to
have one thero.
C'O nrade John Fox , of this city , insti
tuted the encampment hero , and mus
tered in the members and installed the
olllccrs. He has been appointed by the
acting adjutant general of 1'onnsylvania
as the special mustering olllcer for this
part of the country , and veterans desir
ing to organize encampments can obtain
needed information by corresponding
with him.
The purpose of the organization is
somewhat similar to that ot other veteran
organizations , yet in .somo respects dill-
critig from the others. It is composed of
soldiers and sailors of the union army ,
navy and marine corps during the war
of the Rebellion , who volunteered for
three years and were honorably dis
charged for any cause after a service
of at least two continuous years , or were
at any time discharged uy reason of
wounds received in the line of duty , but
no drafted person , or substitute , nor any
one who has at any time borne arms
against the United States shall be eligible
to mcinbcrbhip.
The otlicerii of the encampments hero
are :
Commander John Fox.
First lieutenant D. U. Daily.
Second lieutenant J. K. Reed.
Olllcer of the day E. F. Holmes.
Adjutant C. H. Warren.
Quartermaster 1) . J. O'Neill.
Chaplain 15. F. Hight.
Otlicer of the guard Henry Genhimcr.
Sergeant major I1 rank Stcgul.
Quartermaster sergeant II. C. ISarncs.
Color bearer Sam" Leonard.
Sentinel J. 15. lloirt.
The regular encampment will meet
again Friday evening. Atter that the
regular meetings will bo on Monday ev
First-class tin work , roofing , etc. , a
specialty at Cooper & McGeo's.
TAUGHT Fuui : In about an lionrbean- ,
tiful photo painting , to introduce our
colors. No knowledge of painting re
quired. Received first premium at St ,
Louis fair. One hundred dollars earned
monthly. Miss Christie , M Main street.
A Alotlcl Fire House.
The new Main street hose cart house is
now being occupied and is receiving
some finishing touches which will make
it one of the most attractive as well as
the practical houses in the city. The
stalls are placed cacli siUc of the cart ,
and the horses have but one jump to
make to bring them to the polo , ready
for the harness to ilrop upon them. The
prediction is made Unit when every de
tail is completed and tiio horses get a lit
tle more used to their now quarters some
remarkably quick hitching will be made.
No time lias yet been taken as a test ol
what can bo done , but froiji what the
! } KK man saw yesterday , when the noon
signal came for the hitch-up , it is evident
I hat the first record made in the new
house will bo below the lowest made in
the city. The house is neatly painted ,
and everything arranged in a compact
orderly manner. The sleeping room ol
the men is also fitted up very nicely ,
The walls are being adorned with pie-
lures , many of which have been pro
sontcd by friends- The Hoys have taken
a great deal of pride in lilting up their
new quarters , and have put in their own
lime and money in doing many tilings
about the house which add to ils conve
lionco and attractiveness , and which has
cost the city not one cent. .Charlcj
Nicholson , the veteran driver , is as en
tliusiastio over his now quarters as a boj
with his first pair of red-top boots , ant
ho well may bo. The location of tin
house on Mam street is gratifying lo the
many heavy property owners and large
business houses in that part of the city
who fool now that they ically have fin
protection. When they see Charloj
Nicholson fly out of the house to squelel
any blaze In that part of town they wil
think so still more , Such n company it
tmch a house is all that could bo asked ,
Smoke the Manawa cigar , made b1
Frank Levin , Ilia Uroadway.
Sco that your boots are made b ;
Morehousu & Co. , Hoom 1 , Everett block
A Ijlttlo Trouble tu Tlio Camp.
It appears from remarks made by Rev
Mr. McDowell , of the Latter Day Saints
church , in his sermon last Sunday oven
lug , and from a communication wliiel
appeared in the Nonpareil yesturda ;
morning , that tlio reverend gontlonmi
feels that ho has been rather snubbed a
the meetimrs hr.ld at the pavilion. Th
fooling scorns to have arisen from a remark
mark made by a leader of the mcolini
in the tent ono evening last week , wlioi
inviting workers to tarry and help at th
inquiry meeting which is hold at th
close of each public service. The leade
on this particular night worded Ids invi
tation rather peculiarly , as it seemed ti
some , stating that ' 'the regular pastor
of the city churches , and other duly ac
creditcil ministers , " wore invited to nol |
in the inquiry meeting. A peculiar gos
turn accompanied the words , and th
whole incident impressed tiio mind c
Rev. Mr. McDowell , and some of hi
friends , that the intention was to fail t
recognize him on account of the pcculin
views hold by him imd his church.
It has leaked out that there was n
such intention to nlight or snub tlia
worthy gentleman. Ho doubtless wont
not have thought so had it not boon fc
the fact that he and his ehurcti bad bco
ignored by others on different occasion ;
und from remarks made at other timci
He certainly is a pastor of n city cliurcl
nnd is a duly accredited minister , BO tlu
ho would , corao under both branches c
the invitation.
It is whispered that the cause of th
misunderstanding arose from an nttem |
on the part of some of those who are nc
friendly to Rev. J. U. Lomou , to Im
him refrain from taking a part in tl
meetings , and that the remark wasmuc
for his ears. A night or two before , ho
was called upon to take some part in the
mooting ! ) , and tills led to a protest on the
part of some of the workcis , who do- ,
dared that they would not submit lo his
being one oflho pfomments in the meet
ings. It is well known that ho is not a
member of any chinch , at least ho so says
himself , and not ! Ic for his ac
tions to any religious organization. Jhe
invitation was so preuliarlv worded , it is
claimed , as to rap his knuckles , but by
mistake it seems to have hit tlio wrong
Highest prices pnid for county , town
city -ind school bonds. Odcll Uros. &
Co. , . 1M ( I'earl street , Council UUill's ,
Trv * . lo.t ( /ream Soda in the city 5c
per r' is at Palmer's , No. 12 Main st.
A Dark Spot on the I'oconl.
C. J. Bcekman , the poll tax collector ,
lias many trials and tribulations , and no
man in the city is dodged more by those
anxious to get out of paying their legal
dues. Ho has made a good record as a
collector , but the record is singularly
lacking by tlio absence of the names of
tlio colored voters. Thus far ho lir.s been
able to collect poll tax but from one col
ored citizen. Of course it cannot be pos
sible that there is only one colored man
in the whole clly. who is liable for the
tax , but tlie result of his limit has thus
far developed but ono. Determined to
improve tlio record in this respect Col
lector Hcckman started out with an eye
single for colored liesh , anil the first col
ored man ho came across he tackled. Ho
wanted to know his name , but the fellow
only grinned , and refused to give the de
sired information. The collector served
a notice on him to nay poll tax , and let
him go yesterday lie camu across the
same fellow , and again tried to get his
name , but the darkey got hot about it ,
and some sharp words followed , Tlio
collector called an ollicor to arrest linn ,
and ho was taken to tlio police station.
He then declared that his name was
"Champagne" and that ho worked tor
Congressman Lyman. Ho promised to
have the little matter fixed up as soon as
he could , and the case was continued for
fuither developments.
Go to the New York Plumbing com
pany for garden hose. They warrant all
hey sell. Opera house block.
Fruits. Confectionery and cigars , best
in the market always m stock. Frank
Witherell , 22-1 Broadway.
A Close Cnll.
The house of Mrs. T. Hanson , in Lewis
township near J. W. Crossley's , was
struck by lightning Sunday night about
13 o'clock. The bolt came down the brick
chimney , thence along the stovepipe , tort
up the lloor , and thence went into the
ground. The house was a two-room
house with the chimney in tlio partition ,
This chimney was totally demolished and
the bricks scattered all over the house ,
There were in the house at the time Mrs ,
Hanson , her live children and her sister ,
Mrs. Ilobus. All of them were stunneil
by tlio shock , but no one was hurt , except
ono of tlie small children who was nil
on the leg bv one of the bricks from the
chimney. The tloor of one of the rooms
was all torn up and several boards thor
oughly splintered. When tlio family re-
covemd from the shook the house was
filled \\itli a dense smoke and itvas sup
posed that the house was on lire , but
there was no evidence of any , and as then ;
had been no lire in the stove for several
hours , tlie smoke must have been gouer <
nted from the lightning. Had tiio house
taken lire , all must have iierished , foi
they wcro so stunned that it was some
time before they were able to do any
tiling. It was a narrow escape.
Dentil of Mrs. Newton ,
Mrs. John Newton died yesterday
morning at 0:80 : o'clock at her home , No
300 South First street , in this city. Shi
had been ill for about five weeks , the dis
ease developing into typhoid fever , wliiel
od * i her death. She was ngcd lifty-fom
yc.s : and was bonr in England. Six
came to this country , and took up hei
ibodo in this city in 1870. She leaves s
Imsband , but no children. Tlio funera
is to be held next Thursday morning in
10 o'clock at the family residence.
Fine pasture , plenty of water and gqoi
attention for ! 30 ( ) head of stock about livi
miles north of Rroadway and Main street
Inquire of L. 1' . Jiul on , No. 02'J ' Sixtl
avenue , or Charles Palmer at pasture or
lime kiln road.
The Country Thereabout nt OiinTlnu
utTlioir Mercy.
Atlanta Constitution : Did you evei
hoar of the wild dogs of Atlanta ? At om
time the country around hero was almos
at the mercy of these savage animals
Horses , elephants , and camels can bi
made to take an almost human intorcs
in war , but dogs cannot stand the racket
Tlie din of battle and the smell of villan
ous saltpetre breaks them up entirely.
Our dogs had a hard time during tin
siege. There wcro thousands of thorn it
those days , and when the season of shor
rations sot In they wcro tlio first to feel it
In many instances they wore abandonee
by their relugeelng owners and had t <
literally forage for a living.
The thunder ot tlio big guns , tlin nn
earthly shrieks of the shells , the noise o
falling buildings , tlie rattle of musketry
and the houv.v tramp of marching sol
diers , all struck terror to the ctinino con
tingcnt. Toward tlie close of tha fiiegi
nearly every dog in thocily was half rabn
or in the last stage of nervous prostra
tion. The wretched brntos sought sliel
tor under houses and in bromb-prooft
Majestic nnihtilVs and surly bulldog
curled their tails between their legs am
yelped mournfully at every imusuii
bound. Hundreds of the bolder one
made u frantic break over the breast
works and ditches , and made their wa ;
through the lines of both armies , neve
stopping until they reached the woods.
It was oven wono after Sherman1
army entered tlie place. The citizen
were driven out in such u hurry that hai
time to think of their pots and no mean :
of transportation for them. Later , th
destruction of the city by fire , and th
general pandemonium that ensued
scattered tne few remaining dogs.
These innocent victims of the ravage
of war had a terrible experience ilnrin ,
the rigorous winter of 1801-05. Thci
misery drove them to form strang
partnerships , nnd it was a common sigh
to sco them roving in bands of a dozen o
more. Tlio old saying , "Banish the do (
from his kennel and you have a wolf ,
was illustrated in this case. In th
course of live or six months tlio countr ,
people for lifty miles around were spir
uiug marvelous yarns about "thorn will
dogs from Atlanla , "
The dog bjlongs to the genus whic
produced the wolf , the jackal , and th
iox. Tame dogs , of course , lose man
of the characteristics of those animali
but when persecution and misery cans
them to relapse inlo a wild state the
take the appearance , the habits , and til
tastes of wolves und jackals. Such wn
notoriously tiio fact with the Atlant
dogs. They lost every trace of domcsth
ity , They grew to enormous size , wil
savage eyes and omul-looking fangs ,
Occasionally a gang of those ferocion
beasts would swoop down on a fan
yard , devouring chickens and pigs , an
attacking men when they stood in the :
way. It took the liveliest kind of ahootin
to drive thum oil , Sometimes they woul
surround a lonely cabin and wait for tl
inmates to come out. They oycn mad
rniils lno ( little villiguF , forcing ; tlio in-
liabitntits to shut th'insclrcs ' lip in their
houses , The disn ) > ) cnrnncc ol innnv n
negro in those pcnlum times was fully
ncCbnntocl for wh6l .his skcluton was
loiind with every luUiclool llosli Rtiawotl
oil' , ntul with tlio Kr nil nronntl showing
ovidonccs of n tlc&i > cnlr atrnpclo.
1'Jarly in 180.1 , wton n fo ' rufngcos
ljcjiiii ictttrniiiK to Vtlanta , they hail to
strncglo with these \ilil ilors ; for this l > os-
FOSFIOH of tlio ruins. Bloody encounters
oioiirred among thtaSli hwijis and plies
of debris. Evorv rvlnr nml hole in tlio
ground held the u r.-renous brutes , and
hey leaned upon niti women and ehil-
Iron without the slirlitcst provocation.
U that time it was Iiingerous to rule or
Irive out in the eottm-y. On the main
oail between hero atdUoeatur , in broad
Inylight , log wen known to attaek
iores attached to biggies , forcing their
Irhers to open a hoi tuslludo with their
After Retting this ; i. to of a wild life
lie Atlanta dogi wint to the bad alto-
Cether. They ntvei reformed. A re-
untless warfare waswngoil upon them
rom Stonu Mountain to Kenesaw , and
onr by one they bit he dust until they
vero all wipuil out. "he reader at : v ijls-
ancc must not juinn to tlio conclusion
lu'l this iuilhcrimlinti ! sliughtnr hits
caused any unusual sjarcitv ot dogs in
his region. TImnk < . to tlio universal
mmaii weakness or pets , wo arc
ibtnulnntlv supplied with bench-legged
ices , terriers , pug , XuwfonndlamlH ,
nastin's , and bulls , f some unexpected
calamity .should catto them to go wild ,
iftcr the Cushion of tiieir jrcdec ) < 's-sors ,
hey would be an uncommonly tough
crowd to deal with.
Koports received , t Halifax , X. S. ,
rom bank lishermon tre most encourag-
ng. The schooner Myrtle , of Clark's '
larbor , arrived hone Saturday from
tor second trip with \ ( fiO quintals of owl
ish. The catch reraged eighty-live
litintals per day. Tie captain says in
ill his experience he never saw lisli self
) lf ntiful or of oottersi/.e. Tlio schooner
uVi'h ' L. ConBy , fnm North Bay for
Jlouccster , passed L'ort Hawkesbury
with a lull faro of nnckercl. She waa
only live days in tlio Day.
Lcdgern , .Joiirmls , County am !
Etatik Work ol'tll KiiulH a Spec
Prompt Attention to Mailorders
Room 1 Evcret Blo'k ' , Council Bluffs.
Standard Papers Usel. All styles of bind ,
ing m Magr/ines and
U. n. National Hunk , it. K B tilth & Co. ,
Cltl/ens' Hunk. fotuni. Wells \-Co. ,
Mrst Nntionul Iliink , t , HjUiRiu-unco ro. ,
Ofllcor & I'uscy.UnnlcereA lJ..SnvtiS ! ! llank.
/ .
An excellent ocliicntloml Institution , furn'sl
cd with nil llio moclcrn lmprovoii'.ontp , con
due-toil l > y thodlSTEUSiWCHAlUTY.B. V. Jl
Tor term of f.vo monfLt75.
Terms begin Hist MondO' In Boptotnljcr an
flrst Monday in February. Tor ciitulogues nd
dress Spruit 8UPKUIOII
St. rroncls Aciideny.Council lUnlTs , TOT
1G N. Jfiiin St. , Council Bluffs , In. , am
209 S. Ifith St. , Boon 10 , Omnlia , Neb.
Manufuetui cr's \ROnt for the
Tents , Awnings , roofing Slate , Man
tels , Plato anil Wiidow Glass , Show
Cases. Elevators , ( hand and Iiy
drnulic , ) &c.
rats , Real estate handled , In
surance written M all kinds o
bonds bought by F , J , Day No
39 Pearl St , , Council Bluffs ,
Established 1801 ,
W. S. HOMER & Co. ,
23 Main St. , Council Bluffs.
Practices In Iho Slate and Federal conn
Rooms 7 and 8 Shugart Block.
Pall meeting.
Trotting , Pncliitf njntl Iliinnlit
Tuesday , Aug. 3lsj ,
Wednesday , Sept , 1st ,
Thursday , Sept , 2d ,
and Friday , Sept 3rt
Inclurtlng special attractions by Pro
A. E. Walker's world famous Ilacii
Dogs daily and Balloon Ascensions I
I'rof.A. S. ParKer daily , in front of th
grniuUtamt. , , .
Othcr.fittractlous In the way of snei
conbisting of eolohratcd horses fro
Kentucky , Ohio , Illinois , Indiana ai
Wisconsin ,
Reduced rates on all railroads. Con
everybody and havoa good time.
For particulars , address
Brick buildings of any kiml raised or moved and satisfaction guaranteed ,
buildings moved on Liltlo Giant trucks , best in the world.
SOS Eighth Avenue- mid Eighth StreetCounil HlufR
Price paid in cash for all kinds of second hand
STOVES , Furniture , etc.
M. DROHLIOH , 608 Broadway.
W- w
226 Broadway , Council Bluffs ,
Farming : lands in Iowa , Minnesota , Texas , Kansas and Arkansas , ranging
from $1.25 to $ l'J per aero. School and state lands in Minnesota on HO years
time 5 per cent interest. Land buyers faro free. Information , etc. , given by
P. P. Lansti-np , No.0u5 Broadway , Council Bluff's , Iowa.
Wholesale and Retail Grocers ,
Desirous of purchasing material for bath
ing suits , should see our new and ele
gant assortment of goods especially
adapted for fine and pretty bathingsuits.
401 Broadway , Council Bluffs
Are being closed out by us at remarka
ble low figures. Wo have them in beau
tiful shades , colors , etc. , and havn put
such prices on them that will dispose of
them rapidly , as wo WILL NOT carry
any over to next season
401 Broadway , Council Binds.
Now in slock are being disposed of at
low prices to clear our shelves of same
before receiving our fall stoclc , which
will shortly arrive.
401 Broadway , Council Blulls.
Of the choicest style , design and quality ,
just purchased by ns at a bargain and
retail at wholesale
wo are selling them at
sale prices. See them and you will buy.
401 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
For summer wear arc being disposed of
cheap , and must shortly bo taken off our
shelves to bo replaced with for fall
wear. Summer dress goods can bo pur
chased cheap now by all who will call on
'irARKNESS JtltOti. ,
401 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
For offices. Now Invoice just received and
latest patterns guaranteed. AU btylcs ,
and prices satisfactory to everybody.
401 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
Of tlie very latest designs , patterns and
quality for the coming season , are being
now introduced by us. Tick ono out now
before the line is broken.
Harlmess Bros. ,
401 Broadway , Council Bluffs ,
Estnbllshca ItuT
R. 3&ICE , M. B. ,
( 'r other . Tumors removed wjthon
ti10 kllll.0 or drawing of bloo.l.
DlSBaseS of nil kinds specialty.
Over thirty voirs' : prnctlcnl experience.
No. 11 PonrlSt. , Council llluira.
Consultation 1'ieo.
Creston House ,
The only botcl In Council UlulTs having ?
ITire Esoa/pe
Anil nil modem improvements.
21017 uud l'J Miiin f-t.
JIAX MOF1N , Prop.
Horses and Mules
For nil purposes. bO'ight nnil sold , at retail nm
In kite. Ltiruu qimntlUos to bolcct from
Several piilrs of line drivers , single or double.
Council Ulula. (
Star Sale Stables and Mule Yards
Opposite Dummy Depot.
5 = 0 §
Horses uud .MuluJ Uoiit cnnstiintly on him
for ml" at i flail or In car loiul * .
Orders iiromillly IllleU by contract onBliui
notice. Htock sold on ooimnla" ! " " '
& IIOLliV. I'rojiriotors.
uvo. und itb struct.
City Steam Laundry
KHMER a ) fill A K fG JIT ,
No. 84 N. Main Street , Council Blufl'o
Fluent work nml lament in-lceafo
fine worlt. AH collars and cuff * re
turned in coUninnd cuff lioxc
without ujctru clmryr , n > ltcliitttr (
( tntfex work In t. ic condition tta <
leaves nn. Out of town orders re
cclvti sainclatlt'iitltin nnd at sain
rate * tin city work.
w. scHtraz ,
Justice of toe Peace.
* u > -ri0 " O'oro" Coiuixvnjr
i-aro-crsES or
AGlilL L7 ,
Agricultural Iraplamaat
Cnrrlnirc , I'.to . Vto. Council lllulTs , IOWA.
Mu'io tlioUrlgliuil nmi Complete
lay Loader , also Rakes , Cldar Mill & Press ,
COHN BHKI.I.HItS AND IT.KO ( TTI KII * . t.WiniiiH5i ; ? o th Main Street ,
_ Council lliuir * . Innn. _
OAMH ItiaPl.KY , V ; C ( )
Mmnit'is mi I Jobhpr * of
Igricultural Implements , Wagons , Bnggies ,
gr , mid nil kin I * of Farm Mpolilnorr.
1100 to HID South Main street , Uounoll Hums ,
r.O. Ot.r. oN. T. P. wiuiniT. '
1'ri' .VTrem. V-I'IXM .VMin. Soi .VCounsJl.
Council BliiTs Handle Facbry ,
Manufacturers of Axlp. 1'lolc , i ! oito nnd Sratll
Iliuitllcs , of every doscilptlon.
Curtains Window Shades
Carpets , , ,
Oil Cloths , Curtnln 1'ixturos , ITplioMury ( lool * .
Etc. No. < ( VJ lliondnny Council Illuir * ,
CHM/W , ro/urro , KIT ,
PliimJOY & MOOKK ,
\Vliolcsnlo Jobbers In tlio
Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco fl Pipes.
Nos. ISM a In mid U" 1'onrl ' Sts. Council
Fruit and Produce Commission Merchants.
No. 141'oirl St. , Council illillN.
Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass ,
Druggists' Sundries. Kto. No. 22 Mnln 3t , and
No. 211'enrl St. , Council HlutTfl.
M. E. SMITH & CO. ,
Idipjrters and ftbbars of Dry GOD ! ] ,
Notions. Kto. Nos. 112 nnd 114 Mnln Bt. , Noa. 113
mid Hi Pearl St , , Council llluffs. Iowa.
Wholesale Califoraia Fruits a Specialty CommlMlon. No. 5LJ nroudwny ,
rnuncll Illultfl.
Fruits , Confectionery & Fancy Groceries.
Nos. 1C nnd 18 1'carl St. . Council Hinds.
Jobbers of Staple and Fancy Groceries.
Also Wholesale Liquor Dealers. No. 410 Broad
way , Council Hliilts.
Mnnn'acturers of and Wliolosnlo DOIIOM In
Leather , Harness , Saddlery , 'Etc.
No. Ki Main St. , Council lllulTj , lovrn.
Jobbers in Hats , Caps and Glm and 314 Itroailwuy , Council lllulT * .
Iron , Steel , Kails , Heavy Hardware ,
And Wood Stock , Council Uluirs , Iowa.
JJ. 11. MeDANELD & CO. ,
Commissiofi Merchants for Sale of Hides ,
Tallcw.Wool , 1'olts , Qrea'o and 1'ur * Council
muffs Iowa.
Wholesale Ucalora In
Illuminating & Lubricating 01U Ga3)lln )
E1TO. , 33TO.
S.TIiooiloro.Airont , ( Council lllulfs. Iowa.
LUMUtM. WMA'O , 111V.
A. OVEllTON As CO. ,
Hard Wood , Southern Lumber , Piling ,
\nd HriUjru Material SpoelnUios.Wlwlouiiln Luiu-
Uorot ull Kinds. Dlllco No. 130 Mnln St. ,
Council llluiru. lovrn.
Imported and Domestic Wines & Liquors ,
Auunt forSt , Ootth&rrt'a llorb Illttcrj. No. 11
MulnHt. Council Iliulld.
Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors ,
Ku Ciu Main St. . CuimcK llluji.
! for the LAKE
Tlie Steamer OLLIE MAY
Nnwly lilted up , nnd iniiU-r tlio clmrue lit u
BKIIII ill uiurlncor und pilot , Is no.w nmuinu pleus-
ire nips on
Wo will arlvo clittrtora parties tor one hour
ornny luiulli of llmu ddSlrod.
llmoa of olmitrr Klvim and ordcri InUon ut
ollico0.3JJ M aia * t. , between lioiirs 111 lo IS u.
IQ , It , U.MJIS tv LU.
Fpeclnlndvditlpoinrnls , su-h in I < est , l-'oun
To I/inn , Tor Siilo , TH Id-nt , Wiiiit * . Iloimllnir ,
etc n-lll bolnfortoi ) In Ibis ( olinmi ut ( lie low
ratuorTCNCUNTH I'KU MNU lorllio llrbllnser
tlonnnd I'jvoConlBror Wiiufortwli * tibbo juent
jiibortioii , Ixjuvii lulvrrll.scMiu'iiH nt our olllcu
Kt > . 12 I'eal Btrott , lieuI.'ioudw.iy , Council
niiiirn. .
Ho 1 cuBbraoro bliatl. 1'linlcr will b
TOBT . Adiliore , f. II , , Ufti oilier , Conn
on limns.
ANTKD--A flrM-fliiBi ilnlsbor. A mini lo
bo Ufpt ii now work. U.K. llulicnlmu'jr ' ,
1'ourth tlrectCouncil lllulU , ,
' - | . $ < i papers
J or vnluo to owner only. Dieppe , ) lulu rim
I'curl and Kovciub urtniuo. If Under will rn <
tin n the p.tpuri to llio Jloo ollico lie van 1 > ( .TI >
the money
ANTKO-An netUtnnt cook ut tbe Owtlew
W House.
* * *
17IOH impoi * . In iiuuntltlt' * to suit ,
JL' ul lleo olllue No. 1J I'unrl 41 root.