Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 10, 1886, Page 6, Image 6

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I.'plluiol by cntnrr In r.nj-pnrt of thocltj-nt
Iv. i lit j ct'Ms per week.
) > l.V. . TII.TON , - Manager.
Tr.rii'HONE3i :
BrMMssOmcr , Jfq , 13.
KniTOit Ko. 21.
New York Plumbing company.
Summer ulotliiny cheap at Itciter' ; ? .
Tlio Msry best cabinets at $ . ' } doat
( toi'linni's.
Only $2.r > 9 per defer first class cab
inet photo's at Schmidt's , S-JO Main St.
Cabinet photographs $3 per doxcii at
Sherradi-n's , . ' 117 Hrw'y , for It1) ) days only.
Ton cics ! , mostly drunks and vng ,
made llu ; Monday morning grist in I IK :
police court.
I'rt'snnts liavn been awarded Jfos.
1.831 $ , 1 , ! ) . ' ! , l.UOO , ( Mil , 710 nnd 7il ! ( by tno
Mueller Music company and uro yet un-
callrd for.
The canning factory has been supplied
with n two inch water muter. Tint fac
tory is expected to start up in a i'ew
Always buy your meats ntStar Market ,
No. HOI Hroadway , and get the best.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
The two shells destined for the race
laF-t night were drawn through the main
directs yesterday and attracted niunh at
Prowlers entered the kitchen of the
Essex house while the family were at
the liikn , and proceeded to cook a meal
and help themselves.
A number of suspicious characters are
noticed in the city , and the police arc
shadowing several of them with the in
timation that a sensational raid will boon
The district tcl graph company is
arranging to put in lines and boxes along
the principal residence streets of the
fourth wnrd. Many will gladly avail
themselves of the conveniences oll'ered
by this service.
Mike Nolan , who was complained offer
for having his saloon open on Sunday ,
has had tint ease continued until Thurs
day. I' . MeNulty , for keeping Ins saloon
open , after hours Saturday night , will
have a hearing at the same time.
The Twentieth avenue shool house now
has water supplied , and the New York
plumbing company will to-morrow com
mence puttinn'in the pipes for the Court
Blrcetsehool. The company has also com
pleted the water main on Pen-in and
Lincoln avenues ,
1'ctcr Hanscn , a llftccn year old , run
away boy from Uacino has been taken up
by the police here. He claims to be
trying to reach Nebraska. He left home
with a half dollar , and when taken in
here had § 1.50 , having earned something
nioie than expenses on the trip thus far.
It docs seem that with low wages and
n first-class police force , the city could
jiy ) ! its police in cash. The claim has
always been made that when the city got
good men to go on the force the cash
would take the place of the city warrants
in paying them. There can bo no com
plaint about the quality of the force now ,
and the keeping of such men in service
can be best accomplished by treating
them fairly. Pay in cash , and then de
mand that none but good men who earn
their pay are kept on the force.
The now street cars , whoso arrival was
announced in Btimlny's UEE , made their
appearance on the streets yesterday.
Only two or three were run out during
the day , the company not daring to
shock the citizens too greatly by putting
them all in sight at once. The change
from the rickety and leaky old arks is a
great one. Now when turn tables are
put in so that the bob-tails can bo run
come other way than bob end behind , it
will seem as if there wore street cars in
Council Blufl's. The new cars are very
neat and convenient and the city can asK
for no better.
Highest prices paid for county , town
city and school bonds. Odell Bros. &
Co. , No , 103 Pearl street , Council Bluffs ,
i _
_ _
Substantial abstracts of titles and real
estate loans. J.V. . & E. L. Scatters , No.
101 Pearl street , Council Blurts.
1'crsonnl Pnrnernnlis.
Miss Emma Decbe leaves to-day for
Spirit Lake.
Mr. and Mrs. W. S.McMickon returned
last evening from their eastern trip.
B. M. Russell , U. S. A. , was at the
Ogden yesterday and started west last
O. J. King left yesterday for Leaven-
worth , Kan. , to look after the now gov
ernment building there.
Mrs. Anna Judd , who tins acen visiting
licr parents in Missouri , returned homo
yesterday. Dr. Jndd also met her here
last evening , ho having returned from a
trip to Illinois.
Mr. and Mrs. Humphreys have gone to
Fort Uodgo on a two weeks' visit. When
they return they will occupy the house of
Dr. Macrae , on Fifth avenue , who will
then live at the Ogden house.
F. N. Taylor , of Bradford , Pa. , one of
the largo oil producers of that section , is
in the city , making tno rounds in com
pany with his friend , George Radio.
Mr. Taylor has been hero before , and is , .
getting so enamored with the city that it
is not improbable that he may decide to
locate permanently here ,
Smoke the Manawa cigar , made by
Frank Levin , 5J13 ! Broadway.
S' o that your boots are made by
Uorehouse & Co. , Room 1 , Everett block.
Tlio Hotly Found.
_ _
* JTfi-
r * * " " * * "
y - ft
m uotly 01 tno boy who was
drowned cast of Tabor Friday
Was not recovered till Sunday morn-
Jn/r / , when a jug of pow'.or was
exploded near whore ho was thought to
bo lodged , which brought the body to the
Biirfneo. A largo company from each
tide of I hn river had labored dilligcntly
nnd to tinally succeed was a satisfaction
everyone shared on account of the par
ents , whoso hearts worn lacerated by the
dreadful accident that robbed thorn of
their iirst born. The remains wcro taken
to Weeping Water for intcrrment.
First-class tin work , roofing , etc. , a
specially at Cooper & McUco'ti.
TAronr I-'HKE In about an hour.bnau-
tlful photo painting , to introduce our
colors. No knowledge of painting re
quired. Received Iirst premium at St.
Louis fair. One hundred dollars earned
monthly. Miss Christie , 14 Main streot.
A Bweot KntorprlsfJ.
Articles of incorporation wcro filed
ycstordny by which the Council Hind's
Candy Manufacturing company becomes
an addition to the Interests of this city.
The company Is organised in a modest
nort of way , but promises to grow into
an enterprise of considerable magnitude ,
as it Is composed of young men of ac
tivity and push. II , A. Balrd is the pres
ident , II. S. Bowman secretary and
treasurer , and A , O. Doiupsoy , manager.
is thu munition to manul'acturo tor the
ulc and to start in at once. The cap !
stuck is fixed at $2,500. It is to bo
ped that the. enterprise may meet with
o growth and buccebs which it merits
Omaha's ' Heavy Oarsmen Victorious Over tlo
Light \7eighte.
Common Council I'rocccillngn A Love
SluU SInlil TnkcH I'olson Sninc-
ttilnt : orihcltonil A otit Htylc
General ItlitfTs ItcniH.
Pine \Vlnn the llncc.
Tlio cloudy weather last evening nro-
vciitr < l niaiij' jicrsons who would have
otliei'tciso ntti'iidcd the race between the
licavv wt'lRhts mul Iteht weights of the
Oinntm Rowing association on Lake Man-
nwn. As it was several hundred wore
on Manhattan Hcach , I'of them having
coinu over from Oinalm on the siiccial
train left there at 5:15 : o'clock. It
was ( | iiito n curiosity lo nuiny who at-
U'liilctl , as u iiitinbcr of them had never
seen a shell boat before.
Tlio two crows in their four-oared
bnrjccs tooli a spin over the course about
5 o'clock and seemed well pleased with
the course. They then returned to Man
hattan licach and put their boats
up until the race took place.
The heavy weights' colors were
blue , the average weight of each man
being 1515 pounds in their rowing cos
tume , while the light weights average 123
pounds ) each. The light weight's ' colors
were white.
At exactly T.O.'i the heavy weights start
ed out for their starling buoy with Con
nor , stroke ; Tou/alin , 3d ; Wilcox , 2d ;
Urown , bow. Tlio light weights came
out shortly after : Tilson , stroke ; Allen ,
Ud ; 2d ; Hudson , bow.
This judges N. N. Crciiry. A. C. Smith
and \V. F. Sapp , jr. . and D. W.Vsm Cott ,
timekeeper , were then taken in the
"Annie C. Uraddock" to the starting
point , there being some ten or twelve
ladies and gentlemen in thu boat.
At the signal the blue caught water Iirst
nnd lead oil' witli a forty stroke , while
the white settled down to a thirty-eight
stroke , continuing it until they reached
the quarter mile buoy belli" then a half
Jengtli behind the blue. The white then
increased lo forty but the bines were too
much for the light weights. At the half
mile buoy the blue had taken it quite
easy so far but increased their stroke to
forty-two , then being two good lengths
ahead. After rounding the three-quarter
mile buoy the blue rested to thirty-eight
while the white continued their focty
stroke. The same position was hold , tno
blue then being a length ahead until
the half mile buoy was readied. The
blue increased their speed to forty strokes
per minute. Both crews hung together
in tiio same positions until the quarter
was reached , when the blue got
clown to work and ran up
to forty-four , the white getting
to fort > -two , The blue winning
the race one and a half milcr in 10:24j : ,
with the white a good length behind.
The water was quite choppy , with con
siderable brce/.e blowing , or the time
would have no doubt been lowered some
After the race. ! . L. Webster , of Omaha ,
on behalf of Messrs. Ocloll Bros. & Co. ,
the lessees of the Dcach , who presented
the silver cup for the contest , made
Mr. Websteu made mention of the dis
covery of the lake , about a month ago ,
and described the improvements on the
be.icli as the "budding of bright roses in
a desert garden. " He called attention
to the fact no other such beach was
known for many miles , and that hereto
fore the residents of Omaha and Council
Bluffs hart to go hundreds of miles
for \yatenng place when now there is
one within an hour's reach of both places.
The cup was then presented to the
Omaha rowing association , and in a few
appropriate remarks the secretary , W.
H , Crcary. responded. The cup is to be
the property of the association , and can
bo contested for only by members of the
The "Only and Original" Church.
Rev. Mr. McDowell , of the church of
Latter Day Saints , gavca sermon Sunday
night which would have aroused considerable
erablo talk among the various other
churches hero , had the representative
men of these other churches been present
to have heard it. It was a doctrinal ser
mon , and some of the positions taken by
him wore very stalwart. As usual ho
spoke his mind troly , and in this particu
lar discourse he took occasion to make
some strong claims for his church as
compared with others. Ho took for his
text : "If any man say unto you , Lo , hero
is Christ , or there ; believe it not. " Ho
described the various denominations.
each claiming to have Christ , and yet
every one of them denying more or less
of the truths declared in the new testa
ment. They could not bo right , for the
true test of those who loved Christ was if
they Kept all the commandments given
by him. These churches taught dillcront
doctrines , nnd the preachers were guided
by the commentators of their particular
ciituches , instead of by the word of God.
These churches which said , "Lo , hero is
Christ , " should not be believed ,
The church of the Latter Day Saints
claimed to bo the true church. It did
claim that "hero was Christ. " The
speaker then proceeded to give the reasons
ons for making this claim. Ho insisted
that the organization of the church was
just like the original church organized by
wopliets , apostles , teachers , deacons , etc.
In other churches many of these orders
were left out. Baptism by immersion was
the original modo.iyiil the other churches ,
at least most of them , had departeil rom
this , The teachings < jf hs ] church wore
HKO those of the primitive tatlio'rs , or
rather like those of Christ. Every other
church neglected .some of those teachings
and some of his commandments. Ho
went into details to show tlu\t this posi
tion was Hound. He urged his hearers to
study the now testament , and see if the
church of the Latter Lny ) Saints did not
stand the tost. ,
The speaker did tint bclievo tlin t he
church of Christ was made up ot all
those denominations. If that was so ,
then if he wanted to be n member of the
church of Chrifct ho would luivo to go
around and join all of these several hun
dred sects. It couldn't bo. There was
no record of Christ organizing or reor
ganizing but one church , Then ! could
be but one true church , and the others
were falso. As there could bo but one
true church of Christ , everyone should
take the now testament and see what was
necessary to belong to such a church ,
and what were tlm characteristics by
which the true church is to be known ,
When these tests were thus applied the
speaker was certain that the verdict
must bo , "Lo , Christ IB hero. "
Not Quito Swift Enoncli.
lieorgo T , Hwilt was brought before
Judge Aylusworth yesterday afternoon
on the charge of having robbed Jacob
Stuub of a watch und chain and a railway
ticket. The evidence lor the prosecution
oirly was taken , nnd the .case then con
tinued until Wednesday for the ilcfeiibo
to make a showing. It ice ins thut Staub ,
who is a brewer at Avoca , lias been In
the city for several days , nnd on Sunday-
night was taking in the town with Swift ,
who also lives at Avocn. Swift was out
of money , but ns Jic used to work for
Staub , nnd wns wulT acquainted , Staub
kept putting up for him. Tlio two men
wandered Into the alley in the rear of
Hunting's store , nnd while there Staub
lost his watch and ticket. Ho clmnrcd
Swift with having taken them , but the
latter denied it , and claimed thatStntib
must have dropped the watch somewhere.
Swift wanted him to go back into the
alley and hunt for it , ami they did so.
Tho'n coming out onto Broadway again ,
Swift went one way while Staub went to
police headquarter * and reported the
thi'ft. Wall McFadden anil Staub started
out lo hunt Swift up , and saw him com
ing down Bryant street on the cast side ,
and McFaddon arrested him. hwift
quieklv nas&oil the watch to Staub. nnd
evidently thought thu matter would be
dioppod there , but in this ho was mis
taken. The police were set on having the
matter shown up. YeMculav Mcl'adden
found the missing roilway ticket , where
it had evidently been chopped through
the grating at the city building , and tlio
theory is that Swift dropped it there as
he was being taken to the station , It is
understood that Swift will try to make
the court believe that Staub dropped the
watch In the alley , whnn they were in
there together , and that while Staub was
gone after an ollicor , he , Swift , hunted
around and found tlio watch , and was on
his way to deliver it up to police head
quarters when arrested. The ii"ding of
the railway ticket will be a little more
dillictilt to aocountfor but ho will probably
claim that Staub himself dronped it there
when he was onhis , way to the station
after an olHcer.
Swift is said to bo a slick one. Ittis
narrated of him that not lone ago a prize
card man opened in Avoea , and that
Swift managed 0- get n hole through the
floor above , so as to see the rear sides of
the cards as they wcro placed in tlio
racks. Thus li'idin" out which ones
called for big prl ' "s , no would point out
the cauls he wanted , and nearly broke
the poor follow t" > In business , by draw
ing all the big pi'ves , before tlio fellow
got onto the sclieinc.
Go to the New : York Plumbing com
pany for garden jioso. They warrant all
hey sell. Opera house block.
Kivkhind , the jeweler , has removed to
S23 Broadway , Singer ollicc.
\Vnxlng Warm. _ j .
The Sidney republicans are enjoying a
little internal turmoil. At the township
caucus at Sidney , Anderson's home , his
opponents came in to rule out the mug
wumps. The proceedings went some-
tiling after this manner. Chairman Eaton
called the caucus to order , when the first
motion was by Robert Simons , of the
Union , for Dr. llanley to act as chair
man. The mugwumps nominated Ward
Webster. Taking : i vote Webster had ill
ana Hiuiloy 18. Not content with this
defeat Simons , Frazier & Co. offered a
resolotion of the following import :
\VIIIUIAS : , Certain so-called republicans
partcimtc ! | < l in the nomination ami lia\o
since been active In the support of the deino-
urccnback ncmiineo lor congress , theiefoio
It be
Ilcsolvcil , the icpublicans of Sidney
township icfitoe to lero nUo them as ICD-
re.sentattves cither in county or state con-
A tuitions.
To this the vote stood : For it , 8 : against
it. ! > 3. Following the introduction of this
Webster , under the inspiration of the
moment , delivered what was generally
regarded as a very interesting speech ,
bis manner and feelings at the time sug
gesting very strongly that ho could , if
necessary , punctuate with full stops. The
Anderson faction carried the day in about
the ration indicated by tiio vote , Simons
& Frazier taking their departure , with
the remark that "they wished no further
identilication with n democratic conven
tion" and proceeded to place a set of
delegates of their own of whose stalwart
republicanism no one could question. A
lively time is expected at the county con
vention next Saturday , the Mth , at wlitoli
the gallant major's forces will appear in
battle array , and the outcome is not dilli-
cult to foretell.
Finc pasture , plcntv of water and good
attention for 300 head of stock about live
miles north of Rroad way and Main .street.
Inquire of L. P. Judson , No. 029 Sixth
avenue , or Charles Palmer at pasture on
lime kiln road.
" \Vherfj Arc Your I'jipers ?
There will bo many dillioulties attend
ing the new registry law , but one of the
most annoying will be in regard to natur
alized citizens Some old citizens , who
have voted here for years , and some who
have been elected themselves to ollicc ,
will bo barred from voting if they do not
look out. The registry law requires the
board to record the date , plaeo and other
details concerning tlio papers taken out
by naturalized citizcnst and many of
those who took out their papers years
ago have lost them or mislaid them. In
many cases it will involve considerable
trouble to got tlio necessary data for be
coming duly registered. Every natural
ized citizen should take note in time , and
uroparc himself to meet the requirements
of the now law.
The City Council.
At the mooting of the city council last
night a lull board was present.
The petition of property-owners for
the grade of an alley between Eighth and
Ninth streets , and Bluff and Fourth
streets was referred to the city engineer ,
to roiiort ve.soliitions bringing all alloys
to grade in said improvement district.
The city engineer reported an aban
donment of the waterway between Pierce
sU-eet nnd kuQivij as the ] ( { i\mtnn
imeh.- The stSoT commissioner was
ordered to romovi. . .nbur and 1111 up the
same , but onlv BO far as it fronts on
Gcorgo Wheeler's property on Pierce
The commissioner reported damages
lo Mrs. Mary Uak ' s property § 200 , on
account of Uli > so i ditch.
C. P. Brinton was fillawcfi ? " 30 for
damages to his loLjy the same ditch.
F , hi. Nichols con plainon that a nui
sance existed near' 's ' house , it being the
pig pen belonging Mr. Lemon's home
ollthe Friendless , ncfcrred.
Petition of San h.-n for improvement
of creek bank neai is property rejected.
Bids were opened for furnishing two
carloads of lumber * the city. The Chicago
cage Lumber company was lower on
pine and A. Overtoil on oak. Referred
to committee.
A number of contracts for work al
ready awarded were read , as prepared by
thu city attorney.
The council mem adjourned until Fri
day night. .
Tlio council will meet Wednesday
night as a committee of tlio whole to con
fer with Mr. Reagan in regard to his
claims against the city , on Ids old
A Test Case ,
The Dagos nro indignant at the efforts
of the authorities to enforce the ordin
ance prohibiting the running of huckster
wagons on Farnani and Douglas streets.
Two of them , M. Rockman and H. Base-
witz wore arrested yesterday for violating
thu ordinance. They plead not guilty
and will test tlio validity of liu ordinance.
Their case will bo heard to-day.
Try It. Best Cream Soda in the city Oc
pur glass .it Palmer' : . , No. 12 Maiu st.
She Seeks Itellef Ityoih Her Sorrow by
n Draught of I/uudaniini.
An attempted suicjdo wasroportcd last
evening , The rctiecnceiof the police and
of all in niiy way knowing the facts , ren
dered it n difficult task to get the
details. It appears , nowever , that a
young girl aged about eighteen , n daugh
ter of Mrs. Thomas McDonald , of Avoca ,
attempted to end her life by taking
laudanum. She was visiting at the homo
of Mr. Jonr , the ynrdmnMcr of the
Chicago & Northwestern , and the dis
covery of her suicidal purpose was made
peen after she had taken the deadly dose ,
Dr. White was speedily summoned
nnd ho succeeded in saving her.
The cans" of the girl's net is reported to
bo iinreciultcd love , she having I'ooomo
enamored of a young man in the city who
is said to be n gambler. The young lady
is from a most excellent family , and flhe
bears no less excellent a reputation. The
narrow escape may cure her of the girl
ish foolishness , although it is said she
has been for some time determined on
self-destruction , and -iterated the threat
after being brought to last evening.
Fruits , Confectionery and cigars , best
in the market always in stock. Frank
Withcrcll , aat Broad way.
n .Steed.
Yesterday morning an accident oc
curred at the ferry train , by which iv
horse had a leir badly mashed. The
horse was one of a team belonging to a
mover , and as they wcro driving out of
the cars , on the arrival of the train at the
Broadway platform , the cars were given
a sudden jolt ami the animal's leg was
caught between the ears. The company
very promptly settled with the owner for
the animal , which had to be shot to put
it out of its misery. is the Iirst ac
cident of this kind which has occurred.
Fall Meeting.
Trolling , I'acing and Kiumlng
Tuesday , Aug. 31st ,
Wednesday , Sept , isi ,
Thursday , Sept , 2d ,
and Friday , Sept 3rd ,
Including special attractions by Prof.
A. E. Wuikcr's world , 'Jainona Racing
Dogs daily and Balloon Ascensions by
Prof.A. S. Parker daily , In front of the
Other.attractions in the way of speed
consisting of celebrated horses from
Kentucky , Ohio. Illinois , Indiana and
Reduced rates on all railroads. Come
everybody anil havea peed time.
For particulars , address
I' ' * " , „ Secretary
Practices in the State and Federal courts
llooms 7 and 8 Shitgart Ulock.
11. EBEJiCKT ,
CHAS , R , LEE ,
SW , Corner 9ti ! an ; ! Douglas
1121 Saundcrs Street , Omaha ,
Goods promptly ilo'lverccl to UI parts of tlio city.
Krtxli Lrruit always on Ilium. AllKOoUa sold from
this liouno iirriiiitfl ( satlMictory nr money ro-
fumliHl , Lo < ri-ttirlcc'ituuariiii'.ccd. Cliolcu OolTeea
and Tcim u upenlty. Kieili Uutteriin
from tlio countiy. Also neli
O. S. PETTIS & CO. ,
Wholesnlo and F.etnll
Phuotons , Iiifrgio3 ! nni ] Koad Wilsons.J per
cent snvod in buying of ug.
1308-1310-1UI : ; , J/.nnl HI , , Onmlm , Nob.
Uranoti at Counnll.Uluqtilowd.
t i '
IN THE WOIlftl ) .
Producinor n rich , honiitiful ULOSS and
m -
No Starch yet Jiitroilnccd can lie coin-
pared with the J1AUKJ.
One jmekajro will do the work of two
pounds of onllniiry starch.
Fnl'.l under cuuruntco of the minufacturcrt.
SLOAN , JOHNSON & CO. . Wholesale
Agents , Oiniiha , Sob.
Nebraska Land Agency
General dealers in Real KsUta and Heal Katate
toCls uikitUi'uruuui tu Ouulia , Neb.
Brick buildings of any kind raised or moved nnd satisfaction guaranteed.
Frame buildings moved on Little Giant trucks , bosb in thu world.
80S Eighth Avomieand Eighth Stroot.Counil IMnffV.
Price paid in cash for all kinds of second hand
STOVES , Furniture , etc.
M. DROHLIOH , 608 Broadway.
t&U- n
/ e-u-c-t *
* , 4 itp. 226 Broadway , Council Bluffs ,
Farming : lands in Iowa , Minnesota , Texas , Kansas and Arkansas , ranging
from $1.25 to $12 per acre. School and state lands in Minnesota on . ' { 0 years
time 5 per cent interest. Land buyers fare free. Information , etc. , given by
P. V. Liinstrup , No.505 Droadway , Council lUuirs , Iowa.
Wholesale and Retail Grocers ,
Hi fflain and IS Pear ! 3f@f ,
Desirous of purchasing material for bath
ing suits , should sec our new and ele
gant assortment of goods especially
adapted for line and pretty bathingsuits.
401 Broadway , Council Blufla
Arc being closed out by us at remarka
ble low figures. Wo have them in beau
tiful shades , colors , etc. , and have put
such prices on them that will dispose of
them rapidly , ns wo WILL .NOT carry
any over to nc.\t season.
HAllKyJSSS JtJlOf } . ,
401 Hroadway , Council .Bluffs.
Now ! n stock arc being disposed of at
low prices to clear our shelves of same
before receiving our fall stock , which
will shortly arrive.
JfAltKyJSSS JlllOS , ,
401 Broadway , Council Blufls.
Of the choicest style , design and quality ,
just purchased by us at n bargain and
wo are soiling them at retail at whole
sale prices. See them and you will buy.
irAHKNUSU JillOfi , ,
401 Broadway , Council Bluirs.
For summer wear are being disposed of
cheap , and must shortly be taken on" our
Hholves to be replaced with for fall
wear. Summer dress goods can bo pur
chased cheap now by all who will call on
401 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
For ofllces , New invoice Just received nnd
latest patterns guaranteed. All ttylos ,
and nriccB satisfactory to everybody.
401 Hroadway , Council
Of the very latest designs , patterns and
quality for the coining season , nro being
now introduced by us. Pick one out now
before the line is broken.
Hartaess Bros. ,
401 Broadway , Council Bluffs ,
EstnbK&lica 1857
K , . RICE , M. B. ,
Or "tlicr Tumors i oinovod wltho'i
the Kniro ordrnwiujf ol blooJ.
Chronic Diseases or ull kinds u specialty.
fh er tlitrtv j oars' prncllcM experience.
No. 11 PoatlSL , Council UlillTs.
B3& " Consultation free.
Creston House ,
The only hold In Council Hinds having ?
And all modern linproxoraontti.
215 , 217 and 210 Mitln St.
MAX MOHN , Prop.
Horses and Mules
for nil purposes. bO'igut mul sold , nt rotnll nnd
In lots. LIUKO nutmtittus to fclcet from
Severn ! pairs of line Ui Ivors , sliitfloor double.
Council Blufls.
Star Sale Stables and Mule Yards. .
Opposite Dummy Depot ,
= 53
Jloreca nnd Mule * kept constantly on Imnd
for ealo nt it-tall nr In cur loada.
Orders promptly Illlod by contract on short
notice , Htock sold on commission.
BllI.UTKH & 110I.KV. I'roprlotorB.
Tclophonu No. IM. EQ3
rorimniy of KlUfc BAI.15 STAW.KB , cornui
uvo , mid ( tli etrccl.
City" Steam Laundry
JJ EMKll .t ! SEA1UG1IT , ]
No. at N. Main Street , Council Hlnd'H.
Finest work and lowest prices for
fine wort ; . All collars atul cuffs re
turned In collar and caff boxes
without extra charge , u > Jilch ( inar-
antees ivorlt in sainv condition as It
leaven its. Out of town orders re-
sainelaltcntlon and at aantc
rates aacltu work. _ _
Justice ot the Peace.
0 fllco Or or American Kiproij Couiutuy ,
DKKUK , WILLS : & co. ,
Wholesale *
Agricultural Implements ,
( 'nirli Tc . I'tc , Vie Council Mlnir * . lo\vn ,
Mnke IhoUrljrmnl mul Co-iipleto
Hay Loader , also Rakes , Cider Mill & Press ,
COIIN siiKUiKits . \ : > 'i > < rrrnua.
Xos. , IMS mul t.VK AiKth Mum Street ,
Council limn" ' . limn.
im ID mtvnU'.v . ,
Mnnuf'r nnl.loliberi of
Agricultural Implements , Wagons , Buggies ,
Cfirrlnpp" : . nml nil kin U of l'nrm Mi'ohltiTjr.
1100 to 1110 South Mnln ftrect , Council niilffi.
_ _ AXI : H.IA.C
K.O. Qt.Tmn.N. T. H.Ilorm.vs Hrn.l'Vnuiiir. .
\Min. J > \-Couusol. .
Council BiuiTs Handle Factory ,
( Itirorpnrntpil. )
Mnmifnclnrersof A-xlo , 1'lck , Slo.lco nail
_ Iliitiillt" , of every description.
CAltl'HT * .
_ _
Curtains Window Shades
Carpets , , ,
OilClothi , Ciirlnln I'ltliiro * , PphoNtery ( ioolj ,
Etc. Na 4U ( llronilwny Council Illair * ,
Ifxrn ,
cMiAiis , nw.ircn , irc.
Wlmlcviilo .lolibni-5 In thu
Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes.
Nos. SSMaln uiul 1T7 Vcnrl Sts. Council
I own.
Fruit and Produce Commission Marchints.
Xo lll'olrl Ft. , Council 'IltllTJ. '
Wholesale OiU Paints .Glass
Druggists , , , . ,
Druggists' Snmlrli" " , Htc. No. Main St. , nnJ
No. " 11'earl St. , Council llhitrs.
nnr GOODS.
M. K. SMITH & CO. ,
loipDrters and Jobbsrs of Dry
Notions , Htc. NOP. 112 nnd 114 Main St. , NOB. 11J
nnd 115 Peiul St. , Council HltitTg , lown.
o. w. Hirrrs ,
Wholesale California Fruits a Specialty
General Commission. No. 61 ! Hromlwny ,
Council niuffg.
_ _
Fruits , Confectionery & Fancy Groceries.
Nos. 1(1 ( nnit 13 I'oarl Ft , . Council
Jobbers of Staple and Fancy Groceries.
Also Wholcsiilo l.lqnor Dealers. No. 110 UroaJ-
wny , Council lllnlTs.
u A nxKss , ETC.
irnnn'nrtnrpra of nii'l Wholesnlo Denier ? In
Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc.
No. C2j Mnin St. . Connell lllullj , lown.
Jobbers In Hats , Caps and Glovai.
1 llr < ) .iilway , Council Hhitrj.
Iron Steel Nails Hardware
, , , Heivy ,
. Viid WoulStosk. Council Illull-i , lown.
1) . H. McDANKLU & CO. ,
Commission Merchants for Sale of Hides ,
Tallow , Wool , I'clts.firpnsoiintl 1'ura Council
\Vholcsulo Dunlorg In
Illuminating & Lubricating Oils Gas
HTO. , E3TO.
B.ThcoJoro , Airont , Connell liliilfs. Iowa.
, 1'iuxa ,
Hard Wood , Soutliepn Lumbar , Piling ,
A-ndllrlilKi ) Material Speclultlna.WhoHiiulo | , iUiii.
beret all Kinds. Ulllco No. IW Main Ku ,
Council Hliiira. lown.
Imported and Domestic Wln6 > & Liquors.
Aircnt for SI. fiotthai-ii's Herb llllti'M. No , U
MiiluSU Council llliilla.
Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors ,
oUa Main St. , Council
The Steamer OWE MAY
Niiwly flttPd nn , mid under the clinriro of n
hMlltul oiifflimur and pilot , is now imuiin ? pious-
uro trips on
Wo will Kivo cliartrrs to parties for one hour
ornny leiurth ol tlino dt'sliod.
lliium of ulmrtur given nnd orders inlcon nt
olllcc'O.-JJJ Miilns t. , between hours 10 to 12 H.
in. k. UAUlt A ; CO ,
Sjiecinl ddveitlfcomcnts , euoli as T/vst , Fonts
Tol/nnl'or Stile , To Hunt , Wants , Holding ,
etc. , will bolneortud hi this column nt tlio low
ratcorTKNCI'.NTB IT.It MNK far the Iirst insor
tlou and 1'Ivo Outs I'or Jdno for men subboquoiit
insertion. I.oavo HJvorllsomciitji nt our ofllco
No. 12 1'eal etroot , near Ilrotulwuy , Council
111 nils.
I" OST Hoil unsliinore ( Omul , I'lruler will b
J - / ruuurdctl. Adilrcen , B. H. , lieu alllfc , Co un *
ell lllulle ,
: \7frANTr.J > A flrst-olnss tlnlahor. A mnti to
> bokfpton now work , H. N. llultcnhauor.
Fourth streetCouncil lllulU.
OST-J'ocVotbook rontuliifng $27 nivl papcri
of vulno to owner only , Droppi'il butwcon
I'curl nnd SDVonth uvcnua , If ninidi- will re
turn thu papers to the I lee otltco bo can kciip
the monuy ,
W.\NTIH ) An a aUunt cniU ( at ( Uo Og dcil
FOH SAI.U OM iiapcrs. in iiinntliiojtci | 8uiL
at Ik-e uniuu No11'catl \ ircnt