THE SUNDAY , . BEM ; AUGUST 8. 3aSO.-TWELY3j PAGES. rJlIE SUNDAY J3EE. COUNCIlTBLUFFS , SUNDAY MORNING , AUGUST 8. OFFICE , NO. 13 , PEARL STREET. IlcllU'Ud by tr.irirr In rn > parlor tliocltj-nt tnt nty ciT.ts ) jr \ \ cck. HiV. . TII.TOJT , Malinger. Tlir.T.l'IIOMKS : nrsiM > F On in : , N'o. < ' ! . Klnnr IDITOII : No. SI. MINOU all-J paints til ( Minimum's. Artists' inntorinl alClminnau'fl. New York L'lumuing company. W , 11. Slii-rrnilun. dentist , 2Muin. Summer Motliinjr cheap sit Holler's. Dr. C. C. , drntisi , 1C ! ) Main St. ficnltor .St-o tlio beautiful ni-w carpets at C 15. Cpt. CO'H. ' AuicuIoUif drivers and heavy draft homes for sale by MnsoViso. . Mrs.W. VV. l.ooniiscMit itiinilsomo ! ( of lier friends at bur home on Kh > t nvuiiuo. Novelties In purtnin goods just received , O. H. Cpt. Co. Don't forgot , .special Indiicpini'nts of fered by tlolm ISutiu & Co. , In summer goods. I'ormit to wed was yesterday given In Kid rid go Hill and Sadie O'Leur.y. both of tills eity. Now Is the. time to got fir t clioico from our new carpets. C. H. C'pt. Co. Tlio condition of tlio moon now makes nn evening trip to Manhattan bench very pleasant. I. N. Huberts nnd I ) . K. AlliMm were yo.stortlay lined $ ! ) .CO for disturbing the pence. .Mont complete stock of xvindow shades in the eity. IViecs tlio lowest. C : 15. ( "pi. Co California plumbs $1 per box , for pre serving at Palmer's , No. 12 Main street. When yon want u hard eoal raiigu that Is class , got one of llio Hichmond's at Cooper & McSee's. ( .1. K. Morrison & Co. , have bought out the tea and coll'cu store recently owned by. ) . ( ! . Melntyrc. Manawa lake grows inoru popular every day. So does tlio qniek-ineal gaso line stove , sold by Cooper & McGee. Pat Lacy has commenced asnit against the city to enforce tlio payment of sJtf.OOO assessment certificates held by him. The paving of Pearl street was com pleted yesterday. N il'ow ' avenue from Main to Pearl is the next to be finished. Presents have been awarded No.'s 1.89'J , l.Sril , 1.S2GO , OI8 , 11 ! ) and 700 by the Mueller music company and are yet un called lor. The German-American band will give n concert on Manhattan beach tomorrow row evening and furnish enlivening music. The Union Pacific has out posters an nouncing the special trains to Lake Manawa , and giving Council 1)1 ) nil's a lit tle free advertising. In E. L. Shuirart's pony stable there was a new colt dropped yesterday , weigh ing twenty-live pounds , a little beauty , which attracts much attention. A corn doctor giving his name as James Doux was yesterday given the dis tinction of being tlio first drunk arrested for several days. Ho had the cooler all to himself. B"Tcx" is making some marked improve ments ill Lucy's old place. Tlio front is to bo raised , and the full plate windows dews and other changes make it a , far different looking place from formerly. Richard Baker has filed an information hoforo Justice Frainey , charging u num ber of his colored brethren with an all'ray. It is not thought that t'icre is much in the case except , perhaps , fees. Charles Lindcrniann , who was former ly head cook at thu Ogden , died yester day in the hospital at Omaha , lie has been m ill health for some time , and left here about the first of tlio month. The eity council meets on Monday night. It is expected that some action Will bu taken in regard to delinquent saloons , and an effort made to make Iho licenses under the pop ordinances paid more promptly. The old four inch sewer leading from the city jail has been taken up and a six inch pipe put down in its place. It is thought that this will put an end to the bother about the sewer being clogged up so frequently. Lottie Harrison has commenced di vorce proceedings against Clarence Harrison risen , to whom siie waa married in 1885. Sim claims that ho has become too grcatlv addicted to drink , lias failed to prov'uli ) for her and her child , and has forsaken her for days at timo. Slio wants $2,000 alimony. E/.ru Sweigart has Hied an information charging Mrs. Nancy Dull' with having joined with John Ball in un act of lewd- ness. Sweigart claims that ho peeked through tlio koy-holo and knows what ho is talking about. The casu is to come up before Justice Frainuy Monday. Omaha parties attending Lake Manawa shell races to-morrow , desirious of secur ing u lively rig can telephone to Kolle.r & Harlo , Ogden stables , telephone No. 83 , Council 151ull's , and liayo the same in waiting at the dummy depot. A line wagon , scats comfortable twenty persons , also for hire. Complaint is made that some of thn young bloods In visiting the lake and re turning Homo fire oil' their revolvers to the great disturbance of residents of the southern portion of the city. The pollen will have a surprise party .for some of these smart young men pretty soon. Then it may not bo so funny. For bargains sec Bono. 1'ornoiuil Paragraphs , Mrs , A. II. Houghton returned yester day from a visit to Calhouu. Mrs. Lou Colter left ye.storday oil n visit to friends In Norfolk , Neb. . II , Owron and son , of Silver Creek , I' Lavu gone to Kansas to look up laud. Manager Lane , of the telephone serI - I | vlco , now takes a short visit to Wilbur , ' Neb , Mrs. Charles Callin. who has boon vis- itlngMrs. R. N. Whlttleaoy , reiiirned yes terday lo her Chicago homo. U. 11. Manning , wife and daughter , of Topokti , Kansas , are in the oily , Iho guests of 1) , J Rockwell and family. Mr , and MIH , Harry Mills , of Chicago , loft for their homo in Chicago after hav ing paid n pleasant viail lo Mr , and Mrs. K. N , Wtijttlcsoy. C. ( i , Gregg , of YVatortown , Wis , , is visiting friends and relatives hero. Ho is nn old'timo democrat nnd u personal friend of 1'ostniastcr-Oeneral VHas. i Mr , Warner , a prommont Cliicngo commission merchant , is in the city on a brief visit , lie OWUM BOO acres in this county , and is well known as a former resident. It , Mftthlson , superintendent of tlio In stitute for the deaf and dumb at Belle ville , Canada , was looking over the city yeslorday in company wbli Professor McUermlfl , of the institution here. 'J'ho twelve year Tontine policy of the Citizens Mutual Life Insurance company , oOlinnc.npnlis , turnishes the insured ab- Boluto induainity and H good investment at rates much cheaper than old-limn Qompir.irs , and niuoh moru substantial than o rd i miry assessment insurane.o , Special Agent. TESTING CHRISTIAN SERVICE , How an Attempt Was Made to Revive a Dead Woman , BLUFFITES LOVE WATERMELONS Tnlk oT the Coming Klcotlnn Queer Tract About Artlllclnl Tlio Churuli Chimes Aiiiatlc | Sports. Trying to HiiiMn tlio Dead. "Talking annul the Christian science , " said an undertaker , "I had a strange experience not long ago. A woman was very sick and was apparently dying. She could not talk and was | tt .t bioalh- ing. There we ) e some of the mind doc tors in attendance and they succeeded in rousing the woman from hot dying con dition , so that slu ; was able to talk , and shi ! lived three or four hours longer than seemed possible. Her husband was Ihus enabled to talk with her over all their matter's ' , and , as ho told me , he. would not have taken any amount of money for the time his wife's life was llius longlh- encd. She died , though , and 1 was called in. 1 embalmed the woman , and had barely got through when one of these science healers eaint ! lo me , a very esti mable lady , and told me she had a re quest to make. She promiseil Iho dying woman lhat if she died she would remain with her after death , and would see. if she could not reslore her to life. She felt llml so sacred n promise should be kept , and 1 felt so lee , although i lold her thai it would bo of no use. The woman was dead , and she could not re store her lo life. She seemed to have great faith , however , and wanted to try , and as .sho had made so 'sacred a prom ise , I told her to go ahead. 1 promised to stand by her while the Irial was mado. I told her lhat if she could bring her to life the woman could not live , as Hie material used in embalming the body would kill her. She tried" il , though. She commenced rubbing the dead wom an's forehead and her bands , and kept Ibis ui ) riome lime , Every now and then she would say , 'did you SOP ihatV as it the dead woman was showingsomo signs of life. I began to get nervous myself. After thus rubbing ine women for some lime Uiero came a slrangc change over Ihe dead face. This was no imagination. 1 was sure of lhat. There was a ilillerent expression altogether , ami ilill'orcnl look. There was a slight perspiration and flush , and 1 began to feel queer 1 a&stiro you. It occurred to me , what if llic woman was in a trance simply , and she should come to after all , and Ihen 1 would bo in a bad fix , for Iho embalming process was such that if sin ; came lo she would not have lived long. I never felt so queer in my life. The trial did not succeed , however - over , and was finally given up. 11 was no use , and the .strange appearance passed away. I sunposo it was cau cd by the electricity of tlio lady who wa.s rubbing her , or some.lhing of that sort , i confess 1 felt rather queer though , but I really had no sobei thought that Iho ex periment would prove a success. " Drawiiifi liots for a Mayor. Who will bo chosen mayor ? The queslion just begins to be whispered about , in view of the special election called for lhat purpose. There seems lilllc inclination on the part of anybody to urge on any special conlost for the. position. There is a feeling lhat such a political contest as is usual would be un seemly in view of Iho Pad events which have accidenlally caused the vacancy which no soon has lo be lillcd. An old city politician was heard to remark , "Thero will be no fight , over llio mayor. Of course Iho lemporary mayor , Mr..I. V. Evans , will bo rcnominatetl by Iho republicans , and as ho look the position under peculiar ctrcumslanco.-i , there will bo no tight made on him , oven by those who want , to see some other man elected. Tliij democrats , though , will hardly feel like refusing to make a nomination' . If they do make ono , they will not make any open light against Mr. Evans. It will bo a qniot election , and every man will vote as ho chooses with Ihe usual tusslu and tangle. I have heard it intimated lhat Ihe way the thing will bo arranged will avoid any .sort of a contest at the polls. It is said that the repub licans will nominate Mr. Evans , anil the democrats will nominate some other good man. The two nominees will llicn get together , and draw lots , or in tome other way decide which will run , and that ono \yili withdraw , and itoolino the nomina tion. Then there will ho bill one can- didalo , and ofcourso il willth-m bo ] > roUy nearly a unanimous thing. If that is Iho case it will bo aqueor thing , for realty the men will draw lots as to who will bo mayor. " A stalwart republican said that ho had heard of this lottery scheme. He didn't bejievo in it. ' ! tell yon it's simply n trick , and republicans ought to look out , for il. The tact is that Mr. Evans will bo elected sure , and by the overwhel ming majority of citi/chs , as it is not a political olllce , and there will be no poli ties in Ihe oleclion really , although the forms of nominations will bo gone through with. It would not bo fair to Mr. I'.vans to elect him just for ti few month ! : , and then when he had jnsl en tered on the duties of Iho ofhco lo elect some oilier man. It. would not , bo Iho best thing for the city cither. All admit that ho is a good man for the place , and there democrats as well as republicans who will votn for him , no mailer who Is nominated. Some of the democrats who cannot sea further than party lines , are anxious to htivo a democrat for mayor , whether or no1 They feel that ono can not bo elected as against Mr , Evnns just at this time , and in view of all thiujir- oiimstancos. That's the reason this talk has been starlcd about drawing lots. It looks nice and fair , but th i fact Is they see that in that way they would have an oven chance of getting n ilcmoorntii mayor. If Ihoy go to Iho polls in the regular way Ihoy stiind no chance at this timo. 1 do not believe in ntiy lotlory way for choosing a mayor. Artificial Curbing. . There has sprung up hero quite iv gen. oral sentiment in favor of ourbings of arlilioial stone , it being claimed Unit it glands boiler than the natural stone. It is dltUcult to got real btone which will stand the teslsgiven itwhoniuedtia curb ing. The Btono sot on end , the exposure to weather , lo freezing and thawing of waler , seems to soon cause even the best of the .slono lo ciumble , and givnnway. The artificial stone seems lo have advan tages , which render it not so elibjuet to these faults. The artilicial ttono when freshly put in h liable to injury , however , as scon on Pearl street. ThoughlJoss drivers backing their wagons against the now curbing on L'carl street have already done some damage to it , ami it has be came ncociwary to place plank to protect il until it becomes suniciontly hard , "There's ono curious thing about this artilicial slone. " remarked City Engineer Tostovin , "and lhat la , about i > ! \ wcolcs after it is nuulo U grows soft , and then it hardens up from that time on. When first laid it bcginstogrow hardbut when sis weeks have passed then it grows pott again for a little time , uud then it grow * harder and harder as long as il stands at all , I don't know why this should bo so , but I am satisfied that it is so. 1 have good authorities staling this to bo u { act , and from scientific persons who have made experiments to that effect , J'ho ar- lilicial curbing should be carefully pro tected for more than si\ weeks after H is laid down , lo get the best results. " Taught Krco in one hour beautiful photograph paint ing , to introduce our colors. No knowl edge of painting required. First prem iums received i\t St. Louis and Kansas City fairs. One hundred dollars monthly can be earned. Miss Christie , M Main street , Council Bluffs. Churuli Chime" . At the Haplisl church Uov. L. J. Shoe maker , of SliPiiandoah , will preach this morning. Sunday school at the close of service. Seals free. Service at the M. E. church nlthc regu lar hour this morning. The regular mooting of the Y. M. C. A. will be held at the pavilion at1 o'clock instead of in the hall. Major Bull will conduct the inoulinir. The scats on Iho left of the platformwill bo reserved for the e only who have been in the service of Christ for forty years or over. Uov (5. ( (5. ( lltoe , of the Congregational church , will conduct services at Union chapel , Harmony street , this afternoon nt ' ) o'clock , p. in , Sabbath school at I o'clock. Thorc will no no preaching service at the Congregational church to-day. Sun day school at 12 o'clock. Divine services at Saints' ohiirch to-day nt 100 : ! ! a. m , "What Wo Owe the Church : " 8 p. in. , "Lo lleres and Lo Thorns. " Friends respectfully invited. No preaching nt the 1'resbytorlan * church to-ilav. Sunday school at noon , Professor uuggles , 'the noted singer who created so much enthusiasm at the assembly at Clear Lake , will load the singing for the gospel meetings in the pavilion hero commencing to-morrow evening. No divine soryico at St. I'aul's church to-day. Gospel meeting his evening at the pavilion , commencing at8 o clock. The interest is increasing. All are invited. Come early if you wish a seat. The Speedy Shells. Buoys have been sot with red Hags on top , which work the course over which the shell-boat race takes place to morrow evening on Lake Manawa. There are six buoys , two at the start and two at the turn , besides the one- quarter and one-half mile buoys. They are arranged thus : Start. Turn A . . . . B C C A . . . . B are two courses , ono for each crew. They are to take their positions at buoy A , and at Iho signal start for buoy 15 , and after making the turn at buoy B row for buoy A. The first crow reaching buoy A winning the race. There are also t\vo buoys to separate the two courses at C. C. The distance between buoy being a quarter of a mile and the entire course throe-quarters of a mile in length , the race being ono and a half miles long. ' The men in charge of the row boats on' Lake Manawa have agreed to only charge ten cents each way across to Manhattan beach on all excursion dags beginning with to-day. Dress Goods Sale Monday , August O , : it the ISankrupt Store , $1 cashmere for r > 0c ; 75o cashmere for SOc ; ! 55e cashmere , for 23c ; 2."ic goods for 15c. Plaid dress troods-lo , 7c , Uc , lie to 17c. all reduced to half price. Trceo , 00 inches wide , 51c , 03c , 7lc to S3o. 800 yards jri-ograin black silk , 22 in. wide at 550 per yard. You can't match these in the city for loss than ยง 1.10. 200 yards summer silk 18c per yard , tlio same quality of goods wo have sold this spring for f > 5c. Ladies , don't miss the. bargains Monday at thu Bankrupt store. J. Goldberg , Wnt-n-Moloii Trade. Mr. Lcainan , of Snydor& Lcamtin , was looking wild when the UEK man came into his place yesterday. Ho was wrest ling with a big piece of paper and a small pencil , and had covered the paper pretty well over with figures. Ho looked HP in a wonder-struck way , and gasped ; "Say , do yon know how many watermel ons Council Bluffs used this week ? " 'J'ho BIB : man gave it up. "Make a guess I" " \ \ ell , say live hundred. " "Five hun dred , you're crazy , man ! Five hundred ? Why , Council Bluffs used G.JJOO water melons this weok. This looks big , but I've been figuring it out. Hero's the showing. But what beats mo is the way it figures up on weights. I've been through it twice , and it does not seem possible. The melons will average about twenty pounds apiece , and calling the round number 0,000. that makes a weight of 120,000 pounds. That makes for the six days 20,000 pounds of watermelons a day , and counting ten hours to a day , it makes 2,000 pounds an hour , for every working hour. Think of il ! A ton of watermelons going into the stomach of Council Bluffs every hour I Do you won der that the figures nearly paralyze mo , and the season just commencing. " At the Bankrupt Store Monday , August U. Special fialo of hosiery. 50 doladies' hose , fancy striped , at ito. a pair. 2rdou. seamless in solid colors , at Oc. J. Gold berg , 18 Main street. The liurulnr'N Hctiirn , The bold robbers who so cheekily on- lored Mr. Snydor's house , and made him toll where his wealth was , seem to bo so intoxicated with success as to desire lo make the. second visit. On Friday night , the hired girl hoard a nolso at the window of her room and distinctly saw a man peering through a place whore some of the slats of the blinds had boon broken. The follow was trying 10 force the shut ters open , and this so frightened her that she gave a scream and fell to the lloor , Mr. ijnydurmado the rounds of the house armed with a gun , and then made n cir cuit of the yard , but the intruder had ills- appeared , Thu attempt to convince the girl that she only imagined a man , proves futile , as she Insists stoutly that she distinctly saw a part of his face , and lhat she could not be mistaken about it. Dnmagcfl Muuliii. Two bales of Indian Head muslin slight ly damaged by water. Will sell Monday , August ! > , at one half their value. Come early and avoid the rush nt the Bankrupt store , Id Main street. J. Goldberg , TABOOTOIMCS. Sail Drowning of a Nnhrnslcu Hey While Untiling. TAI.OK , la. , August 7. Our town was thrown into a commotion last evening bj- the sudden announcement that a boy had been drowned in the Nishna. Later de velopments confirmed the report. The lad was Herbert Roxford , of Weeping Water , Neb. , aged 15 , who , with his cousin , Jamie Terrence , was visiting with friends here , In the afternoon they wont to the river with Marvin Woods , and worn in bathing. This ono going beyond his depth , or stepping Into a hole , went down in the current and was scon no more. At latest accounts the body had not been recovered. It is a sad blow for tlio parents , who Imvu struggled hard on their farm in Nebraska , ana Herbert was fust arriving at an age \Utun ho could iuf slsthis parents. A-bright , cheerful fel low , IIH fail death crt-tsK looin oTorlliis qnlct city. Messrs. Saycr and ,1'uvcoll , represent ing the intcre.sjs of beiVu , Wt-lls & Co. , of Council Hind's , wcr'0 i ( > town vestenlay. It is undorslood tlini tli'o ' Hagloy atlach- niunl rase will soon be lu ! ir.l l > y the dis trict jmlKG , to test thevhliility of tlio nl- tucliniL-nts. Depositions , nro to bo taken to-day for that hearing , it Is stutud. Ui : } ? ' ley lias boon in town , the past week , con- liiicnl of tlio onk'onu ) of his tmvlron- nvnts. Twenty-six hcaa of tint horces nnd innlus nttiielu'il urn to be ioltl Mon day by tlio .shcrilY nl Sidney. Leo Vinciiiit , Hit ! "infiUit" of Iho Non. Con. , i homo again fvon\ \ his recent tour in Knurls. } ) . I'ricdniaii is soon to move his stock of goods to H larger and more coniino- dions location , the building formerly oc cupied by C lYI11 as a harness slore. The inti'i'iistlne thi-mu bofuro the i-ily council this week was whether Mi * . Har bour could longer leave his privnlo scales in the road. A spirited contest took place , thi ) council beinjj evenly divldeil , nnd tin1 mayor lhrowin < : tlio casliny vote decided that tlio public street was not In tended to he occupied ncrmaueiitly for private conveniences , hetico the scales lake a back seat onto private property. Hoy. John CuuunJn s , of Anita , is in town over Sunday. All hall the Sunday HIK : , tlio busy Hr.i : that strives so dilli"ontly on Snnilay as ' week day for the benefit of those' she works for. Success to he.r , if wo do live in Tabor. Mrs. Clark , wife of Uuv. Victor Clark , formerly a native of Suwartl , Nob. , died recently of consumption in Illinois , and her remains were brought , homo last Sunday for interment Imrc. Jnd ) Hickabaui'h , late of Malvern , has moved back to Tabor to open a meat market , killing his lira ! beef last night. Ho occupies the old .stand no.U to the hotel. Uncle ( Jennie Newell is oil' up north ayjaln this fall looking after his broom interests. Alex. Tjnton , the ( Jlenwood insurance man was in town yesterday , and siatt.s that this is tlio worst ve.u1 yet on insur ance companies. The companies he rep resents have paid $10,000 in losses in Mills and Fremont comities the past week. Tlio burning of the Randolph elevator last week places many farmers at a ills- adantage for a place to market their produce. A number of people from Randolph were on the streets yesterday. Tiio Non Con is issuing a half sheet durinir the temporary business depression in Tabor ; or , as it puts it , is issuing In- weekly. The Tabor Union is wavering between various opinions. Since the company have taken it back into their own charge it has been greatly improved , and is mak ing its usual opposition to the this Major. Sly as yon may keen it , a pcr.sonal re view of tin ; county will develop a very inurli stronger undercurrent in favor of Anderson than is generally supposc l. This may bo a campaign famous for its surprises as well as some in the past. Editor Simons , of the Sidney Union , is reported on the sick lit t ligain. Brick arc laid to tli'e top of the second story windows on thoj new college build- ing. , Andrew A. Hlodus , the shoemaker , has taken Fremont county imwhich to bell a Jicw patent steam cooker. ! , XTUA. Stntc KIcctionH Thin Year. Alabama elected slate officers and leg islature August : J , and vqtud upon two proposed amendments to the constitution of the state , ono of wjiiull authorizes o spochil tax for tlio prcijtion of public buildings and tnc improvement of roads and bridges , and the qthur authorises th- city of Birmingham to levy a special tax lo pay its bonds at maturity. Elects con ' gress'men November 2. Arkansas elects state officers and legis lature September C ; congressmen No vember ! i. California elects state olllcers , legis lature and congressmen November 2. Colorado elects state olliccrs , legisla ture and congressman November 2. Connecticut elects state officers , legis Jatnrc , and congressmen Nov. 2. Delaware elects governor , legislature , and congressman IsTov. 2. Florida elects legislatmo and congress men Nov. 2 , and votes upon the proposed new constitution of thu state , which was framed by the convention which met in 188.1. Georgia elects state ollicurs and legis lature Oct. 0 ; congressmen Nov. 2. Illinois elects minor state olh'cors.lcKis- ture , and congressmen Nov. 2 , and votes upon a proposed amendment to the con stitution of tlio state to abolish the con tract system in the prisons of the state. Indiana elects minor state ollicers and congressmen Nov. 2. Iowa elects minor state ollicers and congressmen Nov. 2. Kansas elects state ollicers , legislature , and congressmen Nov. 2. Kentucky elects congressmen Nov. 2. Loiiisianna elects congressmen Nov. 2. Maine elects governor , legislature , and congressmen Sopt. 1 ! ! . Maryland elects congressmen Nov. 2. Massachusetts elects state officers , leg islature , and congressmen Nov. 2. Michigan elects state otlieers , legisla ture , and congressmen Nov. 2. Minnesota elects state ollicers. legisla ture , and congressmen Nov. 2 , and votes upon a proposed amendment to the con stitution of the state to laeilitato the erec tion of count. ) and school buildings. Mississippi elects congressmen Nov. 2. Missouri elects minor state otlieers and congressmen Nov , 2. Nebraska elcctri state ofllccrs , legis lature , and congressmen Nov. 2. Nevada clouts state oRicerf , legislature , and congressman Nov. 2 , Now Hampshire elects governor , legis lature , and congressmen Nov. 2. Now Jersey elects governor , legisla ture , and congressmen Nov. 2. New York oloctn a judge of tlio court of npncals , assemblymen , and congress men Nov. 2. and votes upon the question of holding a convention lo revise the constitution of the state , North Caroina elects justices of the aupremo court , legislature , and congress , men Nov. 2. , Ohio elects minor taio ollleors and congressmen Nov. 2. . , i Oregon elected state ! oOJcers , legisla ture and congressmen Juip } 7 Pennsylvania electssutuoincorti ( , legis lature and congressman November 2 , South Carolina elect sstajo olliecrs , leg islature and oongressniftnTjfovembor 2. Tennessee elects judges of the supreme court August 5 ; elects govprnor , legisla ture and congressmen .November 2. Texas elects state olficqrs , legislature and congressmen Novqnb,6r | , 2. Vermont elects stale olicers. ( lugisla- latnro and congrc-ssme September 7. Virginia elects congressmen Novem ber 2 , i , West Virginia elects legislature and congressmen Novembers , \Visconsinclectsslalo ofllcers , leglsla- lire and congressmen November 2. REFRIGERATORS , AT COST. W. S. HOMER & Co. , 28 Mnln St. , Council Hlufts. ATTORNEY AT LAW Practices in the Stuto and Federal courts. iioouis ? uud 8 , Shujjart IJlock. ' CARPETS ! CARFETS ! MocLnette , Velvet , Body Brussels , Tapestry Brussel. , 3-ply Ingrain , 2-ply Ingrain , Office Matting , Oil Cloth , Oil Oiotli Patterns , V nrit > , fi'cslt siack , the nnmt ttcslntblc imttn'ns , ttntlH'icc.s /or yowl I/DO < IN < tln'di/i' the tott'i'st , i/MHltt now hi / < / . . U'itlcli'lcot J < Ymim7 * , rli'ifinit fni'fatt /V/m.wfs , l.dti-nn tnnl ( til xKiinntT f/oorfc / , HV are cloxtinidt tlnrrd value. A few of t lump liettttttfiti Sinninci' Cvtveln left. No , 401 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. BOSTON TEA COMPANY , Wholesale and Retail Grocers , AXTlin 100,000 MOJtK UUSTOMKltS. City Steam Laundry ! JtlttlElt P 8KAHIGIIT , No. 34 N. Main Street , Council Blurt's. I liient ivoi'Ji and lowest price. * for flne work. AU eollar.t and cuffs re turned In collar and e.nff boxes without extra eharfic , which j/iwr- antcc.-i work in same condition an it leaves us. Out of town orders rc- ccifc same attention and at same rates as eitiwork. . work.'J 'J 1 N. Main St. , Council UIulTs , In. , ami 20 ! ) S. Ifith St. . Kooni 10 , Omaha , Xob. Mamifnetuioi-'a Airontfor the CALIGRAPH TYPE WRITER and SUPPLIES Tents , Awnhijrs , Roortnu1 Slutc , Man tels , Pluto and Window Uluss , ShowCases - Cases , Elevators , ( hand ami hy draulic , ) &c. COUNCIL BLUFFS Fall Meeting. FOUR. DAYS' ' RACING. Trotting , Pacing anil Dimming Tuesday , Aug. 31st , Wednesday , Sept , 1st , Thursday , Sept , 2d , and Friday , Sept 3rd , Including special attractions by Prof. A. K. Wukor'fl : world fiunouH Racing Dogs daily nnd Hulloon Ascensions by 1'rof.A. S. 1'arkor daily , in front of the grandstand Other attractions in the way of snocd consisting of culohratcd horsus from Kentucky , Ohio , Illinois , Indiana and Wisconsin. Reduced rates on all railroads , Conm everybody ' " ' havea good timo. For particulars , address PRANK STUBBS , Secretary ST. FRANCIS ACADEMY COUNCIL BLUFFS , JO\l'A \ , An excellent oducutlouul Institution , furnish I'd with all the modern ! mpio\cniMU , cci- UuctcU by the 3JBT12H8 QFCHAUlTr.lJ. V. 51 For term of l.vo months , $75. Terms begin Urst Monday In September iml first Moiulny la Fcuruary. For catalogues ul- dress BIBTJMl bUJ'UltlOU Et. Vioncib Atudciny.Council Illu3s , low K. SCHTJBZ , Justice of the Peace. OfflcoOver American Express Co.noi r , ) NEY TO LOAN-At lowest rats , Real estate handled , in surance written and all kinds of bonds bought by F , J , Day No , 39 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs , Established 1881 , When you want to Jind ani/bodj/ that smokes , jit to MOORE & KBPLIKS CI&AR , STORE , To.119 tSriHUtiwtii , Council It luffs. And you'll Hi. d linn ImlJjfJiis In ono of tlioso fine cigars on which they Imvn liulll up tliclr ruputntlon. MnKt n'l your uppoliitmoiitfl for their store ns ovovyiocl ) > visits tlicin and they Know o nrylioily. Tlio crowds corao and gu vln this eio it ll llMKBOT W In tliu oily can be olilninri' liy patronUlnif the GKO , ir. Nona p.vprrl'jucuil Uamls employed , Out of town nnlots liy mull < > : c\nct.s | tolldU'cl , iui.1 nil \ \ \VMTtuitiiJ. . Of all kind bout/lit b// / J.W. ami E. LSpi Council Bluffs , la. Be l'trs ; : , .Journal * , County an l IliinU IVoi'li oH.U IlimU ii.Sitf- ! fally. Prompt Attention to Mai ! Orders IOREHOUSE & CO. Room 1 Kverut Block , Council Binds Standard Pipcis : Used , All styles of binding - ing in M < A ii iiK's ami BLANK BOOKS. anitiNCK : ? ' O. II. N HI InIll ll.uiU , M. B 8 ittli.VCo. , Clll/Ifl'S1 I'.i'.l K. ] < JC'I' ' , Wfll * $ CO. , Hrit > ' .on-'l ll.Ulk , < i ; , 1 ii ilI'UIK'O l't. , OJXoi-X' I'usuy.liuiiU-ix'.C. U. U-vm 1' WHOLESALE AND JOBBING y COUNCIL BLUFFS. 7-rr/M/ , DKHKK. WKLLS & CO. , Wholesale Agricultural Implements , Bu ias , CiiiTlnsro' , I'lo , I'll' . Council HIiiiT * . lonn. * KKYSTOXK MAXrKACPt'UING Co7 * Jinko Iho Urlfflnnl an < l Complete Hay Loader , also Rakes , Cider Mill & Press , f ' COltN SHKt.t.KHS ASM ) 1T.KI ) < TTTiil : < i. ; Nos. irOl.nri. lanninl 1.1)7 Amiti Miiln Street , Council IliinT * , loun. "luMi ) IUIAIU.KY iV co. , 'r * nn 1 .loblipp * of agricultural Implements , Wagons , Buggies , CnrrlRKr , and nil Mnl of 1'nrm Mcolilnorr. IHO to 1110 South Mnlu Street. Council I Hurts , lown. ' .O. lmni , T. ll.lloUni.\ , ( Ito.R WiYidllT. l'res..VTrciii. V . | > ro4. > VM in. So. ' .VCo Council BluTs Handla Factry ) , . MnnufnrtnrorAnr Avlo , I'lrk , Slodco nml Sm.tll Hnndli's , nTmory < lo : ilptlnn , COUNCIL HLlirivS CAK1MOT CO. . Curtains Window Shades Carpets , , , Oil Cloths , rtntiiln Klititron , UpliolMory ( looJs , Ktc. . No. < ai llronilwny Council llhiifs , ' PKltKGOY & MOOHK , \Vli < io ) nlo .loliliois In lliu- Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacw & Pipes. Nos. 28 Miiln iinil 27 l'e\rl : Sts. Council HluaM , town. COMMISSION. SNYDKU & LKAMAN , Whotc nlo Fruit and Produce Coniinission Merchinls. No. 141'olil : St. , Council MIlllTa. HAHLE , HAAS & CO. , Wholesale Oils Paints Glass Druggists , , , , Druggists' Sundries. Htc. No. 23 Main St. , niul No. 211'enrl Ft. . Council BliilTs. nitr GOODS. M. E. SMITH & CO. , anl JjrjhM of DrGoilj , NotioiiB. Kto. No ? , in nnd IH Main St. , Nos. 113 until 151'enrl St. , Council IlluirB. IOWH. IHfl'lV. 0.V. . 1H1TTS , Wholesale California FruiU a Specialty General Commission. No. 5U nrontlwny. WIHT & DUQUKTTU , \Vlioleuklu Fruits , Confectionery & Fancy Groceries , Nos. IGiind 18 I'rarl St. . Council llliiir-t. L. KIHSCIIT & CO. , Jobbers of Staple and Fancy Groceries. Also Wliolu aloT.lciior | Poalnrs. No. 410 Hrond- vruy. Council lllulft. JVKSS , KTC. BKCK.MAN & CO. , Mnmi'nctiircrs of an 1 Whop"alo | Ooilors In Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc. No. Ko Stain lt. . Council Itluiri , Iowa. MKTCALF UKOTHKIIS , JoDuers ia Hats , Caps and Glim No i. ; M7nnd 11 llroidvray , Council 111 liti. KEKLIXK & FELT , Wliolo < illo IronSteel , , Nails , Heivy Hardwire , _ _ .Aiil ! Wood Slo.-lt. Cuunull IHtlirHIown. _ iniis J.Y/J WOOL. D. If. aicDANELl ) .t CO. , Commission Merchants for Sals of Hidss , Tallow , Wool , 1'clt.s , On-a-oanJ Furs Council COUNCIL BLUFFS WIL CO. , Wliolcnnlo Don'.ere in Illuminating & Lubrlcittag Oil ? BTO. , ESTO. F.Tlicodoro , Atfont , Cuiinull I Hints. I own. A. OVEHTON As ( 'O. , Hard Wood , Southera Lumbar , Piling , * .ud Ilridpo JItitorliil HpodiiHI' .Wholosiilo Lum ber 01 ill ] Kinds. ( Illlcu Nt > . l.X ) .Miiln St. , Council lllnlls. lotnu JOHN LINDKK , Wliolcsalu Imported and Domestic Wines & Liquors. for Si. Gottharri's Ilorl ) lllttinM. No. U Main .St. Council UUIls. SCHNEIDER < fe 15EJK ( , Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors , at , , Cvitntk ! for the LAKE Tte Steamer QLLIE MAY Newly flltc < l up , nnil iiinli-r Ihy c'luvi-yo of u HitllUul tr'iiiccr .ui'l f.lut , Unuvv iiiiiuma pleas ure II I | > S ( HI LAKE MANAWA , Wi > will ) | lvi flm-ti'iv to pititlro lor ono hour or nut Icnvth ot'llinu iloili'M. It.ucs of elmilui Ivi ,1 ami nnlcr ; in.mi ! lit nllii't'O.IiJJ Mill u d t. , UitWfOii ii'iiin In to Hi u. m , J. . UAL'll & CO. SPECIAL NOTICES. 25707:7.0:3. : Fliuclnl ailviutisuiuuuts , tueli us Lost , 1'o'in To Man , Tor Hule , To lc ! t , Wi'.ius , UoaiUliic , ctpvl ] | hdincertoil In Oil * column at lliu lotr raloorJT.N CKXTS 1'Klt MM ! lortlui llrst metr tlonand I'JvnCnntal'crltlnuJoroiKli toUito'iuent fiiMHUoii. U.'iivu lulvorlKiniiuiiu tit < iiir oillro Ku , 1 1'cal slim , mar JnoaUw.ij- , Council JllUtlH. WAHTS. ' \AAN'iTiJ"A ! Urst cns ! I'nltlior. ' , \ to J t'oicptoiiiien-w.i 1 : . H. K. UuttviiliAuer , ' MivetGoui" > ! i itlu'ic , LOST ] > oakcili > i > J , Li > iil < i | ; < : iiK s : uu < r7 < 7tii i8 of valueliovsior only. Dropimd l..nwct.'ii 1'enilnml fovomli iivci'Mio. If imv'cr will ro- lU'iit'io papers to t'Mi ' It''O o.llco no can Jueti ( lie money. 'V\rANTFH Aiins iMiint cool : at the OsUeu Vl Hnueo. T 'iUt SAl.K-nir. i ai.ei-j M * tttUoo ollleo No , .3