Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 11, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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Wheat in Chicago Takoa a Tnmblo But
More Than Recovers.
The Alnimlmit Itnlns Alno Kxort a
Downward Influence On That
Corrnt All Markets Ocncr-
ally Wcnk Mrc Stoclc.
uu.viN SIAIIKIT. :
CincAii ) , AnsmF 10.-fSiuvlnl Tclc.-inni
to tin ; Hr.iuJ WIIIAT : Tlicru was n Bel of
\\ct\k tn.iikcts on tin ; ( > i > ( 'ii Ixmnl and on tliu
euro , but they liirniiK ! n Mimic lliinc-r uflcr
tlio oiicnlnif. \\'lii it fell since jfjttMtln > ' i
dost * from ? 5Jic to 75\c. On tht ! tijicn bunul
It .sold iimlnl > iMjtwt'tni T.YVcnhd 7iJ-ie. The diiviiliit ; nt "V c , and on biM <
local duniiind It soon advanced to
" ' .V' ! " > J < i- , 'I'lio wheat icccipU to-day were
171 r.-ii-s of wmtur und fij curs of siulni : , lu.ik-
ln i'l\llo4ctluT. ! : Tliecoru loculjits today
ui'iutfiO cuts nnd unts ! W1 cais. Coin \\M
also littlu I'iisltr , but no sji'ci.'U nttunipt
\\ns Hindi ! nttliu oin'iniii ; to do iiiitcli , Tlio
\\oatlivi v\as against the inaikcts. l.ncal
tains iirc ) L | iiitc < t In Indian , ! , Illinois mid
Iowa In tact , Kuitfrally tlitoiuhout tlio
i vallej and iijilioi lake region. O.Us
n sliariuk'lkctloii , oponliiK atS'c
fur Sfitcinlcr | ) , the clo'.e last nlslit bolnc
iKijfubi'iiteiiiber. Pork Mild eaily nt SO..V ) ®
O.fl'J , \ \ lilch was also the cluslnc in ices.
Not iniicii ol n ran shown In tlio
wheat ninikut until pujlty nuur the clo > c' .
Tin ) lUuti's bugnn coinlnj ; in on the KOVCIH-
int'iit riijiutt , and thun an easier loullni ; and
downuaid tendency set In , The leveltt | of
the H'poit ItM-lf bioke wheat elf lioni T.'i c to
7'iJlo , thoughiiu-actlon dirtied it tack within
} { col tlioHtnttlni ; point , leading Septi'inber
nt noon W < ( * 75J c. In brief the
ini'iit e.stiinati's a duiucclatlon In
wlie.itornlotitKroo.oco ) ! ) InislieN , mid in coin
of about : KX,000tiou ) biibhel . Winter \\livnt
Is nul inentlonud. Hefore noon finite u little
lonj ; wheat wni brought out , It belli1. ? con-
Hlilcirdnltogctliei inobable that tlio niaiket
would bii'tik , but the short luteiett s suf-
licont to ab&orb about all the offriltiigN , and
] uicus continued at UKUIVS just a shade
nl 'liur than they oiuncd. | In ru.uiy nnattets
tint falliiiK-olT in tlio go\eminent lepott la
not us girnt as was e.\H'cted | , A inudurutcly
active btislne-is was transacted. The snpnly
ot helk'is ' noticed at t e oiicnliiK became
plainly less us the scsilon advanced , until nt
the close ( be. demand was good , with
holdeis Inclined to be Inni. The top rixnro
Joi the day \\i\i \ 7tc. ) ' This was made a mo
ment bctoio the cloM , ' . The advance ttotn
75 | c , around which the market hunt , ' bteatlily ,
was caused wholly by demand.
Tliete Is little tiuestloii that the ho.wy corn
icceipts mid tlm itdns mentioned abo\e weio
the main caiiM" > in bie.ikini ; the matket. llc-
Joie noon SeptemlH'r com had trot down to
4' } fc , almoit lo limn what it had sold at
earlier In the day. Jitter , howevei , It tecov-
eicd a trllle and bttuirglcd hard to iiialn-
In jiiovislon cliclcs the talk Is still that
Armour or other bi inteiests me ruiinini , ' n
iliMl in ribs , and prices rather tend to con-
iiiin it Lasl > ear at this time libs weie
S5.W ; last week they wete SO.'JS. Lard and
jioik , on the other hand , showery little de-
pieciation about u" > c In pork and AOu In lard ,
'i'o-day ) iork opened at fcU.fXJ , sold to S'J.iiO ,
then o'll In sympatiiy to S'J.-47'i ' , and steadied
nji around i'.i.f/O.
Tim Miiull L'rains were eahicr all round , and
ruled rather lie.ivy than otherwise , e\eithini ;
closing barely ste.uly.
Coin , 'JJ."i : f. M. September wheat , 70'jO ( ;
nits , 7."i3/e : calls , 10 } < e. tientember coin ,
: ! ; 8e ; puts , -l3Sf : bid ; calls , W c bid.
Cnic'Afio , August 10. ( Special Telegram
to tlio Um.l : CATII.I : As compared with
yesterday tliero is little or no change to note
In the cattle market. I'llmoto choice corn
fed cattle arc if ally.scarce and other classes
plentiful. As a consequence corn fed stock
sells at a considerable piemhnn overgrass
mid part coi n fed. The jjreat bulk of good to
choice continues to sell within a range of
Si.7.X4.o : , while useful and inline cattle
liavo gone as low as SI.5f&'iOl ! ! } and
rough steers have sold as low as § : ( .25@3.75.
Northern range cattle included 0. ) loads.
Shipping steeis , IMiuo irx Ibd , S-t.GOui5.CO ;
isoutoiaw ) ibs. S4.oo@H.oo ; y > o to 1200
Ibs , S3.00-I.'JO Western rauccis , IfcOO head ,
MilU strongi natives and hnlf-bu'ud < ; , S-I.OOC'd
4.0' ) ; wintered Texmis 53.75.00. : ; tj.iles of
ni : Monlann , littl Ibs , SUX ) .
HodH Ttade was laiily active and prices n
shade ( Monger on prime corn-led stock.
Common aim glass } stock is hard to sell and
lor which Iliem are no lixcd values. Good to
choice coin-fed tnl.sed , S-i.MiHlo. ) ( mid best
heavy , > (5.15. There weio but few buyers
ot light horts on tlio maikct to-day , shlnpets
takinc only ti tew loads. Ualtiinoiu and
Yoik sort , coin-fed. S4.75Mt.M ; grass-
ei , 51.004(4.25 ( ; skips , S3.S5anu upwards.
New yorlc. Atipust 10. JIONEV On call
ea y , laiigiug from 3 to 0 per cent , closing at
4fli ( ; per cent ,
: 4@5 per
cent ,
jCxciiAxnr. Dull mid nn
and ( | tiotatlous a shade lower.
S'IOCKH The stock market recovered to
day from the light money scare , although It
is believed that tliu readjustments ot loans
will bo a disturbing element for somii days to
come. .Modciaio business was transacted
until after midday , when a dull and fc.itiuo-
lehs market was had followed In the last
liour by a niodeiato advance , mid tliu hiaikct
closed til in at about the best prices ot tlio
day. TKO clonliie in Ices show decided gains
for almost everything on the active list , 1'a-
clilc.Mall being the only exception with n
loss of if per cent.
Sflccnt bonds. , looj/o. fcN. W
U. b. 4'i's preferred.
New 48 . 12WN. f. U
I'llcllioO'Hof" . 180 Orcffou Trail.
Central P.iclllc. . I'nclilc Mull. . .
0.&A my r , I ) . & E.
tiruforied. . . . 150 IM' . O
C. n. itq laii ! Hock Island
1) . I , . A\V SUU&S. K. . . .
J ) . ifcK. (5 ai jirufuricd. . .
Erie 34 0 , , AI. it St. P. . .
Eriepreferred. . . . 77 nrefcricd. , .
Illinois Central. 185 St. Kit O
1. , II. tVW 17 : preferred. . .
Kansas ATexas. W. Texas Pavltlo. . .
I.uko Shuru Union Pacific. . .
J t ' T 4G > i.\v.St. \ h. & P. .
Wleli'dontnii ! ! ! 81 ) $ prcferrnd. . .
Mo. I'aclllc HO's . \\V.stprn . . . . Union.
A'ortlii'tn I'nu. , , V
liofcneil , , .
1'itunuon a
Ctitoaco , August 10 , Flour Qnlet and
Buclmngrd ; winter wheat Hour , 84.0.X&UO ;
oiilli ( > riiS.i.UXgl.M ( ; Wisconsin , 4.00Q4.15 ;
Michigan bofthpiliu wheat , g3.50@l.lO : Min
nesota bakers , S3..VKit4.10 ; patents , St.'M ®
4.GO : low grades , SJJ.Vfj-j.TS ; rye Hour , quiet
Bt 3.'Xj5.W ! In ban 0(1 ( , nud S3.0CK33.80 in
Wheat Opened weaker , and tfo under the
closing of > estei day. eloslnt ; strong and 5 > e'c
nlchrr : cath , 74Kc ; September , 70ic : Octo
ber , 7Sc.
Com Active but lower ; opened ( Ji.Vc
lower and closed Xo below jcsterday ; cash ,
41 13-lCo ; September , 43 5-lOc ; October , 44
Oats Dull , easy and fc lower ; cash , 2
Bcplcmber , IB T-lOc ; October , a > } { c.
Jtyo-Dull nt Sic.
WKe ,
VlnxseeaS1.15. .
Timolhy I'rinte. 82,00
Hulk Meats-Short ribs steady at SO.SO ;
dry tailed shoulders , $0.10(3 ( 8.14 ; short clear
Blcles , 50.55Sfl.fA
I'ork Opened at 2KG(5c ( decline from yes-
teaday's eloslnic , reacted lOo , broke I'-
reacted be and closed quiet ; casti , $0.4
J.47V ; September , Sn.MKfAW5 ; October ,
< | o.t2. .
I.irdKasy at opening , dwllncd 2jfe , De-
cauie irtuT. : ndvanuifd bo. and closed steady ;
cash. Sfi.Wv56.waX : September. ? 0.07J < .
Huttor Fancy creameries , tirm ; crcmner-
Ic ? . 14 ) c : dairies. 1316c.
Cheese Hter.dyand unchanged ; full cream.
cl eddaro , 7g7)c ) : flats , 7
- . .
Hides Heavy green salted , Sf SJ c : lleht
0tt'ji ( < c ; damaged , 7/c , ' ; bull bides , 5J/c :
drv Mltrd. 110120 : dry flint , i14c : ; call
skins tKdlo' ' c ; tleacou , Me each.
Tallow No. 1 countiy , : i'f@ c ; No. 2 , 3c ;
cake , '
Kccclpt.4. Shipincnt ? .
I'lour.bbis . S ,00u ( M3 . 111.000 ! * i.oorj
Corn.uu . Ti.O)0 ! ( ) 11KCOU
OalS On . IS'.l.OOO 14A.OOO
Hje.bu . 1:1,0110 : 12,000
UarK .mi . 2snco 7,000
New York , August 10. Itccclpls ,
iS'J.OOd ; i > xptnt , iX : ,000 ; spot slmdo lower
and fairly nclive : optloni otvncit heavy ami
' 4e lo\\ ( r. later I tiled .ttonger ntnl advanced
aikfi fl" " ! nir stead v. t'ngiadcd red , 7VW
v > c ; ungraded red , P. f.aud L. l'vC'iNX ; ; No.
Hied , S-J'oc ; No. 2 led , " 4iC In elevator ,
w'f o alloat , * l"/e f. o. K : No. 1 red ,
We ; No. 8. led , September , closed at S-VsCc.
Coin Spot , dull : options , lower ; receipt' ,
11.000 ; I'xpotti , 4 MOO ; uivraded , 4s'M )
WC ) ; No.J. . rc In ele\atoi , fjOJjC delivered ;
September eloped at .V)14c. )
Oats 1'iiMJtllcd niul H'1-V lower , \\llli mom
dnlnr ; receipts , f/.ooi ) ; expnrts 1.4"0 ; mixed
we tein , " 4 ( < ii7cwhlti' : ; western , : ii'i4)c. )
Pcttolomn Steady ; I'nlted closed ntOl'fc.
I'mk-Diill : old mess S10..VXr 10. " > .
I.tird ( Jnk't : westein steam , spot , S7@
7.i7-f ( } ! Setitember. S7.t.v ) j7.os.
Hiillor I'll m ; demand lair ; wcstcin , 12@
20'c. ' ,
( . ' | UM * C I'lrnicr with tnlr demand ; westein
tint , 7fri7'4P. '
Kirgs ( iuiet ; western fresh , l"Jrv14c.
Cliiclnniul. Aiunst 10. Wheat Cash ,
lower ; No ' - red , 7IJi ( < l7rK' .
Coin Dull mid lower ; No. 3 inKrd , 42jfc.
Oats-Aeti\e : No. a mixed , itoOi''Siic.
H\e Kasj ; No. 'i , Wlc.
1'oik - ( inlet at S10.S1.
Whhky Steady nt S1.U7.
Milwaukee , August 10.--Whcat Finn ; 74 ; < ; p ; September , 7ilc.
Com l jsiei : No , 2. 41-Jfc.
oats-Dull : No.'j'c. '
lijo Inactive ; No. 1 , nominal.
Hal ley Lower ; No. 'J , ClJ c
I'mvNIoiis Lower ; mess wrk , beptcin-
ber , Stl.M ; October , i'.OO.
MliincjiiKiliH , Ainrupt 10. Wheat
Weak but fail ly acti\o at lowe-t ptiees ; No.
1 haid , cash. " 74c : Sejitember. olfered at
74e with nn sales : October , 7. ' > lic ; No. 1
noi them , cash , ? J < j ; September , 72c ; Octo-
bei , TiJ c ; No. 3 noilhern , cash , ov , SIM >
tember , V'-c ; October. OWc ; new No.
1 hatd , e.isli , 74c ; September. 7lc ; salt1 * . 50-
000 bus ; No. i noitliem , September , 70' c ;
sales , lixXK ) ( ) bus.
l-'loiir-Didl ; patents , S-UXXjHiJO ; br.kcrs ,
' .
Itfeelpts Whuat , 77,000 bushels ; Hour , 100
ban els.
Shipments Wheat , 18,000 bushels ; Hour ,
" ,000 barrels.
St. Louis. Aturuit 10. Wheat 1' ' Inn ;
> 'o. 8 , red , cash , " 7.'iJfC 7i1 ( c ; September ,
77. ' < c.
Corn Easy , No. 2 , mixed , cash , .TS andc ;
September , 3'.iM@c. : ! ! , ,
Oats About steady ; No. 2 , mixed , cash ,
, ( < M < ; fc ; September , 27J c.
Ifye hteaily nt BOJfc.
Whisky Firm at S1.07.
Pork Firmer at
I. aril Steady at Sfi.50.
Uutter Quiet and steady ; cieamery , 17@
Knns.ifi City , August 10. Wheat-
Lower ; No. 2 red. c.isli , COc bid ; Sep
tember , Cl c ; October. ( HJ'e bid.
Com Steady ; No.- ' , cash , 3.c ; Septem
ber , : Ms c : October , : i5c.
Oats-Nominal ; cash , 20Kc.
Toledo , Amrust 10. Wheat Active and
steady ; cash , 7S' c.
Com Steady ; cash , 4Jc.
Oats No sales.
Now Orleans , August 10. Corn Dull
weak and lower nt WfiPMc.
O.its Dull and lower ; choice western ,
Corn mr > al Dull at 32.40.
llo Pioducts Quiet and weak.
Poik-SllUO. Kollncil. tierce , S0. 7' < r ( 0.50.
Utdk Jlc.tts Shoulders , S5.b7K ; long clear
and clear libs , G.74 : ! ( jfl..rO.
Ijivcrpool , Atiittst 10. Wheat Demand
Improving ; new No. a winter. Os 7d ; spring ,
Cs 7d.
Flour Poor demand ; extra No. 1 spring
Corn Spot and futures , fair demand ;
new mixed , cash , linn atIs IJsd ; August ,
linn nt 4s Id ; September , linn atIs 2J d ; Oc
tober , firm nt 4s MJJd.
Chlcngo , August 10. The Drover's Jour
nal teports as follows :
Cattle Receipts , 7,700 ; stead v : rangers ,
stronger : shipping steers. Sil.rog.'i.OO ; stock-
crs mid feed < -r < , S2.40@il.40 ; cows , bulls
and mixed , Sl.UOVcTlMS ; bulk. S2.fX@t/.K ) ) ;
thiougb Texas cattle , 8COO , head , stiong , glass
steois , S2.CJ. @ 1.SO , westein rangeis , l.tOO
head , solii strong ; natives an 1 half-breeds ,
S4.00@i.Gu ; wintered Texans , $3.7.1@3.5)0 ) ; 1TJ
Montanas. S4.X ( ) .
llozs Itccejpt.s , 15,000 ; best , stronir ; grass-
cr.s , weaker : lotiKh and mixed. S4.0.X < ( .4.N ) ;
packing and bhippin S4.)7 ( < i5.12 ; light ,
g.K : ! ) ( < 4.b < ) : skills , S2.S004.00.
Sheep Receipts. l.Wii ) : firmer ; natives ,
S2.Wijl.25Texaiis152.03Cff'iO ( ; : ! ; Iambs , S3.50
(25.00. (
KnusnR City , August 10. Cattle Kn-
cclpts , 800 ! ! ; shipments , 1,000 ; native
fhipplnu and butchers' , steady ; grass
mime , slow and we.ik : u'ood to choice , S4.10
04.IX ) ; common to medium , S3.40fS > 4.03 ; .stock-
ers , 82.-IOiS2.75 ; feeders , S2.80@J.SO : ; cows ,
S1.M.75 ) ; giasa Texas steers ,
Hogs Itecelpts , 3WO ; sliijuacats , 110 ;
opened weak , and closing 0@10c lower ;
good to choice , S4.7.@t.8.'i ; common to
medium , 84.60@ .70 ; skips and pigs , S4.00 ®
St. Iiouls. Austist 10.- Cattle Kcce.Ipts ,
750 ; shipments , 4M ) ; steady on shipping ,
butcher cattle a shade stronger ;
good to choice shipping , S4.H5
CC4.75 ; common to Jnlr , ? 3.bOJ4.'i" ; butcher
pteeiH , Si.50@I.KI : ; cows and heifers , 5r2.23
: ! .50 ; Texan and Indian , S8.2.1 ( < i3.bO.
Hogs Uecelpts , 8,000 ; Rhiinneuts , 1,000 ;
linn ; butchers and best heavy , S4.80 < 7r >
4.JO ; mixed packing , S4.B : ( < ? 4.75 : litrht , S4.50
© 4.70 ; gmssern and common mixed , S3..10Q
4.85. _
Tnesdav Evenlnu' , August 10.
Cattle Choice dnsssed beef cattle were
wanted to-day , but there were "very few on
the niaiket. Values remain about steady.
The market was \ery active.
HOKS The llulit receipts , which fall far
short of the demand , caused an advance ot
lOeon tlio market to-day. Everything rot
celved hold icadily at tlio advance.
Sheep None on the market and no de
Cattle . 400
llOU'3 . . . 000
Prevailing Prlons.
Stiowlnif the prevailing ptlcei paid for live
Mtock on this market.
Choice steers , iiao to 1500 His . § 4.20JI.5 ( ( : !
Choice steers , 1100 to 1SOO I In. , . 3.75 1.15
Medium Meets , I'i50 to 1351 Ibs . . 3.75 ( < e4.X ( ) little steers , 1050 to 1150 Ibs . . . . ! l.fi5C < r3..K )
tiood feeders , IKX ) to 1000 Ibs . 8.0iM3 ) , !
Good to choice corn-fed cow.s . S.vooi > 3.23
Fair to medium grass cowd . a.oovw.a1 ;
( lood to choice bullH . 1.50G 2.M )
Light nnd medium nogs . 4.OM4..M ! ! )
Good to choice heavy hogs . 4.50&I.GO
Good to choice mixed lie s . . . 4.3.Xnl.A5
Fair to good shorn sheep . 2.00C < r3.50
Kcprosontatlvo Sales.
No Av. Pr. No Av. Pr.
1 . : OM 82.75 44 . 1009 3.00
4 . tU3 2.85 7 . U75 3.00
5 . 10W 3.00 0 . 005 S.15
10 . 10.M 8.00
10 . 1204 4.00
1 . 1520 1.50 3 . 1250 2.50
S . .12S8 2.00 1 . 12 0 2.W
1 . 1540 2.00
No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr.
68. , , . 1W 120 84.45 C6..234 SO 84.55
01 , . . . 234 100 4.45 47. . . .203 2SO 4.55
ttJ. . , . 270 400 4.47X 50..255 00 4.47 > f
07 , , , . 207 200 4.M ) 5'J..233 60 4,00
09. , . . 230 169 4.55
13. . . . 250 320 3.50 10 , . . ,365 860 3.05
5. . , . 32S 200 3.75 1..470 4.00
6 . . . 213 40 8.75 5..8i2 120 4.10
3 , . . .500 100 3.05 4..23V3 4.60
1. , . . & 20 80 3.05
Rnnge of Prices.
Sho\vuitlio | hlgheatand lowust prices luld
f or nunod loads ot hojaon this market d'tr-
Inetho pu ; saven duya , wltli conparatlve :
values :
July. August.
Tuesday , Sd. . l.S5 ( .jl.OO 54.45 Q4.72 > $
Weil'sday , 4th ,
Thun > dnv. 5th 4.5 > M4.M
Frldtiy , Oth. . . . 4.4r , C < .75
Sntunlny , 7th .
Monday Uth. . . . 4.C5 @ 4.4i
Tuesday , lOth. . _ -4.45 ( g4,03
All sales ol stock in tins' market are made
pcrcwt. live welitht unless otherwise stntcd ,
lead hoei sell nt } < c per Ib for nil weight ? .
"Skins , " or hogs weighing less than 10D Ibs
no value. Pregnant sows nro dockeJ 40 Ibs
nnd tiags 80 Ibs.
Tlogs nil sold.
Hoes nilvancu a strong lOc.
Corn fed cattle were in good demand
The low prices nro keeping back the range
The quality of the ho s was not good
O. L. Smith , Ulysses , tapped the hog mar
ket to-day.
0. 11. Hammond & Co. , iccclvcil ten loads
of cattle to-day.
Win. Carter. IJecmcr , had n load of entile
on the niaiket.
Mr. McDonald , of McKldcrv & McDonald ,
wnsln with hogs.
Mr. Hall , ot Wray & Hall , was on the
mnrkct again to-day.
J. P. Mottimer , Teknmah , In with two
loads of coin fed steers.
DDau'V & Hairy , , Iack on , had two loads of
nttleon to-dn\.s market.
1) . Henderson , Hastings , in. , wns nt the
yal ds and sold a load of hogs.
Mr K. K. UichanK Ogallnla , was at the
yaids to-day with a load of cattle , his 111 si
shipment heic.
11. F. Dean. Carrel county , la. , an exton-
she fanner and feeder , wns In to-day lookIng -
Ing after lieders.
Mr. Cnthrle , of Guthtle & Co. , nnd Mr.
O sen in p. Clniks. were nt the yards and sold a
loailot hiilchcis' stun" ,
Mr. Scott , of Thomas Scottit Co. . Chicago ,
live stock commission , stonpcd at the yaids
to-day on his return from Cliadiou.
Draper Smith , manager of Kccnan &
Hancock's business at the yards , is looking
very well acaln nfter severnl weeks ot
seveie slekne .
W. i : . MrC'lotid. Waco , will be at the yards
in a day or two with live loads of cattle. Mr.
McCloud is an old live stock man mill has
nlwnjs shipped to Chicago , but has con
cluded to tiy Omaha.
On the niaiket with hogs : Uitcklcy it Hess ,
Strom burg ; Hllss it Uliss , Schmler ; Dowl-
Ing.t Puicell. Noith liend ; H. Foul. Marquette -
quette : Smith IngaIMnIrelnnd ; L. Ander
son it Co. , Mead , and K. Anderson , Auiorn.
Tuesday Kveniiur. August 10.
Tlic rultinrlnu jir/cc-s / urc fur nntnil loti of
jinnlurctti will nti the i > it Jcto / - < / < ( ) / . The
( IitotiitititiN oncuffs jf/nc..fiit the pKt'f-s ( it
wlilvh mitbtilc iinlcru nrcjillcrt.
Kis The market has been steady nt lOc ,
but is very slow. Jtoutid lots are belling at
fTTr.n -The receipts arc not largo and
the market is good for chiece grades.
Fresh ciunmcrr , ncftisc ; choice dairy ,
15 ( < tlfle : choice country , llo ' 15c ; good coun-
tt.v. ! 2 ( < 4iiciair : ; country , 'Ao/lic / ; courirjii ,
Pot'LTiiv For the lasl week or ten dr.ys
the nniikct lias been glutted with chickens.
Stocks hitvo been nccmnulatini ; and have
been can led over ironi day today , it being
impossible to keep clear , even at the low
prices. Old chickens sell nt 82.50 per debut / .
but spilngs teacli the outside at fW.O ! ) , mid
when small have to go below that. The
country eeius to be lull of chickens and low
1 ioes will probably title for the balance of
the .season. We mav see them a little better ,
how CMT , than at present , as no doubt poor
returns will cut shipments short to some ex
tent. Ducks moving slowly at S2.50.
Soi'TiiniiN PUMIS A few southern plums
are coming in and sell fairly well. Southern
plums , stands , S7.00 : southetn plums , 24
ouart cases. S2.7. " > ( Si.00. :
supplied. Bartlett pcais , per box , S3. 00 :
Whlti ) Doyenne , per box , 83.50 ; Ucurre Diel
per box , i-3.00 : other varieties , S2.7o@ioo : ;
nectarines , ; Crawford's peaches , iier box ,
S'i.'ij ; plums , per box , S'-.OO ; giapes , per
crate , S2.75.
OttAXGES California Xavols , S7.00 ; Med-
iteiianean sweets. SO.-,0 ; St.Mlcliels. 80.50.
WATIKMILOXS : : MissomI , Arkansas , etc. ,
520.00 25.00.
hr.Mo.vs The niaiket continues very linn.
Fancy , per box. S10.00 ; choice , per box , § 9.50.
CAIIUAOI : Is quite scntcenow. Missouri.
ucr ctate. S3.50.
RPoT.VToi > Am very dull. The trade is
just biiviug from hand to mouth and relying
mostly on fanners for their supply. Choice
stock Is colng at 40Vl5'Jc ( per bushel iioiv.
ONKI.VS Continue to be scarce , quotable at
S1.00@1.3o per bushel.
HIANS : llardlv anv coming in now. De
mand fair at 81."i@1.5U pur bushel , for clean
UKIMIIKS There is very little stock In the
niaiket suitable- for rcahlpniciir.
Apri.f.s Choice , per bbl , 83.00 ; good , p > ; r
bbl. S2.50.t2.75.
H A XAXAS Choice LImon , per bunch , S'J.50
@ : ioo.
CKt.nnv A small amount Is coming in out
it docs not sell very fast. Shipping stock , per
do40c. .
SouTinnix OKAVKS A tew southern
crapes have airived in the market ; 10 Ib.
boxes. SI. 00 ® 1.25.
COCOAXUTS Cocoanuts , per 100 , § 5.00 ; less
than hundred , per 100. S5.5V.
FKIS AND DATKS Figs , layer , 4 Ib boxes ,
per Ib , lOc , Dates , fancy faid , 12 Ib boxes ,
He : dales , Persian. 50 Ib boxes , per ID , lOc ,
Ni'T.s Pecans , lance polished , lie ; pecans ,
medium , Oc ; English walnuts , I4c ; almonds ,
Tarr.uiona. 20c : almond ! ) , Ijntigucdoc , 17c ;
Uta/lls , 12c ; tilberts , 14c ; peanuts , hand
picked , fancy Virginia. 8 } c ; peanuts , hand
picked choice Virginia , 7 > c ; peanuts , loastcd ,
2c e\tra per Ib.
lluxr.v California , Wo ; California ,
fittaincd , lOc ; Nebiaska , choice , 14@l5c ; Ne-
braslta , dnik , 12X@13c.
MAi'MjSuoAii ISrlcks , pcrlb , 15c ; penny
calces , pcrlb , ll c.
MAi'i.r. Svnur Hulk , 14 to 17 gallon uegs ,
per gal , 81.00 ; cal cans , per gal , $1.05 ; half
gal cans per gal , SI. 10 ,
Citin : New loik , per bbl , 87.00 ; do. naif
bbl , 84.00 ; Ctab , per doqts , S-.75 ; Michigan
refined , per bbl. SO.OO.
VINIIOAJI Whlto wine , lSi < M7c ; elder , 13
@ 17c ; single sttcusth , 13c ; triple strength ,' Fr.r.T , Tnirn. Kxo. Pigs' feet , per
y bbl , S4.00 ; do , tf bbl. S'.OO ; do , per kit , 'JOc ,
hambs' tongues , per 'ij bbl. 83.25 ; do , tier kit ,
82.50 ; do , iHiart lars , per do85.25 ; do , pint
Jars , per case , SUo/cii , SO. 75 , Tiipe , peritf
bbl , 81.00 ; do , per } { Lbl , 52.00 ; do , fier kit ;
Pnovisioxs Hnm , 12J@lfe ; breakfast ba
con , UK@'J ; clear side bacon , 7K < < ? gc ; dry salt
sides , 7 ( 7Kc ; short lib sides , fc ; shoulders ,
7e ; mess pork. 512.50 per bbl ; diied beef-ham
pieces , Itic ; laid , tieiccs , 0 > Cc : 50-lbcans7c ;
10-lb cans ( Fairbanks ) , 7J < c ; 5-lD cans , Uo ,
7 0 ; 3-Ib cans , do , 7 ic ,
KI.OUH AND Mn.i.sTUFFfi Winter wheat
flour.bestnuality patcnt.S2.60 ; second quality ,
Sa Ofii' ' . . ' * ; best quality spring wheat Hour.
patent , 82.75 ; bran , 50c per cwt : chopped
iceil , COc percwt : white corn meal , 75c ; yel
low corn meal , 05o nor cwt ; scjcenlng , COc
pcrcwt : hominy , 81.50 per cwt ; shorts , Kks
pcrcwt ; trraham , 31.75 ; hay , In bales , 87,00 ®
( KAIN Coin. 25c ; old oats , 28e ; now oats ,
20 < 25c ; rye , : c ; , cue.
Oenor ul Alnrkota.
WOOL Medium , 17@JOc per Ib ; nno heavy ,
c ; light. 14 17o ; coarse , 12@l5c ; butry
wool , % 5o olf.
HIIIKS Ureen butcliers' , 03 < ( a7e ; creen
curcd.a QbJfc ; dry Uint.ll 13e ; dry ®
lOc ; damaged hides , two-thirds price ; tallow ,
Kft'Wcs ' grease , prime white , . 3c ; yellow , 2e ;
brown , l c ; sheep pelts , 25@76c.
Prime slaughter sole leather ,
prmo oak solo leather , 3&W3Sc. (
upncr leather , per foot , 20i i5e : hem. kip ,
7X < jS5o ; oak kip , M@05c ; French Kip , Sl.OOW
1.20 ; hem. calt , S1.00@1.10 ; oak calf , 81.00 ®
1.25 ; French calf , S1.25@1.S5 ; Morocco boo
leg , 30@i2c : ; Morocco oil pebble , 28 ® 2c ; ton-
pines nnd linings , S0.00ijl0.09 ( per dor *
UEAVV ilAiinwAJtE iron , rate , 82.25 ;
low stoHl special c.vjt , 4o ; cnicib leateel , Cc ;
cast tools do , 12 16c ; wagon sjwkea1 per sat ,
S1.750W.00 ; hubs , per set , 81.25 ; felloes
sawed drr , 81.40 ; tougucs , cacn , 75c ; axles ,
each. 75c ; square nuts , oer Ib , 7 < Sllc ; cell
chain , per Ib , 0@l2c ; malleable , OQSc ; Iron
wedges , Go : crowbars , Cc ; harrow teeth , 4c :
Spring bteol , 7S8c ; Burden's horseshoes.
14.40 ; JJui den's mule shoes , S5.40. Uarbed
wire , In car lots. 34.00 per 100 Ibs. ronl
Na 8. rates , 10 to 5k S2.50 ; steel nails , 82.05 ;
Bhot-S1.05 ; buckshot , 81.85 : oriental
nowdur , kegs , 82.50 : do , half Kegs , 82.00 ;
do , quarter kc s. 81.50 ; blasting , kega , 82.35 ;
t use , twr 100 feet , CS.- . Lead H.irffcie. '
PAINTS is OnWli 10 ead. Omaha , P. P ,
Jtc ; white lead. St. Louis , p ure. 87.75 : Mar-
ellles gieeu , 1 to 5 lt > cans , i : ; Frrnch zinc
Kreen seal , 12c ; French zinc rod seal , lie ;
trench tine , in varnish asst , 20c ; French
* lnc,75c ; UTUiillUm , American , 16& ; Indian
. -W.-IL. L iiuiun iiuiiciui. cc.
-\\hltp lead , SosFienc M.i no
! '
ll c ; whitlne , com'l , i'fc ; lnmi > l > lack , Cer- !
iimnMown. l"9i lampblack , ordinary , fo ;
Prussian blue , rvicMitiramarlne , ISc ; valid } ke ,
brown , Sc : umbt-r , bunnt , 4e ; umber , raw , 4c ;
sienna , burnt. 4 < v sientia , raw , -Ic ; I'.iris
jrieen. ( jeniiliii1. 'iM ; raris crcen. cointnon.
JSc ; chiome crwn , > . Y. , 20c ; chroino crecn ,
K , I2c ; verniTllioii , Knijlisli , in oil 70c ; raw
nnd burnt umber. I lb cam. 12c : raw and
bin nt slemia , 1'Jc : land } ke , brown , iKc ; relined -
lined lampbl.ick , l'Jeco.ich ; black nnd nory
black , Ific ; drop black , lOc ; Prussian blue- ,
40o ; ultramarine blue , 18e ; clnomo Kreen. I , . ,
M. it 1) . , lOo ; bliiK ami shutter irreeii , L. . M.
A ! > . , 1 < V ; I'aiis irr'cn , IS ; ; Indian red. l.V ;
Venetian rod. 'A' Tuscan. We ; Atucilcan
voniulllon. Iit IX. ! X > c : yellow ochre , I'o ' ; I , .
M. it O. 1) ) . . Ibc : peed ochre , lOc : natent
drj-cr , ! > c : Kritliilu ? color , ll ht oak , dark oak ,
wlauut , eheMliut i.ud nbh , lac.
Ouro * AMI t. % iMirAi. : < Acid , carbolic ,
Jc ! : nchl. tartarh , .Vicbalsam ; copaiba , tier
-lAotb.irk. . sa sifrw. per lb. lOo : cnlomel ,
Perlb72c ; chlncloiildla. pern ? , 40o ; chloio
form , per lt > , UOc : loier's poxvdcis , per lb ,
S1.25 ; cpsntiiHalK per 11) , HJ e ; glvcciluu ,
pure , per n.tlbe > : lead , acetate , vcr lb. 'JOc ;
oil , eastov , No. I , per cal. , S1.50 : oil , castor ,
No. 'J , per Ral. , S14U ; oil. olixe.pcr jnl..SI.40 ; :
oil. nrlcaiiituiu , Mo ; opium. & ; lx : ) ; nulnliip ,
P. it W. and K. * S. , per oTOc ; jiotasslutn
Iodide , per lb , Sxix ) ; > , nllclii. per 07 , 40o ; Mil-
pliate 11101 phlue , 3cr 07. S'J.N ) ; sulphur , per
ll > .4c : Mnclmliu , puro/ , § 1.0. ; !
\ AHXiMiir.t Ihrn'ls , per ir.-illou : Futiil-
ture , extra , SI.H ; furniture , No , 1,51.00 ;
coach extra , SUO ; roach , No. 1 , Sl.'JO ; D.i-
mar , extra , S1.7."i Japan , 70o ; nsphallmii.
extra , &Sc ; shellic , 3.50 ; haid oil linlsii ,
bPiuiTColocnc spirits , 188 proof , 81.10 ;
do 101 proot , SI.11 ; spirits , second otiallty.
101 ptoof , S1.10 : dj 1M jinMif , 81.10. Alco
hol. 1SS pioof , S2.W | ierIne unlloti. Ki-dis-
Colden Sheaf bonbon and rje wiil-kics
Imported , per cnoe 82S.00@it.00 ; American ,
lei ) case , S10.00S1 ( .00.
Grocers' Iqt. |
PiCKi.r.s Medium , in bols , 85.00 ; do In
half hols , Sii.OO ; suali , In bills , 80.00 : do in
halt bbls , Si.W ; ) ; gluikins. In bbls , 87.00 ; do
Inhalf bbls , 81.00
CANDV Mixed , o.i i2c ; stick , SK ( ? ! > ) c
CnACKinis tianieau's sodu , butler and
picnic , 5'ic ; ciearns , 8 > $ c ; ginger snaps , 8 } c ;
cIU Koda. 7' ' < ; e.
STAKCII Mnror gloss , lib , 5c : Minor
' - - -
c ; Mil
flj/e ; Klmrstord's Uilk , 4c.
COFFEES- Ordinary grades. 10 @llc : fair ,
tnifcy green mid jelow , 13 ( il4'ac ; oTd iov-
eminent Java , 20t ( ; 5e ; Inteiior .lava. 10 > f@
20c ; Mocha , 2-Jta24c : Atbuckle's roasted ,
14Kc ; Mcl.aughlin' XXXX loastetl , 14c :
Dflworth' : lied Cross.14lv'c. .
SOAPS Kirk's bavon imperial. S2.70 ;
Kirk's satinet , S3.00 ; Kirk's standard. 83.0- ) :
Kirk's white lus { siin , 34.00 : Khk's White
Can. Si..V ( ) : Dome , S3.SV. Washboard. 83.10.
MATrnr Per caddie , -Sc ; round , per
case , 81.00 ; equate cases , 81.70 ; nude squaie ,
SYtii'i' No. 70 , 4- allen Keirs , Sl.03 ; New
Oilcans , Hxa-lCe per callou ; Maiilo Sympi
banel , strictly puie , 7i/c per gallon ; 1 gallon
cans. ? 0.'i" vcr do/H ; gallon cans , 85.25 per
dnz : ( inatt cans , .SH.PO.
Dnni ) FUCITSXolquaiter apples , :51f@ :
4c ; in evnpoiatedlxixes , UJigiU fc ; blackbei-
ries , boxc.s. ( i4h ; peaches , eastern , 4 % @
5'fe ' , ; peaclies , juvaiwratcd , Ifl' C'lHc ; Salt
hake , none in mamet ; i.isnbmries , new , 1U
ti-Oc ; cm rants , ,7kiiJ7Kc ( ; mimes , new , ) } < ;
OANNHO GOOTIS Oystcis , stnndatd , per
cas , ; si.0 : ! ; strawberries. 2 lb per case. § 2.50 ;
ntaiibcirlc& , 21b ] > L > r , cnso , & 2.'J.i ; Caliioinlu
case , VJ.r,0pincapplLls ; , J IB , per case. S3.SO
Q5.50 ; 1 lb iiineborel. per doz , 31.20 ; 1 lb salmon -
mon pur doA.SLMXgl.oTi ; 2 lb gooscbcries ,
per case , S1.75 ; 2 lb hiring beans , per case ,
81.70 ; 2 lb lima becns , per case. 81.00 : 2 lb
manowfat pcr.s , vcr ease. S2.f > 02 ; lb caily
Juno peas , per case , 82.75 ; 3 lb tomatoes ,
per case , 52.40(32.M ( : 2 lb corn , per case , 31.90
( 2.10:2 : lb corn heel , perdoz. Sl.702.00.
KOI-K } < inchO c ; ? inch , lOJ c ; inch ,
Stto.vr.s Powdered , 7J c ; cut loaf , 7\'o ;
granulated , gOpsc ; confectioners' A , 0tfc ! ;
standard extra C.5KWlcextraC ( ; , 55Xc ;
medium yellow , 5)4@5 ) ? c.
OANIII.KS Boxes , 40 Ib Cs , 03fc ; Ss , 0/c ;
boxes , 40 lb , 10 cz , UslOc ; halt box 20 lb ,
Dry Linmoor.
I > I.MtSSH.N3 : ) AND T1MDK11S.
ft'io ' ' ' ' '
ft'i8 rt'so
| is rtln rt 22 ft 21 ft
2x0 . H5.0) ) 15.UO LVOO1 15.00 1B.OO KI.IIO UVO
y.\s . 'is./ ' ) ri.5JU5. , IB..VI IH.OD ut.tu
s.\io . IK , oo r > 00)15.00115.0 ) } 111.00 111.00
2x12 liV.Vj I > . &Ull5.B9liri 50 lO.fiO 1I.WUI ! ,
4.\4-8.\S 1550 IJ.50l5.5)10.IUi ! | ( 1H.W I7Wl | BO
No. 1 , 4 & 0 Inch , 12and 14 ft. , rough..817.00
No. 2 , 4 it0inch , 12aud 14 ft. , rounh. . . 14.2 >
No. 2 , 4 it 0 inch , 1C tt. . ron'h 15.50
XX clear S3.10
KxtraA * 2.03
* A * Standnrd 2.70
0-inch clear 1.10
No. 1 l.w :
Lath , 2.45
No. 1 Com. s. 1. s. 12 , Hand 10 ft 817.25
No.3 " " 12 , 14 and 1(1 ( ft 14.75
No. 3 " " l'.1,14 aud 10 U lli.25
No.4 " " 12,14 and 10 ft 11.00
1st com. , la. 14 and 10 ft 821.50
2d " " " , 20.00
3d " " , 15,10
i'onco " " , 11.00
FI oor.i.vo.
A Oluch , whitepino 880.00
BO Inch. " " , 34.00
0 Oluch , " " , 20.00
DOInch , " " ai.oo
E Oluch , " " , laoo
1st and 2u , clear , 1'4 ' inch , s. 2s S51.CO
3d , clear , IK inch , K. a s i4'J.OO
A select , l.fy. } and U Inch , B. 2 s & 42.00
B hrlect , 1 % 1 and 3 Inch , s. 2 s 330.00
inland 2d , clear , l Inch , a. 2s S50.00
3d , clear , l inch , a. 2 s 845.00
Aeclcct , 1 Inch , s. 2s 8:10.00 :
B sclec * . 1 inch , . 2s 820.00
A12 Inch , B. I s. 12,14 nnd 10 ft
O 12 Inch " " "
No. 1 Com. 12 in.s. 1 a. 12,14 and 10 it. 1B.2.1)
No. 2 " " " 12.11 and 10 ft. . 10.2. .
Bridges -Steam Pile Driving.
1'njftnccr ? ncl Contrnctors.
Brges , Roof Trasses , Steam Pile Driving
Iron Comblnntlnn niul Hotvo Truss Drldpoj.
rillnir nnd ( ink Timber. IJIli el. , near Kninsin ,
TolcihonoNo734. |
Cigars and Tobacco. "
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos ,
Guns nnd Ammunition , IMS to SSlBoiilh lllh
Strict , 1CWO to 1CC4 I'niiuilii Strccl , Oninlui Nob.
Manufacturers of Fine Cigars ,
And \Vliolc iip | Doiiler * In 1/onf Tobnccoi. No * .
_ _ itiSjind 110 N . Hth f Irivt , Oninlm , Xcb.
' " "
\y. \ u wHiairi\ *
Aircnt for the Manufacturers timl Importora ,
Crockeiy , Glassware ,
Lamps , Clilmnc ) 5 , Ktc. Ol'.ltp , I'l" ' South ntli
Street. Omalii. .Nob ,
C. S. C5OOD111011 A CO ,
Agents tor T. A. Whitney Carriage Co , s
Children's Carriages ,
And Jewctt'a Celebrate 1 Itofrigcr.itors. Sen
or price Hits. 141 > F.irnsra t , Omahiu _
Eagle Cornice Works.
John Kpenotc'r , Propilctor. Mnmifnr.tiircr of
( iiilvunlzcil li-un nnd Ooinlce. IUI lodiu ) ; und 101
nnd 105 North luth Bticct , Oumbn , Neb.
ifnnnfccturorsof Ornnmcntnl
Galvanized Iron Cornices , Dormer
Windows , Flnnlo , Ktc. , IO P. 12th Rt.Vorkdono
_ In nn/ pun of the country.
Western "Cornlco Works ,
C. P1T.CIIT , Proprietor.
( Inlrnnlrcd Iron Cornlit ) * , Ute , 8pecnr lm.
[ ini\rcl PnlcntMitiill'oijkjIlKhU Ma nud 610d.
U'th St. . Omnba. Nct. _ _ _
Doors , Sash. Etc.
"Tn7Gate Ci'.y PlcnlKg'ilir
Doors , Sash and Illlnds. Also nil Kinds of
turning. Scroll nntl StiUr work ol incry di > -
script Ion.
Manufacturer and Denier In
Doors Sash Blinds Etc.
, , , Mouldings , .
Stair Hulls n epccliilly Telephone No. fil
_ _ lSthnudMnrcv tl..OmnhaNcb.
Electrical Supplies.
L. W. WOLFE Ic CO. , Electricians ,
Electrical Supplies ,
Mnsonlc Block , Oiunlm. Alarms. llelK
Kho Alurmn , > 'cctiiu Mnttln , ? , Sponkhu ; Tubes ,
Iron Works ,
Wrought and Cast Iron Building WorX
ion Stnlt-s , Hulling , Kollod Ileums nnd Ulrdui-j
Steam Engines , Bra s Work , Geueral Koitndrr
Mnchlnoand Blnckemltli Work. Olllot and
Works , O. P. Hy. nnd S 17th st.
-Iron aid Nails.
Cut Hails and Spikes ,
Tire Kiills r PIKInltr. . Onmlm. Noli
_ Safes.
Omaha Safe Works ,
Mnnufncturcr of riro nnd Unr la : Proof Snfo ? ,
Vnnlt Doors , Jnll Work. .Shnttci-s nnd Wlro
Work. Cor. Hth nnd Jnckiibn Sts. , Omahn , Neb.
Wsjronj and Carriages.
Established IK&
The Leading Callage Factory ,
JiWauO UU Podtfo Street , Omaha , Nob.
Commlsslcn , Etc.
Live Stock Commission
Gco. liurko. Mnnacr ,
Union Stock Yards , B. Uiuubu. Tolo iliono B53
Union Stock Yards Company ,
Limited. John 1' . llojd , SupciiutomlcnU
Live Stock Commission Merchants.
Gbipments of any nnd nil kinds of ttock solicit
i od. Union bt. ck Vnrds , Uinuba , Nob.
Lumber , Etc.
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime ,
Saab , Doors , Ktc , Ynrds Cor , 7th nnd
Cor. Vth und Dougluj.
Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Mouldings , Stiilr Work nnd Inteiior Itnril Wood
PJnlEh. Just opened. N. K. cor. ttU und Lenvun-
worth Streets , Omuha , Nob.
Wholesale Lumber ,
tl * 8 , Hth Street , Oiiinliu , Nob. 1' . Colpetzor ,
C. N.
Lumber ,
JSth nnd California Stioets , Omaha. Nob.
Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc.
Cor. Cth uud Uoujflaa Strtetb , Oniubu , Vob.
Wholesale Dealer in Lumbar ,
Omaha , Nobniska.
C1IAS. It. LUK ,
Hardwood Lumber ,
VTnrtin Stock , Toncy Woods. UrIJfo Tlmbci-a
Ac. , ti. W , Cor. till ami Liontrlus , Oiuubu , Nub.
Sash Doors Blinds
Dealer in , , ,
BUldJns 1'upcr , Eto. Houth 13th
Nobrutku ,
h , Etc ,
SuecofMirs to Ickon Flcniftcn k C < * .
Wholesale Fish Dealers ,
Importers of Torelirn Fisli.Kos. 911-913 Jonol
p t and k' . 1 * . Track. Oraabo.Nob. ,
l onfectionerv.
F. I' . FAY & CO. ,
Manufacturing Confectioners ,
Jobbers of FrniU.N'iU ' an J UU'.iri. 1211
Farnani St. , Omaharieb.
Lime , Cement , Etc.
Haiufaclurers ol Illlniii Y/jRe / L' ' ma ,
Ana Shippers of Coal nnd Coke , Cement , 1'lua-
ter , 1 Imo , Hair , Flro llrlck , Dniln , Tlio und
Bower I'll jo. Olllco , 1'iulon betel , tclupbonu all ,
Farnum HtrcctUtnab , Nebraska.
Job Printing. 1
Job Printers , Book Waders ,
_ Agricultural Implements.
' 1'Altt.lX. OHKX1XHUT MA11TIX ,
\Vboles..o ( Dealers In
Agrlcnltnrdl Implements , Wagons
nnd liupTKle ? , Uinnha Neb.
Clll' ' I'AUKKH , Donlcr In
AgricuKural implements , Wagons ,
O.rriivsrcs nntl lluir le * . . ! < nm ? t. , tot. tth atiO
loth , Omahii , Nib.
Boots and Shoes.
" " " "
V. V. MOl"JU A. CO. ,
Jobbers of Boots and Slioes ,
jni Fnnifltn Street , Omnhn , Nrb. Mnnufnctory ,
f.vniuucr Street , lloston. _ _
Carpets. " M _ ,
Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths ,
Curtitln ( lee < ! . Klc. . H23 1'nrnitu
ytrcct , On.nlm , Net- .
Coal , Lima , EU- .
Coal , Coke , Lime and Stona.
Office , I13S. lllh < t.,0mnhn , Ntb. Yards , PU )
nnd Hi1 , 'cniiorlJli ! eels.
. co-
Shippers of Coal and Coke ,
814 S. 13th St. , Omnna , Noli. iVt'owi-K , rrcslJint.
Oro. T.l-nr.n'os , Sec. iiiulTiens.
J. II. llui.nriiT. 1' . A. M M.m ,
I'rovtletor. MtumKcr.
Hebraska Coal and Lime Company ,
Otnce , i'lT f. loth Street. Tclr ) > lionc 19. _
Cio. r. IMH.IOU , Pie ? . C r.OociiiMVS.V. I'ica.
.1. A. SUMICUIANII See. nmlTtrns.
Omaha Coal , Coke and Liine Company ,
Jobbers ot Uai-d niul iofi conj , M > S. ll'tb ' St. .
OMAHA COAl , AND I'ltont'CU Ca
Hard and Soft Coal ,
Ki'.lufiive d-julors In HoliUlcr Colorado Con ! . 217
[ outh HlUblrtct.
_ Colfre and S ices. _
Home Coffea and Splc3 MiilJ MTg Co ,
Cotrco llnimluis und Splco Ililnderiiiunu "
fncturcisof Iliiklut ; 1'owtlor , I'lavonnK KxtrnoH
Blulnff.otc. Tryooa case of our l-n > packiiiro
Home ftlcnd lloastea Coffeo. 180 HowurU St. ,
Cmiibii , Nob. " _
Omaha Coffee and Spice Mills.
Tea" . CoITees , Splco * . llaklnA I'owdcr rinvorlnj ?
EMrnuti , IJtuiuiry Illuo. luk , etc. 14H-1U Hur-
ney Street , Omuba , Keb. _
' ' Commission , Etc. _ _
11KANCII & CO. ,
Wholesale Fruits , Produce , Oysters ,
1121 rinmmSt.Omalii. : Apple-- Our own i-ack-
Inn I'lutt &r.i 'n vr llnuid O } blurs , llutlur ,
Cppt ? , Uuinu , 1'oultrj , 1'otntova. _ _ _
General Commission Merchant ,
frodnco , l'iovi ions. Krnlts , Hour unit roeil. 105
5. Ktb St. , Otniihn , Neb. Coiiblenmunts Eolluiad.
itetnrns m\do : ntoiniitlv.
15. JlrDONALl ) .
< ! 15 12th Street. Oina'sn. Nub. Spoel.iltlos : Ilut.
_ let V.ft. . niiil'lncivii ! > > _
& CO. ,
Produce Commission Merchants.
Poultiy , Uuttci , GUIIIO , rrnlts , KOS. Hth
St. , Omahn , NcbrasKn.
General Commission Merchants ,
14(0 ( Dcdfro Stieut.Oinalni. Ttcbiii ku. Con :
incuts solicited.
Storage and Commission Merchant
Cbee o , Duller Ujrjfs , 1'onltry
nnd ( jiiiuc. 1U 3. 1UU. , Uanliii , Nub. Telu-
phone Xo. JJT.
\VKKKSiV ; Jill.
Storage and Commission
Tote. ? ! ! nnd DoniostlJ Kinlts n bpoc'lully . El
egant Btoruxo filcllllles Wtirebouia und ollico ,
1U Koi tb JUtU t. Telepliono 775. _
" "
D. A. ItmtLUV ,
Commission and Jobbing ,
nutter , EWE nnd I'roiliico. A full line of Stono-
Tiirc. CoiiblRumcnts tollclUxl. HU Uodyo St. ,
Buyers of Butter and Eggs.
RcJrlpcrator nnd 1'acklntr Houi-o , 14th , t I.wivcn-
woitli St. , on U. 1' . It. It. Track , Omaha , Kob.
Eilnbllshod 187P.
Genera ! Commission ,
S11S. Hth St. , Omulia , Neb. Ppeciultlcs Iluttcr
Poultry nnd Gumo.
PEYCKE nnos. ,
Commission Merchants ,
Prults , Prrgiico nnd Provisions , Ouialin , Nrb
Successors to iR'ino Orlflltb.
Comission Merchants
And \vholcailo dealur.s In ciniiitry prudtiPu ,
liiiltliutter , o e.oie. ( ioO'HonconslKnnicnt
11 Bpoclulty. U20 N. St. , O.nutui.
Fucces'ois to A. 1' . Soliao't. )
Produce Comraissioa Merchants.
No. 213 South 1'ith Stioct , Orauha , Xoh.
Dry Goads ,
oiNsnuuo & co. ,
Dry Goods , Hosiery , Motions ,
Unena , Lnrrg , Jlml'roldorj- Wlillu C'oode ,
. ICWUouulus Street , Omiilui , Nub.
White Lead ,
CAllTKU Vflll'l'K LKA.D CO. .
Sirictly Pure Y/liite / Lead.
0th SI- , und U.P. Hy. Omaha.
Harness , D.c.
WEI/TIT , rANnnocir ,
Mnnufacturora and Jabborn of
Harness Saddles Hardware
, , Saddlery ,
Turf Goods , llliuil.uts und Itohea. 1CI 1'tiruuiu
Hlroet ftmnlin. Kali. _ „
Mattresses ,
_ '
. M. IIUIJ5B ,
Mattress Company ,
Mnnufncturhnr il tlrefseo , Ileddlnr , Feather
J'ill.jivs , cvit , jtc. ; l\Xi and l-tw Donuias Stroct ,
Oiniilin. Keb.
Hauufactareis of Overalls ,
lK , Hie. , Uit : 1 91 Uouglis
iot , Oaiulm , Xub.
Beer ,
Agent [ or Meusey-Busii Brewing Rss'n '
Special bramU : J'ustit lliujwoiasi
D , L. SH.tXJS , S
De.iler ln A'l ' Klml4of
Building Material at Wholesale
IPth ti.itiitul i ,1 o i I'm II Trnoh , Onmhv (
Wholesale Dealer in Lumlier ,
roth nnd Irani Sti eels Omaha , Xe-bnuV-i. i
.1. A. WAKKl'ir.Ul.
Wholesale Lumber Lath "
, , Shingl33 , \
rtitlldlin : Paper * . Sn ! i , DOOM , llllmH , Mnttlf <
\t\K9 \ \ , l'lrh < l . Posts Mini' , I'J'l'tor ' , llnf,1
Cement. Nlntn nnu JunesOiunhn Noli. l
Millinery ,
Importers nnd Jobbers nt
and Notions
Millinery , >
_ lilt llnriu-y Street , Omaha , Noh.
Musicil Inslrtimonls.
Wholesalers of Musical Instruments.
FlPliiwny I'liui'ioV -lnT , Poc'kcr , llnlmwniut
Hi . ' I'IHIUI , ' ' .
ll.'K'i ? 1'iii'Knnl Oiuuiu , Clnijo Urir.uix
101 nnd lit ) If.lti . fticcl.
Furniture , Etc.
Furnitnro Mirrors
, Bedding , Upholstery ,
Etc.,12)3 , 1SOS nnd 1SIJ rntinim Stirot Omnli
" "
niv w i : v & s roN r
Wholesale Dealers in Furnitara ,
rarnnm Street , Omaha , Nub.
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars ,
Tobacco nnd Sinol.cis' Articles , 1-17 llounnlSt.
" "
MiVtilt : & KAAl'Ki :
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas ,
Splct-8 , ClKin-B nnd Tiibiuif . 11117 nnd I31 ! loua
las ytrei'l , Oniuha , Neb.
ilcCOltl ) , 1IHADY A. COMl'ANVi
Wholesale Grocers ,
Corner 10th nml rainam Strt'um , Omntin , Not *
i'AxixN , aAi.t.Ar.iiiut & co. ,
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
Nog. 705 , 707 , TU-J nnd 711 S. lUlh St. , Oitiuhu , Noh.
" " " " "
W. J. llitOATCH ,
Heavy Hardware , Iron , Steel.
Bprlnps , Wason Stoek , Itnnlwood I.iiiniicr , cto.
IM ) nnd 1 11 llnrney btieev. Ounihii , Nob. _
Wholcsala.Iron , Steel , Wagon
And Carrinjro Wi' i Slock. Heavy llardwaro ,
Ktc. 1217 und 121 tuxouwoitli Slroet , Omnbu ,
Builders' ' Hardware ,
llcchnnlce' Tools mid Iluffulo f calos. H05 Doug *
lnstic''t , Oiuiiliu , Nob.
I.KE , ruinn & co. ,
Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tinware ,
Ebcut Iron , Ltc. Airents for Ho o Scnlca mid
Miami Powder Co. , Onmlin Nub. _
Stoves , Ranges , Furnaces , Tiles ,
Mantlet , Unite ? , lluit-a poods. 1321 und 1323 KNP.
iiiun Stieet.
Wholesale Hardware and Hails ,
Emerson Steel Nulls. Cor. 10th und lliirncy
, Oiu'ilm , N 'b.
" '
wJi.'iKKniNO & CO. , CHICAGO ,
Manufacturer ot tlio
Deerina Harvester Goods ,
IVrlte to Wiu. si. Jxiiimer. Ganornl Affcnt ;
_ Oiniilm. Tc'ophonu U10.
Iron Pipe , Etc.
Pumps , Pipe and Engines.
Brjnm , Water , Itullu uy niul Milling ? nppllc9 , Eta1
VM , IT , ? * und It. ' * rnrnnin St. Oiiinliu , Nob. I
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Etcntn nnd Water Supplies. Hcnilqunrlora fo *
Mu&t FooKt Co.'s Uoodb. 1111 1'unmm titruut ,
Uiuubu , Nub. i
" " "
WholesQie Jewelers.
Dcnlcra In HIKeiuuio , Diamonds Wntclus
Clock * , Jmveloi-H1 Tools nnd Material * , I'.lc. , 101
nuU mi , 15th Street , Cor. Ucdgo , Onuilia , Neb , j
_ Nrt'ons ' , E c. _
Kotions.HosierGonts'F' . ' rni-hing Goods
1005 nndlOH Vuriiiiin St. , Omnlia , Neb
J. T , Rubinson Notion Company , '
lltt niul 4)5 ( ) S. lOib St.Oiiiiihn , Neb. '
ule Llunlcis In Notions and Oenta' Far-
nlshliw Guods.
Oils , Etc ,
Wholesale Dealers In Oils ,
OttBolIno , Mica Ailo ( iirasc , Ktr. A , 11. Illsbop ,
, Onmliu , Nob.
Porf < Packing.
Pork Packer and Shipper ,
Otimlm , Nubriusl.n.
HAHKIS & riBilUIt ,
Packers and Provision Desiers , ' '
Ddlco , Union Market , 151T UoilKO Strcrt. Pnoklna
bouBe , U. P. U. Jt. Truck , Oiniibu. Nob. Tolo-
pbonp No. 107. _ _
. Safes and Locks , l
* "
1 > . IIOYEIl & ( U
Agents for Hall's Safe & Lock Co.s1
Tire and Uui Blnr Proof faffiS.Tiino Ixolii > , Vaiiltj
ant ! J all woik. 1W ) I'lirimm Uroet , Onmliu , Neb
" " " "
' '
J. EVANfl ,
Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Seeds , Vi'irotiibln , Kto. Odd Tdllows' Hull.
, W. Cor. lull m > U Iioclgo Kt . , Ouutlia , Neb.
Drugs , Etc.
Wholesale Druggist' ,
And De&ler In J'Hliits , Oils nnd Wlmloir tlaj. !
Omahn , Neb. ,
Wines , Li on , Els
JI.IIU * . CO. ,
Distillers aud Importers of Wines
Ami I.iiior4. | | Polo nninnfac-tutciii of Ki'iuiL-lj-'t
Jjiiht Jmll.i Jllttcii ) . 11U llai-nuy .Struct , Oniulio ,
" '
int ) . . uuKfAV
Successor to } ) ( : < AM AHA Ali ) ; ;
Wines , Liquors and Cigars ,
Notions , ttC7
" " " * " " " '
'll liltANniES k SON.
Wholesale. Job Lots ,
Dry Good ! , Notions , 'louts' Furntiti | r
_ Flour and Feed , _ _
" " " '
W..I. WlJ HASS ACO. . ,
Wholesale Flour , Feed aiiu Orulu.
Manufncturi-cta ; W.J VTt'Knnui X t o.'t QtiH ;
lnl ; ! ns jneVr. . . f.mir n < l | iroi-rioiiT'inai.u '
ilaii , cor , HU uua Kurmi.c j -