THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , AUGUST 10.18SG. . BOOK BIDIE .loiirnaM , Count- and Itaiik Work of nil Kindt a Spec- Inllj. Prompt Attention to Mail Orders IOREHOUSE & CO. lloom 1 ] > iM-ct ISIock , Council Mutts Sliimlaul Papi-rs IVd All styles of bind ing in Mugnzlnus and BLANK BOOKS , . n. National Hunk , M r. s mill \ Co. , UitlronV Hiink. Pcoro , Wclls.V To. , Hm Nntloiint Hank , ( II Insurance ( o. , Olllioi iVPii < u > , Hankers C II Sn\lng * Hunk. _ - / ST. FRANCIS ACADEMY VOUXCTL I'TS , lOtl'A. An oxcfllcnt educational Institution , furnish oil with nil the modern Impiovomontii , con ducted by thoSISTEHS V. M Fur term of llvo months , $75. Tunnsbutfln llrst .Monday In September nnd first Monday In rebiunij. I'or cntukignos ad dress . SISTHK aUl'KltlOIt St. I'miicls Acndcmj .Council HlulTs , low . L. lit N. Main St. , Council DlulTs , la. , mid 201) ) S. loth St. , Room 10 , Omaha , Neb. MnnilfiiLtui 01's Agent for the CALIGRAPH TYPE WRITER and SUPPLIES TciiK A willing. Uoollnff Slatp , Mantels - tols , 1'liilc anil Window Ulass , ShowCases - Cases , Klevutoiy , ( luinil und Iiy- ilriuilk' , ) Ai' : . llONEY TO lOAfF-Atlowes rats , Real estate handled , In surance written and all kinds of bonds bought by F , J , Day No , 39 Pearl St , , Council Bluffs , Established 1881 , REFRIGERATORS , AT COST. W. S. HOMER & Co. , 23 Main St. , Council Bluffs. Union National Bank , 206 Masonic Blk , MYf. Cor. Cap.fiY. & 16th Paid up Capital , - $100,000 Authorized Capital , - 50O.OOO ' Accounts solicited. Interest paid on tlmo deposit - posit * : collections ma lo In ull putts of the wo t , iiiidhavlmr provided the largest and bostvnult In the city , wo will recoil o valuable articles on Rtoiuec. prompt attention will bo given to all business entrusted to us. JNO.v. . , Cashier. WM. W. MAHSII , President. TeloDhonoNo. 812. AND Omaha , Council Bluffs And Chicago , The only road to tnke for Dos Molnos.Mnr- Bhnlltnwn , Cednr Uupldg. Clinton , Dlxlo , Chlcn- no , Milwaukee ana nil points east. To the people ple of Nebraska , Colorado , Wjomlnir , Utah , Idaho , Novndu , Oregon , Washington and Cali fornia It otters superior ad vantages not possible by any other lino. Among-a few of tha numoronspotnta of supo- ilorlty enjoyed by the patrons of this road bo- tnooiiOmahn and Chicago , are its two trains a day of DAY COACIIKS which are the finest that human art und ingenuity cun cioato. Its 1'ALACK SLKHPINO CJA11S. which mo models ol comfort nnd olegunco. Its 1'AULOH DltAW- INO HOOM CAHH , unsiirpnHied by nnv , and its widely celebrated PALATIAL DINING CAHS , the oiiunl of which cannot bo found elsewhere. At Council mull's the ti iilns of the Union Paci fic Hy. connect In Union Depot with those of the Chicago Northwestcin Hy. In Chlcn o the trains of this line make close connection with those * ot nil eastern lines. I'or Detroit. Columbus , IndlnnnpolK Cincln- nntl.Nliimuix Pull ! , , lluirnlo.l'ittsburg. Toronto , Monlioid , lloston , Now York , Phllndelpliln , Dal- tlmore , WnshltiKtnn nnd nil points in the east , nsk the ticket UKOIU I'or tickets \la the "NOIU'IlWt'.STKH.V , " If 5 ou wish the best lucomnioilations. All tlcke nxontb sell tickets via this line. W. IIUOIUTT , H. B. 1IAIH , Gonorul JIann cr. Gen. 1'us ; . Agent. THE CHICAGO SHORT LINE -OP TUP. Chic Milwajikee&SLPauIR1) ) THE BEST ROUTE \m \ mm ad COUNCIL BLUffS cl TWO TUAIN3 DVH.Y IIBTWCUN OMAHA COUNCIL iiLurra Chicago , AND-- Milwaukee , Sr , I'aul , MinuoajioUs , Cedar llaplils Clinton , ' Dubuque , Davenport , Hock Islanil.Frcoiiort , Itockfonl , Elgin , .Madison , .luncsvillc , Uololt , Wlnoiia , La Crosse , And ull other Important points East , Norllipus and Bouthvaiit. Foi through tlakota call ou the Tiokot Affr < n at 1191 VuriMin Urcct ( in Paxlon Hotclor a Union Vucltlo Depot Pullman bluopcrs and the fluent Dining Car In the world are run nn the mnln Hues of tlio CiucAno , MiiArAtiKKc Jc BT. PAUL ItII.TAV nnd every attention Is pnld to pusH'iiccrs t > y courttion * employe * ot tbarompuny. J ( , MILUH : , uencral MIUIUKIT. J. 1' . TUUKUII. AssUtant General Msimcor. A. V. U. C'A fiJ > TSH , ( lonornl 1'usisiij cr aid OEO. K. IlKAimnn , Asjlituut Qoaural 1'aeso'i cr auJ Ticket Aguut . . . J , ' . Cli iliu , General Supertutetiileur , SPEOIALKOTIOES Adtcrtlscment * undertlils h > d , 10 cent ? per Ino for Iho first Insertion , 7 cent * , lor cncli sub- Cffjucnt Insertion , nml f I .SO n line per month to advertisement tnken for le a than S.1 conta for the Hut ln ort on. Bevin words will bo counted to the lines they mu t run consecu- l\oly nn < l must bo pnld In advance. All ndvcr Igemcnti must bo handed In bpfoio 2 o'clock i. m.i nml tinder no clicumttnnees will thcj bo liken or discontinued by telephone. Pnrttts advertising In thc u toluinns nml hnv- nfrthonttswersniJdrossed In care of Titr HKE Trill please nsk for n chec't toonnble tlieiu to ( rot .hell letter * , us none will bn delivered < teept on presentation of check All fiiiwcri to nd- vort ( .einonti cliould bo enclosed In onMlopcs. JO X.O AH MONEY. Gl'l It nST Money to loan. J. J. Mnhonr-y , l.VJi 1 arnnni. 001 _ TO lioAN On real estate He- MONKV rnto'on InrRolnniH Cenlinl Invest ment Co , llarKoi lllock.cor. 15th nnd i'tirninn st TO lOAN-On farm nnd ell ) prop- MONIJY orlj , at lowest rates , \V A. Spencer I'm until st. ONKV TO LOAN On real estate. M II. S. Smith , Hoom 3 , Wlthtiell Hlock. 1'UNl ) Or fffi.OOO to loan In SrKOIAL in suit , on short time mortnircs , three to twel\o months tlmo on pi-opcity 1m- proved or iinlmpro\cd , Call nt the Omaha rinanclal Iltchaiixu , Bccond tloor of Marker Illoelt , i . W. Cor' t'arnam nnd 1'th St. M4 hao ( lioun money on lonu time , In any WH loan on Insldo city proicityor | farm land. Marshall X Lobock , 1511 rarnain st IM3II onxr money to loan. It. C l'nttor on , G 13th and UoiiKlas. CIS I'l NANUIA Ij 13\C1IAN(113 Is prepared OMAHA pared to mnko loans In nnj amount , on any kind ot npproved security. I/ar o collnternl loans n sppcinliv. Also on chattels nnd rout estateIn amounts nnd tltnoto suit. Lower rates , better term" , nnd prompter service than any loan fluency In the city , for further particulars enll nt offlco on the second lloor of the Darker 11 lock , southwest corner of 1'arnnm nnd Jr > th ( streets. 450 TO LOAN At lowest rales of Inter est on farms and impiovptl cltv propeity. T. .T. Dii ) A Co. , fi , rroun c's block , S r tcirner Capitol avenue nml Kith si. 7fl'scpi ( TO LOAN At lower rates than nny- MOM3V wheneNo In the cityon f urnltiiro , plnnos , organs , holies , WIIROIII , or stock nl nny kind. Itnnionibpr , at lower rntus than any other loan oumpaiiy in the rlty. City Loan & Morttraffo Co. . room 15 , HOI 1'arnain st , opposlta 1'axton hotel. _ 4" > 1 MUNI3V to loan by the undoi signed , who hna the only moporly orifniil ed loan aipnoy In Omaha Loans of $10 to $1,000 mnde on fur niture , pianos , organs horses , n > fen . machin ery , &o , without removal No delays. All business stiletly confidential Loans BO made that any pnrt cnn bo p ild nt nny time , each pay ment reducing the co t juo rnta. AiUnncos mndoon fine watches nnd diamonds. 1'ersoiw should cniofully consider who thov are deallnir with , ns many new concerns nro dally pomlnir Into ovlsience. Should you need monor , call and sea mo. W. H Crolt , Hoom 4 , Wlthnoll Ilujldlnir , llithjiml Hninpy. 4"i1 6PIJH TKNT Monov to loan. Stewart & Co , HooinlJ , lion bnnk , ISth nndrarnnm. 455 30.00O to ToanI PiTnTs I5UO nnd upwards. $ Lowest intos. llcmls , 15th nnd Douglas sts. rONKY TO LOAN O. F. Davis IcCa. . L Betnt nnd Loan agents , 1505 Farnam St 457 MONET TO LOAN On good securities. A JIcGavock , room 7 lledlck Block , 1509Farnnm Bu _ _ _ _ 458 n/TONEY / TO LOAN On real ostnto and chnt J3JL tols. D. L. Thomas. _ 459 MONKY TO LOAN" In 3iun i of JOTOnnuup- wards on flrst-clnsa real estate security. Potter & Cobb , 1515 Farnam Bt. iCU ONKY LOANED nt C. F. Reed & Co's. Loan office , on furniture , planes , horses , wagons porEonal property of nil kinds nnd all other ar ticles of value , without removal 819 S. l3tn , o cr ninjrhnm'a Commltgion storo. All DU3 ness etrlotlr oonfldontaL 4131 BUSINESS CIIANCES-Ono of the host jrro- cory stoics in the city Unit only requires smnll cnpltiil , cash ditily solos J80. will tinolco nbout f..OOO. Ilont only $20 per month Cnll on or uildross , Park .Vc I owlcr , lUi Douelaa st. 6S7-12 T71OK SAM : Now stock of niocerlos locntod Jj on ono of the best sheets in the city. Will invoice about SKOO including flxtuio Object In soilingf-oinif tolcuvo the city. AddicssK ill , lleo ollico. 7bU 14 * r\OK SAI > i : The coiuplnto furniture of the JL Nebraska Vinegar Woiks. Cnll soon on E. Krcbs. Jones Et bet Oth nnd 10th Bt , Oimihn. 010 FOH S.VT.i : Imoicouna stock of the only first ca s hotel Inn booming town ; will sell cheap If told this month. Address J. Kro- beck.llluo SpringsNob. ; will KIVO leaso. nvvo * BUSINESS CHANCn-Tho T. X. L. Slate 1'alnt Co. , want Ii\o njronts with small capi tal to take exclusive tomtory and apply their paint. Good money to ilKhtmon. Can nt coni- jinny's olllco , room 0 , ovcrCommcrolnl Nntional bunk , or address J. L > KIco , p. o. box 570. C43 IJ o'l SALE Or oxclmiijro for Omaha real estate , n nice clean stock of irrocorles Iheo iSS. 15th bt. 0 IJ FOH SAIK An elegant cstnblishcd business , the best of the kind In the west locntod In this city ; not profits f 5,000.00 per annum ; will boar closest tstluation ; iniolco nbout 315,00000. Parties with means wiihlnpr to step Into a flno business nddrois K 7. Uco ollloo. 444 FOHSAl.n A first-etas' ) bikorj' , restnurnnt nnd confectionery stand In n town of 7,003 inhabitants. Inrjuiroof V , V. Fny SCo. , Omaha. T7IOR SAI.K rirbt-clnss most uinrkot with Jnice Qxtunis , all complete : coo < l trudo ; best of reasons for Bclllnsr. Cnll or write to Goo.V. . Mnsson , 1B1 ( Hownnl. K3 TOK SAT.R Ouo of thn oldest established IJ ffroccry business In the city , with a'Nory Inriro. well-paylntf trudo. Will exchange for Oumlui roul estate or part cash and balance se cured notea. d'nod reasons given for BCllliKf. Addtcss"I3l , " BcoolHco. S07 HOUSKS r.otsrnrms.Lands money loaned , Bornl" , ISth nnd Uouglaa streets. 403 * 17OK | .SAI.1S-Sovcrnl sto'oks ot goods , dolncrn Jhcnlthy business , ownership rJenr , satisfaction - faction Kuarnntopd ; terms cnsv , fomo Omaha iHoporty taken In exchange. Stnishall .V T.o- bock. 15111'unuim st 405 rouifD. T AKUN UP At the corner of 31th nnd Uav- cnpoit bts.a brown cow. 7 < ! 0 U TjlOUND-Tno best opportunity for renl o-.t Uo JL. Investments 111 tlio . Parties have - " in * UDI muiitn its iisiJuiijrt A tit iiu can sumo by catling on H. O. Stripe , room 0 ovoi Commercial Nnt'l bank , 1'J nnd Dongla . 7R1 H JAUIN uiv-Juiyia , nt b3i s.siihst. , n light red cow about 8 years oldsmall rope on boms , stur In forehead Jly-L'B-u-'J-'J 1U--1 Hoan cow with white upoton > lrhl | JL1 hip ; elioit horns. UUuChlcugo. CC3.11 * r.osx. I OST A pair of gold oyccianae : also a jot * and gold earring. Aildri-33 It Phoenix. Ft. auditor's olnco. U. 1' . HdqrU 7U1 0 * STOLKN-Tho best baipalns In thocity In the way of real oatato Investments. 1'nrtio do-irlugto locovor the mime should call on H O. Strlpa , im U over Commercial Null lik. U and Douglas. 753 8 T OST Asrrcatsnm of money by not invi JLJ InglnrojIoiUUo In Onialiit. Cnll on I 'Sttlpe , I'Jthund Pouglns , sue lilf hnrxuln and you mny lozalu : otuu of the lost opt' or t lot. 75 g 8 T OBT 0U'BfOT.UX Team muliis. wnjon anil J-l lir.rnosn. A rewind of ton dollar * will be pndfortny Information thnt ill load to their rocoveiy , Charley Vlcak , Kaglo llousopGjTiaba \\77VNTUli-TJajr boarders ntC20 South Iflihst. \Y niVJ' BOAHDINt ! 12-U Cnpltel u > enup , nortb''iist ( i-irner itb : : , house uouly furnished : otrry- thing Orst clitss. T45-13 * ri1.VHIi : board for t o fviilloiii' ' ! ! In pilvnto J. fnmlly. Inferences roqulixti. IK North - cu-io * N. IStb St. 4M 1TB3O1CAI. . pKIISUN'AL.-I.ddloI dottro to call your kind JL uUcutton that tlio Ointilia Kmplu ) incut bu roan hns removuil iu oftlcc from Farnam st lo 111) North loth t In Urounso blooic , should ran vratii nay Uolp ploaia call. It cup t. E. O. lloll CSJ " UIISONAU-MM. Or Niuiul * V. Wiirrei ciuirvofunt. Medical anl tuilnojs Medium Koom No. 0 , Ul NoitU loth it , Omaha , Nvb. * * * yi MIBOELLAITEOUB. Tiuit iu.vr s , > Hon.e , 1513 Do Jjlu * . ion llouso & , . . OMAHA Heal Kstnto , . . . . Room Aicncy , Money Loaned on Heal. . Into , Unjton V Dayman , proprietors , main onuollHI loitrln ) ( i t , branch ontco 1213 Far- nnm St..Hlfl UotnrlnM , UO NinthSI0 nd 021 Sinth ! telephone No , 4ft. Alnnro 1IM ot fur nished nndnnfurnlslied loom * . lieu i < , ect , for cuMomor * to "elect fr m . W'nvc jour hou * ( > < mid loomswilh us : wowlllsoonniltliem up with deniable tcnnht * Come to ni for rooms and hoiW ! ! cnn uit\ou nt once : car- rtnaci for patrons ! telephone or cfllliit nboto _ _ , _ . i\erjwhoro : - Host felling AGKNT.S rnrth ; blif piollts. T. .lours , 7 MnrrnjSt . N. Y City. 70j-in _ } \ \ \anlta nnd cess pools tlunneit lij 15. 1KI\\ _ _ r. intr , 1' O Ho437. . _ _ _ _ _ MOftimlP iildltltl.Nr Urgans , $2 per montli. llo po , ' J5m DoiiRln , -74 ' [ runt HUNT Sq.inro I'lnno fj monllily. A JJ Hospp. inn lioiiiflns. _ -7J KIJN r A store on n Rood ictall street. Apply the Omaha Konl Ustnto nnd Ixian Co ' " ' _ XOn BALE MIBCEI.I.AHEOUS. ' -Hnmbletonlon loll ( broKeni , FOIt iiiosx.topbiwffy.'tnblonnd nitran , liy Knulnrti itoberts , Tort Oliiahn. " . * _ TjiiiH S/Xl.l : Iho inrnituro and fixtures of Jj St. 1'nnl hotpl ot Onklnnd. Neb : a treed lini- Kiiln If fold SOUL. Address St. I'aul Hotel. Oak land , Nob. _ _ 17H 10 * _ I-OH SAMMnios : , u J N i * . BUMS * oil < > AI < I3 I'liaelriil bilpff } as peed u < < now ! F LMionp for cash , btockdalo & Mitchell. IftlU IodKO ) ! > ticet OH S.VI.K Cheap A HoinoMle Fonlu chlno : neaily noiv. ISO ! Diuunpatt 8t. SAI.K Kurnlturo fi-i-ootn house com- plplo for hoiisokoephiK : Prlco < WJ. House j-j per month , line location , 1713 _ o OHSAT.n llni o limtitssuntl biiRBV. In- F ( julro 1407 Douglas st. ira 1Q T71OH : rurnturo | amllcnso or six-room JH hoii'o , time on pint. Call 120J Noith yitli street , two blocks from Hod Car line. b83 _ H ousElf Lois"i'nrms.LnnUs-iuomTy lonne"dT Ilciiils 15th nnd Douglas streets ; 471 _ TTlOll tALi ; I piano , furniture mid kltcfio -C iiuiKO. JI7 S. mh st 877 FOH SAM3 Cheap , iron columns ind win dow caps suitable for fronton hrlck build- Inir. For particulars apply at this olllco. 81 ! WAKTZD rEMALE HZ1.P. t/.VNTii-lTiItcrn' : ; < s funmiu7ool < 16T * ) Cnpl- > till no. . 781 10 * WANTI.D Two woman cooks nt NoriU' lONtnuranl ; none nut irood liolp need npply ! loth btiuot , between Do l o and DoiiRlns 70).10. ) W.Y.NTiOood : BUI , Mis. r.ushman , 15U Iloivitiil. 77.1. \\TANri3l ) s trool trirls , dlnlnif loim iu ( V > kltcliun. 117 Nmth llth street. 7I1-10 * _ _ WAN113D I'our Ili-l-cln'.s cooks fur Hot union nt Xoriollt Must turnlsh Kood lefereiitos. Applj at Jliirclianl's hotel , Omnluit Jlonday , p. in , AiiKiiBtvth. Also ten pooU waiters. It F. Locke. 7.-W ! " \\7AN rtn Houso'iroiNir in lamllyof tlueo. T > Addt053 John 1C lord , Stotllnjr , Neb. 750 IJ * WAM'HO r.ood Klrl ; must know how to cook , wash and Iron : small lamlly , irood wages. Inquire C. L. KrlcKson , opp. I' . O. 70110 'ANTiu Flistglrl , ! 3 Park mo. 70 = 112 * \\-ANTlJl ) Olil lor geneial hou = owoik , No. > 1018 Capitol u\o , 1101 th side , bet HUh and 20th. 70 ! ! WA > Tii > A Hist class fcmalo took. None but llist-clnss need upply , good wages , 1017 Ilonmd. 705 * WAN113D A middlen ed womnnforgoncinl housework ; one who understands sow lujf. Inquire on Hurt St. , opposite liulic's bilckkiln , three squuics east of bacicd liciut , Jhs J. C. Gladdin. Gy.U ! ? WAN rji > Woman pastry cook and man second oook for meats lit Motiopolitan hotel. \V 7"AMTJu : At Aicnilo hotoi , ! 2 Kii Is for liiun- dry , 1 chambermaid ; must bu first-class. BVJ U * WANTK1I Sevcrnl ( rood Bills for genornl houdoworlc at Omaha Kinployiiiont lliircau.lli" North ll > th street. E. O. llollc-lslo. 03J WANTUU At 1RM Ilpwnnt 8t.n reliable fflrlfor klttbon work. J ust boODil , plain cook , wnshor and Ironor. 'Qermnn or liish prolorrcd. 544 WANTJ7IJ A good German hoUBOKcopor for a .smnll family with tuo children. Terms sntlsfiiciory. Imjulro Uil. Jackson St. 570-10 * AN'11',1) A first-class chamber maid at tlio W Windsor Hotel 653 W ANTKD-A good girl. A. Hospc. .151.0 WANTIID An experienced cook and laun- < hOjS. Good wages paid. Mis. 0. J. Hunt , Virginia ave .mid (5iant Bt. 55' ) l7ANTin A ffirl for gonoriil housework. V ApplySlOS Farnam st , 483 W ANTIJI ) Girl for general boueonoik. A. II. Mnjnc , S. K. coinor21st and Wnbstor. 4JO. A nnrso eirl nt 40J Conyontst. 5Vw Apply nt once. 400 w PANTKD (5lrl for general houseworK " "ill , St. Marys nvo. 135 W N ri5i > ini mod lately , u ttrat-cmsj cook n 1812 Dodge SL 805 WANTii ) m young ladles nnd gents to learn tologrnpby. Prospects for positions when competentgood. Address W , J. D. room 1 , Crounso block loth st , Omnbn. 733 WAHTED-KTA.I.B 1IEI.P. W ANTKD A baker , Scandinavian pro forrcd. CoiucrLoavonworth and llth Bt. 778-11- 1V7ANTED A young man ns delivery clerk in i a grocery stoic , must understand the care of horses nnd speak Gorman and English , Ap ply to i OUCiiming8t. 7170 * W ANTKD A boy and pony , living south of Furnam at , to carry a route on Dully Evening IIco. Inquire In subscription depuit- mcnt. ' 7iU W ANTI'.n ShoTclers. Cor. 13tn nnd Fnr W7A nam sts. , McKimiey & Hall. 77U V * \ \7A TKD Ton men of gooJ nnpoaranco , > V can umkd $ J-J5 a dny. Cnll at 1412 South ith : : Et. 700 n * WANTUH Two /rood housework molders nt the Aurora , Nebraska , loundiy. K. W. Wilson. 758-14 MKN nut of wet k oan got employment by iipplying to Patrick Ford at No. J1 North llth street. lirANJKD A rood iclhiblo druggist , must TT furnish lofcronces. A splendid chnnco for thoilKht man. Address , C. F. J'urbrnch , Chad- ion , Neb U'u-U * - liort hand Btudonts ; export- ' cneo I teacher. Totius , ? 20 for complete course. Adurrss 1C 20 , lire ollico. 6 0s5 ' Cunvaasers for photo copying work. E. W. Willor.'roora aL I'rimzlor block , Omaha. Neb. B4J u * WAN I'KD-Luborors for black 11111s exten aion of II. & II. 1C. H. near llrokon How. > Ion to drive teams. Scraper holders nud Hhovclors. 11 a Albright's Labor Agency , llMt ) t uriuun st. hM BJj'Jt/ATIQg WAITTED. r AMTKD A young Englishman having ox- ri poricnco ns a landboapo gardener desires ongnsemcnts until Sept. IRth. Address Lund- scape Onnlcnin. ot Wm. Flonilog At C'o's. 773-10 WANTED Situation of any kind by a young man , spooling English and Uorman , eood ponninii. Address K. 31 , lice olllco. 771-10 * VVANTKO-Posltlon as clerk by a young f Scotchman. Address , D U , No , 2M Bioail- yny.Coiiiiclllll-lTa. WANTlUi A position by u stenograph dr. Cnn do owliury cleilcal work. lloCorencti given. Address 1Cir..lieti olllco. ( X5MU- WAHTS. W' 'AN 1'KD A peed second-band wrought lion range. Must be In good rnjialr am ! rlioap ; uUo , silver tabloworo , knives , ie Ad- ilroaa , Itnngt' , line ollico , 78I-.U * \\'ANTfi ; A I ! partlea having real estate tar 1 1 sale or trade to place same la hands ol Btewnrt & Co. , lloom < ' ! , iron IJank. 740 WANriu 0 tonms with semper * and plow. Apply to H. Donovan , Souih Uth , ono block tomb uf lUacnift. 725-t" WANTBU To rent a small neatly furiiUhc. : room near Iloo oQlco. Address stating terms K.SI Uoo olHc . 661 WANTJ'.U llurgKlns la ratl estate. I am rcproatiiliu a coupleor eontlouion nho liaxe srcM faith In Ouai ! property and plenty of rooMf o invcM. If yen bava bargains place thtm - * lUt. II. 0. Stripe , aor , 13th and m. Boom 6 over Uoia Nat bk. 7688 AN1KU To jell nsV urgan or piano $40lnliyj. Uksn la bonrU by a gentle. ra u ; privH'.afHiAU/ re furred. Address K35 llc < ofce. 48- : n AkrouUtvith m ll capital to nko i'ltc l\trmorj' nnd npply our imlnt. d\n nt the oltico lit Ihe I. X. L Slate Paint Co. , roomfl. over Coinmerclal Nntlonal bnnk or nd- d i CM J. U Ulco , Hio JQ7a 041 " \VAMT.n A Holiftsteady her e with spring wagon find horncsj ; must bo olio up ; to : > c pnld for In myuUilj lustalliuonts. Addicsi l,8i liccoOlco. \ * lua * AN1 Hl > CuMomer * . lor our liuttcr und AY crcnm. J. II lloonstro , WJ N lftih i. _ ii _ . , , 811 n 13 vi'ANI I1U Aiiroud house on monthly pay- meets. Adalo ll.BA , nooofilce , 6.v > . l-i AM'i : ! ! Second-luinded baby ctnU o. 1 } Addics , stating price , K15 , Iloo offlco , _ , 773 V "I7"A > Tit : > 1)o ) buy a nice re ldonce or peed > building lot la n doilrablo location. Ad- drc s H , W ) , Heo offlH' fiV > . > UMitrt.rl. . Muirtiy. 1 V 472 TOR UEKT-HOOBES AND LOTS ] " poll niNr-2hou es No Tl07 iiul 1100 Dav cnpoit fit. .Itiiiulro 1010 rainim t up- stnlrs. 7S3 11 * 7j > O It KKJ. T-Now brk k homoc-MisM fii/of 1 : 0 rooms. ffJSi Hamilton st , "I II * Foil HENT-Honso with 2J rootrnnnd nil inoilern eoiuenlencc" , poiitln\o t corner of llth nml June * streets , four block * eolith of I'm nam street. The hou e la so built tint It cnn be rented us two houii-s , or hi HntB Apply to 111. ,1. II.Tcnhody.on the promises , between the hours of 4 and Up. m. 741 14 Foil itKNT Now 7-room house , bntb , fur- mice , nuiffe , etc. . ail complete. $15. 0-rooin hoiuo near St Mary's nonuo , $ JO. C'ottiiKO near Phil Shorldau , 543. J. H. Kuns & Co. 7C3 10 Foil K13ST Per a term of j ens , the 2-story brick biilldlnif on the n ocor. of 10th nnd Douglas. Inqulio at drug store , name place. TJlOU HUNT NnwC-rooin houses , nourstrcut J2 cars D. C Patterson , Oimilui Nut'l b ink. 074 TJOH ItKNT Store with 4 living i oems nbov o JL1 between Iho head of St. Mary s arenuo nnd 1 onumworth , good opening for n saddler or ba ker , and other lined of business. Win. llom- tiling , 1401 Douglai. 243 TjlOIl HUNT Two lai-jfo hniulsoino npnit- JP mcnt1iouso4 with modem Itiiprnvomciita , now lii the course ol erection , ready to bo occu pied b > 8opt. 1st mnt. 6.l ( nnd os South 17th utioot. For particulars luimliu of John II. r. I.ulmmnn. 607 FiUlTr.NT Ppoliublo ii room cottniro , south U. 1' . depot , .1. 1'hlpps Uoo , HI2 S 5tb. WW Fan i.r.ASi ; woii'i\ooiovon ucio on o , It. II. trnok.bOJ Hot fiont : will leuso nil or part for llvo J e i3.v Hodford & Souor. 711 rOK KKtll' BOO3IS. Foil llfi > T Two furnished rooaisfi9 ! North 1'ltb st. 7SO U * 1OII ItlINT 3 or I ploninnt untiiiiilslu'd rooms In u nlco locution. 15-0litckson HI. [ 71OII ItKNT Nlco looms nt 1WI Fiirniun fet.,1 J- ' block west of couit house. BJ8 JjOU H13NT Nicely fumls'ied nuitoof nioiiH Jj MlSHnrnoybtruot. 704-10 * Wll HKNT Nicely lurnlsho.l room.-'i O ! ) i\0ll \ HUNT Nicely furnished rooms noaf 1 street-car Hue , 51 Pleasant st. 710 U * Foil HUNT Front oHlco , Sd Hoer , Omaha Nnflllnnt Inquire U. C. 1'nttcreon. 0,17 FOUJllKNT Suit of furnished looms for two Kcntlumeu , 1611 Callfon la st. 688 T.-.OH 11UNT-.11VB nicely furnished rooms. IJ bath room kna inter closut on premises. Terms modoiatcV IK N llth si. bet , ChletiKo nnd Cuea O.IJ IS * POKHiNr-posjrJvhlo furnished room. In- ( lulro 1 ( ) waronport s.t. OJa 0 * T010H HENT lHrulshod ) looiuant 1707 Cass Bt , TT\OK \ KKNT O-'wol f rout Ilor' , newly fur- JJ nlahod. iUSMItto'eavt'tnio. . Ull FOH HUNT r-UrnlBhoJ fiont room , A.IIospo. 380 FOK ICCXT IV dirtto of rooms 1813Dodifost o t i > 3M. TTlOll H13NT-4VO veiy nicely furnished -I ? rooms with or without board , nouso 18 sur rounded by n W4 1fin nnd has bath room nnd uns. 8 W. cornercfrSOthnnd Wobator. 615 Tmoit HKJTT Nicely furnished rooms with" JP''first-class board.0211'lonsant-st. 873-31 * FOB. KENTFHrnfihod room , 1810 Dodge. - - aJ7 usa HUNT A furnished parlor room with board , suitable for two Rontlomon ; also first -class table bourd ; rotoioaco icquirod : 1SU Dodge , _ W. oil ilKN * ' A nicely furnished south room 1C07 DoUKlas St. HofoiCDcosrc < iulroil. 475 FOK HENT Uoslrnblo furnished rooms nt 1811 Karnniu street. 47fl _ " (71OH ( KHXT Nicely furnished front rooms JL1 Riiitublo forono or two Huntlumon ; all mod ern imp rovcir. out B . ' 415 Jones st 141 fioit ICKNT Two store rooms on llth at. , 1 $25 each. J.Johnson , 1X4 ! rarnam. 89 FOB SAT.E-nOU3E3-I.OT3. CottaRO Park. Cottauo Pin : Cottnso Park Cottage Park Cottage Park Cottage Par Cottage I'nrlc Cottage ParK CottiiRO Park Cottage Pnrb Cottage PnrU Cottnffo Park Cottnso Pnrte 0 * " * vro Park Coctngo Pars Cottage Pnrk Cottage Park Cottngo Park Cottnjfo Pnrk Cottage Piu-k Cottage Purk Cottage Pnrk. Cottngo Pnrk la ono ot the latest auditions to the city of Oiimluult fronts on South Twentieth etioot at a distance of only two and n quarter miles from the postodlco und about ono hun dred rods -from the Thirteenth street Horeo lallwny. Thlspirtof the city Is Impiovlng very fast und lota In thin addition nro cei I nln to bin e a Inrao ndvnnco in value within n short time. The price for lo ts Is S.'iD und StSOO ; 750 cash and the balance lu monthly payments. Inqulroof Itisdon & CouiRtock. i-oumil story Merchants' National bank building , solo agents , who will show the lot ! to nnyono who may wish to BOO them. This firm has ulso for onlo Improt ed and nnlm I > ro\oflioildoiKo and business property I nail purtsof the city , 710 FOH HAI.K Fine lot in Plalnvlow , fronting east , on 20th st. ' 1 lieo Olson , 218 S 15th at. ( Ban TR1OH KXUtlANcii ; | , ( XXetooK dry goods forK -K Ojiuha property. Aichor & ritch , 218 8 JStust. 105 Wr. HAKRn , He il I'stato nnd Houso-Hont Ing Agency , olHco with JCaul man Bmi , 207 S. 15th bt. Come und soouro ono of those ohoup tots In Wnvorly Plnco , onl/2S ! miles from P.O. , 5,100 , ono-thltd cash. bill. $10 per month. Also I In Haws' ndd , ff m Manhattan , house nnd lot In Kodlck'sZd , 2 in Plain View , besides other property In dllferent parts of tlio city. Call early and got bargains. COOP * Inon BAT.I' Klne lot In Platnviow , fronting 1 caston3Jth"9t. Thee Olson,213B. 15thbt. IOU H Fen SAMS-i r MjTj. HItrglns , 150fl Douglas street , u spocUulmrgain nA now S-8tory'divolllinr , 7 rooms , with gas , bnlh room , water ttoiot , sewerage , lot USxlJD. beiuItirf npplo and tihim tioos. nlw line hhiulo tioos , all for 11,750'feT.iO cash , balance * i5 per month , will rontf foiff It ) per month. 7U7-IS "JTlOll HAl.K-iinulK nnd lot Wulnut Hill.lot JJ MxlW einixll cifilApuymcnt , bnl. monthly , only Jl.500. I'mrt HStwIer. 1523 ItoiiRlns. llouso nnd lou ni th st. 3J.OUO , Paik 4. Fowler ler , I'iJ'J Douglas. ' * * * 2 lots In IlinitcoiiL .I'laco cast frontier sale House , full lotHii-Omnhn View full lot $ i10 cnalibaL H5 per ijnofwi only 1,400. A bargain. PII r ic & 1 'o trier , 1 , SH. Dpuglng. Bbd-10 ACOOD lot lu nililiouia , near the Vlnton st. carllnu , pUcOVj.OM. Potter & Cobb , 151B fin nani st. , Omalu , Neb. &il i"KOIAI , IIAHCJAINH-ror Bale by M. L. Hlgglni & Co , 150H Douglas One oust front lot In Hansconi Place. A oar' gain nt $1KM. Six cast fiont lots In Kilby at 000. ' 1 lirce south trjnt lots In Munhdttnn. Cheap. South front In DenUe add. , full gizo and only 100 ft from BmuidoiB St. , for f 1/wa Two dandy lots atnbargain on South " 3th. Afullllnoof loUlnall tnedes rabla additions. 7-room house ( coiner ) on t-iiunders tt. , foi t3WO. on easy terms , unet front. U room cotuii-o near street car line , only tJOO cash , balance $25 per month. 4-ruoia house , full lot 60x140 , ftncedullcom- Glote , $1,350 ; $150 cash , balance S1J.60 a month , roatest I argain In the city. Nlco cottage on buundoi 3 st , cheap and on easy Serins , for a fomdujs only.M. . U Hlxglna tCo. _ . IWa Uouglus 8C 7.17 10 JjlOK 8A.LB In Lincoln , 25a fcoton 0 sti-out. X' Very desirable ImMncas property. Address atoncoShor > riuSbcr\rlu& Co. , Lincoln. Neb. T71 ° " SAl.i-Lfirgo : corner lot,21st nnd Dorc * -L' $1.000. Kasy payments. Theo. Olsen , SIS S13th. 07I 12 _ _ _ HIl.f.SUAI.Kh nslidvnntajro * whlclfcmi't bo benton tiv nny location. When jou see the tot * you wlllndmlt it.i Anita , IM7 Fnrnnin. RM l. f 1LL3DALK Vou tan tnul no such lots ni LA them nt $150 apiece , Amos' Heal KMIUO Agency , JSOTJjumim t. > oa FOKSAliK Or Tr\to Improve ! nnt unlin- proved la.nN In Funins nn 1 otter woMorn counties Addrou Win Slraoral , Arapihoo , FurnnsCo. ob. 275 Tr oil SALH 6-i-oom homo on Lake nnd 17th I1 st HP-IT trect cur II.'HJJ. Cash SofiO. Theo , Ol on 21H S. 15th it. ftitwl , ) . OH 8AI.K Three of the bo t lots In Walnut Hill. ThcaOKen , 218 South Uth. U71.U TT OIt MAliU I olTt-rlOi licnilof as fine steers JL' oi nro In the tiitu yoiiilliii.- ! t , loinlj to feed. \ \ . A. Domnreo. Hoi-n. ell. 7111 * B1 In Oinnlin Hen Will alwnjs be foun 1 by cnlllnv on .1. II. Kvans .V l'o . 1510 Dodiro M. Kor n fowdn.'s we oil or choice lots on nnd near 20th st , on llbornl terms. Ono coi mu lot. < < n t ft out llnwtlinruo. $ l.OCti Hoautltul rust liout , 11)0x171 ) , Hansciim I'Mco lor . . . . 4,500 Onclnt in Himohnllh'h Place KVW Ono CO foot lot. PaiK nvcnuo 2.WO Two east tiont , Vltglnla ave l.tflO line corner , llcdfoid I'laco . , . . CM Two south fronts , llnrtlutt'a nddltlon , onch . . S.OOO Acic in UlooUlno ? < > 00 Fi\coa t fiont , lluir Oak 1'V ' ) l < ot In lloyil s addition . . 800 to 100 Lot In Clark's addition cast front. . 4.000 Knst front lot In ( . ' 101011 1,100 Aero lot in Fall view . . 4-5 Two lot * In Dnlght > V I. ) mnn's . . . POO Ono lot In Isine * SoUlen's l.r > 00 Lots In .loronio I'm K 1.1U1 Ixitsln Miitsh Pln-o . 2,100 lo3mx ) Lotsln Pltlmlew CV ) to * ' < 0 Lots In Put ricks ndd. , votj fholio,000 to II n HI Two lots In Wo t Knd , enoli. , 1/OJ Aero lot InVo Omiihn . , 3,000 Ono lot In Votes A Hood's coiner . 7HO Finest ntio In West Oinntin , . . . . 8.WW Lots on Phil Hheildan st 950 to 1.100 Wobnvu Mieuiit nnd Improved piopurty In nil the doMniblo additions to thn cits for sale nl nil prlios , on easiest toi ms. J. 11. Iiuns & Co 731-10 HOW jou cnn ranko ilionoj t ffv buying on easy payments 11 llllMdnlolot for $ l5i'thnt ' will bo easily paid for , , uid double In vnluo. Ames'ltonl L'stnto Agon y. 15U7 Pariinin MJ Foil SAI.K Uood 7.riKin house with rullarT cistern , city water "id barn , V lot , $ J,8iJ ; enquire on proinlsefl,2.-H'1 ) > a < cnport. ti78 HILLSDALK- . tLx'9 ' the nnnio , luut tno lots sod for ? 150 t $17i on eiisj term . Hnvo jou scon this group ' ? If not , do nt once , ai it costs nothing- rli out to tills be-iUtirul locution. Amos' Heal I'.stnto iiBoney , 1507 Par- iiiiiii. 8 > W OllSAId : Atiooclnlmwllhin thico tulles I 1 of the thiMriirtonn of Ifliiffl'lne , Neb. In- HUlio or address Mis Al nlo 1'ny , 150J Daven port stioet Omaha C'Jl OH Alji : Wo ha\o sixteen lot * In liaw thornc addition that wo will sell : be t and ti"ldo pioportv In Om ilia. Hedloid \ So 7"ri uer i _ _ ESACIISSi : , K tnlc,317 3. 13ht. hns for ' BII'O ; Hc ldpnc ( > Lots in Ainblor IMiiLo . 8150 to J fiOO K. V , Smltb'R addition . , l.tOO Lowes' addition. . . . 700 to 1,100 LaUo's addition (11x144 ( . 3,000 DonlspV iiddltlon 3 lots . . 4,200 Omaha View . . . . GOO to tiCO Shlmis'llid addition 51xl'-01i 1,000 Siiuiulcia& HlmobiuiBUS adaltlon 600 to 700 bhlnirs-'nd addition U , lots . . SrM Wllcox'fl I t addition . . . . KM to UOO I'lalnVlow . ttWto I.OOJ Woat Side . 350 On Unit st. Kit 1W . S.COO At a bargain. Small payments mid cay terms. LotK In nil parts of the city B. Sncbsso 317 8. U Bt. 61 ! SALi : 12 choice lots In Hnundera & Foil Hlmobaiuh's add .SJOJtoSia oath ; ea y terms. A. H. llilggs , S.ixo's hat store. 70S ' SACllSSB.renl 'estate , J17 8 lith slreot olleis nt a limgnln : U lots In Patrick's < ! add , east front , on hnundeisstieot ; terms , one-half cash , bnl 1,2 , nnd'J years $ G.OCO Also ,1 lots , south front , ou Hurdettu street , $ i,7. > 0 , or Sl"iOO each single lot ; StuO to suit. 1J. SACHSSn , .517 S. Uth sticet. Nl'.auil thrco lomtnaucics in Iliookllnc nd- dltion , price $350. Potter & Cobb , 1515 Pnr- iininst.Oinahn , Nob. B21 Foil iALK Or oxohnngo for gonoial nicr clmndiso,200 ucros finally lrnpio\c.l land In Southern lown , adjoining county Beat nnd rnik road , In Uccatur county. Has n line C-rooni bouse , Inrco burn , 60-foot shed , goo 1 well , spring nnd running water : 100 npplo ticos , ohorrlos , grapes , etc. Uoinhnrd faaclisso , JIT S. lUh 8t.Omaha Nob. .ILI "I AHOU cities make suburban homed n noco - JL sitv nnd this class of lota KIOWS with thd rest , 'lliisis to be consldeicd. Sec HllUdnlo nt f 150 nnd buy one when you cnn nt this fl uro. Ames' Hen I Kstnto Agency , 1507 rarnnm st M9 TGlOIl SAI.K 0 dobirublo lots in Hnnscom Jj Place ; tcriua easy. G. P. Stebblns , box 'JtO. 0.0 8 r ' STUWAIIT & CO. Hoom 3 , Iron Hank Special bnigains in real ostnto. 74G-0 TOrKDAIiB Si MITCJII31.1. 1510 Dodge street. Burt stiort , 18-moin house and lot. 07xl(50foot ( , rents lor $130 per month , ull In Uno repair , only 51.10J. rull cnst front on Walnut Hill , third lot from CnmliiK , three minutes' walk from station , chuich , etc , best view In the addition , bargain Drnko'n addition splendid bargain full lot. only $ lS03caMi , Investigate this if you \\ant n good speculation. Host location In thocity , oxtin largo houco und lot on Caps strout Please come In and see this foi J5.0JJ. 1-2 lot with U loom house on 20th st nearSt Mury'snv. S5.NW , JMOcasb , Just think of this | Two splendid houses on iulllot near Harnoy st nnd 20th , wondeifully ohenp at $7,500. Kino trncknijo piopeity , splendid for wnio- house purH)6es. | Posltivolj-fory days only nt J-/lJO OHHll. Kilby place lots near Dodge st , nest fronts , only JI.OuO easy terms. Property in all parts of the city. Call nnd see our opecliil list ol bargains Cull , cnll , call on Stockdnle & Mitchell , 1510 Dodge st GoodliouMi on Wheaten near Saunders St. , Tor all only $3,000 ; easy terms 1'our lots on Lo\rou\o. , near Dr. Mcruor s ; bountiful oajt nnd south Ironts , 1,750 , tor a few days only. Now houfloon 78x130 lot In Walnut Kill , south front. $ .2,800. Tno 8plondld lots In Dwljrht & Lj-man'B , east filints , $ H"iO tor both. Cheap lots on easy terms In all additions in tboelty. Cull und bo convinced ; no trouble to show. TOO TTIOK HAH : Pine lot In Plnlnviow , fronting JL ? east , onSJthst. Tboo Olson , 218 S. 15th st. 031 It P. HAMMOND , Heal Kstnte Urokor , ISii j * Douglas st. , Iloo in U I offer the follow Ing special birgnlns : Tivo choice lots in Hnnscom Place , bnrgnln , 4 houses on Ohio t. , fl.WJ cnch , $ JOJ cash , bulnnco f' per month. U cholco lots in Lincoln Place , will be sold nt a bnignln. Splendid O-ioom house Ohio St. , barn ; olxll9 foot lot : bargain , 85,100. Splendid lot In Slunn's add. Lot on I'arnniii stil.20) ; ) List jou property with me. Lots 1 , 2 nnd ! 1 , block 1 , 'S. K. Hogois' addition to Okahoma.rilxlM each. Cnll for tci ms. Waut Omaha ICH ! OLfor ( | , < KM stock of hanlwnio In good loun location , only 2 stored , 1,000 mlmblmiiu. ! L1 _ _ Coino nnd s o It yourself , It H1LLSDALR Its moiits. Amos' Heal I'lsmto Agcncy.llJQ7 rprnain. s5 ! _ HAIdJ Hosldonco jropoity ami vncant Poll In every luldltlor a , Oiuahn. Terms to eultpurchaser , Also d ratilo business prop erty. Gibson , Larson & Co , Uoom U , Wlthtioil lUqck. . m . < \ ( H1LLSDALK. ann _ _ - HILI.SDALi : , highest ground , ImndKoaiost locution of mi ) lots'-.n or around Oraiihu , for JIM ) lo 1175 n lo' "i-Como nnd see this ground. Amoi' Heal " * ito Agonoy 1507 Far- imm. _ 2 _ " TJ\Ott \ tt.\lili"f\rn glos'iini oist front corner JL ? lota In llurr Ouk ; itiaturnl BhuJa trees Ilatchorludd&Co.lJluUoui'lnsf ( > treol , Mlllrtrd hotel block Omabn. Nob. VH _ HKAVVgnins In poiinlntlon pushes Onmhatu the irnnt. See lllllsdalo lots that jou cnti now buy for f 15'J. ' I'lok ono out , jii y f' > r It in iiistalhiiontu , nnd soil It in a ycais time ( nr ttrloo Jt cost. Amea1 llool Eatnto Asoni-.y , 1501 Kur- nnmst. wi T71OK SALIC LotJ In IlniiBoom I'lnco. Lolb In -I ? Omaha Vlowund Marlon I'lnjo. loufO' ( ' < iind lots on eusv piiymonts. Lois In nlirlvcr 1'Iur ? , Wl , only f 15 down balance ft per month. ! ! lore you buy or eell cull on 11. W. llimtrcs * , W U * _ _ O 8ACH SK. Itoal KitiUo.dU S. IHli nt. Uas JLJ for Bii'.out n uaifiulii : Impro\ nnd unimproved farms In Nobr..f KH. Four M sections in Douglas Co , ll ) .lero. ICO acres of splendid farm land , nil iinproiu. menu. In Voik Co. , i-U per HOIO ; also < roi ] ) graded flock und f urnuuru foi sale. Only fur n short tlmo nt thtsprlco. 1-4 section In KurnasCo. ehnap nt t la . HOtieroj , Hurt Co. , f20 per ncio. 3JOund 600 ncrciin Nauco county , $ U 55 per .tf acres in Antelope Co . $15 to HO for acre. 1UJ iu.n b in MudUoiiCo , SlUor vxcliauge for city pr"perty , . A Cno funn of 200 octet In Decatur Co. la. , 13) ) per ncrc. or will traJe for Konoial meichnn. Uisu. Also farms lu Kansas. U. S.i'-li8jo,3l7 a. UtUttreot. CiJ B8ACHSSP. Hr-al K tnto , 317 S. St. , has for sale impiovodpTOpertj-I 320 line brick residence with all modern Improvement * , on Snunders H , lot UVxloo , $ it,000 to $5,000 cash ilow n $ f.OOO 300 Mac-room ! * ou o nml lot , SUth M. , near St. Marjs nvo , { 500 cash bnhinio monthly . . . . 6,7JO 881 Throe-mom cottage nnd lot P. 11th ft , $1,000 cash l.COO 300 Itt-rooin hmiso nnd lot fifi'tJtlOO on Hurt st . $2,000 caah , bnlaiiio to suit 4,500 801 S3 it on fuming with stoio nmUUu'll- Ing 3.MO 348 l ft on Ctimlng with 2 stores nnd duelling , barn , etc. , 10.SOO 309 Pine s-ioom notice , barn , cto , , lot uw\iuo . . 4,500 ao.Hj.Vrootncottntre , lot MxlOO , both on \\pbster , one-thud cash , balniKo to suit . . . . . . 2,000 337 Hcottnues on youth 14th st , to bo sold tnjetliororln lotsof 3 < ir t ndjolnliii ? U.OGO 25H Kino 6-room house , lot 30x140 , on lllth Bt ,1-mh SI.WO . . . . 2,300 S85 Lot , UxUO ) with house , well , etc. , on 10th it. , . . . . S.SOJ 008 firutlairo * of S rooms , lot * 3J4xU0 , cl torn , w ell , oto , on HUh 8t , , $ AKI cush , fciOJ par inonth , curb -,100 3,18 M led oiiCumhur."Sillies ' lol . with 2store , duelling , bnui ; nllionted $ IO , 00 Pull lots and 'i lots with huge or small houses In r. , V. Smith's add , 1'lixln View. Lono's 2d ndd , Kuuntyo't''il ndd. I'alteiMtnsiibdlv. Inprovemont Asxuiidd. Mlllaid , Cnldwcll s ndd , Wnhiut Hill. Pnrk Pliico. llle'torv I'lneo. Omnhn View , Ilcdloiil's add. Shlnn's ndd , Amos I'lato. Sliliui's''d add , Donlies'ndd. Piom $ lUO ( to $ ViOO ; small pnymonts : cn < y tGl'lllS K. " _ 1.1 OW la It jour neighbor has made monilj 1 J 1 lly Imvlnir conrnpo to buy nhpap lot * . You can do ihosame In Hlllsdalo , whore lot * now selllnu for S150 each will brlnirdoublo that In n jeni fiom nnvAmis' Itvnl Uatuto Agenrj- , lf > 07ruinani _ _ t. ' ttHi _ _ "ijioJiiJAi.ii-Oiily'fwo out ot the fouitoon JU hou-t > * just built nt 2Jnd nml Ohio loll. We lmo nlso n now House and full hit for $1,539 Anent cottn onnd linlf lot this slda of the brldiroon Saundurs slon t tiont lorJ/i01. | VT131 ) loi't on lllth t this side of Hnskell's nt a bargain , llallou Ilios. 1510 Douglas st M'l 9 HOUSES Lots.Parms.ljaiuis money loancit. _ _ HomJs.15thnnd Douglas " streets , 471 BAHdAhV lrull lot on "Webster st. between 17th and IBtli 3t.s.,2 houses , ono of n looms nnd one of ( I looms ; good barn and ohmlo tieos nnd other Improvements : prlco $7OJO : onsy terms. Potter ii Cobb , 1315Fnitmm , st. , Omnhn , Nob. ail KKMKMItl'.lt now la tlio time to buy client ) lots , 'Ihevgrow Iniiluo luster tlimi nny othcis. Pee Hlllsdnlo Lots $ no oncli. Ainu * * Itonl Ksliito Agcnoy. 1507 I'tuivim. ? U9 Ti ; solTTnt $150 poi lot. 80J BAVIJNWOIU'H BT K , It. tinnkiiKO , ono or I J moru lots or nnaeie , at aKiual bartraln. See J. W , l.otrun , nt Lu.tMiUuorlli HiHlncas I'lnco , or 0.V. \ . Unker , Hoom 7 lion Itink _ IntH sAiil3 Or r.Aehanso line tinpro\cii faun In wotoiu Iowa , contnlna 160 acre" , or will i\cliuiiKO : lei Omaha piopert ) * . liuiulro ot H lliown , WlmNoMiptel _ _ _ ! lia HlLl lDALi : Lots only ? 110 to S17' > , and will sell lor double thN Ibruro In 12 inonthV tlmo. Comu and buothoui. Amos' Konl Ustnto AK"'ncy.lV)7 _ ) I'm nani st. _ B01 H1 ALi : Uonutilul location. 801 ; > uhOlcolotB BAIK1AINS \ ni } cheap nt . . . . f3,000 Povoriilboiuulful IOH wilcoxlst nitditlon on casj toi ma and \orj rca onablo. .1 choice lots in Kllh } 1'laio lor . . . . 11,030 J lotson S. lltb st i tot , How or Hill , east tiOlit8,74xH4oncb . . 4,000 4 lots on nth iionr Cnstcllnr. . . 1,500 Good U loom house and lot on Georgia nvo , , 1 block liomiars . 5,0)0 ) Now hoiisii fl room1In Idle-wild near lu top ordci nndorycozy . 4,090 " wood B & , 7 room houses with thico UUKO lots Sflth struct nar Cumlnjr. . 0,000 Splendid business lot on Douglas street nuui 14th . 10,000 Abo\ nie a tow of our n unv bargains. lioinonihor thu place , HatchurUudd & Co , Mil- Inrd hotel bloUc. _ 7 J.ll * ULKCTUD LAN US m H Southern Minnesota , Moi them lo'vn Central nnd Northern Ivnnsau for sale at low pi iocs nnd on easy terms ot pay ment. Hull load laic refunded to pin chasers. Weekly excursions Host lands tor the money. 1'orfuither Infoimntlnn addioss , O. It. Nelson , UOflS.lO _ _ th _ st .Omnlin. _ ob. _ COS OKSAI.K Kino lot In I'lainvlew , fronting' enstoiiSOtUst. Theo Olson , ai8 B. lSth st. WANJTKU Iiuostois to cnll nt our ollko , 1500Fnrnam street , 2d lloor , to Itucstlffuto thesochoice peiccsof property , which wo cnn Sell on ousy torins to the iliflit unity. A Urst-cJass rosldenco ; house rooms , now , and fitted with all modern 1m- \ IncludiniT furnace , etc. Fro\onmnt3 ' given immediately. In line location 5 0,501 A good lot In Hnnscom I'laco 1'iV ) A corner In Lowo's , addition 750 IJust fiont on Saundois 1'arkor's ad dition. ColtiWJiinillot 2,700 Coi nor in Kilby I'laco , line view , on cable line K.H of n o U see 3J T15 H 10 en&t.Louslas CO..I < OJC103 1,000 50x120 Capitol nvoniic nonv 25th et. Cm bo bought with small eash payment nnd Ions tlmo to party who will build a good house , only 3,5CO 40ncius with ( food impiovcmontson West UodRObt .per i.crc 251 linuconnd Inton Uodirn st 3,000 Lots In "West Oludo. " the choicest addition Milltiuy load See HI Coiner Dodge and Pleasant ot. , 100x155 , wood buildings. $ J,50J H.ivo you anything to cicliimvo , Or to sell , Or do you want lo buy ? See our lists. It Is no trouble to phew our propel ty. Our olllco Is open In evenings lrom7loU Call nnd too us. .l.L. I'ierson & Co. JM'i ' rntnnin ad lloor. 718.0 T OTS bolhnic today tor SS01 to S1003sold n year JLJ ngo toi $100 to txa Think ( if this and pot a lot now In Hilbilalo forjlul to 5175 nnd on easy tuims. Amos' KciilEstnto Agency , 1507 Farmim Bt)9 ) TJAOH SAI.To N'icofi-rnom house unAS corner JL ? lots In Walnut Hill ; ! i cash Lml. to null. Cal Martin 1103 14th Bt. 4 3 your propeily lor sale or rent with I1HT & Co. , Hoom U. Iron bunk. 746-il Lots , ! armsIvuncls money louuo H liamla , 16th and Douglas stiooH. 471 BALK-Sovontenn lota between Dodge FOH Ilmoiipoit in Kilby I'laco thlAWcok lo.- $13,00' ' ) . N. A. Kiihu , 15th und Doiiglas. CU7.M ILLSDALl5-lo ] , oioi | tunyf o _ yon a cheap homo. _ b03 HAVB you seen Uiltolnlo ? Ir , not , < lo so nt once and pick out 11 lot lor * I0 that irill not only make you money but liulj ) you ! < avi > flomo. Ames' lleil Kstato AKonoy , 16u7 Farnam. tO'l P. BOYEB & CO. JJtAIJUlli J.H and Jail Work. 1020 li'tirnam Street , Omaha. Neb. WHO 13 UIIACSMIMTED V/ITH TH ! OEOGHVPHr Of TMH couNTnr WILL Kt at CXMIINIMI THU mr THAT THE GHICAOO.nOGKlSLAHDaPACIFIOrlAILW/iV / Thu Great Rook Island Route Riiiranie f lu pnlroM tint ttiw a ! pfreonnl trrn. illy aRgidiil ly c. ruli.l , thkrouvhlr lu.llj .cil ni il i > * I. vihuotti trAcUv of rnntlniioit * r # ! i ll. ftiil , iu HullUiiHi culroiu mill brid m. rulllnf HitUakiiMt | rf ll-ll < lilimuii nklll iu.1 ii.ndr II Ilio lali-lj n 'l tljAlnjcit tiii illn. Olltitf * hn hurni tin tint > ti li'iDritito.ior .ill lu tnlot ( Ji'.i-i ' iinl iilno [ .lit * route i * nt Kll erntir tliM i-otnt * In ' ' k J * * * ' ' lui'rlv il luV.vufnpir V i'l'i inMit. _ 7lia Fut Kirrnn TraliK lu-lr rtn fM'uro ir.l P.iri i..iiMndl lilull * . K > iia.i ( Ur.l'tr nv 'iili > uj At miufl r tfninK | > H 4l of MMI | vtlllllM * * I , Unity u.-v iia'iuintd Ji r LoaUiM. Hnifiiilkfiii I'liilmm ) % laro hlr > pi > rr th lulcit Ur lun , Mini icnuilii v. lilnlne ll * y , lu wuloii rltbur t ly cuftlccil n rjiiiarwl ii urvl/ fifn I'clntunl liliiciuuti Koiif unity aiulAti .iibU The Famous Albert l.on Route Jr lni > . nin to th > watminir i l ri. . ti u itrlt l let ir < Htll > ! o Hll , ari I I. ' iillnu ni k-rau'iunf l i'i : . 1 lllunoi' ( a. It I. . ! . , 11. . r , t..t Ii ilral In rouu lo Hit Htli Ud4t skid * nml pulor i Jtnut n , itiivrlor ) > abM still ni.ntli DllirCT f-IK > ' . V r - . Tltr.nM nil n- pbtMlllU : , . vtll 4 llrlMIl , < \ \ rlll'.lttlrllKfl fc l ( in'i ' * lit tUo Uull J UlAUj i t - ; BT4'ij ' vr Ly U . R. CADt-R , E. ST. .1OHN , ) 'r. l.Vutu'i M't'r , ( I ti'17'j.ti.l'.iu. AB t , H/JBURG-AMERICA / ! . A UIHUQCr USB FOll . England , France & Germany ThnstoamMilpsof thi xll known line nro built of lion. In wntor-tfRht fomp.iittnoiits , and mo furnished with O\IM > loinlslto lo mnko thu ptua nro both s.nfo . mid ngrconblo The' carry Iho I'mtiM Mnle nml V.nropoan m ll , tvM IP va New York Thursdays find 3Uurd iys Mf.V1'- mnulh.d.O.NUONJ.Ct.orboufAl'AHIS and HAM- llciurulnff. thestonmewi'avo Hmnburtr on Wedne dnj * nntl Huniln ) * , tin. HIIMO , tnklnj tin oncoi < at Southampton nml london. . rut onbln fO , tin nn > I' * ! Stponwo * * llnlliont ! tickets from VI > mouUi to \lrlMol \ , Car- illil. London , ov t > nny place In tlio Poutlior r.tDrlnnd , I'llliH Steerage from Kuropo only 12Tv Bond lor " - y.-f VAHr.tOa. Opiioriil l'n < < cnirer Afffnt , 61 llrondwny , Now York ; Wnshlnfftoit ftnd l BalloPt , * . I'lH.VIL'.l 111. Cttru witiiout 1110(11- ( A POSITIVE rlno. " I'ateatoi ) "ono will box euro the most obtlna cn o In fourdar * orloi * . No nniispous doses of enbobi , oopnlbu piuiduhUHicl that nro curtain to produce dy pQl > - m by dotro > lnir the pontlnir < of the Btonmon , J'rlcofLBO , Sold bnil dntkil M or mailed on receipt of pi Ico. I/or further pnitloiilor * sent forelrculnr. I' . O. llox tVH. co. , . . Now York. PUTS AND CALLS. On NYliont , Coin , Oats , 1'oik , Lanl and 1U H. StookK , lei l/oim and Short Timn. Send forl'rlco Olicular. H. V. HAHT i Co. , 120 Washington bt. , Chlcnirn , 111. llelcroneo ! American Rr- chniiKO National Hank ffl . A. DISBROI & CO * Wholesale Manufactuiors and Dcnlor * In Sash , D@ors , Blinds , Mouldings , Kino UnrJ Wood Interior Finish Muntlcift Catniters , I'cw Entle , Jlwtchclti. SCltOLL WOHK < tnd n/JZATA'G. Jlcutcrs hi ntdliltnii 1'apcr. Main Olllcu and 1'aelorj nt Lyons , Iowa , OfflcB & Y/arerooras / Cor. 12th & Izard Sts A STANDAlulKmCAL WOUIC FOR YOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED HEN ONLY 11Y MMIj , rOSTl'AII ) VKKU TO KNOW THYSELF. Kilixnsleil Vitality , NPrvouianrt Physical Dobllltr rroiiuiliiro Dcclliiuln Man , terrors of Vuutli , and the uutultl uilnorloi resulting frum hidtacrotlun tindex- cea c . A liook lor ovrry mnn , jountt , mlcltltiv-nccil niKloM. It coiiuilnt l-'o prof > rrlpt'nilur ' nil Hrntc anil chronic dl ei ci , jih 0110 of nhlih U Invnhmblo. Nu tnuntl by tlio unilKirwIiuso nriiorleiici ? for.'J ronrals riuli HA probnbl ) norcr buroru roll to Hie lot of nnr jiliyslLlnn , pace * . l > emi < l In bcautirnl hrcncti muf lln , onlio ] uil lovorn , full uU ! , uu tr intooit to bj aflne- work In every nu e nn'ihiuilud. ilti-nirr nnil prpfo" uluniil lliun any other \ > ork la thh country for KJ.W ) , nr Iho money will bp rcfuiuled In every Inslimcu. I'rkoonl ) 1 by nml ! , ] > oitul | < l. llluitrutcU simple. llOc. Kcnil now. Colil muilnl uw ir.leil the author by KhP Nntlimiil Modlrnl AnvK-lntlon , to tlio Hon. A. l\ lll cll , niuliisoacljtooillcorsortho boHrd the roodcr H respectfully ruforrcil. Thn bpli-ncu of Ufo In wort'i morn to tha rounjr nnd mldillo-aiiuU iiicnof tbU Kciicniilon Uiuu nil tlio gold mlnoi of Cnllfiirnln unit tlio nllvor mine lot Nevada citmblned I ) , K. Clironlrlc. Tlio hclonroof l.tfo piiliiiiouttho rodnnpAluicic- sniirtsnnnhU'li tlio cniisiltntlnn mill liO | > ni.if miinr a roiinv man hivobcvn fill illy wiotkcd. Mnnchejtor 4liorSclanco of Mfo Is of crentcr vslno than nil tlio raoillcnl > vorkn imbllnlieil hi llili cauntrr for the put _ ycar -/\tl mtn t'onslttuuon. Tlio f-clenco of Life Is 11 mipcrb nnd mn terly treat so uii ncrroua anil physical ilebHtiy. Detroit I'roJ Ailiiis" tlio 1'oitmilv tloillcil Inntltuto , or Dr. W. II. 1'nrker , No. 4 Uullllnch struct , lloiton , MUM. . wbr > in i > bu consultuil on nil UOCHSCH toqulrliiff > ltl I and eTporloiKO. Ubronln aiul olitlln ito dbotiaes that hnvo buniotl tlio klll of other uhydclnns a nnno- liity. irciitnil autmssnlly > iltliout uny tusUmca of talluro. Mention Uimilm Iloo. Star Line Carrying the liolfium Royal and United States Miill.salllnjr e > ery haturday Between flsihverp & Now York TO THE RH1HE , GERMANY , ITALY , HOL LAND AND FRANCE , I'AI.I , AND WINTEU. Salon from $ RO to SJT. Excursion trip from $110 to $1 : . KcoonU Cabin , outward , 919 : prepaid , 945 ; excursion. (00. Btcornfro uossogo at low rales. Peter Wright & Boua , Qonoral Agents , 65 Uroadway , Now York. Homy Pun It , K16 K.mmm st. : Paulson .t Co. , Fnrimm Bt. : D. 0. rioomnn , ID I Karaaiusc A ( julclr. Cure for I est Hnnhotxt , Ieblllt7 , vouiiioM.MeaI.iiou. Moquodu In. clI.DuUl.l.i l > rn < ib. Oook Milt Ino. J-illh UU > . ' Hallway Time Table OMAHA. The l olio wing Is the tlmo of arrival nnd do- pm 1111 oof trains by Central Standard Time at the local depots. Trains of the C. . St. P. , M. : O. nrrh o and depart from their depot , corner of : 14th and V > 'cl > ttor streets ; trains on tuo 0 , & M. C. II. &Q. mid 1C. 0. , St. J. & G. B. from the H. ft M. depot nil others from tlio Union I'uclllo depot. mtlDQK TKAINfl. Bridge tralin will leave U. P. depot at 0:35 117J.V-a.l)0-S:40-8.X-lllO:03-ll00 : ) ( ) : ; a. ru. ; lilttQ la-l.10-S.lW-3:00 ; ) : 111.00-5:00 : 5:30-0:10 : : 7,00-11:10 p. in. Leave Trnnsfor for Omaha at 7:13-n9:15 : : 0:30 : ! i:4J-HIoJ.--10a7-.ll:37 : : : n. in. ; 1:37-2:18-2:37 : 3 . , U3.3Y:37 : 5W : 0:4J : 7.20 7:50-8:60 11:5' : . ' p. m. CONNECTING LINKS. and ilopnituro of t ruins from the Tiaiufer Depot utUouncIl lllilirri : IJEI'AUT. AI1U1VB. OIllUAdO , HOCK ISLAND k PAClrlC. , A.M. D 0:15 : A.M. . M. 115:30 : I' . M. CU4'Jl' ; ' . K. II 7.0) I' . M. OII1043O coiir , A. M. i nv.\rA.u. \ 3) liJO.l' : . Mr I CIIIUAOO , ) iiiu.i.sa7ov t AU ; . A. a. I A 0:13 : x. u , 310:401' : . M. llUUUf. U. i A7UH'.M. : CtllOAQI ) , Ull.WAlIKhE & RT. PAUL. A 0:15 : A.M. I A OilS A. M A 6:40i % M. 1 A70)i- H.'NBtS CITV , BT. .IOK & COL'.SCIli lll.UffU. A 10:00 A , u. I UO : ' A. M. Ct:65v. ) : M. I Af > : ; i' . ii. \t.\iuoii , ST , touts i. iMctrio , A3"gr. ; u. I A3.30l' . > C. SIOUX CITV & I'AOIHO. A 7:05 : A.M. I AOF5A.M. : A -Ja ; 1M. . \ _ A 8:50 : v. it. " ' \ \ l'.tifv/ V. M , l1. M , "UKIOM PAOIPIC. hWu , . . Uxprojs , : , . , , . oafn D:95n . . . . .Uical KXMOSI. . . , . , , , , . , II. & M. IN Nlll. ! , Mull and lxpru { j nsivv t-il.tlil Kxpross irl. HOtJTHWAllD. \.M. 'r , u , ISflSsoiJlU I'AUIPIO. A.M. u , " . . . Dny lUpross , . . . . " 010b ; ! . .Vlgfit Hxproai , , . . Bi3Crt K. O. ST. J. "OTcT"u ; ri 7:10 ' TTbiTuTi. .SCitTTTWAiri ) . ArTlTo. " " " A.M. . J ( . j ' ' . , iT. P. , "OTcT" ! A. u. il' . M. 8:154 : . . , bloux City Jlxpres * . . . Ditto fiit5oOil.i ni , AcLoniiiiod'n'luaiQal ' . . . . . . AnhoT1 A. u.i r. > i.i U. . iTT.V O. A. tt , I r. > i7 _ u.201 O.i ; ) | .ya : I'laitsinoutli. . U.iMl 7:10 : NOTi--Atinlnsinlly : ! ; Jl , dnll/ except 8un-i diiyUUalij ; exeoptbaturduy ; 1)daily except Jloadav. _ _ _ _ ulll IO VP ( J. P. d.'pot.'omiih'i , lit UW : 7:35- : lO.OJa. ro : vv/i-ain ; , 4W : sss 8:03 : p. m. I'acillc i\nr ; ,5. frA > ) > . m.j Denver ] ' , x. , 10:55 : A.m. ; l/'Tui rx.i:0 : p. in , Lo\vo.f.i-kiird * Jo ? Omnha at ' 7:03 : 9:30 : ' IIU > . rn t saviSII O-Ciai-'SiTJ P. m. rt-Uiitlonv . lof. D. Irm. m. ; Clil < ire Ur. . If. . 0.5:0 : ? p.m. : Uz. , lo. H. 0.10M ; .m. | M . I'm * . ix.lo. : S. d. ( > : < T p. w i * 'd M. 1' . Uk. i " ii. in. bun.lay.