Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 08, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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I -All fl AIM
The District Attorney Qiros His
Impressions of the Gwat Trial.
Clmsc County Iteports Her Nc'.V 'im-
clnls-A Tiltl.12 Inieliiess Tor tlio
ntulronil Com in Isnlon .Social
nntl Xowsy
linnv Tiirnr.i. A tixrotv
United States Di'tiiet Altoinov Lam-
bcttson hasjii-l relurncil from Chicago ,
wheie for two ( hns he attended the tiial
of the a'Jtirchistb the aicatist tiial of
the age. Mr. Lambeitson , in coiueis.i-
lion with n Ui.i : repre'cntiitivo , iccitcd
many f'icts of inlcicst eoncwiiing the
great dial taken from dncct observation.
Mr. Lambeilson found as the assistant
pioseculov Mr. Ingram , an old class
mate , which hi ought him in cloo lola-
tlon with all the facts that vveio obtaina
ble. United States Distiict Judge Dundy
Was also present at tlio trial "and" said
Mr Lambcrtson , "tlm judge and myself
seem to hold contiary opinions regal il-
ing the appeal ance of llio piiboneis , tlio
judge constituting them a har < Iened lot of
criminals , who would not "top at murder
of n nj kind. Hut to me they had the up-
] ) eaitiuce of wild ami visionary men ,
whoso imagination has led them to be
lieve themselves capable of revohit ioniz
ing society , who arc studying constantly
their iloetiincs of socialism and anarchy ,
who revi'l in schemes to uproot and
upluin every class of organised society ,
iindwhoiuo not individual but icvolu-
tiomu.v. mm ( lure1.- .
"Tlm defense , " saiil Mr. Lambeitson ,
"i s con lined to two channels , one to at-
toineys to pio\e the police the aggress-
ois , ami the other to destroy the btato's
p\iilcncc as to wheio the bomb eamo
fiom thai wi ought the immler and havoc.
The bombs in evidence , their prqce&s of
eonstiiiction , and the proof of their atith-
oislup , were intensely iiitetesting to
study , " continued the district attorney ,
"and I believe that conviction is ccitain
to losiilt , for the jury is intelligent above
the average and look like men who will
do their duty. "
In the dajs when Mr. Lambcrtson wit
nessed tlm tiial lite defense illustrated its
cagernobs to bieak down the damaging
evidence of the man ( Jilmer , whom it
Will be icmcmbeied testilied on the pait
of tliu state that ho saw Spies light the
bomb and saw it thrown fiom the alley.
Tliu elloit to impeach the creditibility of
this witness comes fiom those who
have formed their opinions since the
trial came on , and in the opinion
of the district atloinoy this will react , for
( jilmer is known by many prominent
people , his father having been governor
of Virginia. Jndtie U. C. Cole , of Jowa ,
has telegraphed the piosecntion at the
trial that ho will go to Chicago and
testify regal ding the ci edibility of the
witniss. The prosecution ot the Chicago
anarchists has tluovvn a good deal ol
light upon the danger trom that class of
agitators , and they aie by no moans as
few in nnnibei as supposc'lforthe slate's
attorney at Chicago has them on the lists
as far wusr as Ncbr.uska anil can put Ins
hand on them in this state.
.sr.ui : iiorsr. M > IIS.
The first county in the slalc to report
its county institute is Cheyenne , located
on the far wusicrn border of this state
This county lepoits twenty-live teachers
in tlm county , of whom twenty attended
tlm institute at Sidney that was in session
ono week under the management of the
Ohaso county has forwaidcd to the
Secretary ot state the libt of county of-
licials elected under their organi/atipn as
a county bj tlm governor. The ollicials
ot the now county arc : Commishioneis.V" .
J. Hopper , J. 1) . Moxborger , Chas. Fisher ;
county cleik , Loren Jenkins ; treasurer ,
Horace Cole ; sheriff , Robert Milligan ;
judge , Thomas Standige ; county supeun-
tcmlent , W. A. Reid ; surveyor. Alon/o
Cunningham. This same county has
also sent in its application and petitions
from citi/ens to the land commissioner ,
asking tlm appraisement of the school
lauds in the county.
J'liu auditor's ollico is in receipt of tlm
school district bonds of distiict 57 , Kear
ney county , ifoOO bonds , to run ten years.
at 7 per cent ; also of distiict No. 10 ,
Clmiry county , f500 bonds , ten years , nt
7 per cent , and district No. HO , Otoe
county , ftiOO bonds , ten years , at same
per cent.
The railroad commissioners have re
ceived a letter from tlm Fremont iV : Klk-
horn Valley railroad in regard to thu
station asked for at Newpoit , the com
pany saying that the si/.o and business
of tlm place will not warrant the com
pany in making a stopping place there.
The commissioners will visit the town in
person the coming week and ascertain
for themselves the conditions of things
at that point.
Hon. II. T. Clark , tlm candidate for
goveinor , was at tlm state house yester
day calling on tlm ollicials while on
ronto liomuwaid fiom a visit out In tlm
linh closed the lirst of the two weeks of
its bObbion , ami it is passing off very satis
factorily to both conductors and teachers.
Tlmio are enrolled as regular at
tendants one hundred and thirty-five
teachers fiom all purls of the county , and
Boiiio additions in members are expected
tlm coming week. On Monday evening
1'iofossor hdward Thompson , founerlyof
York college , will luctuio- for the nibti-
tute at thu district eouit room : his subject -
ject being , "What Makes the Man. " To
this interesting lecture the public gener
ally aio Invited , as well as the teachers ,
( juiKriiMizs IN KIAI : , KSTATI : .
An interview with numerous real cs-
tatu men elicits tlm Information that
transfers and sales In ical estate ,
especially in Lincoln City propeity , are
vcrvnniot at present , and far oetweon ,
This evident cessation in exchanges does
not , however , so'im localise any depres
sion in puces , for pi opoi ty holds right up
to the high notch it reached two months
ngo , anil all the talk is tnat when move
ments in nmlity set in again that prices
will bo higher instead of lower. As an
evidence of this feelinir now gioundiH be
ing constantly platted for additions in
anticipation of a rush ,
The Drown adultery casu set for hear
ing yesterday in county court was halted
in the early part of tlm day , owing to the
non-appearance of witnesses. As those
Wiliicf-sts , houovur , weie under bonds to
npuoar , the olliccrs were putting in the
( lay in soaiuh of them.
in police eouit yesterday nine cases
M oio up for tlm usual disposition. Ono
negro , for boating a fomalo. was tried
for dihoidorly conduct as well , and con
victed. One of tlm other cases was a va
grant who locohed a $5 finu , and all
hnnds were committed.
The tire department boys are making
room and an alignments to icccivo their
new hose cart that is expected in u short
tinm. uiul which is expected to eclipse
anything of its kind in the west.
'I ho striking laboiurs at the packing
liousu building In West Lincoln , who
asked fi instead of $1,75 per day , weie
granted tho. raise and proceeded , to work
again a onco.
John ( } . I'lirness. of St. Louis , for
merly with the National Hellnery com
pany , now with the Snjdcr Brewing
company , Is transacting business in Lin
A very quiet wedding attended by only
ho Immediate relatives of the contract
ing parlies occurred at the residence of
Mrs OKo Fnnko on L sheet , at which
cciemonj' t'rofp * orC L.l.ittlo was united
in wedlock to Miss Hmma Funko 'llm
lontraeting paitie possess a gicat limn
ber of ftiends In Lincoln who sent the
be t of wishes with the happy couple on
their lour through the east
The Voting Ladies Temperance u'.iSr.ii
gave an intoiesliniru : . . ! enjoyable enter-
t ! i inn.r.lnt tno rink Fridaj evening , at
which much music ami ice cream
was served as well as other refreshments.
' 1 he time was very pleasantly passed by
all ,
Hev C. C Han is , formerly rector ot
Trinity chinch , this citv , is visiting in
Lincoln for a week , the ynest of Mr. and
Mrs. ] ; r. Uob-rts. Uov llairis is now
located at I'ar-.on1' , Kansas
Miss S.u.ih Hams has gone to St. Paul
for a two weeks' vi it in that city witli
her biothei , tieo. U Harris , of the Chicago
cage , llmlington iV N'oithem r.iihvav
Mr. and Mis. C. I ) Ihmeimnn , Miss
Maggie llagermnii and Mi. and Mrs 11.
H Vail have gone lo Michigan for a
month's ' visit with patents and triends at
theii f01 liter homo in that state. Miss
Hageiman will tcmain at her home in
Mr-i W. N. Kelilaudcr , ono of the
party of K of P exeuisioniits totnecast.
has iiiiiveil home aflor enjoving a wcuk's
visit in Chicago while eiiioutchomnwanl
fiom Toionto.
Mrs , J. E. Wilson and Colonel lowing
aioUvoof Lincoln .s business men who
have been called to Chicago the past
week. Colonel Hwing will make his liip
out ! of business in selecting additions to
his slock of clothing for his business in
Mr and Mrs. A. Holmes visit with rel-
iitives at Ncbiaska C'ltj over lo day , ami
will i cmain in tint place a pot lion of thu
coming week.
Miss Sarah Low mann , one of the pleas-
: intonng ladies in the money older do-
mrtment at the postollieo. has returned
Irom a vacation visit with friends oast-
Mr. and Mrs C. C. Morse ami Mr. J.
1. Pierce and family , Lincoln people ,
vyho have been making visits with rola-
ivcs and fiiends in tlio east , aie at home
iigaiii fiom vacation.
JJ. 15 Slossoii , of the citv Union Pacific
ticket ollice , has gonu to Imrlington , la ,
for a % isit of a few weeks , J. T. Mastin
) ccupying his place in the ollice during
liis absence
Mis. Ci. M. IJarnes has returned fiom a
visit witli her parents aim friends at
Pawnee City.
Mis. c , H. Fox has gone to Mansfield ,
0 , for a summer vibit with relatives and
Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Courtney , Sir. and
MM. O. A. Million , Mr. and Atis. J. Dan
Laiier anil M. . and Mrs. A. J. Lawvur
were Lincoln people who joined .the Ne-
biaska Press association for a trip to the
I'aeilic coast California points of interest.
Salt Lake City and the scenic ionic of
"Jolorado. Dr. G. II. Simmons , E. H.
Dm fee and J. T. Million were also Lin
coln patties in llm excursion.
Ahs. Albeit Watkms is enjoying a visit
ivith her sibteib. the Mibses Baker , of
Madison , Wis.
M. D. Tillany and wife are at homo
again after an extended casturn trio of
1 month's duration.
Mrs. A. C. Cass has gone to Colorado
for a nleabiiic trip to points in that state ,
and Miss Laura Haggard has retnineo
from an extended visit at Manitou and
Colorado Spiings.
Mr. and Mis. Bruno T/solmck visited
n Lincoln the past week , guests at tlm
ionic of Secretary Koggon and of Dr.
mil Mrs. Mattcwfton , at tlm insane hoa-
Hev. Charles Little , formeily pastor of
the Congregational church , this city ,
returned yesterday to Ins home in Iowa.
Sirs. T. P. Kcnnaid and daughters
lave gene to Colorado and tlm moun
tains lor a month of recreation at Denver
and adjacent points.
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Hickcts are home
from their eastern tiip and Sirs. .J. D.
.Hitler has returned from a visit with
friends at Columbus , Ohio.
Sir. an'd Sirs. T. Slarsland and family
are at home after a three weeks' tenting
vacation at the loot of Pike's Peak. Sir.
and Sirs. Randall , of Omaha , accompa
nied them homeward.
Sirs. Geo. Soifurt lias gene to Laramic ,
AN yoming , for a visit with acmiaintanccs
and her visit will be extended to Colorado
rado points before the return homownid.
J. II. McCreary. of Salem , Neb. , pub
lisher of the Nuuraska Teacher , was an
attendant at the Ijancabter county nor
mal institute Friday.
Slis. Ingalls. who has Dcen tlm guest
of Sirs , J. C. Kicr , has luttirned to her
home in Chicago after a pleasant visit in
Lieut Dudley is at home in Lincoln
again after a two weeks absence on a
visiting tour with friends.
Sirs. Bohamion and Sirs. Kate Law
rence have returned home to Lincoln
after u pleasant visit to Canadian patents
and with friends in the cast.
Slis. Frank Htighoy \isiting friends
at TopeKa , Kansas , and Mrs. E. Hughcy
is at button for tlm coming weeks.
C. L. Baumwho has been in the moim
tains of Colorado with his family , is at
home at Lincoln and at business again ,
Sliss Mason , of Burlington. Iowa , and
SIlss llonsewoith , wcro m Lincoln
Friday , guests of Sir. Wnltoi House-
worth , of tlm It , ( V SI. olllcos in this city.
Sir. and Mrs. John Arnold , of Carbon
dale , 111. , are in tlm city , guests of W. II.
Sir George II. King , a Chicago man of
means , who Is possessed with a dcsiio to
comn west and grow up with the
country , in looking over Lincoln with a
view to settlement. .
Henry Avoiy , of Washington , Kansas ,
is visiting relatives at tlm state capital.
Sliss Louise Sloran , of Chicago , is vis
itlng relatives m Lincoln.
Yesterday tlm hotel arrivals at the
Capitol noted the following fron :
Nebraska points.
Richard Thompson , Hastings ; II D
Ashbull , Omaha ; J. V. Castlcman , Grant
Island : .f. 11. Hamillon , York : O , W. Col
lins , K W. Winston , Weeping Water
Henry Johnson , Wahoo ; F. SI. Blown ,
Stilton ; II. T. Clarke , Omaha ; G. G
Gross , David City. W. Y. Bissoll. Colmn
bus ; Sliltonl ) . Polk , Plnttumoiitli ; N. S
Harding , Nebiaska City ; U. C. Corbott
COIDSCO : K. Sohembcck , Omaha ; Alvii
Smith , Wnvurly ; R , F. Lytlo , Sewiud.
Bporlinn Splinters.
Tlm ball game between the Union Pa
cilies and tlm Hastings nine , which wit
bo played at Athletic park this aflernooi
will bo an unusually interesting ono
Hastings people are backing their mci
for all they are worth and boll
sides will play ball in earnest
The hatting order of tlm nines , publislmi
elsowlmio , shows the Union Pacific nine
to bu in their best possible position , aiu
If the Castings win to-day it will bo be
cause they are the bettor ball players.
Slanagor Kay , of the Union Pacifies
has made partial ariungomenU with tin
Lincoln nine for a gamu on Sunday no\t
The only question yet unsettled is the so
lection of an umpire , but this can doubt
leas bo satisfactorily arranged.
Tlm failure of O'Jtrien add Smith to
meet Johnny Clew in the match nt Ath
letio park yesterday evening caused con
Biderable disapolutmonl in spoitingcir
olc. . A match is yet promised. Professor
ser Fallen hopes to have Junto here in a
shape to meet Clew in u week or two
Eel. Rothery also has an unknown who ho
sa > 8vvill meet Clew at any time within
the no\t two weeks for any amount. A
match will doubtless be anangcd during
the coining vyook.
Chicago Speculator Let Saturday Pass
Without Any Extensive Trading ,
ork the Moat Audio At dole on
'Change , ltit l.ltdo inliics Done
The iTminl Sntimlny
Cntilc Mm hot.
OIlICACiO CillMN MAilltlU1.
CHICAGO. August 7. ISpeehl Telegram to
ho BKI : . ] WIIIIAT An easlci fecllnjr pie-
.illctl In the caillci m.ukets , no one wani
ng .Spptciiibci wheat vcrj badly ( it 107t ( $
7t 4cclioaportli i llclo-ol hst night. The
fiesh iccelpts weie 2U cais. The Hirelings
were inoiU > iatcly laigc , but the thins ; most
nissed was pews of soiuo kind to make tlm
uaiket move on. Then1 was absolutely
mthitmof tills natuiu In sight. Tim Inspce-
, lon sheet showed 412 cais of coin , but the
lemand for it was model atelj good and
jvices kept voii s-teadv aunmd 4t @ ! 4V.
[ oikMd.itSJ.7 ! < > 3 ' ) .77li for September de-
hfiy , the local m.ukcl being held up b.v
ight lecelptsat tlm j.uds , only about 7.GOO
ic.idol fiesli hn s coming In. The appear-
nnrcs of the different pits resembled nothing
so much as when theboaid is holding Its last
session piloi ton holid.ix. adjournment. Pi.ic-
ilcall > all tlm business was done dining tlm
first half horn of the se-slon , and e\cn
that was so dull and light as
o Induce comment. Theenthe fluctuations
In wheat wes V. and thuio was ic.illy no
, oed excuse foi even this movement bejond
the fact that to make a sale the bnvci and
sellei must come within > .fe ol each utlici.
Kv cry now and then theiofts a trade in
\\hcMt , but It npuunied mine a dcslui to bi oak
! ho monotony than fiom any desiie to on-
tr.uo In speculation. A jump fiom 'iG e to
77c 01 back again was a thins ; of i.uo oeciu-
lence. Tlm close at 10 o'elock was cntltcly
without lilooi Inteiest.
Coin got about halt a length ahead of
wheat in the matter ot fluctuations moving
Xcduiliig the day. September opened at
441jfe. sold down 'te , tht'ii up to-lie and b.icK
to44.he. unjthlnp , a laigei
following tli.m wheat , but this isn't saving
lint ntoro than a eorpoial's guaid weie inter
ested In the nuiket. Kail > In the d.iy Stoims
lioughi a little , and Batiks was also bulling.
TultsValkoi had a s.nnple ol splendid-
lookimr com , sent in Irom Ustoid Junction ,
la. , which tlio semli'i cl.iims is a lull sampl' )
fiom that- , lei nlty. 11 the tacts areas stated ,
time is certainly no cause for alaim so tar
as that portion ot the lo\\a \ crop is concerned.
1'oikwasnot quite as dull as other aiti-
cles , but alter 10 o'elock tlieio was very little
business done. Alter selling .it SU.b5 , Septem
ber tell to 8'J.72J4 , and closed splntless.
CHICAGO , Augu t 7. ( Special Telegram to
tlm Br.K.J C vrn.E As is usual on Satur
day there was scarcely a sulliclent number of
cattle on sale to make a m ukot. In a gen
eral way values aie tull > lOe higher than a
week ago on the oullnarj inn of fat cattle ,
jet prices have inlcd low , and aie liable to
rule low until tlm uui of noithcin longe
cattle Is o\ei , which will bu nc.uly four
months hence. A few loads of fancy beeves
have sold tlm past week : it S5.00JS5 2S , but the
gieat bulk , tlm peed to choice tat cattle ha\e
sold \\ithin a lange of 8l.7r < ; J.OO , while nse-
fuland piinm cattle have gone as low as
§ 4.2ocsl..50 ( , and range stccis have sold as low
as S3.S5ta'5.7. ' > . Anionj ; the auhals tlm past
week weie a few tiains ot northern rangers
thatha\c sold at tiom ? ,5.1r @ " . .50 lot 1ICO
to 1,200 Ib a\ei. ges. This class of stock w ill
bealeatine of tiade toi tlm ncai future.
Montana and Tcxaus ha\e sold at SJ.50C *
Sf.75. Among the auivals this week wcio
8,000 to0,000 Te.xans , allot which weie sold
at nn advance ot 20Vt.Oe ( ) , a few inline going
as lilch asS'XfiOtfS ' . .75. N.iti\o bntchei block
bold icservedly low until tlm lattei part of
the week , when there \\ab \ a slight u ptnrn ;
jot common cowa will not mike o\er 8t.75@
$2.2.5. Hulls are making Sl.75@82.25
Tlmielias beeen aiovlval In the stacker and
feeder trade , and shipments to the countiy
ba\c been quite libeial the past week. Tlm
weak in tlm diouth and the improvement to
pastmage has biought out n go od demand.
Seveiai consignments ot eastern daily c.ilves
aimed thib week and \\cio closed out within
a lange ot S' ! ) to 11.50 pei head.
lions Salesmen that had pnme corn-fed
stock got an advance Of about Gc ovei tlm
closingof last night , while those that hail
grabby. undcbli.ible and common stock weie
comnclled to accept almost any otlei. and
there was stock on silo bo pool and common
that no bu > ei would make a bid tor. Prime
corn-ted mixed , S-.80@l.)0 ) ! ) , and best Heavy ,
light borts. Including Yorkers ,
giassy and undcsiiable stock ,
New York. August 7 , MOVBV On call
sy at ! i < < i > l porcent.lclosin ? at 3 pereont.53
.MtntcANiiLis i'Arci : 4@5 per
Actual bales , S-l.S.WCW.blJ-j' tor sixty day
bills and SlMXQtl.&Vl for demand.
tiOVKKNMUMs Governments were dull
and unchanged.
STOCKS At tlm opening this moining tlm
prices ot stocks geneially .showed a decline
ol 16 < < i)6 liei rent , although a few blocks
weie liiglmr. Tlm maiket was quiet ana
niter A fun blight losses hecanm tiimandso
continiu'd until noon , when pilceseiugen -
ei.dly abo\e the opening liguies. A raid of
"bears" then bioke tlm entire list , 1'acilic
Mail showing a loss of 1J per cent and ollmi
smaller amounts. In tlm last hour , however ,
tlm decline was checked and the nmiket
closed generally steady at the lowest ligmes
ot the day.
3j3 cent bonds. . HXH ? 0. & N. W
U. fclAj's > . llljtfl Drotcired. .
New 4's . Wu jN. Y. C . 110K
Pacilicd'sof'flo. 125 Oieiron Trail. .
Centiall'aeilic , . > 4' I'aelnc Mail
C. & A 141 P. 1) . &E lid
piufencd. . . IftO P. P. C
C. a AsO ISO Hock Island
I ) . L. itV IM St. L. itH. V. .
1) . & K. O : prefcired.
Eile. . . . . . . . . . . . 33 aM.AsS . .P. . . ttO ,
prefeired. . . 70 piolencd. . ,
llibrols Central , " " St. P. AC 111 %
L , U. &W piefeiicd. , . 11U
Kansas ATexas. Texas Pacific. . . 15
Lake Shore. . . . Union Pacilio. . . G.5J-J
L. AN \V. , St. L. it P.
Mich. Central. . . piefeired.
Mo. Pacific Wcstem Union. 07
Noithcm Pac. . . N 103
piefcried. . .
Chicago , August 7. Flour Nomlnullv
unchanged ; winter wheat flour , 81,05@1.10 ;
southern , jl.00@l 03 ; Wisconsin , S1.0D@U5 ;
Michigan soft sprlnur wheat , S.l.50@t.l ( ) ; Mln-
Wheat null ; closlns about Uta under
jesteulay ; cash , 751-lOc : September ,
70Kc ; Oetobei , 78 ll-lflc.
Corn Piicesaavanced c early , declined
} ( c , ami closed J o lovvci than jestei-
( lay ; cash , IWOc ; September , WGc : Oc-
tobei , IflS-lOc.
Oats Stc.uly and unclian od ; cash , 27/c :
Soptembei , ssvc ; October , i9 ! U-lOc.
Jtyo Dull at&Jc.
Uarlav Hicady at WJfc.
Tiniothv Punic , 5-.OU.
Poik Oponcdat alOe aivance. later fell
off IJMo and closed '
easy at jcsterdav's close ;
Laid Advanced tike , reacted anil closed
B ,
Biittei-Cieamery , 12 > < @lto ) ; dairies , 9
vi > e.
Olicese-Stoady and unchanged ; full cream
youi" ;
. .
Jlidcs Heavy grpen salted , bas .c ; lleht
& 8Jfc : damaKel. 7/c ; bull lildes. 5
eacons , OOc each.
Tallow No. 1 coimfrj , S.'j X' ' ! No. 2 ,
cake , KV.
Flour. Will . ' U.Ofti 7.HOO
Wheatbu. . u iM.ooa
COMS.DU aisouo i4Jooo
Oate.DU ltit.000 1,000
Hvc.Dtl U.OOO 1,000 - 'J'.odo 101.000
Now York , AiUust 7. Whtat-lteccipts ,
201,000. expoiK lO..OOO ; spot Ilrm : nioii- ac
tive , piilly for i'.port : options opened
stioug. advanced a tlllle , afteiwaids weak-
> ned and lo t tlm Improvements , closing
otcnd } ! ungraded led , 7.WV , jc : nngiadcd
red , c. f. anil I , MU.IKC.I . ; icd , sne :
N'o. lied , fO'cc ' ; N'o. 2 icd. xv iisriV In
clcvatoi , JClao ilrllveicd ; August elided al
ii'-tC. ' .
Corn Spot Him and quiet ; options opened
' > bettci , bi > t Hosed with the advance
lost ; i.-celpts. dl.OiX ) ; cxpolts , liO,000 ;
Icd , VtttfWjc : N'o. 2 , .50'iC ' 111 itoie ,
delivered ; .September closed at
51 Oats Mixed , lower ; white , steady , lmde
ensici ; mixed western , rrxu'is ; white , J.S
"Petroleum .Steativ ; United closed nt ( ll' c ,
Poik Dull and somcwiiat nominal ; old
mess quoted at fcl06J'5r ( lo.75 ; new mess ,
Laid Dull and somewhat nominal : west
ern steam , spot , 87.0"@r.i)7lj ) ; Septem
ber. 87.00.
Butter Quiet and ilrm : westem , lilSioc.
Cheese riim and nulei.
Ksigs-Steidj and demand fair ; western
tiesh , isv flll-k1.
Cincinnati , August " . Wheat Stiomrt
Nt 2 icd , iXJ7iV.c. !
Com Kasler ; No. 2 mixed. 4.c. !
Oats : > ; N'o. 2 mixed , 270Jb' ' C.
live-Quiet ; N'o 2 , M'tCilc. "
Laid Quiet alFtl.50.
\Vhiskv hteadv ; sales of S72 bauds of fin
ished goods on a basis ot 81.07.
Milwaukee , August -Wheat Quiet ;
. . 74'ic , Septeiubei , 7tVfc ; October , "iS v.
Corn Dull : inKed. .
Oits-.Stc.ulv ; N'o.J. . mixed , ar fc.
Kve-tiuiet ; N'o. 1 , Me.
Hailo > IllKlu'i : No. 'J , We.
Provisions Steadv ; mess pork. August
and Sentembei , fcU ; 7 ; October , V'J.S ' * .
St. IiouU , Aiiiiiist 7. Wheat Kasy ;
Xo. a , red , tash , 7iiu4c ; Soptembei , iSe.
Cora lne ; . \n 'J , mixed , cash , 40a\ \
Oats Iiiegul.n ; No. 2 , mixed , cash , 20 ;
September. 2T' c.
Itvc Finn atrlV.
Whisky S.07.
Poik-Steail.v at SIO.-r > .
tj.ud ? 0.0.
Hnttei Dull ; ciiameiy , 17@20c ; daily ,
KnnsnH City , August 7. Wheat-
Quiet ; No. S led. cash , ( U < c bid oajtfc
asked ; September , C. ! , ' c bid , Oic asked ; Oc-
tohei. WJc asked.
Com Active , but a shade lowei ; No. 2 ,
cash , 3-.cbid ; Septemhei , : ! 7 ii7 : c ; Octo
ber , Wi ) o bid , Ri4 < ' asked.
Oats Steadj ; UTc hid foi cash.
Toledo , August 7. Wheat Steady mid
fhitiei ; cash , 71te.
Coin Dull and sleadi ; cash , He.
Oats Firm ; cash , Wic.
Ijlvcrpool , Anrust 7. Wheat lloldcis
otfei ficelv ;
Fiom btipply good ; cxtiaNo. 1
Corn Snot and tntmcs , supply good ;
new uiKcu and Aiieustis ! } < jd ; Septem
ber , 4s J fd ; October , 4s lid.
New Orloaim , August 7. Corn Quiet
and steady at "jfiWVCc.-
Oats Dull amb low ei ; choice westem in
' . ' ,
sacks , itotSo''c i i
Coinmeal Dill ) , we ik and lower at 52.JO.
Hog Pioducts Qulpt and weak.
PoikIOfiO , l
Lnid Kelined.'ttercc ' , S0.3r ; fiT1.50.
Hulk Meals Shoulders , S5.S7& ; lone clear
ami cleai libs , SOCSi
Mliuicnpolls , ' ' August 7. Wheat-
Weak , inactive > and lowei ; No. 1 haul ,
cash. 75c : September , 7Gc ; October , 77Kc ;
No. 1 1101 them , casiij "He ; September , 74c ;
Octcbci , 75 0 ; No. 3 norihern , cash , 70c ,
ScDteiuber , 71c ; ( ) ctopei , 7J e.
Flour-Dull ; pateiits , , 4.yo@4.50 ; bakers ,
S 5 : iO.5 50. '
Uecelpts-Wheat , 53,000 bushels.
Shipiimnts-WKCatr 10,000 bushels ; Hour.
21,000 ban els. nn
Cli icngo , August 7. The Di over's Journal
icpoits as tollows :
Cattle Hecelpts. 500 ; steady ; shipping
stceis. 5".7.-4.U3yc ! ; stockers and feeders ,
S'J.2T@1.40 ; cows , bulls and niKed , Sl
U.50 ; Tiulk , fc2.50(7 ( .00 ; throtigli Tc.\as
tie nominal at ? 1.50j ( J.75 \
Hozs Receipts , 9.r)00 , ; strong foi good ;
common dull ; rough and inKcd , S4.- ( % >
4.75 : packing and shippins , S4.75@5.10 ; light ,
S4.25C < < 4 'JO : skijis , S'J.(50g8. ( ( < )0. )
Slicep-Itecelpls. 1,500 ; natives. S2.50@4.25 ;
Slontana , li. * ® ; lambs , § .J.76@5.25.
Kansas Oily , August 7. Cattle Re
ceipts , 740 ; shipments , 1,400 : strong and a
shade hlghoi for choice natives ; fhippin
steeis and Texas steeis Hi in ; common stu
weak ; sales slow ; coed to choice , S4.00 (
4.50 ; common to medium , S3 40 ( < ? : UK ) ; stock
ers , S'.4UiJ2.75 ; feedeis , S2.bO@5.30 ; coxvs ,
§ 1.50C'i2.75 ; glass Texas steels , ViCO@3.(0. : (
Hogs Heccipta. 5,040 ; shipmeats , 1,203 :
choice , stioni ; and a shade hlghei ; mixed
jiigs , 4.00@1.40.
hf. LIOUIH , August 7. Cattle Hecelpts ,
750 ; shipments , 'M ) ; firm ; good to choice
shipping , § 4.50@4.bO ; common to fall , 5H.83
@ 4.:55 : ; butehei steers , S.50@4 ! ! 2-j ; cows and
ImifciH , ) ? 2.25 ( < H50 ; tlnoiigh Texaus , { > 2.2S
@ 'J.b5.
Hogs Hecelpts , 1,000 ; shipments , 600 ;
stiongei ; butchcis and best heavy , S4.25
@ 4.M : mixed packing , Si. : ( a4.70 ! ; licht ,
S4.-tOj4.7. " ) ; giasscrs and common mixed ,
SdttinVav i\enliiff : , August 7.
Cattle Tlm maiket was slow anddull , veiy
little being done. The packing house had a
ti.dn slnnpcd in to them and weie not on tlm
Hogs The maiket was 111010 actlvo to-day ,
but It was dull to what it has been. Tim
bnycis claim that they have been paying too
much for hogs and that tlm market must
come down. The salesmen aio slow to admit
It , and me holding prices up , which
makes tlm maiKut slow. Them Is a good
deal of sundown buying going on. The re
ceipts to-day weie not as heavy as jesteiday ,
but veiy liberal lei Siturday.
Sheep There Is no market.
Cattle 000
llo3 1500
I'rovalllnj ? Prices ,
Showing the provalllnff prices paUl for live
stock on this market.
Choice Hteois , 18.50 to 1500 Ibs 54.30rtU.t5 :
Choice steeis , 1100 to 1H03 Jhs ! i.75$4.15 (
Medium steeis , 1250 to 11150 Ibs. . . H.75.00
Fat little steers , 1050to 1150IlH . . . . : U5.i.K ! ( ! )
Good feeders , oootolooo Ibs H.oo ( : ) : ) .5
Good to choice corn-led cows. . , , , 2.l)0 ) ( .i.25
Fair to medium gtassipows 20J'rui.a5
( iood to choke bull * . . . 1.50@2.50
Light and mediumjioL's , . . . . , 4..30M1.IO
( lood to choice hi avy HOBS 4.40 ( 4.50
( iood tocholco niUc'inio s 4.35(54.45 (
Fair to good shorn jhcnji 2.00@3.50
T _ !
Koprcsontiitivo Halos.
No Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
101.J 82.00 10 1010 § 2.75
, Ill/OS ,
No. Av. Shk. .Pr. . NO. Av.oShk \ Pr.
' ' ' ' ' ' ' " *
712-17 4,35 , w'.l.ffiU "l20 4.45
70. . . 22-i IfiO y.itt' ( . . . .251 2bO 4.45
CO..2.50 240 40 54 . . .2U7 240 4.45
< V5,240 20'J 4.40 ' 74..3J5 210 4.50
01..24:1 : 200 4.40 TO..1W ) 200 4.50
50..2W ICO 4,40 J. 50 . . .2.VJ 120 4.50
08 . . . 'AM 820 4.40 01.,253 40 4.50
70..20y 200 4,40 72..218 bO 4.50
No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Shk , Pr.
10..28.5 83.25 3..S18 ? 4.10
0..2C5 W 3.tO O..ia0 4.10
llaugo of 1'fioea.
Showing tlm hii/hcatand lowest pilces paid
for mixed lo ub of ho.'a on tills miikut dMr-
Ingtho past seven days , with
values :
June July
Saturday31st. . . 4.G5 @ 4.bO
, , , July. August.
Monday , 2d. , . , . 4.Vi ( 0-4.75
TuosiUy,3d..SU * > fTi 1 , ( VQi JrfYti T3I
Wed'sd.iy , 4th , " 4.50 M1.70
Tlnmdnr. 5th 4.55 4.40 ( a > 4.U )
Friday , tith . . . . 4.45 (2SI.75 ( 4.a5 ( ittl.M
Satuiday , 7th. . 4tt5 _ 4.35 < l 4.3
Live Sn.oU Snles.
Showing the number of cattle , hogs and
sheen .purchased by the leading bitjers on
to daj s mai ket.
( Shipped In. )
G. II. Hammond A Co 240
Clark Bros 4..5
O. H. Hammond A-Co IS'i
Black 7IA
Anglo-Aincilcan P. Co 220
HanlsiV rishei. . . . . 72
Shipments ,
Showing thoiininb r of cus of live slock
shipped out of tlm > aids during the day :
i vi n v.
N'o. Cais. Itt. Dcst.
: t N.V \ Chicago
18 C. H. it t } "
No. Cars. IS' , , . .P t
. " ! ' ! ! ! ! ! ! . ' . ' . . & Q" ! ! ! ' . ! ' . . ! !
All s-xlcs ol stock in this inn ket are undo
iiercvvt. live weight unlcjs otherwise stited.
Dead ho.s sell at l < e pel Ib for all w eights.
"Skins , " or hog * weighing loss tlnn 10J Ibs
novalue. Piegnaiitsowsato ibekcJ 4J ILn
and stays to Ihs.
Cnllie dull
r. . P. Ii\inond ! , Dcnvei , had fifty head of
cattle on llm maiket.
.Judge L. W. Tiihbs , Kmiison , la , , was
looking ovei the yaids.
Hog bujeis have been \eij backward for
the past two or tlnee daj s.
Mi. llmeley , of Kmelev Uios. , Wlsnor , was
hcic w Ith a fill ol cattle and one of hogs.
1M Bciiton , Sllvel Citv , la. , was at tlm
.vaidsjcsteid.iy looking ovei the market.
L. H. Smith , ot the Him of Black A Smith ,
Kcaincr , was heio to-day with seven loads ot
ho s.
. .1.V. . Plumer , tin count.v tie.isnici ot Pot-
tawattamiecount.v , was a visitoi nt tlm.nds
Mi. 'lukslmij , ol the Ilrm ot Coopci &
Tuk'-tmry , Weeping watei , was a visitoi at
thevaids jesteiday.
Tim S.Ti ; a. m. tialti to the sto"k jaids will
beappiechted by those not having occasion
to go down caillci In tlm mottling.
1) . 11. & . ) . W. Suvdei hnd anotlici train
load ot cattle on tlie maiket to dav liom
Hot ] , Coloiado. ' 1 lie Texas cattle which tliej
sold Hammond vesteidaj killedout good.
On the maiket with hojis. : ( icuoa I'lovatoi
Co. , Cenoa : 11.1 { . rulkiiiMCotheiilergh. 1 ! .
Black. Kim Ci eel. ; Weeks A Beebe , O'Neill ;
C. S. , Cit.v ; McKldouv \ Mc
Donald , Ceo. II. Waiicn iV Co , Crnfton ; J.
F. rishei , Heil Oak ; , J. \v , .loues , Auioia ;
Spelts A , 1 , . , Uljsscs ; A. D. Bojei , Malcolm ,
and'l. Poweis , button.
Lawience L. Uapnal , of the firm of Hippal ,
Lamb t Co. . the well-known live commission
establishment of Chicago , was a prominent
tiauio in the business of the I'nion Stock
Yaids last week , lie Intends to look ovci
tlm cattle i.ingcs ncai Clmdion Neb. , In a
day 01 so.
The Dioveis' Journal comments as follows
on the present mn ot lings : "It is a fact
vvoith noting that tlm quality of hogs now Is
veiy peer , and the shrinkage In maiiuf.ictui-
Ing the product is all tlie way liom I to G jici
cent greder than It was ( luce months ago.
It will be remembcicd that ( luting tlm spiing
and eirly stimmci woieceheda rniely good
duallU of hogs ; tlm hois vvcie in line mid
winter ( ondltfoii , In manv cases being actu
ally bcttei than necessary. 15ut now. in
shaip contrast with that , tlm quality ot the
hogs Is vcrv poor , It being haid to get a dune
of solid corn-led stock , while pilces are T5C
OOe hlghiM'aud the jirospects for product aie
nothing like as good as then. Itisverj tine
that tlm hogs now f'avenotas nuny friends
as when thev weie coming In prime condi
tion and selling at about S4.25. "
General 1'coiliice ,
Sr.tuxlav Kvciiing , August 7.
T/ic/olfott'diy / / ) ftrs ittc for initntl loti nf
piotliiic , us ioW on tlic innihct tn-tiiiii. The
(7iio/iIiiv / on Jntitt ) c/"f's / < - ' "ticpIecs < / / ( it
uhlili < > nil < lc onlci > ttrejlllut.
K.s Tlm leceltits aie more libeial and
the maiket is not strong at lOc.
I5ui i IH. Choice fiesh tnblebuttcrln good
request , low er grades contlnuo dull. All but-
tei should be packed in clean , new tubs. Old
trv. 12@l'5c ; lair countij , i'etlc ) ; common ,
3v < WC.
Poi'Lrnv. Hecclpis foi the past week or
ten d us have been exceedugly heavy , and
pi ices liavo gradually declined. Sales to day
aio being made at about tlm lollowlng quota
ToMATors Per one-tlmd bushel box , 75 ;
per bushel box , SI " > o.
CAIIIIAOI : Is quite scaicenow.Missouii. .
uei ciate. S-JW.
, OXIONS Are coming foiwaid slowly jet ,
and prices aio firm with a good demand.
Choice , pei hbl. , fe ! . .0(44.00. (
BKAN-J Infeiior stocks , 75c@SUU ) ; good
clean countiy. 31,25@l..r > u ; medium hand
picked , S1.50 ; hand-picked navy , 81.05.
POIAIOIIS Muikct is a little mou > active ;
) ) i ices range accoiding to quality ot stock ,
trom 50 < a > 00e pei hiishcl.
Ui.iiiniis Ulackoeuies. pei 10 imait case ,
S2.00 ; bl.ichenlcs , porbitslu'l sands , 500.
Souriiuuv Pi.i'vis A tew southern plums
aie coming in and sell lablv well. Southern
plums , stmds , 7.00 ; southern plums , 24
qnai teases. s..75(3i.OO. ( :
CAMKOiiJUA.Fnuirs The maiket is well
supplied. .B.utlelt pears , per box , S. ) 00 ;
Whitii Dovenne , pel box , $3.60 ; Uciine DIel
per box , S3.00 ; other varieties , M.7jft3.0l ( ( ;
nectaiincs , ; Ci aw lord's peat lies , pei box ,
S2.25 ; plums , per box , &J.OO ; grapes , poi
ciatc , S2.7S.
OIIANOEH California Navels , 57.00 ; Aled-
Itcriancau sweets , 50.50 ; St.SIielmls. SO.W.
AVAiiiiMr.r.oxs : ilissoiiri , Aikansas , etc. ,
520.00 ® I'O.OO. '
LIMO.NS : The maiket continues very Him.
Fancy , pei l ox , S10.00 ; choice , pei bov , S0.50.
Ai'i'i.Ks Choice , per bbl , 83.00 ; good , p i
bbl. 8'.50(72.75. (
UAXAXAS Choice Llmon , pei bunch , S-.50
< a.oo. : :
Cii.iuv : : Asmallainoimtlscomlng In nut
It does not sell veiy List. Shipping stock , per
do40e. .
houiiiruv ( SHARKS A tow soiitheui
giapes have airived In tlm maiket ; 10 Ib.
boxes. SI .0001.26.
COOOANUTS Cocoinnts , per 100,55.00 ; less
than hundred , per 100 , S.5.W.
Fins AND DAT r.s Figs , layer , 4 Ib boxes ,
perlb , lOc , Dates , fancy laid , 12 Ib boxes ,
lie : dates , Persian. 50 Ib boxes , per Ib , lOc.
Nt'is Pecans , laige polished , lie ; pecans ,
medium , ! > c ; Kngllsh walnuts , 14e ; almonds ,
Tair.igoua. 2jc ; almonds , Langucdoc , 17c ;
Bta/lls , 12c ; hlheits 14c ; peanuts , hand
picked , fancy Vhglnm , SJJc ; peanuts , hand
lilckedcholco Vligliiia,7 } < fcpeaiints ; , masted ,
L'ooxtra perlb.
ilo.snv California , 15c ; California ,
strained. lOc ; Nebiaska , choice , 14@15c ; Nc
biaska , , 13K@l ! f.
JlAi'j.nbuaAii Iliicks , pei Ib , 15cj ixiimy
caKes , perlb , 11 } c.
.MAi-i.n Sv Him Dull ? , 14 to 17 gallon KCJJS ,
per gal , 81.00 ; gal cans , per gal , S1.05 ; halt
gal cans pei gal , SI. 10.
CiiiKii New j oik , per bbl , 87.00 ; do. naif
bbl , 54.00 ; Ciab , pel doqts , S'J.75 ; 41lclilg.ui
rcllned. per bbl , Vil.OO.
ViNi : AJi-\Vlilto \ wine , 18 ( < M7c ; ciclei , 13
@ 17e ; single sticngth , ISc ; triple strength ,
ir.n Fir.T : , TIIIPK. Kxr. Pigs' feet , per
X bbl , 84.00 ; do , " bbl. 5-i.OUjilo. per kit , ' .We.
Lambs' tongues. ] > er ? bbl. 8.1.25 ; do , per kit.
52.50 ; do , quart jars , per do$5.25 ; do , pint
jars , per case , 2 dozen. 80.75 , Tripe , pei ' <
hbl , 84.00 ; do , per } ( bbl , 52.00 ; do , per kft ,
Wto.Pnovisioxs Hani , 12 > < c ; breakfast bacon ,
8JSOc ( ; clear sldo bacon. 7 f 8c ; dry tuU
sides , 7@7 > c ; short lib sides , 7e ; shouidcis ,
7c ; mcbs jioik , 812,50 jei bbl ; dried beef-ham
pieces , luc ; laid , tleices , OJiC ; 50-lbcans7o ;
lo-lb cans ( Fiihbanks ) , 7ic ; Mb cans , Uo ,
7e ; U | b cans , do , 7Uc. ;
Fi.ouu AMI ilu.i.siUKrs Winter wheat
llour.bcstquallty | ) atentS2.bO ; second qualliy ,
$ } . .Wtl'l.Mbest \ quality spring wheat Jloin ,
patenl , 52.75 ; bran , 50c jwr cwt : chojiped
teed , COcper cwt : white com meal , 75c ; yel
low corn meal , C5c per cwt ; scieenlng , fiOe
per cwt : hominy , Si.50 per cwt ; slmits , nsc
per cwt ; erahain , 81.75 ; fmy , hi bales , S7.00 ®
7 , 50 per ton.
UHAIX Corn , C5c ; old oats , 23o ; now oats ,
25c ; rje , ttto ; wheat , COc.
General ninrkcts.
WOOL Medium , 17@20c per Ib ; fine heavy ,
12@15c ; light. 14i$17c ( ; coaise , 12@t5c ; btirry
wool , 2 < 5c olf.
HliiKS Green butchers' . OJ'ca7c ; preen
cured. b@8JHc ; diy Hint. lli18c ; dry salt. W3
lOc : dama cu Idden , two thirds prlcu : tallow ,
3 ( < { 'J)4Ci ) grease , prime white , . 8c ; jellovv , 2c ;
brown , l e ; slmep pelts , 25fe)75c ) ,
iiBAiiiKH i'rlniu slaughter sole leather ,
U2c ; pi mo oak solo le-athur ,
Upper leather , per foot. 2fl iic ) : hum. kip.
75Gi ! > 5cj oak kip , { vXaooc ; Fieuch Ulp , fel.ooa
1.00 ; hem. call , Sl.OJSllO ; oik oilf , Sl.OO
1'J5 ; French eilf , 81.2. > $ ! ; Morocco hoot
\fe \ , rciJiHc ; Morocco oil pebble , > < ? ! . ' < : ; toiv
pine * and linings , Stl00lO.OJper ( do e3
IIFXW II vnuw MIK iron , rate , M.2. > ;
low stei'i sti | > ci.\l cist , to : eriicib lestcci , PC ;
CT > ( tools ilo , 1''cctv ; waeon spnkes' per sot ,
Sl.7.\ibt.oo ; hulls , per set sl.2.5 ; felhv" ,
sawed dry , fcl.4U ; tonmics , cacti , .V ; axles ,
cadi. 7.5o : sqmie nuts , m-r Hi. 7ittlc ; cell
chain , per Ib , ( > ta > l2c ; nnllenble , ( Vjfv : Iron
wedges , Oo : ciowbus , Oc ; Intro w teeth , 4c :
spiing steel , "citSo ; Uuiden's lioiscsiioes ,
84.10 ; Jliinlen's mule slioe , 8V40 Hnilied
wlie , in cai lots , SllH ) per 10J HH. ion !
N'alN , mils , toto.'K ) . i J 50 ; < teel nulls. sj.rc ;
Shot Sl.iVi ; Imoksliol. ? 1.S5 :
powder , kegs ? J.W : do , half hcgs , S'-MXI ;
do , nu.titci kegsl.oO ; blasting , kegs , 82.A5 ;
fuse , pei UK ) led , l \ \ Leul Bar. SIC.
PAIMS is On. - V i i' n I . Omaha , P. P.
< c ! white leid , St. Louis , pmc. S7r > : Min-
_ llles gicen , t tofil'i cris J I'rciiih/lne
LMccn soak I'-e ; Fieiich ylne icd seal , lie ;
rieuc'.i rlnc. In varnish asst , We ; ricnch
7IUC. iSceimllllon : , Ameilean , lsc ; Indian
led , toe ; lose pink. 14c ; Venetian icd , Cook-
son "s , 2'eonctian : icil , Ameiican. l , c ;
S | - - -
Dnv PuN'-s-tt Idle lead Vil'ieuc n/i no
l.V ; Pails whiting , JJe ; whltlinr , irlldcis' ,
t'c , ; whiting , eom'l. l'e , lampblack , Cei
matislown , lie ; lamptihick , oidlmuv , V ;
Prussian blue,5 > cntiim.iiinc : ! , ls > i'vaiid.vke. ;
brown , sc : umbel , burnt , Ic ; iimhei , law , 4o ;
sienna , burnt , 4c ; sleiitin , law , 4c ; Tails
( iiecugenuine. 2'ic ; Pails iriocn , common ,
2ic5 chiome gieen , N. Y. , 20c ; ehiouie gieen ,
K , t'Je ; vermlllioii , KiiL'lisli , in oil 70e ; raw
and bin ut umber , 1 Ib cans , r.'c : raw and
bnint siemm , l.V ; vand.vke , drown , l.'lc : ic-
llncd lampblack , r.'c ; coach black and ivory
black. Kic ; diop lilack , Ific ; Piusshin blue ,
40o , nltiamai lne blue , IfJc ; chiomogecn , L. ,
M. \ D. , HV ; blind und shutter u'iceii , L. . M.
* I ) . , liV ; r.nlsL'iecn , iv ; Indian icd , li > c ;
Vencllan icd , iV : Tuscan , 22c : A HUM lean
vcimillion. L. \ I ) . , 20o : .vellovv oclne , fe : L
M. iV ; O. D. , Ihc ; good ochie , lic ! : Patent
divet , be : gialiilngeohn , light oak , d.uko.ik ,
walnut , thcstnut and ash , I2c
Dm us AND r i Mir vi s Acid , cnibollc ,
. .2ci acid , tait.ulc , 5lc ! ; balsam coinlba , DIM
Id , I5e : b.iilc. sassatras. pei tti. loc : calomel ,
pei IbVJc : chliicliniildm. per o40c ; chloio
form , pei Hi , 20 c ; Dover's puwdi'is pn " ' .
81.25 ; epsom silts , pet Hi , ! l > e ; glvceiitie ,
pine , per Iti. IS- : lead , acetate , per iti 20c ;
oil , castoi , N'o. 1. pet g.ik , fcl.5J ; oil , castoi ,
No. 2 , per gal , , S1.4D : oil. oll\epei gal.V1.40 ;
oil. oik'nnnum , 50u ; opium S.v'0 ; quinine ,
P. vl W. and It. * S , per o"Oo ; potassium
iodide , pel tti , s'i.OO ; sjiiioin , pei o40c ; sul
phate nun phinc , pet o8J.5U ; siilphtu , pel
lli. 4c ; strychnine , IUM 07 , S1 , : < 0.
" \ AUMSIII.S HaireK pei gallon : Finn- !
hue , extra , 8110 ; fumltiiic , No , 1 , SM.OO ;
coach extia , S1.40 ; coach , No. 1 , P1.20 ; Di-
mai , extia , 81.75 ; Japnn , 70c ; iisplialtinn ,
extia , Gbe ; shellac , 8350 ; hind oil liuisli ,
bpimisColognespliits. . 1SS pioof.Sl.lO ;
do 101 proot. 81.11 ; spiilts , sctoud oualitv.
101 proof , 81.10 : do Ibb piool. 81.10. Alco
hol , ltd pi oof , S-.0-1pei wlue gallon. Kedis-
tilled whiskies , S1.00fi ( > 1.50. Gin. blended ,
S1.50@200 ; Kentucky bourbons , 82.tX ) ( < n.0 ! ( ) ;
Kentuckvand Pennsjlvaiiiarves , 82.00@0.fiO ;
Colden Sheaf botnbon and rve will kies ,
S1.50(7) ( ) > .00 Biandies , Impoited , 85 00 ( < ( > ViO ;
domestic. Sl.iiO.00. ! Olns , imiioitcd , $4 50
( TtCi.OO ; domestic , 1.2.5nI.OO. ( ; Chainpagnes ,
Impoited , per case. S2&00@34.00 ; Amciici'ii ,
pei case , 310.00 10 00.
Oi'ocers' Ust.
Pici\r.i : Medium , In bols , ? 500 ; do In
half bbls , 8.J.OO ; small , in bbls 8000 ; do in
halt bbls , S.1.50 ; gherkins. In bbls , 87.00 ; do
in half bbls , ? 100
CANI > \ Mixed , Oi TiZVJc ; sticlc , < fV\c. \
( . 'Ht m us Darncati's soda , butlei and
picnic , 5'jc ; cicams , bj-jc ; ginger snaps , bjjjc ;
citsoda. . 7'ac.
SODA In lopapeis , 8J.25a case ; salsoda ,
keg , per Ib , 22 .
avitri'-No. 70 , 4-g.illon Kegs , Sl.OO ; New
Oilcans , ; i (34Gc ( ! pei gallon ; Manlo SjmpJ
ban el. strictly pure , 7i/c jwi gillon ; I gallon
cans. V 2.5 per doK : gallon cans , 85.25 pei
do/ : quail cans , fctUO.
SiAitru Mmoi gloss , lib , 5V ; Minor
gloss , ! i Ib , 5kc ; Mil 101 gloss , 0 Ib.dKe ;
( ! ra\cs'coin , 1 Ib , Oc ; Kmgstoid's Kim , 1
Ib , 7c ; Knigstoid's pos ] * , 1 Ib , 7e ; Kings-
ford's gloss , 0 ib , 7lJc ; Kliusfoid's pure , : ) ll >
5Vc ; Knnrstoid's bulk , Ic.
fair ,
. ! c ; choice. I'J UJVe ;
tancv green and jellow , lS > @ 14l c : old gov-
emnicnt .lava , 202fic ; intciiur .Inv.i. 10 > J@
20c ; Mocha , 22V8i4c ( ; Aibucklu's loastco ,
14Mc ; McLaughlin's XXXX lo.isied , 14i < c ;
Dilvvoith1 ! ) . 14'4c : Itcd Cioss. 14've. '
SoArs Kirk's bavon impciial. & 2.70 ;
Knk's satinet. 85.00 ; Kirk's staiul.ud. S'i.05 :
Kiik'swhito Kussiin , St.OO : Klik's White
Can. SU.5'J ' : Dome. Si.b.5Vashboaid. ; . SU.10.
Dmri ) Knuirs-No 1 qii.utcr apples , : iJ4t 4
4c ; in evaporated bvixcs , D' ' fitO c ; blackoci-
nes , boxes , 7W@ ; ] ' .ichi's , eastern , 4n >
5 } < c ; jieaclms , cvaiioiated , 15'5tl7c ' ; Salt
Lake , none in maiket ; i.ispbcincs , new , 10
; cuiianls , 7M e ; immes , new ,
OA > NID : Coons Ojstcis , sfaiidaid , pei
cas , 8stia\vb3nioi ! ! ( ) ; , 2 Ib PJI case. & 2. 50 ;
f.spheirics , 21b pei case , 8225 ; California
peaif , pei case , 81,10 ; apiieofs. per ca = e ,
' 0
' ' ' ' ' '
@ 5.50 ; 1 ib'miicke'ici. p'ei do'/'M.20 ; 1'lb sal
mon pei do81.50 1.55 ; 2 Ib goosebenes ,
per case , Sl.7.5 ; 2 Ib siting beans , pei case ,
81.70 ; 2 Ib lima beciis. pel case , 81.00 ; 2 Ib
maiiowfat peas , pel case. 82 ! i ( ) ; 2 Ib eally
.hum peas , pei case , S-i.75 ; ! i Ib tomatoes ,
per case , 52.10@2 .50 : ' ! Ibcorn. PIT case , Sl.OO
( ? l2.10:21b : com beef , pel do/ . 5I.70@J.OO.
jioi'K M inch , lj/c ) ; % inch , ! % ci ; Inch ,
JlATrnr'5 ' Per caddie , 2s > ; round , per
case.81.00 ; Mjuaiecases , § 1.70 ; niulo squaic ,
SiTOAits Powdered , 7fc : cut loaf , VH < " ,
gianulatcd , ti c : conlcctloiicrs' A. O'c , ;
standaid extia C. Ojui'fjc ' ; extra C , 5J @ 5c ;
medium jellovv , 5JiJa.5)aC. ( Boxes , 40 Ib Os , O c ; bs , oj/c ;
boxes , 40 Ib , 10 ooslOc ; halt box 20 Ib ,
Smoked halibut , 10) ) < c ; new scaled hcr-
ilngs , 2t > c.
Mow iisn. 'Ul'u.ll'f ' IJ'UQi UliU
Mt1UU \ W fiO < 0 Hi
Hen's S't.No 1 IVb ft fiU''l ' 25 2 ! I7 H } ? ! 40 63 47
1/KO C1I ) ' < 1 I'lUiej 5 ( Ki ) : OQ2 75 1 M I : IJ W ) 4.5
IVK It'll hh'io t"cj6 | IX ) a ( U' ! 75 1 65 1 ill ! 50 4li
. 111 Is III HblhQ'r Kills Tails or Kits
. ' 00 I 100 ! K ) 60 40 I U 10
KKIClIui' , X ) 7 50 0 83 3 80 3 10 1 01 UO
13 00'J , BO 8 CO A 60-i W ) 1 28 1 10
llolliuul Horrln e , now 65
100 0) CO 40 12 10
CiiLhalnmn 13007 08
No , 1 White rish. . 2 70 , ttJ
1'iunlly White I'lsli , . 3 ( K ) , a 71) ) 1 70 10J ttJ6li
No. ITioUt . . 4 (10 ( 8 U ) 2 CO 1 IK ) 118 no
Ko. 1 1'lukoml. . . ; t ixi | a 7Ujl N ) 1 no
Ainciicaii , 5 0 ; Arnold's , Co ; Uo-
chcoo , ( ! u : Manchester,5c ; Lyman,5s : Clou
testei , 5c ; Diinnell Jncqnaid , ( io ; Dunncll ,
5 > c : Windsor , ( > c ; Pacific , ( ic ; llinnony.4Xc ;
Anclmi Shirtings , 4' ' e ; Meiiimac Shlitiiifs ,
J c ; J5ci wick , 4c ,
DttK ( Unblcaclmdj So/ . Magnolia , lOc ;
10oz. Magnolia , Uo : Ho/ . West Point , lOUfc ;
11 o/ . West Point , 12j < c.
lluow.v Co n ON Lawrence LL , So ; Slmvv-
mnt LL. nc : Beaver Dam LL , 5c ; Atlantic
lAj , 5c ; Indian head , 7o ; Wau Inisset , Op/e ;
Ciown XXX. Gi c. Clifton CCC , Oe ; Utlca
CCC. 4)ie ; Atlantic 1' , 5J c.
TICKINOS Amoskcas ; ACA , 12V < fc ; Thorn ,
dyke OOO , 7e ; Thorndvkn fancy , OUc ;
voik , lOKe ; York fancy , I2 tfc ; Mllbuiy ,
lH > < c ; PuarlKlvcr , HHe ; Humllton , Uo
Swift Jtlvcr. C > XcSlmtiickct \ S , b fc ; She-
tuckctSS. WfiMontauk \ A A , 12o ; Montauk
UB , lie ; Omega ACA , ISc.
DUCK-coloied-15oston ( ) 9 o/ brown and
drab , lKJe ; Boston O H brow n and drab ,
XXX brown and drab , HKc ; Boston OP
blue , lltfc ; Warren Tilcot. I5c.
lii.mcitii : ) CoTioNs-Faimeis' choke ,
OJ.c ; Cabot , ft o ; Hone , 7c : 111114-4. 7Jic ;
Hill , OJfc ; Lonsdalo , Be ; Fitilt , beVania ; -
sutta. lOj/e.
Conur JKAXB-Kcaisargc , 7c ; Armory ,
Ic ; Pcppercll , 'ij e ; Indian Orchaid. Co ;
Nauinkc.ig , 7c.
CIIKVKITJS A moskeair , chi tks Ko ; A11105
kc.ig , stmies , s c , .Slater , stiiiic-i , be ; Kdm
buig , 'J'ic ; Wldlteiidou , stripes , be ; lilcn
lose , PC ; Oils. 1-jiecl.t. , tc ; Otin , htilpOK ! , i ) $ c : Aiaoske.ig , napped , lii' c ; Lit' '
i.iy , hook Fold , 12c : Ohi iinbeok ( fold. lHc
uduiance. book told , 1'Jc.
Tbo Work That Has Been Done on It ( it
The nenutlfiil Additions to I lie Mlnilo
World AVhlcli Will Itcmtrint
Scnr < on's Kntoflnlniiioiits of
Giont InU'iost to All.
The opoia lioii'-o citrtnin lias not fallen
in many a day. The stage \w \ * not boon
cot for many a niyht. The nmlitorium
looks like n desi'tti'il c'olisiMim. In tlio
world of th ? stajje , it is tlm season of when sonic nctois uro
liius looking fur fnttiro I'ligaj
ami olheis still o\ltavaititly snbsisthijj
upon tliu omniums 110 mahuvo
! * MI ni'ictl din inj ; the year now clospil.
Hut this Is not the period ot rest for
the stnfjo hand , the "piopeity man"the
igo earpenter , or the seonio arlist For
them , in all well regulated nud solidly
iielallislipil ) thentri's , U is the season of
labor. Old scenes ure to be dismantled ,
old pi ops rejineiinteil , and lon ilctenoil
piojoutM to bo cnnied into oxeoiitlon ,
Scenes that lm\o beeomo old , tiinp-worn
ntnl linger Mnincil lequlio the attention
of the .11 list , while his uenliis Is also
palled into icitilsition | to supply a novelty
in slate setting hiifrpo ; > ted bv the evolu
tion of the art. Such , In common with
oilier thealies of like import tlnouurhoiit
the country , is tlio condition of lloyd'a
today. The slnyo has been con\cited
into a work shop. The "hands"liiiro } as
itb occupants , while ) si bincu of at lists ,
raised lii h ahovo the stage , uiion the
"paintor's biiilgc > "ilitilimpait color nnil
outline to ertswliilc stietches ol whitest
cloth Four weeks ot this activity have
wiought a tiansfoimation which tlic gen
eral public will not witness the oneniiiG :
of the present season. Most | iioinlnont
in that transfoi mation is the work now
\iblble , as tliu le llt of the uitist'b hvbois.
' 1 hecoinpriso sonic of the most beautiful
scenes Imo ever been designed
west of the Missouri.
One of these is a parlor of llio Itonals *
panee order. It is .tnl l embody borne
of the bpeeilie teattucs copied Irom one
of Hajtliiiel's ideas. It is of crimson iul
g > ) ht , delicately blended , with : i wealth
of detail and beauty of design. This
backing will be supplemented with
wings , doors , boideis and : i lireliico ) ,
each in haiinony with the central pieces.
Ulicic is also : i plain intciior iii blue
mid drab , niso eomilele with .side and
upper leatuios.
A white pointed Gothic of the Kli/.ti-
bi'tlnui > ia has just graduated from
beneath the ailist's brush. It is .such as
has iceently been introduced into the
piominent the.ilios in the cant and has
been imidoneee-sari bytlioieeenl triowth
in f.u'or f light oporii of foieign origin.
It vvill also be p.irticuliirly serviceable
in the old comedies , and will bo espe
cially aupiopiiatc in such pieces as
"PiiiiceMctlmsulcm , " "he Petit Due , "
"La Mar.joiaino , " "Dragon DCSMllicrs , "
"La IViiehole" and a host of otheib. The
prevailing colois aiegrej , with blue and
geen | let in at the tiefolfs and panels. At
niglit. unijei the g.H , it will ii ] > jear with
peculiar richness It bus a complement
ot harmonious side pieces , together with
a novelty in the way of vvoiking panels
for sceiot iccesscs : ind passages.
J'hero is besides , an elaborate sot of
panel boideis to match the interiors of
julaccs and all the more bountiful of the
inside .scenes.
A now set of rustic borders ,
by far the most beautiful
that the Uo\il Iris ever had , have also
been executed and wall admirably sot of
the new and icficshcd exteriors.
Anotherfc.itmo vvhicli atti.vct universal
attention and admiiation aie tlm street
wings. Of these , Iheie uic eight in num
ber. Four will bu placed on each bide.
'J hebo will foini a bliiking novelty.
Heretofoie , the sticetllat has been bat
with fotest vvingh whicli tlie meiest eyes
might pei ceivc to have been inlnumoni-
ons. biich wings as those now finished
have never been excelled by any
of tliOM ! of the leading companies
which have visited Omaha. They are
wide , devibo in character , excellently
painted though with a boldness which
rather enhances their value. Among
thcmaip several store lionts , a gaiclcn
wall with trailing vines , a public build
ing , a piivnte residence and a church.
The latter ib an c.x.ict reproduction of one
of the entrances to the church of Notre
Dame of Paiis. which served as the model
for that , with which was set one of the
famous scenes of the once celelmUod
"Two Oi plums. " All these pieces
lead up to tlio Hat , foiming an excellent
Jn connection with all these thcio is an
mdiseiiminate vaiioty of sot pieces ,
among which is a biidgc to btipplaiit that
which has done duty since tnu opening of
thetheatic. A full set of sky-boidors
will replace those with which the audi-
enecs Jmvo been familiar , for while a
number of scl-ticcb and locks of various
stylus , designs ami colois will add to the
now compliment of the stock.
These , however , ropicsont but the ad
ditions to tliu st.itre pi opoi ty. Nearly all
of the best and freshest work
of last year lias been pio-
sctvi'd , It lias albo been untouched
so mneliso that when the season opens ,
tint Uojd will have a block of scenery
without tliu blemish of a linger mm Ic.
This cntei piir.o has cost Manager ISoyd
nearly a thousand dollars. It is homo-
thing that is bound to bo appicciated ,
and when each piece is piuscntcd for the
lirst time to the audience , it will doubtless -
less bo waimly icccivcd.
Tlm hotting of tlio .stago at the IJoyd in
the past has beun the marvel of tliu pro
fession whotravcl m this direction , Jt is
attiibulablo to the variety of the
stock and next to the skill
of Mr. Itooth , the stage carpenter ,
He isgiltcd a womleifnl ability in com
bining pieces and setting them with
clleet. So noticeable IKIH this gift been
displayed in the past , that Fanny Daven
port , Mnggio ftlitcholl , C'laia Morris , and
other tu lists , have declared that Mr.
Hoot It'B setting of their plays was tar
moic ailibtiu than that ( buy iccoivcd at
Denver , in tlm tlmatiu of the Millionaire
Tabor With the accessions ahovu mcn >
( toned , the possibilities of the gentleman
will bo all I ho gi cater , and in connection
with the excellent companies which an )
to play heiu next season , thoio is ample
season for oui people to anticipate some
very , very pleasant nights at the Uoyd.
[ Jim aitist who has accom
plished this woik is L , L.
( irnlinm , of llio lirm of Graham
and Davis of Kansas City. Jt is ho who
has painted the lioyd scenery for four
years , and his last is his gieatc t work ,
Tlm next season will opun on August
Both , with the "Devil's ' Auction" and
another ftpcctaenlar piece , both of whicli
will run during tlm week.
rtAVHIllo Hold at tlio Opera House
To-morrow Night.
On Monday , the IHh hibt. , at 8 o'clock
P. in. , at lioyd's opera housu thoio will
bo a meeting of tlio citinnu of Omaha
for llin piuposoof expressing m appro-
pnuto speeches and resolutions their ap <
prcciation of the chaiaeter and sonow
over tliu loss which the loimulju has MIS-
taincd in the death of Hon. Samuel J.
Speeches will be made by eminent oiti
/.eii-i u respective of patty alllliation ,