THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , AUGUST 8. 188&-TWTSLVE PAGES. THE DAILY BEE , PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING. TETWS OP SUIHCalPTlOV ! Dully ( Kdltlon ) Including' Buiulny Oxr. Onn cnr . . . . . . . . . . . $100) Par Bit Months . . . . r > CO Tor Tlircn Months . . . SM Tim Omnhn MwtKlny llr.n , mnllcd to any iuldro g , Ouo Voar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 00 Orricc. > fo. OH AVD B1R F.vnvAM R. Nrir Yonx iiirur. Uoo\i ivv , TIIIIU-VB lll'ii msu. WASIIIMI-IO.V oruci. , No.Sit ; KuiiiTi.iNTiiSTiirkT. ; All communications relating to novvo nmlodl- torial nmltor Bhould bo aJOrofscd to tlio Km- TOII of TIIU in.u All liti'lncos Icttrri ami remittances fllionlil 1 > o nddrcstod to Tun itiJK I'tfiii.imiiNd COMCANV , OMAHA. Drafls. olioc.ks nnil po tolllco ordon to bo mnJo ] inj nblo to the oriltr of tbo compnny. THE BEE PUBLISHIIlTciPJlliy , PfiOPRIEIOIS , E. IJOSE\VATR , TJIU'DAIIA' liHB. fSvvorti Stntcniciit ofClroulntlon. Stnto ot Ncbiaska , la . Counivof Dougln" . fs < s * Clco. It. 'IV chuckserietnryot the Hen Pub- llshlim companv , does soivmnly swrar that the actual clrculatlnn of the Dailv Bco lor tbc week ending Aug. Oth , It-bO , was ns lollow.s : 8atnrd.i\ ' . 'list . 12,500 > Tuesday. Hid . I'AlTft Wednesday , 4th . 1S.175 Thuisdaj.hth . IWOO' I'rldav , ( Uh . 12.1GO I Huiulny , 1st . 12,450 Average . 12,375 I ( ! r.o. B. Tz < iciiucn. Stibscilbed and sworn to before mo this rth dav of August , IbSO. N. P. Fntt. , [ HKAI , | Notniy Public. Ceo. ! B. 'LV.schuck , being firftduly sworn , de poses and says that ho is sccietaiy of the Bco Publishing company , that tlio actual average daily cliculation ot the Dally lice for the month of Jamiaiy , 18Mi , was 10,378 copies ; lor February , 1880 , 10,505 copies ; for Mnich , 11.537 copies : for April , 18-V5 , 13,191 copies ; tor May , IMC , 12.439 copies ; for June , 18& , 12,2-Jb , copies ; for July , iss * ! . 13.8H copies. ( Jl'.O. B. IV.SCIIUCK. Suhicrlbed and sworn to before me , this 2d Uay of August , A. D. 1880. 1880.N. N. P. . fBB.vr , . | Notary Public. Contents of the Sunday Hoc. Page 1. New York Iloiald CnblcKiams Specials to the Bee General Telegiaphlc and Speclnl News AVashington Letter. Page 2. Special Iowa anil Nebraska News nnd ( Jeneral Toi ) tranh City News New "X'ork hctterr . . . ' - Page ! ! . Lincoln Letter Omaha Markets Sllicellanv. Page 4. Editorials-Political Points Press Comments Views and Intcivhiws The Omnlia Siiudav Bco. Page f. . 1'iotests Acalnst Patrick Life nnd Labors of L'szt ' Colored ( Jamblers at Play , by A. J. Keudrlck ( ! ambriiius and Cpmuv , by IJ. A. O'Urlen Connecticut Blue Laws Ceneial Miscellany. PngoO. Council Bluff News. Page 7. Nlmrods of Omaha , by Harry Hunter An Hour with the Failles The Old Soldiers Going , by General Biisbln Ailscel- lany Adveitlsjcments. PagoS. ( Jity News Local advertisement' ' . Page ( . Mr. Keely and his Motor , byV. . W. Ilarslui , President of Bullovue College I'cppcimlut Drops Connublalitlcs Musical nttd Di.imatic Naluial Curiosities Impie ties Honey for the Ladies Educational JlellgioiH Rosebud Agency. Pane 10. Nebraska City Letter Short bummm Sermons The tJoupou Ticket , a Mory by Luke Sharp Midsummer Mad Burdcttes Sermon Special advcitlscments. Page 11. Tlio"LlenuyKiitoi" ! : Fieaks of i/lghtulng Boi rowed Phimago A UuliiqdVallSticct Man A New Klectiical Force. 1'agu 12. A Pretty Poetic Plctuie : "Bar bara Frletchle" The Nature of Competition Mrs. Markay'n Itomance Genoa , the City of Palates , by Miriam Chase. News Summary. A man tcstilies in the anarchist trial to hav ing seen the latalbomb thrown The coronet's Jury Investigating the Haddock murder at Sioux City leaving no stonountuined to tiaco the mmdi'iers Tlio sloop Mavllower defeats the I'mitan Mexicans massing troops oppo site Fort Mclntobh Somebody knocked out rttO'Mclll-Sulcldcat Sioux Clty-Tho pri maries called for the selection of delegates to thoeouveiitloiis Belfast , Ireland , placed un der mailiiil law Orange-Catholic riots the cause Kdiloi Cutting sentenced to one v < at hard labor and to pav a line of 5000. Mu. HuNitrT. CLAHKE 1ms the assur ance that Douglas county will cast twen ty-seven voles for him for governor in the atato convention. TJIK only citizens who are not ready to return thanks for the adjournment of con gress are the Washington boarding house nnd barioom keepers. TUB hitu session of congress vvus a suc cess in at least ono respect. It furnished more work for printers and paper makers tnui | any preceding session. Tin : oleomargarine manufacturers do not propso lo submit to the now law with out ti struggle. They are already gelling ready to test its constitutionality. TUB work in the First district has ' on ti religious aspect. The political evangelists nro wrestling with farmer unbelievers in the church ChurchHovvo. AUVICK is uheap nowadays , but wo ven ture the suggestion that the candidate who hopes to succeed will do well to refrain from foolish pledges on the senatorial issue , The hot end of the poker will bo cool compared with the handle of such n hoomerang. Ir may bo very courageous for Dr. Miller's substitute to abuse and villify prominent democrats whose bread hap pens to be buttered with oleomargarine , but it in not very discreet for u paper Hint is booming its circulation us the great and only organ of democracy. added twelve millions to its nsFi'&smeiit this year , bringing the total up to eighty millions. Minneapolis has n blnirlo assessor for the entire city , Omaha , with six city assessors , lias nn assessment los * than tlio Minneapolis increase - crease for one year. Further comment is > „ useless , * * * HEN. HOLLMAN will probably recipro cate the compliment which Dr. Miller's paper has bestowed on him since his ap pointment as Indian agent , Tha general belong * to the "slaughter house" wing of tlio democratic party and ho naturally looks to the Omaha Jfcntlil for loft- handed endorsement. Eviuv : dollar saved by Omaha workingmen - ingmon for n rainy day is n nest egg to proyido against want. When work is plenty ami wages good provision should bo made for the time sure to como when labor vvlll bo unemployed nnd butchers' Anil moat bills , rent nnd clothes will make ttostly demands on poorly llllod pocket THK Douglas county republican com- mlUue , wliich has just Issued Its call for a convention to nominate Ion members ef , the legislature and delegates to the state convention , vvsw not only Imrmoni- ous in Ita action , but practically solid on M senatorial issue , in fuvor of ro-clect- tag Gpncrnl Van Wyck. TJiis is u very Hrgo straw. Honoring American Science. ' The live hundredth anniversary of tlio University of Heidelberg , which lias been celebrated with so much enthusiasm anil magnificence in the old Palatinate during I lie past week , has been rendered doubly interesting to Americans by the warm recognition clvcn to our countrymen , Among the few honorary degrees con ferred by the faculties of the great insti tution of learning the United States re ceived a linger proportion than any other countiy outside of united Ger many. Professors O. C. Marsh and lid- Ward Cope , Alexander Graham Hell , J , W. Powell anil Professor Simon Nc-.w- comb weie selected ns the ropresbiitativo American scientists worthy to receive high honors. Honorary degrees In America mean no thing. Throe hundred so-called universi ties nnd colleges scatter them abroad annually. Ilroken winded preachers , ob- retire authors of text books.lawycrs whoso only claim is an occasional attendance at board of trustee meetings , and merchants whoso donations of a few books to college - lego libraries nro considered worthy of cheap reward , arc weighted ilovvn with D.I ) * , P. II. Ds. nnd L. L. Ds. until the letters , which abroad carry evidence of worth ami learning , in America become empty titles of collegiate favor. Heidel berg , Cambridge , Oxford , Hollingon , Ueilln nnd other great centers of learning arc chary of their honorary degrees. In every instance they are granted only after patient inves tigation into the merits of the author or divine or scientist upon whom they are proposed to bo conferred , When given they curry with them the stamp of learn ing as the pledge of merit. The American scientists honored by Holdelbeig nro well wortli recognition by the great university. Professors Marsh and Cope have devoted their lives to the study of the fossil fauna of America , mid their work will forever stand us a monument to the thoroughness and abil ity of American paleontologists. Pro fessor Bell , as the patentee of the lirst working telephone , Professor Newcomb as the leading astronomer of our coun try , mid Professor Powell as head of the national geological survey , have won fame in tlio annals of science 'which is appropriately recognized by the Heidel berg court of reward. Thcltoad IVoNncd. * Nebraska and Wyoming will consume more than their usual proportion of steel rails this year. The railroad extension boom shows no signs of abating. The energetic Northwestern is pushing to old Fort FeHcrmaU and n hundred ami fifty miles beyond. The Cheyenne & North ern is reaching northward towards Fort Luuuiiic , whilu the Black Hills liavo al ready been topped by rail , and Rapid Uity is brought into communication with the maikctsof the East. The Burling ton road is forcing its way into North western Nebraska as fast as men and teams can grade , line and Jay truck. Before snow Hies tiiis company will be also in n position to bid for its share of traflio in a section which it has given over up to the Drcsont time lo the Northwestern. In retaliation the Elkhorn Vnlloy line is building into Lincoln and the Soribnor branch will tap territory which the Union Pacific has hold safely for many years. South of the I'lntto the dirt is Hying on both sys tems , while the Rock Island ha ? entered tlio liold to divide n rich traflic in the southernmost counties of the state. The road in whoso construction Omaha would bo most interested is n direct line up the Elkhorn valley from the city. In spite of the bolcmn assurances and pledges of the Northwestern ollicials , it is a fact that our merchants and stock yards are being steadily discriminated against by that corporation. Every nerve is stretched lo divert trutlio to Chicago , and to sccuro the long haul. A railroad up the Elkhorn vnlloybuilt by local cam- talistsnnd operated in Omaha's interests , would be a paying investment for this city if it never returned a dollar's vvorth of dividends on its stock. The McaiiunsB of I'rlnoCH. The fact that the expulsion of the Or leans princes from Franco excited no lit tle popular sympathy in their bchult , be yond the comparatively small following wliich with the proverbial Bourbon blind ness and bigotry remains faithful to them , is lo homo extent explained by a Paris correspondent who states that with the exception of thn Com to do Paris they are an exceedingly mean crowd. All their property came into their liunds by base means and has been retained by illcgalltyandthc career of nearly every ono of these descendants of Louis Philippe has been marked by petty ponurionsness , oppression of the poor and general meanness which few of thn proletariat would not bo ashamed of. Tlioy scorn , too. to have come honestly by their characteristics la this direction , since Louis Philippe was everlastingly en gaged in potty law suits with peasant proprietors ami iishors on the coast of itformnndy , whom ho generally suc ceeded in robbing. The tille of the Duo d' Aumalo to Chantllly was a forged will drawn up by the English 'mistress of the Due do Bourbon , nmf while it gave him an abundance with which to ostonla- tiously gralify his excessive vanity , lie is guiltless of over having performed a gen erous or public-spirited action , though ho has committed many that wore paltry and mean. It is said that his suits against poor old women who are guilty of the of- fcnso sanctioned by usage in France of nicking up dead wood and gathering withered broom in his forests , are of con stant recurrence , and iu this respect ho la not worse than the rest of his family. They own jointly a forest near Amboiso , and it is told that they nro oltcn plalntlfl's against poor old creatures who are charged with picking up the dead wood that falls to tlio ground , With regard to thu Comto do Paris , it is said that ho has inherited his mother's charitable feelings towards the poor , and was extremely good to his humble and poyerty-strlckcn neighbors nt Ku , After all , princes nnd princesses are but human , and the Orleans pretenders would seem to have rather moro than their pro portion of the small weaknesses ami meaner inbtincts of the race , tlos'nus continue to shower upon the "Autocrat of the Breakfast Table" from English hands. No American has ever received a welcome moro heartfelt or a reception more genial than the Boston doctor and literatotir , Oliver Wendell Holmes. Phy.slcmn , poet , essayisl , n writer whoso works alternately scintil late with wlti , glo\v \ with hmnor , throb with pathos nnd tcom with wise philloso- phy , America to-day contains no author whom she holds in higher esteem , or whoso characteristics rcllcct moro thoroughly the varjlng genius of his country men. Discussing Educational Matters. The vacation period in the school year is most valuable to educators nnd these who interest themselves in educational matters In the opportunity it gives tor an interchange of views , a discussion of the ories , an examination of results and a comparison of methods and experiences. All this of course contribulcs lo improve ment anil progress , and excellent though the public educational system of the country unquestionably is. it may still bo improved and advanced , the duty of doing Ihls resting very largely with those who give lo education daily practical work and study. The present interreg num lias not been less fertile than these of preceding years in the attention no- voted to this most important of subjects , and a great deal of valuable information , opinion and suggestion have been added to what had been before presented. Thu convention of the national teach ers' association , recently held nt Topeka , Kan. , li said to Imvo been the most suc cessful yet held , in the matter of attendance , illustrating in this respect the increased interest of the teachers of the country in their work , a fact most gratifying and reassuring. The attendance on the general sessions of the association reached between , seven ami eight thousand , and the meetings were characterized by n notable earnestness and Interest which showed a thorough appreciation of their purpose , and tins is said to have been especially marked in the ease of the western teachers in attend ance. Consideration and discussion were given to a wide range of tonics , of which it is practicable to refer lo only the most prominent. On the subject of elementary schools , Mr. Albert G. Boydon , of Bridgewater - water , expressed the view that their func tion is to draw out the powers of the child and develop its faculties , so that habits of right-thinking , feeling and willing shall bo established. The menial train ing shoiild.nnfold the whole nature in tellect , sensibility , will and conscience , and produce knowledge at lirst hand , accntircd from the object of thought. The greatest error in our elementary schools is the fact that the children are allowed to learn words vvitliout ideas. Tlio report of the committed on the education of girls was presented by Mr. ti. M. Jones , of Omaha , and was a strong argument in favor of training girls for industrial occupations , so that they may bring skilled labor to the task of breadvvinuing. rendering them more independent and lifting them above menial labor. The lines of industry sug gested are such as are entirely within the scope of woman's physical and mental conditions , as the professions of teaching and medicine , scientific or learned oc cupations such as pattern designing , en graving , architectural drawing and as- baying metals , such mechanical occupa tions as printing , wood carving , and the manufacture of watches and jewelry , together with cooking , dressmaking , millinery , etc. , which would bo elevated as employments if girls wore trained for their successful pursuit. A technical school for girls should liavo a good academic education as a prerequisite , as in such schools for boys , nnd the course should bo determined by the occupation in view. The discussion of the report brought out some interesting facts regarding the operation of technical schools , all of which were favorable to the system. The' agricultural school of Kansas provides a cour&o of study in technical education for women which has been eminently suc cessful , while the manual train ing schools in Cleveland. Ohio , and in Omaha , wore referred to as very beneficial iu their results to the pupils. In the former 150 boys in the high school are taught , and they do regular school work bettor than the boys who do not attend the manual training school ; in Omaha there are 75 boys in the training school and a result similar to that in Cleveland is noted. The concensus of opinion among the debaters was that tlio school workshop should bo advocated m an educational instrument , and not to leach trades. The subject ot art education received extended consideration , and was forcibly presented in an address by Professor Carter , of Massachasctts , on manual training throuph industrial drawing. But perhaps the best argument in favor of art education was the exhibit of results made by a number of schools , which was a most interesting feature. Music was also discussed , and of other subjects than these strictly relating to education perhaps the most important was that of "Moral Training in the Public Schools , " which was very ably considered in an address by Professor White , of Cincin nati , who earnestly advocated such training as indispensable. "At 'least three avenues , " said Mr , White , "are open for the introduction of religious ideas and sanctions into the public school. Those are sacred song , the liter , atnro of Christendom , and the best of all , faithful and fearless Christian tcachero , the living epistles of the Most High , " "Who Will lieiulVI The art movement in the West lias made such rapid strides as to call for comment and illustration from the lead ing magazine of tlio country. The de velopment of artistic interests in Cinehir nati which enables that city to boast of the richest endowments and the largest facilities for art study of any of its west ern sisters , was fostered and developed by generous citizens like Reuben Springer and John Longworth. St. Louis points with pride to her art museum , which stands as n monument to Mr , Wayman and Isabella Crowe , Milwaukee shows to visitors the rising walls of a mag nificent public art gallery , and couples witii it the name of Fred- oriole Lay Ion. Detroit is raising n fund for art study , and James E. Scripps lias headed the subscription witii his check for ? 50,000 , In nil these cases it will bo noted that private generosity has boon the lover which has cleared Ihe way for public advancement. Western cities have too many calls upon their resources for material improvement to appropriate funds ior ait and the study of art. 'The lield is left open for private oiti/.ons to fill. fill.Omaha Omaha is now largo enough and wealthy enough to make a beginning to wards a public art collection. Who is thu citizen who will lead thq wuy > Farmers niidrtlio Iterators. The continued coippluints of Nebraska farmers against the elevator monopoly it strangles all competition at many points in the state ami compels p'oducf rs.lo sell their grain nt prices Used by lhu railroads and their partners , the grain dealers. The eleva tors along the Unlotl Pacllie system are controlled by a stiiglo firm. Those on the line of the IJ , & I.aml Northwestern nro maintained by several dealers. But ail the grain ilcalcrM iu the state are united in nn organization , whose opera- lion rcsulls in lowering prices , by preventing - venting what Us members call "cut throat competition. " With the railroads discriminating against Ihe building of elevators anil the elevator men pooled to prevent competition among Ihemstlvc , the seller finds himself ground between the upper and the nether millstone. The public have a light to insist that the railroads shall confine themselves strictly to the legitimate business of car rying passengers mid hauling freight. These powers and these alone weie dele gated to them by their charters as com mon cart-lent. They have no shadow of authority to build up one industry at the expense of another or to enrich a single linn of favorites by making it impossi ble for other citizens to compote with them In trade. The law of Illinois e.s- weclally prohibits common carriers from entering other lines of business and the courts of that state have enforced the law and imposed the penalty within the last two weeks. The protests of our farmers against the elevator system as il is carried on in Ne braska are well timed. No monopoly Is moro odious because it is built on another monopoly and aids still lurthcr in depressing pressing the prices of the farm products of a great ugiictillural slale. WHY these continued slurs at Patrick Egan from the dcmocr.ilio press ? What has Mr. Egau done that so disgruntles the bourbon quill drivers ? Ami what object can there bo in fomenting discord and factionalism among the Irish-Ameri cans whose united support is needed to hold up the hands of the nationalist leaders at Westminister t When the next convention meets , if Mr. Egan is not a satisfactory ofllcer , let him bo re placed by another and belief man. In the meantime slaps and drives at Presi dent Egan are the very best way in which to please the enemies of Ireland and ob struct the work of the organization in this country. A iiKivn to Fort Omaha is quite the lashion in these summer evenings to wit ness the dress parade wlioh ( takes place at sunset every day QN ejit Saturday and Sunday , and to lisleiij. to the slirring strains of the Second -infantry baud. There is no prcttici : sirflit to those who enjoy martial surroundings than to see the evolution of a ijody of well drilled men on a cenorous jjarade ground such as is afforded by thoiiprcecnt garrison at Fort Omaha. Colonel Wheaten , the com mandant , was with us years ago when Nebraska was a district. Jle has returned at the head of a regijnonjt whose bearing and morale will comparer favorably with any in the service. w 'r LcTus'havc an hojiilsr enforcement of the high license law'm Oniaha. That will bo by all odds the- strongest argu ment against the prohibition fallacy. When honest prohibitionists' recognize that high license means no license wherever - ever the people so elect and a greatly re stricted license in communities where public sentiment will not sustain prohibi tion , they will be ready to admit that the ground is out from under the feet of those who attempt to .stand on a prohibitory platform. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ THE item in the river and harbor bill of particular interest to Omaha is that ap propriating $ ! 575,000 , for the improvement of the Missouri river from Omah a lo Fort Leayenvvorth , the sum to bo disbursed under the direction ot the Missouri river commission. Mr. Broalchcan now show how many pounds he pulls in the com mission , in securing for this city her share of the river and hrrbor pork. Mu. JiAt PAUL has a few affidavits in his inside vest pocket which lie exhib ited confidentially in Buflulo county two years ago while ho was running for the state senate. They proved conclusively that the parlies who made thorn had stuffed their ears with cotton to avoid hearing anything about that scandal. IT is not surprising that the railroad organs , both republican and democratic , are astonished to learn tiiat llioro is any such issue as the anti-monopoly issno in Nebraska politics. They are always as tonished at discovering this factional question in every campaign. TKAINS now run from Omaha to Lake Manawa. The study of bathing suits in their application to dripping humanity is becoming the fashion of the day in this section of the Missouri Valley. TIIEIIB were anumberof items stricken out of the sundry civil bill , but the ap propriation of § 5,000 for Nebraska City's public building stuck there as if glued with mucilage. 1'OiaTlOA.IJ General Butler will urn , /or / congress in the Lowell dlstiict If ho ca.iiiroly on the labor vote. o i Don M. Dickinson oiplicHly denies that ho is a caudldato tor 'tllo'sehato to succeed Senator Conger , Jj It is piohablo that Hon. .Andiow D. White will run for congiess jutl , ) Twenty-eighth Now York district , n , < The most exciting congressional flsht in Massachusetts this yean trill be In the dlstiict of Congressman Iircivhu ( ; ! wants a sixth tcun , n i " Abram H. Hevvltl Is Bald 'to have been in vlted to put money Into'tlmars.s-einbly ' canvass and become a candidate Mr United States bcnator. The apprehension that Kelfervrlll really get back Into congiess con tin 1103 to boa cause of nniost to republicans outside of the dUtiict in which the ex-speaker re sides. In Douglas county , Illinois , the Woman's Hlt'lits party is running man forbchool Biipeilntcndent and the republicans arq try ing to elect a woman. Spencer K. Pratt of Moblla , lately nomin ated tor mlnhtcr to Persia , was the Ala bama commissioner to the World's exposi tion. Governor Alger of Michigan , says ho Is not a candidate for le-clection , and would not have the United States bcnatorshlp if It were qifered him on a silver balver. The Mexican editor who talks about Ida "warlike and valiant nation' ' should remem ber Mexico 19 about tiifi only nation ol any size that has no. navy the only OHO that at war could do Undo Sam no harm. Chas. S. Wolfe , prohibition candidate for governor of Pennsylvania , Is an indefatiga ble worker and has a strong bias for mischief making. Ho Is showing great Industry on the stump and it is evident that the submis sion lesolntlon adopted by the republican convention la not cousidercd satlsfacloiy to thu temperance people. Grace by Wholesale , There Is a New l uglaiid tradition that when Dr. Franklin was a boy the long' winded blessings asked by his father nt the table seemed to him tedious asvellas lomr , Hi older to avoid wasting time , and yet so euro the divine benediction , ho begged his lather , at the tlmo pork was wilting itow n for winter's use , losay grace over the whole sup ply once for all. A Great Convenience. The bibles pilnled In Chicago have thieo blank pages for dlvoices and one for elope ments. The blank pages are so arranged that the newspaper articles on the family topic. * can bo pasted hi bj the column. or Course. TopckaVane1. . "Mercy on me , Mary , where have you necn ? The back of your dress Is covcicd with dust. You liavo not been sitting on the f tout steps , I hope ? " "No , ma , I couldn't cet'thC piano stool high enough , so I put the big bible on it. " Strict lilccnso Practicable. JV. 1" . C7irlit < M InttlllticntCft The great boJy of these Avho wish to restrict the power of the saloon as far as possible , do not be lieve that In this or adjoining states the traflic In liquors can bo abolished. They n.-o convinced that if a piohibltoiy statute were enacted it could not bo executed over a laigc part ol the tcrrltoiy ot these states. 'Tho Preacher , the Pitcher anil the KevlvnllHl. Bosloii rmiucif ] ' ' . Sam Jones says "theie is .something wrong when a pieacher gets 3400 and a ba .e ball pitcher 85,000. " But Sam should remember that the 55,000 pitcher has a much better de livery than the S400picacher. KoirMuwn llentld. And the preacher says theio is something much inoio wrong when n sensational reviv alists gets 81,000 , a week and the pieacher gets only S 100 a year. _ Cornering Keoly. What we would have had Mr. Keely do , and , until he does It , his operations have but llttlo practical value in the bight ot the Led- per , would have been to liainess his motor to do some useful woik , to gear it by cogwheel or by belt and pulley , or by some other me chanical device to a main shaft that is driv ing lathes , or planers or other machines something that was doing actual useful work day In and day out as other machines do. Queen City of the Missouri A'nllcy. Cltlcagn New. Omaha Is beyond nil question the queen city of the Missouri valley. Wo do not know that wo think she Is going to be the laigest city west of Chicago , but we don't hesitate l < > say that she Is at the present time the most metropolitan. Her only rival is Kansas City , but those who know Kansas City right well know that about ninety yer cent of her claim is buncombe. There is very little buncombe about Omaha. ' "While her neighbors have been bloviating and bracglug she has been at work , and the consequence now Is that , while her neighbors still wear lhat ragged , dirty appearance , which is bald to bo a west ern characteristic , Omaha is as tidy and as clean as a model housewife. She is perhaps the besl paved city in the west ; she has tine hotels and the best class of business blocks , and her society Is as select and as cultivated as you can could expect to llnd outside of the New England lines. _ Life Is a. Shylock. i'Jla Whcela-mtcor. Life is a Shylock , always it demands The fullest usurer's Interest for each trcas- Glfts are 'not freely scatlcied from its hands ; We make returns foi evciy bonowed treasuie , Each talent , each achievement and each gain Necessitates somn penalty to pay. Delight imposes lassitude and pain , As coitalnly as daikncss follows day. All \ou bestow on causes , or on man , Otr love , or hate , of malice or devotion , Somehow , sometime , shall bo icturnea again There la no wasted oil , no lost emotion. Is "Give and take. " The motto of the world , It gives you favors but of sheer good will. But unless speedy iwsompenso you make , You'll find yourself piesenled w Ith Its bill. \Vhen \ rapture comes to tluill the heart of yon Tnko U with tempeicd giatltude ; icmem- bor Some later tlmo the Inteiest will fall due , No year brings June that does not bring December. _ VIEWS AND INTKUV1I3WS. Ait Ape Trained to Perform the Duties of a Railroad Switchman. "Those trained oaioquets show con ? lder- able intelligence , " said a gentleman , who was wntchlug HIP fortune-teller and his trained blids at the corner of Farnam and Fourteenth streets , the other day , "but two years ago , when 1 was In South Africa , I saw a performance that will discount the bhds , flvo * limes over. 1 happened to be In South Africa for a New Yoik firm of exporters - porters , when I was Informed that eight miles up the railroad , which inns from Cape town north , there \va < r a trained ape which acted as a switchman and drew a regnlar salary for his master. Of course I believed the story to boa cauaid , but felt that it was worth while ; Invcstl < ; aUiig. I stopped at a little station on the railroad In Cape Colony and was directed to a small swilch-hou&e , two hundred yards up the Hack from the place where the tialn had stopped. The switch-tender was sitting outside the door In an armchair , and by Ills side stood or rather crouched an enormous African ape , which was fully live feet high when eiect. As the switch-tender arose to answer mylmudry 1 noticed that ho was armless. I asked him whether it was tnio that his apn peiformed the duties of switchman , and was told to watch for five minutes and sco for m > self. A few minutes later the rumbling noise of an approaching train w as heard. As the nolso increased the ape jumped from his crouching position nnd accompanied the switchman to the place where the white arm of the switch stood Known to thu left. At a signal fiom the switchman the ape jumped foi ward , fceUcd the key , unlocked the pad lock which held the switch in position , and grasping the lever with hU. muscular arm thiew U to the light. The tialn dashed over Ihn switch to the sidetrack ot the station , nd In a second the switch was tin own back Into position , and the ape again took his beat by his master to wait for further orders. It wa * certainly ft wonderful performance , and I would not believe It unless I had ecen It. The man Informed me that he had lost his aims In a railroad accident w hlle employed by the company as a switch-tender. Duiltig the five years previous to the acrldcnt ho had trained the ap mora as a matter of lecrea- tlon and to employ his leisure time while stationed at that lonely outpost of the Tape- tovvn railway. The work of amusement turned him In good stead when IM was able to satisfy Ihe company that without arms ho j could ns fully protect Us Interests as when h was in possession of Uioso limbs. For moi than two years tlio ape tint ! performed tlio tlutlos of switchman nnil had never miulo mistake , Moio than this , the ape wa tialned to feed his muster , ns well to dies and undress him , when necessary. " The Uiagcst Turtle In I ho World. "YOU may think ttut ti a ciirlfrtH Mflfjr , ' continued the gentleman , "hut I can ( eli J'ot another about an enormous turtle This turtle Is the largest In tlio world and is owned by a friend of niino li Now South Wales. His name Is John Me Donald , lloiccclvcd this turtle forty jears ago nsn gift from an Australian chief In whoso family tlio monster Is said to Imvo been foi more than three hundicd years. This glgan- tie tuillo measuies twelve feet In length am' stands lour feet In helxht. Air. McDonald lias built for his lavoi- tto pet n largo pen enclosing sovcia acres , In the back pait of his beautiful cotin- liy seat In Australia , and.ho entertains his guests and chlldicn by giving llicm ride upon the moiistei's back. The turtle know his mastor'H voice , mid answers to his call , besides pel forming several liirks , showing that he is ] Harassed of some considerable In- telliucnco. Mr. McDonald has several times had the tuitlu hitched to loaded wagons , for tlio pm pose of testing Ids sticn th , and has proved by experiment that lie can haul a load which would require four of tiicstioueest horses to move. " An Adventurer's Exploit In Omaha. "Thorniest in Now Yoik of Iloss Kay. nioiid , thccelcbiated svv Indler , w ho , for the past sl\ years has lived sumptuously in Amer ica , the Kast Indies , and Europe , bv pretendIng - Ing to bo a coriespondent ot ! various New Yoik papers and plying his trade of former and swindler1 said an Omaha newspaper man. "recalls an Incident In this city n few months ago In which Dr. Miller was the vic tim , and , It is believed , Uajmond was the piincipal. The doctor was called upon by n gentlemanly-looking middle-aged man , who piesented to him a letter of Intioduetlon , purpoitlng to como fiom his old it lend Still son HutchUis , ol the Washington Post. The visitor was appaieiitly well-hied and had the nlr of n man ot means. Dr. Wilier took qulto an intciest In his new acquaintance , showing him around the city , and Jlimlly endorsing a dmft for somcthhiK less than a hundred dollars on an eastern banking house , and Identifving him at the Merchant's National bank. A few- days afteiwards his guest left the city and not many hours later the klnd-heailetl doc tor-join nallst was paralysed upon receiving a notification that the draft had been rejected by the bank to wuich It had bcou sent. A letter of tnquliy was promptly dispatched to Mr. Ilutchlns , who as promptly leplled that he had no such acquaintance. The letter of Intiodiictlou had been carefully eompaicd by Dr. Miller with those of Mr. llutchins , and they boie every mark ot being genuine. It was suspected at the time that the clever swindler was none other than Raymond , and teleL'inms announcing his arrest In Ncv York confirm the statement that ho had ie- ccntly been in Omaha. Dr. Miller , who is now In Mew Yoik , can easily renew his ac quaintance with the gentleman. " Ed Stokes1 liar-room niitl Art Collec tion. "Talking about bar-iooms , " said a New Yoik gentleman , now visiting in Omah" . "few poisons have any Idea ot' the receipts of Kd Stokes' Hoffman Jiouse bai. Theie arc sixteen bar-tenders on duty , divided Into four watches of six hems each. 1 was told by one. of these employes that it was an cn- ditiiuy day when the watch between 0 o'clock and midnight did not tuui over to the cashier from $2,000 to 52,800. Theio liavc been < la > a and days when the icpeipts liavo run as high as8SUdO. The sporting fraternity fiemient the place , and the stock operators and wealthy actors and theatre managers aio among the best , pations. These rarely call for any thing but wino by the bottle. In ad dition thcie is a constant stream ot visitors to view the magnificent art collections , and of course they all pationizo the bar. * # * ' It takes a good deal of money to pay In terest on the investment In Stokes' beautiful bar-room. Before a single glass was placed on the shelves Stokes had paid a Cincinnati firm 8T4r)00 , for the bar fixtures alone. The woiksof uit which decorate the walls , the inasulticcnt painting' ? , the rare and unlquo bric-a-biac the costly wood , carvings , could scarcely be icplaced for a qnaiter of a million dollais. Stokes has a blgcer bonanz-x In the Koltman house than ho has In his Iluutei's Point oil woiks or his Pacific tclegiaph com pany. * * * # "Tho chief attraction of the bar-room for several has been ' ' years Bougcrcau's 'Nymphs and Satyr'and Faleii's 'Vision of Faust. ' The latter painting Stokes has just sold for 818,000 to .Mr. Walters , of Baltimore , who purchased the famous Moigan peach-blow vase. As Stokes paid § 12,000 for this paint ing lie inado a neat little profit by holding It. llo can now place the money In some newer vioik of art for the delectation of his pations. Bougcieau's painting has rather a singular history. It was formerly owned by Mr. John Wolfe , of Ncsv York , and occupied a prominent position over the mantel-pleco In his parlor , bet'oiu ho built his ait gallery , which now contains a magnificent collection of works of foiclgn aitlsts. Tlio picture , as you know fiom the many photographs and lithographs , Is very warm in subject , and oven warmer in Ita coloring. Mrs. Wolfe , who Is prominently connected with church cliclcs In Now Yoik , objected to this speci men of tlio undo occupying n place in her pallor. Mr. Wolfe had paid 58,000 for the painting , and enjoyed the subject and Its treatment thoioujdily. Ono day , while he was at his olllco , the soivant kindled a iiio In tlio ginte , and buldlng | It of green wood , In half an hour it smoked the 100111. blistered the picture , and well-nigh mined the work of art. Wlien Mr. Wolfe retained homo ho became fin Ions. Tlio arms of the iiinphs were blistered , tlio plctuio was begilined with smoke , and the great production was almost as indistinguishable ns homo of Ilio woiksof the old mabtei a. His. W"lfo was at once called to the scene , and she said she was glad of It. Tlls | led Mr.Volfo to dis pose of the picture. It was placed on the walls of the gallery of an art dealer , and ad- vet tiscil forsatoat auction. Only twobld- dots were present who wcra prepared to tun the piIco up to high figures , Stokes wanted It tor his har-ioom , and Mr , Cole , of fit , Louis , who has made n foitnne specu lating in works of ait , was anxious to got it. At that very tlmo Cole was negotiating the sale of one of his paintings to Stokes , and H tokes used this fact as a lover to pry Culo off tlui track. Cole accoidlngly bid 510,000 for Nymphs and Satyr , ' and Stokes raised him 510and secured the pilrc. IIu was after- waidsolfuied $20,000 for it by William II. Vumlprbilt , hut the offer was piomptly de clined. It co-it StoUos W.100 to send the painting actors tlio water to tlio artist to have it retouched and tovarabhed , after width it was as good a < > now,1' ' In tlio Comity Court. Tlio case of Uico vs. Hurllii , suit for commission in a , real cstato case. , was tried before Judge McCulloult yusfenlixy and taken under advisement. The case of Enowuld vs Lingomier , Milt to re cover judgment for goods cleljvorod , was tried yesterday aftornoou. A decision will bo given to-morrow in tlio cased of Mrs. Pot kins vs. M. F. Martin and of Nancy Jollbrsou vs. The .estates of J. H. THE OMAHA. SUNDAY I EE. Compliments of tlio Press. Omaha Herald : - Omaha Hepubllcan : - OmatiA World : f "They do llko cntori > ilso."j , Will no Appreciated. Sprlnnflolu Monitor : The Omaha Hr.n ng'aln comes to the front , and shows Us enter prise by publishing a Sunday edition , The anangoments by which the Dm : has secured for Its readers the special cablegram ? of the Now York llciaUl , and the demand of th patrons , liavo necessitated this step and will bo appreciated by Its numerous readers in this section , A Croat Pnpcr. Plattsmouth Joutnal : The first Suiulny edition of the Omaha Hr.n was n great paper , and a gieat "seller , " If we may judge by the fact that ail the news stands In Plattsmouth wcro sold out of them loug before the do- maud had been supplied. The Imtcflt Enterprise. Arapahoe Minor : The Omaha Htci : now appears every day in the year , a Sunday edi tion being tlio latest enterprise Inaugurated by its publishers. Dully for the blisy HKI : . In tlio Fro lit. Hank. Schuyler Herald : The Omaha Ur.i : coirr- menced Its Sundiy edition last Sunday , ami will hereafter publish everyday. The lire stands In the fiont ranks of western' Ism. Rooming. Hastings (5a7ettc-lournal ( : There seems it boa boom In the newspaper business In No braska. The Omaha Hii : : has contracted fof another percctliiB piess and will hctcaftof issue a Sunday morning edition. Hluli. Kansas City Jouinal : The Omaha Dr.s now puollshos an excellent Sunday paper. Journalism in Ncbiaska Is flying high. Mwnrni. Ficmont Tribune. : The Omaha UKH'S first Sunday edition came out last Sunday. The Uiis : : swarmed In great numbeis 10,000. on tlio Top U'nvc. Nebraska City News : The Omaha HKB ycsloi day Issued Its first Sunday paper , and hereafter itv ill be Issued oveiy Sunday in the year. Omaha Is booming , and tlio Uii : : Is iidiugon the top wave. May It continue to be Miecesbful. Wo do like enteipilse. metropolitan. Lincoln Jouinal : The Omaha Hr.n has commenced a Sunday edition , giving It nn Issue evciy day in the week. This is metro politan. Tlio Sunday Issue. Ulysses Dispatch : The Omaha HIK : now prints n Sunday Issue , and has oideied a boeond § 15,000 perfecting piess. Up With the Stnto. Gottenbuig Independent : The Omaha BKK now publishes a Sunday edition. The Bin : believes In keeping pace with thocrovvth of the state aim Its cntcrpilbo Is duly appiccl- ated. Still Lends. Fairmont Signal : The Omaha Br.n greets us with a beautiful Sunday edition , Uosewater still leads In Ncbiabka journalism. Full of Enterprise. Atlantic , Iowa , Democrat : The Omaha Bni : is publishing a Sunday edition. The BKI : is as lull oC entei pi Iso as the insect ot the same- name is lull of honey. A AIlKiifllcout Paper , | Yoik Tluies : The Omaha BKI : has com menced tlio jiubllcatlon of a Sunday pajior. The first lunuber apneatcd August 1 , and is a magnificent paper. A Rustier. Noitli Bend Flnll : The Omaha Br.K is out in a Sunday edition. The Bun is a lustier. Six papeisper week were not enoiu'h for the purposes of that en terprising oflico , and now , like Its llttlo namesake , It "gatheiH honey every day from eveiy opening flower. " We may think as wo plea'.o of the political aspects of this leading state contcmpoiary , but the fact that it Is a rustler cannot be galusayed. The Irrepressible Bco. Plattsmouth Heiald : The Omaha Dunlins fallen In with the "do like cntcrpiiso" idea and gone its contemporaries one better In is suing a Sunday morning edition that com- paies favorably w 1th the gieat dallies of our country. The publication of three columns of cablegiauib the same moining that they appear In Now York Is now an every day oc- cmreuco with the iiiepics iblo Bii : . and Is thohoitof entcipiisc that speaks loudest for Its deserved success. A Daisy. Indlanola Cornier : The Omaha Daily BIE : , In addition to Its icccnt niiangcments for Improved telegraph scivicc , has decided to Issue a i cgular Sunday edition. That ol the 1st lust , was a "daisy" ami speaks volumes for the eutcipilso otf the Bin : management. Rest West of ClilcnKO. Dulilap Itepoiter : Tim Omaha BKI : , the best papei west of Chicago , issued the first number of IU > Sunday edition the 1st lust. It stalls out with a ciiciilatlon of 111,000. O'n an Initial Footing With all the ( iroat Dallies. Edgar Post : The Omaha HKK now pilnta a Sunday edition. Tlio first issue came out last amiday , ami will place the IJin ; on an equal footing with all the great dallies. It Will Keep There. Wood Illvcr fia/ctto ; The Omaha BRB now comes to the fiont with a Sunday edi tion , and will hereafter reach its leaders seven times In the week. The IJin ; seems dctcimined toboln theh-ad of Omaha joui- iiallsm , pml the publlocau iibsmed It will' theie. Ootrrinlnnil lo Keep on Top. West Point I'IO/MVSS / : The Omaha BUB lias taken another enterprising turn , and now l.ssuctj a Sunday edition. The lii ! : : if letui mined to keep on lop In uewHpnpci loin , A JlruulHoiiio Hhcct , ItlalrKjpubllcaii : Tlio Sunday BKI : Is a vciy luindioiiH ! sheet and is full of entoi lain * ng news and mlbcellany. Ono of the JMosl KnterprlHliiK Papers. Cheyciino I.fiidt'r : The Omaha Uin , al ready recognized casiiiieof the most enter- irlsing papcix In the West , has commenced heis uo of a Sunday edition. A Ton Ktrflcc. Nellgli Loadt-r : The Omaha BKK cora' iicncod Sunday to LsMieabiivenday paper , iiutliii ; out Its first Sunday Ihsuo on thai latu. Tno BKK hat , made a ten strike. Omaha 1ms mown too largo to gft along with filx-dny papers , and the only voudor Is that allot thu papers thuio liavo ict seen it that way long bcfoie , Tha Ituiiucr 1'npor. Ilumpluey Independent : The Omaha IKK juints eyory diy In the week. Its Sunday edition prombos to become the ban- icr pancr west of the Missouri. H nas added another fast pitos to Its olllco to pi Ink ts uipldly increasing edition , AuoihotNnw Feature. Wobstcr Winner : The Omaha IHn.y BKK ias added another feature to Its already nany prominent ouus. The latest is a Sim- duy edition and another newpctfectliig pros * o bo put into its oflico in a few weeks , The wbllHhers can boast without auy coiupuuo- lonot