Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 11, 1886, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE OMAHA. DAILY BEE : AUGUST 11 , 1880.
Work On Lincoln's ' System to Bo Boeun
With a Largo Forco.
Capital Cltj Dealers Wnnt No Lottery
Tea niul CofTco Snlci Work of
ImnciiHtcr Toaclicrs Oilier
Lincoln Mutters.
fntOM TIIK nun's MNCOI.N nuiitcAU.1
The city t'ounclltnen have unanimously
awarded the contract for putting in the
ftowcrngc system. This stop taken is
another toward busy times nml much
employment for the autumn months and
thoyear following , for with the growth
of the city scwerago must grow , and the
system once in under wnv will moan
much business for laborinjimen. Since
the night of the public mooting some two
weeks since Iho opposition to the plans
nml nets of the council in the way of
inodilications and engineering , has
greatly decreased , and it has fairly ceased
to bo a topic of street conversation , the
sentiment of the pcoplo in the city is so
generally In favor of continuing the
work without break or hlnderanco that it
has caused many who micht bo consider
doubters to full in for the improvement ,
nnd tliero has boon little talk of stopping
work through legal process of late and it
looks now a.s though the council would be
undisturbed in forwarding the sewerage
Hy.stcm. Tlio contract for the heavy work
of the .sewerage system was lot to F. A.
Korsmeyer & Co. , of this city , they being
lie lowest bidders , on a bid of $3.j40.
This contract covers sixteen miles of
which Is to bo completed on or before
January 1 , and the rest of the sixteen
miles to lie finished by Juno 1 , 1837.
The contractors who have been awarded
the contract tire safe , reliable men , who
are engaged In the plumbing and gas fit
ting business. They will commence op
erations at nn early day and give em
ployment to a largo body of men , which
will make labor plenty for some time. In
regard to tlio construction of manholes
and Hushing tanks for the sewerage sys
tem , that part of tlio work will bo rp-ad-
verti.scd and let at a future day. but if no
obstructions in the way of legal processes
are put in the city's way , the construc
tion of sewerage will be a lively business
in a short time , and one that thu laboring
classes especially will appreciate.
The county court was occupied yester
day in the trial of the Globe Cofleo and
Tea company , that has for the last ton
days ueon doing a thriving business on O
street , much lo thu discomfiture of the
dealers in those staplecommoditics in the
city. The complaint and information is
signed by two of tlio prominent grocers
in the city , John II. Nadcn and Harry A.
Tcbhotts , the complaint reciting that M.
Fisher , C. F. Nobcs , O. Lewis , T. W.
Becker , J. W. Wilson andC.Dawson , the
parties at work under tlm name of tlio
( Jloljo ColVeo and Tea campany , have
opened nnd set on toot , nnd
are now carrying on , promot
ing publicly in the city of
Lincoln , n scheme ot chance or lottery ,
and the complainants further say that
the parties are selling and exposing for
sale teas and coll'eo of same value , and
said to contain valuable prizes and gifts ,
all of which is in violation of statutes as
made ami provided. The case is being
prosooufed by Attorneys Lansing nnd
Stearns , and Caldweil aud Billingslcy
are thu counsel for the defendants. A
voluminous lot of witnesses were put up
on the stand by the prosecution to show
that it was not the goods Uought that
parties purchased , but that it was for the
.chances. The plan of work of the com
pany is to sell cans of ton and collce fora
dollar each , and have a pri/.o in each can ,
sometimes valuable and more times
worthless. Among the advertised prizes
given out are watches , diamonds , solid
gold jewelry and cold cash , and the testi
mony of tno state witnesses was all in
eflbct that they were after big prizes
moro than ten or colTeo. if a person' pur
chases a can for a dollar and tails to get
anything of value in the way of a pmo ,
the company take back the cau at half
price and give a fifty-cent chance to the
customer. This ten'ls to keep the ball
rolling , and some parties , as the testi
mony bhowed , keep up a struggle for
prizes until they had spent $20 nnd up
ward , and there they would go away
minus any tea or coffee , this tendency
going to snow that the straight groceries
played little part in the performaneo.
One of the witnesses related his experi
ence : that having heard of alike scheme
before in Hullalo , N. Y , , whore UIQ tea
and coll'eo men clcurqd up big money , ho
went into the store and let them know ho
know .their plan ofwork and the big
prolit it secured IIo was not allowed to
toll on'tho witness stand all he know of
the BnQ'alowork , but he did toll how that ,
after ho ilnid told them that ho under
stood their plans nnd they had invited
him to purchase , that ho invested with
the idea that something great would
come to him , but the tea and coflco men
were up to anull' . and ho purchased and
drew brass , and purchased again and
drew brass , and then jumped the game
anil testilied in court. The testimony of
all the prosecuting witnesses was in eifoct
that they were gambling lor diamonds
rather than buying tea and coilen , nnd
evidence was introduced to show the
quality and quantity of the said groceries
given lor a dollar. There 1ms boon u
rumbling that portended just snob an
ending as this for the ( Hobo Coll'eo nnd
Tea companv , and it Ins boon a clear
case that the grocers in the city have
looked upon the operation all the time
witli great disfavor ,
at the teachers' session uLtlio high school
is progressing very satisfactorily this
week , and tlio total enrollment has
reached M8. The lecture of Professor
Thompson Monday evening , on the topic
of 'iWhat Makes the Man1 was largely
attended nnd greatly appreciated. Lnt > t
night Professor Charles Bossoy , ol the
state univcislty faculty , lectured on the
topic , "The UVachor and Guide , " It was
expected also to have a loctito one even
ing from State Superintendent Jonisbut
the great demand for his services at dif
ferent parts of the state rendered his at
tendance at the Lancaster institute ) im
The question of lighting the city has
been under discussion for a short time ,
and the city council now has propo
Hitlons from both the gas and the electric
light companies. The lost proposition
made by tno eloetrio light company is tc
place fifty liuhts on the street within n
radius of ono mile from the center of the
city , and to keep them burning until
midnight , at a cost to the city of ? 500
year. The electric light company fur
nishes the meagre street lights that the
city enjoys.
The topmost peak of the Masonic tern
plo tower has boon taken down by workmen
mon and is undergoing repairs , for several
oral months It has been bowing to tlu
dog star , and had n general appearance
that dctraoted much from the symmetry
of tlio spirit that it is undergoing reforu
and a general straightening up , is :
toplo for congratulations.
The young people of the Hrst Baptis
church have all arrangements per/octet /
for a musical entertainment this Wcdncs
day evening nt Templu bull that canno
fail to bo delightful to nil who may at
tend. Iho following excellent programme
will bo rendered.
Piano Duett Ln Hnl.idln Slsbcrg
Misses Ldxhton and 1'iMier.
Solo Selected
Mrs. Weber.
Quartette In Silent Mead Emerson
Me sis , Ctntlce. Mallory , Wooley and
Cornet Solo Selected
Dr. Dalby.
bolo Selected
Mrs. A. P. Pratt.
Reading ThcToxelcl
Miss Klieta Louise Oillde.
Harllone Solo-Village lllncKstnlth..Weiss
Mr. Cha . Malloiy.
Solo , with Violin Obllimto Selected
Mn. Weber.
Piano Solo Rondo Capiloeio o.MondelUohii
K.J. Utnwllrt.
Sheriff Kiki'nberry , of Cnss coruty ,
has boon up to the state capital .securing
Ins f-i-3 for taking two candidates from
Plntlsmonth to tlio reform school , and
the sheriu"of Adam.s county has been
collecting n bill of like nature for ser
vices rendered in his county.
The sheriH' was conducting a sale yester
day in a cnso entitled R. E. Moore trustee
v.s Gregory et al , the sale being the llnal
outcome of ti case Unit was started back
in the sevenths and which bad been to
the .supreme court on two different occa
sions. Tito amount involved wti.s some
eight hundred dollars , and to satisfy the
judgment a 100 aero tract of land just
outside the city was the pi oporty for sale.
Deputy SliorilV B. C. Yeomans , of
Weeping Water , wns interviewing the
governor a few days since on tlio ques
tion ol a requisition for n young "man
now outside the limits of tlio .stale who
caused a Cass county girl to love too
well and not wisely. The proper papers
for the return of tno young man were
In the county jail al the present time
bore there rests iho bodies of eighteen
prisoners , most of whom will bo up for
hearing tit the coming term of tno dis
trict court. Add to these the offenders
who are out on bail ami bound over
until court , ami It will bo very evident to
ono and all that the criminal business nt
the next sitting of court will bo great.
Judge llroauy. of the First judicial dis
trict , is up from Iloatrico to the state cap
ital. Mr. Broady is tlio gentleman to
whom many of his admiring democratic
constituents point as "the little giant of
the Nemaha , and his name is frequently
muntoncd ! in his own party circles as n
congressional candidate.
Lincoln lovers of the national game
are expecting n great contest on the oc
casion of the Lincoln club against the
Union Pacifies at Omaha on Sunday next ,
and a large delegation from this city wjll
undoubtedly bo present at Omaha to wit
ness the gamu and crow at Lincoln base
At Lincoln hotels yesterday numbered
among others the following NcbrasKans :
D. J. Reid , Crete ; S. B. Turner , Alma ; A.
W. MoLaughlin , Plaltsmouth ; T. 1) .
Coffey , Wvmore : John T. Lane , Wilbur :
C. R. Hall , Omaha : J. E. Doty. W. E.
Richardson , David City ; T. W. Harvey ,
Turlington ; S. W. True , Howard ; II. C.
Worthnm , Pawnee City ; O. E. Maylicld ,
Greenwood ; J. K. Adams , Grant ; Charles
Meyers , Waco ; FJemon Drake , Omaha.
Boys n 1'rcsaRc of War.
Cleveland Sunday Sun : The good old
ladies are now beginning to tell us that
war is an inevitable fact of the near
future. How do they know ? Simply be
cause all , or mostly all , of the babies born
tiiis year are boys. That is an unfailing
presage of war , as every sensible think
ing man ought to know. It is , of course ,
n very good thing that we are advised of
this fact in nmulc time to trim pur sails.
Everything will go IIP that is , every
thing eatable and salable , anil we must
begin to store away and garner up at
once. The shoddy clothing manufne.-
lurors , and Iho ingenious persons who
make coffee out of peas and hard-tack
out of pine blocks , can now are to work
nt getting ready supplies for the army.
Perhaps there may bo a general exodus
to Canada when this male surplus in the
baby line becomes known , but we have
lost so many prominent citizens to the
unfortunate dominion that wo are grief-
hardened. I hope that tlio boy-baby sign
doesn't mean n civil war ; we have had
enough of that. But when the girl babies
outnumber the boys it will bo plainly un
derstood that another sort of war is
surely foretold the domestic war. This
lifo is one unending strife.
A Fair Samplo.
Washington Critic : They were sitting
in the house gallery after having taken a
look over the capitol , and were discuss
ing the building.
"Father , " asked the daughter , "is the
capitol fireproof ? "
'Oh , yes , " was the confident reply ,
"thnre's nothing in hero that will burn ,
unless it is a congressman's speechsome
times. "
"Is it burglar-proof , too , fattier ? " con
tinued the young lady.
"Don't ' ask too many questions ,
daughter , don't nbk too lunnvquestions , "
said the father cautiously , "xou know
your fnt'.ior was in congress once , and
you remember what the newspapers said
about him. And daughter , he was a
fair sample. "
Onn of tho. Survivors.
Pcoria Transcript : "I hope , " remarked
a Chicago man , "that the attempt to ex
plore the region around the North Polo
will prove a success. I don't see why it
shouldn't. I myself have gone through
moro suffering than the Grecly parly
over encountered , nud yet hero I urn ,
alive and woll. "
"Were you ever in an arctic expedi
tion ? " inquired a stranger. '
"No , sir. "
' Perhaps you were with Stanley in his
Congo journey ? " '
"No , sir ; but I did attend the militia
encampment at Springfield. "
"Sir , " said the stranger , "allow me to
grasp your hand , I am rejoiced to meet
one of the survivors. "
There Is a boy in Dover , l\le , , born
without eyes or eyelids. The part of the
face in which the eyes ought to bo , ac
cording to all precedents , is as smooth as
the cheek. The boy is fourteen years of
age , and his name is Stimoford. His
parents have roper. ' ' dly refused offers to
have the child exhibited ns n curiosity ,
The lad's mother Is very near-sighted.
They tell of a clergyman in Lynn who
hired out to a church at n nominal salary
of f 1,000 , , tigrcoing privately to make the
church n present off 1,000 of it. A con
gregation in Connecticut henrd of the
tf 1,000 preacher , thought ho must bo ex
tra good , offered him $4,500. nnd got him ,
Then the Lynn people understood why
he pretended his snhir.r was $1,000.
Prepared vith itrlct regard to I'uritr , Etrciurtb and
lleaJthfulnesa. Ir , I'riru'i Unking lowdc couulai
BO Ammaola , JJmuor Alum , Dr. l'rlr ( 'i Kxtr cu ,
Vanilla , l mon , Orange , etc. , flavor dcliclouily.
eaioe MUHQ poween co. , uiteno iw < * st. lout *
Why Bead Agent Gambia is in Irons en
Honte to a Penitentiary ,
A Voltow Who Went West nml "Took
to Drlnkln * Iilkc n iHirticU ll'ool"
lO'iiiK In Walt for n Coach
lionHo AVn.9 Caught.
Herald : A real robber from
the mountains and plains of the wild
west is a prisoner at the Central Police
station. He was brought in from iho An-
amoia , Iowa , penltentiarv.ycsteiday , and
will bti taken today to the penitentiary
at Albany , N. Y. His story is an inter
est in t ; one. In appearance Marion ( iam
bic for that is the name of this stage
robber is sallow-faced and pop-eyed.
Ho i.s twenty-six years old. Ho is tall ,
and will weigh between 130 and 100
pounds. According to his own comes-
sion he , witlt two others , successfully
held up a stage in Montana containing
fifteen persons , including the driver.
After the shackles had been removed
from his hands and feet , and ho had
shaken himself n little , lie looked around
with n smile , cordially greeted a number
of detectives who were looking intently
at him , nnd then calmly nsked for a
cigarette , which was given him. Ho was
then taken to a cell , where , after a few
consolatory pull's of the wood , he s-ettlcd
back on his wooden bench , and in answer
to a reporter's query said. "So you want
to know how 1 worked the racket , do
you ? Well , Hain't darin1 work , and thorn
as says it is don't know. \ \ 'y.
it's as easy , " and ho pulled
a cloud of smoke around bis
head by way of illustration. "Hut before
1 tells you everything I want you to know
that the ( turned shorill's at Doer Lodge
lied about me when they said as Low 1
had robbed nine coaches. How many
did I rob ? Well , 1 didn't rob nine by a
dttrned sight , anyhow. Now , I'm an
Illeenoy boy , born right liyar In Mont
gomery county , and I'm too elus' to hum
to have nny lies told about mo. i left
this state ton years ago , when I was but
sixteen , and 1 struck tor the west , landin *
in Montana. I knocked aroun' rounrtin'
up nnd cultin' out cattle for dill'eront
ranchmen. But I got tired and went to
minin' in Wyomin' Territory. 1 got
married thrco years after I loft tins state ,
and I've got a wife and a baby six year
old. But they don't know where 1 tun ,
an" it'.s just as good they don't ; reckon
they think 1'vo sloped. But that's none
of your business and wo won't argy Iho
matter , " as lie turned back and blow his
nose and wiped his eyes several times.
"AVhat you want is this stage business.
I got poor , had no work , and took to
drinkin' like many adurned fool afore
mo. Ono night along in July , " 82 , mo an
Tom Sheldon , Iho traitor , and Frank
Wiley was sittin' in a boo/.e joint in Deer
Lodge , when in cum a stoTlcman ,
I fnrgit his name , an' he
says. 'Boys , lot's all take a drink on me. '
Well , wo tuck it an' good many more
afpro he left us fur his fehako-down at a
friend's ' ranch. Before ho left us wo
lound onf that he was heeled heavy witn
the sDondulix an' that lie was goinc : to
take the coach fur a point lifteon miles
nway som'ers across the Reek Divide on
Thursday. This was Tuesday wo heard
this. Well , what could wo'do ? Didn't
ho have $35,000 ? An' wo wanted it. So
wo sets on our nags an' waited near the
divide fur Thursday an' the coach Sure
enough , 'long about noon the ole coach
cum nt ) tlio pass. We tethered our nags
behind a little clump of pinons an' laid
fur it. I had .1 double-barrel shotgun an'
two forty-fours , while Sheldon an' Wiley
had two Remingtons an' two Colts. I
told the boys to be steddy an * all jump
out at the same timo. Wo did it , an'
when the olc driver saw us he pulled up
without a word an' dropped the lines ; he
had bce.ii there afore an' know his busi
ness. While Wiley hold the horses me
nn' Sheldon ordore.d the passentrors out ,
an 1 stood 'cm in a line , cxcoptin' the
Avimmon folks two of 'oin. Ono feller
went fur his hip pocket , but I told him to
drop it , and ho did , quick , you bet. It
wasn't a pistol , though. It was
a pookotbookj about § 300 in it.
All of 'em was scared most nigh
to death , and the coach full of shootin'
irons at that. lint when a feller looks
down a double-barrelled shotgun and a
couple of Colts lio'll ' throw up his hands
cf ho's got sense. Wo didn't got much
about $4,000 in jewels an1 money fur ,
you see , our stockman had got drunk an'
missed connections. He cum over on the
next coach , on Sunday , an' never got
tired blowin' about the good luck whisky
brought him. had bad luck , though ,
for while I was searching n 'high ilycr'
my mask fell oil'an' ho identified me
after I was capture.d. An' that reminds
" bttid tlio "tho
mo , suddenly prisoner ,
fellow that saw my face was named Pen-
royd. i disromembcr his lirst name , an'
he was a drummer for a Chicairo wholesale -
sale clothinir house. I had his card , but
I lost it. 1 didn't take nttthin' from tlio
wimmon nnd I give back some money tea
a couple of poor devils who talked about
starvin' babies an' sich. I had to laugh
at the Chicago feller , though. He were
kid gloves , and when I cum to him I
sorter took hold his iins fur fun , when I
felt a plain gold ring. I made him take
the glove oil' and found the ring was
a pure sparkler , with the stone
turned so as to bo on the inside ot his
linger. Igot it just thosamo , thougli-.an1
when I looked into his grip I found a box
of good cigars an' a quart of the best
whisky I over tasted. I passed itaround ,
so's to make everybody spruce up like ,
Then wc.lct '' three months later
I was nabbed by thq sheriff's at Shedd's '
Bridges , as I told you in the start oil' .
The United States officers say I got ? 00- ,
000 from the Wells l-'nrco express , but
it's a ( turn lie ; didn't got half that , fur I
didn't rob it , " and ho winked knowingly
at Ids listeners.
"Tliis Chicago follor , Ponroyd. is n
queer cuss , though , " added tho.highwny-
man , rollcotively , Ho told the judge that
ho was an export on voices , an' said ho
was sure I robbed him , even if ho was
mistaken about my fuco. Now , I road
sommors that In a.000,000 voices there
ain't no five alike , yet this cunning cuss
rapped to mo as soon as ho heard mu
talk. Funny , ain't it ? If yon can tiiut
Ponroyd tell him to cum an' see me , I'd
like tobhake hands with him. "
When nsked what ho considered pay
ing work at stage robbing ho replied
that , taking everything into considera
tion , ho should think $10,000 or $15,000
would bo about right.
Marshal Desmond , who will to-day
tnUo Gamble to Albany , says the prisoner
is a desperate follow , and that ho was
long sought for before captured. The
specific charge against him is thu riilling
of United States mail matter and jeopardizing
ardizing the life of the carriers , llola
sentenced for lifo ,
Imitations have been foisted upon the
market so closely resembling Alicook's
Porous Piasters in general appearance
as to bo well calculated to deceive. It is ,
however , in general appearance only
that they compare with Allcock's , for
they are worse than worthless , inasmuch
as they contain deleterious ingredients
which arc apt to cause serious injury.
Remember that Allcock's are the only
genuine porous plasters the best external -
nal remedy ever known ; and when pur
chasing plasters do not only ask for but
see that you get "Allcock's Porous Plas
ters. " The popularity which these plas
ters have attained during the past thirty
yours Una no parallel , so it is no wonder
that imitations and counterfeits abound.
Ills llcntArkni > U Uscnpailcs , final
Capture aHiOHorrlblo Death.
Philadelphia ( L'hics : In the gray of n
misty morninpi Siptcmbcr 20 , 1778 , at
Providence anil Idgcmont avenues , in
the borough of bldCliester. was executed
the intrepid outlar , Captain .lames Fitz-
patrlek , the terro1 of the whig revolu
tionary forcfathen of Chester county.
Captain Fitzaslio , railed himself , was
a blacksmith by tudo. He was a patriot
volunteer early inl770 with the "Flying
Camp" of CheMoicounty , which wont to
participate in tls disastrous battle of
lAMig Island. He might have taken not
only a hand in Uupngngomunllhatlxiircil
or consigned to jrison > hips mo < t of the
"Old PennsyUaiiii Line , " but have at
tained rank with he best blood of them
all , had not a bruttl Hogging for slight
disobedience chaujed llio current of his
future actions. Uesertlng the patriot
cause ho swam tin Hudson river , crossed
New Jersey and reached Philadelphia ,
homeward bound o Cheslcr county. Ho
Was arrested in tils city nnd safely quar
tered in the old NVilnut street prison. On
promising to remw his military lifo ho
\\as lot go , but tlis memory of that llog-
ging luumled bin , and when tlio British
appeared at tlio Ilk river , preparatory lethe
the battle of Bra.ilywhuj , Fit/ joined the
enemy's ranks.
Subsequently , Miou the victorious llrit-
ish , under ( Sen. Ibwe , look po cssion of
Philadelphia , Fit patrlek was there in
the role of captan , with a lioutonunt of
his own choice mined Mordocal Doherty.
With a small connand they terrorized
their old ncighbnwhig.s in Chester
county. Their hindquarters were often
tit "HtuuK pass , " iear the present town
of Coatsvillo. Tin tux collector seems
to have been the Articular object of Fit/ '
ntVoetions. It is related that on a certain
foraging cxpedltim , falling in with two
of these \yorthius irmcd with muskets ,
and entering into onvorsatlon with him ,
they Inquired if ho had ever seen this
dipt. Fitzpatrick One of thorn , Capt.
McGowiUi'as lutioularly 'bolicoso in
c.\prehMtig tlio goat ulonsurc it would
give him to moa the outlaw and give
him a lessen. On tearing this Fits ; drew
out his pistols , giyiigthointo understand
ho was the indmlunl in question , nnd
would be obligci to them to fork out
their money and \iluables. The boast
ful captain was foeed to resign his mili
tary swords nnd pitols , bis queue was
cropped clos-c , ant , boiug tied to a tree ,
lie was severely lligged. On represent
ing that the watcliMtz helped himself to
was a family relic L was returned. An
old ballad says :
Koine he did rob , thtn let them go free.
Bold Capt. Mco\vai ( ! he tied to a tiee ;
Some he did whip ail some he did spaic ,
Ho cauidit Capt. Mco\van ( and cut off his
These daring nes of lawlessness led
the wings of Chest r to combine in an
cll'ort to capture tin outlaw , and to this
end they oflercd a nward of $1,000 for
his head. Several vigilant committees
wore on the hunt aid meetings were held
to devise plans to jring- the outlaw to
justice. Fitzpatriec himself put in "Ui
incog , appearance t ono of those mce't-
ings at a tavern ui the West Chester
road. A militia uiptnln was holding
forth in a gran.dilwinent style , dilating
on the eminent , plcisuro it would afl'ord
him to moot Ca/taii / Fitx. face to face that
lie might haiut him'1 over. The outlaw
watched his chanctfand when the. noisy
captain was alone le approached him and
btiid he could hpve.his wishes crntlticd
relative to Captainl'itK. Ho was" invited
to a neighboring nom to sco the outlaw
face to face. On cilering the room Fit/
locked the dooi and leveled a
candlestick at the dumbfounded
captain's headsiying ' : "Young man ,
you want to see Cap. FitI am that
person. I'll troubb you for your watch
and the money .yo | may have about you. "
With hands tiedwith his own handker
chief behind his bnpk.tho captain was told :
"You may gd bick to j-our friends and
tell them that yui wanted to bee Capt.
Fitx and you have seen him. " The pro
clamations of tlio executive county com
mittee ofl'ering a pizc for Ins head made
him a target for concealed marksmen ,
yet ho escaped , apiearing oven in broad
daylight in Kennat square , with pistols
and dagger , at the "Unicorn , " the noted
tavern ot the tiiiB. It is said that the
people made wa } for him as he
passed , but these must have been
tor.v friends , wlo were very nu
merous and inlhcntial thereabouts.
Never was it said that Fit/ molested
a tory , robbed a poor peddler , or insulted
a female. This broignt him into favor
able recognition wtli all young ladies
who sympathized vith King George , and
they regarded the jutlaw as a hero. On
Aug. 23. 1778 , ho cilled at the house of
Capt. McAfee , nn u-clent whig , residing
near Castle rock , aromautic spot , where
the West Cheater road crosses Crum
creek .about ten miles from Chester. In
quiring if William McAfco lived there ,
ho was given to underhand politely that
he was talking to tke son , Robert ( Cap
tain ) McAfee , Ilcjnning "I am Capt
Fitzpatriek , " he was politely invited by
the muscular McAfee to tea. Ht/patricic
gave him to understand there wore four
ot them ; that ho came to levy a con
tribution of 150 , and , drawing pistols ,
demanded the needful.
Espying a handsome pair of buckled
shoes on young McAfee , ho was not long
discussing their utility. Thwarted in not
finding tlio money after ransacking all
the drawers , or rather compelling Cap
tain McAfee to do so , ho imposed as a
penalty , that McAfco should join him in
the next excursion.
Ordering tlio four helpless ones-
McAfee's wife , children , and housmaid
into line , ho was lixincr on the buckled
shoes , still down at the heels , and in the
exertion to get them on iisod both hands.
This was McAfee's opportunity. Ho sud
denly sprang on the outlaw and held his
arms , while the housemaid , Rachel
Walker , eei/.cd the hand holding the pistol
tel and wrenched it from his grasp , Ho
was safely taken to prison , and on the
15th of September ho was tried and con
victed of burglary and robbery at the
county seat , at Chester , Ho was sen
tenced for execution on the 20th. It in
said the outlaw wus stangled to death ,
his toes touching the ground as the cart
was drawn from under him , and that the
executioner brutally aided the work of
strangulation by juinl > ing on his back.
Purify your blo"od < tone up the system ,
ami regulate the digestive organs by
taking Hood's SarstJpurilla. Sold by ail
druggists , ,
Hlia Had n Coal Mine.
Wall Street Nc > Vs : Ho entered the
olllco of a eapmili'st in Richmond the
other day nnu quietly1 inquired :
"How much would , a vein of coal half
n mile long , a quarter of a mile broad
and fifty feet thiuk bo vrorth ? "
"I .should say f'5,030 , , but if you want
more exact figure ! * , and give mo the loca
tion I think I cau "
"Oh , no , yon , " cptft colonel , " inter
rupted the quivC man. "I'm going to
marry her myself-asiKoon as the cars can
take mo out there. "
And he liiiftlo-l out as if fearful that
the capitalist might locate tno widow and
the fcpot.
"That Miss Jones is n nice-looking girl ,
isn't she ) ; "
"Yes , and she'd bo the belle ot the town
if it wasn't for one thing. "
"What's that i"
"She has catarrh so bad it U unpleasant
to bo near her. She has tried n do/en
things and nothing helps her. I am
sorry , for I like her , but that doesn't
make it any less disagreeable for ono to
bo around her , "
Now if she had used Dr. Sage's Catarrh
Remedy , there would have been nothing
of tlio kind said , forit will cure catarrh
very time ,
Don't ' pay big pncai or lumbar but
buy clioap at Bradford's.
Five Thousand Dollars to Any Gkrritablo
Institution ,
If It Can not lie Done As It Is Stated ,
llwliteter , ( A . V. ) t'nlmi ami Ailcerlltr.
Friends of cx-l'rrslilmit Aitliur nre vet-i
very much dlsqulotoil.
OfoniirsL-Iio Is not going to rile I lie Is In
the hnmls ot a very paitictilnr phj slclaii.
Ills doctor does not cull It llrlitlit's DIs-
O.T.P ! Xo , it Is stomach disorder that ho li
MtfToalug from now , nml every few hours ho
takes a cold , anil from ( Into to time many
other symptoms aid developed. Thcso symp
toms the public should know are ically sec
ondary to Hi ( gill's Disease.
Ills physician sajs that rvrr > tlinK ! that
medical skill can do for him is bulng done.
This I * not sol
The < MIU Is a prominent one , because the
penernl Han cvpiosldnit and yet there im >
thonsiiiifl.s of fanners qulellj tlyltic In their
fatm houses , of secondary symptoms of
might's disease , called by ever } other con
ceivable name , thousands ot workmen , liko-
vtlsudyintj , leaving huijilos families ; hun-
( Ircdioflhousands In all walks tiflllowho
lime sickened and are lljeul ! c dying , help-
lots victims of ixnvt'ilMs plnslehuis.
Kluht K'uisimo a u > iy well known gentle ,
man was about to enter upon larco commer
cial transactions. His medical adviser
( inletly dropped Into his ofllco one day and
told Ins conndcntial cleik that ho would bo
dead In thu'o months ; uul that he ouulitto
settle up his business affairs at once.
That man Is alive nml well to-day , yet ho
was given tip as inriirablo wllli the same dls-
casetlintlsklllini ; ( it-man. ! Arthur I
Our icpoitor met this gciuleiiinu ycsteiday
and In convoibatlon about the general's
health , ho said :
"I will give S5.000 to any charitable Instl-
"lutlon In the state of Mow York , to be dos-
"iunated by the editor of the New York
"Woild , the editor ot the Uullalo Xews , and
"W. K. Klssclbuifc'h of the Troy Times , If
"Wnilici's sixfo cure ( talcen according to
"my directions ) which cmcd 1110 eight years
"niro , cannot cmo Ceneial Chester A. Aithur
"ol Hiight's disease , liom which he is
' ' .
"Xowi want yon to understand , " ho said
"that wo do not piofess to make new kid-
"ncys , but wo do know Horn personal cxper-
"ienco and irom the experience of many
"thousands of similar cases , that wo can stop
"tho consumption of the kidneys. Many a
' man has uone throngn life with one kidney
"without Inconvenience. Thousands of peo-
"pie have llu'rt a majority ot their life with
"one Innir. They do not have a now lung
"made.Vedo not innke new kidneys , but
"If thekidney Is not consumed too much wo
"can stop disease and prolong life It taken In
"time. "
This offer comes fiom 11. II. Warner ,
piopilelor of Waiuer's sale cure , ot this
51 r. Warner also said , "My dear sir , there
"me governors , senators , piesldential candl-
"dates , members of congress , piomlneiit men
"and women all over the country whom I
"personally know have been cured of dls-
"ease , such as ( leneral Aithnr milleis from ,
"by our Warner's sale cute , but owing to tins
"circles in which they move they do notcato
"to gise public testimonial to the fact. "
Sir. Warner Is interested In Oennral Ar
thur's case because ho is petsonally acquaint
ed with him , and he says that It is a sliamo
that any man should be allowed to die under
the opciation of old-fashioned powerful ca-
thaitlcs , which have noctiratlvoellects.rather
than that a modern , conceded speclllc for kid
ney disease whoso wotth is acknowledged
world wide , should save htm ,
"If von doubt tlio eflieacy ot Wantoi's safe
cure,1' say the ptoptlctots. "aslc your lilonds
and nemhbois about it. Tills is asking but
little. They cau tell yon all you want to
know. "
"We have kept a slandlne offer before the
public for totir yoais , " says Mr. Warner ,
' that wo will give 55,000 to any ucrson who
can successfully dispute the genuineness , so
lar as we know , of the testimonials wo pub
lish , and none have done it. "
Were General Aithnra poor man , unable
to bo left "in the hands of Ills physician. " ho
would nse that great remedy , as many thou
sands ol'others have done and got well. How
absurd then for the people to say that every
thing that can ho donii is being done for the
ex-ptesldent , when the one successful tem-
edv of the wotld that has cured , or that can
euro a case lllco his , lias not been used by
Donton'sllair Grower
All who are UALD , all who are becoinlna
BALI ) , all who do not want to bo bald , all
who are troubled with UANDUUFF. or
li'CIUJNOr of the scalp ; should use Ucnlon's
Hair Grower. Etoim : PKU CP.NT o those
using It have grown hair. It never falls to
stop the hair from tailing. Through sickness
and fevers the hair sometimes fulls oil In a
short time , and although the pel son may
have remained bald lor years , If you use Ben-
ton's Hair Grower according to directions
you ate sure of a growth of hair. In hun
dreds of cases we have produced a peed
growth of Hair on those who have been bald
and glazed for years wo have "ully substan
tiated the following facts :
Wo grow Hair in 80 cases out of 100 , no
matter how long bald.
Unlike other contains no
sugar ot lead , or vesctablo or mineral
It is a specific for falling hair , dandiuff.
and Itching of the scalp.
The Hair Grower Is a hair food , and Its
omposltlon is almost exactly lllco the oil
which supplies the hair with Its vitality.
When the skin is very tough and hard , and
the folllco Is apparently ellectttallv closed ,
the single strength will sometimes tail to
reach tno papilla ; in Srich cases the double ) or
triple strength should be used In connection
with the single , using them alternately.
Trice , sliulo strength , 81,00 ; double
strength , S'3.00 ; tnplo strength. 53.09. If
your druggists have not got It wo will send It
prepared on receipt of price. _ . , „ _ . . _ , . .
Cleveland. O.
Sold by C. F. Goodman and Kuhn ifc ! Uo.
15tU utid Douglas. 18th and earnings
Fit on own 11 Jnckson'H Courtesy.
Portland Oregonhm : When Harper's
ferry surrendered to "Stonewall" Jncic-
son in September , 18(13 ( , Gen. Jackson
halted his horse In front of the Oth Ver
mont , mid , taking oft" his lint solemnly ,
" don't feel bad conltl
said : "Hoys , ; yon
not help it ; it was just as God willed it. "
Ono of Jackson's staff asked Col-
Stnnnnnl of thp Oth Vermont if ho had
anything to drink. Sttinnard courteously
handed him his tlask , and the young
confederate captain poured out a horn
and arrogantly sum : "Colonel , hero's
to the health of tito southern con
federacy. "
Stannard answered : "To ask and ac
cept a courtesy of a prisoner and then
insult him is an act tnat an honorable
soldier would scorn. "
Jackson turned on his staff ofliror and
gave him a severe scolding , flaying the
repetition of auoli an Insult to a prisoner
would cost him his place , Tlion turning
to Col. Htannard ( Jon. Jackson apolo
gized for the conduct ot his ollicer , say
ing that it was an exceptional act of
iuHolonco on the part of a young and
reckless man , and , bowing gravely , the
famous confederate captain rode away.
Sir Jacobs Oil does not simply dcndtm
pain , it makes the lame walk.
i i
An Olcl-Tlmo Millionaire ,
Now York Kvcning Po9t : Stephen
Whitney , who wai ono of Now York's
fuw millionaires in his day , wan a well
known character in the young metropo
lis. Had ho lived u generation later ,
"Undo Stephen , " as all the young men
called him , would have been a power in
"tho btroot. " As it was , ho know enough
to hold the money ho hud made , and his
shrewdness vfiu proverbial. Ono of the
youths of his day observed him pick up a
nail as ho passed along the street and
place it vcrv carefully upon thu window
sill of his olllcu , and , thinking it rather
too economical an act foronoof thocitv'
richest men , ho called out : "Undo
Stephen , when is a man rldt enough ? " '
"When ho a got half a million more ,
sonny , " was the quick nssponso , and the
millionaire na soi [ on hla way chuckling ,
Dr. Hamilton Warrnn , Koleutln Physi
cian ami Surgeon , Koom 0 , Crouusu
block curnor lOtli and Capitol avvnuo
Unyaud night calls promptly utlontod to
Send in Your Certificates ,
Save the outside wrapper around every
cage of French \rilla Soap you purchase
between now and October , sending them
cither by express or arrive tit our
oflico any time between Sept. 30 nnd
Oct. 00 , iaSG. Trim the wrapper down to
the border. Make the package as small
as possible.
Ho not send your wrappers so that
that will arrive at our office before Sept.
80 , as wo cannot receive them before
that live.
Do not send your wrappers so that
they will arrive at our ollico later than
Oct. 30 , as we cannot receive them after
that day.
All wrappers must bp received between
Sopt. 80 and Oct. 80 , 1830.
Write your n.imo and address plainly.
Send your lull name nnd address ; nlso
number of certificates thnt encli package
TH AT French Vllln"Ponp Is tliu best nonp to
day In tlio A niul k'lin unit kt-t for all house
hold nsus.
THAT ono vnkoor "French Vllin" properly uto'l
111 UD Inithur Hum two cukos ol ordin
ary soup.
THAT It will miiko the clotlns whiter nml cleaner -
or tliiin any othur * onp.
THAT It lm n pccullnr color Rlvon to It by tlio
lornlgu Iiigreillents used in Its mamifuo-
THATIt will imsltlvoly inovont mid euro chap
ped hands.
THAT It will SHVO labor.
THAT It will save oxponso.
THAT In nil cnsei It win lie procured of your
If nicer ns chun | > us imynrot-class soap.
THAT It will place the clothes on Iho line
( julukor tliiin any BOIIP yon onn buy ,
THAT the Intlior or foam It produces Is of n
lu'iiutllul snowy wlmenosii uovcr
THAT once u purchaser , ulwuys n consumer.
Try It- You Will Always liny It.
Ask Your Grocer for "French Villa. "
Suvo your Winpporsi they nil have n vnluo. "
ASK V08JK CItOl'ER FOR IT. Every First Cliiss Grocer Keeps It
A Genuine Vrcncli Nonp for the
More than IHunji Inf'crto ) ' Soapu.
Try It. You will Always Buy it.
Ntmnjtfot1 our mammoth Illusti'ttted cutiilof/ue f/lvltty full
particulars , ditto natnvit atnl titlilresscs of jxirtli's ivho linva received
presents. Send your mime for eatdloync to
TIfJS WOK LI ) SOAP MFG. CO. , Ilitffalo , If 3"
A , New Use for OKI Ilotol BlllH.
Now York World : Everybody at Mad
rid is talking about tile mansion of the
newly married Comtcsso do Miranda ,
who the nubile know by the name of
Christine Nelson. The rooms are deco
rated in the most extraordinary and
eccentric fnnhlon. Thus the dining room
is papered with all her old hotel bills ,
while the walls of the boudoir nro cov
ered with the music nnd librettos of nil
the operas hi which she lias ever taKcu
part. Lovely paintings ol Swedish
scenery hang in the bed room , while tlio
card room is completely paparcd from
floor to ceiling with cuttings from all the
newspapers of the world concerning the
eantntrico , The wood work aim paneling
of tlio two salons are completely hidden
by all Ilia failed wreaths , bouquets nnd
ribbons presented to the prima donna on
the various occasions on which she up-
poured in public.
Hod Star Cough Cure po.ssessns ontra-
ordinary merits , Purely vegetable , 25
Inconsistencies of tlio Btngc ,
Merchant Traveler : "Who is that thin ,
ondavoroiiK fellow just coming up from
the dresHlng-room ? "
"He's the lioavy man of the company. "
"Indeed ! And who is that fat man fill-
tlnpt over yonder J"
' 'He's ' the light comedian , "
I'rdfe.-wii of Mfdklno at Ilia Ilnrnt Unlreriltri
Knliiht at the llurul Auitrlun Order of the Iron
Crown ; KuLht Commander of Ilia Ilorul
Orileruf l .ib llH ; KnUtit of tlio It'iini I'niMlun Of
rtjrof tliolloJ KaeloiCbmuller of tUa I/UL'lJn of
-J.KUJIU uu fllWA linnr * i .iiu BhOUl'l npt be
confuundud wltlitlieliord * of trmliyeurenll * . ( IK
In uo on iof Iliu woidu patent romt'Uy. I urn tlmr-
ouitbly c nv r > nnt with lt < muiiu of vreparatlon nnd
ki.uw It tn bq not only u leulttuinto nburmucvultcul
iirodiitl.bulaUowprtuyof liiu lilifli coinuiundutloiu
lllm recclTHllniiHjmrt of tlio world. It rontuliu
c * t < n < ie of Hocr , Coni.UululiiB. In'imnd ( 'nlljaju.
Inraluibfalo ll nlio are Hun Down , Nerroun. Ir -
iwiitlr , Ullloui. Unurlout or utilctuJtllli wrak kld <
ird by JU > r Itovtil llteliuc" ! Ilia ITInuiM of Wulu <
id lliu uutillHr. Kor tbe 8U" . tfouil > l lon. Kruu-
luni.n > u | > plnv. IloushntmMUM. Of drujotUtii.
I.1KU1O COM Genuine Hyruii of r > r partll , U
UMUiilned iitll'D Lo ttJi a arlUiiri | luw market.
N. V. UXl'OT , M M Ulllt AY B'l'UUBT ,
MUSIC , Boston , Mass.
Till ! LA1UIKKT and 11KST KQUI1TBD In the
WOULD , HXJ Instructors , Mm tudont Imt year ,
Thorough Instructions In vncnl und InttruRiQntnl ma
de , I'lanound Omen tunlnif , Kino Art * , Orulory , Liter-
utnrp. Krencli , llnrmim and Hullun Unmmum , ltnp
llBli brunolios.OyDinuntlcK , eUi.TuitionStotlli board
and room with ntcnrn boat nnd eloctrln light MStotu
pcrtorni. I''AIITKKM be ln Beiitember , I Ml. ITor
IlluntratcdOulondnr.nttli fulljiiformntloniiu' "
TO1J11JKH Iilr..irrnnklln til. , lloitunMan.
ofUlruly cured In QOaajBuyBr *
lorno' tIoctr .U qetloli lt.
riiM.comblncd. Uuixuitcrd tli *
'rurrmf. bclentllleTowtr/ul. Durable ,
Comfortalila mid Ktferilra.Told Inatid.
OrirlMmn cured. Kdiilfit.irnprorpirr.nhUt.
Ileccntljr Unlit. No ljr Vurnlilied
The Tremont.
J. C. VITMIKHAIM & SON , I'ropilotors.
Cur. tth and I1 tits. , Lincoln , Nub.
1Ute > SI.0 pcrdur , Elroot can frombouio to anr
part of Ine cltr.
Architect ,
Omcei 3) ) . 31 n nd 1'J , Itkilmrd * lllock , Lincoln.
Nub , Jiovutor : on lltli 8 1 root.
UreBderol llrevdurof
OALLOWA v UATTI.K. KnourlluiiN CArrr.i
1' . M. WOODS ,
Live Stock Auctioneer
Hnlos inndo In all imrts of the U. H. nt fair
rates , llomn D.Btnto Illouk , Lincoln , Nob.7
Oollovrny unU Short Horn bulls for bulc.
li. n , a6uuiNG7
Farm Loans and Insurance ,
Oorroinondenoo In rrifiu'.l lo lomn BolldloJ ,
Uooin 4 , IllflmrJu HUicU , Mnuoln , Nob.
Public Sale ,
I > vnv r , Col. ! .luut ) DOIIi , l48i ! ,
40 head of Show Snort lIurtL Jutes ialrttlalc
2-yt > iir-oUl8 wul 1C.VJ ; unJ
iglfui-n. AUilros'j Fidld iiml 1'itrin , for cmiuoir-
cfl , Donyor , Col. 0. M. Ilraiison. Lincoln , Nou.
Col. ! ' . M , Woods Auutlouoor.
When in Lincoln stop at
National Hotel ,
And t'et n uoo'4 illntioi- for Sic.
' JA.FKIA\VAy Prop.