THE NIMRODS OF ' Y Something About Citizens Who Hare Made Their Mark. OLD-TIMERS LOSING THEIR GRIP. OClio Crack Mhots of nn Karly llaj- i The Otnatia Gun Clubs-Sports or the ricld. [ Written for the Omahn Siimlny flee. ] A meeting of the sportsmen of Omaha was recently callud at Athletic park , The hour named for the mooting was 4 o'clock in the afternoon , ami at that time about fifty men hail assembled. They were all younK men , and the way that they illdn't ct to work showed that they were wailing for more arrivals. "They're like the owls , " finally remarked one of the yonnp men , "and won't come out until after sundown. " U ho wait was impatiently - patiently prolonged until the last rays of the setting sim cast the leiiHthuninK shall ow * of the hills over the city of 73.000 population and a ball club with a mi.sfit mascot. Then the prediction of the im patient young sportsman was fulfilled and the ' "owls , " the old-time sportsmen of Omaha , filed into the park in single order and seemed prepared for tiny busi ness that might be on hand. These old- timers form a distinct class , and their idonlitv cannot bo smothered by mixing them up with the helmet-liatted , tourist- coated , "Knjjliali-yoti-know" sportsman of the younger generation. Omulm has ti large number of those venerable re minders of the. time wtii'ti the location of the Athletic park was a long way out to go in search of game , and when the greatest skill required of : i hunter was his feat of strength in carrying homo the result's of an afternoon's shoot. The Omaha Sportsmen club embraces the majority of these old-time sports in its membership. This club was organized m IfOO , and now has a nie-mberfhip of about twenty , among whom the most prominent oltl-timers are U. K. U. Ken nedy , Dr. 1'eabodv , John \V. 1'etty , Byron Reed. Judge Lake. H. B. Sacki-tt , Yank Hathaway . J. Kennedy , Al. Patrick , Wm. Preston , J. J. L. U. Jewett , John-D. Jones , T. L. Kimball , Henry Bushman , D. C. .Sutphen , George Mills , Will Krug ami Fred iilakc. The labttwo gentlemen nre of the members and be long to the Omaha SnorLiincn's club as a matter of choice , ns they desire to be identified with the sportsmen's fraternity .of the city and still enjoy a life of dream less inactivity as far as sporting move ments are concerned. Tliere are a few active sportsmen in the club , among them U. E. B. Kennedy , \V. J. Kennedy , Mills , Petty. Saekctt , Patrick , Krug and Blake , and their activity cornea from an absocia- tion with members of the other club.for the fact that the meeting referred to above was HID lirst that has been called in live years is proof I'liotmh of the club's inac tivity. There is reason for this. The fact is a painful one , but it exists nevo.ithe- less , that the most of the members of the club have scon their bi-at days , and are growing old. The eyes that were wont to sparkle and draw the bead with un erring aim , are dimmed with ago ; the trained muscles and nerves that were once so prompt to obey the eye's direc tion are weakened ami unstrung. The old men can't shoot like they did , but they'll never admit it. Thev take no part in shootiiiji at glass balls and clay pigeons. They call this "boys' plav , " and mourn for the time when the Ne braska prairies teemed with game ot every species ; when elk ' , deer antl ante lope were as thick a.s'the real estate agents now are upon the lands imme diately adjoining the city. The game fields have been removed west , and the "owls" concealing their failing powers of marksmanship tinder the cry of "no game" meet semi-occasionally and grow eloquent over resolutions crying for the protection of game. Four of the vet active members of this club. Petty , Pat rick , Preston and Saekett , formed sv team that won the championship of the Mis souri valley and stood among the crack shots ut the international contest in Chicago cage over twenty years ago. These old-timers , as they are forced to rctin ; from the field , may feel satisfaction in the knowledge that their places are being worthily tilled. There are two flourishing gun clubs that embrace in B. their ntcrnucrship the leading sportsmen . of the city and some of the bitst shots in the west. The Omaha ( inn club was or- gani/.ed in April , l&S ) , and has tlnrtv Hportsinen on the list of active members. Among these Frank Parmalce is prouaoly thcbiiri'bt shut. He holds the ftatc cham pionship , both on clay pigeons and live birds , and doesn't seem to be afraid of losing his honors. H. U. Kennedy and Ucorgc Kay are tied for second place , with Dr.Vorloy , Tom Cotter and J. h. . Stout as da2)gerotiH contestants This club takes a hand in every sportsman's event of state or local interest. The South Omaha ( inn club was organ izrd in 1884. and has a mcmoorship of twenty good shots. They have a quiet way of getting off into the timber in South Omaha and doing more shooting than tiic other clubs combined. At the state tournament in this city in June , John teller , president of this club , secured the individual state champion ship on live birds. F. Harmon and J , Harmon arc /oiler's rivals as the best shots of the club. Kut nil of the good shots who live in Omaha are not members of these gun clubs There is Ocorgn A. Ilongland.for instance , who is considered the best field shot in the slate. P S. Knstis and G.V. . Holdredge , of the B. & M. management , are game slaughterers of repute , though they never appear in local teats of skill in murk.smnnship. Ocnoral Crook is con sidered u dead shot , though Im seldom uses as a pastime the skill he acquired for business purposes. E ra Millard , J.V. . Way. J h. Market. John Knowles. Henry Ilomaii , John S. Collins , B. F. Troxolf , E. Young and \V. W. Binghani are. also crack field shots. The tact that a day of good game shooting requires a day's journey to the scene nf tho.shooting anil the necessary preparations for such a trip , thus practically shutting out from the field of sport the average man of business , whatever his inclinations may bo. The valleys nf the Platte are the groatpt gamu regions of the west , nnd richlv reward the hunter's labors within their borders , where geese , ducks and kindred game are found mnra plentiful than any placeelsein the United States. The country along the brances of th Union Pacihc north from Columbus and ( irand Island is tilled with chickens , grouso. etc , whHo btill further west a few elk and antelope may still br found. As a whole , the state has a good game sup ply , a faetdulyappreciated by sportsmen. ; il\iiv : HfNTKit. China's Coming Ceremony , London Standard ; Nearly live months ago wo wcro able to describe the prelim- inuries of the delicate operation of choos ing a wife for the young Kmperor of China , and this morning wo are in po sition to announce that the board ol rites has been instructed in conjunction with the court astrologers to select an auspicious day in Urn first month of the next Chinese year for the assumption of government by the emperor in person , As the Chinese year does not commence until some tlmo between the 21st of Jan uary and 10th of February , being deci ded by the first new moon alter tna sun enters Aquarius , they neud not bo lair- nod In their deliberations , and as they liavc 50 recent a precedent for all the de tails of the ceremonial as the accession tinder jircci cly similar clrcum tanec.sof Kwangstt's predecessor in 1873. the im perial ministers and thr > wl e doctor * of the Ilntihn should oxpt-ricnco little didi- cully in executing the bchrstg of their youthful sovereign. In the first place the Emperor Kwangsn will order the board of rites to ntiblL'h an edict in his name stating that the Knipro.-s Hi'gent has directed him to "a. sumc the superintendence of business , " and at the same time this department will pub lish a full programme of the ceremony and date on which it is to be held. This precaution is the more necessary as the proceedings arc exceedingly intricate , and all taking part in them , not exclud ing the emperor , have to master their roles by heart. The Inaugural proclama tion is delivered before the whole court and as many of the provincial officials as can safely be summoned to the capital. As Kwangstt's father is still living the usual ceremony of the emperor prostrat ing himself as his father's alias , will of course be omitted and the exceptional position of the young prince ascending the throne after a long minority will lead to several other modifications ol the tra ditional coronation , tint , at any rate Kuangsu , before "ascending the sum mit , " its the act of mounting the throne is termed In China , will pay his respects to his mother , the Hmpress Ucucnt , and this will seem far from an empty form whrn xve recollect how wisely and through what critical circumstances the Lmpress Tsi TltsI has borne her share for twenty years in the administration.Vhen Kwnngsu has ren dered this agreeable tribute to his mother she will take her scat before the court , nnd the golden chariot will be made ready for him. Here , again , superstition steps in , and not until the astrologer , or ollicer of the board of astronomy , pro claims thu auspicious moment to have arrived may the emneror enter the golden chariot which is to bear him to the palace of peace and protection. In that build ing the most interesting portion of the ceremony is held , for there the official world of China is arranged in the strict est order of precedence for the purpose of paying homage to the new ruler That homage is signified by nine pros trations. These are repeated after the emperor has taken his scat on the "throne of gems , " and many other observances of minor importance are enforced to show the solemnity of the occasion and to inspire the mandarins anil people of China with a feeling ot awe and re'spcct for "the Son of Heaven. " Amateur Hallway Boston Herald : Every newspaper reader no doubt remembers the gallant , though unsuccessful , attempt to save Gen. Gor don from death nt the hands of the Mahdt. but few know ot the hardships borne and the obstacles overcome by the British army in the Soudan. However , I will not attempt to picture these discomforts and dilliculties here. I will simply re late an incident of the expedition. The advance tip the Nile was made in eighty whale boats. Each boat was in command of a Canadian yoyagcur , iind carried a dozen soldiers , with provisions for one hundred days. Sailing , rowing , towing and carrying or portaging boats from daylight to dark , interspersed with picnic meals of canned corn beef and nurd tack , would be no more than a novel experience for a week or two , but believe me , it cets monotonous in less than eight months. Some of the portages were short , fifty yards to a mile ; others long , from a mile to fifty miles. Over the former the pro visions were "packed" by men , and over the latter by camels , the boats bcinc taken through the cataracts by the Cana dians' in the meantime. One portage , from Wady- Haifa to Sar- ras.'wns so long that the British govern ment decided to build a railroad between the two points. Fift.v miles , of truck ready to uci laid , engines , oars , water- tanks and stations ; in fact , a complete railroad was sent out. The members of the engineer corps had not enjoyed a very large experience in railroad'building , and were not furnished with the necessary appliances for grad ing , etc. So natives , men. women and children , mostlv the latter , were hired at a plaster ( live cents ; a day , to carry sand in small baskets and dump it on the grade. When an obstructive rock loomed up in front , they never thouglitof blowing it out , but went around it. Such a thing as cutting through a hill was un heard of. and the only way any large hcaus of sand were removeil or leveled was to bury n plaster in the heap and let the natives know it was there. Well , after months ot hard labor , the track was all laid , but it did not reach , Surras , by any means. True , Sarras is only fifty miles from Wady Haifa , and fifty miles of track had been laid , but m sending out the material numerous curves had not been taken into consideration. The only alternative was to move the Sarras station down to the end of the track. This was done , and the "last spike" was driven to "Rule Urittanma" by the band of the Forty-second High landers. Everything worked right for a week or two. But then , for some unaccountable reason , the track began to shrink. At lirst the end was about a hundred yards beyond the Sarras station , but daily the truck got shorter and shorter till the end came down in front of the station , nnd before long the station itself had to be moved nearer \Vady Haifa. This continued for some time , and , of course , the annoyance of having to move the station every few days was very gicat. At last , wlion it had been moved over a mile , with no reason assigned for the shrinkage , . an investigation was held. Engineers , brakeuu-n and track walkers were examined , but with no result. As a last resort , a party took the morning train to Wady Haifa to consult with tno authorities there and find ont whether thn track was moving at that point. The train was composed of n passenger coaoh of the English compartment style , III : freight car , a tlat car , with water bunts and engine No. 1. The engine was a many years ago , and , a.s it had done or- vice m Kngland , India , aud ut the c po , it was a good deal tho. worse for we r fact , it was broken down on one side , and only pnlTcd odd numbers. It did not puff 1 , a , 3 , 4. 5 , C. etc. , like our engines , but groaned out t It 5 8 , etc. , making a. fearful noise. Two natives , with a hand unnip" 'did duty ag injectors , and were posted on the too of the water tank , where they pumped for dear life. Well , all went on merrily for a few miles , and no important discoveries were made in relation to the object of the trip until n largn cnrve was reached. The engine did not run very straight. The engineer was not at the helm , or else Uic extra exertion on one side caused the whole machine to forget to go around thn curve , and the whole train kept on straight ahead over the desert , till the tiviul clogged the wheels and brought it to a stand-still. The investigation party weriJ naturally annoyed at this delay , little thinking it would solve the vexed problem. The engineer and fireman came back and as sured them that a derailment was a com mon occurrence , and that they would soon be on their way again. Then came the discovery. The crew of the train did not attempt to got It back on tha track agaiu , Theysimply put the jack screws under each portion and raised it a few inches from the de sert. This done , all hands laid hold of the track and drew it over to and under the train , let the cars down , picked up their jack screws , blew the wftistlc , and otr they steamed. Having ascertained that tins was a custoruary proceeding , and reasoning that the operation in creased the number of curves , the inves tigators were not long in deciding tbat they found the caiiic pf the shrinkage. AN HOUR WITH THE FAIRIES , An Omahfta Wanders Into the Dreatnlatd of 1900. THE FUTURE GATE CITY. I'rophetlo Views of Men and Thins * of Ijount mill State Imporiniicc Kntcrtnlnctl While In the Unibruce oraiurp tints. " 1 had a ilrcnm the otlmr night , " said n young riilroul : : man to HKE reporter , jcatcrihiY afternoon. " 1 thought it wns llioycar 11)00. ) Tom Murray's btiildn ! < r was linislicil. Tliu cablu company dad just announced where it was yoiii } ? to build its road. Thu murderer of Ktililc had huun discovoiuil. The Union Pa- cilic hud almost concluded to build the union tlupol. Nearly nil the fossils of other days hail jione to their fathers , and lnv liirker > wcro no mure. Tliero was hut uuc broken siilewulk on Karnam dtrucl and that was all that wad left of tlm cruiiiblu stonu ones which were laid whi-ii Omaha was in her swnilllny ; clothes The county coinniissiorurs , had buriiniitly considered thu advisability of holding foriiiitl nicotines , ami Uncle John Stanton had buon pbeOil upon the Mexican-war ninision list. John A Me- Shane was still ottering anonymous a sis- tanccto build the Omaha & Northoni railroad. Seventuon hundred eastern manufacturers wen ; clamoring to know why llio Omaha nnl estate men had liot matcralucd the auxiliary board which was to give assistance in land to overv foreign companv which \vantcil to come here and locate. James E. Boyil was still pondering how he came to fail in running the city government into a democratic machine , and Chief Hutlcryet wore sackcloth because he had not earlier discovered that the fees of his ollice belonged to the city. Certain city taxpayers were in tears because of their puerile belief in the excellence of cedar pavement , and the horse railway com- panv hail found out with regret that cabfe line competition was synonymous with fortune ? , while mule teams meant poverty ami want. Three bridges had already been thrpwn across the Missouri , the- eastern roads had come to this side of the river and already were miming twenty-live trams daily. The Pullman , car company had labelled its 'spotters' with silver stars. Marshal Cummings had been promoted to the head of the secret service of the government. . Tliere was but one kicker against the grading appraisements and ho had but recently taken. Uu residence on the city line neaf La Plattc. Dr. Miller had returned from XewYork , and was trying to forget that he had ever written 'Homo C5o. ? ip. ' The. editorial proprietor of the Omaha Republican had developed his biceiw and was the presid ing genins of an aristocratic gymnasium. Van \Yvelc had just written 'Twenty Years in the United States Sonata , ' and lion. Jim Laird had won his first laurels in a professional engagement with John L. Sullivan's 'unknown. ' Mike Mcany had not recovered his equanimity because of the withdrawal of his $35 per month , Ttnd was forced to pay out of. his own pocket , the balance upon the lifteunth horse , which the city's allow ance had enabled him to purchase. The city police had introduced a. little pocket contrivance which enabled them to rig idly respect the marshal's ordi-r about drinking in the saloons. The BEE was issuing extra editions every half-hour in iho dayvand its. special war correspond ent had just arrived in thu ottico balloon ' /Eronautdns' with his daily report of a battle in Bulgaria. My ear was pulled. I turned to it. Another pull opened my eyes , because I had been asleep. My wife wanted me to go to supper. I had fallen into profound slumber in reading the Herald on the tariff and it was all a , dream. " AGBIOTJLTUBAL NOTES. The Importance of Good Breeds of Stock. It may be safely claimed that a good animal requires no more room in the stable than will one that is inferior , and therefore a saving of labor is , cflected in lessening the cost of care and attention , it being as easy to manage the superior animal as it is to give the labor to the other. Bui thu saving in shelter , room and labor is not the only item. As only the most approved machinery is used by manufacturers in order to cnablo them to produce goods at the lowest coat and compete in markets with each oilier , to should the farmer take advantage of his opportunities with pure bred stock and lessen the cost by increasing the amount of product. As the manufacturer can adopt the kind ot machine most suitable , so may the farmer select the kind of stock for his special purpose.VhiIc on many farms no regard is given the breeding or characteristics of the animals used , jet the farmer has it in his power to use cattle that excel in butter , beef or milk , mid as some breeds combine several good finalities , hia advantages arc not. limited. There is no uecessjty for devoting a stall' to a. cow that yields only ten quarts of milk per day when , by judicious breed ing , the product may be doubled. \ \ e can point to special cows that have yielded over forty quarts of milk , per day , and cows are numerous that produce over twenty pounds of butter per wcelc. Steers liavu been kno > vn to gain three pounds weight daily , rams liavo sheared over thirty pounds of wool , and , mutton shppp have attained -100 pounds1 1 live weight in two years , while the hog seems to have an easy time gaining a pound daily for twelve months. It is not supposed that every farmer will be o ? "rttmato as to possess animals of extraordinary merit , out as long as such excellence exists tlui farmer should be oucouruged to strive always for some thing better. There is no middlertrroiiml in keeping stock. Tliere must either be an improvement era retrogression , The farmer who docs not have souiu object in view will soonnr or later be. compelled to dispose of Iih stock us uuiirojitablev as the. difference between profit and loss is in tlm animals and their raanagomenU The cost of improvement is , fortu nately , but a small sum compared with thu benolits derived , as nature has endowed dewed the males with the capacity of be getting u large progeny , -Ami aS.oxperi- incuts have demonstrated that the charac teristics of n breed may be transmitted through thu male line it becomes but a matter of a few seasons when an entire herd or Hock may be changed. If one will but calculate the additional value imparted to the stock by only a single cross it will readily be perceived" that the service "performed by the male more than balanced bis cost the first season. and as ho may be useful far .several years it is not only costless and economi cal to improve but very profitable , as stock that formerly did not repay their cost may , by a change to grades , add so largely to milk , licel or butter as to make it an object to still further improve. The performances of celebrated animals show what can bo done , and every farmer should aim to improve his stock to what ever point pthera have readied. Ilreed for What Vim Want Those who still retain the idea that ani- mala can bo bred to excel in nil respects do not succeed. Cattle , horses , sheep , anil fowl arc now bred to evcel uncertain lines. The hog alone b bred for one specific pur o to make fat and flesh. In cattle , milkv irljnutinty , nnd nn aptitude to lay on flesh do not go to- cether , and never did , oxceiit one at the expense of the othnr. The raemg-hor o of to day has itMiJifcr weight nor steadl- iH' enough for fieavy draft. The Jer sey i ? not a l > oq } producer , but excel * at the churn. Tiler ' Jlolstein and Ayrshire are strictly dairy 'cattle , producing large quantities of bWh butter and cheese. At the same tinH1.tltcc cattle do make good tx-ef , and pleniV rif It. when not in milk. They como nearer to the general utility cow for the farmer perhaps than any other. Yet thjyivill not besought whore beef is the nrim' object llerein the Short-Horns , the llcrelord , and the Tolls exi'el. The point Ifcw for the farmer , inas much a the common stock of the country must npcossarily IK ? the foundation stock , is upon which to breed. Thus , the selec tion of the bull is all-important. He should be of such pure blood as comes nearest to the condition for brooding what is wanted. Shorthorns and Herefords - fords cro s kindly on the common stook of the country for boof. as do the Hoi- stein anil Ayrshire for milk , and also beef , where early maturity is not essen tially desired. Where the making of but ter is the essential qualification , the Jersey or ( tuem ey bull will bo held in esteem where si/.e is not particularly de sirable. From the produce selections of females that show peculiar excellence will in a few years of careful brooding and care give a herd leaving but little to be desired. Feeding Calves. The average boy of the farm has had plenty of disagreeable experience in the feeding of calves. Fed from a pail in the hands of a boy , the calf is never properly fod. To feed one calf and atthc same time keep oil' several others as hungry and eager as only young animals can be would be too much for a man to successfully cope with , except thatho , can strike and kick harder than the boy. Yet how large a proportion of the calves raised are fed in this way ? Far more than in any other. It is not difficult , howoyer. to make all this work com- parativofr easy , whether there be only three , or four , or twenty , or more calve.- . Have a proper feeding place and erect a line of stanchions similar to those for larger cattle , but accommodated to the size of the calves. It may be nccessaiy to make the calves enter these to be fed tor two or three times. They will soon learn , that only here can they cet their food. Then , upon the proper call being given , they will eagerly take their places. \Vhatevcr the vessels fed from , whether of metal or wood , pails or troughs , they must be lixod so they cannot bo pushed about , and they must be Kept perfectly clean anil fresh. When the calves b 'gin to eat grass they should within the next two weeks bo taught to oat a few oats dailv. Thoncc- forwar.lthe milk ration maybe dismissed as the grassS and gram is increased , but the decrease on the one hand and the in crease on the other. mu < t be only as the paunch of the calf grows. The rennet or true dijre tive stoiuach of the calf is the larger of the fouru In the lull grown ani mal the paunehiik the largest , and this increase in thuxme case correspond ? to the relative ilfjprea J in the other as the animal attaint ago. Pure/Water for Gown. Prairie I'armer : Professor Law , of Cornell university , recently examined the milk from cows/ which had access to water from stagnant pools , and found in every case the milk full of living organ isms. He : ilaofonmi , , the animals them selves to be ii/'a" ft-vorish condition owing to their blood Behfg charged with the liv ing animalciHie. The Prairie Farmer has always keftt before its readers the importance of 'firovidinc pure water for stock , but especially for the cows : and tlm te Hmonyiii'fffli1'SO distinguished an authority , n aUt&i > quoted- adds empha sis to the opinion's * wo have already ex pressed. Seasonable Hints and Si An application of lye will restore to rough trunks ami branches of orchard trees their original smoothness * Tar ought not to be used in marking sheep. It dries into : i hard lump , which must be cut off by hand before the wool is manufactured. Honey of different grades should be kept separate. An inferior article put in with the best set a low price on the whole. At the close of each season of bloom grade the whole product. Deep tillage of heavy lands is one of the surest safeguards against drought , for it constitutes provisions for storing moisture in the place where it is most readily available for the support of plants. Bees do not work as well in a hive expo - po cd to the heat of the sun. In midday , when very hot , all work on the inside , such as comb-building and storing honey has to bo suspended. Sometimes combs melt down , and the brood dies in the heat of the sun. A good animal should be n heavy feeder. It has often been considered an advantage that an animal eat but little , but just the , opposite should be desired. It takes a liberal supply of food and a good appetite to derive the greatest amount of product. Although Hat turnips arc most water , there is nutriment enough to make them an important addition to food for cattle and sheep , and it is therefore desirable that in a season of scarcity they be raised to the full extent of opportunity. Don't kill your hens that molt now , as they will make your early layers , and also bo the most serviceable in winter , as they will molt , before the cold wcalber comes on. Hens that do not finish molt- in pr until late in the season seldom begin to lay until spring comes on. A strong-constitutioned sow. which is a good milker and will drop eight or ten pigs at a litter , is as profitable stock nn i farmer can keep. One such will bring in more money than an ordinary brood ing mare with colts worth but $ ii ! or f-'iO when woaned. The pigs will cost less to keep to bring that money , and there will bo loss chance for loss by disease or ac cident. Thrifty farmers will , however , raise both colts and pigs. Do not attempt to save your own seeds of the grower. , A melon may bo fertil izcd by a pumpkin , and though the fruit of this season may bo apparently genuine yetrtho seeds of We'll ' , if used next season , may cause a falln'fe of the crop or else destroy the qqality Mr. J. v\yjftkins , in the Farmers' Magazine , gives' eiho following remedy for maggots on .s'Hubp. He says : "I have cured 'fiomn very' Itard cases with kero sene oil. Sa til rail ) the soro- and wool around it , aftjilpng with a syringe , in order to inserra/ueeplv ns possible. It will kill them JillsiHitttly and drive oil the Hies. 1 also tnejl it with good effect on a sow that was trbtAlod with Hies. " Paint vour roofif with 1. X. L. Slate Paint. l > eave orders at ollico. Room 0 , over Commercial National Bank. Special bargains in the finest loU in Omaha View to those who will build iirr.t-ola.s3 houses. Boggs & Hill , 1403 Furnam street. * It will pay to lookat Boggs & Hill's lots in Omaha Yiuw before investing else. where , They are first class lots and are much cheaper than any in the market For Sale A lot of nice empty boxes. Inquire at BEE Counting Room. _ * It will pay to look at BogK * & Hill's lots in Omaha View before investing else where , They are lirst cltis-i lots nnd are much cheaper than any in the market. THE OLD SOLDIERS GOING , Rapid Increase of Betirementj in the Regu lar Army. The Great Army of the Itoliolllou In9 lnc Axvny Iilst of Ketlro- incuts for lKMr utd "Ye"said ttonoral Urfcbon , "tho old soldiers are rapidly passing away. A company a ilaj * , a recimunt a week , a brigade1 a month , and an army corps . \ year. They will soon all bo gone ovcopt a few old butlers who in every war linger around long after ever body else is dead.Yo have hardly got done yet with the e who served under Washington , and Napoleon , and no doubt some of ( irant'4 old soldier * will live as long. But the great army will ? eon be dead , and those who linger behind bo so few in numbers they will hardly bo worth count ing. "Perhaps , " taul the general , "tho best way to find out how the volunteers are going is to take the rogitlni army of which we have the mo < st complete records. There wore over two hundred ofiiccrs of the regular army taken to servo in volunteers as gcncial ollicers , and of these only twenty seven are loft alive on the active li'-'t. The retirement list shoves out the older olUcers nnd of course death soon cleans them up except the few tough follows referred to before. Now last year 18ST , we had the followiim rntiroments in thu tegular army from ago ( .01 years , ) and tin * joar wo double it. HKTtUKMK.MS F1IOM AUK , 16S5. 1. CoIouolJohn F.Headsurgeon.Janu ary 9. J. Major Theo. Eckcrson , quarter- mustcr : , January'- : ! . : ) . Post Chaplain Bon L. IJaiubridze , February ! . 4. Captain Win. P. .Martin , military storekeeper. Match ' . ' 3. 5 Colonel ( Ji-o. P. Andrews , post ar tillery , March at ) . ( S. Lieutenant Colonel J. J. Duna , quartermaster general , April U. 7. Post Chaplain Thus. V. Yan Horn , July 0. 8. Brigadier ( Sonera ! C. C. Auger , July 10. ! ) . Lieutenant Colonel and Surgeon John Campbell , September Hi. 10. Colonel and Inspector General Xel- son H. Davis , September , 39. UKTMCEMCVra IX 1SPO. 1. Post Chaplain David Wills , January 7. 2. Colonel John P. Hatch , January 0. 3. Surgeon John E. Summers , January -"li * - 4. Chaplain John C. Laverty February C ! 5 Post Chaplain Moses X. Adams , Feb ruary 14. 0. Colonel C. C. Gilbert. March 1. 7. Major General John Popo. March 10. 8. General Deles B. Sackott , April 14 , dead. 0. Captain Robert McDonald , May 12. 10. Colonel Samuel D. Sturgis , June 11. General John Newton , July 1. IS. Surgeon Jo-eph B. Brown" July 2G. in. Colonel John D. Wilkms , August 1. 14. Surgeon General Robert Murray , August 0. 10. Captain Chas. J. Yon Hermann , beptcmbor 11. 10. General Joseph II. Potter , October 12. 17. Colonel Joseph N. G. Whistler , October 1 ! ) . 18. Colonel Goo. L. Febiger , paymas ter , December 8. 19. Colonel Luther P. Bradley , Decem ber 8. 20. Post Chaplain Geo. D. Crocker , De cember 2."i. It will bo seen from the aoove list that the retirements in JSiiti exactly double those of 1885. So it goes on varying somewhat with the years , hut always in creasing until we find all the old "vetcr- ons have disappeared from the active rolls of the army. A few of them will linger a biton the retired list , but "taps" comes thick and fast now for our veter ans , and almost before we know it the last of thorn will be mustered out on earth. Real Estate Transfers. The following transfers were filed August Of with the county clerk. Martha M Isli to bcvi K McKenna , It 13 and ok 11 In Keys' division of It U hi Capital add. wd-SUOO. Adda Jiothwell and husband to John F Daley , It 1 , blk P. .Lowe's add , w d SLOW. Nelly Boyle to James GMegeath , the north 2 feet-oC lot U5 , Clark Place , n c SI. Samuel Stratton and wife to August Doll , It 11. blk 7 , StuiU'b Second add , w tt 81.000. Sarah A Marsh and husband to August Doll. Us 7 and 8 , blk H , Isaacs & Seldcn's add , wd-SJ.COO. George W Parker to Cora A Belden , It 54 In Burr Oak , w d-SSSO. Anna M ( J McCormtek et al to Maria Aug- ustat , lot 12 , block 13 , Deer Park add , w d S70U. llenrvYYates and wife to Isaac E Cons- don , Its'7and S , blk I , subdlv J I Kedlck's ' add , wd S3.m Omaha Smelting and Kefinlns Company to Win Fitch , It 8 In Olson's add. w d-5soo. Oliver T Straight and wife to John T Bell et al , sK It 10. blk 4 , Horbach's Second add.w d Sl.SOO. Harry A Arnold and wife to Sarah F Hun ter , It ivbttc . Jerome Park , w il $1,3)0. ) A E Touzaliu and wlfu to John II liar- bereetal , lot 9 , block 0 , Hillside add , w d STSO. John II HarbcfB ct al to John It Webster , It V. blkO , Hillside add , > v cl-Sl,050. Clifton E Mavno nnd \ > ifo to August H Doncckeu , lot 10 , block 17 , Ureliard'IIllI , w d S500. Catherine Qulnn to Hans o Gllssruan , nw > .f 2S-1M2.W il-Si Dexter L Thomas and wlfo to Michael Tex , sK of It 4 , block Ifc'J. Omaha , q c 31,600. Omaha Heal Estate and Trust Company to Robert E Iliurhes 10 , Washington Square add , w d S1.750. Omaha Real Estate and Trust Company to ThomasW Robinson , It V , Washington Square add. w d 51.750. Ira S Van Horn to Mrs. Cornelia Schrop- shirr. It S. Pruyn's subdl vision , w d-S/bU ) . "John P Slinkins nnd wlfo to James H Ijtewnrt. part nwW no,1201513. . w d-SAOOO. David Marrtufitt and wife to .lames' 11 Stewart , part ne # 20-15-13. w d-SO,000. WnvK Heins and wlfo to James < j Stewart part ne3 CO and part setf 17-15-13 , w d 910,600. J C Cowan to James II Stewart , part nejf 20 ami partscj171513 , q c-St. Win K Helns et al to The Public. 25 feet by 1,07X12 feet In setf 17-15-W. Q c-51. Ct'oreu aautter et nl to Edwin S Rood , wK sw > jf 10-14-13 , w d S-'iO.OOO. S. Y. Alorse et al to Charles Kmney , south 23 loct ot It 1 and north 'A fe t It - ' , bit 5 , K Y Smith's add. w d-3L.m John Rush and wlto to Renn Quick , It 5 , blk 4CS. Uranrlvlew , w d-8300. Charles McDonald aud u Ifo to Lena Quiet , Its 10 and 20. blk 450 , Uramlview. w d-5'JOO. Lena Quick and husband to Samuel K Rogers , Us 10 and 20. blk 45'J. and Its 5 and IS , tw , ( irandview , wd-SattB. NEWGROCERY. NEW GOODS ' J. P. TIIERKELSEN , 1121 Saunders Street , Omaha. 0 < " > < J promptly delivered to all parts of Ibecltr. l'rc b tireail alirafi nn hand. Allguodt told ( ruin ttili bou warranted latltfaetorjr or munur ro ( undwl. Luwnlprleva uuurnntec.1. Choke CuITcei and Teat a ipcally. rrvib Uutterand fjg nslit from lk country. .Al o fni li egeutle . _ SPECIAL NOTICES AdrertlM-roents under this bead , 10 cents per line for the flnt insertion , 7 cent for each iub- sequent Inwrtlon. am ) f 1.50 a line per month No advertisement taken for leu than K cenu for the flwt Juscrttoo. 6 rf n wotd * will be counted to the line ; they count run consecu tively and must bo paid In udjance. All odvur Oseraents must be banJoJ In before 2 o'clock p. in. , and under no clrcuuntancea will they bo Uken or discontfnucd by lelepboAe. I'artin tdvertieluif In these columns * iul b&r- drcAtcd In euro of Tur. tlt will plen e risk ( or n check tocnnblathcm to net their letter * , ns none will b dollrp.rwl rtcept on pre < entRion ( of check. All Ainwer * to nd- vertl emcnts jhonU bo enclo pd In cnrelopp * . SAI.K-Trackaito nil wflrrhouse room -IJ nt the U. A M. near 2sih xt. Sn'emllil silo fora Hour mill. Theo. Olscn. SIS g. 15th gt 640-11 pOTTAtli : 1'MIK- Cottaec I'nrk. CottiiKO Turk Cottntro Turk I'oltnRc 1'iirk Cotttinu Park ( .utilise IMr Cottngol'ark Cottftjro I'nrli , Cottnvo I'nrk ColtniTP I'nrk OittMRv I'nrk Cottneo I'nrk 0 < iltnin' 1'iirk Coltniio I'urK CottnitP I'nrk I'nrk Cotl.nirc 1'iirk Oitinro I'nrk Cottnifp I'nrk. Pnik igonoot Iho lnto t midlllonsto thcclt > ofOmnhu. It fronts on youth Twenth'tli Mreel M n dlstiuice of only two nnd n quarter miles from HIP tmslotlle * ) nnd nlioilt nnr hun- dre4l rthU from the 'thirteenth Mr < ct Ilorso rnllwny. Thl put of the city is improving vry fast and lots In thl * addition nro crrta'n tohntu .1 Inrjre nilvnni oln Milnn vv Itliln n * hort time. TliQ price forlott Is f'wOmid $ i Xi : J&len h nnd the balniutj In monthly pnymcnta. ln < | tilroof Hi lon , V Com liK'k. ( ovonil story Merchants' Nntlonnl brink biilUlnr. t-ntct naonts. ha will show the lot * to anyone who luny rrlsh to fro them. ThU firm has lso fory.ite Improrcd nnd ttnlm- pro * ed re ldenco uud business propertr Innll parts of the city. 7lt ) STOCKOALL : & jurciun.i.-uif street. Hurt meet , 19-room hoiuo ami lot. fi7\l60fpet , rents tor ! 00 per month , all In line repair , only hill oust front on Walnut Hill , third lot from Cntnlnir. three minutes' walk from Million , church , rte , bejt view In the addition , uitiitalu ut f.VA' ' , { ' . ' .VInull. UniKeV uililltlon splendid lianriiln full lot , only JIAWeasli , liueitiKutu thli 1C you want u good speculation. Itcst location In theelty. exlinarsn \ house nnd lot nn ( 'ass btrefct. I'lente como m und sco this for JA ) . 1-2 lot wit hi ) room hotifn on 'Mh st nr.irSt Mary's nv , Si.HXi. J.VWca h. just think < > f thU | Two iplcndld lioufis on full lot iirnr lliirncy st and'-IJtli , Honderfully cheap at f i,1i ) . I'lnotrnckiieo property , "plondld for wui'- hous.0 puriMj-e * roslllvoly for3 iln > s onlj ut J.-.WO cash. Klltiy plaro lots ncnr Dodso Bt , est fronts , only ) cn y term" . 1'roporty in all purls of the city. Call nnd f-cv nur special ii"t ol bar/jiinji. Call. cull. c.Ulon Stockdnlo .V Mitchell. 1510 Dodpo st ( ! ( > d linuxt on Whcnton near Saundcrs St. , Tor nil ( inly S-1AO ; easy ti-rms Four lots on Lowon\o. , near Dr. Meteor's : bcttitlful ca t and south flouts , ! ,7. > u. for u few days only. Xcw houssou To.vlM lot In Walnut Hill , < onth front. K'fuo. Two splendid low In Dwijrhl i Lyman'- , cast fronts , $ MO tor both. Choaplots on ca y terms In nil addition''in the city. Call nnd be conx inccd ; no trouble to s how/ ere 0 FOK SAM : Fine lot In Plnlnvluw. fronting eubt , on"Jth st. Theo Obcn , Slti S. l.'tli M. 6.7J11 JT > . KM'B * CO. , oJer the following Imr- t Rinnsfor ono week : 3 south front lots just off Snundcrs St. , Pat rick's "rt udd. , I1 1 mif | fiom | wi > tolllce , $1I50 : each , liisy payments mid . " > year * time. 120 feet onbuuudcrs St. , with line modern resilience. ? 8 , ' XJ. 7 lots in I'lalnvlew 2 blocks off Snundors st. , S6.V ) ench for the bunch , posltlto bargain. Full lot with new 5 room cottngo , Denisc's ad dition. 1 block otr Saunders ft. . $ ; 'JM. Half aero tnicknpc on L' . 1" . It/ . , centrally lo cated , ut n bargain. 07\41 fee tun N. 19th St. , with j room cottage on car line. il , . ' > J. l'5feet \ front South 18lh st , eor. alley. S8,000. House and full lot I'urker's ndd. just olT Suun- ders St. , line Improvement * , $ JfUi. 4Uncres5S miles wctoC city , S160 per acre , one-third cash. Itiircaln. - > torySronm house and full lot on X. ISth St. . f.1.751. HnlteHsh. 1 aero in I'.irVo I'l.icc , S.5.0X > . Drcoin eottujre with lot : X\100. ) X. lllii St. , near car line line location , f2 o ) . liisy pay ments. Bcuntlful lotenst front , Ilansconi Place , J2- 2SO. Halfai h. 8 room modern new rc'idencofull lot. Hail- scorn ritico , only 4 > I,7."A 1 Inlf cash. liVvllO feet tnickutfo on II. & > I. Ity. Uarjraln nt $ ( ) . . Half lot and 7-room house , Nelson's addition , fiOuO , ono-thlril cash. - full lots , one u corner on Dirjght i Lj'man's add. , only $1,1110. half 'nli. : ( -room house and lot.CSxlo' ' ) , Turk Pl.iceS-WX ) , easy pajment 31ullotsIThornbnrjr ) Place , 51,000 , one-third ca > h. Corner lot In Wnlnut Hill , with --story 7-room cotttitrc , f3,000 , one-third cash. N'ortb H lot u. block 70 , Omahn , $ . ' ,500 , cash. U full lots Walnut Hill. 5-room house , peed burn , f 3,000. one-third cash , splendid bur > ritiii. : i ncres In Ilelvidcro , $100 to fiUJ per acre. Full lot and l-room cottage in W. A. Itcdick's add. Sl , 00. 51,100 cash. Be-iutiful lot In Clarli's add , just off bt. Mary's uvenue , ? 3CUO. Lot In Vlalnviow addition , JCOO , onc-ttifrd street lotj In Plalnvicw addition , $1.0011 each. J. L. Kiro & Co. , Boom C , over Commercial National llnnk. BoU _ SAI/K 5-roora bouse on Lultc nnd I7th FOU st. nciir street car Sl.VtW. I'a h 53U ) . Theo. Olscn 18 8. 15th bt. 1QII SAM ! Three of the lH t lots In Walnut Hill. Thco. Olson.-MS South Kth. 071.13 FOU SAL.K I olfcr 107 html of S3 flnoFti-on ; as nro in the btatc' yunrlinfr * past , icmly to feed. W , A. Dcnmrce , llocn. Noli. 711.11 * ( JULKOTKI ) LANDS in O Southern Minnesota. Northern Control mid Northern Kansas lor gxlci lit lorr prices and on o ny terms of pay inrnt. Itiiilioml lure loftiintcil to inirthuscra. Weekly excursions , lle.-t lands lor the inonc-y. Knrfurtlior Information address. O. It. NuUou , nu s. 10th st. Omulia , Nch. eca OKSALi : Tlnolot In rinlnvlow , fronting east , on SOtli st. Thco Ob"i , 218 S. loth tit. \\7'AJrrili Investors to Rill nt our olllcc , li 1.YM rarnaiij sU'oot,2d lioor , to InrcEti ittii thi'so cholco puitt'sof property , irlitvlt nccun i-'ull mi engy forms to the riidit party. A Hn-t'ClusA rrtiiilc'iU'e ; Iionso 9 room * , now , ami titled with nil modern Im provements liii-luilin ? furimci * . itc. ri 9eiion ghi'ii immediately. In line A good lot In Ilansconi Tlnco . 1-'J > A corner In Ixjwo's iiUdltion . . . . : . 7JI Eust front 01 , Hmmdcis St. , In PHrkvr's ad dition. Col toga nml lot . 2,700 Corner In Kilby I'luco , line view , on cubic line . - . 1.3M E-H of n u'iEcc&T n UlOuubt.t ouu'In Co , N ) ncres . l.UOO Milltl Cipitil nvpnuo nonr'itli st. Cm bo bought with small cash pnyniuntnnd Ion ; ; tlmo to parly who will linild a t'"od house , only . 2.5CO ID ncrej ) with Rood Improvement * un West I > odj-utt .per iioro . -51 Honto und lot on Dodjjij . = . < > : i ) lx > ts In "West Gludo , " the cholcit t u.lditlon Military rood. Sco it ) Corner ! ) < > do uml rieiuant at. , lOOil.Vi , umid biiikllnjn. KV'iOj Have you nnytlilu ? to exclmao , Or to Mil. Or do yon want to buy ? Sco our lists. It Is no Imiihlo to chow our property. Our otlico is open iniuonln s IroniTiot' . Call unit fee ns. J.JI'Jerfuti & Co. , l.vjoKnrimrn id I'oor. ' 71H.U EOK SAt.i : Tniekiiidi nnil irnrLhonsu room nt the II. A : M. near IX'tli ' st. Splendid t > lt fern n Honr mllL Thoo. Ulson , aH 8. ikli tt. blO-11 _ T7H1I ? SAf.K TnieT-ajto nn-l warchouso roum J3 Ht the II. & M. iifHrlMth it. Kplendid site for a tiour nillU Theo. OUcn. ltS. Uth st. OHM1 \V F. HAKKIt. llonl l > tnto nml Houso-Itont- YT inif .Agency. oDloo wild Kntifman ISros. , 307 8.15th * t. t'omn HU < ! socnro ons nf these chenp lota In Wuverly I'licennl/ : ; tulles from 1 * . O..S.WH. one -third ca h. linl. ilupi < r month. Alt-o 1 in Haws' add , C in Manhattan , hence nnd lot In Hi\lieU'a-d- I'lnin Vlenr , besides ollior property In dllVront parts nf the city. Call early and get banjain ? . 9 * . ! " FOU H.U.K Fine lot In PIsimTjimfromliiK east.onimi tt , TUne Ob n-JlttS. i : > ih tt. CIU U FOU PALE lairyR corner lot.1st nnd Dorcflf , 81,000. KMpajrmeuu. . Tlaeo. Ol.un. * 'n > B 15th. 7 U _ F 'ImcKtsv nnil nnreiiotun room - at till ! It. A. iL nnurSJlli Bt. Hplendtd it < . > for a Hour mill. Theo. Olien , SIA S. l.'r.h l. Cl'I ' | I Tt ANTi : ! ) \V'ortlnjfniBi : wlio nrn looking li for * afe Investments In < ) maui luiipvrty toeallonli ( J , Stripe at room d over C'onim * r- cinl National bank. 757 8 WAVriil ) Iaifc'aliu ) In iciil Citato. I inn reprc'ontlriifa co'jploof ? uiulimon who bare tnlth In On-aha pioiM'itv nnd plenty of money to fnu- . If you have bargain * pisco them on my list. H. O. Stripe , cor. 13i ) uml ' UoomfioterConi Nat bk , 'MS lTI7ANTii > A ) ouic : mini of cormliUrnlilu li experience as un artor would like I o Join nu nmatcur rlub.or with other * uonl'l fur. i ono : run giro l : tl of lutcrentvi. AUMfoII M. C. , I' . U. llox 10. 7 J b * 1MRST Vloor office for rent Cull MoniUr 1 morning- . \ . . Injliram,318 South l.Ttb. ,4 717-8 \\rANTKIi-2 irooiV KlrU. itlnlnv room nnit kitchen. 117 North Uth troct. 741-10' AfKN > ut of work n\n pot rmnloymcnt lir 1 > I nppljlnic to 1'atrlcK Kim ! at No l North \-\XTii : ,1or I furnNiftlnr room * for llalit lio\ickociliir | ( In iirivmo ' nilA < ! Ure K 21. Dee otllio. 740-S * " \\f ANTii : > Two icood housework i . . . ' the Aurora , J cbriukn , foundry. I' . W. Wilson. 7.VM4 \\ANTin : 1ft laborer * for rnllnuid work In ' ' Nphrnikit. f I.T&pcnln ) } lOfur company work wo t. Cnll tit-dnvHt Mnoro's Employment Atri'iicy. Wi South loth sticet , ; 33 * > " " TiWAHT : * CO. Itoom 3. lion llnnk" Special lurtnln In rent e tate * IB-y I 1ST your property for ale or rent with J Slewurt * t'o. . Hoora H , Iron bunk. 7(0 ( 9 \VANTii-AII : pnrtie linvlnironle lnte for ' ' nlc or trailo to plwei' same lu hnmU > f ? lo nrt A. Co. . llooinO , Iron llnnk. 74fU ) | jH > K Itl'.VT A KWM ) tVrontn r-otlHfrs MMr * - corner 1 Veil tin anJ I'lnr tieos Kicks .V Insliniin. 213 South 13th street , Opera House bloek. 747- BOAItlM.Vll-t2l TapTtnl nvctiim , iioi1hrn t cnincr tilth. IKMI I < newly lurnljlied : every thliiB nrt-il ! > * i < 715-l.V WAN nir : UMiW.N-That W. S. Seivvoy has opened u real e.ilnto , tlnnnclnl und com * mission iipency ollice at 111 South Uth struut , OlUHlltl. WiUoiVaildltIoii Fifty lots bcnutlfullvstlu * iue < l near the I' . I' . It It track , In lleflovtio streeton mnln mud to South Onmha , ftil.l an Vlnton a 'inur , ndjOitilnK thu pnvent torrulnm ot HID Kith street tnlhrny truck , and only onn mile from Omnha pojtotllec. Intending pur * elm son ) w ho wl li to fix-urn n ploa.'mt homo near tlio eity should look at thli property. Vi , & . Scnvny , HK"tit. In Wileov * nddltlon.nnd In the city nnd other Miburix 1 have choice lot' for Rnlo on easy term * No trouble to show j on the property. W.S. Beinoy. agent. Wurklnirmett who may wish to purclm o * Imnin on t'tisv terms will Und mo nt my office al No. Ill South Illh street.Omnha , until iiitm o'clock eierj'iivenlnif . S. Seavoy , real. o - talc , tlnunclnl and comnil3 louunont. &T--4 \l AVriJI Comrortnbie liiKlo room , con. ' i venlent to hudnc : > s for gcntlemnn. Ad- drew K , S3. Hoc Otlk-e. 74 * 8 V\7"ANTii : > Hou < okoopir In tiimlly ot throe. i ' Address" John K. l-oril. Sterling. Noli. 710 13 \\TAXTII : > Vonr tlr"t-cln coots for Uo- ' ' union nt Norfolk Mint furnish KOoil reference * . Apply t Merelnint'i hotel , Omntm , Monilny , p. in. , i AliKUbt Uli. Also ton ( rood wulters. II. F. 1-ockc. 7M U Foil II.NT ! House \ \ ithi ; ioom nnd all modern con\onlenco < . soiithne < t c < irncr nf Uth und Jones > treel ? , four blockt fouth ot Fnrnntn street. The hoit e Is so built that It can Ixj rented n- < two liomrs or in t\n\t. \ \ Apply to Dr. J. II. I'enlwxly.on the premisesbetwt 01 thu hours of I nnd ' > p. in. 7t'.i U 1'or Snio A lingo tmiMlntf xultnlilo for lisrrytnblp.ciirnnuo 10 M itir ) , feed Btnro or mt > InKlnc.vs iixinirltiK hir o bpnco. locution iniivnitlrptit fur nil purposes One of the most vHliinlilt' corners In Oinnlm. Will b w > ld cho.ip for cash , on iiccount of other tuialnps.4 nxiuir- ltir ) tlmo nml nticntlon of owner. Apply ut l.'th inn ! C'u-s. 733 8 * riWO ACHI1S , fronting : thrco open stiocts , -L near the shot towor. on nuiln road to South Oinnlm uml close to 1'nlon I'neitla rnllrcnd. Id for anlo nt n bnriruln nnd on cns > terms. This property I * the litinabomcst nnd most valunblo of any n'ljolnitiR the city nt Omaha. It lies bountifully lor line re idvtK'os , or will cut ut ) iiiKnntiiKonnsly for speculntivo purposes. Full particular * from W. S. J-oivoy , real e tnto tigenl. Ill South Fourteenth st. IOOJ Font ACHKS choice. level land. ndJolnlnR n. X M. mid I" . 1' . nillrond trucks , half mlle from city limits. This property w conveniently located and ncll adapted lor innnufncturlntr purposes , and N for pale on ea y terms.V. . f , > eavcy , real ealale n/cnt , III South Fourtcoutti ft. 1UM MiWO ACItES oil iiiiiln rona to South Omulm , JL nml sixty choice lots In Wllcox * * addition , Including live with three room ccttaxes. for sale cheap hy W. S. Sinvojaucnt. . 1COO \\7OHKIXOIKN and otheis. bo your own TT liuidlonl. Sccuro i\ lot iinincd ntoly , nsnll property Is rnpiilly increasing In valuo. AsMot- nncxRUcnto Imlld If rctiilrcd. W.S. Stiirpy , rvilc.-tiito ufruiit , No. Ill Sotitti Fouitecntli fct. 1IOU _ FOU ICKNT Olltc-cs and cli-sV room cheap. App'yV. . S. So.irey , real atuto utfcnt. No. Ill South Fointeenth t-t. 1(1.0 ( "pKHSUXAI 'L C. .No'TTho Itiivluutueton the -L snuthvvcat coiner of MierMan street n ml 1'op fIctotin\4 wns not Fold S.itunlny. Voninui Iiiive itfor W.1 < Xby ) cullinir Mondiiy niurninic. H. ( i S. I ( com II over Commcrclnl Nntionul biuik. 7M _ _ " | 7K)1TND Tne best opportunity forrcnl e tnto JL ! invcstmcnlA In the city. 1'nrtlos have Kiumi liy c'ulllnir on II. ( ! . Stripe , room li over Commercial Nat' ! bank , lit nnd DoiiKlus. 764 8 STOIiKN The licst banraii4 : In the city In tiio way of real estito investments. Inrtlct > doairluK to lecHH'cr the sninu bliould call on II. ( J. Strlpo rm U over ConimurclalNnll bk , 13 and Douglas. ' , St S LOST A uroat s um of money by not Invest * in * in e Into In Omahu. Call on II U. Stripe. 13th nnd Douglas , iseo his linrwnln list. nt.d you may retrnln some of the lost opportun ities. _ 753 8 Pursuant to tlm InirB of the State of Nebraska * w . HID umlcr iirneil. mwnnl Mutirer nnd ( lott- /.liumennunnor Douglas county. Neb. . Ute for record descriptions ol nninrs an.l mark * of ownership UMtl by us In bottling nml schltijr beer. In the county clerk's odlcn of Dotisjlnj county , Ncbiuikn. IIoxos nre Mnrited. llottlcsaro stamped. ( FRONT. ) THIS BOTTLE NOT TO BE SOLD. ( HACK ) Witness i U' ImnJgon this IMilny of July. A. D. li'hd. HOW. MAUHIMt , 11o | rH r. , Manufcr. Ilecoivd for record this H'h day of July. A. I ) . iswul ; 3 : i o'clock p , in , , nnd rtconli-d In Ilouk J nt .MIse-'lIaneoiiB , ut PIIKOUL llecordfil. I ) 1' . NIiniHA > [ . County Clerk , Douclni County , Xoli. Compared : ti , S , AtTniiouuv. flUMJNAI , COOr. OF THIS STATE 01' K'K- IIKASKA. riiAiTV.n xxiii. sicrins i5n. It sliuli bo i n ! wmi for any person or persons linn aller. uKlioiu tlm written content of tlio ( iwnt'i or ownitrt hereof to 111 with goda , tnin- crnl wuicr or nny other l' ' < 'vcuii'es , oi-uny nther article * il ir.occliandliK. ' , mmliciuo , coini oumj < tr preparation , for suloor to l > " fumirftiod tuuii tinners , liny such cnaXs , li..r.cls , krgs , ImpliH or IKIAOS , M > miirkdlor ttnmpcd , or In Mjll.dU- ponja of , buy or trnlllu In. or ivnntonly ilenrojr tun sneli caks , Inurd. l. < r , b itUo or box , J miitkedor Mimiiud b- the inuii'r or uwniTi thcronf , lifter such owner or owni'rs thereof Miall hut o comollt l with tlo pinviiloniof tlio tlr-t 'clloii if tin * net.nypcT4m orpor < ni wlio 8l' ll vlolntu uny pruvUIon of tliia act t > huil be tircmr-1 f.Miiliy of u ini.-di'ineanor. und upon conviction llifiuof 1'dfoio nny Jutt'co of Iho I eu-e or polleo Jiiil e In tin * suite , slnUI I o llnol live i lot In r ? " ) for oneli and every va > l < , Imnul , kcir orl > ov , nnd lifty eent i&Jj fornu'h mul i vor > * liultloto by him. Iitir or tliemcunsod to bo f.lle > i , bnnitit , told , I Bed , triilheko < l In tir wniilonh- ilitlioyod. Ifi etlu-r with the eosJn of suit lor tlio nr t oIin ! e , Q'l ' ten doll in if Uij lor twcli nnd every caul. . Ixirrol , Wtu i > r IKIV. ono dollar .tlitor ench and uier > txittlo MI tilled. Itru nt , mid. iife < l , trallUkcd In or wunlciO ) ik tioed , or bo fo tilled , tHiiiKht , iod : , liked lutf. UcUi-dlnrr witiiionly dc&tro } I. linrcther tritb the ixjji of suit fur C-r.cb 8Utuu < | ucii | otfei.f.e.