MM MOTMT M 8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , AUGUST a 1SSG.-TWELVE PAGES. THE ROUTE OF THE CABLE , It Will Almost Encircle thd Oity of Omaha , INTERVIEW WITH A DIRECTOR. The Line Will ho Constructed to Make .Moncjnnd nttho Snnio Tune to Develop tlio City. "J sec , young man , " said a director of llio cable line yesterday to a HKK re- porler , "that you uro not satisfied with tin ; outline of the cubic route ns given you yesterdny. " The rcpoitcr intimated tlmt so fur as ho was concerned , lie had nothing to do with the matter , but foil that the public had coino to l'io ' conclusion the cable line was not doing the square tiling with them. "From a journalistic standpoint , " Bald the reporter , "you certainly have led the newspaper men a merry dance. You liavo kept them running to your ollices and residences at all hours of the day and night , when , it you had not some scllish motive , you might have easily told them where you were going to run your curs sl\ months ago. " "Sou here , my young friend. " said the director , "you are pretty correct. You have followed us cloM'ly. and I don't earo who knows It. I'll tell you some thing in confidence. " .Newspaper men ahvavs receive things in confidence. They never disclose them to anybody. They simply print them in their papers , bat , ns everybody Knows , is not disclosing a secret , the Bin : reporter has no desire to conceal the al leged confidential talk with this pillar of the grip. The latter looked cautiously around , lowered his voice to a whisper and then said : "Now yon mark my word. You have come nearer than anybody to guessing our ideas Wo once thought to encourage you to remain silent , but ns wo afterwards found out that that wouldn't do , we concluded to remain silent. Hut that limn has passed. We am now ready to speak , and to tell boldly and without mental reservation wheru the cablu cars will hereafter run. They will not run on Tenth sticot , they will not run on llarney htreet , they will not run on Twentieth , but they will run on Twelfth to Davenport , thence to Jell'er- ROII , thence to Hamilton , thence west ward to Lowe road , up which they will proceed to the vicinity of the deaf and dumb institute where thuy will bisect I ho tract of land owned by Creighton , Me- Shune and Hitchcock. " "Yon don't mean to bay " "Just one moment ; I haven't ' finished. The cars will not go back by the same route. They will return .south by way of Lowe avenue running along the beauti ful ridge on the city limits , going as far south as Leavenworth street. They will then turn cast on that street which , as you know , is going to bo beautifully graded , running thcncu to the blurting point. " The leportcr gave expression to a doubt ns to the aeeuracv of the gentle man's knowledge , but the latter assured linn that what ho had said would bo cor roborated by any of his associates. The cubic-company liadscluclcd the route men tioned because it promised lo bo the most quickly settled in any part of the city. Already houses wore springing up u'll along the line , and residences ot the richest citi/.ciis were beginning to em ploy in their erection a whole army of workmen. Why , " ho continued fer vently , "take Orchard Hill for instance , the prospect of that phico is remarkable. One year ago it was beyond civili/.alion. now itis tueming with active purchasers and happy homes. "Isn't G. E. luyne interested in your coimmnyV" "So far as my knowledge knows Mayno has done his level best to Inarn what I have told you , but thus fur ho is just about as muen in the dark ns you were. Ho watched us pretty closely , and several times , when ho thought ho know where wo were going to build , by means of se cret agents secured acres of property. But we never thought for inoro than an instant of building because ho had bought. If yon search the transfer record you will find that ho has been as much in the dark as you have been. It is trun that in running west on Hamilton street wo pass Orchard Hill , but plaut JMayne had purchased at an oxpcndi- turo of $103,000 before we commenced to ngitalc the cable business. The fact of our going puht Orchard Hill is not because wo love other places less , but because wo love ourselves more.Ve arc going to run the cable line for money , not for glory. It wo should run for the latter wo could stretch our tracks along the Missouri up toCalhouu. Itutwo don't do it. There is not a foot of the country wo pass over that will not , be thickly populated in six mouths. This is an us- surcd fact , because the property is in every way beautiful and the prices are low , while the terms are phenomenally reasonable. " "You mean to toll mo that C. B. May no has not been mixed up in this some way ? " > rOnly us I tell you , oxcnjit that I know ho Inu" guaranteed us an excellent sum if wo should dcoido to puss Orchard Hill. Hut wo arc doing more than that.Yo arc running north ward to it , and will eventually enter the points beyond , some of which are the most bcautitul in the city , lint wo don't vtuntMayno's bous , anymore than wo want yours. Good tiny. " "Just a moment" suggested the repor ter. "Has Muyno any property on Lowe uvonuoJ" "I don't know. Sco horc , young man , I don't like your scepticism " "Well. 1 can't help that"said the re porter. "Hut what do you expect to gain by going on to Louvonworlh ? " "Don'tyon know that that thoroughfare is the only load to the country on the wost. Don't yon know that it loads to West End depot of tlio Missouri Paul lie road ? Don't ' you know that more houses have gene up In that vicinity because of this fuel than in almost any other part of the city ? If you don't , then lake a drive out there and bo convinced. The grad ing of that thoroughtaro will enable us to establish u pormuncut ( rack. And then , right immcdiutluy west of Park uvo- nuo is onii of the garden spots of the city. There is a forluno in it for the owner , be cause it is already being greedily no- vouriid l.y anxious purchasers , " "Is that tlio laild that Muynu purchased Jrom August Doll , iv short time ago ? " "That'K ( ho same piece. Muyuo made the great .stroke of his life in that pur- ch'.iso and already what ho has st.vlod Mavno's Place has made him a fortune which can make him independent. "When our line pastes that plaeo , the value of the property will bo simply enormous , As a conscqmmoo thn lots nro going off there now /aster , I under stand than in nn.v other part of his pos sessions " "I'd like to know " "J haven't nny more time to speak with you , Good day , " Ami thus the cable line director de parted. " * ForSnlo. For a few days , one ot the finest roai- doiicos in the city , a blocks 1'rom Mrccl car , corner lot , now 8 story house , barn , line lawn , Inqniro at once. Stewart & Co. Room 8 Iron ban * . Itluodblictl In 8lou.OUy , ait everything lovely wilh "Albright and a Annex , " ODDS AND IlNDS. Stray I.cnvcM From n llcportcr'n Note-Hook. The truth of the old axiom , "Never inakc u bargain until you know what you nro going to get , " Is illustrated in a most ludicrous manner by n little story told on the gcnllcmc.n of the Belt Line management. The genllcmen of that corporation cnst their en vlous ejes on a lot on Sixteenth and Nicholas streets , which they thought they must have. It was owned by a Mrs. Carroll who was willing enough to part \yltli it for llm proper money considcru- lion. But there was n tenant , tin old , dried-up Irishman , who lived on Iho properly in question , having a thrco- year's lease thereon. The hind , of course could not be sold until his claim was dis posed of. lln was approached by a rep- rcsentnlivc of llio Belt Line , who proposed lo him llmt the company would give him HO.1) ) and move his house off the lot to any place thai ho might designate. 1'ho old Irishman cheerfully accepted the offer. The money was paid over , and the Irishman was asked where he desired his house moved. "To Oirclund , bejubbcrs. " he replied. The Belt Line ofliclnls took this us n huge joke and laughed hearty. Their merriment was turned to something else when they discovered that the Irishman was terribly in earnest and proposed to hold them to the letter of their contract. At lust accounts , the old man still had his if00 ! ! , and Iho company hud not se cured the lot. How the dilllcully will bo bridged over Etill remains to be scon. "There Is a Inmo eagle in ono of llio cages at Hunscom Park , " said a doctor the other duy to the "Odds und Ends" man. "Ono of his legs Is broken , nud ho must be constantly in grout pain. L sug gest that the services of u physician bo secured , ami that the leg be set or ampu tated. " Eastern follies and fashions gradually lind their way westward. Tlio lutost im- portulion from "Now Yuwk" is the "chestnut bull. " This , us mav bo appar ent from its name , is a small bell for the purpose of calling attention fo u joke or story which some fiend may bo in the act of perpetrating. Instead of cull ing out "chestnut , " the bore is extinguished by u few sharp rings of Iho bell which is attached to the vest and operated by u smull gold cl'uin. There arc quite a number of these "chest nut bells" in Omaha. A Farnam street Siweler is makinir u large expensive gong ell , to bo worn just us u ehuteluine watch is , for a prominent societv lady of this city. "Tho sport in Holland known as 'ccl baiting , ' which was the cause of the re cent riots in Amsterdam , reminds mo of what I saw in Mexico , " remarked a trav eller. ' In some parts of old Mexico the com mon people have u game which Ihoy cull 'el gallo. ' A fine cock is selected , usually the best among the fowls and is tied by the feet to a pole or tree some dis tance from the ground. The players nro all mounted upon swift horses , and ride forward at a break-neck puce , each striving to curry away the prize. As the cock is securely tied to the pole , the unfortunate - fortunate bird is usually torn in pieces bv the eager riders , who value each piece as an emblem of valor , worthy ot being laid at the feet of some dark eyed maiden. The Icmalc portion of the spectators en joy the spectacle even more than the men , qiving expression to exclamations of de light us they sec a brother or lover over turn an adversary , in llie race , and se cure a piece of the coveted prize. In Holland they substitute an ccl for the cock and boats in place of horses. " The sale of the two lots on Juckson street between Seventh andEighlh , which are to bo used as the site of tlio now freight depot to bo creeled by the Union Pacific property , revives someinlcresting reminiscences. These lots have been long known as the "old Davis properly , " being originally owned by Thos. Davis , fnlhcrof Fred Davis , of the First National bank. In 1851 was built thereon the first saw mill ever operated in Nebraska. The es tablishment was regarded ns a wonder at first , being large and linoly equipped , according to the standard of those early times. It had plenty to do in sawing out timber for the residences and business buildings which were then springing tip all over the young territorial city. Part of the time , it being the only mill in the state , it run night and day to meet the heavy demands pressed upon it. An engine in the mill linally exploded in 1857 or 1858 , blowing the building to atoms. Mr. Davis happened to be aliout the miil nt the time and wus blown skyhigh. He received injuries which it wus feared would prove tutul But ho recovered , contrary to general expecta tion. That wus the lust of the old saw mill. _ Keep It Before thn IVoplo That notwithstanding the South Omaha land syndicate have withdrawn their lots from market , the enterprising real estalo Firm of Hatcher , Gadd & Co. are in the field with a full list of residence und busi ness in South Oinnhu , many of which are offered nt syndicnto prices and terms. Now is the golden opportunity for profit able investments in this prosperous and growing city. It is true thut fine resi dence Jots in South Omaha are soiling much cheaper than those in many other localities. No trouble to show property. First-class conveyances always in readi ness. HATCIIIK : , GADD & Co. , Millard Hotel Block. Attention Your sons and grandsons , between the ngcs of 18 aivl 00. You are cordially in vited to attend a mcotinz at St. Gcorgo's hall , on Sunday , August 8 , ut 3 p. m. , for Ihu purpose of forming a purely bcno- ciui lodge of llie order of the sons of St. George. By order of the committee. Wanted. Board and lodging in priv.ito family for two young Indies , not lo exceed $ .1.60 per week. At ( dress Canfiold Manufactur ing Co. , 118 S. lllh. 11ULIG1OUH NOTES. To-morrow'dServices nt Ihu Ghitrohos Throughout tlio City. First Baptist church , Rov.J.W. Hnrris , pastor. Services at 10oO : n. in. und 8 p. in. Sunday school at 13 m. Prayer meeting Wednesday at 8 p. m. Young people's prayer meeting Monday evening. Oscar Johnson , u member of the church , und now student in ids second year in the theological department of the seminary at Rochester , N. Y. , will prcaoii in the absence of thn pastor. The Hillside Congregational church , Omaha View , Rev. u. ( J. Crane , pastor , holds service in the grove at 4 p , m. At ti p. m. P-intor Urano preaches at Cherry Hill selioolhouso , West Saratoga. North Prcslntormn church , Suiindcra street. Hov. W. U. Henderson , pastor. Services ut 10flO : n. m nnd 8 p. in. Sunday school at noon , Young people's prayer meeting at 7 p. in. A temperance Ronjr service conducted by the pastor will ba held in the. evening , Strangers made woleoaio ut all the services. I'lVFbylerian church , corner of Dodge and Seventeenth .streets. Snrrinos at 10:80 : u.m.nndSp. m. Rev , W. J , llnrslm , pastor. RevA. . A , Kendriok , D. J ) , . of H'-i will preach both and evening. Sunday school nt close of morning worship. I'oung people's meet ing 7 15. Scwnrd Street M. K. church , Twenty- second and Suwurd streets. Preaching nt 100 : ! ! a in. nnd 7:80 : p. in. by tlio pns- tor. Rev. C. W. Snviijgo. Soiils free and nil will \\eleoniL' . Sabbath school nt2 0 p. m. A. M. E. church , corner Eighteenth ami Webster Streets. Preaching at 11 a.m. bv Rev. George W. Woodboy of the Bap tist church. Al 8p. in. pleaching bvRov. J. H. Childerc , of the Baptist church. Sabbath school at 3 p , m. This is grand rally day to nay for the now parsonage wo arc building. All nro invited. P. A. Hubbard , pastor. Christian church , corner Capitol ave nue nnd fwcnlicth. C. II. Ingram , pas tor Hours of service , 10 HO a. in. nnd 8 p. m. Sunday school nt noon. A wel come to all. Kount/.o Memoral church , English Lutheran , corner of Sixteenth aud llar ney streets , llcv.J. S. Detweiler pastor. Sunday .school ut 11:15 : a. in. Church service and preaching by the pastor at 10:30 : a. m. and 8 p. m. St Matthew's English Lutheran Sun day school meets ut SVM i ) . m. in Cosmo politan hall , 1021 South Thirteenth strccl. St. Mark's English Lutheran mission , corner of Charles nnd Saunders streets , Rev. Geo. H. Schnur , pastor. Sunday school nl 3uO : p. m , Trinity Cathedral , corner Eighteenth and Capitol avenue , August 8 , seventh Sunday after Trinity. Holy communion , 8:00 : a. m , ; morning service , 11 a. in. ; evening service , 8 p. in. ; Sunday school and bible classes U)0 : ! ) a. in. . All seats free at evening service. Strangers wel come to nil services. E. T. llumcl , net- ing Rector , 1115 ! Chicago avenue. W. C. T. U. Buckingham homn , Twelfth street. Gospel meeting Sunday evening , conducted by Dr. Kuhn. Tues day 8 p.m. , Rev. . Crane. Thursday 2 p. m. , W. C. T. U. board meeting ; 4 p. in. , business meeting ; 8 p. m. , reform club business meeting. Saturday evening , tempoisince meeting , conducted by the club. Murder , But won't they howl when they find thut "Albright's Annex" will all bo sold in two days. Aug. 10-17. Niw : Oim.tNS , $10 upwards ; cush or eusy payments. MAX MEVKU & Bio. : Sunday's Game. This afternoon the Hustings team will meet the Union Pacilics on the diamond arena. Both nines will present I their strongest front und a close nnd in- tcrcstiii'j contest is to bo anticipated. The men will bo positioned us follows : HnslliiKS. Union Pacifies. Maxlicld c Dougnn Smith u * , Sdisbm : v lirlmblecom Ib Kockwell Scliei ringliniii -b Handle J IRITIS ! ! b Dwyer Kohrer. s s McKelvv linden 1 h Strock Nicholson c t lii.indt an r t Audi-son * TooiiermitliiiJ. ! The Growth of South Uninlia not to be Chocked. Albright fortunately happens to have a 100 lot "Annex" adjoining the mammoth puuking houses. Stock yards und fuc- lories of that thriving young city , which will be sold at auction Aug. 10-17. Pianos suitable for beginners for $30 lo $ Gj , at Max Meyer < & Bro.'s wurerooms. Itcpubllcaii County Central Commit tec. The republican county Central commit tee met yesterday afternoon at the city hull. E. W. Simerul presided and Will Redick acted as secretary. There was a largo attendance of delegates. Tlio county primaries were ordered for September 17 ami the convention on the 18th ut the exposition building. A $1000 net ill be mudo that "Albright's Annex" will show the safest investment to bo found in Omuhu to-day. The Ijtuid League. The Irish National Lcnguo will meet this afternoon at 3 o'clock in Cunning ham's hall. _ _ _ _ _ Chickcring " NEW SCALE" UIMHOHT PIANOS are SUPEIUOIC to any others made. Max Meyer & Bro. , agents. Wanted COO Men To visit "Albright's Annex , " Monday and Tuesday , August 1C-17. It would scorn that Spirit Luke would bo nothing did not Omuhuns give it prac tical attention. Last evening's delega tion thereto comprised the following from this city : Mr. Andrew Simpson , William N. Babcock , general western agent of the Northwestern ; Warren Switzlcr , and Robert Purvis and wife. The Now Depot Is going to bo a daisy. So is "Albright's Annex , " August 10-17. Nnw Ui'itioiiT PIANOS for low rules. Cull nt Max Meyer & Bro.'s ware- rooms. The Ilniilc The bank clearings yesterday wore iC97l)2.33 , ! ) , anil the total for the week was ! f-ll-10l850.j'3. : The percentage of incru-iso over Iho corresponding week lusl year was 05.8. S5.OOO J to ward To any man who will find bettor bargains , than can bo hud nl "Albright's Annex" sule , on August 1U-17. Kntorprlao Itnwardctl. It may bo of interest to tlio people of this city and state to know thut among the most successfully conducted und prosperous institutions in Nebraska is tlio Homo i'iro Insurance Company , of Omaha. Although this company begun business loss than twenty months ago , ils pre mium receipts amount to $90,000 , , and its business is fust increasing. Sixty-three losses have been paid by tlio "Homo Fire " and the has , company a re ceipt in full for satisfactory settlement , and a complementary letter for prompt and honorable dealing in every cuso. Every loss claim has been paid , and the company lias never been sued. Tlicro is no reason why a worthy Homo Insurance company should not receive the putronngo and support of tlio people of this slate , nnd judging from the high standing of the ofllcers und directors of the "Homo Fire , " and the great curu it exercises in the selection nnd munugo- mcnl of its business , und the fair and honorable way it bus paid its lo. es , nml dealt with tiio public , this company is wortliy of the lurgo putronngo it is re- ( diving. OMAHA , Nub. , July SOth , 1880. 1'ho loss by fire of my dwelling house nnd conlonts , on Iho night of July 24th , has boon promptly adjusted nnd paid by the Homo Fire Insurance Co , , of Omaha , Nob. , to my entire satisfaction , MAOQIK J , WAV , D. A. WAV. Uoom , Doom , Booming. "Albright's Annex. " Wait for it. Watch for it. You will want some of it sure. August 10-17. Follow the Boom. You kuow where it is. "Albright's An nex. " is tuoro , OMAHA ISN'T ' ME EARTH , Such Is the Wise Opinion { Expressed by Mr A , E , Bauer , MAKE INVESTMENTS IN TOWN. It Is Kelly to Squander Money In the Country AVhcrc It Never Will Ho Productive Words of Wisdom How to liny Itcftl Kstatc. Yesterday morning a couple of BII : : men In search of a site in which to in vest u little of their earnings , called upon A. R. Soucr , of the firm of Bedford & Souer , real eslato brokers , 2l5 ! South Fourteenth street. They intended before making a purchase , to thoroughly can vass the real estate situation , and the substance of the first question propounded to Mr. Souer ; wus "Do yon really think the prospects of Omaha are ns bright as they were a year ago ? " Yon really nsk mo a very strange question foranOmuhan/'saidMr. Souur , but I must tell you candidly lhat 1 con sider the prospects of Omaha us bright , if indued , they arc not brighter than they were ono year ago. So much so , that I consider investment in Omaha property on n proper basis of value , bear In mind , as Iho best kind of an investment Wo have not had u boom. I think it much better that wo have not liutl one. Ono or two of our local real e tale dealers liavo at- templed lo .steal one , Lut they have failed in the nttumpl , " "What do you think about the packing interests of the city ? " "The stock yards and packing interests arc bound to be a great tuctor in the building up of this city. They will un doubtedly do more than any other ono interest to make Omuhu a great city. These interests depend upon the west , and our growth in the fuluro will belike like that of the past , It will depend upon the west by which the stock interests arc sustained. While Nebraska continues to increase nud develop there is no doubt about it that Omaha will share in tlio increase and prosperity. And yet , I must say that while the slock- yard inter ests are of advantage to us , they arc , nt the sumo time a great injury to some of our most valuable residence property. " "How is that ? " "Well , you tuko lhat property lying between the High School and Hunscomo park. That is certainly among the most desirable and most valuable for residence property in town. Thut will sutler in llio iicur future from the smells which are sure to come from the stock yards as they increase in size , and from the packing and slaughter ing and rendering houses which arc sure to surround them. All of these arc stcnch-crcaling industries , and the odors from them arc bound in bo wafted in the direction of the property I have men tioned , making it largely undesirable for Iho purposes for winch , both accident and nature qualified it , aud in live yours cuusc , it t < > sell for less money than it docs at the present timo. While this is taking place , other purls of Omaha not readied lv thuso stenches will increase in value many limes. " "In which part of the city , then , liavo you the greatest confidence ? " l'\\ ell , I will say this , that the west and north parts of the city will increase most rapidly. By the west side , 1 mean that part north of Farnam. By the north , 1 jncludo the whole of the city in that direction of the compass , ex cepting no part of it' ' 1'ho Kount/o tract up there will , no doubtan.a-fow ; vuara bo a line residence trupt , although at pres cut it is not in the market. The south easterly part will also build up rapidly because it has some of thd beautiful hills and views imaginable , just such us u man would desire on which to locate a homo for both his lifetime and posterity. All these parts uro fur removed from the evil of stench to which I hnvc referred. Besides , the viaduct on Eleventh street will make it readily accessible and safe to reach. These fuels and its nearness to town will make it especially desirable for llie retired homes of active business men. " "How is Bedford Place doing ? " "It is selling us rapidly ns we could wish. Over ono-hnlf of it has already boon disposed of during the past three months. If wo had boomed nnd pushed it ns other additions have been boomed and pushed , it would Jong since have been sold. But wo liuvo not been anxious to sell it. because every day it increases in value and is inoro in de mand. The Bolt line is now running to Bedford place , und the lurgo machine shops and foundry are in operation , giv ing employment to a largo force of hon est , industrious nnd successful mechan ics. A number of houses nro now being built there , und just us fust as they are completed . , they arc eagerly occupied by thrifty people. If a hundred new houses should bo built there , there would not bo a vacant ono there for u day. " "Why do you not advertise it and your selves more ? " "Woll , 1 must say that wo liuvo not been advertising very much. \ \ hilo wo fully appreciate the value of printers' ink , wo have felt lhat it was impossible lo compote in that line with some of the loud advertisers of this city , and still keep with the requirements of thn truth. For Instance , wo have certain property which is just ono and a quarter miles from the postollico. Other local dealers have property also in tlio same direction but about a mile farther from the post- ollico On reading their advertisements , wo find that their Jots uro located only ono mile from Iho center of the city , and sometimes they ulnim it to bo oven less. Now it isdilllcult for us to satisfactorily locuto our property in an advertisement unless wo wish to stulo thut it is located beyond property so far distant from ours. If wo wore to state that it was so much nearer than Iho oilier properly advertised we would liavo to locate it within llio postofllco. Now , wo consider this all wrong. Omaha is a wonderful city and is gelling belter every week , und if wo properly udvortiso the city nnd our business , showing tilings as they really exist , wo can all do sumciont busi ness. " "What do think of you acre prop erty i" "I think some of tint aero property , distant from the court house four or live miles , is a poor investment. In fact , wo refuse to handle it. All property within the present city limits and that immedi ately adjacent is a paying investment at tlio present prices , But lots which nro being sold ut the southwest imrt of the county , nwuy beyond tlio Catno'ic ' como- tury , needs more than the ordinary growth of Omaha to make it good prop erty. In fact , it needs something mirac ulous to bring it up towhat is claimed for it. If you wanted to make money by property in Omaha or ns ncnr to Omnliu as your money wijl permit. But don't go too far in the country. Omaha is bound to bo n great city , but she can't cover the whole earth , young men. No city will over grow large enough to do thut. " Edward Hamilton has brought suit in Justice Bcrka's ' court to recover $200 from the city , He alleges that Ids horse became frightened on July 34 by obstruc tions loft on thn street at the corner of Sixteenth and llarney und run away , damaging the rig in Iho sum of ? 200 , for whiclHio asks judgment. The case will bo heard on Tuesday- _ l4\y IVl'lljUlXO. A. l-'lnc IlutldlitK nml n Iliisy Plncc A Sketch of It. John A4 1'reyliau , the enterprising wholesaler , has completed his building at 107 ! ! Leavenworth street und moved into 51 last week. It is a tlirce- > tory brick structure , facing Leavcnworlh and in doors west of Thirteenth street , and ex tends back the whole length of the lot to the railroad track's , nt which point thcro is a largo platform for loading and un loading from the cars. The first floor Is devoted to the bottling department , where the Frnux-Fulk beer is pul tip in bottles und delivered in und out of the city. Work begins on this floor at 5:30 : in thi morning and con tinues all day and late into the night , it keeping four wagons busy nil ilial limo to deliver the rran/-Faik beer to the houses and various places in llio city where it is used. All waste from the bottling department is carried olV by moans of pipes connected with the sewer underneath the building , thus rendering process of botlling scrupulously clean. in the rear part of the floor is the cigar vault , which is almost surrounded by the mammoth lee house , which begins - gins on this floor and extends to the top of the third floor. Situated as it IF , the cigar vault has every tendency to preserve the flavor of Ihu cigur. Theic are over fifty different brands of cigars in this vault , among them the celebrated > "live-cent cigar , for which Mr. Froyhan is general western uncut . Ascending by llio eleva tor the second floor is louml to contain the olliccs in tlio front which uro reached from the street by menus of u few steps. The olliccs nro finely finished In a walnut color , urn light und airy , und present a homelike appearance. Thou comes the export beer department which contains at present several carloads of the Franx- Fulk. The ice house in which is stored 300 tons of the frozen yater. The ice room on this lloor contains Vs. i's , j's und barrel1 ? and othur beer of Iheir own bottling. The walls of the ice house nro four feet thick and it is provided with double thlcK doors und windows und when one is inside ho is icmiuded of anything but an oven. The third floor contains about twenty different brands of whiskeys and private ollices. Mr. Froyhan keeps Jour traveling and two city salesmen on the road all the time , besides diving employment to twonty-ono olhor men. The main house is located ut 1307 Leavenworth und the Iminch at 801 South Tenth street , and hjs trade extends us far west us Califor nia and embraces all the states und terri tories wcstot the Missouri. PIANOS LIAI > TIIKWOKUJ in tone nml durability. Max Meyer & Bro. , agents. _ _ COUNTY CKN'THAli ' Moetlnjr of Ucprcncntntivo Kcpnh- llcnns Ycstcnlny Afternoon. The republican county central commit tee mot yesterday tiftcrnoon in the city hall. E. W. Simerul ucicd us chairman , W. Ucdick ns secretary. The following was unanimously adoplcd : Itcsolvcd , Thai the chairman call u con- veiitlon ol delegates to meet on the 18th day of September , lst > 0 , ut the exposition building at l > o clock n. in. , to elect tv cut jseven dele gates to the icpnblicnii state coinentiou , und to nominate enmUdiilcs for the lolloping oflices : One comity commissioner , n conn tj nttoincy , two sunutois from the Fifth dist- riel , eluht representative' , trom the Klcventli district. Also to elect twenty-seven dele gates to the Second districl coiiKiessloanl convention ; also lime delegates lo the Sixth district scnutotlal convention. That , in said connection , each ward in tlio city of Omaha bo entitled to eight delegates and in the country precincts tlnxo ; delegates. That the primaries , for the election of suid delegates be held on tlio 17th' day of September , 18SG , from 5 to 7 o'clock p. in. , in the city and from 7 to 0 p m. in the country. That the following places bodesignutcd us the polling places for said pri'iinries : First ward , Jones und Tenth streets ; Second end ward , grocery , Sixteenth and Lcuv- worlli streets ; Third ward. - j Fourth ward , Planters' house ; Fifth ward , Red man's food store ; Sixth ward , engine house No. 1 ; Union precinct , bond house , Irvington ; Florence , Solomun's hall ; Elkhorn - horn , Town hull ; Jcllbrson. H.C. Timme's house. Millard , school house ; Saratoga , school house ; West Omaha , school house ; McArdlo , school house ; Valley , school house ; Douglas , Quealey's school house ; Chicago , Elkhorn station ; Waterloo , George Johnson's oflico. It was decided to refer the credentials of all uncontestcd delegations to the execu tive committee , consisting of Messrs. Simerul , Bodorick , Bcchol , and several others. The meeting then adjourned. Brevities. Professor Guynoro will give ono of his social dances Crouuso's hull ut to-night. The Union Pucific bund will give u grand free open-air concert at Jefferson fcquaio on Wednesday evening next. The piny at the summer garden of the Stadt theatre to-night will bo "Mein IIorzensFritIt will bo one of the most amusing pieces of the season. Charles Stevenson , accused of mali cious destruction of property in tlio Paul park row , bus been acquitted upon trial in Justice Borku's court. The' Nebraska Oil company , dealers in oil and ffusoline , liuvo opened un ollico nt W. F. Stoetzol's stoyo nud hurdwuro slorn , Howard between Sixteenth und Seventeenth where nil orders loft for irasolino und oil will receive prompt attention. Telephone No. 303. Officer O'Grudy , the polfaomnn who arrested Merrill us a suspicions character night before lust , suy& in defense of his notion that Merrill was roaming about the streets until 3 o'clock in the morning , and when taken in custody gave very conflicting accounts of himself. O'Grndy therefore thought it host to look him up for examination. In justice to Mr. O'Grudy , who is ahvavs of the best inten tions , tills side of the case is given , Hoyul Highness The Turtle. Another feature wns added to the natural curiosities passing through by express - press yesterday and Lilllo Mao , the Mikado of Iho Paoillo company's king dom ojf the depot felt happy. This time it belonged to the aquarium department being u nugo green sou turtle weighing 130 pounds. Ho was consigned to Rd Matiror , of this city , aud cnmo nil the wny from Fulton market , Now York city. These kind of "fish" uro not very numerous in prairie sons and their np- pouru"co in these inland districts are fur nml few between. After the turtle gets rested from the tuliguu of his journey and has been duly crilizised by the puss- ing throng ho will undoubtedly bo served up in steuls ; and give occupation to the sign writer to display his ability in illuminating u card with "Green Turtle Soup to-day Fulton Market Stylo. " They Hnvo Consolidated , George N. Hicks and A. G , Inghruuj , heretofore engaged In the real estate business , each on ids own responsibility , have combined their forces aud will here after carry on the rcAl estate business in nil its branches tinder the firm nnmo of Hicks & Inghrum. They have opened their ollico at 215 South 1-ifiecnth street , opera house block , and they will always be able to show some of the most desir able bargains in tlio choicest land in and about Oiuulin. Both of these gentlemen have a host of friends in this city , und the combination of their lists will mmiro them a largo business , They are well mated and will uiuko a Btroug CO. FILLED. IVKTjCOMKS AND Omaha Choristers "Who open niiil Close tlio ( Jutes With Song. As a general thing the. avant couners d'hote , or in plain Anglo Saxon , the hotclrunncrs arc muchubused individuals. Their worth to the. community is not properly , appreciated , and instead of roses they generally receive thorns from both travelers and pcrmauents. Omaha is particularly proud of its hotel runners. They are a cosmopolitan crowd , and rep resent nearly every nation the sun shines on. Above all , they arc musical , and it is fun to watch the green eyed man from Cincinnati gnash his teeth when the swcut sounding notes of the hotel run- ncr's choir greet the arrivals on the in coming trains. There they stand , a de mure looking group , along the iron rail- ins , with only the presence of a fair con tralto and soprano to present a. living pic ture of the old Sabbath singers of the lit tle cross-road church in eastern _ child hood hours. So natural indeed is the similarity , that one can even sec the de sire lor'scrmontimo depicted on the countenances of the singers when qn ad journment outside can bo indulged in. "Can field , " vocalizes the falsetto , and the passing throng are all attention. The in-coming base ball player thinks at once that ho is in u city whore his profes sion is recognized , and immediately he feels at homo. "Pux-ton" is then sounded in contra puntal style and every cleric within the range of the baritone's voice imagines ho is greeted with ft welcome of peace. "Mil-lard" sweetly sings the tenor , and no titled foreigner entering the city's gates fails to recogni/.o the salutation , and is glad to be in a city where "mi lord" is appreciated. So it is with nil the difl'urcnt voices. Each bus its special attraction for some of the many , who come and go through the depot. It remains for the Scnagain- bian basso profnndo to take the cake. Ho sings the great attractions of the Windsor , and wlion his luryux is lubri cated with two or three beers , ho can easily bo heard in Council BluHs , if the air is rarificd. In lact , ho has a stand ing call now to the protc-sorMiin of vocal music in the deaf anil dumb asylum. Still there are people with savage cars who do not appreciate this imprisurio. The other day ho was grossly insulted , just like his friend of the Co/.zins was the day before Didn't ' hoar about the latfcr ? No ? Strange , passing strange. Why. there wasa rural couple coming up the platform walk with no other puopl.s in eight. In fact , all the members ot the choir had not yet reported. "Co/- /ins" very politely said tlio representa tive of that hostelry. The man looked daggers at tlio .singer , and with rasping voice said "I don't know as it's any of your business whether wo are are cousins or not. Wo'ro going to got married , any way , as soon us u hfiuiro can bo found. " But lo return to the basso. It was Sat urday evening. Travelers from the east were coming in throngs through the do- iot , The choir opened its vocal batteries. High above- the surrounding voices sounded the basso. It was pay day , and 10 hud some extra lubrication. "Wind ser , " struck the fading twilight air. and traveled dead-head on the air ( Cobles the light , far oil in the balmy pre cincts of llio I'olluwuuuo bottoms. "Wind-sor. " "Wimi-sor" cumo in regu lar succcb'ion , but alas the oven , harmo nious tenor of the lullaby was broken in the rudest manner imaginable. There was u Hibernian from Iowa on the mov ing audience. The words of the singer htruck him struck him so forcibly that ho had to sling in a discord of words : "Wind-sor ! Wind ! is it ? 1'uix you nuden't bo tollin' us. Wo know yon liuvo wind , and plenty of it. " The basso forgot himself under this villainous attack , and throwing aside his dignity ho descended from the private lolc of musical superiority to tho-lifth- tiur-buok-oMho-front pit row of common liuninnltv. "G'ull'from hoah , Irish ! " said ho rc- citatlvcly. The shamrock echo was , "Ho an , yon black nagur. Faith , it's the Jollies of mo that knows the loikos of you ? " "Wind , sir. " "Indudc. You liavo wind enough yourself to run u ton-horse power pump and a , coru-shnltar. Luke at the mouth of him ? " ISA friend took the iconoclast of sweet harmony invay , but the music of the day was ended , and the btar KUigcrs , llko their fellow-manipulators of sound on the operalio ttajro , took beer when they could not get bouquets. Oh yes , the thrushes , the linnets , and the canaries of the depot should bn oncouruirc.'l ' in their conserviitorio pleasure. Great things are expected of thorn when they appmr in the fairy BCOIHI of the "Cow-Catcher s Daughter , " or the "Bouncer of the Rails , " n spectacnlur piece shortly to bo ' produced by llio Depot Dramatic club. . Signor Guielmo llumphrcson maitru do | < bullet. J Change or Train Time. Commencing ut 0 o'clock to-day there will bo u change of time 01 trains lo and from the stock yards. The hours of de parture in the morning will bo 0:10 : * , 7.15 , 8:35' : ' und 10 o'clock. In the afternoon , 2 , 305.1.05 , 5:25 : aud 8 o'clock. Trains will leave the slock yards for Omaha in the morning ut 7:05" : , 8:10 : , ! > :30'aud : : 11:35 : , and in the uflei-noun at 2:30,335 : , 1.35 , 0:05 : .nut 8:25 : . They will arrive at the Omaha depot at 7-25 , 8:22 : , H.50 and 11:55 : w - | i ' in the morning , and in llie aften.oon at 2:55 : , ! 5:55 : , 1.50 , 0:20 : und 0.12. Those trams marked with an asterisk will not be rim on Sunday. All other trains will run daily. It is also well to notice that Ihu regular morning overland train which loaves thu depot at 10:55 : , and the a'ftor- noon evening train for Grand Island leaving at 0 o'clock , stop at the slock yards. The Alilo Finn My. Mrs. Mary Able , her seven children nnd the two flogs , who made the long walk through Iowa yesterday , as noted m Friday's Biu , were kindly cared for yesterday. County Commis-ionur O'ICoellb furnished them with tickets to Central City and lust night they de parted. There will centuinly bo a lively limo around the Able bailiwick when the Iowa delegation arrives. Saved a. Heel. Dr. Gulbruilh.tho Union Pacific snrjroon , has amputated the foot of .Fame * A hi berg , who was hurt at the B. & M. crossing on Douglas street thu other night. Thu foot was cut of'at ) thu instep , leaving the heel intact. The patient will be able to walk without u lini ] ) if provided with u cork foot , though his old occupation , that of u sailor , will know him no more. On the ISorder. The county coniuiisiionurs returned yesterday from u week's trip through thu county , having followed the boundary line of the county on the north , west und south. They awarded u few small bridge and road contracts , but transacted no business of importance. They held u ses sion yesterday afternoon and allowed bills amounting to $300. ( ! Aloro Flint Frnll Trains. / So far flic Rock Island has rather mo- k > I" ? nopoli/.cd Iho fast fruit freight from Cnli- j forniu , but llio Northwestern bus now taken a hand in Ihu business. On the latter road a tram run from the BjuIVs to Chihugo in a little over nineteen hours lust week. I will place on the market Monday a half aero of property along the track"of the U. P. Ky. , oust of 20th Mroct , ut 11 grout barguln. This properly also faces a principal street , und is ono of tlio best locutions for u Morugo building , elevator or manufactory along thu lino. It IH also less than 200 feet from the 15. & M. trunk. Call on H G. Stripe. Room 0 , over Commercial National bank , 13th and Douglas streets. .Scaled OMAHA , .Inly 20. Tlio undorsigncd , duly appointed rccoivord for Sloman Brothers , jobbing saddlery and leather business , lately conducted at No. 1207 Douglas street. Omaha. , Nob. ) , will receive - coivo sealed bids for the stock , fixtures , etc. . based on an inventory recently mudf by the undersigned. The order of the court authorizing this advertisement rcuds us follows : "Ordered , Thut the receivers heroin nro authorised and directed to receive bids or proposals for nil or any purl of the property coming to the hands of the receivers , and the receivers are directed to give ton iluys' notice by advertisement in two of the newspapers published in Oinnhu and by circulars sent to such persons - sons as may bo likely to bid on any part of said property. The terms of .sale may bn for cash or for omi-lhird cush , one- third in sixty and bulauco in ninety days , cto. , etc."all deferred payments to'bo properly secured. All bids in an amount exceeding $100 must bo accompanied by a certified cheek made payable to the order of Elinor 1) . Frank , olcrk. for ( en percent of the amount , us ovidonoo of good faith , suid cheeks to bo returned , if bidn arc not accepted , The stock ami fixtures Inventory at their invoice price ! f53roo. Tiie time for r''cniving ' bids will cloao at MODIon August 0 , ISsO W. J. liiiOA-rcu , W. V , MOKSK , Receivers.