Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 11, 1886, Image 1

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The Dreadful Biota of the Past low Daja
Drawing to An End.
JlcllRlous Differences llcsponslblc
I'or the HlooilHhocl StntoincntH of
the Hltuntlon l rom Itnth Cath-
cllu anil Ornntio Staiulpolnts.
The Hclfast Situation.
, AitKiist 10 [ Now York Herald
I Cable-Special to the Ui'.r. . ] The city has
been remarkably quiet to-day , and many
people cxpiess ho | > os that the riots aio finally
over. A full list of casualties up to 8 p. m.
Includes only n lamplighter's tluoat cut by
catholics In the .small horns of last night , the
htonlng of some catholic mill girls on their
way to work by a party of protcstant women ,
two catholics hcvciely wounded by gun
shots Irom a house vvhllo o n their way to the
burial of a body shot n few days ntro , and an
attack on protestant laboieis by catholics ,
using stones instead of pistols fortunately.
The procession of orange workmen com
ing homo fiom tliodock vnids passed through
the catholic districts this evening without
rioting , so that the surgeoiib were spared the
woik usually made necessary by the broken
bottles and jagged lion bolts commonly used
for weapons on such occasions. In order to
prevent the "Island bois" from rlotlnir the
troops lined both sides of the street
tluough the catholic qu alters ,
each cross-stieet being closed by a
coidon of pollu ! mounted , with a second cor
don half a block up. Stiong houlcs of cav-
ahy picccded and followed the icturnlng
workmen , who passed waving theli hats ,
' cheering and yelling. Of cotus-o
ill these streets. For an hour or more the
Catholics sullenly watched the procession
pass. Both bides were anxious for a fight ,
nnd weio only icstialned by the overwhelm
ing toico of tioopsand police.
At a meeting of catholics held to day a pro-
testwas mailo against the unfairness of the
piote.itant maglstiatcs. A petition was drawn
up for tholi removal. Mr. Blggar and sev
eral other members of parliament were pres
ent It was alleged by several priests that
tlio catholics caught in the mobs weio impiis-
oued for six months , 'while the piotestunts
wotelet off with n ton bhllliiiKb line by tlio
proteatant justices. Father Gicen stated that
every evening thu oiangemun used as weap
ons lion bolts taken liom the yaidofthe
ma > orof Beilast who had pieviously never
allowed such valuable lion to bo taken away
Irom his v ard
run IIATTM : oitouxo.
Irodo to-day ovei Sunday's baUlo ground ,
wheie early on Sunday the Protestants and
catholics spent foiu houis in liring at each
other fiom behind tteei , stone walls , etc. The
details nh eady given of this light aio pioba-
bly nnauthentic , but suvcial catholics con
fess that twenty-seven dead catholics were
cai rlcd off the field. Catholic pi lestb tell me
thatptobably all weie bulled sccietly beneath
the floor of houses , as was done In the dots
oflbOl. Thobphltof the people is shown
by the case of a man killed while
bring fiom n window. He fell back in his
wife's aims , and bald , "Don't let the orange
devils know they have killed me. " In fiont
of many houses 1 notice the cobble stones
have been loosened icady for use in case ot
emergency. When the emergency comes the
chlldien act as powder monkeys. They
keep the cobble magazine full.
One 01 the peculiar tcatures of the iccent
riots has been the leading pait taken by the
piotestaut cleigy and the catholic priests.
If anything weio lacking to bhow that religi
ous dIUeiences aio icsponsiblo tor tlio riots ,
the advice given lo the rioteis by their pas
tors completes tlie chain of evidence. Of
course , botli the priests and protestant
clergy have advised against ac
tual violence , but ncveithclcss they
have exhoi led their congregations never to
give up rioting. The llev. Dr. Kane , of
Chust church , Loing the piluclpal piotoitant
leader , lias gonubo tar as to tell tlio mayor
and magistrates that tlio police must bo dls-
aimed ut once ami lemoved tiom the orange
quarteis , else 2,000.000 aimed orangemen
would take the lilies nnd revolveis
from the police , peaceably if possible , foici-
bly if necessary. As an answer to Dr. Kane
the may 01 oideied all the police fiom the
Oiange quaiter , with the lesultso far of an
cntlio cessation of hostilities in that part of
I saw Di. Kane tills nioining. He bald :
"The i lot was caused by the exasperation ot
the catholics at the defeat of homo rule.
J'liln exaipuiatlon against the orangomcn has
extended lo the police , who are laigely cath
olics The icbttlt is that the catholic mobs
who invaded the piotestaut quai-
ter vvcio piotected by the police ,
who then Ihod on the oiangemen ,
who weie merely proteetlnc their homes.
They have a responsible lawyer who Is will
ing to swear ho saw the police open their
ranks to allow the catholic mob to pass
through to attack the orangemen.
When this mob was repulbcd the
police again opened their tanks and
allowed thu catholics to pass thiough unln-
juicu , but they fired buckshot at the protestants -
ants , who , of , weio gieatly enraged at
filch scandalous treatment by the police.
This In but a sample of the whole. If Glad
stone's bcpaiatlon bill had not been brought
in wo should now bo as peaceful as wo have
been for the last twcnty-Jivo years. If the
homo rttlo bill had been
passed all Ulster would be now
engaged In n desperate civil war
The orangemen have shown In these ilota
such desperate courage that wo don't fear
the icsult of sui-h awar 1C Iliu necessity aiUes
for It. I have told the magistrates it Is pos
slblofor them to exterminate the orange pop
illation of Ulstei but It is not possible to subdue
duo it. 1 know that about tw enty protestents
have been killed in these dots and many
moio catholics lm\n been killed. There are
about ono hundred and ninety then aiu
piotcstants to fifty thousand catholics ii
Beliast , "
Father Giccn , a piominont catholic priest
who has winked foi tvv enty ye.u s in Belfast ,
bald : "Tlio teal liotins began when the pro
testant bands paiadod tlio city on ttie day o :
Dr. Hannah's Pie.-bvterlnn jilcnlc , playln
Kick the Pope , ' 'Bnyno Water,1 ete
The eathnllo bands are not allowed to parade
the clt ) at all. The rioting was conUnuw
by aggressions on the part of the
protctanta. hook , for Instance , at the
daily psiiuio of oriingemen coming horn
fiom the ir.ayor'svoiUe. . They march in a
compact body through the catholic quarter
rhoenng , howling and cursing at the cat ha
lies. All of them are armed with lumps rf
irun taken by jomeono's pcrmUsIuu trom on
proteitant mayor'a works. "
"VYo are In the mluoiity , l.ut wo are :
ghtlng minority. Of course , the priests
annol alvvajs control the jxoplo : under such
) rovocatlon. The fact Is , the catholic mln-
rlty knows that when the police are with
drawn they can always whip the protestant
najorlty. This rlotinc will RO On as long
s the protcstant magistrates Interfere
injtistly against the catholic . If someone
vouldliannall the boiottijli magistrates the
iothiB would stop to-morrow. Then the
ml Ice would lire volley , as jou Americans
lid at Chicago , instead of only Irritating the
uoh with useless slndo shots. I think that
a few volleys of buckshot fired Into cveiy
neb which gathers , vvhethei piotestant or
catholic , would quickly settle the iloting.
"The dltrcienco In rcll on Is of course at
ho bottom of all this trouble . 1 greatly fear
he necessaiy lltmness will not be shown
oward the mob , In which case the rioting Is
Ikcly to continue Indefinitely with increas-
I\K violence. " It must bo said for the priests
hat in spite of their cmiich-milltant
hey appaiently do the utmost in
heir povvci to pievcnt and stop thoiloK
I'he catholicqtiailcrot Belfast Is now divid
ed Into districts with n priest In chaise of
Mcli. Iho pilests never leave the streets un
it threooi foiu o'clock in thomoinlni : . They
sxposu theiiibelvcs ieckle-.sly when the tiring
s xolng on In their attempt to drive back the
catholics lioin tlicdlsmderly districts.
Air. Johnston , the magistrate , said the so-
ciuilotliiK was duo laigely to the action of
he residents ami paid uiaKlstiates who
called the catholic police to Bel
fast without consulting the mayor
and the local magistiates. This
created jealousy among the "locals , " who
Irst refused to co-operate with the resident
naglstrales when the iloting began. The po-
Ice certainly showed great lack of judgment
n lii ing on the mob , when they should
simply have made arrests. The Instructions
low aio to ancbt moic and shoot less.
Ueed , the inspector gcncial of the Irish
constabulary , e\piosscd gicat doubt whether
the lioting Is OUT. "The police have been
; reatlv but unjustly blamed. Personally I
ia\e investigated tlie complaints ol drunken
ness and carelebb shoolinu' . 1 have found the
men always sober. They weio foiccd to
shoot in oiuer to save their own
Ivcs. So many women and children have
jcen killed because they insist in taking
lait with the mobs. 1 risked my life several
lines duting thu tiring In my attempts 10
diaw the women liom the streets. I always
'ailed and was only cursed foi my trouble.
I am veiy willing to disarm the police , but it
is not possible to do so. "
Tuoot's ouAtiDiNo Tim srtsnnrs.
Piotcbtant Belfast now has patio ! tioops at
ic.iily eveiy corner. The disturbed uistiicts
of catholic Belfast are equally well guauled
by tlie police. It is cei tain the police mean
hoon to attempt to lesumo duly in oiango
juaiteis , and a struggle is then expected ,
uobabably a bloody one.
The mayor informs me ho will not sanc-
, ! on the pioclamation of maitlal law except
as a last extiemltj , as this would practically
forbid all tiatlle alter dark a thing impossi
ble In a city M > large as Belfast.
BELFAST August 11,1 a. m. I have just
dilven through all the disturbed pairs of the
city and tour patiols of tioops and uolice on
icarly every coiner In parties
of six to a dozen. This great
show of foico has prevented all rioting
except a little wild shooting In which ono or
-wo - peisons were wounded. The outlook Is
leacutul and encouiaglng , although It Is hard
.o tell what may Happen when the exhausted
police ate vvithdiawn.
Work or the Moo.
BHLFAST , Aiigust 10. Five thousand
tioops and 2,500 constables occupy the dis
turbed districts. Tlio presence of the police
tends to Increase instead of suppress tlio di -
ordeis. The piotestants declare that the
catholics weio the asgiesaois by wrecking
protestant houses , while the catholics aie
equally ceilaln that the protest ants worn the
aggiessors. Of ono thing there is no doubt
never did two mobs of different religions dis
play a more bloodthirsty desiio to kill or
maim each other. During the lighting on
Sunday and Monday , whenever the powder
ran short , viragos on botli sides , witli flat
Irons and othei Implements , ground thelarce
grains ot blasting powder into a size suitable
tor binall aims , while boys of tender age
melted lead into bullets and slugs. While
the iloters weio liiing the youths and women
stood behind them busily loading bpaio guns
In oidcrto pievent a waste of time. The tusl-
lade. lasted until t ) o'clock vesteiday morning
when the ammunition gave out and a tacit
truce ensued , both sides removing dead nnd
wounded to their homes. Botli sides are doIng -
Ing their utmost to hide theli looses. Friends
and neighbors of the Killed and wounded all
i egaid the police as foes. Their presence Is
a tenor to the lepulsed , und excludes the
Idea of wantonucbs. This is now the gicatsu-
picme dllliculty.
LONDON , Aug. 10. At noon a retioitwas
received here that a desperate liot took
place this mottling in Spiiimtlcld.
A later dispatch fiom Belfast says only a
few persons weio wounded In Iho riot in
Sprlnlicld this moinlnir. Tumpoiary cnilet
has been icstoied at Belfast. 'Ihopeisons
wounded in the riots aio maklnc lair pro-
gicss tovviuds recovery , except Itibpector
Bull , of the loyal lush cOnstabuIaiy , who is
dying. Inquests arn being held on the bodies
ies of thee killed and the funerals of the
victims will be hold to-day.
At about 5 o'clock this afternoon two men
worn shot bvdlsordoily persons in dilVeient
narts ot the city. Special constables aio
iiolngonrnllid. The military aio takinc the
place of pollen. A fund has neon opened lor
the icllof ol the families ot the Killed.
Tlio First I < aw ol' Nnturo.
LONDON , August 10. T. I ) , Sullivan , mem
ber of parliament for Dublin , at a meeting of
tlm national league held heio to-day made a
speech In which ho maintained that until the
tenants in lieland had snfllclont food and
clothing for themselves and their families ,
their landloids could have no lust claim to
rent. Sullivan counselled thu Irish people to
act according to the law of self piesoivatlon
which , ho lemlntlcd them , was the hrstlavvoi
nature. _
Buttling "With Cnolorn.
PAHIS , August 10. Choloia ot a vliulen
character has attacked the Kieuch troops Ir
Tonnuln. The chief of tlio medical stall
has succumbed to the disease.
Tlio Clilnefio Kxoltcil.
LONDON , August 10. Advices from Tlon
Thin say that giuat excitement prevails theu
ovcraiepoit that the ( Bland of Laierelf. ii
tlm l\icl he ocean , has been occupied by Hub-
LONDON , Anguil 1' ' ) , Owing tothoralnj
weather in Russia during the past fortnlgh
V rain is rotting In the fields and lanuers arc
Stockmen Victimized.
CHICAGO , August 10 , Fowler Bios , etoel
yards Him , announced to-day that n sntche
containing checks amounting to SlS.Stf was
stolen fiom their messenger boy , Wlllh
Kaneon Saturday last. Tno lirui s'tya tin
tlie. checks weio not negotiable. Detective.
have a ; yet obtained no cltto.
An Insane lUooil-Splller.
ALBA.NV. N. Y. , Ausrnst 10. James W ,
Dayis this afternoon murdered his wife
Mrs. KIlu W , Davis , and torilbly Injured hi
mother. Mr ? . Joseph Davis. Ho also at
tempted to take thcllfu of bis sister , lie i
evidently Insane.
) iplomacy Eeaohes the End of the Eopo In
the Cutting Oase.
Munitions of War Shipped to the Gulf
From New Yoik Xcxns Vtantla
For the I'Yay ' Ofllclal Opin
ions In the Matter.
The Wnr ropnrtincntIn\ .
WASHINGTON , August 10. [ Special Tele-
giam to theBi'.K.l In suite ot the denials
and evasions ot the war don.ntincnt , olllccis
of the army assert posltlNcly to-night that the
various bureaus of tltedcpaitmcnt have been
oulcrcd to put their affairs on a war footing
mil to bo In readiness to respond should It bo
ound neces > > aiy to make a demonbtiatlon
owauls Mexico. None of the army ollicers
stationed hcio think that any seiious results
will tollow the Mexican tncldont , but
ho belief la very general that
ho administration is picpailng to take
ho necessary steps to convince Mexico
hat the United States Is icady to enfoico
icr dennnds if an occasion lei such action
shall bo deemed to have ailscn , It Is the
iit'valent opinion lieie that It the state de-
lartnuMit ic.illy Intends to enfoico the ile-
nauds lor the release ot Cutting , It will bo
Hiite hiillieicnt to bend two or thiee thousand
ttoops to the boidei and two or thiee men-of-
wai to the Cnlf. Mexico is not anxious for
war , and it Is thought that Cuttlnc will be
released within n week It hostile demonstra
tions me made.
Or Bnck Down.
WASHINGTON , August 10. [ Special Tele-
tram to the Br.K.J A rumoi was current
icro last night to the rifect that troops and
war vessels aio being massed on the Mexican
border. Officials of the war and navy dc-
lartiuent were seen by your coi respondent
.his morning and asked the tiuth of the
rumoi. 'Ihoy all denied that anything In
the natitia of hostile demonstrations have
jet been contemplated , but decline to di
vulge the nature of the sealed eiders of the
CJalcna , which put to sea last week ,
destination unknown. An old diplomatic
olllccrof the government said today : "Wo
mo really como to the end of our rope In
the Cutting case. The secretary of state has
demanded his icleaso and the Mexican gov-
cinmcnt has practically told us to go to the
devil. It is my linn opinion that Cutting
will be hanged 01 shot before ho will bo le-
Icased. They will , ot course , say' that lie
Hied to escape. I know the Mexican cliar-
iclei and 1 leel certain that MHIIC excuse for
lidding thocountiv of him will bo found. "
"What will bo done next ? "
" 1 do not see that anything can be done by
this goveinment until congress meets again.
The president Is absolutely powerless. The
seerotaiy of state has demanded the icleaso
ot Cutting. The Mexican go\ eminent has
declined to comply with the demand. The
constitution provides that only congress shall
declato war and while it is , within tlio prov
ince of the president to mass troops and \\\r
vessels in the neighborhood of Mexico , ho
cannot make any further hostile demonstra
tions and the Mexicans know It as well as wo
do. Unless some action is taken towards en
forcing the demand for Cutting's release , he
will in all piouability lemaiii In prison , un
less he is hanged in the meantime. "
Still More Humors.
WASHINGTON , August 10. [ Special Telo-
giam to the Bin. | There are some rumors
about town of impending naval and military
movements against Mexico , but they cannot
as yet be construed into anything dclinite or
staitling. They may be , peihaps , Indicative
ol a determination on the pait ot the govern
ment to bo foichandcd and prepared foi an
emergency. The Galena was oidered nto the
Gulf last week , and this action ceitainly does
glvo rise to much comment in army , navy
and political circles , it being consldcicd an
extraordinary pioceedlng In tlmo of peace.
The Vandalla and Junlata were ordered to
Valparaiso last Friday , and it is whispered
by knowing ones that It would not bo sur
prising If those ships , when they stop at Key
West lei supplies , should bo inteiccpted there
dispatches dlicctlng their course to the
Gulf. As to our other available naval mate
rial , thcio aie three or tout ships at Portland
that might bo ordered oil in a similar way ,
but it is not learned that they have been as
yet. As foi troops , there are now beUvecn
tour and live thousand soldiers in the south
western teriltories which could be easily
matched to the Mexican frontier. But Ifany
such movement wcro contemplated it would
probably ho dliectcd by scaled eiders unless
the purpose of the government were to over
awe and fiighton Mexico. But no public or
ders have been Issued , and if there are any
sealed oidcis en route the war dcpaitment
would of course keep them secret.
Shipping AVar Material.
NEW 'YonK , August 10. [ Special to the
Bin.J : There was activity at the army po rts
at and near New bTork yesterday and com
munication with Washington was continu
ous. At Fort Hamilton the munitions of
war were Invoiced and Inspected , and It was
determined just how much could be depended
upon from that ( juaitcr upon a sudden call.
Fort Wadswoith , llalletts Point and David
Island had already leported. At pier 20 ,
East river , ten gun carriages for field batter
ies were dellveied to tlio Mallony Steamship
company for Immediate shipment to San An-
tolno , Texas , via Galvcston. They will bo
can led by the Rio Grande , which will salltd-
moirovv , Colonel Hodges , ot thequaitermas-
Icr department , who shipped them , said that
the shipment was made In the ordinary
course of business and not on special ordeis
at all. It is said that more canlaues and
some cannon will bo put aboard to-day and
that ai ms aio bolng&hipped fiom Washington
nnd Rock Island , and also from Watei vllct
The United States ships Jnnlata and Van
dalla lei tt lie Brooklyn navy yard early last
week under eiders , it was said , for the Pa-
cillc. At Kells Island they iccelved their
supplies ot ammunition anil they have le-
malncd thereover since. The KVJOY lett the
navy } old at 0 o'clock yestoiday morninu' ,
joined them and not her powder. The liiook-
I ) n also Is expected to take her departure
to-day or to-moirow. At the navy juid it
was bald that the Kssex : was to join the
Chinese squadron If she was not needed
nearer homo ,
Texas /Veiling / to
NEW YnnK , August 10. [ Special Telegram
to the BKH.J A Dallas special says : Every
body is complimenting Secretary Bayard ,
and a war spirit picdomluates. The people
BCO a ray of hope now that Mexican out
rages and Mexican insults will bo redressed.
All the newspapers compliment the secretary
of state , and the street talk Is all for Bay aid
and war. Young men paitlcularly are
anxious to have a brush with Mexico , either
under fedeial authority or by Governor Ire
land's petmlsilon. Many piomineut Texans
are returning trom Wabhlncton , and they
have done much to allay the Ill-feellne that
that obtained agalnbt the Washington an-
tnotltles. They all report that the govern
ment means business , Is moving prudently
and w Itliout unseemly haste , but that every
thing will bo right In the end.
Congressman Mills reached lioinft lost
night trom Wabhlngton. lie said : "I bo-
Hove there will bo war unless Dhu pardons
Cutting , which will smooth things over some ,
but that the national Government will then
Insist that an Indemnity be paid. "
Scnatoi Cook went to see Bayard before he
left Washington , and the secretary told him
if there was any backdown Mexico uiusi
do it.
Congressman Mills bays ho looks for the
reconvening of congress in thirty days uulesa
Cutting Is released. . "Ton may say , " says
le , "that the policy rfthls administration Is
o protect the nnmhl t citizen , who ever ho
nay be. and PiosjiUnt Cleveland and Mr.
Ha.vaid will noverretedo ono lota from their
losltlon. " Mr. Milh sa > s in casoofhos-
lllties he would ad vise the T.l Paso people to
cave the city and to into the Intetlor. Ho
alb" says Cleveland tauld concentrate troops
at L'l Paso before congress meets If nccossaiy ,
Hoping for I'oaco.
WASHINGTON , At gust 10. It Is stated at
ho war nnd invy kpartments to-day tint
while the lighting tranches of the govern-
ncnt arc In their 'customary condition of
readiness1 for action , offensive or defensive ,
: ho pioscnt difficulties with Mexico are as jet
, ho exclusive coiuern of the diplomatic
jr.inch and no movement of troops or vessels
lavoyct beiMidrdCtJd with a view to possible
waifarc. At the siito department It Is said
; hat there Is nothlnr now which It would bo
jo proper to make imbHc at present , but that
there Is still no rea n to doubt that an omlc.
nblo adjustment of the Cutting affair. Ills
unofficially learned tint the coirespondenco
now In progress Is expected to brill * about
dclinite lesults ut tome Kind within n lew
daj s , and that the Oiiect objects soitsht to bo
accomplished bv this government aio the re
lease of Cutting.
NCWR From the Horclor.
Ei. PASO , Tex- . , August 10. Everything Is
very quiet to day aal what little excitement
inovails does not cone to tlio surface. The
Immediate eatibo forthls tranquil state of af
fairs Is an exchangflof views had last even
ing between the minicipal authorities of El
Paso del Norto and this place. Both sides
liavo additional pollto ollicers on duty , and
any iash act will lo promptly suppressed.
Duttlnz is still In ja3 , and the tlmo for start
ing foi Chihuahua his not been macio known.
The absence of any Washington news this
morning relative to tie International compli
cations causes a dread anxiety among many.
Spoiling For n Fight.
VicKRiiuito , Miss , August 10. A per
manent 01 ganl/allot , of the Mexican war
committee w as eirecttdheio to-night for the
purpose of enrolling volunteers and prepar
ing for their dispatch to the seat of war In
theevent of the dccUration of war against
that country.
Discussed By the Cabinet.
WASIIINOT.OX , August 10. All the mem-
bcis of tho. cabinet exicpt the attorney gen
eral attended the regular meeting to-day.
The Mexican troubles were among tlio topics
The Terrible Destruction Bclnc
Stopped by Opportune Itulns.
Mti.WAUKr.r. , WK August 10. It is re
ported from Green Bay that the village of
Big Suamlco Is solxisjt by fire that the people
ple have bent a rcimesttfor a steamer to take
them to Gicon Bay. About one hundred
gathered at the river itonth to await the ar-
lival of a steamer. Taolircs in the Onelda
reservation swcptnonhcastward through tlie
tow not Lawrence , brining dwellings and
saw mills. The flamta aio leported moving
tow ard Nicollet. TheChlcago & Xoi thw est-
ern track at Pensaukcfaro rcpoited burned ,
and it is rumored that the village is being
dcbtroyed , Kailioaiitralllc is obstructed by
lues.MAr.QrnTTE , "Wi . . , Axieust 10. A
light lain fell this/morning / , cooling tlio
atmosphere and ; suiduing the forest fires
somewhat. The luc/aro now burning lioicost
north ot the city. > > & > damage has jot been
done except the -irnlng of the slaughter
house. At tlievois of the Superior Powder
companj , two mlletinorth of this city , men
have been lighting * the liio all night with
success. Tlieie is nodangcr ot the lire reaching -
ing the city at preseu.
Opportune lains Mils morning at many
points wheie foiest liSes are raging in noitli-
ern Wisconsin have Impeded their progiess ,
and to-night'sadvicei are that the danger Is
greatly lessened , while not past Colby
would have been destroyed but for the rains
and Wausau alsd aarrowly escaped. In
other places tlm tifres remain uiicinenched.
' 1 he village of llanacn Is doomed. It is sui-
rounded by walls of JIame , and while the
women as well as thi men are lighting the
lire the water supply Is becoming exhausted.
Brllllon and Raiitonl , In Calumet county , mo
suiioundedby lite and farmeis are Hocking
Into the villages for sifctv. Acres of grain
have been dovastcdand adozen buildings have
been destioyed at I'fiisoiikeo and llowaid.
Around Uttlu Jsuamieo the tenor-stricken
people flocked Into tlio village and found
railroad communication cut oil. A woman
left her baby In the house and It was burned
to death. Hundreds of people aio homeless
in the btiicken dishict. Coleman. Abiams
and New Denmark are In danger. Itain
saved Stevens Pont after thousands of
bushels of cranbeirlcs and millions of feet
of standing timber In the vicinity had been
consumed. At Sturgeon Bay the smoke ob
scured the sun to-day and vessels along the
coast blew whistles continuously. Ills almost
impossible to navigate nearthcio.
"Western Postal Chances.
WASHINGTON , August 10. [ Special Tele
gram to the BKK. ] The railroad mail sei vice
established route 3J,035 , Chadion to Lusk , by
the Fremont , Klkliorn & Missouri Valley
railway company , from Chadion , Neb. , via
Dawes City , Ciow , Buite , Fort Robinson and
Vooihees , Wjo. , to Lusk , Wyo. , eighty-live
miles and back , bix. times a week , or as much
oflcner as trains may mn fiom September
1 , IbbO.
New postoftlces astibllsheil In Nebraska
Kwa B. Mitchell , Barllett , Wheeler county ;
ReUcn C. FIdler , Bartley , Red Willow
Ksther Ames has been commissioned post
master at Southsldo , Neb. , Michael Lynch at
Atlalr , la. , and F. C. Malloiy at Jolby , la.
Now York Iiy Goods Market.
Nnvv Yonic , Am n t 10. The declared ex-
poits of domestic cottons lor the past week
wcro1,082 packages , making the total for the
expired portion of the year 148,800 , against
134,160 , to the same date last year , and 101,700
for the same time In 18S3 tlio largest total
in any pievlous jcar. For Tuesday there was
a very KooA trade- for pi lilts , bleached and
coloied cottons and dross fabilcs. The
popular diess fabrics and Now York city
novelties liom ( Jeoige II. Gilbert , manufac
turer of Ware and Gilbortvillo , Mass. , com-
pilblngnpvvanlsof 1,50) different patterns ,
will bo opened to-raonow by leading jobbers
tlnouKhout the country.
The Irishmoii Defeated.
NKW YOIIIC , Aupusl 10. The lush centlO'
men lacrosse playerj.f who arrived In thU
country on Sunday ) ! last , played their lirsl
match at Staten Isliuid to-day , meeting a
picked team of t o United States. The Irish
men were defeated by four goals to two. The
heat affected them considerably and the voyage
ago over had tendered them out of condition ,
'I ho Americans wore Jiot slow to take advan
tage of this and foicpd them to make long
runs. By the time thu first two games had
been played the Irishmen were pretty badlj
used up. i
Bngcatorsln 'Frisco.
SAX FHANCISCO , August 10 , Tlio No
biaska Press association , numbering slxtj
persons , arrived tolday from Omaha and hav <
made their headquarters at the Palace hotel
occupying thirty rejoins , They have plannet
a \\celc of excurslohs In und about the city
Including a sea vojnge to Monterey. Genera
Howard , U , S , A ; , will also extend then
Rome coartesies.
Hqulrcs and yiynn Indioted.
v YOIIK , August 10. The grand Jurj
handed to Judge Cowing a batch of Indict
ments which Include two against
and Fly nil.
! owa Convicts Attempt to Escape From tlio
Anamosa Penitentiary ,
1'mldy Kynn Instantly Killed nnd
Harry Mitchell fatally Wounded
A Youthful llorso Thief
Capturcil Iowa News.
ANAMOSA , In. , August 10. [ Special Tele
gram to tlio Bci : . ] Four coin lets matte an
ittcmpt to escape fiom tlie state penitentiary
icro tills afternoon at 5 o'clock. Paddy
5yan , in Tor six years wns shot through tha
oft shoulder and down to tliu liuatt , dying
nstantly. Mitchell , thn man who murdcictl
riiiim on the r.illroid bridge near Cedar
( aphis about out1 year ago , and who was
sent for life , \vns shot In tlio leg , which will
) o amputated. It Is thought ho will die ,
anklns , sent from Maiiuokcta for ten j ears
'or minder , was not dangeiously injiiicd.
ilarry Blunt , from Jones county. In for cluh-
con years for iiundci. was the only one that
escaped Injuries. About one week ago the
westgato was knocked down l > y a railio.ul
car nnd hud boon boaided up , and It was
through this that tlioy made the hn'.ik. Only
one man got tin ough. The suatd did good
work , and the warden and cltl/ens express
themsolv es as greatly plcaMid with the good
maiksmanbhlp. _
A Youthful Horse Thief.
DKS MOINKS , la. , August 10. [ Special Tel-
( gram to the Bni : . ] This morning an tin-
cnown boypiescnied himself at Turner &
Allison's stables and asked for tlm pioprle-
or. lie had kn his possession a valuable
terse , which he said had been given him by
his uncle. lie ottered the animal for sale at
a figure so far below its leal value that Mr.
Turner's suspicions wcro amused , the
horse being worth 51,500. Accordingly
ho held the boy In conversation
anil sent for the police. Oftlcer Lewis
changed his clothes and appealed on the
scene as a buyer. Mr. Montgomery , having
previously valued the horse at S500 , offeied
he lad S150 If ho would guarantee that
everything would bo all right , lie
agreed and Oflicer Lewis suggested that they
ro to his olllce and make out a bill of sale.
I'lio lad did not suspect the manner In which
lie was being entrapped until ho cntcied the
lour leading to police hcadqiiaitcis. There
lie broke down and in his tenor ho fell over
a chair. Brought to account he said that his
: mme was Henry Griffin nnd confessed that
10 had stolen the horse from a fu mo liv ing
about four miles this side of Indianola. lie
was jailed to await further developments.
Ho Was Too Familiar.
DCS MOINUS , la , , August 10. [ Special Tel-
giam to the Br.i.J : This morning an eideily
man named Dick Morriscy , with bandaged
head and clothes coveied with blood , \\.ts
taken to police hcadtiuaitprs. MorrUoy , for
merly a lirst-class ' engineer , but now engaged
in hauling' dirt , claimed that hov.u > entirely
sober , although an empjy pint bottle found
on Ills person gives the assertion a doubtful
appeal mice. Ho says that ho went into the
second house on Sciibnei's How for a
[ Ir'inlc. and a woman rushed at him
and struck htm on the head with a loaded
billy. The woman , Mrs. Sarah Anderson ,
was arrested , and told a very different stoiy.
This nioining she became aware that some
one wss intruding upon the sanctity of her
home , and upon Investigation found Mor-
rlsoy seated on her bed. lapldly icdticing a
bottle of Kentucky bom bun to a minimum.
She oidcied him out , but he letuscd to go , at
the same time making some dciogatory 10-
mark lelathe to her chastity. She piomptly
rejected him , but ho Inu&l the door open
twice , and patience ceasing to bo a virtue ,
she caressed his cranium with a lath ,
Coalition in Iowa.
OTTUJIWA , la. , August 10. The democrats
and their allies , the gieenbackers , held a con
vention licro to-day to nominate three candi
dates for district judges in this second dis
trict The grecnb.ickers nominated W. J.
Jeffries , of Henry county , and passed a leso-
lutlon which was communicated to the demo
cratic convention declaring that the gieen
backers would biippoit the other two judges
nominated If the tfeiuociats would nominate ,
Jeffries. Jeffries , n. L. Burton , of Wapello
and J. 0. Mitchell' of Lucas , were accordingly
Grcnt Howlcoyo Hont.
DKS MOINES , la. , August 10 , The heat to
day was more oppressive than for several
weeks , the meicnry reaching 103 degrees In
the shade. I'heie was one case of suiiatioko ,
but It was not fatal.
A Lincoln Alan's find. Pall.
DBS MOIKES , la. , August 10. fSpeclal
Telegram to the BEE.J About 5 o'clock this
morning the night porter of the Morgan
house found a man lying insensible near the
building. It was found to bo one 0. L. Han-
bom , of Lincoln , Neb. , a young man about
twenty-five years of ago , who has been a
guest of the Morgan for the past four or h'vo
days. He was unconscious when found.
His thigh bone was badly fractuted , that
being the only appaient external Injuiy.
When hoicgalncd consciousness ho was en-
cntlrely unable to glvo any information In
rccard to the affair , either as to hewer
or when it happened , It is supposed , how-
ovei , that lie lell liom the window of loom
,19 , as the screen of that window was torn
away , and when touud ho was lying dliectly
under It. Theioom Is occupied by 11. IT.
Jones , who was In it at the time nud who ,
stiange to say , is also In Ignorance of tlm
nil air , and did not know that it happened
until tills morning. The most plausible
theory advanced is that of somnambulism.
At last accounts the patient was slightly 1m-
pro\ed ,
Horse TuluvcB Cornorod.
PAFII.MON , Neb. , August 10. [ Special
Telegram to the BKK. ] At 7 o'clock last
night two men in a new buggy arrived hero
ant ) Inrjuhed the nearest route to Atchlson.
They had a good team which wasneaily dead
from haul drh lug. The men said they had
come fiom Madison county , 150 miles , in
two days , Tills story looked pretty big.
bherlff Weymouth took the men In chaigo ,
believing them horse thieves. When ques
tioned closely by tlm sheriff this inoiniug the
men admitted the team was moitgaged piop-
crty and that they weio running it out of the
countiy. The cilmlnals gave the names ol
1'eter Linowlther and John Yass. They will
bo held until Madison county ollicers anivo.
Caused by a Spark ,
BKATJIICE , Neb. , August 10. [ Special Tel-
egiam to the Bii.J : It is thought now thai
the binning of 11 , J. llandall's barn last nlnht
was caused by a spark from a passing loco
motive , as both the Union racillo and 13. A
M. toads pass through his place , ills loss by
the burning of the bain , hay and Implements
Is $1,200 , on which there Is 8500 insuiancu in
theXonvlch Union Insuiancu company.
A Hotel Chances Ha nils.
AunuiiN , Neb. , August 10. [ Special Telegram
gram to the BJK. : ! The Talmago house
changed hands this morning. Mr. 8. J. Faris
BO long proprietor , owing to 111 health and
being compelled to seek a change of climate
tiansfers his Interest to Mr. Eldon Tngcart
who lor over a year acted In In the capacity
of chiet cleik ot the house. Mr , Taggait wll
keep up the splendid reputation the house
has attained under the supervision of Mr
Great BportH Uo Sporting.
COMJJIIIUS , Neb. , Amruit 10. [ Special Tel
egramtothe BKK ] Feathered bipeds and
the flnny tribe within a radius of twenty
nlles will suffer for tlio ne\t few days , and
ho legal business -Columbus will bo at a
standstill. A hunting party consisting of
Indues 1'ost , Sullivan , llcnsloy , Spclce.Cow-
Iry , Bowman , Colonel Whltmoycr , Shcitlt
Cavanaugh , Jullm llisimissun , George Hum-
lait , Columbus , and George W. 1'ost , Omaha ,
stalled today fora week's till ) to take In the
lorthwcMern i > i\rl of the country. A sttoni ?
suspicion Is alloat that liquid bait aiidammu-
iltfon cieatly picdotnlnatc.
Nebraska nnd lo\vu AVenthcr.
For Nebiaska and Iowa : Fair weather
wlthnearly stationery temperature- . . . .
Til 13 Bl'OUTTxcTwoUljP.
The Masc Hull Uccord.
Detioit . 0 0080 a 00 2 7
New York . 0 * 10
First base hits-Detroit 0. Now Yoik 10.
Sirors Dctiolt 3 , New lork 3. Umpire ,
Kansas City. . 0 : t 00000000 3
Boston . a * 7
First base hits Boston IS. Kansas City 10.
Fin 01 s Boston 0 , Kansas City 0. Umpire
Washington . 1 -10010000 0
St. Louis . : ; 00000000-3
First bts hits Washington 8 , St , Louis 7.
Errors Washington 5 , St. Louis U. Umpire
At Philadelphia
Philadelphia . . .0 11000000-3
Chicago . 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 : t
rirstlnsn hits Philadelphia 0 , Chicago 7.
Krrors Philadelphia S , Chicago 7. Urn-
pile Skinner.
PitUbuitj . 1 1000730 2-14
Athletic . 0 U 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 7
rirstbase hits-Pittsburg 17 , Athletic 12.
Kiiors-l'lttsburi ; a , Athletics. Umuuo-
Cincinnati . 0 'J 1 3 ! l 0 1 4 1 14
Baltimore . 1 0300 II 000 7
1'ltchers Boyle , Comvay , Soinmcr and
Fhst base lilts Cincinnati 15 , Baltimore
0. Errors -Cincinnati 3 , Baltimore 8. Urn-
plie Macullar.
Ar Louis vn.i.E
Louis\illo . 0 0 1 0 0 0 3 (5 ( 1 1C
Biooklyn . 0 00000000 0
1'ltchers Ileckei andl'ortei. Fiibtbasehits
I.oulsNille ill , Biookljn 3. Knors Louis
ville , 1 , Brooklyn 0. Umplic WaUli.
Rnclnp ; at Washington Park.
CiiiCAdO , August 10. At Washington
park the weather was showiy , the tiack good
and the attendance ! very good.
Threo-quailers mile : Donovan won , Fan-
chette second , Venlstl thlid. Time 1:10 : .
Mutuals paid § 118.70. _ _
Extia lace , thn > o-fjuarters milo : Modesty
won , Mountain Range second , Initially and
Waukcsha ran a dead heat foi thud. Time
1:1 : U . Mutuals paid SS.-lO.
Mile : Itish Pat won. Dawn of Day second
end , Ficd Wooley third. Time IM4J | .
Mutunls paid ST. 70.
One and one-eighth miles : Bill Grav won ,
( luenn second , blera thitd. Time l:15Jf. :
Mutuals paid SS.UO.
Thiee-ijuaiteis mile : Ilynda won , Oivid
second , Alimony thlid. Time l:15if. :
Mutuals paid ? 17.70.
One and one-half miles : I'onka won ,
Mamie Hunt second. Idle Pat third. Time
2:3bi. : Mutuals paid S0.70.
At Momnouth Parlr.
MONMOUTII P.UMC , N. J. . AllgUSt 10.
Handicap lor all ages , one and one-sixteenth
miles : Peiouawon , Long Stop second , Dry
Monopole third. Time 1:02) : .
August stiki's , for two-jcar olds , thiee-
quatteis mile : Santa llltd won , Louise second
end , Urlllammo thlid. Time 1:1(5K. : (
West Und hotel stakes , lei tiirce-yoar-old
fillies , one and one-halt miles : Duwdrou
won , Pi eciosa second , Pure llyc thlid. Time
2:4'i :
Free Handicap , one and ono quarter miles :
War L'aglo won. Springiu'ld second , lltel-
and-'I'he third. Time 2:18 : V.
Soiling purse , foi thieejc.irs and upwards ,
thrce-nuarteis mile : Marsh Itoilon won ,
Bon Thompson second , Queen lather thhd.
Time 1:10. :
Hurdle lace , short coin-so : Kcuador won ,
Billy hccond , lluckra thlid. Tune 2:51. :
II mi n i M p at the
SAUXTOOA , N. Y" . , August 10. Purse ,
tin ee fimiters | mile : I.oid Lome hrst , Tom-
bournctte second , Peconie thlid. Time
1:10 : % .
Purse , one mile and live hundred vaids :
Barnum won. Arctlno second , Free Knight
third. Time 2:1S : > J.
Five luilongs : I aiedo on , U//ie Krepps
second , GrKeltn thiid. Time 1:02J/ : .
Mile , 8\\eep tdkes : Falconer won. Petti
coat second , Little Minnie tliiid. Time
1:41) : ) .
Handicap , steeple uhase , two and a quaitcr
miles : lioiuko Cochran won , Abiaham second
end , I3ucephalns thhd. Time 1:2 : , ! .
Harvest HcturnB.
August 10. The spilng
wheat retiu us of the depaitment of agricul
ture for August 1st. , show an Improvement In
condition in Iowa , a small declines In Wis
consin and Nebraska , and a heavy i eduction
in Dakota. The causes of deterioration are
drought and chinch bug. The heat has been
oxccssh oin many districts , that have pio-
duccil fall yield not withstanding. Ilaivcst
Is two weeks eatller than usual and the
quality Is unusually good except
in sections whcio heavy loss
from blight occuiied. The general
average of the rendition is reduced
from S3 to 80. At tlio time of the harvest
last yrartho ; average was M ) . Part o loss
last season occuiied aftci Augustl. Atpios-
cnt the haivest is , neatly over. With Im
proving meteoiolo-'icnl rendition the final
estimate cannot bo niuclil tit Ihci reduced. Tlio
present avri ago Is 07 tor lawn , instead of 1)0 )
Just month. Wo less than twenty-live coun
ties , each producing from two hundred
thousand to a million bushels , re
port the condition at 100 or over. In
.Minnesota there Is an increase from 78 to bO.
The le.tnctlon In Wisconsin Is Iroin 75 to 72.
In ebralI a from W to b2 ; and Dakota 63 to
Winter wheat movlously harvested Is not
lepoited this month. ' 1 heui has been a heavy
decline In the condition ot coin since the 1st
of July , The average , which was
then 05 is led need to bl.
The highest dfclino Is in Wkconsln ,
Illinois , mul HIP htates west ot the Missis
sippi ilvci. In the iMhtcrn division of the
mldilla htnteb thu condition is well main
tained. It indicates a crop not much exceeding -
ing twenty-two bushels per acre , though fu-
tiuo conditions may increase 01 decrease the
ultimate yield.
Patents lo Western Inventors.
WASHINGTON , August 10. Ifcmeclal Tele
gram to the BED | Ninth western patents
weio Issued to-day us follows : James II.
Coon , DeaMolnes , la. , double walled maua *
zlne foi burning hay ; isaae High , Junes\lle ! ,
la. , icfl for fence who ; Joseph lllldoshelm ,
Alton , la. , hairow ; Mai/.oll Korsten , Oxfoid
Junction , la , , seat lock ; William Louden ,
Fall Held , la. , hay elevator ; Mlchai'l Maher ,
Fiemont , Ni-b. , car coupling ; Alniidon T.
Master , Shlioh , la. , foui-horoup\ < ! ; James
B. McLaln , Kuoxvllle , la. , ptiMildor lor tall-
way coaches , etc. ; James W. Miller , Contial
Cltv. Neb. , clothes drying apparatus : Charles
K. Until. Atalhba , la. , combined dmibJfi desk
and book case ; Aduni Towbeiman , Suthei-
land , la. , post and pile driver.
i'ost masters Appolntod.
WASHINGTON , August 10. [ Rpeclal Tele
gram to the Bin : , ] Wm. F. Wolto was to-da >
nppolntod postmaster at Friend , Sailno
county , ylcoKdwaid Whltcomb , suspended ;
also , Frank Campbell , at O'Xelll , Holt
county , vlco W. D. Matthews , leslgnnl.
Flynn Secures IJall.
NKW YOHH , Au ut lO.-Mamlco J ) . FJynn
was balled o out t'ds ' aftcinoon by hl <
Theodore Moss.
fathpr-lu-law ,
ThoDofonso Pimsb. Taking Testimony In
the Trial of tlio Annrohists.
The Address Ily Counsel to Ho I'rob *
nhly Concluded Friday , nml Pos
sibly n Verdict Itnauhod Uy
Saturday Morning.
The AnnrchlHtV Trial.
CHIOAIIO , August 10. In the anarchists'
trial tills nioining the defense called W , A.
S. thaham , aiepmter for The Times. Wit
ness Intel view Gllinci neai the office of the
chief of police in the city hall May C. Graham
further testified that Gllmei told him that the
man who thiow the bomb albo lit the fnsn :
also that tlm man's ' back was turned townnl
him , but ho thought ho wore whiskers and
that ho was a man of medium height. Gllmcr *
also stated the man w ore a slouch hat. On
cross examination Giaham said that ( llimcr
said that the man whothiow the bomD stood
in Crane's alley at 10:55 : t > . m. Capt. Black
announced that the defense Had conchmeu ,
Judge Chester C. Cole , I or eleven year ) r.
member of thn supreme bench of Iowa , testi
fied ho had known Gllincrpoisimnlly for * > |
long number of vcars and his reputation was "
good , Hosaid ( illmci Inul been at his house
u number of times. The ciosa-oxainlunUon
only tended to eonllnn the statement Unit ;
( illmer had homo a good reputation.
Kdwaul It. Mason , clerk ot the United States I
district comt ot DCS Molne-i , la. , said ( illnier i
had alwa\s \ homo n , good reputation. Ex--l
United States District Attorney Tntiitll , of
this citv , and a number of other witnesses
also testified that the reputation of Ullthcr >
foi truth nnd veracity w as good. Tlm comt
then adjourned till 3 p. in.
At four o'clock this afternoon the state
closed Its case. The defense had nothing to
offer in rebuttal and the court adjourned un
til to-mtmow moinlnir to allow counsel time'
to airange the course of their speeches.
The testimony this afternoon was devoted
wholly to two subjects ov idonco in rebuttal
to provo the eood character of ( Illmer , an itn-
poi taut w itness for the btnto , and that of ten
or twelve police olllccts , who wcro present at
the riot , who sworejthoy had neither revolvers
vers nor clubs in their hands
before the bomb exploded , and saw-
none In tlie hands of the other ofllceis.
Among the witnesses who testified to the
good diameter of Glimer wore six or t < e\cn
icsldcntsot Dos Molnes , la. , among them
being ox-Governor Samuel Merrill and ex-
City ATaishal Gemge Chilst. It is expected
the arguments ot both sides togethei with
the judge's charge to thejuiy will occupy
nearly. If not quite , three dav sand that the
Juiy will retlro Frldav ntulit and possibly 10-
turn then vmdlctSatuulay nioining ,
A. Feud Compromised.
Louisvir.i.i. . Ky. , August 10. There Is a
strong piobahllltv that the famous liowan
county troubles aio at an end. For ycais
the feud has given Kentucky a bad iianio
throughout the countiy. and the piospect oC
a settlement will bo balled with satisfaction
throughout the commonwealth. Craig Tolli-
\er and Cook llumpliiev , leadcis of the lival
factions , have asiccd bo it ia understood
to leave How an county foievcr. Pape'is ti >
that ellect have alieady been signed.
The piosecution has consented to eom-
pioiuise by dismissing tl.e c.ibes nciUnst ;
Tollivcr and llumbpiey In biieh event.
A conviction ot the parties would b < >
hard to sccuioon account ot the dlfliculty of.
ptoeutlni ; witnesses , etc. , M > that this com- '
piomisoib deemed the best plan to seeiiio.
peace fora dlstiactcd imitlon of tlio state.
Cook HuiiiDluey Is piepaiing to leave to-1
night for Texas , wheie he will go into tlio
cattle business. Ciaig Tollivei will locate
cithei in Kansas or Mlssoiiii , and will leavu
lot his futme hoinoat once. This happvtbo-
lutlon of tlie dlllluulty Is duo to Stale's Attor
ney Curuth. of this dlstiict , who was ap
pointed by uoveiiior Knott to conduct tlio
pioseciitlon against tlio outlaw chieftains. \
State tioops have been stationed at Mine-
head , tlio county seat of Rowan , for sometime <
time- , and tlio case liabcost the commonwealth
a gieat deal of money.
From Uuttcr Men.
NnwYoiuc , AnciHt 10. The boaul of di-
lectors of tlio American Agriciiltiual. Dairy
asbociation met to-day to wind up its recent
campaign against oleoin.uicniine , which ic-
sulted In the passage of what is knovvna3
Lliepiesentolcomaigarlnoblll. Piesident J.
H. Hcnll rcpoited the expenses of the cam
paign as 57,000 and loceipts AS'J.OOO. ' . lleso-
Intlonsweiu passed commeiullni ; the bup-
[ joituis in congieis of the oleouiaigaiine bill
a& wise and patiiotic men. Kpeclal men
tion was made of tlio fathui of the bill , Hon.
W. L. Scott , ot Pennsylvania , albo lion. W.
U. Hatch , ol Missouri. Thu tune and pla o
ot the next national convention watt hx il
tor September U and 15 , IbbC , at Philadel
phia. _ _
Mr. Sijuiro's DHIiouUlcs.
Ni.vv Voittf , August 10. In his examina
tion before Major Gi ace to-day Sipure testl-
lied that ho had piepaied thn noted letter to
Flynn ut the dictation ol Hubert O. Thomp
son In the Jailor's olllce , but had supposed
the lettci had been destroyed. Belmn the
testimony was concluded fcxiulio and Flynn
were attested on thu btiength of the Indlct-
incntb letiuned against them by the ciand
Ijltorary Ijit'c Still
CHICAOO , August 10. A settlement has
been ullectcd with the ciedltoiH of A. P. T.
Khler , piopilelor of hltctary Life , and the
custodian placed In the ofllco of thomaga/lno
has been icmoved. It Is btalud by KUIer that
the a je'itentay would have been obyl-
nted had ho tecelved Hiiltlclont notice , and
that tlio publication of t'm ' periodical would
piocecd as usual ,
llusy Uoja on a Uonth.
CHICAGO , August 10. To-day some email
boys on the west side of the city vvoio ills-
coveied In an attempt to explode what they
supposed to bo a lloman eandle , but which
pi o veil to lie a dynamite bomb. It will bo
xplodedby the police to-monow on the lake
Catarrh Cured
Catarrh Is a very proiMcnt cll case , with
tUstrcssinn and offensive E.ii ) > toms. Hood's
Bitrsaparllla elves rc. dy rcllpf and speedy
cure , from the fact It acts through the Mood ,
and thui ri'iiclics every part of the sybtfin.
" I suffcrrd with catan h fifteen > cars. Took
Hood's Barsaji.irllla ami I nm not troubled any
with catarrh , and my general hcjlth Is much
belter. " I. W. J.IM.IH , 1' Clerk Chicago
& St. Ixiuls Hallroad ,
" I sullcrcil with catarrh 0 or 8 years j tried
many w omlc/ fid cuies , inhaler ! ) , etc. , spend.
ing nearly out/ / hundred dollars w itliout benefit ,
I tried Hood' * HarsaparllU , nnd was greatly
luprov c < l. " > 1. A. ADI ; ] : ? , Worcester , Mass.
Hood's Barsiparllla Ii charactrrtzed Ijy
three peculhritlca : ] t , thu combination ot
remedial agents j 2 < l , the proportion ; &lrhe
proceiB ot Bccurlng tha nctlvo nit'dlclml
qualities , Tlio result Is a
strength , eficctlng cures iiltlicito unknown ,
Bend for took containing additional evidence.
"Hood'i Sjuuimillla tcncs up my eystcir. .
purlflcii my blouu , aliarieasmy aiipetifo , nud
A3cms to ni.-iko me over. " J , r. Tuowi'EOK ,
Itr jistcr ol Uucrta , Lowell , tlusj ,
"llucil'a SarKapnrilla 1'Cits all other * ,
lit In r"lrt. " I.
130 llank Street , etv York City
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Eold by all drufgliti. it i ill for J. iTi4 > ,
only by C , I. HOOD ft CO. . Un , n , JJ M.
IOO Do800no , . Dollar.